United Nations Archives
• �V> � -..\ � c:£ �- � �(__j c--..J < 0 ...._ -.. a_ lu Q__ z. '---- � --- --J """ ...._ u c ") ¥ -- VI _.-, lD ""- �c:L 1_ ._,_: Q._ \� \ � � THE NEW YORK TIMES 13.11.90 ..... "-•. " Reports About Refugee Post Draw Reply From U.N. Chief UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 12 (Reu ters) - Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar, issued a statement today saying he was "pained and pro foundly irritated" by press reports about his prospective choice ot.a close aide to be the new United Nations High Commissionerfor Refugees. The reports said the United States and other major donor countries felt Mr. Perez de Cu�llar had fjiled to con sult them before picking Virendra Dayal, his chief of staff for eight years,, for the refugee post. The 55-year-old Oxford-educated In dian national would succeed Thorvald Stoltenberg,who is stepping down from the Geneva post after only 10 months to become Deputy Prime Minister and ForeignMinister In the new Norwegian Government. l Mr. Perez de Cuellar, now in Tokyo for · the enthronement of Emperor Akihito, said In a statement issued through a spokeswoman that he was also "disturbed by allegations of 'cronyism' and the Insinuation that he has not been consulting member states." "These allegations have surfaced at a time when he is actively engaged In a processOf such conSUltations," it sai<!: " FROM 1U13B Cll:) 11 00 . I ·. OUTGOING FAX R USB ,• . •' .. :. .. "'. .. ' ,. ·.. ...:· ..: ·.•. .:· �· ,. .. TOz Mr. Dayal COPIES TOa Mr. Aim�, Mr. Picco (Immediately) From: Paul Kavanagh c/o Hotel Okura, Tokyo, Japan Fax No.: (B 1•3) 224 6759 Date: Monday, 12 November 1990 The attached letter was transmitted by telef�x this evening.
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