The Vol. XCIV. NO. 7

Sou’wester What have football players been doing recently? November 7, 2007 Th e Weekly Student Newspaper of Rhodes College See Page 8 Canadian Celtic group to play concert Elliott By Matt McCulloch sister Emmanuelle, Pascal Miousse, examines Th e Canadian Celtic group and Elmer Deagle. Th eir names Vishten will be on campus Friday, alone tell you that they are the real prejudice November 9 to host a free master thing. Among their array of instru- class and concert. If you consider ments are the piano, the accordion, By Avery Pribila yourself a Francophile, or are in- the bodhran, the tin whistle, banjo News Editor terested in Irish, Scottish, or Ca- guitar, and fi ddle—just to name a On Tuesday, November nadian culture—or even music in few. All four members sing as well. 13th, Jane Elliott will deliver a general—should take note of this Vishten also performs custom- lecture entitled The Anatomy concert. ary Acadian dances while they play. of Prejudice. Sponsored by the Come hear Vishten at 7:30 pm Th rough their performances, they Division of Student Affairs, the this Friday, November 9th, in Har- celebrate the Acadian “kitchen lecture is free and open to the die Auditorium. If you haven’t al- party,” an informal gathering of public and begins at 7:00 pm in ready reserved tickets, you’re out of singing, playing, and dancing. Th ey the McCallum Ballroom. luck—reservations are mandatory refl ect the joie de vivre of their cul- Elliott is an internationally and the deadline to reserve tickets ture. During their performances, known teacher, lecturer and di- expired on Monday. If you have re- they use wooden blocks as percus- versity trainer. She is best known served tickets, you may pick them sion instruments. for the “blue-eyed, brown-eyed” up this week in Hassell 111. Vishten has played in various discrimination exercise, which However, if you don’t have tick- major festivals in both the United involves participants being la- ets, you don’t have to miss out com- States and in Canada since their photo courtesy beled superior or inferior by the pletely—Vishten is also conduct- formation on Prince Edward Island Vishten will play this Friday at 7:30 in Hardie Auditorium. color of their eyes. Elliott was ing a free master class, open to the in 2000. In 2001, Vishten received a third grade teacher in Ricev- public, at 1:00 pm on Friday, also in the award for the best musical three years in a row. the guitar, violin, and tenor banjo. ille, Iowa, when she developed Hardie Auditorium. showcase at the East Coast Music Pascal Miousse was born on Th e concert is sponsored by the the experiment. She devised the Acadia is the French-rooted Awards, which is the equivalent of Prince Edward Island to a talented Center for Outreach and Develop- exercise following the assassina- region on the Eastern Canadian the Grammys. Th e following year, accompanist father, who taught him ment of the Arts (CODA) and the tion of Dr. Martin Luther King seaboard. Vishten’s music is a lively they played in the ECMA’s opening the fi ddle. At age 18, Pascal moved Canadian Consulate of Memphis. to teach her students the harm- combination of the French, Irish, performance. to Québec to begin his career. You can listen to some of Vishten’s ful effects of discrimination and and Scottish styles of Eastern Can- Pastelle began to dance soon Elmer Deagle is a member of music on their MySpace page at to further explore the categori- ada. Th e group hails from Canada, after she could walk, and both she the infamous Chiasson family of zation of racism as a learned re- and is composed of four young and her sister Emmanuelle were in- fi ddlers. He is exceptionally talent- sponse. Acadians: Pastelle Le Blanc and her vited to the World Dance Festival ed, not only at the fi ddle but also at Elliott chose to tell her class that the students with brown eyes were superior and more in- Festival of Lights telligent than those with blue By Jo OConnor players always win in honor of Lak- eyes. The students with brown Executive Assistant shmi. Elsewhere, Kali is the pri- eyes were given extra privileges On Th ursday, November 8, mary deity honored, and in North and encouraged to treat their R.I.C.E (the Rhodes Indian Cul- India, the festival also celebrates the classmates with blue eyes as in- tural Exchange) will be hosting a return of Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, feriors. On a different day, El- Diwali celebration in the McCal- and Hanuman to the city of Ayod- liott repeated the experiment, lum Ballroom at 6:30 pm. Diwali, hya, where Rama’s rule was suppos- but this time, students with blue the Indian festival of lights, cel- edly inaugurated. eyes were termed superior. ebrates the triumph of good over Marking the beginning of Elliot has now done this ex- evil and is an event hosted annually a new year for many in India, periment with both adults and at Rhodes. Traditional Indian food, Diwali is often called a “Hindi children all over the United dancing, and music await guests Christmas.” Fireworks, new clothes, States, including college stu- of the event—though only for two and sweets are hallmarks to one of dents. There have been several hours, rather than the traditional the most important holidays in In- documentaries made about her fi ve days during which the festival dian culture. Diwali holds religious work, including The Eye of the is usually held. signifi cance for Jainists and Sikhs, Beholder on PBS and The Eye of Th ose wishing to fully celebrate as well as Hindus. For Jains, the fes- the Storm on ABC. In 2001, she the holiday might start cleaning tival is a celebration of the establish- took part in a documentary, The their rooms and lighting candles ment of dharma. Sikhs celebrate it Angry Eye, in which white col- McCoy masquerades in order to welcome Laksmi, the in memory of the Guru Hargobind lege students were put in situa- tions to learn about and experi- photo courtesy of Shannon King Hindu goddess of wealth (whose Singh, who rescued 52 captive Hin- presence no pocket-pinched college du princes. ence racism. Elliott is also the GNOMES hosted the second annual Masquerade party recipient of the National Mental following the Saturday, November 3 performance of the student would object to). Women Over a million Hindu citizens may decide to take up gambling, live in the United States; therefore, Health Association Award for Rocky Horror Show. Students had the opportunity to Excellence in Education. make masks in the McCoy lobby that afternoon. which is encouraged during Diwali knowledge of this religious festival to ensure good luck for the upcom- is important. Just this October, For more information about ing year and commemorate the dice Congress formally recognized and the lecture, contact Dwaun games played by the gods. During honored Diwali as a holiday, passing Warmack at 901-843-3260. the fi ve days of the festival, female Diwali, continued on Page 4 Page 2 Opinion Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The The long road to dictatorship Sou’wester By William Bruce terrorism. In the wake of 9/11 the citizens tion as something that prohibits us from Executive Assistant of the nation have been looking over their reaching our goals? The path to Pakistan Editor-In-Chief Most people are well aware of the cri- shoulders, and essentially living in fear. To is paved with our own choices, and to me Ford Porter sis taking place in Pakistan, and how it is cope with this new threat the government that makes a profound statement about Associate and Layout Editor so difficult to describe. Pervez Musharraf, saw fit to impose The Patriot Act, a plan to the nature of democracy. Through all of Daniel Jacobs the president of Pakistan, has single hand- minimize the threat of terrorist attack, but our faults, sacrifices, and suffering we as News Editor edly declared martial law, fired the Su- Avery Pribila preme Court, and basically obliterated the Opinion Editor constitution. Under his rule, the democ- Nate Maxwell racy of the nation of Pakistan has been all Entertainment Editor but destroyed, and from the ashes a dicta- “How long before fear grips us to the extent Adam Teer torship has been formed. The first things that we cede more power to the government or Sports Editor my friends thought of when they heard this Andrew Skrzat was how to resolve the crisis taking place sacrifi ce our freedoms for the “idea” of safety? ” Copy Editor over seas, but for me, this brought forth Kristen DeLuca a question about our own democracy, and Photography Editor how we too may face this crisis. Gwen Weil For years I’ve operated under the ste- Online Editor reotypical assumption that our nation at what cost? Certain elements of the act the controllers of the nation are to blame. Holly James is flawless, unmatched, and beyond any included expansion of government author- Pakistan may have been young and more Business Manager threat, but Musharraf has forced me to ity, and the limiting of individual liberty. susceptible to the crimes of Musharraf, but Sara Haney rethink these ideas. If Pakistan operated Although some consider these to be small our government is by no means an immor- Staff Writer Chief under democracy and fell, then this points sacrifices for the greater good, I see them tal institution, nor are we flawless in our Kate Mara towards our own mortality, and how our as an indicator of the success of terrorism, direction of it. The dreams of an entire Assistant Layout Editor government too could face demise. I and a pathway to the crisis befalling Paki- nation fell to one man’s lust for power, Lee Bryant couldn’t help but think of what could lead stan. but will we too find this end? In times of Executive Assistants us to this end, and what actions could lead How long before fear grips us to the peace and conflict we must understand the Jennifer O’Connor us to our nation’s final chapter. extent that we cede more power to the gov- importance of our liberties because they William Bruce Our nation has recently been subject ernment or sacrifice our freedoms for the represent what the nation stands for, and to a new threat, one that has shaken the “idea” of safety? When will we see fit to to deny them means finding our way to foundations of what our nation stands for: declare martial law, or view the constitu- the turmoil of Pakistan. How to Reach Our Can I get a witness? Three perspectives Authors and Us As the offi cial newspaper of Rhodes Col- lege, Th e Sou’wester is produced entirely by on homosexuality and the church students on staff . It functions independently By Matthew Horton, Jennifer Ross and Sara Laplante of faculty and administration. Th e newspaper Th is weekend, we traveled to Atlanta to participate in the Covenant Network of Presbyterians conference. Th e Covenant Network is an is published weekly throughout the fall and organization that is working for a church that affi rms and celebrates the call of all persons to ordained ministry, including homosexuals. Th e spring semesters, except during exam periods theme of the conference was Testimony: You Shall Be My Witness. We have decided to share participants’ testimonies in the hopes that it and breaks. will spark thought and dialogue on the issue of homosexuality and the church. Th e Sou’wester is a member of the Student Publications Board, a three-publication con- Matthew Horton sortium that includes the editors of all student My belief in the Beloved Community (to borrow Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream) is based on the personality of a loving, unconditional publications, class representatives, and at-large God. Th is God desires more than mere obedience from us—above all, authenticity. My love for those individuals of homosexual, hetero- representatives from the student body. sexual, bisexual, transgender and any other sexual orientation extends far beyond that of tokenistic slogans such as “love the sinner, hate the All staff editorials published in Th e sin.” For I believe in a non-gendered, non-hindered God that created humanity in the image of agape—unconditional love—not exclusive Sou’wester represent the majority opinion of orientation. To orient my God is to limit and confi ne what is limitless and unconstrained. the Editorial Board composed of section edi- And so when I experience the true Church—what the earliest apostles called Koinonia, meaning fellowship or communion—I witness tors and executive editors. Opinions expressed broken people of all classifi cations united in their suff ering. Th ey are united by their common struggle to embody agape with their whole in Th e Rhode’ster, opinion columns, and let- lives. Any attempt to segregate this Koinonia is like the false mother that acquiesced to King Solomon’s order to divide the infant child in half ters-to-the-editor do not necessarily refl ect the (see 1 Kings 3:16-28). We must be willing to risk being wrong in order to save what is most important. May we never lose sight of Christ’s opinions of Th e Sou’wester Editorial Board. ultimate gift to the Church: the crucifi xion of our prejudicial pride and sin through the humble and living sacrifi ce of agape love. Letters-to-the-editor are encouraged, but cannot exceed 350 words; all letters must be Jennifer Ross signed and will be edited for clarity. I am a Religious Studies major, a member of the Peer Ministry Council and the co-coordinator of Kinney Faith Based Ministries. I hope to go to Seminary to be a Presbyterian minister. If you know me, you know that I am all about the Church. I am also gay. I have grown up in Reaching Th e Sou’wester a Church that has taught me to hate myself and yet, I feel called to spend my life working in that same Church. Presbyterian Church (USA) doctrine declares homosexuality sinful and contrary to God’s plan and prohibits those who are homosexual from being ordained. Phone: (901) 843-3402 So why would I want to work in a church that declares who I am to be sinful? Because I believe that the God of redemptive love and Fax: (901) 843-3409 grace would never create me to be something that God hates. God loves and cares for all of God’s creation, regardless of race, gender, class E-mail: [email protected] and sexual orientation. Th e God I know and trust would never hate, abandon or condemn me. Never. Nothing can ever change the fact that Address: Rhodes Box 3010 I am a precious child of God, loved, gay and all. Th e Sou’wester 2000 North Parkway Sara Laplante Memphis, TN 38112-1690 Homosexuality is a sin. I grew up hearing it. As a Christian who fi nds powerful truth in the words of the Bible, I grew up believing it. I never saw this view of sexuality as unjust until I started listening to people’s stories. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people face monstrous discrimination in the world, but when they turn to the church for relief, they fi nd harsher words. Th eir voice is one of a people struggling to fi ght oppression, not a people longing for debauchery. Th is weekend at the Covenant Conference, I heard from women and men of faith of diff erent sexualities speak the truth about the Church’s commission to love justice. Justice is fi ghting oppression. It is changing our destructive opinions. Surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, I was able to rejoice that the Church has begun to hear the voices of the GLBT community.

Sou’westerThe Wednesday, November 7, 2007 Opinion Page 3 The Meaning of Patriotism Student Voice By Guy Handley commendation of Obama’s speech during a rendition of the Anthem. Who do you support for president? Earlier this year, Democratic pushed him into the national limelight Th is time, Obama may have gone too presidential candidate Barack Obama and became the springboard for his far in his protest of what true patrio- presented himself in an interview in presidential campaign. tism is. “Time” gives no caption for the Iowa without an American fl ag pin Fox News talk show host, Sean fi gure, and there has been little com- on his lapel. Th e fl ag pin has become Hannity, attacked Obama’s decision ment about his action (or lack thereof). “I don’t vote. I guess I’ve practically omnipresent, found on ev- to remove the pin saying, “Why do Th e right to refuse to say the Pledge of sort of adopted one of my ery politician’s lapel since 9/11; howev- we wear pins? Because our country Allegiance, which is also discussed in er, Obama’s choice to remove it stems is under attack!” Obama’s campaign the “Flag Code,” has been established bosses’ view on govern- from his belief that the pin has become spokesperson, Bill Burton, declined to through the First Amendment “free- ment—that it’s ruled by a proxy for patriotism. Obama defi nes expound on the issue; however, Obama dom of speech” clause, and it can be big business.” true patriotism as “speaking out on has further declared, “You show your inferred that this transfers to the Na- issues that are of importance to our patriotism by how you treat your fel- tional Anthem as well. national security,” and claims that he low Americans, especially those who Th e Obama campaign has re- -Teneice Stegall ‘09 chooses to allow his words and actions serve. And you show your patriotism sponded with several pictures of their to represent his patriotism. by being true to your values and ideals. candidate with his hand over his chest Obama currently serves as the Illi- And that’s what we have to lead with, during the anthem and called the nois Senator but spent time in the state our values and ideals.” While Obama claims “ridiculous.” Fox News cor- legislature. He has advanced causes originally cited problems with the Iraq respondent Alan Holmes brought up such as gun control, lobbying restric- War as reasons for removing the pin, pictures of many politicians, including tions, and climate control during his the notion of the pin becoming a proxy President Bush, in situations where tenure in the US Senate. Serving in for patriotism is interesting. It is true they also did not place their hand “I’m going to go with the Illinois State Senate from 1997 un- that the pin has almost been ‘forced’ over their heart during the Anthem. Obama. I don’t think any til 2004, Obama advanced congressio- on every politician. As a member of the Very few comments against Obama conservative has a chance nal ethic reform, death penalty reform, We the People: Th e Citizen and the have come up after this incident. Th e and welfare programs for low-income Constitution program in high school, issue is only signifi cant to Obama of getting a vote.” workers. His work with law enforce- our team, representing the State of Al- detractors because of the previous ment reform gained him support of abama, was required to wear fl ag lapel fl ag pin statements. Obama broaches the Fraternal Order of the Police and pins when presenting at Nationals in an interesting claim that the pin has -Michael Moore ‘08 signifi cantly contributed to his success an attempt to boost our score. It seems become the substitute for true patrio- in the 2004 national Senate election. to have become a requirement for pa- tism; however, if the choice to remove Rising to the national scene as the triotism, as Obama suggests, to display his hand during the National Anthem keynote speaker of the 2004 Demo- the fl ag upon one’s lapel. was a similar protest to the Iraq War cratic National Convention, Obama Obama’s radical examples do not because of Obama’s view of its subver- expressed his opinion that citizens do end here, however. In the October 1, sion of patriotism, then I believe that “Mitt Romney. I like his not believe the government should pro- 2007 edition of “Time,” a picture of Obama—as a potential president of vide all of the solutions to the people, Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Bill this country—has crossed the line. background in the busi- but it should provide an equal oppor- Richardson at the Steak Fry of Senator Right-wing activist and sopho- ness world.” tunity to every person and provide ac- Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), shows Obama more phenomenon Rob Turk states: cess to as many ‘doors of opportunity’ without his hand placed over his heart “Maybe next time Obama says the as possible. Obama ended his speech during the playing of the national an- Pledge [of Allegiance], he should not -Nate Mahoney ‘11 saying, “We are one people, all of us them. Th e “Flag Code,” Chapter 10, put his hand over his heart but instead pledging allegiance to the stars and Title 36 of the United States Code, place it over his crotch to make sure he stripes, all of us defending the United clearly mandates that citizens should still has a pair of balls.” States of America.” Th e widespread place their right hand over their heart Colbert’s campaign: was he joking? By Matt Kenriech become president of the United the serious candidates on the bal- “Stephen Colbert. He is As many of you know, Stephen States, he was successful in boost- lot.” Howe’s opinion is that Colbert’s not a joke. He is a legiti- Colbert, the host of Comedy Cen- ing his popularity. It is important to run does not stem from a legitimate mate candidate.” tral’s “Th e Colbert Report,” recently note that Colbert is about to release desire to be the United States presi- attempted to have his name put on a book entitled I am America (and dent but from an attempt to boost the Democratic Presidential ballot you can too). Many skeptics believe the popularity of his television show. -Grace Weil ‘11 for the state of South Carolina. Not that Colbert was simply trying to Stephen Colbert is a very funny long after announcing that he would boost his popularity in an eff ort to guy. However, I feel that his bid for run for president, Th e South Caro- sell his book. Despite the beliefs that presidency was not a serious goal but lina Democratic Council voted 13-3 Colbert’s bid was a publicity stunt or rather both a popularity stunt and in favor of removing Colbert’s name a joke taken too far, there is evidence a joke. Th e reason that Colbert re- from the Democratic presidential that Colbert would have been suc- ceived the amount of support he did nominee list. Many debate whether cessful as a presidential candidate. A for his campaign is because it was fun Colbert’s short bid for Presidency Rasmussen poll had results in which to go along with his joke. Th e politi- was a legitimate quest or a publicity Colbert received 13% of the votes as cal process can be (at times) dull, and stunt. Colbert was nearly success- an independent candidate. “Good Colbert used this to his advantage. “Barack Obama. It’s not ful, although his intentions remain Morning America” host Diane Saw- I feel that all that Stephen Colbert ‘if America is ready for a mystery. A Facebook group sup- yer suggested that “if (Colbert) keeps accomplished in the long run was porting Stephen Colbert’s presiden- gaining at the rate he’s gaining, by to insult the presidential campaign Obama.’ It’s ‘if Obama is tial bid called “1,000,000 Strong for the end of November he could be the with this lampoon. Despite the fact ready for America.’” Stephen T Colbert” has gained well leading candidate.” Waring Howe, a that I disagree with Stephen Col- over one million members, making member of the executive council, said bert’s decision to run for President, I it the most popular political group of Colbert: “He’s really trying to use will continue to be an avid fan of his -Alex Chansuthus ‘10 on the website. Th erefore, it is safe South Carolina Democrats as suckers show (that is, as soon as the writer’s to say that even if Colbert was un- so he can further a comedy routine.” guild goes off strike). successful in his short attempt to And that “he serves to detract from

Sou’westerThe Page 4 News Wednesday, November 7, 2007 CampusSafety Events for November

October 28 – November 4 Th ursday, November 8 Th e Big Read Th eatre Night will take place from 7:00-9:00 pm at Th eatre Memphis. 10/28 Th e cast of Th eatre Memphis’ spring 2007 production of To Kill a Mockingbird—the 6:20 am: Report of a car broken into on Snowden. Vehicle belonged to a non-Rhodes selected reading for the ongoing Big Read initiative in Memphis—will perform scenes student; MPD notifi ed and will fi le a city theft report. from the classic novel. Th ere will be an interactive panel discussion following the perfor- 6:51 am: Student found asleep in his running vehicle in the Mallory parking lot. Student mance. Th e event is free and open to the public. resides off -campus, student escorted home. 9:40 pm: Suspicious female, approximately 40-50 years of age, on University looking in Saturday, November 10 cars. Subject followed to Jackson Avenue and out of the area. BSA and HOLA are co-hosting the annual Fall Ball from 9:00 pm to 12:00 am in the McCallum Ballroom. Students, faculty, and guests are invited to enjoy the food and 10/29 music. Nothing unusual to report. November 9, 10, and 11 10/30 Come see the fi nal weekend of Th e Rocky Horror Show, presented by director Chris 3:10 pm: Picnic for children organized by the ATOs underway. Davis at the McCoy Th eater. Tickets are available at the box offi ce, and the show starts at 7:30 pm on Friday and Saturday, and 2:00 pm on Sunday. 10/31 6:30 am: Several spaces in Upper Phillips Lane blocked out for trustees. Monday, November 12 1:00 pm: MFD Station 13 on campus for a courtesy call. Dr. Godwin Murunga will deliver a lecture entitled “Th e Struggle for Democracy in 7:30 pm: Ill Student treated at Buckman. 911 call made. Kenya” at 4:00 pm in Buckman 110. Murunga’s talk will focus on the changing nature of politics in Kenya and the next general election on December 27, 2007. Th e lecture is 11/01 free and open to the public. 12:21 am: Report from a student stating the magnetic plate on the east door of Voorhies was damaged. Campus Safety gathered the parts; maintenance notifi ed. Monday, November 12 3:49 am: Accident on University and North Parkway. Incident involving non-Rhodes At 7:00 pm, Dr. Carlos Cortés will deliver a lecture, An Insider’s View: Dora, the individual; subject struck a tree, no injuries. Explorer and Go Diego Go to begin National Children’s Book Week. Th e lecture, which 3:51 am: MFD station 13 and MPD on the scene of the accident. will take place in the McCallum Ballroom, is free and open to the public. 4:40 am: Both MPD and MFD cleared accident scene. 12:30 pm: MLGW on campus; escorted to the ATO house to replace water meter. Th ursday, November 15 1:00 pm: Bus on campus to transport athletic team. CODA is sponsoring a Medieval Banquet from 6:00-8:00 pm in Hyde Hall. Stu- dents and faculty are invited to listen to medieval music and drama while enjoying a 11/02 typical medieval meal. Email [email protected] for more information. Nothing unusual to report. Saturday, November 17 11/03 In celebration of the 134th birthday of W.C. Handy, commonly known as “Father of 11:13 am: Trouble alarm East Village A. Maintenance located a dirty smoke detector; the Blues,” there will be a parade on Beale Street. dorm placed offl ine for one hour for repairs. Th ursday, November 29 11/04 Brad Leon, Executive Director of Memphis Teach for America, will host a catered 1:00 am: Registered fraternity party shut down without incident. dinner and conversation about leadership in Alburty Hall. Contact Lindquist@rhodes.

edu for more information or if you would like to attend this event. Note to All: Th is week, approximately 40 spaces will be blocked out on the east side of the BCLC Th e Month of November artist Jeff Corbett presents his oil paintings of impression- to accommodate the Retiree Lunch on November the 8th. If your vehicle is in the istic delta landscapes at Artists on Central Gallery. Th e show runs until November 30; block out area, please relocate it to another parking space. We apologize for any for more information call 901-276-1251. inconvenience; thank you for your cooperation.

Diwali, continued from Page 1 world. It shows our support for the Students explore ministry strong and growing partnership and with an overwhelming vote of 358 dialogue in international eff orts be- By Jennifer Ross by 20 former Moderators of the God is working in and through to 0. In the words of sponsor Con- tween the United States and India. Th is past weekend, Mat- Presbyterian Church (USA), more their lives. Participants heard lec- gressman Joe Wilson, the resolution Lastly, it recognizes the importance thew Horton, Jennifer Ross, and than 2,500 ministers, 2,000 other tures from top theologians and “acknowledges the international, of Indian Americans—a strong and Sara Laplante traveled to Atlanta, clergy members, over 300 sessions, preachers such as Anna Carter religious, and historical importance vibrant community.” Attending the Georgia to participate in the Cov- and 5 presbyteries. Florence, professor of preaching of the festival of Diwali, as well as Diwali celebration will provide in- enant Network of Presbyterians Th e theme of this year’s con- at Columbia Th eological Semi- the religious diversity in India, the sight into a unique and fascinating annual conference. Th e Covenant ference was “Testimony: You Shall nary and Don Saliers, professor of United States, and throughout the culture. Network is an organization that is Be My Witness.” Th e conference theology and worship at Emory’s working for a church that affi rms theme drew on the importance Chandler Divinity School and fa- and celebrates the call of all per- of personal stories in the Bible, ther to Emily Saliers of the Indigo sons to ordained ministry, includ- stating that God is in the world Girls. Hey! ing homosexuals. Th is organiza- through stories—stories of libera- Th e Rhodes Chaplain’s of- Th e newspaper is fun! tion seeks to live out the Reformed tion from captivity, stories of jus- fi ce sponsored Horton, Ross and How fun? Real fun. faith found in Scripture and in the tice, and stories of incredible and Laplante to attend this confer- confessions of the Presbyterian unbelievable miracles. Conference ence. Walt Tennyson, the Rhodes So email Avery Pribila Church (USA), and is calling for participants were encouraged to Chaplain, was also in attendance. at priar and write some clergy, laity and churches to fol- share their own stories with each More information about the articles for the news low the principles laid out in the other—stories of hope and fear, Covenant Network can be found section. Call to Covenant Community. To stories of love and hatred, stories at date, this Call has been affi rmed of renewal and ruin—to see how Sou’westerThe Wednesday, November 7, 2007 Humor Page 5 Ask An Alumnus New Presidential Expert by Terry Gaither, ‘81 Ask An Alumnus is an annual advice column sponsored by the Sou’Wester. It features a promi- nent alumnus, Terry Gaither (’81), in which he lends his own advice and wisdom from his twenty to Join Rhodes Faculty years of working in the professional fi eld on Wall Street and his last six years working from his cell in a maximum security, 24-hour watch mental facility. by Richard Geech ly.” Bagg had shaken the academic world to Many students—especially political the core, and this was just the fi rst of many Dear Terry, science students and enthusiasts—were sur- controversial (but true) articles to come. My GPA is slipping steadily. Got any good healthy study habits or tips? prised to hear that Michael Nelson chose to Bagg’s most popular book was a no- Sleepless in , take a year of sabbatical for the 2007-2008 vella concerning the relationship between Tabitha academic year. Nelson was one of Rhodes’ President Eisenhower and his children in Yeah, I’ve got some tips. Lock yourself in a room for fi ve or six years and see what you learn most prominent professors and had been Ike’s Son Has Another Black Eye. “Appar- then. If you’re lucky enough to be like me, no one will miss you when you’re gone. I wouldn’t invited to CNN on more than several oc- ently,” claims Professor Bagg, “Ike had a suggest going out. From the information you’ve given me thus far, you will be instantly repelled casions as a political analyst. One of the bit of a problem separating his parenting by most men, due to your dorkish tendencies. You’re probably that girl who looks at people, nation’s premier American Presidency duties from his military duties, and while and instead of staying quiet or making idle chit chat, you always say something like “So, did scholars, Nelson has certainly left a void you couldn’t beat your privates as early and you do that reading? So tough, right?” even though you know a.) it wasn’t that hard for you; b.) here at Rhodes, and the Political Science often as you wanted on the battlefi eld, de- that person hasn’t done the reading yet; and c.) it’s not due for like three weeks. I hope you fail Department has actively tried to fi ll that fenseless children in the home were more miserably and end up at Memphis State. Nerd. hole adequately. than fair game.” Frederick Bagg is an up-and-coming But outing presidents’ shady per- Dear Terry, doctor of Political Science with a degree sonal lives isn’t Bagg’s only claim to fame. I’m having trouble balancing my academics with my athletics. I’m one of the captains of the from Hofstra University and a PhD in the “While there were very terrible personal basketball team, and I’ve really got to make above a 3.5 for this internship I’m applying for. How American Presidency from the University stories about the presidents, there were also should I balance my commitments? of Texas in Austin. But like most geniuses, many fi ne personal stories,” crows Bagg. Wistfully, his reputation often precedes him. Bagg has Many of them are now some of our com- JJ Th ompson written a slew of articles, journals and short mon did-you-knows. Like did you know: More nerd tips? You kids are lame. Balance your commitments, eh? Here’s what you should novellas about the Presidency, most of them -Grover Cleveland ate eleven grape- do. Quit one of them. Hell, quit both of them. Let’s face it, you’re grades are going to suck generating much controversy. Some of the fruits a day? because you play basketball. And since you care about your grades at all, that means you’re titles include Jeff erson: Th e Pedophile, Th e -Ulysses S. Grant coined the term not very good at basketball. So you pretty much are destined to fail. Not the end of the world, Life and Waistline of President Taft, and Th e “cornhole?” douchebag. Check me out. I failed at everything I ever tried. And I am kick-ass. Th ink about Girls of the Kinky Kennedy Kabinet. “It was -Richard Nixon was forced to play it in the long-term: you’ll never be productive or a contributor to the well-being of society, but really a lot of the buzz that fi rst attracted us women’s soccer in college? you’ll never have to make car payments either. And forget a soulmate or kids. Th ose opportuni- to Prof. Bagg,” says Political Science chair- -Bill Clinton couldn’t read or write (no, ties are long gone. Enjoy. man Stephen Wirls. “And he’s a huge Cubs really)? fan, so I really couldn’t say no. Could you -Th e movie Th e Godfather was based on Dear Terry, pass up season third-baseline seats? Me nei- an Italian aide of FDR? My roommate and I absolutely do not get along. He is in a fraternity, drinks a lot, and listens ther.” -LBJ’s nickname in his family was to Dane Cook on his stereo, on repeat, all day and night. Housing says that I can’t move out Professor Bagg’s article Abe’s Drinking “Boobie?” this year, and it’s only October. What should I do? Problem was his fi rst public step into the -George H. W. Bush played Free Bird Sobbing, academic community, as well as his senior with Lynard Skynard on a dare? Emo Edward doctoral thesis. “Lincoln was a remarkable -Mr. Peanut is based off a sketch of man, but he was only as remarkable as he Herbert Hoover? You sound like you have been beaten too much or not enough (and frankly, I can’t tell), was drunk,” quips Bagg. “Th ere is remark- All of these facts and more are just some so I’ll make this short and sweet: You are the problem. I was in a fraternity, I drank a lot, and able evidence from the Lincoln-Davis de- of the vast riches of information that Profes- I listened to every Richard Pryor I could get my hands on, and I was awesome. Do bates that he lost when he was sober. But sor Bagg has to off er. But don’t you worry; yourself a favor; pick a fi ght with him. I bet you’re a terrible fi ghter and he owns you (probably while making tremendous strides by put- with the amount of literature under his belt leaving you face-down in a toilet). Th en, because he obviously has more friends than you, and ting a stop to that pesky Habeas Corpus already, it’s safe to say he’ll produce more those friends know people on SRC, you’ll be the one kicked out of school. Th en you can go thingy, it is evident from his urine sample work, and you just may get to be a part of harass some other university alumnus about how you’re so misunderstood while you’re driv- taken from a wall he publicly urinated on, those treasured tales. Please welcome him ing around in your ’91 Honda, smoking a cigarette and listening to Dashboard Confessional. somewhere on the south wall of the White to Rhodes if you see him fl ying his kite or You’re worthless. House, that he was, indeed, hammered sil- riding his unicycle across campus. Rhodes goes greener: environmental friendlier by Virgina Taittinger is beginning to resonate, especially in the power, but the energy Rhodes will save by the Speaking of cats, have you noticed the Rhodes College has been determined boardroom in Palmer Hall. Th e trustees and switch could give the earth about four more cats on campus? Rhodes will be taking initia- over the past few years to become more faculty have heard enough and are ready to years to live. Th e trees made to use the wood tives to make them feel even more at home in “green.” Recycling bins have become com- act—act in a signifi cant way to help the envi- to make the windmills would come from trees the fi nal leg of the Big Green Push. Due to monplace, and there is even a bin near the ronment. Rhodes will be making progressive that fell naturally in the forest from decay, so the high rate of stray animals being destroyed mailroom in which old batteries are mailed steps to take the campus from a lighter mint gas masks will be needed to breathe through in Memphis pounds and kennels, Rhodes will away to be reused. But many people are still green to a deep, dark forest green. Some of the mold that will be airborne, but it will be open its doggy doors for more than just cats not impressed. Some people believe that not these environmentally-conscious changes will more than worth it. now. More cats, stray dogs, panda bears, fruit only should Rhodes go further to maintain be smaller than others, but here are some of But what about subjecting animals to be bats, orangutans, Snowden fi fth graders, wild the environment, but the animals that live in the more noticeable ones you should be seeing our mascot? Glad you asked. Like the peti- boars, Venus fl ytraps, Memphis Mayors, and that environment. in the coming semesters on campus. tion to change teams named “Th e Chiefs,” raccoons will be allowed to graze on our lus- “We have to go above and beyond,” says First, like the internet around campus, all ”Redskins,” or “Indians,” Rhodes will make cious grass. Not only will our acres of land Celina Preede, chairwoman of the Coalition energy will be sent through the air. But in this a more mammal-friendly mascot change. But more than accommodate them, but their for a Greener Rhodes. “We have to show this case, it will be in a much more literal sense. don’t worry, the mascot will still be a crowd droppings will make the grass grow even fast- campus how wrong we all are about conserv- Elaborate and gaudy windmills will be erect- favorite: now everyone will fi ll the Farguson er, as well as donating a very natural odor to ing the Earth. And it’s not just about garbage. ed all over the 100 acres here at Rhodes. In Field stands for football games to cheer on the the campus and the community. Th e future is It’s about garbage and the animals who suff er fact, thirty windmills will be spread through- Rhodes College Hummus Wraps. Th at way, a very bright green for Rhodes College, and because of our garbage,” laments Preede. But out campus generating enough power to run the opponents will still be intimidated, but everyone should be looking forward to the all that seems like it’s about to change. the bursar’s offi ce during the day, and the the poor lynx cats in the Memphis Zoo across fuchsia haze surrounding our beloved alma It seems like all of Celina’s guilt-tripping lair until about 9pm. Sure, it will be a cut on the street will really appreciate it. mater.

Sou’westerThe Page 6 Arts & Entertainment Wednesday, November 7, 2007 Superheroes don’t always equal super movies By Adam Teer book movies that have already been released, ies left off . Th e studios are trying to distance to see someone talk to fi sh and breathe under- A&E Editor a trend begins to emerge. Th e only decent the sequels from the originals to try and draw water for 90 minutes. I guess I can hate myself Hollywood always seems to take ad- movies that have been produced are the ones people in. Th e stars of both Hulk and Pun- for spending money on Aquaman while I am vantage of a good thing and make obscene that already have a loyal fan base (Spiderman, isher would not return for the sequels—and watching Tyrese star in Luke Cage: Hero for amounts of money while crushing the very X-Men, Batman Begins). I would like to point that says a lot. Hire. things we love about movies. Th ey get an out that I said ‘decent’ movies—not movies Th e last thing I am going to rant about I know I have leapt from point to point idea, beat the hell out of it until they can’t that make a lot of money. Some of the terrible is the characters that they choose to bring in a somewhat sporadic fashion, but I’ll try get another penny, and move on to the next ones, like Ghost Rider or Fantastic 4: Rise of to the big screen. Th ere have been huge mis- to bring it all together. Comic books have a unfortunate victim. Th is can be seen in what Silver Surfer made a lot of money, but they takes made in casting said characters. No- huge following; some of them make very en- happened to “horror” movies in the late 90’s, were utter shit. So back to where I left off , the body knows or even cares about Elektra. Th e joyable movies. Hollywood needs to be a little and I am starting to see it happen now with key component to a good comic book movie movies that had really popular characters, as more selective when choosing which comics something that I love dearly—comic books. is a popular comic. Since the comic has a lot I said before, fared much better. Th ey should to use in order to make movies because soon Hollywood has not come up with very of loyal followers, they will be outraged if the have learned that lesson and applied it to the enough, they are going to saturate the box many original storylines for a long time. Th e movie does not live up to their standards. list of upcoming comic movies. But did they? offi ce with crappy comic movies that no one last 5 years have produced remake after re- Th e main example of this is Spiderman 3. It No. Th e current movies in production are wants to see. Th en, when good characters are make—Th e Pink Panther, Texas Chainsaw made a ton of money, but the reviews for the Ant-Man, Iron Fist, and my personal favorite, brought to the screen, like Iron Man and Cap- Massacre, Poseidon—or an adaptation from fi lm are much worse than the last two. Spi- Luke Cage: Hero for Hire. Have you heard of tain America (keeping my fi ngers crossed that a TV show, like Miami Vice, Dukes of Haz- derman 4, which is currently being written, any of these characters? I thought not. Have it will be made), the audience will pass. Se- zard, Th e Honeymooners, etc. Th ey are run- will not do nearly as much business, and it you heard of Th or or Captain America? You quels are also adding to the problem. I wasted ning out of ideas, so what do they do? Th ey is because the last one was terrible. But Hol- have more of a chance of knowing the later money on Ghost Rider the fi rst time; I am fi nd a new area of material (comic books) to lywood will still make it, because it will make two than the fi rst three. Th ey are fast-track- not going to lose another 8 dollars to watch exploit. Th ey have made a couple of good hits: some money. Obviously that is what they are ing terrible characters while leaving popular Nic Cage say, “I’m Ghost Rider, I am on fi re” Batman Begins, Th e X-Men Trilogy, and Spi- going for, but they should also be concerned ones on the backburner. It took 3 years to again. See you at the next comic movie to be derman 1 & 2 (please notice how I did not with the quality of the movie. Th ere are sev- make an Iron Man movie; they are already released in theatres; I’ll be the one crying in include Spiderman 3 in this list). But overall, eral movies in the works that are just the re- shopping directors for Aquaman. I can’t wait the back row. most of the comic book movies that have been sult of money-hungry studio bosses—namely, made have been absolutely horrible (i.e. Ghost spin-off movies like Silver Surfer. Also, both Rider). What confounds me is the fact that Marvel and DC are working on movies with rides strong they have so much quality source material to several characters in Th e Avengers and Justice By Mark Wadley Time, the iconic representations of the band’s choose from, but they continue to make ter- League, respectively. All of the characters in Staff Writer physical place at the time. Here, the standouts rible, terrible movies. those movies will get their own movie. Scripts Some may have missed Band of Horses’ have a defi nite twang and more subtlety. On Th e main reason I am writing this ar- have already been written for all the spin-off s. 2006 debut album, several tracks, Bridwell’s spooky voice weaves ticle is not to rant about terrible comic book Th at really pisses me off . (), which didn’t destroy any charts or in and out of small-town South Carolina; movies that are an injustice to the creators of Unnecessary sequels are in the works, break any musical walls. It is simply a good with the country-infl ected footstomper “Th e those characters, but to make the argument too. Th e examples that stand out are Hell- album, full of sweeping, shimmery songs General Specifi c,” he discovers an alternative that Hollywood needs to quit making terrible boy 2, Ghost Rider 2, and Th e Hulk sequel. that garnered comparisons to My Morning to the Great Salt Lake—the Atlantic Ocean. comic book movies and focus on a select few If you have never heard of Hellboy, avoid it Jacket and Th e Shins. Th e truth is, both of Other standouts include majestic opener “Is that could be real winners. If you fl ood the at all costs, unless you want to see the same these comparisons are based almost entirely market with terrible comic book movies, peo- action scene repeated three times. But in the on bandleader ’s higher-range ple will stop spending their money on them. case of Hulk and Th e Punisher, the fi rst mov- voice and interest in heavy reverb. As a whole, Audiences will wonder: “Elektra, Hulk, Dare- ies were absolutely ripped apart by critics. So the album works quite well, with a good equi- devil, and Ghost Rider all sucked, why should the sequels to those movies are not sequels at librium of sound and tempo. Th ere are some I give Iron Man a chance?” What a shame. all. Th ey are “stand alone movies” that just so standout tracks, of course, that have made If you look at the track record for comic happen to pick up right where the last mov- their way to the pseudo-mainstream: “Th e Funeral,” “Th e Great Salt Lake,” and “Wick- ed Gil.” Th ere is something incredibly American about Everything All the Time—perhaps it is their drift between Western scope (this is one band that plays in widescreen) and Southern emotional closeness. Th eir sprawl- ing songs lack the tightly-coiled sensibility of their Northeastern contemporaries, but they never lose focus. Th is seems to be a new kind of Americana. Before recording their 2007 follow-up, , the Horses lost a founding member (guitarist Mat Brooke) and moved photo courtesy of from Seattle to South Carolina. Th e move defi nitely makes a diff erence in the band’s Th ere a Ghost” and the dark, gritty “Ciga- direction. Bridwell described Cease to Bill- rettes Wedding Bands,” which easily could board Magazine as the band’s “Southeastern” have come from Drive-By Truckers. record, evident in its heightened sense of inti- Overall, the album successfully gives a macy, sadness, and more country infl uences. sense of place without losing the band’s trade- Th e songs are still big, but not quite as epic as marked sound. It’s more intimate and cohe- the Northwestern expanses covered in Every- sive, but it could defi nitely have more music thing—the band seems to have traded the big on it—at 35 minutes long, it’s only one min- skies for small towns and abandoned houses. ute shorter than their previous album, but As a result, Bridwell’s reverb-laden vocals and Band of Horses don’t think to compensate in simple guitar lines are less soaring and more length what they lost in scope between the haunting. albums. Regardless of length, however, the Th is album doesn’t quite have another album is rock-solid and worth many, many “Great Salt Lake” or “Th e Funeral,” which listens on the long drive from here to wher- makes perfect sense—those songs were the ever you’re from. Northwestern standouts of Everything All the Sou’westerThe Wednesday, November 7, 2007 Arts & Entertainment Page 7 See American Gangster Elizabeth the sequel By Jonathon Cashon a poignant twist on the American myth of the entrepre- Staff Writer neurial spirit. If you really want to, you make the point American Gangster tells the story of the rise and fall that “corporations are just like drug dealers, man.” But doesn’t measure up of 1970’s Harlem heroin kingpin Frank Lucas (played that’s not the way the story goes. Lucas uses contem- By Meaghan Farno by Denzel Washington). Th e “fall” portion of the story porary business and marketing tactics to become more Staff Writer is brought on by New Jersey detective Richie Roberts successful. If you still want to equate Fruit-Loops with While I entered the theater hoping Elizabeth: Th e Golden Age would (Russell Crowe). Th e trailer makes a point of stating opium, that’s your prerogative. Regardless of my per- be equal to its 1998 prequel, Elizabeth, a movie I love (and own), I was not that American Gangster is based on a true story. Th is is sonal opinions, however, I feel I should list reasons you only disappointed but forced to live through an inaccurate, pretentious, true, to a point. It’s impossible to condense seven years might not want to see American Gangster. As a writer for and sexually awkward fi lm. Someone should tell director Shekhar Kapur into two and a half hours, so changes must be made. If Th e Sou’wester, I owe it to the Rhodes community to (also the director of the fi rst fi lm) that it’s hard to make a sexy sequel you’re intrigued by the story and want a more primary give the student fi lm-enthusiast all the facts, so they do when your subject is the Virgin Queen. account (if no less condensed), I highly suggest you not misspend their hard-earned (by somebody) funds. Th e fi rst fi lm, a small, artistic release, was a surprise hit, garnering read “Th e Return of Superfl y”, the article in New York Do not see American Gangster if you are averse to: eight Academy Award nominations, including Best Actress in a Leading Magazine that inspired the fi lm. It’s available online at • Sledge-hammer based violence Role for Cate Blanchett, and Best Picture, and won for Best Makeup. • People being shot in the face, torso, or leg by pis- Revolving around Elizabeth’s tumultuous ascension to the throne in 1558 Th e movie starts out as two separate narratives, nei- tol or shotgun (I think that covers it) as a young and inexperienced twenty-fi ve year old, the movie dramati- ther initially having anything to do with each other. • Negative aspects of drug-dealing cally culminated in Elizabeth’s proclamation that she will never marry, Eventually, the main characters’ professional lives col- • Positive aspects of drug-dealing sacrifi cing her personal happiness for that of her country. lide as Roberts seeks to discover who’s behind the infl ux • Graphic depictions of adultery Although Elizabeth came to be nicknamed the Virgin Queen because of heroin into northern New Jersey. I personally enjoyed • Corrupt Police Offi cers of her oath to remain unmarried, many historians agree that Elizabeth was how the fi lm juxtaposed the lives of the blue-collar de- • Corrupt Army Personnel no virgin, having a number of lovers during her forty-fi ve years as queen. tective and the nouveau riche crime boss. Being an hon- • Corrupt Customs Personnel Clearly, Kapur refuses to doubt Elizabeth’s iron will. Th e Golden Age est cop may be fulfi lling, but it doesn’t net you fur coats • Italian Mobsters fi nds Elizabeth twenty and audiences with sports stars. • Black Mobsters years into her rule. Like In the end, however, crime doesn’t pay. It may be • Th e 1970s any good sequel, Eliza- a cliché, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Lucas’ em- • Th e Capitalist system as defi ned by “supply to beth, despite the time pire eventually collapses under the weight of rivals and meet demand” that has passed, still has police pressure. By the end of the fi lm, he is reduced • Cutting out the middle man the same set of problems to nothing but an ex-con. No money, no connections, • Th e burning of fi ne chinchilla coats to face: her Catholic ene- no respect. Make no mistake, this movie does not glo- • Th e nude, female underclass that cuts Lucas’ her- mies, now led by Philip II rify the drug-traffi cking business. Even when Lucas is oin for street sale of Spain who is building riding high on success, enemies and lackluster allies • Graphic scenes of intravenous drug use/overdos- his mighty armada, and hound him. Furthermore, the movie doesn’t whitewash ing Elizabeth’s imprisoned Lucas’ profession. American Gangster features more • Obscene language cousin, Mary Queen of than the “acceptable” inter-gang violence—the kind • New Jersey Scots, who despite her of violence that can be written off as “making oneself • Graphic depictions of staining a fi ne Alpaca rug close surveillance still in a hard world.” Director Ridley Scott reminds you • A man being set on fi re manages to round up just what heroin is and what it does, using a number of • Rappers acting (fi lm contains Rza, T.I., and Jesuit assassins ready up-close shots of people shooting up with dirty needles Common) for the go-ahead. If the in dirtier places. It doesn’t come off as heavy-handed, • Graphic depictions of disappointing one’s mama continuous threat of as- either. Rather, the scenes fi t into the greater context and Th e U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishop’s Offi ce sassination isn’t enough, provide a necessary counterpoint to Lucas’ “Living the for Film and Broadcasting rated American Gangster as Elizabeth is still hounded American Dream” rhetoric. “L”—limited adult audience—or a fi lm whose problem- by her advisers to marry. So, to reiterate my earlier point, the movie is well- atic content many adults would fi nd troubling. It did While Elizabeth contin- made and worth seeing. I didn’t mention the rest of the not , however, get the Morally Off ensive “O” rating. ues to humor her ridicu- cast, but they all play their parts well. Th e story itself is lous royal suitors, she is taken aback by the rug- ged and sun-kissed ad- venturer Sir Walter Ra- photo courtesy of ? The Puzzler leigh (Clive Owen) who ? hopes to win the queen’s favor and sponsorship of his adventures in the ? newly discovered America. Initially catching the queen’s eye by covering a puddle in her path with his cloak (are you kidding?), it is uncomfortable for the viewer to watch the lonely and vulnerable Elizabeth become in- You’re visiting a village with three inhabitants: a librarian, a lawyer, and a car salesman. creasingly attached to Raleigh, so blatantly hoping to tap into her power You know that librarians always tell the truth, lawyers always lie, and car salesmen alternate be- and fortune. tween truth and lies with every statement. On Main Street, there are three identical storefronts I’ve accepted Hollywood’s desire to capitalize on the previous success with advertisements in the windows. of Elizabeth. What disappoints me is how Th e Golden Age abandons what made its predecessor great: an attention to, and perhaps more impor- Th e ads on the three storefronts say, in order: ? tantly, confi dence in history. Th e fi rst fi lm gained sophistication from 1. Th e second store is not a car dealership, and this is not a law fi rm! its historical accuracy amidst such a dramatic story. While there was a 2. Th e third store is not a car dealership, and this is not a law fi rm! love story, the fascinating religious and political climate of the time is ? 3. Th e fi rst store is not a library, and this is not a law fi rm! the unquestionably more compelling plot line. Although the second fi lm ? was written and overseen by the same crew, their latest attempt shows Which store is the car dealership? less confi dence in its historical prowess, instead bombarding viewers with extravagant sets and over the top costumes. Elizabeth’s infatuation with If you think you know the answer, e-mail it to [email protected] for a chance to win two Raleigh is highlighted whereas the battle with the Spanish Armada is cut movie tickets. absurdly short, primarily used as a backdrop for Clive Owen’s swash- buckling skills. Congratulations to Michael Pluta, who fi gured out that you can have $1.19 without having To be fair, the fi lm is visually stunning, Kapur’s meticulous atten- change for a dollar. tion such details not time ill spent. I would not recommend Th e Golden Age to someone who is in the market for history a lesson. But for those ? ? hoping to be dazzled by the Tudor court and Clive Owen’s ridiculously tanned visage, this is the movie for you.

Sou’westerThe Page 8 Sports Wednesday, November 7, 2007 Soccer ends with a win Football canned food By David Huntzinger Staff Writer drive a success The men’s soccer team closed the season with an exciting 2-1 OT win over By Jessica Sprenkel SCAC opponent Colorado College on Staff Writer Last week, tricks and treats found Sunday in front of an enthusiastic home their way into the lives of Rhodes students crowd. At the end of the first half the Lynx in the spirit of one of the most bizarre holi- were scoreless; both teams shared posses- days, Halloween. The tradition of trick or sion of the ball, making attempts at the treating is quite an interesting one—show- goal. The Lynx defense, anchored by se- ing up on a stranger’s doorstep, clad in nior goalkeeper Alex Mathis, (Memphis, costumes, make-up and accessories and TN) was able to thwart several offensive asking them to give you sweets for free. strikes made by the Tigers in the middle Pretty absurd. The Rhodes football team of the first half. decided to make this celebration their own The second half started much like the and put a little spin on the trick or treating first—scoreless—but the game’s catalyst last year when graduate Matt Tonore and senior Bryn Meredith resolved to trick or arrived in the 53rd minute when freshman Gwen Weil/The Sou’wester treat for charity. The tradition continued The Rhodes Football team takes a forward Nick Bailey (Dallas, TX) was this year. fouled, and the Lynx were awarded a pen- well deserved break after their food A group of Rhodes football players met drive. alty kick. Although the PK was blocked on the deck of the SAE fraternity house by a strong move from the opposing goal- on the Monday night before Halloween keeper, he deflected it out of bounds to to begin their trick or treating. Instead of parking lot, pick-up trucks of food begin give Rhodes a chance for redemption with wearing costumes, they wore their football to return. The players dispersed around a corner kick. After the kick, the players Gwen Weil/The Sou’wester jerseys. Instead of having chaperones, they the Midtown area and went door-to-door clashed in a struggle for possession, but Patrick Deveau dribbles up fi eld for left in groups of pick-up trucks. Instead asking residents for any donations to the Memphis Food Bank. Some attempts were sophomore defender Joey Madere (New the Lynx of collecting candy, they collected cans. more successful than others. “It was lucra- Orleans, LA) was able to slide in the open- This fun service activity is a part of the philanthropy council that was started by tive,” said senior John King; King stated ing point amid the chaos. Unfortunately, Lynx a final record of 10-8-1 for the sea- some of the players as an effort to fit com- that many people weren’t home or said Rhodes did not lead for long; Tigers’ for- son, 5-4-1 in SCAC play. Senior captain munity service around a very busy foot- they had nothing to donate at the time. ward Pat Fagan scored the tying point just Arian Moshref (Cordova, TN) shared ball schedule. Between workouts, meet- Regardless of the amount of donations 1:48 later, tying the game at 1-1. The re- his thoughts on the season and this final ings with coaches, film, practice, games, they received, the players returned in good maining minutes of regulation play were game: “There were times this season where and traveling, the football schedule allows spirits, jokingly accusing senior Parker largely dictated by Colorado College’s of- things got a little bit frustrating—no one little room for service with other groups Long of eating all the Little Debbie snacks fense, which made numerous hard pushes likes to come into the final game with a on campus. The Trick or Treat for Hun- on the ride back. Long enjoys the events toward the goal. Once again, the Lynx de- losing record. I think that we kept improv- ger is one of the events the team puts on philanthropy council puts on and said, fensive effort was able to keep the Tigers at ing throughout the year though. Really, as a part of this philanthropy. In the past, “Community service completes me as a student athlete and it’s a great opportunity bay—goalkeeper Mathis made a huge save we couldn’t have asked for a more textbook they’ve also helped rebuild apartments and for team bonding.” Whatever feelings the in the 87th minute to extend the game into way to end the game, and winning in front hosted a ‘play day’ in the spring involving a football clinic for kids from the area players may have had about their results, overtime. Mathis had 10 saves on the day. of a home crowd just always makes it that boys’ club. they collected 766 pounds of food, an Sophomore forward Zac Berry (Dy- much better.” Sunday’s win was the final Less than two hours after leaving the amount that could feed a football team. ersburg, TN) made the winning goal in chapter of five Lynx players’ soccer careers: the 106th minute off a great cross from Alex Mathis, Arian Moshref, Chris Chug- teammate Nick Bailey. This win gave the den, Michael Hadler, and Chase LaFont. Golf Team Ranked 4th Overall Th e Men’s Lynx Golf Team fi nished a challenging fall season ranked 4th in the NCAA DePauw conquers Lynx Division III National Golfstat Collegiate Poll. Th is represents the highest national ranking the team has achieved, and the fi fth year in a row that our men’s golf team has been ranked among By Tyler Ponder up another Marks rushing touchdown. the top 10 teams in the country. “We had a good fall season, highlighted by two second place team fi nishes, and an in- Staff Writer The last blow came on the first play of dividual tournament win by freshman Robert Burrow when he shot 73-70 for a 1 under par It was a tough weekend for the Lynx the fourth quarter by means of another total of 143 at the Rhodes Fall Collegiate,” said Coach Bill Cochran. “We fi nished second in football team. After being shutout last Marks rushing touchdown. After all was the Rhodes Fall Collegiate Classic played at Tunica National, and runner-up for the second week in Danville, KY by Centre College, said and done, the scoreboard flashed 21- straight year at Th e Gordin. Th e Gordin is a special event that invites only the top twelve fi n- Rhodes failed for the second straight week 0. This was DePauw’s first shutout since ishers from the NCAA Championship, and is played every fall in Myrtle Beach, SC.” to put any points on the board. Coach Joe 2005 against Sewanee. Rhodes freshman Th e golf team also has 8 wins over Top 25 ranked opponents, including a victory over #2 White described the loss as, “really frus- quarterback Matt Ungashick went 7-20 for Oglethorpe, #3 Huntingdon, and #9 defending NCAA Champion St. John’s. trating, because we made so many mis- 87 yards with 1 interception. Leading the “We have two players currently ranked in the top 15 individuals. Junior Matt Becker is takes. The effort level was really good. Lynx in rushing was junior Charles Hog- ranked #8 with a 73.6 scoring average for 8 rounds, and Robert Burrow #14 with a 73.3 aver- The mistakes were guys trying too hard. gard with 59 yards on 19 carries. age for 6 rounds.” We just have to learn and move on.” Rhodes is now 5-4 overall with a 3- Th e TEAM averages 297.6 per round or 74.4 per player. DePauw’s first touchdown came in the 3 record in the SCAC. The final game of TEAM SCORING AVERAGES first quarter. A long punt return set up a the season is a home game this Saturday rushing touchdown by Jeremiah Marks. against Sewanee at 1:00 pm. A win would Tournaments Rounds Player Name Scoring Average After trading missed field goals, Rhodes keep Rhodes above the .500 mark for the 3 6 Freshman Robert Burrow 73.3 went into the half only down 7-0. That season. When asked how he would prepare 4 8 Junior Matt Becker 73.6 would change, however, after a special the team for Sewanee, White responded, 4 8 Sophomore Doug Gordon 75.0 teams miscue. A fumbled punt return in “The key is to eliminate some of the errors 4 8 Freshman Dev Varma 76.1 the third quarter would give DePauw the we had Saturday. The focus is about get- 4 8 Senior Justin Palmer 76.8 ball back deep in Rhodes territory and set ting this win against our big rival.” 1 2 Junior Ryan Byk 77.0 2 4 Sophomore Greg Bolwell 79.0
