Dr. Asimov's Automatons
Dr. Asimov’s Automatons Take on a Life of their Own Twenty years after his death, author Isaac Asimov’s robot fiction offers a blueprint to our robotic future...and the problems we could face by Alan S. Brown HIS PAST April, the University of Miami School These became the Three Laws. Today, they are the starting of Law held We Robot, the first-ever legal and point for any serious conversation about how humans and policy issues conference about robots. The name robots will behave around one another. of the conference, which brought together lawyers, As the mere fact of lawyers discussing robot law shows, engineers, and technologists, played on the title the issue is no longer theoretical. If robots are not yet of the most famous book intelligent, they are increasingly t ever written about robots, autonomous in how they carry out I, Robot, by Isaac Asimov. tasks. At the most basic level, every The point was underscored by day millions of robotic Roombas de- Laurie Silvers, president of Holly- cide how to navigate tables, chairs, wood Media Corp., which sponsored sofas, toys, and even pets as they the event. In 1991, Silvers founded vacuum homes. SyFy, a cable channel that specializ- At a more sophisticated level, es in science fiction. Within moments, autonomous robots help select in- she too had dropped Asimov’s name. ventory in warehouses, move and Silvers turned to Asimov for ad- position products in factories, and vice before launching SyFy. It was a care for patients in hospitals. South natural choice. Asimov was one of the Korea is testing robotic jailers.
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