Sea Songs Nd Ballads

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Sea Songs Nd Ballads






G . C . B .

O X F O R D AT T H E CL A R E NDO N P R ES S 1 906


H ow far is a collection of Sea Songs a monument to the memor y of poets and musicians who have eu deavour ed to represent the taste and spirit of sea- faring m folk, or a record of compositions com only sung by sailors to audiences of their brethren ? This question is nearly sure to meet every one whose experience goes back to the time when seamen tried to relieve the monotony of a long voyage and entertain their ship — mates by singing to tunes never made the subject of — musical notation songs never reduced to writing . Most of these have disappeared beyond hope of

. A v recovery few have been preser ed, but have been so altered in the process of preservation that they only

a f intly resemble the originals . The Introduction to this little volume is surely a proper place in which to m m l remind or for the first ti e inform lands en that, ti l t t m a da e wi hin living me ory, British sailors had a set of folk-songs of their own ; composed and sung by um their own minstrels ; and almost, perhaps quite, m known to their fellow country en on shore . We should have to go back to a remote period in order to reach the days in which these songs were the only ones a 2 INTRODUCTION

that sailors cared to listen to or to sing . Though they have n ow been completely supplanted by the com

l - m positions of regu ar song writers and usicians, the process of supplanting them has been slow in operation . In its gradual extension we may trace the history o f

of m the lessening isolation sea en as a class, of their increasing association with the rest of their fellow men . The old and true sea songs were peculiar in con

struction and in melody . Occasionally there was real m poetry in the , but it was poetry of the thought or

not ver sification idea, of the phraseology . The was simple ; there was much latitude as to rhymes and as to metre ; and most of the airs might have seemed monotonous to ears accustomed to more highly developed

music . These airs sometimes lent themselves to the

expression of gentle melancholy, and the minstrels who

m n managed, as many of the did ma age, to infuse into their performance a slight element of sadness could

always hold the attention of an audience . There was something moving in the contrast between the perfect silence with which a crowd of men closely packed in a small space listened to each stanz a and the volume of

sound put forth by earnest voices in the chorus . In the

Royal Navy the term sea song was unknown . What

- landsmen would have so designated, blue jackets called Fore-bitters The stage or rostrum on which the — singer took his pla ce was the fore-bitts a stout con struction of timber near the fore -mast through which iv INTRODUCTION

many of the principal ropes were led . This raised him some three feet above his audience, who squatted on the

on deck, coils of rope , or on the trucks and brackets

- r s F - of neighbouring gun ca riage . In the ore bitter the

a singer had no accomp niment . He trusted to his voice

. r alone The songs were almost always of g eat length , and any failure of memory on the pa rt of the singer was practically unknown . As they were not wr itten down they could have been learned only by listening to them often and attentively .

a The sentiment was invariably unexception ble . No one could point to a single song of the kind in which

a there was the sm llest taint of lubricity . They usually m m had so e sort of lesson in them , so ething that might

a of be called a mor l . The merits the brave, the loving,

r i ad the loyal sailor we e, not too nois ly, held up for

mir ation i and imitat on , neither of which was to fail

a ff because cour ge, and a ection , and loyalty had not always suffi ced to preserve the hero and bring him

his back safe to his home and sweetheart . The kind of female friend to whom there are so many allusions in the sea songs ofregular song -writers had no existence

- ho in the Fore bitter . It is certain that no singer w introduced them into his lay would have been listened

to . It took a good many years and the complete ex

’ tinction of the old sea-dogs of K ing Billy s reign or ’ : of Queen Victoria s earlier years before the double

entr ndr er o a , or worse, of the music halls bt ined toler V INTRODUCT ION

-of - ation on the forecastles of British men war . Justice to a bygone race demands that this should be made

clear . An unavowed, perhaps unconscious, censorship was extended to other songs when these were carried

on board ship from the shore . Melodious Obscenities

r may have been endu ed in exceptional cases , but the immense majori ty of men -of- war audiences would not

put up with them .

There were other places , besides the forecastles of

- s . their ship , at which blue jackets could hear songs An archaic form of music -hall existed from an early

date at most naval ports . Sometimes it was simply an

a - ppendage to a public house . Whatever the artistic

of merit the performances may have been, I confidently call upon all those who can remember the old Blue Bell at Portsmouth—the first edition of that place of

- o f entertainment is meant to say if, in the matter

decency, they ever fell quite to the level of those which

End da delight West audiences at the present y . Some

sea of the more celebrated songs, or songs intended to bring before shore-going listeners the ways of sea ’ the men , rarely came under latter s notice . For

’ Dibdin . s un example, the earliest of C sea songs was s g C G at ovent arden Theatre, a place not much patronized ’ - of- - F or by men war s men . a long time the air of such a song would have been as much above the heads of an audience of sailors as the music of Wagn er would be above the heads of most of their successors . The old vi IN TRODUCTION

Fore-bitter airs per vaded the musical stage of the fore

off s castle, and new tunes brought from the hore were

t s i affected by hem . They even pa sed nto the religious i serv ces held on board the ships ; and, when hymns were

a d - sung, they were m e to conform to the forecastle

met pa ttern . Some nine or ten years ago I with an interesting survival of this . One Sunday at Norfolk Island I attended divine service in the Pitcairn ’ l had t d h Is anders Church . I been ol beforehand t at they had a remarkable style of singing . The first hymn recalled the old Fore-bitters ; and no doubt the islanders were continuing a tradition delivered to them by their an cestors who had belonged to the B ounty . The church in Norfolk Island was the last place at u which music of the kind co ld be heard . There was another and even larger body of British sailors who had songs an d song -tunes of their own

- - i . F r was v z the merchant seamen. The o e bitter common ’ o - - u to them and to the men of war s men . One partic lar

-s c lass of song was known only in the merchant ervice.

was i This the Chanty, which was sung wh lst work was

is being done . In the it was and still the ff rule that work should be done in silence . The e ect of stirring music in stimulating the efforts of men employed in laborious jobs was well understood : and a fi band of music where there was one, or a ddler where i there was no band, played l vely tunes when it was ’ desired that the labours of the ship s company should be Vl l INTRODUCTION

a especi lly energetic . There were therefore no Chanties

d use in the Navy . Owing to the greatly extende of mechanical appliances in steamers of the mercantile m marine, and the di inished number of sailing vessels, ’ the merchant-seamen s Chanty is less often sung than it used to be : but it may still be heard on board

a co sters . The disappearance of the Fore-bitter and the great recent intrusion afloat of songs and airs of a widely ff di erent character must be attributed to several causes . The chief of these was the introduc tion of steam propulsion . Voyages have been thereby greatly t shortened and their duration made much more cer ain . F or more than a generation after steam -machinery had

-of- to been adopted in the Navy, men war continued make passages under sail , steam being rarely used except when the ship had to put to sea or enter a harbour irrespective of the direction of the wind . Voyages in these circumstances were long ; those lasting five or six weeks were common , and those which occupied two or m m three onths were not very rare . In so e latitudes, ‘ ’ an d especially when running down the trades , long

Spells of fine weather were often experienced . The evenings were not infrequently delicious . The sea was too smooth to cause rolling ; the sails were bulged out i into silent rigid ty by the fair and steady breeze ; whilst, as the ship ran on her course, the wash of the water along her sides made a low and pleasing murmur. The viii INTRODUCTION

di conditions invited the minstrel to splay his powers .

So an informal concert was soon in progress . Steamship voyages are generally so short that both the desire and the Opportunities for a similar mode of passing an evening have become rarer : and steamship conditions i are not encourag ng to the songster of the forecastle . The very fact that voyages are shorter has permitted the seaman to see more of his countrymen on shore than was possible in the old sailing days . Visits to his home have become more frequent ; and he and his fellows belong less to a class apart than they used to m do . The occasions of sharing in the a usements

ri if of his f ends have greatly increased in number ; and, places of entertainment meant almost exclusively for

in con sider sailors have disappeared, sailors now form no able section of the public for whose amusement the managers of many music - halls and concert-rooms

arrange their programmes . The consequence is that the supersession of real sailors’ songs by songs intended to illustrate the habits and tone of sailors or to be m enjoyed by them is now co plete . In addition to this, there ar e now on board the great majority of ships of both the Navy and the mercantile marine considerable bodies of men who in no sense represent the seamen

of former days . It is not to be expected that people

’ or who deal solely with the ship s engines and boilers , with the many electrical and mechanical appliances now

installed afloat, would appreciate the charm of a wind INTRODUCTION that filled the white and rustling sail and bent the gallant mast . Sweet William would now be less likely to be found high upon the yard than deep down

-fl t in the stokehold or submerged torpedo a . For these important sections of modern crews there are no traditional songs and they have to ta ke over their

- minstrelsy ready made from the music halls . It has been said already that what they themselves would have described as shore- going songs long ago s found their way to audiences of sailors . We hould probably have to go back to the sixteenth century before getting to a time at which nothing but the nautical folk

- song was heard on the forecastle . The Fore bitter,

ts however, held i own down to the appearance of sail m less stea ships . It was the leading ingredient in

- r every fore castle programme . The other songs we e

our mere interludes, as it were . A great number of

sea a printed songs were never he rd afloat, or only e amongst the oflic r s . They have delighted generations of shore- going hearers ; but they did not in former

ff - days, and do not now, a ect audiences of sea faring

men . These songs have not taken the place of the Fore-bitter : that has been ta ken by a very different

production . The old informal forecastle concerts have

e ceas d, and what, on board ship, is now called a Sing

Song has been substituted for them . This entertainment requir es a good deal of prepara

tion . There is a recognized body of performers, INT RODUCTION amongst whom players on the banjo and the bones t of en have a place . A stage has to be erected ; a painted drop-scene has generally to be provided ; and i rows of seats have to be arranged for the aud ence .

m . A program e, sometimes printed, is indispensable Most frequen tly these entertainments take place in

a -of- h rbour, as men war now are but little at sea com pared with the len gth of time spent there in the days of sails . The crews of other ships, when there are an y in company, are invited to attend , as sometimes are also acquaintances from the shore . The programme bears a close resemblance to that of a music - hall of t moderate distinc ion . It is not all singing ; and a clog dancer or a ventriloquist is regarded with high favour . The so ngs are of two kinds a few are extraordinarily

m r senti ental , and othe s, generally the greater number, — unpleasantly vulgar. There is no actual indecency the — commanding officer would not allow that but there is much indelicacy, a thing not easy to control . A curiously large proportion of the songs gives what is supposed to be humorous illustrations of the effects of

a strong drink . The tippling husb nd, subjected to his

’ ff v wife s e orts to reform him , is expected to ha e the sympathies of the audience . As the singers are

c an d usually in ostume, an intensely red nose a battered hat often extort hearty applause before a line has been F sung . ine voices are sometimes heard and occasionally there is good music ; but the greater part of the songs X i INT RODUCTION are delivered in the shrill tones associated with many

- i o f the lower music hall ditt es . There are few ships’ crews in which there cannot be found suffi cient ta lent to permit of entertainments o f m real erit being given . Has the taste of the forecastle deteriorated so gr eatly that efforts to bring this about would be hopeless ? I make bold to express the opinion that it has not . Looking around and noticing

ma what is to be seen on shore, one y be forgiven for believing that fashion sometimes gains a temporary victory over good taste, but that good taste wins in the

’ en d d . Let us a mit that nearly all the old true sailors

0 v songs have gone beyond h pe of reco ery, and also the conditions in which they were sung and listen ed to . Can we not substitute for the indelicate mani ti es now too much in fashion in sing - song programmes some of the fi ar e m ne things which contained, for exa ple, in this c ? ollection The indications are that it can be done . Sailors have never refused to receive songs coming m fro circles outside their own . Though, as long as

so the conditions enabled them to do , they clung to

own their peculiar minstrelsy, they accepted gifts from

. too m others Of late, perhaps, they have shown uch facility in this, as is indicated by the general taking over o f - the songs of the music hall . What is good and m u what is bad will after all be a atter of taste, infl enced no doubt by the fashion of the hour ; and neither

m nor i provement deterioration can be forced . It will xii INTRODUCTION be enough to furnish the means of making a good

as selection , and that is the aim of such a volume this .

e It is, of course, meant to app al also to a far larger m i public than that which is co posed of sa lors only, but no one can talk of sea songs without letting sailors have a prominent place in his thoughts . How do songs such as are her e collected appeal to them ? Of this some indication will be found in the degree of popularity amongst seamen attained by parti

lar sa cu pieces . It is hardly an exaggeration to y that ’ the Dibdins have none . It is even doubtful if they t were ever very popular on the forecas le . At places of entertainment on shore so me of them may have been heard with pleasure by seamen but the great majority of them were either never favourites afloat or at any

- rate had but a short lived popularity. By the middle

- of the nineteenth century, when the old Fore bitter had ’ . Dibdin s still a vigorous existence, C songs were very rarely sung on board ship . It could not have been age that made them so little in favour ; because older songs were often heard . The fine piece, Farewell , ’

a ! . 1 and dieu to you, Spanish Ladies (no 9 in this ’ collection) is a century older than many of Dibdin s ; u yet even to this day it has not quite lost its vog e . It is ,

no w probably, more often sung bythe midshipmen than by

- the blue jackets ; but the latter, especially in the Channel F leet, will always hear it with pleasure . The fact is

Dibdin that is quite obsolete in more ways than one . x iii. INTRODUCTION

Most of the technical nauti cal phraseology introduced

i its into his lines s now quite out of date . Many of

’ terms would be unintelligible to the man-of-war s-man i of the twent eth century . Out of date and even repulsive to the seamen of our day is his presentation

of i of m the sa lor his own . Social advance ent is almost necessarily accompanied by sensitiveness : and

it is frequently disagreeable to be reminded of origin . We may be ready to accept the position of inheritors

’ Dibdin s of the martial glory won by tars, but we wish it to be understood that socially we stand on a higher

15 u level than they did . This state of mind not pec liar

- to sea faring folk . Repeated reminders that they used to live in Hoxton or Clapton and to have high tea would probably be distasteful to recently enriched

families settling in Mayfair. This makes it highly probable that a collection only of the Dibdin songs would not be acceptable to sailors

a A t i n these d ys . more comprehensive collec ion has a far better chance of gaining their attention : and many o l f them wil be glad to find such songs as no . I in this m ‘ i volu e and Farewell , and adieu to you, Span sh ’ i 1 Lad es ! (no . 9 ) already referred to . The first of

i s E these one of the oldest nglish songs in existence . It was evidently composed when the distinction between ’ the man -of-war s- man and the merchant-seaman was unknown ; in days when the trading- vessels of the Cinque Ports reinforced the Royal Navy in time of xiv INTRODUCTION

’ the war, and when King s ships were employed as traders in time of peace . Both of the songs were probably sung long before they were written down : and both are perhaps fragments, more or less amended by

di - m a succession of e tors, of Fore bitters or of so e other

- kind of nautical folk song . A far larger number of landsmen than of seamen m r ust have listened to every sea song which has appeared in print and of which the ai r has been recorded on paper . The people who take an interest in sailors have always formed a vastly greater body than the latter . The singers of such pieces in the last part of the eighteenth , h and the early years of the nineteent , century seem to ' and this too have always had good audiences, when the sailors were on the high seas looking for or fighting

m n with the ene y. The kindly interest take in them by

T o their fellow countrymen is as strong as ever . most landsmen anything that reminds them of seamen is more than welcome : and some of the grand old songs that

sea r d illustrate life at , though it may be of an ea ly perio , may perhaps again be found in the programmes of those who offer opportunities for refined amusement to members fi of a re ned society . A collection like that printed in this volume is more than a mere store-house from which the conductor of

a concert may pick out the items of his programme . Many of these songs deserve to be read as well as to i be listened to when sung . It is not ntended to submit INTRODUCTION

them to a critical examination here ; but attention may i t be d rec ed to one or two interesting points . The collection is a sort of rapid epitome of our maritime history for some five hundred years . In it are brought before us the ill - defined distinction between the war and the mercantile fleets of early days ; the risks of the peaceful trader from other foes besides the storm and the shoal ; the ill -requited labours of the sailor ; the perils to which his calling specially exposed him ; his conflicts with opponents as gallant as himself ; his love of country ; his triumphs over its enemies . Besides this ’ we can learn something about the sailor s private life .

r is The pictu e is exaggerated, to be sure, but it not all

of untrue . We see at least something the way in which he spent his few hours of leisure afloat and ashore . We learn a little about those who were or

to : professed be his friends and, although in reality

a he may be caricatured, some of his real qu lities are brought to our knowledge . A perusal of these songs and a slight acquaintance with the crews of the men -of-war and merchant-ships of the day will let us see how great a change there has

m r evolu been in both . It is co mon to dwell upon the tion tha t has been effected in nautical materi al . Wood has given place to iron and steel sails have disappeared entirely from the Royal Navy and nearly so from the mercantile marine ; machinery has largely taken the place of human power ; armaments bear little resem xvi

INTRODUCTION is ; and its force acts upon them as effectively as on

of other classes . If we can enlist the sympathy the

’ nation for the sailor s needs, we have gone a long way towards making the nation understand what it has him E a right to expect from . verything, therefore, that helps to bring the nation and its seamen more — closely together b e it only a collection of sea songs has a value higher than that collection’ s literary excellence or melodious grace, a value not easy to

u its meas re exactly, though magnitude can hardly be

- over estimated .


F OR sea the selection of these songs, nearly all of of which were written before the date Trafalgar, the volumes of the Ballad Society have been invaluable ; and through the courtesy of Dr . Furnivall and the Eb sworth use Rev . J . W . it has been possible to the o f R B a for d text certain oxburghe and g ballads (nos . 6 w 5 , 57, 59, of hich only inferior versions could be found among the Bodleian collections . My thanks are also due to the Leadenhall Press for permission to ’

6 8 6 8 8 8 8 . reprint nos . 4, , 7, , and 9 from Mr Ashton s R ea l Sa ilor - on s to P f admirable S g ro essor Firth for no . ’ 1 8 Kidson no . to Mr . Frank for 4 3, Henry Martin ,

it l uner which is taken from his Tr a d iona T to Mr . David f 1 00 or r . E . Nutt pe mission to reprint no . from W ’ Henley s P oems ; and to Miss Lucy Broadwood for the f - no use o of . her ballad version 79, Oh , Yarmouth is ’ a pretty town . And it will be clear from the notes ’ E a r Na va l B a lla d: P that Mr . J . O . Halliwell s ly ( ercy f Society) were a source o great value . Of the text itself it is only necessary to say that nothing has been altered except a few obvious errors of not the press . Often a satisfactory text has been within reach ; and sometimes corrupt versions have been printed, beside their archetypes, in order to show the d ea egeneration which s ballads often exhibit . The arrangement is not purely fortuitous, the songs being b 2 XIX P REF AT ORY NOT E grouped roughly into those which are concerned with sea- the faring life, those which describe fights and historical characters, and those which represent the sailor as a lover . The middle group is as far as possible in the chronological order of the events de scribed : and the only good reason for not arranging all the songs by their date is that a leaden batch of Dibdin would sink to the end . C ONT ENT S

Earliest Sea-Song ‘ ’ Lustel Lustel y, y In Prais of Seafar inge Men Another of Seafar dinger s I rue to see the raging of the seas We be three poor mariners The Praise of Saylors Cordial Advice Dirge from The Tempes t Song from The Tempest The Mermaid The Storm

Blow, Boreas, blow Neptune ’ s Raging Fury Neptune’ s Resignation The Sailor’ s Resolution A Hymn in Praise of Neptune Homeward Bound ’ E fav r in For ngland, when , with g gale The Bay of Biscay The Mid -watch I am a brisk and sprightly lad The Fisher’ s Life ’ We ll go to sea no more A cruising we will go Song and Chorus of Sailors CONT ENTS

‘ C ’ ome, come, my jolly lads ‘ All hands up aloft Rule Britannia ! Hearts of Oak T om Bowling Ben Backstay The Naval Subaltern Poor Jack T om Tough Jack Robinson Jack the Guinea-Pig ‘ Ye Mariners of A Sea Song Sir Patrick Spens The Saylor ’ s Only Delight Andrew Barton Henry Martin Sir Walter Raleigh sailing in the Low-lands The Golden Vanity The Fame of Sir Francis Drake The Triumph of Sir Francis Drake The Spanish Armada Sir Francis Drake or Eighty-Eight The Spanish Armada Queen Elizabeth ’ s Champion The Famous Fight at Malago Captain Ward and the Rainbo w The Seaman’ s Song of Captain Ward D an sekar the Dutchman Captain Glen

The Honour of Bristol . ’ 58 . England s Triumph at Sea


59 . Admiral Russel

60. The Royal Triumph ’ 6 o 1 . The Duke f Ormond s Health 2 6 . The Death of Admiral Benbow ’ 63. Admiral Hosier s Ghost

64. The Arethusa 6 5. On the loss of the Royal George m’ 66. Our line was for d 6 7 . Admiral Nelson 6 of 8 . The Battle the Baltic T o 69 . her Seafaring Lover ’ 70. The Valiant Seaman s Happy Return

7 1 . Love and Loyalty 2 7 . The two Faithful Lovers ’ , 73. The Lawlands 0 Holland

74 . Bonnie Annie ’ 75. The Seaman s Compass ’ 7 6 . The Fair Maid s Choice P 77 . A leasant New Song T o u 8 . L casta 7 , going beyond the Seas

79. Oh , Yarmouth is a pretty town ’ 8 0. Twas when the Seas were roarin g r - 8 1 . Black eyed Susan 4 8 2 . The Sailor Laddie ’ 8 3. The Seaman s Adieu

8 4 . Constance and Anthony m ’ R 8 5. The Gallant Sea an s eturn B o 8 6. The Sailor y m 8 7 . The Welco e Sailor ’ 8 8 . The Maid s Lamentation

1 8 9 . The Distressed Ship Carpenter ‘ 0 T o 9 . all you Ladies now at Land 1 8 0 xxil i CONTENT S

Farewell , and adieu lo w Blow high , blow ’ Sailor 5 Journal The Token The Standing Toast The Sailor’ s Adieu Ballad in Great News Sweet Annie frae the Sea-beach came ’ I d think on thee, my Love

O , Falmouth is a fine town




twe ne u - st en A boy or y anone p y , And overthwart the sayle -yer de lyen ; ‘ how ! ta lia ! the r emenaunt cr en Y y y , the r m ht And pull with all y yg .

‘ B estowe - the boote, bote swayne, anon , That our pylgr yms may pley thereon ; som cow h For ar lyke to g and grone, ’ u m dn ht Or hit be f ll y yg .

b owel ne ! ' Hale the y now, vere the shete anoon Cooke, make redy our mete, l r ms Our py g y have no lust to ete, ’ od I pray G yeve hem rest .

‘ ! ! ! Go to the helm what, howe no nere felow ! ot her e ! Steward , a p of ‘ Ye shall have, sir, with good chere, ’ Anone all of the best .

‘ Y howe ! tr ussa ! hale in the b r ayles ! hal st God ! Thow y nat, be , thow fayles 0 se howe well owre good shyp sayles !

And thus they say among .

‘ ‘ ’ Hale in the war ta ke ! Hit shall be done .

Steward ! cover the boorde anone, et ther eone And s bred and salt , ’ And tary nat to long .

- r m e un t r ema n der o t er s . s en d . e na ti p styen ] a c ] i , h

luSt es r e. e e 1ve. n o n er e b esto we] pl . ] d i y ] g ]

fa es iai lest. n o near er (to the w i n d) . yl ] v EA RLIEST SEA SONG

‘ c se th Then cometh one and y , be mery ; ’ Ye shall have a stor me or a pery . ‘ w ! wher Holde tho thy pese thow canst no y, ’ medl t nd r Thow ys wo y sore .

menewh le l r ms l Thys y the py g y y, the r bowl s m And have y y fast the by, aft r malves And cry y hote y, ‘ ’ Thow helpe for to restore .

salt d And som wold have a y tost, For they myght ete neyther sode ne rost ; m ht for the r A man yg sone pay y cost, r e As fo 00 day or twayn .

la de the r the r Som y y bookys on y kne, And rad so long they myght nat se ; ‘ Allas ! myne hede woll cleve on thre ! e th e t n Thus s y another c r ay e.

Then commeth our e owner lyke a lorde s eketh And p many a royall worde, And dresseth hym to the hygh borde

To see all thyng be well .

car en ter e Anone he calleth a p , b idd th b m b r n b m And y y y g with y hys gere, To make the cabans here and there b ll With many a fe y cell .

n h r r s all . can st o w e n o es n o t n o pe y] qu y] ? k w t hi ab ut

i m s lmse . s e a S . a e r n a o d so dd en Ta i l ed . h p lv ] y ] , o n o n er e o l s e. t o ] g . SEA SONGS

str awe r ht A sak of were there yg good , For som must lyg them in theyr hood ; d I had as lefe be in the woo , d n Without mete or r y k.

F or when that we shall go to bedde, The pumpe was nygh o ur beddes hede oo A man were as g d to be dede, t n As smell thereof the s y k .


‘ Lur te Lur te fy, fy

L S ELY lustel lustel U T , y, y let us saile forthe,

b lowes . The winde trim doth serve us, it from the north All things we have ready, and nothing we want, To furnish our ship that rideth hereby ; Victals skant and weapons thei be nothing ,

Like wor thie mariners ourselves we will trie .

Lustel lustel &c . y, y ,

fla es set alofte Her gg be new trimmed, flanting , swimm n Our ship for swift y g, oh , she doeth excell ;

Wee feare no enemies, we have escaped them ofte

Of all ships that swimmeth she beareth the bell .

Lustel lustel &c . y, y,

And here is a maister excelleth in skill, And our maisters mate he is not to seeke ; b oteswaine l And here is a wi l do his good will ,

And . here is a ship boye, we never had leeke

Lustel lustel &c . y, y,

l lie l ee e the l e. yg] . k ] ik ‘ U S Y U ST E Y ’ L T EL , L L

and voia e If fortune then faile not, our next g prove, r etur ne Wee will merely and make good cheare,

And hold all together as friends linkt in love,

a . The cannes sh l be filled with wine, ale and beere

Lustel lustel &c . y, y,

I n P s Sea a r in e M Ho rai of f g en, in pe of Good Fortune

W HOE siekes c r enowne the wai to win ,

Or flies with winges of hie desire, Whoe seikes lawr ea t cr ouen to wear the ( ) ,

Or hath the mind that would espire, so lle Lett him his native y eschew, see e Lett him go rainge and k a newe .

E b che awtie harte is well contente, With ever ie chance that shal b etyde ; No hap can hinder his entente ;

He steadfast standes, though fortune slide .

The sunn, quoth he, doth shine as well

Abrod, as earst where I did dwell .

In chay nge of str eames each fi sh can E ever ie che foule content with ayre, E hautie r emainethe che hart still , And not be dr ound in depe dispair e W her for alieke I judg all landes , hauti To e hartes who fortune sieke . SEA SONGS

T oo as seaes som thinkes toille p the a , thinkes Sum it strange abrod to rome, thinkes so lle Sum it a grefe to leave their y , f lk c n o e whome. Their parents, y , and their T hinke soe i who list, I l ke it nott ;

I must abrod to trie my lott .

Whoe whome list at at carte to drudge, car ke wor ldlie tr ashe And and care for , sheoes With buckled let him goe trudge, Instead of launce a whip to slashe ; u ’ A my d that s base his kind will show, a n eete Of c r on sw to feed a crowe .

Jasonn of m nd If that y had bine, Gr esions The when they cam to Troye, ’ so T r o ian s fo lde Had never the g y , Nor never put them to such anoye W her for e whome who lust to live at ,

T o pur chus fame I will go rome .


Am t/yer o Sea a r din er s sc b f f g , de ri ing Evil! Fortune

WHAT pen can well reporte the plighte ? Of those that tr avell on the sea T o pas the werie winters nighte m cloudes wisshin e for i With stor ie g da e, t Wi h waves that toss them to and fro,

Thair pore estate is hard to show. 6 ANOTH ER OF SEA FA RDI NGERS

When boister ing windes begins to blowe

On cruell costes, from haven wee, soe The foggie mysts dimes the shore, see The rocks and sandes we maie not ,

Nor have no rome on seas to trie, to od But praie G and yeld to die .

shauldes a ear s When and sandie bankes p , What pillot can direct his course ? fomin e dr aueth so When g tides us nere, Alas ! what for ten n can be worse ? haald m our Then ankers ust be staie, ell e de e Or c we falle into cay . m ff We wander still fro lo e to lie, And findes no steadfast wind to blow ; t m eo ar die We still e aine in j p , Each per elos poynt is hard to showe ; ' to r edi esse In time we hope find ,

That longe have lived in hevines .

inchin e l fe O p g , werie, lothsome y , tr avell ex s lle That still in far y , on The dangers great sease be ryfe, Whose recompence doth yeld but toylle ! r aunte me O Fortune, g mie desire,

A bapie end I doe require .

fr eats s fi When and tates have had their ll , entill And g calm the cost will clere, hautie Then hartes shall have their will, That longe has wept with morning cheer e ; seaes ano And leave the with thair y,

At home at ease to live in j oy .

ff lie ff le . shauldes s a l o w s haald o ld . l o e l e ] h l ] h , ] u , r s s s ua l s f eats t . ] gu , q l SEA SONGS

V ‘ ’ 1 m e to see tb e raging of ré e r ea i

RUE of I to see the raging the seas, ’ When nothing may king Eolus wrath appease . ’ Boreas b lastes asunder rendes our sayles

kl b r eake . Our tac ings , our ankers likewise fayles b attr ed shi e The surging seas, they have my pp , h And eke mine oar es avayle me not a c ippe. slackte The ropes are , the mast standes nothing strong

Thus am I tost the surging seas along . m over flowe The waves beate in , y bark to ;

The rugged seas my ship will over thr owe. d am Yea, riven I , sometimes against a rocke,

Sometimes against a whale his back I locke . E01 str fe When Neptune thus and falles to y ,

Then stand I most in daunger of my lyfe. b e in neth And when the winde g moste to rage, Then out I caste (my barke for to asswage) E sea ach thing of waight, and then if at will

I chaunce to have, I lesse regard mine ill . shi wr ack ff l fe If p once I su er in my y ,

Farewell my goodes, farewell my gentle wife Adewe adewe i my friends , my ch ldren all ,

F or r eva les . nought p y , though on your helpe I call t First goe I to the bot ome of the seas ,

s . And thrice I rise, but nothing for mine ea e ? s For why at length when la t of all I fall ,

My winde doth fayle wherewith I burst my gall .

My body then , so full as it may be ma see With water store, then y each men me fom n All borne aloft amid the y g froth , ’ a l his w a le s . ss a e l ten . w h e ] h a w g ] igh


l o P rais e of Say lors

f b s et or te wi t/6 tlae b or ta a es waie/J ere / , ard f elo e a on h S s w oe” La m! b f all t em t e ea , ’ mea sleep in their B ee s

T o a pleasant New Tune

A s I lay musing in my bed,

full warm and well at ease, I thought upon the L odgings hard

poor Sailors had at Seas . They bide it out with hunger and cold

and many a bitter blast, ’ m constr ain d And any times they are,

for to cut down their Mast .

Their Victuals and their Ordnance,

and ought else that they have, - d They throw it over board with spee ,

and seek their lives to save .

Whenas the raging Seas do fome, do and lofty winds blow, o The Saylors they g to the top,

when Landmen stay below .

a Our Masters mate t kes helm in hand, u his course he steers f ll well , Whenas the lofty winds do blow

and raging Seas do swell . T H E PRAIS E OF SAYLO RS

Our Master to his Compass goes, so l his we l he plies charge,

He sends a youth unto the main,

for to unsling the Yards .

’ The B oatson he s under the Deck of a man courage bold , ’ ’ th to to th to To p, p, my lively Lads

of . hold fast , my hearts gold

P lot on C The y he stands the hain , with a line and lead to sound see To how far, and near they are,

from any dangerous ground .

m It is a testi onial good , not m we are far fro Land, o n R There sits a Mermaid the ock,

with comb and glass in hand .

o n Our Captain he is the Poop ,

a man of might and power,

And looks how raging Seas do gape, to our bodies devour .

to Our Royal Ship is run rack, so that was stout and trim, And some are put into their shifts

either to sink or swim .

Our so Ship that was before good , so and eke likewise trim , Is now with r ageing Seas grown leakt

and water fast comes in . SEA SONGS

r - The Qua ter Master is a man , so well his charge plies he, P He calls them to the omp amain , leakt to keep their Ship free . And many Dangers likewise they do many times endure Whenas they meet their enemies m o that co e with might and p wer,

to a And seek their lives likewise t ke, their lives and eke their goods ; The Saylors they likewise endure

upon the surging Floods .

But Whenas they do come to Land m and ho ewards do return,

They are most good fellows all ,

and scorn ever to mourn .

fo r And likewise they will call Wine, and score it o n the post ;

For Saylors they are honest men ,

and love to pay their Host .

F or Saylors they be honest men , and they do take great pains , - r uflin When Land men , and g Lads

do r ob them of their gains .

Our Saylors they work night and day,

their manhood for to try, r uflin When Landed men , and g Jacks, do in their Cabins lye .


Therefore let all good minded men ,

give ear unto my Song, sa And y also as well as I ,

Saylors deserve no wrong .

This have I for Saylors sake il in token of good w l , do If ever I can they good , l I wil be ready still .

God bless them eke by Sea and Land ,

and also other men,

And as my Song beginning had, so must it have an end .

Cor dia l Advice to a sa ou Men who hi k to A c a r y ng , t n d an e ll ' v tb ez r decay ing For ta n es 17] Navigation ' S/Jew zng tae man] D angers and H a r dss os that Sailors en dure

’ ’ T of &c . o the tune , I ll no more to Greenland sail ,

Y B illin s ate OU merchant men of g ,

I wonder how you can thrive,

You bargain with men for six months, and pay them but for five SEA SONGS But so long as the water runs under the fl ow and the tide doth ebb and , ’ i I ll no more to Greenland sa l ,

no . no, , no

Our drink it is fair water, fl oweth m that fro the rocks,

And as for other dainties, we eat both bear and fox b iskets -c l Then boyl our in whale y , all to increase our woe ’

&c . But I ll no more,

no . no, , no C C m Our aptains and o manders, are valiant men and stout They’ve fought in France and Flanders ’ out and never wou d give , -fish They beat our men like stock , all to increase our woe : ’

&c . Then I ll no more,

no, no, no . m In storms we ust stand to it, when thundr ing tempests rage ;

When cables snap and main mast split, and the briny seas ingage

Whilst sable blackness spreads its vail , all to increase our woe ’

&c . But I ll no more,

no, no, no .

’ Testy Neptune s mounting waves , still o’ er our hatches tower Each minute threatens silent graves for fishes to devour ; C O RDIAL ADVIC E

’ intomb d Or be by some vast whale, and there to end our woe ’ no &c . But I ll more,

n o no . , , no

To face the cold north eastern winds, whilst shr owds and tackle roar man our And wracking pinnace, which mountain high is bore lab oar d t To , starboard tack we rail , ’ ' our joynts benumb d with snow ’

no &c . But I ll more,

no no . , no,

Abaf before helm a lee,

all hands aloft, they cry When strait there comes a rouling sea and mounts us to the sky

Like drowned rats, we cordage hail , ’ whilst scarce we ve strength to go ’

&c . But I ll no more, no no, no, . F or if we faint or faulter to ply our cruel work, The Boatswain with the halter does beat us like a turk Whilst we in vain our case bewail he does increase our woe ’ &c . But I ll no more,

n o . , no, no di Then to take our la ng in , we moil like Argier slaves And if we to complain begin the cap-stal lash we have SEA SONGS

A cursed cat with thrice three tails, does much increase our woe ’ &c. But I ll no more, no , no, no .

And when we faint, to bring us back they give us bruis strong : o The which d es not creepers lack, to usher it along : With element which smells so sta le all to increase our woe ’

&c . Then I ll no more,

no, no, no .

all Therefore young men I advise,

before it is too late, ’ sa And then you ll y that you are wise, by dashing of your fate w The hich your rashness did intail , for to insist your woe : Then I ’ll no more to Greenland sail

no, no, no . IX Di ig e FULL fadom five thy Father lies Of his bones are Corrall made ’ r Those are pea l s that were his eyes, of Nothing him that doth fade, But doth suffer a Sea- change Into something rich and strange

- Sea Nimphs hourly ring his knell .

- now . Hark I hear them , ding dong bell

W . SHAKESPEARE . br ui s] broth . 16


our Then up spoke a man of gallant ship,

- And a well speaking man was he, ’ f I ve married a wi e in fair London town , he And this night s a widow will be .

&c . The stormy,

C our Then up spoke the aptain of gallant ship,

And a valiant man was he, ’ For want of a boat we shall be drown d , e F or she sunk to the bottom of the s a . &c The stormy, .

and a The moon shone bright, the st rs gave light,

And my mother was looking for me,

She might look and weep with watery eyes,

She might look to the bottom of the sea .

&c . The stormy,

our a Three times round went g llant ship , she And three times round went , l Three times round went our ga lant ship,

Then she sunk to the bottom of the sea.

&c . The stormy,

XII T ae Storm

’ blust r in i ! CEASE, rude Boreas, g ra ler

List, ye landsmen, all to me ;

Messmates, hear a brother sailor Sing the dangers of the sea ; m i fi Fro bound ng billows rst in motion, i When the d stant whirlwinds rise, m - To the te pest troubled ocean ,

Where the seas contend with skies . 18 T H E STO RM

! Hark the boatswain hoarsely bawling, - By topsail sheets and haulyards stand,

Down top gallants, quick, be hauling, ! Down your staysails, hand, boys, hand set Now it freshens, the braces , The lee topsail- sheets let go ; ff f ! ’ Lu , boys, lu f don t make wry faces,

Up your topsails nimbly clew .

Now all you , on down beds sporting, ’ ’ lock d Fondly in beauty s arms,

Fresh enjoyments wanton courting, ’ Safe from all but love s alarms ; a Round us ro rs the tempest louder, Think what fears our minds enthral ; w r Harder yet, it yet blo s ha der ; Hark ! again the boatswain’ s call !

- The topsail yards point to the wind, boys, See all clear to reef each course ’ t Let the foreshee go, don t mind, boys, Though the weather should prove worse ; aft - Fore and the spritsail yard get, all Reef the mizen , see clear, - set Hands up , each preventer brace , - ! ! Man the fore yards Cheer, lads, cheer

Now the dreadful thunder rolling ,

Peal on peal , contending, clash ; our f On heads ierce rain falls pouring, In our eyes blue lightnings flash all r us One wide water a ound , us sk All above one black y, ff a u Di erent de ths at once surround s . Hark ! what means that dreadful cry ? C 2 l 9 SEA SONGS

’ ! The foremast s gone cries every tongue out, ’ ’ O er the lee, twelve feet bove deck ; ’ - A leak beneath the chest tree s sprung out,

Call all hands to clear the wreck . Quick ! the lanyards cut to pieces ; C m m ! o e, y hearts, be stout and bold P lumb the well , the leak increases, Four feet water in the hold !

’ While o er the ship wild waves are beating, We for wives or children mourn ’ Alas ! from hence there s no retreating ; ! ’ Alas from hence there s no return . us Still the leak is gaining on , ’ Both chain -pumps are chok d below ; ’ H eav n have mercy here upon us !

For only that can save us now .

’ - n ! O er the lee beam is the la d, boys ’ Let the guns o er b oar d be thrown ; T o ! the pump come every hand, boys m z - ! See , our i en mast is gone ’ The leak we ve found, it cannot pour fast ; ’ ’ We ve lighten d her a foot or more ; u Up and rig a j ry foremast, ’ ! ! she ! o ff She rights rights, boys we re shore

’ Now once more on joys we re thinking, Since kind Fortune saved our lives ; C m ! ’ o e, the can, boys let s be drinking To our sweethearts and our wives :

Fill it up, about ship wheel it,

C lose to the lips a brimmer join . Where ’ s the tempest now ? who feel it ? ’ ’ None ! our danger s drown d in wine .

G . A T V . . S E ENS B ow B o s Blow l , rea ,

BLOW, Boreas, blow, and let thy surly winds

Make the billows foam and roar .

Thou canst no terror breed in valiant minds, ’ fi ! But, spite of thee, we ll live and nd a shore not Then cheer, my hearts, and be awed, But keep the gun -room clear ; ’ ’ T ho hell s broke loose, and the devils roar abroad , sea- ! Whilst we have room here, boys, never fear

! how ! Hey she tosses up, how far ’ The mounting topmast touch d a star ! d The meteors blaze as through the clouds we came, - ! And , salamander like, we live in flame now ! o But we sink now, now we g

Down to the deepest shades below . ! ? who ? Alas where are we now who, can tell Sure ’tis the lowest room of hell ! Or where the sea -gods dwell With them we’ll live—with them we’ ll live and reign ’ With them we ll laugh and sing and drink amain . see ! see ! But , we mount see, we rise again

of m of Though flashes lightning , and te pests rain , Do fiercely contend who shall conquer the main ; ’ r a r Though the captain does swear, instead of a p y , And the sea is all fired by the demons of the air ! ’ We ll drink, and defy The mad spirits that fly F sk rom the deep to the y, SEA SONGS

And sing while the thunder does bellow ; F or F for ate will still have a kind home the brave, ’ - And ne er make his grave of a salt water wave, T o — drown , no , never to drown a good fellow .



’ N u s i u ept ne Rag ng F ry ; ’ ’ or The G S s Su eri n s , allant eaman j g

Y U Of E n land O Gentlemen g ,

that lives at home at ease, Full little do you think upon the Dangers of the Seas :

Give ear unto the Marriners ,

and they will plainly Show, The cares and the fears ow When the stor my w inds do bl .

ou All y that will be Seamen ,

must bear a valiant heart ,

For when you come upon the Seas, you must not think to start

Nor once to be faint hearted, or in hail , rain , snow, Nor to shrink, nor to Shrink,

When the stor my w inds do hlow . The bitter storms and tempests

poor Seamen must endure,

Both day and night, with many a fright, we seldom rest secure NEPTUNE’ S RAGING FU RY Our sleep it is disturbed to with visions strange know,

And with Dreams, on the Streams,

When the t r m w inds do blow s o y .

In claps of roaring thunder,

which darkness doth enforce, We Often find our Ships to stray beyond our wonted course

Which causeth great distractions, our low and sinks hearts full , ’Tis in vain to complain

When e t r w inds do l w th s o my h o .

’ Sometimes on Neptune s bosom

our Ship is lost in waves, And every man expecting the Sea to be their graves : she mounteth Then , up aloft , so and down again low, ’ 0 Tis with waves , with waves,

When the sto d hlow r my w in s do .

Then down again we fall to prayer ;

with all our might and thought ,

When refuge all doth fail us, ’ tis that must bear us out ;

To God we call for succour, for He it is we know,

That must aid us and save us,

he st W n the or my w inds do blow . L The awyer and the Usurer, F ur that sits in gowns of ,

In closets warm , can take no harm , abroad they need not stir ; 33 SEA SONGS

When winter fierce, with cold doth pierce,

and beats with hail and snow, We are sure to endure

When the stor m w in s do hl y d ow . m We bring home costly erchandize, of and Jewels great price, To serve our E nglish Gallantry with many a rare device T o please the E nglish Gallantry a w our p ins we freely sho , to ] For we y , and we moile

When n o b the s tor my w i ds d low . We sometimes sail to the Indies

to fetch home Spices rare, ’ Sometimes gain , to France and Spain for wines beyond compare ; While gallants are car r ousing 1 on Q Taverns a row , ’ o er Then we sweep the deep ,

When the stor my w inds do hlow .

When tempests are blown over,

and greatest fears are past, A m air y, weather fair and te perate we straight lye down to rest

But, when the billows tumble, do and waves furious grow,

Then we rouse, up we rouse

When the stor my w inds do hlow . m If ene ies oppose us, when E ngla nd is at wars

With any foreign Nations, we fear not wounds and scars ; 24


’ Neptune s liesign a ti on

’ T HE wat ry god , great Neptune, lay, In dalliance soft and amorous play ’ On Amphitr ite s breast ; ’ When Uproar r ear d its horrid head u The tritons Shr nk, the nereids fled, ’ And all their fear confess d .

Loud thunder shook the vast domain, ’ The liquid world was wr appd in flame

The god, amazed, spoke ‘ Ye n Winds , go forth and make it k own s c r Who dare to shake my oral th one, ’ And fill my realms with smoke .

The Winds, obsequious, at his word ’ Sprung strongly up t obey their lord, And saw two fleets a-weigh

One, victorious Hawke, was thine, ’ C onflans The other, wretched line

I n terror and dismay .

’ ’ A all d pp , they view Britannia s sons Deal death and slaughter from their w And strike the dreadful blo , Which caused ill -fated Gallic slaves T o fi d n a tomb in briny waves,

And sink to shades below .

2 6 NEPTUNE’ S R ESIGNATION With speed they fly and tell their chief ’ F r uin d That rance was past relief,

And Hawke triumphant rode . ‘ ‘ Hawke ! cried the F air ; Pray who is he

That dare usurp this power at sea , ’ And thus insult a god ? The Winds reply In distant lands There reigns a king who Hawke commands He scorns all foreign force ; And when his floating castles roll sea From to sea, from pole to pole,

Great Hawke directs their course . ‘ Or when his winged bullets fly T o er fid punish fraud and p y, Or scourge a guilty land ;

Then gallant Hawke, serenely great,

Though death and horror round him wait, ’ Performs his dread command .

s Neptune, with wonder, heard the tory ’ ’ Of George s sway and Britain s glory, ’ Which time shall ne er subdue ; ’ ’ B scawen s o deeds, and Saunders fame, ’ ’ Joi d n with brave Wolfe s immortal name, ‘ Then cried, Can this be true

‘ ! od A king he sure must be a g , Who has such heroes at his nod To govern earth and sea I yield my trident and my crown u n A trib te due to such renow , ’ Great George shall rule for me . W I GNELL. J . 2 7 SEA SONGS


’ T he Sailor s &esoluti on

H ow little do the landsmen know, Of what we sailors feel When waves do mount and winds do But we have hearts of steel No ff danger can a right us,

No enemy shall flout . ’ We ll make the monsieurs right us,

So toss the cann about .

to Stick stout orders, messmates ’ We ll plunder, burn , and sink , Then F rance have at your fi r st-rates F or Britons never shrink ’ We ll rummage all we fancy, ’ We ll bring them in by scores,

And Moll , and Kate and Nancy ’ - Shall roll in louis d ors .

’ While here at Deal we re lying , our With noble commodore, ’ We ll Spend our wages freely, boys, And then to sea for more ’ In peace we ll drink and sing, boys, ’ In war we ll never fly, ’ to G o ur Here s a health eorge king,

And the royal family . XVII

A Hymn in P raise of Neptun e

’ OF Neptune s empire let us sing, At whose command the waves obey ;

To whom the rivers tribute pay, Down the high mountains sliding T o whom the scaly nation yields Homage for the crystal fields Wherein they dwell : And every sea - god pays a gem Yearly out Of his wat’ ry cell ’ To deck great Neptune s diadem . The Tritons dancing in a ring Before his palace gates do make

The water with their echoes quake, Like the great thunder sounding : The sea-nymphs chant their accents shrill

And the sirens, taught to kill

With their sweet voice, Make ev ’ry echoing rock reply Unto their gentle murmuring noise ’ m The praise of Neptune s e pery .


XVIII Homeward B ound Now to Blackwall Docks we bid adieu too TO Suke, and Sal , and Kitty , ’ s our i Our anchor weighed, sa ls unfurled ,

We are bound to plough the watery world .

H uz z a w e , a r e outw a r d hound .

3 . 9 SEA SO NGS

’ - - Now the wind blows hard from the east nor east, Our i ship will sa l ten knots at least,

The purser will our wants supply, ’ ’ a And while we ve grog we will ne er s y die .

Huz z &c . a , And should we touch at Malabar as Or any other port far, i The purser he w ll tip the chink,

And just like fishes we will drink .

Huz z a &c . ,

is And now our three years it out, ’ ’ b ack d It s very nigh time we about, ’ et And when we re home, and do g free, ’ Oh ! won t we have a jolly spree .

uz z &c . H a ,

And now we haul into the docks, c Where all those pretty girls come in flo ks, l sa And one to the other they wi l y, ‘ h ’ Oh ! here comes Jack with is three years pay . Huz z a & c , . And now we haul to the Dog and Bell ’ s to Where there good liquor for sell,

In comes old Archer with a smile, ‘ ’ it s Saying Drink , my lads , worth your while, ’ see For I you are homeward bound .

’ But when our money s all gone and spent, e And none to be borrow d nor none to be lent,

In comes old Archer with a frown , ‘ Get J sit Saying up, ack, let John down ’ see For I you are outward bound . so ’ For E w with a v r in a ngland, hen , f g g le

’ F R E fav r in O ngland, when , with g gale ’ steer d Our gallant ship up channel , a And, scudding under easy s il , ’ a ear d The high blue western land pp ,

To heave the lead the seaman sprung, i And to the p lot cheerly sung,

By the deep nine .

And bearing up to gain the port, Some well known object kept in view ; ’ An - Abbey tow r, an harbour fort, : Or beacon , to the vessel true ’ e While oft the l ad the seaman flung,

And to the pilot cheerly sung ,

By the mark seven .

’ as -lov d And, the much shore we near, With transports we behold the roof n Where dwelt a friend or part er dear, Of faith and love a matchless proof

The lead once more the seaman flung ,

And to the watchful pilot sung,

Quarter less five . W PEARCE . SEA SONGS

The Bay of Biscay 0! LOUD roar’ d the dreadful thunder ’ The rain a deluge show r s ; The clouds were rent asunder ’ ’ By lightning s vivid po w r s ! The night both drear and dark ; Our poor deluded bark ! l Ti l next day,

There she lay, In the Bay of Biscay O !

’ da sh d Now, upon the billow, ’ Her Op ning timbers creak Each fears a wat ’ ry pillow ! None stop the dr eadful leak ! ’ To cling to slippr y shrouds E ach breathless seaman tries , she As lay,

Till the day, In the Bay of Biscay 0 !

’ At length the wish d-for morrow Broke through the hazy sky ; ’ Ab sor b d i w in s lent sorro , ’ Each heav d a bitter sigh ! The dismal wreck to view

Struck horror to the crew, she As lay,

On that day, In the Bay Of Biscay O !


’ of o er Should any thought her come your mind,

Think, only should the day be won , ’ H ow twill cheer Her heart to hear

That her own true sailor he was one.

. H D . R B . S ERI AN


’ I a m a hr i shand sprightly lad M I A a brisk and sprightly lad, m sea s ir But just co e home from , ,

Of all the lives I ever led, ’ fo A sailor s life r me sir .

Chor us .

Yeo , yeo, yeo, Whilst the boatswain pipes all hands

With yeo, yeo, yeo .

What girl but loves the merry tar, ’ o er m sir We the ocean roa , , m In every cli e we find a port ,

In every port a home, Sir .

&c . Yeo,

’ But when your country s foes are nigh , E sir ach hastens to his guns, ,

We make the boasting Frenchmen fly,

sir . And bang the haughty Dons,


’ r educ d Our foes , once more on shore, sir We spend our cash with glee, , ’ s And when all gone we crown our care,

to sea sir . And out again ,

&c . Yeo,


’ T he Fisher s Life

’ WHAT joy attends the fisher s life ! i ! Blow, w nds, blow The fisher and his faithful wife ! ! Row, boys , row He drives no plough on stubborn land His fields are ready to his hand ; No nipping frosts his orchards fear He has his autumn all the year !

The husbandman has rent to pay, ! Blow, winds, blow e s And se d to purcha e every d'ay, Row, boys, row

But he who farms the rolling deeps,

Though never sowing, always reaps ; ’ The ocean s fields are fair and free, There are no rent days on the sea ! SEA SONGS


’ We ll go to Sea n o more

OH blythely shines the bonnie sun U o p n the isle of May, And blythely comes the morning tide ’ Into St . Andrew s Bay.

- Then up, gude man , the breeze is fair, u w And p, my bra bairns three ; ’ There s gold in yonder bonnie boat That sails so well the sea !

’ s sun When life s la t goes feebly down ,

And death comes to our door, ’ dr us When all the world s a eam to , ’ We ll go to sea no more .

’ I ve seen the waves as blue as air, ’ I ve seen them green as grass ;

But I never feared their heaving yet,

F rom Grangemouth to the Bass . ’ sea as I ve seen the black as pitch , I ’ ve seen it white as snow its But I never feared foaming yet,

Though the winds blew high or low . i ’ l I never l ked the landsman s ife, The earth is aye the same ; d Give me the ocean for my ower,

My vessel for my hame .

Give me the fields that no man ploughs, The farm that pays no fee fi sh Give me the bonnie , that glance

So gladly through the sea . 36 . WE’ L L GO TO SEA NO MORE

In hkeith The sun is up, and round c The breezes softly blaw ; The gude -man has the lines aboard ’ ’ Awa , my bairns, awa . ’ ’ll An ye be back by gloaming grey, ’ An bright the fire will low, An ’ in your tales and songs we’ ll tell H ow r o weel the boat ye w.


A Cruising we will go H D BE OL upon the swelling seas, n s With streaming penda t gay,

Our gallant ship invites the waves,

While glory leads the way . c u o — oho And a r ising we will g , oho , oho, c we o — oho And a ruising will g , oho, oho, ,

o —o - oho And a cruising we will g , ,

And a cruising we will go . i Ye beauteous maids, your sm les bestow, F or ou if y prove unkind, How can we hope to beat the foe ?

We leave our hearts behind .

u &c . When a cr ising,

’ ’ dis la d See Hardy s flag once more p y , Upon the deck he stands ; ’ ’ Britannia s glory ne er can fade.

Or tarnish in his hands .

So &c . a cruising, 37 SEA SONGS

Be Britain to herself but true, ’ To France defian ce hur l d

. c Give pea e, America, with you,

. And war . with all the world c And a ruising,


Song and Ch orus of Sailors

OLD E ngland to thyself be true, Firm as this rock thy fame shall stand w E t The s ord that liot , Curtis drew, Be never wanted through the land our Join then this prayer, foes shall rue

Let England to herself be true .

Though foes on foes contending throng, r c And d eadful havo k threaten round,

Thy flaming bolts shall whirl along, Throughout the world thy thunder s sound Nought then on earth shall make us rue E Let ngland to herself be true .

What, though no grand alliance share E ach warlike, envied deed of thine ’ Tis doubly glorious thus to dare

Against the world in arms to shine .

Nought then shall make Britannia rue, B Let ritons to themselves be true. XXVII

Com come m o s ! e, a , y J lly l d C ! OME, come, my jolly lads ’ The wind s abaft Brisk gales our sails shall crowd ; C m o e, bustle, bustle, bustle, boys, Haul the boat ; The boatswain pipes aloud ; ’ ’ The ship s unmoor d ° All hands on board ; The rising gale Fills ev’ ry sail ’ ’ ’ The ship s well mann d and stor d .

Then sling the flowing bowl Fond hopes arise The girls we prize Shall bless each jovial soul

The can, boys, bring W ’ e ll drink and sing,

While foaming billows roll .

Tho’ to the Spanish coast ’ We re bound to steer ’ We ll still our rights mai ntain

Then bear a hand, be steady, Soon we’ ll see Old England once again From shore to shore

While cannons roar, 39 SEA SONGS Our tars shall show The haughty foe

Britannia rules the main .

T i &c . hen sling the flow ng bowl ,


’ All Hands up alof t

A LL Hands up aloft,

Swab the Coach fore and aft, F or the Punch Clubbers strait will be sitting F or r owl fear the Ship , off u Sling a f ll Bowl , For our Honour let all things be fitting In an Ocean of Punch all We to Night will sail , ’ ’ ’ th I Bowl we re in Sea Room , ’ Enough we ne er fear ; ’ to - Here s thee Mess mate, Tom Thanks honest , ’ a t Tis a He l h to the King, Whilst the Larboard Man drinks

Let the Starboard Man sing ,

With ull douhle Cu s f p , ’ We ll Li uor our Cha s q p , ’ And t w e ll tur n out hen ,

With a Who u Who Who p, , , ’ ’ B ut let s dr inh e er w e o g , ’ B ut let s dr inh e er w e g o.

un c u er s mem er s o f a unc u P h Cl bb ] b P h Cl b . to

SEA SONGS What News on the Deck ho ? It blows a meer Storm ;

She lies a try under her Mizen , ’ Why what tho she does, Will it do any Harm ? If a Bumper more does us all Reason fill’d The Bowl must be Boys,

In spight of the Weather, ’ Yea, yea, huzza, let s howl altogether ; ’ 5 e P eter Here to th e , J oe Thanks honest , About let it go ; In the Bowl still a Calm is ’ Where er the Winds blow .

XXIX Rule Britannia

’ c WHEN Britain first, at Heaven s ommand ,

Arose from out the azure main ,

This was the charter of the land, And guardian angels sung this strain ‘ R ! ! ule, Britannia Britannia rule the waves ’ Britons never will be slaves .

’ The nations not so b less d as thee Must in their turn to tyrants fall ;

While thou shalt flourish great and free,

The dread and envy of them all .

&c . Rule, Britannia ,

t so ute mee ] ab l . 42 RUL E B RITANNIA

Still more majestic shalt thou rise , More dreadful from each foreign stroke ; As the loud blast that tears the skies

Serves but to root thy native oak. &c Rule, Britannia, .

’ Thee haughty tyrants ne er shall tame ; All their attempts to bend thee down u Will but aro se thy generous flame,

And work their woe and thy renown .

i &c . Rule, Br tannia ,

To thee belongs the rural reign ; Thy cities shall with commerce shine ;

All thine shall be the subject main ,

And every shore it circles thine .

&c . Rule, Britannia,

The Muses, still with freedom found, Shall to thy happy coast repair ; ’ ’ Bless d ! cr own d isle with matchless beauty ,

And manly hearts to guard the fair . B 1itannia ! ! Rule, Britannia rule the waves Britons never shall be slaves ! H JAMES T OMSON . SEA SONGS


Hearts of Oa k

C ’ OME cheer up my lads, tis to glory we steer, To add something new to this wonderful year ; not ou To honour we call you, press y like slaves, F or who are so free as the sons o f the waves ?

of our of Hearts Oak are ships, Hearts Oak are our men ,

We always are ready, t Steady, boys, s eady, ’ ’ We ll fight and we ll conquer again and again .

’ We ne er meet our foes but we wish them to stay, ’ They ne er meet us b ut they wish us away ;

If they run, then we follow, and drive them ashore, ’ F or if they won t fight us, we cannot do more .

of &c . Hearts Oak,

T hur ot of Monsieur in the absence Boyce, Went over to Ireland to brag the dear boys ; E him Near Man , lliot met , and gave him a blow, n to Which se t him tell it to Pluto below .

o f &c . Hearts Oak,

to They talk invade us, these terrible foes, our our They frighten women , children , and beaux ; ’ n o er But, if their flat bottoms in dark ess come , ’ m o n Sure Britons they ll find to receive the shore . f o &c . Hearts Oak, HEARTS OF OAK

’ ’ to r un We ll make them , and we ll make them to sweat, ’ In spite of the Devil and Russel s Gazette ; i Then cheer up my lads, w th one heart let us sing ,

our in . Our soldiers, sailors, our statesmen , our k g

r &c . Hea ts of Oak,


XXXI T om B owling

HERE , a sheer hulk, lies poor Tom Bowling, The darling of our crew ; ’ No more he ll hear the tempest howling, h’d For death has b r oac him to .

His form was of the manliest beauty,

His heart was kind and soft,

Faithful , below, he did his duty ; ’ But now he s gone aloft .

Tom never from his word departed,

His virtues were so rare, H is - friends were many and true hearted, His Poll was kind and fair : ’ so And then he d Sing blithe and jolly, ’ Ah m s ! , any the time and oft to But mirth is turned melancholy,

For Tom is gone aloft .

Yet shall poor Tom find pleasant weather, all When He, who commands, ’ a Sh ll give, to call life s crew together,

The word to pipe all hands. SEA SONGS

Thus Death , who kings and tars despatches, ’ ’ has doff d In vain Tom s life , ’ F or s a , though his body under hatches, ha His soul s gone aloft .



B en Ba thstay

B EN T Y BACKS A was a boatswain , b o A very jolly y, No lad than he more merrily

C ould pipe all hands ahoy . And when unto his summons

We did not well attend, No lad than he more merrily dl ’ Could han e a rope s end . C Singing hip cho, cherry d his Fol de rid le ido . ( . )

one It chanced day our captain ,

A very jolly dog, Served out to all the company

A double share of grog .

Ben Backstay he got tipsy, ’ Unto his heart s content,

And being half seas over,

Why overboard he went . .

&c . Singing Chip cho, B EN BACKSTAY

A shark was on the larboard bow ’ a on Sh rks don t manners stand ,

But grapple all they come near,

Just like your sharks on land . out We heaved Ben some tackling, Of saving him in hopes ;

o ff . But the Shark he bit his head , u ’ So he co ldn t see the ropes .

&c . Singing Chip cho, Without his head his ghost appeared All on the briny lake :

He piped all hands aloft, and said ‘ Lads, warning by me take

By drinking grog I lost my life,

So, lest my fate you meet,

Why, never mix your liquors, lads, ' ’ But always drink them neat .

C &c . Singing hip cho,

XXXIII T he Na val Suhaltern

B EN BLOCK was a veteran of naval renown , And renown was his only reward ; F or h1s the Board still neglected merits to crown ,

As no interest he had with my Lord .

old old Yet brave as Benbow was sturdy Ben , ’ And he laughed at the cannon s loud roar ; ’ When the death-dealing broadsides made worm s meat of men And the scuppers were streaming with gore ! SEA SONGS

’ Nor could a s poor stipend provoke The staunch tar to despise scanty prog ; i ’ u But his biscu t he d crack, turn his q id, crack his joke,

And drown care in a jorum of grog .

t Thus year af er year, in a subaltern state, P e oor Ben for his King fought and bl d, ’ unr oof d t Till time had all his thatch from his pa e , And the hair from his temples had fled !

on sinci ut a When humbly saluting with p b re, The first Lord of Admiralty once : ‘ L u ’ Says his Lordship ie tenant, you ve lost all your

hair, ’ a Since I l st had a peep at your sconce .

’ ‘ ‘ t Why, my Lord, replied Ben , it wi h truth may

be said, i Wh le a bald pate I long have stood under, ’ a There have so many Captains w lk d over my head, ’ ’ That to see me quite scalpd were no wonder !


P oor ffa eh

Go patter to lubbers and swabs , do ye see, ’ Bout danger, and fear and the like ; - o - A tight water boat and go d sea room give me, ’ And it ent to a little I ll strike ; Though the tempest top -gallant masts smack smooth

should smite,

And Shiver each splinter of wood, 48


’ D ye mind me, a sailor should be every inch of All as one as a piece the ship, ff And with her brave the world without o ering to flinch, ’ m s - From the oment the anchor a trip . for As me, in all weathers, all times, sides, and ends , ’ s Nought a trouble from duty that springs, ’ ’ ’ m P m S For my heart is y oll s and y rhino my friend s, m ’ ’ And as for y life, tis the king s ’ E m m me so ven when my ti e co es, ne er believe soft

As for grief to be taken aback, F or the same little cherub that sits up aloft Will look out a good berth for poor Jack !



T om T ough

’ ’ ’ MY see s T om name, d ye , Tough , I ve seen a little sar vice , Where mighty billows roll and loud tempests blow ; ’ ’ ’ ’ sail d a sail d I ve with g llant Howe, I ve with noble

Jarvis, ’ ’ And in valiant Duncan s fleet I ve sung out YO heave ho ! m Yet ore ye Shall be knowing, I to was coxon Boscawen, And even with brave Hawke have I nobly faced the


Then put round the grog, ’ So our we ve that and prog, ’ C ’ ! We ll laugh in are s face, and Sing Yo, heave ho 50 TOM TOUGH

’ wei h d When from my love to part I first g anchor, ’ sniv lin And she was g seed on the beach below, ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ve cotch d sniv lin too I d like to my eyes g , d ye see, to thank her, m ! But I brought up y sorrows with a Yo, heave ho F or sailors , though they have their jokes,

And love and feel like other folks , Their duty to neglect must not come for to go ;

So I seized the capstan bar, u Like a tr e honest tar, Yo And, in spite of tears and sighs , sung out , heave ho ! But the worst on ’t was that time when the little ones

were sickly, ’ And if they d live or die the doctor did not know ; so so The word was given to weigh sudden and quickly,

I thought my heart would break as I sung Yo , heave ho ! ’ so For Poll s like her mother, for And as Jack, her brother, The boy when he grows up will nobly face

But in Providence I trust, see m For you what must be ust, So my sighs I gave the winds and sung heave ho !

n ow decentish And at last laid up in a condition , ’ ot m For I ve only lost an eye, and g a ti ber toe ; But old ships must expect in time to be out of com m ission , Nor th Yo again the anchor weigh wi , heave ho ! o ld So I smoke my pipe and sing songs , or a m F my boy Sh ll well revenge y wrongs , E 2 51 SEA SONGS

for to And my girl shall breed young sailors , nobly face the foe to Then country and king,

Fate can no danger bring, E out While the tars of Old ngland sing Yo, heave ho C D HARLES DI B IN.


f a t/é Robin son

T HE d of perils and the angers the voyage past, P m And the ship at orts outh arrived at last,

The sails all furled, and the anchor cast,

The happiest Of the crew was Jack Robinson . F or P his oll he had trinkets and gold galore, P Besides rize Money quite a store,

And along with the crew, he went ashore

C to R . As oxwain the boat, Jack obinson

‘ sa He met with a man , and said, I y, Perhaps you may know one Polly Gray ? ’ m man She lives so ewhere hereabout the said, Nay, ’ not to . I do , indeed, Jack Robinson ‘ So to him says Jack , I have left my ship, all m m me And my ess ates, they gave the slip, ’ Mayhap you ll partake o f a good c an of flip ? ’ ’ o r o f R n . F you re a good sort fellow, says Jack obinso

o In a public house, then , they b th sat down , o f m of And talked Ad irals high renown, m m to And drank as uch grog as ca e half a crown ,

This here strange man , and Jack Robinson . 52 JACK ROBINSON

’ call d Then Jack out the reckoning to pay,

The landlady came in , in fine array, ‘ ’ s ! My eyes and limbs, why here Polly Gray ’ ’ Who d have thought Of meeting here ! says Jack

Robinson .

The landlady staggered against the wall , ’ And said, at first, she didn t know him at all . ‘ ’ ‘ ’ Shiver me, says Jack, why here s a pretty Squall , ’ ’ 11 ou w ? ! D me, don t y kno me I m Jack Robinson ’ ’ Don t you remember this handkerchief you giv d me ! ’ a o Twas three years g , before I went to sea, E ’ very day I ve looked at it, and then I thought of thee, ’ Upon my soul , I have, says Jack Robinson .

‘ ’ s he . Says the Lady, says , I have changed my state ‘ ! ’ ’ ‘ ’ Why you don t mean , says Jack , that you ve got a mate ? she You know you promised Says , I could not

wait, of ou For no tidings could I gain y , Jack Robinson ;

And somebody, one day, came up to me and said,

That somebody else, had somewhere read ’

as how . In some newspaper, you were dead ‘ ’ ’ I ve not been dead at all , says Jack Robinson .

’ ’ u fi nish d Then he tur d his quid, and his glass, ’ ‘ Hitch d ! ! up his trousers, Alas alas That ever I Should live to be made such an ass ! ’ To be bilked by a woman , says Jack Robinson . ‘ ’ 5 But to fret and to stew about it all in vain , ’ d I ll get a ship and go to Hollan , France and Spain ’ ’ t P No mat er where, to ortsmouth I ll ne er come again ,

o ff sa . And he was before you could y, Jack Robinson 53 SEA SONGS


f ath the Guinea -Pig

’ ’ H S d s d W EN the anchor weigh and the ship unmoore , sir And the landsmen lag behind, ,

The sailor joyful Skips on board, Sil“ And , swearing , prays for a wind,

Towing here, Yehoin g there,

Steadily, readily, C l heeri y, merrily,

Still from care and thinking free, ’ Is a sailor s life, at sea .

’ When we sail with a fr esh ning breeze all And landsmen grow sick, sir, 10115 The sailor , with his mind at ease,

And the song and the can go quick,

Laughing here, ffi Qua ng there,

&c . Steadily, When the wind at night whistles o’er m And sings to lands en dreary, to The sailor fearless goes sleep, Or takes his watch most chear y °

Boozing here,

Snoozing there,

&c . Steadily, When the Sky grows black and the wind blows hard ul sir And landsmen sk k below, , 54 JAC K T H E GUINEA -PI G

the - Jack mounts up to top sail yard, n as sir And tur s his quid he goes,

Hawling here,

Bawling there,

&c . Steadily,

When the foaming waves run mountains high, ‘ ’ ’ s And landsmen cry All gone , Sir, ’ s k The sailor hangs twixt sea and y , sir ! And he jokes with Davy Jones,

Dashing here, C lashing there.

& c . Steadily,

’ see e When the ship, d ye , b comes a wreck sir And landsmen hoist the boat, ,

The sailor scorns to quit the deck, ’ s While a Single plank afloat, Sir Sweaii n g here,

Tearing there,

&c . Steadily,


T e Mariners of England

YE of E Mariners ngland, That guard o ur native seas ! Whose flag has braved a thousand years The battle and the breeze ! Your glorious standard launch again T0 match another foe ;

And sweep through the deep, While the stormy winds do blow ! 55 SEA SONGS

While the battle rages loud and long,

And the stormy winds do blow .

The spirits of your fathers Shall start from every wave F or the deck it was their field of fame, And Ocean was their grave : Where Blake and mighty Nelson fell l Your manly hearts shal glow,

As ye sweep through the deep, While the stormy winds do blow !

While the battle rages loud and long,

And the stormy winds do blow.

Britannia needs no bulwarks, NO towers along the steep ; ’ - Her march is o er the mountain waves,

Her home is on the deep . With thunders from her native oak

She quells the floods below, A s they roar on the shore, When the Stormy winds do blow !

When the battle rages loud and long ,

And the stormy winds do blow .

The meteor flag of England Shall yet terrific burn ; ’ Till danger s troubled night depart

And the star of peace return . - ! Then , then , ye ocean warriors Our song and feast shall flow

To the fame of your name, When the storm has ceased to blow ! 56


Sir P atrick Spens

T HE king sits in Dumfermline town Drinking the blude -red wine ; O whare will I get a skeely Skipper ’ ’ T o sail this new ship 0 mine ? 0 up and spak an eldern knight, ’ Sat at the king s right knee ; ‘ Sir Patrick Spens is the best sailor ’ ’ sail d sea That ever the .

w Our king has ritten a braid letter, ’ seal d And it with his hand, And sent it to Sir Patrick Spens W as a on w lking the strand .

Nor owa Nor owa To y, to y, ’ To Nor oway o er the faem ; ’ ’ 0 Nor owa The king s daughter y, ’ ’ t Tis hou must bring her hame . The first word that Sir Patrick read ’ lau h d So loud , loud g he ; The neist word that Sir Patrick read ’ The tear blinded his e e.

O wha is this has done this deed ’ 0 And tauld the king me, ’ T o 0 send us out, at this time year, To sail upon the sea ?

ee s fu sk ly] kil l . SI R PATRICK SPENS

‘ Be it wind, be it weet, be it hail , Our Ship must sail the faem ; ’ ’ d 0 Nor owa The king s aughter y, ’ ’ Tis we must fetch her hame .

ho sed Monenda They y their sails on y morn , ’ ’ Wi a the speed they may ; They hae landed in Nor oway W de da Upon a o ns y .

‘ Mak ready, mak ready, my merry men a ’ Our gude ship sails the morn . ‘ Now ever alack, my master dear,

I fear a deadly storm .

‘ saw I the new moon late yestreen , ’ Wi the auld moon in her arm ; sea And if we gang to , master, ’ ’ 1 a fear we ll come to h rm .

’ sail d They hadna a league, a league,

A league but barely three,

When the lift grew dark, and the wind blew loud

And gurly grew the sea .

The ankers brak, and the topmast lap, It was sic a deadly storm And the waves cam owre the broken ship ’ Till a her sides were torn .

‘ ’ GO 0 fetch a web the silken claith, ’ 0 Another the twine, m ’ And wap the into our ship s side, ’ And let nae the sea come in .

ft sk la s r an li ) y . p] p g. SEA SONGS

’ 0 k l They fetched a web the sil en c aith , ’ 0 Another the twine, ’ ’ And they wappd them round that gude ship s side ea But still the s came in .

O laith , laith were our gude Scots lords ’ To wet their cork-heel d shoon ; ’ ’ But lang or a the play was play d

They wat their hats aboon . And mony was the feather bed ’ That fl atter d on the faem ; ’ And mony was the gude lord s son

That never mair cam hame .

O lang, lang may the ladies Sit, Wi’ their fans into their hand, Before they see Sir Patrick Spens C ome sailing to the strand !

ma sit And lang, lang y the maidens Wi’ h t eir gowd kames in their hair, A -waiting for their ain dear loves ! F ’ or them they ll see nae mair .

- - Half owre, half owre to Aberdour ’ Tis fifty fathoms deep ; P And there lies gude Sir atrick Spens, Wi’ the Scots lords at his feet !

’ fl atter d to ssed afloat ames com s ] . k ] b . T H E SAYLO R ’ S ONL Y D ELIGHT


’ T he Say lor s only Delight Shew the brave Fight betw een the George h Sw e osta he c i t e q , and erta n Frenchmen at Sea

T HE Geor e-Aloe Sw ee sta he too g , and the p , , for n o with hey, with hoe, and a nony , 0 o S i e , they were Marchant men , and b und for af , o and alongst the cost f Barbary .

Geor e-Aloe to The g Anchor came,

& c . with hey, Sw ee sta he And the jolly p kept on her way,

& c . and alongst,

They had not sailed leagues two or three & c with hey, .

But they met with a Frenchman of war upon the Sea,

&c . and alongst,

ou All hayl , all hayl , y lusty Gallants

&c . with hey, ? Of whence is your fair Ship, whether are you bound

& c . and alongst,

E m for Sa ze We are nglish en , and bound fl ,

& c . with hey, ou Of whence is your fair Ship, or whether are y bound

& c . and alongst, E Amain , amain , you gallant nglishman ,

&c . with hey, C F s ome, you rench Swads, and strike down your sail , &c and alongst, .. SEA SONGS

ab oor d - They laid us on the Star boord side,

& c . with hey, And they overthrew us into the Sea so wide

& c . and alongst,

Geor e-Aloe When tidings to the g came, & c with hey, .

Sw ee sta he That the jolly p by a Frenchman was tane,

& c . and alongst,

to T o - b o To p, top, thou little Ship y,

&c . with hey, of And see if this Frenchman war thou canst descry , & c and alongst, .

] 3 ] A Say , Say , under our L ee,

& c . with hey,

Yea, and another under her obey,

&c . and alongst,

- Weigh anchor, Weigh anchor, O jolly Boat swain

& c . with hey, F r enchma n We will take this , if we can ,

&c . and alongst,

We had not sayled leagues two or three

& c . with hey, of But we met the Frenchman war upon the Sea,

&c . and alongst,

G All hayl , All hayl , you lusty allants,

i &c . w th hey,

Of whence is your faire Ship, and whether is it bound ?

&c . and alongst, T H E SAYL O R ’ S ONLY D EL IGHT

0 - for St l e , we are Merchant men and bound y ,

& c . with hey,

- I , and we are French men , and war upon the Sea,

&c . and alongst,

E Amain , Amain, you nglish Dogs,

&c . with hey, C ab oo r d ome , you French rogues, and strike down sa ls your y , & c and alongst, .

Geor e-Aloe The first good shot that the g shot,

&c . with hey, ’ He made the Frenchmen s hearts sore afraid,

&c . and alongst,

Geor e-Aloe ff The second shot the g did a ord,

& c . with hey, - o He strook their Main mast over the b ard,

&c . and alongst,

E Have mercy, have mercy, you brave nglish men,

& c . with hey, 0 h what have you done with our Bret ren on shore, as they sayled into Barbarie ?

ab oor d - We laid them on the Star boord side,

h & c . wit hey, t m so And we threw he into the Sea wide,

&c . and alongst,

Such mercy as you have shewed unto them &c with hey, . E c a aine ven the like mer y Shall you have g ,

&c . and alongst, SEA SONGS

m ab oor d on Lar dboor d We laid the the side,

t & c . wi h hey, so And we threw them into the Sea wide,

& c . and alongst,

our Lord, how it grieves hearts full Sore, & c with hey, . T o see the dr owned Frenchmen swim along the shore

&c . and alongst,

Now gallant Seamen all , adieu

&c . with hey, to This is the last news that I can write you, ’ E ar to ngland s C oast from Barb ie .

XL II Andrew Barton

A tr ue Relation of the Life and D eath of Si r A w B o P i r a te ndre art n, a and R over on the Seas

‘ ’ To the tune C w . of, ome, follo me, Love

WHEN Flor a with her fragrant flowers so m bedeckt the earth tri and gay,

Ne tune And p with his dainty showers, came to present the month of May

H r l King en y wou d a progresse ride, Tha mes over the River past he, ountaines to Unto a M p also, see did walke some pleasure for to . 64


How a r d G Lord cald a unner then , of Realme who was the best all the , ear es His age was threescore y and ten , P eter Simon m one was his na e . t - My Lord cald hen a Bow man rare, a m whose active h nds had gained fa e, A Gentleman borne in T or heshir e

Willia m Hor s and ly was his name .

Hor s sea ly, quoth he, I must to , seeke T r a tor to a y with great speed , b ow - Of an hundred men brave, quoth he, I have chosen thee to be my head me If you , my Lord , have chosen , men to of an hundred be the head,

Upon maine Mast Ile hanged be ,

if twelve score I misse one shilling breadth .

How a r d Lord then of courage bold, to sea cheer e went the with pleasant , ’ cur b d Not with winters piercing cold, r e though it was the stormy time of the yea . o n Not long had he beene the seas, m m no ore then dayes in nu ber three,

Hen r Hun t Till one y he then espied,

- a Merchant o f New ca stle was he .

How a r d To him Lord cald out amaine, him to and strictly charged stand,

Demanding then from whence he came,

and where he did intend to land . The Merchant then made answer soone with heavy heart and careful] minde m My Lord, y ship it doth belong ew - tl u Tine unto N Ca s e pon . 66 AND REW BARTON

C anst thou me shew, the Lord did say,

as thou didst sayle by day and night, on A Scottish Rover who lyes Sea, d a r ton his name is Sir An r ew B knight . ’ si h d Then to him the Merchant said , and g d with a grieve mind and a wellaway, l But over we l I know that wight, for I was his prisoner but yesterday .

F r a nce As I , my Lord, did passe from

B a r dea ux so a voyage to take far, An dr ew B a r ton I met Sir thence, ’ who r ob d me of my Merchants ware God o we And mickle debts ( knowes) I , owne and every man did crave his ,

to L ondon And I am bound now,

o f our gracious King to beg a boone .


To the same tune .

How a r d Shew me him, said Lord then ,

let me but once that villaine see, e And for one penny he hath from thee tan , the m Ile double sa e with Shillings three . God Now ( forbid) my Lord, quoth he, m I feare your ay e that you will misse, God m blesse you fro his tyranny,

for you little know what man he is . He is brasse within and Steele without his ship most huge and very strong ei hteene With g pieces strong and stout , he car ieth on each Side along : F 2 67 SEA SONGS

T o - With beames from her p castle,

as also being huge and high , E P ] That neither nglish nor ortugal ,

An dr ew B a r ton can Sir passe by . m Hard news thou Shewest, then saith y Lord, to welcome Strangers to the Sea, him ab oor d But as I said Ile bring , o r into Scotland he shall carry me ou so The Merchant said, if y will do , ] withall take counsel then I pray , no man to Let his topcastle goe,

n or strive to let his beames downe fall . Lend me seven pieces of Ordinance then of m either side y ship, quoth he, m m sixe And to orrow y Lord twixt and seven, again e I will your honour see

A glasse Ile set that may be seene, whether you saile by day or night And to morrow surely before seven e you shal se Sir An dr ew B a r ton knight .

set m The Merchant y Lord a glasse, so a ar ant to well pp his sight, s Then on the morrow, as his promi e was, n he saw Sir Andr ew B a r to knight .

The Lord then swore a mighty oath , n ow of m by the heavens that be ight ,

By faith believe me and by truth , thin I ke he is a worthy weight .

Fetch me my Lyon out of hand, d saith the Lor , with Rose and Streamers hye,

t weight] wigh . 68 ANDR EW BARTON

u ] l Set p withal a Wi low wand, ma that Merchant like I y passe by . How a r d Thus bravely Lord past, on so and did Anchor ride high , No top-sale downe at all b e cast foe did d fi but as his him e e. A piece of Ordinance soone was shot by the proud Pirate fiercely then

How a r ds dl Into Lord mid e Deck, ] which cruel shot killed fourteen men . He called then P eter Simon he looke now thy word do stand in stead, F or on thou shalt be hanged maine Mast,

if thou misse twelve score one penny bred .

P eter Simon Then gave a shot, An dr ew which did Sir mickle scarre, so hot In at his Decke it came , kill’d fifty of his men of war.

Alas, then said the Pirate stout, see I am in danger now I , This is some Lord I greatly doubt ’ that s now set on to conquer me .

Hen r Hun t hot Then y with rigor , on came bravely his other side, Who likewise shot in at his decke

and kild five of his men beside . ’ out Andr ew cr i d Then alas, Sir , man n ow thinke sa what may a or y, theefe Yon Merchant that pierceth me,

he was my prisoner but yesterday .

’ n r a t o n e pen ny br ed] by a pe ny s b e d h . SEA SONGS

Then did he on one Gor dia n call u - for oe nto Top castle to g ,

And bid his beames he should let fall ,

for I greatly feare an overthrow.

H or sl The Lord cald y then in hast, looke that thy word stand now in stead,

For thou shalt be hanged on maine Mast, m if thou isse twelve score a finger bred .

Then up Mast tree then swarmed b e

m Gor dia n this stout and ighty , But Hor sly he most happily shot him under the collor bone of Then called he his Nephew then, n o moe saith , sisters sonnes I have ,

Three hundred pounds Ile give to thee, T o oe if thou wilt to p castle g .

to climb e Then stoutly he began , scor n d to and from the Mast depart,

Her s / But y soone prevented him , i ’d and deadly per c him to the heart . men slaine His being then up amaine, did this stout Pirat Climb e with speed F or of r oofe armour p he had put on ,

and did not dint of Arro w dread .

H or s Come hither ly, then said the Lord, see that thy arrow ayme aright : Great meanes to thee I will afford

and if thou speed Ile make thee knight .

Andr ew Climb e Sir he did up the tree,

with right good will , and all his maine, b it Hor s Then upon the brest ly he,

till the arrow did r etur ne againe . ’

te fi n er r ed fi n er s r eadt . 70 h ast] h as . g b ] g b h AND REW BARTON

Hor s r ivie c Then ly spied a p pla e, a with a perfect eye in a secret p rt, t His arrow swif ly flew apace, sir Andr ew and smote to the heart, F m all ight on , fight on y merry men , slaine a little I am hurt yet not ,

Ile but lie downe and bleed a while, a aine and come and fight with you g .

do n ot E And , saith he , feare nglish Rogues of and your Foes stand in no awe,

. An dr ew es But stand fast by S crosse, ] ou until y heare my whistle blow .

They never heard his whistle blow, which made them all full sore afraid Hor s Then ly said, my Lord, aboard,

An dr ew B a r ton s for now Sir dead . h Then hoorded they t at gallant Ship, ] with a right good wil and a their maine, Ei hteenescor e g Scots alive in it, la besides as many moe were s ine.

sir Andr ew The Lord went where lay, and quickly then cut Off his head for swear e E I would ngland many a day,

if thou wert alive as thou art dead .

How a r d Thus from the wars Lord came,

with mickle joy, and triumphing, Pir ats The head he brought along, for to present unto the King did sa Who briefly then to him y,

before he knew well what was done,

Where is the knight and Pirate gay, do e that I my selfe may be his om . 7 ! SEA SONGS

You thanke God may , then said the Lord

and foure men in this ship with me,

That we are safely come to shore,

sith you never had such an enemy, ’ Henr Hunt P eter Simon That s y and , ’ ll/ illia m Hor s ly and P eter s sonne

Therefore reward them for their paine,

for they did service at their turne . i To the Merchant then the K ng did say,

in liew of what he had from thee taine, to I give thee a Noble a day, sir Andr ew es whistle and his Chaine, T o P eter Simon C r owne a a day, ’ C r owne P eter s and half a a day to son , was so And that for a shot gay,

which bravely brought sir Andr ew down .

Hor s ly I will make thee a knight, and in Yor keshir e there shalt thou dwell How a r d E Lord shal arle of Bury hight,

for his title he hath deserved well, l to E Seven shi lings our nglish men , to who this fight did stoutly stand , 1 2 And pence a day to the Scots, till they h come to my brother King is Land .

XL III Henry Martin

IN Scotland there lived three brothers Of late In Scotland there lived brothers three ;

Now, the youngest cast lots with the other two,

Which should go rob on the salt sea . 72

SEA SONGS XL IV Sir Walter Raleigh Sailing in the Low- lands

SI R T I WAL ER RALE GH has built a Ship, Neather lands in the , Sir Wa lter R aleigh has built a Ship Neather lands in the , Sw eet Tr in it And it is called the y , the C And was taken by false allaly,

- sailing in the Low lands . Is there never a Seaman bold In the Neather lands ? Is there never a Seaman bold in the Neather lands ? Gallal That will go take this false y ,

Sw eet Tr init And to redeem the y , sailing in the Low-lands ? Then spoke the little Ship-b oy Neather lands in the , Then spoke the little Ship-b oy Neather lands in the , m ou ? Master, aster, what will y give me i C And I w ll take this false allaly,

Sw eet Tr init And release the y ,

- sailing in the Low lands .

’ ’ I le give thee gold, and I le give thee fee, Neather lands in the , ’ ’ I le give thee gold, and I le give thee fee, Neather lan ds in the , m w And y eldest daughter thy ife shall be, a Lo w- s iling in the lands . 74 SIR WALTER RAL EIGH

set He his breast, and away he did swim, Neather lands in the , did He set his breast, and away he swim Neather lands in the , to C Until he came the false allaly,

- sailing in the Low lands .

n He had an A gor fit for the (n) once, Neather lands in the , He had an Angor fit for the (n) once in the Neather lands ; The which will bore

Fifteen good holes at once,

- sailing in the L ow lands .

Some were at Cards , and some at Dice Neather lands in the , C Some were at ards, and some at Dice, in the Neather lands ; ’ flash d Until the salt water in their eyes,

- sailing in the Low lands .

Some cut their hats and some cut their caps , Neather lands in the ,

Some cut their hats and some their caps, in the Neather lands ;

to - For stop the salt water gaps,

- sailing in the Low lands .

set He his breast and away did swim , Neather lan ds in the , set He his breast and away did swim , in the Neather lands ; m Until he ca e to his own Ship again,

- sailing in the Low lands . SEA SONGS

’ I have done the work I have pr omis d to do Neather lands in the , ’ I have done the work I have pr omis d to do in the Neather lands ; C al For I have sunk the false all y, Sw eet Tr init And released the y ,

- sailing in the Low lands .

’ ’ You r omis d r omis d p me gold, and you p me fee, Neather lan ds in the , ’ ’ r omis d and r omis d You p me gold , you p me fee, in the Neather lands ; she Your eldest daughter my wife must be, - sailing in the Low lands .

You l ou shal have gold, and y shall have fee, Neather lands in the , You ou shall have gold, and y shall have fee in the Neather lands ; But my eldest daughter your wife Shall never be

- for sailing in the Low lands .

e ou ou z Th n fare y well , y co ening Lord, Neather lands in the , ou d Then fare y well , you cozening Lor , in the Neather lands ; n ot so Seeing you are good as your word,

- for sailing in the Low lands . m And thus I shall conclude y Song, of - the sailing in the Low lands, m And thus I shall conclude y Song, Of the sailing in the Low-lands :

Wishing all happiness to all Seamen , both Old

and young,

- in their sailing in the Low lands . 76


The b oy he swam round all by the starboard Side ; ’ They laid him on the deck, and it s there he soon died : ’ him old Then they sewed up in an cow s hide, A nd they threw him overboard to go down with the

tide, him o And they sunk in the Low Lands L w.

XLVI T he Fame of Sir Francis Drake

’ SI R DRAKE , whom well the world s end knew , m Which thou did co passe round, sa w And whom both poles of heaven once ,

Which north and south do bound .

The starres above would make thee known , If men here silent were ; The sun himselfe cannot forget

- His fellow traveller.

XLVII T he Triumph of Sir Fra n cis Dra ke

Steer sma n . ALOOF ! and aloof ! and steady I steer ! ’ to our Tis a boat wish ,

And she slides like a fish, ’ l stem d ou r ow When cheeri y , and when y She n ow has her trimme ! her m Away let swi , 78 TRIUMPH OF SI R FRANCIS D RAK E

Mackr els are swift in the shine o f the moon

And herrings in gales when they wind us, timein our so m But, g oars, s oothly we run

That we leave them in shoals behind us .

Chor us . Then cry one and all ! f Amain ! or Whitehall . ’ r ummid e hould The Diegos wee l board to g their , And drawing our steel they must draw out their

gold .

Steer sma n .

’ s Our master and mate with bacon and pease, In cabins keep aboard ; Each as warm as a lord -in No queen , lying , lies more at her ease . Whilst we lie in wait F or reals of eight, for And some gold quoits, which fortune must send how But, alas, their ears will tingle, d When finding, though still like Hectors we spen , Yet still all our pockets shall jingle !

one ! & c . Chor us . Then cry and all

Steer sma n .

Oh how the purser Shortly will wonder, When he sums in his book

All the wealth we have took, And finds that wee’] give him none of the He means to abate The tyth for the state ; SEA SONGS

’ Then for our owners some part he l discount But his fingers are pitcht together ;

Where so much will stick , that little will mount of When he reckons the shares either .

Chor us one ! & c . Then cry and all .

Steer s ma n .

our At sight of gold the boatswain will bristle, But not finding his part r He will b eak his proud heart, ’ ’ im th C And hang h self strait i hain Of his whistle . Abaft and afore ! Make way to the shore ! m Softly as fishes which slip through the strea , n That we may catch their se tries napping . P t oor little Diegos, hey now little dream of Of us brave warriors Wapping .

Chor us one ! . Then cry and all


XLVIII T he Spanish Armada

M mer cilesse FRO invaders, m ’ From wicked en s device, 0 God ! arise and helpe us,

To quele owre enemies .

n dee e Si ke p their potent navies, b r eake Their strength and corage , God ! ar m O arise and us,

For Jesus Christ, his sake .


King Philip made him Admiral And bad him n ot to stay a ; to But destroy both Man and Boy, so to And come away a .

The Queen was then at Tilbury, What could we more desire a ; for Sir Francis Drake, Her sweet sake ’ set on Did em all Fire a .

Away they ran by Sea and Land , So that One Man slew Three-score a ;

And had not they run all away,

0 i m . my Soul , we had k lled ore a

Then let them neither brag nor boast, F or if they come again a , not Let them take heed they do speed,

As they did they knew when a .

T he Spanish Armada

I and N May fifteen hundred eighty and eight, P E ’ Cries hilip, the nglish I ll humble ; ’ ’ I ve taken it into my Majesty s pate,

oh ! a . And their lion , down he sh ll tumble ea — They lords of the s then his sceptre he shook, ’ I ll prove it an arrant bravado . ’ ’ ! all By Neptune I ll sweep em into a nook, ’ With th invincible Spanish Armada !


’ sail d did This fleet then out, and the winds they

blow, Their guns made a terrible clatter ; ’ ‘ Our noble Queen Bess, cause she wanted to know, uill’d f ‘ P ’ Q her ru f and cried, ray what s the matter ? ’ ’ sa They y, my good Queen, replied Howard so

stout, ‘ The Spaniard has drawn his toledo ’ l m Cock sure that he l thu p us, and kick us about, ’ ’ th With invincible Spanish Armada .

n The Lord Mayor of Londo , a very wise man , ’ What to do in this case vastly won der d ; ’ Says the Queen , Send in fifty good Ships if you can . ‘ ’ ’ ’ r . Says my Lord, Ma am , I ll send in a hund ed fir e- Our ships they soon Struck their cannons all dumb,

F or the Dons run to ave and credo .

Great Medina roars out, Sure the devil is come ’ ’ F or th invincible Spanish Armada .

’ Eflin ham s On g squadron though all in a breast, - m Like open mouth curs, they ca e bowling - not His sugar plums finding they could digest,

Away home they ran yelping and howling . ’ ’ v Whene er Britain s foes shall, with en y agog, In our Channel make such a bravado ! ’ Huzza, my brave boys we re still able to flog An invincible Spanish Armada !

! &c . Huzza, my brave boys ’ JOHN O KEEFE . SEA SONGS


’ S i em Eli a heth s Cham on k/ a pi ’ or Great Britain s Glory

B eing a Victory obtained hy/ they/ oung E arl ’ o E ss x o h old E o o Ger ma n f e ver t e mper r f y , b i h Sea i which h tooh y a F g t at , n e ’ h E r o s Son hr ou ht t e mpe r , and g him a P risoner to S’Q een E liz abeth C OME sound up your Trumpets and beat up your Drums And let ’ s go to Sea with a valiant good C heer

In search of a mighty vast Navy of Ships,

The like has not been for these fifty long Years .

R ader er tw o ta nda r o te , ,

de er n dor er r a n do r e. R a r ta ,

she of The Queen provided a Navy Ships, see With sweet flying Streamers so glorious to , T o - Ga C Rich p and Top llants, aptains and ,

- Some forty, some fifty Brass Pieces and three .

Ruder er tw o & c . ,

’ sail d They had not past a Week on the Seas, e Not passing a We k and Days two or three, E But they were aware of the proud mperor,

Both him and all his proud Company .

Ruder er tw o, & c .


With Cannons hot, and thundering Shot, on These two Gallants fought the Main , ’ And as it was young E ssex s Lot ’ ’ E Son The mperor s by him was ta en .

R ader er tw o . , & c

’ Son E cr d Give me my the mperor y ,

Who you this Day have taken from me, ’ And I ll give to (you) the three Keys of Gold one Hi h er m n The shall be of g G a y .

H d r e t a e r w o & c . ,

I care not for thy three Keys of Gold ’ r offer d Which thou hast p to set him free, E n la nd But thy Son he shall to g sail , o And g 'before the Queen with me . R a er e t o & a r w , c .

Then have I fifty good Ships of the best, A s good as ever were sent to the Sea ’ m E n la nd And e er y Son into g sail ,

They shall go all for good Company .

R a der er tw o & c . ,

m They had not fought this fa ous Battle, had They not fought it Hours three,

But some lost Legs , and some lost Arms, m And some lay tu bling in the Sea . '

R a aer er tw o & c . ,

E ssex ot k he g this Battle li ewise, ’ ’ Tho twas the botest that ever was seen , ’ m r etur n d P Ho e he with a wonderful rize, ’ And brought the Emperor s Son to the Queen .

e r w R a d r e t o, & c . QU EEN EL I! AB ETH ’ S CHAMPION

0 all then bespoke the Prentices , London Living in both proper and tall , In a kind Letter sent straight to the Queen ; ’ x s For E sse Sake they would fight all .

R a der er tw o ta nder o te ' , . Ra uer er ta nda r er ta n do r e. , ,


T he Famous Fight at Malago

’ Or T he En lishmen s V c o o , g i t ry ver the

i how i E ish a ts v R F r i iz . elat ng F ve ngl g , Th H en i Rub A o G e - hou e y , ] , ntelpe, ry nd, a n al B ur h 60/171t Shi s ry an, b nt all t e 1 p in their Harbour at Malago batter ed ow h i Chur ch s h i Hous s d n t e r e , and t e r e ’ ou h i s hi el u c o h i ab t t e r ear , ll ab ndan e f t e r ’ Men ob ta in ea Ho ou , and an n rable

E Where ever nglish Seamen goes ,

They are a Terror to their foes .

‘ tune o F a of Fr i ats f ; ive S il g bound ’ & c . Malago, COME all you brave Sailors

that sails on the Main, ’ I ll tell you of 21 Fight that was lately in Spa in ; SEA SONGS

And of five Sail of F r igats u Ma la o bo nd to g ,

F or S a nia r ds to fight the proud p , our Orders was so

was Henr R ub There the y and y , An telo e and the p also, Gr e - hound B r a n The y and the y , F - for ire ships must go, But so bravely we weighed l and p ayed our parts , That we made the Proud Spa niar ds

to quake in their hearts . Then we came to an anchor

so nigh to the Mould, Methinks you proud Enghs h do grow very bold ; But we came to an Anchor so to near the Town , That some” of their Churches

we soon battered down .

of They hung out their Flag Truce, our for to know Intent,

- And they sent out their Long boat, to know what we meant ; But our Captain he answered

them bravely, it was so,

For to burn all your Shipping,

before we do go . For to burn all our Shipping

you must us excuse, ’ Tis not five Sail of F r igats shall make us to muse ; 88


The rest being amazed ,

for succour did cry, all But was in vain ,

they had no where to flye .

At length being forced,

they thought it most fit, Unto the brave E nglish Men for to submit ; And so a conclusion m at last we did ake, Upon such conditions

as was fit to take .

The Spa nish Armado E n la n d m did g no har , ’Twas but a Bravado to give us alarm ; F r i ats But with our five g , did b umb ast we them , ’ And made them of E nglish Men s

valour to taste .

When this noble Victory

we did obtain , Then home we returned to E ngla nd again ; Where we were received

with Welcomes of Joy, Because with five F r igats

we did them destroy .

b a om ar umb st] b b d . A Fam ous Sea Figh t between Captain Wa r d and the Rainbow

STRIKE up you lusty gallants

with musick and sound of drum , F or we have descr yed a Rover upon the Sea is come ; C ai Wa r d His name is apt n ,

right well it doth appear, There has not been such a Rover found out this thousand year

F or he hath sent unto the King, of Ja n ua the sixth ry, Desiring that he might come in with all his company ; And if your King will let me come

till I my tale have told, I will bestow for my ransome u of f ll thirty tun gold .

0 nay, O nay, then said our King, 0 ma not nay, this y be, to To yield such a Rover, myself will not agree ; ’ deceiv d F r ench He hath the man ,

o f S a in likewise the King p , how And can he be true to me, that has been false to twain ? 9 ! SEA SONGS With that our King provided

a ship of worthy fame, R a inbow she is called, if you would know her name ; Now the gallant R a inbow she rows upon the Sea, Five hundred gallant Seamen a to be r her company .

Dutch S a niar d The man and the p , for she made them to flye,

F r ench Also the bonny man,

as she met him on the Sea . When as this gallant R a inbow did come where Wa r d did lye ; Where is the C aptain of this ship ? l R a inbow this ga lant did cry .

0 Wa r d that am I , says Captain , ’ there s no man bids me lye ; ’ And if thou art the King s fair ship,

thou art welcome unto me . ’ R a inbow I ll tell thee what, says , our King is in great grief,

That thou shouldst lye upon the Sea , the and play arrant thief, And will not let our merchants ships pass as they did before ; our Such tydings to King is come,

which grieves his heart full sore . With that this gallant R a inbow of she shot out her pride,

Full fifty gallant brass pieces,

charged on every side . 9 2


C i or d The first was Lord lfl , Earl of Cumber la nd ;

M on a o The second was Lord t/ y , as you shall understand ; The third was brave E ssex from field would never flee

Which would have gone unto the Seas, W r d and brought proud a to me .

T he m s so Ca W Sea an ng of ptain ard,

thef am ous ? j r a te of the w orld and an E nglish man born

‘ ’ ’ is Bulloi n . The tune , The King s going to g GALLANTS you must understand C a Wa r d E n la nd apt in of g , P r ate on A y and a Rover the Sea , Of late a simple Fisherman m F ever sham In the erry town of , grows famous in the world now every

From the Bay of P limouth

Sailed he toward the south , with many more of courage and of might C hristian Princes have but few

Such Seamen , if that he were true,

and would but for his King and Country fight . 94 T H E S EAMAN ’ S SONG

adventr ousl Lusty Ward y, In the Straits o f B a r ba ry

Tur ish G did make the h allies sore to shake, Bouncing Canons fiery hot

T ur hs one ot Spared not the j ,

but of their lives great slaughter he did make .

I lander s o f Ma lta The , With Argosies upon the Sea most proudly braved Wa r d unto his face was But soon their pride overthrown , r own And their treasu es made his , to and all their men brought a woful case .

The wealthy ships of Venice A dor ded him great riches, both gold and silver won he with his Stately Spa in and P or tug a l

Against him dare not bear up sail , l but gave him al the title of a Lord .

Goldenseated Ca ndie ,

F r a nce I ta Famous and ly, C o f E with all the ountries the astern parts,

If once their ships his pride withstood, ’ cloth d They surely all were in blood, l ’ Such cruelty was p ac d within their hearts . The riches he hath gained And by blood -shed obtained ma f m y well su fice for to aintain a King,

His fellows all are valiant wights, to P Fit be made rinces Knights,

but that their lives do base dishonour bring . 95 SEA SONGS

r This wicked gotten treasu e,

Doth him but little pleasure,

the land consumes what they have got by sea . dr unkennesse letcher In and y, Sodom Filthy sins of y , these evil gotten goods do wast away

theevin Such as live by g, m o Have seldom ti es g od ending,

C Wa r d as by the deeds of aptain is shown ,

Being drunk among his drabs, t His nearest friends he some imes stabs,

such wickednes se within his heart is grown . When stormy tempest riseth

The causer he despiseth , still denies to pray on to the Lord God He feareth neither nor the Divel,

His deeds are bad, his thoughts are evil , his only trust is still upon his sword

own C ountr e Men of his y, t He s ill abused vilely,

some back to back are cast into the waves, a Some are hewn in pieces sm ll, a Some are shot ag inst a wall,

a slender number of their lives he saves .

Of truth it is reported,

That he is strongly guarded, by Tur hs that are not of a good

Wit and reason tells them , C ountr e - He trusteth not his y men , but shews the right condition of a thief. 96


His heart is so aspiring , his i That now ch ef desiring ,

is for to win himself a worthy name,

The Land hath far too little ground, is The Sea of a larger bound, t and of a grea er dignity and fame .

Now many a worthy Gallant, was Of courage most valiant, with him have put their fortunes to the a All the world about have he rd,

D nseha r E n lish Wa r d Of a and g , of t and heir proud adventures every day .

There is not any Kingdom , Tur he Chr istendom In y or in , but by these Pyr ates have received loss L Merchant men of every and, da l Do y y in great danger stand,

and much do fear the Ocean Main to cross .

r f They make child en atherless , l i Wofu w dows in distresse,

in shedding blood they took too much delight .

Fathers they bereave of Sons, Regarding neither cries nor moans s ee o much they joy to s a bloody fight .

a They count it g llant hearing, C a To hear the anons ro ring, and Musket-shot to rattle in the sky a Their glories would be t the highest, o f C To fight against the Foes hrist,

and such as do our C hristian faith deny . 98 T H E S EAMAN’ S SONG OF DANSEKA R

u a But their c rsed Vill nies, r d P r acies And thei bloo y y , chiefly bent against our Christian friends i so Some Christ ans delight in evils, B i That they become the sons of vels,

and for the same have many shameful ends .

E n la nd ff g su ers danger, as t As well any s ranger,

nations are alike unto this company . E n lish - Many g Merchant men, And of London now and then;

have tasted of their vile extremity .

d n li et Lon o s E z ab h,

Of late these Rovers taken have, h well a S ip laden with rich Merchandise, ni P ea r l Cha r it The mble and y , s All Ship of gallant bravery, P r ates d are by these y ma e a lawful prize .

Tr o an London The j of , h With other s ips many a one, eelded hath stooped sayl and y out of hand, P r ates d These y they have shed their bloo s, Tur hs And the have bought their goods,

all - being too weak their power to with stand .

Hull Bona 'venter Of the , Which was a great frequenter and passer of the Straits to B a r ba ry

‘ Both ship and men late taken were, P r ates Wa r d Danseha r By y and , ' b ihto and brought y them Captivity . H 3 99 SEA SONGS

En lish Wa r d Da nsehar g and ,

Begin greatly now to jar, n t about dividi g of their got en goods, u a Both Ships and So ldiers gather he d, Dans eha r Wa r d from is fled, d an . so full of, pride malice are their bloods

Wa r d doth only promise, Tunis To keep about rich , and be C e Tur his ommander of thos h Seas, But valiant Dutch- land Da nseha r Ar ier Doth hover neer unto g , and ther e his thr eatning colours now

P r ates i These y thus div ded, ur By God is s e provided,

in secret sort to work each other s woe . i c Such w cked ourses cannot stand, his h The Divel thus puts in and,

and God will give them soon an overthrow .

Capta in Glen

H was T ERE a ship , and a ship of fame, ’ Launch d off ck the sto s, bound to the main, r With a hund ed and fifty brisk young men , Was d picked an chosen every one .

’ William Glen was our Captain s name He was a tall and brisk young man ; i a s As good a sa lor went to sea, For wa he s bound to New Barbary . 100


’ C so O , worthy aptain , since it s , ’ No mortal of it e er shall know ; So keep the , secret in your breast,

And pray to God to give you rest .

’ sail d b ut thr ee We had not a league . , Till raging grew the roaring sea ;

There rose a tempest in the skies , fill’d Which our hearts with great surprize .

- Our main mast sprung by the break of day,

Which made our. rigging all give way ; ' o afl r i ht This did our seamen s re g , The terrors of the fatal night !

man Up then bespake our foremast , As he did by the for eyard stand ; ’ cr d r c u He y the Lo d re eive my so l ,

So to the bottom he did fall .

h The sea did was both fore and aft, ’ sc Till arce one soul aboard was left, our Our yards were split, and rigging tore, ’ The like you never see d before .

The Boatswain then he did declare The Captain was a murderer ; ’ Which did enrage the whole ship s crew, r Our Captain ove board they threw .

C Our treacherous aptain being gone, Immediately there was a Calm ; sea The winds did cease, and the raging , a As we went to New Barb ry .


Now, when we came to the Spanish

Our goodly ship for to repair, The people all were amazed to see and Our dismal case misery .

So when our ship was in repair, To fair England o ur course did steer ;

And when we came to London town , Our dismal case was there made known !

Now many wives their husbands lost , Whom they lamented to their Cost ;

And caused them weep bitterly,

These tidings from New Barbary.

A hundred and sixty brisk young men , Did to our goodly ship belong ; ’ Of all our whole ship s Company, ’ - There now remain d but seventy three .

’ all Now Seamen , where e er you be,

I pray a warning take by me, A s you love your lives, still have a care, You never sail with a murderer .

’ Tis never more I do inte‘ nd ’ For to cross o er the raging main ,

But live in peace in my own country, so And I end my tragedy .


LVI I T he Hon our of Bris tol TT D A EN you and give ear awhile,

and you shall understand, Of a battel fought upon the by a ship of brave command ; so The fight it was famous, ’ all that men s heart doth fill , ‘ And makes them cry, to sea ’ w ith the An l a el ge G br i .

of B r istol The lusty Ship , ’ n sail d out adve turously,

E n la n d Against the foes of g , their strength with them to try ; ’ ’ ’ victual d r i d Well , g and man d , and good provision still ‘ Which makes men cry, to Sea , ’ r i w ith the Ang el Ga b el.

C a Nethew a The aptain , f mous y , ’ so was he call d by name ; ’ The Master s name J ohn [ Wi nes a man of noted fame

Thoma s Wa tson The Gunner ,

a man of perfect skill, With other valiant hearts

n el b e in the A g Ga r i l. w They aving up and down the Seas, upon the Ocean Main ; ‘ ’ a o It is not long g , quoth they, ‘ since E ngla nd fought with Spa in m4


The Gunner unto all the rest, r B ave hearts , be valiant still, Let us fight in the defence ’ our An el Gabr iel of g .

Then we gave them a Broadside, i which shot the r Mast asunder,

And tore the Bowsprit of their Ship, which made the Spa niar ds wonder ;

And caused them for to cry, with voices loud and shrill ‘ or s Help, help, el e we sink , ’ b the An el a br el y g G i .

Yet desperately they Boarded us, for all our valiant shot Three -score of their best fighting-men upon our Decks were got ; fi And then at their rst entrance, full thirty we did kill ; ’ And thus we clear d the Decks

o the n el r iel f A g Gab .

With that, their three ships boarded us i aga n with might and main, But still our noble E ngli sh-men ’ ‘ ’ cr d S a in ! y out, A fig for p u Tho gh seven times they Boarded us, ’ s shew d at la t we our skill , And made them feel the force iel of our Ang el Gabr .

Seven hours this fight continued ,

and many brave men lay dead , S a nish With purple gore, and p blood the Sea was coloured red ;

106 T H E HONOUR OF BRISTO L Five hundred of their men we there outright did kill ; ’ And many more were maim d b the An el a b iel y g G r .

blood ‘ s oils They seeing of these y p , t the rest made has e away, was For why, they saw it no boot any longer for to stay ; Ca les Then they fled into ,

and there they must lye still , For they never more will dare to meet

our An el abr iel g G .

We had within our E nglish Ship but onely three men slain ; And five men hurt, the which , I will soon be well again ;

B r istol At we were landed , God and let us praise still,

That thus hath blest our men, a nd our An el Ga br iel g .

Now let me not forget to speak of the Gif t given by the Owner An el Gabr iel Of the g , that many years have known her ;

Two hundred pounds in coyn and plate,

he gave with free good will , Unto them that bravely fought



’ England s T r iumph a t Sea

TY the was A MIGH great fleet, like nere seen ,

Since the reign of K . W . and Mary his queen , ’ Desi n d uc F n g the destr tion of rance to have bee , ' which nobody can deny .

’ com os d E This fleet was p of nglish and Dutch,

For ships, guns, and men, there never were such,

Nor so little done when expected so much ,

which nobody can deny .

E -six ] ighty ships of war, which we capital call, fr i ats Besides g and tenders, and yachts that are small , ’ Sa l d ll y out and did little or nothing at a ,

which nobody can deny .

rt - Thi y nine thousand and five hundred brave men, ’ o v t 0 Had they chan d to ha e met the French flee ,

then , ’ ’ ’ A s a ain they beat em last year, they d have beat em g ,

which nobody can deny .

s u - Six thou and great g ns, and seventy eight more, r As g eat and as good as ever did roar, It had been the same thing had they left ’em ashore

which nobody can deny .

’ Torrington now must command em no more, ’ F or we tr y d what mettal he was made o n before ’ for And tis better him on land for to whore,

which nobody can deny .


’ Ta m il f r owl d o er the main triumphant , to meet the gallant Russel in C ombat on the deep;

He led the noble train of Heroes bold,

to sink the E nglish Admiral at his feet . V d Now every Valiant mind to ictory oes aspire , ’ F 5 The bloody ight began , the Sea itself on fire ; t and mighty Fa e stood looking on , l Whi st a flood , all of blood, ’ fi - ll d the port holes of the R oy al Sun . ’ s distur b d Sulphur, moak and Fire, the air, with thunder and wonder to fright the gallick-shore ; Their Regulated bands stood trembling near, t to see their lof y streamers , now no more six m At a Clock the Red, the s iling Victor led,

To give a second blow, their total overthrow ;

’ now death and horror equal Reign ,

Now they cry , Run or Dye, ’ B r ittish Colour s ride the Vanquish d main . ’ ’ r un amaz d a See, they thro Rocks on S nds one danger they grasp at to shun a greater fate ; t In vain hey crie for aid to weeping Lands, the M mphs and Sea -Gods mourn their Lost estate h daz lin R o al Sun For evermore adieu, t ou g y , ’ F rom thy untimely end thy master s fate begun ; m ! enough, thou ighty God of War

Now we sing, bless the Queen , ’ let us drink to ev ry English tar .

C R us sel ome, Jolly Seamen all , with go, i M ounsier to sa l on the main proud for to greet,

And give our enemy a second blow,

Tur o il . and fight , if that he dare to meet

allick -s or e r enc coast g h ] F h . ADMI RAL RUSS EL ’ S SCOW ERI NG

Come br ot r w ha t cheer P Let ea ch his un , her Ta , ( g )

’ And thum em this Tea r or mahe Mounsier to p qf ,

fl y ,

while we do range the Ocean Round, a D y or Night we will fight,

when our Enemy is to be found .

’ Let it ne er be said that E nglish boys ’ should e er stay behind when their Admiral goes ;

But let each honest Lad crie with one voice, Russel brave , Lead us on to fight the foes ’ We d give them gun for gun, some sink, and others

’ ’ Broadsides we ll give em too, till Monsieur crys mor blew ! des E n (g ) leteer vill Kill us all ; scower P Whilst they , we will our, as - thick hail amongst them Cannon ball .


T he lioy a l T riumph

T P VALIAN rotestant Boys, ’ s i Here Mill ons of Joys, And Triumph now bro ught from the Ocean ; F r ench For the Mighty Fleet,

Now is Shattered and Beat,

And Destruction , Destruction , Boys, will be their

portion . SEA SONGS

’ Jacobite C w Here s the re , ’ tis Now believe me, true, Invited the Er e nch to this Nation ; was Who crossing the Seas, Tea ue Ra a r ees With the g pp , - - o s True Cut Throats, true Cut Thr at , upon my Salva

tion .

But alas ! they did find tr ue-P r otesta nt n A Wi d, Which five Weeks or lon l Ti l the most Royal Fleet, Dutch And the both compleat, i They w th Thunder, with Thunder, this Project

Ma On the Nineteenth of y , F r ench The Fleet made way, To make of our Cou rage a Tryal ; ’ ’ ’ su os d They pp we d ne r fight, ’ But they won t in the right, ’ ’ F or we show d them , we show d them, we were

true and Loyal .

i Our Adm rals bold,

With their brave hearts of Gold, They fell on like bra ve Sons of Thunder ; r i - And thei Cha n Shot let fly,

As the Fleet they drew nigh , t Where they tore them , and rent them , and ore them

asunder .

O r - ur Squad on True Blew,

Fought their way through and through,



When he hears how they sped,

It will strike him near Dead,

Losing what he 10 ng has , been getting ’ him But we ll have to know, ’ That we ll still keep him low,

He shall never, shall never, Boys, conquer

B r ita in .

’ T he Duke of Ormond s

Ne p r wvs B or ea s frown , and roar Let thy Thunder bellow ; ’ ’ Onmonn s Noble now come o er, With each gallant E nglish fellow Then to welcome him ashore

To his Health a brimmer pour, o ne Till every be mellow,

Rememb r in R odondello r ememb r in R odondello g , g ,

Rememb r in r ememb r in R odondello g, g ,

Re e b b n R donde l m m r in r emem r i o l o. g, g

’ ’ Ca les sca d G Tho at they p our uns, ’ By strong wall d umbrello C Jar r s Plundr in ivil and g Dons, Curse upon the metal yellow : H ad the valiant Duke more Men ,

He a Victor there had been ,

R odondello As late at , &c As late, . 1 14 T H E DUKE OF O RMOND

Mounsicur P An on and etite i , Plot your state Intrigo Take new Marshall Cha tea ur ena ult Then consult with Spa nish Deig o And new Glory to advance Te Deum Sing through all France,

r la Victoir e a t Vz o P ou g ,

P &c . our la, i w We mean wh le to cro n our Joy,

Laughing at such folly, f To their Health ull Bowls employ, ’ Who have cur d our Melancholy : And done more to furnish Tales Ve o Ca les Now at g , then at , ’ F am d E ssex Ra w /ei h did, or g ,

E ssex & c . Brave ,

Eliz a Great on the Main , ’ Q uell d the Dons B oastado ; ’ In Queen ANN S Auspicious Reign , a : V lour conquers, not Bravado

Come but such another Year,

We the spacious Sea shall clear, ’ Fr ench S a in s Of and p Armado,

F r ench &c . Of ,

’ B or ea s Once more then tho roar, And loud Thunder bellow ; M D m ’ Since Great OR ON is co e o er, With each gallant E ng lish fellow Let us welcome all a Shore

To each Health a brimmer pour, he w Till everyone mello , Rememb r in R odondello & c g , . I 2 "5 SEA SONGS L XII T he Death of Admiral B en bow

’ The brother tars song

a COME all you s ilors bold,

Lend an ear, lend an ear, s : Come all you ailors bold, lend an ear ’ ’ Tis of our admiral s fame,

Brave Benbow was his name, How he fought o n the main

You shall hear, you shall hear . Brave Benbow he set sail

For to fight, for to fight, Brave Benbow he set sail for to fight w Brave Benbo he set sail,

With a fine and pleasant gale, ’ But his captai ns they tum d tail

In a fight, in a fight .

Says Kirby unto Wade,

I will run , I will run ,

Says Kirby unto Wade, I will run not I value disgrace,

Nor the losing of my place, My enemies I ’ll not face

un . With a g , with a gun

’ ’ Twas the R uby and Noa h s Ar h

Fought the French , fought the French , " ‘ ’ I was the R uby and Noa h s Ar h fought the French

And there was ten in all ,

Poor souls they fought them all ,


There while Vernon sate all -glorious ’ From the Spaniards late defeat

And his crews, with shouts victorious, ’ Drank success to England s fleet ;

On a sudden , shrilly sounding, Hideous yells and shrieks were heard ;

Then , each heart with fear confounding, A sad troop of ghosts appeared ;

All in dreary hammocks shrouded , Which for winding -sheets they wore

And, with looks by sorrow clouded,

Frowning on that hostile shore .

’ a On them gle med the moon s wan lustre, When the shade of Hosier brave a His p le bands was seen to muster. ’ Rising from their wat ry grave : ’ O er the glimmering wave he hied him , " ’ B u or d r ear d ai Where the rf her s l ,

With three thousand ghosts beside him ,

And in groans did Vernon hail .

! a t Heed, oh heed our fat l s ory ; ’ ’ I am Hosier s injur d ghost ; ’ You who now have pur chas d glory

At this place where I was lost, ’ ’ Tho in Porto -Bello s ruin

You now triumph , free from fears,

When you think of my undoing,

You will mix your joys with tears .

See these mournful spectres, sweeping ’ Ghastly o er this hated wave, us ADMI RAL HOSI ER’S GHOST

’ stain d Whose wan cheeks are with weeping, These were English captains brave :

Mark those numbers , pale and horrid , Who were once my sailors bold ; Lo ! each hangs his drooping forehead

While his dismal tale is told .

d I, by twenty ships attende ' aflr i ht Did this Spanish town g , d Nothing then its wealth efended,

But my orders , not to fight . Oh ! that in this rolling ocean

I had cast them with disdain , And obey’d my heart’ s warm motion ’ uell d To have q the pride of Spain .

F or s u re istance I co ld fear none, But with twenty ships had done

What thou, brave and happy Vernon , ’ atchiev d Hast with six alone . Then the Bastimentos never ul Had our fo dishonour seen , Nor the sea the sad receiver

Of this gallant train had been .

Thus, like thee, proud Spain dismaying,

And her galleons leading home, ’ condemn d Though, for disobeying, ’ I had met a traitor s doom ; ’ u To have fall , my country crying ’ la d E a He has p y an nglish p rt , Had been better far than dying ’ Of a gr iev d and broken heart . 1 19 SEA SONGS

Unrepining at thy glory, Thy successful arms we hail ; sad But remember our story, ’ And let Hosier s wrongs prevail . ' I n n Sent this foul clime to la guish ,

Think what thousands fell in vain , i u Wasted with d sease and ang ish,

Not in glorious battle slain .

Hence with all my train attending

From their oozy tombs below, r Th ough the hoary foam ascending, Here I feed my constant woe :

Here the Bastimentos viewing,

We recall our shameful doom ,

And, our plaintive cries renewing,

Wander through the midnight gloom .

’ for O er these waves, ever mourning ’ de r iv d Shall we roam, p of rest, ’ If, to Britain s shores returning, You neglect my just request : u After this proud foe subd ing, ri see When your pat ot friends you ,

Think on vengeance for my ruin, — ’ And for England sham d in me .




‘ ’ Bear down , d ye ’ ’ To our Admiral s lee . ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ’ No, no, says the Frenchman , that can t be . ‘ ’ Then I must lug you along with me,

Says the Saucy Arethusa .

’ off The fight was the Frenchman s land, ’ We for c d them ba ck upon their strand ; F or we fought till not a stick would stand

Of the gallant Arethusa . ’ now And we ve driven the foe ashore, i Never to fight with Br tons more, Let each fill a glass To his favorite lass ! C f A health to our aptain , and O ficers true,

And all that belong to the jovial crew, On board of the Arethusa ! PRINCE HOARE .

LXV On the loss of the Roy al George

To the March in Scipio .

W itt n w hen the new s a r r ived. Se tember 8 2 r e ( p , I 7 TOLL for the brave The brave ! that are no more

All sunk beneath the wave,

Fast by their native shore. E ight hundred of the brave, was Whose courage well tried, Had made the vessel heel And laid her on her side ; T H E LOSS OF T H E ROYAL G EO RG E

- o A land breeze sho k the shrouds, And she was overset ;

Down went the Royal George,

With all her crew complete .

Toll for the brave K em enfelt Brave p is gone, -fi ht His last sea g is fought,

His work of glory done . a It was not in the b ttle,

No tempest gave the shock,

She sprang no fatal leak, She ran upon no rock ;

His sword was in the sheath ,

His fingers held the pen, When K empenfelt went down

With twice four hundred men .

Weigh the vessel up, our Once dreaded by foes, And mingle with your cup The tears that England owes ;

Her timbers yet are sound, she And may float again, ’ ’ l char d E Fu l g with ngland s thunder, And plough the distant main ; K em enfelt But p is gone, ’ His victories ar e o er ; And he and his Eight hundred

Must plough the wave no more .



’ Our line wa s f or m d I ’ OUR for m d line was , the French lay to, P One sigh I gave to oll on shore, Too cold I thought our last adieu ’ seem d Our parting kisses too few,

If we should meet no more . ! But love, avast my heart is Oak, ’ Howe s daring signal floats on high ; I see through roaring cannon’ s smoke ’ subdud Their awful line and broke, ! ! They strike they sink, they fly

Chor us .

’ Now (danger past) we ll drink and joke ‘ ’ ‘ ’ Sing Rule Britannia ; Hearts of Oak ! And toast before each Martial tune ‘ ’ r ! Howe, and the Glorious Fi st of June


off My limb struck , let soothing art The chance of war so Poll explain ;

Proud of the loss, I feel no smart, ’ But as it wrings my Polly s heart

With sympathetic pain . Yet she will think (with love so tried) E ach scar a beauty on my face, And as i i I strut w th mart al pride, P ’ On timber toe by olly s side, l Wi l call my limp a grace . 124


S ea hs z— t : p Fai h he did, arm and all and good old security ( it) was, for, as the proverb says, i One bird in the hand s worth two in the bush ,

So success to brave Admiral Nelson .

o At length , by my s ul, it would make the dead smile, Just to hear what Sir Horace b efel soon ; the The French took a trip to the banks of Nile, k d To ma e work for brave A miral Nelson .

Arah faith he fell in with them close by the land, ’ o And he stuck in their skirts as you ll s on understand . — Spea hs z Faith it would have made the very devil i h mself laugh, ’ see leather d To how he the French with one hand, a Och ! the world for brave Admir l Nelson .

On the first of sweet August, you know was the day, As the boatmen of London can tell soon ; for When coal and for badge they all rowed away,

Little thinking of Admiral Nelson , l Who then won a badge of so bri liant a cast, ’ That its mem r y with Britons will never go past . S ea hs - p And every first of August, while the health of Nelson floats on the glass, may the liquor be enriched with a tear to the memory of those brave fellows who fell in the action ; and come as many first of Augusts as i there w ll , ’ w l ’ There s no first of August i l e er beat the last,

When the Fren ch struck to Admiral Nelson . LXVIII

T he Ba ttle of the B altic

OF Nelson and the North ’ n ri Si g the glo ous day s renown , When to battle fierce came forth All the might of Denmark’ s crown A nd her arms along the deep proudly shone ; By each gun the lighted brand

In a bold determined hand, And the Prince of all the land

Led them on . Like Leviathans afloat

Lay their bulwarks on the brine, While the sign of battle flew On the lofty British line It was ten of April morn by the chime As they drifted on their path r The e was silence deep as death , And the boldest held their breath m For a ti e .

’ But the might of England fl ush d To anticipate the scene ; ’ And her van the fleeter rush d O ’ er the deadly space between ‘ ! ’ Hearts of Oak our captains cried, when From its adamantine lips

- Spread a death shade round the ships, Like the hurri cane eclipse n Of the su . SEA SONGS

Again ! again ! again ! c And the havo did not slack, Till a feeble cheer the D ane To our cheering sent us back ; Their shots along the deep slowly boom — Then ceased and all is wail , ’ shatter d As they strike the sail, Or in conflagr ation pale

Light the gloom . Out spoke the victor then ’ ’ As he hail d them o er the wave ‘ Ye are brothers ! ye are men ' And we conquer but to save So peace instead of death let us bring

But yield, proud foe, thy fleet, E ’ With the crews, at ngland s feet, And make submission meet ’ To our King .

E ! Now joy, old ngland, raise i th For the tid ngs of y might, ’ By the festal cities blaze, Whilst the wine - cup shines in light !

And yet amidst that joy and uproar, Let us think of them that sleep t Full many a fa hom deep , l By thy wi d and stormy steep, Elsinore ! THOMAS CAMPBELL .

12 8

SEA SONGS And if thou come indeed (as Christ thee send to do ! Those arin s which miss thee now shall then embrace [and hold] thee too Each vein to every joint the lively blood shall spread Which now for want of thy glad sight doth show l fu l pale and dead,

But if thou slip thy troth , and do not come at all , As minutes in the clock do strike so call for death I shall To please both thy false heart and rid myself from woe , ' That rather had to die in troth than live forsaken so


T he Valian t Seamans happy return to his Love a on T s bs c , af ter l g Seven ear a en e

‘ Tune o : f ; I am so deep in love Or, Through ’ the cool shady Woods .

Sol WHEN did cast no light, ’ dar ken d being over,

And the dark time of night,

did the skies cover,

Running a River by,

there were Ships sailing , ’ s d A Maid most fair I py ,

crying and wailing . VAL IANT S EAMAN ’ S RETURN

Unto this Maid I stept, ’ r iev d asking what g her, ’ an swer d She me and wept, ’ fates had deceiv d her : is My Love prest, quoth she,

to cross the Ocean ,

Proud Waves to make the Ship,

ever in motion .

’ lov d a and We seven ye rs more,

both being sure,

But I am left on shore,

grief to endure . ’ r omis d to He p back turn , ’ was a if life sp r d him , da l With grief I y y mourn , ’ deb ar d him death hath .

’ s d Straight a brisk lad she py ,

made her admire, ’ e r eceivd A pr sent she , l ’ peas d her desire . she Is my Love safe, quoth ,

will he come near me, The young man answer made

Virgin pray hear me .

Under one Banner bright ’ E n la nd s for g glory,

Your love and I did fight, mar k well my story ; x z 13: SEA SONGS

By an unhappy shot, we two were parted ot His deaths wound then he g ,

- though valiant hearted .

All this I witness can , for him I stood by ,

For courage I must say, none did out-vye him ;

He still would foremost be, striving for honour ; is But fortune a Whore,

vengeance upon her .

’ was But e re he quite dead, his or heart broken ,

To me these words he said, pray give this token

To my love, for there is she then none fairer, Tell her she must be kind the and love bearer .

’ I ntomb d he now doth lye,

in stately manner, ’ h u Cause e fo ght valiantly, for love and honour :

That right he had in you , to me he gave it

Now since it is my due,

pray let me have it .

She raging flung away, ne di like o stracted , 132


He hearing what she said , his made love stronger, Ofl~ his disguise he laid, and staid no longer : w When her dear love she kne , s in wanton fa hion, she Into his arms flew,

such is loves passion .

’ ’ ask d lik d He her how she ,

his counterfeiting, ’ Whether she was well pleas d with such like greeting ’ You ver s d are well , quoth she e in s veral speeches, u so Co ld you coyn money ,

you might get riches . 0 d happy gale of win ,

that waft thee over,

May Heaven preserve that ship, that brought my Lover ; m Come kiss me now y sweet, ’ true love s no slander ;

a m Her o Thou sh lt y be,

I thy Lea nder .

Dido of Ca r thage Queen ’ lov d Aenea s stout , But my true love is found more true then he was ’ Ven us was ne r fonder , of Adonis young , of Then I will be thee,

since thy love known is . T H E VALIANT S EAMAN ’ S R ETURN

Then hand in hand they walk,

with mirth and pleasure, t They laugh , hey kiss, they talk, love knows no measure ;

Now both do sit and sing, but she sings clearest ;

Like Nightingale in Spring,

r t w elcome my dea es .

LXXI Love and L oy alty

A o T ou - Ma n on letter f r m a ng , an E nglish P rivateer to his beloved Susan in the City of London

SUSAN, I this Letter send thee, Let not Sighs and Tears attend thee ; ar e of F r a nce we on the Coast , Niz e s Taking prizes from those y ,

my sweet Jewel to advance .

L ondon Since we have forsaken , Five Rich Prizes have we taken ; two of them Na ntz Brandy Wine

Chests of Money, my sweet Honey,

with rich Silks and Sattin fine . The first Merchants Ship we Boarded ff Which great store of Wealth a orded , we fell on most eagerly ;

Search and Plunder, burst in sunder,

making Chests and Cabins fly. SEA SONGS

e was Where the Treasur inclosed, ’ We wan t in the least opposed ; E rich mbroidered Silks we found ,

Other Treasure, out of Measure,

worth near seven thousand pound .

Fortune she did still befriend us, And another Booty send us ; of twice the worth that before, ’ ’ ain d ob tain d Though we g it, and it, ’ o yet ur Guns was for c d to Roar .

While we did both Charge and Fire, They endeavour to retire ; but the Contest was n ot long ’ ’ ’ E er enter d ventur d we , bravely ,

yet received but little wrong .

’ Love, we ll plunder French and Tory a For to r ise great Britains Glory, and to pull proud Lew is down ; E ach great spirit then will merit,

double honour and renown .

D earest, when I first did leave thee, P h arting wit thy Love did grieve thee, ’ ’ vow d but I I d Letters send, for To improve thee, I love thee,

as a true intire Friend .

P Love this romise is not broken, e Here I have sent th e a Token, C m R a rich hain and Dia ond ing,

And ten times more I have in store,

which I to thee in time will bring . 136


0 so be not unkind, Jo Heart, Love, and y ,

To leave me here behind, breeds my annoy : 0 have a patient heart , ’ a I le help to be r the smart, Er e I from thee will part,

my Turtle Dove .

Ma n . ’ G I le leave thee old good store,

thee to maintain , What canst thou wish for more

do not complain .

Servants shall wait on thee, I’le give thee Jewels three on That thou mayest think me,

when I am gone .

Ma id. G Your old I count but Dross,

when you are fled , m Your absence is y loss, ’ twill strike me dead ; Servants I will have none m When you are fro me gone, ’ I de rather live alone,

from company .

Ma n .

’ am r esolv d o I to g ,

Fortune to prove . me to do Advise what ,

my dearest Love . T H E TWO FAITHFUL LOV ERS

F or here I will not bide, What ere it me betide now Heavens me guide,

and lead the way .


Then let me with you go,

Heart, Love, and Joy, t on ou I will at end y , and be your B oy ;

If you will go to Sea, ’ I le serve you night and day, F or here I will not stay,

if you go hence .

Ma n .

The Seas are dangerous ,

strangers unkind, er illous The Rocks are p ,

so are the Wind, My care is all for thee A s see thou mayest plainly , n ot Dear heart go with me,

but stay behind .

Ma id. Though Seas do threaten death m ’ y heart s delight, ’ with thee I le spend my breath, ff nought Shall a right, ’ With thee I le live and die,

In thy Sweet company,

Though dangers still be nigh,

both day and night . 139 SEA SONGS

’ In man s Appar r el she to n o Sea w went . ’ Because with him She d be, ’ her heart s content .

She cut her lovely hair, n o And mistrust was there, That she a Maiden fair

was at that time .

To Venice were they bound l with fu l consent,

With sorrows compast round,

away they went .

On an unhappy day ,

The Ship was cast away,

Which wrought their lives decay, t friends discon ent .

The Ship being cast away, ’ fortune so fr o wn d

He swum to shore that day, ’ but she was drown d ; 0 ’ his true Love was drown d ,

And never after found, And he incompast round

with grief and care .

O cruel Seas, quoth he, R and ocks unkind, To part my Love and me in love combin ’d 0 cast her on the shoar e ma I y her death deplore, And mourn fo r evermore

until I die . 140


’ Wi twenty -four brave mariners

To sail her out and hame . to But the weary wind began rise ,

The sea began to rout, And my love and his bonny ship

Turned withershins about .

There sall nae mantle cross my back,

No kaim gae in my hair, Neither sall coal nor candle -light Shine in my bower mair ;

Nor sall I choose anither love, i Unt l the day I dee, ’ ’ 0 Sin the Lawlands Holland, ’ ’ twinn d Hae my love and me .

Noo hand your tongue, my daughter dear

Be still, and bide content ; ’ There s ither lads in Galloway ; ’ needna Ye sair lament . 0 G w there is nane in allo ay, ’ ’ name fo me There s at a r . ’ e I never lo d a lad but ane, ’ ’ ’ e s And h drown d in the sea .

L XXIV B onn ie Annie

THERE was a rich lord, and he lived in Forfar,

He had a fair lady, and one only dochter.

0 0 she was ! she was fair, dear, bonnie ’ A ship s captain courted her to be his honey . 142 BONNI E ANNIE

sh1 s There cam a p captain out owre the sea sailing , ’ He courted this young thing till he got her wi bairn .

’ ’ ’ Ye ll steal your father s gowd, and your mother s

money, ’ ’ And I ll mak ye a lady in Ireland bonnie .

’ ’ ’ s t She stown her fa her s gowd, and her mother s


But she was never a lady in Ireland bonnie .

‘ ’ s o ur She There fey fowk in ship, winna sail for me, ’ ’

S our n for . There fey folk in ship, She wi na sail me ’ l They ve casten black bu lets twice Six and forty, ae t And the black bulle fell on bonnie Annie .

‘ ’ u m Ye ll tak me in yo r ar s twa, lo , lift me cannie, w ’ Throw me out o re board, your ain dear Annie .

twa He has tane her in his arms , lo , lifted her

cannie, d He has laid her on a bed of down , his ain ear

Annie .

‘ ’ What can a woman do, love, I ll do for ye ;

for . Muckle can a woman do, ye canna do me

‘ our Lay about, steer about, lay ship cannie, ’ Do all ye can to save my dear Annie .

‘ ’ steer d I ve laid about, about, laid about cannie, ’ w a l for But all I can do, She inna s i me .

‘ ’ l f Ye ll tak her in your arms twa, lo , i t her cannie , ’ And throw her out owre board, your ain dear Annie . l h3 SEA SONGS

lo He has tane her in his arms twa, , lifted her cannie,

has out his . He thrown her owre board, ain dear Annie

A s A the ship sailed, bonnie nnie she swam , she And was at Ireland as soon as them .

his ffi of sae He made love a co n the gowd yellow, sea And buried his bonnie love down in a valley .


T he Sea - man s Compa ss or

A i n ew D i co os da nty tty mp ed andpend, T he deeds of brave Seamen to praise and co mmend, T was made by a Maid that to Gravesend i ss d d pa , N ow marh andy ou guic hly shall hear how

it w a s .

‘ 2 the tune The Tyrant hath stolen . As lately I travelled Gr a vesend towards , I heard a fair Damosel - m a Sea man co mend , And as in a Tilt-bo at

we passed along , In praise of brave Sea-men he s sung this new Song,

SEA SONGS Above and beneath ground

for wealth they have sought, And when they have found it ’ to E ngla n d tis brought With haz ard o f lives by experience we see ’

Ther e s n on e &c . ,

Sea -men from beyond Seas

bring silver and gold, P With earls and rich Jewels, most rare to behold ; With Silks and rich Velvets

their credits to save, Or else y ou gay Ladies n ot so could go brave . m This akes my heart merry , m as erry may be, ’ T er e s n n e h o &c . ,

- The Sea men brings Spices, so and Sugar fine,

Which serve the brave gallants, to n dri k with their wine, With Lemmons and Oranges all of the best To relish their Pallats m when they ake a feast, P Ra sins Sweet Figs, runes, and y by them brought home be h T er e s none &c . ,

T o comfort poor people

- do the Sea men strive, 146 ’ T H E SEA-MAN S COMPASS

And brings in maintenance

to keep them alive,

As raw silk and cotton wool ,

to card and to Spin , And so by their labours

their livings comes in . Most men are beholding to Sea-men we see

With non e but a Sea - ma n d I ma r r ie w ill be. The Mercer’ s beholding

we know well enough , F or C amb r ick Holland, Lawn , , ff and other gay stu , That ’ s brought from beyond seas - so by Sea men bold, The rarest that ever di d mens eyes behold, God prosper the Sea-men where ever they be ’

h r e n one c . T e s , & The Merchants themselves i are behold ng also, To honest Sea-men on do o that purpose g , T o bring them home profit

from other strange lands, Or else their fine Daughters

must work with their hands, The Nobles and Gentry in every degree

Ar e a ls o beholdin &c . g , L 2 I 47 SEA SONGS

for o Thus rich and po r men ,

- the Sea men does good, And sometimes comes off with

loss of much blood , If they were not a guard for and defence our Land, Our Enemies soon would get the upper hand And then in a woful case

straight should we be . ’ her T e s none &c . ,

T o draw to Conclusion

and to make an end . I hope that great Neptun e

my Love will befriend,

And send him home safely, w t with health and i h life, Then shall I with joyfulness

soon be his Wife .

You Maids, Wives, and Widdows

- that Sea mens Loves be, t he r t nd it v s Wi h a s a w h oice ,

o n a er s w ith me j y pr y .

God bless all brave Sea-men

from quicksands and rocks, From loss of their blood and E from nemies knocks, F rom lightning and thunder so and tempests strong, F rom Shipwr ack and drowning

and all other wrong , 148


’ The f a i r Maid s song in praise of a Seaman

Come, all you fair maidens in country and town , ’ Lend your attention to what is pen d down ;

And let your opinions with mine both agree, o l r n f a l s o ts of tr a des men a Sea ma f or me.

sa The gallant brave Seaman God bless him I y,

- He is a great pains taker both night and day, ’ When he s on the Ocean so hard worketh he

then a ll &c . of ,

all G Of sorts of allants so gaudy and fine, so That with gold and silver bravely doth Shine,

- The Seaman doth out pass them in each degree,

then o ll a & c . f ,

m For a Sea an will venture his life and his blood ,

For the sake of his King and his countries good,

He is valiant and gallant in every degree,

then o a ll & c . f ,

He ventures for tr affi que upon the salt seas our G To pleasure entry which lives at ease,

Through many dangerous places pass he,

then a ll See. qf ,

Amongst all your tradesmen and merchants so brave ’ set m I can t y fancy none of them to have, m But a Sea an I will have my husband to be,

then a ll &c . of ,

With a thievish Miller I never will deal , Because out of a bushel a peck he will steal

I will have no society with such knaves as he,

but o a ll &c . f , 150 T H E FAIR MAID ’ S CHOICE

m lowsie Likewise a pi ping Taylor and a weaver, ’ T o cloath the l u steal and yarn y do their endeavo r, for Such fellows are not my company, but l a l &c . qf ,

Also the Carpenter and the Shoomaker

The Blacksmith , the brewer, and likewise the baker, of r Some them use knave y, and some honesty, but o a ll See f , .

For I love a Seaman as I love my life, ’ r esolv d to And I am be a Seamans Wife,

man E n la n d No else in g my husband shall be,

h n o ll t e a & c . f ,

Now ile tell why I love a Seaman so dear m - I have to y Sweet heart a Seaman most rare, as ou see He is a stout proper Lad y shall ,

then o a ll & c . f ,

- If that I were worth a whole ship load of gold, d My love should possess it, and with it make bol , of I would make him master every penny,

then o a ll & c . f , ' W o Through fire and ater I would g I swear, F or SO c the sake of my true love whom I love lear, ’ If I might have an Earl i de forsake him for he ;

then a ll & c . of ,

’ 5 Here a health to my dear, come pledge me who please, T o all gallant seamen that sail on the seas P God ray bless and keep them from all dangers free, n r me so of a ll sor ts of tr a des men a Sea ma f o .

L AN ERE . T . ( FI )



Aplea sant n ew s ong betwix t a and his L ove

‘ ’ To the tune o f Dulcina .

T so d WHA doth ayl my love sa ly, in such heavy dumps to Stand ? she or Doth grieve, take unkindly, that I am so nigh at hand ? Or doth she vow she n ot will know, Nor speak to me when I do come ? so if that be , ’ away i le go,

Fir st hiss a nd bid me w elcome home.

Had I ever thee forsaken , out putting thee of my mind, Then thou might’ st have justly spoken that I to thee was unkind : or should I take m t some other a e, t then might hou have cause to mourn ,

but let me dye, before that I

d me e D o s o then bi w elcome hom . ,

Sooner shall the grass leave growing, m the fro the Hare Hound shall run , -men Husband shall leave their sowing, floods shall run the Lands upon :

the Fish shall flye,

the Sea run dry, 152


for And unto me love make moan , yet none of these a my mind sh ll please,

Then hiss a nd bid me l me w e co home.

m b anisht Fro thy sight tho I were , yet I always was to thee Far more kind then Ulisses to his chast P enelope ; for why away

he once did stay,

Ten years and left her all alone, but I from thee n ot e have been thr e,

Sw eet hiss a n d bid me w elcome home.

C - sit me ome sweet heart and down by , P and let thy lap my illow be, m b e uileth While sweet sleep y mind g , on all my dreams shall be thee . e I pray th n stay, a n ot ste l away, Let L ullaby be all thy Song ; with kisses sweet

lull me asleep,

Sw eet hiss a n d bid me w elcome home.

’ The W oman s Answer

sad to see how I have been from me, so m me thou long fro didst stay, n ow m r e o ce see Yet I ore j y to thee, ’ happily ar r iv d this way thou from our shore

shalt go no more, 154 A PL EASANT NEW SONG To wander thus abroad alone but thou shalt stay

with me alway, ’ ’ And her e s m nd th u e ha o r t w lcome home. y ,

’ I have pr ov d Diana to thee wentst Since from me thou away,

I have Suitors well nigh twenty, ado to and much I had stay, ’ but I deny d, ’ r e l d when they py , And sent them all away with scorn for I had sworn

to Live forlorn , n l ha t I see thee come h me U ti t o .

Seeing thou art home returned , thou shalt not go from home in haste sit But lovingly come down by me, let my arms imb r ace thy waste : far ewel annoy, o welcome my j y , Now lullaby shall be the song, for n ow m y Heart , to sings loath part ,

iss c Then h , & .

Since sweet- heart thou dost befriend

thus to take me to thy Love, Never more will I offend thee but will ever constant prove ;

thou hast my heart,

not to depart, 155 SEA SONGS

But ever constant to remain ;

and thou art mine,

and I am thine, hen t n T le us hiss a d w elcome home.


T o Luca s ta o b o , g ing ey nd the

I E to be absent were to be Away from thee ; Or that when I am gone You or I were alone ; m Lucasta Then , y , might I crave

Pity from blustering wind or swallowing wave .

’ But I ll n ot sigh one blast or gale

To swell my sail , ’ Or pay a tear to suage ’ The foaming blue god s rage ; F or whether he will let me pass ’

no . Or , I m still as happy as I was

Though seas and land betwixt us both, t Our faith and tro h , Like separated souls All time and space controls ; Above the highest sphere we meet

Unseen , unknown ; and greet as Angels greet .

So then we do anticipate

- Our after fate, 156


’ And while I m on sentry ’ I ll guard you from all foe ? My love, will you go with me But her answer was ‘ No ’ Oh Yarmouth is a pretty town

And shines where it stands, And the more I think of it The more it runs in my mind The more I think of it

It makes my heart to grieve, At the sign of the Angel P retty Nan I did leave.


’ ’ T was when the Seas were Roaring

’ T wAs when the seas were roaring,

With hollow blasts of wind, m A da sel lay deploring, ’ o n r e l All a rock c in d . ’ i Wide o er the foaming b llows, She cast a wistful look ; ’ cr own d i Her head was with w llows, ’ That trembled o er the brook .

Twelve months are gone and over, And nine long tedious days ; ’ Why didst thou, vent rous lover, Why didst thou trust the seas ?

Cease, cease then , cruel ocean , And let my lover rest Oh ! what ’ s thy troubled motion T o that within my breast ? 153 ‘ TWAS WH EN T HE S EAS WER E ROARING

’ t The merchant ob d of pleasure, Sees tempests in despair ; ’ But what s the loss of treasure, T o losing of my dear ! ou on Should y some coast be laid , ’ Where gold and di monds grow, ’ You d find a richer maiden ,

But none that loves you so . H ow can they say that nature Has nothing made in vain Why then beneath the water Should hideous rocks remain ?

No eyes those rocks discover,

That lurk beneath the deep, ’ wand r in To wreck the g lover, o And leave the maid t weep .

All melancholy lying, ’ wail d she for Thus her dear, ’ Re a d p y each blast with sighing, Each billow with a tear : ’ When o er the white wave, stooping, ’ His floating corpse she spy d ;

Then like a lily drooping , ’ ’ b ow d d d She her head and y .

JOHN GAY . L XXXI Bla ch- ey ed Susan

’ A LL in the Downs the fleet lay moor d

The streamers waving in the wind, When black-eyed Susan came on board Oh ! where shall I my true love find ?


Tell me, ye jovial sailors , tell me true m e a If y sw et William s ils among your crew . m Willia , who high upon the yard ’ Rock d with the billows to and fro, - a Soon as her well known voice he he rd, ’ si h d He g , and cast his eyes below . ’ The cord glides swiftly thro his glowing hands,

And quick as lightning on the deck he stands .

’ ois d So the sweet lark , high p in air,

Shuts close his pinions to his breast, ’ If chance his mate s shrill call he hear,

And drops at once into her nest . The noblest captain of the British fleet ’ Might envy William s lips those kisses sweet .

a s ! O Sus n , Su an , lovely dear My vows Shall ever true remain ; Let me kiss o ff that falling te ar W e only part to meet again .

Change as ye list, ye winds, my heart shall be The faithful compass that Still points to thee '

sa Believe not what the landmen y, Who tempt with doubts thy constant mind ’ l They l tell thee sailors, when away, In every port a mistress find : so Yes, yes, believe them , when they tell thee , For thou art present wheresoe ’er I go ! If to far India’s coast we sail

Thy eyes are seen in diamonds bright, ’ Thy breath is Afric s spicy gale, Thy skin is ivory so white 160


l ’ Greenland a tho it is no City,

Yet it is a bonny place, E Soon will he come back to ngland, his Then to court bonny lass .

! &c . Oh my bonny,

Fisher lads go to the fishing,

Bonny lasses to the braes, m Fisher lads co e home at even ,

Tell how their fishing goes . ! m Oh y bonny,

a Sailor l ds come home at even, C off cloaths asting their tarry ,

Calling for their own true lovers,

And telling how their trading goes . ! Oh my bonny,

Sailor lads has gold and silver,

Fisher lads has nought but brass, m Well I love y sailor laddie, ’ am i Because I a sa lor s lass .

Oh my bonny, Our noble Captain ’ s gone to London Oh ! preserve them from the press him to Send safely back Terry,

There to court his bonny lass . ! o Oh my b nny,

t How can I be bly he and merry, so m And my true love far fro me, i When so many pretty Sa lors,

to . Are prest, and taken the Sea ! m o Oh y b nny, T H E SAILO R LADDI E

was When my love, he in Terry, He came and saw me once a night ; ’ ’ But now he s prest to the St . Ann s o f And is kept quite out my sight .

! &c . Oh my bonny,

! Oh I wish the press was over, And all the wars was at an end ; Then every bonny sailor laddie m Would b e erry with his friend .

! m &c . Oh y bonny,

so m Here has been uch disturbance,

Our Sailor lads dare not look out, F or to drink with their own lasses,

Or to have a single rout . ! Oh my bonny,

’ My love, he s a bonny laddie, m Blyth and erry may he be, end If the wars were at an , m me He would come and arry .

Oh my bonny,

Some delight in jolly farmers, Some delight in soldiers free ; ’ s But my delight in a sailor laddie, m ma Blyth and erry y he be .

! & c . Oh my bonny,

Oh , I wish the war was over,

And peace and plenty come again ,

Then every bonny sailor laddie, ’ m o e Would co e sailing r the main . c Oh ! my bonny & . SEA SONGS

If the wars they were all over, m And all our sailors were co e home,

Then every lass would get her laddie, son And every mother get her .

! &c . Oh my bonny,

C ome you by the Buoy and Nore, m Ro er ie Or co e you by the p ,

Saw you of my love sailing , saw ou m Oh , y him co ing home to me. ! m Oh y bonny sailor laddie, ! m Oh y bonny sailor, he,

Well I love my sailor laddie, m And y sailor he loves me .


’ T he Seaman s Adieu his r i tt B i i W i p y etty , l v ng near app ng or A T t o T r ue Lo , a tern f ve

SWEET Willia m and pr itty B etty r 1tt They were loving , kind, and p y, none alive could be more true ; was Yet at last, how they crost, ou in brief I will declare to y .

a He aboard was then comm nded,

By no means he could withstand it, she was left with grief on shore ; m Discontented, she la ented for of the loss him therefore . 164


for L ondon C They were bound ity, ’ itt Where they found his true love s p y, thus they did declare indeed ; Willia m That he, was in the Sea,

which made her very heart to bleed .

cr ed O my dearest Love, She y , for Would I thy sake had dyed, ’ thou li st rouling in the deep ; itt Hear my Ditty, Lovers p y, can you now forbear to weep ?

so O ye Rocks and Waves cruel, ’ You r ob d o f have me my Jewel , ’ you have got my heart s delight ; 0 come seize me, Death , and ease me, he ed thus s cr y day and night .

the Then Messenger came creeping, All her friends was round her weeping , seeing of her misery she cr ed Then y , as she dyed,

Love, I long to be with thee .

LXXXIV Con stance a n d A nth ony or an A dmirable N orthern Story

T wo Nor th Lovers in the , Consta nce An thon and y , Of them will I set forth a gallant History ; 166 C ONSTANC E AND ANTHONY

’ lov d They exceeding well , as plainly doth appear ; But that which I shall tell ’ the like you ne er did hear .

Still s he cr ies Anthon , y , m bonn Anthon y y y ,

Ga n than b La nd or Sea g y , ’ I ll w end a lon w ith t e g he .

Anthon y must to Sea, him his calling doth bind,

Consta nce My , Dear, quoth he, I must leave thee behind ; do not I prithee grieve, thy Tears will not prevail ; ’ I ll think on thee, my sweet, ’ when the Ship s under sail .

B ut s till &c . ,

H ow may that be , said he consider well the case ; she Anthon Quoth , Sweet y , ’ I ll bide not in this Place ; SO If thou gang, will I ; for the means do not doubt A Woman ’ s policy

great Matters may find out .

M bonn &c . y y ,

I would be very glad, but prithee tell me how ? ’ I ll dress me like a Lad, what say ’st thou to me now ? 167 SEA SONGS

’ The Sea thou can st not brook , Yes , very well , quoth She ’ to the C I ll Scullion ook, for C thy sweet ompany .

M bonn &c . y y ,

’ An t on h y s leave she had, ’ and drest in Man s array, ’ seem d She the blithest Lad, ’ seen on a Summer s day ; 0 , see what Love can do, at Home she will not bide ; ’ o With her true Love she ll g ,

let weal or woe betide .

M dea r est &c . y ,

’ In the Ship twas her lot to be the Under- Cook ;

And at the Fire hot, great Pains She had took ; ’ ’ She ser v d ev ry one fitting to their degr ee ; And now and then alone

she A thon kissed n y .

M bon n &c . y y ,

l - a - A ack and well day,

by Tempest on the Main , Their Ship was cast away upon the C oast of Spa in ; ’ th To mercy of the Waves,

they all committed were, C own onstance her self saves, She then cries for her Dear.

lil bon n &c . y y , 168


did He her entertain ,

thinking she was a Boy, she did Two years remain ,

before She met her Joy.

Still she & c . ,

’ Anthony up was ta en E Runa ade by an nglish g , With whom he did remain at the Sea-roving Trade ; ’ ’ th I nature of a Slave, ’ ’ th G r ow he did i alley ,

Thus he, his life did save,

ons ta nce n t but C did o know . l & Sti l she . , c

Now m ark what came to pass, see how the Fates did work, ’ was A ship that her Master s , ’ sur pr iz d this E nglish-Tur h: And into B ilbo brought

all that aboard her were,

Consta nce full little thought,

Anthony was so near . t he & S ill s c . ,

When they were come on Shore. An thon y and the rest,

She, who was sad before,

was now with Joy pos sest. The Merchant much did muse at this so sudden change ;

He did demand the News, which unto him was strange he Now s c . , & 17° C ONSTANC E AND ANTHONY Upon her Knees she fell

unto her Master kind,

And all the truth did tell , nothing she kept behind did At which he admire, S a in and in a Ship of p ,

Not paying for their hire,

he sent them home again .

Now she &c . ,

The Spa nish Merchant rich did own of his Bounty give, G on A Sum of old, which they now do bravely live : And now in Wes tmor la nd ’ o n d 1n they were j y hand hand , Consta nce Anthon and y ,

they live in Mirth and Glee .

Still s he cr ies Anthon , y ,

m bonn Anthon y y y , en e s ee Good P r ovid ce w ,

n both gua r ded thee a d me.

L XXXV ’ T he Gallant Seaman s Returnf rom the I ndies

or The H M i tw o i h u , appy eet ng of Fa t f l Lovers

I AM a stout Seaman , newly come on shore,

I have been a long voyage, where I nere was before ’ see But now I am returned , I me resolved to own B ett My dearest honey, whose name is y . 17 1 SEA SONGS

I have been absent from her full many a day, But yet I was constant in every way ; u Though many a beautif l Dame I did see, so B ett Yet none pleased me well as pretty y .

Now t I am intended, wha ever betide,

For to go and see her, and make her my bride ; she If that and I can together agree,

t B ett I never will love none but pre ty y .

’ T he gallant Seaman s Song at his meeting of B etty

B ett Well met, pretty y , my joy and my dear, I now am return ed thy heart for to chear ; on Though long I have been absent, yet I thought

thee, a O my heart it was alw yes with pretty B etty .

’ 5 o Then come, my own dearest, to the Tavern let g , ’ Whereas wee ll be merry for an hour o r two ; t Lovingly toge her we both will agree, ’ t And I le dr ink a good health to my pretty B ety .

to C h And when we have done, the hurch we will y, ’ Whereas wee l be j oy ned in Matr ymony ; ’ alwa es And y I le be a kind husband to thee,

w B ett . If that thou ilt be my wife, pretty y

i I will kiss thee , and hug thee all n ght in my arms, ’ I le be careful of thee, and keep thee from harms ; c I will love thee learly in every degree, tt For my heart it is fixed on pretty B e y . 17 2


Then , Dearest, be not discontented in mind, ’ For to thee I le alwayes prove loving and kind ; ’ No Lord nor Knight I le have, if they would

have me,

For tis thou art the man that my Husband shall be . If that I might gain a whole Ship -load of money I would not forsake my true Love and Honey

No wealth , nor yet riches shall force or tempt me,

To forsake him who ever my true Love shall be .

m his This lusty brave Sea an and dearest Dear , Was married full speedily as I did hear Now they both together do live happily,

B ett And he vows to love his pretty y .

’ ’ over o d ain d He is j y now he has g his mate, They do love and live without strife or debate ;

He is kind unto her in every degree,

So I wish him well to enjoy pretty B etty .

u All you yo ng men and maidens pray learn by my song , To be true to your sweethearts and do them no wrong ; P - rove constant and just, and not false hearted be, so And I will now conclude my new Ditty . L T(HOMAS) (ANFI ERE) .

LXXXVI T he Sa ilor B oy

T HE sailing trade is a weary life, ’ ’ ’ r ob b d me m It s of y heart s delight , m And left me here in tears to ourn , ’ for Still waiting my love s return . T H E SAI L OR BOY

Like one distracted this fair maid ran , t For pen and paper to wri e her song , ’ ’ And at ev ry line she drop t a tear,

Crying alas ! for Billy my dear .

all m Thousands, thousands in a roo ,

My love he carries the brightest bloom ,

He surely is some chosen one, r I will have him, o else have none .

a lea The gr ss doth grow on every ,

The leaf doth fall from every tree, H ow d happy that small bird oth cry,

That her true love doth by her lie .

’ The colour of amber is my true love s hair, d His red rosy cheeks oth my heart ensnare , t His ruby lips are soft, and wi h charms , ’ I d fain lay a night in his lovely arms .

Father, father, build me a boat

That on the ocean I may float,

And every ship that doth pass by,

I may enquire for my sailor boy .

’ sail d She had not long upon the deep, ’ Till a man of war she chan c d to meet 0 , sailor, sailor, send me word,

If my true love William be on board .

i William Your true love is not here, ’ kill d so For he is and I fear, ’ F o r ass d the other day as we p by, ’ We see d him last in the Victory . 175 SEA SONGS

She wrung her hands and tore her hair, C ! rying, alas my dearest dear, w And overboard her body thre , dl Bidding all worl y things adieu .

LXXXVII T he Welcome Sailor

As I walked out one night, it being dark all over, u The moon did show no light I co ld discover, a Down by a river side where ships were s iling,

A lonely maid I spied weeping and bewailing .

’ ’ ask d r iev d I boldly stept up to her, and her what g

her, m She ade. me this reply, None could relieve her, she to For my love is pressed, cried , cross the ocean

My mind is like the Sea, always in motion .

m He said, my pretty fair maid, ark well my story, u E ’ For yo r true love and I fought for ngland s glory, ot By one unlucky shot we both g parted , ’ the ot I m r . And by wounds he g , broken hea ted

He told me before he died his heart was broken ,

He gave me this gold ring, take it for a token, is r Take this unto my dear, there no one fai er,

Tell her to be kind and love the bearer.

she t Soon as these words he spoke run distrac ed, Not she she knowing what did, nor how acted, She run ashore, her hair showing her anger, ’ ’ man too a for no Young , you ve come l te, I ll wed

stranger . 176


e By the Temp st of bad Weather, and the Raging o f the Sea,

I never had but one true Love, and him they took

‘ what makes Says the Mother to the Daughter, you to lament ? I S there never a Lad in this Town that can give you C ontent ? ’ No l , there s never a Lad in the Town ever Shal ff fo r su er me, Since the Seas and the Winds has parted my Love

and me .

There Shall no Scarf go on my Head, no Comb

into my Hair, C No Fire burn , no andle light to shew my Beauty

fair, m For never will I arried be, until the Day I die, Since the Seas and the Winds has parted my Love

and me .


T he Distress ed ShipCarpenter

WELL met, well met, my own true Love, n i Lo g t me I have been seeking thee,

I am lately come from the salt salt Sea,

And all for the Sake, Love, of thee . I m ’ ight have had a King s Daughter, me And fain She would have married , ’ . n But I ve f orsake all her Crowns of Gold,

A nd for of h . all the Sake, L ove, t ee 178 T H E DISTRESS ED SHI P CARPENT ER

’ - u o ! If y might have had a King s Daughter,

I think you much to blame, v I would not for Fi e Hundr ed Pounds,

That my Husband Should hear the same .

For my Husband is a Carpenter,

And a young Ship Carpenter is he,

And by him I have a little Son, I ’d w Or else, Love, go along ith thee .

But, if I should leave my Husband dear, l Likewise my ittle Son also, mai ntam What have you to me withal , ? If I along with you should go

I have seven Ships upon the Seas, L nd And one of them brought me to a , And Seventeen Mariners to wait on thee

For to be , Love, at your Command .

A pair of Slippers thou shalt have,

They shall be made of beaten Gold, ’ Nay, and be lin d with Velvet Soft, “

For to keep thy Feet from Cold .

A gilded Boat then thou shalt have,

Thy Oars Shall be gilded also, to And Mariners row thee along,

F or to keep thee from thy overthrow .

They had not been long upon the Sea, Before that she began to weep ; f or ? sa1d What weep , you my Gold he , ? Or do you weep for my Fee N 2 179 SEA SONGS

do Or you weep for some other young Man , That you love much better than me ? t No, I do weep for my lit le Son ,

That should have come along with me . She had not been upon the Seas P assing Days three or four, ’ she But the Mariner and were drown d ,

And never were heard of more .

Old E n la nd When Tidings to g came, ’ ’ ’ The Ship s Carpenter s wife was drown d ,

He wrung his Hands, and tore his Hair,

And grievously fell in a Swoon . ! u Oh c rsed be those Mariners, F or i they do lead a w cked life, ’ They r uin d me a Ship Carpenter

By deluding away my Wife .


T o all y ou Ladies n ow at Land T o all you ladies now at land, We men at sea indite ; But first would have you understand How hard it is to write ;

Muses Ne tune too The now, and p , re to We must implo to write you .

With a a la la la la . f , , , ,

For though the Muses should prove kind And fill our empty brain ;

Ne tune Yet if rough p rouse the wind,

To wave the azure main , 180


e w To pass our t dious hours a ay, We throw a merry main

Or else at serious play, But why should we in vain Each other’ s ruin thus pursue ?

We were undone when we left you . With a a la la f , , ,

our w But now fears tempestuous gro , And cast our hopes away ; h l o f W ilst you, regard ess our woe, r : Sit, ca eless, at a play P erhaps, permit some happier man

To kiss your hand, or flirt your fan . lVith a a 1a la f , , ,

u When any mo rnful tune you hear, That dies in every note ; ’ ’ si h d As if it g with each man s care, For being so remote ’ Think then how often love we ve made ’

la d . To you, when all those tunes were p y With a a la la la la f , , , , .

In justice ! you cannot refuse di To think of our stress, When we for hopes o f honour lose Our certain happiness ; All those designs are but to prove Ourselves more worthy o f your love

’ now And we ve told you all our loves, o ur And, likewise, all fears,


In hopes this declaration moves Some pity for our tears ; ’ a Let s he r of no inconstancy, sea We have too much of that at .

With a a 1a 1a 1a la . f , , , ,


Farewell and Adieu

F ou AREWELL, and adieu to y , (gay) Spanish ladies , ! Farewell and adieu to you , ladies of Spain ’ F or E we ve received orders for to sail for old ngland, i see But we hope in a short t me to you again .

’ ’ We ll rant and we ll roar like true British heroes, ’l ’ We l rant and we ll roar across the salt seas, Until we strike soundings in the channel ofold England F m -five ro Ushant to Scilly is thirty leagues .

’ sou Then we hove our ship to, with the wind at

west, boys,

We hove our ship to, for to strike soundings clear ; di -five We got soun ngs in ninety fathom, and boldly Up the channel of old England our course we

did steer .

e The first land we made it was call d the Deadman , Ramshead of P Next, Plymouth, Start, ortland and Wight ; a We p ssed by Beechy, by Fairleigh, and Dungeness,

o ff . And hove our ship to, the South Foreland light 183 SEA SONGS

to Then a signal was made for the grand fleet anchor,

All in the downs, that night for to sleep ;

Then stand by your stoppers, let go your shank


- Haul all your clew garnets, stick out tacks and

sheets .

off l m So let every man toss a ful bu per, Let every man toss o ff his full bowls ’ n We ll dri k and be jolly, and drown melancholy ’ - So here s a good health to all true hearted souls .


B ow H B/om Low l igh ,

B Low high , blow low, let tempests tear The main -mas t by the board ; o f My heart with thoughts thee, my dear

And love, well stored , a Shall br ve all danger, scorn all fear

The roaring winds, the raging sea , In hopes on shore To be once more Safe moor’d with thee !

Aloft while mountains high we go,

The whistling winds that scud along , w And surges roaring from belo , m Shall y signal be,

To think on thee, And this shall be my song

low & c . Blow high , blow ,


’ When , o er the grog, all hands delight

To toast their sweethearts and their spouses .

Round went the can, the jest, the glee, ’ While tender wishes hll d each fancy ; n And whe , in turn , it came to me, N ! I heaved a sigh , and toasted ancy

on Next morn a storm came at four, At six the elements in morion Plunged me and three poor sailors more

Headlong within the foaming ocean . Poor wretches ! they soon found their graves ; F or — it f me may be only ancy, ’ But love seem d to forbid the waves To snatch me from the arms of Nancy !

’ r u clear d Sca ce the fo l hurricane had ,

Scarce winds and waves had ceased to rattle, ’ a ear d When a bold enemy pp ,

And, dauntless, we prepared for battle . m f And now, while so e loved friend or wi e ’ Like lightning rush d on every fancy, P I u To rovidence tr sted life, P ut ! up a prayer, and thought of Nancy

—’ At last, twas in the month of May,

The crew, it being lovely weather,

" ’

. M discover d At three A . day ’ ff And England s chalky cli s together .

At seven up Channel how we bore, ’ While hopes and fears rush d on my fancy , um ’d At twelve I gaily j p ashore, ’ And to my throbbing heart pr ess d Nancy ! C HARL ES DI BDI N. XCIV

T he T oken

T HE e r br eze was f esh, the ship in stays, ’ E hush d z ach breaker , the shore a ha e, ’ call d When Jack, no more on duty , ’ ’ His true-love s tokens over haul d :

The broken gold, the braided hair, so i The tender motto, writ fa r, ’ o a - Up n his b cco box he views,

Nancy the poet, Love the muse ‘ ou ou If y loves I as I loves y , ’ s No pair o happy as we two . The storm— that like a shapeless wreck ’ str ew d Had with rigging all the deck, for That tars sharks had given a feast, And left the ship a hulk— had ceased

When Jack, as with his messmates dear

He shared the grog, their hearts to cheer, ’ - b o x Took from his bacco a quid,

And spelt, for comfort , on the lid , ‘ as If you loves I I loves you, ’ so tw No pair happy as we o . — The battle that with horror grim , f Had madly ravaged li e and limb, h Had scuppers drenched wit human gore, ’ — ’ And widow d many a wife was o er When Jack to his companions dear of First paid the tribute a tear, ’ - bo x Then , as his bacco he held , ’ - s ell d Restored his comfort , as he p ‘ ou If y loves I as I loves you , ’ No t o pair so happy as we w . SEA SONGS — The voyage that had been long and hard, But that had yielded full reward ; That brought each sailor to his friend — Happy and rich was at an end ; ’ When Jack, his toils and perils o er, n on Beheld his Na cy the shore, ’ ’ -b ox dis la d He then the bacco p y , e And cried, and seiz d the willing maid, ‘ If you loves I as I loves you , ’ No pair so happy as we two .



T he Sta nding T oa r t

’ T HE m dimm d oon on the ocean was by a ripple, ’ Afl or din che uer d g a q delight, ’ ass d The gay jolly tars p the word for the tipple , ’ fo r u d And the toast, twas Sat r ay night Some sweetheart o r wife that he loved as his life ’ Each drank while he wish d he could hail her ; But the standing toast that pleased the most — Was The wind that blows, the ship that goes , And the lass that loves a sailor !

Some drank the king and his brave ships, m And so e the constitution , m our all So e, May foes and such rips Own English resolution ! m m P011 o r That fate ight bless so e Bess, And that they soon might hail her ;

& c . But the standing toast,

18 8


’ i ’ These are our cares, but f you re kind ’ l n the dashin We l scor , g main , r c The o ks, the billows and the wind , The power of France and Spain ; Now England’ s glory rests with you i — Our sa ls are full sweet girls, adieu .



Ballad in Great New;


T is SWEE the ship that under sail , to Spreads her white bosom the gale, ’ ! s Sweet, oh sweet the flowing can ;

Sweet to poise the labouring oar, our That tugs us to native shore, When the boatswain pipes the barge to man ;

’ Sweet sailing with a fav r ing breeze ; ! e But oh much swe ter than all these, ’ Is Jack s delight, his lovely Nan .


The needle faithful to the North ,

To show of constancy the worth , A curious lesson teaches man : l u The need e time may r st, a squall z Capsi e the binnacle and all, Let seamans hip do all it c an ; My love in worth shall higher rise Nor l time sha l rust, nor squalls capsize,

My faith and truth to lovely Nan . 100 BAL LAD IN GREAT NEWS

3 ’ enn d When in the bilboes I was p , d For serving of a worthless frien , And every creature from me ran : No ship performing quarantine so e Was ever desert d seen , ’ hail d None me, woman , child , nor man ;

’ ’ a fur l d But though false friendship s s ils were , d Though cut a rift by all the world, ’ I d all the world in lovely Nan .


I love my duty, love my friend, u i Love, tr th, and mer t to defend,

To moan their loss who hazard t ran

I love to take an honest part, o h L ove beauty and a sp tless eart , By manners love to Show the man ;

’ i i n To sa l through l fe, by ho our s breeze ’Twas all along of loving these

First made me doat on lovely Nan . B CHARLES I BDIN.


Sweet Annie f rae the Sea - heath came

T sea- SWEE Annie frae the beach came, ’ ’ ’ s s eel d vessel s ide Where Jockey p the . s ! Ah wha can keep her heart at hame, ’ ’ When Jockey s toss d aboon the tide ?

’ s eel d c m d p ] li be . SEA SONGS

’ F ar o ff till distant realms he gangs , ’ ’ I se But be true, as he ha been ;

And when ilk lass around him thrangs, ’ ’ on He ll think Annie s faithful een .

Our wealthy laird I met yestreen ;

With gowd in hand he tempted me, ’ r ais d He p my brow, and rowan een , ’ And made a brag of what he d gie .

’ 5 But though my Jockey far away, ’ Blaw d up and down the awsome main ’ I se keep my heart anither day, c a Syn Jockey may return ag in .

Nae mair, fause Jamie, Sing nae mair, And fairly cast your pipe away ; wad tr ubled Thy Jockey be sair, ’ ’ en h To see his fr i is lo e betray .

’ Yer sangs, and a yer verse is vain , ’ While Jockey s notes do faithful flow ; l To him my heart shal true remain , ’ I se keep it for my constant Jo .

’ Blaw saft, ye gales, round Jockey s head; And gar the waves be cawm and Still hamewar d s His ails with breezes speed , ' ’ And dinna a my pleasures spill .

’ o er lan a Though full g will be his st y, ’ Yet then he ll braw in Siller Shine . ’ I se keep my heart anither day,

Syne Jockey will again be mine . 19:

‘ ’ 0 ou it ne ow , Falm th a fi t n

0 ALMOU T H is , F a fine town with ships in the bay, ’ And I wish from my heart it s there I was to-day ;

I wish from my heart I was far away from here,

Sitting in my parlour and talking to my dear. ’ ’ F or s —it s to it home, dearie, home home I want be , ’ sea Our topsails are hoisted, and we ll away to ; 0 , the oak and the ash and the bonnie birken tree ’ They re all growing green in the old countrie .

In Baltimore a -walking a lady I did meet on ar m m With her babe her , as she ca e down the street ; how And I thought I sailed , and the cradle standing ready

For the pretty little babe that has never seen its daddy . ’

& c . And it s home, dearie, home,

0 she , if it be a lass , shall wear a golden ring for And if it be a lad, he shall fight his king With his dirk and his hat and his little jacket blue - He shall walk the quarter deck as his daddie used to do . ’ s m & c And it ho e, dearie, home, .

’ 0 s a - a- , there a wind blowing, blowing from the west, o f the And that all winds is the one I like the best, F or our it blows at backs, and it shakes our pennon free,

And it soon will blow us home to the old countrie . ’ ’ s m m — it s m to For it ho e, dearie, ho e ho e I want be , ’ s ea Our topsails are hoisted, and we ll away to ; 0 o ak , the and the ash and the bonnie birken tree ’ l They re all growing green in the o d countrie .


e a i - n s Lo n do n Refer en ce R a l S lor So . g . ( m er s to n u . b ’ l l l = O Ha we s Ea r l Na va l B a lla ds. er c Soc et . a l . . . J lli ll y (P y i y f o es Re t a . . p g

R - R r e a ds a ad Soc et Ref. to o umes B ox u a . . . . b gh B ll (B ll i y ) v l a es an d p g . f d s a d S et Ref to umes an d Ba or d a a a oc . . o B . B . g B ll . (B ll i y ) v l pages. = D a ads in od e an R ef olu e and n um er D o uce . to m . . B . B ll B l i . v b ’ R w = R w n son s a ads in od e an Ref to o ume an d a a . . l . li B ll B l i v l n um er b . ’ = d ds in d an R f to S e f- mar oo s a a o e . e . . W . W B ll B l i h l k = ’ u s ec t o n o f En Son s in o d eian o s. D S. Do ce o s . . C ll i gli h g B l (5 v l ) ’ = a e s o ula r Music o the Olden T i e Lon do n a m . . Ch p . Ch pp ll P p f (

1 8 Ref. to a es 55 p g . ’ f d s En lish a n d cottis ul r B lla ds d r o . . S h o a a . Chil P . F J Chil g P p s Ref to n um er s (5 vol . ) . b . ’ ’ = W Lo an s P edla r s a ck o B a ll a n s L H. ads n d So . . . g P f g

Ed n ur Ref to a es. ( i b gh . . p g

N B —T he fo ow n s of so ur ces is n ot n tended to b e com ete . . ll i g li t i pl . I n most cases on ly the so ur ce fr om whi ch the pr esen t ver si on

has een ta en is en T he note s n ed A . r e s . G a b k giv . ig C . . B nd contr uted Adm r a Sir r an r d e ki ly ib by i l Cyp i B i g .

1. m . Fro a MS in the library at Trinity College,

. E a r l E n lish Text Societ Cambridge It is printed in y g y ,

2 1 8 6 A sh. . . 1 . Cf . 5, 7 ; (preface), and Hall , p Sir ’ E Or i in a l Lette s a nd v 1 r ol. . . 1 0 Henry llis s g , series, i p , fo r a letter requesting a licence on behalf of the Earl o f ‘ Oxford to carry pilgrims to C ompo stella in the Jesus o f Or welle The exportation of pilgrims to the shrine of St . James (whose body was discovered in 797) was a regular trade ; in 1434 a licence to carry no less than ’

f . pilgrims was granted by Henry VI . C Borrow s ‘ ’ l - B ib e in S a in 2 . st. 10 1 p , ch . 7 War take in . has

0 2 NOT ES

- b aflled all . editors It might mean war tackle, some : apparatus outside the vessel but this is not probable,

and any alternative explanation is purely conjectural . ’ - 1 6 . F ebyll cell in st . 4 is a slightly built cabin such as was sometimes hastily constructed by the ship’ s car en e p t r down to the very last days of wooden ships .

‘ If the spelling of parts of this song were changed to s w o r pre ent forms , and allo ance made for altered provincial pronunciation in a few words, it would i s appear surprisingly modem . The song most likely the composition of a sailor on board what was certainly “ a merchant vessel ( then cometh our ow ner like a ’ lord and one of its subjects - for it portrays seamen 5 — life as well is that which always was, and perhaps still is m of e , a atter unfailing interest and amus ment to — viz e sailors . the mis ries of landsmen afloat in rough

weather. The only thing that can give rise to doubt as to the calling of the author is its regular and rather — artificial ver siflcation four-lined stanzas of which the first three lines all rhyme and the fourth rhymes with z the corresponding line in the next stan a . This may

possibly be the r esult of editing . Some of the phrases are especially interesting and ’ . . B . are still extant [C . A G . ] “ “ H o ! . . 1 ! St 4 . Howe hissa l would now be hissa ! still used on board sailing merchant vessels instead of the inconveniently longer “ Ho ! hoist ” away ! HlJ’ J‘ t’r is French for hoist ; and a form of

it is found in most Romance languages . “ ” 2 . ! use St . 4 . What ho mate, was in common

i s . till very lately and, perhaps , still “ stond st n felow thou y to y, Thy may nat ” hale the by, in modern spelling would be “ too thou standest nigh (near) , Thy neighbour cannot ” t haul beside hee, thou art too close to him to give him o ro m to haul . 196


- P is a m o f one the Fore bitter class . erhaps it a fr g ent ’ a - C G B mended by a shore going editor . [ . A . . . ]

- . . . 1 1 . m 3, 4 , 5 Hall , pp 4 7, 79 3 and 4 are fro

2 fol. m MS . Sloane 49 7, 4 7, in the British Museu , m o f 5 fro a private MS . A note at the end 3, Sur ’ R Gr infilldes m to m ichard , farewell , see s refer the poe ’ to enville s f 8 Gr voyage o discovery in 1 5 5. The tran scription is illiterate and the text bears traces o f a Scotch fe . w a origin The present text contains a alter tions, for o f m the sake the rhy e or the sense : in 3 Hall . ‘ ’ ‘ . 2 o f desar te . 1 0 t has, in l whinges hie , in l s ead ’ ‘ ’ ‘ ’ 1 alicke 1 8 m foot , in l . 7 , in l . who fortune sicke ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ‘ ’ l he l. 2 6 tr ishe . 2 8 s is . 2 in , in l , and in l 9 that 1 0 n ot to a but . 3 does seem make sense as it st nds, and ‘ ’ o m m l . 1 3wants dwell r so e such word for the rhy e ; ‘ the and fo lde in last stanza bine y need emendation . I ‘ ’ 2 seaes . . n 4 Hall . has in l . and in l 34 hast ‘ These are of a much higher class than genuine ’ P a sailors songs . robably by the s me author. The ’ m n o classical ythology in . 5 proves its shore origin .

A . B . [0 G . ] ’

6 m D euter omelia 1 60 . . Fro John Hinton s , 9 Printed

C . . B . c & . in hap , R , ‘ An interesting fragment showing the jealousy b e m tween the war navy and the erchant service . It was probably written by some one in o r connected with the ’

C . . B . latter . [ . A G ]

R . . 11. 1 . . a 1 7 w]. 57 ; also in D B 74 For other of ma versions this ballad, which y have been written

P . no . 11 . . . 1 6 by Martin arker, cf , R B vi 43 , 79 , 797 ;

8 . Chap . 77 ‘ on or e- not Founded a genuine F bitter, if a Fore o f bitter but little altered . In singing songs this n o o f kind when there was chorus, the last line each ’ C n G . B . stan z a was made to serve as o e. [ . A . ] 198 NOT ES

8 . . D . B . i 37.

You six bargain with men for months, ” m for f And pay the but ive . This most likely refers to the practice o f paying m n ot m seamen by the lunar onth , there being uch difference in the number of days (14 8) in six lunar 1 1 m months and that ( 5 ) in five calendar onths, January to T 1ll d o f May inclusive . a very late ate the crews short voyage steamers were victualled for a lunar month

fo r n m . only, though serving a full cale dar onth The ’ song is founded on a genuine sailor s song and seems ’

to B . C . . G . be but little altered . [ A ]

11 . C 2 8 . o f hild , 9 Six versions the ballad are there collated ; this is from a broadside printed by

f n o . . A sh. 1 . C . Birt , and is copied from 4 7

‘ This song was a favourite on the forecastle till ’ m one well within y recollection . The air was a poor . A G . a (c . . ]

1 . . . 11. 1 68 . . . . 1 iii C . 2 1 . 4 D B , cf R B vi 4 3 ; hap 9 It

8 . is interesting to compare this ballad with nos . 7 and 3 ’

t P a . It is altered from Mar in arker s origin l song, circ 1 635.

. f 1 . . 1 1 . o 5 Hall , p 3 In commemoration Sir ’ Edwar d Hawke s splendid defeat of the French o ff

B elleisle on . 2 0 1 . Nov , 759 The author seems to have Wi nell been the actor, John g , whose poems were pub lished in 1 762 .

16 . . . 1 . Hall , p 35 There is some reason for think Sh ’ ing that it was sung in Charles adwell s F a ir Q ua her of Dea l in 1 714.

’ 1 P oetica l Rha s od . 1602 . 7 From Davidson s p y , It ’ was written for the Gray s Inn Masque (Gesta Gr a ior um) 1 in 594. NOTES

18 r - o f P . F om a slip song in the possession rof.

C . H . Firth .

‘ ’ ‘ I . D . S . i . l . 7 deep . A term used in estimating the fathoms intermediate to those indicated by marks on “ o- m - the z fatho sounding line . Formerly also dip d Diction a r Oxf or y . “ Dip was mere mispronunciation and was used within my recollection by people who never 5 lled the

. G . . word in any way but [C . A B ‘ to 2 0 . Introduced the forecastle from the shore and m s o f s rather a favourite, o t likely because its rou ing ’

s G . B . o Q . ch 1u . [ A ]

2 . . . 2 . D S ii

Son s o he Se or ts 2 2 . t a 3, 4 F' rom g f p , collected by

I lifle 1 86 1 . Rev . F . , London ,

2 5. D . S . i

111. 2 6 . D . S . ’

. . 1 1 . K it ine a 2 . . i . ch r s Lo l 7 . D S ; Hall , p 4 In y Song s of E ngla nd it is stated that this song was sung by Gawdr m m R obin son Cr usoe Mr . y in a panto i e called d 1 8 1 to pro uced at Drury Lane in 7 , which , according ‘ B iog r aphin D r a ma tica is said to have been

contrived by Mr . Sheridan , whose powers, if it really e m do m to r o be his p rfor ance, not see adapted the p ’ duction of such kinds of entertainments . ‘ This was a favourite o n the forecastle and is ’ probably a genuine sailors song . It kept its popularity ’

C . G B . till recent years . [ . A . ] ’ Du fe s Wit a n d Mir th or P ills to P ur e 2 8 . r y , g 6 1 ‘ C la nc ol 1 1 . . . 2 Me h . y , 7 9 ; Hall , p 9 In the oach ‘ of man o f wa r was an apartment near the stern a , ’ O Diction a r x r d . usua lly occupied by the captain . f o y ‘ ’ ‘ - m m z 2 . a In stan a , l 3 trip eans hoisted fro the cap, m fo r mm m sheeted ho e, and ready tri ing S yth, quoted


R 1. 1 8 . 11 1 Vi. . . . . 0 4 awl 3; D B . . 97 ; cf R B . 4 9

6 1 1 1 6 1 8 . The rhymes are faulty in stanzas 4, , 3, 5, , and ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ‘ R . . for 16 m B suggests made shot in , and o its On ’ ‘ ’ ‘ ’ 1 8 . 1 ff shore in In 5 Dogs and Rogues o er a clue .

Probably the work o f a ballad - maker who had heard the men Of returned crews give an account o f their - voyage . It recalls the days when merchant ships were armed n ot much less heavily than men - of-war Of the “ ” “ m z . m m m sa e si e A ain , a ain , eans Strike your ” f . Amenez ootr e v i i n a l o C . . . flag p [ . A G B )

2 . . 02 . . . 0 1 . . 1 4 W 4 37 : cf W 4 55 ; D . B i . 9 1 and iii . 84 . C hild ( 67) collects many versions . The three sons Of John Barton Obtained letters of reprisal against the Portuguese for the seiz ure of a richly loaded ship commanded by their father ; and they appear to have enjoyed the privilege till it became a

. to habit At any rate Andrew, one Of the sons , used ’ take Englishmen s goods and say that they were P 1 1 1 ortuguese ; and King Henry VIII , in June 5 , sent Lord Edmund Howard and Lord Thomas t C o f Howard o capture the pirate . The Lord harles the ballad was n ot born till twenty -fi ve years after the to fight . It is noticeable that Sir Andrew seems not the to on have fired any guns in fight, but have relied the ‘ ’ ’ beams which could be lowered on to the enemy s m deck . The poet is not lucid as to their mechanis or efficacy : but the three attempts on the mainmast tree afford him scope for the finest passage in the ‘ ’ ou m ballad . Until y hear y whistle blow is a mis ‘ ’ o f interpretation the Scotch version till , meaning while

The Scotch resent Barton being considered a pirate .

Histor Scotla n d 8 vol. J . Hill Burton in his y of ( edition), “ 0 him r iii . p . 7 , calls a g eat Scots sea captain He was defeated and killed in 1 51 2 by a force under two 2 02 NOTES — sons o f the Earl o f Lord Thomas Howard a E nd Sir dward Howard (Burton) . “ P st . art II, . 4 . 5 A glass Ile set that may be seen T o m - a set a glass generally eant to turn the sand gl ss, by which time was kept on board ship till near the middle ’ ’ o f B . Queen Victoria s reign . [C . A . G . ]

no a d w 43. Henry Martin is clearly other th n An re

f no . 2 see 2 0 o C . Barton 4 ; hild , 5 This version is

e m of . K idson m copied , by kind p r ission Mr Frank , fro Tr a ditiona l T unes his .

44, 45. The Sweet Trinity occurs in broadsides

- 1 68 2 8 A sh. printed about 5, though (75) says that the ‘ Cf . of to 1 6 . C date the ballad is thought be 35 hild , ‘ ’ 2 8 6 o f ‘ the , where four versions Sweet Trinity are ‘ o f G given , thirteen versions the olden Vanity The m o variations in the story are ainly ab ut the ending , the fate of the cabin bo y being a subject for much differ P s n ot ence of Opinion . rofes or C hild remarks that impossibly the source of the traditional copies o f the Golden Vanity may be as o ld as the broadside of the

f . 2 1 . 2 . Sweet Trinity C . R . B vi . 4 L 4 ‘ P 45. robably a ballad recounting an episode in a ’ ’ - C G . B . merchant vessel s voyage. [ . A . ] 6 6 . . . 2 . . . . 4 Hall , p 5 ; R B vi 37 On his return from 1 8 1 navigating the world in 5 .

‘ o f Sir F r a ncis Dr a he r e r e 47 . From the opera , p sented daily at the Cockpit in Drury Lane at Three ’

P 1 6 . . . 2 . afternoon unctually , 59 Hall , p 5

8 . l . . 1 . . . 8 . 4 Ha l , p 7 ; R B vi 37 John Still , Bishop o f o f Ga mmer Bath and Wells, the reputed author ’

Gur ton s Needle 1 60 . , died in 7

h 1 1 . i c . Dur fe s ”fit a nd Mir t 49 y , 7 9 The are 2 03 NOTES

two distinct versions given in R . B . vi . 379 and other

. C f. . 1 2 0 2 1 variants Hall , pp . 9, ; Chap . , p . 3. ’

0. 5 This song, by John O Keefe, dramatist and actor (1 747 affords a strong contrast to the the m contemporary poems on Ar ada . The music was

8 . by Dr. Arnold . R . B . vi . 3 3

1. . . 8 0 : . . . . i . 0 2 8 . 5 D B iii cf R B vi 4 4 ; Ch ld, 8 An eighteenth -century ballad ; the story is wholly

fictitious .

. . : . . . . 1 1 . t o 1 600 B i 73 cf R B vi 4 Da e, ab ut s

. . . 8 1 : . . . . 2 6 . . 53. D B i cf R B vi 4 ; Hall , p 55 ;

2 8 1 . Child, 7 ; L . John Ward was a Kentish man and ‘ ’ 1 0 took to roving in 6 5. His career was meteoric ; ‘ in 1609 he and Dan sekar were called the two late ’ famous pirates See Ashton s interesting note,

. . 0 1 . 80 02 . . . 11. 1 : . 54, 55 W 4 , 4 39 ; D B 99 cf

. 2 2 . . f . R . B . vi 4 No 55 is the second part o no 54 on the broadsides .

. . . 1 1 8 2 . End 56 R . B viii 4 ; Ash . ; L . 47 of n fic eighteenth century . Captai Glen is apparently a ‘ titious C m of character . o pare the ballad Bonnie ’ no for . Annie ( . 74) the superstition

. 2 8 A sh. 16 . 57 . R . B . vi 4 ; 4 . Date, about 35 P P robably by Laurence rice .

8 . . 100 see o n . 6 0. 5 Hall , p . ; note no

‘ ’ 1 1 59 . B . B . i . 7 ( The s There is a somewhat different version in Ash . 7 and ’ K itchiner s L o a l Son s o E n la nd y g f g , containing the ’ ‘ ’ for 8 correct King Queen in stanza 4, l . , but m otherwise inferior and o itting the last two stanzas . ’

no 6 0. N. B . 1. 1 8 See note on . Ashton s version , , reads ‘ ’ F ill d cf. . 6 0 the scuppers of the rising Sun no , 2 04


Rooke and the Duke of Ormond failed in their o n C z m attempts adi , but defeated the French im ediately f o r a terwards in Vigo Bay, and took burnt the whole Plate -fl eet which C hateau-Regnault was convoying home ’ to . . 1 02 Spain (Kitchin ) This year, 7 , must have ’ been the most popular period in the Duke of Ormond s chequered career . Durfey has another song on the ‘ ’ m m . 6 sa e the e, Ye brave boys and tars . Hall , p . 9 ;

h 8 . C ap . 67

6 2 . . . 1 2 2 . m Hall , p Ad iral Benbow was born at

1 6 0. 1 02 Shrewsbury in 5 In August 7 , during an C o ff C engagement with Du asse arthagena, his leg was carried away by a chain - shot ; and at this critical moment he was desert ed by the other ships of his

Squadron ; he kept up the fight till the next morning , e ff C when the French she red o . aptains Kirby and - l te Wade were court martia led and execu d . Benbow f m died o his wounds at Ja aica in October . There is of his another ballad death , Oh we sailed to Virginia ’ a nd thence to Fial .

6 . . . 1 1 C . . to 3 Hall , p 4 ; hap 597 Hosier was sent the Spanish in 1 72 6 with orders to block the ports ; and from his enforced inactivity was assailed by the derision of the Spaniards and the diseases of the m his cli ate . His crews, his ships, and prestige suffered daily ; and he is said to have died of a broken f of P heart . A ballad , a ter the taking orto Bello in ’

1 to : . 739, represents Vernon s answer the ghost Hall , ’ ’ 1 1 8 G p . . A parody of Hosier s host , called ‘ ’ ’ - B r issot s An ti acohin . Ghost , appeared in the J

6 . . . 4 Ash 7 This song first appeared in W . Shield s of L och a n d Ke 1 6. l Opera y in 79 C aptain Sam . Marshal ’ o f Ar ethusa 2 of m the (3 guns), part Ad iral Keppel s

‘ La B elle P ou/e off U fleet, encountered shant in June, 206 NOTES

1 Ar ethusa n ot 778 . The had by any means the

success which this ballad claims, and was worsted in the due]. ‘ ’ 6 6 . D . S . iii . Sung by Mr. Sedgwick . On the of 1 3 outbreak the war with revolutionary France in 79 , m of C Lord Howe took com and the hannel Fleet, and bringing the enemy to an action some 500 miles o ff o n 1 1 Ushant June , 794, he inflicted a decisive and m important defeat upon the , capturing Six ships of war,

and sinking one .

1t I S 67 . This ballad is chiefly interesting because taken from the Shy /a r k published at Edinburgh in 1 803.

6 Son es and Sonnettes R 9 . From g , published by ichard t 1 T o tel in 557. This song is under the heading ‘ ’ A uc to r s Os or d Uncertain u . It is printed in the gf

B ooh Ver se . of , 54

0 . . 2 . 1 . 11. 2 86 : . . . . 7 . W e 5 53; D B . cf R B iii 1 2 7 (a slightly different version by Cuthbert Birket) ; ‘ . . 108 . o f Hall , p Another version this ballad, The m ’ 8 Welco e Sailor (no . 7) presents many interesting

points of contrast .

1. . 1 2 2 7 D . B . i .

2 . . 11. 2 1 . 7 D . B 4 ’ m m m B a lla d B ooh 73. Fro Willia Allingha s T wo (London , other versions are printed in ‘ ’ L . . 2 2 . Cf . n o . 8 8 . 1 6 , pp 4, 5 In line withershins ‘ e. means contrar y to the course of the sun i .

unlucky . ’ An cien t ScottishB a lla d s . 1 2 C 74 . Kinloch s , p 3; hild , ‘ ’ C . 2 4. There is another Dumbarton version in hild ‘ I. 1 C f C G . 6 . 1 . aptain len no 5 In ,

’ There s fey fowk in our ship fey means ‘ doomed to die soon NOTES

. . 6 . . . 2 61 l . . . 75 Rawl 4 ; B B i ; Ha l , p 49 This ballad would perhaps be more appropriately placed 1n ‘ ’ the first group among the songs i n praise of sailors ; but it forms a good companion to the next ballad .

6 . . . 2 . . . 2 8 . 7 Hall , p 4 ; B B i 9 Date, about — 1650 74 .

; . 18 8 . . 8 . 77 Rawl ; Hall , p 5

P1i nted e of 7g . by kind p rmission Miss Lucy Broad

wood . This version is slightly altered and abridged (for concert-singing purpo ses) from that originally pub lished l S n ci t our na l in the F a h o g So ey J . 8 E 0. Third dition .

‘ 8 1. or I never heard this song sung by sailors, even so alluded to by them , notwithstanding its being well ’

n . . . B . know ashore [C A G . ]

2 . 8 A sh. 35.

A sh. 8 . 8 . . . . 1 6 . . 2 3 D B ii 9 ; B B . i 74 ; 3

8 . . . 2 t . 1 6. 4 D . B i 9 (prin ed at Gosport) and iii

C f . . 2 z R B . i . 4 . The tenth stan a is omitted in the

former broadside .

8 . . . . 8 . . . 1 . 5 Rawl . 97 ; D B i 7 ; R B vi 4 5 ; Hall ,

6 . p . 7

8 6 . Ash . 63. There is another version in the

F olh Son Societ J our nal . . . 2 0. g y , vol i 3

C . . A sh. . 0 87 74 . ompare this with no 7

has 8 8 . . . Ash 59 The first stanza been corrected

from a version in the possession of Professo r Firth . the No . 73is same ballad in a Scotch and apparently

later form .

8 9 . Ash . 74 .



A and s u a o ft ll h p l ’ All in the Do wn s the fl eet lay mo or d

A o f an d a o o f an d stead te lo ! l ! y I s er A m t r eat flee the 1lk e was n er e seen igh y g t, As I lay mu si n g in my b ed s t r ou S an dw c town ass d n A I h gh i h p e al o g As wa ed o ut on e n t it e n d ar all o er I lk igh , b i g k v ’ ’ As wa d o ut o ne mo r n n d o wn r d I lk i g by a r ive s si e ate r a ed As l ly I t vell As n ear Por to - Bell o lyi n g ‘ Atten d y o u an d give ear awhi e

A w eet an d a fl o w n sea et sh i g

e o d u on the swe n seas B h l p lli g Ben B ackstay was a boatswa i n B en Bloc k was a veter an o f naval r enown o w or eas ow an d let th sur w n d s Bl , B , bl , y ly i ow o w low Bl high , bl

’ ease r ude or eas b lust r in r a er C , B , g il o m all e o sa or s o d C e y j lly il b l C ome all y ou b r ave sa il or s ome all ou sa or s o d C y il b l ’ ome c eer u m ads tis to or we s eer C , h p y l , gl y t ome come m o ads C , , y j lly l ome sten m hon ies a w e if o u ease C li , y , hil , y pl m n d ur r um ets n d at u our d r m C o e so u up yo T p a be p y u s

Far w l m H r ts de e e y ea light Far ewe an d ad eu to ou S an s ad es ll , i y , p i h l i 2 10 IND EX O F FIRST L IN ES

’ Fo r En and w en w t fav r in a e gl , h , i h g g l F r o m mer cilesse i n vader s u fadom fi ve th a t r l es F ll y F he i

Ga ll ants y oumust un der stan d Go a ter to u er s a nd swa s do e see p t l bb b , y

' Her e a s eer u es oor T om B owli , h h lk, li p g How littl e do the l a ndsmen kn ow

I am a br i sk a n d spr ightly lad I am a stout seaman n ewly come 011 sho r e If to b e absent wer e to b e I h ave a ship in the Nor th Coun tr ie In Ma fi fteen un dr ed and e t e t y , h igh y igh In S cot and t er e ed t r e r er s o f ate l h liv h e b oth l I n s or ms w en c ds r h k t h l ou obscu e t e s y 1 r ue to see the r agi ng of the seas

’ d r oar d the d r ead f n d r Lou ul thu e Lustel lustel lustel let us sa e for t e y , y , y il h

Men may l eve all gamy s o e has een in L n d n t My l v b o o Ci y ’ ’ M n ame d e see 5 T om ou y , y , T gh

Ne tun e fr own an d or eas r oar p , B Now to Bl ackwall Docks we bid adieu

Of Nel son a n d the Nor th ’ Of Neptun e s empi r e let us si ng O a mout is a fi n e to wn w t s s in the b a , F l h i h hip y O b l th l s n es the o n n e sun h y e y hi b i Oh Y ar mouth is a pr etty town O d n nd o t se f tr u l E gl a t hy l b e e n r d a mor n n as we set sa O F i y i g il ’ Our ne was for m d the r enc la to 1 2 li , F h y 4 P 2 IND EX OF FI RST LINES

S a t us e er on an d b e no w t the n eat h ll I h v l g, hi e S n we Seamen n ow and n i g the ’ Sir Dr a e w om we the wor d s end new k , h ll l k Sir a ter R a e has u a W l l igh b ilt ship i So me ear s o f ate in E t E t y l , igh y gh Sti ike up y o u lusty gall ants

Susan t s etter sen d t ee , I hi l h Sweet A n n e fr a the - eac came i e sea b h Sweet is the t d e ship tha un r sail Swee am and r itt ett t Willi p y B y

T he r eez e was fr es the s in sta s b h , hip y T he Geor e-A oe and the Swee sta e too g l , p k T he ki ng sits in Dumfer mli n e to wn T he lo ve th at I hae chosen T he Master the Swa er the oat- Swa n an d , bb , B i I ’ T he moo n on the ocean was dimm d by a r ipple T he per il s an d the d anger s o f the voyage past

er e was a r c or d and he ed in or fa r Th i h l , liv F Ther e was a ship a nd a ship o f fame T he saili ng tr ad e is a wear y li fe T he to sa s r in the w n d p il shive i ’ T he wat r od r ea Ne tun e la y g , g t p , y ur sda in the mom the des of Ma Th y , I y T o all y ou l adies n ow at l an d To ll for the br ave ’ was o st mer d an a f- ast four T p i i , h l p ’ Twas when the seas wer e r oar i ng Two Lover s in the Nor th

Vali an t Pr otestant Boy s

W r r ar n r s e b e th ee poo m i e e met we met m own tr ue o e W ll , ll , y l v at d t a l m o so sad Wh o h y y l ve ly ’ at o en d th fi h r s fe ! Wh j y att s e s e li 2 12


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