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Ghostly Indian pictographs on a Utah canyon wail. Cleveland - Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry visitor center. Kiger Gorge, near Oregon's Steens Mountain, provides spectacular views. Goblin Valley, Utah - the handiworkoferosion. Alkali Ridge, Utah. was an area of extensive Indian settlements from 800 AD. The GREAT BASIN DESERT WONDERLAND. Picture a seemingly endless des- But the Great Basin also belongs to man. Ancient ert, surrounded by mountain ranges and branching into six Indians inscribed petroglyphs - rock writings -and painted States. This is the Great Basin, a sunken desert with no their pictographs on lonely cliffs, depictingtheir hunting outlet to the sea.It appears isolated and desolate. But is it? exploits.Later, settlers built mining towns and worewell- Look closely known trails further westward. The desert comes to life even in the driest seasons. This country. perhaps at first uninviting,has much to With very little moisture, it can produce a floral carpet. Its mountains, canyons, and trails are dotted with the brightest colors. Look for the Joshua tree. offer the visitor. the strange yucca. or the little scurrying desert animals scenic attractions. Modern facffities for fishing, camping, whose strange forms and habits are shaped by their harsh boating, and other sports are available and there is recreation environment. for every taste and interest. 15 ARt'Ketchuzu A S.4WTOOT7I NF TERS OF ,0 N MOON NM MAINE N. WN H 0t 18 0 G CR 10 19 + A H.4P 7:4/N '12 NA P( N(F/G( 7:M0NTN # A Ot A A A SAWTOOTH Lakevec AA A AA A A SA 700 A OREGONA A A AAA A CL/CR VALLEY/N A ' IOAH NEVAD ________AFt. Mct)ermjtt A A AA A c UTAH AA AA HUM8OLDTN.F HUMBOLDTNF A A AA L000MO SPENGS A AAA05AA N.WR. ( AA 4 A GOLDE' SUMM/TLAKELR At\A ALK4UL N A Me cc , A AA AA1O4 107 MIGRAT A82 A '\ A AA IAA A A A t' AAA,' A 7j A A A A 85 A C A A At' 75 9A C' A A E.40L(L 74 I A A A endover A A A A C' A BttIe Mountain A A A A A A . A A A HUMUOLDTNF A AA A ' A A103f' R i\ A 8A 102 A A A A C' A A 1101 Att' A A A AA W At' A A GOSHU7 I i.e. t\ DAAA1 A AA It\ A A A1 A y ATER PWN AAA A A106 A A t'A/\ A.. A AN RE A JA HUUBOLDTN.E 73 93 A A Cao City A HLYBC cr/vp A A *qLKEF /M'CR IN /\ A A A LEHMAN CA N.M.S A -a &hur A AAWeIej\ CE/N AA A \A A Peak A A A AA TO/YA8EN.F A A At'A AAt'A 62 AA A (NV AAA A A A\AA A A AAAA N A A /\(\ AA A A 1 A A TYA8E N C' A" AC" A AA AAHAA A 69 At' A AA osIdaj T}c hA"J60\ A At' A \ 68 A //U418Ot.7 N At' 58 AA \AfA A LEGEND National Wildlife Refuges IN.W.R.) BLM District Offices BLM Administered Lands 'V eLM Resource Area Headquarters National Forests IN. F.) Indian Reservations (1 R.) National Parks and Monuments (NP., N,Mj State. Private and Other Ownershrp Highways U. S. Routes Interstate Routes State Routes POINTS OF INTEREST rNumeraa/fy keyed ye Seacrttisns beg,nnve or rage 'B-I B! Developed Campsttes Historical Sites Vpinedale ETON N.F ae,00ERN. Undeveloped Campsites Old Mining Areas V 0 P,cnicking Areas Rockhouriding Areas Petrified Wood Areas A :RIOGERN.F Unique Geological Formations A'A A Petrogtyphs. Pictographs & Wall Paintings "At\A Unique Botanical & Zoological Features A A hem erer Scenic Areas and Overlooks A SUB OFF/CE Best Fishing Areas 1'.andol Rock SproW' A !28 A Best Hunting Areas AA GORGE 1' AAA 2 L. Whte-Water ecatrrg YB/RD - Esanst AA NAT AA A N 'OMt 30 ,NGSORGEocS A - - - - AA COLORADO - - AA WASATCHN.V /\t\ ASHLEYN I?NSPARKNR A AA AA,A A keCity .A °A A Craig A A A t\ A /\ 'At\ -a A AA A UJNTAN,V K eromli SKULL VALL -a AA A OURAVN'.R. A , 1* I/WTAH AND OURA ROUTt A \leekeT panih Fork p\ Al" A AA , AATh37AI' AA " /\A\A ASHLEYNf A W4SATCH NV " Al" jf\f\ A - 109 A A 108 -Ac7A AA LAA A WHITE N/Vt-P N. A 'w.... At" fir/-LA AArt" A UINTAHAA0 OURAYI.S Al" A - - r A A A - A , A A -1 A A 1 ,ir RIVEN NV t\1 113 A A1 AAAAt' A 0 Gram! JuflC-'°° - R A P kes A N.F n p4(E ADO C A 0 - II' - - - " Cripp cC A A GUNP,k Creek S Filini At" A ARCHES A A 8LAON AA GUNN/50N hfield /\A OF THE NYON A A LA 50 A anksviUe CANYON Er N.M. ACity ENF CEDAR 8/etA- C CANYO/e NP NM. THE GREAT BASIN KING'S BOWL AREA (Idaho). West of Aber- VERMILLION BLUFFS (Cob.).Multicolored deen, turn off Interstate Hwy. 15 W at either E cliffs along a high ridge. Moffat County, north- or W interchange at American Falls.Follow west Colorado, 30 ml. northwest of Maybell on POINTS OF INTEREST State Hwy. 39 across the dam 6 ml. from Amer- back country roads; four-wheel drive vehicle ican Fails turn west on North Pleasant Valley recommended. (Keyed to map on pages 16, 17) Road. Last 6 mi. is dirt road. Rolling desert CROSS MOUNTAIN CANYON (Cob.). Moffat range land with extensive lava beds, craters, County, 12 mi. west of Maybell on U.S. Hwy. and other geologic formations such as Crystal ABERT RIM (Ore.). North of Lakeview on U.S. Ice Caves, located in a volcanic rift 40 ml. 40 and 3 tnt. north of highway by jeep or Hwy. 395. Fault block formed when one section pickup truck.Impressive vertical-wailed can- southeast of Craters of the Moon National Mon- yon through which Yampa River flows. of earth raised as adjacent section lowered. ument. Only ice caves in the world open to the Lake across highway from the cliff which is public. POINT OF PINES (Utah). From Vernal take 10 miles long. U.S. Hwy. 40. 12 ml. southeast across the Green MASSACRE ROCKS (Idaho). Power County, 10 PAGE SPRING CAMPGROUND (Ore.).El. River at Jensen; 300 ft. east of the bridge, take ml. southwest of American Falls. On U.S. Hwy. a county road for 20 nil, north. Scenic view. 4250 ft. Mountain stream 62 mi. southeast of 30N. Rocky bill on the south side of the Oregon Burns on Donner and Blitzen River; fishing, Trail used as an observation point for Indians RED HILL OVERLOOK (Cob.). Moffat County, hunting. scenery, camping; 15 camping units raiding horse and mule trains. 7 mi. north of Artesia on road leading from with 15 trailer space accommodations; water; U.S. Hwy. 40 to canyon sections of Dinosaur June-Sept. .20. LANDER CUT-OFFSELF-GUIDING AUTO National Monument. Panoramic down-country ROUTE (Wyo. and Idaho). Follow the path of BLITZEN CROSSING CAMPGROUND (Ore.). vista of vast area on public lands lying adja- the emigrants as they took the newly con- cent to Hwy. 40 in Colorado and Utah. EL 5000 ft. Mountain stream 25 ml. south of structed Lander wagon road in 1858.This Frenchglen on south leg of BLM Steens Mt. Oregon Trail cut-off can be traveled or closely CATHEDRAL BLUFFS (Cob.).Long, high loop road; fishing, hunting, scenery, camping, paralleled in an ordinary vehicle from South ridge with excellent panoramic vista. About 18 hiking; 5 camping units with trailer space; Pass, Wyomlng, all the way to Fort Hall, Idaho. nil, southeast of Rangley in Rio Blanco County, water (boil before use); July.Nov. Concrete and bronze markers along the route northwest Colorado, on back country roads; JACEMAN PARK CAMPGROUND (Ore.).El. keep you on the trail. A tourist self-guiding four-wheel drive vehicle recommended. 8000 ft. 17 ml. east of Frenchglen on BLM brochure can be obtained from adjacent BLM ANVIL POINTS IN NAVAL OIL SHALE LAND Steens Mt. road; fishing, bunting, scenery, or Forest Service offices. (Cob.). Garfield County, about 6 ml. west of camping, geologic formations; 4 camping units WARREN BRIDGE CAMPGROUND (Wyo.). Rifle, along U.S. Hwy. 6 and 24.Spectacular with trailer space; water; July-Oct. Sublette County. El. 7500 ft. 17 ml. north of view of oil shale cliffs, part of the vast deposits STEENS MOUNTAIN (Ore.).Overlooks on Pinedale on U.S. Hwy. 187. 23 camp and picnic of northwest Colorado. east escarpment provide view a mile down and sites. Drinking water, trailer sanitation station. GYPSUM RECREATION SITE (Cob.). El. 6000 a hundred miles away. From Frenchglen, a Fishing close by on Green River. May-Oct. ft., 1.5 ml. west of Gypsum on U.S. Hwy. 6-24 BLM road passes Page Spring recreation site PACIFIC SPRINGS INTERPRETIVESITE and Eagle River.Hiking, fishing, hunting. and climbs to the summit elevation of nearly (Wyo.). 30 tnt northeast of Farson on State Lava beds, extinct volcano.Near Glenwood 9500 ft. Then the road loops back along the Hwy. 28. Display shows the route of the Oregon Canyon, ski resorts. Colorado River. natural Little Blitzen River to Frenchglen. Fishing and trail from South Pass City. Historical markers caves.10 trailer campsites, 10 picnic sites, 18 hunting are popular in the Steens.