Position Action

Opponent Reaction Result

Spider Reverse De La Single Leg X 50/50 Closed Guard Collar Sleeve Lasso Guard Lapel Lasso Riva

Establish Get Brabo grip Opponent on both Opponent grabs Opponent staying Opponent on both Opponent Intermediate Opponent Standing Opponent stands overhook with with lapel & go Opponent Standing Shallow Lasso Opponent grabs knees pants grip far away knees pressures in Lasso Deep Lasso lapel for choke pants grip

Extend one leg Regrip opponents Plant foot on Opponent defends Get to one hip & Get cross sleeve Opponent steps Opponent steps out & slip coiled leg & Get deep lasso Come up to hand & Get up on elbow, Opponent in sleeve & switch ground & extend leg from coming bring leg over Opponent defends grip & frame with same side leg opposite side leg leg past arm to get sleeve grip with free leg attempt hip bump recoil leg & sit to collar with opponent over you over shoudler Brabo choke knee or foot combat base forward forward hip into position other hand

Get De La Riva Extend leg Lift hips up & Invert under Invert, drop leg leg over Take lasso leg Take lasso out & Lift hips, recoil Free hand inside Opponent posts Opponent backs hook with lasso Get deep De La through & shoot shoot leg over opponents leg & out of 50/50 & shoulder & pass out, pull arm & go shin to shin leg & shoot leg collar & extend hand on mat away leg & put free Riva with free leg hips up shoulder shoot to position shoot to position lapel over ankle kick leg over extending base leg over shoulder foot on legs

Push head down, Lift hips, recoil Lift hips up & bring top leg Free bottom leg & Fist Choke Gubber Guard leg & shoot leg shoot leg over Opponent postures Opponent falls to over & shoot to put to far hip over shoulder shoulder butt position

Free hand behind Invert Free bottom leg & foot, invert underneath, clear switch hips underneath & opponents leg & shoot up into shoot into position position

Cup elbow, tuck feet underneath & Get up on feet & Sweep look away from roll over far opponent shoulder

Omoplata Omoplata Crucifix Position

Follow opponents Grab collar & Roll under & hook Omoplata Opponent rolls momentum & reach lapel pull far elbow through across to block opponent back

Opponent steps Opponent postures across body up

Both hands grab Drop top leg & Grip back of Grip sleeve, cup Hook under Grab opponents Grab knee, push Opponent follows opponents hand & Opponent locks Rolls in getting Step back free under hook to Opponent gets to lapel & shrimp far elbow & opponents leg wrist & establish downward & get hips & defends push down to hands to defend underhook leg behind head calf slicer knees hips back shrimp away with figure 4 Kimura grip pants grip wrist position

Cup under far Roll over getting Grab opponents Extend legs as Pass lapel across Kimura grip on Catch elbow & Pull Kimura Grab opponents Keep sleeve grip Retract inside Cup elbow, switch shoulder with both Clear omoplata knee inside & toes as they step soon as opponent Omoplata Crucifix opponents neck & Extend leg & push far arm & throw free leg across to the mat head sit back & & bring knees foot, grab belt & legs to across hip hands & drive into leg & swing over establish twister over & lock up gets up Submission half nelson with yourself away legs back over & switch hips lock up triangle inside pull opponent back & behind knees it to secure hook toe hold other arm

Grab pants grip, opponents Opponent steps shrimp out & back Armbar Basic Omoplata Collar choke Kimura free arm & throw Kimura Triangle Back take Toe hold Back take Back take Shoulder lock far leg forward in to crab ride Submission submission leg over head position

Shrimp out, bring Unravel top leg & Roll through to knees to chest & hook far leg Back take Monoplata leg drag get to crab ride entering X- Guard

Extend away & Sweep Back take stand up
