Barbara Rzebik-Kowalska Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow

Distribution of (Insectivora, Mammalia) in time and space

Rzebik-Kowalska, B., 2003 - Distribution of shrews (Mammalia, Insectivora) in time and space - in: Reumer, J.W.F. & Wessels, W. (eds.) - DISTRIBUTION AND MIGRATION OF TERTIARY IN EURASIA. A VOLUME IN HONOUR OF HANS DE BRUIJN - DEINSEA 10: 499-508 [ISSN 0923-9308] Published 1 December 2003

The oldest shrews, represented by the extinct family Heterosoricidae, were found in the Middle Eocene of North America. They lived also in Europe and Asia and finally disappeared in the Late Miocene. Their place of origin is still unknown. The ‘true’ shrews (family Soricidae) appeared for the first time in the Early Oligocene in Europe. They belonged to the extinct subfamily Crocidosoricinae. They were also found in Asia and North Africa and survived to the end of the Miocene or ?Early (Gargano, Italy). They are considered to be of European origin. The remaining subfamilies i. e. Allosoricinae, Limnoecinae, Crocidurinae and Soricinae are not known before the Miocene. Allosoricinae were found in Europe and Asia Minor where they are known from the Early Miocene until the Late Pliocene. Probably their main evolution took place in Europe. The members of the extinct, and exclusively North American, Limnoecinae are known from the Early Miocene until the earliest Pliocene. The oldest remains of the Recent Old World subfamily Crocidurinae are known from the Middle Miocene of Asia Minor and Africa. In Europe, the first Crocidurinae are known from the Late Pliocene, in eastern Asia from the Pleistocene. Their great recent diversity in Africa and late appearance in Europe and eastern Asia suggest that their evolution took place mostly in Africa. Also the second Recent subfamily Soricinae is now extremely diversified. Their oldest remains were found in the Early Miocene of Europe and repre- sented by the genus Hemisorex. More or less from the same time Soricinae are known from North America. They belong to the genus Antesorex. The first occurrences of the remaining species of the Soricinae are from the European Late Miocene, the end of the Middle Miocene of North America and the Late Miocene of Asia.

Correspondence: Barbara Rzebik-Kowalska, Institut of Systematics and Evolution of , Polish Academy of Sciences, 31-016 Kraków, Slawkowska 17, Poland; e-mail: [email protected]

Keywords: Mammalia, Insectivora, Heterosoricidae, Soricidae, Tertiary, distribution.

INTRODUCTION 1998) have not accepted this division and According to Reumer (1998), who presented consider the heterosoricid shrews as a subfa- a new approach to the classification of fossil mily of the family Soricidae. Reumer’s clas- and recent shrews, the shrews can be subdivi- sification is adopted in the present article. ded into two families, the Heterosoricidae The family Soricidae consists of five subfa- and the Soricidae. This division is based on milies: Allosoricinae, Crocidosoricinae, the different morphology of bones and mus- Crocidurinae, Limnoecinae, and Soricinae. cles, which take part in the process of masti- The exclusively North American subfamily cation (Reumer 1987). Some authors Limnoecinae ranged from the Early Miocene (Repenning 1967, Hutterer 1993, Storch et al. to the earliest Pliocene. The subfamily


Soricinae includes seven tribes: Anourosoricini, neumayrianus (SCHLOSSER, 1887) (Germany Blarinellini, Blarinini, Soricini, Notiosoricini, and Switzerland). Quercysorex primaevus Neomyini, and Beremendiini. (FILHOL, 1884), was cited from not precisely dated Oligocene layers in France (Rzebik- HISTORY OF DISTRIBUTION Kowalska 1998, Ziegler 1998). At the Oligocene/Miocene boundary in Heterosoricidae VIRET & ZAPFE, 1952 North America, the number of the heterosori- The oldest shrews known so far belong to the cids is again higher. They are represented by extinct family Heterosoricidae. They were Pseudotrimylus dakotensis (REPENNING, found in the Middle Eocene of North 1967) and two species of Domnina (South America in four localities of Wyoming (USA) Dakota, California and Idaho). The Early and in one locality in Canada. They are repre- Miocene localities yielded still more diversi- sented by the genus Domnina COPE, 1873 fied Heterosoricidae. There were two species with the unique species D. gradata COPE, of Pseudotrimylus and two to three species of 1873. In the Late Eocene the number of spe- a new genus Wilsonosorex MARTIN, 1978 cies doubled and their range was wider, but (Colorado, South Dakota). In the Early/ limited to the United States. The heterosori- Middle Miocene a new genus (Paradomnina cid diversity increased again in the Early HUTCHISON, 1966) represented by P. relicta Oligocene. Besides three species of Domnina, HUTCHISON, 1966 appeared in California a new genus Pseudotrimylus GUREEV, 1971 (Harris 1998). The last ocurrence of the hete- was described from Colorado and Wyoming rosoricids in North America was in the (Harris 1998). Middle Miocene. They were represented by At this time (Early Oligocene) the first new species of genera Pseudotrimylus and heterosoricid shrews appeared in Europe and Paradomnina and by a new genus Ingenti- Asia. In Europe they were represented by the HUTCHISON, 1966. The geographical genus, Quercysorex ENGESSER, 1975, with range of all forms was limited to Oregon one species, Q. herrlingensis (PALMOWSKI & (Harris 1998). WACHENDORF, 1966) described from the In Europe, the Early Miocene Hetero- German locality of Herrlingen 1 correlated to soricidae were also numerous and represented MP22. Quercysorex sp. cited from an older by three species of the genus Heterosorex and locality (MP21) in the Czech Republic is the two species of Dinosorex. Their geographical oldest known on the European conti- range was very wide, from Spain to Greece nent (Fejfar & Kvacek 1993). The number of (Rzebik-Kowalska 1998). During the Middle heterosoricid taxa in the Early Oligocene of Miocene in Europe, the number of Hetero- Europe was most probably greater, since soricidae was even greater than in North numerous remains are still unstudied. In Asia, America: four species of Dinosorex and the Early Oligocene heterosoricids were Heterosorex lived at that time from Spain to found in Mongolia (the Gobi Desert) and Poland and Slovakia (Rzebik-Kowalska described by Sulimski (1970) as Gobisorex 1998). kingae. This finding constitutes the oldest In the Middle Miocene, after a long absen- record of shrews in Asia. Heterosoricids from ce since the Early Oligocene, the Hetero- the Late Oligocene of North America are not soricidae again appeared in Asia. They were known. In Europe, several species (not all found in China and described by Qiu (1996) identified to species level) of two genera as Mongolosorex qiui. Later, another heteros- (Quercysorex and Heterosorex GAILLARD, oricid shrew was discovered in Asia Minor 1915) were described. Among them Q. her- and listed as Dinosorex sp. (Storch et al. rlingensis, Q. ulmensis ZIEGLER, 1998, Q. 1998). During the Late Miocene heterosori- huerzeleri ENGESSER, 1975 and Heterosorex cids became scarce and finally disappeared

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from Europe and Asia. Their last occurrence rosoricid genera in common beteen Europe in Europe was correlated to MN11 (Dinosorex and America. As far as we know, North sp. from Germany, Storch 1978), and in Asia America and Asia had no genera in common to MN11/12 (Heterosorex wangi STORCH & either. The unique common genera inhabiting QIU, 1991 from China, Storch et al. 1998). two continents (Heterosorex and Dinosorex) Up to then in Europe, three species of were found in Europe and Asia. Species of Dinosorex and one of Heterosorex survived both of them appeared earlier in Europe (in in a large part of that continent. In Asia, the Late Oligocene) than in Asia (Dinosorex besides Heterosorex wangi, Mongolosorex in the Middle and Heterosorex in the Late qiui was still present but became extinct at Miocene). the beginning of the Late Miocene (MN9) The morphological resemblance of orga- (Storch et al. 1998). nisms observed in North America, Europe The data presented above show that the and Asia has usually been explained by faun- oldest heterosoricid shrews (and the oldest al exchange between those continents. As is shrews in general) were found in the Middle generally known, in the Paleocene and in the Eocene localities of North America. In the Early Eocene northern Europe was connected Late Eocene they were still present on this with North America by the northern Atlantic continent only. Until the Middle Miocene, bridge and was separated until the Early when they disappeared from this part of the Oligocene from Asia by the Turgai Straits world, five genera with 12 named (and four (although some brief contacts between them unnamed) species inhabited the southwestern existed during that time). At the same time, part of it (Harris 1998). It was as late as in Asia was united with North America by the the Early Oligocene that the Heterosoricidae Bering Bridge (Kramarenko 1974, Golonka appeared in Europe and Asia. In Europe, their 2000). It is also known that climatic condi- representatives (three genera with eleven spe- tions in the Early Eocene were more or less cies) survived until the Late Miocene (MN11) uniform in the Northern Hemisphere, from (Rzebik-Kowalska 1998). In Asia, where the temperate and warm temperate in the north to knowledge of fossil shrews is poor, we know subtropical in the south. Evergreen forests only one species from the Early Oligocene of spread further northward in the Eocene, espe- Mongolia, one species from the Middle, and cially along seashores, as in the other one from the Late Miocene of China, and one Paleogene periods. This is confirmed by unnamed species from the Middle Miocene of numerous localities of fossil flora, e.g. in the Asia Minor. The Chinese locality Lufteng is, territory of north Asia, where palms were so far, the youngest one (MN11/12) in which found until 64o northern latitude (Efimova a representative of this family was found 1961). Even the Bering area was much war- (Storch et al. 1998). mer in the Early Paleogene than in the For a long time, the great morphological Neogene. These conditions certainly facilita- similarity of many taxa (including heterosori- ted the dispersion of many organisms. At that cids) from three northern continents aroused time we observe many common elements in questions concerning their history. Where had faunas of North America and they come from? Where was the centre of Europe, the latter being only the eastern their dispersal? At what time and in which peninsula of North America. The same is true way had they spread? The Heterosoricidae in the case of North America and Asia. At were never found in Africa. Although in the this time, few species were common to Asia sixties some species in Europe and North and Europe. America were ranked in common genera Therefore, the Early Eocene was probably (Heterosorex, Trimylus), Engesser (1979) the period in which Heterosoricidae could proposed the opinion that there are no hete- spread between all three northern continents,


although it is difficult to say where they ori- populations were limited; or taphonomic con- ginated. Was it North America, where the ditions were unfavourable for the preserva- oldest remains were found and where they tion of remains. Even when the Bering only occurred during the Middle and Late Bridge sometimes formed again, the climate Eocene? Or was it southeastern Asia, consi- changed from warm temperate to cold tempe- dered by many authors as the centre of evolu- rate, which prohibited the cross-penetration tion of most taxa of shrews? It is well known, of biota. At that time the Bering Bridge pro- that more Asiatic mammalian species spread bably acted as a filter to mammalian disper- from Asia to North America, especially in the sal. Engesser (1979) believes that it was pro- Paleogene and the beginning of the Neogene, bably impossible for small mammals, inclu- than in the opposite direction (Kramarenko ding Heterosoricidae, to cross such climatic 1974, Dawson 1999, Beard 1998). Moreover, and ecological barriers. The Heterosoricidae if North American mammals crossed were evidently dwellers of warm regions as Beringia, they did not spread very far into they were always found in assemblages con- Asia in most cases. taining taxa characteristic of tropical forests Unfortunately, the knowledge of fossil (e.g. - Hylomyinae). Moreover, the shrews from Asia is very limited. The Recent Heterosoricidae died out at the end of the shrew fauna of this vast continent contains Late Miocene when the deterioration of the about 120 species, whereas during its entire climate, the cooling and desiccation, became long history only 60 species (among them evident. four heterosoricids) have been discovered as With these facts in view, Engesser (1979) fossils (Wolsan & Hutterer 1998, Storch et al. suggested other than dispersal explanations of 1998). In the Middle Eocene the Bering and heterosoricid similarity in North America and northern Atlantic bridges vanished, but the Europe after the Middle Eocene. According Turgai Straits was still present. These condi- to him it could be a parallel evolution and/or tions resulted in the isolation of Europe, Asia, conservation of primitive features. and North America. This isolation (with only some short contacts between Asia and North Soricidae FISCHER VON WALDHEIM, America and Asia and North Europe during 1917 this time), which continued in the Late Crocidosoricinae REUMER, 1987 Eocene, caused differentiation of faunal The second group of Tertiary shrews is repre- assemblages on three continents. Many ende- sented by small, primitive extinct species of mic groups developed on each of them. In the the subfamily Crocidosoricinae. The subfami- Early Oligocene the Turgai Straits disappe- ly was established by Reumer (1987) and is ared, enabling the mixing of many European considered by many authors as ancestral to and Asiatic mammals (‘La Grande Coupure’, all other soricid shrews of the family Hartenberger 1983, Rögl 1998, Golonka Soricidae sensu Reumer (1987). 2000). The Crocidosoricinae appeared for the first The Miocene was the time of extensive time in the Early Oligocene in Europe and faunal exchange between Eurasia and North most of their history is limited to this conti- America across the Bering Bridge. However, nent. The oldest remains are known from the in large areas of the Northern Hemisphere, German locality of Ehrenstein 8 (Early including Beringia, records on terrestrial Oligocene, MP22). They were described as mammals practically do not exist north of Srinitium cf. marteli and they represent the about 55o N (Dawson 1999). Several expla- oldest known ‘true’ shrews (Ziegler & nations are possible: older sediments had Heizmann 1991). Until the beginning of the been destroyed by glaciers or covered by Pliocene, when they disappeared, 14 named Quaternary layers; in the northern latitudes species of nine genera were found in Europe.

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S. marteli HUGUENEY, 1976 was also found in Mellal in North Africa (Butler 1998). the Early Oligocene (MP23) of France. In the As in the case of the Heterosoricidae, the Late Oligocene the number of taxa increased. question arises concerning the origin of Three to six species of three genera, Crocidosoricinae. They have mostly been Srinitium HUGENEY, 1976, Ulmensia ZIEGLER, found in Europe. Although they are small in 1989, and Crocidosorex LAVOCAT, 1952, were size, their absence or insignificant number in listed from France and Germany. The Early Asia and Africa does not seem to be artificial, Miocene localities of Europe yielded a very because other very small fossil shrews (from rich fauna of Crocidosoricinae, at that time the subfamily Allosoricinae) have been found attaining the greatest differentiation (Reumer in Asia Minor, West Siberia and China in 1994). Thirteen species from eight genera several localities of the Middle and Late (Carposorex CROCHET, 1975; Clapasorex Miocene and the Late Pliocene. As Crocido- CROCHET, 1975; Crocidosorex; Florinia soricinae are older and more numerous in ZIEGLER, 1989; Lartetium ZIEGLER, 1989; Europe than in Asia and Africa, some authors Miosorex KRETZOI, 1959; Soricella DOBEN- consider them to be of European origin. FLORIN, 1964; Ulmensia) were collected from During the Early and Middle Miocene several ca. 50 localities. A drop in relative humidity events of faunal exchange took place between and the following cooling around the Eurasia and Africa. Most probably Lartetium Early/Middle Miocene boundary were proba- dehmi reached West Africa from eastern bly responsible for their decreasing in Europe, along the southern coast of the geographical range and variety in the Middle . In the Middle Miocene Miocene. Only four genera, Lartetium, their passage from Spain was rather impossi- ?Miosorex, Florinia and Soricella survived in ble. On the other hand, beginning with the the Middle Miocene of Europe. Species of Early Oligocene, dispersal between Europe two genera (cf. Crocidosorex in Italy and and Asia was feasible. Were climatic and eco- Miosorex in Spain, France, and Hungary) logical conditions a filter for their dispersal were still found in Europe in the Late to Asia? Miocene. The youngest Miocene localities (correlated to MN12) in which ‘cf. Allosoricinae FEJFAR, 1966 Crocidosorex’ was listed, are Casteani, This extinct subfamily consists of only two Montemassi, and Ribolla in Italy (Rook et al. genera, Allosorex FEJFAR, 1966 and Paene- 1996). But probably, the remains do not limnoecus BAUDELOT, 1972. Species of the represent a Crocidosorex but Miosorex. last genus are very small, similar in size to Similar to the Heterosoricidae discussed, one of the smallest Recent shrews, the Crocidosoricinae did not survive beyond etruscus (SAVI, 1822). The inclusion of the the Miocene/Pliocene boundary. The unique genus Paenelimnoecus in the Allosoricinae is exception is Lartetium dehmi (Viret & Zapfe, disputed by Storch et al. (1998), who referred 1952) which was found in the ?Early Pliocene to it as "Soricinae incertae sedis". sediments of Pirro Nord Cave on the Gargano So far, the oldest representative of the sub- in Italy (De Giuli et al. 1987). So far the family, Paenelimnoecus micromorphus Crocidosoricinae have never been found in (DOBEN-FLORIN, 1964), was found in Europe. North America. One species similar to the It was known from the Early Miocene (MN3, European Crocidosorex, was listed by Storch MN4) localities of the Czech Republic and et al. (1998) from the Early Miocene (MN4) Germany. In the Middle Miocene (MN6), of eastern China. Another, European, species another species of genus Paenelimnoecus, P. of crocidosoricines, Lartetium dehmi africa- crouzeli BAUDELOT, 1972 was listed from num (LAVOCAT, 1961), was found in the France. Rare in the Early and Middle Middle Miocene Moroccan locality of Beni Miocene, Paenelimnoecus extended its range


into the Late Miocene. Paenelimnoecus (Angustidens REPENNING, 1967 and repenningi (BACHMAYER & WILSON, 1970) Limnoecus STIRTON, 1930) and three to four was discovered in several European localities species. It stratigraphically ranged from the dated from MN9 to MN13. It probably beca- Early Miocene to the earliest Pliocene (Harris me extinct at the end of the Miocene; in the 1998). Early Pliocene it was replaced by another species, P. pannonicus (KORMOS, 1934), Crocidurinae MILNE-EDWARDS, 1872 which survived until the Late Pliocene. The Crocidurinae is one of the two subfamilies, youngest (MN16) locality in which an unna- which survived until Recent time. Data on med Paenelimnoecus was found is Rbielice their early history are extremely poor. Their Królewskie 1A in Poland (Rzebik-Kowalska oldest remains were described from two 1991, 1998). Middle Miocene localities from Asia Minor Paenelimnoecus also occurred in Asia. The (MN7+8; Storch et al. 1998). From about the oldest, undetermined, forms were found in same age originate the remains of the Middle Miocene of Asia Minor. From the sp. cited by Butler (1998) from Tunisia in Late Miocene of Asia Storch et al. (1998) lis- Africa. Late Miocene (MN13) Crocidurinae ted P. obtusus STORCH, 1995 in China (MN13) were found in Asia Minor (Storch et al. and two undetermined species of this genus 1998). In Europe, the oldest remains come in West Siberia (MN12, MN13). After a gap from the Late Pliocene (MN16, MN17). They in the Early Pliocene, P. chinensis JIN AND belong to two species of the Recent genus KAWAMURA, 1997 was discovered in the Late WAGLER, 1832. From Austria C. Pliocene of China. The unnamed Paene- cf. obtusa KRETZOI, 1938 was mentioned and limnoecus in Daodi (MN16, China) is, so far, C. kornfeldi KORMOS, 1934 from the Czech the youngest one with remains of the Allo- Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia (Rzebik- soricinae (Storch et al. 1998). As seen above, Kowalska 1998). All remaining data on fossil the genus Paenelimnoecus has a long history Crocidurinae of Asia, Africa and Europe are in Europe, beginning with the Early Miocene. referred to the Pleistocene and . Outside Europe, its Middle Miocene remains Today, Crocidurinae contain mostly tropical were also found in neighbouring Asia Minor forms of the Old World with 12 genera and and West Siberia, whereas its oldest data 218 species. In Africa the subfamily shows from China come from the end of the Late the greatest diversity (nine genera and about Miocene (MN12 and MN13). These facts 145 species, 106 of which belong to the suggest its European origin and later disper- genus Crocidura). In Asia the number of cro- sal in an eastern direction. cidurines is about half those above (5 genera In the Early Pliocene a new member of and 69 species). Six species of two genera, Allosoricinae appeared in Europe. Allosorex Crocidura and Suncus EHRENBERG, 1832, stenodus FEJFAR, 1966 discovered in the which have successfully invaded the Slovakian locality of Ivanovce (MN15). It Palaearctic, are restricted to latitudes south of was also found in Romania, in a locality of about 53o N and many of them are synanthro- the same age (Radulescu et al. 1995). pic (Wolsan & Hutterer 1998). ?Allosorex sp. was mentioned from an older The apparently late appearance of the (MN14) locality in France (Guerin & Mein Crocidurinae in Asia (with the exception of 1971). The genus Allosorex is known only Asia Minor) and Europe and their clearly from Europe. African affinities suggest that they evolved mainly in Africa. During the Early and Limnoecinae REPENNING, 1967 Middle Miocene intense faunal exchange The extant exclusively North American sub- between Eurasia and Africa occurred through family Limnoecinae includes two genera SE Europe and Asia Minor (Dawson 1999).

504 RZEBIK-KOWALSKA: Distribution of shrews

This was probably also the time of exchange America, while all tribes with the exception of of Crocidurinae species between these conti- Notiosoricini are present in Europe and Asia. nents. The diversity of fossil soricine shrews in Europe and North America is large but in Soricinae FISCHER VON WALDHEIM, Asia and Africa the knowledge concerning 1817 them is clearly incomplete, therefore only The Soricinae are the second Recent subfami- data on the oldest taxa are presented below. ly of shrews. It consists of 11 genera and 117 The oldest known soricine shrews belong to species (Wolsan & Hutterer 1998). Today the genus Hemisorex BAUDELOT, 1967 (tribe they occur in Eurasia and North America as Blarinellini). They are known exclusively well as in the northern part of South America. from Europe. Their earliest remains described According to Repenning (1967), the bounda- as ?Hemisorex sp., were found in Germany ry between two living subfamilies coincides (Early Miocene, MN3; Ziegler 1989). H. with the position of the Miocene Tethys and robustus BAUDELOT, 1967 was collected in this "explains an incredible degree of ende- France in the Middle Miocene (MN6; mism with these shrews". Baudelot 1967), and H. suchovi LUNGU, 1981 Today 7 genera with 52 species live in is known from the Late Miocene of Moldova Asia, 5 genera and 60 species in America and (Lungu 1981). The youngest, remains of 2 genera (Sorex LINNAEUS, 1758 and Hemisorex (Late Miocene, MN13), were KAUP, 1829) with 11 species in Europe. Most found also in France (Guerin & Mein 1971). of the extant species on all continents belong Soricinae were also found in North America. to the genus Sorex LINNAEUS, 1758, with They belong to the genus Antesorex exception of the northern part of South REPENNING, 1967 (Soricini) and are dated to America, where species of the genus the middle and late Early Miocene (Harris Cryptotis POMEL, 1848 are the only shrews 1998). present (Wolsan & Hutterer 1998). Besides Hemisorex, the other old soricines The fossil record of the Soricinae is much of Europe were not found earlier than in the better than those of the Crocidurinae, but it is Late Miocene (MN9). At the beginning of the still insufficient to fully understand their his- Late Miocene (MN9), the genus Crusafontina tory and evolution. Fossil Soricinae were GIBERT, 1974 (tribe Anourosoricini) appeared. extremely diverse. So far 24 named fossil This tribe consists of taxa extremely speciali- genera have been found in Europe, 20 in Asia zed in the structure of the teeth and mastica- and 16 in America; 13 genera were common tory system. Its only living representative in Asia and Europe and only one (Sorex) is (Asia), Anourosorex squamipes MILNE- common to Asia, Europe and America. EDWARDS, 1872 is, according to Repenning Soricinae are absent in Africa, although one (1967), the most specialized recent shrew. of their representatives, Asoriculus maghre- Species of this tribe survived in Europe to the biensis (RZEBIK-KOWALSKA, 1988), was found Late Pliocene [MN16; Kordosia topali in the Pliocene / Pleistocene in Morocco. It (JANOSSY, 1972), Hungary; Mészáros 1997]. probably came there along the southern shore The Asiatic Anourosoricini, Anourosorex of the Mediterranean Sea from Europe, where oblongus STORCH & QIU, 1991, appeared later several species of this genus are known from (MN11-12) in China. Another Late Miocene the Late Miocene to the Middle Pleistocene (MN12) shrew of this tribe in Asia belonged (Rzebik-Kowalska 1988, 1998). to the genus Paranourosorex RZEBIK- As mentioned above the subfamily consists KOWALSKA, 1975 found in the south of West of seven tribes. The representatives of these Siberia. Until the Early Pliocene, probably tribes are also known as fossils. The first five more species appeared also in the south of tribes (see Introduction) are known in West Siberia [P. seletiensis STORCH &


ZAZHIGIN, 1996 (MN13), P. gigas RZEBIK- Peisorex KOWALSKI & LI, 1963 and KOWALSKA, 1975 (MN14)] and in China Lunasorex JIN & KAWAMURA, 1996. Their (MN13) P. inexpectatus (SCHLOSSER, 1924). oldest remains belonging to Beremendia were According to Storch & Zazhigin (1996), the found in Early Pliocene (MN14) localities of West Siberian Paranourosorex belonged to a Europe. It survived until the earliest Middle single evolutionary lineage with a range Pleistocene. In Asia, representatives of this between the MN12 and MN14. The latest tribe are known from Late Pliocene until the species, P. gigas, was also found in one Middle Pleistocene (Rzebik-Kowalska 1998, European locality in Poland dated to MN14, Storch et al. 1998). and an unnamed species of this genus in the Unfortunately the origin and the place of Late Pliocene (MN15) locality in the Ukraine evolution of most Soricinae taxa remain, so (Topachevsky et al. 1988). Paranourosorex, a far, unknown. genus of Asiatic origin, probably spread to Europe in the beginning of the Pliocene REFERENCES (Storch & Zazhigin 1996). In North America, Baudelot, S., 1967 - Sur quelques Soricidés (Insecti- the tribe was represented by two species of vores) miocènes de Sansan (Gers) - Comptes Rendus the genus Anouroneomys HUTCHISON & Sommaires des Séances de la Societé Géologique de BOWN, 1980 ranging from the latest Middle France 7: 290-291 Miocene to earliest Pliocene in Nebraska and Beard, K.C., 1998 - East of Eden: Asia as an important Oregon. They present the oldest remains of centre of taxonomic origination in mammalian evolu- Anourosoricini in the Northern Hemisphere tion - in: Beard, K.C. & Dawson, M.R. (eds.) - Dawn (Harris 1998). of the Age of Mammals in Asia - pp. 5-39, Bulletin of Besides the above-mentioned shrews some Carnegie Museum of Natural History 34 other taxa also appeared in the Late Miocene Butler, P.M., 1998 - Fossil history of shrews in Africa – sediments of Europe. They were: Petenyia in: Wójcik, J.M. & Wolsan, M. (eds.) - Evolution of KORMOS, 1934 (MN9, Blarinellini), Ambly- shrews - pp. 121-130, Mammal Research Institute, coptus KORMOS, 1926 (MN12, Anouro- Polish Academy of Sciences, Bialowieza soricini), Asoriculus KRETZOI, 1959 (MN13, Dawson, M.R., 1999 - Bering down: Miocene dispersals Neomyini), Deinsdorfia HELLER, 1963 and of land mammals between North America and Europe Sorex (MN13, Soricini). Two of these genera, - in: Rössner, G.E. & Heissig. K. (eds.) - The Petenyia and Sorex, also appeared in Asia but Miocene land mammals of Europe - pp. 473-483, a little later, in MN12 and MN11-12 respecti- Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München vely. Moreover, THOMAS, 1911 De Giuli, C., Masini, F., Torre, D. & Boddi V., 1987 - (MN11-12), Alloblarinella STORCH, 1995, Endemism and bio-chronological reconstruction: the Cokia STORCH, 1995, Paenepetenyia STORCH, Gargano case history - Bollettino della Società 1995 (all Blarinellini, MN13) and Zelceina Paleontologica Italiana 25: 267-276 SULIMSKI, 1962 (Soricini, MN13) were found Efimova, A. F., 1961 - Palm leaf from the Tertiary layers for the first time in Asia. In the Early of Penzhinska bay - Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 4: Pliocene Alloblarinella and Cokia were also 170-171 (in Russian) found in Europe (Rzebik-Kowalska 1998, Engesser, B., 1979 - Relationships of some insectivores Storch et al. 1998). Species of the Blarinini and rodents from the Miocene of North America and first appeared in North America at the end of Europe - Bulletin of Carnegie Museum of Natural the Middle or Late Miocene, while in Asia History 14: 5-46 and Europe they are known only known from Fejfar, O., 1966 - Die plio-pleistozänen Wirbeltierfaunen the Early Pliocene. von Hajnácka und Ivanovce (Slowakei), CSSR. V. The exclusively fossil Beremendiini are Allosorex stenodus n. g. n. sp. aus Ivanovce A - known from Eurasia. They were represented Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, by three genera: Beremendia KORMOS, 1934, Abhandlungen 123: 221- 248

506 RZEBIK-KOWALSKA: Distribution of shrews

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