8 De la au littoral basque Errobitik itsas hegiraino De la Nive au littoral basque PYRÉNÉES-ATLANTIQUES Ce guide présente 516 kilomètres de sentiers balisés et entretenus par la Communauté de Communes Errobi et l’Agglomération Sud Pays Basque. 60 itinéraires vous sont proposés pour découvrir les différentes facettes PYRÉNÉES-ATLANTIQUES de notre territoire : des paysages de plaines, aux massifs montagneux, en passant par le littoral. Que ce soit pour une balade familiale ou une randonnée plus sportive vous trouverez le circuit qui vous convient. Ce guide a été préparé afin balades et randonnées de vous offrir des moments inoubliables sur les traces de l’histoire, de la culture basque et du patrimoine naturel local. Bienvenue en Pays-Basque. 60

Saint Palais From the Nive to the Basque CoastIholdy De la Nive au littoral basque

Ce guide rando 64 a été réalisé par la Communauté de Communes Errobi en partenariat avec l’Agglomération Sud Pays Basque et avec l’aide du Conseil Général des Pyrénées-Atlantiques.

Discover all the available routes  GUIDES RANDO 64 balades et randonnées

© P.Gaillard 60 GUIDES RANDO 64 in Tourist Offices à pied, en vtt ou à cheval, découvrez le Béarn et le Pays basque !


Very beautiful hike to dis- cover Mont Artzamendi, for experienced walkers. Remar- kable site for its panoramic views and varied landscapes.

Vue panoramique depuis l’Artzamendi

Getting to the departure point : the mountains and range and to the right, over From the main street of the village (“La Place” district), go around the village of Itxassou. Continue left on the path crossing the pla- the fronton wall and take the road leading south. 2h40 teau, as far as the Col de l’Ane 7 630652 - 4794270. You will certainly After 100 m turn right to park your vehicle in the carpark. At the meet (Basque country ponies) on your way. At the col, climb carpark exit D 628743 - 4798876, take the road to the right. Follow up in the direction of a lone oak tree. Continue straight ahead fol- this, continuing straight ahead as far as the Basseboure stream 1 lowing the milestones guiding you across the rocky moorland. Once 628661 - 4798503, which you should cross. Pass a beautiful mill. you arrive on a hilltop, you will have a view to the summit. Follow Follow the road towards Atharri mountain. You will go through a the path in the direction of the dome of the summit. Having enjoying beautiful chestnut grove. 3h25 360° panoramic views at the summit 8 629276 - 4793528, continue When you arrive at the crossroads called “Cinq-Cantons” (five on the right, as far as a fence which you should cross. Follow the yel- 0h23 paths) 2 628745 – 4798274, continue on the track opposite which low signs and begin a very steep descent in the direction of Pas du crosses a meadow area, before entering woodland again. The Roland, easily recognisable from far off, between the Atharri moun- track leads to a tarmac road which you should follow to the right. tain and Mont Arrokagaray. Cross a rocky area where in the past, Continue straight ahead on this as far as the crossroads with the grindstones for mills were extracted and cut to shape in situ. The Route du Pas de Roland 3 629428 - 4798074. Turn right onto this slope is less steep at the start of a less rocky section through which 1h00 picturesque road which follows the gorges of the Nive as far as you should continue straight ahead for approx. 300 metres, before the Laxia district 4 629644 - 4796824. Turn left at the bridge in the 3h40 turning right 9 629503 – 4794414. Follow the contour line in the direction of the Ondoria restaurant and continue on the tarmac direction of a small ridge which you should cross to reach the ruins road. Once you arrive at Aranzaliania Farm, located by the side of of two sheepfolds to the left of the Col de l’Ane and at the heart the road, turn right at the sign indicating a grazing area and conti- of the “Plateau Vert”. Then follow a wide track leading to Kaskaitza nue in the direction of the Ossingaraya Farm. Follow this road until 4h10 10 630485 – 4795040. Turn left soon afterwards and follow the zig- 1h40 you reach the Apalaenea stone house 5 630719 - 4796042. Take zag path, the same one you took at the start, down a long descent the winding track to the right and begin a long and difficult climb which is sometimes steep and technical, until you reach the tarmac on a path leading to a flat area at the start of the Plateau Vert, at 5h15 road leading to Laxia district 4. Return to the Pas de Roland and fol- 2h25 Kaskaitza 6 630485 - 4795040. Don’t miss the view to your left, over 6h15 low the signs as far as the village. LEV ITXASSOU 4 DIFFICULTTOUR OF MONT ARTZAMENDI - Artzamendi Itzulia

D D Itxassou, Ateka Sanoki carpark


2 GPS : 628743 - 4798876 3


19,2 km +1191 m 4 -1191 m

Balisage D to I 5

Not to be missed • Cromlechs • Old mill stone quarry • Nive gorges 6 • Panoramic views over the Basque coast and Nive valley

9 • Keep your distances from animals 7 • Avoid doing this hike in bad weather • This route is for hikers in good physical condition only

8 0 500m

©IGN Additional information available from :

Pays d' et d' Tourist Office Château des Barons d'Ezpeleta – 64250 ESPELETTE - Tél : 05 59 93 95 02 Mail : [email protected] - Web : www.espelette.fr Full list of hiking guides in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques at www.rando64.fr www.rando64.fr Discover Béarn and the Basque Country by foot, mountain bike or on horseback! HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR HIKE

Levels and signposting Difference in altitude : Length : an indication of the total cumulative ascent is the length of each circuit is given for each circuit. provided. This takes into account the length of the hike, altitude and pos- sible difficulties. Hiking routes Hikes are classified by difficulty and differentiated by colours in the practical details for each circuit. For this, we follow the recommendations of the French Hiking Federation (FF Randonnée).

▼ Less than 4hrs walking. ▼ Less than 2hrs walking For frequent hikers. With parts that Ideal to do as a family on well-marked are sometimes more difficult or steep. Hiking trails sign paths.

▼ Less than 3hrs walking. ▼ More than 4hrs walking. Can be done as a family. On paths, For experienced and more athletic GPS coordinates sometimes with less easy parts. hikers. The route is long or difficult (steep climbs, difficult parts), or both. of routes Follow the signposting so you stay on the right path The reference format is Path signs riding Local paths and PR® GRP® GR® VTT Equestre WGS 84 – UTM 30T Download the GPS tracking Right direction for circuits at: Turn left www.rando64.fr Turn right Wrong direction

GR® (Grande Randonnée), GRP® (Grande Randonnée de Pays) and PR® (Promenade et Randonnée) are registered trademarks of the French Hiking Federation. Some routes have been selected by the Federation based on quality criteria, they are labelled PR®.


▼ Weather 08 92 68 02 64 or 32 50 ▼ European emergency number : 112 or visit www.meteofrance.com For more tips : Those walking the paths from the Nive Have respect for the livelihoods of others

to the Basque coast should behave in a ▼ Close gates.

way that respects nature and the liveli- ▼ Avoid walking with your dog. Dogs hoods of men and women living in this must be kept on a lead.

area. ▼ Fires are prohibited.

It is important that a few rules are fol- ▼ Have respect for private property lowed.. along the route. Protect nature

▼ Carry a bag to take your rubbish with Caution! During the seasons for pi- you. ▼ Show respect for flowers, plants geon hunting (October to and wildlife. ▼ Stay on marked paths. November), group beats Protect yourself (year-round) and stubble- burning (December to ▼ Don’t leave without the right equipment. March), some circuits should ▼ Avoid going alone. be avoided. Find out more ▼ Do not drink stream water. from the Tourist Office.

▼ Check the weather forecast.

Your opinion on our paths

Suggested routes are chosen very carefully. Your comments and observations on the upkeep of our paths interest us, and allow us to keep them in good condition. We invite you to address your comments to us at the Communauté de Communes Errobi on 05 59 93 65 94. You can download an Ecoveille® form at www.rando64.com/ecoveille You will also find an Ecoveille® comments form on the site

www.rando64.fr Discover Béarn and the Basque Country by foot, mountain bike or on horseback!