Issue No 127 February 2018 Newsletter of Friends of the International Llythyr Newyddion Gyfeillion Eisteddfod Gerddorol Musical Eisteddfod: Free to members Ryngwladol Llangollen: Aelodau am ddim The New Music Director The Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod has announced its 8th music director and first ever representative of Greek origin to hold the prestigious title, Vicky Yannoula.

ortfolio musician with international experience, London in 1995 to study at the Royal bring to the role as Music Director. Vicky, joins the Llangollen College of Music, Vicky’s list of P Global Prominence International Musical Eisteddfod accomplishments has made her a following successful positions at notable pianist on stages around the “It’s such an honour to be organisations such as Trinity College world and seen her collaborate with appointed. The organisation's London, Middlesex University and a wealth of international artists. Her heritage and global prominence the Drake Calleja Trust, succeeding impressive CV is also bolstered by along with the team's vision, passion Eilir Owen Griffiths following his six- her experience as a tutor, recording and sense of purposefulness are a year tenure. artist, manager and an entrepreneur. huge source of inspiration to me. “As soon as I saw the role Vicky continued: “Throughout “It is a privilege to be joining this advertised online, I was instantly my career, I have been lucky superb team and I am overjoyed that drawn to it,” said Vicky, “I already enough to be involved in an array of we shall be working together towards knew of the Llangollen Eisteddfod performances, educational projects a dynamic International Eisteddfod due to the incredibly special place it and to hold managerial positions for 2018.” holds in the world’s musical calendar. in music. It is my passion and Exciting Opportunity “The International Eisteddfod’s understanding – both as a musician core values of peace and multi and manager – that I can’t wait to Vicky’s comprehensive and cultural celebration inspire me, so varied experience combined with to be appointed and follow in the her globally relevant background, footsteps of a host of incredibly represents an exciting opportunity for talented music directors is a real the Llangollen International Musical honour.” Eisteddfod as it continues to develop. Chairman of the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod, Dr Since moving from Corfu to Rhys Davies, said: “We’re excited to see Vicky add her personal flair In This Issue to this year’s festival and use her extensive international experience Message From The Chairman..... 2 to further cement the International Luda, Our Wonderful Friend...... 3 Eisteddfod on a global stage. From the Archives...... 4 Reaching New Audiences From the Chair...... 6 Membership Desk...... 7 “Her impressive background will Arty Local Students ‘Makeover’ ensure the International Eisteddfod Eisteddfod Building...... 8 continues to grow and develop reaching new audiences nationally as well as globally.” Message From The Chairman Luda, Our Wonderful Friend n behalf of the Eisteddfod his is how we, in Friends, first I would like to thank heard of Luda. Oyou, the Friends, for the T In 1999, a group called wonderful support you give to Rosinka came from Ukraine to Llangollen. The financial support that Llangollen to compete in the comes from Friends is so important Children’s Folk Dance event. To to us and we are most appreciative. help with the financing of their visit, they brought an exhibition of Artistically Splendid artwork made by children in Ukraine Llangollen 2017 was artistically who were suffering from the terrible splendid with something for effects of the Chernobyl nuclear During a visit, Jerry and Elaine everyone. The 70th Anniversary disaster of 1986. Friends gave them were introduced to a three-month- Luda with her father, the late Jerry Concert was a rousing opening to space in the Tent for this exhibition, old baby called Lyudmyla. She Chomyszak the Eisteddfod with a celebration and it raised a lot of interest. They was severely disabled at her arms of brass and voices. We are very naturally came to the attention of the and legs, and they felt called to thankful to . Eisteddfod’s Ukrainian Interpreter, arrange for her to come to Britain for Tosca in Concert, with Kristine Jaroslav (always known as Jerry) specialist treatment. In April 2003, Opolais, Kristin Benedictine and Sir Rhys Davies partaking of a Chomyszak. He, with his wife Elaine, they eventually succeeded. She has Bryn Terfel amongst others, was got much involved in the problems stayed with them ever since. Known truly memorable. snack on the Parade they faced during their visit. now as Luda, she has become their adopted daughter. Calling All Nations Brian Evans We must maintain Nuclear Disaster Unfortunately, I regret to inform Christopher Tin’s Calling All After the Eisteddfod was over, you that one of our long-standing Examining the size of Terry Waite’s Nations was what the Eisteddfod our U.S.P., which Jerry and Elaine set up a fund for the volunteers, board member and is all about, it was very moving support of orphanages in Ukraine shoe member of Friends, died recently is that we are and emotive. Our International which were trying to care for the after a short illness. Brian Evans, Celebration also highlighted children of the nuclear disaster. They Since leaving school in 2016 formerly Competitors’ Liaison an International, peace credentials and introduced were dismayed to find the conditions with 8 GCSE’s I got a place at Officer, will be missed by many. the International Voice of the Music and Dance which the children were living in; they Hull College and I’m studying Future Competition to our concert His enthusiasm for the were clean, but otherwise neglected, performing arts. Eisteddfod and competitors was audiences. Festival with no toys, nothing to encourage Last year I was on Level 2 second to none. The Eisteddfod Other highlights included: their development. With Terry Waite and Gethin Davies on which is a 1-year course and has sent condolences to his family. with us in September. Vicky has the bench to commemorate her father during that year I played as • Gregory Porter, the Californian been very busy since starting and Van Loads Carabosse the evil fairy in jazz man, was a great success the concert stream has already been So Friends decided to support and then in with his soulful renditions. High Standard launched. She has certainly brought Familiar Figure Sleeping Beauty their project, by finance and by my end of year show I played • Choir of the World was a The competitions continue to be a breath of fresh air to Llangollen and collecting toys and other goods from Year by year, Luda has come to as Widow Corney in Oliver the splendid finale to the Eisteddfod of very high standard and we hope we look forward to continued working Llangollen and nearby Shropshire. Llangollen, a familiar figure on the musical. I finished the year with an once again. Our congratulations to develop them further over coming with her. We collected several large van loads Eisteddfod Field. We have been overall Distinction Merit which was go to The Aeolians of Oakwood Eisteddfodau. We are eagerly looking forward of toys, clothing, and medical goods able to witness her astonishing the 3rd highest mark in my class. University, USA. to Llangollen 2018. We have many over the next five years, and these development. Three years ago, Jerry Breath of Fresh Air This year I progressed onto • Llanfest with Manic Street other music festivals to compete with were transported to Ukraine. died; there is a bench outside the Level 3 which is a 2-year course Preachers was a wonderful end Our new Music Director, Vicky now. However, we must maintain Friends’ Tent in great respect and and I am currently working on the to Llangollen 2017. Yannoula (see front page), started our Unique Selling Point (U.S.P.), grateful memory of him. pantomime which is which is that we are an International, Jack & The Luda continues to come with and I’m playing the Music and Dance Festival, a Peace Beanstalk Elaine, able to get around on her character Edena the Eco Fairy Festival where there is something for scooter and busily writing on her which is a very different character all in our day presentations and our i-Pad with a stylus held in her teeth. to what I’m used to playing so this evening concert stream cannot be And she has just celebrated her will be quite a learning curve for seen anywhere else. 18th birthday. me but I think I am doing really With new input into our Artistic Luda’s is an extraordinary story, well. Forum we are already looking at of generosity, courage, and sheer After these next 2 years I am 2019 and 2020. We need to evolve persistence against all the odds. But hoping to progress onto a Drama continually to survive. as Elaine has said, ‘It all started with School where I will do a 2-3-year I look forward to welcoming you all a meeting, between total strangers, course and after that I am hoping next July. in the opportunity provided by the to get onto the West End. Look Thank you very much once again. Eisteddfod’. forward to seeing you this year Rhys Davies, And now it is time to hand over and thanks for the continued Eisteddfod Chairman to Luda herself, as she picks up the support. Luda and Elaine enjoying the parade story in her own words: in 2017, and (centre top) on stage limelight 3 2 limelight presenting prizes From the Archives The Archive Tent display in 2017 included a poster of images entitled “Continuity & Change”, which compared different aspects of the Eisteddfod in its early years to their twenty-first century counterparts.

4 limelight limelight 5 Annwyl Gyfeillion, ell, another landmark, From the Chair Dear Friends, Membership Desk the 70th birthday of the Eisteddfod has passed, membership secretary, Derrick 017 Eisteddfod—yes I know W Francis, with the help of his assistant it seems far away now but but you will have seen by the please check advanced ticket notice sent out Christine Holmes and treasurer 2this is the first opportunity for with your bank before Christmas that our new Music Selwyn Evans. Between them they me to mention some things that Director, Vicky Yannoula, has got have worked tirelessly to get the happened during the week. records up-to-date. instruction and off to a flying start with getting the It was a pleasure to welcome concert stream set up. I would like to Unfortunately this is not always so many “Friends” to our marquee ask your bank take this opportunity, on behalf of the easy. The majority of you have last year and to welcome quite a Friends, to welcome her to her post heeded our pleas to include your to include your and to wish her every success in it. FLIME membership number in the few new members, not quite as standing order reference, which many as 2016! I would record my membership Annual Donation makes finding your record to update thanks to Christine for her help in One thing that can only help very easy. However, there are still a the “office” during the week. number in future competitors to get here is the few off you who have not done this And now Greetings to “Friends” Bursary Fund that was set up with a Mal (right) celebrating her birthday This year to date we have had yet. In most cases we can find the and best wishes for 2018 . contribution from your subscriptions, record from your name, but there during the 2017 Eisteddfod with some 60 new “Friends” when you and is now the main use for the are still several payments we have Danielle Williams (centre) and Carys Thank you to all “Friends” who bought your Eisteddfod tickets— Friends’ annual donation to the not been able to associate with a Henderson, who both helped her in have actioned their standing order Thank you and please come and Eisteddfod. To my mind, this is what particular member. Once again I urge the Friends’ tent payments, a big improvement this visit YOUR MARQUEE during the Friends are for, and I am proud to be you to check that your membership year THANK YOU for making our week. part of an organisation that is able number is a part of the standing I would also like to add my job easier. to give people a chance to promote That concludes my brief report. order reference, so we know how to personal sympathies to the family Sadly we still have a few their culture of music and dance in allocate each payment to its proper of Brian Evans, whose death is Sincerely, without any membership number such a positive way. owner. reported on p2 by Rhys Davies. as a reference. Derrick Francis This year we will be able to give Please ask at the membership Brian was particularly keen to help a bit extra to this cause, thanks to desk in the tent if you are not sure. with the Archive’s proposals to the Please ensure that Membership Secretary the generous legacy of Ms Celia Heritage Lottery Fund to set up your bank records your Flowers a project to develop the archives Jackson, the details of which are membership number as Acrobatics on the Field - you never outlined in Selwyn’s report on the It was with great sadness that I and to make them more widely our reference, the word accessible. know what will happen in Llangollen next page. learnt of the death of Mal Tucker who “FLIME” is not sufficient. for many years, up to and including in July! Long Standing Continuity 2017, was responsible for the Several of our members also fabulous floral display which helped I was pleasantly surprised on make generous donations directly to make our tent such a special place entering our tent to find Bhagwant The late Ms Celia Jackson to the Eisteddfod. Mrs Martin of to sit and have a rest from the hustle Singh (below right), who had Aberwystwyth has sponsored and bustle of the Eisteddfod Field. recognised himself as the leaping You will recall that in a previous edition of Limelight we advised you that we had been dancer in the bottom left hand corner competitions for many years, and I She had been battling cancer informed of the death of Ms Jackson by a firm of solicitors in Sheffield,They also advised us of our banner. The original photo was was delighted to see her up on stage for many years beyond the original taken well over ten years ago, so it is that we were to receive a legacy of £20,000 from the estate of Ms Jackson. presenting the prize for one of them expectations of her doctors, which heartening to see such continuity. (below, left). is testament to her character. She We received this legacy in September 2017 and after a discussion with a friend of Ms Jackson Standing Orders refused to give up, insisting on living So, It only remains for me to wish we established that her main interest in the Eisteddfod was choral singing. life to the full, despite the intense you all a very Happy New Year, and This edition of Limelight has been With this information we then had discussions with Eisteddfod officials as to the best way to pain she was suffering. She will be the hopes that we can look forward timed to coincide with the arrival of use the £20,000. It was decided that this very generous legacy would be used as follows:- missed by all who knew her and I to a vibrant and successful 72nd your subscription standing orders. would like to extend my deepest International Musical Eisteddfod in This is always a frantic time for your sympathies to her family. Llangollen. Prize monies for 2018 & 2019 for the Junior Children’s Choir £950 x 2 = £1900 Prize monies for 2018 & 2019 for the Senior Children’s Choir £950 x 2 = £1900 Prize monies for 2018 & 2019 for Youth Choir £1500 x 2 = £3,000 Prize monies for 2018 & 2019 for Female Choir £1500 x 2 = £3,000 Total Prize money £9,800

The remaining amount to be added to the Bursary Fund £10,200

Total £20,000

Selwyn Evans, Treasurer

6 limelight limelight 7 Arty Local Students ‘Makeover’ Eisteddfod Building

local school provided a key building on the site of the International Eisteddfod with A th a makeover for its 70 anniversary celebrations with the help of funding from the Friends. Photo: Alan Potts Message of Peace centre for international competitors participate in the Eisteddfod and Pupils from Ysgol Dinas Brân were throughout Eisteddfod week, as a spread its message of peace, invited by the Llangollen International permanent installation created by the friendship and uniting people through Musical Eisteddfod to create a talented local students. music and dance.” piece of artwork that represented the festival’s message of peace, Speaking at the reception, Ysgol Dinas Brân President of the International goodwill and international friendship, Alison McDonald from Ysgol Dinas which have been transformed into a Eisteddfod, Terry Waite CBE (back row, centre in the photo above), Brân, said: “We were honoured to be mural to brighten up the Eisteddfod’s invited by the International Eisteddfod hospitality building. said: “The artworks created by the students from Ysgol Dinas Brân are to participate in this project and the The mural was formally unveiled superb and a great deal of thought children had great fun creating their on Tuesday 4th July last year, when has gone into communicating artworks. 12 of the 100 children involved the message of the International “It was wonderful to see the attended a reception with President Eisteddfod. mural in place and hope that the of the International Eisteddfod, Terry competitors arriving for the 70th Special Occasion Waite CBE. anniversary celebrations - and for Permanent Installation “Children’s Day is always a very future Eisteddfodau – enjoy the special occasion and it is vital that installation.” The mural will remain on the younger generations continue to building, which is used as a reception

Photo: Alan Potts Limelight is published by the Friends of the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod. Views expressed in the articles are those of the authors concerned alone, and do not represent the views or policies of Limelight, FLIME or LIME unless otherwise stated. Copyright for each article belongs to the Author. Officers of the Friends can be contacted via: International Eisteddfod Office, Llangollen, , LL20 8SW (Great Britain); Tel: 01978 862006; Fax: 01978 862002; e-mail: [email protected]; Web Site:; Registered Charity number: 510797 Edited by: Barrie Potter