Station 'f ! Deoth Replicate /' 4

/ - - f' . Observer 7^2. T^e —— Device Date / : pi~ 4> /

Cob"blG 1'ravel Sand ) 3ilt lay ri :j none f slight .moderate overwhelming

''mere deDth of anaerobic layer (estimate)


Size of sample

Depth of deepest portion h-C cm

Length and width cm

Volume cm Sub-samples

Sub-core - DDT - AVS j—j Sediment -

Comments: ORCOSAN


Station r re DeDth i <1 Ua Replicate Observer Temperature •io \ A Device .Data

Gobble travel 3 lit Hay

h2o 'none*!3s* slight moderate overwhelming V/nere depth of anaerobic layer (estimate)


Size of sample

Depth, of deepest portion -enr

Length and width cm

Volume cm


Sub-core TV"" DDT - - - -

AVS - - - Sediment - dZI

5) Comments: ORCOSAN


Station // ft) jL, Replicate f De~oth "f Observer Temperature Device

iobble Sravel Sand lay none slight f moderate^ overv/he 1-nins;

/Til ere depth of anaerobic layer (estimate)

Color £>! K \ y ^^ "S

Size of sample

Depth of deepest portion JS-^f""

Length and v/ldth cm

Volume cm Sub-samples

Sub-core - DDT Q

AVS Sediment -

5) Comments: ORCOSAN


statioI 4. ? n *>L

DeDth • "j Replicate Observer 'emuerature Sai*^ (

Cobble travel land Clay

H2S none slight tfod e raty e / ove r v/h e 1m in i

Vvhere depth of anaerobic layer (estimate)


Size of sample cm Depth of deepest portion A Length and width cm

Volume cm


Sub-core - DDT - - ~ - AVS • Sediment - [] •-"•A Comments: fO^S hr* ORCOSAN


Station $ NB a-S" 1) Depth Replicate Observer Temperature •^r-c^- f r- Device ____ -Date 7/.3

2) bbblc travel [Sand ii

'T c; none slight moderate overwhe lm ins:

Where depth of anaerobic layer (estimate)

Color ^ k £>fl o ^ I^y y ^ * ST

3) Size of sample n Depth- of deepest portion J'i Length and width cm

Volume err

4) Sub-samples DDT Sub-core - f - -- D • AVS - - - - Sediment -

5) Comments: ORCOSAN


M3 •z-S' De Dth


Jobble Jra Sand h2s none slight overwhs 1m in

Where depth of anaerobic layer (estimate)

Color &\hs4L OyUk s

Size of sample

Depth, of deepest portion / ,0 ' Length and width cm

Volume cm


Sub-core - DDT - - QPf"

AVS [~] Sediment - [IZ1

Comments: ORCOSAN


station 7 .Depth //1^—^ Replicate Observer Temperature Device Date

Cobble Gravel Sand S i 11 Clay none slight moderate. o v e rv/h e lm in sr 2 depth of anaerobic layer (estimate) Where LI 1c . Color

Size of sample

Depth, of deepest portion

Length ana width cm

Volume cm


Sub-core - DDT Sediment - ^ j AVS - - - Ltt^

Comments /tf&S ORCOSMI


Station 4 Depth Replicate L Observer Temperature Device

.Date i/^hs.

none slight tfno d e r a t eV^ o v e r wh e 1m i n g

Where depth of anaerobic layer (estimate)


Size of sample

Depth of deepest portion 3/4 Length and width cm

Volume cm


ujm .1 Sub-core - nK DDT - - - - Q

AVS Sediment -




Station # JJ 3 Depth Replicate Observer Temperature Device ____ Date

Cobble travel dl- Clay none ^sl ight moderaj^? overwhelming vvnere depth of anaerobic layer (estimate)


Size of sample

Depth, of deepest portion 3A Length and width cm

Volume cm

Sub-samo les

Sub-core - E3r DDT - - pjf Sediment - j AVS - - - - d

Comments ( if Lf S I* 1 ^ « ORCOSAN


Station 7 03 3£> Depth Replicate Observer Temperature Device

rDate 7 5"

Gobble rraveif lit !lay none . slight ( moderate^ overwhelming

Where depth of anaerobic layer (estimate)


Size of sample

Depth of deepest portion a

Length and width cm

Volume cm


Sub-core - |Hi DDT - - » -

III ••! It ^g^ avs n^K Sediment ~ III nWfc

Comments: ORCOSAN


Station JL 1) Depth Replicate Observer Temperature Device Date

2) Cobble Gravel SandI A • ^ Silt jciay

^nons y slight moderate o v e rwh s 1m in g

Where depth of anaerobic layer (estimate)


3) Size of sample

Depth- of deepest portion

Length and width cm

Volume cm

4) Sub-samples

Sub-core - l^uK DDT Q

—HUIW l'l

5) Comments:



Station # Depth rsrr Replicate Observer Temperature Device Dal

Cobbls travel) lit Clay

H2S (riorums slight moderate overwhelming

Where depth of anaerobic layer (estimate)

Color »ft O -y g? i

Size of sample

Depth of deepest portion '/i Length and width err

Volume cm


•tfWnil-.— ft ' Sub-core - DDT - - 1 "X

AVS Sediment - f^U


O-A; orl 1 ORCOSAN


Depth Replicate Observer Temperature Device Date

Cobble travel .It aay j

1 T T C nonej slight moderate overwhelming 2 J where depth of anaerobic layer (estimate)

Color vu <«- ^r'e^v

Size of sample a Depth of deepest portion

Length and width cm

Volume cm

Sub"samples Sub-core - «"T DDT - - - - LA AVS Sediment -

Comments: ORCOSAN


Station ? A)pj IDO Depth Replica te

Date 7/'

T- Jsandj ( Silt Cobble " bravel Jr ' ^

none / slight moderate overwhelming

Where depth of anaerobic layer (estimate)


Size of sample // Depth, of deepest portion

Length and width cm

Volume cm


Sub-core - DDT - - ~ - Sediment - JjQ— AVS

Comments ORCOSAN


: tax ion f USx^joo^ ]_) Depth Replicate Ohserver Temperature SO*.F Device Date

2) Cobble 3and •Slav

ii2o slight moderate overwhelming wnere depth of anaerobic layer (estimate)


3) . Size of sample / " Depth, of deepest portion 1,0

Length and width cm


4) Sub-samp les

Sub-core _ pPK^' DDT - - - - Q^ Sediment - f f AVS " " ~ ~ • VmIW III— iV 5) Comments:

(^I'g'ji — If ,,

_ H it ^ /7

JULY 19 7 5 #3 STATION S/B8

o, 5" (^Replicate A ^ Species/Describer Common Name la lb 2a 2b

CNIDARIA HYDROZOA Hydroida , unid, hydroid Monobrachium parasitum Mereschkovsky hydroid A NTH OZ OA Anthozoa , unid. sea anemone 2 9/tt>e> Ceriantharia , unid. burrowing anemone

Edwardsiella californica McMurrich sea anemone llfiT-5 2 Filigella mitsukuriL Kinoshita prostrate sea fan ?Renilla kollikeri Pfeffer sea pansy Pennatulacea , unid. sea pen Virgulariidae, unid. sea whip PLATYHELMINTHES Platyhelminthes, unid. flat worm i NEMERTEA Nemertea , unid. ribbon worm ^ NEMATODA Nematoda , unid. round worm

Key: a = 0. 5 m screen h = 2 species b = 1.0 m screen 1=3 species c " juvenile j = mutilated d = zoea or megalops k = fragmented e = female q - ovigerous f = male V ) ORCOSAN BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES STATION S/B8

Replicate Specie s/Describer Common Name la lb 2a 2b

ENTOPROCTA Barentsia sp. entoproct ANNELIDA POLYCHAETA ERRANTIA Anaitides sp. polychaete worm 1 Chioeia pinnata Moore Diopatra ornata Moore Drilonereis falcata Moore D. mexicana Fauchald Drilonereis sp. Eteone ca lifornica Hart-man E. dilatae Hart man Eulalia quadrioculata Moore Eulalia sp. Eunice americana Hartman Eusigalion spinosum Hartman Exogone gemmifera Pagenstecher E, lourei Berkeley & Berkeley E, uniformis Hartman Glycera americana Leidy G. branchiopoda Moore G. capitata Oersted G. convoluta 'Keferstein G. oxycephala Ehlers G. robusta Ehlers Glycera sp. 1-2.-2-5IO Glyceridae, unid. Glycinde polygnatha Hartman 4 z-z-9/z- 1 Glycinde sp. polychaete worm ORCOSAN BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES STATION S/B8

Replicate Species/Describer Common Name la lb 2a 2b

ERRANTIA (Cont) Goniada brunnea Treadwell polychaete worm G. littorea Hartman 11 zzfzV Gonlada sp, 1 Goniadidae, unid. Gyptis brevlpalpa Hartman-Schroeder Hya linoecia juvena lis Moore Langerhansia heterochaeta (Moore) Lumbrineris californiensis Hartman L. cruzensis Hartman L. lagunae Fauchald L. latreilli Audouin & Milne Edwards L. tetraura (Schmarda) Lumbrineris sp. 2 Z.*>Zt& l Marphysa belli oculata Treadwell Nephtys caecoides Hartman N, californiensis Hartman N. cornuta franciscana Clark & Jones N. ferruginea Hartman 1 Z.-Z.&Z-* Nephtys sp. Nereidae, unid. Nereis sp. 1 Z-Z-V^o Ninoe gemmea Moore • Nothria iridescens (Johnson) 1 zsss^ Nothria sp. Onuphidae, unid. Onuphis eremita Audouin & Milne Edwards 2 Z5o 5/ O. nebulosa Moore Onuphis sp. Ophiodromus pugettensis (Johnson) polychaete worm ORCOSAN BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES STATION S/B8

Replicate Specie s/Describer Common Name la lb 2a 2b ERRANTIA (Cont) Paleanotus bellis (Johnson) polychaete worm 1 Paranaitis polynoides (Moore) Pei.sidi.ee aspera Johnson Pholoe glabra Hartman Phyllodocidae, unid. Platynereis bicanaliculata (Baird) Polyodontes panamensis (Chamberlin) Protodorvillea gracilis (Hartman) scaleworm, unid. Sigambra tentaculata (Treadwell) Sphaerodoridium biserialis (Berkeley & Berkeley) Sphaerodoridium sp. Steggoa californiensis Hartman Sthenelais tertiaglabra Moore Sthenelais verruculosa Johnson 1 Sthenelanella uniformis Moore Streptosyllis sp, Syllidae, unid. 1 -2LZ.Z.O0 Typosvllis sp. 1 SEDENTARIA Aedicira pacifica (Hartman) A. ramosa (Annenkova) Amage anops (Johnson) Ammotrypane aulogaster Rathke Ampharete arctica Malmgren A. labrops Hartman Ampharete sp. Ampharetidae, unid. Amphicteis scaphobranchiata Moore polychaete worm ) ) ORCOSAN BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES J STATION S/B8

Replicate Species/Describer Common Name 2 la lb 2a 2b &3 SEDENTARIA (Cont) ft Amphisa mytha bioculata (Moore) polychaete worm 2? Apoprionospio pygmaeus (Hartman) 6252 c Aricidea neos ueci ca Hartman o* A. suecica Eliason A . wa s s L Pettibone n Aricidea sp. o 3 Armandia bioculata Hartman c/i Axiothella rubrocincta (Johnson) S- Boccardia basiiaria Hartman s Capitella capitata (Fabricius)

3 Capitellidae, unid. 19 o Chaetozone corona Berkeley & Berkeley C. setosa Malmgren Chaetozone sp. 3 -J Chone eca udata (Moore) re C. veleronis Banse Chone sp. Cirriformia sp. Clymenura gracilis Hartman n Cossura Candida Hartman Decamastus gracilis Hartman Euchone incolor Hartman Flabelligeridae, unid. Haploscoloplos elongatus (Johnson) i z.6/ a i Harmothoe era ssicirrata Johnson H. lunulata (delle Chiaje) H . priops Ha rtman Harmothoe sp. Hesionidae, unid. polychaete worm Cn ) ) ORCOSAN BE NTH IC INVERTEBRATES STATION S/B8

Replicate S pec ies/Des crib er Common Name la lb 2a 2b SEDENTARIA (Cont) Hesperonoe complanata (Johnson) polychaete worm Heteroclymene glabra Moore Laonice cirrata (Sars) Loimia medusa (Savigny) Magelona pitelkai Hartman 1 -LS>1tJ> M. sacculata Hartman Magelona sp. 6£5$/© 3 Maldane cristata Treadwell M. sarsi Malmgren Maldanidae, unid. Megalomma splendida (Moore) Melinna heterodonta Moore M. oculata Hartman Myriochele gracilis Hartman Nerinides acuta (Treadwell) lzSSf/ N. maculata Hartman N. pigmenta'ta (Reish) Notomastus sp. Paraonidae, unid. Paraonis gracilis oculata Hartman Paraprionospio pinnata (Ehlers) 1 z,56/V Pectinaria californiensis Hartman 1 Zf^zl 1 Pherusa sp. Pista disjuncta Moore P. fasciata (Grube) 1 P. moorei Berkeley & Berkeley Pista sp. Poecilochaetus johnsoni Hartman | Polvcirrus perplexus Moore polychaete worm ORCOSAN BENTHIG INVERTEBRATES STATION S/B8

Replica te Species/Describer Common Name la lb 2a 2b SEDENTERIA (Cont) Polydora citrona Hartman polychaete worm Polydora sp. Potamilla neglecta (Sars) Praxiilella arfinis pacifica Berkeley P .' gracilis (Sars) Prionospio cirrifera Wiren P. malmgreni Claparede 2 254/3 Sabellaria cementarium Moore Sabellidae, unid. Scalibregma inflatum Rathke Scoloplos armiger (Mueller) Spio sp. Spiochaetopterus costarum (Claparede) ft I Spionidae, unid. Spiophanes bombyx (Claparede) 5 1 S. cirrata Berkeley & Berkeley S. mlssionensis Hartman Spiophanes sp. Sternaspis fossor Stimpson Streblosoma erassibranchia Treadwell Terebellidae, unid. Terebellides stroemi Sars __ Tharyx sp. 4 5 21 Travisia brevis Moore T. foetida Hartman polychaete worm SIPUNCULOIDEA Sipunculoidea , unid. peanut worm ECHIUROIDEA Listriolobus pelodes Fisher spoon worm ) ORCOSAN BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES STATION S/B8

Replicate Species/Describer Common Name la lb 2a 2b ARTHROPODA CRUSTACEA • OSTRACODA Cylindroberididae, unid. seed shrimp Cyprinidae, unid. Cythereidae, unid. Euphilornedes carcharodonta Smith E. longiseta Juday E. oblonga Juday 2 SZ.0 53 E. producta Poulsen Euphilornedes sp. Myodocopidae, unid. Philomedes lomae Juday Rutiderma rostra ta Juday Rutiderma sp. Scleroconcha sp. seed shrimp CIRRIPEDIA Scalpellum californicum Pilsbry gooseneck barnacle SeaIpellum sp. gooseneck barnacle MALACOSTRACA NEBALIACEA Nebaliacea, unid. leptostracan MYSIDACEA Mysidacea, unid. fairy shrimp Acanthomysis macropsis Tattersall 1 5S133 Acanthomysis sp. Archaeomysis grebnitzkii Czerniavsky Archaeomysis sp. fairy shrimp cc \ ) ORCOSAN BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES STATION s/B8

Replicate Species/Describer Common Name la lb 2a 2b

MYSIDACEA (Cont) Neomysis kadiakensis Ortmann fairy shrimp Neomysis sp. fairy shrimp CUMACEA Anchicolurus occidentalis Caiman cumacean 2 °5?/// Campylaspis canaliculata Zimmer C. hartae" Lie C. rubromgculata Lie Campylaspis sp. C Cumella sp. A 1 £ ?151 Cumella sp. B Cumella sp. C Cyclaspis sp. A Cyclaspis sp. B 1STJ43 1 Cyclaspis sp. Diastylidae, unid. Diastylis californica Zimmer Diastylis sp. A Diastylis sp. Diastylopsis tenuis Zimmer 2° 1 5-f ZTt 2 Eudorella pacifica Hart Hemilamprops californica Zimmer 2° 2 SUH 4 3 Lampropidae, unid. Lamprops carinata Hart 5 fftt/ L. quadriplicata Smith 2° 3 11 Lamprops sp. Leptostylis sp. A Leucon subnasica Given Leucon sp. Mesolamprops bispinosa Given Oxyurostylis pacifica Zimmer cumacean 3 SfZSI ) ) ORCOSAN BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES


Replicate Species/Describer Common Name la lb 2a 2b TANAIDACEA Leptochelia sp. cheliferan Leptognathia' sp. cheliferan ISOPODA VALVIFERA Edotea sublittoralis Menzies & Barnard isopod 2 Ut 3ST/ Neastacilia californica (Boone) Synido'tea magnifica Menzies & Barnard ANTHURIDEA Haliophasma geminata Menzies & Barnard GNATHIIDEA Gnathia crenulatifrons Monod Gnathia sp. 1 ASELLOTA Austrosignum tillerae Menzies & Barnard Munna sp. Pleurogonium sp. isopod AMPHIPODA GAMMARIDEA Gammaridea, unid. a mphipod 2 Ampelisca brevisimulata Barnard A. compressa Holmes 2 A. cristata Holmes A. cucullata Barnard A. hancocki Barnard A. indentata Barnard A. macrocephala Liljeborg A. milleri Barnard a mphipod ) ) ORCOSAN BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES STATION S/B8

Replicate Species/Describer Common Name la lb 2a GAMMARIDEA (Cont) Ampelisca pacifica Holmes amphipod A. pugetica Stimpson A. cf. shoemakeri Barnard Ampelisca sp. Amphideatopus oculatus Barnard Aoridae, unid. Byblis veleronis Barnard Byblis sp, Eohaustorius washingtonianus (Thorsteinson) Gammaropsis sp. Gitana calitemplado Barnard Heterophoxus oculatus (Holmes) Isaeidae, unid. Isaeidae sp. A 1 Lembos audbettius Barnard Listriella diffusa Barnard L, goleta Barnard L. melanica Ba rna rd Listriella sp. Lysianassidae, unid. Mandibulophoxus uncirostratus (Giles) Megaluropus longimerus Schellenberg 1° Hz**/ l ?Melphisana bola Barnard Metaphoxus frequens Barnard Metopa cf. dawsoni Barnard Microja ssa litotes Ba rna rd C Monoculodes sp. -, 1 ! C 1 IttltO 1 Oedicerotidae, unid. Paraphoxus abronius Barnard a mphipod ) ) ) ORCOSAN BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES STATION S/B8

Replicate Species/Describer Common Name la lh 2a 2b GAMMARIDEA (Cont) Paraphoxus bicuspidatus Barnard amphipod P . heterocuspidatus Barnard P. obtusidens (Alderman) Paraphoxus sp. 1^/6/« Parapleustes sp. Photis bifurcata Barnard P. brevipes Shoemaker P. californica Stout P. macrotica Barnard 4 lz.%1* I Photis sp. Pleustidae, unid. Rudilemboides stenopropodus Barnard Stenothoidae, unid. Synchelidium sp. 2° 4C 3 Tiron biocellata Barnard 1 Westwoodilla caecula (Bate) a mphipod CAPRELLIDEA Caprella californica Stimpson skeleton shrimp C. equilibra Say C. mendax Mayer Caprella sp. Maverella banksia Laubitz Tritella pilimana Mayer Tritella sp. skeleton shrimp EUPHAUSIACEA Euphausiacea , unid. krill DECAPODA Decapoda, unid. crab/ shrimp ro ) ^ ORCOSAN BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES <} STATION S/B8

Replicate Specie s/Describer Common Name lb 2a 2b

CARIDEA Crangon communis Rathbun • • shrimp ANOMURA Anomura , unid. crab/shrimp Callianassa sp. shrimp Callianassidae, unid. shrimp Lepidopa myops, zoea Stimpson sand crab zoea Porcellanidae, unid. crab BRACHYURA Brachyura, unid. crab Cancer sp. crab ?Parapinnixa sp. pea crab Pinnixa franciscana Rathbun pea crab P, occidentalis Rathbun pea crab Pinnixa sp. pea crab Pinnotheridae, unid. pea crab Randallia ornata (Randall) crab INSECTA Inse'cta , unid. insect larvae MESOGASTROPODA Balcis micans (Carpenter) snail B. oidroydi (Bartsch) B. rati la (Carpenter) Bittium quadrifilatum Carpenter Caecum crebricinctum Carpenter Epitonium cf. acrostephanus (Da 11) Eulima californica (Bartsch) snail ) ORCOSAN BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES STATION S/B8

Replicate Species/Describer Common Name la lb 2a MESOGASTROPODA (Cont) Fartulum occidentale Bartsch snail Neverita recluziana (Deshayes) Amphissa sp. Kurtzia arteaga (Dall & Bartsch) Kurtziella beta (Dall) K. plumbea (Hinds) Mitrella sp. snail Nassarius fossatus (Gould) mud snail Qlivella baetica Carpenter ioc OPISTHOBRANCHIA Acteocina intermedia Willet snail Acteocina sp. sna il Aglaja ocelligera (Bergh). sea slug Aglaja sp. sea slug Cephalaspidea sp. A snail Cylichna diegensis (Dall) sna il Gastropteron pacificum Bergh sea slug Odostomia sp. C snail Rictaxis punctocaelatus (Carpenter) Turbonilla sp. D 1 Turbonilla sp. E 2 Turbonilla sp. G Turbonilla sp. J Volvulella californica Dall V. cylindrica (Carpenter) V. panamica Dall Volvulella sp. sna il ) ORCOSAN BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES ) STATION S/B8

Replicate Species/Describer Common Name la lb 2a 2b PELECYPODA Pelecypoda, unid. cla m NUCULOIDA Acila castrensis (Hinds) Nucula sp. Nuculana sp. Yoldia scissurata (Da 11) MYTILOIDA A my g da 1 urn pallidulum (Da 11) Crenella decussata (Montagu) C. divaricata (Orbigny) Crenella sp. Megacrenella columbiana (Da 11) clam Modiolus neglectus Soot-Ryen mussel Mvtilidae, unid. mus sel VENEROIDA Adontorhina cyclica Berry clam Axinopsida serricata (Carpenter) Compsomyax subdiaphana (Carpenter) Cooperella subdiaphana (Carpenter) Cyclocardia ventricosa (Gould) Cyclocardia sp. Gari californica (Conrad) Lopton mcrocufft-^orpCT^r r-^-e Lucina nuttallii (Conrad) Lucinoma annulata (Reeve) Macoma acolasta Da 11 M. carlottensis Whiteaves clam ORCOSAN BENTHIG INVERTEBRATES STATION S/B8

Replicate Species/Describer Common Name la lb 2a 2b VENEROIDA (Cont) Macoma sp. clam 1 QL+2-ZO Mactra californica Conrad Mysella pedroana (Dall) Mysella sp. C Mysella sp. Nemocardium centifilosum - (Carpenter) Parvilucina sp. Siliqua lucida (Conrad) clam Solen sp. razor clam Tellina bodegensis (Hinds) clam T. modesta Carpenter 1 tjijztb Tellina sp. Thyasira flexuosa (Montagu) MYOIDA Corb ula luteola Carpenter Corbula sp. clam Panopea generosa (Gould) PHOLADOMYOIDA geoduck clam Cardiomya californica (Dall C. cf. pseustes Dall cla m Cuspidaria parapodema Barnard Lyonsia californica Conrad Periploma discus Stearns Thracia curta Conrad T. diegensis Dall clam SCAPHOPODA Scaphopoda, unid. tusk snail Cadulus fusiformis Pilsbry & Sharp tusk sna il Dentalium rectius Carpenter tusk snail ORCOSAN BENTHIG INVERTEBRATES STATION S/B8

Replicate Species/Describer Common Name la lb 2a 2 b APLACOPHORA Chaetoderma cf. nitidulum (Loven) solenogaster Chaetoderma sp. •solenoga ster PHORONIDA • Phoronida , unid. phoronid worm 2 jf6$0 Phoronis sp. phoronid worm ECTOPROCTA GYMNOLAEMASTA CTENOSTOMATA Alcyonidium mammillatum Alder moss BRACHIOPODA Glottidia albida (Hinds! lamp shell ECHINODERJtfLATA ASTEROH2&V Astj^roidea , unid. sea /star AstKQpecten verrilli De Loriol s a nil star OPHIUROJDEA Ophiufroidea , unid. brittle/star ECHINOffDEA Echinoidea, unid. sea yfrchin Dendra^ter excentricus (Eschscholtz) sang dollar HOLOTHUBOIDEA •Holothi|roidea , unid. sea cucumber Caudina sp. sea cucumber Leptosfnapta sp. B sea cucumber \ ) J ORCOSAN BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES STATION S/B8

Replicate Species/Describer Common Name la lb 2a 2b HEMICHORDATA Enteropneusta , unid. acorn worm CHORDATA ASCIDIACEA Ascidiacea , unid. a sciaian CEPHALOCORDATA Branchiostoma californiense Andrews lancelet VERTEBRATA PISCES Pisces, unid. fish Icelinus quadriseriatus (Lockington) yellowchin sculpin Symphurus atricauda (Jordan & Gilbert) California tongue sole

i—• 00 1 - ) ^grl i^HiMopERn^TBi


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