Carsphairn St. John’s Town of Dalry New Galloway Corsock Lochfoot Crossmichael Laurieston Castle Dalbeattie Gatehouse Douglas of Fleet Kirkcudbright Dundrennan Borgue Stewartry Local Area Profile Dumfries & Galloway Together is Better STEWARTRY Local Area Profile Crichton Institute This ‘ Stewartry Local Area Profile’ has been prepared for the Dumfries and Galloway Strategic Partnership by Crichton Institute. Crichton Institute is a collaboration of the Crichton campus academic partners (the Universities of Glasgow and the West of Scotland, the Open University in Scotland, Scotland’s Rural Agricultural College, Dumfries and Galloway College) and wider strategic partners including: the Crichton Carbon Centre, The Crichton Foundation, The Crichton Trust, the Crichton Development Company, Dumfries and Galloway Council, NHS Dumfries and Galloway, Scottish Borders Council, the Scottish Funding Council and Scottish Enterprise (South). Its objective is to capitalise on the combined knowledge and expertise of its partners to better exploit the synergies between research, business engagement and Knowledge Exchange in order to support the economic, social and cultural aspirations and regeneration of the South of Scotland and to have a transformational influence. Its work has national and international applicability1. For further information about research and research opportunities in Crichton Institute contact: Dr Carol Hill, Executive Director and Director of Research 01387 702006
[email protected] or Mrs Eva Milroy, Crichton Institute Development Officer 01387 345370
[email protected] Crichton Institute is located in the Henry Duncan Building on the Crichton campus in Dumfries. 1 The collation of much of the data used in this area profile was undertaken by David Clelland, Research Assistant Crichton Institute whose work is gratefully acknowledged.