COMPILED BY CHARLES HENRY POPE Author of The Pioneers of Massachusetts, and Other Works

BOSTON, MASS. PUBLISHED BY CHARLES H. POPE 221 COLUMBUS AVENUE 1910 This Edition is limited to three hundred copies

. , ' (.l:-_AJ .; :. of which this is Number _____ :-_)_~--~------


The first practical step towards the preparation of this book was the sending of the following letter to representative members of the Prouty family in Vermont, New York and Iowa. In these three states, with Massachusetts, are found the largest groups of persons of our name.


Boston, Mass., February 21, 1910. Dear Sir: A number of the members of the Prouty fa1nily in Massa­ chusetts, interested in our genealogy, think it would be well to have a book of the "Prouty Family" compiled. Such a book would preserve, in convenient reference form, inform.a­ tion which at times we all want to know and which with every decade is becoming more difficult to obtain. Ours is one of the old families of New England, dating from 1667 and as such, its records should, we think, be put in permanent form. The book would become of greater value and interest each year. · Some of us have done already considerable investigation and can trace our own line to the original Richard of Scituate. But this book proposed would start with the first member and follow his descendants and their children down to the present time. To do such a piece of work thoroughly and expeditiously seems to demand a person trained in genealogi­ cal research. At the suggestion of the Librarian of the New England Historic Genealogical Society of Boston, we have conferred with a gentleman who is doing this work well today. He has compiled a number of exceedingly satisfactory genealogies of New England families and could undertake ours at once. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * There are four main groups of the family in this country: one in Massachusetts, one in Vermont, one in New York, and one in Iowa. By way of having a center of interest in


each of these groups, we propose to ask each to guarantee part of the amount needed. If you approve the plan as outlined, will you be responsible for the amount * * * from your group? You may of course distribute it among your relatives as you wish. We are writing to a representative member of each of the other groups and on receipt of a favorable reply ·will begin t}ie work at once. The writer has conferred with Mr. Dwight M. Prouty of Boston and with him, with your consent, will become your executive committee to carry the work through. Hoping for an early and favorable reply, I am, Yours very truly, . LEWIS I. PROUTY. References, First National Bank of Boston. City Trust Company of Boston.

The responses to these letters showed a cordial interest and although the amounts asked for were not fully offered, enough encouragement was received to lead the committee to arrange with Mr. Pope who at once set to work to gather materials for the book. He drew the facts from printed "Vital Records of Massa­ chusetts Towns" where the family has been numerous, from the "Transcripts of Town Records since 1840 '' which are at the State House, from unpublished records and from town histories; correspondence added material from other States and from places whose records were inaccessible. County records of sales of land and probate of estates gave much information, and town clerks of many places added more. Family Bibles and other forms of record were drawn upon; and the memory of some persons contributed statements which, in certain cases, proved to be inaccurate, though generally trustworthy. As the work progressed it seemed important to make a search in England in order to give completeness to the records, and Mr. Pope was accordingly sent on a special trip of investigation. The results are shown in the pages which follow. In searching for any particular family or person, use the index of Prouty names or that of the names of those who have in-ser- •• INTRODUCTION Vll married with the family; or you may find your friend or kindred by looking at the place index. Remember that there have often been several of the same name. Many questions and criticisms are certain to arise on account of the fallibility of all who have contributed to this genealogy, together with those who have done the editing, printing and proof-reading; but a serious effort has been made to get and give the truth and here is the result. It is hoped that readers will report to the publisher or committee anything thought to be erroneous, giving the reasons for the belief. For the guarantee fund which made possible the publication of this genealogy our f am Hy is indebted to:

HoN. GEORGE H. PROUTY, of Newport, Vt. MR. SHIRLEY B. PROUTY, of St. Louis, Mo. MRs. GUY W. WALKER, of New York City Miss MARGARET P, HILLHOUSE, of New York City MRs. AUGUSTA H. ADAMS, of New York City HoN. CHARLES N. PRoUTY, of Spencer MR. GEORGE S. PROUTY, of Spencer MR. DWIGHT M. PROUTY, of Boston MR. LEWIS I. PROUTY, of Brookline



The Prouty Family in America is descended from Richard Prouty, of Scituate, Plymouth Colony, New England. He was there in 1670, says the town history; he is first recorded in 1676. His name was spelled variously by recorders, Prouty, Proutey, Proutee and Prout. No signature of his has come down to us; but his eldest son that grew up, Edward, wrote the surname "Proute" on at least one occasion, and others of the family spelled it so during the eighteenth cen­ tury; then the spelling settled into the form. Prouty. Not so in England, however; the forms Prout, Proute, Proud, Proude, Prowte and Prowde are found, but never Prouty. As Prouty is plainly a derivative from one of those (like Smithy from Smith, or Southey from South), we must look for the origin of the American immigrant in records which are so designated. In the years before the settlement of New England the utmost carelessness prevailed as to the spelling of words, and names partook of the prevalent ir­ regularity. So we may consider any records under either of the modes mentioned as relating to the early stages of the Prouty family. "\Ve are not able to find any contemporaneous record made here by the immigrant or his children or associates which tells whence he came. Nor have we found any document in England which states that a "Richard Proute," born there, had gone to New England or was then in America. Only a very small number of the founders of our republic are as definitely connected with the old world as that sort of record would afford. Even when family genealogists make the definite statement that their immigrant ancestor was the son of such and such a man, born in such and such a place at such and such a date, the historian is sometimes 1 2 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

merely giving an opinion of his own in the form of a proven fact. But we say that we believe there is a very strong probability that we have found who his parents were and when and where he was born. This opinion or theory will be stated distinctly, and the reader shall have opportunity to follow the course of in­ vestigation made and the arguments which convinced the writer of its correctness. He holds with the famous Bishop Butler that "To us probability is the very guide of life." The first step in the investigation made in England was of a general sort. Many indexes to probate records and parish registers there are in print; and these were scrutinized to see where this name prevailed at and before the settlement of New England. We found that it did not occur in many counties; that it was chiefly found in Cornwall, Devonshire and Gloucestershire; and thorough search of the documents in those dioceses was made. The earliest general lists of Englishmen accessible on any extended scale are the lists of jurymen who settled the suc­ cession of the lords of manors, in what were called" Inquisi­ tiones post mortem.'' As there were no regular registers of baptisms kept till after the year 1500, succession had to be proved before that time by witnesses who could say that they knew a claimant to have been the child and true heir of the deceased. And the jury decided on the claims. Records of these inquisi­ tions after death are extant for several counties from the period of the Crusade~ to the time of Charles I. In such an inquisition held at Seynebury, County Glouces­ ter, "on Monday before the feast of St. Peter in cathedra, anno 17, Edward 1," (A.D. 1289) "William Prowde" was one of the jury who decided on the succession to the lands held by John Musard. In an inquisition held about the lands of Henry de Dene, lord of the manor of Pagenhull in the same county, 9 April, anno 20, Edward I (A.D. 1299) "Robt le Proute" and "John le Proute '' appear in the list of jurors. The use of the French article "Le" before a name was common, not as indicating THE FAMILY IN ENGLAND 3 the person to be of that nationality but simply a custom of the reporters who were usually trained by Norman teachers. The name Prout may have been that old word which signified what one found by searching or "prowing" or prowling about. Or it may have been derived from the word proud and. indicate the self-respect of the person to whom it was given. In either of these cases the article would not be inappro­ priate, whether it meant the found or the person approved. Another line of historical documents is found in wills, which were very generally m21de a.nd preserved with great care. The city of Bristol, then in the county of Gloucester, was one of the most enterprising ports of the world; home of "The Merchant Adventurers"; many passengers sailed thence to America. We are interested to find Proutes there. In "The Great Orphan Book" of Bristol we find that "John PrO'lVte, whittewyer '' * was one of the execut~rs of the will of William Worcestre the elder, burgess, October 20, 1420. "Robert PrO'lVte" was tenant of a messuage belonging to James Cokkes (Cocks or Cox), another burgess of Bristol, as is mention~d in--the will of the latter, May 21, 1423. The will of the John PrO'lVte above-mentioned is found at Somerset House, London. It is written in Latin; we give an abstract translation. In the name of God Amen, on the twentyfourth day of the month of August in the year of our Lord one thousand, four hundred and twenty seven, I, John Prowte, whittawyer, burgess of the city of Bristol, make my will in the following manner. Firstly, I bequeath my soul to God, St. Mary and all the Saints and my body to be buried in the parish church of St. James in Bristol aforesaid. I bequeath to the fabric

~he trade of "'\\,.hittawer was that of white tanner, or tanner of white leather. The word tanner was coITUpted into tawer, tawyer; tare and tower. The name Thayer is a derivative; our Massachusetts Thayer family descends from an old family at Thornbury, Gloucester, whose name shows these varieties in the parish registers. 4 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY of+ the aforesaid church vi s, viii d; to the mother church of Worcester xii d; to the Priory of St. James iii s, iiii d; other sums to the church; to my wife Margaret all my furniture and utensils in my house; to Robert Prowte xx s; to Richard Went xx s; to Thomas Wodeford vi s, viii d; to Lawrence Prowte, my brother, my toga, my green cloak and x s in money. Then, after my debts and funeral expenses have been paid and debts due me collected as far -as may be, the residue of my estate not bequeathed herei~ shall be divided into three parts, of which one part shall be for my wife in addition to what is above bequeathed to her, and the remainder for my two sons and two daughters. Proved at London in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 11 Oct. 1427. In the will of John Clyve, burgess, of Bristol, January 30, 1430, reference is made to the fact that John Prowte, deceased, had rented a tenement and two shops of him, and that the widow. Margery and son William were still holding the preIDISes. " William Proute, purser" was a legatee in the will of John Seynte, burgess of Bristol, and "Thomas Proute'' one of the witnesses, December 25, 1471. William Hynde, another burgess of Bristol and whittawer, in his will, February 27, 1473, made a bequest to "Thomas Proud." Thomas Prowde, burgess of Bristol, made his will October 15, 1500. Desired to be buried in the cemetery of St. J arnes, Bristol; gave to that church and the mother church of vV orcester and to William and Isabel Chestro. Residue to his wife Agnes whon1 he made executrix. Proved at the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury; printed in Gloucestershire Notes and Queries, vol. III, p. 534. John Prowde of Bristol, draper, was a partner of Francis Bannister, as appears from that gentleman's will, in 1625, given in Water's Gleanings. "\Ve do not find other Proutes at Bristol in any records searched; the registers of St. James parish show none; perhaps they may be found by going through the several parishes of the city, but no suggestion of them appears in THE FAMILY IN ENGLAND 5 wills, our surest indications. The family does continue to appear in Gloucestershire, a very few miles away, however, and its members may be closely related to those of the city. John Prowde of Kyngeswoode (probably a hamlet near Hawkesbury in Gloucester), made his will 3 September, 1464, proved at Lambeth eight days after. Desired to be buried in the church of Hawkesbury; bequeathed to that church and to the mother church at Worcester; to sons John and William, and daughter Helen. Search at Thornbury, Hawkesbury, Rockhampton, Tort­ worth and vicinity shows that there were quite a large number of persons of this name in that vicinity, a dozen miles up the Severn from Bristol, in the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Many wills are on record at Gloucester and at London which show the members of those families to a large extent, but show no Richard. Elizabeth Prowte of the city of Gloucester, widow, made her will 10 February, 1528. To be buried by John Prowte. Bequests to various persons and objects, among them her brother Rafaell, Jone Jenkins, Alys Halsey; son William to have her best ring and daughter Katrine the second best; they to be executors and brother Rafaell overseer. No later wills show the family at Gloucester city. There was a·Iamily of the name in the adjoining county of Wilton. Thomas Prowte of Trowbridge, county Wilts, diocese of Salisbury, made his will 11 J!}ly, 1565, proved 23 April, 1566; bequeathed to his father and mother; wife's brother Nicholas Lucas; brother William Prowte; his "blacke book of physic and his herbal" to "our curate," John Plimpton. In Devonshire and Cornwall there were some persons of the name from quite an early period, but search of records fails to show any branches from which there is reason to be­ lieve the American Prouty family came. Captain Timothy Prout, an early settler at Boston, was of that line,* but we have found no signs of connection between him and the Scituate family here or in England. *See Ancestry of Captain Timothy Prout, by Mr._J. Henry Lea. 6 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

The following will aroused my attention more than any other I found on account of the Christian name of the testator and its locality in Gloucestershire, the county where the family had been found more numerous than elsewhere from the thirteenth century, the county which then in­ cluded the city of Bristol, where we have seen the. Proutes so prominent.

RICHARD PROWT OF RODl\iIARTON In the name of god amen I Rychard Prowt the xxiii th day of J ulii and in the eyghth yere of the Rayne of our soverayne lady Elizabeth of England ffranc and Ireland quine [queen] do make thys my last wyll & testament in manr and form.e f oloyng fyrst I bequethe my sow le to allmyghty god my creator and Redemr and my bodye to be buried in the church yard of Rodmarton. ffyrst I bequethe to John Prowt my son one shepe Item I gyve to Wyllm Prowt one shepe Item I gyve to Watr [Walter] Prowt one shepe and I gyve to Edy Prowt & Izabell Prowt my dafters to evry of them one shepe the Resydue of my goods not bequethed I geve to Alys my wyffe who I make my executrixe of thys my last wyll and testament thes beryng wytnesse Thomas Kyng and Wyllm Prowt Proved at Gloucester Nov. 2, 1566. Rodmarton lies in the open country, on high ground, a few miles east of the "Head of the Thames," near the border of Wiltshire. It took its name from being a town on the road by the marg-in of the county. I ts population has never gone beyond a -few hundreds; its people till the soil which has been under cultivation time out of mind. It was one of the stations of the Romans when they occupied the British Isles, and relics of their residence have been found by ploughmen in tessellated pavements and coins of the fourth century. In 1636 ihis discovery was made and recorded in the parish register. · The parish registers of Rodmarton are, fortunately, in good condition from the year 1605. Tracing through the parchment pages-long hours at large fees-we found that: ...... ,- -z

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William Prout and Joane Painter were married the eleventh of November, 1619. Richard, son of William Prout, was baptized the two and twentieth of Aprill, 1621. Richard Prout & Elizabeth Ghuest (Guest) were married the first of August, 1647. RICHARD PROUT, son of Richard Prout, was baptized the thirtieth of September, 1652. From the will and these records we may construct this pedigree: THE RODMARTON FAJv.IILY Richard Prowt Alys - d. 1566;will. T John I William I Walter I Edy, I Izabell ...... William Prout Joane Painter n-1. 11 Nov. 1619 bur. I April, 1661 I Richard Prout - Elizabeth Guest bapt. 22 April, 1621; m. 1 Aug. 1647 bur. 27 Dec. 1703. I I Richard Prout, bapt. 30 Sept. ~ 65~.

We need not present all the items concerning the family that are in the Rodroarton register; they give the other children of successive generations; they show an · earlier marriage of the.Richard who was born in 1621 and the death of that first wife before his marriage to Elizabeth Guest. They also record burials of many of the family, some in in­ , thus proving the fullness and care of details given. This convinces us that if Richard, Jr., had either married or died at Rodmarton the fact would have been set down in the register. Richard, the father, is mentioned several times after young Richard's baptism, having had several children younger than his namesake, so that there can be no doubt that he is the man whose burial is recorded as " Richard Prout of Rodmarton," December the twenty­ seventh, 1703. As Sapperton parish was united with Rod­ marton in public services at that time, the specification that the deceased was a Rodmarton man was natural. But 8 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY there is no later word there about the son Richard baptized in 1652. At Oldpen, a hamlet some miles away, one "Richard Proutt" was witness of a will in the year 1692; there is no record of such a man as a resident there; this was probably Richard Prout, Sen., of Rodma.rton. Nowhere else in Gloucestershire was the name Richard Prout found. The natural inference is that the Rodmarton boy had departed from the country. I have said that there was no record on this side of the Atlantic, showing Richard Prouty' s origin. But there is something of great value which aids our investigation, in the History of North Brookfield, Mass. When that work was in preparation Mr. Charles Adams, who compiled the genealogies, is said to have made the most thorough examina­ tion of the public records and gathered other facts from f arniJies, discriminating with uncommon vigilance; thus making a book which is held in very high repute. In the article on the Prouty family Mr. Adams says that Richard Prouty came from England at the ag~ of fourteen and settled at Scituate in 1667. Supposing that this North Brookfield historian placed on record a respectable family tradition, and we find nothing in the records of Scituate to disprove but much to support it, we tum to the registers of Rodmarton parish and say, "What a remarkable correspondence between the boy baptized in 1652 and the Scituate pioneer!" A farmer's son, leaving home so early, in the age when common schools were un­ known, would not be particular as to the spelling of the family name, nor make any special effort to keep very close relations with the old home. His boyish ardor, his adven­ turous spirit, would win him friends. Born of good yeoman stock, with generations of clean home and church life built into his nature, he ·would bring the best elements of the English people to the new country, and here his descendants would far exceed the relatives left behind under England's handicap conditions. It is easy to see how a boy so near the adventurous city ROD:MARTIX ELMS

THE FAMILY IN ENGLAND 9 of Bristol would become aroused by the talk about a wide, free land to the West; easy to see that the influence of Cox, King, Collamore and other families that sent representatives in those days to New England and Scituate, would stir the lad's spirit. And the man .in Scituate seems so young when first mentioned; a soldier in 1675-6; marrying when the "cruel war" was over, a maiden of his own age (if this be the person) and beginning his land-holdings only with soldier­ lands. Such reasonings strongly convinced the writer that Rodmarton was the cradle of the American Prouty family. So a photographer, Mr. Hugh Walwyn of Gloucester, was taken one day to Kemble Junction, thence on the branch line to "Rodmarton Halt''; we walked three-quarters of a mile up the gentle rise to the corners, past the blacksmith's shop, hard by the vicarage (where long study of the parish registers had previously been made), and focused the camera on the old elms in front of the parish church. They are believed to be the very trees that were planted in the year 1620, as an ancient record states. Then the camera was turned to the venerable and exceedingly rare type of church, five centuries Qr more old. These two views are presented to the Prouty family as memorials of English ancestry. The writer-does not hesitate to express his

1. RICHARD PROUTY was a resident of Scituate, Plymouth Colony when the Indian conflict known as "King Philip's vVar" was raging, and did a brave defender's part in repelling the cruel foe. Scituate suffered terribly from swift attacks of the wily savages; thirteen homes were burned and several lives lost in the years 1675 and 1676. Just when and where Richard Prouty performed his part is not recorded; but the Colony of Plymouth, in a session of its General Court, July 21, 1676, placed a list of the valiant men on its records with a note of what was owing to them. " The souldiers of Scittuat whoe desired to be satisfyed in lands for such service as they pformed for the country, with the sumes due to them on that accompt." In the list is "Richard Proutey. . .. 06-12-03'' This six pounds, twelve shillings and three pence was due at that particular time; perhaps he had done other service and received payment from the town. Scituate records have a copy* of this note in the General Court journal; "Richard Prouty'' the name is there written; it stands third after that of the lieutenant of the company, and the man next after him is specified as a corporal; one might infer ~he names of the persons to have land as alowed by the Court are as folleth £ s d Leutenant Isack Buck . . . . . 10 00 00 Zacreth Damon . . . . 06 06 01 John Damon ...... 06 05 07 Richard Prouty ...... 06 12 03 Cor: John Buck . . . . 08 09 05 Jonathan Jackson . 06 05 04 Thomas Clark . . 05 05 02 William Hatch . . . . 02 01 00 Walter Brige . . . . 05 18 07 Richard Dwely ...... 11 13 03 Charles Stockbridge for Benjamin \Voodworth . 07 09 00 Joseph Garrett ...... 05 09 07 This writing is Recorded according to order p mee Nathanell Morton Secretary Plymoth July the 22ond 1676. 10 FIRST GENERATION 11 that Prouty had acted as sergeant by this position of his name. The to"~ voted to instruct its representatives to ask the General Court for its proper share "of whatsoever lands and profits had been obtained by the Indian wars, proportionably to what soe ever charges they have been at on that accompt; . . . and also seeing that there are some wounded men which doe want releif e . . . and respecting Capt. Williams and about twenty or thirty of our men with him that were pressed out to range the woods about Namasick and Plymouth, that they may be paid by the Country as well as others prest souldiers having made application to us on that account." A tract of land had been set apart by Plymouth Colony in March, 1675-6, and some time later, November 12, 1677, the men were permitted to have deeds of shares in the tract in the form of purchases. This tract was "A N eek of land known as Shawomet, bounded easterly by the Bay of Taunton or mouth of Taunton river, southwa.rdly by the said Bay, and westerly by a River or cove of said Bay, which parteth the said Neck from a neck of land called Mr. Brinton's Neck and northwesterly partly by lands purchased of the Indians by Capt. Thomas Willett and Steven Paine, Senior, and partly adja~_ent to the Outlet Lands and also the said Outlet Lands." The valuation placed on the tract was £800; it was divided into thirty shares of which individuals had varying portions; Richard Prouty had onfr-quarter of a share. This he sold January 23, 1693, to Edward Gray for £14, his ·wife Damaris signing with him in re!ease of her dower in the land. In the year 1733 the General Court of Massachusetts Bay set apart seven tracts in various sections for the soldiers who had served in the wars against the Indians half a century before, calling the lands by the name of the tribe which had given most trouble, Narragansetts, numbering them in order. The Scituate soldiers received their lands in "Narragansett No. 5,jj which was afterward incorporated as Bedford, N. H. At a meeting of the proprietors of No. 5, held at Boston 30 October, 1734, lots were drawn by the surviving soldiers 12 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY or their heirs or representatives. The clerk of the meeting set down "Richard Prouty" as a claimant, and "Jonathan Proutt" as his representative received Lot No. 69, which was afterward sold to John Moor. "When the second drawing of lots took place, December 22, 1736, the record is "Jonathan Prouty: No. 26th: 8th Range" No. 27th: A third drawing gave "John Moor for Jonathan Prout," Nos. 83 upland and 40 meadow being the tracts. These particulars are given in docume:ots in the office of the Secre­ tary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and in the History of Bedford, N. H. To return to the personal history of Richard Prouty, the pioneer; we have seen him a citizen of Scituate in 1675 and 1676. He had been there long enough to "gain a residence," certainly; but how long? The History of Scituate makes the vague statement that he was there in 1670, but cites no proof of the assertion. The History of North Brookfield, in the genealogical part, which was prepared by the careful Charles Adams, states that he came as a boy of fourteen, and was at Scituate in 1667. The records of the town of Scituate do not mention his name till the war of 1675-6. A list of inhabitants in 1672 does not contain his name. These things prevent us from fixing the time of his arrival by any positive proof; but they all co-ordinate with the theory of his coming as a boy, since he would be "able to bear arms" at sixteen years of age, and yet not old enough to vote or be made a "townsman" in 1672. There is no record of the ma.n in any other plantation of New Engl!lnd or any list of passengers to America; so the tradition and the English researches are our best recourse. As the article on English Ancestry has fully discussed that phase of the question and the writer's opinion has been given distinctly there, it is only necessary to say here that he believes that Richiiird Prouty, the Scituate pioneer, ,vas the son of Richard a11d. Elizabeth (Guest) Prout, born at Rodmarton, Gloucestershire, England, baptized there 30 September, 1652, and that he came to Scituate about the close of the year 1666. FIRST GENERATION 13

Having no inherited property he was dependent wholly on his own exertions for a living. It was slow work acquiring lands and buildings. He gained the hand of a daughter of one of the leading men of the township, a magistrate and representative to the Plymouth General Court, and this alliance doubtless helped to bring out his native capability and give him standing. December 27, 1683, the town granted to Peter Woodelike "four or five acres of upland at the north side of the Common feild that Jacob Bum.pas and Richard Proutie hath broken up." This shows that he had been industriously cultivating the soil and was ph:i.nning to use of some of the lands of the town. But he was not content till he obtained a homestead. This he established on Hoop-pole Hill, one of the pleasantest eminences in Scituate. The two following grants of land are very interesting. " Situate May 1692 Laid out to Richard Proutie Twenty acres of Land Ten acres thereof By order from Ensigne Israel Chittenden granted to said Chittenden by the Towne agence as sucssor of Oliver Calloway and Ten acres of said Twenty By Order from James Torry as successor to his ff ather 15 acres of said 20 Lyeth on or neare a place called Hooppoll hill Beginning at a stack* standing on the N orwardly side of the Cart Way and runeth on that side the Cart Way about 20 Rods and soe a Crosse said Cart Way and Continuing that poynt neare West 110 Rods to a Beech Tree then Runeth 24 Rods neare south to abraham Suttliffes Corner Stack then Runeth neare East with said Suttliffes line and the same poynt over hoppoll hill 110 Rods to a Blackoake Tree on hoppoll hill then Runeth neare north 20 Rods to the first stack Contayning 15 acres of Land." "Sittuate :\Iay the 4: 1694 ,vhereas Wee Laid out Twenty acres of Land to Richard Prouty in ~fay, 1692 purchased of severall men as by Record thereof may appeare ffi veteen acres of said Land Lying on or neare a place called Hooppoll hill and the other five acres Lying by a Cart Way neare the Poundsell Land The which said five acres the said Richard Proutv., hath cast to the Comons *Stack, Stake. 14 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY againe and hath taken it up by his 15 acres at hooppoll hill on the Eastward side of the highway Beginning at a marked whitt oak neare Joseph Hinkmans Range and Runeth neare nor east ½ a poynt East 20 Rods to a marked warnut Tree then Runeth neare nor West ½ a poynt west 48 Rods to a marked Red oak neare a swampe then Ryneth neare souwest ½ a poynt south 19 Rods to the foresaid highway And-_. soe Leaving a highway through the Land the whole 48 Rods to the first Corner Tree." Another tract was laid out to him July 5, 1698, consisting of five acres upland and one acre swamp, on the northwest side of his farm. Hoop-pole Hill is about three-quarters of a mile westerly from the sout_h (Unitarian) meetinghouse, in that section of the old town which was incorporated as South Scituate and later called Norwell. Dea. Joseph Cushing lived at its eastern base, and the site of his house is shown in the grounds of Mr. H. W. Cushing. The residence of Richard Prouty was part way up the hill, probably, if we_ understand the descrip­ tions and boundaries given in the old deeds. The ancient road passed on the southern side of the hill, and the home­ stead was very likely where a clump of bushes still grows. Richard Prouty with Damaris his wife sold to Joseph Cushing 15 April, 1707, a tract of land containing one and a half acres on the Northeast side of the tract where he dwelt. Then, after the death of Richard, his lands were given to his son Edward who paid money shares to the other children. After the death of Edward his son Edward sold to Joseph Cushing 13 Feb. 1730, f o~ £160, a tract of 8 acres of "land where my ffather used to dwell & of which he dyed siezed Bounded Southwesterly on the Road or way Northwesterly Northeasterly & Southeasterly on sd Cushings Land with the Buildings & appurtenances thereon & thereto belonging excepting the use of -the dwelling house viz the use of one third part of the same as set off to my mother Dureing her life & also excepting the use of sd Land & premises for the space of three years from the sixteenth of March next wch I have let the same to Henry ~1errit Ser." HooP-POLl•~ HILL, Sc111 U.ATg Where llichard Prouty, the ])ionee1,, Dwelt


Richard Prouty was among those selected by the to'Wil September 1, 1702, "to serve on ye Jury of Trialls At ye next inferiour Court of Comm.on Pleas to be holden at plimouth." He was one of those who drew "ten acre lots within the Common Lands of the Town and without the bounds of the Land commonly called the "Stated Common Lands," Febru­ ary 11 and March 19, 1706-7. He was chosen one of the four "Tithing men'' (who had the duty of keeping order in the place of worship), two for each of the churches, March 21, 1704-5, which shows that he was a member of the church. He was on the Grand Jury February 18, 1707-8. He died September 1, 1708. Lett~rs of administration on the estate of "Richard Proutee," late of Scituate were granted March 8, 1708-9, to his son "Edward Proutee" in· the Plymouth County Probate Court; and the estate was duly appraised as f o~ows: A true Inventory of all & singular the goods Chattells & Credits Housing & lands of "Richard Prouty'! Deceased Apprised at Scituate the first day of November 1709 by James Torrey & Josiah Torrey as f ollo\Yeth £ s d Im primis his P.urse & Apparill 9: 10: 0 Item his books 20s . . . . 10 10 0 Item In Housing & lands 150: 00: 0 In beds & Berling 15 ...... 16.5 0 0 In Brass Iron pewter Earther;n ware & seines . . 4 2 0 In Wooden household stuff, Chairs Spoones & tables 3 0 0 In trammels, fireslice tongs Smoothing Iron & Candlesticks ...... 18 0 In guns Cutlace & amunition . 2 15 0 In Spining wheels & cards 10/ In one Box Chests & Chaires 1 : 10 : 0 . . 2 0 0 In four oxen five Cows & other young Cattle . 31 0 0 In one mare & one colt 4: 10: 0 In swine & sheep 13:10:0 ...... 18 0 0 In Cart plow yokes chains, & Cart rope 7 9 0 In Axes hoes Iron Crow wedges, saw spade & other tools 3 5 0 16 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY £ s d In boxes & hoops sithes & grinding stone 2 0 0 In Corn 10 In lumber 8/ . 10 8 0 Due to the Estate by bill . 3 6 0 On the 9th day of May 1709: Edward Proutie Administrator of the estate of his father Richard Proutee deceased made oath to the above before Nathaniel Thomas, Judge of Probate. James Torrey Josiah Torrey A second inventory of the real estate was made June 20, 1709, appraising "The housing and 36½ acres of land" at 145 pounds and "ten acres of out land'' at 5 pounds. l\Iarch 10, 1709-10. The accompt of Edward Proutee son of Richard Proutee late of Scituate Deceased & Adminis­ trator of his estate. £ s d The estate according to the Inventory in movables amounts to the sum of . 113 13 0 The Debts due from the estate as by particular amounts of the sum of . 39 17 7 There remains thereof to be divided to the widdow & children the sum of . . . 73 15 5 The widdows third part thereof amounts to . 24 11 9 There remains to be devided amongst the children 49 3 8 The lands being apprized at 150 pounds deduct the widdows third thereof 50 lb there Remains to be divided to the Children viz: Edward Jonathan Isaac William & Margarett the sum of 100 0 0 149 3 8 The Eldest son Edwards-duble share is . 49 14 6 The said J onathans share or part is . 24 17 3 The said Isaacs part is . 24 17 3 The said Williams share or part is 24 17 3 And the said ~Iargaretts part is . 24 17 3 The Settle1nent of the Lands of the said Richard Proutee late of Scituate deceased is as f olloweth viz: forasmuch as the di vi ding the same will be prejudicial to the whole It is therefore ordered That the said Edward Proutee the eldest son shall have FIRST GENERATION 17 all the his fathers lands Prized at 150 pounds to him & his heirs forever saveing to his mother Damaris Proutee her thirds dureing her life which at her decease the apprized vallew thereof is to be divided amongst the said Children in Proportion according to their shares & Paid to them & such as shall legally represent them by the said Edward his heirs or assigns And he also Paying to the other Children afore­ named their portions of the said estate as above expressed. per me Nathaniel Thomas Judge of Probate Richard1 Prouty married about December, 1676, Damaris, daughter of Lieut. James and Ann (Hatch) Torrey,* born at Scituate October 26, 1651. She survived her husband; was living at the division of the estate of her brother Joseph Torrey in 1717. The time of her death is not on record. Children:. I. James,' b. Oct. 30, 1677; seems to have died young; not mentioned in settlement of his father's estate or in any other record yet found. .. 2 . n. Edward, b. Sept. 30, 1679. * Lieut. James Torrey was son of Philip and Alice Torrey, of Combe St. Nicholas, Somersetshire, England, where he was born -in 1612 or 1613, according to his testimony in 1657, that he was "about 44 years old." His elder brother, Capt. William Torrey, of Weymouth, was placed in charge of certain lands for James' sons after his death. James Torrey can1e to New England in 1637 in the ship with Mrs. Ames, widow of the celebrated "Doctor Ames," and her sons, William a~d John; this was brought out tnrough testimony of Torrey about the voyage. [Plym. Col. Rec. 11, 80.] He was a "clothier." He married at Scituate Novem­ ber 2, 1643, Ann, daughter of William Hatch, a merchant of Sandwich, England, who came over in 1634 with his wife Jane and five children; was a man of influence at Scituate; he died November 6, 1651, mentioning among others in his will, his granddaughter Damaris Torrey, who was but ten davs old at that date. The widow Hatch became the second wife of lvir~ Thomas King. James Torrey was admitted a freeman of the colony and chosen lieutenant of the Scituate military company in 1655; representative to Plymouth General Court many terms and on important committees; a member of the Council to aid the :Major General in planning the defense of the colony against the Indian foes; and ap­ pointed a local magistrate, to administer oaths, take testimony, begin suits, marry persons, etc. As lieutenant of the militia he was called upon by the governor of the colony to get ready in a great hurry for an expected engagement \\ith the Dutch, and met with a fatal accident while attending to his duty. A vivid account of the affair is given in the church record of Roxbury. 166.5, July 5. There happened a very sad accident at Situate. Lieften­ ant Torry, having recd order fro the Governor of Plimouth (by reason of the kings letter yt informes of ye Hollanders coming agst us) to look 18 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY ... 111. Jonathan, b. Sept. 1, 1682; inherited part of his father's lands and bought some tracts. Was heir to the lands in Narragansett Township No. 5, which fell to his father's lot in 1733. He d. July 24, 1733; leaving a will in which he gave his property to his brother William and sister Margaret, giving his gun and sword to his "cousin"t Nehe­ miah Prouty. 3. iv. Isaac, b. Nov. 18, 1689. V. Margaret, b. March 2, 1691-2; d. in 1768. 4. vi. William, b. Jan. 30, 1694-5. to ye powder & ammunition of yt towne, he went into ye house of Good­ man Tucker where ye magazine of ye Towne was, wch was but two barrels of powder & opened ym & while ye said lieftanant was drying some of ye powder, abroad upon boards & doores, by some accident, G. knows what, ye powder was fired both that in ye house & that abroad, & ye house blown up & broken in pieces, And ye woman of ye house Goodwife Ticknor miserably burnt (for it seems she was at that instant stepping upon ye barrell yt was in ye house to reach something) & a little childe also was sadly burnt & buryed amongst ye rubbish & Timber, but ye woman & childe lived sevrall houres after about 10 or 11. Also ye lieftenant was sadly burnt esp'ly on his breast, face hands &, yet he lived till ye next day and then dyed. Lieutenant Torrey's estate was settled duly, but no full list of his children appears in the Probate records. Y earR passed away, and one of his sons, Joseph, died without leaving wife or child; and in the settlement of this estate we find valuable items. In the settlement of the estate of Joseph Torrey, late of Scituate, September 8, 1714, it was ordered that the house and land he had owned should go to his brother Josiah Torrey, he therefore paying to the other Brothers & sisters of the sd Deceased their equall _parts of the sd Estate in such manner as herein following is set Down. That is to say to Each of the Deceaseds Brothers & sisters being Eight in number the sum of 4:0:0 To James Torrey the sum of 4:0:0 To Jonathan Torrey the sum of 4:0:0 To Josiah Torrey the sum of 4:0:0 To Damaris Prouty the sum of 4:0:0 To Mary Umphrey the-sum of 4:0:0 To Sarah Ewer the sum of 4:0:0 To Joana Lambert the sum of 4:0:0 To Bethiah Woodward the sum of 4:0:0 [Plym. Co. Prob. Rec. vol. III, 322.] tNehemiah Prouty, of Scituate, by wife Lettis, had son Jonathan, who was a soldier of the Revolution. The family removed to Worthington. SECOND GENERATION

2 1 2. EnwARD (Richard ), born at Scituate September 30, 1679; married December 2, 1701, Elizabeth, daughter of Abraham How,* Jr., and Sarah, his wife, of Roxbury, born November 23, 1678. She received a tract of land at the death of her father, and had another tract in common with her sisters on her mother's death. She sold this April 1, 1719; "Edward Proute of Scituate, yeoman, and Elizabeth his wife, and Abigail How of Boston, single woman" sold "two thirds of six acres of pasture land in Roxbury," etc. We observe that Edward here signed his name "Proute,'' if the recorder reproduced his signature ·accurately. In some other deeds his signature is given as" Prouty." When he administered on the estate of his father the recorder gave the name as " Proutee.'' So careless were even educated people at that day that we have to use a good deal of latitude ~ determining the true spelling of names. Edward Prouty was chosen on the jury February 14, 1709- 1710. He was a," cordwainer," i.e. shoemaker, as many of his descendants have been. He died at a comparatively early age, in the autumn of the year 1726. His estate was administered on by his son and namesake Siptember 13, 1726, and division made two years later. May 21, 1744, the widow Elizabeth with her son Edward and Samuel Curtice, made division of lands at Hoop-pole swamp. Children: 5. i. Edward, 3 b. Oct. 6, 1702. ii. Elizabeth, b. May 30, 1704. 6. iii. James, b. Oct. 16, 1706.

*Abraham How, Sen., was a pioneer at Roxbury about 1636; freeman, May 17, 1637; a useful and honored man. :Married first (perhaps Eliza­ beth), married second, Alice, daughter of James Mattock and widow successively of Nathaniel Bishop and John Lewis_, who survived him. His son, Abraham How, Jr., was born in Roxbury, baptized September 25, 1653, lived a brief and useful life, and died January 12, 1683-4. His wife, Sarah, outlived him. · 19 20 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

7. iv. Richard, b. Jan. 8, 1708-9. v. John, b. Oct. 17, 1710; d. Feb. 16, 1711. vi. Eunice, b. March 1, 1711-12; m. Dec. 12, 1734, Elisha Silvester. vii. Hannah, b. l\iay 15, 1714; learned the trade of tailoress; sold her share in her father's estate March 19, 1735; m. Feb. 24: 1736-7, Benjamin Bowker. 8. viii. Elisha, b. March 19, 1715; baptized June 24, 1716. ix. ~Iary, bapt. l\Iarch 2, 1718; d. early. x. Mary, b. Oct. 22, 1719;m. Sept. 27, 1742, Job Stetson.

3. IsAAc2 (Richard1), born at Scituate November 18, 1689; married October 11, 1711, Elizabeth, daughter of John, Jr., and Elizabeth Merritt,* born at Scituate in February, 1691. He was a farmer of considerable wealth. Bought and sold a good deal of land. March 30, 1754, he sold land to his son Isaac, his wife Elizabeth joining in the deed. When the signatures were attested by the witnesses May 22, 1754, both grantors had passed away. He had made his will, which was proved May 6, providing a home for his wife as long as she remained his widow; made money bequests to all the children except Isaac to whom he gave the house and lands; gave his daughter Elizabeth the privilege of living in the house as long as she remained unmarried. Through his eight sons he became the ancestor of a large proportion of the Prouty family in America. Children: i. Elizabeth,3 b. -Oct. 4, 1713; d. early. 9. ii. Jacob, b. ~larch 14, 1714-5; bapt. April 21, 1723. 10. iii. Davi.d, b. Aug. 15, 1716; bapt. April 21, 1723. 11. iv. John, b. ~lay 25, 1718; bapt ..April 21, 1723. 12. v. Caleb, b. April 3, 1720; bapt. April 21, 1723. 13. vi. Adam, b. Dec. 14, 1721; bapt. April 21, 1723. vii. Isaac, bapt. April 21, 1723; d. soon. 14. viii. Job, b. June 9, 1723.

*Two brothers, Henry and John ),!erritt, were pioneers at Scituate. John died in 1676; his wife's name was Elizabeth. John, Jr., was born in February, 1660. SECOND GENERATION 21

ix. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 27, 1724; sold her share in the estate of her mother and her right to reside in the _ house l\fay 12, 1757. X. Ruth, b. Sept. 7, 1728; m. Nov. 16, 1749, Isaac ,.. . Stetson. 1a. XL James, bapt. Sept. 6, 1730. 16. xii. Isaac, b. Dec. 17, 1732.

4:. \VILLIAM2 (Richard!), born at Scituate January 30, 1694-5; married first, December 13, 1728, Elizabeth Garnet. He married second, November 15, 1733, Jemima Tower. He was a farmer in Scituate. Bought land June 24, 1738. Sold land to his son William, then residing at Hingham, April 13, 1761, and to his son David February 10, 1775, his wife joining in the deeds. Children: . l. Elizabeth, 3 b. Feb. 27, 1729; bapt. Oct. 12, 17 40 . 17. ii. William, b. July 25, 1730; bapt. Oct. 2, 1740. 1n. Richard, b. June 14, 1732; bapt. Oct. 12, 17 40. iv. Lusanna, b. April 18, 1734; bapt. Oct. 12, 1740; d. early. V. Deborah, b. April 13, 1736; bapt. Oct. 12, 1740; ~~ Oct. 28, 1765, l\'Ioses Dunbar, formerly of Abington. vi. Jonathan, b. March 25, 1739; served in Capt. Edward Ward's Co., Col. Joseph Williams' regt. April 7, 1758, till his death, Sept. 16, 1758. His father signed receipt Ior money due to him. [J\IIass. .. Archives.] VII. Lusanna, b. June 15, 1748 . 18. viii. David, b. Feb. 23, 1753. THIRD GENERATION

3 1 5. EDWARD (Edward,2 Richard ), born at Scituate October 6, 1702; married (intention November 21, 1734) Rebecca Sprague. He resi4ed at Scituate. He died before May 27, 1749, when his estate was administered on by his widow Rebecca. She was living in 1763, as is shown by a deed of land that year. Children: . 1... Rebecca,' bapt. Aug. 31, 1735 . 11. Abigail, bapt. June 12, 1737 . 111. Edward, bapt. Oct. 26, 17 40; d. soon. 19. iv. Edward, bapt. May 16, 1742. v. Sarah, bapt. Jan. 29, 1743-4; sold her share in in­ herited lands, Feb. 14, 1765. vi. Susannah, bapt. Aug. 24, 1746.

3 1 6. JAMEs (Edward,2 Richard ), born at Scituate October 16, 1706; became a blacksmith and lived some time in his native town. Sold his share in lands inherited from his father Edward Prouty June 14, 1729. No record further.

7. RICHARD3 (Edward,2 Richard!), born at Scituate January 8, 1708-9; married Lydia, daughter of Joseph and Lydia House. She died at Lancaster September 5, 1760. He was a blacksmith ;-resided at Hanover until about 1738, when he removed to Lancaster, Worcester county. The church records of that town give us the follo-wing family history: James, son of Richard and Lydia Proutee was baptized at the house of l\1Ir. House Feb. 28, 1738-9. The child to appear­ ance being not likely to live till the Sabbath, both father and mother having owned the covenant at Hanover and being received here on the communion of churches. He bought land at Lancaster of his father-in-law, Joseph House, and others. He and 'his wife sold their share in her 22 THIRD GENERATION 23 father's estate after his death, February 24, 1757; her mother joined in the deed. His sons, Elijah, Richard and Francis, joined in a quitclaim deed of rights in Mr. House's estate April 1, 1771. His home was in that part of the old town which was afterward set off as Leominster. He removed to Brattleboro, Vt.; bought land there in 1774. Children: . 1. Joshua, 4 bapt. at Hanover, Oct. 13, 1736-7. He served in the French and Indian War in 1758 and in 1761. In the Revolution he enlisted as a "Minute man" and marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775, to Concord; served in various troops till his death May 15, 1778. Aug. 18, 1783, his f at4er, Richard Prouty of Brattleboro, Vt., petitioned Worcester County Probate Court to appoint his son Richard Prouty administrator .. of Joshua's estate. No indication of children. 11. James, bapt. at Lancaster Feb. 28, 1738-9. ... 20 • 111. Elijah, bapt. Aug. 21, 1740. 21. iv. Richard, bapt. April 23, 1742. 22. V. Francis, bapt. April 29, 1744. 23. vi. Elisha, bapt. April 15, 1753.

8. EusHA3 (Edward,2 R'ichard!), born at Scituate, baptized June 24, 1716; married March 17, 1747, Martha Silvester. Elisha was a shipwright; bought and sold considerable land in Scituate from 17 42 to 1782.

9. JACOB3 (lsaac,2 Richard!), born at Scituate March 14, 1714-5; baptized April 21, 1723; married December 8, 1741, Ann, daughter of Samuel Capen. He was an adventurous young man. With his brother David he went to the frontier country. "Jacob Proute, husbandman, and David Proute, cordwainer, both of Scituate," bought of Caleb Torrey, of Scituate, January 13, 1737, "all the right or share of land which was granted by 24 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY the General Court to the heirs of John J ouse as he was a soldier under the command of Captain Sylvester in the Canady Ex­ pedition Anno 1690'' ... they fullfilling the conditions of the same. [Hampshire County Deeds, :WI, 22.] He made his home in the town of Leicester, in the portion which was afterward set off to form the town of Spencer. There he lived a long life, dying November 24, 1789. In his will, dated April 19, 1781, he made mention of five sons and five daughters all but one of whom outlived him. A monument has been erected to his memory in the cemetery at Spencer by a descendant, Harvey Prouty.

Children: i. Deborah,' b. Oct. 19, 1742; m. l\'Iay 10, 1764, John Bisco. ii. Phebe, b. July 23, 1744; m. ~lay 25, 1763, Peter Harwood. iii. Lydia, b. June 4, 1747; m. Silas Stevens; dau. Per­ melia Stevens. iv. Anna, b. Nov. 12, 1748; m. Dec. 1, 1768, Amos Munroe; dau. Ann Munroe, became wife of Elijah Prouty. 24. v. Samuel, b. June 19, 1749-50. 25. vi. Jacob, b. April 11, 1752. vii. Hannah, b. Aug. 15, 1754; m. Aug. 19, 1794, Charles D. Rouse. 26. viii. Caleb, b. Sept. 7, 1756. ix. Lucy, bapt. Sept. 12, 1756; twin of Caleb; d. soon. 27. x. Joshua, b. May 18, 1759. 28. xi. Nathan, b. Oct. 22, 1761. xii. l\fercy, b. Sept. 14, 1763; m. April 8, 1784, Buck­ minster White.

10. DAVID3 (lsaac,2 Richard!), born at Scituate August 15, 1716; married at Leicester May 11, 1739, Elizabeth Smith. She died April 24, 1789; he died December 29, 1767. He was a cordwainer; bought land in the district of Spencer in Leicester of Moses Smith, October 11, 1739, and resided there. THIRD GENERATION 25

Children: 29. i. David/ b. Nov. 27, 1739. ii. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 27, 1741. 111. Ruth, b. Sept. 12, 17 43; bapt. July 13, 17 46. iv. Mary, b. May 21, 1745; m. James D. Draper; they joined with Elizabeth, Ruth and Sarah in a deed of land in 1769. v. Sarah, b. l\ilarch 10, 1747; d. unm. Dec. 22, 1828. vi. Jesse, b. l\ilarch 13, 17 49. 30. vii. Asa, b. Feb. 22, 1751. viii. Lucy, bapt. Sept. 2, 1753. ix. Beulah, b. March 27, 1755. x. Olive, b. May 27, 1757. xi. Rhoda, b. May 17, 1759. xii. Lucretia, b. Nov. 22, 1761.

11. JoHN3 (lsaac,2 Richard!), born at Scituate May 25, 1718; married at Leicester, October 9, 1745, Abigail, daughter of Capt. Benjamin Johnson, born in 1726, died January 31, 1801. He was a blacksmith. Removed to Leicester (district of Spencer) and married and resided there. His first land was deeded to him March 7, 174 7. He built a- gristmill at " Millsville," which was owned and used by some of his descendants for almost a century. He died January 29, 1792. His will provided for his wife and eleven children, and the son (Samuel) of his deceased son Benjamin. Children: 31. i. Benjamin/ b. Oct. 1, 17 46. 32. ii. John, b. Jan. 4, 1748-9. 33. iii. Isaac, b. Dec. 22, 1750. iv. Abigail, b. Oct. 14, d. Nov. 17, 1752. 34. v. Johnson, b. Jan. 8, 1754. vi. Abigail, b. Nov. 27, 1756; m. John Lamb, Jr. 35. vii. Eli, b. Sept. 8, 1757. 36. viii. Daniel, b. July 15, 1759. 1x. Rebekah, b. June 11, 1764; m. Nathaniel Lamb. x. Esther, b. (twin) June 11, 1764; m. June 7, 1781, Joshua Whitney. ~· xi. Lucy, b. June 5, 1766; m. ' Whittemore. 26 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

xii. Molly, b. April 19, 1768; m. Thomas Hatch. xiii. Dolly, b. (twin) April 19, 1768; m. lVIarch 3, 1791, Jonathan Knowlton.

3 1 12. CALEB (Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Scituate ·April 3, 1720; married (intention August 16, 17 40) Martha, daughter of Thom~s and Mary (Damon) Tobey, of Scituate and Han­ over, baptized August 13, 1721; received to the church May 9, 1742. He was a blacksmith and lived at Scituate, on "one haH of the 14th lot of upland and marsh, lying between the two landing places near Scituate harbour"; this he sold November 12, 1751. He died before 1754, when his widow and Joshua Otis settled his estate. Mrs. Martha Prouty was published May 6, 1758, to Joshua Chase of Westerly, R. I. Children: i. Hannah,' b. March 18, 1748. ii. Marcy (Mercy), bapt. Aug. 19, 1750. 37. iii. Caleb, b. July 11, 1751.

::it3. AnAM3 (Isaac,2 Richard!-), born at Scituate, December 14, 1721; married first, at Hanover January 19, 1743-4, Grace, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Ramsdell,* born there June 5, 1725. He married second, Jan. 15, 1761-2, Dorothy, dau. of Matthias Howe, of Rutland; she died Oct. 23, 1809. He was a house carpenter; lived at Hanover some years, where he owned house, land and part of a gristmill, which he sold and removed to Spencer in 1757, buying property there in partnership with James Capen. He served in Capt. William Paige's company, April 17 till December 2, 1761, in the French and Indian War. If the deeds he signed are correctly recorded he sometimes spelled his name "Proute" and sometimes "Prouty." He died at Spencer in 1793, and his widow Dorothy ad­ ministered on his estate; her own was settled by her daughter Mrs. Hamilton, 1810-1818. *See note in No. 16 following. THIRD GENERATION 27

Children, the first five born at Hanover, the rest at Spencer or elsewhere: i. Grace,' bapt. July 12, 1747; d. July 2, 1812. ii. Sarah, bapt. with Grace; m. Dec. 29, 1774, Benjamin Hayward. 111. Desire, bapt. June 24, 1750; m. Sept. 11, 1771, Jacob Kent. 38. iv. Adam, bapt. May 17, 1752. 39. v. Isaac, bapt. Oct. 13, 1754. 39a. vi. Luther.* · 39b. vii. Stephen. t viii. Calvin, bapt. Nov. 17, 1770. ix. Ezekiel, bapt. Nov. 17, 1770. 40. x. Seth, b. Nov. 12," 1771. xi. Rhoda, b. about 1773; m. April 18, 1793, Jude Hamilton. Others reported; Eunice, Patty, Dolly and Lucy.

14. JoB3 (lsaac,2 Richard!), born at Scituate June 9, 1723; married July 10, 1746, Hannah. Fairfield, of Hanover. He resided at Scituate till the close of the Revolutionary period; entered the army and performed his part well. He enlisted. May 3, 1775, and served in several different troops in that year, in 1777, 1778, 1779, and until October 30, 1780. Of his family and after life we liave found no records. Was Job Prouty of Franklin, Vt., a son?

15. JAMES3 (lsaac,2 Richard!-), born at Scituate, baptized September 6, 1730; married first, at Spencer, June 25, 1765, Mary Dinsmore (Densmore, Dunsmore). She died June 1, 1803. He married second (intention at Oakham, December 23, 1804) Huldah Whitaker, who survived him and married second, January 31, 1821, Benjamin Forbes. He resided most of his life at Spencer; signed his name to a deed April 3, 1769, "James Proute." Others spelled the name Prouty when mentioning him. He served, as from

*t These are placed here on probable evidence. 28 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

"Spencer District," in the expedition to Fort \iVilliam Henry in 1757. "James Prouty of Scituate" was one of the Mii1ute me~ who marched on the Lexington alarm, April 19, 1775, service 15 days; also enlisted May 3, 1775, in Capt. Nathaniel Wins­ low's company, Gen. John Thomas' regiment and served till December, 1775. Was this the Spencer man? He died May 3, 1813. Children: 41. i. Amos,• b. lVIarch 8, 1766. ii. Reuben, b. July 15, 1768; d. June 3, 1770. iii. A child, b. and d. Dec. 16, 1770. 42. iv. Reuben, b. Dec. 18, 1771. v. Abel, b. :Niarch 4, 1775; d. Nov. 1, 1776. ·vi. Sarah, b. Dec. 10, 1777; m. Oct. 2, -1797, James Bothwell, of Oakham. vii. Susanna, b. March 8,. 1782; m. Dec. 26, 1799, John Bothwell, Jr., of Oakham. viii. Lydia, b. Oct. 17, 1783; m. Feb. 2, 1804, Brigham l\Iorse. 43. ix. James, b. Jan. 30, 1786. x. Polly, b. Dec. 9, 1788; m. Aug. 12, 1805, Alpheus Bemis.

16. IsAAc3 (lsaac,2 Richard!), born at Scituate, December 17, 1732; married at Hanover, December 25, 1755, Priscilla, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Homer) Ramsdell,* of Han­ over, baptized September 8, 1734; she survived him and died at Spencer, July 13, 18-14. He resided at Scituate till May 12, 1757, when he sold his homestead, the bequest of his father, and removed to Spencer where his older brothers had

*Joseph Ramsdell was a son of Thomas, of Hanover, by wife Sarah Alverson; he of Daniel, by wife Hannah Caswell; he of Jm;eph; an inhabitant of Plymouth in 1643, who m. March 2, 1645-6, Rachel, dau. of Francis and Sarah Eaton who came from England in The M ayfiower in 1620. [See articles by Wesley Weyman in Boston Transcript, Sept. 14 'and Oct. 26, 1910.] Mary Homer was a daughter of John and Mary (Belknap) Homer of Boston, granddaughter of Michael Homer, a town officer in Boston in 1681, by his wife Hannah, daughter of Francis Dowse, a pioneer leather-dresser at Charlestown. THIRD GENERATION 29 already settled. He died May 5, 1805, leaving a will with thoughtful provisions for his wife and surviving children and the sons of Elijah, who had died. Children: . I. Priscilla/ b. Oct. 1, 1756; d. June 30, 1833 . 44. ii. Elijah, b. Jan. 27, 1759. 45. iii. Elisha (twin), b. Jan. 27, 1759. iv. Sage, b. Nov. 7, 1762; m. March 18, 1784, Alexander Dean. v. Joseph, b. Jan. 27, 1765; d. May 5, 1767. 46. vi. Joseph, b. March 26, 1767. 47. vii. Thomas, b. June 13, 1769. 48. viii. Jesse, b. Aug. 6, 1771. ix. A vis, b. April 27, 1775; d. June 9, 1816. x. Betsey, b. Jan. 24, 1780; d. Sept. 21, 1812.

17. WILLIMr (William, 2 Richard1), born at Scituate, July 25, 1730; baptized October 12, 1740; married at Hingham, December 25, 1768, Rachel, daughter of Solomon and Rachel (Damon) Dunbar, born at Hingham, May 22, 1742. He and his wife Rachel sold land in Scituate in June, 1775. He served in Capt. Galen Clapp' s company of Scituate militia who marched in response to the alarm of April 19, 1775, and served four days. Children: i. Rachel\ b. Oct. 16, 1769; m. Sept. 11, 1796, Galen Whiton of Hingham. ii. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 21, 1770. 49. iii. William, b. April 23, 1772. iv. Galen, b. April 22, 177 4. 50. Y. Richard, b. Nov. 3, 1775. vi. Sarah, b. June 24, 1777. vii. Lincoln, b. Oct. 12, 1778; d. Sept. 12, 1781. 51. viii. Jesse, b. July 29, 1780. ix. Lincoln, b. Feb. 25, 1782; d. June 22, 1784. x. 11eriel, b. June 7, 1784; m. Feb. 11, 1810, Josiah \Vhiton of Hingham. 30 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

3 1 18. DAVID (William,2 Richard ), born at Scituate,. Feb­ ruary 23, 1753; married at Hingham, November 27, 1777, Margaret, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Wing) Whiton, born August 4, 1738; she died at Hanover in June, 1825. He was a shipwright; lived at Scituate till old age, when he made his home at Hanover. He was a private in the Scituate company which marched on the ~arm of April 19, 1775, and did four days' service. He enlisted July 21, 1775, and served five months and twenty­ one days in sea-coast defense "under direction of officers of the 1st Plymouth Co. regt."; also served March 24 to 29, 1776, "on an alarm subsequent to the taking of Dorchester Heights"; also in service November 29, 1776; also enlisted December 1, 1776, to serve till March 1, 1777. He and his wife conveyed house and lands to their son David in 1798 and 1799, on condition of certain rentals and suitable provisions for the rest of their lives. He died May 28, 1831,. Child: 52. David,' b. May 18, 1778. FOURTH GENERATION

4 1 19. EDWARD (Edward,3 Edward,2 Richard ), born at Scituate; baptized May 16, 1742; removed to Middletown, Conn., where he was living June 18, 1763, wheJ:!. he sold his rights in lands which had belonged to his grandfather and had been set off as dower to his grandmother. He enlisted April 6, 1759, in Col. Thomas Clapp's regiment "for service in the invasion of Canada"; company at St. John's, Nova Scotia, served till August 29, 1760; also, in Moses Parker's company, Col. :Frye's regiment; also, in Lemuel Dunbar's company, May 6 to December 7, 1761. He married Elizabeth, daughter of John and Rachel Warner, of Middletown. They joined in deeds of land (which Mr. Warner had owned on the west side of Connecti­ cut River) with other heirs, May 3, 1768, and August 5, 1769. [Mid. Land Records.] They made their home at Simsbury, Conn., where they 0 purchased of John Holcomb a tract of land which was deeded to ''Elizabeth Prouty, wife of Edward Prouty," September 27, 1768. No further trace of the couple has been found.

20. ELIJAH4 (Richard:, Edward,2 Richard:), born at Lan­ caster; baptized August 21, 1740; married Lydia, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Whitney) McCune, born at Weston in October, 1748, died at Brattleboro, Vt., July 25, 1817. He resided at "Rhoadtown," now Shutesbury; then at Deerfield. He was a soldier in "colonial'' service; served in Col. Israel Shepherd's regiment "for protection of Western frontiers, at time of siege of Fort William Henry," fourteen days in 1757; also, in Capt. Selah Barnard's company, Col. William Williams' regiment, April 8 to June 3, 1758; also, June 26 to November 29, 1761, under Ebenezer Childs; also, from June 26 to November 29, 1762. [Mass. Archives.] He removed to Brattleboro, Vt.; his name is signed to a call for a town meeting, October 25, 1770. He was appointed 31 32 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY a justice of the court of Oyer and Terminer in 1782. Was inclined to the conservative side in the controversy that rose over boundaries and authority, taking the side of New York some time; but was loyal to Vermont when organized fully. He was an active member of the Congregational Church. He died April 7, 1813. Children: i. Sophia,5 b. 1768; m. William Whipple; shed. March 22, 1837. 59. ii. Elijah, b. 1770. 60. iii. Elisha, b. April 29, 1772. iv. Cynthia, m. Jan. 26, 1817, Alfred Pratt. v. Alathea, m. Aug. 23, 1804, Robert Easterbrook. vi. Damaris (" Dimis"), m. George Roberts. vii. Mary, m. Oct. 19, 1824, Emery Miller. viii. Eunice, b. 1779; d. unm. Oct. 9, 1863.

21. RICHARD4 (Richard,3 Edward,2 Richard!), baptized at Lancaster, April 23, 1742; married May 6, 1762, Esther Smith. He sold his homestead in Lancaster May 24, 1770, and removed to Brattleboro, Vt., before April 1, 1771, when he joined with other heirs of Lydia House in a deed of land. He was one of the constables of the town in 1781. Was ensign of militia. Sold land in 1786. Children: 65. i. Burpee, 5 b. at Lancaster March 10, 1763. 66. ii. Isaac, b. about 1779.

4 1 22. FRANCIS (Richard,3 Edward,2 Richard ), baptized at Lancaster, April 29, 1744; married (intention August 29, 1767) Mary, daughter of Isaac Kendall of Lancaster. She was received to the church March 17, 1768 and her child Abel baptized July 10, 1768, in the second church of Lan­ caster. She joined with Francis in conveyance of rights in her father's estate August 21, 1769. He was in colonial service in the French and Indian "'\\i' ar, when sixteen years FOURTH GENERATION 33 old, enlisting June 30, 1761, and serving till March 4, 1762. [Mass. Archives.] Residence, "Roadtown" (Shutesbury). Removed to Brattleboro, Vt.; bought land March 10, 1770. Was lieutenant of militia in 1793; joined in a petition to New York authorities in 1784. Children: 72. i... Abel, 5 b. Dec. 23, 1767. ll.... Tirzah, b. Feb. 15, 1769 . ill. Isaac, b. May 23, 1771. 73. iv. Stephen F. ·

4 1 23. ELISHA (Richard,3 Edward,2 Richard ), born at Lan­ caster; baptized April 15, 1753; married July 8, 1777, Pru­ dence Wilder also of Lancaster; she died at West Boylston, June 11, 1842, "aged 82 years." He served in the War of the Revolution.

PROWTY, ELISHA, Lancaster. Private, Capt. Samuel Saw­ yer's co. of Minute-men, Col. John Whitcomb's regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 7 days; re­ ported enlisted into the army; a/,so, private, Capt. Ephraim Richardson's co., Col. Asa Whitcomb's regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted April 26, 1775; service 3 mos. 13 day:S; also, same co. at Prospect Hill Oct. 6, 1775; al,so, Capt. Ralph Earll's co., Col. Danforth Keyes's regt.; enlisted Aug. 15, 1777; discharged Jan. 3, 1778; service, 4 mos. 20 days. Roll dated Providence and sworn to in Worcester Co. He was surety on the bond of his brother Richard for the administration of their brother Joshua's estate in 1783 and 1801; his residence given at Shrewsbury in the former and at Sterling in the latter. It is at Boylston, 1777 to 1801, that record of the births of his children was made. He returned to Shutesbury and was living there in 1808 when he and Prudence conveyed part of his farm to their son Elisha. He died before March 6, 1810, when the widow, Prudence, gave bonds as administratrix of his estate; she sold the farm to Woodward Brown, March 12, 1811. 34 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Children: 78. i. Daniel,5 b. Nov. 3, 1777. ii. Lois, b. Aug. 15, 1779. 79. iii. Joshua, b. June 19, 1781. 80. iv. Elisha, b. April 25, 1784. 81. v. Isaac, b. Sept. 29, 1786. 82. vi. Jason, b. June 19, 1791. 83. vii: James, b. Jan. 14, 1792. viii. Lydia, b. April 17, 1794; d. Sept. 6, 1796. ix. Lydia, b. Sept. 23, 1796; of W. Boylston, int. m. with George Hogarney of Princeton, July 16, 1814. x. Anderson, b. Nov. 1, 1798; d. Oct. 15, 1800. xi. Melinda, b. ~larch 12, 1801. 84. xii. Benjamin, b. June 7, 1803.

4 1 24. SAMUEL (Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer June 19, 1749-50; "married Miriam Stevens of Shrewsbury, born Aug. 26, 1753, died Oct. 27, 1822." "Samuel Proute of Spencer in the colony of Massachusetts Bay, yeoman," bought, for forty pounds, May 6, 1776, of "Willard Stevens of Brattleboro in the county of Cumberland in the Colony of New York'' one hundred acres of land in the third di vision in Charlestown in the Province of New Hamp­ shire. He removed to Langdon, N. H., where he was one of the selectmen in 1793. "Dea. Samuel Prouty died June 9, 1819." Children: . 1. Miriam, 5 b. Oct. 24, 1778 . 85. ii. Samuel, b. ~~ay 10, 1780. 86. iii.. Thomas Stevens, b. April 20, 1782. IV. Artemas, b. June 14, 1784; d. ~larch 1, 1785 . 87. V. Artemas, b. Nlay 13, 1786. 88. vi. Willard, b. June 18, 1788. vii. Dianthe, b. June 24, 1791; m. Nov. 3, 1811, John Hodgkins. 89. viii. Edmund, b. Nov. 2, 1794.

4 1 25. JACOB (Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer, April 11, 1752; married September 29, 1774, Rachel Eddy. FOURTH GENERATION 35

"Jacob Proute of Spencer, husbandman," bought a farm in Pelham, 95 acres, April 11, 1780. "Jacob Prouty of Brookfield') lost 65 acres of this farm in Pelham in a lawsuit April 16, 1783. "Jacob Prout of Longmeadow yeoman" bought 71 acres in Longmeadow, April 6, 1784. "Jacob Prouty of Windsor, Conn., yeoman," sold land in Pelham, September 25, 1784. - All these records appear to relate to the same man, and to describe his residences and removals to a certain point. He seems to be the·Jacob Prouty who removed to West­ moreland, N. H., and later to Janesville, N. Y. Children: 90. i. Abijah, 5 b. April 17, 1775. Q{) •• vva. 11. James.

26. CALEB4 (Jacob, 3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer, September 7, "1756; was he the "Caleb Prouty, Junior" (i.e., the younger) who married at Scituate, February 26, 1795, " Resign Hatch''? He was remembered in the will of his father in 1781. He served in Capt. Joel Green's company, Col. Ebenezer Learned's regilµent, from May 6 to August 1, then to October, 1775; also enlisted for three years in Capt. Holden's company, Colonel Nixon's regiment, Continental Army, March, 12, 1777; was one of the men "who had not been absent except on furlough," etc., certified to at camp near Peekskill, February 16, 1779; also, in returns for clothing and pay accounts for service; reported discharged March 12, Ii80.

27. JosHUA 4 (Jacob,3 Isaac, 2 Richard!), born at Spencer, May 18, 1759; married November 8, 1781, Molly, daughter of John, Jr., and Mary (Ball) Muzzy, born September 1, 1764, died June 6, 1837. He resided at Spencer. He served in the Revolutionary "\\' ar. He died March 24, 1838. PRO-CTY, JOSHUA, Spencer. Private, Capt. Josiah White's 36 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY co., Lieut. Col. Benjamin Flagg's division, Col. Sa1nuel Denny's (Worcester Co.) regt.; marched Aug. 21, 1777; discharged Aug. 23, 1777; service, 5 days, including 2 days (40 miles) travel home; company marched to Hadley on an alarm at the North­ ward; also, Capt. nrlarch Chase's co., Col. Nathan Sparhawk's regt.; enlisted Sept. 22, 1778; service, 2 mos. 24 days, at Dorches­ ter; company discharged Dec. 12, 1778; also, Capt. Ralph Earll's ~o., Col.Danforth Keyes's regt.; pay abstract for mileage home from Camp Providence, dated Dec. 31, 1777; mileage for 60 miles allowed said Proutey. [See Elisha Prowty]; also, Capt. Nathan Harrington's co., Col. Abijah Stearns's regt.; enlisted lVIarch 31, 1778; service 3 mos. 2 days, probably at Rutland. Roll dated at Holden. Children: . 1. Anna,5 b. lVIarch 30, 1782; d. Jan. 24, 1788 . 92. ii. Gardner, b. Feb. 16, 1784. 93. iii. Abijah, b. Feb. 15, 1786. iv. Polly,* b. Dec. 24, 1787; m. v. Fanny, b. Aug. 15, 1789; m. llay 4, 1815, Daniel Whittemore. 94. vi. Ebenezer, b. Oct. 10, 1791. vii. Lucinda, b. Nov. 11, 1793; m. Dec. 10, 1812, Oliver Morse. 95. viii. Joshua, b. Feb. 6, 1796. ix. Betsey, d. Dec. 15, 1803, ae. 4 y., 7 m., 3 d. 96. x. John, b. lVIarch 10, 180.0; d. at Brimfield, Sept. 11, 1865, ae. 65 y., 6 m. 97. xi. William, b. Dec. 15, 1802. xii. Sophia, b. June 30, 1805. 98. xiii. Winthrop, b_. Nov. 23, 1808.

4 1 28. NATHAN (Jacob/ Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer, October 22, 1761; married September 30, 1784, Patience, daughter of Luke and Ruth (Lamb) Converse, born 1Iarch 24, 1767, died May 26, 1826. He resided at Spencer. He died December 23, 1844. His will, dated November 19, 1836, proved February, 1845, remembered all his large family.

*Mary Prouty married April 9, 1809, John Brewer, Jr. FOURTH GENERATION 37

Children: i. Lydia,5 b. Dec. 2, I 784; m. Nov. 9, 1809, Abel Prouty "of Marlborough, Vt." ii. Deborah, b. Aug. 28, 1787; m. July 5, 1805, Isaac Tomblin. 99. iii. Jacob, b. Nov. 5, I 789. iv. Judith, b. Dec. 14, 1791; d. Nov. 28, 1807. 100. v. Asaph, b. March 5, 1793. vi. Anna, b. Feb. 23, 1795; m. May 4, 1817, Ezra Dunn. 101. vii. Nathan, b. Nov. 18, 1796. 102. viii. Varney, b. Sept. 1, 1798. 103. ix. Harvey, b. April 20, 1800. 104. x. Luke, b. May 8, 1802. 105. xi. Dwight, b. June 11, 1804. 106. xii. Royal, b. Nov. 27, 1805. xiii. Clarissa, b. Sept. 13, 1807; m. Feb. 4, 1834, Henry Wright, of Albany, N. Y. 107. xiv. Elias, b. April 17, 1809.

29. DAVID~ (David, 3 lsaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer, November 27, 1739; married November 27, 1761, Hannah, daughter of Deacon Eleazer Ball; she died January 28, 1827, "aged 85." He was a soldier in the French and Indian War; at Lake George, in Colonel Chandler's regiment, September 24 to October 14, 1756; in Colonel Timothy Ruggles' regiment March 30 to May 24, 1758; enlisted again March 30, and served November 29, 1759, in the Crown Point Expedition; roll dated at Boston, February 13, 1760. rhis experience pre­ pared him to be an officer when the struggle for Independence began, and the following abstracts show his long service in the Revolutionary War. PROUTY, DAVID, Spencer. Lieutenant, Capt. Joel Green's co.; list of officers of Col. Ebenezer Learned's regt.; resolved in Provincial Congress l\1Iay 23, 1775, that commissions be delivered said officers; receipt for above commissions signed by Col. Learned; also, Lieutenant, Capt. Joel Green's co., Col. Ebenezer Learned's regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; engaged May 1, 1775; service 3 mos. 8 days; also, com·- 38 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY pany return [probably Oct., 1775]; also, 1st Lieutenant, Capt. Jonathan Caril's (Carriel's) co.; list of officers granted beating orders by Provincial Congress April 11, 1776, for enlisting men to serve in a regin1ent to be raised to fortify town and harbor of Boston; said Prouty granted orders for Worcester Co.; also, 1st Lieutenant, Capt. Jonathan Carrell's co., Col. Josiah Whit­ ney's regt.; list of officers to be commissioned; ordered in Council Sept. 7, 1776, that commissions be delivered said officers;· regiment raised for defence of Boston; also, Lieutenant, same co. and regt.; service from April 11, 1776, 4 days preced­ ing march, to Nov. 1, 1776, 6 mos. 20 days; roll dated Camp at Hull; also, same co. and regt.; pay roll for NoY. 1776; service, 1 mo. 4 days, including travel (85 miles) home; also, captain, 8th co. (North co. in Spencer), Col. Samuel Denny's (1st Worcester Co.) regt. of Mass. militia; list of officers chosen by the several companies in said regt., dated Leicester, lVIarch 28, 1776; ordered in Council April 4, 1776, that said officers be commissioned; reported commissioned April 5, 1776; also, Captain, Col. Job Cushing's (Worcester Co.) regt.; marched July 27, 1777; discharged Aug. 28, 1777; service, 1 mo. 8 days, including 6 days (112 miles) travel home; company marched by order of Gen. Worner (Warner) to reinforce Northern army; al,so, Captain, ~Iaj. Asa Baldwin's division, Col. Samuel Denny's (Worcester Co.) regt.; marched Sept. 27, 1777; dis­ charged Oct. 18, 1777; service, 1 mo. including 8 days (157 miles) travel home; company marched to reinforce Northern army. Major David Prouty died August 25, 1814. Will proved October 4, 1814.

Children: . I... JesseS, d. in Dec. 1762, ae. about 3 weeks. . 11. A child, b. Oct. 19, d. Oct. 20, 1763 . 111. Hannah, b. Sept.17, 1764;m. Jan. 22, 1795, Nathaniel . Lamb, of Langdon, N. H. IV. A child, b. Jan. 26, d. Jan. 27, 1767 . 108. v.. David, b. Aug. 19, I 772. VI. Sally, b. Nov. 14, 1779; m. Dec. 1, 1803, Jonathan .. Hall. 109. VII. Eleazer, b. Sept. 28, 1783 . FOURTH GENERATION 39

4 1 30. AsA (David,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer; baptized February 22, 1750-1; married first, May 18, 1775, Lydia, daughter of Jonas and Elizabeth Livermore, of Leices­ ter; she was born June 5, 1755, and died October 19, 1784; he married second, September 29, 1785, Tabitha, daughter of James and Tabitha Ormes, born September 4, 1751. He ,vas a private in Capt. Jonathan Carriel-'s company, Col. Josiah \Vhitney's regiment, from August 1, 1776, till November 1, 1776; roll dated at Camp Hull; also, same com­ pany and regiment, further service, including 85 miles travel home, through November, 1776; also sergeant in Capt. Josiah White's company, Col. Job Cushing' s regiment, en­ gaged September 5, 1777, discharged November 20, 1777; service three months, four days, including nine days (180 miles) travel home; company raised and marched to rein­ force Northern Army under General Gates; also, private, Capt. Joshua Whitney's company, Col. Josiah Whitney's regiment; service from July 31, 1778, to September 14, 1778, one month, eighteen days, at Rhode Island, including three days (fifty-two miles) travel home. Roll dated at Worcester. He died_ March 10, 1826; he left no will, but equitable division of the estate was made to the widow and Joel, Nancy and Tilly.

Children: 110. i. Aaron,' b. April 11, 1776. 111. ii. Asa, b. Dec. 14, 1777. 111. Persis, b. Oct. 22, 1779; m. April 4, 1805, Eli Muzzy. 112. iv. Jonas, b. Aug. 28, 1781. 113. v. Joel, b. Feb. 5, 1784. vi. Nancy, b. Oct. 30, 1786; m. Jan. 10, 1813, Thomas .. Snow, of Leicester. vu. Tilly, b. May 25, 1791; sold his portion of the dower of his mother in 1838; he d. Nov. 17, 1863.

4 1 31. BENJAMIN (John,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer, October 1, 1746; married January 10, 1775, Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Sarah Green, born September 19, 1752. 40 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

He served in the Continental Army from April 18, 1777, for the town of Spencer, enlisting for the war, in Capt. Adam Martin's company, Col. Timothy Bigelow's regiment; men­ tioned at Van Schaack's Island, at camp near Half Moon, on command at Albany, near the Gulph, and at Morristown, where he was reported sick February 3, 1778; reported died July 1, 1778. His father remembered his son Samuel in his will. Child: Samuel, 5 b. Feb. 22, 1776; d. at "Stevens in Brook­ field," Feb. 13, 1828.

32. JoHN4 (John,3 lsaac,2 Richard1), born at Leicester, January 4, 1748-9; married first, at Spencer, October 13, 1771, Lucia (Lucy), daughter of Isaac and Mary (Nixon) Gleason, who was born at Framingham, baptized June 10, 1753, and who died at Langdon, N. H. Mr. Gleason was a soldier in the Crown Point expedition in the French and Indian War. Mr. Prouty married second, at Westmoreland, N. H., October 3, 1791, Alice Ann, daughter1of Nathaniel Daggett, who was a most kindly ·stepmother to the three children already in the family, and bore others to add to the joy and future fame of the house. Mr. Prouty made his early home at Langdon, N. H.; was elected treasurer of the town at one of its earliest elections and was one of the selectmen several times. He sold his homestead 25 Aug., 1796, and removed to Newport, Vt., where he became a cttizen of prominence. He was one of the constituent members of the Baptist church in 1817. He was a farmer. He died in 1819. Children: . 1. Lucy, 5 b. about 1772; m. Mr. Aldrich and removed to Patten, Canada. They had several daughters, one of whom, Elvira, m. Rev. S. B. Ryder, and d. Feb. 20, 1875, "ae. 69 years." 114. ii. John, b. about 1776. 115. iii. Phinehas, b. Jan. 14, 1788. FOURTH GENERATION 41

116. iv. Arnold, b. at Newport, Vt., in 1797. 117. v. Roswell, b. do. April 22, 1809. vi. Sally, m. Israel Ide; rem. to Wisconsin. vii. Laura. 118. viii. Alfred, b. at Newport, Vt. in 1818.

33. IsAAc4 (John,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born- at Spencer, December 22, 1750; married January 22, 1772, Anna Dunnell, who died May 12, 1802, aged 48. "He married secand (intention at New Braintree, Septem­ ber 3, 1803), Mrs. Meribah (Hilyard) Warner," who survived him and died June 30, 1837. He served in the War of the Revolution. PROUTY, IsAAc, Spencer. Private, Capt. John Wollcott's co. of rangers, which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775, from Brookfield and Spencer; service, 7 days. [See also No. 39.] PRoUTEY, IsAAc, Spencer. Private, Capt. Benjamin Rich­ ardson's co., Col. Nicholas Dike's regt.; pay abstract for mileage from home to Dorchester Heights, dated Sept. 4, 1776; mileage for 60 miles allowed said Proutey. PROWTEY, IsAAc, Spencer. Private, Capt. Benjamin Rich­ ardson's co, Col. Dike's regt.; pay abstract for travel allowance, etc., from Dorchester Heights, dated Nov. 28, 1776; said Prowtey credited with allowance for 3 days (60 miles) travel. [See also records under No. 39.] He died June 15, 1828. In his will, dated February 15, 1828, proved August 5 following, he bequeathed to his wife Meribah what she brought with her at their marriage with other things; gave to daughters Anna Drury, Mehitabel Prouty and Abigail Waters; to grandchildren Matilda Watson, Maria Howe, Marianna Prouty, Abigail Prouty and Napoleon B. Prouty, children of his deceased son William; to son Willard, whom he appointed executor. Children: . l. John,5 b. Feb. 27, 1775; m. May 24, 1801, Mary (Polly) Barnes; he d. Aug. 30, 1812. 119. ii. William, b. March 24, 1778. 120. iii. Willard, b. May 4, 1786. 42 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

iv. Anna, b. Jan. 14, 1789; m. Dec. 1, 1811,· Benjamin Drury, Jr. v. Mehitabel, b. Nov. 15, 1791; m. June 6, 18~7, Well­ ington Hill. vi. Abigail, b. Nlarch 13, 1794; m. July 10, 1814, Thomas Waters.

4 1 34. JoiINSON (John,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer, January 8, 1754; married April 5, 1774, "Anna, daughter of James Livermore.'' He remained in Spencer till the Revolution. In that struggle for Independence he did good service. PROUTY, JOHNSON, Spencer. P.rivate, Capt. John Cowls's co., Col. Benjamin Ruggles Vvoodbridge's regt.; company return [probably Oct., 1775]; also, Capt. John Cowle's co., Col. Woodbridge's regt.; order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Prospect Hill, Nov. 15, 1775; also, Capt. David Prouty's co., Col. Job Cushing's (Worcester Co.) regt.; marched July 27, 1777; discharged Aug. 28, 1777; service 1 mo. 8 days, including 6 days (112 miles) travel home; company marched by order of Gen. Womer (Warner) to reinforce Northern army; also, list of men mustered; said Prouty appears among men raised from Col. Denny's regt. for service at Rhode Island; Capt. Prouty's co.; engaged for town of, Spencer; mustered July 8 (year not given]; also, Capt. John Cutler's co., Col. Nathaniel Wade's regt.; enlisted June 23, 1778; service, 6 mos. 12 days, at Rhode Island; also, Sergeant, same co. and regt.; muster roll dated East Greenwich, Sept. 17, 1778; re­ ported sick in hospital; also, same co. and regt., muster rolls .dated East Greenwich, Nov: 6, Nov. 14, and Dec. 1, 1778; enlistment to expire Jan. 1, 1779; also, Sergeant, Capt. Nathan Lenard's co., Col. Nathaniel Wade's regt., enlisted June 19, 1778; enlistment to expire Jan. 1, 1779; regiment stationed at Rhode Island. He bought land at Cummington in 1782, being called a resident of the place; and he sold the same January 9, 1784; the copyist of the deed writes his signature "Johnson Proute." He removed to Charlestown, N. H.; bought land in 1786; afterward resided at Langdon and Alstead, N. H. FOURTH GENERATION 43

Children: i. Betsey,5 b. Oct. 19, 1774. ii. N abby, b. June 9, 1778. 121. iii. Reuben, b. June 9, 1783. iv. Sally, b. April 15, 1785. 122. v. Asahel, b. l\Iay 15, 1787. vi. Patty, b. Sept. 29, 1790. 123. vii. Willard, b. l\Iarch 16, 1793. viii. Eunice, b. March 20, 1795. 124. ix. Charles, b .. l\1arch 21, 1797. 125. x. Emery, bapt. May 11, 1800.

4 1 35. ELI (John,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer, Septem­ ber 8, 1757; married May 28, 1782, Rebekah, daughter of William and Rebekah (White) Bemis, born March 12, 1761, died August 15, 1847. In her declining years she enjoyed the pension which her husband's Revolutionary service had earned. PROUTY, ELI, Spencer. Private, Capt. Joel Green's co., Col. Ebenezer Leamed's regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted May 4, 1775; service, 3 mos. 5 days; also, company return [probably Oct. I 775]; also, list of men raised to serve in the Continental Army from Col. Denny's regt., as returned by Capt. David Prouty; residence, Spencer; engaged for town of Spencer; joined Capt. Holden's co., Col. Nixon's regt.; tenn 3 years; also, Private and Corporal, Capt. Abel Holden's (3d) co., Col. Thomas Nixon's (6th) regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from April 12, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; reported as serving 7 mos. as Private, 25 mos. 19 days as Corporal; also, Corporal, Capt. Abel Holden's co., Col. Nixon's (5th) regt.; return of men who were in camp on or before Aug. 15, 1777, and who had not been absent subsequently except on furlough, etc., certified at Camp near Peekskill, Feb. 16, 1779; a/,so, same co. and regt.; muster roll for May 1779, dated Highlands; enlisted Nov. 12, 1777; a/,so, Capt. Holden's co., 6th l\'Iass. regt.; return for clothing for the year 1780; receipt for said clothing, dated Peekskill, Dec. 5, 1779; a/,so, Capt. Chambers's co., Col. Nixon's regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1780 to April 21, 1780; re- 44 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY ported discharged April 21, 1780; also, Capt. Holden's (3d) co., 6th Mass. regt.; return for clothing, dated Feb. 9, 1780. He died June 27, 1818, bequeathing his property to wife and children. Children: 126. i. Eli, 5 b. Aug. 25, 1782. 127. ii. Elliot, b. March 21, 1784. lll. Electa, b. Aug. 2, 1787; m. May 7, 1809, Otis Crosman. 128. iv. Russell, b. May 9, 1791. 129. V. Cheney, b. Nov. 1, 1794. vi. Lavinia, b. Aug. 11, 1796; m. Sept. 28, 1817, John Draper, Jr. vii. Rebekah, bapt. Sept. 4, 1814; m. Oct. 17, 1826, William Prouty. 130. viii. Libert~, b. 1799; bapt. Sept. 4, 1814.

36. DANIEL4 (John,3 lsaac, 2 Richard1), born at Spencer, July 15, 1759; married June 7, 1781, Catherine Palmer, born in 1763, died at Langdon, N. H., May 5, 1838, "aged 75 years.'' He served in the Revolutionary War, as the following abstract of official records shows: PROUTY, DANIEL, Private, Capt. David Prouty's co., Col. Job Cushing's (Worcester Co.) regt.; marched July 27, 1777; discharged Aug. 28, 1777; service, 1 mo. 8 days, including 6 days (112 miles) travel home; company marched by order of Gen. Worner (Warner) to reinforce Northern army; roll dated Spencer; also, Capt. Davi~ Prouty's co., Maj. Asa Baldwin's division, Col. Samuel Denny's (Worcester Co.) regt.; marched Sept. 27, 1777; discharged Oct. 18, 1777; service 1 mo., includ­ ing 8 days (157 miles) travel home; company marched to re­ inforce Northern army; roll dated Spencer; al,so, Capt. Joshua Whitney's co., Col. Josiah Whitney's regt.; service from July 31, 1778, to Sept. 14, 1778, 1 mo. 18 days, at Rhode Island, including 3 days (52 miles) travel home; roll dated Worcester. He removed to Langdon, N. H.; he died Feb. 1, 1837; " aged 77 years.'' FOURTH GENERATION 45

Children: 131. i. Daniel, Jr. 5 132. ii. Justin. 111.. Betsey, m. Nov. 2, 1825, Leonard Taylor. IV. Lucinda, m. March 30, 1829, Joseph Davis . 133. V. Pardon, b. 1793. 134. vi. George, b. 1795. 135. vii. Lee, b. Dec. 27, 1803.

37. CALEB4 (Caleb,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Scituate, July 11, 1751; married October 29, 1773, Sarah Lincoln, of Pembroke. She died June 30, 1834, "aged 81." He was a soldier in Capt. Ensign Otis's company of "Royal Americans of the town of Scituate who marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775." Was one of the seamen who had been taken prisoners by the British, sent from Newport, R. I., in the prison ship "Lord Sandwich" and landed at Bristol for exchange March 7, 1778. "Captain Caleb Prouty" died August 20, 1839, "in his 90th year." In his will he gave his property to his son Luther and daughter Sally Vinal, mentioning the children of his deceased son John. Was he not the Caleb Prouty who was a landholder at Charlestown,_ N. H., awhile, selling his land Feb. 25, 1795? Children: i. Sarah, 5 bapt. June 18, d. Aug. 27, 1775. ii. Charles, b. Oct. 4, 1776; d. Jan. 31, 1804. 111.··· Caleb, bapt. Sept. 19, 1779; d. young. 136. iv. John, b. April 22, 1781. 137. v. Caleb, b. July 22, 1783; bapt. Oct. 8, 1786. vi. Sarah (Sally), b. Feb. 8, 1787; m. (1) Oct. 18, 1807, Abial Damon; m. (2) -- Vinal. 138. vii. Luther, b. July 22, 1790. 139. viii. Thomas Lincoln, b. Oct. 6, 1793.

38. ADAl\14 (Adam,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), baptized at Hanover, May 17, 1752; married Experience Knight. He was a Revolutionary soldier; enlisted from Brookfield, May 3, 1775, in Capt. Joel Green's company, Col. Ebenezer 46 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Learned's regiment; was still in service December 13, 1775, at Roxbury Camp; had order for "bounty coat." Children: i. Hannah J.,5 "dau. of Adam and Rhoda," unm., d. at Athol, Feb. 13, 1891. 140. ii. Adam, b. at Worcester, Jan. 26, 1801.

4 1 39. IsAAC (Adam,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Hanover, baptized October 13, 1754; married December 10, 1778, Molly Watson of Leicester. She survived him and married second, January 10, 1796, Johnson Lynde of Spencer. PROUTEY, ISAAC (also given IsAAC, 3d), Spencer. Private, Capt. Ebenezer Mason's co., of Minute-men, Col. Jonathan Warner's regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 14 days; also, Capt. Joel Green's co., Col. Ebenezer Learned's regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted May 3, 1775; service, 3 mos. 6 days; al,so, company return [probably Oct., 1775]; also, Private, Capt. David Prouty's co., Col. Job Cushing's (Worcester Co.) regt.; said Prouty and others re­ ported as having failed to continue in service until regularly. discharged, and were therefore not made up on roll; company marched July 27, 1777, by order of Gen. Womer (vV arner) to reinforce Northern army and was discharged Aug. 28, 1777. Roll dated Spencer; also, Private, Capt. Joshua Whitney's co., Col. Josiah Whitney's regt.; service from July 31, 1778, to Sept. 14, 1778, 1 mo. 18 days, at Rhode Island, including 3 days (52 miles) travel home. Roll dated Worcester. [See also records under No. 33.] Thus he served in the Revolution. He bought land in ,vinchendon in 1781; and resided there. He died in 1794, when the widow was appointed guardian of the minor children. In 1797, after her remarriage she resigned and another took the charge. Children: 142. i. Isaac,5 b. Jan. 2, 1780. ii. Molly, b. Oct. 25, 1781. iii. Asenath, b. Sept. 23, 1783; m. (int. Feb. 21, 1801) Amos Stearns. FOURTH GENERATION 47

iv. Hannah, b. Mar. 4, 1786. v. Sarah, b. Aug. 6, 1788. vi. Charlotte, b. J\iar. 25, 1791; m. Apr. 17, 1810, John .. Whitney. VII. John Weston, b. June 23, 1793 .

4 1 39a. LUTHER (Adam,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), ~om (it is be­ lieved) at Spencer; married Hephzibah --. He was a fifer in the company of Minute men of which Ebenezer Mason was captain in Col. Jona. Warner's regt., who marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 14 days; also, enlisted May 3 and served 3 mos. and 6 days in Capt. Joel Green's co., Col. Eb. Learned's regt. Residence, Spencer.

39b. STEPHEN4 (Adam,3 Isaac,2 Richard1), born at Spencer about 1764; married at Winchendon, Mass., Dec. 9, 1787, Elizabeth Hancock. Stephen Prouty served in the war of the Revolution; received bounty of the chairman of Class 5, Spencer, June 25, 1782, having enlisted in the Continental Army for 3 years. Stephen and Lyman Prouty, blacksmiths, residing at Bernardstown, bought land there July 7, 1819. Stephen, in partnership with John M. Orvis, bought land in Brattleboro, Vt., March 17, 1818; and they sold a share in that land with blacksmith's shop and house to Lyman Prouty 18 Jan., 1820. Stephen, of Guilford: Vt., sold his Brattleboro land March 7, 1834. Children:

145. i. Lvman.., 5* 146. ii. Luther.

4 1 4:0. SETH (Adam,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer, Nov. 12, 1771; married at Winchendon, October 2, 1794, Eunice Stearns. She died October 13, 1822.

*This pedigree is believed by the compiler to be correct, though not proven by positive evidence. 48 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

He resided at Winchendon; there he died December 16, 1826, "aged 55." His estate ,vas settled March 6, 1827. "He left several sons living in Vermont," the administrator affirmed; but he was not able to reach them or obtain com­ munication from them, and the small estate went to creditors.

Children: i. -Lyman,5 b. at Winchendon 1799; d. there Sept. 20, 1871. ii. A child, d. in 1810.

4 1 4:1. AMOS (James,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer, March 8, 1766; married at Marlboro, Vt., Phebe, daughter of John Bartlett; she died at Marlboro, September 14, 1841. He enlisted for three years or the war in the Continental army, receiving bounty from the town of Spencer June 7, 1782, at Worcester. He had a pension from the United States Government. He removed to Marlboro about 1784; settled on a farm which he cleared, and resided there the remainder of his life. He died October 4, 1841.

Children: 152. i. Abel, 5 b. July 15, 1788. ii. Lucinda, b. ~lay 1, 1790; d. Sept. 5, 1795. iii. Amos, b. Oct. 42, 1792; d. Sept. 13, 1795. iv. A child, b. Dec. 10, 1794. 153. v. Amos, b. Nov. 25, 1796. vi. Louisa, b. Aug. -2, 1798; m. April 1, 1816, Alexander Olds; d. Feb. 2, 1852. 154. vii. Worthy, b. June 22, 1800. viii. Philena, b. l\Iarch 24, 1802; m. Oct. 3, 1826, Isaac Blanchard, of 11arlborough, Vt.; d. :0,fay 15, 1867. 155. ix. Clark, b. Dec. 26, 1803. x. Phoebe, b. Dec. 5, 1805; m. Levi Putnam, of Wards­ boro, Vt.; d. June 5, 1891. xi. Alvira, b. Nov. 16, 1808; m. Lucius Fox, of Wilining­ ton, Vt.; d. Feb. 18, 1849. xii. Sally, b. Nov. 15, 1810; m. Fosdick Prouty (No. 163). FOURTH GENERATION 49

4 1 42. REUBEN (James,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer, December 18, 1771; married Sarah (Sally) Bartlett, of Marl­ boro, Vt. She died November 21, 1851, aged 77; he died September 7, 1856. He resided some time at Marlboro, Vt., and then returned to Spencer where he spent the rest of his days. His will, proved November 4, 1856, mentions wife Sarah (who was alive at the date of the document), sons Reuben, Fosdick, Plummer, Dwight and James, and daughter Louisa, wife of Ebenezer B. Draper; mentions children of deceased son Spencer. Children: i. Roxey, 5 b. Feb. 15, 1794; d. Dec. 12, 1809. 161. ii. Spencer, b. Sept. 20, 1796. 111. Sally, b. July 26, 1798; d. Jan. 18, 1819. 162. iv. Reuben, b. June 17, 1800. v. Louisa, b. April 7, 1802; m. May 15, 1821, Eleazer Bradshaw Draper; she d. June 23, 1869. vi. Polly, b. Dec. 23, 1804; d. Dec. 1, 1823. vii. Lucena, b. July 6, 1806; d. May 11, 1820. 163. viii. Fosdick, b. May 14, 1808. 164. ix. Plummer, b. Oct. 19, 1809. 165. x. Dwight Dinsmore, b. Nov. 15, 1811. 166. xi. J runes, b. Sept. 20, 1813. xii. Albert Manley, b. Aug. 3, 1816; d. June 18, 1818.

43. JAMES4 (James,3 Isaac,2 Richard1), born at Spencer, January 30, 1786; married, 1804, Huldah Whitaker, of Oak­ ham. Children: 168. i... James, 5 b. March 8, 1805. 11. William (recorded at Marlboro, Vt.), b. Aug. 29, 1806. 111.. Lyman, do. b. Oct. 28, 1809; d. Dec. 10, 1811. IV. Julyann, do. b. June 16, 1811. v. Luna Ann, b. Feb. 14, 1814. 169. vi. Amos, b. Dec. 21, 1815. 50 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

4 1 44. ELIJAH (lsaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer, January 27, 1759; married January 19, 1788, Anna, daughter of Amos and Anna (Prouty) Munroe, born April 8, 1769. He was a Revolutionary soldier. "' PROUTY, ELIJAH, Spencer. Matross, Capt. David Hen­ shaw's co., Col. Crafts's (Artillery) regt.; return for advance pay, etc., sworn to in Suffolk Co., Nov. 9, 1776; regiment stationed at Boston; al,so, Capt. Thomas Fish's co., Col. Nathan Tyler's regt.; pay roll for Dec., 1779, sworn to at Newport, allowing 1 mo. 4 days service at Rhode Island, travel (80 miles) included; al,so list of men mustered by Thomas Newhall, Muster Master for Worcester Co.; Capt. Prouty's co., Col. Denny's regt.; mustered June 26, 1779, to serve at Rhode Island until Jan. 1, 1780; al,so, Private, Capt. Thomas Fish's co., Col. Nathan Tyler's regt.; enlisted June 29, 1779; discharged Dec. 25, 1779; service, 6 mos. 1 day, including travel (80 miles) home; roll sworn to at Newport. He .died February 8, 1792. His wife survived many years, and died September 9, 1854, bequeathing her estate to her grandson Artemas W. Prouty. Children: 171. i. Artemas, 1 b. Nov. 18, 1788. 172. ii. Pliny, b. May 14, 1791.

45. ELISHA4 (lsaac, 3 Isaac,2 Richard1), born at Spencer (twin with Elijah), January 27, 1759; married in Rutland, February 17, 1785, Elizabeth Demond. He served in the War of the Revolution. PROUTY, ELISHA, Spencer. Private, Capt. Jonathan Car­ riel's co., Col. Josiah Whitney's regt.; service from ~lay 17; 1776, 4 days preceding march, to Nov. 1, 1776, 5 mos. 15 days; roll dated Camp at Hull; also, same co. and regt.; pay roll for Nov., 1776; service, 1 mo. 4 days, including travel (85 miles) home; al,so, Capt. David Prouty's co., Col. Job Cushing's (Worcester Co.) regt.; marched July 27, 1777; discharged Aug. 28, 1777; service 1 mo. 8 days, including 6 days (I 12 miles) travel home; company marched by order of Gen. Worner (Warner) to reinforce Northern army; also, Capt. David Prouty's co., ~laj. Asa Baldwin's division, Col. Samuel Denny's FOURTH GENERATION 51

(Worcester Co.) regt.; marched Sept. 27, 1777; discharged Oct. 18, 1777; service 1 mo., including 8 days (157 miles) travel home; .company marched to reinforce Northern army; al,so, Private, Capt. Nathan Harrington's co., Col. Abijah Stearns's regt.; enlisted March 31, 1778; service, 3 mos. 2 days, probably at Rutland, roll dated Rutland; al,so, Capt. March Chase's co., Col. Nathan Sparhawk's regt.; enlisted Sept. 22, 1778; service, 2 mos. 24 days, at Dorchester; company dis­ charged Dec. 12, 1778; al,so, Corporal, in a detachment from Capt. Daniel Grout's co. commanded by Lieut. Thomas Parker, Col. John Rand's regt.; appointed July 24, 1780; discharged Oct. 9, 1780; service 2 mos. 24 days, including 8 days (160 miles) travel home; regiment raised for 3 months, marched to Claverack, and was discharged at West Point. Roll sworn to in Worcester Co. He died August 26, 1819. Children: 173. i. Elijah, 5 b. Aug. 20, 1785. ii. Solon, b. May 28, 1788. 111. Betsey, b. Nov. 3, 1792; m. Aug. 21, 1814, Jonah Perry, of Worcester. iv. George, b. Nov. 11, 1794; d. Aug. 19, 1820. v. Lucy,. b. Aug. 25, 1798; m. May 10, 1826, Daniel Knight, of North Brookfield. Children: 1. Lucy Elizabeth Knight, b. Oct. 13, 1827. 2. Benjamin Prouty Knight, b. April 5, 1830. 3. Albert B~com Knight, b. Dec. 16, 1832. 4. Elijah Damon Knight, b. May 13, 1835. 5. Daniel Webster Knight, twin. 6. John Rowland Knight, b. Jan. 31, 1837. 7. George Edward Knight, b. Dec. 30, 1838 8. Harriet Philinda Knight, b. July 9, 1843; m. Oct., 1866, Frank B. Hebard. 174. vi. Elisha, b. Jan. 5, 1801. 175. vii. Thaxter, b. }larch 29, 1803. viii. Elizabeth, bapt. Nov. 8, 1814.

4 1 4:6. JosEPH (Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at ·spencer, March 26, 1767; married May 19, 1791, Betsey, daughter of 52 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

James, Jr., and Mary (Prouty) Draper, born Feb. 19, 1772, died December 28, 1846. He conveyed his homestead and some other property to his sons Charles and Cyrus, March 28, 1827. He died June 19, 1829. Children: i. Philinda,5 b. Sept. 29, 1792; m. Jan. 30, 1814, Jabez Biglow. ii. Calvin, b. Nov. 13, 1793; d. l\farch 7, 1808. Ill. Emilia, b. Jan. 7, 1796; m. Dec. 5, 1827, Edmund . Newton. IV. Horace, b. 1798; bapt. Nov. 8, 1814; d. July 3, 1815 . 176. V. Charles, b. May 7, 1800. 177. vi. Cyrus, b. Sept. 14, 1802. vii. Elmira, b. Aug. 2, 1804; m. Aug. 25, 1825, Joshua E. Goodell. viii. Luther, b. July 18, 1806; d. Dec. 12, l807. 178. ix. Calvin Luther, b. March 6, 1809. x. Alden (Oldin Draper), b. Nov. 10, 1810; d. Aug. 17, 1811. xi. Mary Draper, b. Feb. 2, 1813. xii. Betsey, bapt. Nov. 1, 1816; m. Sept. 7, 1837, Win­ throp Prouty. 179. xiii. Joseph Horace, bapt. Oct. 30, 1818.

4 3 1 47. THOMAS (lsaac, lsaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer, June 13, 1769; married first, September 19, 1793, Lois, daughter of Simeon and Sarah (Muzzy) Wood, born Novem­ ber 8, 1772, died June 17, 1809. He married second, March 31, 1811, Olive, daughter of David and Martha Adams and widow of Thomas Luther, born October 6, 1774, died Decem­ ber 31, 1823, bequeathing her estate to daughter Melinda, wife of stepson John Nazro Prouty, and to her sons Cromwell and Thomas Luther. He died May 29, 1813. Children: 180. i. John Nazro, 5 b. Jan. 10, 1794; bapt. May 25, 1809. 181. ii. Homer Ramsdell,* b. Oct.19, 1796; bapt. May 25, 1809. *See Note in No. 16 ante. FOURTH GENERATION 53

182. iii. Isaac, b. Dec. 9, 1798; bapt. May 25, 1809. iv. Sally, b. March 3, d. May 1, 1801. v. Diadamia, b. May 11, 1802; m. (1) Nov. 5, 1829, John F. Smith, of Holden; m. (2) Eli B. Lamson. vi. Emory, Aug. 8, 1804.

4 1 48. JESSE (lsaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer, August 6, 1771; married April 22, 1798, Abigail Burden; she died April 24, 1813, "aged 43." He died April 13,. 1813. Estate settled by his brother Joseph May 10, 1813.

49. WILLIAM4 (William,3 William, 2 Richard!), born at Scituate April 23, 1772; married first, June 11, 1797, Hannah Lapham. He married second, June 28, 1819, Patience, daughter of David and Lydia (Loring) Gardner, of Hingham, born Feb­ ruary, 1767, died March 3, 1847. Children: 190. i. Elijah D., s b. April 19, 1798. ii. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 10, 1800; m. June 7, 1819, David Stoddard. 191. iii. William, b. Aug. 18, 1802. 192. iv. Lincoln, b. Sept. 2, 1804. v. Hannah, b. May 10, 1809. vi. Nathaniel [Lapham], b. Jan. 25, 1812. 193. vii. Isaac, b. Oct. 22, 1818.

50. RICHARD4 (William,3 William, 2 Richard!), born at Scituate, November 3, 1775; married at Worcester, March 1, 1801, Jemima Barrell, born December 5, 1779. Resided at Holden, ,Yhere he bought land in 1802 and sold in 1808. Removed to Shutesbury, where he bought land from 1812 onward. . He died at Shutesbury, January 15, 1855, "aged 79 years"; buried at Leverett. Children: 195. i. Galen,5 b. at Holden, Jan. 26, 1803. 54 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

196. ii. Richard, b. at Holden, Sept. 7, 1805. 197. iii. James Barrell, b. at Holden, Aug. 5, 1807. 198. iv. Benjamin, b. at Shutesbury, Aug. 23, 1814. v. Jemima, b. March 16, 1819; m. lVIarch 16, 1838 Samuel Frail Dudley. Children: I. George Samuel Dudley, b. Jan. 30, 1839; d. Jan. 13, 1904. 2. Richard Aaron Dudley, b. l\1arch 23, 1841; d. Dec. 23, 1890. 3. Sophia Jemima Dudley, b. June 8, 1843. 4. Martha Angeline Dudley, b. Aug. 26, 1845; d. Jan. 10, 1906. 5. Muriel Ophelia, b. June 10, 1848; d. July 13, 1849. 6. Rosella Vienna Dudley, b. July 8, 1850. 7. Alfred Prouty Dudley, b. July 18, 1853. 8. Arthur Byron Dudley, b. Dec. 18, 1855. 199. vi. William Dunbar, b. Oct. 18, 1822.

51. JESSE4 (William,3 William,2 Richard1), born at Scituate, July 29, 1780; married first, December 5, 1802, Diadama, daughter of Jonathan and Mary (Berry) Hersey, born in Hingham, February 12, 1784, died February 17, 1830. He married second, April 10, 1831, Elizabeth Gannett; she survived him and married second, January 23, 1834, Warren Hatch. Children: 200. i. Henry H., 5 b. Sept. 23, 1803. ii. Mary Jane, b. June 22, 1805; m. at Abington, ~lay 9, 1830, Walter S. Harden. 201. iii. Harris Gilman, b. April 4, 1807. iv. Ann Maria, b. Feb. 14, 1809; m. (int. Nov. 26, 1825) Truman Damon, of Hingham. v. Sally D., b. Feb. 25, 1811. VI. Charles, b. Jan. 30, 1813; d. at Abington, Oct. 1, 1843. vii. Eliza L., b. Jan. 10, 1815; m. at Hanover, June 22, 1834, Elijah Marsh. 202. viii. Jesse, b. Oct. 13, 1817. FOURTH GENERATION 55

ix. Caroline, b. March 27, 1819; d. Feb. 20, 1830. x. Juda C., b. July 27, 1820. xi. Almira, b. June 18, 1822; d. Oct., 1825. 203. xii. Joseph Elbridge, b. June 17, 1823. xiii. Lydia, b. July 4, 1825. xiv. Almira Hobart, b. May 3, 1827; m. at Abington, Feb. 13, 1848, Hector W. Willis. xv. Julia Ann Sewall, b. May 3, 1827; m. Nov. 4, 1849, Keilah H. Kennedy, Jr.

4 3 1 52. DA VID (David, William,2 Richard ), born at Scituate. May 18, 1778; married August 4, 1795, Lydia, daughter of Hezekiah Stoddard; she died at Dorchester, January 8, 1864, aged "86 years, 2 months and 17 ·days." He removed to Hanover about the year 1811. Was a farmer and trader; also bought yam of factories and put it into the hands of housewives who wove on their hand looms cotton cloth, which he sold. He later engaged in the manu­ facture of boots and shoes a year or two. He then learned of improvements making in the construction of ploughs, the substitution of iron for parts that had been made of wood and strapped with iron. He saw the advantages to be gained and. bent his energies to make further improve­ ments and devise better modes of manufacture. He suc­ ceeded to a limited degree, gaining the respect of farmers by practicable demonstrations on rocky and other bad ground and manufactured a fair number of ploughs at Han­ over. Not far from the year 1833 he removed to Boston and associated hims~lf with Mr. John Mears, taking his son Lorenzo into the firm, and extended the business greatly. Had warehouse on North Market street where they sold agricultural implements in general, keeping the " Prouty and Mears Centre-draught plough" most prominent. They were very successful in every way; a high reputation for excellence of quality and improvements of various sorts_ was built up. Premiums and medals came to them from many agricultural societies and fairs. U. S. Patents were granted to David Prouty and John 56 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Mears, of Boston, as joint inventors, for improvements in plows in 1836, 1838 and 1841. A great gold medal was awarded to David Prouty and John Mears, Jr., by Nicholas I, emperor of Russia. They received a diploma signed by Prince Albert, the Royal Con­ sort, at the World's Fair at London. The name of David Prouty and those of Lorenzo Prouty and John Mears came to be esteemed very highly both here and abroad for a large service rendered to mankind in a most practical way. Mr. Prouty died at his residence in Dorchester, March 28, 1846. Children: . I. Margaret,5 b. Feb. 4, 1796; m. Oct. 16, 1822, Major William Morse; res. at Lawrence. 204. ii. Vaniah, b. April 9, 1801. 205. iii. Lorenzo, Jr., b. May 3, 1806. • IV. Lydia Farrow, b. July 19, 1807; m. Horatio Baker• 206. v. David Osborne, b. June 7, 1818. FIFTH GENERATION

5 1 59. ELIJAH (Elijah,4 Richard,3 Edward,2 Richard ), born about 1770; married at Deerfield Jan. 1, 1799, Hannah, daughter of Josiah and Sarah (Cook) Day. He resided at Brattleboro, Vt.; owned considerable land and was a man of some prominence. He died June 22, 1834. His will, d~ted June 20, proved Aug. 7, 1834, gave his property to his wife Hannah and children Sarah B., wife of Lemuel Miller, Lydia C., Eliza B., Hannah D., Alfred W., Elijah H., Lemuel D., Salmon, Charles S. and Francis D. Mrs. Hannah Prouty married July 5, 1836, Abram Miller, of Marlboro, Vt. Children: 1 i. Sarah B.4 ; m. April 15, 1819, Lemuel l\'Iiller. 11. Lydia C.; m. Sheldon Thornton. Ill.··· .Alfred W. 208. iv. Elijah H. 209. v. Lemuel Dickerman. vi. Eliza B.; m. June 12, 1854, Gen. John 0. Thayer, of Chenango. vii. Hannah D.; m. Nov. 6, 1836, Abner Orcut, of Athol, ~lass. 210. viii. Salmon D., b. Nov. 18, 1819. 211. ix. Charles Stewart, b. July 21, 1822. 212 .. x. Francis D., b. Feb. 10, 1827.

60. ELISHA5 (Elijah,4 Richard,3 Edward,2 Richard1), born at Brattleboro, Vt., April 29, 1772; married Feb. 22, 1807, Elizabeth, daughter of John and Jerusha (Avery) Plummer, born March 3, 1791, died Jan. 24, 1851. "He was a man of strong religious principle and upright life." _He joined the church on profession Jan. 4~ 1818, and in November f ollovving the five elder children ·were baptized. He was a farmer. He died Oct. 22, 1852. 57 58 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Children: 213. i... William Cune, 6 b. Aug. 25, 1808. 11. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 30, 1809, d. Sept. 5, 1812 . 214. iii. John Plummer, b. Sept. 30, 1811. 215. iv. Elisha Whitney, b. l\i1arch 8, ,814. v. George Burpee, b. April 20, 1816; d. Oct. 2, 1836. vi. Susan Arms Fox, b. July 14, 1818; m. Dec. 15, 1844, William Chamberlain; res. at Hannibal, Mo. Child: Harriet Chamberlain; m. John Henry Brough­ ton. 216. vii. Henry, b. Sept. 30, 1820. viii. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 23, 1822; m. Oct. 7, 1844, Francis Lewis Allyn, a bank clerk in N. Y. city; she d. Aug. 5, 1890. Children: 1. Edgar Francis Allyn, b. Oct. 3, 1845; d. July 6, 1850. . 2. Mary Elizabeth Allyn, b. Aug. 11, 1848; m. Oliver Mowbray; res. Brookline. 3. Sarah liaria Allyn, b. Aug. 1, 1852; m. Worthington W. Seaton; res. Brookline. 4. Francis Lewis Allyn, b. Oct. 13, 1855; m. Cora Ellsworth Gibson; res. Woodhaven, N. Y. ix. Kezia, b. May 12, 1825; m. Oct. 6, 1842, Henry Putnam; she d. March 3, 1904, at Watertown, N. Y. Children: 1. Charles Sewall Putnam, b. Sept. 5, 1844; m. (1) Ella P. Roche; m. (2) Effie J. Mayhew. 2. Sylvia Putnam, b. Sept. 17, 1846; m. Felix McVee; she d. Feb. 23, 1881. 3. Elisha vVhitney Putnam, b. Oct. 27, 1859; m. Jennie Ralph; he d. l\1arch 17, 1907. x. Sarah, b. Aug. 12, 1827; m. Jonathan Warren; res. Brooklyn, N. Y.; she d. June 19, 1870. FIFTH GENERATION 59

Children: 1. Ellen Maria Warren, b. Oct. 13, 1855; d. early. . 2. Emma Frances Warren, b. Jan. 30, 1858; m. John Dorman. 3. Addie Louise Warren, b. July 17, 1860; m. Eugene Boyd; d. June 8, 1908. 217. xi. Frederick David, b. Nov. 24, 1829. xii. Henrietta Maria, b. April 30, 1833; m. April 27, 1854, C:ttarles A. Loud; res. Boston; he d. April 30, 1906. 3 children, d. young.

65. BuRPEE5 (Richard,4 Richard,3 Edward,2 Richard!), born at Lan~aster, March 10, 1763; married first Avis Marcy. He married second Martha Ballard. He did good service in the war of the Revolution. En­ listed at the age of 16, Dec. 19, 1779; stature, 5 feet; com­ plexion, dark; in Capt. ·Peter Clayes' company of Col. Thomas Nixon's regiment; was mentioned in descriptive list at West Point Jan. 29, 1781; in Capt. Daniel's co., 6th Mass. regt., commanded by Lt. Col. Smith, age, 17 years; stature, 5 ft., 2 in.; comple~on, dark; hair, brown; eyes, black; residence, Lancaster; in returns for 1781, 1782 and 1783, as one who had enlisted for the war and served till its close; re­ ported as e~titled to $80 gratuity, agreeable to an act of Congress of May 15, 1778; also as entitled to $20 or more and 200 acres of land agreeable to resolve of March 5, 1801; reported as belonging to Vermont. [Mass. Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolution.] He removed to Weathersfield, Vt., and later to West Hart­ ford, Vt.; was a deacon in the church at the latter place from June, 1830, till the close of his life. He died in 1849. Children: i. Amarilla, 6 b. 1792; m. Allen Ballard; d. 1867. Children: 1. Enos Ballard, 2. Eliza Ann Ballard, 3. Ira Otis Ballard, 4. Lucy Prouty Ballard, 5. Emily Ballard, 6. Avis Ballard, 7. 60 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Sarah Emerson Ballard, 8. Edwin Leb­ brus Ballard, 9. Ellen ~-faria Ballard. Emily Ballard inherited the homestead of her grandfather; shed. Sept. 15, 1910. ii. Avis, b. 1794; d. 1826.

66. IsAAc5 (Richard, 4 Richard, 3 Edward, 2 Richard!), born at Shutesbury about 1779; married Elizabeth, daughter of Aaron and Rachel Hagar, born at Winchendon, died there Jan. 20, 1875, "aged 77 years, 10 months and 4 days." He resided at Shutesbury. Children:

. 6 1. Benjamin A. , b. July 23, 1818 . 218. ii. Isaac R., b. June 6, 1820. 111. Mary A., b. Sept. 5, 1823. 219. iv. Forrester A., b. ~lay 18, 1826. V. Eliza R., b. at Winchendon in 1827; m. at Ten1ple­ ton Nov. 27, 1851, Augustus E. Houghton. 220. vi... Edward, b. in 1830. vu. Roxanna J., b. Jan. 26, 1833; m. at Russell, Feb . 21, 1858, Harrison Woodward, ae. 20 years.

72. ABEL5 (Francis,' Richard,3 Edward, 2 Richard!), born at Lancaster, Dec. 23, 1767; married Betsey --. Children, recorded at Marlborough, Vt.: i. Abel,6 b. Sept. 5, 1793. ii. Francis, b. Jan. 14, 1796.

5 1 73. STEPHEN F. (Francis,4 Richard,3 Edward,2 Richard ), born at Winchendon in 1796; married Hannah, daughter of Josiah and Sarah Ward, born in 1800, died Sept. 13, 1858. He died at Brattleboro, Vt., Jan. 8, 1873, "aged 77." Children: 221. i... Charles S. 6, b. in l\Iarch, 1825. 11. Louise 11., m. Nov. 22, 1852, William F. Witt, of lviontpelier, Vt. 111. Edward :oil; d. at Brattleboro, Vt., Dec. 16, 1863, "ae. 25 y., 9 m., 11 d." FIFTH GENERATION 61

5 4 1 78. DANIEL (Elisha, Richard,3 Edward,2 Richard ), born at Boylston, Nov. 3, 1777; married at Boylston, Sept. 27, 1803, Sarah Goodale. Children: i. Daniel Wilder,6 b. at Boylston June 17, 1804. ii. Sally Goodale, b. at Holden Oct. 19, 1806.

79. JosHUA5 (Elisha; Richard,3 Edward,2 Richard1), born at Boylston, June 19., 1781; married (intention May 31, 1805), Phebe, daughter of Lemuel and Phebe (Thayer) Fairbanks, born in 1785, died at Boston Sept. 20, 1870. He bought land at Shutesbury in 1804 and sold it in 1805, his wife Phebe joining in the deed. Resided some time at Holden; conveyed his farm to Samuel Prouty of H. in 1832. [See note under No. 95.] Child: Phebe Maria," b. 1812; m. March 25, 1847, Bradford Russell, Esq.

80. ELISHA5 (Elisha; Richard, 3 Edward,2 Richard1), born at Boylston April 25, 1784; married at Holden June 6, 1811, Rhoda Winn;- of West Boylston. He died at Heath Sept. 30, 1852.

81. IsAAc5 (Elisha,4 Richard,3 Edward,2 Richard1), born at Boylston, Sept. 29, 1786; married first --. He married "second," at Ludlow (residing at Royalston) June 29, 1859, Mrs. Minerva T. Jones, daughter of Abel Herrick, born at Lee.

82. JASON5 (Elisha,4 Richard,3 Edward,2 Richard1), born at Boylston June 19, 1791; married at Shrewsbury Feb. 12, 1812, Elizabeth Wilson Munroe. He resided at Sterling. He died before May 18, 1830, ,vhen a guardian was appointed for his son Isaac M., a minor above 14 years of age. 62 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Children: 223. i... Isaac M.,6 b. in 1812. 11. Frank, b. June 5, 1822; d. at Lancaster June 8, 1892 . 224. iii. Jacob C., b. in 1826. iv. Mary E. Glazier, b. Sept. 20, 1828; m. June 17, 1847, Jonas W. Belcher.

85. SAMUEL5 (Samuel, 4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Charlestown, N. H., May 10, 1780; married Mary, daughter of Elijah and Mary (Stevens) King. She survived him and married, second, Maj. Jonathan Grout (published Dec. 9, 1821). They petitioned for the appointment of guardians for the children in 1824. He resided a number of years at Barnet, Vt.; then re­ turned to Charlestown, N. H. Children: 225. i... Elijah King,• b. in 1801. 11. Mary. iii. Samuel; res. at Burke, Vt. iv. Chloe; m. Cyrus Cummings. v. Enos Stevens; d. unm. Jan. 27, 1876. vi. Elizabeth King, b. March 30, 1811; m. Nov. 11, 1830, John L. Trussell; their daughter, Jane Trussell, m. Jan. 26, 1860, Enos W. Prouty; res. Claremont, N. H.

86. THOMAS STEVENS5 (Samuel,' Jacob,3 Isaac," Richard:), born at Langdon, N. H., April 20, 1782; married Molly--. He died before March 22, 1815, when John Prentiss was appointed guardian of his children, Sophia and Amariah Taft Prouty, under 14 years of age. Children: . 1. Sophia.6 226. ii. Amariah Taft.

5 4 1 87. ARTEMAS (Sam-uel, Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Langdon, N. H., May 13, 1786; married June 1, 1806, Rebecca Perrin; she died June 9, 1873, "aged 86 years." FIFTH GENERATION 63

With wife Rebecca he sold land received from his father, 1 April, 1820. He died Jan. 21, 1866. Children: i. Louisa,8 b. Feb. 10, 1807; m. Lee Prouty. ii. Philena, b. Feb. 23, 1809; m. Frederic Bigelow; d. March 7, 1885. 227. iii. Thomas Stephens, b. Jan. 1, 1811. iv. Rebecca, b. Feb. 20, 1813; m. James J. Fisk. Children: 1. Marion Elizabeth Fisk, b. 1836; m. Alvan A. Sweet; res. Newton. 2. Hamblet Barber Fisk, m. Eliza Cook. v. Mary Merinda, b. July 11, 1815; m. -- Doty. 228. vi. Artemas, b. June 24, 1817. vii. Dianthe, b. Dec. 31, 1819; m. --Clifford; d. April 2, 1865. 229. viii. Orie, b. Sept. 27, 1822. • ix. Willar4, b. Jan. 22, 1825; d. July 21, 1895. x. Jane, b. April 15, 1829; d. unm. March 13, 1896.

88. WILLARD5 (Samuel,4 Jacob,3 Isaac, 2 Richard!), born at Langdon, N. H., June 18, 1788; married Nov. 12, 1809, Sally French;_ she died May 17, 1861, "aged 71 years, 6 months and 17 days." He received a deed of land from his fath~r 29 August, 1807. He died in Keene, N. H., May 30, 1868, "aged 80 years." Children: . 1. Josiah S.,6 b. April 24, 1810; m.-Sybil Huntoon; d . Oct. 20, 1867. 230. ii. Ira French, b. Nov. 9, 1812. 231. iii. Samuel Willard, b. Dec. 21, 1814. iv. Jan1es Bingham, d. Nov. 8, 1842, "ae. 18 y., 7 m., 27 d." 232. V. Edmund.

5 1 89. EDMUND (Samuel,4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Langdon, N. H., Nov. 2, 1794; married April 16, 1819, Loretta 64 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

(Luretta) Perrin. She died Aug. 28, 1882, "aged 83 years and 6 months." Captain Edmund Prouty died May 9, 1872.

Child: Oren Stevens,6 d. Sept. 10, 1841, "ae. 18 y ., 10 n1., 5 d."

90. ABIJAH5 (Jacob,4 Jacob, 3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer April 17, 1775; married Anna -- who was born Aug. 7, 1780. He resided at Janesville, N. Y., near Poultney, Vt.

Children: i. Polly,8 b. Nov. 4, 1798. ii. Sylvia, b. Nov. 28, 1799. n1. Annis, b. July 19, 1801. iv. Anna, b. Feb. 8, 1803. 233. v. Linus Eddy, b. Dec. 23, 1803. vi. James L., b. April 15, 1806. vii. Rachel, b. Aug. 21, 1807. viii. Pamela, b. Aug. 31, 1808. ix. Caroline B., b. ~lay 25, 1810. x. Abijah, Jr., b. Jan. 25, 1812. xi. Ahia, b. Jan. 12, 1813. xii. Tryphena M., b. Oct. 9, 1813. xiii. Daniel, b. July 29, 1815. xiv. Levi, b. May 13, 1816. xv. Squire, b. 1\1:arch 13, 1817. xvi. Delia, b. Feb.- 23, 1819. xvii. Betsey A., b. July 4, 1820. xviii. Levi W., b. Sept. 18, 1822. xix. Caroline L., b. June 22, 1827.

5 1 90a. JAMES (Jacob,4 Jacob,3 lsaac,2 Richard ), born at Westmoreland, N. H., about Oct. 1786 (according to age as stated in record at time of his death); married first, Lavinia --; married second, at Sutton, June 24, 1865, Ruth, daugh- FIFTH GENERATION 65 ter of Daniel Jones and widow of -- Lincoln, born at Taunton in 1795. She died at Sutton July 21, 1866, leaving a will, dated June 23 and proved Sept. 4, 1856, leaving her estate to her husband James Prouty and her sons Reuben Lincoln, Asa B. Lincoln and Jesse B. Lincoln. He died at Sutton July 1, 1867, "aged 80 years and 9 months." In the probate papers the following "next of kin" are given: James W. Prouty, of Beloit, Wis., Calvin W. Prouty, of Canaan, Vt., Walter Prouty, residence un­ known, Lydia M. Came, of Worcester, Zilpha Prentice, of Fitzwilliam, N. H., Amanda R. Wood, of Northbridge, Ruth Drury, of Titusville, Pa., Lavinia P. Walrodt, of Chester, Laura Luther, of Fort Wayne, Ind., Hannah C. Pope, of Cookshire, C. E., all children of the deceased. Children: 234. i. James W.,8 b. in 1823. 235. ii. Calvin W. Ill. Lydia M., m. -- Came. iv. Zilpha, b. 1821; m. at Grafton May 2, 1844, Ira Prentice. V. Amanda R., b. 1827; m. at Grafton Sept. 6, 1848, George A. Wood. vi. Ruth, b. 1816; m. at Grafton Aug. 1, 1864, George .. W. Drury. vu. Lavinia W., b. 1829; m. at Northbridge May 31, 1849, Moses W alrodt. viii. Laura. ix. Hannah C., m. -- Pope. 236. x. Walter B.

92. GARDNER5 (J oshua,4 J acob,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer Feb. 16, 1784; married Nov. 1, 1807, Ruth, daughter of Joel and Elizabeth (Bemis) Howe, born April 15, 1788, died at Oakham Jan. 4, 1868, "aged 79 years, 8 months and 20 days." He died May 7, 1828. 66 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Children: i. Eliza, 11 b. March 30, 1808. ii. Marcia Howe, b. June 13, 1810, m. De~. 3, 1829, Newton Burr. 238. iii. Alanson, b. Dec. 23, 1812. iv. Carlos, b. Feb. 24, 1815. 239. v. Gardner, b. Sept. 4, 1817. vi. Fanny, d. Jan. 15, 1822, ae. 2 · y., 20 d. vii. Nancy, b. Aug. 13, 1822; d. at Oakham Nov. 30, 1843. [ Oak. Rec.] viii. Harriet Fanny, d. Feb. 12, 1827, ae. 2 y., 13 d. ix. Hannah Augusta, b. Sept. 20; 1827; d. Feb. 19, 1847.

93. ABIJAH5 (Joshua, 4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer Feb. 15, 1786; married first, at Sturbridge Nov. 24, 1816, Nancy Pike; she died Oct. 28, 1821. He married second, Sept. 4, 1822, Caroline, daughter of Alpheus and Miriam (Belknap) Wight, born March 22, 1800, died at Brookfield April 25, 1887. He was a stage owner and driver, his route being from Worcester to Hartford; later a farmer. Resided at Sturbridge; died June 2, 1851. Children: . 1. Louisa, 8 b. Jan. 1, 1818; res. at Norwalk, Conn . 240. ii. Lorenzo Draper, b. Dec. 2, 1820. 241. iii. Alpheus Wight, b. Sept. 30, 1823. 242. iv. Frederick, b. Dec. 19, 1824.

5 4 3 2 94. EBENEZER ( J O$hua, Jacob, Jsaac, Richard!), born at Spencer Oct. 10, 1791; married at Winchendon April 21, 1820, Sarah (Sally) P. Graton of Worcester; she died at Brookfield Feb. 14, 1887, aged 93 years, 11 months and 8 days. He resided at Brookfield; he died Feb. 27, 1861. Children: .. Henry Ebenezer, 8 b. July 5, 1821. 11. Hiram Lafayette, b. Feb. 29, 1824; d. unm. Mar. 31, 1854. FIFTH GENERATION 67

iii. Sarah Jane, b. Feb. 3, 1828; m. June 18, 1851, Emulous B. Gerald.

95. JosHUA5 (Joshua,4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard1), born at Spencer Feb. 6, 1796; married (intention at Spencer April 18, 1828), Mary, daughter of Aaron and Polly Bannister, born at Brookfield; she died Oct. 20, 1860. He died April 19, 1882. Children: 244. i. Merrick Franklin, s b. March 27, 1829. ii. Millens Frederick, b. Dec. 25, 1830; res. at Chicago, Ill.; d. Nov. 18, 1856. 245. iii. Milton Fields (Fields Milton), b. Jan. 26, 1836. iv. Mary Frances, b. March 19, 1838; d. Jan. 19, 1840. V. Eliza Jane, b. 1840; d. Sept. 11, 1841. 246. vi. Joshua Bannister, b. April 13, 1842. vii. Henry Dexter, b. April 30, d. Oct. 6, 1845. 247. viii. William Henry, b. Nov. 1, 1846.

96. JoBN5 (Joshua/ Jacob, 3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer March 10, 1800; married Sarah --. He bought a tract of land lying partly in Brimfield and partly in Warren Dec. 30, 1835, and made his home there. He died in Brimfield Sept. 11, 1865. Children: . I. Helen A.,S b. 1836; m. Jan. 12, 1858, Moody E . .. Shattuck, of Worcester. 11. Marietta, b. 1838; m. May 25, 1867, Andrew J . Griggs. 111. Abbie J., b. 1843; m. Nov. 2, 1869, Bradley C. Goodwill, of Canton, 0. iv. John Munroe, b. 1845; d. soon. v. John, b. Feb. 1846; d. April 14, 1851. NoTE. Joshua Prouty of Charlestown, N. H., and Sarah Hitchings of Dorchester were married at D. Feb. 20, 1820. They, of Framingham, sold land in 1823. (Mdx. Co. Deeds.) Sarah Prouty d. at Boston Sept. 2, 1827. 68 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

5 4 1 97. WrLLIAM (Joshua, Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer Dec. 15, 1802; married at Spencer Oct. 17, 1826, Rebecca, daughter of Eli and Rebecca (Bemis) Prouty, born Dec. 27, 1802. Resided at "\Vorcester. He died Aug. 30, 1871. Children: 248. i... · George William,6 b. Jan. 28, 1827. 11. Ellen Lavina, b. Nov. 21, 1829; m. Jeremiah Drake . 249. iii. Daniel Webster, b. Jan. 7, 1833. iv. l\iargery Adelaide (Ada nL), b. July 29, 1835; m. April 10, 1871, Francis L. Frank. v. Cheney Russell, b. Jan. 23, 1839. vi. Wallace Hamilton, b. Aug. 16, 1846.

5 1 98. vVINTHROP (Joshua,4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer Nov. 23, 1808; married at Spencer Sept. 7, 1837, Betsey, daughter of Joseph and Betsey (Draper) Prouty, baptized Nov. 1, 1816, died at Worcester April 2, 1865. He was a wire drawer, in Worcester. He resided at Paxton at the time of his death, A.pril 9, 1874. He made his "ill June 18, 1873, and it was allowed May 5, 1874. He had been much out of health some time. He bequeathed to his brother-in-law Calvin L. Prouty; nephews D. Webster, Wallace Hamilton and Cheney R. Prouty; to Mary D. Pierce, of Paxton, wife of Davis Pierce, sister of his late wife, and to their daughter Almira Pierce; her nephews James Newton of Spencer and Franklin W. Pierce; her niece Almira Lo-\vell, widow; and 1Irs. Ann Haskell, wife of Hiram Haskell in whose family he had made his home for some time.

5 1 99. JACOB (Nathan,4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer Nov. 5, 1789; married at Tariffville, Conn., wlay 2, 1823, Salina Mitchelson, born at Granby, Conn., June 4, 1802, died at Concord, 0., Jan. 27, 1881. He made his home at Simsbury, Conn., for a time; removed to Concord, 0.; was a farmer; died Dec. 29, 1870. FIFTH GENERATION 69

Children: i. Jane C., 11 b. April 5, 1824; m. 1Iarch 16, 1848, George Wilson; res. Geneseo, Ill. ii. Caroline S., b. Nov. 22, 1825; m. ~larch 16, 1848, J. Lockwood Frisbie; res. Faribault, Minn. 252. iii. Edward Varney, b. ~lay 18, 1827.

100. AsAPH5 (Nathan/ Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer March 5, 17~3; married first, Sept. 25, 1817, Lucy, daughter of Jedediah and Lucy Cutter, born May 21, 1797, died Feb. 20, 1823. He married second, June 26, 1823, Martha Goodenow, who died March 16, 1833, "aged 31 years." He removed to Shirley; died there May 4, 1861. Children: . I. Abigail,' b. Aug. 19, 1818; d. unm. Oct. 18, 1895 . 253. ii. George, b. Aug. 7, 1820. iii. Lorenzo D., b. }larch 22, 1824. iv. Nathan Converse, b. June 11, 1826; d. Nov. 22, 1896. v. Lucy C., b. May 10, 1828; m. Sept. 2, 1857, Frederick Matthews.

101. NATH.AN5 (Nathan/ Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer Nov. 18, 1796; married in February, 1822, Lucy, daughter of Bezaleel and Catherine (Marsh) Sherman, born Aug. 30, 1798, died Aug. 21, 1889. He was a farmer; resided at Brimfield. Died March 26, 1872. Children: i. Catherine,!! b. May 13, 1828; m. June 24: 1846, Laurens Upham; res. at Brookfield; she d. Oct. 23, 1905. Children: I. Henry Laurens Upham, b. June 18, 1852. 2. George W. Upham, b. June 23, 1857. 3. Lucy Jane Upham, b. June 23, 1862; m. Dec. 25, 1884, ~forris Leroy lfinor, res. at Brooklyn, N. Y. 70 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

4. Nathan A. Upham, b. Sept. 16, 1864. 256. ii. Albert Sherman, b. in 1830. iii. Clarissa Jane, b. in 1832; m. Sept. 6, 1858, Jerome Hamilton.

102. VARNEt' (Nathan,4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer. Sept. 1, 1798; "was twice married." "Removed to Mentor, O."; died March 14, 1875.

1 103. HARVEt' (Nathan,4· J acob,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer April 20, 1800; married Jan. 26, 1826, Lydia, daugh­ ter of Henry and Betsey Watson; she died June 12, 1885, "aged 84 years, 8 months and 25 days." He died at Spencer Dec. 2, 1875.

Children:. 1. Melinda Watson,8 b. Nov. 1-?, 1826; m. Feb. 5, 1852, AHred Browning. 260. ii. Nathan Henry, b. Dec. 23, 1829. 261. iii. Cheney Porter, b. Jan. 29, 1832.

104. LUKE'> (Nathan,4 Jacob,3 Isaac," Richard!), born at Spencer May 8, 1802; married --. Is said to have lived at Tariffville, Conn. He was living at the date of his father's will in 1836. He died July 18, 1840. Children: 262. i. John,11 b. in 1819. 263. ii. Dwight V., b. June 22, 1830.

5 2 1 105. DWIGHT (Nathan,4 Jacob,3 Isaac, Richard ), born at Spencer June 11, 1804; married Dec. 4, 1828, Mary, daughter of Jacob and Lucy (Ruggles) Gould, born July 8, 1802, died Jan. 2, 1859. He resided at Boston; died March 2, 1855. FIFTH GENERATION 71

Children: . I. Mary Eliza, 8 b. in 1832; d. March 1, 1833 . 266. ii. Dwight, b. Nov. 9, 1836. iii. Mary Eliza, b. June 2, 1841; d. Nov. 14, 1859.

106. RoYAL5 (Nathan,4 Jacob, 3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer Nov. 27, 1805; married at Simsbury, Conn., Nov. 2, 1830, Eliza Noble. He was a wire manufacturer. Removed from Spencer to Windsor, Conn., and· carried on the business there. Built a new mill in 1846; continued till 1857. He died May 22, 1883. Child: Caroline Miranda,8 b. at Simsbury, Conn., May 30, 1831.

107. ELIAs5 (Nathan,4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer April 17, 1809; married first, Dec. 18, 1834, Lucretia, daughter of Joel Wright, who died Oct. 30, 1835, aged 24. He married second, Nov. 30, 1836, Harriet, daughter of Lemuel and Tabitha (Gould) Fuller, born at Worcester July 3, 1807, died at Windsor Locks, Conn. He was a carpenter; resided at Worcester, Mass., and at Windsor Locks, Conn. He died Oct. 14, 1875. Children: 270. i... Joel Harvey,6 b. at Spencer Sept. 27, 1837. 11. Lucretia Wright, b. March 28, 1839; d. Aug. 4, 1898. iii. l\tlaria Harriet, b. March 22, 1841; m. Robert N. ,vatrous; d. Jan. 31, 1901. iv. Eliza, b. Nov. 22, 1846.

5 4 1 108. DAVID (David, David,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer Aug. 19, 1772; married Nov. 7, 1797, Abigail, daugh­ ter of John and Deborah (Prouty) Bisco, born July 25, 1777, died April 22, 1846. He died June 22, 1845, leaving his property to his wife, 72 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY his only son, his sister Sally Hall, and to the Baptist, Uni­ versalist and Methodist churches of Spencer. Children: 272. i. David, 6 b. Oct. 18, 1813; bapt. Aug. 30, 1818. ii. A child, infant, d. Aug. 10, 1816.

109. ELEAZER5 (David, 4 David,3 I saac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer Sept. 28, 1783; married Sept. 11, 1806, Nancy, daughter of Caleb Morse. She outlived her husband, and died April 9, 1838, "aged 53." She left her estate to her children and the children of her deceased daughter Matilda, and to the Missionary Societies of the Congregational de­ nomination. He died June 25, 1820. Children: . 1. ·Lucy,6 b. May 25, 1808; d. unm. Feb. 16, 1886 . n. Matilda, b. April IO, 1811; m. Dec. 8, 1831, William Bemis, 2d. iii. Joseph Ward, b. Nov. 20, 1813; d. April 8, 1833, after long ill health. Paid warm praise in his will to his mother for her care. iv. Nancy, b. Dec. 9, 1815; m. May 10, 1838, William Duncan, of Paxton. V. Edward, b. March 19, 1818; d. May 8, 1875; in his will he devised legacies to his sister Lucy, whom he made executrix and residuary legatee; his brother John Prouty of Dover, ill., and ·his soE. Edward Prouty; to Ruth Eliza Lamb, of Worcester; to the Foreign and Home Missionary Societies (Congregational) and the Seaman's Friend Society. 275. vi. John, b. l\'larch 17, 1820.

110. AARON5 (Asa, 4 David,3 Isaac,2 Richard:), born at Spencer April 11, 1776; married Hephzibah --. Residing at Hampden, Me., Aug. 1, 1826, he and his wife sold to Joel Prouty of Boston his rights in the estate of their father Asa Prouty, of Spencer. FIFTH GENERATION 73

"He had eleven children; some went to Black Hawk county, Ia." [Letter of a descendant.] Children: 276. i. Aaron, Jr.," b. at Castine, Me., Feb. 7, 1803. ii. Lydia. 111. Asa. 278. iv. Joel, b. in 1815. v. Caroline. vi. Mary. vii. George, rein. to New Jersey. viii. Jonas. ix. Philinda. x. Sarah.

5 •1 111. AsA (Asa,4 Davw,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer Dec. 14, 1777; married first, Sabrina --. He married second, at Boston Sept. 21, 1808, Sally Bell* of Chelsea. He resided at Coleraine; removed to Chelsea and then to Boston. Was a stone mason; worked in the building of Rust's wharf, and gave valuable testimony about it in 1817. He died at Boston Dec. 13, 1831; his son Asa A. adminis­ tered on his estate Dec. 30, 1839. Child: 279. Asa Augustus," b. at Coleraine in 1812.

112. JoNAS5 (Asa,4. Daviil, 3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer Aug. 28, 1781; married Mary C. --, who survived him and died June 20, 1831, aged 40 years. He was a painter; resided at Boston. He died of apoplexy Dec. 18, 1828; his estate was settled by his brother Joel Dec. 22, 1828; his widow and son George B. being his heirs. She devised in her will in 1831, to her son and adopted daughter, her sister Mrs. Charlotte Clark, and her niece Philinda Gates Prouty, Joel's daughter. * Mrs. Prouty, widow, born in Colerain, died at Heath, Jan. 15, 1864, "aged 74." [Heath records.] 74 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Children: i. George B. 11 A merchant in Boston; conveyed land in 1833. ii. Mary Caroline (adopted).

5 4 3 2 1 113. JoEL (Asa, -David, lsaac, Richard ), born at Spencer Feb. 5, 1784; married Aug. 10, 1806, Elizabeth Gates. He was· a painter. Removed to Boston. He died --and his widow administered on his estate Jan. 25, 1832. She conveyed land in 1856, her daughters joining in the deed. Children: . 8 1... Eliza A. ; m. -- Cole . 11. Philinda Gates, b. --; received a bequest from her aunt, Mary C., widow of Jonas Prouty, in 1831; m. -- Bates. iii. Maria L.; m. Charles D. Lincoln.

1 114. JoHN5 (John,' John,3 lsaac,2 Richard ), born at Lang­ don, N. H., in 1776; married at Charlestown, N. H., Oct. 16, 1812, his cousin (daughter of his mother's sister) Clarissa, daughter of Capt. Simon and Dollie (Gleason) Sartwell, born Feb. 3, 1788, who survived him. He removed to Schenectady, N. Y.; was a hardware mer­ chant. He died April 29, 1820. Children: 289. i... John Spencer,° b. Nov. 16, 1813. 11. Phinehas Sartwell, b. Feb. 3, 1816; was lost at sea; had not married. 111. Hooper C., b. Oct. 3, 1818; d. unm. Nov. 26, 1868.

5 1 115. PHINEHAS (John,4 John/ lsaac,2 Richard ), born at Langdon, N. H., Jan. 14, 1788; married at Schenectady, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1819, Margaret Matilda, daughter of Rev. Nicholas M. and Ruth (Comstock) Van \ 1ranken, born at Fishkill, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1795, died at Geneva, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1830. He served as a lieutenant in Capt. Elisha Taylor's company of Horse Artillery in the service of New York in FIFTH GENERATION 75 the War of 1812, his commission, dated May 5, 1815, being signed by Gov. Daniel D. Tompkins. He had land. grants which brought a large sum. After the war he settled in Geneva, N. Y., where he was wealthy and influential. He left the. impress of a gentleman of high character, great dignity, strong patriotism and lofty, Christian ideais. He died Feb. 21, 1862. Children: i. · Nicholas Van Vranken, 11 b. July 16, 1820; d. in infancy. ii. Harriet, b. May 28, 1823; m. Dec. 11, 1844, Gen. Thomas Hillhouse, Adjutant General of the state of New York in 1861 and prominent in states­ manship and finance after the war; treasurer of the U. S. under Pres. Grant. He d. July 31, 1897. Mrs. Ri11house d. March 16, 1903. Children: 1. Margaret Prouty Hillhouse, b. at Water­ vliet, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1846; has rendered valuable help in compiling this portion of the genealogy. Res. New York City. 2. Thomas Griswold Hillhouse, b. 1848; grad. Union Coll. and Albany Law School; became a lawyer; m. Miss Julia Ten Eyck; d. 1\:Iay 23, 1910, leaving widow and three sons. 3. Phinehas Prouty Hillhouse; d. Sept. 27, 1878. 4. Harriet Augusta Hillhouse; m. Walter Wood Adams, Esq.; res. New York City 5. Anna Hillhouse. 6. Adelaide Hillhouse. 111. Sarah Augusta, b. Nov. 19, 1825; m. Jan. 11, 1849, 1\ir. Alexander Lafayette Chew; of Geneva, N. Y. 1\:fr. Chew was b. at New Orleans, La., Oct. 24, 1824; entered Hobart College in 1840; m. Jan. 11, 1849, as above. Has been president of First Nat. Bank, of Geneva, N. Y., since 1863; trustee of Hobart College 42 years; vestryn1an and warden of Trinity Church. Is still in active business (1910). 76 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Children: 1. Beverly Chew, b. March 5, 1850; grad. Peekskill lvlilitary Academy and Hobart College; in banking and brokerage busi­ ness in New York City; 2d vice-pres. Metropolitan Trust Co.; director in Williamsburg Trust Co.; president and director Island Cities Real Estate Co.; member several prominent clubs, Society of Colonial Wars and other organizations. He m. Dec. 11, 1872, Clarissa Taintor, dau. of Rev. Job Pierson, D.D., and Rachel W., his wife. Mrs. Chew d. May 30, 1889. 2. Harriet Hillhouse Chew, b. Dec. 8, 1851; m. June 11, 1874, Ernest Cleeland Coxe. 3. Phinehas Prouty Chew, b. Feb. 8, 1854; treasurer of the Robert Hoe Co. of New York City; m. Oct. 15, 1879, Marguerite Pistor, b. Dec. 29, 1855. 4. Thomas Hillhouse Chew, b. May 26, 1856; grad. Hobart College; vice-pres. 1st Nat. Bank, Geneva, N. Y.; trustee, Hobart Coll. 5. Alexander Duer Chew, b. Sept. 21, 1858; grad. Hobart Coll.; cashier International Pump Co., New York City. 6. Katherine Adelaide Chew, b. April 17, 1860; m. Oct. 6, 1887, Samuel Cooper Winship. 7. Theodora Chew, b. Feb. 12, 1863; d. April 10, 1874. 8. Lillian Chew, b. Feb. 19, 1866; m. Feb. 14, 1900, George Wilder. He d. Oct. 13, 1909. 290. iv. Phinehas, Jr., b. Nov. 8, 1827.

5 1 116. ARNOLD (John,4 John,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Newport, Vt., in 1797; married in April, 1815, Sally, daughter of Martin and Mercy (Rider) Adams, born at New­ port, Vt., in 1798, died Feb. 21, 1881. FIFTH GENERATION 77

He was a farmer, residing at Newport, Vt.; he died March 30, 1881. He and his bride "set up house-keeping" in the house which her father had built - the first frame house in the settlement - and there their son John Azro Prouty and his children and grandchildren (some of them) dwelt till the homestead was sold, some fifty years ago. He cleared twelve farms during his life, performing a great deal of labor; at one time carried his grain to mill by rowing ten miles, then walking with the bag on his shoulder over the hills of Brownington and back to his boat, and so home again. And a good, intelligent, happy home it was. Children: . 1... Emily A.8, b. in Dec. 1819; d. Dec. 20, 1835 . n. Charles A., b. in 1822; d. Feb. 8, 1842 . n1. Rosella, b. in 1824; m. (1) Daniel Boyd; went with an emigrant train to Oregon; Mr. Boyd d. on the way as did many of the party. She m. (2) at Portland, Ore., in 1853, William Williams. After his death she m. (3) William Harrett. She d. at Ukiah, Cal., Jan. 27, 1902. Children: 1. Daniel W. Boyd, b. on the way to Oregon in 1852; m. Emma Hunting; res. Elliott, Cal.; d. in 1893. 2. Ory E. Williams, b. July 2, 1855; m. Emma Louise Swett; res. Berkeley, Cal. 3. S. K. Williams, b. March 12, 1858; m. Minnie Stevens. 292. iv. John Azro, b. Dec. 26, 1826. v. Lydia, b. Jan. 30, 1829; m. in 1850 Augustine Swett who was b. at Derby, Vt., in 1831 and d. at New­ port, Vt., July 29, 1867; she d. at Ukiah, Cal., Oct. 8, 1883. Children: 1. Sidney Dwight Swett, b. Oct. 12, 1851; m. April 28, 1881, i\Iary, dau. of Thos. J. and l\Iaria (Spencer) Lewis. 2. Emma Louise Swett, b ..Aug. 8, 1853; m. Dec. 23, 1877, her cousin Ory E. Williams. 78 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

3. Cora Bell Swett, b. Jan. 8, 1859; m. Frank Largis; res. Burke, Vt., later Colfax, Cal. 4. Alfred Locke Swett, b. July 24, 1855; m. (1) at Clements, Cal., Fannie, daughter of Prince Athearn; m. (2) Jan. 1, 1908, Annie Barker. · vi. Mary Melissa, b. in 1833; d. Jan. 23, 1864. 293. vii. ·Alfred, b. in 1835.

5 4 1 117. RosWELL (John, John,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Newport, Vt., April 22, 1809; married April 12, 1837, Laura, daughter of Thomas and Polly (Rice) Baldwin, born at Coventry, Vt., Nov. 24, 1813, died at Newport, Vt., Feb. 8, 1871. He was a farmer, residing at Newport, Vt. He died at La Crosse, Wis., March 2, 1893. Children: .. Cordelia;' b. Feb. 24, 1838; d. Aug. 19, 1890. n. Minerva, b. Dec. 16, 1839; m. Feb. 12, 1861, Cush­ man W. Bowley; rem. to Birnamwood, Wis. Children: 1. Leonora Bowley; m. George C. Dickinson; res. Antigo, Wis. 2. Blanche Bowley. 3. Leon Bowley; res. Freeport, ill. iii. Laura Jane, b. March 31, 1841; m. Feb. 12, 1863, Dr. Edgar Palmer; res. Los Angeles, Cal.; has been Dean of Dental College. iv. Emily L., b. Jan. 30, 1843; m. Chester Cary of Lyndonville, Vt.; d. June 27, 1876. 294. v. Emery Mason, b. July 30, 1847. vi. Alice M., b. May 10, 1849; m. Aug. 12, 1884, Abbott E. Smith; res. Minneapolis, Minn.

118. ALFRED5 (John, 4 John, 3 lsaac, 2 Richard1), born at Newport, Vt., in 1818; married at Waterford, Vt., in 1839, FIFTH GENERATION 79

Minerva, daughter of Charles and Rebecca (Morgan) Adams, born in 1822, died in 1898. He was a farmer; resided at Waterford, Vt.; died in 1894. Children: i. Alfred, 11 b. in April, 1840. ii. Minerva, b. in August, 1842; m. Charles Chapman of St. Johnsbury~ Vt.; d. in 1864. 111. Charles, b. Sept. 27, 1847. 1v. Charlotte, ~- in April, 1851; d. in 1861. v. Emily, b. Feb. 11, 1854; m. Cornelius Carmen; res. at Worcester. Children: 1. Bertha Carmen, b. Sept. 27, 1880. 2. Edith Carmen, b. May 6, 1883. 3. !Iarian Carmen, b. Feb., 1888. 295. vi. Albert, b. Nov. 22, 1857. vii. Katie, b. in July, 1859; d. in 1872. viii. Edgar, b. Jan. 4, 1861. ix. Ella, b. June 11, 1863. x. Alice, b. Oct. 19, 1865; m. Alfred Montgomery; res. at Boston. 296. xi. Eugene, b. Dec. 20, 1867.

119. WILLIAM5 (Isaac,' John, 3 Isaac,2 Richard:), born at Spencer March 24, 1778; married Dec. 16, 1798, Lydia, daughter of Stevens and Ruth Hatch, born Nov. 4, 1780. He was a merchant at Spencer; removed to New York city. Mrs. Prouty returned to Spencer with the children and spent her last days there. He died before Feb. 15, 1828, when his father made be­ quests to his children, speaking of him as deceased. Children: . 1. Matilda, 6 b. May 26, 1799; m. Dec. 20, 1826, William Watson, 3d; she d. Jan. 26, 1852 . n... Marcia Ann, b. Sept. 4, 1801; m. March 31, 1832, Tyler Howe. 111. Mary Ann, b. Jan. 25, 1808. 80 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

300. iv. Napoleon Bonaparte, b. Feb. 24, 1810. v. Abigail, b. July 12, 1813.

5 1 120. WILLARD (lsaac,4 John,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer May 4, 1786; married Jan. 18, 1807, Rebekah, daughter of Captain John and Mrs. Rebekah (Muzzy) Draper, born April 10, 1786; she died at Shaker Village in Shirley July 5, 1860. He owned and operated the Hillsville gristmill which had been built by his grandfather John Prouty. He died Jan. 5, 1834. Children: 301. i. Isaac Warner," b. Oct. 6, 1809. ii. Harriet Amelia, b. Dec. 12, 1810; d. at Shaker Village, Shirley Aug. 2, 1899.

126. ELI5 (Eli, 4 John, 3 Jsaac, 2 Richard!), born at Spencer Aug. 25, 1782; married first, Feb. 12, 1807, Elethina, daughter of Jonathan Parks, born Aug. 30, 1784, died March 2, 1808; he married second, April 11, 1811, Mindwell, daughter of -- Morse, and widow of Boaz M. Mirick, born in 1783, died Feb. 26, 1837. He married third, Feb. 1, 1839, Nancy, daughter of Winslow and Alice Brigham, of Northborough. She died Oct. 2, 1877, " aged 84 years, 10 months.'' He was a major in the local militia. He died April 12, 1860, devising his estate to children and grandchildren. Children: . 1... Lucinda," b. Nov. 24, 1812; d. l\'.Iay 2, 1837 . 11. Elathina, b. Dec. 1, 1814; m. May 29, 1835, William ~Iuzzy, of West Boylston. 303. iii. Lauriston ufirick, b. Feb. 3, 1817. 304. iv. Elliott, b. Feb. 6, 1820. V. ~Ielona, b. Dec. 14, 1822; "departed this life Sept. 13, 1841, a few weeks previous to anticipated n1arriage to lVIr. Gardner Prouty." [Town Record.] vi. Julia Ann Crosby, b. Dec. 7, 1824; m. April 29, 1842, Charles Wright. FIFTH GENERATION 81

127. ELLIOTT5 (Eli,4 J ohn,3 lsaac,2 Richardt), born at Spencer March 21, 1784; married at Brookfield Jan. 19, 1815, Nancy, daughter of John and Lucy (Bartlett) Muzzy, born Nov. 14, 1792, died Sept. 13, 1859. He resided first at Spencer, then at Brookfield. He died Oct. 17, 1863. Children, born at Brookfield: . 1. Nancy A.,8 b. lvlarch 18, 1816; d. Jan. 12, 1838, being '' thrown from a carriage on the way to .. Spencer:" 11. William, d. in infancy. . . . 111. Benjamin . 306. iv. John Elliot, b. ~larch 3, 1826. V. Eliza Jane, b. March 25, d. June 24, 1829.

128. RussELL5 (Eli,4 J ohn,3 lsaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer May 9, 1791; married July 3, 1814, Clarissa Watson, who survived him, and died March 21, 1869, "aged 76." He invented improvements in the drawing of wire, and obtained a patent in 1822. Manufactured at Spencer, then removed to Steubenville, 0. "He became wealthy in raising castor beans." He died Aug. 27, 1855. Children: -- 307. i. Russell,8 b. Aug. 19; bapt. Oct. 22, 1815. ii. Liberty, bapt. ~larch 1, 1822; d. next day.

5 1 129. CHENEY (Eli,4 John,3 lsaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer Nov. 1, 1794; married at Brookfield, recorded as "of Augusta, Ga.," Arvilla M. Bigelow. Child, born at Leicester: Augustus Bigelow,6 b. April 10, 1826.

130. LIBERTY5 (Eli, 4 John,3 lsaac,2 Richardt), born at Spencer 1799; baptized Sept. 4, 1814; married April 10, 1827, Emily, daughter of Jacob and Sarah (Draper) Bisco, born Sept. 10, 1804, died April 6, 1857. He died Feb. 28, 1854. 82 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Children: i. Maria Adeline, 8 b. Sept. 18, 1827; d. Oct. 6, 1853. 309. ii. Jonas Russell, b. March 10, 1829. 310. iii. Joel Eli, b. July 25, 1830. 311. iv. Augustus Bisco, b. Oct. 5, 1831. v. Mary Eliza, b. Oct. 6, 1834; d. Sept. 11, 1908. vi. Abigail L., b. 1837, d. Oct. 3, 1841, ae. 4 years. 312. vii. Henry Waldo, b. Sept. 10, 1839. viii. Emily A., b. Oct. 15, 1843; m. at Lynn Aug. 29, 1866, Zelotus B. Breed; she d. Aug. 30, 1872. _

131. DANIEL5 (Daniel, 4 John,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Langdon, N. H.; married Sept. 7, 1806, Alice Palmer. She survived him and married second, Aug. 27, 1815, Calvin Beckwith. He died before Sept. 29, 1813, when his father was ap­ pointed administrator of his estate. Children:. 1. Mari, 11 b. May 20, 1807 . ii. Holland, b. April 3, 1812. iii. Daniel, b. Nov. 17, 1813; d. April 20, 1814.

1 133. PARDONs (Daniel,' John,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Langdon, N. H., in 1793; married Nov. 6, 1815, Lucretia Hoadley. She survived him and married second, March 30, 1829, Joseph Davis. She died March 24, 1879, "aged 80 years, 11 months.'' He died Jan. 1, 1839, "aged 35 years."

134. GEORGEs (Daniel,' John,3 Isaac, 2 Richard!), born at Langdon, N. H., in 1795; married first, Dec. 28, 1823, Mary Wilson. He married second, Lavinia --; she died Feb. 14, 1860, "aged 36 years." Child: George H., 6 d. Dec. 10, 1838, "ae. 8 mos., 22 days."

5 1 135. LEE (Daniel," J ohn,3 lsaac,2 Richard ), born at Lang­ don, N. H., Dec. 27, 1803; married March 28, 1827, Louisa, FIF'rH GENERATION 83 daughter · of Artemas and Rebecca (Perrin) Prouty, born Feb. 10, 1807. He was a farmer; went to Westport, N. Y., and took up a farm; cut the wood and burned it to charcoal which he sold. Left a maple sugar grove that was profitable. Raised a large family; lived a good, long life. Children: i. Rosamond,6 b. Aug. 19, 1829; m. Henry Lewis; res. Elizabethtown, N. Y. ii. Sophronia, b. June 14, 1831; m. Morgan Hodskins; res. at Elizabethtown, N. Y. iii. Emeline, b. May 18, 1833; m. Elisha Reed; res. Bellows Falls, Vt. iv. Rebecca A., b. May 12, 1835; m. Dec., 1872, Charles Du Vivier Curtis, who served in the 8th Ill. Vol. Cavalry in the Civil War, from 1863 to the close of the Rebellion. Res. New Lisbon, Wis. v. Catherine, b. Dec. 26, 1838; m. Lebanon Farnsworth; res. Lewis, N. Y. vi. Clementine, b. June 24, 1841; m. Rufus Hodskins; res. Westport, N. Y. vii. Frances P., b. Oct. 20, 1843; m. Oscar Phinney; r~. Westport, N. Y. 313. viii. Elbert A., b. Oct. 15, 1846. 314. ix. Herbert F., b. Jan. 28, 1849. x. Ada M., b. July 7, 1854; m. Thomas Saxton, Man­ chester, N. H.; d. Nov. 6, 1884.

136. JoHN5 (Caleb; Caleb,3 lsaac,2 Richard!), born at Scituate April 22, 1781; married Jan. 3, 1804, Joanna White Young; she died June 20, 1855, "aged 79 years and 6 months." He died before his father who mentioned him and his children in his will in 1839. Children: 316. i. John Lincoln,6 b. June 22, 1804. ii. Mary Ann, b. Nov. 10, 1807; n1. June 1, 1828, Noble E. Jenkins. 317. iii. Caleb Willian1, b. June 27, 1810. 84 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

318. iv. James Little, b. Feb. 20, 1813. v. Lucy White, b. Nov. 8, 1815. vi. Charles Turner, b. Sept. 18, 1825.

5 4 1 137. CALEB (Caleb 1 Caleb,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Scituate July 22, 1783; baptized Oct. 8, 1786; he married (intenti(?n Nov. 13, 1814), Polly Paine, of Greenwich; she died April 8, 1828, "aged 36." He married Nov. 15, 1830, Nancy Dunham. Children: 319. i... Alexander T. Lincoln,6 b. July 15, 1815. 11. Philenia Paine, b. June 26, 1816; d. Nov. 17, 1825 . 111. Caleb Lincoln, b. Oct. 20, 1819. iv. Susan Paine, b. May 8, 1822; d. in 1823. v. Susan 11aria, b. Aug. 23, 1824; m. (int. Oct. 31, 1834) James Y. Bates. vi... A child, b. April 3; d. April 12, 1828. Vil. Nancy E., b. in Boston June 19, 1852; d. Sept. 19, 1852.

138. LuTHER5 (Caleb,4 Caleb,.3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Scituate July 22, 1790; married Thankful--. She died Jan. 4, 1839, aged 42. He died Dec. 16, 1851. · Children: - . I. Sarah Wilson,8 b. Oct. 22, 1815; m. Dec. 25, 1840, .. Joseph 0. Cole, of Boston. 11. Luther Thomas, b. Feb. 23, 1821; d. Aug. 29, 1823 . 111. Luther, b. Feb. 22; d. l\farch 12, 1825. 320. iv. Thomas Lincoln, b. ~lay 22, 1827. 321. v. Henry Clay, b. ~lay 5, 1832.

5 1 139. THOMAS LINCOLN (Caleb,4 Caleb,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Scituate Oct. 6, 1793; married at Tisbury June 12, 1825, Julia Ann, daughter of Elijah and Charlotte (Coffin) Hilman. He was a sea captain. "\Vas lost at sea or died at sea; the record of his death was entered Dec. 25, 1826. His FIFTH GENERATION 85 estate was administered upon by Josiah Alden; allowance made to the widow Julia Ann. She married second, Feb. 19, 1829, Capt. Daniel Pepper, of Boston.

5 1 140. ADAM (Adam,4 Adam,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born Jan. 26, 1801; married first at Royalston liay 15, 1827, Mary Flint. He married second, Oct. 6, 1828, Hannah Hill, who died Oct. 19, 1844, aged 40 years, 2 months and 23 days. He married third, at Gill, Sept. 16, 1845, Hannah J. Dane, who survived him; liad allowance from his estate. He resided considerable of his l~e at Athol; there he died June 9, 1876. Children: i. Frances l\t,6 b. June 14; d. Sept. 9, 1829. ii. Mary F., b. Feb. 28, 1830; m. at Athol Feb. 1, 1853, J otham F. · Haven. iii. George Caleb, b_ July 2, 1831; d. July 29, 1832. iv. Maria F., b. April 1, 1834; m. at Hardwick Aug. 22, 1866, William H. Taft, of Starksboro,· Vt. v. George P., b. July 2, 1836; d. March 25, 1837. vi. Adeline Elizabeth, bapt. i\.ug. 1, 1837. vii. Sarah J., b. May 9, 1838; d. July 28, 1881. viii. Harriet l\Iaria, b. Nov. 7, 1843; m. Dec. 30, 1863, Benjamin F. Barnes. 322. ix. Isabella M., m. -- Whiting. x. George Henry, b. June 9, 1848.

142. IsAAC5 (lsaac,4 Adam,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at \\iTinchendon Jan. 2, 1780; married (intention at Royalston Oct. 10, 1803), Sally Clements, born Dec. 24, 1784, died April 7, 1829. He married second (intention Dec. 29, 1829), l\rirs. Linda (Philinda) Beckwith of Acworth, N. H., who survived him and died May 21, 187 4, aged 88 years, 4 months and 23 days. He ,vas a "cordwainer" at Boylston, at Amherst and at Royalston. His will, dated Oct. 3, 1851, proved April 6, 1852, gave to his wife Linda the furniture and other things she brought 86 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY at marriage, etc.; devised to sons C. W., \Villiam H. and John M.; to heirs of daughter Mary .Ann Jones, and com­ mitted his daughter Miranda S. very specially to the care of John M., whom he made executor. Children:

i. Mary Ann,6 b. May 16, 1805; m. l\tlay 20, 1827 7 Ebenezer Jones of Peterborough, N. H. ii. Eugene Watson, b. Aug. 11, 1807; was in the sheep- raising business in Texas and died there. iii. Lucretia, b. Oct. 15, 1809; d. Feb. 24, 1834. iv. Isaac, Jr., b. 1812; d. June 15, 1836. v. Sarah, b. March 25, 1814; d. May 27, 1832. vi. Elizabeth, b. 1\ilay 14, 1816; d. Sept. 14, 1841. 323. vii. John M., b. June 15, 1819. 324 viii. William Henry, b. Jan. 21, 1822. ix. Miranda S., d. at Ashfield, unm., July 6, 1901, ae. 77 y., 3 m., 1 d. x. C. W., mentioned in father's will.

146. LYMAN5 (Stephen, 4 Adam,3 lsaac,2 Richard!), married Dorcas Franklin. He was a blacksmith; carried on the business with his father at Deerfield, Mass., Brattleboro, Vt. Settled down on a farm at Townshend, Vt. Children, order unknown: Decatur.• Franklin. 325. Stephen Luther, b. in 1825. Walter. Fanny M., m. Jan. 1, 1841, Abner T. Derry. Sophia, m. Benjamin Jennison; res. at Windham, Vt. Amanda, m. Oct. 9, 1852, Jairus Collins Eddy. 326. William· Calvin.

146. LuTHER5 (Stephen, 4 Adam,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), married Hepzibah, daughter of Uriah and n-Iatilda (Graves) Howe; she died at Jericho, Vt., Feb .. 7, 1860. FIFTH GENERATION 87

He was a blacksmith; resided at Jericho, Vt.; he died Feb. 12, 1857. Children: . I. Clarissa nL, 6 (adopted child), b. Feb. 13, 1811; m. Jan. 10, 1843, Harvey Safford. She d. Sept. 24, .. 1887. II. l\'Iary H., b. June 11, 1816; m. April 25, 1839, John B . Packard. She d. Oct. 17, 1863. Child: An1elia F. Packard, b. Feb. 19, 1844; d. ~larch 25, 1854. 111. Elizabeth H., b. July 8, 1818; d. unm. Oct. 2, 1851. 326a. iv. Luther Stephen, b. Nov. 6, 1821. v. Fanny A., b. Aug. 1, 1824; m. Feb. 21, 1847, James L, Bliss; d. July 2, 1849. 327. vi... Elon Howe, b. l\larch 28, 1827. Vll. Lucretia L., b. Sept. 18, 1829; m. Sept. 28, 1856, M. F. Martin.

152. ABEL5 (Amos,4 J ames,3 lsaac,2 Richard1), born at Marlborough, Vt., July 15, 1788; married at Spencer Nov. 9, 1809, Lydia, daughter of Nathan and Patience (Converse) Prouty, of Spencer, born Dec. 2, 1784. Resided at Chester, N. Y., died Nov. 7, 1867. Child: 328. Holland, 11 b. in 1819.

153. AMos5 (Amos, 4 James,3 lsaac,2 Richard1), born at Marlborough, Vt., Nov. 25, 1796; married Jan. 28, 1819, Bathsheba_Wa].t,er&. Resided at Rosendale, Wis.; he died Oct. 4, 1841.

154. WoRTHY5 (Amos, 4 James,3 Isaac,2 Richard1), born at Marlborough, Vt., June 22, 1800; married in 1822, Nancy, daughter of Samuel and Abigail (Houghton) Nichols, born at Halifax, Vt., June 27, 1798, died in March, 1870. He was a farmer, residing at Marlborough, Vt.; died of old age Jan. 1, 1887. 88 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Children: 329. i. Norman F.,6 b. April 13, 1824. 330. ii. Elias Spencer, b. Nov. 27, 1825. 111. Harvey, b. Oct. 28, 1827; m. Feb. 2, 1857, Rosina Pratt. iv. Sarah Jane, b. Jan. 10, 1830; m. Aug. 1849, Jesse Edson Gates; res. Bernardston. v. · Phebe Lucinda, b. Aug. 18, 1831; m. ~Iarcus Worden. vi. Nancy Fidelia, b. and d. in 1834. vii. Agnes Jerusha, b. April, 1836; m. Daniel Lazell; res. Dover, Vt. viii. Abigail Maria, b. June 29, 1839; m. Sept. 10, 1863, Gilbert Asa Barber; res. Bernardston. Children: 1. \Villie Aaron Barber, b. Aug. 27, 1864; d. Sept. 26, 1865. 2. Rosella Agnes Barber, b. July 25, 1866; d. Oct. 5, 1882. 3. Erwin Leslie Barber, b. June 29, 1868; m. Nettie L. Cutting. 4. Nancy Belle Barber, b. Nov. 4, 1872; m. Nov. 4, 1896, James B. Parker. ix. Rosella, b. July, 1841; m. at Dover, Vt., July 1, 1857, vVillard V. Stonclift. She is a nurse at Bernardston. Children: 1. Charles Leroy Stanclift, b. Oct. 21, 1860; m. Dec. 25, 1889, Emma Powers. 2. l\Iillard V. Stanclift, b. Sept. 15, 1865; m. Sept., 1888, Phebe Johnson. 3. Grace R. Stanclift, b. Oct. 24, 1872; n1. Feb. 2, 1889, Charles D. Blanchard. 4. Nellie E. Stanclift, b. ~:larch 28, 1887; m. Walter V. Hubbard.

5 4 1 155. CLARK (Amos, James,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Marlborough, Vt., Dec. 26, 1803; married Huldah Carpenter; she died March 24, 187 5. Resided at Marlborough, Vt. He died June 8, 1875. FIFTH GENERATION 89

Children: . 6 1... Eunice 11. , b. Feb. 2, 1832 . 11. George Washington, b. April 8, 1833 . 111. Almira, b. l\Iay 26, 1836. iv. l\Iary Ann, b. April 27, 1838. v. Amos Clark, b. :Yiay 6, 1840; m. June 29, 1878, Amelia Bond. vi. Salina, b. June 6, 1842; m. April 1, 1881, Clark .. Warren . VIL Phebe Ann, b. 1844.

5 1 161. SPENCER (Reuben,4 J ames,3 lsaac,2 Richard ), born at l\iarlborough, Vt., Sept. 20, 1796; married first (intention July 25, 1818), Chloe Bisco, who died Feb. 28, 1823, aged 22 years. He married second, Amelia --. He married third (intention April 14, 1825), Laura Draper, who died April 21, 1831, aged 27 years. He married fourth, Aug. 4, 1831, Mary Bride. He died May 2, 1838; his father remembered "my son Spencer's children'' in his will in 1856. Children:

6 331. i... Almond B., b. in 1821. 11. Chloe, b. 1825; m. l\Iay 21, 1844, Henry H. Sparks. 332. iii. Alden W., b. Nov. 22, 1826. iv. Horace. v. Lusania A., b. 1837; m. Jan. 8, 1856, Edward I. Russell. vi. Laura (Lura).

162. REUBEN5 (Reuben,4 James,3 lsaac,2 Richard!), born at l\1arlborough, Vt., June 17, 1800; married July 13, 1826, Laura \Vhittemore, who died iiarch 18, 1827, aged 24. He married second, at Warren Nov. 4, 1827, Mary W. \Vnitte­ more, of Bolton. Children: 333. i. Alonzo l\Ianley, 6 bapt. July 2, 1830. ii. Dwight O., b. Jan. 12, 1832; d. at ~Iilf ord, "n1er­ chant," Nov. 17, 1886. 90 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

111. George Lewis, bapt. Nov. 4, 1833, d. next day. 1v. Laura L., b. in Leicester; d. in Spencer July 30, 1844, ae. 9 y. v. Harriette J., b. at Spencer in 1837; m. at Upton Nov. 25, 1855, Charles NL Wood. 334. vi. George Lewis, b. Feb. 6, 1839.

163. Fosn1cK5 (Reuben, 4 James,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer May 14, 1808; married Oct. 19, 1831, Sally, daughter of Amos Prouty (No. 41); she died March 1, 1904. Resided at Oakham, Mass.; removed to Marlborough, Vt. Was a farmer. He died Jan. 14, 1861.

Children: . 1. Sally Maria, 6 b. Jan. 28, 1833; m. Nov. 8, 1853, Oscar Smith; she d. Sept. 19, 1906. 335. ii.... Fosdick Plummer, b. at Oakham Apr. 7, 1834. ill. Pauline Victoria, b. Apr. 20, 1840; d. Sept. 18, 1841. 336. iv. Albert Manly, b. July 17, 1842. V. Phebe Ann, b. Oct. 23, 1844; m. Jan. 24, 1871, Charles Tyler Walcott, b. at Readsboro, Vt., Feb. 10, 1833, son of Charles and Mercy (Ballou) Walcott. He is a civil engineer; res. Greenfield. Children: 1. Bertha ~iaria Walcott, b. Apr. 20, 1874; m. Charles H. Slocumb. 2. Clayton Prouty Walcott, b. Nov. 8, 1876. 3. Theodore Ballou Walcott, b. Sept. 15, 1887. vi. Almira Louisa,- b. Aug. 20, 1847; d. Nov. 11, 1851.

5 4 1 164. PLUMMER (Reuben, James,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer Oct. 19, 1809; married at Athol June 30, 1842, Sarah G., daughter of Oliver and Anna (Morse) Holman of Petersham, born April 3, 1811, died at Wilmington, Vt., March 31, 1863. He married second Maria A. -- I-le resided most of his life at Spencer, but died at "\Vilming­ ton, Vt., Jan. 20, 1892. FIFTH GENERATION 91

Children: i. Mary Lucena Taylor,6 b. Aug. 24, 1846; d. Sept. 27, .. 1849. 11. Taylor, twin, d. same day. 337. iii. Jason Ward, b. Oct. 23, 1849. iv. John Holman, b. March 8, 1851; m. at Albany, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1889, Joanna Upton Hill, who d. Feb. 1, 1899. He d. April 5, 1903.

16li. DWIGHT DINSMORE5 (Reuben,4James,3 Isriac,2 Richard1), born at Spencer Nov. 15, 1811; married Dec. 21, 1832, Harriet, daughter of Parley and Lucy (White) Blanchard; she died Feb. 16, 1899, aged 85 years and 19 days. He died at Spencer, Nov. 27, 1879. Children: 338. i. William Brainerd, 1 b. in 1833. 339. ii. Francis N., b. April 28, 1836. lll. Eliza M., b. "at Marlboro, Vt.," 1843; m. at Spencer Oct. 22, 1861, Henry A. Knowlton, b. Wardsboro, Vt. iv. Reuben Dinsmore, b. Jan. 23, 1851. v. Frederick Dinsmore, b. Nov. 15, 1855; d. May 3, 1856.

166. JAMES5 (Reuben, 4 James,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer Sept. 20, 1813; married at Spencer March 25, 1833, Juliann Pierce. Removed to Dummerston, Vt.; afterward to Buffalo, N. Y. Children: i. A child,6 d. in infancy, Jan. 15, 1834. 340. ii. Charles H., "b. at Buffalo, N. Y., in 1850." 341. iii. William J., "b. in 1859."

169. AMos 5 (James; James, 3 Isaac,2 Richard1), born at Spencer Dec. 21, 1815; married there July 28, 1835, Mary L. Stone, born there Feb. 7, 1817, died at Newton, Kan., Feb. 2, 1877. , . He was a farmer and fruit grower. Removed first to 92 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

New Boston, Ill., later to Newton~ Kan. Residing in Illinois, he enlisted in the 27th Illinois Vol. Inf. Aug. 20~ 1861; partici­ pated in the battles of Belmont, Corinth, Iuka, Island No. 10 and Columbus, Ky.; went to Kansas at the head of a colony in 1871, and settled on a homestead ·with his children and grandchildren. Was county commissioner, justice of the peace for years, an ardent temperance worker. He died Jan.• 23, 1906. Children: . 1. Amos, Jr.,6 b. Dec. 26, 1836; d. April 24, 1850 . 342. ii. William Henry, b. Aug. 6, 1838. 343. iii. Sirnon Hewett, b. ~larch 2, 1840. iv. l\'.lary Ellen, b. Feb. 15, 1842; m. (1) Charles R. Black; m. (2) Jan. 2, 1871, Francis l\Iarion l\ioore; res. Jefferson Island, ~Iont. 344. v. John ~Iurray, b. Feb. 21, 1844. 345. vi. Andrew Franklin, b. Feb. 1, 1846. 346. vii. Henry Wallace, b. Nov. 19, 1848. viii. ~!aria Emeline, b. April 3, 1851; d. July 5, 1851. 347. ix. Le-wis Augustus, b. Oct. 20, 1852. x. Alice Jane, b. Oct. 3, 1854; m. July 27, 1871, Clinton Pullen; res. Portland, Ore. xi. Luna Ann, b. June 14, 1857; m. Dec. 25, 1878, Frank Elias Streeter; res. Lawrence, Kan.

5 1 171. ARTEMAS (Elijah,4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer Nov. 18, 1788; married July 10, 1816, Clarissa, daugh­ ter of James and Lydia Snow, born Oct. 14, 1792, died March 21, 1869. - He was a farmer; lived on the place "~hich his father had tilled before him, and on ·which his son La,vson resides (1910 ). He died Jan. 13, 1865.

Children: 348. i. Artemas Warren,6 b. ~larch 30, 1817. . . ll. Elijah Anselm, b. ~larch 10, 1819; d. July 29, 1820 . n1. Elijah Anselm, b. }lay 11, 1821; d. unm. :\larch 5, 1893. FIFTH GENERATION 93

349. iv. Lawson, b. Jan. 12, 1826. 350. v. Walton, b. :VIay 21; bapt. Sept. 4, 1829. 351. vi. Salen1, b. Aug. 3, 1833.

5 1 172. PLINY (Elijah/ Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer May 14, 1791; married April 20, 1818, Melissa, daughter of William and Judith Goss (Walker) Holmes, of New Braintree, born Feb. 1, 1796, died April 19, 1871. He was a farmer at Spencer; he died Aug. 22, 1864. Children: i. Anna,6 b. Feb. 10, 1819; n1. :\Iay 18, 1841, Bezaleel W. Shedd of Springfield, Vt.; res. North Brookfield. 352. ii. Schuyler, b. Jan. 9, 1820. 353. iii. Benjamin, b. Feb. 15, 1821. 354. iv. William Elijah, b. April 26, 1822. v. Liania, b. Oct. 9, 1823; m. l\tlarch 27, 1845, Charles Uriah Barton, of New Braintree. vi. Pliny, b. Jan. 12, 1827; d. Feb. 9, 1846. 356. vii. Levi, b. Sept. 15, 1831. viii. Judith Holmes, b. Aug. 13, 1833; m. April 27, 1859, Nathan Sun1ner Dickinson, of No. Brookfield . . He was b. at No. Brookfield Aug. 31, 1836. Served in Company C. 25th i\1ass. regt. Vol. Infantry, and d. of wounds received at battle of Cold Harbor June 3, 1864. Children: 1. George Sun1ner Dickinson, b. Feb. 18, 1860; m. June 27, 1893, Mabel C. (Allen) Doone. Dau. Prouty Dickinson, b. Aug. 17, 1906. 2. Charles Levi Dickinson, b. Aug. 3, 1861; m. Oct. 19, 1899, Susie Eugenie Thon1p­ son. Son, Roger Francis Dickinson, b. Sept. 16, 1904. 357. ix. Calvin Rand, b. Oct. 18, 1835.

5 4 1 173. ELIJAH (Eli8ha, Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer Aug. 20, 1785; married there Oct. 4, 1808, Mary Bartlett. 94 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

5 1 174. ELrSHA (Elisha4, Isaac,3 lsaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer Jan. 5, 1801, baptized Nov. 8, 1814; married April 4, 1827, Mary B., daughter of Aaron and Deborah (Bellows) Coggswell, born at Paxton April 27, 1804, died at Spencer Jan. 18, 1890. He was a farmer at Spencer; he died Sept. 12, 1859. Children: i. · Almira,8 b. Jan. 30, 1829; m. May 10, 1853, Calvin P. Woodbury; she d. ~lay 17, 1903. ii. Elizabeth D., b. Jan. 21, 1830; m. Dec. 30, 1852, Royal Coombs. Shed. March 3, 1891. 358. iii. Horace Elisha, b. April 15, 1831. iv. Louise, b. Sept. 26, 1832; resides at Worcester. v. Harriet C., b. l\Iay 21, 1835; m. March 26, 1859, Samuel E. Lawrence; res. Worcester. vi. Clara, b. ~Iay 15, 1836; m. Oct. 13, 1870, Martin N. Hardy. vii. Angeline F., b. Dec. 18, 1838; m. Nov. 26, 1862, William S. Hillman, of Brookfield; rem. to Tus­ carora, Nev. viii. Mary A., b. April 7, 1840; d. unm. Oct. 3, 1888. ix. Martha, twin of Mary, d. Sept 4, 1840. x. Addison D., b. June 17, 1843; served in Co. I, 52d Ill. Vol. Inf., and d. at Beaufort, N. C., Feb. 24, 1865. xi. Austin, b. Oct. 9, 1844; d. July 25, 1846.

175. TH:AxTER5 (Elisha, 4 Isaac, 3 lsaac, 2 Richard!), born at Spencer March 29, 1803; married there April 5, 1827, Eliza, daµghter of Samuel and Abigail Woodward, born at Pomfret, Conn., died in Boston Aug. 19, 1869. He resided at North Brookfield; died March 13, 1860. Children: 359. i.. . George Henry, 6 b. at Spencer Aug. 12, 1827. 11. Thomas vVilson, b. Oct. 9, 1828; d. June 23, 1829. 111. A child, d. Aug. 25, 1830, ae. 3 weeks.

5 1 176. CHARLES (Joseph,4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer May 7, 1800; married Oct. 24, 1827, Eunice, daughter FIFTH GENERATION 95 of Henry and Betsey Watson, who died March 10, 1885, aged 83 years, 3 months and 5 days. He died Oct. 14, 1877. His will, dated Oct. 4, 1877, was filed Feb. 19, 1878; he bequeathed to his wife, his daughter Mary Ann Hastings and his son Thomas A. Prouty, making the latter executor of the will. Children: . I. A child,8 d. Jan. 20, 1832, ae. 3 y . 360. ii. Augustus Charles, b. Dec. 5, 1832. iii. Almira L., b'. in 1835; m. Nov. 18, 1857, Amos E. . Kittredge. IV. Thomas A . 361. v. Henry J., b. in 1838. vi. Calvin Luther, or Luther Calvin, b. in 1843; m. Jan. 24, 1866, Sarah C., dau. of Roswell and .. Abigail Bisco . Vll. Mary Ann, b. in 1852; m. Mar. 25, 1874, Wilfred G. Hastings.

177. CYRus5 (Joseph, 4 lsaac,3 lsaac,2 Richard1),- born at Spencer Sept. 14, 1802; married first May 12, 1831, Mary Anne Bride; she died Aug. 8, 1836, aged 24. He married second, July 2~, 1849, Hannah D., daughter of Josiah and Betsey; she died May 27, 1882, aged 66 years. He died May 11, 1851. Children: i. Sarah C.,• b. in 1833; m. June 2, 1852, George L. Snow of Paxton. 364. ii. George C., b. in 1836.

. 178. CALVIN LuTHER5 (Joseph,4 lsaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer March 6, 1809; married April 25, 1838, Mary L., daughter of Elijah and Mary Russell, born at Sunder­ land Nov. 6, 1814, died at Worcester May 6, 1901, "aged 86 years and 6 months." He ".,.as engaged in the manufacture of wire at Hadley and later of nails at Worcester. He died Jan. 19, 1884. 96 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

5 1 179. JosEPH HoRACE (Joseph,4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer, baptized Oct. 30, 1818; married at Worcester Oct. 1, 1846, Olive, daughter of Daniel and Olive Tatman, born June 25, 1816, died Oct. 1, 1896. He died at Spencer Aug. 25, 187 4, and his estate was ad­ ministered on Sept. 1, 1874, by his only surviving child, Franklin T.

Children: 365. i. Franklin T.,6 b. in 1850. ii. John Rufus, b. 1\-larch 2, 1855; d. before his father.

180. JOHN NAZR05 (Thomas,4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard1), born at Spencer Jan. 10, 1794; married May 9, 1821, Melinda, daughter of Thomas and Olive Luther, born in 1801; she survived Mr. Prouty and died Dec. 23, 1881. He was a captain of militia, a member of the board of selectmen, a man of affairs. He died at Worcester, being run over by a stage coach, Sept. 2, 1848.

Children: 367. ..i. Thomas Austin,6 b. Aug. 11, 1822. 11. lVIelinda A., b. l\ilarch 8, 1824; m. l\ilay 19, 1846, John Rockwood, of Paxton. 111. John, b. in 1828; m. March 14, •1858, Sarah Bullard. Rem. to Watertown, N. Y. 368. iv. Theodore C., b. in 1829. 369. v. Isaac Lothrop, b. Jan. 30, 1831. vi. Vernon, b. June 7, 1834; d. lVIay 19, 1906.

5 1 181. HOMER RAMSDELL (Thomas,4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), b(?rn at Spencer Oct. 29, 1796; married Nancy, daughter of Ashbell and Eleanor (Mixter) Allen, born Dec. 29, 1800, died May 8, 1875. He resided at North Brookfield; was a farmer and a woolen manufacturer; town assessor for many years. He died Sept. 19, 1876. FIFTH GENERATION 97

Children: 370. i. Isaac Thomas, 6 b. Dec. 20, 1820. ii. Christopher Augustus, b. Dec. 10, 1821; d. Oct. 2, 1846. 371. iii. Albert Horace, b. July 15, 1823. iv. Sarah Jane, b. April 7, 1825; m. Nov. 25, 1847, Joseph Rawson. Son: Charles A. Rawson. 372. v. Alexander Van Rensselaer, b. July 24, 1827. 373. vi. John N azro, b. Jan. 21, 1830. 374. vii. Lucius Marius, b. June 17, 1832. 375. viii. Charles Ramsdell, b. April 4, 1834. 376. ix. Elphonzo Wood, b. ~lay 2, 1836. x. George Sylvester, b. Sept. 14, 1838; d. June 5, 1864 of wounds received in the service of the U. S. in battle a year before. 377. xi. Henry Myrick, b. March 14, 1841. 378. xii. Dwight Homer, b. Nov. 10, 1843.

182. lsAAc5 (Thornas, 4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer Dec. 9, 1798; married first, June 8, 1826, Mary Jane, daughter of John and Mary Fisk Goodell, born July 14, 1803, died Dec. 5, 1837; he married second, Oct. 20, 1840, Mary Ann, daughter of Charles Lewis and Sophia (Browning) N e-wton, born ~eh. 20, 1812, died July 20, 1875. Captain Isaac Prouty was a remarkable man. His father dying when the lad was but twelve years old, he was "bound out" to a shoemaker, who covenanted to teach him the trade, clothe him, give him opportunity to attend the district school, and pay him one hundred dollars when he was twenty-one years old. He bought his freed om from the contract when he was nineteen, and went to work as a journeyman. After a while he married; but soon after an employer failed, and the young husband received only $120 for $1200 due for his laborious toil. His good mother-in-law said wisely to him.: " Isaac, you must not let this discourage you; you are young and can earn more." He took the advice and persevered till he was at the head of the town's largest industry. From very small quarters at North Spencer he advanced to a well­ equipped shop, five stories high, at Spencer center, and from 98 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY acting distributer of work for neighbors to the head of a great boot and shoe-making house with interstate reputation and high standing. Three of his sons, Lewis Wilder, George Porter and Charles Newton, were in due time admitted to partner­ ship with him, and the eldest of these became general manager. In 1872 the father and this son both died of pneumonia within a few days, causing the firm a severe strain. But the father's indomitable spirit and tremendous energy was inherited by the three sons who survived, and they continued the expansion of the business; in the next fourteen years the out­ put of the factory increased fourfold; in 1894 the house was incorporated as Isaac Prouty & Co., and goes on strongly. Captain Prouty was a serious, hard-working man, diligent and practical; he gave little attention to sport and relaxation; his life was an illustration of the value of toil and economy to one'.s self and to the community where he dwells; Spencer has received large increase in population and wealth through Captain Prouty's persistent and successful career and that of the sons and grandsons, developed along his pathway and the progress of the house he founded. He died Jan. 26, 1872.

Children: 379. i. John Goodell,8 b. April 19, 1827. 380. ii. Lewis Wilder, b. Jan. 24, 1829. 381. iii. George Porter, b. Sept. 12, 1831. iv. Ellen Smith, b. Oct. 31, 1833; m. Dec. 31, 1857, Hezekiah P. Starr; she d. Jan. 7, 1860. v. Jason Wood, b. March 25, 1837; d. Sept. 9, 1838. vi. Jane Elizabeth, b. May 28, d. Nov. 4, 1841. 382. vii. Charles Newton, b. Oct. 6, 1842. viii. Mary Ann, b. June 1, 1844. ix. Julia Elizabeth, b. Nov. 14, 1845. x. Lois Jane, b. i1arch 28, 1847; m. June 20, 1871, Frank Eugene Dunton, son of Warren Hamilton and Eliza (Jones) Dunton, b. Aug. 28, 1846. Res. Spencer. Children: 1. Lewis Warren Dunton, b. Nov. 3, 1872; m. June 28, 1905, Grace Darling Taylor. FIFTH GENERATION 99

2. Charles Erastus Dunton, b. Dec. 25, 1876; m. Oct. 11, 1898, Cora Maria Watson. 3. Florence Prouty Dunton_, b. Sept. 14, 1880. 383. xi. Jason Wood, b. ~fay 14, 1848.

190. ELIJAH D. 5 (William,4 William,3 William, 2 Richard!), born at Scituate April 19, 1798; married first, at Abington April 29, 1823, Sybil Hobart; she died there Jan. 3, 1826, "aged 20." He married second April 26, 1827, at Hanover, Mary, daughter of Hezekiah and Jane Stodder; she died at South Scituate May 2, 1862. He died May 23, 1849. Children: i. Mary Ann Hobart,6 b. Nov. 27, 1823; d. early. ii. Lucy Lapham, b. Dec. 28, 1825; m. Jan. 1, 1846, Daniel Ehnes, of Scituate. m. Sybil Hubbard, b. Jan. 23, 1828; m. June 27, 1847, Elbridge L. Leach. iv. Nathaniel, b. June 3, 1830. v. Isabelle M., b. July 4, 1833; m. Nov. 24, 1853, Riley E. Jenkins. 384. vi. Elijah, b. Nov. 26, 1836. vii. Hannah E., b. July 1, 1840; m. at No. Bridgewater July 2, 1866, Charles P. Talbot. viii. Mary Ann, b. Nov. 16, 1845; m. Nov. 11, 1866, J. Warren Chamberlin.

191. WILLIAM5 (W,;,"lliam, 4 William,3 William,2 Richard!), born at Scituate Aug. 18, 1802; married June 8, 1825, Priscilla, daughter of Elijah and Mary (Orcutt) Hobart, of Abington; born Jan. 4, 1803, at Abington, died at Norwell Jan. 14, 1892. He resided in South Scituate; was a farmer. His three sons served in the Union cause in 1861-5. He died Dec. 6, 1883. Children: . 1. Benjamin Williams,6 b. July 23, 1828; m. Oct. 31, 1906, Lucretia ~I. Early, of Palmyra, Pa. He d. April 23, 1907. 385. ii. William, b. Dec. 23, 1833. 386. iii. John Hobart, b. June 15, 1839. 100 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

5 1 192. LINCOLN (William,4 William,3 William,2 Richard ), born at Scituate Sept. 2, 1804; married Nov. 13, 1825, Rebekah House, who died Feb. 23, 1891, at the great age of 90 years, 3 months and 19 days. He died at South Scituate Feb. 26, 1871. Children: . I. . James Lincoln,6 b. 1Iay 25, 1826; m. Sept. 26, 1847, .. Caroline A. Ewell; she d. Nov. 24, 1894. 11. Lucy Lapham, b. Jan. 4, 1829; n1. Oct. 6, 1845, David P. Robinson at Hanover. 111. Rebekah Hobart, b. Oct. 13, 1831; n1. Oct. 20, 1850, Joseph Simmons, of Hingham. iv. ~Iatilda l\L, b. Oct. 28, 1841; m. Jan. 6, 1859, Seth Litchfield of Hingham.

5 4 3 2 1 193. IsAAc (William, William, William, Richard ), born at Scituate Oct. 22, 1818; married at Hanover Aug. 30, 1840, Matilda P., daughter of Otis and Margaret (Blackington) Harding, of Hingham; she died at Rockland April 24, 1890, aged 66 years, 2 months and 21 days. He died at Scituate Nov. 23, 1883. Children born at Scituate: 387. i. Oliver B.,6 b. July 11, 1841. 388. ii. Orlando C., b. Aug. 24, 1843. iii. Henrietta, b. July 7, 1847; m. Nov. 9, 1865, Joseph B. Stetson. 389. iv. Frederick Wyman, b. Feb. 10, 1849. v. Ida, b. Dec. -7, 1851; m. April 13, 1873, Charles A. Wood. vi. Ellen ~1aria, b. Nov. 19, 1854; m. Aug. 19, 1875, Charles E. Hyland.

5 3 1 195. GALEN (Richard,4 TVilliam, William,2 Richard ), born at Holden Jan. 26, 1803; married (published at Shutes­ bury Nov. 20, 1827) l\iaria Russell of Belchertown. She joined him in deed of lands at B. and Amherst in 1830. He bought a place in Shutesbury in 1824. FIFTH GENERATION 101

Children: . I. Elisha Russell,6 b. at Shutesbury Oct. 27, 1828 . .. 11. Henry Augustus, b. April 6, 1830 . u1. Richard Munroe, b. n1arch 4, 1834.

196. R1cHARD5 (Richard, 4 William, 3 William, 2 Richard!), born at Holden Sept. 7, 1805; married first (published at Shutesbury Oct. 30, 1826), Ann Patterson, of Enfield. Child: 389a. J arnes Oliver,6 b. at Shutesbury Aug. 4, 1828.

197. JAMES BARRELL5 (Richard,4 William,3 W1:lliam, 2 Rich­ ard1), born at Holden Aug. 5, 1807; married first, April 26, 1831, Huldah H., daughter of Spencer Rowe; she died Oct. 23, 1831. He married second (intention at Shutesbury April 10, 1833), Florella, daughter of Elijah and Rowena Graves, of Sunderland; she died Aug. 5, 1873, " aged 67 years, 2 months.'' He resided at Sunderland; was a chair manufacturer. He died July 29, 1892. Children: . 1... Frederick Augustus,6 b. Dec. 9, 1834; d. April 1, 1841 . 11. Fanny Augusta, twin with Frederick A.; m. at Sunderland Nov~ 28, 1856, Lewis Wolcott Fair­ child. 111. Charles E., son of Hubbard and Laura (Ingram) Eaton, b. at Amherst Dec. 5, 1846; was adopted by J a111es B. Prouty at Sunderland at an early age; mentioned in his will as "my adopted son, Charles E. Prouty"; m. ~Tarch 10, 1868: Corinthia S., daughter of John A. Walker, of l\!looers Forks, N. Y.; she ,vas born Jan. 30, 1844. He removed from Sunderland in 187 4 to Putney, Vt. Children: 1. Frederick Alanson,' b. :\-larch 2; d. Aug. 5, 1873. 102 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

2. Charles Arthur, b. lVIay 6, 1874; grad. Ontario Veterinary College; res. Hart­ ford, Conn. 3. Grace Isabelle, b. Jan. 23, 1876. 4. William Frederick, b. Aug. 15, 1879.

5 4 3 2 1 198. BENJAMIN (Richard, William, William, Richard ), born at Shutesbury Aug. 23, 1814; married first Henrietta P. Andrews, who died July 14, 1858, "aged 44 years." He married second, Dec. 21, 1858, Laura A. Holden, of Water­ town, N. Y. He was a cabinet maker and merchant. Resided at Am­ herst and Northampton. He died May 7, 1874. Children: 390. i. Benjamin Franklin,8 b. April 8, 1837. 391. ii. William H., b. Aug., 1840. 392. iii. Edward F., b. Jan., 1842. iv. Emma E., b. in 1856; m. Jan. 14, 1875, J. T. Merry. v. Henrietta P., b. July 11, 1858; m. April 17, 1878, Frank Henry Leach.

199. WILLIAM DuNBAR5 (Richard, 4 William, 3 William,2 Richard:), born at Shutesbury Oct. 18, 1822; married first at Deerfield in December, 1848, Orpha T., daughter of E. G. and J.B. Stebbins, aged 22, born at Deerfield, died at Worces­ ter June 23, 1861, "aged 34 years, 10 months and 26 days." He married second, at Greenfield Nov. 29, 1862, Mrs. Anne E., daughter of Jonathan and Nancy (Jones) Slate, born at Shel­ burne July 7, 1827, died March 14, 1893. He resided at Worcester. Children: i. ~Iary E.,8 b. 1849; m. Nov. 3, 1873, Henry C. Nor- cross of Springfield. ii. Alice lVI., b. 1851; m. Aug. 4, 1873, George A. Under­ wood.

5 1 200. HENRY H. (Jesse,4 William,3 William,2 Richard ), born at Scituate Sept. 23, 1803; married Delia C., daughter FIFTH GENERATION 103 of Josiah and Eunice (Crocker) Blossom, born at West Barns­ table, died at Malden Feb. 23, 1902, " aged 85 years, 1 month and 25 days." He removed to Chelsea, was a housewright. He died at Taunton Aug. 31, 1863. Children: i. Ellen F.,6 b. 1837; m. March 22, 1857, William H. Crocker, of Urbana, Ill. 393. ii. George, b. ·Nov. 6, 1845. iii. · Albert Blossom, b. May 31, 1848; d. unm. Dec. 8, 1868. iv. Henry H., Jr., d. Feb. 5, 1860, ae. 21 y. 9 mo. 7 d. v. Susan H., d. Aug. 10, 1860, ae. 19 y. 5 mo. 20 d.

201. HARRIS GILMAN5 (Jesse, 4 William,3William,2 Richard!), born at Scituate April 4, 1807; roamed at Abington Oct. 23, 1828, Lavinia Shaw, of Abington, born Oct. 2, 1810, died Aug. 19, 1870. He resided at Abingtqn; was a bootmaker and farmer. He died Oct. 19, 1869. Children: 394. i. Henry Hersey," b. Aug. 27, 1830. ii. Lavinia, b. 1831; m. Jan. 2, 1857, William W. Fish. 111. Charles S., b. April 13, 1833. 394a.iv. William Harrison, b. May 9, 1836. v. Emma Frances, b. April 8, 1839; m. Nov. 24, 1874, James W. McDonald; res. Stoneham. vi. Emily Ann, b. Sept. 4, 1840; d. June 6, 1877. vii. Joseph L., b. 1845; d. Aug. 27, 1868. 395. viii. John N., b. Dec. 10, 1851. ix. Marcia H., b. Jan. 17, 1857.

202. JESSE5 (Jesse/ William,3 William,2 Richard!), born at Scituate Oct. 13, 1817; married at Abington Sept. 8, 1842, Betsey P. Soper, of Hanson, daughter of G. and C. Soper; she survived Mr. Prouty and married second Jan. 21, 1863, Charles H. "\Vhiting. Resided at Hanson. He died July 2, 1861. 104 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Children: i. Francis L., 6 b. 184 7; d. Sept. 27, 1863. ii. Jesse, d. Oct. 27, 1849. 111. Catherine M., b. June 22, 1850. 396. iv. Leroy Prescott, b. in 1860.

203. JOSEPH ELBRIDGE5 (Jesse, 4 William, 3 William, 2 Rich­ ard1 ), born at Scituate June 17, 1823; married Charlotte J., daughter of Gad and Charlotte J. (Josselyn) Soper, born at Hanson; died there Oct. 18, 1903, aged 74 years and 5 days. Children: . I. Joseph E., 11 b. at Hanson June 18, 1850; d. Sept. 19, .. 1851. 397 ...11. Charles Orlando, b. Dec. 27, 1853. Ill. William H., b. at Hanson, Aug. 6, 1855; d. April . 10, 1865. lV. Walter F., b. at Hanson April 14, 1862; d. Sept. 20, 1862.

1 3 2 1 204. V ANIAH (David,' David, William, Richard ), born at Hanover April 9, 1801; married Sept. 11, 1822, Ruth, daugh­ ter of Isaac and Ruth (Mann) Wilder, born at Hingham March 9, 1803, died at Boston, Sept. 19, 1889. He kept the Half-Way House at Scituate some years. He died at Dorchester July 4, 1866. Children: . I. Vaniah Franklin,' b. Feb. 8, 1823; d. unm. at Bridge- water Aug. 30, 1855. 398. ii. John Wilder, b. Aug. 26, 1825. 111. Isaac A., b. Jan. 1829; d. at Boston April 22, 1876. iv. Ruth Ann, b. 1835; m. at Dorchester l\ilarch 19, 1863, Charles Barnard Fox, b. at Newburyport.

5 1 205. LoRENZ0 (David,4 David,3 William,2 Richard ), born at Scituate May 3, 1806; married at Dorchester Oct. 11, 1837, Lucy Withington, daughter of John and Lucy (Withington) Mears, born there Sept. 13, 1818, died in 1898. FIFTH GENERATION 105

He entered into the manufacture and sale of ploughs and other agricultural implements with his father in Hanover and became a member of the firm of Prouty, ~fears and Com­ pany in Boston. Developed much ability in the business and carried it on very successfully. See article on his father. He died at Canton in 1872. Children: 399. i... Lorenzo, Jr.,6 b. Oct. 22, 1838. 11. Lucy Caroline, b. Sept. 6, 1840; m. Sept. 4, 1867, John D. Van Nuys, b. at Roycefield, N. J., l\ifay 18, 1831; d. July 26, 1896. Was a merchant at Peoria, ill. Children: 1. Frank Prouty Van N uys, b. May 15; d. Sept. 2, 1869. 2. Louis Baker Van Nuys, b. May 4, 1872; m. Jennie Etta Brainerd. 3. John Mears Van Nuys, b. May 16, 1876. iii. Ellen Maria, b. Oct. 18, 1842; m. Feb. 27, 1865, Lemuel Conant Grosvenor, ~f.D.; res. at Chicago, Ill.; shed. Jan. 19, 1874; Dr. Grosvenor res. (1910) at Taunton. Children: - 1. Nellie Caroline Grosvenor, b. April 24, 1866; d. April 1, 1868. 2. Lorenzo Nelson Grosvenor, b. Feb. 2, 1868; M.D., eye and ear specialist at Chicago, Ill. 3. Wallace Fahnstock Grosvenor, b. Jan. 4, 1870; iLD.; res. Chicago, Ill. 4. Ellen Elfreda Grosvenor, b. Dec. 26, 1873; d. Aug. 12, 1874.

5 4 3 2 1 206. DAVID 0sBORNE (David, David, William, Richard ), born at Hanover June 7, 1818; married in New York City April 27, 1843, Sarah Ann Gray; she died at Dorchester Jan. 28, 1907. He was a manufacturer of hot air furnaces and a dealer in agricultural implements, etc. Resided some years at 106 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Philadelphia, Pa., and later at a place near Bordentown in Burlington County, N. J. He died in April, 1855. After his death the widow returned to Massachusetts and lived at Charlestown till her last years. Children: i. Lydia Ann,8 b. Sept. 27, 1845; m. (1) Jan. 13, 1864, Samuel Waitt; m. (2) April 3, 1870, John Jones, Jr.; m. (3) April 27, 1893, John F. Leonard; res. Boston. ii. David Osborne, b. March, 1848; grew up, became a locksmith; d. unm. June 22, 1897. 400. iii. George Washington, b. Nov. 28, 1852. SIXTH GENERATION

208. ELIJAH H.6 (Elijah, 5 Elijah, 4 Richard, 3 Edward, 2 Richard!), married at Brattleboro, Vt. April 25, 1836, Laura Cates. ·

209. LEMUEL DrcKERMAN6 (Elijah,5 Elijah, 4 Richard,3 Ed­ ward,2 Richard!), married first, Luceba Adams, who died in 1845. Married second, Helen M. Gale; married third, at Brattleboro, Vt., Nov. 7, 1854, Nancy H. Gladden, who died at Cleveland, 0., in 1897. He resided some time at Brattleboro, Vt.; removed to Kent, 0 ., was a tinner and merchant. Children: 401. i. Charles Dickerman/ b. June 9, 1843. ii. Helen, m. Feb. 1899, Charles Ewell; res. Kent, 0. iii. Carrie, m. David Marshall; res. Kent, 0. 402. iv. Leonard W., b. in 1851. ,

210. SALMON DAY6 (Elijah,5 Elijah, 4 Richard, 3 Edward,2 Richard!), bo~ Nov. 18, 1819; married at Brattleboro, Vt. Dec. 28, 184 7, Rhoda S. Hill of Athol. Resided from his youth at Athol; was a farmer. He died Dec. 2, 1890, aged "71 years and 16 days." Children: . ..I. Abner Orcutt,7 b. July 18, 1850 . 11. Elijah Day, b. May 12, 1853; d. Nov. 13, 1862. 111. Lucy Sophia, b. Jan. 23, 1855; m. -- Waite. iv. Samuel Elijah, b. Feb. 6, 1868.

211. CHARLES STEWART6 (Elijah,5 Elijah/ Richard,3 Ed­ 1 ward,2 Ricliard ), born at Brattleboro, Vt., July 21, 1822; married at Brattleboro, Vt., Sept. 20, 1846, Marion Taft, of Dummerston, Vt. He died Dec. 9, 1881. Child: Florence J., 7 b. Oct. 24, 1860; d. Feb. 17, 1871. 107 108 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

212. FRANCIS D. 6 (Elijah,5 Elijah,4 Richard,3 Edward,2 Rich­ ardt), born Feb. 10, 1827; married at Brattleboro, Vt., March 28, 1847, Sophia F. Pike. He died Oct. 1, 1863, "aged 36 years, 6 months and 21 days."

213. WILLIAM CuNE6 (Elisha,5 Elijah,4 Richard,3 Edward/' 1 Richard ); born at Brattleboro, Vt., Aug. 25, 1808; married June 21, 1835, Adelaide Amelia, daughter of Henry and Adelphia (Converse) Wheelock, born at Wardsboro, Vt., Aug. 28, 1812, died Dec. 8, 1894. He was a merchant at New York City till 1843, when he removed to Byron, Ill.; after a few years to Pecatonica, Ill.; later to Rockford, Ill., where he died Sept. 8, 1878. Children: . I... William Henry,7 b. and d. in 1837 . ll. William Henry, b. and d. in 1839. iii. Adelaide Amelia, b. Nov. 14, 1841; m. Sept. 1, 1864, Dr. Thomas Mifflin Butler of Pecatonica, Ill. Children: 1. Annie Carritt Butler, b. May 7, 1866. 2. William Henry Prouty Butler, b. Oct. 13, 1867; m. March 1890, Mary A. Bukee: ch. N onnan Herbert Butler. iv. Henry Erastus Hesketh, b. Nov. 22, 1848; d. Oct. 20, 1885. 405. V. Frederick Charles, b. April 7, 1854.

214. JoHN PLUMMER6 {Elisha,5 Elijah, 4 Richard,3 Edward,2 Richardt), born at Brattleboro, Vt., Sept. 30, 1811; baptized with others Nov. 8, 1818; married at B., Nov. 28, 1841, Harriet McCune, who died Jan. 31, 1885. He was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was living at Perkinsville, Vt., at the time of his marriage. Removed to Vineland, N. J., ·where he died Oct. 23, 1885.

215. ELISHA ,,rHIT~EY6 (Elisha,5 Elijah, 4 Richard,3 Edward,2 Richardt), born at Brattleboro, Vt., l\farch 8, 1814; married SIXTH GENERATION 109

Nov. 5, 1840, Beda G., daughter of Josiah and Susan W. (Dickerman) Putnam, born at Cobleskill, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1817. She died Nov. 11, 1910. He resided at Brattleboro; died Nov. 8, 1848. Children: 406. i. George Burpy,7 b. Dec. 26, 1841. ii. Helen Field, b. Aug. 21, 1846; m. Dec. 29, 1869, Henry Hyde Miller, of Brattleboro. Child: Alice 'Miller.

6 4 1 216. HENRY (Elisha,5 Elijah, Richard,3 Edward,2 Richard ), born at Brattleboro, Vt., Sept. 30, 1820; married Ellen Cargill. Removed to New York City. He died Dec. 20, 1885. Child: George,7 b. in 1853; d. April 5, 1909.

217. FREDERICK DAVID6 (Elisha,5 Eliiah,4 Richard,3 Ed­ ward,2 Richard!), born at Brattleboro, Vt., Nov. 24, 1829; married July 28, 1853, Harriet, daughter of Anthony and Orpha (Williams) Casad, born at Bellefontaine, 0., Jan. 22, 1834, died of uremic poisoning June 24, 1909. He has been a dealer in farming implements at Columbus, and at Worthington, 0. Children: i: Alice ~I., 7 b. Nov. 18, 1859. ii. Sarah W., b. June 7, 1862.

218. IsAAc R. 6 (Isaac/ Richard/ Richard,3 Edward,2 Rich­ ard1), born at Shutesbury June 6, 1820; married first (pub­ lished at Shutesbury Jan. 2, 1841), Eliza Erwin, of Pelham. He married second, at Oxford Dec. 6, 1864, l\Irs. Mary Ann (lVIcGinn) Johnson. He married third, at Shutesbury June 4, 1868, Abbie, daughter of Darwin E. and Lavinia (Field) Ball. Resided at Southbridge in 1864. He was a shoemaker; he died at Boston Oct. 4, 1893. 110 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

219. FORRESTER A. 6 (Isaac,5 Richard,4 Richard,3 Edward,2 Richardt), born at Shutesbury May 18, 1826; married first at New Salem April 21, 1846, Mary Elvina, daughter of M. L. and Polly Pratt, born at Petersham. She died in April, 1889. He married second Julia I. --, who survived him. He resided at Brattleboro, Vt., in 1857; removed to Bel­ chertown; was a harness maker. He died Dec. 11, 1902. Children: 409. i. Emerson Forrester,7 b. April 22, 1846. 410. ii. Martin Luther, b. March 27, 1850. 411. iii. Judson Isaac, b. at Brattleboro, Vt., ~larch 9, 1857. iv. Etta L., b. at B. Nov. 10, 1864; d. ~lay 6, 1870.

220. EDWARD ["Edward W."]6 (Isaac,5 Richard, 4 Richard,3 Edward,2 Richardt), born in 1830; married at Shutesbury Aug. 2, 1852, Elizabeth, daughter of Franklin and Asenath (Sanderson) Peirce; she survived him and married second, John N. Smith, and married third, Charles J. Bolton; resides (1910) at Amherst. He resided at West Brookfield. He served in Co. F., 15th Mass. Vol. Inf., in the War of the Rebellion; was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg July 3, and died July 15, 1863. Children: . I. Edward R.,1 b. at Pelham, Oct. 29, 1856; d. -­ 431. ii. Emory, b. at W. Brookfield, Jan. 7, 1859. 111. Edward, b. 1861; d. Oct. 26, 1864. 1v. Mary Etta, m. at Worcester, Nov. 12, 1878, :oilichael F. Kneeland. -

221. CHARLES 8.6 (Stephen F.,5 Francis, 4 Richard,3 Edward,2 Richardt), born at Brattleboro, Vt., in March. 1825; married July 4, 1855, Cornelia M. Barrett, of Hinsdale, N. H. He died at Brattleboro, \Tt., Jan. 15, 1882.

223. IsAAC M. 6 (Jason,5 Elisha,4 Richard,3 Edward,2 Rich­ ardt), born at Sterling in 1812; married Philinda \Vright, born May 16, 1810; died at "\Vest Brookfield June 6, 1862. SIXTH GENERATION 111

Children: . I... Marietta,7 b. Aug. 11, 1842 . ll. Celia M., b. 1844; m. at Brookfield Dec. 17, 1866, Herbert C. Griswold. iii. Hannah R., b. Jan. 21, 1847; m. at Ware Oct. 4, 1863, George W. Gault. iv. Ann Jenette, b. Jan. 13, 1853.

224:. JACOB C. 6 (Jason,5 Elisha; Richard,3 Edward,2 Rich­ ard!), born at 1826; married at Ashfield Jan. 6, 1859, Dolly, daughter of Olin Bardwell, born at Sherburne in 1835. He died at Ashfield Sept. 22, 1888.

225. ELIJAH KING6 (Samuel,5 Samuel,4 Jacob,3 lsaac,2 Richard!), born at Charlestown, N. H., 1801; married first, Cynthia--, who died at Waterford, Vt.; he married second, in 1838, Mary Ann, daughter of Lyman and Polly Converse, of Lyme, N. H.; she died at Foxboro May 17, 1888. He was a teacher of music, composer of sacred and secular music; taught at the seminary at Newbury, Vt.; held musical Conventions; was long chorister at the Congregational Church. He died at N~wbury Sept. 26, 1869. Children: 435. i... Beriah Loomis,7 b. Oct. 14, 1831. ll. Chloe Emeline, b. Dec. 22, 1833; m. Charles F. John­ son, of Lyme, N. -H.; rem. to Minneapolis, Minn. n1. Elijah King, Jr., b. March, 1836; served in Civil War; officer in a colored regiment; d. at Birn1ing­ ham, Ala., 1888. iv. l\!Iary Jane, b. 1842; d. 1859. v. Edith Josephine, b. July 30, 1855; m. at Boston July 16, 1885, Joseph N. Holbrook.

226. A.MARIAH TAFT6 (Thomas S.,5 Samuel,4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 1 Ricliard ), born at Langdon, N. H.; married at Townshend, Vt., Nov. 7, 1826, Sophia Ransom of Townshend. He resided at Glens Falls, N. Y. 112 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

227. THOMAS STEPHENS6 (Artemas,5 Samuel,4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Langdon, N. H., in 1812; married Susan Stephens. He died at Boston Jan. 8, 1885. Child: 7 438. George Carleton •

228. AR.TEMAS6(Artemas, 5 Samuel,4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Charlestown, N. H.; married Frances Evans. He resided at New Bedford in 1851. Removed to Burlington, Vt.; died Jan. 21, 1865. Children: i. Charles E., b. at New Bedford Nov. 5, 1851. ii. Albert. 111. Fanny.

229. 0RIC6 (Artemas,5 Samuel, 4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard:), born at Charlestown, N. H., Sept. 27, 1822; married Mary Ann, daughter of Stephen and Mary Ann (Cabot) Griggs, born at Canton Sept. 27, 1828. She is living at Dorchester with her daughter, Mrs. Mills, in 1910. He resided at Langdon, N. H., at Bellows Falls, Vt., and at Worcester; he died Sept. 4, 1893. Children: . 1. Mary Jane,7 b. Feb. 10, 1848; m. Oct. 26, 1871, Charles M. Mills, b. at Lowell June 15, 1850. Children: 1. Bertha Susan Mills, b. Aug. 5, 1872. 2. Belle May Mills, b. Sept. 5, 1875; m. Nov. 12, 1902, J an1es Campbell Bell. 3. Walter Herman lvlills, b. Oct. 26, 1877. 4. Florence Emma lVIills, b. Aug. 11, 1879; m. June 5, 1897, Frank Roper. 5. ~Iina Josephine :Wiills, b. July 30, 1881; 1n. Nov. 26, 1900, John Summ. 6. Olive Estelle l\fills, b. l\Iarch 9, 1888. 440. ii. Charles Orie, b. Nov. 4, 1849. 441. iii. Alvin Willard, b. Dec. 15, 1855. 442. iv. Herman, b. June 15, 1861. SIXTH GENERATION 113

6 4 1 230. EDMUND (Willard,5 Samuel, Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Langdon, N. H.; married Lois, daughter of Bethuel Harris, of Nelson, N. H. They conveyed lands which he had owned and Lois had inherited, March 27, 1857. They Ii ved at Alstead, N. H. They removed to vV oonsocket, R. I.; his will, bequeathing all to his wife, was proved October, 1890. Mrs. Prouty made a will proved July 7, 1899; her estate passed to her sisters, Mrs. Mary H. Hutchinson, of Harris­ ville, N. H., and Mrs. Sally H. Hayward, of Peterboro, N. ~-, and niece, Isabel Hutchinson. -

231. SAMUEL W1LLARD6 (Willard,5 Samuel,4 Jacob,3 /saac,2 Richard1), born at Langdon, N. H., Dec. 21, 1814; married June 29, 1842, Sarah Alexander Stevens, born Dec. 6, 1817. He died at Alstead, N. H., Sept. 19, 1876. Child: 443. James S., b. Jan. 27, 1856.

232. IRA FRENCH6 (Willard,5 Samuel, 4 Jacob,S Isaac,2 Richard1), born at Langdon, N. H.; married first Emily F. Babcock; married second Elsie Joslin, who died June 26, 1909. He was a physician. He graduated at Dartmouth Medi­ cal School in 1837; practised at Ogdensburg, N. Y. till 1862, afterward at Keene, N. H. He died Jan. 17, 1882. Children: . I. Emily Glover. 7 444. ii. Ira Joslin, b. Aug. 15, 1857.

6 4 1 233. LINUS EnnY (Abijah,5 J acob, J acob,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Orleans County, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1803; married Bet­ sey E. Tooley, ·who was born Aug. 20, 1803, and died at North Granville, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1884. He was a farmer. He spent his early life in his native county; in 1847 removed to Granville, N. Y., and resided there some years. Then moved to Poultney, Vt.; he died Nov. 4, 1881. 114 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Children: i. Matilda F.,7 b. June 27, 1823; m. William 1\ilartin. ii. Anna Paulina, b. June 2, 1825; m. Stephen Chappel; res. Waterport, N. Y. 446. iii. Dexter B., b. Nov. 7, 1827. iv. Louisa J., b. Aug. 12, 1830; m. Lewis Ketch. 447. v. Henry P., b. Jan. 18, 1833. 448. vi .. Hiram B., b. April 10, 1835. vii. Thomas W. A., b. July 12, 1836. viii. Mary L., b. Jan. 19, 1839; m. Milo Stearns; res. Truthville, N. Y. ix. Lucy P., b. July 4, 1841; d. Dec. 2, 1842. 449. x. James Lewis, b. July 18, 1844. xi. Helen E., b. Feb. 13, 1848; m. Clare McEachron; res. at West Hebron, N. Y.; she d. Dec. 25, 1875.

234. JAMEs W. 6 (James,5 Jacob, 4 Jacob,3 lsaac,2 Richard!-), born 1823; married at Spencer Sept. 17, 1850, Lucy Ann, daughter of Foster and Persis Bemis, who was born in 1831. He removed to Beloit, Wis.

235. CALVIN W. 6 (James,5 Jacob,4 Jacob,3 lsaac,2 Richard!-). Residence in 1867, Canaan, Vt.

236. WALTER B. 6 (James, 5 Jacob,4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard!-), born at Canaan, Vt. (another record says "Danville, Vt."); married first, Susan --. He married second at Warwick June 10, 1871, Ellen F., daughter of Calvin and Elizabeth (Babcock) Prentice. She joined with him in a deed of a place in Warwick May 1, 1879. Children: .. Susa A.,7 b. 1854; d. Dec. 1, 1863. n. Willie Arthur, b. at W. Brookfield Jan. 7, 1858 . n1. Willie Freelove, b. at Hardwick Aug. 23, 1861; d. Sept. 16, 1862. IV. Freddie Arthur, b. Feb. 1, 1872. 450. v. Walter Eddie, b. Feb. 7, 1873. SIXTH GENERATION 115

238. ALANSON6 (Gardner,5 Joshua,4 Jacob,3 /saac,2 Rich­ ard1), born at Spencer Dec. 23, 1812; married Oct. 10, 1836, Melinda Howland; she died Dec. 3, 1863, " aged 52 years, 6 mos. and 9 days." He resided at Oakham. Removed to Springfield. He died Dec. 23, 1896.

Children: i. Gardner 0. ,7 b. 1842; d. unm. March 19, 1864. ii. Ruth Ann,b. Aug. 27, 1844; m. Sept. 2, 1885, John W. Baldwin, of Boston. 460. iii. Herbert A. (Henry A.), b. at Oakham Nov. 3, 1854.

239. GARDNER6 (Gardner,5 Joshua,4 Jacob, 3 lsaac,2 Rich­ ard!), born at Spencer Sept. 4, 1817; married in Boston June 3, 1851, Clarissa D., daughter of Wilcomb and Clarissa Wheelock, born at Calais, Vt.; died at Littleton Oct. 25, 1902, aged" 82 years, 7 months and 25 days." A merchant, residing at Littleton.

Children: i. Clara M. ,7 b. at Winchester July 8, 1852; d. at Charles­ to.wn Sept. 13, 1854. 462. ii. Gardner Wheelock, b. at Charlestown Oct. 7, 1858.

24:0. _LORENZO DRAPER6 (Abi]°ah, 5 Joshua,4 Jacob, 3 lsaac, 2 Richard!), born at Sturbridge Dec. 2, 1820; married at Brook­ field Jan. 21, 1849, Maria Louise, daughter of Barzillai and Eliza (Knowlton) Davis, born at Nelson, N. H. He was a stove dealer at Brookfield. He died of pneumonia Oct. 16, 1875., Children: 464. i... Charles Frederick,7 b. March 20, 1850. 11. Florence 1Iay, b. July 18, 1855; m. Sept. 14, 1881, John Meddaugh. 111. Caroline Elizabeth, b. Aug. 27, 1858; m. at Worcester July 3, 1879, Manley H. Pendleton, b. at North­ port, Me.; res. Westboro. 116 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

6 5 4 241. ALPHEUS W1GHT . (Abijah, Joshua, Jacob,3 J.saac,2 1 Richard ), born at Sturbridge Sept. 20, 1823; married March 21, 1854, Ellen Frances, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Legate) Harrington, born at Grafton May 20, 1835. He resided at Sturbridge; was a farmer. Removed to Utica, N. Y., and died April 9, 1882. Children: . I. Stanley Wight, 1 b. in 1855; d. Jan. 22, 1857 . 466. ii. Frederick Alpheus, b. April 22, 1858. iii. Caroline Elizabeth, b. in 1860; m. Aug. 24, 1887, Robert A. Russell; res. Somerville. iv. Ellen Frances, b. Nov. 11, 1864; m. Nov. 21, 1886, James E. Hawkins; res. Fiskdale. v. Charlotte l\Iaria, b. Aug. 15, 1869; n1. July 8, 1891, Eugene D. Brown; res. Sturbridge.

242. FREDERICK6 (Abijah, 5 Joshua,4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Rich­ ard:), born at Sturbridge Dec. 19, 1824; married Jan. 3, 1849, Emily G., daughter of Jonathan B. Griswold, born at Ware in 1826; she died Dec. 30, 1849.

243. HENRY EBENEZER6 (Ebenezer, 5 Joshua, 4 Jacob, 3 Isaac, 2 Richard:), born at Brookfield July 5, 1821; married (intention at Brookfield June 19, 1842) Mary M. Lyon, of Woodstock, Conn. She survived him and died at Milford Sept. 19, 1905, "aged 86." He died at Brookfield Oct. 18, 1875. Child: Mary Frances, b. Aug. 30, 1844.

244. MERRICK FRANKLIN6 (Joshua, 5 Joshua, 4 Jacob,3 lsaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer March 27, 1829; entered the Union service at the opening of the Rebellion. ,·v as a 2d lieutenant of Co. C, 25th 11ass. Vol. Infantry, but did a far broader work on detached service. Had charge of ord­ nance at Roanoke Island; was in command of a battery, ·whose gunnery was very effective at Fort Macon, N. C.; was pro- SIXTH GENERATION 117 moted to rank of first lieutenant for meritorious service. He returned when mustered out at the expiration of his three years' term. Had a clerkship at vV ashington, D. C., in the Ordnance Department. Afterward occupied a business position at St. Louis, Mo., and Chicago, Ill.-30 years-with the firm of Gore and Co. He died while on a visit to Spencer Aug. 15, 1898. He married Ann Elizabeth, daughter of Harvey and Almira (Walker) Jenks. Children: i... Mary A.,7 b. Aug. 10, 1860; d. March I, 1861. 11. Frank l\'I., b. Dec. 24, 1861; d. April 23, 1863 . 111. Carlton, b. at Washington, D. C., Nov. 20, 1864; lawyer at Winetka, Ill.

246. FIELDS MILTON6 (Joshu.a,5 Joshua,4 Jacob,3 lsaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer Jan. 26, 1836; married first, April 11, 1861, Jane i~Iaria, daughter of Thomas and Laurinda Sadler, who died in 1867. He married second, April 2, 1873, Abbie Jane, daughter of Joseph and Marilla (De Putrin) Peel, born at Leicester; died at Spencer Nov. 16, 1879, "aged 35 years, 4 months, 28 days." He married third, Oct. 11, 1888, Mrs. ~I~ry B. Prouty, widow of Lewis Wilder Prouty. He died June 28, 1908. Children: i. l\fillens Walford,7 b. July 2, 1875; resides at Spencer. ii. Ruth l\fary, b. Nov. 8, d. Nov. 23, 1879.

24:6. JosHUA BANNISTER6 (Joshua,5 Joshua,4 Jacob,3 Isaac,~ 1 Richard ), born at Spencer April 13, 1842; enlisted Oct. 5, 1861, in the 25th Mass. Vol. Infantry, and served till expira­ tion of term, Oct. 20, 1864. He removed to Fort Wayne, Ind., then to Cincinnati, 0., where he was a superintendent of the manufacture of metallic burial caskets. He married Laura Fay. He died at Spencer Aug. 20, 1876.

24:7. WILLIAM HENRY6 (Joshua,5 Joshua,4 Jacob,3 lsaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer Nov. 1, 1846; married Feb. 23, 118 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

1869, Maria, daughter of Joseph and Marilla (De Putrin) Peel, born in Leicester Feb. 19, 1848, died in Spencer Jan. 7, 1899. He resided in Boston; was agent for manufacturers of boots and shoes. He died July 14, 1910. Children:

7 i... · Iris Gertrude, b. Sept. 30, 1878. 11. Louise, b. Feb. 10, 1880; in the West End Library, Boston.

24:8. GEORGE WrLLIAM6 (William, 5 Joshua,4 Jacob,3 lsaac,2 Richard!), born at Worcester Jan. 28, 1827; married March 18, 1864, Maria S., daughter of Charles and Mary (Putnam) Chase, born at Millbury, died at Worcester May 14, 1898, "aged 76 years, 2 months." He died at Worcester March 17, 1901.

249. DANIEL WEBSTER6 (William,5 Joshua,' Jacob,3 lsaac,2 Richard!), born at Wor<;ester Jan. 7, 1833; married Oct. 23, 1856, Mary T ., daughter of Lemuel and Statira Tucker, born at Portland, Me.

252. EDWARD VARNEr (Jacob,5 Nathan,• Jacob,3 lsaac,2 Richard!), born at Concord, 0., May 18, 1827; married there Sept. 21, 1857, Betsey Ann, daughter of Willis and Isabella (Stockham) Woodruff, born there April 20, 1833, died April 23, 1900. He was a farmer at Concord, 0.; for many years entrusted with local public offices·. He died March 12, 1887. Children: i. Henry Woodruff ,7 b. :Pee. 23, 1858; graduated from Yale University, B.A., 1884; Albany Law School, LL.B., 1885; admitted to bar of Illinois, 1887; to Supreme Court of Washington, 1890; to Supre1ne Court of U. S. A., 1907; Supreme Court of Hawaii, 1908_; is in general la·w practise at Chicago, Ill. ~1e1nber of prominent clubs. 467. ii. Willis Edward, b. Dec. 17, 1863. SIXTH GENERATION 119

6 5 1 253. GEORGE (Asaph, Nathan,4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Shirley Aug. 7, 1820; married Susan M., daughter of Joseph and -- Smith, born at Leominster Oct. 21, 1823, died at Warsaw, Ind., Jan. 5, 1894. He was a shoemaker; resided at North Leominster; died Oct. 18, 1888. Children: i. Abby 11aria,7 b. June 26, 1845; m. at Fitchburg July .. 21, 1873, Edward Conner; res. Goshen, Ind.; d . Jan. 17, 1902. ii. Ellen (Nellie) Relief, b. Dec. 20, 1847; d. at Leom­ inster Sept. 4, 1868. 468. iii. Herbert Cutter, b. 11arch 16, 1850. 469. iv. George Converse, b. Aug. 16, 1856.

256. ALBERT SHERMAN6 (Nathan, 5 Nathan, 4 Jacob, 3 Jsaac, 2 Richard1 ), born at Brimfield 1830; married Dec. 28, 1854, Harriet, daughter of Edward and Laurinda (Phillips) Rich­ ardson, born Sept. 6, 1833, at Sturbridge. She survived him and resides (1910) at Sunset, Wash. He resided at Sturbridge and Brimfield; removed to Big Spring, Wis., and later to Tabor, Ia. He died at the latter place July 11,-1897, from a fall in which his neck was broken. Children: 471. .i... Charles Albert,7 b. April 8, 1857. 11. Mabel Sherman, b. March 26, 1863; m. Evan Mohr Landis; res. Sunset, Wash. 472. iii. Edward Nathan, b. April 29, 1868.

260. NATHAN HENRY6 (Harvey,5 Nathan, 4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard1), born at Spencer Dec. 23, 1829; married Caroline E. Holcomb, born at vV_indsor, Conn. He married second, at Enfield, Conn., Oct. 24, 1888, Sarah E., daughter of Arnold and Belinda Woodworth. Children:. . 1. A child,7 b. Oct. 9, 1859 . .. 11. Alice J., b. 1866; d. unm. Dec. 12, 1891. 111. Etta Louise, b. Jan. 31, 1870; d. unm. May 25, 1891. 120 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

261. CHENEY PoRTER6 (Harvey,5 Nathan, 4 Jacob,3 lsaac,2 1 Richard ), born at Spencer Jan. 29, 1832; married Jan. 23, 1861, Susan Maria, daughter of Abraham and Lydia Capen; she died May 3, 1886, "aged 49 years, 2 months and 27 days." Children: . 1. Infant,7 b. Oct. 7; d. Oct. 8, 1869 . ii. Anita Lydia, b. Oct. 15, 1872; d. Dec. 28, 187 4. iii. Mabel R., b. Aug. 22, 1875.

262. JoHN6 (Luke,5 Nathan,4 Jacob,3 lsaac,2 Richard1), born in 1819; married at Medford Jan. 18, 1845, Priscilla, daughter of Nathan and Mary Tufts; she died at \Valtham July 22, 1883, "aged 58 years and 3 months." Child: lVIary S.,7 b. Feb. 19, 1846; d. Apr. 8, 1893.

263. DWIGHTV.6 (Luke,5 Nathan, 4 Jacob,3 lsaac,2 Richard1), born at Granby, Conn., June 22, 1830; married first, at Spring­ field Aug. 4, 1852, Mary F., daughter of Levi Bowles, born March 5, 1835, died July 17, 1880; he married second, at Spencer, Dec. 12, 1883, Mrs. Rebecca (Keyes) Wood. He was in the train service of the Boston & Albany R.R. ; resided at Granby, Conn., and later at Rensselaer, N. Y. He died at Niverville, Conn., Dec. 25, 1885. Children: i. Louisa l\l., 7 b. Oct. 31, 1853; m. Nov. 28, 1877, George W. liorey; re.s. Green Island, N. Y. ii. Clarissa J., b. -Aug. 11; d. Aug. 26, 1855. 111. Clarissa J., b. April 25, 1857; d. Aug. 21, 1860. iv. Addie A., b. July 8, 1859; d. Feb. 8, 1865. v. Sarah E., b. Dec. 17, 1862; d. June 18, 1865. vi. Laura S., b. Aug. 22, 1864; d. ~larch 16, 1865. vii. l\Iinnie J., b. Jan. 16, 1866; d. Sept. 16, 1896. 473. viii. William S., b. Oct. 29, 1869. ix. Delia J., b. Dec. 6, 1871; d. June 13, 1872. x. Hattie 11., b. lVIarch 29, 1874; m. John Sapline; res. Schenectady, N. Y. 474. xi. Frank Wooden, b. March 22, 1878. SIXTH GENERATION 121

6 1 266. DWIGHT (Dwight,5 Nathan,4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Boston Nov. 91 1836; married there Dec. 15, 1870, Maria Louisa, daughter of John, Jr. and Eliza Haire (Jenkins) White, born at New Haven, Conn., March 18, 1837, died April 8, 1905. He has resided at Boston and at Framingham. Children: i. Alice Louise,7 b. Oct. 13, 1871; mar. Oct. 22, 1903, Guy Warren Walker, son of Alvah and Isabelle (Flanders) Walker, b. in Boston Oct. 5, 1869. Residence, New York city. Children: 1. Richard Walker, b. Dec. 13, 1904; d. Oct. 12, 1905. 2. Robert Warren Walker, b. Feb. 21, 1907. 3. Samuel Walker, b. Nov. 22, 1908. 475. ii. Dwight Mortimer, b. Dec. 29, 187 4.

270. JOEL HARVEY6 (Elias,5 Nathan, 4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Rich­ ard!), born at Spencer Sept. 27, 1837; married at Worcester Nov. 20, 1861, Ellen Elizabeth, daughter of Leonard Adrian and Elizabeth Eggleston (Brown) Patch, born at ,v. Dec. 29, 1842. He served in the War of the Rebellion in the Sixth and afterward in the Fifty-first Massachusetts Vol. Infantry. He is a pattern maker; resides at Auburn. Children: . 1. Harriet Elizabeth,7 b. Sept. 13, 1862; n1. 1\-Iay 29, 1884, Orland Barry :\Iitchell, of Auburn. 476. ii. Charles Ells·worth, b. Dec. 10, 1864. 111. Edna ~Iaria, b. ~Iay 1, 1868; d. Dec. 2, 1878. iv. Nellie Gertrude, b. Sept. 3, 1870; d. Jan. 2, 1872. V. Nettie Abbie, b. June 20, 1873; m. June 20, 1894, George Nlelvin Allen; res. at Auburn. vi. Josephine Ellen, b. Oct. 8, 1875; m. George l\Iarshall Duvall, of Auburn. 477. vii. William Elias, b. Feb. 1, 1878. 478. viii. Leonard Augustus, b. July 14, 1883. 122 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

6 1 272. DAVID (David,5 David,4 David,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer Oct. 18, 1813; married, also at Spencer, Jan. 14, 1840, Caroline, daughter of Dr. Jonas and Persis (Bemis) Guilford, born Dec. 23, 1819; she diedNov.14, 1863. He married second, Dec. 16, 1867, Mrs. Sarah B. Denny, daughter of Dr. Jonas Guilford; she died June 3, 1873, aged 56 years, 6 months and 7 days. He engaged in the manufacture of boots and shoes in Spencer village in partnership with John G. Prouty (John G. Prouty & Co.) in 1852. He died Sept. 13, 1892. Child: Jonas Guilford,7 b. Sept. 21, 1844; d. July 14, 1864.

27 5. JoHN6 (Eleaze:r,5 David,4 David,3 Isaac,2 Richard:-), born at Spencer March 17, 1820; married (intention at Brookfield March 22, 1841) Almira Duncan of Paxton. She died May 2, 1842, in her 22d year. He may be presumed to be the man who was called " My brother, John Prouty of Dover, Ill.," and who, with his son Edward, was a legatee in the will of Edward Prouty of Spencer, May 6, 1875. Children: i. Nancy E.,7 b. at Brookfield, April 3, 1842; d. next day. ii. Edward (n1entioned in will of Edward Prouty of Spencer).

6 4 3 1 276. AARON (Aaron,5 Asa, David, Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Castine, Me., Feb. 7, 1803; married at Hampden, Me., Nov. 4, 1826, Hannah, daughter of Richard and Jane (Shirley) Cary, born at Hampden, Me., April 25, 1796, died there Jan. 15, 1870. He was a sea captain; resided at East Hampden, Me. He died at Bangor, Me., Nov. 28, 1868. SIXTH GENERATION 123

Children: 1 481. i... Augustus, b. Thiiarch 28, 1828. 11. Otis, b. Sept. 5, 1830; d. Sept. 30, 1834 . 111. Caroline Maria, b. July 19, 1833; m. Aug. 27, 1863, H. M. Elliott, of Bangor, Me. 482. iv. Samuel, b. Jan. 11, 1837.

278. JoEL6 (Aaron,5 Asa,4 David,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Bangor, Me., in 1815; married at Veazie, Me., Lucy Ann, daughter of Ephraim Moore, of Veazie; she died at Cedar Falls, Ia., in 1863. He was a bridge contractor; resided at Cedar Falls, Ia.; died in December, 1886. Children: 483. i. Wellington Marion, b. March 29, 1845. ii. 0. K. ;_ res. Colfax, Ia.

279. AsA AuGUSTUS6 (Asa,5 Asa,4 David,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Coleraine in 1812; married there May 8, 1845, Laura Donelson. He died March 3, 1883. Children: Franklin Hoyt,7 b. at Coleraine Oct. 28, 1848.

289. JoHN SPENCER6 (John,5 John,4 John,3 Isaac,2 Rich­ ard1), born at Schenectady, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1813; married at Geneva, N. Y., July 8, 1852, Ann D., daughter of Calvin and Elizabeth Ely, born at Charlestown, N. H., Nov. 16, 1815, died at San Diego, Cal., Nov. 13, 1905. He went with his mother after his father's death from Schenectady to Geneva, N. Y., and entered into his uncle's store. While yet a young man he bought his uncle out and carried on the business. He removed to New York City in 1858 and carried on the same business there. He died at White Plains, N. Y., May 6, 1889. 124 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

After this event Mrs. Prouty and her daughter went to San Diego, Cal., where she passed away in 1905. Child: Harriet Augusta,7 b. at Geneva, N. Y., March 16, 1860; resides at San Diego, Cal.

6 5 1 290. PHINEHAS (Phinehas, John,4 John,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Geneva, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1827; married Sept. 18, 1855, Adelaide, daughter of Andrew l\tlattison and Wealthy Ann (Bartlett) Cobleigh, born Nov. 1836. He was a merchant at Geneva, N. Y. He died of asthma July 2, 1891. Children: i. Margaret Matilda,7 b. Aug. 18, 1856; m. (1) Jan. 15, 1884, Augustus M. Swift; she m. (2) June, 1889, Rev. Richard D. Harlan, son of Hon. Justice Harlan, of the Supreme Court of the U. S. ii. Adelaide Alexander, b. Dec. 29, 1858; m. Oct. 11, 1887, Dr. Walter Chrystie, of Bryn lfawr, Pa. Children: 1. Phinehas Prouty Chrystie, b. April 29, 1889. 2. ~Iargaret Harlan Chrystie, b. July 23, 1893. 3. Walter Chrystie, Jr., b. April 23, 1896. iii. Anna Madison, b. in 1865; m. in 1891 Edward Kirk­ patrick Beddall; he is in the insurance business in New York city. Children: 1. Christine Beddall, b. 1893, d. 1896. 2. Adelaide Beddall, b. 1900. 3. Edward Fitch Beddall, b. 1904. 485. iv. Phinehas, 3d, b. Dec. 9, 1875.

292. JOHN AzRo6 (Arnold,5 John,4 John,3 Isaac,2 Richard1), born at Newport, Vt., Dec. 26, 1826; married first, Jan. 12, 1853, Hannah Barker Lamb, daughter of Gidson Jenks and SIXTH GENERATION 125

Jacintha (Barker) Lamb, born at Burke, Vt., May 12, 1834, died at Newport, Vt., Nov. 25, 1865. He married second, at Upton, Mass., March 11, 1868, Sarah Hannah, daughter of Orra and Hannah Wood, born in 1833, died at Newport April 5, 1889. He worked up a very large business in cutting and sawing lumber; had mills at Newport, Vt., and at Roxton Falls and St. Victor in the Province of Quebec. This was brought about by assiduous application and great energy through years. From his efficiency in organizing his many workmen and making things move systematically with the least fric­ tion his men gave him the sobriquet of "Colonel." In 1876 he formed a partnership with Mr. Oscar Miller and afterward admitted his son George Herbert Prouty into the firm. He was elected to the state legislature and proved capable in public as well as private affairs. He died at Newport, Vt., Jan. 6, 1900. Children: 486. i... Charles Azro,7 b. Oct. 9, 1853 . 11. Nellie Barker, b. Feb. 3, 1855; m. March 28, 1882, Lewis Merritt Palmer, M.D., b. at Litchfield, l\ie., Sept. 2, 1850; grad. Bates Coll. 1875, Harvard Med. School 1881; medical examiner for Middlesex Co.; physician and surgeon at South Framingham. Mrs. Palmer is a trustee of Medfield Insane Asylum; has done a very large amount of work in com­ piling the genealogy of the Newport branch of this family. Children: 1. Gertrude Lucy Palmer, b. Nov. 23, 1883; A.B., Mt. Holyoke Coll. 1904; teacher in Boston Girls' High School. 2. Ruth Palmer, b. Jan. 25, 1888; B.S., Siinmons Coll. 1910; private secretary. 487. iii. Harley Hall, b. June 26, 1857. iv. Edgar John, b. July 5, 1859; d. June 2, 1868, killed by a falling timber. 488. V. George Herbert, b. ~larch 4, 1862. 126 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

VI. Gertrude Hannah, b. Dec. 22, 1864; d. Feb. 18, 1881. 489. vii. Edgar John, b. Dec. 2, 1870. 490. viii. Willard Robert, b. Dec. 22, 1872. ix. Infant, b. Dec., 1873; d. June 6, 1874.

293. ALFRED6 (Arnolil, 5 John, 4 John,3 Isaac,2 Richard:), born at Newport, Vt., in 1835; married Augusta Metcalf. He removed to the West, to California at length. Children:. I... Mary,7 m. -- Royce. 11. Effie, m. Strong. 111. Nellie.

294. EMERY MAsoN6 (Roswell,5 John,4 John,3 Isaac,2 Rich­ ard!), born at Newport, Vt., July 30, 1847; married at Sara­ toga, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1874, Emma Jane, daughter of Bradley R. and Elizabeth Crandon (Woodworth) Dunham, born at Albany, N. Y., June 10, 1851. _ He was in the live stock commission business, residing at St. Paul, Minn. He died of apoplexy at Cutbank, Mont., March 10, 1906. Children: . 1. Emery Mason,7 b. at Saratoga, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1877; grad. Univ. of Minn. 1900; is in live stock com­ .. mission business at So. St. Paul. 11. Velma Frances, b. Jan. 11, 1887; m. April 19, 1907, William S. McCurdy, of St. Paul. iii. Roswell Woodworth, b. March 21, 1890; student in Univ. of Minn.

6 1 295. ALBERT (Alfred,5 John,4 John,3 lsaac,2 Richard ), born at Waterlord, Vt., Nov. 22, 1857; married Ada Poplar. Resides at Waterlord, Vt.

6 1 296. EuGENE (Alfred,5 John,4 John,3 lsaac,2 Richard ), born at \"Vaterlord, Vt., Dec. 20, 1867; married Elizabeth C. SIXTH GENERATION 127

300. NAPOLEON BoNAPARTE6 (William,5 Isaac, 4 John,3 1 Isaac,2 Richard ), born in New York City Feb. 24, 1810; married (intention at S. Oct. 10, 1832) Dolly Witt. He married second, at Blandford May 17, 1859, Amanda S. Moor, daughter of Nathan Blair. He was a peg manufacturer at Woodstock, Conn., at Spencer and later at Chester. He died April 13, 1896. Children: 492. i... Waldo, b. Oct. 24, 1834. n. Otis P., b. Oct., 1836; d. at Chester Aug. 2, 1889 . iii. Sarah J.

301. ISAAC WARNER6 (Willard,5 Isaac/ John, 3 Isaac,' Richard1), born at Spencer Oct. 6, 1809; married April 11, 1832, Mary Newcomb, who died June 27, 1834, aged 19. He married second, Aug. 27, 1835 Mary W., daughter of William and Beulah (Pomeroy) Witt, born at Worthington· Jan. 9, 1818, died May 13, 1862. He married third,_at Spring­ field April 13, 1865, Caroline A., daughter of Homer J. and Alice Wood, who died April 24, 1900, aged 75 yrs. 11 mos. He was a carpenter; bought land and saw-mill at Chester in partnership- with David Witt Feb. 9, 1835; resided in various places, last at Springfield, where he died May 15, 1882. Children: . I... Mary Augusta,7 b. Aug. 29, 1832; d. Sept. 7, 1834 . n. Charles L., b. Aug. 1, 1836; d. Sept. 2, 1837 . 495. iii. John Walter, b. at Worthington, Feb. 7, 1839. iv. Alice, b. May 11, 1847; d. Oct. 6, 1864. v. Olivia (" Olive H., dau. Joshua and Mary Witt" in one record), b. at So. Hadley Oct. 24, 1854; m. Jan. 15, 1878, Joseph Morrison.

6 5 4 3 2 1 303. LAURISTON MIRICK (Eli, Eli, John, Isaac, Richard ), born at Spencer Feb. 3, 1817; married Feb. 9, 1841, Hannah L., daughter of James and Abiah Raymond, born Oct. 19, 128 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

1819; died March 18, 1892, "aged 73 years, 6 months, 28 days." Residence, Spencer. He died Oct. 13, 1898. Children: i. Sarah,7 d. at Spencer Oct. 6, 1862, "ae. 19 y. 7 mo." ii. Ellathyna L., m. at Worcester Nov. 20, 1882, Arthur L. Johnson.

6 5 1 304. ELLIOTT (Eli, Eli,4 John,3 Isaac/ Richard ), born at Spencer Feb. 6, 1820; married May 27, 1842, Laura Esther, daughter of Vespasian Randall, who survived him and mar­ ried second, Bradly Livermore, of Paxton. He died Feb. 28, 1852. He made his will Jan. 3, 1852, allowed April 1 following. Gave to wife Laura E. and chil­ dren Laura E., Elliott, Luther and Lauriston Mirick. Children: 497. ..i. Elliot Cutler,7 b. at Spencer June 12, 1843. 11. Laura Esther, b. at Leicester Nov. 16, 1844; m . at Acton l\iiay 1, 1862, Hiram Brooks Livermore. 111. Luther. iv. Lauriston Mirick, b. at Spencer Jan. 31, 1848.

306. JOHN ELLIOT6 (Elliot,5 Eli,4 J ohn,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Brookfield March 3, 1826; married March 22, 1853, Sarah M., daughter of Brutus and Maria (Hamilton) Hodges, born June 13, 1825. He was a farmer; died at Brookfield April 5, 1882. Children: . - 1. Nancy l\iiaria,7 b. Jan. 23, 1857; m. ~1ay 1, 1878, Eli l\L Converse; she d. Oct. 14, 1883. 500. ii. Frank Elliot, b. Oct. 5, 1859. 111. Ed-win R., b. April 26, d. Aug. 5, 1866.

6 4 1 307. RussELL (Russell,5 Eli, John,3 lsaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer Aug. 19, 1815, baptized October 22, 1815; married at Cumberland, 0., Nancy, daughter of Josiah and Susan (Knffwlton) Dunbar, born at Belchertown, Mass., 1iay 14, 1816. She is still living (1910). SIXTH GENERATION 129

He was a farmer. He died at Oskaloosa, Ia., Nov. 17, 1868. Children: i. Edwin,7 b. March 24, 1838. ii. Emma, b. Aug. 29, 1839. iii. Cheney, b. Aug. 6, 1841. iv. George, b. Jan. 20, 1844; d. Oct. 3, 1864. v. Adelaide, b. June 25, 1846; m. J. R. Shawhan. vi. Mary Ellen, p. Sept. 14, 1849; m. J. B. Ferrall; res. Lebanon, Mo. 503. vii. Charles Draper, b. Oct. 31, 1855. viii. William, b. June 11, 1858.

309. JONAS RussELL6 (Liberty, 5 Eli, 4 John,3 lsaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer March 10, 1829; married Oct. 31, 1864, Carrie E. (Callie), daughter of Aaron and Almira (Bartlett) Watson, born at Spencer, died there March 26, 1870, "aged 25 years, 8 months and 16 days." He was a wire manufacturer. He died at Worcester Dec. 22, 1903. Child: Callie Watson, 7 b. at Spencer March 24, 1870.

310. JoEL ELI6 (Liberty,5 Eli, 4 John, 3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer July 25, 1830; married Sept. 10, 1857, Minerva I., daughter of Horace Wilson, aged 19. He was a wire drawer by trade; resided at North Brook­ field and Worcester. He died March 10, 1909. Children: . 1. Joel L.,7 b. March 28, d. 1fay 19, 1859 . 507. ii. Eddy Warner, b. June 27, 1860. 508. iii. Albert Burnside, b. 1\1:ay 7, 1863. iv. Charles E., b. at Worcester Dec. 10, 1864. v. Ida E., b. in 1866; m. Oct. 15, 1891, Frederic D. Woods. 130 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

311. AUGUSTUS Brsco6 (Liberty,5 Eli, 4 John,3 Isaac,2 Rich­ ard1), born at Spencer Oct. 5, 1831; married Oct. 28, 1856, Sarah Ann, daughter of Jonathan and Emeline Lyon, born at Worcester Feb. 2, 1838. He was a man of fine mechanical mind and practical skill. He invented a card-cutting machine, which was compli­ mented by Napoleon III and received a medal at the first Paris ·Exposition; a planer-chuck, a force-pump, a rigid door-knob and many other ingenious and useful things. He resided at Leicester, Worcester and Providence, R. I. He died July 19, 1897. Child: Anna Evelyn,7 b. at Leicester July 28, 1861; res. at Providence, R. I.

312. HENRY WALD08 (Liberty,' Eli,' J ohn,3 Isaac,2 Richard:), born at Spencer Sept. 10, 1839; married Maggie Bryson. He served in Co. G, 42d Mass. Vol. Infantry. He resided at Everett; there he died June 5, 1909.

313. ELBERT A. 6 (Lee,5 Daniel, 4 John,3 Isaac,2 Richard1), born at Westport, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1846; married at Elizabeth­ town, N. Y., July 2, 1866, Abbie A., daughter of Rodney and Abigail (Wheelock) Sargent, born at Lewis, N. Y. April 27, 1847. He enlisted Feb. 9, 1864, in the 169th N. Y. Vol. Infantry, and served till the close of the war, being mustered out July 19, 1865, all before his nineteenth birthday.

He was a locomotive engineer. Resided at Bellows Falls1 Vt. He died Sept. 14, 1905. Child: l\1Iaud,7 b. l\1Iay 12, 1867; d. July 26, 1868.

314. HERBERT F. 6 (Lee,5 Daniel;' John,3 Isaac,2 Richard1), born at Westport, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1849; married Ruby Knox. Resided at Bellows Falls, Vt.; removed to Erwin, South Dakota. SIXTH GENERATION 131 Children: . 7 I... George E., b. Sept. 10, 1872 . 11. Charles K., b. Jan. 3, 1874 . 111. A child, b. April 12, 1877.

316. JoHN LINCOLN6 (John,5 Caleb,4Caleb,3 lsaac,2 Richard!), born at Scituate June 22, 1804; married Jan. 1, 1827, Sarah C. Hatch. Children: . I... Sarah Lincoln/ b. Aug. 15, 1827 . 11. Charles Turner, b. Aug. 4, 1829 . 111. William Warren, b. June 8, 1832.

317. CALEB WILLIAM6 (John,5 Caleb! Caleb,3 Isaac,2 Rich­ ard!), born at Scituate June 27, 1810; married Dec. 12, 1837, Abigail Young, daughter of Peleg and Mary (Young) Jenkins, born July 17, 1815, died March 25, 1897. He resided at Scituate. He died May 1, 1876. He made his will May 6, 1875, proved June 2, 1876, be­ queathing to wife and sons John E. 0. and James L. Prouty. Children: i. A child,7 b. in Aug., d. in Sept., 1838. 513. ii. John Ensign Otis, b. March 8, 1840. 111. Selina, b. May 31, d. Sept. 10, 1842. 514. iv. James Little, b. June 20, 1843. v. A son, b. Jan. 11, d. Jan. 28, 1845.

318. JAMES LITTLE6 (John,5 Caleb;' Caleb,3 lsaac,2 Rich­ ard1), born at Scituate Feb. 20, 1813; married first, Orilla C. Bourg, who died Feb. 24, 1863; married second, June 2, 1869, Mrs. Sarah Frances Damon, daughter of Silas and Sarah (Whitcomb) Bates, died Nov. 16, 1873. He was a cooper by trade. He died May 23, 1877. Children: i. Joanna White,7 b. at Pattersonville, La., in 1851; m. at Scituate April 27, 1871, Thomas Baldwin Conant White. 132 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY .. 11. Annie S., b. 1854; d. nilarch 4, 1900 . 111. Euphen1ie Burke, b. April 28, 1858; n1. June 20, 1882, Amos Hatch Tilden. iv. Henry R., b. 1862; m. at Boston Sept. 1, 1885, l\iargaret F. Hetherington.

319. ALEXANDER T. LINCOLN6 (Caleb,5 Caleb,4 Caleb,3 2 1 Isaac, · Richard ), born at Scituate July 15, 1815; married at Cohasset Dec. 22, 1844, Priscilla V., daughter of John Creed, of Cohasset, aged 21 years. She survived him and resides at Everett (1910). He resided at Cohasset; was master of a schooner which plied between Cohasset and Boston some years; died May 5, 1882. Children: i. Sarah Abby,7 b. Oct. 5, 1845; d. Sept. 11, 1846. ii. Sarah Wilson, b. Jan. 11, 1848; m. Dec. 11, 1873, Wallace Scott Dunbar.

320. THOMAS LINCOLN6 (Luther, 5 Caleb; Caleb,3 lsaac,2 Richard1), born at Scituate May 22, 1827; married Nov. 20, 1853, Marion M., daughter of John Sprague, born at Marsh­ field, died at Scituate Nov. 25, 1884, "aged 49 years, 10 months, 25 days." He was a painter, residing at Scituate. He died July 9, 1895. Children: i. Eva Marion,7 b. Aug. 18, 1854; m. July 28, 1872, Charles A. Foster. ii. Ada Thomas, b. March 1, d. Sept. 14, 1858.

6 1 321. HENRY CLAY (Luthe:r,5 Caleb,4Caleb,3 lsaac,2 Richard ), born at Scituate May 5, 1832; married Sept. 13, 1853, Belinda C., daughter of \Villiam Ricker, born at Provincetown. Child: Luther H., 7 b. May 10, 1854. SIXTH GENERATION 133

322. GEORGE HENRY6 (Adam,5 Adam,4 Adam,3 lsaac,2 1 Richard ), born at Athol June 9, 1848; married there Alice A., daughter of Caleb and Mary Arnold, born at Brownville, N. Y., in 1861. He married second, Sept. 20, 1883, Isabel H., daughter of Mirick and Susan Ainsworth. She married second, April 27, 1892, George H. P. Dodge.

323. JOHN M. 6 (lsaac,5 Isaac,4 Adam3, Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Royalston June 15, 1819; married Electa R., daugh­ ter of David and Hannah Phippen, born at Westminster, Vt. April 28, 1830; she survived Mr. Prouty and married -­ Aldrich; she died at Royalston Oct. 3, 1868. He died July 15, 1859, and his estate was administered upon by Barret Bullock at the widow's request. Children: i. Lizzie M.,1 b. April 1, 1853; d. Aug. 22, 1863. ii. Charles Denny, b. Aug. 29, 1854.

324. WILLIAM HENRY6 (lsaac,5 Isaac,4 Adam,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Royalston Jan. 21, 1822; married Eliza A., daughter of Alfred Willis, born at Winchester, N. H., died there Feb. 27, 1896. Resided at Royalston. Was in the wooden ware business. He died of yellow fever at Port Lavosa, Calhoun Co., Texas in 1868, where he had gone to settle the estate of his brother Eugene Watson Prouty. Children: . 1. Emma Eliza/ b. April 3, 1858; m. Everett W. Burt; dau. Emma Bent m. Frederick Willard; res. . . Winchester, N. H. 11. William H., b. Dec. 10, 1860; d. Dec. 23, 1862 . n1. 11ary Elizabeth, b. June 24, 1862; m. Ralph M. Guilford; res. Northampton . 515. iv. .Alfred Willis, b. Sept. 10, 1864. 134 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

325. STEPHEN LuTHER6 (Lyman,5 Stephen, 4 Adam,3 Isaac,2 1 Richard ), born at Townshend, ·vt., in 1825; married at Brattleboro, Vt., Sept. 7, 1863, Mary Ellen, daughter of Abner and Julia N. (Ryther) Harris, born at Gill July 25, 1848. She survived Mr. Prouty and married second, Oct. 9, 1901, Almon Hawks of Deerfield. He was a farmer. He resided at Deerfield; he died Nov. 6, 1898. Children: . 1... l\finnie ~1., b. Nov. 8, 1864; res. at Keene, N. H . 11. Harriet Amanda, b. Jan. 14, 1867; m. at Winchester June 10, 1891, Herman H. Bartlett; res. at Stone­ ham. 111. Emily Dorcas, b. Feb. 7, 1869; m. Dec. 7, 1892, Fred John Russell; res. at Dayton, 0. iv. Fred Stephen, b. June 1, 1871; res. at Colinja, Calif. v. Grace Rebecca, b. Oct. 12, 1873; m. Dec. 28, 1889, George H. Decker. vi. Anabella H., b. Dec. 26, 1878; m. April 11, 1895, William Dana Sprout; res. at So. Deerfield.

6 5 4 3 326. WILLIAM CALVIN ( Lyman, Stephen, Adam, Isaac, Richard:), born at Townshend, Vt.; married -- Child: 516. Charles Calvin,7 b. at Townshend, Vt.

326a. LUTHER STEPHEN6 (Luther, 5 Stephen, 4 Adam, 3 Isaac, 2 Richard:), born at Jericho, ·vt., Nov. 6, 1821; married first in Milton, Vt., Nov. 6, 1851, Emeline Bascom, who died in Castleton, Vt., Jan. 13, 1873; he married second, in Castleton Jan. 21, 1874, Mrs. Clarissa Miller Stevens. He died in Rutland, Vt., Jan. 10, 1899.

Children: i. Lucia Elizabeth, 7 b. Nov. 20, 1852; n1. 1Iay 13, 1882, Rev. \V. 0. Bibbins. ii. Fred Elon, b. June 24, 1855; d. ~fay 27, 1907. SIXTH GENERATION 135

iii. Fanny Candace, b. Sept. 9, 1859; d. Sept. 19, 1884. iv. _Clarissa Emeline, b. Dec. 9, 1875. v. Josephine Almina, b. April 5, 1879.

327. ELON HoWE 6 (Luther,5 Stephen, 4 Adam,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Jericho, Vt., March 28, 1827; married in Essex, Vt., June 25, 1856, Jane L., daughter of Augustus and Hannah (Abbott) Dow, who was born July 29, 1833, and died July 3, 1883. He was a hotel proprietor. He resided at Jericho, Vt.; he died Dec. 11, 1899. Children:

7 517. i... Frank Luther, b. Aug. 22, 1858. 11. Ella Jane, b. April 5, 1861; m. at Boston July 11, 1895, Arthur Dana Bradford. Child: Ruth Charlotte Bradford, b. Dee. 12, 1898; d. April 2, 1900. 518. iii. Charles Elon, b. Dec. 1, 1863. 519. iv. Fred Howard, b. Nov. 26, 1868. 520. v. Edward Howe, b. Jan. 4, 1871. vi. Kittie Elizabeth, b. July 31, 1874; m. March 10, 1898, William A. Pollard. Children: 1. Virgil Elon Pollard, b. March 27, .1899. 2. Kenneth Prouty Pollard, b. July 25, 1901. 3. Donald Pollard, b. Jan. 14, 1904. 4. Freda Edrice Pollard! b. Nov. 4, 1909.

6 4 1 328. HoLLAND (Abel,5 Amos, James,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born in 1819; married at Chesterton, N. Y., in 1838, Diana, daughter of John and Sarah (Pritchard) Smith, of Chesterton. He was a farmer at Chesterton, N. Y. He died in 1900. Children: 522. S. ~I.,7 b. in 1839. 523. Charles H., b. at l\Iilf ord, N. H., in 1841. 136 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

6 5 4 3 2 1 329. NORMAN F. (Worthy, Amos, James, / saac, Richard ), born at Marlborough, Vt., April 13, 1824; married at Brattle­ boro, Vt., Feb. 26, 1849, Elizabeth E. Smith. He died Nov. 20, 1892. Child: Ella J.,7 b. at Dover, N. H., in 1852; m. at Temple­ ton Feb. 13, 1872, John Connell.

330. ELIAS SPENCER6 (Worthy,5 Amos, 4 James,3 Isaac,2 Richard1), born at Marlborough, Vt., Nov. 27, 1825; married Lucy Ann Smith. She died April 7, 1906. He was a farmer; resided at Halifax, Vt.; he died Sept. 7, 1909. Children: 525. i. Elmer Elias,7 b. Nov. 30, 1861. ii. Minerva Amanda, b. Nov. 30, 1862; m. George W. Bliss.

331. ALMOND B. 6 (Spencer,5 Reuben,' James, 3 Isaac,2 Rich­ ard1), born .in 1821; married at Rutland Nov. 20, 1849, Ann E. Bigelow. He died in Rutland March 28, 1854. He made his will Feb. 22, 1854; of Rutland; wife Anne E.; her brother Merrill H. Bigelow; Alfred Browning who married my sister; Henry Sparks who married my half sister Chloe; half sisters Lusania and Lura Prouty; half brother Horace Prouty; mother in law Mary Stone; uncle Dwight D. Prouty; Fosdick Prouty of Marlborough, Vt.; Louisa, widow of E. B. Draper.

332. ALDEN W. 6 (Spencer,5 Reuben,4 James, 3 Isaac,2 Rich­ ard1), born Nov. 22, 1826; married at Rutland Oct. 14, 1847, Elizabeth A., daughter of Milton and Priscilla Harris. He resided at Paxton. SIXTH GENERATION 137

Children: 532. i. Harlin H. ,7 b. in 1850. ii. Caroline Harris, b. Nov. 2, 1851. 111. Ella F., b. 1853; m. at Worcester July 3, 1872, Alfred M. Terrell. iv. Walter Alden, b. Aug. 14, 1855. v. ~Iary Elizabeth, b. Oct. 22, 1860.

6 5 4 3 2 333. ALONZO MANLEY (Reuben, Reuben, James, / saac, Richard1), baptized July 2, 1830; married first Oct. 13, 1850, Elizabeth, daughter of James Hammond, aged 17 years. He married second, Sept. 30, 1861, Charlotte M. (Lord) Greenhalgh. Resided at Milford. Child: Emma,7 b. Aug. 22, 1851.

334. GEORGE LEWIS6 (Reuben, 5 Reuben, 4 James, 3 Isaac, 2 Richard1), born Feb. 6, 1839; married first, at Wilbraham Sept. 21, 1859, Annette Sophia, daughter of Slattery B. and Nancy (Clough) Holland; she died at Milford Feb. 1, 1876, "aged 37 years, 3 months and 10 days." He married second, at Medway, April 9, 1878, Flavia, daughter of James and Eliza Colcord, born at Searsport, Me. _ He resided at Milford; died Jan. 13, 1900. Children: i Dora Adele,7 b. July 27, 1860; n1. Aug. 26, 1889, Charles Wesley Cogswell. ii. Nettie Evangeline, b. Dec. 24, 1870; m. Aug. 12, 1888, ~Ielville C. Walker.

335. FosnrcK PLUMMER6 (Fosdick,5 Reuben,4 James,3 Isaac,2 1 Ricliard ), born at Oakham April 7, 1834; married at Green­ field April 27, 1859, Ellen M., daughter of John and Sophronia (Shepardson) Wilcox, born at Halifax, Vt., in 1835; she died June 5, 1908. 138 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

He was residing at Marlborough, Vt., at the time of his marriage. Removed to Halifax, Vt., He died July 3, 1909. Child: 533. Almon Fosdick, 7 b. March 20, 1860.

336. ALBERT MANLr (Fosdi,ek,5 Reuben,' James,3 Isaac,2 1 Richard ), born at Oakham July 17, 1842; married at Brattle­ boro, Vt., Dec. 29, 1866, Ellen A. Ames, of Marlborough, Vt. Resided at Marlborough. He died at Brattleboro, Vt., April 12, 1910. His life was useful. He was town clerk and treasurer forty-two years; during twenty-eight years postmaster; served the town in still other capacities. .. Children: . 1. Charles Jerome,7 b. Nov. 12, 1867; d. Feb. 23, 1875 • 534. ii. Walter Almerian, b. Jan. 2, 1876. iii. Nellie Alice, b. Nov. 8, 1879.

337. JASON WARD6 (Plummer,5 Reuben,4 James,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer Oct. 23, 1849; married first, Nov. 10, 1874, Emma E., daughter of Ora and Miranda (Sawin) Smith, born at Somerset, Vt., Dec. 10, 1854, died March 1, 1889. He married second, at Albany, N. Y., May 20, 1903, Ellen A., daughter of Charles and Annette E. (Horton) Newton, born at Athol, Mass., Aug. 12, 1857. He resides at Albany, N. Y.; is a printer. Child: ~linna Sarah,7 b. at Brattleboro, Vt., Aug. 28, 1877; res.· at Greenfield; is a stenographer and book­ keeper.

338. WILLIAM BRAINERD6 (Dwight D., 5 Reuben,4 James,3 1 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer in 1833; married first Adaline L., born in Vermont, died Dec. 14, 1857. He married second, Oct. 18, 1860, Sarah Barnes, daughter of Pliny and Sarah Allen, born in 1839; she died l\iay 18, 1874, a few days SIXTH GENERATION 139 after the birth of her child. He married third, at Ashburn­ ham Oct. 14, 1875, Harriet R., daughter of Joseph and Sarah A. (Russell) Harris, born in 1838. She died, and is buried at Ashburnham. Children: . ..I. Infant, d. Dec. 14, 1857 . 11. Sarah Lenora/ b. July 28, 1861; m. April 20, 1881, Austin H. Herrick, son of Rev. A. F. Herrick. 111. Harriet Isaoel, b. May 22, 1863; d. Aug. 6, 1866. 536. iv. Frank J., b. in 1862. 537. V. Walter A., b. July 5, 1866. vi. Herbert William, b. May 7, 1874; as his mother died he was "taken for adoption by George W. Estabrook." [So in town record of Natick.]

339. FRANCIS N.6 (Dwight D.,5 Reuben,• Jarnes, 3 Isaac, 2 Richard1), born April 28, 1836; married first, at Spencer June 1, 1856, Mary A., daughter of Levi and -- Putnam, born at Wardsboro, Vt.; she died Aug. 3, 1859, "aged 27 years." He married second, March 27, 1860, Josephine, daughter of I~~ac and Sarah Hill, aged 18 years. He served in Co. F, 42d Mass. Vol. Infantry, Aug. 10, 1862, to 20, 1863. He died Jan. 5, 1883. Children: i. M. Addie, 1 b. 1861; m. Feb. 13, 1884, George l\L l\1owton. ii. Emma Frances, b. June 30, 1862; m. Dec. 12, 1883, Charles E. Dyer. iii. Clara J., b. 1864; m. Nov. 11, 1885, Charles A. l\Iiddlemas.

340. CHARLES H.6 (James,5 Reuben,4 James,3 Isaac,2 Rich­ ard1), born at Buffalo, N. Y., 1850; married at Rutland, Mass., July 15, 1872, Clara H., daughter of Alfred F. and Alice F. Hastings, born at Rutland in 1855. 140 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Children: 538. i. Wilfred H., 7 b. in 1873. ii. Benjamin Hadley, b. at Spencer Oct. 2, 1874; d. ~May 23, 1878.

341. WILLIAM J. 6 (James,5 Reuben,4 James,3 lsaac,2 Rich­ ard1), born at Buffalo, N. Y., 1859; married at Worcester Aug. 7, 1880, Serena, daughter of Joseph and Anna Benjamin, born at Spencer in 1859. Children: . 1... Aljest, 7 b. in 1881, d. Jan. 10, 1897 . 11. Maria Eva, b. March 26, d. July 26, 1882 . iii. Everett H., b. June 4, d. June 18, 1883. iv. Albert A., b. at Worcester June 26, 1884.

342. WILLIAM HENRy8 (Amos,5 James,4 James, 3 Isaac, 3 Richard'-), born at New Boston, lli., Aug. 6, 1838; married Feb. 27, 1867, Calista S. Trask. He enlisted in the 17th Ill. Vol. Inf.; served in Tenn. and Ga. and in the "March to the Sea''; was taken prisoner at Franklin, Tenn., confined at Andersonville Prison, where he suffered horrors four months. He died at Newton, Kan., March 17, 1902.

343. SIMON HEWETr6 (Amos,5 James, 4 James, 3 lsaac,2 Richard:), born at New Boston, Ill., March 2, 1840; married Aug. 4, 1858, Kate Poffenberger. Res. Colorado Springs, Colo.

34:4. JOHN MuRRAY6 (Amos,5 James,4 James,3 Isaac/ 1 Richard ), born at New Boston, Ill., Feb. 21, 1844; married Jan. 27, 1865, Sarah Noble. He enlisted in the same company with his father and served with distinction; was wounded at Resaca, Tenn., receiving a bullet in his lung, which he still carries. Resides at Newton, Kan. SIXTH GENERATION 141

345. ANDREW FRANKLIN6 (Amos,5 James, 4 James, 3 lsaac,2 Richard!), born at New Boston, Ill., Feb. 1, 1846; married Sept. 14, 1865, Ida Caroline Clark. Resides at Newton, Kan.

346. HENRY WALLACE6 (Amos,5,4 James,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at New Boston, ill., Nov. 19, 1848; married there July 23, 1871, Elvy, daughter of Cyrus T. and Jane (Myers) Mannon, born at N. B., Sept. 1, 1854. He is engaged in farming and stock raising at Heston, Kan. Children: . 1... Arthur T.,7 b. April 10, 1874 . ll. Nita M., b. Aug. 6, 1878; m. Sept. 23, 1901, W. H . McFarland. 1n. June R., b. Jan. 26, 1894.

347. LEWIS AuousTUS6 (Amos,5 James,4 James,3 Isaac, 2 Richard!), born at New Boston, Ill., Oct. 20, 1852; married July 28, 1871, Blanche Pullen.

348. ARTEMAS WARREN6 (Artemas, 5 Elijah,• Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer March 13, 1817; married at Paxton April 19, 1842, Hannah H., daughter of Bradly and Gratia (Heywood) Livermore, born Jan. 21, 1822, died July 4, 1868. He lived at New Salem. He died Nov. 15, 1878. Children: i. Cleora Delphina,7 b. Dec. 26, 1842; m. June 16, 1866, Joseph Hamilton; she d. Aug. 11, 1900. 540. ii. Oriville Warren, b. Oct. 5, 1844. 541. iii. Ariel Haywood, b. Dec. 23, 1846. iv. Viola Maria, b. Jan. 19, 1850; m. John Davis; res. Wendell. v. Oriana Theona, b. ~Iay 14, 1851; d. Feb. 6, 1856. 542. vi .. Halsey Healey, b. Oct. 27, 1853. vii. Helen A. (twin); m. (1) Lewis Clark; n1. (2) Clinton Haskell. 543. viii. Clifford Herbert, b. Sept. 11, 1855. 142 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

544. ix. Chester Wilford; b. Nov? 12, 1857. x. :o'Iarion M., b. Aug. 9, 1860; m. lVIarch 6, 1882, Albert Merchant. xi. Eva 0., b. Nov. 23, 1863; m. at Fitchburg Sept. 21, 1881, Benjamin G. Parshley.

6 2 1 349. LAWSON (Artemas,5 Elijah,4 Isaac,3 Jsa,ac, Richard ), born at ~pencer Jan. 12, 1826; married May 12, 1853, Mary Ann, daughter of Samuel and Mary Tucker, born at New Braintree; she died Feb. 8, 1865. Residence, Spencer. Children: . I. William F.,7 b. April 23, 1856; m. at ,varwick Nov . 30, 1882, Flora A., dau. of Aaron and Minna Shepardson. He d. May 10, 1883. Child: William Fremont,8 b. Dec. 2, 1883. 546. ii. Frank l\filton, b. :Wiay 23, 1858. 111. Carrie Lizzie, b. lVIay 24, 1861; m. March 10, 1887, Herbert E. Bush. iv. Mary, b. 1864, d. March 7, 1865.

350. WALTON6 (Artemas,5 Elijah;' Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard'-), born at Spencer May 21, baptized Sept. 4, 1829; married at Northbridge March 6, 1852, Phebe, daughter of William Brown, born at Smithfield, R. I., died at Leicester Sept. 10, 1864, "aged 32 years, 9 months and 14 days." He resided at Leicester, later at Northbridge. He died April 29, 1896. Children: . 7 1... Clara S., b. 1852; m. July 14, 1877, Charles A. Ellis . ll. Mary Elizabeth, b. at Upton Sept. 27, 1855; m . Ap11l• 9, 1885, George Plummer Tuttle. • 111. Cora Estelle, b. at Brookfield April 21, 1860; n1. at lVIillbury Jan. 3, 1878, Henry Francis Taft. iv. Prescott Walton, b. at Leicester Oct. 21, 1862; m. at Hopedale Nov. 12, 1886, Lillie F., dau. of Ad­ dison and Frances C. (Winslow) Walker.

351. SALEM6 (Artemas,5 Elijah, 4 lsaac,3 lsaac,2 Richard1), born at Spencer ...i\.ug. 3, 1833; married at Charlestown, N. H., Nov. 20, 1858, Julia Ann, daughter of Levi and Emily (Put- SIXTH GENERATION 143 nam) Heywood, born April 24, 1842. He resided some years at Charlestown, then at Keene, N. H., later removed to Worcester where he now lives (1910). Shoemaker. Children: i. Arthur Heywood,7 b. at Charlestown, N. H., Oct. 24, 1860. ii. Maude Emily, b. Dec. 20, 1883.

352. SCHUYLER6 (Pliny,5 Elijah,-4' Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer Jan. 9, 1820; married first, at Rutland, April 11, 1844, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Willard and Alice (Browning) Miles, born in Rutland, died there Dec. 4, 1875. He married second, Oct. 18, 1877, Mrs. Lydia Jane (Rice) Tyler, of Rutland, daughter . of Gillum and Malinda (Blackmer) Rice; she died July 26, 1902. He resided at Rutland. He died April 2, 1900. Children: i. Marion Elizabeth, 7 b. at Oakham in March, 1846; m. at Rutland Sept. 5, 1867, Hiram Lucius Dean, of Tipton, Ia., son of S. P. and Mary S. (Benton) Dean, b. at Rutland Dec. 17, 1844. Residence (19-10) Chicago, Ill. Children: 1. Edward Schuyler Dean, b. July 1, 1868; m. June 14, 1888, lvfary Aldrich. 2. Addie lvfa-ry Dean, b. Aug. 7, 1870. 3. Lucius Charles Dean, b. Jan. 8, d. in April, 1872. 4. Alice i\felissa Dean, b. lvfay 24, 1874; d. in April, 1877. 5. Carrie l\'Iarion Dean, b. lviarch 3, 1878; 1n. Sept. 14, 1904, i\finott Pruyn; res. Ida Grove, Ia. 6. Grace Mildred Dean, b. Nov. 4, 1880. 7. Elizabeth Miles Dean, b. l\iiay 8, 1884. 8. Helen Louise Dean, b. lviarch 6, 1889. ii. Adaliza Julietta, b. April 5, 1848; was married March 26, 1874, by Rev. James B. Miles, D.D., 144 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Sec. of Am. _Peace Society, to Edward Harlock Tripp. 551. iii. Edward James, b. June 20, 1854.

6 1 353. BENJAMIN (Pliny,5 Elijah,4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer Feb. 15, 1821; married June 7, 1859, Lucy Jane, daughter of Pliny and Thankful (Livermore) Pepper, born at ·North Brookfield in 1838, died Aug. 5, 1902. He resided at North Brookfield. Children: . I. Juliette l\fills,7 b. June 3, 1861; d. May 3, 1883 . 552. ii. Albert Henry, b. Aug. 28, 1866. iii. Frederick Munroe, b. Nov. 2, 1871; d. July 17, 1872.

354:. WILLIAM ELIJAH6 (Pliny,5 Elijah,4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer April 26, 1822; married Oct. 17, 1855, Adeline, daughter of James and Alice (Howe) Brown­ ing; she died in Spencer May 17, 1895. A jeweler; resided at North Brookfield and at Spencer, He died at Spencer Feb. 4, 1899. Children: i. Alice Howe,7 b. in 1858; d. Aug. 11, 1859. ii. James Frank, b. at North Brookfield, July 26, 1861.

6 1 356. LEVI (Pliny,5 Elijah,4 lsaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer Sept. 15, 1831; married at Moffatt' s Creek, Va., March 23, 1857, Esther- Jane, daughter of Jacob and Nancy Jane (Sproul) Hull, born at Moffatt's Creek, Va., Feb. 21, 1837, died at Council Bluffs, Ia., Feb. 27, 1909. He was a student at Leicester Academy a while. He removed to Council Bluffs, Ia. He died at San Antonio, Tex., Dec. 21, 1905. Children: i. Ida l\iarion,7 b. April 17, 1858; m. Jan. 22, 1884, E. L Lovejoy. SIXTH GENERATION 145

Child: Warren S. Lovejoy, b. at Omaha, N. B., Sept. 10, 1887. ii. Harlow, b. Sept. 14, d. Oct. 2, 1859. 554. iii. Herbert Miles, b. Nov. 21, 1860. 555. iv. Lloyd Wendell, b. Sept. 2, 1863. 556. v. Winfield Scott, b. April 25, 3865. 557. vi. Calvin Locke, b. Nlay 14, 1867. 558. vii. Shirley Brooks, b. April 5, 1873. viii. Eston Hull, b. June 20, 1878; dentist, at Memphis, Tenn.

357. CALVIN RAND6 (Pliny,5 Eliiah, 4 lsaac, 3 lsaac,2 Rich­ ard!), born at Spencer Oct. 18, 1835; married first, Nov. 27, 1858, Sarah Augusta, daughter of Charles Morrill, of Boylston. He married second, at St. Helena, Cal., April 20, 1871, Nancy J., daughter of George and Ann Dorothy (Pauling) Horton, born at Rochester, Mich., Jan. 26, 1841. He resided some years at St. Helena, Cal.; was a shoe­ maker and merchant. He died at Santa Monica, Cal., in 1904. Mrs. Prouty survives and resides at. St. Helena, Cal. Children: . 1. Frederick B.,7 b. at Spencer Nov. 17, 1859 . 561. ii. Harry -Eln1er, b. at St. Helena, Cal., March 9, 1872. 562. iii. Edgar Fay, b. at St. Helena, Cal., May 3, 1874. 563. iv. Robert Leroy, b. at St. Helena, Cal., July 17, 1876. 564. V. Arthur Garfield, b. at St. Helena, Cal., March 19, 1880.

358. HORACE ELISHA6 (Elisha,5 Elisha,4 Isaac,3 lsaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer April 15J 1831; married May 11, 1854, Susan Maria, daughter of Slade and Mary Earle, born in 1834. He enlisted May 6, 1861, and served three years in the 10th regiment Mass. Vol. Inf. in the vVar of the Rebellion; was in ten battles, but came home at the end of his term without a wound. He died Nov. 19, 1884. Children: . L Hattie 11:aria,7 b. ~lay 27, 1857 . 566. ii. Edward Austin, b. Sept. 8, 1860. 146 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

359. GEORGE HENRr (Tliaxter, 5 Elisha,4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 1 Richard ), born at Spencer Aug. 12, 1827; married at Boston Dec. 29, 1854, Frances E., daughter of Robert Hitchcock, born at Boston in 1836. She married second, Jan. 19, 1872, Fred. C. Brugts. He resided in Boston; he died March 3, 1870. Children: i. George Edwin, 7 b. at Boston March 26, 1856; d. unm. Sept. 29, 1896. ii. Sarah Frances, b. Dec. 25, 1857; m. Dec. 23, 1880, James Young. iii. George W., b. Nov. 19, 1859. iv. Eva Merriam, b. Nov. 3, 1862. v. Ella F., d. Jan. 9, 1893, unm. vi. Minnie, b. June 13, 1864. 568. vii. Robert Thaxter, b. Nov. 15, 1867. viii. Flora L., b. Feb. 26, d. Sept. 13, 1870.

360. AUGUSTUS CHARLES' (Charles, 5 Joseph,' Isaac, 3 Isaac, 2 Richard1), born at Spencer Dec. 5, 1832; married April 25, 1855, Olive Jane, daughter of Lyman and Rachel (Howard) Brewer, born Sept. 16, 1834. He resided at Spencer; he died Aug. 19, 1909. Children: 1 569. i... Charlie Ellis, b. Feb. 2, 1856. 11. Ada Frances, b. April 24, 1858; m. Oct. 9, 1883, Hiram J. P~rent; res. at Trenton, N. J. n1. Carrie Estella, b. Jan. 6, 1860; d. Aug. 22, 1861. iv. Cora Louise, b. July 13, 1862; m. (1) Feb. 4, 1891, Edgar A. Abbott; he d. and she m. (2) Aug. 31, 1907, Fred J. Knowlton; res. at Worcester. v. Everett Howard, b. Nov. 30, 1865; d. Aug. 19, 1866. vi... Judson Brewer, b. Jan. 21, 1868. Vll. Julius Lyman, b. Oct. 14, 1871; d. Sept. 6, 1872 .

6 1 361. HENRY J. (Charles,5 Joseph,4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer in 1838; married at Barre July 27, 1864, SIXTH GENERATION 147

Pamelia, daughter of Andre"r - J. and Caroline Roberts. Child: W. James, 7 b. 11ay 22, 1865.

364. GEORGE C. 6 (Cyrus,5 Joseph,4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born in 1836; married first, Jan. 10, 1860, Emma, daughter of John and Sarah Hindley, born in England in 1840, died at Charlton Dec. 19, 1878. He married second, March 4,

1880 1 Maggie, daughter of Michael B. and Ann Hayes. Residence (1870) Boston. He died Oct. 17, 1903. Child: 570. i. Nelson H.,7 b. at North Hadley, 1865.

365. FRANKLIN T. 6 (Joseph H.,5 Joseph, 4 Isaac, 3 lsaac, 2 1 Richard ), born at Worcester in 1850; married at North Brookfield July 3, 1873, Emma F., daughter of John D. and Orpha A. (Richardson) Brewer, born March 19, 1851, died Nov., 1902. Children: . l... Sydney D,1 b. Dec. 19, 1875; d. May 29, 1876 . 11. Elton Frank, b. June 16, 1882 . 1n. Ralph_Eugene, b. June 27, 1885.

367. THOMAS AusTIN6 (John Nazro, 5 Tlwrnas,4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard:-), born at Spencer Aug. 11, 1822; married at Paxton May 31, 1854, Georgiana Ellen, daughter of Nathaniel and Clarissa (Brown) Pike, born Dec. 1, 1832. He taught school some time; carried on a farm; was town officer many terms; justice of the peace 28 years; was a merchant. He died at Spencer Feb. 14, 1903. A sketch of him with portrait appears in Tower's Sketches of Spencer. Children: i. Fannie Estelle, b. April 3, d. Aug. 17, 1855. ii. Clara Edna, b. April 20, 1856; m. Sept. 15, 1885, George Fred Watson. She d. Aug. 5, 1909. 571. iii. John Nazro, b. Jan. 4, 1861. iv. Alice Louisa, b. Aug. 16, 1863; d. Feb. 28, 1865. 572. iv. Walter Vernon, b. Aug. 15, 1869. 148 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

368. THEODORE C. 6 (John N., 5 Thomas,4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 1 Richard ), born at Spencer in 1829; married at Paxton May 8, 1864, Hannah P., daughter of Samuel and Eliza Peirce, born Nov. 30, 1833. She died Feb. 4, 1876. He died Dec. 31, 1888. Child~ Hannah E.,7 b. Jan. 30, 1876; m. N. A. Harrington.

369. ISAAC LoTHROP6 (John N.,5 Thomas, 4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer in 1831; married at Paxton April 7, 1857, Mary L., daughter of Silas A. and Betsey Skinner, born in 1837. He learned the trade of boot and shoe making with his uncle Isaac Prouty, and carried on the manufacture in Paxton and Spencer in several different partnerships. In 1894 he entered the corporation of Isaac Prouty & Co. and became president and financial manager. Was an active man in town affairs and representative to the General Court one term. He died Feb. 6, 1904. Children: . 1. E1nn1a L., 7 b. 1858; m. Jan. 3, 1883, i\Iyron A. Young; res. at Spencer. ii. Fred'!I., d. Aug. 1, 1872, "ae. 8 m., 24 days."

370. ISAAC THOMAS6 (Homer R., 5 Thomas, 4 Isaac,3 lsaac,2 1 Richard ), born at North Brookfield Dec. 20, 1820; married at Brookfield Nov. SJ- 1842, Lucretia Carter, daughter of Otis and Mary (Blake) Rawson, born at Uxbridge April 22, 1820, died at Somerville July 5, 1902. He resided at North Brookfield; he died 16, 1877. Children: . 1. ~-Iary Nancy/ b. July 7, d. July 23, 1850 . 573. ii. Frank Herbert, b. April 10, 1853.

371. ALBERT HoRACE6 (Homer R., 5 Thomas,4 J;3aac, 3 Isaac,2 1 Richard ), born at North Brookfield July 15, 1823; married SIXTH GENERATION 149 at Northboro' April 6, 1848, Abby Susan, daughter of Joseph and Phebe (Boyden) Moore, born at Uxbridge, who survived him; she died at Northboro' May 19, 1872, "aged 41 years, 2 months and 9 days." He died at Boylston Dec. 16, 1862. Children: 7 574. i... Christopher Augustus, b. May 16, 1848. 11. Martha. 111. Josephine Ann, b. 1855; m. at Marlborough Apr. 10, 1876, Alfred Eugene Dansreaux; res. Marlborough.

372. ALEXANDER VAN RENSSELAER6 (Hamer R., 5 Thomas, 4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard1), born at North Brookfield July 24, 1827; married first, at Boylston May 7, 1850, Elizabeth Hastings, daughter of George and Mary Coxen, born in England; she died Dec. 13, 1883, "aged 71, 10, 20." He married second, March 5, 1885, Mrs. Elizabeth H. (Clarkson) Snow, who survived him. He died at Boylston June 28, 1892. Children: i. Nan~y E.,7 b. Aug. 24, 1852; m. June 28, 1876, Charles W. Moore. 575. ii. George Homer, b. in 1856.

373. JoHN NAZR06 (Homer R.,5 Thomas,4 Isaac,3 Isaac, 2 1 Richard ), born at North Brookfield Jan. 21, 1830; married March 6, 1855, Harriet E. Nelson, of Plymouth. She sur­ vived him and died at Leominster Nov. 26, 1893, "aged 56 years, 6 months and 10 days." Resided at North Brookfield. He died April 30, 1892. Children: . I. Hattie F.,7 b. at Plymouth ~farch 15, 1859; d. at North Brookfield Feb. 3, 1875. 576. ii. Arthur Nelson, b. at Waltham Feb. 23, 1864. 577. iii. Elmer Walton, b. at North Brookfield, June 24, 1873. 150 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

374. Lucius MARIUS6 (Homer R., 5 Thomas, 4 Isaac,3 Jsaac,2 1 Richard ), born at North Brookfield June 17, 1832; married at Oakham July 31, 1851, Mary Ann, daughter of Pliny Pepper. She survived him, and resid~s at Worcester (1910). He enlisted in the Union Army June 21, 1861; was corporal in Co. K, 10th Mass. Vol. Infantry; discharged for disability Nov. 24,. 1862. He died at Spencer Feb. 27, 1885. Child: Sarah Jane,7 b. 1852; m. at Worcester April 7, 1875, James A. Wilson.

375. CHARLES RAMSDELL6 (Homer R., 5 Thomas,4 Isaac,3 1 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at North Brookfield April 4, 1834; married at West Brookfield March 19, 1856, Susan, daughter of Joseph M. Wood, born in 1833. Residence, West Brookfield. Child: 578. Albert Stanley,7 b. Feb. 20, 1857.

376. ELPHONZO Wooo 6 (Homer R., 5 Thomas,4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard1),. born at North Brookfield May 2, 1836; married first, at Brookfield May 2, 1871, Catherine, daughter of Reuben and Amanda (Miranda) Drake; she died Oct. 30, 1875, "aged 29 years, 9 months, 4 days." He married second, at Northboro' June 17, 1879, Elizabeth A., daughter of Charles H. and Harriet (Fay) Fayerweather, born April 25, 1834, died Feb. 23, 1889. He enlisted in Co. F, 13th Mass. Vol. Inf. June 16, 1861; corporal July 1, 1864; honorably discharged Aug. 1, 1864. He resided at Worcester; died May 25, 1894. Children: i. Robie l\L, 7 d. ~larch 13, 1874, ae. 8 m., 17 d. 579. ii. Charles Ho111er, b. June 12, 1881.·

377. HENRY lvIYRICK6 (Homer R.,5 Thomas,4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 1 Richard ), born at North Brookfield March 14, 1841; married SIXTH GENERATION 151

June 15, 1870, Ruth 'Lizabeth, daughter of Henry Proctor and Celuria vVhite (Tuttle) Barrett, born at West Brookfield Nov. 22, 1843. He is a farmer, he and his family active members of the Patrons of Husbandry and progressive in their business. Residence, Furnace, in Hardwick. Children: 579a. i. George Stanley,7 b. at Hartford, Conn., Jan. 1, 1871. 579b. ii. Charles Homer, b. do. Feb. 23, 1877.

378. DWIGHT HoMER6 (Homer R., 5 Thomas,4 Isaac,3 lsaac, 2 Richard!), born at North Brookfield Nov. 10, 1843; married at Petersham Dec. 30, 1874, Maria E., daughter of Liberty and Alice R. (March) Wood, born at Hardwick April 14, 1850. He is a farmer at North Brookfield. Children: i. Nellie A.,7 b. July 11, 1881; d. April 29, 1882. ii. Helen Maria, b. April 28, 1884.

379. JoHN -- GoonELL6 (lsaac,5 Thomas,4 Isaac,3 · Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer April 19, 1827; married at Paxton May 19, 1853, Lucy Ann, daughter of Browning and Sarah Hubbard. She survived Mr. Prouty and married second, Sept. 22, 1859, Frederick U. Stowell of Anoka, Minn. He died at Spencer Sept. 11, 1854.

6 380. LEWIS W1LDER . (lsaac,5 Thomas,4 lsaac,3 lsaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer Jan. 24, 1829; married at Fall River Feb. 12, 1~62, Mary Barnum, daughter of Caleb Bar­ num and Almira (\Vheeler) Vickery. He was associated with his father and brothers in the business of manufacturing boots and shoes at Spencer, and showed the finest business qualities. He died of pneumonia Jan. 31, 1872, greatly respected and deeply mourned. 152 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Children: 580. i. Everett Vickery, 7 b. Jan. 15, 1863. ii. Ellen Smith, b. Jan. 7, 1868; m. June 4, 1891, Frank A. Drury; res. at Worcester.

381. GEORGE PoRTER6 (lsaac,5 Thomas, 4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 1 Richard ), born at Spencer Sept. 12, 1831; married Nov. 22, 1859, Mary Lucretia, daughter of John and Lucretia (Brown) Bemis, born Nov. 19, 1835. He was a member of the firm of Isaac Prouty & Co., at Spencer many years, and reputed for commercial honor as well as great efficiency; was a member of the Congregational church. He died May 1, 1898. Children: 581. i. John Goodell,7 b. Feb. 10, 1865. ii. ~label Lucretia, b. May 24, 1872; m. June 11, 1895, Arthur ~'fills Johnson, Esq., of lVIt. Vernon, N. Y.

382. CHARLES NEWTON6 (lsaac,5 Thomas,4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer Oct. 6, 1842; married at New York City May 25, 1864, Jane Azubah, daughter of Selby and Azubah (Rice) Richardson, born at Spencer June 6, 1842. He was bred to the business of manufacturing boots and shoes, and admitted to his father's firm in 1864. After the death of his father and elder brother he came into great responsibilities which are still upon him. He has been a State Senator and taken other prominent parts in the affairs of the county and the town of Spencer, and of the Congrega­ tional church. Children: i. Anna Richardson,7 b. Jan. 10, 1869; m. June 4, 1895, Newton Darling; res. Worcester. Children: 1. Newton Prouty Darling, b. Dec. 17, 1896. 2. Francis Bacon Darling, b. May 9, 1898; d. Aug. 6, 1909. 582. ii. Lewis Isaac, b. Jan. 10, 1872. SIXTH GENERATION 153

111. George Selby, b. Nov. 22, 1874; grad. Harvard University, class of 1897, and entered the firm of Isaac Prouty & Co., manufacturers of boots and shoes, at Spencer. 583. iv. Charles Newton, Jr., b. l\Iay 27, 1877. v. Elton Rice, b. Feb. 11, 1880; d. Jan. 11, 1881. vi. l\ilarion Rice, b. Nov. 8, 1881; m. Oct. 8, 1910, Albert Van Yoast Bensen, of New York City.

383. JASON Woon6 (lsaac,5 Thomas,4 lsaac,3 Isaac,2 Rich­ ard!), born at Spencer May 14, 1848; married March 30, 1893, Emma Aurelia, daughter of George Azel and Ellen A. (Jones) Craig, born Nov. 26, 1859. He resides at Spencer. Is a director in the corporation of Isaac Prouty & Co. Child: Evelyn Craig,7 b. April 30, 1898.

384:. ELIJAH6 (Elijah D., 5 William,4 William,3 William,2 Richard!), born at Scituate Nov. 26, 1836; married Aug. 8, 1861, Betsey White of Hingham. He enlisted- in Co. G, 39th Mass. Vol. Infantry, and went with his regiment to the front. He died at Washington, D. C., Dec 9, 1863. Children: i. (}eorge Hiram,7 b. Nov. 18, 1861; d. Jan. 23, 1882. ii. Nellie Frances, m. Aug. 10, 1881, Edwin H. Tirrell.

385. "\\'ILLIAl\16 (William,5 Tililliam, 4 Tililliam, 3 TI1illiam, 2 Richard!), born at Scituate Dec. 23, 1833; married first, at Hanover Jan. 8, 1854, ~iartha Jane, daughter of Benjamin and Hannah Bates, born Feb. 16, 1837, died May 9, 1856. He married second, at Hingham Dec. 13, 1857, Patience Chubbock, daughter of Nathaniel French, born at South Hingham, Dec. 17, 1838; died at South Scituate Feb. 3, 1866. He married third, Feb. 1, 1871, Mrs. Sarah L. (French) 154 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Spear, born Sept. 19, 1831, who survives. He was a shoe manufacturer in Norwell. He died Jan. 28, 1884. Children: . 1... Martha Priscilla,7 b. ~iarch 26, d. Aug. 31, 1856 . 11. Martha Josephine,7 b. at South Scituate Sept. 19, 1859; d. Sept. 28, 1864. 111. _Flora Lazette, b. June 17, 1862; d. Feb. 12, 1901.

386. JoHN HoBART6 (William,5 William, 4 William,3 Wil­ liam,2 Richard!), born at Scituate June 15, 1839; married at Easton Dec. 14, 1861, Anna Almira, daughter of Ebenezer and Sarah D. (Savage) Randall, born" Oct. 16, 1840. He resides at Norwell; is a real estate dealer. Children: . 584. i... Frank Alton, 7 b. March 24, 1866. 11. Josie Anna, b. Feb. 5, 1868; m. Dec. 31, 1889, Alva Chapin Tisdale, of Weymouth. Res. at Norwell. Children: · 1. Josie Prouty Tisdale, b. Jan. 4, 1894. 2. Donald Chapin Tisdale, b. Jan. 14, 1904. 585. iii. John Alonzo, b. Sept. 28, 1869. 586. iv. William Ozro Carpenter, b. Oct. 19, 1876. 587. V. Alfred Hobart, b. Sept. 23, 1879.

387. OLIVER B. 6 (lsaac,5 William, 4 William,3 William,2 Richard!), born at Scituate July 11, 1841; married--Tilden. The~ family moved to New Jersey. [Tilden Genealogy in " Ship-building on North River."] Children: i. Alonzo Everett, 7 b. Feb. 2, 1868. ii. Ehner. 111. Edward Burton, b. Apr. 15, 1870. iv. James. v. Alvord, b. Dec. 25, 1872. vi. Ella F., b. Oct. 10, 1876. vii. Lottie. viii. Olive. SIXTH GENERATION 155

388. ORLANDO C. 6 (lsaac,5 William,4 William,3 William,2 1 Richard ), born at Scituate Aug. 24, 1843; married Oct. 7, 1866, Juliet E., daughter of Washington and Priscilla Lincoln. Children: . 1. Lillian,7 b. March 3, 1867; m. ~larch 28, 1885, George .. E. Fairbanks, Jr. 11. Frederick Lincoln, b. Oct. 31, 1872; d. Oct. 16, 1886 . 111. Sydney V., b. Nov. 26, 1876. iv. Edith ~Iari~n, b. Dec. 15, 1887.

389. FREDERICK WYMAN6 (lsaac,5 William,4 William,3 William,2 Richard!), born at South Scituate Feb. 10, 1849; married first, Dec. 25, 1881, Celia P., daughter of Gera and Philinda Ford, who died Nov. 18, 1884. He married second, Dec. 23, 1890, Minnie Ann, daughter of Cyrus Col­ lamore and Martha Reed (Sylvester) Holmes, born at Newton, N. C., Aug. 12, 1866. Children: i. Frederick Carleton, 7 b. Sept. 6, 1892. ii. Diademia, b. Dec. 11, d. Dec. 12, 1897.

389a. JAMES OLIVER6 (Richard,5 Richard, 4 William, 3 Wil­ liam, 2 Richard!), born at Shutesbury Aug. 4, 1828; married at Sunderland April 14, 1852, Abigail Delana, daughter of Elijah and Rhoda (Graves) Hubbard, born Dec. 19, 1827. Residence, Baraboo, Wis._ Children: . 1. Ella Abbie,7 b. July 18, 1853; m. Sept. 23, 1872, .. Wm. Henry Kline. 11. Francis Oliver, b. April 13, 1855; d. Jan. 13, 1861. 111. Jane Eliza, b. lVIay 17, d. Nov. 7, 1857. 1v. Harriet Eliza, b. Nov. 21, 1859. V. Frederick James, b. Oct. 26, 1861; d. Sept. 17, 1862. vi. Edward Avery, b. l\Iay 13, 1868; m. Sept. 26, 1894, at Appleton, Wis., Effie l\i1abel Packard.

390. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN6 (Benjamin,5 Richard,4 TI7il­ 3 2 1 liam, William, Richard ), born April ~' 1837; married first, 156 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY at New York City Feb. 18, 1864, l\fargaret "\"\:'"., daughter of William Findley, born there Aug. 21, 1843. He married second, at Providence, R. I., June 6, 1906, Annie McDonald Fuller, born in Nova Scotia. He learned the trade of spectacle making and worked a while at Philadelphia, Pa. Enlisted in the Marine Corps and served four years. Returning home, resumed his trade and the War· of the Rebellion breaking out, he enlisted in the First Conn. Vol. Infantry; was in the first battle of Bull Run; was commissioned captain in the Fourth Conn. Sept.

12 1 1861, and went South ·with the regiment; had a part in the taking of Hilton Head; was captured and confined in Libby Prison, Richmond and at Annapolis, Md.; was ex­ changed and returned to service; resigned on account of physical disability Dec. 31, 1863. Colonel of the 1st Conn. National Guard Jan. 19, 1869 and served one year. Resided at Northampton again and then at Hartford, Conn., till 1891; removed to Providence, R. I., and in 1909 to Los Angeles, Cal. Is at present a hotel keeper. Children: i. Isadora G.,7 b. Nov. 21, 1864; d. Nov. 30, 1894. ii. Benjamin Franklin, Jr., b. Sept. 2, 1867.

391. WILLIAM H.6 (Benjamin,5 Richard,4 William,3 Wil­ 1 liam,2 Richard ), born August, 1840; married at Holyoke April 24, 1884, Catherine M. Joyce. He died at Deerfield May 6, 1897.

392. EDWARD F. 6 (Benjamin,5 Richard, 4 William,3 William,2 1 Richard ), born in January, 1842; married at Northampton Feb. 22, 1864, Elizabeth Jane Buckley. He died at Lynn July 8, 1883. Mrs. Prouty resides at Springfield. Children: 588. i. Frederick W., 1 b. Oct. 12, 1866. ii. i\Iabel L., b. Aug. 17, 1871; m. at Boston July 25, 1894, George Russell. She d. Sept. 15, 1903. SIXTH GENERATION 157

393. GEORGE6 (Henry H.,5 Jesse,4 William,3 William,2 Richard!), born at Chelsea Nov. 6, 1845; married Anna H. Martin. Children: . 1. Susie H.,7 b. June 4, 1866; m. at Malden Jan. 1, .. 1884, Albert J. L. Marsh . 11. Charles C., b. Feb. 28, 1868. 589. iii. George Albert, b. Feb. 27, 1870. iv. Frederick Hamilton, b. Nov. 10, 1874; drowned Aug. 11, 1879. v. Lillie, b. Jan. 13, d. Feb. 13, 1881. vi. Anna Alberta, b. Aug. 22, 1883.

394. HENRY HERSEr (Harris G., 5 Jesse,4 William,3 Wil­ liam, 2 Richard!), born at Abington Aug. 27, 1830; married there May 1, 1859, Fidelia M., daughter of Barnabas and Thirza (Bisbee) Howard, born in 1838, .died at Rockland May 23, 1887. Child: ~Iarie Evelyn,7 b. Dec. 16, 1867; m. Oct. 15, 1889, J.-· Marcellus Llewellyn.

394a. WILLIAM HARRISON6 (Harris G., 5 Jesse,4 William, 3 William,2 Richard!), born at Abington May 9, 1835; married there Dec. 30, 1860, Susan E., daughter of Charles L. and Susan E. (Daniels) Hendley, born at Boston July 20, 1842. He was a painter and shoemaker; lived at v"\1iitman; he died Aug. 16, 1909. Children: . 1. }lay L.,7 b. l\Iay 1, 1862; m. July 10, 1904, J. "\V . .. 1Ieserve; res. J a1naica Plain (Boston). 11. Susan E., b. at Hanson Sept. 26, 1865; d. Feb. 18, 1870. 111. Hattie E., b. l\Iarch 22, 1868; m. Nov. 1, 1893, W. A Harn1on; res. Boston. 158 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

395. JOHN N. 6 (Harris G., 5 Jesse,4 William,3 William,2 1 Richard ), born at Abington Dec. 10, 1851; married Sept. 17, 1884, Sarah A., daug~ter of William and Mary E. Power. Children: i. Harris Gilman,7 b. at South Abington Oct. 30, 1885. ii. Charles Wallace, b. at Whitman May 30, 1888.

396. LEROY PRESCOTr8 (Jesse, 5 Jesse, 4 William, 3 William, 2 Riclwrd1), born at Hanson in 1860; married at Rockland June 5, 1887, Caroline E. Dunn. Children: . I... Leroy Fletcher,7 b. Aug. 19, 1888 . 11. Bessie Erminie, b. June 7, 1891 . 111. Rena Ilene, b. Nov. 5, 1896.

397. CHARLES ORL.A.ND06 (Joseph E.,5 Jesse, 4 William,' William,2 Richard'-), born at Hanson Dec. 27, 1853; married Dec. 25, 1878, Nellie W., daughter of Benjamin and Mary C. Thomas "aged 23." Children: i. Walter Cuehing,7 b. Aug. 25, 1879. ii. Mary Warren, b. March 19, 1881.

398. JoHN WILDER6 (l1aniah, 5 Damd,4 Damd, 3 William, 2 Richard!), born at Scituate Aug. 26, 1825; married (intention April 28, 1849), Sophronia A. Glover. He kept the "Half Way House" in Scituate some years. He died at Pembroke Nov. 18, 1902.

399. LoRENZ06 (Lorenzo,5 David, 4 Da·vid, 3 William,2 Richard1), born at Boston Oct. 22, 1838; married Sept. 2, 1863, Almira Jeanette, daughter of George and Almira (Richardson) Gurney, born at Boston, March 17, 1840. \v.,. as in the hardware business in Boston, making a specialty of fishing tackle. He died at Chelsea Dec. 31, 1882. SIXTH GENERATION 159

Children: i. Jennie Ellen,7 b. l\,farch 7, 1865; d. Feb. 24, 1866. ii. Annah Richardson, b. April 28, 1867.

400. GEORGE WASIDNGTON6 (David 0.,5 David,4 David,3 William,2 Richard!), born at Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 28, 1852; married at Dorchester (Boston) June 13, 1882, Susie Stimpson, daughter of Uriah Rich and Abbie Ann (Osborne) Harding, born at Charlestown Sept. 27, 1858. He is a mechanical engineer; resides at Dorchester.· In­ vented the popular printing press which bears his name, and has designed many other machines of special and in­ tricate nature. Children: 590. i. George Washington,., b. June 24, 1883. ii. Osborne Bernard, b. Oct. 10, 1884. iii.· Ralph Harding, b. Nov. 6, 1885. iv. Susie Geneva, b. Dec. 13, 1886; d. Feb. 17, 1887. v. Bertha Mabel, b. Dec. 16, 1888; d. Sept. 20, 1889. SEVENTH GENERATION

401. CHARLES DICKERM..W7 (Lemuel D., 6 Elijah,5 Elijah,4 Richard,3 Edward,2 Richard1), born at Brattleboro, Vt., June 9, 1843; married at Cleveland, 0., Sept. 8, 1868, Hattie Lucy, daughter of James and Catherine (Phelps) Sears, born at New Haven, Conn., March 21, 1847. He is a mason contractor at Cleveland, 0. Children: . I. Ella Sears,8 b. Oct. 16, 1869; m. April 28, 1890, Oscar Kroehle; res. Maple Cliff Park, Lakewood, 0. ii. Mary Eliza, b. April 22, 1871; d. Nov. 28, 1877. .iii. Clarence Edgar, b. April 24, 1874; d. Dec. 12, 1877. IV. Edith Areline, b. Aug. 9, 1878 . 600. v. Clyde Alison, b. April 10, 1880. vi... Emily Sears, b. April _l, 1888; d. Jan. 1, 1899 . vu. Helen Grace, b. Dec. 12, 1889.

402. LEONARD W. 7 (Lemuel D., 6 Elijah,5 Elijah,4 Richard,3 Edward,2 Richard!), born at Brattleboro, Vt.. , in 1851; married first, at Boston Aug. 6, 1876, Hannah Grady; she died Oct. 5, 1880. He married second, Aug. 7, 1884, Mrs. Louisa McDonald. Children: . 1... David L.,8 b. July 2; d. July 23, 1877 . 11. Ellen l\iiaria, b. Sept. 2, 1878. 111. Annie ~!aria, b. Sept. 27, 1880.

4:05. FREDERICK CHARLES7 (Williani c., 6 Elisha,5 Elijah, 4 Richard,3 Ed'ward,2 Richard'), born at Leaf River township, Ill., April 7, 1854; married April, 1874, at Chicago, Ill., Sarah Elizabeth I{emp. Child: }lyrtle J osephine8, b. April 29, 1882; d. May 5, 1888. 160 SEVENTH GENERATION 161

406. GEORGE BURPY7 (Elisha w., 6 Elisha,5 Elijah,4 Richard,8 Edward,2 Richard!), born at West Brattleboro, Vt., Dec. 26, 1841;. married Jan. 9, 1873, Louise Maryline, daughter of Clark and Louise Alexander, born Dec. 5, 1850. He is a farmer at West Brattleboro. Children: 601. i. George Whitney,8 b. Aug. 21, 1873. 602. ii. Lewis Elliot, b. March 14, 1875. iii. Ellen Blanche, b. Oct. 19, 1877; m. June 4, 1898, Walter Thompson Cain. Child: Dorothy Ellen Cain, b. May 5, 1899. iv. Elisha, } b D 23 1879 v. Clark, · ec. ' · vi. Elizabeth Belle, b. Jan. 23, 1882; m. Sept. 18, 1907, Leon Walker. Child: Marguerite Elizabeth Walker, b. July 4, 1908. vii. Dolly May, b. Feb. 29, 1884. viii. ~Iary, b. July 10, 1886. ix. Fred Burpy, b. May 5, 1889; d. Oct. 1, 1889. x. Ola Hope, b. Dec. 12, 1890; d. June 15, 1893.

409. E:MERSON FoRRESTER7 (Forrester A.,6 lsaac,5 Richard, 4 Richa.rd, 3 _Edward, 2 Richard1), born at Belchertown April 22, 1846; married first, Sept. 1, 1866, Hattie E., daughter of Charles and Harriet Fowler~ of Brattleboro, Vt., born in 1848; she died April 2, 1868. He married, Sept., 1869, Myra L. Graves, who died Nov., 1884. He married June 5, 1907, Elizabeth D. R. Safford. Resides at Salem, N. Y. Children: i. l\Iabel Louise,8 b. March 15, 1868; m. Edwin J. Prindle of Newport, Vt.; res. Washington, D. C. Children: 1. Sidney Prindle. 2. Margaret Prindle. 3. Lucy Gray Prindle. 162 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

4. Winifred H. Prindle, b. Feb. 5, 1907. ii. Grace Virginia, b. June 25, 1870; m. in Hartford, Conn., Robert H. Kline. Child: Roy Wellington Kline, b. Jan. 24, 1904. iii. Walter b. July 14, 1873. iv. l\Iae, b. Aug.18, 1875;m. FredSparks;res. Worcester. Children: I. Mildred Sparks. 2. Walter Sparks.

4:10. MARTIN LUTHER7 (Furreste:r A.,6 Isaac,5 Richard, 4 Richard, 3 Edward, 2 Richard1), born at Belchertown, Mass., March 27, 1850; married at Brattleboro, Vt., Oct. 11, 1871 Ellen Rosanna, daughter of Joel Smith "Wheeler by his wife Phila N. (Miller); she was born June 2, 1847. He was a printer, proprietor of an office at Hartford, Conn. He died June 13, 1892. Children: i. Ola Lyon,8 b. April27, 1874; m. April 7, 1896, Edward Haight Peck. Res. Brooklyn, N. Y. Child: Madeline Louise Peck, b. June 28, 1897. 603. ii. Arthur Tallime, b. Sept. 13, 1876.

4:11. JunsoN IsAAc7 (Forrester A.,6 Isaac, 5 Richard, 4 Richard, 3 Edward,2 Richard!), bor_n at Brattleboro, Vt., March 9, 1857; married Jennie Havens. He was a printer; resided at Hartford; he died May 12, 1909. Children: 604. i. Robert William,8 Nov. 12, 1880. ii. Raymond, b. July 16, 1890; seaman in U. S. Navy.

431. EMORY7 (Edward, 6 J.saac, 5 Richard, 4 Richard, 3 Edward, 2 1 Richard ), born at West Brookfield Jan. 7, 1859; married at Leominster Nov. 22, 1887, Nellie E., daughter of Andrew SEVENTH GENERATION 163 and Margaret (Smyth) McCully, born at St. John, N. B., April 14, 1865. He resides at Palmer.

435. BERIAH LooMis7 (Elijah King,6 Samuel,5 Samuel, 4 1 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 R'ichard ), born at Waterford, Vt., Oct. 14, 1831; married at Holyoke, Mass., May 29, 1875, Mary, daugh­ ter of Abel S. and Lydia (Nason) Ward, born March 20, 1855, at Franklin, Vt. He is a pattern maker in the employ of the General Electric Co. at Lynn. Children: i. George Loomis,8 b. June 26, 1878; d. at Holyoke June 8, 1882. ii. Mary J., b. at Chelsea Aug. 17, d. Aug. 19, 1879.

438. GEORGE CARLETON7 (Thumas S.,6 Arternas, 5 Samuel/ Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard1), married Ruth 0. Paine. Resided at Boston, later at Sharon. Children: . I. Emma Frances, 8 b. July 15, 1867; d. May 9, 1870 . 606. ii. George Carleton, b. May 3, 1872. iii. Thomas Stephen, b. June 12, 1874. iv. Clarence Gordon, b. April 6, 1879. V. Susan J., b. Oct . ..3, 1881.

440. CHARLES 0Rrc7 (Oric,6 Artemas,5 Samuel,4 Jacob/~ 1 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Langdon, N. H., Nov. 4, 1849; married Eliza Cornelia, daughter of John Knox. He is in charge of the stove department of "The Boston Store" in Worcester. Child: 610. Alden Knox, 8 b. Aug. 20, 1882.

441. ALVIN WILLARD7 (Oric,6 Arternas,5 Samuel,4 Jacob,3 1 Jsaac,2 Richard ), born at Bellows Falls, Vt., Dec. 15, 1855; 164 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

married at Worcester Aug. 6, 1887, Ida E., daughter of Henry and Christina M. Chapin. He is a tinsmith and stove dealer at Worcester. Children: . 1. Frank Ahin,8 b. April 6, 1888; me1nber of class of 1911, Amherst College. ii. · Roy H., b. Dec. 30, 1891; student at Amherst College.

7 6 5 4 3 2 442. HERMAN ( Orie, Artemas, Samuel, Jacob, / saac, 1 Richard ), born at Bellows Falls, Vt., June 15, 1861; married at Worcester April 25, 1889, Nellie Pearson, born June 29, 1864. He is a tinsmith, in the firm of Prouty Brothers at Worcester. Children: . 1. Philip Herman,8 b. Dec. 20, 1889; student at Am­ .. herst College. 11. Ruth Mildred, b. April 26, 1892. iii. Etta Frances, b. July 25, 1897.

443. JAMES. S.7 (Samuel w., 6 Willard,5 Samuel," Jacob,3 lsaac,2 Richard1), born at Acworth, N. H., Jan. 27, 1856; married at Boston, Mass., March 22, 1893, Emily, daughter of Samuel C. and Melissa Savory. He resides at Alstead, N. H.

444. IRA JosLIN7 (Ira F., 6 Willard, 5 Samuel,4 Jacob,3 lsaac,2 Richard1), born at Ke~ne, N. H., Aug 15, 1857; married Marietta, daughter of John Humphrey, born July 19, 1857. He graduated, M. D., from University of New York City, 1882; is a practising physician at Keene. Child: Ira Humphrey,8 b. April 25, 1885; Dart. Coll. 1907; Johns Hopkins Med. School, class of 1911.

446. DEXTER B. 7 (Linus E., 6 Abijah, 5 Jacob, 4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 1 Richard ), born Nov. 7, 1827; married --. He resided at Little Falls, N. Y.; died April 1, 1876. SEVENTH GENERATION 165

447. HENRY P.7 (Linus E., 6 Abijah,5 Jacob,4 Jacob,3 lsaac,2 1 Richard ), born at West Kendall, Orleans county, N. Y., Jan. 18, 1833; married Martha Broughton. He ·was a physician. Resided at River Forest, ill. He died in January, 1893.

448. HIRAM B.7 (Linus E., 6 Abijah, 5 Jacob,4 Jacob,3 I~ 1 Richard ), born April 10, 1835; married -- Resides at Fair Haven, N. Y.

449. JAMES LEWIS7 (Linus E., 6 Amjah,5 Jacob,4 Jacob,3 lsaac,2 Richard!), born at West Kendall, Orleans county, N. Y., July 18, 1844; married at Granville, N. Y., Susan L., daughter of Francis Boushe, of Quebec, Canada. When two and a half years old he came with his parents to Middle Granville, N. Y., where they had the care of a large farm owned by his grandfather. After a good period on the farm he came to New York City in 1875 and started in the raw fur business, taking Mr. F. T. Pember of Granville as a partner. He continued the business in his own name after 1885. His two sons, Wilbert L. and Almond E., con­ tinue the same, being the only commission merchants in the borough of Manhattan who handle raw furs, buckskin, beeswax and ginseng root. He died at his home in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1897. Children: 621. i. Wilbert Lewis, 8 b. March 24, 1864. 622. ii. Francis Eddy, b. June 25, 1866. n1. Carrie L., b. Sept. 9, 1868; m. Richard H. Reid. Children: 1. Richard R.eid. 2. Louise Reid. 3. Lewis Reid. 4. Eleanor Reid. lY. Norman, b ..A.pril 13, 1870; d. in June, 1871. 623. V. .Almond Earl, b. July 13, 187 4. 624. vi. vValter Raymond, b. June 25, 1877. 166 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

450. WALTER EDDIE1 .(Walter B., 6 James,5 Jacob,4 Jacob, 3 1 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Hardwick Feb. 7, 1873; married Nellie S. Bacon. Child: Evelyn,8 b. Nov. 12, 1899; d. Nov. 12, 1901.

4:60. HENRY A. 7 (Alanson,6 Gardner,5 Joshua,4 Jacob,S 1 lsaac,2 Richard ), born at Oakham Nov. 3, 1854; married at Springfield Dec. 24, 1878, Emma S., daughter of Stephen and Betsey A. Danks, born at Chicopee in 1852. Children: . 8 I... Ruth Danks, } b. Oct. 18, 1879. 11. R a1 p h G ardn er,

462. GARDNER WHEELOCK7 (Gardner, 6 Gardner, 5 Joshua, 4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Charlestown Oct. 7, 1858; married May 24, 1883, Alice Josephine, daughter of Edward E. and Josephine Fletcher. Removed to Littleton. Children: 630. i... Gardner Edward,8 b. Jan. 28, 1884. 11. Clara Josephine, b. Jan. 23, 1886 . ./ iii.. Helen, b. Oct. 29, 1887 . lV. Herbert Fletcher, b. Dec 11, 1889 . v. Langdon, b. Nov. 22, 1891. vi... Louis Hartwell, b. June 11, d. Sept. 8, 1893. Vil. Marion, b. Oct. 7, 1895 .

464. CHARLES FREDERICK7 (Lorenzo D., 6 Abijah,5 Joshua; Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard:-)~ born at West Brookfield March 20, 1850; married at Brookfield' Dec. 23, 1875, Lucy Frances, daughter of Benjamin and Lucy (\Vellington) David, born at Shirley Dec. 27, 1850. Residence Brockton; is a shoe cutter. Children: . 8 1... Robert Wellington, b. Oct. 1, 1876; d. Nov. 11, 1878 . 11. Edith Hastings, b. Feb. 19, d. Sept. 4, 1879 . 111. Alice Rossiter, b. Oct. 18, 1881. iv. Ruth David, b. June 12, 1886. SEVENTH GENERATION 167

4:66. FREDERICK ALPHEUS7 (Alpheus W., 6 Abijah, 5 J oshua,4 1 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Sturbridge April 22, 1858; married July 3, 1888, Eva Adelaide, daughter of Louis Henry and Helen (Adams) Dennis, born at Stafford Springs, Conn., Aug. 27, 1865. He is a mill owner at Fiskdale.

4:67. WILLIS EnwARD7 (Edward V., 6 Jacob,5 Nathan, 4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), b~rn at Concord, 0., Dec. 19, 1863; mar­ ried at Mentor, 0., Dec. 17; 1896, Lulu Helen, daughter of William and Sarah (Farr) Sawyer, born there Jan. 29, 1871. He was educated in schools of Painesville, 0., and at Oberlin College. Resides at Concord, O.; has been school director, township trustee, supervisor, etc.

468. HERBERT CUTTER7 (Gearge,8 Asaph, 5 Nathan! Jacob, 3 Isaac, 2 Richard!), born at North Leominster March 16, 1850; married at Fitchburg Oct. 1, 1872, Mary A., daughter of Franklin and Charlotte (Kinsman) Phillips, born there March 24, 1848. He has charge of buildings in Fitchburg. Child: ~Iinnie L., 8 b. Feb. 9, 1874; m. Benjamin A. Cook.

4:69. GEORGE CoNVERSE7 (George,6 Asaph, 5 Nathan,4 Jacob,3 lsaac,2 Richard!), born at West Acton Aug. 16, 1856; married at Fitchburg Oct. 10, 1877, Addie Lizzette, daughter of John L. and Sarah L. French. She died at Chicago, Ill., Dec. 26, 1894. He married second, May 28, 1896, Mary Helen Brooks, who survived him. He resided at Chicago, Ill.; died Oct. 17, 1903.

4:71. CHARLES ALBERT7 (.,.4.lbert s., 6 Nathan,5 Nathan; 1 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Brimfield April 8, 1857; married at Brimfield Aug. 26, 1883, Mary Eliza, daughter 168 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY of Austin and Sophronia (Bemis) Woodard, born there Oct. 16, 1859. He is a machinist; resides at Holyoke. Children: . 1... Florence Mabel,8 b. Aug. 15, 1884; d. Feb. 22, 1885 . ll. Ella Grace, b. Nov. 24, 1887 . iii. Philip Woodard, b. Nov. 20, 1891. iv. Ruth Alice, b. May 29, 1897.

472. EDWARD NATHAN7 (Alhert s., 6 Nathan, 5 Nathan, 4 Jacob, 3 Isaac, 2 Richard:), born at Brimfield April 29, 1868; married July 18, 1901, Edna Blythe, daughter of James Bradshaw and Hannah Melissa (Reeve) Woolsey, born at Berkeley, Cal., July 16, 1873. He was graduated from Tabor College, Ia., in 1892, B. S.; graduate student, University of California, in Civil Engineer­ ing, 1895-9; BBSistant professor of railroad engineering, 1903- 1906. He is a civil engineer in San Francisco, Cal., residing at Berkeley. Children: . 1... A son, 8 b. and d. Oct. 8, 1902 . n. Edward Woolsey, b. June 2, 1905 . iii. Dorothy Mabel, b. July 31, 1907. iv. Pauline Katherine, b. March 20, 1910.

473. WILLIAM S. 7 (Dwight V., 8 Luke,5 Nathan,4 Jacob,S Isaac,2 Richard1), born at Rensselaer, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1869; married there Sept. 8, 1895, Clara, daughter of Samuel and Samantha (Lord) Hayford, born June 1, 1861. He resides at Albany, N. Y. Child: Daniel C. s b. Feb. 12, 1899.

474. FRANK WooDEN7 (Dwight V., 6 Luke,5 Nathan,'- Jacob, 3 1 lsaac,2 Richard ), born at Rensselaer, N. Y., March 22, 1878; SEVENTH GENERATION 169 married at Green Island, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1901, Julia Emma, daughter of Thomas and Rosa (Taro) J esmain, born Oct. 14, 1882. He is a blacksmith. He enlisted in company 80, Coast Guard April 11, 1898, and was honorably dis­ charged April 10, 1901. He resides at Green Island, N. Y.

4 75. DWIGHT MoRTIMER7 (Dwight, 6 Dwight, 5 Nathan, 4 Jacob, 3 lsaac,2 Richard!), bom at Boston Dec. 29, 1874; married April 22, 1903, Ethie Bigelow, daughter of George and Mary Frances (Farlow) Linder, born at Newton June 7, 1876. He is in the wool business, with F. Nathaniel Perkins & Co. in Boston. Resides in Brookline. Child: Dwight, 2d,8 b. June 9, 1904.

476. CHARLEs ELLSWORTH7 (Joel H., 8 Elias, 5 Nathan, 4 Jacob,3 Isaac, 2 Richard!), born at Worcester Dec. 10, 1864; married at Auburn June 1, 1889, Edith Evelyn, daughter of i\lpha M. and Laura J. (Prouty) Ward. Children: i. Jennie Elsie, 8 b. Aug. 11, 1890. ii. Alice Gertrude, b. Sept. 29, 1892.

477. WILLIAM ELIAS7 (Joel H., 6 Elws,5 Nathan,4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Worcester Feb. 1, 1878; married at Holden Sept. 4, 1906, Florence Elmira, daughter of Julius Albert and Mabel (Lougee) Newell, born there April 13, 1881. He has the two useful trades of printer and pattern maker. Resides at Worcester.

478. LEONARD AuGusTus7 (Joel Harvey,6 Elias,5 Nathan;' Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Worcester July 14, 1883; married Helen E. Hersey. Resides at Locum Dale, Va. 170 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

481. AuausTus7 (Aaron,6 Aaron,5 Asa, 4 David,3 Isaac,2 1 Richard ), born at Hampden, ~ie., March 28, 1828; married Dec. 2, 1852, Rachel B., daughter of Isaiah Keith and Betsey (Wilson) Keith, born at Thorndike, Me., Aug. 1, 1826. Residence, Burlington, Mass.; was a machinist many years, then a farmer.

Children: . I. Harriet Emma,8 b. at East Hampden, Me., Sept. 30, 1854; m. at Bedford, Mass., Feb. 18, 1877, Henry .. Oliver Staples. 11. Wilson Augustus, b. Feb. 5, 1856; d. May 1, 1860 . 635. iii. Samuel Edgar, b. Feb. 6, 1864.

482. SAMUEL7 (Aaron,6 Aaron,5 Asa, 4 David,3 Isaac,2 Rich­ ard1), born at Hampden, Me., Jan. 11, 1837; married at Machias, Me., Sept. 7, 1866, Hannah Emeline, daughter of Elisha Coffin and Mary (Flynn) Cates, born at Machias, Me., April 15, 1841. He was a master mechanic; foreman of the Bangor Foundry and Machine Company at the time of his death, Nov. 8, 1889. Child: Bertha Angela, 8 b. Nov. 9, 1867; m. Feb. 23, 1898, Capt. Josiah Sprague ~iarshall; res. at Bangor, Me.

483. WELLINGTON MARION7 (Joel, 6 Aaron, 5 Asa, 4 David, 3 1 Isaac,2 Richard ), bo:r:_n March 29, 1845; marri~d at Peace Dale, R. I., Oct. 29, 1876, Melissa Lee, daughter of Stephen C. and Nancy (Cook) Carpenter, born at Rocky Brook, R. I., April 3, 1859. He is station agent on the railroad at Peace Dale, R. I.

Children: . 8 1... Gilbert Algernon, b. July 18, 1877 . 11. Flora Aurelia, b. Aug. 31, 1878; d. Sept . 16, 1898. 111. Edith 1\1:ay, b. April 26, 1880. 1v. Grace, b. niay 30, 1888; d. Aug. 25, 1888. SEVENTH GENERATION 171

4:85. PHINEHAS7 (Phinehas, 6 Phinehas, 5 John,4 John,3 Isaac,2 1 Richard ), born at Geneva, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1875; married at Williamstown, Mass., June 1, 1897, Frances Sheldon Jerome. He was educated at Williams College; is in business in Phila­ delphia, Pa. Child: Phinehas, Jr.,8 b. June 12, 1898.

4:86. CHARLES AzRo7 (John A.,6 Arnold,,5 John,4 John,3 1 Isaac,.2 Richard ), born at Newport, Vt., Oct. 9, 1853; married at Irasburgh, Vt., March 26, 1879, Abbie, daughter of Leander and Caroline M. (Doten) Davis, born at Montpelier, Vt., March 26, 1853. He fitted for college at Upton, Mass., at Derby and at St. Johnsbury, Vt.; graduated at Dartmouth College in 187 5; being proficient in mathematics, was appointed to a position in the Observatory at Allegheny City, but had to leave it on account of ill health. Read law and was admitted to the bar of his native county in 1881, having taught the Academy at Newport two years. He entered on the practice of law; was court reporter of the Supreme Court of Vermont, 1888-1896; seryed in state legislature in 1888. Was named by Senator Redfield for the position of a member of the Interstate Commerce Commission and appointed by President Cleveland in 1896, and has commended himself to each succeeding president and to the country by his sagacious and impartial performance of the duties of that position. He resides at Washington, D. C. Children: 640. i. Ward,8 b. June 15, 1884. ii. John A., b. April 11, 1888; student in Dartmouth College, class of 1913.

4:8 7. HARLEY HALL7 (John A., 6 Arnoul, 5 John, 4 John, 3 1 I saac,2 Richard ), born at Newport, Vt., June 26, 1857; married June 14, 1888, Mattie, daughter of Anthony Mc­ Evilla, of Upton, Can. 172 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Graduated from the famous academy at St. Johnsbury, Vt., in 1878. Resides at Portland, Ore.; is a real estate dealer and capitalist. Has a fondness for mountain climb­ ing; his name has been given to "Prouty's Peak," near Portland. Child: Carl Reginald,8 b. Jan. 15, 1889.

488. GEORGE HERBERT7 (John A.,6 Arnold,5 John,4 John,3 1 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Newport, Vt., March 4, 1862; married at Rockville, Conn., Dec. 1, 1890, Henrietta, daughter of Richard and Mary J. (Lanning) Allen, of Rockville, Conn., born Feb. 18, 1865. He was educated in the public schools of Newport, at Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College, Boston, and at the widely famed St. Johnsbury Academy, whose students have taken rank by the side of university men in many cases as a result of its :fine methods of training. He entered into business with his father and became a partner in the lumber firm, gradually assuming a leading place in its large enterprises. He was elected to the state legislature in 1896, and to the state senate in 1904, and was president pro tem. for the session. He was chosen lieutenant governor in 1906 and governor in 1908, and has made an excellent record. He resides at Newport, Vt.

7 6 5 4 3 2 489. EDGAR JOHN (John A., Arnol,d, John, John, / saac, 1 R·ichard ), born at Newport, Vt., Dec. 2, 1870; married at Lowell, Mass., June 12, 1900, Ellen, daughter of Charles and Ellen (Soper) Bean of Coventry, Vt., and Lowell, Mass., born April 1, 187 5. He was educated in the public schools and at Comer's Commercial College in Boston. Resides at Newport, Vt.; is a member of the lumber manufacturing firm of Prouty and Miller, founded by his father. SEVENTH GENERATION 173

Children: . 1. Charles Burton,8 b. l\Iarch 17, 1902 . ii. Richard Palmer, b. Sept. 28, 1904. iii. Ellenor, b. Nov. 25, 1907.

490. WILLARD RoBERT7 (John A.,6 Arnold,5 John, 4 John,3 Isaac,2 Richard:-), born at Newport, Vt., Dec. 22, 1872; married Oct. 20, 1904, Margaret, daughter of William and Annie (Smith) Lockhart. He was educated in the public schools and at St. Johnsbury Academy. Is a member of the lumber firm of Prouty and Miller; resides at Newport, Vt. Children: i. Winston Lewis,8 b. Sept. 1, 1906. ii. Paul Willard, b. Feb. 10, 1910.

492. W ALD07 (Napol,eon B.,6 William, 5 Isaac,4 John,3 lsaac,2 Richard:-), born Oct. 24, 1834; married first, at Brattleboro, Vt., Feb. 24, 1857, Elvira Jones, who died in 1860. He married second, Nov. 6, 1872, Mary 0., daughter of John H. and Mary S. Barrett, born at Brattleboro, Vt., in 1847. He resided at Easthampton and later at Northampton, where he died Aug. 29, 1882. Child: Horace E.,8 b. l\Iay 1, 1875.

495. JoHN WALTER7 (Isaac W., 6 Willard,5 lsaac,4 John, 3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Worthington Feb. 7, 1839; married at Northampton Feb. 18, 1861, Ann Elizabeth, daughter of Charles \V. and Elizabeth P. Lavake, born Sept. 30, 1842. She died July 19, 1890. He married second, June 13, 1894, Isabelle H., daughter of Robert and Adeline (Clapp) Dewer, of Easthampton. He resided at Holyoke some time; was foreman of a paper mill. He died June 30, 1899. 174 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Children: 645. i. George Cornelius, 8 b. Aug. 15, 1861. 646. ii. Ellery Tenney, b. Oct. 11, 1866.

7 3 4:97. ELLIOT CUTLER (Elliot,6 Eli,5 Eli,4 John , Isaac,2 1 Richard ), born at Spencer June 12, 1843; married· first, at Worce~ter, May 18, 1865, Eleanor, daughter of William and Eleuthera Muzzy. He married second, Dec. 23, 1892, Mrs. Mary L. Bemis, daughter of William and Mary (Lamb) Hayward. Children: i. Ella L., 8 b. Dec. 20, 1873; d. May 7, 1879. ii. Elliot M., b. Jan. 9, 1878.

500. FRANK ELLIOT7 (John E., 6 Elliot,5 Eli, 4 John,3 Isaac,2

Richard'-), born, at Brookfield Oct. 5, 1859; married March 14, 1882, Abbie E., daughter of Charles and Helen S. (Sibley) Bemis, born March 1, 1863. He is a farmer; resides at Brookfield. Children: i. Sarah Helen,8 b. Jan. 29, 1883. ii. Florence F., b. Feb. 17, 1898.

503. CHARLES DRAPER7 (Russell, 6 Russell, 5 Eli, 4 John, 3 1 lsaac,2 Richard ), born Oct. 31, 1855; married at Des Moines, Ia., Feb. 27, 1902, Mary Alice, daughter of Iverson H. and Jane Posey (Webb) Benson, of Attica, Ind. He is a wholesale grocer and manufacturer at Des Moines.

507. EDDY WARNER7 (Joel E., 6 Libe:rty,5 Eli, 4 John,3 Isaac,2 1 Richard ), born at Spencer June 27, 1860; married Feb. 14, 1883, Sarah W., daughter of Edwin C. and Sophia C. Dyer. He began as a boy of six to study and to do unusual execu­ tion on the violin. Took lessons at home, at Boston and else­ where and obtained a thorough musical education, making special mastery of the violin. Became an orchestra and SEVENTH GENERATION 175 chorus leader; conducted conventions and gave concerts over the land. Retained his residence at Spencer. Children: . 1... Joel Cecil,8 b. April 9, 1886 . 11. Harold D., b. Dec. 20, 1887; d. April 8, 1892 . 111. Edward, b. Feb. 15, 1896. iv. Cheney Russell, b. Feb. 28, 1898; d. March 3, 1903. v. Ida E., b. July 22, 1899.

508. ALBERT BuRNSIDE7 (Joel E., 6 Liberty,5 Eli,4 John,3 Isaac,2 Richard:-), born at North Brook.field May 7, 1863; married at Spencer July 14, 1892, Emma M., daughter of William and Bridget McCormick, aged 26 years, a teacher.

513. JOHN ENSIGN Or1s7 (Caleb W., 6 John,5 Caleb; Caleb,3 Isaac, 2 Richard1), born at Scituate March 8, 1840; married Dec. 7, 1865, Mary Forbes, daughter of G. and Welthea (Walker) Reed, aged 24 years. Children: . 1. Horatio Reed, 8 b. ~lay 5, 1867 . 650. ii. Clement Jordan, b. April 11, 1869. 111. Mary Welthea, b. Jan. 11, 1873. iv. John Ensign, b. Jan. 31, 1881. V. Robert Morton, b. May 21, 1885.

514. JAMES LITTLE7 (Caleb w., 6 John, 5 Caleb,4 Caleb,3 1 lsaac,2 Richard ), born at Scituate June 20, 1843; married at. Marshfield Sept. 24, 1865, Louisa, daughter of David and Sarah (Chandler) Hodsden. Residence, Cambridge. Children: 651. i. William Chandler,8 b. April 12, 1866. ii. Harriet Irving, b. at Scituate Feb. 19, 1868; m. at Chelsea Oct. 4, 1892, Elmer H. Perkins. 652. iii. Caleb William, b. Feb. 26, 1874. 176 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

515. ALFRED W1LLIS7 (vVilliam H., 6 Isaac,5 Isaac,4 Adam,3 1 lsaac,2 Richard ), born at Royalston Sept. 10, 1864; married at Ashfield Feb. 27, 1889, Effie Jane, daughter of John Cook and Mary Selina (Warren) Wildes, born at Conway Aug. 2, 1868. He was in the livery stable business some years at Win­ chester, N. H., and at Northampton; is now a mechanic, with the firm of Stevens, Duryea, manufacturers of auto­ mobiles, at Chicopee Falls. Children: i. Bessie Lee,8 b. at Northampton June 12, 1890. ii. Marjorie Elizabeth, b. Sept. 13, 1895.

516. CHARLES CALVIN7 (William c., 6 Lyman,5 Stephen,4 Adam,3 lsaac, 2 Richard!), born at Townshend, Vt.; married Lettie M. Fuller, born at Readsboro, Vt. He resides at Springfield. Children: i. Walter Charles, 8 b. Sept. 27, 1887; d. May 4, 1888. ii. Ruth, b. at Springfield April 24, 1893.

517. FRANK LUTHER7 (Elon H., 6 Luther,5 Stephen,4 Adam, 3 lsaac,2 Richard!), born at Jericho, Vt., Aug. 22, 1858; married at Detroit, Mich., June 6, 1900, Elizabeth Bruce Logan. Child: Frederick Elon Thomas,8 b. June 28, 1903.

518. CHARLES ELON7 (Elon H., 6 Luther,5 Stephen/ Adam,3 1 lsaac,2 Richard ), born at Jericho-, Vt., Dec. 1, 1863; married in Grand Isle, Vt., March 18, 1903, Eva 11artha Kinney. Children: i. Ruth Elizabeth,8 b. Nov. 2, 1903. ii. Pearl Aleath, b. Sept. 24, 1906. SEVENTH GENERATION 177

519. FRED HoWARD7 (Elon H., 6 Luther,5 Stepheri, 4 Adam, 3 1 lsaac,2 Richard ), born at Jericho, Vt., Nov. 26, 1868; married at Marshfield, Vt., March 29, 1905, Harriet Louise Cole. Child: Helen Marie,8 b. Sept. 29, 1908.

520. EDWARD HoWE7 (Elon H., 6 Luther,5 Stephen;' Adam,3 Isaac,2 Richard1), born at Underhill, Vt., Jan. 4, 1871; married at Burlington, Vt., Nov. 20, 1901, Kate Ethel, daughter of John Jacob and Ethel Louise (Beeman) Wright, born at Vergennes, Vt., Oct. 19, 1870. He served in the Spanish-Cuban War, mustered in May 16, 1898, as first lieutenant of Company G, First Vt. Vol. Infantry; was stationed at Camp Olympia, Vt.,.. and Camp George H. Thomas, at Chickamauga Park, Ga. Was mustered out of service with his regiment Nov. 7, 1898. He is secretary and treasurer of the Capital Hardware Co. of Montpelier, Vt., jobbers and retailers. Child: Ethel _Louise,8 b. in Burlington, Vt., May 29, 1905.

522. S. M. 7 (Holland,6 Abel,5 Amos, 4 James, 3 Isaac,2 Richard1), born at Chesterton, N. Y., ll! 1839; married 1876, Susan P., daughter of Loren and Caroline (Waters) Davis, born at Horicon, N. Y., in 1847. He resides at Whitehall, N. Y.

523. CHARLES H.7 (Holland, 6 Abel, 5 Amos,4 James,3 Isaac,2 Richard1), born at Milford, N. H., in 1841; married at Boston Nov. 15, 1887, Mabel A., daughter of Joseph and Susan Homer. Children: i. Blanche,8 b. July 13, 1890; d. l\{arch 17, 1891. ii. Harold Edmund, b. at Boston Feb. 2, 1892. 178 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

525. ELMER ELIAS7 (Elias S., 6 W orthy,5 Amos, 4 James,3 1 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Halifax, Vt., Nov. 30, 1861; married at West Guilford, Vt., June 8, 1884, Alice Amanda, daughter of Amos Frank and Harriet (Brown) Smith, of Jacksonville, Vt., born July 3, 1864. He was a farmer at Halifax, Vt. Was at work in a steam mill at- Marlborough, Vt., and was accidentally killed Oct. 20, 1905. Children: 655. i. Ossie Elmer, 8 b. June 2, 1885. ii. Pearl Kittredge, b. July 6, 1895.

532. HARLIN H.7 (Alden W., 6 Spence:r, 5 Reuben, 4 James,' lsaac,2 Richard1), born at Spencer in 1850; married at Charlton Aug. 13, 1873,· Susan A., daughter of Austin L. and Ellen Graton. Children: i. Calista A.,8 b. 1875; m. Feb. 17, 1894, George A. Barnes of Oxford. ii. Cyrus M., b. March 16, 1881.

533. ALMON Fosn1cK7 (Fosdick P., 6 Fosdick, 5 Reuben,' James,3 lsaac,2 Richard!), born at Halifax, Vt., March 20, 1860; married Minnie Clark. Children: i. Harold Clark. 8 ii. Clara.

534. WALTER ALMERIAN7 (Albert M.,6 Fosdick,5 Reuben,' 3 2 1 James, lsaac, Richard ), born Jan. 2, 1876; married July 7, 1903, Minnie Shaw. Child: Reuben Shaw,8 b. Oct. 29, 1908.

536. FRANK J. 7 (William B., 6 Dwight D., 5 Reuben,4 James,3 1 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer in 1862; married at Dennis SEVENTH GENERATION 179

Jan. 24, 1889, Sarah, daughter of James P. and Margaret Howes. Child: ~Iargaret A. ,8 b. at Spencer Sept. 1, 1891.

537. WALTER A. 7 (William B., 6 Dwight D., 5 Reuben,4 James,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer July 5, 1866; married March 4, 1886, Belle, daughter of Edwin and Antoinette Richards. Children: . 8 1... Alfred William , b. Sept. 30, 1887 . 11. Leslie E., b. Dec. 30, 1889 . 111. Norman D., b. Dec. 30, 1890; d. May 31, 1892 . . 538. WILFRED H.7 (Charles H., 6 James, 5 Reuben!' James, 3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer in 1873; married there June 30, 1895, Dora, daughter of Frank and Oralie C. Marches­ seault. Children: . 8 1... Francis C., b. Aug. 2, 1896. 11. Dora S., b. July 12, 1897. 111. Louis Chester, b. at Brockton Jan. 15, 1899. iv. Eugene Henry, b. at Brockton July 31, 1900.

540. ORIVILLE WARREN7 (Artemas w., 6 Artemas, 5 Elijah/ 3 2 Isaac, / saac, Richard!), born at Spencer Oct. 5, 1844; married at Hadley June 14, 1871, Martha Ann, daughter of Thomas D. and Zilpha (Crosier) Hurd, born Jan. 17, 1847; died Oct. 23, 1900. He was a soldier in the 34th Mass. Vol. Infan try in the War of the Rebellion. Afterward studied at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Business College. Resides at Hadley; has been commander of the local Grand Army post. He has been town office~ in important positions many years; is also a justice of the peace. Is in a very emphatic sense " a servant of the people." 180 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

541. ARIEL HAYWOOD7 (Artemas w., 6 Arternas, 5 Elijah; 1 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer Dec. 23, 1846; married Mrs. Elinor J. Curtis, born at Erving. Residence, Orange. Children: i. · James A.,S b. Dec. 25, 1872; was drowned June 26, 1887. ii. Oriana Zilpha, b. Nov. 17, 1874.

542. HALSEY HEALEY7 (Artemas w., 6 Arternas,5 Elijah,4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer (twin with Helen A.) Oct. 27, 1853. Resides at Springfield.

543. CLIFFORD HERBERT7 (Artemas w., 6 Arternas,5 Elijah,' Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer Sept. 11, 1855; married at Northampton Dec. 5, 1904, Mrs. Alice E. Day, daughter of William A. and Hannah C. (Brackett) Godfrey. He died at Wendell March 14, 1910.

544. CHESTER WrLFORD7 (Artemas w., 6 Artemas, 5 Elijah,' Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer Nov. 12, 1857; married at Warwick Dec. 31, 1883, Emma I., daughter of Israel C. and Zilpha (Shepardson) Brown. He is a pattern maker and repairer of machinery with the Millers Falls Company. Children: . 1. Gratia Livermore,8 b. at Warwick Sept. 30, 1888; graduate and valedictorian, High School, Ando­ ver, 1907, and prize essayist. Student afterward .. at Simmons and ~it. Holyoke Colleges. 11. Warren Roy, b. at Orange Sept. 25, 1891. 111. Clara Adelaide, b. April 23, 1894. iv. Clarence Chester, b. l\Iarch 8, 1896. v. Orville "\Vinfield, b. at Northfield March 2, 1902.

546. FRANK MILTON7 (Lawson,6 Artemas, 5 Elijah,4 Isaac,3 1 lsaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer May 23, 1858; married SEVENTH GENERATION 181

Nov. 28, 1882, Mabel E., daughter of Amos E. and Almira L. (Prouty) Kittridge, born April 11, 1864, who survived him, and resides at Worcester. He resided at Spencer. He died Dec. 14, 1896. Child: Mae, 8 b. Sept. 4, 1883; m. Aug., 1901, William J. Montgomery. Residence, Worcester. · Children: 1. Eugene Prouty Montgomery, b. April 12, 1902. 2. lvlabel Henderson Montgomery, b. Dec. 16, 1903. 3. Pauline Kittredge Montgomery, b. Dec. 5, 1908.

051. EDWARD JAMES7 (SchuylR:r,6 Pliny, 5 Elijah,4 lsaac, 3 Isaac,2 Richard:), born June 20, 1854; married at Rutland Nov. 6, 1879, Martha Louisa, daughter of George B. and Sarah E. (Davis) i1unroe, born at Rutland in 1857. Children: i. Herbert Miles, 8 b. Oct. 6, 1885. ii. Mildred M., b. May 1, 1893.

552. ALBERT HENRY7 (Benjamin,6 Pliny,5 Elijah,4 lsaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard:), born at North Brookfield Aug. 28, 1866; married at Boston, Aug. 22, 1889, Annie I., daughter of John and Maria (Randolph) Marshall, born in 1864. He is a physician. Children: i. Albert Randolph,8 b. Sept. 20, 1892. ii. Stanley ~Iarshall, b. at Oakham July 2, 1894.

554:. HERBERT MILES7 (Levi, 6 Pliny, 5 Elijah, 4 Isaac, 3 lsaac, 2 1 Richard ), born at Council Bluffs, Ia., Nov. 21, 1860; married Sept. 15, 1891, Edith Fletcher. A high school principal. He died at Seymour, Tex., April 1, 1896. 182 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

555. LLOYD W ENDELL7 (Levi, 6 Pliny, 5 Elijah, 4 Isaac, 3 1 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Council Bluffs, Ia., Sept. 2, 1863; married Sept. 2, 1896, Linnie May Freeman. He is man­ ager of the French-American Art Co. at Council Bluffs .

.. 556. WINFIELD ScoTT7 (Levi,6 Pliny,5 Elijah,4 Isaac,3 2 1 Isaac, Richard ), born at Council Bluffs, Ia., April 25, 1865; married ·June 26, 1901, Alice Marie, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth (Squires) Marlett, born March 18, 1868. He graduated· from Iowa University, A.B., 1891, LL.B. 1894. Resides at Charles City, Ia.; is a lawyer. l\ilayor of Charles City 1898-1901, city attorney 1906-8. Child: Robert Levi,8 b. April 21, d. April 29, 1904.

557. CALVIN LocKE7 (Levi,6 Pliny,5 Elijah,4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard1), born at Council Bluffs, Ia., May 14, 1867; married Dec. 31, 1908, Bessie Clay. A farmer and stock man.

558. SHIRLEY BROOKS7 (Levi, 6 Pliny,5 Elijah,4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard1), born at Council Bluffs, Ia., April 5, 1873; married May 3, 1899, Grace Elizabeth McKenzie. He graduated at Dixon College, 1896; St. Louis Univ., M.D., 1900; at City Hospital, 1901-3. Now superintendent of French-American Art Co. Resides at Council Bluffs, Ia. Has furnished a full record of his branch of the family for this gen~alogy.

561. HARRY ELMER7 (Calvin R., 6 Pliny,5 Elijah,4 Isaac,3 1 Isaac;2 Richard ), born at St. Helena, Cal., March 9, 1872; married in August, 1895, Florence ~IcClain, born at Knox­ ville, Cal., died at San Francisco, Cal., May 17, 1908. He owns a printing office and carries on the business at St. Helena, Cal. Children: . 1. Raymond, 8 b. April 4, 1896 . ii. Anita, b. Oct. 15, 1898. iii. Georgia, b. Feb. 22, 1904. SEVENTH GENERATION 183

562. EDGAR FAY7 (Calvin R., 6 Pliny,5 Elijah, 4 Isaac,3 1 Jsaac,2 Richard ), born at St. Helena, Cal., May 3, 1874; married in 1902 Emma Ackles. Lives (1910) on a ranch four miles from Napa, Cal. Children: i. Mary Dorothea, 8 b. at San Francisco, Cal. Dec. 4, 1904. ii. George Allen, b. in 1906.

563. ROBERT LEROY7 (Calvin R., 6 Pliny,5 Elijah,4 Isaac,3 1 Jsaac,2 Richard ), born at St. Helena, Cal., July 17, 1876; married November 24, 1903, Huldah Lewin. Resides at Tonopah, Nev.; is a druggist and also a sagacious investor in gold mines.

564. ARTHUR GARFIELD7 (Calvin R.,6 Pliny,5 Eliiah, 4 Isaac, 3 Isaac, 2 Richardf), born at St. Helena, Cal., March 19, 1880; married at San Francisco, Aug. 5, 1903, Amy Olivia Keller. Resides at Napa, Cal. Is a ma.nuf acturing jeweler and dealer in diamonds, ornamental and useful and gold articles, etc.

566. EDWARD AusTIN7 (Horace E., 6 Elisha,5 Elisha,4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Spencer Sept. 8, 1860; married March 18, 1885, Lizzie G.,,. daughter of Joseph and Hattie Adams. Children: i. Edward Earl, 8 b. Aug. 5, 1886. ii. Horace A., b. April 26, 1888.

568. ROBERT THAXTER7 (George H., 6 Thaxter,5 Elisha, 4 1 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Boston Nov. 15, 1867; married March 25, 1894, Mary, daughter of James and Mary Burns. He is a pattern maker; resides at Boston. 184 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Children:. 1... Ruth,8 b. June 15, 1895; d. May 29, 1896 . 11. Katherine, b. June 4, 1897 . 111. James, b. Nov. 15, 1899.

569. CHARLIE ELLIS7 (Augustus c., 6 Charles,5 Joseph,' 1 lsaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer Feb. 2, 1856; married at Charlton Aug. 5, 1877, Elsie Estelle, daughter of Silas L. and Clarissa Leland (Bemis) Garfield, born at Worcester Oct. 28, 1858. Resides at Barre. Is proprietor of a livery stable. Children: . I. Elsie Aria, 8 b. May 7, 1878; d. Feb. 4, 1879 . 658. ii. Ellis Emmons, b. April 29, 1880. 111. James Garfield, b. Dec. 11, d. Dec. 20, 1881. iv. Edna Frances, b. March 27, 1883. V. Roland Irving, b. j\fay 9, 1898; d. May 28, 1905.

570. NELSON H.,7 (George c., 6 Cyrus,5 Joseph,' Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard1), born at North Hadley in 1865; married at Worcester Oct. 19, 1887, Lillie C., daughter of Edwin W. and Hannah G. Hubbard. Resides (1910) at Bradley Beach, N. J.

571. JoHN NAZR07 (Thomas A.,6 John N.,5 Thomas,4 Isaac,3 2 1 Isaac, Richard ), born at Spencer Jan. 4, 1861; married Sept. 15, 1885, Alice Harriet Dewing. Residence, Spencer. Children: . 1.. . Ellen Florence,8 b. June 30, 1886 . 11. John Abner, b. July 10, 1888 . iii. Thomas Earl, b. Dec. 9, 1893. iv. Harold Dewing, b. March 5, 1896.

572. WALTERVERNON7 (Thomas A.,6John, 5 Thomas,' Isaac,3 1 lsaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer Aug. 15, 1869; married there June 7, 1899, Florence Louise, daughter of Herbert SEVENTH GENERATION 185

Edward and Nellie (Smith) Jones, born at Weston Nov. 28, 1877. He is a bank treasurer in Spencer.

573. FRANK HERBERT7 (Isaac T., 6 Homer R., 5 Thomas,4 1 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at North Brookfield April 10, 1853; married at Deerfield Dec. 24, 1879, Sarah Emma., daughter of Lucius Barnard and Julia Arabel (Truesdel) Wise, born at Conway Sept. 11, 1854. He was a salesman for Isaac Prouty & Co of Spencer, manufacturers of boots and shoes for some years; then in the employ of other firms in the same business, principally with David Cummings and later H. H. Brown Company of Boston. Resided at Somerville a good many years, and spent his last year at Hyde Park. He died of valvular heart disease May 8, 1910. The family reside at Cambridge. Children: 660. i... Clinton Isaac,8 b. Aug. 31, 1881. 11. Bertha Wise, b. Sept. 24, 1883 . m. Emma Julia, b. March 24, 1887. iv. Homer Frank, b. Jan. 9, 1890. v. Arthur Lucius, b. l\ilarch 21, d. Aug. 22, 1891.

574. CHRISTOPHER AuGUSTUS7 (Albert H., 6 Homer R., 5 Thomas,4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Boylston May 16, 1848; married. He served in the War of the Rebellion in the New York Zouaves. He died in New York City April 27, 1907.

575. GEORGE HoMER7 (Alexander V. R.,6 Homer R., 5 1 Thomas,4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born in 1856; married at Worcester March 9, 1892, Nellie May, daughter of William H. and Camilla A. Vickery, born at Boston in 1872. Residence, Boylston Centre. Child: Goldie Elizabeth, 8 b. at Boylston lVlay 23, 1896. 186 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

676. ARTHUR NELSON7 (John N., 6 Homer R., 5 Thomas/ Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richardt), born at Waltham Feb. 23, 1864; married at Sterling Sept. 28, 1887, Cora A., daughter of Rowland vVhiting and Lucy Elizabeth (Haskins) Goodale, born at Leominster July 23, 1867. He resides at Leominster; is master mechanic at Crocker Burbank Paper Mill. Child: Bernice Luetta, 8 b. Sept. 4, 1893.

577. ELMER WALTON7 (John N., 6 Homer R., 5 Thomas,' Isaac,3 lsaac,2 Richardt), born at North Brookfield June 24, 1873; married Nov. 23, 1897, Edith M., daughter of James B. and Florence M. (Eastman) Pearsons, born Aug. 1, 1876. He is a civil engineer, Maine and Canada much of the time. Resides at Hyde Park.

578. ALBERT STANLEY7 (Ch_arles R.,6 Homer R.,5 Thomas,' 1 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at West Brookfield Feb. 20, 1857; married Emma, --. Residence, West Brookfield. Children: i. Leonard Albert,8 b. Jan. 17, 1877. ii. Gracia Maria, b. Sept. 22, 1885.

579. CHARLES HoMER7 (Elphonzo w., 6 Homer R.,5 Thomas,4 Isaac, 3 Jsaac, 2 Richard1 ), born June 12, 1881; married at Bethel, Me., Sept. 5, 1910, Elsie Mabel, daughter of John and Mary (McNab) Greenwood. He studied at the University of Maine in 1905 and 1906. He is a grocer in Boston; resides in Dorchester.

579a. GEORGE 8TANLEY7 (Henry M., 6 R., 5 Thomas,4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richardt), born at Hartford, Conn., Jan. 1, SEVENTH GENERATION 187

1871; married June 22, 1898, Edna Butterworth Barnes. He is a farmer at Hardwick. Child: Stanley Barnes, 8 b. Sept. 5, 1899.

579b. CHARLES HoMER7 (Henry M., 6 Homer R., 5 Thomas,4 1 lsaac,3 lsaac,2 Richard ), born at Hartford, Conn., Feb. 23, 1877; married at Barre August 21, 1906, Florence Marion, daughter of Frederic 0. and Mary E. (Clark) Spooner, born April 6, 1886. Is a. farmer, in partnership with his father. Children: i. Homer Spooner,8 b. Feb. 8, 1908. ii. Frederick Henry, b. Oct. 7, 1909.

580. EVERETT VICKERY7 (Lewis w., 6 Isaac,5 Thomas;' Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard:), born at Spencer Jan. 15, 1863; married Sept. 1, 1884, Nellie Louise, daughter of Edward E. and Eliza. Maria. (Caldwell) Stone. -He married second, Sept. 29, 1909, Josephine Irwin, daughter of Charles V. and Sarah J. (Irwin) Carpenter, born March 19, 1866. Children: i. Geraldine Stone,8 b. July 12, .1885. ii. Edmund Chase, b. Dec. 5, 1886.

581. JOHN GooDELL7 (George P., 6 Isaac,5 Thomas, 4 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard:), born at Spencer Feb. 10, 1865; married Sept. 18, 1894, Ida Maud, -daughter of Eben and Mary Ann (Hobbs) Howe, born at Spencer May 30, 1870. He graduated from Sheffield Scientific School, Yale Uni­ versity, in 1888. Resides at Spencer. Children: . 1... Alfred Howe,8 b. Sept. 19, 1895 . 11. George Richard, b. July 6, 1899 . 111. Arthur Rudolph, b. Feb. 15, 1901.

582. LEWIS IsAAC7 (Charles 1V.,6 Isaac,5 Thomas, 4 Isaac,3 1 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer Jan. 10, 1872; married at 188 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Worcester June 12, 1907, Olive Chapin, daughter of Milton Prince and Katherine Elizabeth (Chapin) Higgins,, born Jan. 7, 1882. He graduated from Harvard University in 1894, and engaged in business with Isaac Prouty & Co. Resides at Brookline. A strong interest in family history led him to begin to gather, during his college days, materials which have been the basis of this genealogy, and to take an active part in its production. Child: Jane Chapin,8 b. Oct. 20, 1909.

583. CHARLES NEWTON, JR.7 (Charl,es N., 6 Isaac,5 Thomas;' 1 Isaac,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Spencer May 27, 1877; married Sept. 19, 1906, Ethel Gertrude, daughter of Albion Perion, and Clara Jane (Houghton) Wight, born April 18, 1882, died Jan. 13, 1909. He was educated at Harvard University, class of 1900. After four years at the Hawaiian Islands he entered upon the manufacture of boots and shoes with his father and brothers in the corporation of Isaac Prouty& Co. at Spencer. Child: Charles Newton, 3d,8 b. June 28, 1907.

584. FRANK ALTON7 (John H., 6 William,5 William,' Wil­ liam,3 William, 2 Richard!), born at South Scituate March 24, 1866; married Feb. 27, 1894, Amy Lucy, daughter of James F. and Sarah (Randall) Gooch, of Easton. He is a contractor and builder. Resides at Norwell. Children: . 1... Ellis Frank, s b. Aug. 13, 1896 . 11. Elva Agnes, b. Jan. 17, 1898 . 111. Lloyd Alton, b. Sept. 26, 1899. iv. Josie Amy, b. Nov. 15, 1901.

585. JORN ALoNzo7 (John H., 6 William,5 William,4 William,3 1 William,2 Richard ), born at South Scituate Sept. 28, 1869; SEVENTH GENERATION 189 married Nov. 27, 1895, Emily Linwood, daughter of George and Ada F. (Woods) Clark, of Rockland, born April 26, 1876. He resides at St. Louis, Mo. Children: i. Dwight Hobart,8 b. Sept. 14, 1897. ii. John Edward, b. June 11, 1901.

586. WILLIAM OzRo CARPENTER7 (John H., 6 William,5 William, 4 William, 3 William, 2 Richard!), born at South Scituate Oct. 19, 1876; married Sept. 16, 1899, Edna Frances Gardner, of Norwell. Children: i. William Lawrence, 8 b. liarch 28, 1900. ii. Charles Gardner, b. Sept. 10, 1910.

587. ALFRED HoBART7 (John H., 6 William,5 William, 4 William,3 William,2 Richard!), born in Phillips County, Kansas, Sept. 23, 1879; married Oct. 27, 1909, Annie Laura Brown, of Somerville. Residence, Somerville.

588. FREDERICK W. 7 (Edward F., 6 Benjamin,5 Richard;' William,3 William,2 Richard!), born at 1866; married at Hadley Dec. 4, 1889, Lillian B., daughter of Trowbridge and Dolly (Keet) Annable.- He is an engineer with the Boston and Maine R. R.; resides at Springfield. Children: i. Leslie Earle, 8 b. at Springfield June 8, 1890. ii. Clarence Frederick, b. Nov. 7, 1891.

589. GEORGE ALBERT7 (George,6 Henry H., 5 Jesse, 4 William,3 1 William,2 Richard ), born at Chelsea Feb. 27, 1870; married at Boston Feb. 18, 1892, Addie, daughter of Frank T. and Eunice Delong, aged 20, born at Yarmouth, N. S. Has resided at Chelsea and at Malden. 190 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

Children: i. Lillian A.,8 b. July 23, 1892. ii. Lester Harold, b. Dec. 23, 1893.

690. GEORGE WASHINGTON, JR.7 (George W., 6 DaV'id 0.,5 1 Daviil; William,3 William,2 Richard ), born at Dorchester (Boston) June 24, 1883; married Sept. 18, 1907, Florence May, daughter of Angus and Margaret MacDonald. Child: Doris Gray,8 b. Dec. 19, 1908. EIGHTH GENERATION

600. CLYDE AL1s0N8 (Charles D., 7 Lemuel D., 6 Elijah, 5 1 Elijah,4 Richard,3 Edward,2 Richard ), barn at Cleveland, 0., April 10, 1880; married Aug. 31, 1909, Belle Mullen. Residence, Cleveland, 0.

601. GEORGE WHITNEr (George B., 1 Elisha w., 6 Elisha,5 Elijah,' Richard,3 Edward, 2 Richard1), born at West Brattle­ boro, Vt., Aug. 21, 1873; married at North Adams, Effie Wier. He is a conductor on electric railway. Child: Elizabeth Caroline,' b. June 6, 1903.

602. LEWIS ELLIOT8 (George B.,1 Elisha W., 6 Elisha, 5 Elijah,4 Richard,3 Edward,2 Richard1), born at West Brattleboro, Vt., March 14, 1875; married at Hinsdale, N. H., July 23, 1899, Mary Caroline, daughter of Herma.n and Octavia (Taunt) Wilder. Children: . I... Maude Louise,' b. Sept. 22, 1900 . n. Gladys Edith, b. S~pt. 8, 1907 . n1. Richard Elliot, b. May 12, 1910.

603. ARTHUR TALLIME8 (Martin L., 1 Forrester A.,6 lsaac,5 Richard, 4 Richard, 3 Edward, 2 Richard1 ), born at Hartford, Conn., Sept. 13, 1876; married Nov. 12, 1902, Florence G., daughter of John H. and Minnie G. (Forbes) Burnham, of Burnside, Conn. He is manager of a business at Worcester; resides at E. Hartford, Conn. Child: Luther Burnham,9 b. at East Hartford, Conn., Aug. 31, 1903. 191 192 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

604. ROBERT WILLIAM8 (Judson 1.,1 Forrester A.,6 Isaac,5 1 Richard,4 Richard,3 Edward,2 Richard ), born at Hartford, Conn., Nov. 12, 1880; married Dec. 1, 1903, Ida --. He is a printer; lives at Hartford, Conn. Child: Robert Standish,0 b. Dec. 11, 1904.

606. GEORGE CARLETON8 (George c., 1 Thomas s., 6 A.rternas, 5 1 Samuel,4 Jacob,3 Isaac,' Richard ), born at Boston May 3, 1872; married first, June 6, 1894, Mary A., daughter of Thomas and Flora McKenzie. He married second, June 9, 1910, Elizabeth McDonald, of St. John, N. B. He is a manager of a poultry supply store in Boston.

610. ALDEN KNox8 (Charles 0.,7 Oric,6 Artemas, 5 Samuel,4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard1), born Aug. 20, 1882; married --. Resides at Worcester. Child: Merrill Alden,9 b. April 29, 1910.

621. WILBERT LEWIS8 (James L.,1 Linus E.,6 Abijah,5 Jacob, 4 Jacob,3 Isaac, 2 Richard1), born at Granville, N. Y., March 24, 1864; married Helen Augusta, daughter of David Newman and Mary A. (Babcock) Holly, born at New York Jan. 26, 1866. He is associated with his brother Almond E. in the firm of J. J. L. Prouty's Sons, continuing the business started by their father, handling raw furs, buckskins, beeswax and ginseng root in New York City; resides in Brooklyn. Children: i. Beatrice Madeline, 11 b. Sept. 15, 1891. ii. Clinton Lewis, b. Dec. 17, 1896.

8 622. FRANCIS EDDY (James L., 1 Linus E., 6 Abijah, 5 1 J acob,4 J acob,3 I saac,2 Richard ), born at Granville, N. Y.,

June 25 1 1866; married 11ildred, daughter of Daniel Beers. He died April 23, 1889. EIGHTH GENERATION 193

623. ALMOND EARL8 (James L., 1 Linus E., 6 Abijah, 5 Jacob, 4 1 Jacob,3 lsaac,2 Richard ), born at Granville, N. Y., July 13, 1874. He is a partner of the firm of J. L. Prouty's Sons, men­ tioned on page 192; resides in Brooklyn, N. Y.

624:. WALTER RAYMOND8 (James L., 1 Linus E., 6 Abijah, 5 Jacob,4 Jacob,3 lsaac,2 Richard1), born at Brooklyn, N. Y., June 25, 1877; married Constance, daughter of Peter and Elizabeth (Wagner) Holler. (Mr. Holler was born in Cologne, Germany, Jan. 26, 1850.) He is in the optical business; resides at Brooklyn, N. Y.

630. GARDNER EDWARDS (Gardner w., 1 Gardner,6 Gardner,5 Joshua,4 Jacob,3 Isaac,2 Richard:), born at Littleton Jan. 28, 1884; married Sept. 27, 1909, Ethel Marion, daughter of William G. and Sarah (Warren) Brown, born at South Acton Dec. 14, 1885. He is a clerk in a banking house; resides at Somerville.

635. SAMUEL-- EDGARs (Augustus, 1 Aaron, 6 Aaron, 5 Asa, 4 David,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Bangor, Me., Feb. 6, 1864; married at Rockland, Mass., Jan. 19, 1888, Nellie M., daugh­ ter of Gilbert and Josephine (Whiting) Baldwin. Residence, Rockland.

64:0. WARDs (Charl,es A.,7 John A.,6 Arnol,d, 5 John,4 John,3 Isaac,2 Richard!), born at Newport, Vt., June 15, 1884; married Aug. 29, 1906, Claire Streeter, born Aug. 26, 1885. He is private secretary to his father (of the Interstate Commerce Commission), and has entered the legal profession, having been admitted to the bar in March, 1910. Resides at Washington, D. C. Child: Charles Tyler ,9 b. May 30, 1909. 194 THE PROUTY GENEALOGY

64:5. GEORGE CoRNELIUS8 (John W.,1 Isaac W.,6 Willard,5 1 Isaac/ John,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Holyoke Aug. 15, 1861; married Sept. 3, 1883, Adelle Claffie, daughter of William and Adelle (Marchessault) Croteau, born at Granby, P. Q., Dec. 13, 1862. He is a rubber stamp Dianuf acturer at Springfield. Children: . 1. Maud Adelle, 9 b. June 21, 1884; m . Dec. 3, 1906, .. James J. McMahon. 11. Edith Marie, b. Sept. 5, 1886 . 111. Clifford Walter, b. Feb. 10, 1895.

646. ELLERY TENNEY8 (John w., 1 Isaac w., 6 Willard,5 Isaac,4 John,3 Isaac,2 Richard1), born at Holyoke Oct. 11, 1866; married July 24, 1890, Charlotte, daughter of Frederick and Esther S. Zeigler. He resides (1910) at New Orleans, La. Child: Charlotte Elizabeth,' b. at Holyoke April 6, 1892.

650. CLEMENT JoRDAN8 (John E. 0.,7 Caleb w., 6 John,5 Caleb/ Caleb,3 Isaac,2 Richard1), born at Scituate April 11, 1869; married at Cohasset Nov. 29, 1894, Mary W., daughter of Wallace and Helen M. (Mott) Willcut; she died Feb. 10, 1898. He carries on the ice business at Scituate. Child: Reed,9 b. April 27, 1897.

651. WILLIAM CHANDLER8 (James L.,1 Caleb w., 6 John,5 4 1 Caleb, Caleb,3 Isaac,2 Richard ), born at Scituate April 12, 1866; married Ellen, daughter of Timothy Mack, born at Brighton in 1866, died Dec. 23, 1901. Children: . 9 I... Abbie, b. at Boston April 3, 1885 . 11. Maud I., b. March 21, 1887. 111. Ada Elizabeth, b. Sept. 18, 1889. EIGHTH GENERATION 195

652. CALEB WILLIAM8 (James L., 7 Caleb W., 6 John,5 Caleb, 4 3 2 1 Caleb, / saac, Richard ), born at Scituate Feb. 26, 1874; married June 20, 1893, Florence A., daughter of Henry 0. and Sarah (Newell) Cole. Children: . I... Gertrude Cole, 9 b. Dec. 7, 1894 . 11. Helen Young, b. Sept. 26, 1896 . iii. Henry Irving, b. Jan. 28, d. July 21, 1899.

655. OssIE ELMER8 (Elmer E., 1 Elias s., 6 Worthy,5 Amos,4 James,3 lsaac,2 Richard1), born at Halifax, Vt., June 2, 1885; married Mabel Learned. Residence, W. Brattleboro, Vt. Child: Cecil Olive,' b. April 22, 1910.

658. ELLIS EMMONS8 (Charlie E., 1 Augustus c.,' Charles,5 Joseph, 4 Isaac, 3 I saac,2 Richard1 ), born at Spencer April 29, 1880; married June 20, 1902, Eva May Nauss, who died Aug. 24, 1904. He resided at Barre; died May 26, 1905.

660. CLINTON IsAAC8 (Frank H.,7 Isaac T.,• Homer R.,' Thomas, 4 Isaac, 3 lsaac,2 Richard:), born at Spencer Aug. 31, 1881; married Dec. 24, 1906_, Winfred May, daughter of Winthrop T. and Annie E. (Chapman) Robinson, born at Rockland, Me. He is with the Diamond Rubber Co. in Boston; resides at Somerville. Children: i. Clinton Isaac, Jr.,9 b. April 17, 1908. ii. Frank Winthrop, b. Oct. 13, 1910. APPENDIX

CoNTAINING FAMILY GROUPS WHICH WE BELIEVE TO BE BRL~CHF.S OF THE STOCK OF RICHARD PROUTY OF SCITUATE, BUT WHICH HAVE NOT YET BEEN TRACED BY THEffi MEMBERS TO POINTS WHERE THE COMPILER OF THIS GENEALOGY COULD ESTABLISH THE CONNECTION. THEY ARE CLAIMED AS KINDRED BUT PLACED IN THIS APPENDIX FOR THE SIMPLE REASON THAT THERE WAS NO OTHER WAY OF ARRANGING THEM. THE PUBLICATION OF THE GENEALOGY IS VERY LIKELY TO MAKE IT AN EASY TASK FOR MOST, IF NOT ALL, TO BE SATISFACTORILY TRACED IN COMING DAYS. ABIAL PROUTY is known to us only from the mention in the death record of Samuel Prouty of Hingham that he was the "son of Abial Prouty." No other mention of this name has been found in any docu­ ment. It may be presumed that he was the son of some one of the de­ scendants of Richard Prouty of Scituate, whose records, as far as dis­ covered, are presented in the foregoing genealogy; but that he failed to be placed on record in the town or church register of the place where he was born, and was not referred to in any other public paper.

1. SAMUEL (Abial) stated in his death record in Hingham to have been "son of Abial Prouty," lived a i:et life in Hingham. He married a wife whose Christian name only come down to us, - "Sarah"; she died, his widow, Jan. 27, 1821, "aged 55 years." He died May 1, 1802, and the History of Hingham is authority for the statement that he was "about 40 years old." Children of Samuel and Sarah Prouty: i. Rebecca,5 b. Jan. 23, 1793; m. Dec. 18, 1814, William Clark. 2. ii. Nathaniel, b. March 22, 1794. iii. Abigail, b. July 23, 1795; d. in Hingham. 3. iv. Edward, b. Sept. 21, 1796. 4. v. Samuel, b. April 23, 1798. 2. NATHANIEL3 (Samuel,2 Abial1), born at Hingham March 22, 1794; married Oct. 30, 1814, Matilda B., daughter of William and Susanna (Stetson) Gregory, of Cohasset; she died March 8, 1870, aged 75 years and 6 months. He resided on Fort Hill Street; was a blacksmith. He died May 1, 1867. Children: 5. i. Nathaniel B.,4 b. Jan. 17, 1817. 6. ii. Bardin Hyland, b. Nov. 9, 1823. 7. iii. James Brown, b. about 1824. 8. iv. George H., b. about Dec. 7, 1829. v. Susan ~L, b. 1836; m. Feb. 21, 1856, George A. Burt. 3. EDWARD3 (Samuel,2 Abial1), born at Hingham Sept. 21, 1796; married (intention at Winchendon Sept. 4, 1824) Betsey Hagar of New Salem. He was a tanner. Resided at Royalston; he died Jan. 20, 1876. Children: 1. Mary Ann,4 b. 1829; m. April 5, 1857, George Stockwell. 9. u. Edward A., b. 1830. u1. Charles, b. -; d. Nov. 23, 1832. 196 APPENDIX 197

1v. Sevilla P., b. 1834; m. at Athol Aug. 14, 1852, William A. Whiting. v. A child, b. 1837; d. June 24, 1840. v1. A child, infant, d. Oct. 31, 1840.

5. NATHANIEL B.4 (Na[haniel,3 Samuel,2 Abwl1), born at Hingham Jan. 17, 1817; married (wife's name not known to us). He died at Quincy April 21, 1868. 6. BARDIN HYLA.Nn4 (Nathaniel,3 Samuel, 2 Abial1), born at Hingham Nov. 9, 1823; married Dec. 28, 1842, Esther L., daughter of Alpheus and Prudence Brown, born at Boston Nov. 6, 1826, died at Norwell April 14, 1890. He is a shoemaker; resiaes at Cohasset. Children: 10. i. Bardin Augustus,' b. June 18, 1844. 11. Nathaniel Rice, b. Nov. 19, 1845. 11. iii. Andrew Hall, b. Dec. 6, 1847. 1v. Matilda A., b. Sept. 2, 1849; m. Oct. 16, 1873, Andrew Moran. v. Frances Edna, b. Feb. 7, 1852; m. Apr. 10, 1873, John Henry Cunningham. vi. Susan G., b. Feb. 8, 1854; m. July 8, 1871, Nelson H. Wood. vu. Sarah Ward, b. March 3, 1856; m. Dec. 29, 1873, Louis K. Howland. 12. viii. Franklin Herbert, b. March 10, 1859. ix. Annie Gertrude, b. March 28, 1862; d. Sept. 21, 1864.

7. JAMES BRoWN4 (Nathanie/,,3 Samuel,2 Abial1), born at Hingham about 1824; married first, Nov. 16, 1851, Sarah Tinker, born at Eastport, Me. He married second, Aug. 2, 1908, Jane (Perfect) Littlehale, born at Norwich, England, June 25, 1838. He served in the 32d Mass. Vol. Infantry during the War of the Re­ bellion. After his return he was with the Steamboat Company as mate and pilot on boats running to Boston many years. Resides at Hingham. Children: 13. i. Charles Henry, b. Dec. 1, 1852. ii. Elbert T., b. March 25, -d. Aug. 13, 1864.

8. GEORGE H.4 (Nathaniel,3 Samuel,2 Abial1), born at Hingham Dec. 7, 1829; married Jan. 9, 1849, Deborah, daughter of Ichabod and Maria Spooner, aged 17 years. He enlisted at Cohasset in 1861 in Company A of the 31st Mass. Vol. Infantry and served for the defence of the Union. He afterward resided at Quincy. He died Jan. 8, 1892. Children: 1. Lydia A.,' b. 1850; m. at Quincy Nov. 22, 1875, Horace W. Totman. 11. Ella R., b. Dec. 8, 1854. 111. Elizabeth Adelaide, b. Oct. 4, 1858; m. Oct. 10, 1875, C. Edgar Tirrell. 1v. Elmer Ellsworth, b. Oct. 17, 1862; d. March 8, 1864. v. Lillie Frances, b. Sept. 17, 1866; m. Jan. 16, 1887, Eben P. Sanborn. vi. Eugene Herbert, b. Jan. 4, 1869. 198 APPENDIX

vii. Eva May, b. Aug. 21, 1872; m. Nov. 24, 1892, Edmund G. Hayden. viii. Edward (Eddie), b. Nov. 11, 1876.

9. EDWARD A.-' (Edward,3 Samuel,2 Abial1-), born at Templeton in 1830; married Nov. 22, 1855, Mary, daughter of Alden Pratt, born at Royalston in 1839. He died at Templeton Dec. 16 1899, "aged 68, 6, 14." Children: 1. Luella Evaline,5 b. at Templeton Oct. 28, 1858; d. at Orange Oct. 1, 1873. u. Edward A., b. 1866; m. at Athol Oct. 10, 1892, Ella M., dau. of ,vm. E. and Mary (Sawyer) Smith. m. Jennie, b. 1867; m. Dec. 11, 1890, John A. Meehan. 1v. Agnes, b. 1874; m. June 5, 1889, George H. Rogers. v. Marion Edith, b. Sept. 5, 1876.

13. CHARLES HENRY5 (James B.,• Nathaniel,3 Samuel,2 AbiaZ1), born at Hingham Dec. 1, 1852; married Jan. 8, 1873, Annie C., daughter of Luther B. and Mary A. Sprague, aged 24. He is a baker. Children: 1. Elbert Ferdinand,' b. at Hingham Nov. 12, 1873. ii. Albert F., b. at Quincy Nov. 12, 1874. m. James H., b. at Quincy Dec. 26, 1875. iv. Bertha Estelle, b. April 11, d. Sept. 9, 1877. v. Oliver Levina, b. at Weymouth May 1, 1885. vi. Ernest Lovell, b. Feb. 11, 1892.

10. BARDIN AuGusTUs5 (Bardin H.,• N athaniel,3 Samuel,2 Abial1), born at Hingham June 18, 1844; married first, in Chelsea Aug. 3, 1865, Caroline Olivia, daughter of Charles and Caroline Darling. He married second, Sept. 16, 1889, Mrs. Anne (Gurney) Drew. He enlisted in Co. A of the First Battery of Mass. Heavy Artillery and served in 1862. Children: i. Carrie Sophia,8 b. Oct. 30, 1866. 15. ii. Herbert Bradford, b. at Cohasset Sept. 20, 1873. iii. Wilbur A., b. Jan. 10, 1875; d. at Brookline Jan. 22, 1879. 11. ANDREW liALL5 (Bardin H.,' Nathaniel,3 Samuel,2 AbiaZ1), born at Hingham Dec. 6, 1847; married at Cohasset May 16, 1873, Isabella F., daughter of George P. and Rebecca (Snow) Freeman, born at Duxbury July 12, 1856. ,vhen he was fourteen years old he went to sea as a "boy" in the fishing schooner Georgiana, Levi Creed, master. O.n the 14th of May, 1862, she was run into by a large barque. The captain and seamen of the Georgiana, supposing she was sinking, climbed on board the barque while the vessels were together, and were carried along safely in the fog or darkness which obscured everything. Not so the boy. He was forgotten by all his shipmates in their hurry to save themselves, and was left alone on board the disabled smack. But, nothing daunted, he stood up to the test and seized the helm in manly fashion. vVithout chart or pilot he steered the best he could estimate, peering through the dark and guessing by day, and made his way toward New Bedford, the intended port. Before he reached it he was sighted by a whale ship, returning from her cruise, whose seamen thought tJiey could get a good bit of money APPENDIX 199 for salvage of the schooner, which at first appeared to have been aban­ doned. But when they saw the boy steering, and heard his account of the collision and the desertion of the captain and crew, they tried to tempt the boy to come to them and let them have the craft, offering him $100 if he would give her up to them. But he steadfastly refused, saying again and again, "This is John Bates's schooner, and I'm going to take her in to New Bedford for him." And so he did. The story is told in the History of Cohasset as a piece of interesting history of the people of that town. He learned the business of trunk making. Resided at Duxbury some years; removed to Cohasset again. · Children: 1. Burton Hall,8 b. July 12, 1874; drowned July 29, 1890. ii. Martha Alma, b.. at Duxbury May 11, 1879; in the spring of 1897 the Boston H e:ral,d offered prizes for the three most beautiful women of New England, as appeared from their photogra_J)hs sent in to the editors in charge of this depart­ ment. In the issue of May 12, 1907, the announcement was duly made that Miss Martha Alma Prouty of Cohasset had been adjudged one of the three, and a prize of $100.00 in gold would be paid her. Her photograph had been sent to the H e:ral,d by three several persons, unknown to each other. A reproduction of this, covering_ almost an entire page of the H e:rald, was presented. Miss Prouty has filled a business position in Boston for several years.

15. HERBERT BRADFORD8 (Bardin A..,5 Bardin H.,' N athaniel,3 Samuel,Z A.bial1), born at Cohasset Sept. 20, 1873; married at Boston Nov. 25, 1895, Jane, daughter of Cheeseborough and Jane MacNeill. Children: Mary Olivia, b. at Boston Dec. 11, 1896.

BELA PROUTY, of Scituate, does not appear in any other record of that region, so far as the writer has been able to discover, except the rolls of soldiers in the Revolution which are in the archives of the State of Massachusetts. There is no reason to doubt, however, that he is the same as "Bele Prouty" who resided at Westmoreland, N. H., and bought land there Dec. 3, 1789. He married at Keene, N. H., Nov. 27, 1796, Hepzibah Towne of K.; she joined him in a deed of land in 1798. He removed to Chester­ field, N. H., where he died in 1836, bequeathing his estate to his later wife "}Iary," and after her death to "her heirs." Mrs. Mary Prouty died at Keene Oct. 15, 1859, "aged, 93 years." She was "a pensioner," which identifies her as Bele's widow; her estate went to her children, Naomi Dodge, Mary Breed, Otis, William and Benjamin Olcott, Harriet Cary, and Almira Wooster.

CHESTER WILLIAM PROUTY, born in Chenango Co., N. Y., July 14, 1818; married -- Tubbs. He died at Waterville, Ore., Nov. 9, 1906. Child: William Andrew, b. in Steuben Co., N. Y., May 6, 1839. 200 APPENDIX

WILLIAM ANDREW (Chester W.), born in Steuben Co., N. Y., May 6, 1839; married at Wabash, Ind., June 5, 1862, Sarah F ., daughter of Andrew and Sarah (Spoor) Frushour, born Dec. 10, 1842. He was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church. He died at Albion, Mich., April 18, 1906. Children: 1. Effie R., b. at Westville, Ind., March 27, 1863; m. Aug. 23, 1894, C. C. Burnham. ii. Theodore C., b. at Traverse City, Mich., July 18, 1870.

THEODORE C. (William A., Chester W.), born at Traverse City, Mich., July 18, 1870; married June 14, 1894, Jennie L., daughter of B. F. and Elizabeth (Glazier) Sterrett, born at Decatur, Mich., July 27, 1870. He is secretary of the Wilcox Manufacturing Company at Chicago, Ill., residing at Aurora, Ill. Has furnished this family record. Children: i. Willis Oswald, b. at Midland, Mich., Oct. 23, 1897. ii. Kenneth Andrew, b. at Albion, Mich., April 5, 1903.

DWIGHT 0. PROUTY, married Ann M., daughter of Chandler and Louise (McFarland) Childs; she died at Milford June 25, 1897, "aged 68, 7, 15." Children: i. Mary Elizabeth, b. at Milford July 22, 1850; m. Dec. 17, 1871, Decatur McCa.rter. ii. Melita E., b. at Upton, Jan. 22, 1852.

ELIJAH PROUTY, born in 1757; married at Amherst,Mass., Dec. 21, 1785, Esther, daughter of Ephraim and Esther (Hastings) Kellogg of Amherst, born there March 2, 1768, died Aug. 24, 1799. He resided at Shutesbury in 1785 when he was published; was called "of Granville, N. Y." when recorded as married (Kellogg Genealogy); was again mentioned as '' of Shutesbury'' when he bought part of Asa Adams' farm Nov. 1, and sold it to Ebenezer Eastman of Amherst, Nov. 8, 1787. He was a member of Capt. Reuben Dickinson's company of Col. R. Woodbridge's regiment which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775, and served 11 days; al,so, enlisted May 1, 1775, and served 3 months and 8 days; was reported as at Charlestown July 27, 1775, and at Prospect Hill Sept. 28, 1775; had order for bounty coat Oct. 26, 1775; also, served in Continental army from April 1, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779, in Capt. Oliver's company, Col. John Greaton's regiment; enlisted for town of Shutesbury; re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1780, and served till close of the war; mentioned as engaged Aug. 14, 1781, for the town of Leverett; farmer, 24 years old, stature 5 feet, 11 in., complexion light, hair light; term 6 months; re­ enlisted Aug. 1, 1781, discharged Feb. 13, 1782; engaged May 13, 1782, term 3 years; corporal; also, sergeant in Capt. Hobey's company, June 20, 1783. Children: (Kellogg Genealogy gives Esther, Hiram and a son.)

ELIJAH PROUTY, said to have come from either Connecticut or Ver- APPENDIX 201 mont, was a farmer in Bradford County, Pa.; was fatally injured by a tree falling on him, and died in the year 1814. Children, order unknown: 1. Hiram. v. Elijah. ii. Nathaniel. vi. Lamira. iii. Kelick (Kellogg?). vii. Ruth. iv. Chester. viii. Jephthah. JEPHTHAH (Elijah), born in Bradford County, Pa., about 1814 (child of second wife); married Sylvia Jane Wheeler, who was born at Little Falls, N. Y., and died at Grover, Pa. Children: i. Julia. ii. James Nathaniel, b. Feb. 9, 1836. iii. Thomas Jefferson; m. Laura Pierce; res. Kent, Wash. 1v. Emmeretta; m. Joseph Neff. v. Edgar A.; d. young. vi. Jephthah Elijah; res. Seattle, Wash. vii. Hiram W. viii. Lydia; m. Gus. Pierce; res. Iowa Falls, Ia. ix. Chester W.; res. Seattle, Wash. x. Lorenzo D. xi. John Randolph. xii. Nelson Y.


HAMILTON PROUTY, born in Washington County, New York, Feb. 19, 1810; married Sept. 2, 1838, Minerva '"Maria Bliss, born in Saratoga County May 6, 1816, died Jan. 23, ~895. He died July 28, 1880. Children: 1. Martin C., b. March 16, 1839; d. July 28, 1880. ii. James Harvey, b. May 21, 1843. iii. George Henry, b. July 14, 1849. iv. Ezra Hamilton, b. Aug. 16, 1851; d. Dec. 27, 1892.

JAMES HARVEY, b. May 21, 1843; married- Served in the War of the Rebellion in the 175th N. Y. Vol. Infantry. He died March 10, 1910. Child: Edward R., b. at Clay, N. Y., May 8, 1869; is a machinist; res. at Syracuse, N. Y. Has furnished this family record.

HENRY H. PROUTY, born in 1842; married at Brattleboro, Vt., March 16, 1867, Julia W. Hurley, of B., ae. 23 years. 202 APPENDIX

He enlisted at the age of nineteen, May 1, 1861, in Company C, 2d Vermont Vol. Infantry; became second lieutenant of Company H; served till the close of the war.

IRA PROUTY, residing at Worcester, married May 1, 1834, :Mrs. Lucy E. Hull. Children: 1. Julia Ann, b. 1835, d. Jan. 4, 1840, ae. 5. ii. Lizzie A., b. 1838; m. at Millbury Oct. 22, 1865, Alonzo E. Stockwell. Ill. George, b. at Sutton in 1842. 1v. Maria A., b. 1845; m. at Petersham Oct. 9, 1870, Frederick A. Rist.

GEORGE (Ira), born at Sutton in 1842; married at Petersham, May 1, 1871, Mary E., daughter of Esbon and Emeline W. Rist, born at Uxbridge in 1853. Children: Charles Frederick, b. at Petersham Feb. 12, 1874. Nellie May, b. Aug. 22, 1877. Ralph Ira, b. Aug. 3, 1890.

JAMES PROUTY. Resided at Unadilla, N. Y.; is said to have died in Portage County, Wisconsin. Children: 1. Mary, m. Eli White. 11. Paulina, m. Lawson Owens. iii. Sarah, m. William Glendenning. 1v. James Alarius, b. Jan. 11, 1823. v. Angeline, m. Charles Bingham. vi. Arvine, "went West." vii. William. viii. George, removed to Portage, Wis.

JAMES ALA.Rrus (James), born at Unadilla, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1823; married atlGreene, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1843, Rebekah, daughter of John and Abigail (Wilcox) Wilbur, born at Oxford, N. Y., died at Bainbridge, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1904. He was a stone mason;-resided at Bainbridge, N. Y. Children: 1. Mary Lucinda, b. May 28, 1844; m. (1) Wm. Hackett; m. (2) Eli Prince. 11. George Willbur, b. May 18, 1846. 1u. Lida Maria, b. Nov. 7, 1853; m. Willis A. Elwell; res. at Rock­ dale, N. Y. 1v. William Ray, b. Oct. 19, 1856. v. Florence Amelia, b. ~pril 23, 1860; m. William A. Smith; res. at Bainbridge, N. Y. vi. Chauncy W., b. April 16, 1862. vii. Charles Whitman, b. Feb. 22, 1866.

·, GEORGE WILBUR (James A., James), born at Greene, N. Y., May 18, 1846; married Victoria Bennett. Resides at Binghamton, N. Y. APPENDIX 203

WrLLIAM RAY (James A., James), born at Norwich, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1856; married Marilla Seeley. Resides at Bainbridge, N. Y.

CHAUNCY W. (James A., James), born at Coventry, N. Y., April 16, ,1862; married at Bainbridge, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1881, Emma F., daughter of William A. and Sarah J. (Lawrence) Lent, born at Croton Falls, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1862. He is a baker; resides at Binghamton, N. Y. Com­ municated this family record. Children: 1. Eva L., b. Aug. 25, 1882; m. April 20, 1902, Charles A. Berrier; res. at Wakefield, Kan. n. Lawrence E., b. Jan. 25, 1898.

CHARLES WHITMA..""i (James A., James), born at Oxford, N. Y., Feb· 22, 1866; married first, Julia Frayer. He married second, Carrie Wratton. He resides at Bainbridge, N. Y.

JAMES L. PROUTY, born April 4, 1811; married Amelia L. Meiggs, born at New Bedford April 12, 1814, died at Burr Oak, Mich., March 18, 1879. He was a tailor. He died May 15, 1881. Children: · i. Evelyn C., b. Sept. 1, 1838; m. William Haines; res. New York City; she d. Oct. 1, 1889. ii. Sarah A., b. Feb. 16, d. Dec. 15, 1840. m. Lydia S., b. Nov. 21, 1841; d. at North Amherst, 0., May 18, 1843. 1v. James A., b. June 11, 1843. v. Mary A., b. Dec. 2, 1844; m. Robert Ivins; res. York Township, Ind.

JAMES A. (James L.) born at North Amherst, 0., June 11, 1843; married at Allegan, Mich., Sept. 3, 1871. [Name not given.) He is a carpenter. When the Rebellion broke out he enlisted, Aug. 19, 1862, in Co. E, 19th Michigan Regiment Volunteer Infantry; assigned to the 20th Army Corys. Was wounded in action at Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864; discharged June 9, 1865.- Has furnished this record. Children: i. Willis W., b. Sept. 2, 1873; in U. S. army. ii. Lizzie A., b. Nov. 8, 1875; m. George Pifer; res. at Kendallville, Ind. In. Charles L., b. Feb. 8, 1877; res. Three Rivers, Mich. IV. Arthur B., b. Aug. 1, 1879.

ARTHUR B. (James A., James L.), born Aug. 1, 1879; married Jessie Chase. Resides at Cold Water, Mich.

JOB PROUTY, married Catherine Elrick. Said by descendants to have been born at Deerfield, Mass., and died at Franklin, Vt. Children: i. Carlton S. n. Edwin. 204 APPENDIX

CARLTON s. (Job), born at Franklin, Vt., in 1818; married Sarah A. Whitney. He resided at Franklin, Vt.; died at Apsley, Ont., 1905. Children: 1. Orville, b. July 12, 1843. ii. Adelaide, b. 1845. iii. Waite William, b. July 12, 1848. WAITE WILLIAM (Carlton S., Job), born at Franklin, Vt., July 12, 1848; married there Dec. 31, 1868, Cordelia, daughter of Willard and Hannah (Hammond) Fox, born Oct. 27, 1851. He is a farmer, residing at North Pinacle, Ont. Children: i. William, b. Jan. 22, 1876. ii. Orville H., b. Oct. 2, 1869. m. Lillian, b. Jan. 30, d. March 11, 1874. iv. Walter E., b. Aug. 4, 1879. v. Annie E., b. Feb. 26, 1884. VI. Bertha C., b. June 17, 1886. WALTER E. (Waite William, Carlton S., Job), born at Franklin, Vt., Aug. 4, 1879; married at South Bolton, Mass., Dec. 26, 1906, Sylvia Rosamond,daughterofDariusandBelle (White)Adarns, bornDec.16, 1884. He is a stationary engineer; resides at Chicopee. Child: Earle Clinton, b. Jan. 1, 1908. Particulars communicated by the family.

NELSON PROUTY, from Vermont, had son Nelson, mason contractor at Syracuse, N. Y.; he had sons Harvey Chester and Clarence Martin, of same place, who report.

SQUIRE PROUTY, born Jan. 10, 1777; died Jan. 10, 1854; son, Squire Adolphus, born Oct. 10. 1815, died Aug. 9, 1877; son, Isaac M., born in Nevada, Ia., Nov. 27, 1852; res. at Spokane, Wash., who reports.

LEWIS E. PROUTY, born at Halifax, Vt., in 1794; married first, at Bernardston, April 14, 1819, Sarah Burke, daughter of Joel and Thank­ ful (Chapin) Warner, born Feb. 8, 1800. (Hist. Bernardston.) She died at Adams Sept. 5, 184~ "ae. 49." He married second, Roxalina S., daughter of Nathan and Jerusha Pike; she survived him and died at North Adams Sept. 9, 1883, "aged 64 years, 10 months and 6 days." He was a tanner; carried on the business at Bernardston some time. Afterward resided at Adams and Petersham. He died in 1867; his will, drawn Feb. 13, was filed May 24, 1867; it shows wife Roxalina S., daughter Elizabeth Peet, minor children Ira Emory, Sarah S., Clara E. and Jenny B., sons Lyman Prouty at sea, Lafayette Prouty at Nebraska City, Horace Prouty at Greenwood, Ill., Charles Prouty at Richmond, Ill., and Albert Prouty at Hebron, Ill. Children: 1. Lewis, b. 1828; d. at Adams Oct. 27, 1850. 11. Lyman. 111. Elizabeth, m. -- Peet. 1v. Francis Lafayette, b. at Halifax, Vt., Oct. 28, 1834. v. Horace M., b. 1836. APPENDIX 205

YI. Charles. vii. Albert E. viii. Ira Emory. ix. Gratea E., b. July 29, 1845; d. Oct. 29, 1849. x. Sarah S., m. Sept. 21, 1869, Homer Cheeseboro. xi. Jennie B., b. Nov. 3, 1850; d. at Adams June 16, 1877. xii. Clara E., b. 1857; d. at Pittsfield Nov. 20, 1877. xiii. Adelbert, b. in May, d. Oct. 15, 1859. FRANCIS LAFAYETTE (Lewis E.), born at Halifax, Vt., Oct. 28, 1834; married April 12, 1858, Julia Ann, daughter of Wright Rugg, of Leominster, born Aug. 6, 1836, died March 16, 1908. At the breaking out of the Rebellion he enlisted in the First Nebraska; served at Fort Henry, Shilo}). and Donaldson; in the expedition to suppress the Sioux rebellion in Minnesota. Was a pioneer in Nebraska~ Colorado and Oklahoma. Resides now at Peru, Neb., a retired merchant. Children: 1. Herbert Winchester, b. Aug. 24, 1860. ii. Francina Alberta, b. Nov. 14, 1863; m. Seth Bowers. Ill. Francis Albert, twin, d. Feb. 22, 1864. 1v. Eloise, b. Feb. 11, 1866; m. Feb. 12, 1887, Fred A. Miller; res. Laramie, N eh. v. Louis Wright, b. Feb. 20, 1868; d. June 28, 1888. VI. Sarah Ann, b. July 21, 1870; m. Major F. Reed; res. Centennial, Neb. vii. Mary Estelle, b. Sept. 10; 1872; m. Eleazer Conklin, "Elza Conkle." viii. Francis Lafayette, b. July 10, d. Sept. 10, 1873. HoRAcE M. (Lewis E.), born at Halifax, Vt., in 1836; married April 1, 1857, Jane Maria, daughter of Emery Conn, aged 18 years. Children: i. Miran C. (Myron C.), b. at Cheshire Jan. 5, 1858; d. Sept. 12, 1860. -· ii. Frank, b. March, 1859; d. Sept. 9, 1860. Ill. Lewis Warner, b. Aug. 3, 1862. HERBERT WINCHESTER (Francis L., Lewis E.), born at Peru, Neb. Aug. 24, 1860; married at Denver, Colo., Aug. 24, 1886, Caroline Frederica, daughter of Andrew and Catherine (Geiger) Shafer, of Boulder, Colo., born at Nelmersbach, Germany, June 13, 1866. He is assistant clerk of the District Court at Denver, Colo. Has furnished this family record (after paragraph on Le~ E). Children: 1. Herbert Jeremiah, b. May 31, 1887; d. May 5, 1889. 11. Winifred Lafayette, b. Oct. 19, 1889. iii. Frank Harrison, b. Aug. 12, 1891. 1v. Julia Katherine, b. June 14, 1896. v. Irving Shafer, b. Dec. 5, 1897; d. May 7, 1902.

LYMAN A. PROUTY, born at Townshend, Vt., married Addie M. Richards. Children: "Fred L., son of Lyman C. and Addie E. (Roberts), b. at Lowell, d. there Sept. 15, 1893, a.e. 20, 10, 15." Cora Alice, b. at Springfield June 1, 1889. 206 APPENDIX

Madeline, b. at Sppngfield Dec. 6, 1890. Lyman, b. at Boston March 23, 1896.

SIMEON PROUTY, married at Scituate July 19, 1770, Mrs. Sarah Griffin. Enlisted Jan. 10, 1777, for 3 years; age 30 years; in service in January, 1 780. Rank, corporal. Simeon Prouty, perhaps the same man, was at Westmoreland, N. H., and a signer of a petition of certain inhabitants against "New York usurpati~ns" June 8, 1781.

"TIRUS" PROUTY, married Mary Thompson. They died in Ohio. Children: 1. Simon. 11. Andrew. iii. Anson T., b. June 20, 1800. 1v. Hugh. v. Hannah. vi. Hersey.

.ANsoN T. (" Tirus"), born "in the state of New York" June 20, 1800; married in Knox County, Ohio, Elizabeth, daughter of William Helms, born in Pennsylvania in 1793, died at Ione, California, March 25, 1873. He died on the Plains, of cholera, June 20, 1852, while on the way to California. His family continued and settled there. Children: i. Maria, b. Feb. 8, 1825; m. Silas Dooley. ii. Mary Ann, b. Dec. 25, 1827; m. Thomas Rees. iii. Joseph T., b. Feb. 8, 1831; m. Maggie Herman; res. Del Monte, Cal. iv. Asher T., b. in 1833; m. Clara McGill; res. Newton, Ia. v. Simon, b. in 1835; m. Jane Newton; res. Sacramento, Cal. vi. William Henry, b. March 27, 1837. Vll. Christopher C., b. in 1839; m. Australia Bennett; res. Stockton, Cal. WILLIAM HEl\'"RY (Anson T., Tirus), born in Knox County, Ohio, March 27, 1837; married first, July 26, 1859, Mary Helen Charlesworth. He married second, Oct. 15, 1865, Amanda Jane, da_!lghter of David T. and Sarah (Park) Harbour, born in Brown County, ill., Oct. 6, 1847. He is a farmer and stock-raiser; resides at Ione, Cal. Has given this family report. Children: i. Malora A., b. June 7, 1860; m. Jas. S. Amick; res. at Sacra-. mento, Cal. ii. Austin Lee, b._ Feb. 2, 1862; m. Mary Walker. iii. Mary Jane, b. Dec. 16, 1863; d. March 14, 1878. iv. Byron Grant, b. Jan. 7, 1866; m. Iva Brown. v. Alice May, b. Nov. 2, 1868; m. Eli Marchant; res. Salt Lake City. vi. Arthur Lewis, b. Nov. 1, 1870. vii. William Norris, b. March 28, 1873; m. Kate Ludgate. viii. Edi th Hazel, b. July 29; 1880; student, S. F. Normal School. ix. Chester Harbour, b. Sept. 23, 1888; student at Univ. of Cali- fornia (1910). APPENDIX 207

WILLIAM PROUTY, married -- Burnham. He removed from Ver­ mont to New York state; died at Oswego, N. Y. Children: 1. Abel, b. in Vermont; m. Samantha Goff; res. at Oswego, N. Y., d. at Derbin (Durben ?) . Mich. 11. William, b. July 4, 1800; res. at Peoria, Ia. iii. Francis. 1v. Sanford, res. at Toledo, 0. v. Sally, b. at Oswego, N. Y.; m. Timothy Denny. vi. Betsey, b. at Oswego, N. Y.; m. Joel Stevens. vu. Alanson, b. at Oswego, N. Y., in 1814. ALANSON (William), born at Oswego, N. Y., in 1814; married Julia Ann! daughter of William !\owler, born at Oswego Nov. 18, 1818, died at Alvo, Neb. He was a farmer; resided at Hannibalville, N.Y., Delaware 0., Mahaska Co., Ia. and at Alvo, Neb. where he died. Children: i. Abel, b. July 30, 1836. ii. Samuel 0., b. 1838. iii. Mary Maria, twin; m. Feb. 5, 1860, Henry Snoke; d. 1907. 1v. Elizabeth, m. Jan. 10! 1862, Elam Allen, res. at Des Moines, Ia.; d. 1898. v. Albert. vi. Stephen Merritt. vii. William F. ABEL (Alanson, William), born at Oswego, N. Y., July 30, 1836; married Feb. 18, 1862, Sarah Anne, daughter of Felix and Leah (Walters) Ryan, born in Barbara County, West Virginia, Feb. 15, 1842, died June 13, 1904. He is a farmer at Alvo, Neh. Children: 1. Cornelia Leah, b. :March 27, 1863; m. March 18, 1879, George P. Foreman. ii. Frederick Myron, b. at Peoria, Ia., June 14, 1865. iii. Joseph Madison, b. March 16, 1867. iv. Julia Anne, b. March 10, 1869; m. Feb. 12, 1890, Wm. A. Grear; res. Sterlingville, Alberta, Can. v. Marion Felix, b. Nov. 7, 1872. vi. Merritt Alanson, b. Nov. 7-, 1872. vii. Minnie Viola, b. May 5, 1875; m. Dec. 4, 1895, Sherman J. Cashner; d. at Alvo, Neb. Feb. 17, 1901. STEPHEN MERRITT (Alanson, William), born at Keokuk, Ia.; married April 9, 1879, Ella N. Carey. Resides at Alvo, Neb. - Children: 1. Harry. ii. Arthur. 111. Mae. 1v. Bessie. v. Orville. WILLIAM (Alanson, William), born at Pella, Ia.; married March 10, 1880, Mary Pritchard. He is an engineer of the Missouri Pacific Railroad; resides at Kansas City, Mo. 208 APPENDIX

SAMUEL 0. (Alanson, William), born at Oswego, N. Y.; married March 2, 1861, Martha ; resided at Danville, Ill.; died about 1905. Children: 1. Charles E., res. at Fullerton, Neb. n. Angeline. Ill. Lewis E. IV. Bert. v. Bertha.

ALBERT (Alanson, William), born at Oswego, N. Y., about 1842; married April 20; 1880, Amanda Van Sickle. Resides at Eagle, Neb.

FREDERICK MYRON (Abel, Alanson, William), born at Peoria, Ia., June 14, 1865; married Sept. 11, 1888, Minnie Hurlbut. Resides at Green­ wood, Neb.

JosEPH MADISON (Abel, Alanson, William), born at Peoria, Ia., March 16, 1867; married at Alvo, Neb. Dec. 27, 1893, Clara M., daughter of Alexander F. and Margaret (Morrison) Skiles, born at Glenwood, Ia., April 24, 1875. He is a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church; was connected with the Central Illinois Conference until 1909, when he" took a location" at Des Moines, Ia. Children: i. Herbert Joyce, b. March 15, 1898. ii. Margaret Josephine, b. Aug. 12, 1908.

MARION FELIX (Abel, Alanson, William), born at Peoria, Ia., Nov. 7, 1872; married March 10, 1897, Rita Halsey. He resides at Cheney, Wash.

MERRITT ALANsoN (Abel, Alanson, William), born at Peoria, Ia., Nov. 7, 1872 (twin with Marion Felix); married March 10, 1897, Clara Halsey. He resides at Sterlingville, Alberta, Can.

HoN. SOLOMON F. PROUTY, Congressman from the 7th District of Iowa, is the son of William Prouty, Jr., one of the sons of William Prouty (top of page 207) who stands at the head of this last branch of the family. He was mentioned by his kinsman, Rev. Joseph Madison Prouty who furnished the statistics of this branch, and request made to him for a report; but he was so engrossed with political cares that he could not give a moment's attention to the matter till the election was over, and he was resting at his ranch at Arkansas. Even these details, sent in as the pages are being indexed, are incomplete, but will be welcomed by all.

SOLOMON F. (William, William), born at Delaware, 0., Jan. 17, 1854; married first, in 1879, Anna E. Livingston, who died in July, 1~84. He married second at Pella, Ia., Jan. 17, 1888, Ida E., daughter of Hon. R. B. and Emily (Benjamin) Warren, born at Peoria, Ia. He graduated at Central University of Iowa in 1877; was professor of Latin at the University four years; representative to Iowa Legislature in 1879; read law and practised at Des Moines, Ia.; was elected judge of the APPENDIX 209

District Court of Ia. in 1890; elected to the Congress of the United States in 1910. Residence, Des Moines, Ia. Children: 1. Mary P., b. Aug. 18, 1880; m. Ben. Akin; res. Cambridge, N. Y. ii. Ida E., b. Dec. 30, 1890. iii. Frances Lillian, b. Oct. 30, 1892. 1v. Emily, b. Nov. 18, 1898.



Aaron, 39, 72,73, 122 Albert Horace, 97, 148 Abbie, Abby, 109, 171, 194 Albert Manley, 49, 90, 138 Abbie A., 130 Albert Randolph, 181 Abbie E., 174 Albert, 70,119 Abbie J., 67 Albert Stanley, 150, 186 Abbie Jane, 117 Alden, 52 Abby :Maria, 119 Alden Knox, 163, 192 Abby Susan, 149 Alden W., 89, 136 Abel, 28, 32, 33, 48, 60, 87, 207 Alexander T. L., 84, 132 Ahia, 64 Alexander V. R., 97, 149 Abial, 1,96 Alfred,41, 78,79, 126 Abigail; 22, 25, 69, 71, 80, 131, 196 Alfred Hobart, 154, 189 Abigail Delana, 155 Alfred Howe, 187 Abigail L., 82 Alfred W., 57 Abigail Maria, 88 Alfred William, 179 Abijah, 35, 36, 41, 42, 53, 64, 66 Alfred Willis, 133, 176 Abner Orcutt, 107 Alice, Alys, 7, 79, 82, 127 Ada, 126 Alice A., 133 - Ada Elizabeth, 194 Alice Amanda, 178 Ada Frances, 146 Alice Ann, 40 Ada M., 83 Alice E., 180 Ada Thomas, 132 Alice Gertrude, 169 Adaline L., 138 Alice Harriet, 184 Adaliza Julietta, 143 Alice Howe, 144 Adam,20,26,27,45,46,85 Alice J., 119 Addie, 189 Alice Jane, 92 Addie A., 120 Alice Josephine, 166 Addie Lizzette, 167 Alice Louisa, 147 Addie M., 205 Alice Louise, 121 Addison D., 94 Alice M., 78, 102, 109 Adelaide, 124, 129, 204 Alice Marie, 182 Adelaide Alexander, 124 Alice May, 206 Adelaide Amelia, 108 Alice Rossiter, 166 Adelbert, 205 Aljest, 140 Adeline, 144 Almira, 55, 89, 94, 122 Adeline Elizabeth, 85 Almira Hobart, 55 Adelle Claffi.e, 194 Almira J., 158 Agnes, 4, 198 Almira L., 95 Agnes Jerusha, 88 Almira Louisa, 90 Alanson, 66,115,207 Almon Fosdick, 138, 178 Alathea, 32 Almond B., 89, 136 Albert, 79, 112, 126, 207, 208 Almond Earl, 165, 193 Albert A., 140 Alonzo Everett, 154 Albert Blossom, 103 Alonzo Manley, 89, 137 Albert Burnside, 129, 175 Alpheus Wight, 66, 116 Albert E., 205 Alvin Willard, 112, 163 Albert F., 198 Alvira, 48 Albert Henry, 144, 181 Alvord, 154 213 214 PROUTY INDEX

Amanda,86,208 Arthur Lucius, 185 Amanda R., 65 Arthur Nelson, 149, 186 Amanda S., 127 Arthur Richard, 187 Amariah Taft, 62, 111 Arthur T., 141 Amarilla, 59 Arthur Tallime, 162, 191 Amelia,89 Arvilla M., 81 Amos, 28, 48-50, 87, 91, 92 Arvine, 202 Amos Clark, 89 Asa,25,39, 72,73 Amos E. K., 95 Asa Augustus, 73, 123 Amy Lucy, 188 Asahel, 43 Amy Olivia, 183 Asaph,69 Anabella H., 134 Asenath, 46 Anderson, 34 Asher T., 206 Andrew, 206 Augusta, 126 Andrew Franklin, 92, 141 Augustus, 123, 170 Andrew Hall, 197, 198 Augustus Bigelow, 81 Angeline, 202,208 Augustus Bisco, 82, 130 Angeline F., 94 Augustus Charles, 95, 146 Anita, 183 Austin, 94 Anita Lydia, 120 Austin Lee, 206 Ann, Anna, Anne, 23, 24, 36, 41, Australia, 206 42, 50, 64, 93, 198 Avis, 29, 59, 60 Ann D., 123 Ann E., 136 Bardin Augustus, 197, 198 Ann Elizabeth, 117, 173 Bardin Hyland, 196, 197 Ann Jenette, 111 Bathsheba, 87 Ann M., 200 Beatrice Madeline, 192 Ann Maria, 54 Beda G., 109 Anna Alberta, 157 Bela, 199 Anna Almira, 154 Belinda C., 132 Anna Evelyn, 130 Belle, 179, 191 Anna H., 157 Benjamin, 25, 34, 39, 54, 81, 93, Anna Madison, 124 102,144 Anna Paulina, 114 Benjamin A., 60 Anna Richardson, 152, 159 Benjamin Franklin, 102, 155, 156 Anne E., 102 Benjamin Hadley, 140 Annette Sophia, 137 Benjamin Williams, 99 Annie C., 198 Beriah Loomis, 111, 163 Annie E., 204 Bernice Luetta, 186 Annie Gertrude, 197 Bert, 208 Annie I., 181 Bertha, 208 Annie Laura, 189 Bertha Angela, 170 Annie Maria, 160 Bertha C., 204 Annie McD., 156 Bertha Estelle, 198 Annie S., 132 Bertha Mabel, 159 Annis, 64 Bertha Wise, 185 Anson T ., 206 Bessie, 182, 207 Ariel Hayward, 141, 180 Bessie Erminie, 158 Arnold, 41, 76 Bessie Lee, 176 Artemas, 34, 50, 62, 63, 83, 92, Betsey, 29, 36, 43, 45, 51, 52, 60, 112 68,153,196,207 Artemas Warren, 92, 141 Betsey A., 6.4 Arthur, 207 Betsey Ann, 118 Arthur B., 203 Betsey E., 113 Arthur Garfield, 145, 183 Betsey P., 103 Arthur Heywood, 143 Beulah, 25 A-rthur Lewis, 206 Blanche, 141, 177 PROUTY INDEX 215

Burpee, 32, 59 Charles E., 101, 112, 129, 207 Burton Hall, 199 Charles Ellsworth, 121, 169 Byron Grant, 206 Charles Elon, 135, 176 Charles Frederick, 115, 166, 202 C. W., 86 Charles Gardner, 189 Caleb, 20, 24, 26, 35, 45, 84 Charles H., 91, 135, 139, 177 Caleb Lincoln, 84 Charles Henry, 197, 198 Caleb William, 83, 131, 175., 195 Charles Homer, 150, 151, 186, 187 Calista A., 178 Charles Jerome, 138 Calista S., 140 Charles K., 131 Callie E., 129 Charles L., 127, 203 Callie Watson, 129 Charles Newton, 98, 152, 153, 188 Calvin, 27, 52 Charles Orie, 112, 163 Calvin L., 68 Charles Orlando, 104, 158 Calvin Locke, 145, 182 Charles Ramsdell, 97, 150 Calvin Luther, 52, 95 Charles S., 60, 103, 110 Calvin Rand, 93, 145 Charles Stewart, 57, 107 Calvin W., 65, 114 Charles Turner, 84, 131 Carlos, 66 Charles Tyler, 193 Carl Reginald, 172 Charles Wallace, 158 Carlton, 117 Charles Whitman, 202, 203 Carlton S., 203, 204 Charlie Ellis, 146, 184 Caroline, 55, 66,73, 122 Charlotte, 47, 79, 194 Caroline A., 127 Charlotte Elizabeth, 194 Caroline B., 64 Clmrlotte J., 104 Caroline E., 119, 158 Charlotte M., 137 Caroline Elizabeth, 115, 116 Charlotte Maria, 116 Caroline Frederica, 205 Chauncy W ., 202, 203 Caroline Harris, 137 Cheney,44,81, 129 Caroline L., 64 Cheney Porter, 70, 120 Caroline Maria, 123 Cheney Russell, 68, 175 Caroline Miranda, 71 Chester, 201 Caroline Olivia, 198 __ Chester Harbour, 206 Caroline S., 69 Chester W ., 201 Carrie, 107,203 Chester Wilford, 142, 180 Carrie Estella, 146 Chester William, 199 Carrie L., 165 Chloe, 62, 89, 136 Carrie Lizzie, 142 Chloe Emeline, 111 Carrie Sophia, 198 Christopher A., 97 Catherine, see also Katherine Christopher Augustus, 149, 185 Catherine, 44, 69, 83, 150, 184 Christopher C., 206 Catherine M., 104, 156 Claire, 193 Cecil Olive, 195 Clara, 94, 168, I 78, 208 Celia M., 111 Clara Abby, 124 Celia P., 155 Clara Adelaide, 180 Charles, 43, 45, 52, 54, 79, 94, 196, Clara E., 205 205 Clara H., 139 Charles A., 77 Clara J., 139 Charles Albert, 119, 167 Clara Josephine, 166 Charles Arthur, 102 Clara M., 115, 208 Charles Azro, 125, 171 Clara S., 142 Charles Burton, 173 Clarence Chester, 180 Charles C., 157 Clarence Edgar, 160 Charles Calvin, 134, 176 Clarence Frederick, 189 Charle8'l)enny, 133 Clarence Gordon, 163 Charles Dickerman, 107, 160 Clarence Martin, 204 Charles Draper, 129, 174 Clarissa, 37, 74, 81, 92 216 PROUTY INDEX

Clarissa D., 115 Dwight Hobart, 189 Clarissa Emeline, 135 Dwight Homer, 97, 151 Clarissa J., 120 Dwight Mortimer, 121, 169 Clarissa Jane, 70 Dwight 0., 89, 200 Clarissa M., 87 Dwight V., 70, 120 Clarissa Miller, 134 Clark, 48, 88, 161 Earle Clinton, 204 Clementine, 83 Ebenezer, 36, 66 Clement Jordan, 175, 194 Eddy Warner, 129, 174 Cleora Delphina, 141 Edgar, 79 Clifford Herbert, 141, 180 Edgar A., 201 Clifford Walter, 194 Edgar Fay, 145, 183 Clinton Isaac, 185, 195 Edgar John, 125, 126, 172 Clinton Lewis, 192 Edith, 181, 201 Clyde Alison, 160, 191 Edith Areline, 160 Constance, 193 Edith Evelyn, 169 Cora A., 186 Edith Hastings, 166 Cora Alice, 205 Edith Hazel, 206 Cora Estelle, 142 Edith Josephine, 111 Cora Louise, 146 Edith M., 186 Cordelia, 78, 204 Edith Marie, 194 Corinthia S., 101 Edith Marion, 155 Cornelia Leah, 207 Edith May, 170 Cornelia M., 110 Edmund,34,63,64, 113 Cynthia, 32, 111 Edmund Chase, 187 Cyrus, 52, 95 Edna Blythe, 168 Cyrus M., 178 Edna Butterworth, 187 Edna Frances, 184, 189 Damaris, 11, 14, 17, 18, 32 Edna Maria, 121 Daniel, 25, 34, 44, 45, 61, 64, 82 Edward, 1, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, Daniel C., 168 31, 60, 72, 110, 122, 175, 196, Daniel Webster, 68, 118 198 Daniel Wilder, 61 Edward A., 196, 198 David, 20, 21, 23-25, 30, 37, 38, Edward Austin, 145, 183 55, 56, 71, 72, 122 Edward A very, 155 David L., 160 Edward Burton, 154 David Osborne, 56,105,106 Edward Earl, 183 Deborah, 21,24,37, 197 Edward F., 102, 156 Decatur, 86 Edward Howe, 135, 177 Delia, 64 Edward James, 144, 181 Delia C., 102 Edward M., 60 Delia J., 120 Edward Nathan, 119, 168 Desire, 27 Edward R., 110, 201 Dexter B., 114, 164 Edward Varney, 69, 118 Diadamia, 53, 54, 155 Edward W ., 110 Diana, 135 Edward Woolsey, 168 Dianthe, 34, 63 Edwin, 129, 203 Dimis, 32 Edwin R., 128 Dolly May, 161 Edy,6, 7 Dora, 179 Effie, 126, 191 Dora Adele, 137 Effie Jane, 176 Doris Gray, 190 Effie R., 200 Dorothy, Dolly, 26, 27, 111, 127 Elbert A., 83, 130 Dorothy Mabel, 168 Elbert Ferdinand, 198 Dwight, 37, 70, 71, 121, 169 Elbert T., 197 Dwight D., 136 Eleanor, see also Elinor, Ellenor Dwight Dinsmore, 49, 91 Eleanor, 174 PROUTY INDEX 217

Eleazer, 38, 72 Ellathyna L., 128 Electa, 44 Ellen, 172, 194 Electa R., 133 Ellen A., 138 Elethina, 80 Ellen Blanche, 161 Eli, 25, 43, 44, 80 Ellen Elizabeth, 121 Elias, 37, 71 Ellen F., 103, 114 Elias Spencer, 88, 136 Ellen Florence, 184 Elijah, 23, 24, 29, 31, 32, 50, 51, Ellen Frances, 116 57,93,99, 153,200,201 Ellen Lavina, 68 Elijah Ansehn, ~2 Ellen M., 137 Elijah D., 53, 99 Ellen Maria, 100, 105, 160 Elijah Day, 107 Ellen Relief, 119 Elijah H., 57, 107 Ellen Rosanna, 162 Elijah King, 62, 111 Ellen Smith, 98, 152 Elinor, see also Eleanor, Ellenor Ellenor, see also Eleanor, Elinor Elinor J., 180 Ellenor, 173 Eliott, see also Elliot Ellery Turner, 174, 194 Eliott Cutler, 128, 174 Elliot, see also Eliott Elisha, 20, 29, 32-34, 50, 51, 57, Elliot, 44, 80, 81 61, 94, 161 Elliot M., 174 Elisha Russell, 101 Elliott, 128 Elisha Whitney, 58, 108 Ellis Emmons, 184, 195 Eliza, 66, 71, 94, 109 Ellis Frank, 188 Eliza A., 133 Elmer, 154 Eliza B., 57 Elmer Elias, 136, 178 Eliza Cornelia, 163 Ehner Ellsworth, 197 Eliza Jane, 67, 81 Elmer Walton, 149, 186 Eliza L., 54 Eloise, 205 Eliza M., 91 Elon Howe, 87, 135 Eliza R., 60 Elphonzo Wood, 97, 150 Elizabeth, 5, 7, 12, 19, 20, 21, 24, Elsie, 113 25, 29, 31, 47, 50, 51, 53, 54, 57, Elsie Aria, 184 58, 60, 74, 86, 110, 137, 149,:192, Elsie Estelle, 184 204, 206, 207 .. Elsie Mabel, 186 Elizabeth A., 136, 150 Elton Frank, 147 Elizabeth Adelaide, 197 Elton Rice, 153 Elizabeth Belle, 161 Elva Agnes, 188 Elizabeth Bruce, 176 Elvira, 173 Elizabeth C., 126 Elvy, 141 Elizabeth Caroline, 191 Emeline, 83, 134 Elizabeth D., 94 Emerson Forrester, 110, 161 Elizabeth D. R., 161 Emery, see also Emory Elizabeth E., 136 Emery, 43 Elizabeth H., 87 Emery Mason, 78, 126 Elizabeth Jane, 156 Emilia, 52 Elizabeth King, 62 Emily, 79, 81, 113, 164, 209 Elizabeth Wilson, 61 Emily A., 77, 82 Ella, 79 Emily Ann, 103 Ella Abbie, 155 Emily Dorcas, 134 Ella F., 137, 146, 154 Emily G., 113, 116 Ella Grace, 168 Emily L., 78 Ella J., 136 Emily Linwood, 189 Ella Jane, 135 Emily Sears, 160 Ella L., 174 Emma, 129, 137, 147, 183, 186 Ella N., 207 Emma Aurelia, 153 Ella R., 197 Emma E., 102, 138 Ella Sears, 160 Emma Eliza, 133 218 PROUTY INDEX

Emma F., 147, 203 Flora Aurelia, 170 Emma Frances, 103, 139, 163 Flora L., 146 Emma I., 180 Flora Lazette, 154 ; Emma Jane, 126 Florella, 101 Emma Julia, 185 Florence, 182, 201 Emma L., 148 Florence A., 195 Emma M., 175 Florence Amelia, 202 Emma S., 166 Florence E., 174 Enuneretta, 201 Florence Elmira, 169 Emory, see also Emery, 53, 110, 162 Florence G., 191 Enos Stevens, 62 Florence J., 107 Ernest Lovell, 198 Florence Louise, 184 Esther, 25, 32, 200 Florence Mabel, 168 Esther Jane, 144 Florence 1Yiarion, 187 Esther L., 197 Florence May, 115, 190 Eston Hull, 145 Forrester A., 60, 110 Ethel Gertrude, 188 Fosdick,49,90, 136 Ethel Louise, 177 Fosdick Plummer, 90, 137 Ethel Marion, 193 Frances, 112 Ethie Bigelow, 169 Frances E., 146 Etta Frances, 164 Frances Edna, 197 Etta L., 110 Frances M., 85 Etta Louise, 119 Frances P., 83 Eugene, 79, 126 Francina Alberta, 205 Eugene Henry, 179 Francis, 23, 32, 60, 207, 209 Eugene Herbert, 197 Francis Albert, 205 Eugene Watson, 86 Francis D., 57,108 Eunice, 20, 27, 32, 43, 47, 94 Francis Eddy, 165, 192 Eunice M., 89 Francis L., 104 Euphemie Burke, 132 Francis Lafayette, 204, 205 Eva Adelaide, 167 Francis N., 91, 139 Eva L., 203 Francis Oliver, 155 Eva :Marion, 132 Francois C., 179 Eva ~fa.rtha, 176 Frank, 62, 205 Eva ~fo.y, 195, 198 Frank- Alton, 154, 188 Eva llerriam, 146 Frank Alvin, 164 Eva 0., 142 Frank Elliot, 128, 174 Evelyn, 166 Frank Harrison, 205 Evelyn C., 203 Frank Herbert, 148, 185 Evelyn Craig, 153 Frank J., 139, 178 Everett H., 140 Frank Luther, 135, 176 Everett Howard, 146 Frank M., 117 Everett Vickery, 152, 187 Frank Milton, 142, 180 Experience, 45 Frank Winthrop, 195 Ezekiel, 27 Frank Wooden, 120, 168 Ezra Hamilton, 201 Franklin. 86 Franklin· Herbert, 197 Fannie Estelle, 147 Franklin Hoyt, 123 Fanny,36,66, 112 Franklin T., 96, 147 Fanny A., 87 Fred Burpy, 161 Fanny Augusta, 101 Fred Elon, 134 Fanny Candace, 135 Fred H., 148 Fanny M., 86 Fred Howard, 135, 177 F-idelia M., 157 Fred L., 205 Fields Milton, 67, 117 Fred Stephen, 134 Flavia, 137 Freddie Arthur, 114 Flora A., 142 Frederick, 66, 116 PROUTY INDEX 219

Frederick Alanson, 101 Geraldine Stone, 187 FrederickAlpheus, 116,167 Gertrude Cole, 195 Frederick Augustus, 101 Gertrude Hannah, 126 Frederick B., 145 Gilbert Algernon, 170 Frederick Carleton, 155 Gladys Edith, 191 Frederick Charles, 108, 160 Goldie Elizabeth, 185 Frederick David, 59, 109 Grace, 26, 27, 170 ·Frederick Dinsmore, 91 Grace Elizabeth, 182 Frederick E.T., 176 Grace Isabelle, 102 Frederick Hamilton, 157 Grace Rebecca, 134 Frederick Henry, 187 Grace Virginia, 162 Frederick James, 155 Gracia Maria, 186 Frederick Lincoln, 155 Gratea E., 205 Frederick Munroe, 144 Gratia Livermore, 180 Frederick Myron, 207, 208 Frederick W., 156, 189 Halsey Healey, 141, 180 Frederick Wyman, 100, 155 Hamilton, 201 Hannah, 20, 26, 27, 37, 38, 47, 53, Galen, 29, 53, 100 57, 60,85, 122,160,206 Gardner, 36, 65, 66, 80, 115 Hannah Augusta, 66 Gardner Edward, 166, 193 Hannah Barker, 125 Gardner 0., 115 Hannah C., 65 Gardner Wheelock, 115, 166 Hannah D., 57, 95 George, 45, 51, 69, 73, 82, 103, 109, Hannah E., 99, 148 119, 129, 157, 202 Hannah Emeline, 170 George Albert, 157, 189 Hannah H., 141 George Allen~ 183 Hannah J ., 46 George B., 73, 74 Hannah L., 127 George Burpee, 58 Hannah P., 148 George Burpy, 109, 161 Hannah R., 111 George C., 95, 147 Harley Hall, 125, 171 George Caleb, 85 Harlin H., 137, 178 George Carleton, 1~~' 163, 192 Harlow, 145 George Converse, 119, 167 Harold Clark, 178 George Cornelius, 174, 194 Harold D., 175 George E., 131 Harold Dewing, 184 George Edwin, 146 Harold Edmund. 177 George H., 196, 197 Harriet, 71, 75, 91, 108, 109, 119 George Henry, 85, 94, 133, 146, 201 _ Harriet Amanda, 134 George Herbert, 125, 172 Harriet Amelia, 80 George Hiram, 153 Harriet Augusta, 124 George Homer, 149, 185 Harriet C., 94 George Lewis, 90, 137 Harriet E., 149 George Loomis, 163 Harriet Eliza, 155 George P., 85 Harriet Elizabeth, 121 George Porter, 98, 152 Harriet Emma, 170 George Richard, 187 Harriet Fanny, 66 George Selby, 153 Harriet Irving, 175 George Stanley, 151, 186 Harriet Isabel, 139 George Sylvester, 97 Harriet Louise, 177 George W., 146 Harriet Maria, 85 George Washington, 89, 106, 159, Harriet R., 139 190 Harriette J., 90 George ,vhitney, 161, 191 Harris Gilman, 54, 103, 158 George William, 68, 118, 202 Harry, 207 Georgia, 183 Harry Elmer, 145,... 182 Georgiana Ellen, 147 Harvey, 24, 37, 70, 88 220 PROUTY INDEX

Harvey Chester, 204 Horace A., 183 Hattie E., 157, 161 Horace E., 173 Hattie F., 149 Horace Elisha, 94, 145 Hattie Lucy, 160 Horace ~I., 204, 205 Hattie M., 120 Horatio Reed, 17 5 Hattie :Maria, 145 Hugh, 206 Helen, 5, 107, 166, 201 Huldah,27,49,88, 183 Helen A., 67, 141 Huldah H., 101 Helen Augusta, 192 Helen E., 114, 169 Ida, 100,191 Helen Field, 109 Ida Caroline, 141 Helen Grace, 160 IdaE., 129,164,175,208,209 Helen Maria, 151 Ida Marion, 144 Helen Marie, 177 Ida Maud, 187 Helen Young, 195 Ira, 202 Henrietta, 100, 172 Ira Emory, 205 Henrietta Maria, 59 Ira French, 63, 113 Henrietta P., 102 Ira Hwnphrey, 164 Henry, 58, 109 Ira Joslin, 113, 164 Henry A., 115, 166 Irene Sebastian, 201 Henry Augustus, 101 Iris Gertrude, 118 Henry Clay, 84, 132 Irving Shafer, 205 Henry Dexter, 67 Isaac, 16, 18, 20, 21, 25, 27, 28, 32, Henry E. K., 108 33, 34, 46, 53, 60, 61, 85, 86, 97, Henry Ebenezer, 66, 116 100 Henry H., 54, 102, 103, 157 Isaac A., 104 Henry Irving, 195 Isaac Lothrop, 96, 148 Henry J., 95, 146 Isaac M., 61, 62, 110, 204 Henry Myrick, 97, 150 Isaac R., 60, 109 Henry P., 114, 165 Isaac Thomas, 97, 148 Henry R., 132 Isaac Warner, 80, 127 Henry Waldo, 82, 130 Isabel, Isabella, 6, 7 Henry Wallace, 92, 141 Isabel H., 133, 173 Henry Woodruff, 118 Isabella F., 198 Hephzibah,47,72,86,199 Isabella M., 85, 99 Herbert A., 115 Isadora G., 156 Herbert Bradford, 198, 199 Herbert Cutter, 119, 167 Jacob, 20, 23, 24, 35, 37, 68 Herbert F., 83, 130 Jacob C., 62, 111 Herbert Fletcher, 166 James, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, Herbert Jeremiah, 205 34, 35, 49, 64, 65, 91, 154, 184, Herbert Joyce, 208 202 Herbert Miles, 145, 181 James A., 180, 203 Herbert William, 139 James Alarius, 202 Herbert \Vinchester, 205 James Barrell, 54, 101 Herman, 112, 164 James Bingham, 63 Hersey, 206 James Brown, 196, 197 Hirrun,201 James Frank, 144 Hiram B., 114, 165 James Garfield, 184 Hiram Lafayette, 66 James H., 198 Hiram W., 201 James Harvey, 201 Holland, 82, 87, 135 James L., 64, 203 Homer Frank, 185 James Lewis, 114, 165 Homer Ramsdell, 52, 96 James Lincoln, 100 Homer Spooner, 187 James Little, 84, 131, 175 Hooper C., 74 James Nathaniel, 201 Horace, 89, 136 James Oliver, 101, 155 PROUTY INDEX 221

James S., 113, 164 John Walter, 127, 173 James W., 65, 114 John Weston, 4 7 Jane,63, 197,199 John Wilder, 104, 158 Jane Azubah, 152 Johnson, 25, 42 Jane C., 69 Jonas, 39, 73 Jane Chapin, 188 Jonas Guilford, 122 Jane Eliza, 155 Jonas Russell, 82, 129 Jane Elizabeth, 98 Jonathan, 12, 16, 18,21 Jane L., 135 Joseph, 29, 51 Jane Maria, 117, 205 Joseph Elbridge, 55, 104 Jason, 34, 61 Joseph Horace, 52, 96 Jason Ward, 91, 138 Joseph L., 103 Jason Wood, 98, 99, 153 Joseph Madison, 207, 208 Jemima, 21, 53, 54 Joseph T., 206 Jennie, 162, 198 Joseph Ward, 72 Jennie B., 205 Josephine, 139 Jennie Ellen, 159 Josephine Almina, 135 Jennie Elsie, 169 Josephine Ann, 149 Jennie L., 200 Josephine Ellen, 121 Jephthah, 201 Josephine Irwin, 187 Jephthah Elijah, 201 Joshua, 23, 24, 33-36, 61, 67 Jesse, 25, 29, 38, 53, 54,103,104 Joshua Bannister, 67, 117 Jessie, 203 Josiah S., 63 Joane, 7 Josie Almy, 188 Joanna,83 Josie Anna, 154 Joanna White, 131 Juda C., 55 Job,20,27,203 Judith, 37 Joel, 39, 72, 73, 74, 123 Judith Holmes, 93 Joel Cecil, 175 Judson Brewer, 146 Joel Eli, 82, 129 Judson Isaac, 110, 162 Joel Harvey, 71, 121 Julia,201 Joel L., 129 Julia A. C., 80 John, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .. 7, 20, 25, 36, Julia Ann, 84, 85,142,202,205,207 40, 45, 67, 70, 72, 74, 83, 96, Julia Ann Sewall, 55 120,122,124 Julia Elizabeth, 98 John A., 171 Julia Emma, 169 John Abner, 184 Julia I., 110 John Alonzo, 154, 188 Julia Katherine, 205 JohnAzro, 77,124 Julia W., 201 John Edward, 189 Juliann, 91 John Elliot, 81,128 Juliet E .. 155 John Ensign, 175 Juliette Mills, 144 John Ensign Otis, 131, 175 Julius Lyman, 146 John Goodell, 98, 151, 152, 187 Julyann, 49 John Hobart, 99, 154 June R., 141 John Holman, 91 Justin, 45 John Lincoln, 83, 131 John M., 86, 133 Kate, 140 John Munroe, 67 Kate Ethel, 177 John Murray, 92, 140 Katherine, see also Catherine John N., 103, 158 Katie, 79 John Nazro, 52, 96, 97, 147, 149, Katrine, 5 184 Kelick, 201 John Plummer, 58, 108 Kellogg, 201 John Randolph., 201 Kenneth Andrew, 200 John Rufus, 96 Kezia, 58 John Spencer, 74, 123 Kittie Elizabeth, 135 222 PROUTY INDEX

Lamira, 201 Lorenzo Draper, 66, 115 Langdon, 166 Loretta, 63, 64 Laura, 41, 65, 78, 89, 117, 123 Lottie, 154 Laura A., 102 Louis Chester, 179 Laura Esther, 128 Louis Hartwell, 166 Laura Jane, 78 Louis Wright, 205 Laura L., 90 Louisa,48, 49, 63, 66, 82,160,175 Laura S., 120 Louisa J., 114 Lauriston Mirick, 80, 127, 128 Louisa M., 120 Lavinia, 44, 64, 82, 103 Louise, 94, 118 Lavinia ·w., 65 Louise M., 60 Lawrence, 4 Louise Maryline, 161 Lawrence E., 203 Lucena, 49 Lawson, 93, 142 Lucia, see Lucy Lee,45,82 Lucia Elizabeth, 134 Lemuel Dickerman, 57, 107 Lucinda, 36, 45, 48, 80 Leonard Albert, 186 Lucius Marius, 97, 150 Leonard Augustus, 121,169 Lucretia, 25, 82, 86, 87 Leonard W., 107, 160 Lucretia Carter, 148 Leroy Fletcher, 158 Lucretia Wright, 71 Leroy Prescott, 104, 158 Lucy,24,25,27,40, 51,69,72 Leslie E., 179 Lucy Ann, 114, 123, 136, 151 Leslie Earle, 189 Lucy C., 69 Lester Harold, 190 Lucy Caroline, 105 Lettie M., 176 Lucy E., 202 Lettis, 18 Lucy Frances, 166 Levi, 64, 93, 144 Lucy Jane, 144 Levi w., 64 Lucy Lapham, 99,100 Lewis, 204 Lucy Sophia, 107 Lewis Augustus, 92, 141 Lucy T., 114 Lewis E., 204, 205, 208 Lucy White, 84 Lewis Elliot, 161, 191 Lucy Withington, 104 Lewis Isaac, 152,188 Luella Evaline, 198 Lewis Warner, 205 Luke,37,70 Lewis Wilder, 98, 151 Lulu Helen, 167 Liberty, 44, 81 Luna Ann, 49, 92 Lida Mason, 202 'Lura, 89, 136 Lillian, 155, 204 Lusania, 89, 136 Lillian A., 190 Lusanna, 21 Lillian B., 189 Luther, 27, 45, 47, 52, 84, 86, Lillie, 157 128 Lillie C., 184 Luther Burnham, 191 Lillie F., 142 Luther Calvin, 95 Lillie Frances, 197 Luther H., 132 Lincoln, 29, 30, 53, 100 Luther Stephen, 87, 134 Linda, 85 Luther Thomas, 84 Linnie May, 182 Lydia, 22, 24, 28, 34, 37, 39, 55, Linus Eddy, 64, 113 70, 73, 77, 79, 87,201 Lizzie A., 202, 203 Lydia A., 1t)7 Lizzie G., 183 Lydia Ann, 106 Lizzie M., 133 Lydia C., 57 Lloyd Alton, 188 Lydia Farrow, 56 Lloyd Wendell, 145, 182 Lydia Jane, 143 Lois, 34, 52, 113 Lydia l\f., 65 Lois Jane, 98 Lydia S., 203 Lorenzo, 55, 56,104,105,158 Lyman, 47, 48, 49, 86, 204, 206 Lorenzo D., 69, 201 Lyman A., 205 PROUTY INDEX 223

M. Addie, 139 Mary A., 60, 94, 117, 139, 167, 192 Mabel, 195 Mary A.lice, 17 4 Mabel A., 177 Mary Ann, 79, 83, 86, 89, 95, 98, Mabel E., 181 99, 109, 111, 112, 142, 150, 196, Mabel L., 156 206 Mabel Louise, 161 Mary Ann Hobart, 99 Mabel Lucretia, 152 Mary Augusta, 127 Mabel R., 120 Mary B., 94, 117 Mabel Sherman, 119 Mary Barnum, 151 Madeline, 206 Mary C., 73 Mae, 162,181,207 Mary Caroline, 74, 191 Maggie, 130, 147 Mary Draper, 52 Malora A., 206 Mary Dorothea, 183 Marcia Ann, 79 MaryE., 102,202,209 Marcia H., 103 Mary E.G., 62 Marcia Howe, 66 Mary Eliza, 71, 82, 160, 167 Margaret, 4, 16, 18, 30, 56, 173 Mary Elizabeth, 133, 137, 142, 143, Margaret A., 179 200 · Margaret Josephine, 208 Mary Ellen, 92, 129, 134 Margaret Matilda, 74, 124 Mary Elvina, 110 Margaret W ., 156 Mary Estelle, 205 Margery Adelaide, 68 Mary Etta, 110, Mari, 82 Mary F., 85, 120 Maria, 100,118,206 Mary Forbes, 175 Maria A., 202, 203 Mary Frances, 67, 116 Maria Adeline, 82 Mary H., 87 Maria E., 151 Mary Helen, 167, 206 Maria'Eva, 140 Mary J., 163 Maria F., 85 Mary Jane, 54, 97, 111, 112, 206 Maria Harriet, 71 Mary L., 91, 95, 114, 148, 174 Maria L., 74 Mary L. T., 91 Maria Louisa, 121 Mary Lucinda, 202 Maria Louise, 115 Mary Lucretia, 152 Maria S., 118 Mary M., 116 Marianna, 41 Mary Maria, 207 Marie Evelyn, 157 Mary Melissa, 78 Marietta, 67, 111, 164 Mary Merinda, 63 Marilla, 203 Mary Nancy, 148 Marion, 107, 166 Mary 0., 173 Marion Edith, 198 Mary Olivia, 19ij Marion Felix, 207, 208 Mary S., 120 Marion M., 132, 142 Mary T., 118 Marion Rice, 153 Mary W., 127, 194 Marjorie Elizabeth, 176 Mary Warren, 158 Martha, 23, 26, 59, 69, 94, 149, 165 Mary Welthea, 175 Martha Alma, 199 Matilda, 72, 79 Martha Ann, 179 Matilda A., 197 Martha Jane, 153 Matilda B., 196 Martha Josephine, 154 Matilda F., 114 Martha Louisa, 181 Matilda M., 100 Martha Priscilla, 154 Matilda P., 100 Martin· C., 201 Mattie, 171 Martin Luther, 110, 162 Maud, 130 Mary, 20, 25, 27, 32, 36, 41, 62, 67, Maud Adelle, 194 70, 82, 85, 89, 93, 99, 126, 127, Maud I., 194 161, 163, 183, 198, 199, 202, 206, Maude Emily, 143 207 Maude Louise, 191 224 PROUTY INDEX

May L., 157 Nellie A., 151 :rt'.lehitabel, 41, 42 Nellie Alice, 138 Melinda, 34, 96, 115 Nellie Barker, 125 Melinda A., 96 Nellie E., 162 Melinda Watson, 70 Nellie Frances, 153 Melissa, 93 Nellie Gertrude, 121 Melissa Lee, 170 Nellie Louise, 187 Melita E., 200 Nellie M., 193 Melona, 80 Nellie May, 185, 202 Mercy, 24, 26 Nellie S., 166 Meribah, 41 Nellie W., 158 Meriel, 30 Nelson,204 Merrick Franklin, 67, 116 NelsonH., 147,184 Merrill Alden, 192 Nelson Y., 201 Merritt Alanson, 207 Nettie Abbie, 121 Mildred, 192 Nettie Evangeline, 137 Mildred M., 181 Nicholas van V., 75 Millens Frederick, 67 Nita M., 141 Millens Walford, 117 Norman, 165 Milton Fields, 67 Norman D., 179 Mindwell, 80 Norman F., 88, 136 Minerva, 78, 79 Minerva,. Amanda, 136 0. K., 123 :Minerva I., 129 Ola Hope, 161 Minerva Maria, 201 Ola Lyon, 162 Minerva T., 61 Oldin Draper, 52 Minna Sarah, 138 Olive,25,52,96, 154 Minnie, 146,178,208 Olive Chapin, 188 Minnie Ann, 155 Olive H., 127 Minnie J., 120 Olive Jane, 146 Minnie L., 167 Oliver B., 100, 154 Minnie M., 134 Oliver Levina, 198 Minnie Viola, 207 Olivia, 127 Miran C., 205 Oren Stevens, 64 Miranda S., 86 Oriana Thomas, 141 I\firiam, 34 Oriana Zilpha, 180 Molly, see also Mary, 26, 35, 46 Orie, 63, 112 Myra L., 161 Orilla C., 131 Myrtle Josephine, 160 Oriville Warren, 141, 179 Orlando C., 100, 155 Nabby, 43 Orpha T., 102 Nancy, 39, 66, 72, 80, 81, _84, 87, Orville, 204, 207 96,128 Orville H., 204 Nancy E., 84,122,149 Orville Winfield, 180 Nancy Fidelia, 88 Osborne Barnard, 159 Nancy J., 145 Ossie Elmer, 178, 195 Nancy Maria, 128 Otis, 123 Napoleon Bonaparte, 41, 80, 127 Otis P., 127 Nathan, 24, 36, 69 Nathan Converse, 69 Pamela, Pamelia, 64, 147 Nathan Henry, 70, 119 Pardon, 45, 82 Nathaniel, 99, 196, 201 Patience, 36, 53, 153 Nathaniel B., 196, 197 Patty, 27, 43 Nathaniel L., 53 Paulina, 202 Nathaniel Rice, 197 Pauline Kr.therine, 168 Nehemiah, 18 Pauline Victoria, 90 Nellie, 126, 164 Paul Willard, 173 PROUTY INDEX 225

Pearl Aleath, 176 Roland Irving, 184 Pearl Kittredge, 178 Rosamond, 83 Persis, 39 Rosella, 77, 88 Phebe, 24,48, 61,142 Roswell, 41, 78 Phebe Ann, 89, 90 Roswell Woodworth, 126 Phebe Lucinda, 88 Roxanna J., 60 Phebe Maria, 61 Roxey, 49 Philena, 48, 63 Roy H., 164 Philenia Paine, 84 Royal, 37, 71 Philinda, 52, 73,110 Ruby, 130 Philinda Gates, 73 Russell, 44, 81, 128 Philip Herman, 164 Ruth, 21, 25, 64, 65, 104, 176, 184, Philip Woodard, 168 . 201 Phinehas,40, 74, 76,124,171 Ruth Alice, 168 Phinehas Sartwell, 74 . Ruth Ann, 104, 115 Pliny, 50, 93 Ruth Danks, 166 Plummer, 49, 90 Ruth David, 166 Polly, 28, 36,41,49,64,84 Ruth Elizabeth, 176 Prescott Walton, 142 Ruth Lizabeth, 151 - Priscilla, 28, 29, 99, 120 Ruth Mary, 117 Priscilla V ., 132 Ruth Mildred, 164 Prudence,33 Ruth 0., 163 Rachel, 29, 34, 64 S. M., 135, 177 Rachel B., 170 Sabrina, 73 Ralph Eugene, 147 Sa.ge7 29 Ralph Gardner, 166 Salem, 93, 142 Ralph Harding, 159 Salina, 68, 89 Ralph Ira, 202 Sally, 38, 41, 43, 48, 49, 53, 63, Raymond, 162,183 66,73,76,85,90,207 Rebecca, Rebekah, 22, 25, 43, 44, Sally D., 54 62, 63, 68, 80, 83, 120, 196, 202 Sally Goodale, 61 Rebecca A., 83 Sally Maria, 90 Rebecca Hobart, 100 Salmon D., 57 Reed, 194 Salmon Day, 107 Rena Ilene, 158 Samuel, 24, 34, 40, 62, 123, 170, Resign, 35 196 Reuben,28,43,49,89 Samuel Edgar, 170, 193 Reuben Dinsmore, 91 Samuel Elijah, 107 Reuben Shaw, 178 Samuel 0., 207, 208 Rhoda, 25, 27, 61 Samuel Willard, 63, 113 Rhoda S., 107 Sanford,207 Richard, 1, 6-17, 20-23, 29, 32, 33, Sarah, 22, 25, 27-29, 39, 45, 47, 53, 54, 101, 196 49, 58, 61, 66, 73, 86, 96, 128, Richard Elliot, 191 140,179,196,197,202,206 Richard Munroe, 101 Sarah A., 113, 158, 203, 204, 205, Richard Palmer, 173 207 Rita, 208 Sarah Abby, 132 Robert, 2, 3, 4 Sarah Ann, 105, 130 Robert Leroy, 145, 183 Sarah Augusta, 75, 145 Robert Levi, 182 Sarah B., 57, 122 Robert Morton, 175 Sarah Barnes, 138 Robert Standish, 192 Sarah C., 95, 131 Robert Thaxter, 146, 183 Sarah E., 119, 120 Robert Wellington, 166 Sarah Elizabeth, 160 Robert William, 162, 192 Sarah Emma, 185 Robie M., 150 Sarah F ., 200 226 PROUTY INDEX

Sarah Frances, 131,146 Sybil Hobart, 99 Sarah G., 90 Sybil Hubbard, 99 Sarah Hannah, 125 Sydney D., 147 Sarah Helen, 174 Sydney V., 155 Sarah J., 85, 127 Sylvia, 64 Sarah Jane, 67, 88, 97, 150 Sylvia Jane, 201 Sarah L., 153 Sylvia Rosamond, 204 Sarah Leonora, 139 Sarah Lincoln, 131 Taylor, 91 Sarah M., 128 Thankful, 84 Sarah S., 205 Thaxter, 51, 94 Sarah W., 109, 174 Theodore C., 96, 148, 200 Sarah Ward, 197 Thomas, 4, 5, 29, 52 Sarah Wilson, 84, 132 Thomas A., 95 Schuyler, 93, 143 Thomas Austin, 96, 147 Selina, 131 Thomas Earl, 184 Serena, 140 Thomas Jefferson, 201 Seth, 27, 47 Thomas Lincoln, 45, 84, 132 Sevilla T., 197 Thomas Stephen, 112, 163 f Shirley Brooks, 145, 182 Thomas Stephens, 34, 62, 63 Simeon,206 Thomas W., 94 Simon,206 Thomas W. A., 114 Simon Hewett, 92, 140 Tilly, 39 Solomon F ., 208 Timothy, 5 Solon; 51 Tirzah, 33 Sophia, 32, 36, 62, 86, 111 Tirus,206 Sophia F., 108 Tryphena M., 64 Sophronia, 83 Sophronia A., 158 Spencer, 49, 89 Vaniah, 56, 104 Squire, 64, 204 Vaniah Franklin, 104 Squire Adolphus, 204 Varney, 37, 70 Stanley Barnes, 187 Velma Frances, 126 Stanley Marshall, 181 Vernon, 96 Stanley Wight, 116 Victoria, 202 Stephen, 27, 4 7 Viola Maria, 141 Stephen F., 33, 60 Stephen Luther, 86, 134 W. James, 147 Stephen Merritt, 207 Waite William, 204 Susa A., 114 Waldo, 127, 173 Susan, 114,150 Wallace Hamilton, 68 Susan A., 178 Walter, 6, 7, 86, 162 Susan Arms Fox, 58 Walter A., 139, 179 Susan E., 157 Walter Alden, 137 Susan G., 197 Walter Almerian, 138, 178 Susan H., 103 Walter B., 65, 114 Susan J., 163 Walter Charles, 176 Susan L., 165 Walter Cushing, 158 Susan M., 119, 196 Walter E., 204 SusanMaria,84, 120,145 Walter Eddie, 114, 166 Susan P., 177 Walter F., 104 Susan Paine, 84 Walter Raymond, 165, 193 Susannah, 22, 28 Walter Vernon, 147, 184 Susie Geneva., 159 Walton, 93, 142 Susie H., 157 Ward, 171,193 Susie Stimpson, 159 Warren Roy, 180 Sybil,63 Wellington Marion, 123, 170 OTHER NAMES INDEX 227

Wilbert Lewis, 165, 192 ,villiam J., 91, 140 Wilbur A., 198 William Lawrence, 189 Wilfred H., 140, 179 William Norris, 206 Willard, 34, 41, 43, 63, 80, 204 William 0. C., 154, 189 Willard Robert, 126, 173 William Ray, 202, 203 William, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 16, 18, 21, 29, William S., 120, 168 36, 41, 44, 49, 53, 68, 79, 81, 99, William Warren, 131 129,153,202,204,207 Willie Arthur, 114 William Andrew, 199, 200 Willie Freelove, 114 William Brainerd, 91, 138 Willis Edward, 118, 167 William Calvin, 86, 134 Willis Oswald, 200 William Chandler, 175, 194 Willis W., 203 William Cune, 58, 108 Wilson Augustus, 170 William Dunbar, 54, 102 · Winfield Scott, 145, 182 William Elijah, 93, 121, 144, 169 Winfred May, 195 William F., 142, 202 Winifred Lafayette, 205 William Frederick, 102 Winston Lewis, 173 William H., 102, 104, 156 Winthrop, 36, 52, 68 William Harrison, 103, 157 Worthy, 48, 87 William }3:enry, 67, 86, 92, 108, 117, 1-33, 140, 206 Zilpha,65


Abbott, 146 Barber, 88 Ackles, 183 Bardwell, 111 Adams, 8, 52, 75, 76, 79, 107, 183, Barker, 78 204 Barnes,41,85, 178,186 Adamson, 201 Barrell, 53 Ainsworth, 133 Barrett, 110, 151, 173 Akin,209 Bartlett, 48, 49, 93, 134 Alden, 85 Barton, 93 Aldrich, 40, 143, Bascom, 134 Alexander, 161 Bates, 84, 131, 153 Allen,96, 121,138,172,207 Bean, 172 Allyn, 58 Beckwith, 82, 85 Alverson, 28 Beddall, 124 Ames, 138 Beers, 192 Amick, 206 Belcher, 62 Andrews, 102 Belknap, 28 Annable, 189 Bell,73, 112 Arnold, 133 Bemis, 28, 43, 72, 114, 152, 174 Athearn, 78 Benjamin, 140 Bennett, 202, 206 Babcock, 113 Bensen, 153 Bacon, 166 Benson, 174 Baker, 56 Berrier, 203 Baldwin, 78, 115, 193 Bibbins, 134 Ball,37, 109 Bigelow, Biglow, 52, 63, 81, 136 Ballard, 59 Bingham, 202 Bannister, 4, 67 Bisco, 24, 71, 81, 89, 95 228 OTHER NAMES INDEX

Black, 92 Chestro, 4 Blair, 127 Chew, 75, 76 Blanchard, 48, 88, 91 Chrystie, 124 Bliss, 87, 136, 201 Clark, 73, 141, 178, 189, 196 Blossom, 103 Clay, 182 Bolton, 110 Clements, 85 Bond, 89 Clendenning, 202 Bothwell, 28 Clifford, 63 Boushe, 165 Clyve, 4 Bowers, 205 Cobleigh, 124 Bowker, 20 Coggswell, 94 Bowles, 120 Cogswell, 137 Bowley, 78 Colcord, 137 Boyd,59, 77 Cole, 74, 177, 195 Bradford, 135 Collamore, 9 Brainerd, 105 Conklin,205 Breed, 82 Conn,205 Brewer, 146, 147 Connell, 136 Bride, 89, 95 Conner, 119 Brigham, 80 Converse,36, 111,128 Brooks, 167 Cook,63, 167 Broughton, 58, 165 Coombs, 94 Brown, 116, 142, 180, 189, 193, Cox,3,9 197,206 Coxe, 76 Browning,70, 136,144 Coxen, 149 Bryson, 130 · Craig, 153 Buckley, 156 Creea, 132 Bukee, 108 Crocker, 103 Bullard, 96 Crosman, 44 Burden, 53 Croteau, 194 Burnham, 191, 200, 207 Cummings, 62 Burns, 183 Ctme, see McCune Burr, 66 Cunningham, 197 Burt, 133, 196 Curtis, 83, 180 Bush, 142 Cushing, 14 Butler, 108 Cutter, 69 Cutting, 88 Cain, 161 Came, 65 Damon, 45, 54 Capen, 23, 26, 120 Danks, 166 Carey, 207 Dansreaux, 149 Cargill, 109 Darling, 152, 198 Carmen, 79 David, 166 Carpenter, 88,170,187 Davis, 45, 82, 115, 141, 171, 177 Cary, 78, 122 Day, 57, 180 Casad, 109 Dean, 29, 143 Cashner, 207 Decker, 134 Caswell, 28 Delong, 189 Cates, 107, 170 Demond, 50 Chamberlain, 58 Dennis, 167 Chamberlin, 99 Denny,207 Chapin, 164, 188 Densmore, Dinsmore, Dunsmore, 27 Chapman, 79 Derry, 86 Chappell, 114 Dewer, 173 Charlesworth, 206 Dewing, 184 Chase, 26, 118, 203 Dickinson, 78, 93 Cheesboro, 205 Dodge, 133 OTHER NAMES INDEX 229

Donelson, 123 Frushour, 200 Dooley, 206 Fuller, 71, 156, 176 Doone, 93 Dow, 135 Gale, 107 Dowse, 28 Gannett, 54 Drake, 68, 150 Gardner, 189 Draper, 25, 44, 49, 52, 80, 89, 136 Garfield, 184 Drew, 198 Garnet, 21 Drury,41,42,65, 152 Gates, 74, 88 Dudley, 54 Gault, Ill Dunbar, 21, 29, 128, 132 Gerald, 67 Duncan, 72, 122 Gibson, 58 Dunham, 84, 126 Gladden, 107 Dunn, 37, 158 Gleason, 40 Dunnell, 41 Glover, 158 Dunton, 98, 99 Godfrey, 180 Duvall, 121 Goff, 207 Dyer, 139, 174 Gooch, 188,. Goodale, 6L 186 Earle, 145 Goodell, 5~,- 97 Early, 99 Goodenow, 68 Easterbrook, 32 Goodwill,67 Eaton, 28, 101 Gould, 70 Eddy, 34, 86 Grady, 160 Elliot, 123 Graton, 66, 178 Elmes, 99 Graves, 101, 161 Elrick, 203 Gray, 105 Elwell, 202 Grear, 207 Ely, 123 Green, 39 Erwin, 109 Greenhalgh, 137 Estabrook, 139 Greenwood, 186 Evans, 112 Gregory, 196 Ewell, 100, 107 Griffin, 206 Griggs, 67, 112 Fairbanks, 61, 155 Griswold, 111, 116 Fairchild, 101 Grosvenor, 105 Fairfield, 27 Grout, 62 Farlow, 169 Guest, 7, 12 Farnsworth, 83 Guilford, 122, 133 Fay, 117 Gurney, 158 Fayerweather, 150 Ferrall, 129 Hackett, 202 Findley, 156 Hagar, 60, 196 Fish, 103 Haines, 203 Fisk, 63 Hall, 38 Fletcher, 166, 181 Halsey, 5, 208 Flint, 85 Hamilton, 26, 27, 70, 141 Forbes. 27 Hammond, 137 Ford, i55 Harbour, 206 Foreman, 207 Harden, 54 Fowler, 161, 207 Harding, 100, 159 Fox, 48,104,204 Hardy, 94 Frank, 68 Harlan, 124 Franklin, 86 Harmon, 157 Freeman, 182, 198 Harrett, 77 French, 63,153,167 Harrington, 116, 148 Frisbie, 69 Harris, 113,134,136,139 230 OTHER NAMES INDEX

Harwood, 24 Hurd, 179 Haskell, 68, 141 Hurlbut, 208 Hastings, 95, 139 Hurley, 201 Hatch, 17, 26, 35, 79, 131 Hyland, 100 Haven, 85 Hynde, 4 Havens, 162 Hawkins,. 116 Ide, 41 Hawks, 134 Ivins, 203 Hayden, 198 Hayes, 147 Jenkins, 5,83, 99,121,131 Hayford, 168 Jenks, 117 Hayward,27, 174 Jennison, 86 Hebard, 51 Jerome, 171 Helms, 206 Jesm.ain, 169 Hendley, 157 Johnson, 25, 88, 109, 111, 128, 152 Henry, 201 Jones, 61, 65, 86, 106, 185 Herman, 206 Joslin, 113 Herrick, 61, 139 Joyce, 156 Hersey, 54 Hetherington, 132 Keith, 170 Higgins, 188 Kellar, 183 Hill,42,85,91,107,139 Kellogg, 200 Hillhouse, 75 Kemp, 160 Hillman,84,94 Kendall, 32 Hindley, 147 Kennedy, 55 Hink:man, 14 Kent, 27 Hitchcock, 146 Ketch, 114 Hitchings, 67 King, Kyng,6,9, 17,62 Hoadley, 82 Kinney, 176 Hobart, 99 Kittridge, 181 Hodges, 128 Kline, 155, 162 Hodgkins, 34 Kneeland, 110 Hodsden, 175 Knight, 45, 51 Hodskins, 83 Knowlton, 26, 91, 146 Hogarney,34 Knox, 130, 163 Holbrook, 111 Kroehle, 160 Holcomb, 119 Holden, 102 Lam.b,25,38,72,125 Holland, 137 Lam.son, 53 . Holler, 193 Landis, 119 Holly, 192 Lapham, 53 Holman, 90 Lavake, 173 Holmes, 93, 155 Lawrence, 94 Homer, 28, 177 Lazell, 88 Horton, 145 Lea, 5 Houghton, 60 Leach, 99, 102 House, 22, 23,32, lOC Learned, 195 How, 19 Lent, 203 Howard, 156 Leonard, 106 Howe,26,41,65,79,86, 187 Lewin, 183 Howes, 179 Lewis, 77, 83 Howland, 115, 197 Lincoln, 45, o6, 74, 155 Hubbard, 88,151,155,184 Linder, 169 Hull, 144, 202 Litchfield, 100 Humes, 95 Littlehale, 197 Humphrey, 164 Livermore, 39, 42, 128, 141 Hunting, 77 Llewellyn, 157 OTHER NAMES INDEX 231 iockhart, 173 Moran, 197 Logan, 176 Morrill, 145 Loud,59 Morse,28,36,56,72,80 Lovejoy, 144, 145 Mowbray, 58 Lucas, 5 Mowton, 139 Ludgate, 206 Mullen, 191 Lundy, 208 Munroe, 24, 50, 61, 181 Luther, 52, 65, 96 Muzzy,35,39,80,81, 174 Lynde,46 Lyon, 116,130 Nauss, 195 Neff,201 MacDonald, 190 Nelson,149 Mack, 194 Newcomb, 127 MacN eill, 199 Newell,169 Mannon, 141 Newton,52, 68, 98,138,206 Marchant, 206 Nichols, 87 Marchesseault, 179 Noble, 71, 140 Marcy, 59 Norcross, 102 Marlett, 182 Marsh, 54 Olds, 48 Marshall, 107,170,181 Orcut, 57 Martin, 87, 114, 157 Orvis,47 Matthews, 69 Owens, 202 Mattock, 19 Mayhew, 58 Packard,. 87,. 155 McCarter, 200 Paine, 84, 163 McClain, 182 Painter, 7 McCormick, 175 Palmer, 44, 78, 82, 125- McCully, 163 Parent, 146 McCune, or Cune, 31, 108 Parker, 88 McCurdy, 126 Parks, 80 McDonald, 103, 160 Parshley, 142 McEachron, 114 Patch, 121 McEvilla, 171 Patterson, 101 McFarland, 141 Pearson, 164 McGill, 206 Pearsons, 186 McKenzie, 182, 192 Peck, 162 McMahon, 194 Peel, 117, 118 McVee, 58 Peet, 204 Mears, 55 Peirce, 110,148 Meddaugh, 115 Pendleton, 115 Meehan, 198 Pepper,85, 144,150 Meiggs, 203 Perkins, 175 Merchant, 142 Perrin, 62,64 Merritt, 14, 20 Peny, 51 Meserve, 157 Phillips, 167 Metcalf, 126 Phinney, 83 Middlemas, 139 Phippen, 133 Miles, 143 Pierce, 68, 91, 201 Miller, 32, 57,109,125,205 Pierson, 76 Mills, 112 Pifer, 203 Mirick, 80 Pike, 66,108,147,204 Mitchell. 121 Pistor, 76 Mi tchelson, 68 Plimpton, 5 Montgomery, 79, 181 Plummer, 57 Moor, 12 Poffenberger, 140 Moore, 92,123,149 Pollard, 135 232 OTHER NAMES INDEX

Pope, 65 Shattuck, 67 Poplar, 126 Shaw, 103, 178 Power, 158 Shawhan, 129 Powers, 88 Shedd, 93 Pratt, 32, 88, 110, 198 Shepardson, 142 Prentice, 65, 114 Sherman, 69 Prince, 202 Silvester, 23 Prindle, 161, 162 Simmons, 100 Pritchard, 207 Skiles, 208 Pruyn, 143 Skinner, 148 Pullen, 92, 141 Slate, 102 Putnam,48, 58,109,139 Slocumb, 90 Smith, 24, 32, 53, 78, 90, 110, 119, Rafaell, 5 135,136,138,178,198,202 Ralph, 58 Snoke, 207 Ramsdell, -26, 28 Snow," 39, 92, 95, 149 Randall, 128, 154 Soper, 103, 104 Ransom, 111 Sparks, 89, 136, 162 Rawson, 97, 148 Spear, 153 Raymond, 127 Spooner, 187, 197 Reed,83, 175,205 Sprague,22, 132,198 Rees, 206 Sprout, 134 Reid, 165 Staples, 170 Rice, 143 Starr, 9-'3 Richards, 179,205 Stearns, 46, 47, 114 Richardson.,. 119.,. 152 Stebbins, 102 Ricker, 132 Stephens, Stevens, 24, 34, 77, 112, Rist, 202 113, 134, 207 Roberts,32, 147,205 Sterrett, 200 Robinson, 100, 195 Stetson, 20, 21, 100 Roche, 58 Stockwell, 196, 202 Rockwood, 96 Stoddard, 53, 55 Rogers, 198 Stodder, 99 Roper, 112 Stonclift, 88 Rouse, 24 Stone,91, 136,187 Rowe, 101 Stowell, 151 Royce, 126 Streeter, 92, 193 Rugg, 205 Strong, 126 Russell, 61, 89, 95, 100, 116, 134, Summ, 112 156 Suttliffe, 13 Ryan, 207 Sweet, 63 Ryder, 40 Swett, 77 Swift, 124 Sadler, 117 Safford, 87, 161 Taft, 85, 107, 142 Sanborn, 197 Talbot, 99 Sapline, 120 Tatman, 96 Sargent, 130 Taylor, 45, 98 Sartwell, 74 Ten Eyck, 75 Savory, 164 Terrell, 137 Sawyer, 167 Thayer, 3, 57 Saxton, 83 Thomas, 158 Sears, 160 Thompson, 93, 206 Seaton, 58 Thornton, 57 Seeley, 203 Tilden, 132, 154 Seynte, 4 Tinker, 197 Shafer, 205 Tirrell, 153, 197 OTHER NAMES INDEX 233

Tisdale, 154 Wheelock, 108, 115 Tobey, 26 Whipple, 32 Tomblin, 37 Whitaker, 27, 49 Tooley, 113 White, 24,121,131,153,202 Torrey, 15, 17, 18 Whiting, 85, 103, 197 Totman, 197 Whitney,25,47,204 Tower, 21 Whiton, 29, 30 Towne, 199 Whittemore, 25, 36, 89 Trask, 140 Wier, 191 Tripp, 144 Wight, 66, 188 Trussell, 62 Wilbur, 202 Tubbs, 199 Wilcox, 137 Tucker, 118, 142 Wilder, 33, 76, 104, 191 Tufts, 120 Wildes, 176 Tuttle, 142 Willard, 133 Willcut, 194 Underwood, 102 Williams, 77 Upham, 68 Willis, 55,133 Wilson, 69, 82,129,150 Winn, 61 Van Nuys, 105 Winship, 76 Van Sickle, 208 Wise, 185 Van Vranken, 74 Withington, 104 Vickery, 151, 185 Witt, 60, 127 Vinal, 45 Wodeford, 4 Wood, 52, 65, 90, 100, 120, 125, Waite, 107 127,150,151 Waitt, 106 Woodard, 168 Walcott, 90 Woodbury,94 Walker, 101,121,137,142,161,206 Woodruff, 118 Walrodt, 65 Woods, 129 Wsl~ers, 87 Woodward, 60, 94 Walwyn, 9 __ Woodworth, 119 Ward, 60,163,169 Woolsey,168 Warner, 31, 204 W orcestre, 3 Warren,58,89 Worden, 88 Waters, 41, 42 Wratton, 203 Watrous, 71 Wright, 37, 71, 80, 110, 177 Watson, 41, 46, 70, 79, 81, 95, 129, 147 Young,83, 146,148 Went, 4 Wheeler, 162, 201 Zeigler, 194 234


Abington, 54, 55, 99, 103, 157, 158 Boylston, 61,85, 145, 14~, 185 Acton, 128 Bradley Beach, N. J., 184 Acworth, N. H., 85, 113, 164 Brattleboro, Vt., 23, 31-34, 47, 57, Adams, 204, 205 60, 86, 107-110, 134, 136, 138, Albany, N. Y., 91, 126, 138, 168 160-162, 173, 191, 195, 201 Albion, Mich., 200 Bridgewater, 104 Allegan, Mich., 203 Brighton, 194 Allegheny City, Pa., 171 Brimfield,-67, 69, 119, 167, 168 Alstead, N. H., 42, 113, 164 Bristol, Eng., 3-5, 9 Alvo, Neb., 207, 208 Brockton, 179 Amherst, 85, 100-102, 110, 200 Brookfield, 40, 45, 66, 67, 69, 81, Anoka, Minn., 151 94, 111, 115, 116, 122, 128, 142, Antigo, Wis., 78 148,150,174 Apsley, Ont., 204 Brookline, 58,169,188,198 Ashburnham,139 Brooklyn, N. Y., 58, 70, 162, 165, Ashfield, 86, 111, 176 192, 193, Athol, 85,107,133,138,197 Brownington, Vt., 77 Attica, Ind., 174 Brownville, N. Y., 133 Auburn, 121, 169 Bryn Mawr, Pa., 124 Augusta, Ga., 81 Buffalo, N. Y., 91, 139, 140 Aurora, ill., 200 Burke, Vt., 62, 78, 125 Burlington, 170 Bainbridge, N. Y ., 202, 203 Burlington, Vt., 112, 177 ·Bangor; Me., 122, 123, 170, 193 Burnside, Conn., 191 Baraboo, Wis., 155 Burr Oak, Mich., 203 Barnet, Vt., 62 · Byron, Ill., 108 Barnstable, 103 Barre, 146,181,187,195 Calais, Vt., 115 Beaufort, N. C., 94 California, 126 Bedford, 11, 12,170 Cambridge, 175, 185 Belchertown, 100, 128, 161, 162 Cambridge, N. Y., 209 Bellefontaine, 0., 109 Canaan, Vt., 65, 114 Bellows Falls, Vt., 83, 112, 130, Canton, 104, 112 163,164 Canton, 0., 67 Beloit, Wis., 65, 114 Castine, Me., 73, 122 Berkeley, Cal., 77, 168 Castleton, Vt., 134 Bernardston, 47, 88, 204 Cedar Falls, Ia., 123 Bethel, Me., 186 Centennial, Neb., 205 Big Spring, Wis., 119 Charles City, Ia., 182 Binghamton, N. Y., 202, 203 Charlestown, 106, 115, 159, 166 Birmingham, Ala., 111 Charlestown, N. H., 34, 42, 45, 62, Birnamwood, Wis., 78 67, 74,111,112,123,142,143 Black Hawk County, Ia., 73 Charlton, 147,178,184 Blandford, 127 Chelsea, 73, 103, 157, 158, 163, 189, Bolton, 89 198 Bordentown, N. J., 106 Cheney, Wash., 208 Boston, 5, 55, 56, 59, 61, 67, 72- Cheshire, 205 74, 79, 84, 85, 104, 105, 106, 109, Chester, 127 111, 112, 115, 118, 121, 132, 135, Chester, N. Y., 87 146, 147, 156-160, 163, 164, 169, Chesterfield, N. H., 199 172, 174, 177, 181, 183, 185, 186, Chesterton, N. Y., 135, 177 189, 190, 192, 194, 195, 197, 199, Chicago, Ill., 67, 105, 117, 118, 143, 206 160, 167, 200 Boulder, Colo., 205 Chicopee, 166,176,204 PLACE INDEX 235

Cincinnati, 0., 117 England, 1-9, 12 Claremont, N. H., 62 Everett, 130 Clay, N. Y., 201 Clements, Cal., 78 Fair Haven, N. Y., 165 Cleveland, 0., 107, 160, 191 Faribault, Minn., 69 Cobleskill, N. Y., 109 Fishkill, N. Y., 74 Cohasset, 132, 194-199 Fiskdale, 116, 167 Coldwater, Mich., 203 Fitchburg, 119, 142, 167 Coleraine, 73, 123 Fitzwilliam, N. H., 65 Coifax, Cal., 78 Fort Wayne, Ind., 65, 117 Colfax, Ia., 123 Framingham, 40, 67, 121 Colinja, Calif., 134 Franklin, Vt., 27, 163, 203, 204 Colorado Springs, Colo., 1~0 Freeport, ill., 78 Columbus, 0., 109 Fullerton, Neb., 208 Combe St. Nicholas, Dev., Eng., 17 Geneseo, Ill., 69 Concord, 0., 68, 118, 167 Geneva, N. Y., 74, 75, 123, 124, 171 Conway, 176,185 Gill, 85, Cookshire, C. E., 65 Glens Falls, N. Y., 111 Cornwall, Eng., 2, 5 Glenwood, Ia., 208 Council Bluffs, Ia., 144, 181, 182 Gloucester, Eng., 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12 Coventry, N. Y., 203 Goshen, Ind., 119 Coventry, Vt., 78, 172 Grafton, 65, 116 Croton Falls, N. Y., 203 Granby, Conn., 68, 120 Cumberland, 0., 128 Granby, P. Q.p 194 Cummington, 42 Grand Isle, Vt., 176 Cutbank, Mont., 126 Granville, N. Y., 113, 165, 192, 193,200 - Danville, Ill., 208 Greene, N. Y., 202 Dayton, 0., 134 Greenfield, 90, 102, 137, 138 Decatur, Mich., 200 Greenfield, Ind., 201 Deerfield, 57, 86, 102, 134, 156, Green Island, N. Y., 120, 169 185, 203 -- Greenwich, 84 Delaware, 0., 208 Greenwood, ill., 204 Delmonte, Calif., 206 Greenwood, Neb., 208 Dennis, 178 Grover, Pa., 201 Denver, Colo., 205 Guilford, Vt., 47 Derbin, Mich., 207 Derby, Vt., 191 Hadley, 95, 179, 189 Des Moines, Ia., 174, 207, 208 Halifax, Vt., 87, 136-138, 178, 195, Detroit, Mich., 176 204,205 Devonshire, Eng., 2, 5 Hampden, Me., 72, 122, 170 Dorchester, 55, 56, 67, 104, 105, Hannibal, ~lo., 58 112,159,186,190 Hannibalville, N. Y., 207 Dover, Ill., 72, 122 Hanover, 22, 23, 26-28, 30, 45, 46, Dover, Vt., 88 54, 55,100,104,105 Dummerston, Vt., 91, 107 Hanson, 103,104,157,158 Duxbury, 198, 199 Hardwick,85, 114,151,166,186 Hartford, Conn., 102, 156, 162, 186, Eagle, Neb., 208 187,191,192 Easthampton, 173 Hawaii, 118 Easton, 188 Hawkesbury, Eng., 5 Eastport, l\1e., 197 Heath, 73 Elizabethtown, N. Y., 83, 130 Hebron, Ill., 204 Elliott, Cal., 77 Heston, Kan., 141 Enfield, 101 Hingham, 21, 29, 30, 53, 54, 100, Enfield, Conn., 119 104, 153, 1_96-198 236 PLACE INDEX

Hinsdale, N. H., 110, 191 Lowell, 112,172,205 Holden, 53, 54, 61, 101, 169 Lyme, N. H., 111 Holyoke, 156,163,168,173,194 Lyndonville, Vt., 78 Hoop-pole Hill, 13, 14 Lynn, 156, 163 Hopedale, 142 Horicon, N. Y., 177 Machias, Me., 170 Humboldt, Ia., 201 Malden, 102, 157 Hyde Park, 185, 186 Manchester, N. H., 83 Marlborough, 149 Ida Grove, Ia., 143 Marlborough, Vt., 37, 48, 49, 57, Ione, Calif., ·206 60, 87-91, 136, 138, 178 Iowa Falls, Ia., 201 Marshfield, 132, 175 Irasburg, Vt., 171 Marshfield, Vt., 177 Irwin, S. Dak., 130 Medford, 120 Medway, 137 Jacksonville, Ill., 178 Mentor, 0., 70, 167 Jamaica Plain, 157 Middletown, 31 Janesville, N. Y., 35, 64 Midland, Mich., 200 Jefferson Island, Mont., 92 Milford, 89, 116, 137, 200 Jericho, Vt., 86, 87, 134, 135, 176, Milford, N. H., 135, 177 177 Millbury, 118, 202 Milton, Vt., 134 Kansas City, Mo., 207 Minnea:r,olis, Minn., 78, 111 Keene, N. H., 63, 113, 143, 164, 199 Moffatt s Creek, Va., 144 Kemble, Eng., 9 Montpelier, Vt., 171, 177 Kendallville, Ind., 203 Mooers Forks, N. Y., 101 Kent, 0., 107 Kent, Wash., 201 Napa, Calif., 183 Keokuk, Ia., 207 Narragansett, 11, 12 Knoxville, Calif., 182 Natick, 139 Kyngeswoode, Eng., 5 Nebraska City, Neb., 204 Nelson, N. H., 113, 115 La Crosse, Wis., 78 New Bedford, 112, 198, 199, 203 Lakewood, 0., 160 New Boston, Ill., 92, 140, 141 Lancaster, 22, 23, 32, 33, 59, 62 New Braintree, 41, 93, 142 Langdon, N. H., 34, 38, 40, 42, Newbury, Vt., 111 44, 62, 63, 76, 82, 112, 113, 163 Newburyport, 104 Laramie, Neh., 205 New Haven, Conn., 121, 160 Laurel, Ind., 200 New Lisbon, Wis., 83 Lawrence, 56 New Orleans, La., 194 Lawrence, Kan., 92 Newport, Vt., 40, 76-78, 124-126~ Leaf River, ru., 160 161, 171-173, 193 Lebanon, Mo., 129 New Salem, 110, 196 Lee, 61 Newton, 62, 169 Leicester, 24, 25, 39, 46, 90, 117, Newton, Ia., 206 118,128,130,142,144 Newton, Kan., 91, 92, 140, 141 Leominster, 23, 119, 149, 162, 167, Newton, N. C., 155 186,205 New York, 33, 58, 75, 76, 79, 108, Leverett, 53, 200 109, 121, 123, 124, 127, 152, 153, Lewis, N. Y., 83, 130 156, 165, 185, 192, 203 Litchfield, Me., 125 Niverville, Conn., 120 Little Falls, N. Y., 164, 201 North Adams, 191 Littleton, 115, 166, 193 North Amherst, 0., 203 Locust Dale, Va., 169 Northampton, 102, 133, 156, 173, London, Eng., 3 176,180 Longmeadow, 35 Northboro, 80, 149, 150 Los Angeles, Cal., 78, 156 Northbridge, 65, 142 PLACE INDEX 237

North Bridgewater, 99 Provincetown, 132 North Brookfield, 8, 12, 51, 93, 94, Putney, Vt., 101 96, 129, 144, 148-151, 175, 181, 185,186 Quebec, Can., 165 Northfield, 180 Quincy, 197, 198 North Hadley, 147, 184 North Pinacle, Ont., 204 Readsboro, Vt., 90, 176 Northport, Me., 115 Rensselaer, N. Y., 120, 168 Norwalk, Conn., 66 Richmond, Ill., 204 Norwell, 14,154,188,189,197 River Forest, Ill., 165 Norwich, Eng._, 197 Roadtown, Rhoadtown, 31, 33 Norwich, N. Y., 203 Ro~hester, Mich., 145 Rockdale, N. Y., 202 Oakham, 27, 28, 49, 65, 66, 90, Rockford, Ill., 108 115, 137, 138, 143, 150, 166 Rockhampton, Eng., 5 Ogdensburg, N. Y., 113 Rockland, 157, 158, 189, 193 Oldpen, Eng., 8 Rockland, Me., 195 Omaha, Neb., 145 Rockville, Conn., 172 Orange, 180,198 Rocky Brook, R. I., 170 Oskaloosa, Ia., 129 Rodmarton, Eng., 6-9, 12 Oswego, N. Y., 207,208 Rosendale, Wis., 87 Oxford, 109, 178 Roxbury, 19 Oxford, N. Y., 202, 203 Roxton Falls, P. Q., 125 Royalston, 61, 85, 133, 176, 196, Painesville, 0., 167 198

Pa.lmer7 163 Roycefield, N. J., 105 Palmyra, Pa., 99 Rutland, 26, 50, 134, 136, 139, 143, Patten, Can., 40 181 Pattersonville, La., 131 Paxton, 68, 72, 94-96, 122, 128, Sacramento, Calif., 206 136,141,148,151 St. Helena, Calif., 145, 182, 183 Peace Dale, R. I., 170 St. John, N. B., 163, 192 Pecatonica, Ill., 108 St. Johnsbury, Vt., 79, 171, 172 Pelham, 35, 109, -110 St. Louis, Mo., 117 Pella, Ia., 207, 208 St. Paul, Minn., 126 Pembroke, 45, 158 St. Victor, P. Q., 125 Peoria, Ia., 207, 208 Salem, N. Y., 161 Peoria, Ill., 105 Salt Lake City, U., 206 Perkinsville, Vt., 108 San Diego, Cal., 123, 124 Peru, Neb., 205 San Francisco, Calif., 168, 182, 183 Peterboro', N. H., 86 Santa Monica, Calif., 145 Petersham, 90, 110, 202, 204 Sapperton, Eno-., 7 Philadelphia, Pa., 105, 156, 159, Saratoga, N. Y., 126 171 Schenectady, N. Y., 74, 120, 123 Pittsfield, 205 Scituate, 1, 5, 8, 10-30, 35, 45, 53- Plymouth, 10, 11, 17, 149 55, 83, 84, 99, 100, 102-104, 131, Pomfret, Conn., 94 132, 153-155, 158, 175, 188, 189, Poplar Grove, Ia., 182 194-196, 199, 206 Portage, Wis., 202 Searsport, Me., 137 Portland, Me., 118 Seattle, Wash., 201 Portland, Ore., 77, 92, 172 Seymour, Tex., 181 Port Lavosa, Tex., 133 Sharon, 163 Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 179 Sherburne, 111 Poultney, Vt., 64, 113 Shirley, 69, 80, 119, 166 Princeton, 34 Shrewsbury, 33, 34, 61 Prouty's Peak, Ore., 172 Shutesbury, 31, 33, 53, 54, 60, 61, Providence, R. I., 130, 156 100-102, 109, 110, 155, 200 238 PLACE INDEX

Simsbury, Conn., 31, 68, 71 , Utica, N. Y., 116 Smithfield, R. I., 142 Uxbridge, 149, 202 Somerset, Vt., 138 Somerville, 116,148,185,189,193, Veazie, Me., 123 195 Vergennes, Vt., 177 South Acton, 193 Vermont, 32, 48 South Bolton, 204 Vineland, N. J., 108 Southbridge, 109,187 South Framingham, 125 Wabash, Ind., 200 South Hadley, 127 Wakefield, Kan., 203 Spencer, 24, 25, 27-29, 34-37, 39- Waltham, 120, 149, 186 44, 46-53, 64-74, 79-81, 87, 90- Wardsboro, Vt., 48, 91, 108, 139 98, 114-122, 127-130, 138-148, Ware, 111, 116 150-153, 174, 175, 178-181, 183-. Warren, 67, 89 185,187,188,195 Warsaw, Ind., 119 Springfield, 102, 115, 120, 127, 156, Warwick, 114,142,180 166, 176, 180, 189, 194, 205, 206 Washington, D. C., 117, 118, 153, Springfield, Vt., 93 161, 171, 193 Stafford Springs, Conn., 167 Waterford, Vt., 78, 79, Ill, 126, Starksboro, Vt., 85 163 Sterling, 33, 61, 110, 111, 186 Waterport, N. Y., 114 Sterlingville, .Alberta, Can., 207, Watertown, N. Y., 58, 96, 102 208 Waterville, Ore., 199 Steubenville, 0., 81 Watervliet, N. Y., 75 Stockton, Calif., 206 Weathersfield, Vt., 59 Stoneham, 103,134 Wendell, 180 Sturbridge, 66, 115, 116, 119, 167 West Acton, 167 Sunderland, 95, 101, 155 Westboro, 115 Sunset, Wash., 119 West Boylston, 33, 34, 61, 80 Sutton, 64, 65, 202 West Brookfield, 110, 114, 150, Syracuse, N. Y., 201 151, 162, 166, 186 Westerly, R. I., 26 Tabor, Ia., 119 West Guilford, Vt., 178 Tariffville, Conn., 68, 70 West Hartford, Vt., 59 Taunton, 11, 105 West Hebron, N. Y., 114 Templeton, 60, 198 West Kendall, N. Y., 165 Thornbury, Eng., 3, 5 Westminster, Vt., 133 Thorndike, Me., 170 Westmoreland, N. H., 35, 40, 64, Three Rivers, Mich., 203 199,206 Tisbury, 84 Weston, 31, 185 Titusville, Pa., 65 Westport, N. Y., 83, 130 Toledo, 0., 207 Westville, Ind., 200 Tonopah, Nev., 183 Weymouth, 17,154,198 Tortworth, Eng., 5 Whitehall, N. Y., 177 Townshend, Vt., 86, 111, 134, 176, White Plains, N. Y., 123 205 Whitman, 157, 158 Traverse City, Mich., 200 Wilbraham, 137 Trenton, N. J., 146 Williamstown, 171 Truthville, N. Y., 114 Wiimington, Vt., 48, 90 Tuscarora, Nev., 94 Wilton, Eng., 5, 6 Winchendon, 46-48, 60, 66, 85, 196 Ukiah, Cal., 77 Winchester, 115, 134 Unadilla. N. Y., 202 Winchester, N. H., 133, 176 Underhill, Vt., 177 Windham, Vt., 86 Upton,90, 125,171,200 Windsor, Conn., 71, 119 Upton, Can., 171 Winetka, Ill., 117 Urbana, Ill., 103 Wisconsin, 41 PLACE INDEX 239

Woodhaven, N. Y., 58 169, 174, 181, 184, 185, 188, 191, Woodstock, Conn., 116, 127 192, 202 Woonsocket, R. I., 113 Worthington, 127, 173 Worcester, 46, 48, 51, 53, 65-68, Worthington, 0., 109 71, 72, 79, 94-96, 102, 110, 112, 115, 118, 121, 128-130, 137, 140, Yarmouth, N. S., 189 143, 146, 147, 150, 152, 162-164, York, Ind., 203