Handbook for District Education Officers

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Handbook for District Education Officers WWW DEPARTMENT OF SCHOOL EDUCATION GOVERNMENT OF TRIPURA HANDBOOK roR DISTRICT EDUCATION OFFICERS, INSPECTOR OF SCHOOIS, DEPUTY INSPECTOR OF SCHOOLS AND RESOURCE PERSONS(SSAl Published b y : State Project Office, SSA Rajya Mission, Tripura Education (School) Department •w'flift Government of Tripura. May-2015 ■ ^ f ^ , ^ ^ ( ^ ) c < ^ >8 ( c ^ ) '^ « ? T ^ ^ ^ ■ m '» r^ c^ Rmfera « ^*JF5tTg^ si^ ^sifippr? i ♦ (i^ C33% c^?:a sn^ifir^fw^nira ^ i cai^ b^ CTOi ^ 2ft«ff^ RkiHCy<1 ^ '5 ftcenftUiw<i ^ sn I ♦ c^ 1»f<s sn«ff^ fw c*m c^nf^ f?wo ^ (ti ^ ^Hi^4><ic«ra »f?5Tt^ra? Rsf^t^i £ f c ^ Pt<s CT c ^ T fw fl >iii<j»i31 f ^ w r y ^ ^ I ♦ f^W Toi ^ w ? i ^ c« f^ >8 ^€,7rnra csi*ft w f W ? ^ ^ ^ rft^ CT'Qirt ■JTTc? i ♦ Pt<S^ ^ c ^ ^ w m ^ =1jfe'^’fc?s C?SR c^sf^fc^/c^n:iw am ^^R ii ♦ SC/ST/OBC/RM ira ^ BPL BPL ca%f^ ^QblPlvi T iw H 'SJ^itHSn^ ^ X f<trlNC^ C^C3( ^ ^5IPR Tit'JtTT? ^m:?! ♦ ^ csf^:^ i8 ■^s.Tn:^ PtoTi*f^ £ft«ri^ P w (?*ra ^ ^ th c^ ca^r:^ « r t ^ i ♦ acyi^w ^ sf^ ^>6 cafl^^c^ ^si^«r? s r t ^ i ♦ 'b c«f^ >8 ■^«.'5T7:^ Pt<3 ^9^WR£ft^ f?wo sfra^’^" i ♦ £i^«f^n:3? ^ ^ \ la c^ Rwjidty ^ w t ^ i ♦ fto'cw? 'Q f»w? ^oo^-ii) ^5if*r^ >1^ ^ ^ ^ ^ £ri%1^ p t^ ^ ^sjT ^-f^ croi ^ R jc^im TfTui? « r t ^ i ♦ "^l%?i '^s^^'*?c<p ’srt^u '®il^(.*<IM >i*MC'^ I < im m : m {SCPCRI ■^n i>w (REPAI ^nRbi-i (^%5i)«rm? I ♦ sn:^ ^5i%si Pw ^TiT? ^ f^iw ra £t*m?r? MINISTER Education, Industries & Commerce, Sri Tapan Chakraborty Information Technology and Law Government of Tripura Agartala - 799006, Tripura MESSAGE It gives me. immense pleasure to know that the State Office of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Rajya Mission, Tripura, is going to bring out a comprehensive handbook containing materials portraying various administrative and academic roles and responsibilities of the Inspector and Deputy Inspector of Schools and Resource Persons of SSA. I am hopeful that this handbook will be a valuable document for the officials and would help them perform their duty efficiently and effectively. I heartily congratulate the Officers and officials of the State SSA Mission for being able to bring out this Handbook within a very short period of time. [Japan Chakraborty] NUKPA I)( iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1)14775 Educationat ^^A cc.No.ID'* D ate; -^^^entation Cen^ ® PRINCIPAL SECRETARY Government of Tripura Dr. K. Rajeswara Rao, IAS School Education Department Secretariat Building, Khejurt)agan, Agartala - 799006, Tripura MESSAGE inspector and Deputy Inspector i of Schools are, in true sense, the pillars of Educational monitoring and supervision. They are also the building blocks of educational administration In the State. Enhancement of their capacity and knowledge about academics and monitoring will not only let them perform their duties efficiently, but also help the entire education system of the State to excel qualitatively. Resource Persons engaged under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) at the Block and Cluster levels also work towards enhancement of quality of education by carrying out frequent school visits, observing classroom transactions and providing feedbacks, which prove to be vital in terms of achieving the ultimate goals of this National level Flagship Programme, that contribute to development of human resource of the entire nation. This handbook, a collection of materials depictiiig various roles and responsibilities of the above officials, will be immensely helpful in understanding and discharging their duties effectively. I thank the personnel involved in the process of compiling and preparing this handbook. [ Dr. K. Rajeswara Rag, IAS I ADDITIONAL SECRETARY Sri P.K.Chakravarty, IAS & DIRECTOR Education (School) Department Government of Tripura Agartala- 799001, Tripura MESSAGE In order to ensure quality of education, the role of the Inspector and Deputy Inspector of Schools Is most vital. The State Office of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Rajya Mission, Tripura, is publishing a handbook for Inspector and Deputy Inspector of Schools and Resource Persons (SSA), which will enable and guide the officials for proper implementation of various schemes /programmes being implemented under School Education Department. In addition the handbook is a collection of materials describing various roles and responsibilities of the officials, which would be of immense help, while performing their duties efficiently. I congratulate the State Office of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan for preparing and publishing the handbook in a very short span of time. [ P.K. CHAKRAVARTY, IAS] J k ADDITIONAL SECRETARY & w a r STATE PROJECT DIRECTOR Srtutum Kumar CtekmaJCS Government of Tripura Agartala - 799001, Tripura MESSAGE The department of School Education, Government of Tripura has issued several instructions to the Block-level Administrators (Inspectors and Deputy Inspectors of Schools) over a long period of time. These instructions / orders I memos etc. have been collected and published in the form of a Handbook. Apart from these instructions, this handbook also contains some major documents like the RTE Act, 2009, the State RTE Rules, 2010, Cash Book Managenr.ant and several circulars etc. that are quite essential for an educational administrator and as a Head of Office and Drawing & Disbursing Officer. In a nutshell, this handbook will be the most essential document for an official of their stature. Similarly, the State SSA Mission, during its continuous strives for improvement of quality of education, has outlined the responsibilities of its Block and Cluster-level Resource Persons. This handbook will be a priceless collection of documents and guidelines for effective monitoring and supervision of schools. The State Project Office of SSA Tripura has done its best to come up with this handbook within a very short period of time. I wish that this handbook will serve the purpose for which it is published. Cl [ Mr. U. K. ChakmaJ— ------ INDEX Chapter PAGE CONTENTS No. NO. Appeal of the Hon’ble Education (School) 1 11-13 Minister to the Teachers Merho on 17 Action Points for the Head 2 Masters and Head Mistresses on overall 15-25 improvennent of school functioning D.O. Letter written by the Principal Secretary (School Education) to all DEOs, Inspector of 3 Schools, Deputy Inspector of Schools and 26-30 other Officers for improving Administrative and Academic functions of Schools Guidelines and prescribed format for 4 31-47 Inspection of Schools Framework and Guideline on Comprehensive 5 49-70 and Continuous Evaluation (CCE) Roles and Responsibilities of Block/Urban and 6 Cluster Resource Persons in providing 71-98 academic support to Elementary Schools 7 Mid-Day-Meal Program 99-102 8 SSA and its interventions 103-110 9 RMSA and its interventions 111-126 Procurement and supply of Bi-Cycles to the Girl 10 127-128 Students studying at Secondary level Monitoring of Civil Works Construction, 11 129-135 construction of toilets etc District wise list of Inspectorates (State and 12 136-138 1 lAADC) i) The Right to Education Act, 2009 139-161 (Principal Act with Amendments) 13 ii) The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules (Tripura) 162-182 2011 Roles and Responsibilities of Drawing & 14 183-212 Disbursing Officer CHAPTER - 1 ^ ’si^wr^r? ^1 c<iH ■5£tr:^1% ^^s5i^, ^»|5Tmt im sf W TiH CT, % r i CE§^%f ^ cM®?pi wrmrS^tpH^ §r< 5?t 1 5 [ ^ 5 ^ ^5R5(t*(m«!t ^ r m w ' s ' « i t ^ ^ ‘iTC^p^Jtw I ^ £ if^ 'qI ^ R f ^ t i ^sTfCT c?i -Qi^^pw f w i® r a -srw v?ll^c^( % T ^3?r?re w ? n : w a e ^ R i^ * 's r f r : ^ ■?rfi:®fi?i 9 m ^rcsf - p w -«}j<i^ris ^ p R t c w c g ^ r : g n » t T : w ^ s |s t f ^ ” » i^ ■ffefsfsn-^i W IW '5N I:;s'5rh:^^irhm ?i Wrrcwg w sg se-fti It^R f^tft's TRTW 'SlsjtfHarr^ R hJHII ifRl 'fijs'sssfe ^ 13}i^-^3t^sqst siifi'is's'u ^ l^w w I m -‘»ii^-»t^ C^NH?^ C P N 'aW ^ (7T«rtWt 1%^ '^^r?l <PP?t «#*fitilCTt^ •^»R$^9iR^5t?v5^9r#^ ctf^ "$mr^ I f^Wrnr ^51^ cast^ «>W% f^wfh?ra ^ '*rRts, '^-^, Fw . -^,'5Ntiri%eF WCT Tf»m csn:in:tf9^"^-Ti%^ W tfwW ^I^TRa^^gCTm ’^f^i^stW hQiron:^ af^ f^ w ro ■'it%?i cic® ! 'Q csn :?iw ^ w u '^fTsrtwr (? ^ fim ra c^-csn:¥m ^'siRri^ I wr^^Rmr c»?:^ ctfr^tr:^ t%, i£ i^ 1 % ^ f% t^, >ir5- t^»tH ■pf^-^t1^?5t ^«ft ^ f?wra 2ti?st ifw -sro sl^ sfi^ ^ is 'Q'tsitCTi) 1*t*s(st«ttcw^ sn ?sri^< j;?t C ^ 's ^ R t q e W ’wfCT <)C?1CS^? 'S T W tif^ '8 ^SHJPRJ ^iR^5=nt=|:g»T^ £1^ c^ug 'alw cm?*t >il¥c«ij‘j >I|^<1M)|5) C^T3f#r<«8t1^8R5TS ifi^Sllai ^ T q « S (tw i l^hWftTsra (m ig'fl'aW ’srfsff^^w lW s^N B W fM TfhFeU ¥t¥CS^ ^ 'S -J1«!^ ^ ^srsof^ otfw^tom C5?®T-c5R:irctf^ ^rc*rit "^hirmr ■fic^ic^i t%r?^ srr$r-®tt^tr:^ fw t^rc?r 'sW '5s<w t j ^ c« tr:^ 'sffsit? < £ l ^ ^ ^srMsrtiT 'fi^X 's ^ K 's m f^Wra ^ »i9bl«iHi 'Q'WisR (ma warm 15:01 8- >) ?s|^ 1?WRi »if9Wit >6 ^ w m I ;^) Pt^--R^FPtr:tf^ >4i^T?n? ^ w to i '5 1 ^ '^ r f ^ l '©) iaf%^ t^'i)»tHtw« c ^ 9 ^ - » t f ? w r t 'Q '® F5H | 8 ) c«r% 1*iMs|Ttrr<ii[? s j% '§«?5;^,^5rraFf '5jt^=m '$iw i <t) I^Hjl*i« 1*WtR ’srtsnCT ^5pwr« ^ ) m ^ ' 5rt^R<(> ilWlR'SSlH »i*4l'4 ^iSTjRltSTil W5t^ I hr) stt5r'8»ii^K w ^f^w ofir^c?59^5m i s>) ^<^tjl«»1(.i^<l f i w > i^ rii^ I > o ) t ^ ■5t^'sir^ "srcsjr 1 * W w R ■ ^ s t ^ fftiRW st? ^f%c'® cfr®rra s j ^ siwf>R>«i5i ^si^i^5r?ft ^snrsff^^i'sTw^i c’Wt W rtrr^ sj^ '^ c irc ^ w Isi^ ?rfTW >ia>'®H 1*l^-1»rf^^ stsftR 1^1^ - asfPT 'srfsita W f CT, - is f ^ e , 8l'StC'*l^ iR ? .
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