iCity League, Federation Teams Active To-night At marks IVES AND SOCCOU AGAINST HILLS FRANCIS SMITH TRIBES, GARAGERS TO-MORROW NIGHT Cubs, Dodgers Keep | Ramort And Reality Gathered From HE FOR FIRST IN SHOWS TO-DAY IN As Bucs PLAY OFF GAME; AVON TOURNEY CITY NET PLAY Winning TABS FULTON Xhis Sporting MTorld Is Cut Down AT fhe Grief Of Athletic Conte et Field of 60 Register High Defending Champion Margin First Class Competition Totals in- One-Day Play Draws Ivan Coulter— New York,#Aug 18—(UP)—The Chicago Cuba, National are al- Provided By Rival Man- —Suisman and Sqmllo Genoa, Bachman, Lock- league leaders, have demonstrated agiin that they most invincible on their own diamond. Game at Wilton and Stro- agers—First Tie for Second Place wood, noted as a great home the Cubs have lived Long dub, m. in Action to their in the current series with the Bos- 5:30 p. Grist From The Grand Circuit Hartford, Aug 18.—Louis Ives, gatz up reputation to to learn corre- Soccoll. ton Braves. staged a four- ninth inning rally Unable to toll a hobble from a sulky, your willing of Wampanoag, and Horn They fans in both east and and the honors J. Francis Smith, defending was Into the middle of about 18,000 people of Goodwin park, divided win the first and battled 19 innings to over- west ends of as well as apondent plunged A1 former game Tuesday Waterbury > N. Y. getting hla first glimpse of of champion, Genua, city grand little town of Goshen, yesterday, in the last one-day tournament come the Braves yesterday, 3 to 2. the other sections can take their aa those snark-sklnfled, horny-handed horse- Junior titleholder, Lou Lockwood, fea- "racing that la racing" the 1932 Central Connecticut Golf Excellent pitching by urimes. choice of an excellent breeders will explain the light-harness sport to you. In about two of Woodbury, and George Bach- ture on the books for this evening that some- association held at Avon yesterday and Buah for the Cube and honre time, however, I learned that a mare Is not someone in the Tinning at Hamilton and Fulton Parks. 154. Ed- man, runnerup Naugatuck la charges against. t afternoon. Each totaled Brown and Frankhouse for the' Due to a conflict of dates, which body always bringing Valley tournament, will make HERO die Suisman, of Tumble Brook, YESTERDAY’S Bravea featured the content. Orlmee nobody concerned has taken the -[o] their debut in second round trouble to both and A. Scavlllo, of Goodwin Park, was relieved by TIning in the aixth straighten out, one of three horses, In a light two- elim- Imagine yourself behind tied for second place nine strokes matches in the city singles games will be played the same eve- steel and rubber, lining up when the Braves scored two runs wheeled but sturdy vehicle made of wood, behind the leaders. ination tournament today at Harfi- ning, the postopend Prospect Gar- between the winner and runnes- to take a 2 to 1 lead while for a three-horse race, the difference In a for the choice of Brown, age-Tribune A. C. tilt going dn at delivered play-off llton Park. nn in real that can be called for and gave way to Frankhouse in' the the east end field the Thomas being $20,000 money, first prise Soccoll won. In this Smith will encounter Ivan Coul- while owner after the race. Such was the situ- seventh when Chicago tied the Club will take on the Meriden Tabs to the winning Immediately "sudden death" feature, intrpdyced ter on court 7 at 6 o’clock while trainer and driver in the of “HVCK” FINN score, for the next 11 innings in benefit ation as Will Caton, one-time employ in the one-day tournaments for the will take a exhibition tilt at the 3 to 1 Genua on Joe, Strogati, and Nicholas of Russia, was rolled in by The Marchioness, first time in this section, Ives and Tinning Frankhouse pitched top of Cooke street, sponsored by Caar Stellar— member of the New runnerup in the Unity Club event, Dennis and The Invader In the "big raw:” but on his fchut-out ball. the Baseball Federation. favorite to beat Hollyrood Soccoll divided honors on court 5 at 2:30 p. m. Lockwood Waterbury the horse Haven Police baseball team, who way to a The of the meet that took four heats to decide, winning being second shot on the long number on court Tinning gave pinch-- City Lieague game is down for will be seen In action to-morrow will test Ken Blanchard into ter in tne 18 and Oug Bush held 5:30 m. and the Fulton worth $29,742.48 to her owner. two hole Ives pulled his drive 6 at the same time while Bachman p. Park night at Washington Park. the Braves at In the next the woods. will meet Ray Welton*on court 7 bay setto at 6:15. -[o]- attracted the frame and received credit for the Fans Want It The tournament at 4 p. m. was asked when the Cubs won out. Caton, following receipt of the customary congratulations largest one-day field of the Central On the Willow courts tonight victory Because of a demand for the to the vari-colored Here's what he said: Connecticut association’s season. Meet Demarec Did ft before it too to "say a few words" throng. Hills Cops at 6 p., m. Ray Bates will meet postponed' game, gets one of to start the "Though I have won nearly all the big derbies in Europe, my Sixty teed oft and found it hard to Frank Wallace, wh6 eliminated Herman singled dark to play a full nine innings. The Marchioness and two be- and went to second greatest thrills of the track came to-day, because keep their scores low only George Bachman' in the quarter- winning rally City League officials scheduled the American At Park was hit myself were racing before an of honest to God ing in the ISO’s, seven in the 160’s Friday finals of the JChase Park senior when English by a pitched Garage-Tribes tilt convenient to all audience fifteen turned in ball. sacrificed and after people.” < and no less than tournament this week. In the Cuyler the players. Earl Selenski will , a few i)0 cards. For the second time within other match Eli Cutler, former passing Stephenson to fill the bases, probably be Manager Johnny Ker- of -[o] The prizes were awarded to: 36 weeks, Manager George Casey Yale luminary, will oppose Don Frankhouse was relieved by Pruett. win’s choice for mound duty N. was second F. the baseball team for Moore and Nine year old Thomas F. McKinney of Buffalo. Y., pre- holes, low gross, Soccoll, Washington-Hill Walker. Demaree batted J. against the Garagers, who will low Is the New Haven Police sented the trophy of the winner of the first event whefl The Raider R. Swan, Farmington: 36 holes bringing The semi-finals of the women's drove in the winning run with a have George Blinn on the hill, it is Into tlte micro- Shenecos- squad to this city, for a tussle with came In 2:03<4- He stood upon a chair and spoke net, Michael Schwartz, division win be played tomorrow long fly. expected, Kerwin wqnts the game 18 the Amateur league entry. The “I’m glad my horsfe won.” sett, second Gil Roche, Avon; City night (at Hamilton park at 6 p. m. The victory increased Chicago's badly, and the Tribes* will be on phone: teams met at a holes low gross (morning) Iv^s, Washington park with Miss Lucia DewelJ, defend- lead over Pittsburgh to two gameB their toes every while the low short time finished In a migute, -[o]-r second/ Scavilla; 18 holes, ago, and ing ’champion and conqueror of as the Pirates lost to Brooklyn, 4 Garagers hardly plan to pass it up 3—3 deadlock after seven An interesting sidelight In connection with thejiorsc Ankabar, win- gross (afternoon) Eddie Suisman. innings Miss Anna Nolde, playing Miss to 1. Joe 8trlpp batted In-three as -if it didn't mean something. wa3 18 holes net morn- of They will resume actlvll ner for the second heat in the second event came to light when it Tumble Brook; play. Helen Bouley. Both contestants runs and scored the other himself Neat Array S. Chippanee; ties Friday night at Washington publicly announced that the horse was named for the three daughter!? ing) ,H. Sheppard, are Thomaston residents. Miss as Fred Helmach and Van Mungo Bob Walsh, Fay Vincent, Gib- and 18 holes, low net (afternoon) park, the game to start promptly of its owner, H. T. Schoemcgcr of Peoria, 111, ANna, KAtherine Anna Moran, runnerup in the tour- held the Pirate at bay. son, A1 Nlemec and others well at Charter Leonard at 6 p. m. Miss Mar- BARbara. The horse proved the class of the field last week Hough./Avon. ney last year, will meet Joe Strlpp. , who Four-hit pitching by Jim Mooney known to local fandom will per* the Bobby Cavanaugh will be on first Dubiel. Bill Oak, and proved that she was no "flash in pan" by winning $3,000 garet batted In three runs and_scored and hetyry-hltting by Terry form wlth the Meriden Tabs against base and Paul Doran in the outtleld re- her owner Today’s complete listings, a gave the New York Giants an 8 to the Thomas Club. Manager Renny for yesterday. of the Hills for the with another himself to give Broklyn game, leased this morning by Director 0 victory over Cincinnati in the Oulmet has secured Joe Shubert, -[o]- Stewie Crichton slated to do the 4 to 1 victory over "Pittsburgh. MARCHIONESS 3-1 Tom Carnev. follows: other National league contest. Phil* formerly- with the Cuban Stars to horseshoe man from twirling, Robinson, former Spring- H. Amos Gcnlot, the well-known Simsbury At Hamilton Park adelphia and St. Xouls were rain- pitch for the Tommies. Both he lius not been the field College luminary is nlso with gave fair and conclusive evidence that following ed out. teams will have their strongest that the the with the vislMng aggre- Court 7, 10:30 a. m.—W. P. Stowe trotters for years (figuratively, or course) by predicting Hills, Grove beat Wesley Ferrei for the FAVORITE WINS to local fans. vs Q. Ostrofsky. Lefty lineups contest season’s record of for the mile run would be equullcd or brok- gation is well known WINTER CAPTURES Ath- 2:01% as the Court 7, 2:30 p. m. — L. Harvey once more Philadelphia en before the was over. Hollyrood Dennis did it in the second 11 to 0 to day vs Fred letics defeated Cleveland with Croxlcr in the Strong. heat of the third event, Billy sulky. — In the Amer- HAMBLETONIAN Court 6, 2:30 p. m. L. Lockwood climb to second place -[o]- vs Keif Blanchard. SENIOR GOLF TITLE ican league. Grove yielded four FAVORITES WIN — 18th NEW HAVEN CLUB Court 6, 2:30 p. m. A1 Genua hits. It was Grove's victory. In connection with the Hambletonlan Stake event worth nearly vs Joe Strogatz. Moving In to the it was to learn that 591 Horses had Four Heats to $30,000 sjinner interesting Necessary 4 — G. Backman The made It twelve start- Court 7, p. m. AT NEW BRITAIN AT FOREST HILLS entered for that race three years ago—but only been been Decide Winner at Gosh- INVITATION EVENT vs Ray Welton. three in a row over the Detroit it took four heats to decide the best horse. — ed, and Court 6, 4 p. m. W. Geraghty Tigers, 8 to 3, as hit his r_i Forest Hills,'N. Y„ Aug 18— vs Bill Baxter. 43th of the season. en—Fifteen Thousand in 78 to Distance of the seeded — (UP)—Six eight Court 5. 4 p. m. Pat Quilter vs Brings For the secorro consecutive day to was well STARTS TO-DAY American stars' and two of tie In^ulditlon Freeholder Genlot, Waterhury quite John Lawley. Washington came from behind to Jim Kdward on Hand Whitmore and- Wheeler three in at track Dillon. Saltxgavcr — foreign players were still represented the by Sergeant Court 7, 6 p. m. J. Francis down the Chtcago White Sox, 4 to Holantl Andrews, Joe the as the annual Morlarty, Toni Bcrgiu, Jim Kilinartln, Bergln, The stand out amateurs of Con- Smith vs Ivan Coulter. 2. running today — —Finishes With but not the lenst—Colonel John Ryan. George Goshen, N. Y„ Aug IS—(TTP) at least all of them — Eagle women’s national tennis singles and last, decidedly necticut, or Court 6, 6 p. m. George Flan- Heavy hitting by Dale Alexander former member of the Taft into the Tompkins, a native Waterburlan, ajkd The Marchioness, a 3 to 1 favor- who can spare the time from busi- nagan vs Carl Dillon. and excellent by Paul An- championships swung back on Last Hole pitching met with the Brass sending at the first of — quarter-final round. school faculty up City contingent, ite, won the seventh annual re- ness, will report tee. Court 6, 7 p. m. Gordon Whit- drews^ gave the a to Ned Goss. George Is now In business In the New Haven Country club this Gord And, barring upsets, the champ- Ills regards Congressman of the Hamble- taker vs Newberry. 7 to 3 victory over the St. Loulp newal $60,000 the round New Britain, Auk 18.—Alpheus ionships promised to continue in New York City. , morning for qualifying At Wlllmv Courts Browns. tonian the classic of harness Winter o£- the Brooklnwn Country fashion Miss Helen stake, of the annual New Haven Invita- 6 p. m.—Ray Bates vs Frank- quiet wltk club, made a brilliantly \- racing, before 16,000 persons here tion, always a blue ribbon event .Wallace. Bridgeport, Jacobs of Berkely, .Calif., and Mrs successful defense of his Connecti- A. of in Connecticut golf. 6 p. m. Eli Cutler vs Don Lawrence Harper Oakland, Communication yesterday. to cut Senior Golf association cham- in the'title match old owned Bobby Grant. if he decides Walker. Calif., meeting The three year flliy afternoon at the t in this column, regarding must be Installed the favorite. pionship yesterday Saturday. In relation to the recently puljished piece by Mrs Ralph It. Keeler of Au- play, WOMEN'S DIVISION a Clare said of Bob at the Shuttle Meadow club by tacking Both advanced yesterday with dates for baseball games sponsored by the City Amateur N. Y„ won .the fourth heat to As Charley conflicting burn, Semi- Finals Friday 78 next to his Tuesday score of 81 Miss and lack of co- second recent Brooklawn Invitation. "This easy straight set victories. and Waterbury Baseball Federation, reported beat out Hollyrood' Dennis, — Dewell lesgue all I don't Court 7, 6 p. m. Lucia for a winning gross figure of 169. Jacobs defeated Mrs Frederick Mc- between officials of both leagues, President Joe Brophy of the winner, and Invader. The is Bobby’s year right. operation place vs Helen Bouley. , Winter was one stroke behind W. while the first heat think anybody can beat him.” Clare Bride of New York, 6-3, 6-3, senior circuit sends the following: Marchioness had won 'Court 5, 6 p. m.—Anna Moran vs P. Whitmore of Hartford and F. T. it^ was right on that occasion, for Mrs Harper turned back Mae but when Hollyrood Dennis, owned Dublel. when Sports Editor: Grant went on to \fln. The state Margaret Wheeler of Shuttle Meadow Ceurvost of 'Wichita, Kansas, 7-5, by John L. Dodge of Rexington. second 18 hole round started column under the amateur, the Brooklawn Invitation Yesterday’s Summary the e^. Dear Sir: In your Sporting World yesterday, Ky, captured the second and In- . the New Amateur Miles yesterday. But Winter played The victories of Mies Joan Rid- title, “Irresistible Forces vs Immovable Objects," as president of the vader, owned by Fred Holsapple and England Martin Tierney defeated and besides steadily all the way and came to Pitt- Amateur I would like to give you the correct Informa- in the have all been Grant’s McNiff, 3-6, *6-4, 6-2.* Stnndlngt ley" and Mrs Elsie Goldsack City League, of Copake, N. Y„ triumphed the hole needing a par It he qualified for the National Open A1 Smith defeated Jack Fitz- eighteenth L. Per. man,, both of England, who were tion in regard to the Amateur League playing Thursday night. third, a fourth race between the His Anal and led the field in the New Eng- five for an 80. gesture New York 79 26 .693 seeded No. 2 and was decided at a meeting two weeks ago, at which every manager victor* became necessary. gerald. 6-3, 6-3. 1, respectively, round for the Na- was a spet^acular eagle three on .70 47 .598 the was that the both land qualifying' Rollie Newberg defeated Wal- Philadelphia in the foreign list, featured and officer of the league present postponed games Hollyrood Dennis, second choice final him with a 47 1591 tional Amateur. ter Green, the hole, leaving Cleveland .*8 third round of the Prospect Garage-Tribunes and Sacred Hearts-Thomas* Club in the betting, set a new track 6-1, 6r2. 51 .553 play. If Grant does go to New Haven, defeated Nor- 78 that was never threatened. Washington .<3 would be at their earliest convenience, preferably this week, record, when she turned the mile Hy Weiselberg 64 .*•18 played face the Meanwhile. Whitmore and Detroit .58 however, he will competi- wood Webster, 6-1, 9-T. 61 when the boys who have been to camp would be home. in 2:01 lA In the second heat. off to 87’s to St Louis I...... • 53 .466 tion tof Charley Clare, Burt Resnik, Gordan ReiaCh defeated John Wheeler were falling Eleven of the outstanding trot- Bronson Chicago 36 75 .324 are not one Individual but John tie for second place. A. R. These games sanctioned, by any by of the in How Ahern, "Pipey" Warner, Testa, 6-1, 6-0. Boston 29 86 .252 ters country competed of was fourth with IB9 the rpanagers of the City League. This Thursday evening being the Parker, Han England, Vego Larsen Frank Newberry defeated Mike Waterbury Combination Major League the classic. H. Booth of Shuttle Mea- only night that the baseball diamonds are available, and also con- and C. C.'"Chick” Elwell, among Colosanto, 6-1, 0-1. and W. Gnmes Yesterday. flfth-wlth 170. Then came E. 3. Baseball Scores venient for the players, we decided to play, In fact there has been others. Ahern has become a most A1 Galgot defeated Maurice Sirr dow New York 8, Detroit since E. Baldwin and M. S. Hart of Shut- Philadelphia 11, Cleveland 0. many requests within the past two weeks to play these games before formidable contender ever kin, 7-5, 6-4. and tle 172; J. H. Robinson, Boston 7, St Louis 3. it too dark, so that full nine inning contests may be played. breaking his first round Jinx Art Rompre defeated Ed Mc- Meadow, gets naugYcrescents of Washington 4, Chicago 2. NATION AT* LEAGUE. Shuttle Meadow, Ed Tredennick going to the final of the New Eng- Grath, 6-4, 13-11. Daily Dow—Cincinnati, 0. If there has been noticeable lack of co-operation between th% after and C. W. Lyons of High- land Amateur. How’s next try Les Beardslee defeated Carl Highland Games Today. Dally High—New York, 8. Amateur and Federation I can and say that T. R. New leagues, readily truthfully thgt was the Norwich Invitation, Schoenmehl by default. land, 174; Blakeslee. Detroit at New York. or H. wnare not immovable, irresistible unreasonable. Quite to the con- SET FOR FALCONS which he won handily. Warner is Haven H<5, and C. RolaWlri, Cleveland at Philadelphia. Teams |T.|F.| S.| S.|M.|T.|W|To. we are always to help both Junior Circuits as we have Amateur Shuttle 177, at trary, ready the North and South Meadow. Chicago Washington. * 48 than one over at Boston. Brooklyn ... ,| | 1|2S| 6|11| 0| 4| in the past, providing City League talent for Fe'deratlon' exhibition champion, Clare a former Connec- Winter was more St Louis on the first hole, where • games. Leaders ticut title holder, Resnik Norwich ALL-NAUGATUCK par only New York 32 Borough League he Games Tomorrow. ...|* | 0|13| B| | 3| 8| Invitation finalist this year and he took a six, the same figure I would recommend that in the future, before any exhibition He Chicago at Washington. • • * Meet Cellar and Parker members of needed on this hole Tuesday. Phllndelphln | 7| 8| B| | | *1 I 22 games are that a representative of the Junior Circuit Occupants England Detroit at New York. contemplated was out in 4 2 and back in even Yale's intercollegiate championship Cleveland at Philadelphia. * * • attend our meetings and openly discuss exhibition game dates, so they — TENNIS MATCH ON 78. The card: Cincinnati_I I I 3|13| | 1| 0| 1(1 Saturday Pastimes team. fours for his (Only games scheduled). will not conflict with City League games. ... Match play starts tomorrow with Gut- * 12 0 Yours in 443 553—37 Boston .| 2| 1| 0| 4| | 3| 2| sporty Play Orioles the finals on Saturday. Par _445 NATIONAL LEAGUE. Field Team to • * JOSEPH D. BROPHY, Recreation Winter ..G46 444 563—42 § \ Chicago .| 3| | 8| 1| | 4| 3| 14 Standing! Pres. A. Naugatuck, Aug. 18—Naugatuck In— C. League. L. Per. • • Wilders Par _434 343 445—34—37—71 W. Pittsburg ...,| 2| | 0| | 6| 4| 1| 13 Amateur league fans will witness PlayY Racquet 50 .554 ..535 344 553—36—42—IT Chicago .62 another torrid battle Saturday af- SOCCERITES Winter 61 • 63 .535 STATE Pittsburg .'... 8 To=morrow * 8t Louis -1«|»1 1| 4|»| 3|«| ternoon at Recreation Field when Night Brooklyn .63 56 .629 OLYMPIC WOMEN ONE-SIDED AND the last place Falcons clash with Philadelphia .59 •58 .504 Totals first .|14|10|48|8b|17|10|18|103 the first place Crescents in the fea- HONOR BANDERIA Naugatuck, Aug 18—In the Boston 58 60 .492 ture of the double local battle of tl\e type at Recrea- enamaItenTers St Louis .66 57 .496 AMERICAN I.EiAGCE. game day’ 60 .469 0. Last week the Falcons tion Field court .fbmorrqw evening New York .53 Dally I.ow—Cleveland, BLAME CLIMATE TIE header. 11. GAMES FEATURE at 6 o’clock, the Naugatuck Y. M. Cincinnati .'51 69 .425 Dally High—Phllndelphln, won their second game of the sea- Named / Portuguese Head C. A. tennis team will clash with son, defeating the Beacon Falls BRIDGEPORT SWIM Games Yesterday. Teams |T.|F.|S.|S.|M.|T.|W|To. BY MARY ALICE PARENT the Recreation Field team. It marks Orioles in that game that prevent- As= Brooklyn 4. Pittsburg 1. CATHOLIC LEAGUE Secretary of State two local teams * * 33 United Press Special Correspondent ed the Orioles from seriously the first thne New York 8, Cincinnati 0. St Lonls .. ..| 0| | 7|14| | 3| 3| ___ have clashed In the borough al- 3, Boston 2 (19 Los Angeles, Cal. (UP)—Olym- threatening the leacL of the Cres- Mermen to Chicago (finings). • » sociation—Junior Loop matches have Naugatuck at St Louts Philadelphia | I l|21| 6| | 2|11| 41 Not one close, winning game was cents. The Falcons dupli- though numerous Philadelphia, (rain). woman from far-away climes mify pic been the “Y" team * played between Catholic Parish cate their upset by turning back played by in Two New Yorfc ...1*1*1 1| B| |20| 8[ 34. don’t blame the Indians, but the Sought out-of-town combinations. Compete Sunday Games Today. the Crescents. The#e two nine.s are .with at league teams last night, though two Brooklyn Pittsburg. * for the use of cosmetics. Eddie Nolde of the asso- Detroit B| 23 climate the league's major rivals and an- 18.—Extensive Manager Mile Cross Harbor New York at Cincinnati. .I 0| 1| 3| 3| |11| tie games were scored throughout New Haven, Aug ciation team reports plana for the They fail to see In the prevalent other of their hot battles is certain. the annual Philadelphia at St Louts. * plans were at rivals completed. i Chicago .| 8|v* | S| B| | 3| 2| 20 use of blues and blacks on the evening at various local parks. In the second contest of the day. ^outlined meeting of tfce Event Boston at Chicago. reds, meeting of' the Connecticut State Pastimes are Three singles and two doubles • feminine oomplexions anything St Michael's and Blessed Sacra- the "Little Italy” in session here Cleveland .... | 3| 3| 8| 0| | 3| 0| 17 Soccer association will be with all Games Tomorrow. reminiscent of the war paint of scheduled to clash with the Bea- matches played, Aug 18.—The com- ment wound up in a 7-7 deadlock over the week end. For the second Bridgeport, at Cincinnati. * In use ■ Brooklyn • These two teams five courts expected to be board ot recreation Boston | 2| 4| 3| | 2| 7| 18 early tribes. con Falls Orioles. time James D. McKenzie of Hart- mittee of the Boston at Chicago. .| at Waterville, after seven Innings race for at the same time. has here makes the have been waging a merry and women’s swimming association New York at Blttsburg. « • "The climate* ford was elected president of the Rec- I I I 0| 4| *1 B| 4| 13 of play, while St Francis and St second all season, with the The tentative line-up to leave the course for the at St Louis. ..Washington use of cosmetics necessary. Heat place Jimmy Carson of Bridgeport, vice planned Philadelphia un- reation Field team reveals such swim the and weather take color from Margarets were 6—6 at Washington Orioles holding a slight edge veteran Joe Booth two mile cross harbor Totals O|40|4O|1SO dry president. The as Stanley .|14|'7|49|40| til ■ were unceremoniously promising performers same as it has been for the last . the face and make the skin un- park when it was too dark to play they of Bridgeport was secretary the Crescents. They ejected Zapatka, Joseph Worrell, Henry INTERNATIONAL. LKAuUK. attractive. People need rouge and bumped by for the fifteenth time and Joseph three years. " any more. A run in the seventh by Baxter, Frank Jones and others. Standlngi here to make for the will meet in an .important game as treasur- The start Will be from the muni- powder up Banderia of Waterbury Cleslewskl will lead L. Per. texture file Xaverians tied the count, after which may result in their Captain Henry bath house along the seawall cooler and fine skin the Saturday er. Delegates selected were Charles cipal Newark .....83 46 .648 the his Naugatuck "Y” team, with about Z5 cold, moist weather furnishes in a five run barrage in the third changing positions in league and F. Faust, rToth of with the swimmers being Buffalo.70 66, .666 Murry such associates as. John H continue other countries." race. Dick Turkey wMll umpire with Jack Ross of yards from the shore and Baltimore >..«.**• 69 69 .639 had given the boys from Willow Bridgeport, Warden Harris Whittc*- is the of Mrs both theMlrst starting at 2 Schmuck, on to the and the Rochester 68 62 .523 That opinion games, Providence, R. I., as delegate to Eddie flagstaff through street a one-run lead. more, Jr., and Manage^ From here Montreal 66 60 •52T Theodore Wright Leslie, wife of p. m. the national convention. gut at this point. they At Hamilton park, the Lourdes Nolde. over to the Albany .*..'67 70 .449 the official started for the Olym- to business it will swim directly were Due conditions, Jersey ...... 68 76 .4*3 New and sluggers on their game and dance at Pleasure Beach City pic games from Zealand was voted to reduce the fee of pavilion Toronto 42 86 .328 took the Sts Peter and Paul entry be room chaperone of Thelma Kench, New referee's and the matter of gen- where there will plenty of for a 12-3 ride, the winning com- MAJOR LEAGUE to see the finish. Zealand’s only woman contestant. eral admission was left to the for the spectators Games Yesterday. bination getting four runs in the BROWNGCTSTKO watch the swimmers at Newark Toronto I Visitors to the Chapman Park clubs or leagues that may Those that 9, .(1st game, first and as many more in the sixth various 1 hotel have noticed the complete LEADERS President McKenzie, Seaside will .have time to get to 2nd, rain),. to sew the Mt Carmel be organized. on up game. finish. Albany 4, Rochester 1. lack of rouge and powder most in his annual report, brought out' the beach to see the had it easy with the Sacred Hearts LECUYER entries, have been Montreal 6, Jersey City 6.' of the foreign girls. Why do Amer- the he had received OVER R. The following winning in a walk 5 to 1, a four (By United Pres*) co-operation Baltimore at Buffalo (night gm). ican girls use so much make-up all clubs in the state and received: Justine Cashman, Bob run splurge in the opening canto from the If other girl's don’t need it to be showed the Johnson, Roy Winklemann, Herb Games being the high scoring feature. f,ending Hitter*. the report of treasurer Montreal, Que, Aug 18—(UP)— Today. beautiful, they demand? Club ab. r. h. pet. Rackett, Buddy Erich, Alex Sulli- Newark at Toronto. Jimmy Barnes’ St Pats from Player g. association in a fine financial con- Panama A1 Brown, bantamweight Mrs Leslie’s explanation by one O'Diiul, Robins. 113 459 98 158.366 will be made scored a van, Joe Sargent, Pete White, A1 Jersey city at Montreal. took it again to the tune dition. Special efforts champion of the world, own number is the an- Brooklyn Phillies 117 499 129 178 .357 and oJhn Sut- Baltimore at Buffalo* of th,eir Klein, this fall to organize junior teams technical knockout over Roland Enamatt, A. IResko | of 14 to 6 the St Joseph array Foxx, Athletics.. 117 446 116 159 .357 at Rochester, swer to their question. the state and the asso- of Holyoke, Mass, In their ter. In the girls' event: Walker, Albaiy smothering them in a shower of Hurst, Phillies .. 113 436 90 154.353 throughout Yecuyer "It wouldn’t be long before I’d | will with all round bout here last Evelyn Alexander, Lillian and Dot base hits and runs, counting 11 Manush, Senators 109 458 88 159 .347 ciation co-operate scheduled 10 be using powder myself if I were in the state. Feery, Virginia Murray, Rita Stev- times in the first two innings. The high and prep schools night. to be here any of Carluon going length Home Run*. Lecuyer cut his forehead badly ens, Matta Hewitt, Harriet Boston Boat Winds time,” she said. "Thelma, and I standing: Athletics 43 and Bessie Helbman. The entries W L Pet Foxx, In the middle A the fifth round feel washed out all the time. To Klein, Phillies 35 S.*BRITISH YACHTS Brown aS close on Friday. St Joseph .5 0 1.000 U. when he collided with Season us the weather is almost tropical." Ruth, Yankees .»* 34 Good Lourdes .4 .800 the battlers went into a clinch. Up The New Zealand sprinter uses Averill. Indians 27 Mt Carmel 4 1 .800 26 RACE IN SCQTLAND He was bleeding badly when the lemon to soften water for her Ott, Giants COCHET HERE Newport, R. I.. Aug IS—CUP)— St Francis .3 1 .750 Athletics 26 round ended and during the one- and face but doesn't in- Simmons, Weetamoe, bronae cutter owned hands Yankees .t. 26 rest the Montreal St Michael .'.3 1 .750 Gehrig, Rothesay, Scotland', Aug 18— minute period, Prince of Boa- dulge in cosmetics. physician ad- New York, Aug. 18—(Uf)— By Fredrick H. Blessed Sacrament .. 3 2 .600 (LTfl—The United States and athletic commislon's "The weather at home Is too Run*. Henri Cochet, French tennis ton, olljnaxed Her racing season St Margaret .1 3 .250 Great Britain met once again in vised that the fight be discontin- aqp, cold for that sort of thing. We Klein, Phillies 129 arrived aboard the Mner with a victory over Vanitie In the Huth got three hits, in- Sacred Heart .1 .200 international competition to-day ued. Since Lecuyer failed to come today find it very warm here.” Foxx, Athletics .. 116 to compete in the na- King’s cup raee hers yesterday. cluding his 14th home run, in tour St Patrick .167 112 when the American yacht Jill and up for the bell* In the sixth' round, Champlain American girls are considered .J Simmons, Athletics doubles and Weetamoe won by 68 seconds times at bat. ~S 105 Malda raced in was officially scored as a tech- tional singles Champ- Peter & Paul ....0 .000 Gehrig, Yankees the British yacht It ■ good looking by their track and St!} Brown. ionships. actual time and 4 minutes 62 sec- Lou Oehrlg accounted tor tlve Combs, Yankees .. 105 the Clyde, off Rothesay, for the nical k{lockout victory foj Held athletic competitors of other N No. 1 man on the French onds corrected time. The race runs with two hits in five trips to cup. Brown was clearly the superior Cochet, nations. Seajvanhaka team which recently was sailed over a 30-mlle, trian- the plate. Hit*. The Jill, owned by J. Seward in the few rounds the fight went. Davis Cup French authority is accepted by Maloney, Klein. Phillies 178 turned back the United States gular course. Bill Terry drove out five hits in Hogan Johnson> is one of the four six- Lecuyer was unable to get inside rest of the Robins ... 168 After the raee the owner of the as at bat to acoount the girls. O’Doul, defense while Brown wus quartet, was accompanied by Mar- many times PirHtes 163 metered yachts that recently won Brown's he "American women, as a class, p. Waner, almost at will cel Bernard who will pair with vessel announced that would tor six runs. Win Second Places Manush, Senators 159 the British-Amerlca cup. captur- throwing punches are better looking than French advantage. him In the national doubles tour- send his yacht to England next Jimmy Foxx hit a double in Go- Foxx, Athletics 159 ing four straight events out tff and .had piled up .a big women,” said Mile Yvonne and Le- at Boston on Monday. spring, and take part In several tour times at bat.. Two seven. Bif&ti weighed 12SV4 ney opening dard of Paris. “But France has Watorbury athletes, John the na- of the Important British races. A1 Simmons Batted in two runs Ron* Rutted In. There will be seven races for Both are entered In more beautiful thun Hogan and Ben Maloney, cuyer 1*7*4, season some women Crosby Athletic* .129 at Forest Of the 22 meetings this with two hits in live tries. , Foxx, the Seawanhaka cup. the flrst tional singles competition Americans.” miler, took 2nd places in New Ha- Phillies .118 I 10. between Weetamoe and Vanltle, Klein, yacht to take four being .declared Leonard, McLarntn to Meet Hills, N. Y.„ September to However, beauty is of second ven Police games conducted yester- Gehrig, Yankees .116 Weetamoe won 16 times and thv WON MILITARY DECORATION winner. Yhe distance averages They were to go to Boston today. consideration at the Chapman day at Lighthouse Point, Hogan Ruth, Yankees ..114 Vanltle seven. about 15 miles. > New York, Aug 18.—Benny Park hotel. A beauty which coming In second In the quarter Hurst, Phillies ...7*..113 Art of the Toron- shop Leonard and Jimmy McLarnln ac- MIDGET GUARD NAMED COACH Dunoan, coach aent out 100 passes for free hair mile and Maloney finishing be- to Leafs club, wan Pitcher*. Pro Giants l’inckcrt terms yesterday to meet In Sam Votnoff of Sullivan, Ind., Maple Hookey had a half doxon hind Frederick of Meriden In his Sign cepted New ab- waving haa only Club w. Iter. battle at the Garden diminutive all-star guard of Pur- York, Aug lie—Harry • captain In She Royal ttylttt the mile run. Ma- Player New York, Aug II.—Ernie u 10-round and responses. specialty, ...7 IT .773 for three bots of Freeport clashes with corps during the World war Warneke, Cu'«* Plnckert, former backfleld ace at Howl on Oct t. The men will box due university elevens loney slid Frederick pNt on li great Yankees 20 .789 Smith of Newark In the accounted for mors than l* enemy Gome*, will turn at catch-weights, or 150 pounds. seasons, has been signed as assist- Oeorge Counterfeit half-crowns have duel, finishing Inches apart, with Senator* t* .750 Northern California, pro •Ur of six rounds In the’Tree- for which he wan voted the Weaver, football with the New Contracts will be signed In a few ant freshman grid ooaeh at his at bout planes, been found circulating in Auck- the winner's time announced us llu fling, Yankees 14 .737 and play Mtadium to-night. Full. \ ma mater. port Municipal npllltury land, New Zealand. 4:48 and two-ftfth*. Plpgrus, Yankees It '.700 York (Hunts this days. i