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All the News of All the Pointes

lie * * E,,'ery Thursday Morning rosse ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes llome of the News

VOLUME 22-NO, 38 Entered a" Second Class Maller at the Post Oflicc at , Mich. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, SEPTEMBER 2', 196/ 7c <'or Copy $4,00 Per Year 20 PAGES - TWO SECTIONS - SECTION

IIEADLINES 0'- 01 tbe Church Addition to Be Dedicated Sunday __. fTV Crew MauledlBi.eak Grounu \VEI~K .....,i~'~,;j4. At Ceremony As Compiled hy the Grosse Pointe News "'"'",'.....;1 Gettlng Shots of September 25

Thursday, September 14 " .. R~~~ ,.'.,~~~~ParkI ReSI'dences Hope to Complete Half. FORD MOTOR CO. made ,Million Dollar Building plans Wednesday to purchase Given by William all assets of~ the aillng Phil co New York Producer Attacked While Trying to I Corp" veteran producer of elec- Get Fries Within tronic and home - appliance ~0~~!~~Pictures of Homes for Forthcoming Series Year equipment. This was tagged by "Crime Does Pay" Ford as a move to diversify. Directors of the Grosse Ted Yates of New York, producer of a forthcoming The boards of directors of the Pointe War Memorial As- television play, "Crime Does Pay", and four of his crew- two COmpanies agreed in prin- sociation awarded the con. men, were set upon by a group of Park citizens on Sat- cipal to the' deal on Wednesday, tract for the building of the subject to :he approval ot the urday 16, at Middlesex and Avondale. s'toekholders and to receipt of Yates charged that he and .------~ new William Hayes Fries satisfactory tax rulings. Under four camera and sound men Memorial Auditorium ad. the agreement, holders of were roughed up while taking dition to Edward V. Mona- Phllco common stock would re- pictures of the Park homes of Cudlip-Gust han, Inc., at thr':':" regular ceive one share of Ford com- "some well-known prohibition- board me eting Monday era characters in the area." mon for e'ach 41,'2 shares of Delegates even in g, September 18. Philco common. The TV producer, in his com. Construction on the half plaint to police, identified three >I< >I< .. million dollar building will of his assailants as being Joseph To Con-Con begin at once. should be \ THE UNITED AUTO wonK- and Josephine Zerilli of .70::, It ERS and Geheral Motors Corp. completed within one year. were still working Wednesday ~~e~::;x~f ~~~ 1\1~~~ies~:.trina Defeat Koerner and Ra. Ground breaking ceremonie! to untangle a mass of local Zerilli was a prohibition-era baut at Polls Septem- have been set for 7 p.m. Mon- plant issues. The Federal Gov- figure; and 1\lrs. Cavataio is ber 12; Only 7,992 day, September 25, just prior to the Memorial Association's ernment urged them to reach a the daughter of .the lat~ !,~te Pointers Voted "quick and sound" settlement. Corrado, known ill prohlbll1on annual dinner meeting. Since In an unexpected move, William day~ as "The Enforcer." shortness of time precludes Two Pointe Republicans mailing of invitations, the Board E. Simkin, director of the Fed- Couldn't Identify Others topped their Pointe Demo- eral Mediation and Conciliation of Directors is using this news- Yates said that several other era tic opponents the Service, delivered copies of a in paper to cordially invite all men and women' were in the friends of the Center to attend statement to top negotiators to ." crowd that gathered around his Con-Con election held on the brief ceremonies . "offer eneouragl;ment" for an . Photo by' Bernard Schenk Stat.Ion wagon, but h e eouId no t Tuesday, Sept. 12, and will agreement. St. Palll Evangelical Lutheran Church will dedi cate its new Parish Education Building this Sunday, identify them by name. represent the First State l\lake Your Reservations ...... The addition is attached ~o the church structure at Cha1fonte and Lothrop. " dl:s~~~1v~~~~J.:e~~~ \~~er;;id~ Di~~~~~ a~~p~~: Everyone is also invited to ~~7:t~:~~~ come to the dinner meeting and THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IC t S t ------citizen called about a "wild, sentative ,District during entertainment which follows. was basking Wednesday in de- en er e s shoving, shouting and pushing the Constitutional Conven- However, reservations for the light after sweeping the Con- Lut h eI'aI1 Cl1U....CI1._Addl-tl.on.. Corner St one ma tc h." Dispatched to the . . L dinner at $2.50 per person must stitutional Convention ele'etions ... / scene were Sgt. Thomas !\fartin, hon In ansing. be in to the Center (TU 1-7511) held Tuesday. In a series of An.nual Meet, P -' B ld T B L -d and Patrolmen George Blair, In thE' First Senatorial Dis- immediately. Reservations can decisive upsets from the remote a~l'isI1 Edueatlol,1 ui, iug.. 0 _ e at Charles Slusser, John Brosnan triet, Rockwell T. Gust, Jr., (RI only be accepted through Fd- regions of the Upper Peninsula and John Trombley. received 19,546 votes,',_as com- day, Seplember 22. to the Democratic stronghold of For Sept. 25 'Tl S t tts un Yates spent several hours at pared to his opponent, Louis Participating in the ground Wayne County, the Republicans T B 'D d- d S d day '0 e e lea e on un ay _ tbe Park station talking by Rabaut ml, who polled 19,502. breaking ceremony will be tha won 99 of 144 scats in the com- All Contrjbutor~.!o "Jemo- telephone with his New York In the Thirteenth Representa- Rev. Bertram deH_ Atwood, min. ing convention, N ew Unl - armoOlzes WI ,_ 0 Ie rc I ec ure .0 ' . ' ',' tJrc , 0 mg rial Association Invited to 't H ' 'th G thO A h't t- f Memor',a! Ch h HId' office, and trying to get back tive District, Philip F_ Koerner ister of the neighboring :lIe- .. >I< * , C . films and recording tapes con- tV) lost to his opponent, Wil- Attend Dinner Event Church Structure' New Facilities Will be eremonies at $850,000 fiseated by police as evidence. Ham B. Cudlip (R). The number morial Church; Mrs_ William Friday, September 15 Helpful t~ Wide Program Addition Between Morn- These were returned to Yates of votes received were 1,901 and Hayes Fries, widow of the civic minde<1 citizen whose gift made WAYNE COUNTY CIRCUIT Con t ri but 0 r s to the ------. ing Services about four hours after they 9,193 respectively. St. Paul Evo Lutheran Church, C h a I f 0 n t e anl1 . --...:... were confiscated. 7,992 Pointers Voted the auditorium Possible; Mrs. JUDGE WADE H. McCREE, JR. Grosse Pointe War Memo- Lothrop, will combine two celebrations on Sunday when The Corner Stone of the In New York, William R. 1IIe- A total of 7,992 qualified Russell Alger. who with her will be nn.minate'd Friday to the cial Center are invited to family gave the Center to the it ob~erves the 90th anniversary, of the founding of the new church house additl'on Andrews, executive vice presi- Pointe voters out of a total of Federal bench in Detroit. Michi- attend the Association's community; C. F. Ogden, Chair_ gan'S Democratic Senators Pat- Annual Dinner on Monday congregation together with t h e d euication' , of its new at the Gross'.? Pointe Memo- Justicedent of DepartmentNBC Nl!\vs, andsaid FBIthe TLesday's29,501, castelection.their TheballotsPointe'sat man of the War Memorial Asso- rick V. McNamara and Philip evening, September 25, at parish education building. rial Church will be laid on have been notifIed of the inci- sale concern was the election ciation's Board of Directors; AI. A. Hart said President Kennedy 7 o'clock, They will enjoy The new building, begun<~'------Sunday, September 24, at dent and of an earlier threat of delegates to the Constitu- ger Shelden, chairman of the would submit the nomination not only a lovely meal about a year ago, was eom- main level for adult social 10'45 a m made to one- of the erew mem- tional Convention, with the ex- Building Committee; Vincent R, Friday morning. McCree, 41, a pleted this summer. Attached to functions. New offices are also . " '. bers. ception of the Woods, which DePetris, chairman of the served in the Center's World War II combat veteran the church struetl're, and in provided. The ceremorues WIll take Scheduled for Oct. 11 asked its voters for an amend- Grounds Committee; lIIalc(}lm and a Circuit Judge for seVen Great Hall, but they will matching red-brick with lime- place on the northeast cor- lIIcAndrews said the films ment to a clause in the City R. Stirton and James E. Gibson, years, will be the second Negro also be entertained by Mad- stone trim, the new unit har- Building' Committee ner of the building adjacent were made for the Crime in Charter. representing Harley Ellington, to be appointed to a Federal rigal Singers from the monizes with the Gothic arehi- Members of the building eom- to the Grosse Pointe War America series to be conducted 'Woods electors wcre asked Cowin and Stirton, architects judgeship by President Ken- Grosse Pointe Community ~ec~ur~ of the church, although mittee ai'e: Ben Bregi and Memorial property. by David Brinkley, NBC news- whether or not they wanted to for the building; Walter B. Ford. nedy. The Senate' is expected to Chorus under the direction It 15 In a _moderately contem- Harry Kall, co-chairmen, Robert The new building which will caster, and will be on the iirst increase the number of mem- II, whose firm is furnishing the confirm the nomination by the of Donald Simmons. porary deSIgn. Gibson, secretary, and Albert cost in the neighborhood of program to be called "Crime bel'S on the Tax Board of Re- building; and John F. IIronahan, time of its adjournment Sep- The interior provides facili- Blixt. Former meMbers are $650,000 is being constructed Does Pay" scheduled for Octo- view from three to five persons. the builder. tember 23. Reservations for the dinner ties for the Christian Education Howard Toll, deceased, and of Indiana limestone and it is ber 11. He said the series has The voters favored the increase Two to Wield Spade g \v II S for soc .. * .. at $2.50 per persoh are request- pro ram, as e .a 'alI Walter Horn. Built by The expected that it will'thebe com- endorsement of the Justl'ce by a yes vote of 1,022, as Mrs. Fries and Mr. Ogden will ed to be given to the Center im- functions of the congregation. It Chase Company, general con- pleted by March I, 1962. Department and that U.S. At- against a no vote of 567. join in turning the first spade mediately. COUNTER-A'ITACKING KA- makes PO~I'bl e a comp1etidee y - \vastractors,done theby L.mechanicalL. l\KeConaehl'ework There will be a chapel g'lven torney'11 General Robert Kennedy Thist d' is ththe Iwayt' the Pointes full of ground on the site of the TANGESE TROOPS led by tIn t li d S d Sch 01, WI appear on the first pro- vo e In e e ec IOn: new building which will be lo- Retiring president C. F. Og- par en a ze un ay .0, Co. and the electrical work, by in memory of Edith Uenry gram. Woods _ 2,170 voted out of white mercenaries bat tIe' d cated by the lake on the eastern dcn and his wife will be hosts and an expanded a?ult curncu- Weber Electric. The firm of and Edwin Scott Barbour, Yates said that the filnlS and 10,843. First Senatorial District: United Nations forces through- side of the Center's property, for the dinner at which five new lum. ~ fully eqUIpped youth Merritt and Cole was the arehi- which will seal about 150 peo- recordings he and his crew ILouis Rabaut, 358; Rockwell T. out Katanga province Friday in The building will provide a 435- board members will be elected room IS.on the second level fur teet. pIe. A new fellowship hall took in the Park, may be used I Gust, Jr., 1,739; K('nneth V. steadily inten~,ifying battles and introduced. They will re- th~ SOCIal and ed.ucatlOnal af- will aceommodale weck-day I I scat step-floored auditorium and that threatened the UN hold on place besides Mr_ Ogden, Mrs. faIrs of the ~onflrmed young Nhety years ago, on Septem- actirities. on the TV program. Ke ly (Sociaiist Labor Party) 0; stage on the lake level with a people. There IS a parlor on the bel' 20, 1871, 20 members of Th I I' He said that he and his crew and Kancy Cummings (Tax Cut, the secessionist province'. Heavy Alan BeebE'. asso::iation vice large social and banquet hall on casualties were reported i,n president; Arthur P. Bartholo- ' Trinily Lutheran Church, Gra- e arge Ibrary is being arri\'ed in Detroit Saturday for God and America) 7; Thir- the floor above which will be Elizabethville and .at Jadotville mew, Jr., treasurer; Mrs. Perry Car Hits Child tiot and R i v a r d, amicably Mrs.erectedFrankin Fit!.honOr of Dr, and morning and hhad Pfilmed some Philiteenth RepresentaliveF K ?86District:d on tile same el['valion as the 65 miles to the northwest, where TeWalt, secrctary; and Wilber separated themselves from that scenes on ot er ark streets, p. oerner, _ ; an mai,1 floor of the Center. 500 Irish troops were' reported Bruckr.r, Jr., legal Ji3son ad- Crossing Street bOdy in order to organize a The Church School class- without incident, until they ar- William R. Cudlip, 1.765. new congregation, A church rooms on three floors will con- rived at l\liddlesex \"hcn .1 "big Park-2,380 out of 9,400 cast surrounded and under heavy visor. attack by mortars and machine structure was built at Jos. Cam- tain a babyfold, classes for crowd desccnded on us." ballots: Rabaut, 415; Gus t, Carol Hofmeycr, 5, of 770 Hospital Parking guns. They are reported to have To all of these retiring offj- pau and Jay in Detroit the next nursery, k'm. dcrear ten, an d In-. Car Window Smashed 1.901; Kelly. 2; Cummings, 11; surrendered, with 57 killed and University, \I.iS st.ruck by a car "ear, and in 1873 a parochial d.IVI'dua I eIass rooms fDr aII Yates said that durin!!~ the Koerner, 335; and Cudlip. 1.954. cers and board members sin_ Saturday as she attempted to Decision Pledged the rest held as hostage's. school• was begun, which served gra des scuffle. the window of the TV It tFarms1 f 7815- 2,900 voterst t th fromII a cere thanks will be given for cross Charlevoix at University. until the spring of 1930. 1.1 The youth rooms on the top station wagon was smashed and Ra b11 o. 296 Gwent 20 -2 e Kpo Is: The Grosse Pointe City Coun- '" * .. their three ycars of devoted The drive.- of the car, Pa- 1945 the congregation sold its floor will accommodate the some of the equipment was 1 a C'aut, .; us, ,5;); el22y, eil has promised to act on arc. THE SOVIET UNION quickly voluntary service to the Center. tricia G. Stillwell, 16, of 291 damaged, and someone cut him ; ummmgs, 1; Koerner, 7; zoning proposal regarding the property at that location and. activities of the e>.tcnsivc youth and an assistant on the hand and Cudlip, 2,619. 130:1 Secoul's Hospital parking accepled President Kennedy's lilt. Vernon, was driving East on after a period during which il program. with a piece of glass. Yates' tie Shores _ Out of a total. of i lot. proposal for East-West talks on Alger Shelden, chairman of Charlevoix when the litlle girl Berlin next week, thereby rais- thc Auditorium Planning Com- walked out into the stre'et. Miss worshipped at various places, Thc chairman of the Build- was pulled loose and a shirt 1,443 voters, 542 took the time A group of City residents has ing hopcs that the' d?ngerous mittee, will highlight the eve_ Stillwell was issued a ticket for built on the prescnt site, dedi. ing Construction Committee is sleeve torn. t? vole: Rabaut .. 28; Gu.st, 504; again protested parking viola. eating the church unit in 1950. Samuel C. Turner, who serves The TV producer st-ilted that Kclly, O' Cun:mmgs, 3; Koerner, lions at Bon Seeours hospital crisis could be cased at a con- ning with the release of an up- r':!ekless driving. ference tabl£'. The State De- Has :'oi'l'cdcdFacilities with Ben W. Beyer, II. Sanborn he will file a complaint with 20; ar,d Cudhp, 514. and demanded immediate action to-the-minute progrcss report on Carol was taken to Bon Se- partment welcomed a l\Iosco~,v eours hospital, where she was Once again the congregation Brown, .lohn A, Dodds and Park police on l\!Onday: Sep- A tally of votes from the City one way Dr i'll1other on the re- tit;:) William Hayes Fries Audi- announcemcnt that Sovict For- treated for a bump on the head has the facilities necessary to John V. KlIil'inf'n. lembcr 18. but Police Chl£'f Ar-llI'as not av,uJablc as CIty lIIana- zoning pelition. e'ign Minister Andrei Gromyko torium addition. and rele'ascd. perform its tasks acceptably, The corner stonc loying is thur Louwers said thot no for., grl' Lawrence Sal'i'lge had ,'eft In a leUer addrcs,ed to City was ready to exchange opinions and to these respo'lsibilities it being hclo at 10:4,') a,m. in n:al complaint was filed I\ith I town and had taken the election ]\Ianager Lawr£'nce Sarage, the with Secretary of State Dcan will pledge its"lf an~v at spe- order that those attending hIS department. I results with him, residents chargl.'d lI1.1t prescnt Rusk when they met at the U~ cial services at 8:30 and 11 next cither the 9:.30 Dr 11:15 service lumlillingness of the City Coun- Juvenile Quartet Adlnits Sunday. The invHeci speaker for Gencral Assembly session open- can attend, W d C' R f cil to come to a decbion regaro- ing in New York Tue'sd"y. the occasion will he Dr. C. Richard EI'rnson, c1ireetor of ------00 s C'treet esur acina: ing hospital parking is preV£'nt- '" '" * Property Dalnage, Thefts Parish Education in thc Ameri- D . A 1 (J ing rentals and holoing UI> Saturday, September 16 F 0 u I- juvcniles, responsible can' Luther.m Church He will rIVer ppea s Pro ject Nears COlnlJletion ~~r~~;~e~~;.~.sin Ihe Bon mittcd on Fcbruary 29, 1960, also addr£'ss a "Hally Day" as- THE UNITED 81' ATES set for property damagc and thefts, Traffic Scntcnce Th£, COUI1cl1a'"ul'£'d tll£' rrsi. off its first A-bla~t since 1958, ~mounling to more than $1,000, when thoy entercd a new home sembly of the SlInda:r Srhool at under construction at 29 Whit. 9:4.1, ]l;icholas Hatzis of 3642 Bcrk- Residents living in Hampton IanslI'£'rs. He "lid 1ell£'[.'; of in- dcnts that th£, r£'-7.0ning petition with ;t low-power, fallout-frce since February 29, 1!J60, con- and Roslyn roads, will ree£'iV'l' formation should hc in the Will be aetNI I1pon <1tnl'xt ~Ion. II n del' g r 0 u n d shot at the fessccl to Farms poliec on Tues- comb, and caused $200 in dam-, ' , shir£'o Detroit, found guilty of :, :"Ievada proving grounds. This day, September 12, . office hy :'.1,)nd,1Y, S£'Ptemher, lrc(' trimrnlJ1g timc, September ._~ . walls and leaving hand marks be s£,I'Ved at ~ 0 clock III thc enc(' of alcollol and fined SIOO signaled the beginning of a Dcl. Sgt. Georgc Van Tiem 2,';, informing them of tile com. 1 2.'5. t:'oi'JURF.S BACK ph a s e of thl' free world's said that the juveniles, two 12- on the walls and woodwork. new FellowshIp Hon for all or 1.') di'lys in the Wnyne Coun- pletion dates for the slrl'£'t im- Thc <'itv iIClminislrator in- Anloinette Huck, 42. of 130l atomic arms race with Russia. year-old boys, a l2-year-old girl Van Tiem said that the three m ~mhers of the fnmlly. A nur- ty Jail, in for me d scntencing In. provemenls in their o1rra, fr-:'Illcd lhr council that It£' re- Ilrys oriV'£'. was transported to Experts stated that the test. and a nine-ycar-old hoy, after boys and the girl related other sery IS helll,!( arranged for Pi'lrk ,Jucli(r C.. Joseph B£'lang('[' incidents, all in 1961, in which fant:,. an~ .1 spe('JaI prOi(ram of that he will appeal the convil'- Tile Woods coune'il. £':tr!icr I cciv£'G 111e following reports: Bon Secoms Hospital by Woods held Friday. was Ilcsigned to ext('nsive questioning. finally they were involved. They eon- m~tlOn pIctures for the young tion. perfect small battle(ield 'wea'[l- broke oown and admittcd they Ihis y£'ar, fin,~lIy hecd£'d t hI' I Alva L. (;1'('('1' and Sons has police on Tuesday, S£'pteml)('l' picas of the lIalllpton-Hos1yn £'omplrt£'d thl' ('oneret(' curh 12. when she injured h£'r bncK ons against £'ncmy trooJls ra- wcre rcsponsihle for about 13 fe~sed to the following: ("11l1dren, whllc th£' adl:lts WIll TJle right to apP£'al was g;'an- re~icl£'n!s, to havc Owir slrrl'ts ,II HI l!le dr,1inagc work for the in her hornC'. She told police Iher tban its cities. The ~hol incidents involving pro per t y ,Tune 28: Tore up a scoclfon of ~car an ~rldrcss. :lY Dr. Jwens~n. tcod by ,Jtld~e Ilclanj:[cr who ~£'t WilS the first atomie explosion damage ilnd thcfts. new sod at a new home \Illder rhe S£'n\(ll' choll \\ III aIso pI c-

'/' Page Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, September 2 r. ')961' BITTER LESSON Adversity sometimes has its l'Cward-the 'woif at the door Pointe Students Receive Adlnits Thefts often 5tal15 man climbillg. Woods Street Resurfacing Project Nears COlnpletion , (Continued from ]'age 1) Airborne TV Instruction (Continued from Page 1) ing of leaves 01' any other com. fire, ilnd therefore, no fires of I ordinance pennlts the burning Grosse PoInte boulevard, dam. cxcept for the nOI.th side Of bustlble 1l1ateriaI. any kind are permitted on of leaves and gl'ass on private The long.awaited a I l' b 0 l' n e programs In Spa n ish and age, $430. Hnmpton betwcen \\'edgewood He stated that the ncw as- newly resurfaced streets, in- dJ'ivcways, 01' private properties, televIsion program designed to IFrench for grades 3.6. All occur June 30; Damagcd sCI'eral drive and the cast city limits. phalt slreet Is easily ruined by duding t'onl'rl.'te slreels. A city he pointed au!. , supplement classroom Instruc- during the noon-hour. Driver Education Class c a rs, ThIs is expccted to be completed tion in all school grades, kinder. Defer has three television re- stole gas caps, tore out dislri. by this weckend. garten to college, has now be. ccIvers so that several groups butor wires, stoll' windshicld John Carlo. Inc, completed come a reality in Grosse Pointe. can be viewIng different pro. wipers, side view mirrors, dam. the last pour of concrete on Defer School, being one of grams at the same hour if the. aged gas lines, broke antennas, September 11. for the south three local schools initially schedule falls that way: Two of etc., damage and thefts, $157.17. lanc of Hampton, and it should scheduled to participate in the the sets were purchased by the July 7; Damaged 11 car be. be opcn to traffic by Monday, program originating in a plane Defer P.T.A. so that an enriched lonsing to a house building can- Septembcr 25. Before this date, Your savings earn MORE I and five miles in the sky over north. school program might be pos- tractor parked at the site of the the t'ontractol' informed Lange, ern Indiana, is receiVing a satis. sIble when educational 'l'.V fa- new house in Warner. damage he expects to be finIshed wilh factory signal. cHities and broadcasts become $12.75. Ihe lop soil on the boulevards &J~ ~1' Five classes in Defer are reo available. July 9: Broke into' a car be- and the replacel1l~nt of miscel- MORE ~~ and MORE ~\ ceiving bl'Oadcasts in three srlb. Some $7 m i Ilion has been longing to ThomaS Dallsbury of laneous pieccs of sidewalk. ject-mnt!cr areas. A 5th grade provided for the ainrboroe op- Nottingham,' parked in tht: Sl. Carlo stated that he may still group has science lessons twice eration by Ford Foundation and Paul.on-the Lakeshol'e 101, and be cleaning catch basins and a week via this medium and a private industry. Ultimately, as st~le a car trouble light. an ig- sealing joints after the Septem. 3rd grade group is gclling four many as ,~ivemillion students in nilion tool and several open- bcr 25 dale, but this will nol .such lessons designed for its six mid-western states will be a end wrenches. total \'alue. $15. affed the use of the streels . level. Two 6th grade classes join potential audience. On thc same day, the children Lange stated that replacement to participate in an arithmetic ------ent~red into a car belonging to of strcet and traffic signs will broadcast four timcs weekly and John Ruen of 125 Stf'phen~, bc!~in after the contractors a 4th grade group receives les- PT A at ltillson also in the church lot, and back- Icave- the area' and should be sons in language arts via the eel tile vehicle into a utility completed before October 1. Iairways twice a week. Meels Sellt. 25 pole, shearing it from its base. Trimming of trees will slart Olher Gl'Osse Pointe build- Damage to the car was slight, about September 25, and be ings scheduled to participate in but It cost approximately $75 completed by October 13, the this program are Kerby and l\rasont Schoolt' PTAf tl will !l(lldt 10 replace the pole. last phase of the improvement !\lason schools. The installation its firs mee mg 01\1 1ed currenS July 11; Broke I'nto cars park. program. he added. of acl'ials and olher necessalJ' schoolb year25 ton8 on Th'l.y, Aep- cd in the Grosse Pointe Sch"ol~ In the leiter to be sent to equipment is proceeding and it tern1 er0 aH p.m. '11 fIS t n- lot, and took s eve l' a I small the residents, Lange included a is hoped that satisfactory pic- nuaI pen . 'touset' W1 d ea ure items. Th~ cars belonged to warning conce-rning the burn- tures will soon be received in c assroomt It fVISIa IOn tan t an op-t Farms City 1\1 a nag e l' SI'dney both locations. POl'h J\'un Y Sorh parenI I sff 0 mee DeBoer of 376 Belan"'er','" l\lrs. • t e ,ason. coos a . John Schonenberg of 184 Ker- children, all from the Pointe, The lessons, known oflicially Z f 2072 C - were turned ovel' to theIr par- as The lIIidwest Program on James le~en uss, . oun- by; Daniel Wells of 287 Clover- ents for proper punishment, and the Airborne Television Instruction, try. Club, wII.I pre~lde .over a Iy; B. D. Smith of 800 Univer- busmess m.eetmg pn~~lly con- 'sity; and Mr. Dudder of 1225 that a list of all the complain- finer are all originating in a DC.6A-B cerned w1th estabhshmg the Harvard ants were furnished to the par- TWO EXTRA 'JAY DAYS help your savings grow lasler flying at 23,000 feet over Mont- 1961 62 b dg t do' g . ents so that they could mak',! at Detroit & Northern. Dividends are now paid quarlerly I . u e an appr vm Sgt Van Tiem said that the Enjoy natural pelier, Indiana. Pre v i 0 u s y fund-raising plans tll finance . good the losses and damages. . .. on March 31, Iune 30, September 30 and December prepared kineoscopes are pro- such budget. Peace.ol.Mind Saving, 31. Tho money is added to your account, and stans shoulder jected on special equipment "nd A deta:led report of the earning MORE money immediately. Open a D & N transmitted over several chan- Mason PTA-sponsored summer PT.;: :.<: . .' 1 III All I!. 72. Year savings account today. Money in by !he 10th earns Hi6lory-D.'roi! a suit The suit of nels, all being on the air simul- school for gifted children will from !he first 01 !he month. . Grace North.rll }UU lIevor contemporary appeal taneously an'd broadcasting di!- be presented. This program .rn;••• rl paying a in the good taste ferent lessons designed for di!- wa'; conducted on an experi- uiriJenJ ferent age groups. Defer School mental basis this past summer Thomas that is ageless. is receiving lessons via two of and consisted of two groups Formerly o! Ballet Russe. the channels, 7 and 76. which met every weekday morn. French Ballet and Radio City from 65.00 lIlusie Hall. DOWNTOWN: Delroil ~~d Northe,~ Bldg, 1133 Criswold. Principal Jack Darvill stated ing for five weeks for concen- Monday Ihrough Thursdll. g A.M. 10 ~ P.M. Frid,y ~ A.M. 10 & P.M. that channel 76 was functioning trated study of subjects in ;. Serio!Js Study of Detroit &.~ ! ! very well and a good picture which the particIpants showed !. was being received. He said speciat interest and ability. ' Classical Ballet technic!)1 difficulties were still One group conslsled of 15 L and'Spanish your neare5t D {, N office ~~~ affecting channel 72, however. third and fourth grade children \ - Northern 19307 Mack, North of M oross Road j I SAVINGS ~~~1Htwf and it was broadcasting at less. who took part in a science I Hours: M.n. thru Thu". 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Classes in Tap f~U;~ij than full power and the image workshop. The second group Fri 9:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ~«;~'-~ ... ._~ being receIved was not satisfac- was made up of 11 fifth and and Modern Jazz Home Office tory In all respects. sixth grade students who work. Enrollments begin al 4 yrs . Hancock, Mich. ':'". Sa" o! age. e, .:::. J • vings ill5urcd .iJ Agency 1259 Washington Blvd. The airplane is in tile air ed with creative writing. Mari- '0 SIO,OOO by U. S. Gov', DETROIT daily. Monday through Thurs- ann Kalb, HollYWOOd avenue, 17430 HARPER day. Several other programs in was the parent coordinator of WO 2-5191 which there undoubtedly would the unique undertaking. TU 5.1604 .illl Tlmtl ("'1 OIJ Oel1lX.LH~ PrmIllslIrI Hmlll W-CIJlRacllt-lI30 en Ym O..r 92 Kercheval-on the Hill be local intere:;t are scheduled The membership will have its TU 1.0404 at inopportune times and can't first opportunity to meet A. GROSSE POINTE- be used. Mr. Darvill said some Lawrence Gagnon, new prinei- TU 2-8070 of these are a pro g l' a m of pal of Mason, and nine other ,Mathematics for the Gifted and staff members who are new to -_.~~.':~;~::.~:I!'{~..."';¥.?"=,~:~~'-.'~. -"---;:--'~'~7"""".---" the school this year. 71'

PROCLAMATION eHET SAMPSON The Woods council on Mon- day, September 18, approved a resolution. to be signed by suggests a thrift vacation in Mayor Kenneth Koppin, that will proclaim the week of Sep- tember 24. as "Better Literature for Youth Week." The procla- mation was invited by the Grosse Pointe Council of Better Europe Literature for Youth. this fall or winter Grosse 17 Days ••• from $44500 Pointe News Including all transportation, hotels, breakfasts, PabU5hell every Thunday by Anteebo Publish erll. lue. transfers, sightseeing and entertainment. 99 Kercheval Avenue Grosse Pointe 36, MichIgan MANY ITINERARIES FROM WHICH TO . Phone TU 2.6900 Three Trunk Lines CHOOSE, WITH DAILY DEPARTURES. Enterell ao second cla.s matter &1 lba post ollice. Detroit, Micblgan anileI' the act of Mar.h 3, 1897, Call or See Us for An)' or All of Your Tra~'el Needs SubscripUon Rates: $4.00 Per Year by Mati ($S.OO 0 u t 5 Ide Wayne County). All News and Adv~rtlslng Copy Must Be In The News OUice by Tuesday Noon to Insure In. Elegant Nin,ty-Eight HolirldY Sporf$ SerldD Chet Sampson Travel Service sertton. 100 Kercheval, on the Hill TUxedo 5.7510 Address all Man (Subscrtptlons, Change of Addrel'S, Fonns 3579) to: Any way you look at it, there's "something extra" 99 Kercheval Avenue. Grosse Pointe S6. Michigan. about aIds for '62! V-S performance, right across the 'there's "SDIIIIETHING EXTRA" line • ; • from engines that deliver up to 345 h.p.1 about olNning an DLOE;' Smooth action of Oldsmobile's 1962 4-S Hydra-Matic. Sometimes gentlemen :; • the performance transmission with'the solid new Magnificent new Nlnety.Elghts .•• superb new Super 8Ss••• "feel"! Suspension refinements, that put new ride (and ladies, too) dazzling Dynamic 88s •." fun to drive F.8lS.... plus stunning and roadability in every model! Sporty new styling- new Starflresl Olds offers them all with spectacular inside and out-that mirrors the excitement should prefer bonds e • 0 v.a performance .. , sporty trend.settlng style ••• you'll find behind the wheel!

Because of the daily excitement that stocks create plus a new concept of qua11ty and Tellablllty that Visit your Oldsmobile Quality Dealer for a personal with fast-action quotation changes, bonds often go introduction to the cars with "something extra") unnoticed. That is unfortunate, for there are attrac. makes every Oldsmobile a car of superloTlty I t:hJrJord ", Ni~~~!ipltl end Skirt" .odtlJ, o~IfOllaJ01 .dro ~o" .. Dr"""." IS" tive bond issues which would fit snugly into the port- 1_ as o'td '.85"od.1o. folios of many gentlemen (and ladies, too). ,,4, -,::<;~,""".,..,.....,.,..,..., ...... ,...... -_ ...... _---~-- There are, of course, many different types of bonds, some of which offer decided advantages for 1 .. investors. For one thing, bonds usually provide a F-85 Cutlass Conver.tible fixed, regular income. They normally are less subject Tn a class by itself to fluctuation than common stocks. And there are ... in the low-price field! tax-exempt bonds \',:hich can be advantageous for those in higher income brackets. We have complete information about the char- acteristics of the many bond issues available to investors, so why not stop in, and talk about bonds. Y.ou may find that you prefer them.


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} t Thursday, September 21,1961 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three THIEF TAKES SPARE in the Woods Theater lot, som~-I Fal'lllS Suhml.ts William Ri('kerman of 22516 one cut the top and the boot Edgewood, told Woods police at the rear of the car to enter B 'ld' }:l"-t New Teachers View Construction on Sunday. Scplember 17, that the trunk and steal lhe spare 111 Ing\.cpOI whilll his convllrtible was parkcd tire and wheel. ) om:'0,'::=c:~~~~::~7~ping Bikes j A monthly building report 'i:. I ('ily police caught a 13-year- The youth had removed submitted to the Farms council '.'1:,: "Id Detroit juvenile taking three red reflectors, a lock, and on Monday, September 11, by ~ : part, off bicycles at ~aire a fender mud guard from the City Engincer Murray M, Smith, "'~ : School on Wednesday, Sept- bikes, " 'j ~ .. _,--,------revealed that the value of con- ,I r' stl'Uctions since January 1 was just under the two million You are cordially invited to visit dollar mark, .~~-J: According to the report, '17 various type permit.~ Were r~,~:'i~fL':/ ' he gnmted since the first of the ,/,,"4;'iF. (;UUI)JIIS ye:lI', and these have a total Sltol) value of $1,999,950, '/1;~~i8: ! Now in the Village (;¥ I From January 1 through Au- The By-Word in Smartness gust 31, the Building Depart- ';,,1-'~:/) 'l , 1'1 "i (/1/([ Style for tbe ment approved 64 miscellaneous " f .1,', f I building permits, valued at $220,950; seven residential (1)n- J~:~~:IT('''''g J."~II' struction permits, worth $311,- COllie ill ilnd see tbe most ulliqlle (md differenJ 000; three permits for business i\ ':,:,:;1,~,~:~ k~{' :;.::-; 1', ;'j ; ~fi,: I f'(lifi('("<, va1l1l'ct at $155,000; :lIJd three permits fOl' construction Ivy ~'I,op of nonassessable properties, eost- ing $1,313,000. For 1'0/11 During the month of August, nine miscellaneous permits, val- Complete ued at $74,000, Were issued; one Fall Wardrobe permit ,for the construction of a $30,000 residence; and one permit for a $5,000 business GC) CJ\ilIPUS place addition. No requests were received for permits for nonassessable build- Come in for your ings. The residence permit was is- FREE BOOK COVERS sued for a new homo:! at 177 Eat'l court; 1',nd the ,permit for Ni;: ~.i ; '" the business building is at 88 While progress on the Ferry School six-room addition is not all that might Kercheval. the C}\~IPUSSHOP A permit was approved la~t be hoped, the new wing is taking shape. PRINCIPAL EDWIN WENDT took time month for' the demolition or an out recently to show two new-comers to his staff, MRS. HELEN CALEHUFF, 2nd 'The Style Center far the YOtl1lg Mtm" old home at 225 Muir road, grade teacher (center) and MRS, HELEN' HARMISON, Music teacher, about the f 7045 Kercheval-in the Village TV 4-4590 project. School and construction officials are still hopeful that the badly needed. rooms will be ready for US~ sometime next month. Cultivate kindness and CQur- tesy-it's part of the business ------* * * of life, Peaslee Calehuff has joined the To Show Fil,us Ferry SchOOl staff from the Of Her T,'avels lVl0 n t 0 u I' S vi 11e, Penn., area don't guess about schools. A native of Connecticut, she graduated from 'Williams- GUNS, The m 0 nth 1y "Meet The port High School and Lycoming Travellers" series at the Grosse College, both in Willi ams (1Ort, AMMUNITION, Pointe War M emori al will Pa. 'She has also taken extension present pictures and com- work under the auspices of GAME, mentary on communism's bor- Pennsylvania State University, TARGETS ... derland, Hungary and Yugo- Leadership talents have been slavia, on Friday evening, ably ctemonsirated ill state edu- September 29, at 8 o'clock any phase of shooting! cation association act i v i tic s, when Airielle Kuhn shows her planning county institutes, and Make tracks to our pictures of these countries and heading curriculum study groups tells of her experiences there, in the Montoursville schools. , , !~ .';~~5 Beginning with Ljubliana. She loves animals and states her WINCHESTER the large Slovene clty in 'Yugo- ";..•. <':. home is knee-deep in cats and slavia, the pictures will move dogs. ' GUN .. to Serajero famous as the place ADVISORY which precipitated the First Mrs, Helen Harmison is the World War when the Austrian new music teacher at Ferry Archduke was shot there. It School this fall. A westerner, CENTER is also renowned for its beau- she was born in Montana, gradu_ tiful moslem mosques as it is ating from Great Falls High a Mohamrnr.dan city, School and Northwestern Uni- The audience will then vi- versity of Montana. Previous cariously enjoy a steamer trip tea chi n g experience included along the Adriatic coast from service in the Yonkers, New Dubrovnik, the ancient Roman York, schools, Big Timber, Mon- walled city, which houses many tana, and Plains, Montana, a of the works of Mesttovie, the total of four years in all. Mar- famous Yugoslav sculpture and ried, her family includes three It's headquarters for the lno- is the setting - of Dioeletian's lovely daughters. Mary, 13, and swers 10 your questions, pro b- fabulous palace, to the sea'port Bette Anne, 11, are enrolled in lems, needs ••• for every kind of Split. This entil'", CQast Pierce Junior High, and Nancy, of shooling fun and eVf!rykirid rivals in beauty the Italian 7, is at Defer School. • of fan, beginntr or old-timer. II's backed byall the unsur- Riviera with its cliffs, villas passed, praclical experi- and olivr. groves. ence and know-how of Miss Kuhn will next take her th e first and finest name vie w e I' s through hill towns in fll'ear111S:WillChester. steepe~ in local color where Whether you're looking the inhabita'nt.~ still wear their CAMERA SALON for a gun or just for infor. native CQstumes, to Bled which mation. we'll be glad to be was formerly the summering of service. place of the Austro-Hungarian 24.Hour monarchs. Come ill Journeying to Budapest on soon the now extinct Orient Express Service and Miss Kuhn found some of the Slides, Movies and POINTE get traces of gaiety for which that Black and White Prints acquainted. city was formerly noted, but kitchen center, inc. there was an over

Page Four G R 10 SSE POI N TEN E W S Thursday, September 2", '19bl"

fled before polke 8rrll'ed, the Iman in the area. Schmidt was I both were arrested at their Woods Treasury Enriched Two Blu.glal's investigating otI\cers obtained a arrested at his home. and later homes by Park and Detroit po- IIear Sentences description of Schmidt from a ilnplicatc'd his two companions, lice. _ $34,194 Through Lot Sales glllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111UUla Two Detroit men were found ~ Store Hours: 9:30 to 5:30 Mon. thru Sat. The Woods treasury coffers the lots, whether in cash or guilty of burgtarizing a Park ~ will be enriched by $34,914, land contl'acts (including in- grocet'Y store last May 13 and ~ from the sale of public-owned teresls) will go into the general June 3, at a hearing held before I~ drainage lots abutting Craig fund in the Woods Treasury, it Che'ster P. O'Hara, presiding ~ avenue, In Ule Grosse Pointe was disclosed 1>y Woods City judge of the Wayne County Cir- g ~IILI~I~n~s Counu'Y Club Woods 3ubdivl- Administrator William Lange, cult Court, on Wednesday, Sep- ~ sion. l~he lots arc .located at Each bidder was required to tenlber 13, ~ the Woods-Harpcr Woods boun- deposit 10 percent of his offer NUIISEBY Gllllty WeI'e TiMothy nagap. ~ dal'y line. . to purchase. The unsuccessful 19, of 6203 Iowa. and Russell ~ On Monday, Septcmbel' J8, bidders had their deposits re- 15701 24 Mile Road Gragg, 22, of 1254 Lakewood, ~ Bet'l'l'ccn North Ave. the Woods council accepted the turned to them. and van Dyke (M.53) offers of six suecesfljl high lJid. Both wel'e placed on three ~'(!'ars ~ 51 1.7631 Among the stipulations set probation, during which they ~ del'S for the lots. Nine bids down for thl' sale of the lots. The Largest Nursery in Macomb County were made, tlu'ee of them by must not drink alcoholic bever- ~ is that the new owners must ages, they must make reslitu. ~ one person for three separate instal! 'a concrete sidewalk five lots. His bids were rejected. lion for the thefts and damage, ~ feel in width along the easterly to the store owners, and also ~ Unsuccessful bidder for the, line of Craig avenue adjacent pay $200 court costs. ~ choice lots was Arthur H. Couv- to the lots, including the side- reur of 21224 .\[adison, SI. Clair walk intersection, all in accol'd- Anothcr youth, Michael A. ~ Shores, who as a compromise, anee with specifications set Schmidt, 17. of 865 BalTington, ~ agreed to purchase lot 228. forth by Harper Woods, where- who was with Ragap and Gragg g Prestwick and Craig, for the ill the sidewalks will be lo- during both hurglaries, was per- ~ sum 01 ~5,;iOO. 'l he lot was ad. cated. lIIilleu tv joiu the Al'UlL'u Sel'v- ;: vertised for sale, ,but no bids Also, the new owners shall ices, before the trial date, on the Best Loved were offered for it. . pi'ol'ide and maintain a grass condition he mend his ways. The aew owners of the other Information Hive'll to Park po- Rose Pal/em lawn betwc'en the west line of five lots, the lot locations and the bls and Ihe east line lof the lice from the circuil rourl, reo of A II Time ••• the purchasing priCtS, are: pavement on Craig, except TILTf NEW StANT -:1-- - Richard Szjback of 1991 where the sidewalks are in- ON CLOCHE SHAPING ••• the Severn rOed, Lot 229, Severn stalled. and Craig. $5.725; Dominic Tile pavement installed in side-dipping, high-rising !llancini of 12931 Dixie, Detroit, Craig avenue will be without ~;;~~The trio~~~first':!~::~~~:::;broke inlo the' ======_1=_===-_ HEIRLOOM. profile follows the direetion Lot 329, Seves;n and Craig, expense to the pm'ehasers, it Fairfilx Market, 899 Beacons. STERLING $5,500; Arthur A. Ulmer of was stated in the agreement. field, on May 13, and took $600 new hat fashion is taking. This 1989 Broadstone, Lot 330, in cash. The market Is owned f Broadstone and Craig. $,913; by Socrates and Charles Cosmos Is your autumn look ••• soft, lush James Russo Of 1990 Broad- I Kerby P.T.A. of 3491 Balfow', Detroit. Millinery Salon imported veloul'l, bearing the slone. Lot 421. Broadstone and The second time the youths Craig, $6,126; and Emil Ulmer First Floor Jacobson's label. 16.98 25°/0 1939 Broadstolle, Lot 422, Lit- ~1eets MondllY tlestone and Craig, $6,100. savings The f I rs t Parent - Teacher . Both Couvreur and Russo =~======_! meeting' of the 1960-61 school ::r~~ev1~~:~::~~1:~:~~n~~:i=_wel'e arrested within 16 hours SE'TTINGS\ offered identical bids for Lot E alter the robbery, PL/I,C Est 421, but the council favored ~'ear will be held on Monday SERVING PIECocK' Russo because the lot adjoined evening, September 25. All Ragap, Gragg and Schmidt fl.NO OPEN ST • his residential property and be- classrooms will be open for cause Russo had been maintain- visitation between 7:30 and 1""""""""111"111""""'""""""""111"111'"11111111111111111111'" - ing the lot, keeping it free of 8:15. Parents will have an op- weeds and debris, for a length portunity to meet with teach- ers and examine samples of For a limited time onlg- of time. All the monies received from their, children's school work. we offer you this extraordinary Members of the P.T.A. Execu- opportunity to buy and enjoy tive Board will be Introduced at SPECIAL. '... the timeless beauty of Damask this meeting. This governing Rose, carved in ageless solid SEE ••• body of the Kerby P.T.A. in- silver. At worthwhile savings. cludes George Cartmill, presi- SOFY, SUPPlE, ALLIGATOR lao! Whether you add to your "Marry Mary" dent; Charles Parcells, vice- collection of Damask Rose president; Mrs. Clinton Scharff, i "A Far CountryJ! t>r slart a new one,- you'll secretary; Mrs. Panfilo Di- HANDBAGS 37.50 find what you need here! (plus tox) "Carnival" Loreto, treasurer; and Trustees A FEW EXAMPLES OF DAMASK ROSE SAVINGS. Mrs. George Goodheart, Mrs. Plus 2 New Shows Paul Huston, Walter Schmitt There's nothing quite as wardrobe complimenting Reg. SALE ( 4 PIECE PLACE SETIlNG_ By accompanying and Miss Nancy Dilloway. consisting of teaspoon, knife, Principal Dr. Custer Homeif'r as genuine, alligator. Shown is one of five styles fork, salad fork $26.5l> $19.87 Marcelline will introduce all members of TEASPOON 4.75 3,56 Hemingway Sa~ford the teaching staff. A filmstrip- TABLE SPOO~f 11.00 8.25 on her sound 20 minute presentation all with leather linings, gold clasp and frame, of the National Education As- COLD MEAT FORK 13.50 10.12 IIFaU Broadway' sociation "Your Child's Intel- and sleek over-the-top handle. Black or brown. rv~ry Hllm of Damask Rose Is aval1ah''l at 25% lavlngsl Theater Tour" ligence" will be shown to par- ents and teachers. . Coma III ot phone for CIcamplel. /l5IIng. October 23.27 IfradanwklOfOMeida Ud. prl~ Incl. Fed, Tax Following the general meet- A wonderful valuel 5 Days-5 different shows ing, a social hour for parents and teachers will be held in Price-$h60 the gymnasium. Mrs. Owen per person Keeler and Mrs. Emerson How- ard, social committee chairmen, Inc!udes: have appointed Mrs. Henry RT Jet-Holel Van Eckhoute to arrange for Choice sr.:ats table decorations, After-theater party The following fathers will as- Shopping lime sist in serving l'efreshments: For reservations, call Herbert Bartlett, Thomas Hal- lock, Emerson Howard, John TWO HOUR FREEPARKING-Tickets Validated When You Make a Purchase Chaffee & Landcaster Par~, Thomas Spalding, Rich- i 16835 Kercheval Travel Consultants ard Speer, John Williams and ~1II1I11l1ill/il/llllmIIllIlIllJlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111::111111111111111,: .I'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1II11111111111111111111111111l111lUIIIIIIIIIU Bayard Wilson. ; Store Hours: 9:30 to 5:30 Mnn. thru Sat. -in the Village 2463 Guardian Bldg. Detroit 26 GETS SALARY BOOST GROSSE POINTE Farms City Manager Sidney WO 5.4545 DeBoer informed the city eoun. cil on 1.Ionday, September 11, that Carl Commerson, water plant operator at the Water Filtration Plant, Morass and Lake Shore, sucCessfully passeci a State Department of Health examination for a Class uF_3" Certificate, According to city policy, holders of such certifi- cates are given a raise. Com- merson's salary was boosted from $6,236 to $6,339 a year,

CONTRACT PAYMENT The Farms council on Mon- day. September 1.1, approved payment of $6,500 to Floris De- l\tculenaere, for curb repair and sidewalk replacements through- Ollt the cit~'. Payment was rec- I ommended by City Engineer I :'I!urray I\I. Smith. according to i contract.

Michael Webb, of 364 Ri..ard, reported to City police on Wednesday, September 6, that in the past two weeks someone took a tire and wheel from the 1 ('ar of his 1961 Ford station I. agon. The loss \l,'as valued at $40.

Complimentary to all New Comers- a Welcome A Message on Kitchens Wagon basket Introducing ... beautifUi sehemers! If you are thinking of modernizing your kitchen why not call of gifts and the firm with the most experience in this type of work. We have greetings OUR NEW "COLLECTOR'S GROUP" OF ARIA DESIGN RUGS planned, installed and supervised kitchen installations for the past 25 years. from your civil; BY CABIN CRAFTS Since 1876 minded I Give your decorating talents full play! Define a dining area, conversation group, a [ltOf. ~It~ ' merchants. reading corner '... pave the path from one room to another with beauty! Everything ~_~..'::. •....:~ --1_ I..... i.~. __ .r = about these area rugs is exceptional: color combinations that sing, textures that lure Local Authorized Dealer '" Call: TU 4-5628 you to stroke them, a fabulous array of fibers, designs that are masterpieces of line and proportion. Come and see them .•• you'll be enchanted! TU 5.4817 TU 5-0994 , J{r. 'Jif~~"'~~f~~1!r:!' . i • c •. \ .' INCORPORA TED .Ja~obsons t \. ; 13141 HARPER AVENUE I Home Decorative Shop Phone LA 6-7500 WELCOME WAGON i:7 i TWO HOUR fREE PARKING-Tickets Validated When You Make q Purchase I Thursday, September 21, '196 r GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five Monteith PTA Meets Sept. 25 Bishop of II aiti Cases 11earl1 TROUBLED DRIVER Wednesday, September 13, The At theil' first P.T,A. meeting ent of Grosse Pointe' Schools, Cut Way Through Pearly Gate James Lukas, 19, of 1338 Not- judge will hear a second charge of the year, parents of Monteith discuss "Is It College OJ' Noth- To Preach IIere In City Court tingham, was fined $5 for ig- against Lukas, driving while School children will have the ing?" . '4% ~ . "l noring a stop street sign, He his operator's license was sus- privilege of hedl'ing 01'. Elven The meeting has been sched. was found guilty of the charge pended, on Wednesday, Sep. The Reverend Edgar H, Yeo- ". :11 Judges Joseph P, Uvick ,md Duvall, Assistant Superintend- uled for Monday, SeptC'mber 25, d, .... hy Park Judge C, Joseph Delan. tpmller 27, Lukas was arrested man, Hector of St. I\'lichael's 'l!li! ;, I Douglas L. Paterson heard the -._------,~ :" ge'l' following a hear;ng hl'ld on on Tuesday, Septemher 12, Episcopal Church, has invitpd ,_ j I CIty court cu~es on Tuesday, as the special preachcl' for npxt : September 12. Sunday, Septemt)['r 24, the 1 j Judge Uvick found Thomas Right Heverpnd Charles Alfred 11 S. Mulrenin, of 21100 Bon Voegeli, Bishop of Haiti. lie will Brae, St. Clair Shores, guilty I preach at both the 9:30 and of driving through a red light 11:15 services, I and fined him $7.50. E SA~£! /' The sentence of V. A. Lane, Bo\dw,n Born in Hawthorne, N. J., D Bishop Vopgeli is a graduate of l 'I of 4(j04 Cadieux, was susJlcnd- Orga1l.S Upsala College, New Jersey Law I " pd by Judge Uvick. She was r , I found guilty of making an im- fl- 110S • School and th(' General Theo-'I A S .-ta ' •. Canl.P logy Seminary, having ret'eivcd . proper turn causing an ,H'ci. I his degree of Do(.tol' of Sacred dcnt. 1 •P 0 C Recita\ and 1'1llSt Theology from that institution i All thp oth('r ('as('s \\'('1'(' I P Also roa.ny Used pianoS in 1945, Followjng his ordina- tl'ied hy Judge P"terson, ", N StudIO d Organs an tion, ill~scrvcd as Vicar of St, Michael Van Lokeren, of 725 i L Andrew's Church, Harl'ington Grand !\larais, paid $35 for' P'lrk, N. J. ,Rector of st. liar- rccklpss driving ('ausing an ac- i I S Surrounded by a million dollar collection of tholomew's, Hokukus, N. J., and ciden!. ' E diamonds, .TACK .T Wi\ TN(; F',R, ~'<:'cop.d from ri;;!l(, A Dc.:..n 0[. S!. Luh,,', C"U'CUJ'ilJ, nol;i...r~ ,.\. V,'jJ lhJ vI i2::i7: Ancon, Panama Canal Zone, be- s tea cI i e d a rope of pearls fOI' COUNCILMj\N Hampton, was found to be not! N R ing eleded as Bishop of Mis. DAVID M, BURGESS to cut, durjn~ formal open- guiily of reckless driving. C V sionary District of Haiti in ing ceremonies at Wright Kay and Company's new Opie S. Harrison, of the December, 1953, Grosse Pointe branch, 17051 Kercheval. The firm, U,S, Coast Guard, was found E I guiily of I'eckless driving but Having lived among the Hait. of which Mr, Wainger is president, is celebrating its S C his sentence was suspender.. ian people for nparly 18 years, lOath year, MARGE BURGESS, left, and her twin E he is devoted to them and to his MADGE THOMAS, are wearing some of the Cen- DOI"othy J, My i in, of 904 work, and feels he is cxlI'emely Berkshire, was fined $15 for in- tennial Collection of diamonds. These pearls were terfering with moving traffic fOI.tunate to have the Opportun- just for laughs, KITCHENS OF CHARM AND CHARACTER ity to sel'Ve in this extJ-aordin- causing an accident. ary and wonderful tountry. John J. Corsi, of 1699 Loch- , BY moor, was fined $20 for drunk Bishop Voegeli, who is in Dc. I(i lvanis Club Pellnut Sale driving, He was also placed on CURTIS MOWER trait for the General Com'en- six months probation with no tion of the Episcopal Church, pleasure driving and no drink- 18538 MACK ot TOURAINE Acrosonic now in session al Cobo Hall, French To Benefit Needy Children ing and had to write a 100- PrOVincial was a classmate of the Rector word essay, TU. 5-3206 of SL Michael's, and was pre- The Grosse Pointe Kiwanis sional men in the Woods have Roberta Jane, of 7714 Sylves. • These fine instruments used only this If YOllr Kitchen Is Unbecoming to YOIl, sent for the ground-breaking of Club members will be out in contributed toward the cost of tel', Detroit, was found not season for concert, recital and music the prese n t c h urc h. fulI force tomorrow and Satur- the peanuts.' All monies re- guilty of shoplifting and the YOlt Should Be Coming to Us, camp ensemble teaching. Many ~pecially day, September 22 and 23, to tase wa,; dismissed. The public is cordially in- ceived from' the sale will go selected by. Mr. Harold Tallman, for the sell peanuts to raise funds for directly into tlte club's treasury, vited to attend either Of these famous Bay View Assembly at Petoskey, underpriVileged childrell, and wi!! be used 10 assist under- services. Michigan, Warren DeCook, peanut sales pl'ivile'ged children. chairman, said that club melll- Interest and enthusiasm are Store Hours: 9:30 to 5:30 Mon. thru Sat. • This is the time t'! make a thrifty piano bel'S will be located on the being stimulated withhl the purchase. STILL DRIVING main business corners in the club by offering a trophy to • Excellent choice of models and finishes Frank J. Saile III of 165 Ven- Woods on both days, from 7 the person who collects the to blelld with every decor . dome' road, whose operator's li- a.m, to 10 p.m, gl'eatest amount 'from the sale' cense was recently repoded sus- Woods Mayor Kenneth Kop- o( peaputs. A beautiful trophy let it rai~ • New guarantee with every sale instru. pended by the Secretary of pin, at a council me'eting held has been donated. ment State's Office in Lansing. for on 1\londay, September II, Citizens are urged to be gen- \ • You will receive the highest trade allow- failing to appear for reexamina- issued a proclamation designat • erous with their donations when snow, blow ••• ance on your present piano or organ tion, had his driving rights rl!- ing Saturday, September 23, as buying from their favOl;te sales- store'd on August 16, when his "National Kids' Day'" in the man. • NO OUTSIDE F!NANCING ••• We failure to appedr charge was Woods. Tlte money received from the preteeners <:rre carry your contract at Less Tha n Bank reduced to "Instructions Given." Many business and profes- sales will be used (or heart Rates. operations, purchase of eye glasses, gifts fQl' hospitalized reody for weather's FOR EVERY BOY 6 THRU lO! children, hearin8 aid repairs, Sale Prices f"od for needy faQIilies, sum- m~r camping facilities, and W

TO EACH HER OWN PRINCESS! Like to surprise the lady (Jf your life with something lovely as a princess, yet. s~::f and' rash Burner practical as a telephone? Well, you can, easily and eco. I~I Burns Leaves Without Burning Your Lawn j~ nomically with the Princess phonel Mother, teen-ager or l.g grandmother will love the Princess. It's little, it's lovely, ~~ and the dial lights up in the dark I Comes in five r.egal ., I~

colors, too. Order hers from our business office today, , j 1~ ,0"11 ;1 . . l~ : ,- : :~:• """$ : i~ :

TWO HOUR FREEPARKING~Tickets validated when you make a purchase .,

.. L ------...--- ...---- ...... -- ... --- ...... '... 3••••------.2••.2.2.2••• 2'11

Page Six GROSSE' POINTE NEWS Thursday, September 21", r 961'

B,.ownell PT A Meets Sept. 28 Altland; a brothel' and two T. BerthIaume, and a Ill'other, ginia MIlI'y; five daughters, Mrs. sisters, Arthur J. Fecteau. Marie Johnson, Mrs. Freda Maz. The Brownell P.T.A. will hold school work. sen. teaehel' vice president; !III's. C)HI "1"IJ AD I ES Services Were Saturday. Sep. Services lI'ere Monuay, Sep. zola, Mrs. Josephine Golla, Eve. its first meeting of the 1961.62 Coffee wlll be served ill the Joseph G. Black, Jr., secretary; tember 16, and burial was in temoel" 18, ut Verheyden Fu. lyn and Debra Ann; two brolh. season, a "School ~ Sehe. cafeteria throughout the eve. H. Donald Bliss. treasUl'er; Ar- Woodlawn Cemetery. nel'al Home and 81. Ambrose ers, Joseph and Bartlo; four sis. dull''' night, on Thursday eve. ning. JAlIIES i\J. SURBROOK I agel' when he I'etlred in i957, thur L. Watts, Jl'.. past pI'esi...... Church. IntC'l'mC'nl W1\S in !VII. terJ, Mrs. IIIary Nieatse, Mrs. Jo. A native of Jackson, Mich., Earlier he was president of the ning, September 28. I Parents of aU Brownell Jun- E. Olivet Cf!luetery. Ann Pantak, Mrs, Catherine Ohr dent; and Charles Sattzer, James 1\1. Surbrook, 57( died at Detroit Steel Sales Co. WILLIAM J. BRUECKl\IAN Following a short business ior High school students are principal. and I\lrs. Vita Sperling; and his home, 1059 Berkshire, on MI'. Montee was born in Lu. Mr. BI'ueckman, 75. of 485 .. " .. meeting in the gym at 7:30 cordially invited to be present CARLO YENNA seven gl'1Hldchildren. Working; closely with the Slillday, Septembel' 17. zerne, N. Y., and had lived in NeH, died Thursday, Seplcmber o'ctock. parents will \'islt aU the by the P.T.A. Board of Direc. Carlo (Ch

" ...... -.... ---.~-~-~".:.:~.~,~- ..... --_ .... -:' ". .~~. ...t'~~i\:z ;~l: ,+ you , -:: pick it-

" . " we'll put you in it


, " ,. ~ » . ~'." ,~'

:.::': \"~l' ' , ;.', ~

',,' " The first step to college When that brand-new model in your dealers showroqm steals your heart, let us put you behitld the wheel with a In just 12 years this first grader may be quick, convenient auto loan. You get our low bank rates. '" entering college. When your child is ready .... and our experience can save you both time and effort. TeU will you be ready too? You will if you save regularly with us. Excellent returns on your your dealer you want to go with Detroit Bank cg. Trust or savings will help them grow-and your see us yourself. savings will be insured by a U.S. Government Agency-the FSLIC. the Most Experienced Bafik in town Kercheval near St. Clair , \ ' . ',', , Be Money Ahead Grosse Pointe DETltOIT BANK &"~RUS'T . 3~% at First Federall , - : - w'1Ii\t:Br.,.mfC CWl'cnt Rate COPYRIG!i1' 1~, nt'& OtTROIT ~a""8'U,r iCfor.-t,AoIN'

~, I Thur~day, September 21, 1961 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven wish to share with your chll- ley, Mr. Cragg, !\liss Arms, Mr. dren. all the bllSis of a good Conley, Mr. Kimber, and Mr. Pleads Guilty Boggs was placed on PfOba-1 costs of $50, and ordered to 1 of the va!'le of the goods he GPUS News Notes mllny ycars of experience I ion COl' or.(! year, pay court make restitution In the amount tried to take. would say that our mosl sue- Arnold ',' . Mr. Beeler did To Store Theft '------.---.------__ -1.Ice'ssful studel.t Is the one- some fine cabinet-making for Grosse Pol nt e University t In that letler there is a sec- Who regal'ds school as an G.P.U,S. and then, with Mrs. Hoy Boggs, 39, of 611 Seldon, School began its 63rd year this ilion which mighl well be of ~portunlty and believes that Beeler, spent a month at their Detroit, entered' a plea of guilty PllSt Monday. Headmaster Jolin in IeI' est to the community in his performance at school is new home in Florida .. Miss to simple Illrceny llt a hearing Chandler, Jr., in his letter of, generllJ. In it Mr. Chandler importanl to him and hIs iu- Savery and Mrs. Lewis were held before Woods Judge Don greetings to the parents, ex- says: lure; Goodrow on Wednesday, Sep- )lressed great :.ntisiactlon with "To hell) set the mOod for who assumes responslbll1ty. . GbusyPUS'at Camp Saver,!' d ond •the tember l:i. th I I e sc 100 ,s I0t al performlillce school, lel me shire with you for his I'ecol'd - weerh th g 0od ....." campus.'. an ma e a 'l'h e orlg! na I c h ar g e 0f Iarcen~ ' last year and confidence in a few obsel'vations on the char- Or poor; , tll 0'11 eek illp to Bel muda . . . from a store was reduced to COmInGsoon! whllt the I students will achieve ueteristics of the successful stu-' who has a definite daily The Bellows family got back to simple larceny by Judge Good. in 196;.62. dent whit'h you, in tUI'Jl, may schedule for doing his home- their home state of Rhode Is. row on recommendation of

------'-- -.------"-.-. - ".. _. - work and a quiet, orderly and I land . , . MI'. Shreeman taught Ass!. Pros. Dale Devlin, when Iv"ell - I'ghtlees d d k a t II'h'Ieh t 0 I d' t., 1'h L h Boggs pled not guilty 10 the work; riveI' raln1l1g... e ync es hIgher charge, who shares with the family visited Quebec, and Miss Lock. Boggs was arrested by Woods waIT ann wear responsiblllt~, for his home by hart traveled through Nova police on Septemher 5, as he having some regulal" job 01' Scotia , . : Mr. Roberts man- attempted to leave Wrigley's / Z chore to perform; aged a beach club In West Fal- SU)lermal'ket. 19231 Mack ave. ~ who does not permit his so. mouth Massachusetts The nue. with a basral'l load of gro. cial life to get in the way of , ' . . . cerles and other items, worth Kercheval at St. Clair-in the Village his school work; Slmmonses drove to Pennsyl- a total of $55.49. whose parents show a genu- vania ana, 111 Grosse Pointe, did Roberl Armstrong, manllger DRBCLEanInG Thursdav. Friday. 5aturrlny ine interest in his activities at much studying in their own of the mark(>l. 1010 poli('(> t!JRt school; backyard on the new math em a- he observed Boggs watking whose home is a place where tics procedures they will be through the store and taking guod books abound and are teaching this year . . . Mrs. items off 1:le shelves and put- TruckJoad Sale! read by all members of the Ashul'koff spent some of her ling them into the carl. After family; time supporting the con~on the cart was loaded, Armstrong 20-Gal. Covered who takes pride in a personal candidacy of her father. (Re- said, Boggs bypassed a walling slandard of conduct which fea- suits of the election are not line of persons wailing to pay lures respect for adults and available as we go to press,) I for thci'r goods, and tried to consideration for the rights and I' . . Miss Fenech took sewing 1 leave the slore. Garbage Cans feelings of others." lessons and visited Washington, Armstrong Slopped the man . :rhe following teachers have D.C ... , Mr: Hindl~ toured the and called the poiice, who took , lomed the faculty at G.P.U.S. Southwest 111 statIOn wagons Boggs to the slation for inves- this year: with an assistant and some tigation and questioning. Upper School eight or ten ?OY$. .. 1\1.1'.Vail. Boggs told police that he Riker L, Ramsbotham, B.S. lancourt StudlC.d III Mexl.co . '. needed the things to _feed his Pre.galvanized 1951, Co 1 u m b i a Univefl;ity,' Mr. Kerr StudlCd at Pnneeton children, but police noticed M.A. 1955. (Histol')') Hoistra ',' . The Rose.nCelds toured that most of the items placed Hot Dipped College, joins the History de- \:es~e~n Europe ... 1\lrs, Har- in the cart were non-~dibles, partmenl. Mr. Ramsbotham I'IS jOllled ~ Choa~e School tour such as flashlight bulbs and Reg. $3.49 taught at SI. Paul's School oC the SO\let ~l1Ion .. " Mrs. the like. (Long Island N.Y.) and comes Hodgma~ st~dled at ,\ ayne Boggs was arraigned for ex- 3 Days Only! to G.P.U.S. ~fter six years at State U~lIvel'slty ... Mr. Shovel' aminalion before Judge Good- WATCH FOR GRAND OPENING the Lenox School (Mass.) where spent hIS 32.nd summer at Ca.mp row the same day, at which he was Helld of the Historv De- Te~umseh Ill. New Hampslllre, lime he ph.'d not guilty to the partment and coach of 'base- ~vhlle. Mr. El'lksen was spen?- first. charge, and the trial date ball. mg. hIS second at a camp m was set for September 13. -. ~:- ".;'; ',' Anastas J. Pazevie. B.A. 1961. Ma,l!I~ ... The Chandlers, ~s Wayne State University jOins al\la)s, spent .mueh oC thell' THIEF FINDS LOST KEY the Language Departm'ent to sun~mer al their horn: on the teach L f d . t' R Mame coast, and thiS Satur- A. C. Dickson, Jr., of 228 sian. Mr~ ';az:~ic ~~~~s b~~n a~:d da~', Septem.ber 16, Darcy Kenwood courl, called Farms o educated in Yugoslavia and C~a?dier,. WIth hel' mother police on Saturday, September T'hursday, Friday, Saturday Only! came to this country in 1955. dl'lvl~g WIth her to het~ her 2, and said that he is moving He served for three years in get .settled at college, WIll be into a new house at 185 Ridge LAUNORY AND CLEANI~JG VILLAGE th USA Int ll' leavmg for Wellesley. and had had a new door and 15 Varieties - Northern Grown e '. rmy e Igenee lock put on the house. One oC Corps, speaks six languages, the keys has been missing and and also is a champion soccer THE ANGLE since then the painter has lost Evergreens and player and coach. It may be true that figures four gallons of paint, a sander, Lower School don't lie, but it's also true that and two tWo...ioeh paint brushes. 24420 HARPER,Bet. 9 and 10 Mile Hardy Bushes Miss Anne M. O'Br~n, B.A. no two pel'ple figure alike. , Total value $100. 1953, Rosemont College (Pa.) _ and graduate study at the Uni- 12 to 30 inches c versity of Michigan, will teach tall 97 the fifth grade, girls' seclion. A resident of GroSbe Pointe and member of the Junior League of Detroit, 1\liss O'Brien has taught for eight years In the Lakeview public schools. She will replace Mrs. Rosenfeld who is moving up to the sIxth grade this year. Mrs. Elizabeth Walden, B.S. Drexel Institute of Technology, and study in education at MadI- son CoJ,lege (Va,), will teach the third grade, replaclng Mrs. Maitland. Mrs. Walden taught at the Harrisburg (Pa.) Aca- demy (three .years) and the Booth School, Rosemont, Pa. (two years) before moving with PRESENTING her family to Grosse Pointe this summer. Mrs. Carol S. Head. B.A, 1958, University of Michigan, takes over direction of the Drama- tics and Speech program for the Intermediate and Upper Schools. Mrs, Head majored in speech and theatre at Michigan and has taught for three years /962 at the Andrew Jackson Jr. High SchOOl in Detrott. Here are some notes, neces- sarily abbreviated and regret- tably incomplete, on what some of the G.P.U.S. faculty did this summer: Mr. Glimes and Mr. Arner drove to the West and 75 Northwest. They particularly liked San Francisco . . . Mr. t:J $69 and 1\lrs. McCann made their G.E. cushioned mounting ab- sorb5 Vibration; assures quiet A WIGLE INSTALLATION IS A annual trip to beloved Hawaii o~lation. TROUBLE.FREE INSTALLATION , .. Miss Ferguson taught en- It's Quick richment eour,es in mythology r..vo MODELS ExclLJsive cLJtter gels ,ot> done IF YOU DON'T ALREADY and elementary G I' e e k at in almost half the tjm. of HAVE A GARBAGE GRINDER G.P.U.S., as did Mrs. Welcen- mon disposers. call Wigle tor e,timote of Installo. I It's Quality tien m vour home. BanIsh garbage bach in creative writing and Sleek. modern styling. Over- odors, germs - moke hOLJSl!work Mr. Mott in French and (before Four-Door Sedan and America's only F~ur.Door Convertible all metal construction. Pro- Quicker end eosierl vides killeo. qLJiet operation, I.- ~ 'Ie took that trip) Mr. ArneI' in speed, strenllth. loog life. music appreciation . , . The uniform -gtindmg action summC'r school faculty were Mr. WITH 47 YEARS' OF EX. Trim, director, and Mrs .. Bram- PERIENCE WIGLE WILL DO A BETTER JOB fOR YOU AT NO EXTRA Rummage Sale PRICE. YOUR INSTALLA- TION WILL BE GUARAN. St. James TEED BY ONE OF THE Lutheran' Church BEST KNOWN PLUMBING McMillan at Kercheval t CONTRACTORS IN THE Grass.. Pointe MIDWEST. friday, Sept. 29 - 9:00 a'.m. t Thursday, September 27, 1961 1500 Potted MUMS For Fall Color

IN THE SALON OF e None 96 Higher 28 Varieties - All Colors The.re hen1tliful pln"'J nre rendy for )'01lr gardell!

Dutch Bulbs ON SALE NOW 130 Kercheval Avenue All Top Size! . TULIPS CROCUS DAFFODILS HYACJNTH TUxedo 1.5000 Ever Blooming Climbo" Very Choice Trees Reasonably Priced Clemoti. Reducod to Vinu in bloom $2.00 Call for Fi'ee Landscape Estimate S1.6S

24300 Harper Ave. PRescott 5.3455 Between 9 a"cl 10 Mile - 2 mile. straight off end af Ford Expressw(ly Open Daily and Sundays ~- ~ - ~-~~~------~-~------_._------_ ..------.------.. -.4~ lIIICa s.a s.. $.. c ,

Page r;ight GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, September 2'1','1961' Blue Devils Lose Opener Spa,.ta1l.,~ Defeat Winner. Receives Key to Sports Car Southfield, 7.6 St. Paul Football Team To AllIl- Arbor High, 21.13 Excitement and mid-season .'~IIIIIII"I Beats St. Thomas 46.6 The Grosse Pointe High ~lue Devils lost a hard thrills marked the opening ..' ~: ... SC Paul High School's football team tangled with fought football game last Saturday to Ann Arbor. As the games of the Grosse Pointe final gun sounded the score ri8d 21.13. Woods Spartans football team. """,. the St. Thomas gridders in the opening game Sunday on Ann Arbur scored twice in the~;-...:'------_ Playing under the lights at the Grosse Pointe High School field and chalked up a first quarter and onec in the vis suffered a broken elbow and Southfield, the Spartans faced most successful start with a 46-6 victory. second to makt' tilt' score at Dave Davenport sustained a 'a determined SouUlfield Jay After less than two minutes

... (

\ • ',' • I -- , - , • 7 . Thursday, Septem'ber 21, 1961 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine City to Award Pool Contracts Cleaning Village CaIneI'll Club Sludents Do Well' neeI' in New York; Plant Engl- t1vitles. Prior to his recent liP. neeI'; Plant Superintendent and pointment Crandall was national Final decision on the award- chance to study lhe warranties Opening Oct. H Meets Sept. 26 In Speci.ll Exauls Pointe Sewaren, New Jersey, and Oper- director of Slmca sales for ing of a contract far eonslt'uc. and speelIicalions oC the com- ations Manager in Minneapolis Chrysler Corporation. tion of a pool and bathhouse peting' companies. Contracts al the Norbert P. Neff Memorial werc divided inlo two see lions: Automatic, self-service dry Oscar Slewal.t will present his Scores attained in Advanced Business and Indianapolis before moving Norton S. Walbridge, chair- clellning arrIves here Odober to Detroit. Park was poslponed at a meet- Contract A, Cor the balhhouse Nature slide show, "Tbe Flora Placemenl examinatlons taken man, announced that at the ing of lhe Grosse Pointe City complele, and Contract B, for 3, wilh the opening oC a Norge and Fauna of 1Ilichlgail," at a last I\lllY by High School stu- He is married to the former meeting of the board of direc. Council on 1I1onday, Seplember lhe swimming pool, 2700 square Laundry and CleanIng Village. meeting of lhe Crosse Pointe dents, mOsl of them June, 1961 Notes Senla Dube. The couple have tors of Beauty Counselors, Inc., I R. Ceet of COnt'retc drive and 1800 Now local residents can ob- Camcra Club on Tuesday, Sep- graduales, have been released two childl'en, a son, Clark, who George T, Hall, executive vice- serve and use this new con- The Council fell thaI exIra s(~u~rc feel of 4-inch concrcte tember 26, at 8 p.m. The meet- to the High School, according C. J. Cowles, dil'ector of pro-" allends LafaueUe College and a president , was elected president sumeI' service which has swepl ing will be' held at the Neigh- to lhe ,'eporl of the Superin- fessional relations fOI' Parke. daughler, Dale, who allcnds af th e comp any to succ'eed Ells • time was needed to give the Iw~I:. ". . the country within the past borhood Club, 17145 Waterloo. tendent on Septembel' II. Davis & Company, was selected Drew University. worth Beeman who becomes city engineers and archileels a 1 he Council may decHle to year. n. award both conlrads to a single A social haUl' will follow the The eXilminations II'el'e de- to attend the Advanced It,[

On October 5, the members , HERSHEY!$ .FINE MEATS .,' of the Detroit Branch of 'the grille you can recognize a block away. Powered by the potent Trophy V-8, with 215 to 348 h.p. Woman's National Fann & Gar- EXTRA SPECIAL! den Association are to begin their fall season of activities by Beauflfu/ly poised 017 Pontiac's famous Wide- Track stance. We've even cut the turning radius a/3 WhO" having their first meeting at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. This is to be a luncheon meet- much as 3~ feet to make handling .easier. The result is a pride-pleasing new version of America's c ing beginning at 12 o'clock. The i;;r 99 exhibit committee has planned a most unusual program entitled Number One Road Car. Come on in-and let a Pontiac show you its stuff while it's showing you off! Tenderloin II. "Flowers In a Dual Role," Mem- bers are to bring flower' ar- rangements and paintings that i;;"O~Lamb. . 65& they have done, Theli2 Wide-Tracks are here! /!=~ For /I T/I sty, Nutritio[J~ Din ner! HiKE N' CAMP IDEAL FOR HUNTING, Strictly Fresh 3 Lbs. FISHING and HIKING Ground Beef $1.00 Biggest v.lut In 39~ Amulet tod'vt Com. I", - try " on. ~.Ir tod.yl Our Own Home M~de Strictly Fresh Country Style Pork Sausage 59~

U. S. Choice Hinds of Beef .... , . ....59~. Cut, Wrapped and Frozen This islhe ~I" silhouelle of Ihe BonneVIlle Spotls Cl:u~.

Come in Every Mor.day, Tuesday, Wednesday Av.lI.br. In 6" and I" For helghfs Our Mystery Special SEE ALL THE PONT lACS • CATALINA. STAR CHIEF. BONNEVILLE' GRANO PRIX. AND SEE THE PONTIAC VICTOR BORGE SHOW ON CBS. TV-SEPTEMBER 27

Largest Hik" n' Camp Dealer NOW ON DISPLAY AT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER 17045 Kercheval - in the Village in Detroit Area CHESTER TU 2.5777 FREEDELIVERY TU 2.5118 BOOT SHOP HOURS~ Mon. theu Thurs., 9 10 6 - Fri. tIC'll!!,," Press AssocJallon and National Edltor!al AssoelalloD • .. the excellent parking facilities. , . and th fne.nd- NATIONAL AD\'EHTJSING REPRESt:NTATI\'E Grosse Pointe Garden Center aud Library. 1\h's. 7 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Toastmasters Club-Meeting liness of the stores on the Hill. Delicious pampenl)g, Weekly NeWsll"per Representatives, Jne Leland Gilmour on duty Tuesday, Wednesday, and and Meeting 4().l Fifth Avenue. New York 19. New Yorl BR~'ant 9-7300 we think! For example, there are CHICAGO OFFICE Thursday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A volunteer eonsultant *7:30 p,m.-Memorial Bridge Club-Duplicate Bridge- 333 North !>lJehlj:anAvenue Phone FInancial 6-2214 000 . on duty Friday, 2 to 4 p.m. (TUxedo 1.4595) Mr. and Mrs.. Andrew Walrond; Directors Those Touches ROBERT B. EDGAR EDITOR and GENERAL MANAGER " '" '" \'8 p.m.-Special Adult Ballet Class-Mary Ellen Coop- of glamour ... the ways in which gift packages are MA'ITHEW M. GOEBEL .••...... ADVERTISING MANAGER 'l'hursday, Sejltember 21 er, Instruc:tor. The fee is $24.00 for twelve lessons. wrapped on the Hill. And, PATRICIA TALBOT ....•..•..•... FEATURE PAGE SOCIETY 9:15 a,m. to 11:15 a,m.-Jr. League Glee Club--Re- Call the Cen tel' to enroll. 000 JAMBS J. NJAIJ\l ...... _ .. NEWS hearsal JANET MUELLER , .. , _ ~EWS *8 p.m.-Pat Talbot Previews Her Forthcoming Book- What's New? 1~:20 p.m ..--Grossc Puil! tt: Du:>ill\:"~:;llIt:I1'sLunch~on A1UHUH H. BLYLER ADVERTISING "Tv lllt: Puinte ", a st.udy of Grosse Pomte, its citi- Those handsome black and white shopping bags, de. MARY LORIMER ADVERTISING "'1 p.m.-Flower Arranging Class-taught by Mrs. Rich- zens what it is. and how it came to be. The Grosse signed especially for the Hill.. Get one from one of JOHN McKENZiE •...••...•..... BUSINESS ard T. Gerathy, ledurer and demonstrator. Floral Poi~te PublicLs cordially invited. your favorite stores, on the HIll, soon. ALBERTA WILKE •.•.••.•.••.. :::LASSIFlED ADVEHTISlNG arrangemt:nt, dry arrangements, and unusual *8 p.m.-Current Developments in U.S. Foreign Policy 000 FERN GREIG ..•••••.••••••••...... " CLASSIFIED Christmas decorations will be included. Ten 2% JOA.NNE EASON ACCOUNTS -Russell Earnes, Instructor Did you know . FLORA HARDING CIRCULATION hour lessons are offered for $25. Enroll now as $: * ::( classes are limited to 15 members. that Pongracz, our pioneer Gros.se Pomte Jewe!er and Silversmith 91 Kercheval IS the only maJor ~'3:45 p.m. to 5:15. p.m.-Children's Art Classes-taught Thursday, September 28 J'ewelry store in' the "reater Detroit area who has by Mrs. Stirling Loud-for ages' 9-14. Sixteen 1% 9:15 a.m.-Jr. League Glee Club-Rehearsal The Closed Campus Program not changed ownership b in the past thOIrty years. ? It's hour lessons are offered for $24 plus a $2.50 *9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.-Beginning Art for Adults-Mrs. true. Much has been written in recent weeks about the materials fee. Advance enrollment requested as Stirling Loud, Instructor-Basic Work taught in adoption at Grosse Pointe High School of the Closed classes are limited. 000 both oil and watercolor. Fifteen 2 hour lessons for Take that gift Campus 01' Continuous School Day program. Despite all 7:30 p.m.-Parke, Davis Bridge Club-Bridge $30.00 Advance enrollment requested. efforts of the Board of Education and school administra- 8 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Chapter of Dale Carnegie Alum- the gift of time .•. the time when .autumn ends. , ; tors to disseminate all the information available on the ni Association-Meeting 10 a.m.-Grosse Pointe Council for Better Literature and revel in a luxurious bath USlllg Mary Chest for Youth...l...Bridge and Tea reasons behind the new program, there has been, as was G p.m.-Men's Garden Club of Grosse Pointe-Meeting Roman Bath Oil. Choose a yummy scent •.. maybe to be expected, a certain amoun t of griping and some '* * ::i: *1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.-Flower Arranging Classes-Mrs. Carnation, Yram, or Tapestry. It's a special this week false conceptions. Richard T. Gerathy, IMtructor at Trail Pharmacy on the hill. A SIX dollar bottle The Closed Campus was not devised as a means of Friday, September 22 *4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.-Ballet Classes-Mary Ellen Cooper, can be had for th;ee dollars and fifty cents! Why punishing the students, as a small group of chronic *9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a,m.-Oil Painting Class-Professor Instructor not succumb? Emil Weddige, Instructor. An opportunity to study trouble-makers would have us believe. It h:ls been *8 p.m.--Grosse Pointe Cinema League-presents rvk 000 art with the internationally famous master. Morn- adopted by many other top school systems throughout Paul Gach in "An Informative Talk on Photog- Glamour at home the country as a method of providing better educational ing class is for advanced students. Twelve 2 hour could be a fall centerpiece fashioned of gerkins, sessions are offered for $36. Enroll now. raphy" plus Disney's film, 'Nature's Half Acre" opportunhies. This, after all, should be the goal of every and pictures of "Williamsburg Restored." The mushrooms little hot peppers, cucumbers, green institution of learning. *10:30 a.m.-Daughters of the American Revolution Re- beans, carr~ts, green leaves, and topped with a white gional-Meeting and Luncheon. Gro~e Pointe public is cordially invited free of For many years there have been complaints of small charge. onion. They have it at The League Shop w~ere nut 1~12:30p.ll]..to 2:30 p.m.-Oil Painting Class-for appren- groups of students who have made nuisances of them- and berry center-pieces are expected any nunute. tice painters-Professor Emil Weddige, Instructor. 7:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Numismatic Society-Meet. selves by spreading litter over the campus and on ad- ing and Refreshments 000 joining streets, of racing their cars dangerously over Twelve'2 hour sessions for $36. Enroll now. Imported our thoroughfares during the lunch hour, of behaving *3 p.m. to 5 p.m.-Oil Painting Class-for intermediate -group - Professor Emil Wed dig e, Instructor, Christmas cards, as charming and as unusual as in a manner which has kept adult customers from stores their new card room (just being finished) at the during this period, cf other minor and major breaches Twelve 2 hour sessions for $36. Enroll now. *3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.-BALLET CLASS ENROLLMENT, Book Shelf. Browse in luxury. It'll be worthwhile. of the rules {)f good comportment. The 107'0 discount goes. The new program eliminates the possibility of such with Mary Ellen Cooper. Young people may take Neighborhood Club News Mondays, Wednesdays or Thursdays after school I 000 performances, but this was not the primary reason for All the firsts its adoption. It is completely reasonable to suppose that or on' Saturdays. The fee is $21.60 for twelve lessons ages 5-10. $24.00 for ages 10 and over. 17145 Waterloo for fall are on the Hill. Happy hunting! 1he small minority which is raising objections to the TUxedo 5.4600 new system is the exact segment which would be abus- *4:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m. & 7 p.m.-Ballroom Dancing Classes -Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson, Instructors FALL SCHEDULE -19tH ing the public this year were it given the chance. Monrlay The great majority 'of the students are commend': * * '" 3:30-5 p.m.-Open Gym-Boys-All ages. ably giving the new program their full cooperation and Saturday, September 23 3:30-5 p.m.-Games Room Activities-Jr. Members making every effort to see that it works succesSliully. "9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Children's: Theatre 6;30-9 p.m.-Open Gym-Bays-Ages 13 & over In the ever-increasmg competition between nations to of the Grosse Pointe War Memorial-Mrs. Syd 6;30-9 p.m.-Games Room Activities-Int. & Sr. turn out better equipped leaders for the world of to- Reynolds. Members morrow, it is heartening to see that the great majority *9:30 a.m.-BALLET CLASS ENROLLMENT DAY- Tuesday of our young appreciate the opporturlity being provided with Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor. Young people 3:30-5 p.m.-Games Room Activities-Jr. Members to gain a fuller education. may take Mondays, Wednesdays or Thursday after 3:30-5 p.m.-Boys Gym Class-Ages 8-12 One of the complications that arose with the start school or on Saturdays. 'The fee is $21.60 for twelve 4-5 p.m.-Girls Knitting & Handicraft-Ages 7-12 of the Closed Campus progr.am was the difficulty of lessons ages 5-10. $24.00 for ages 10 and over. 6:30-9 p.m.-Enameling on Copper-Men & Women' \Vhai Goes 01. feeding all the students in ihe building within the 2;30 p.m.-Pamela Cripps and George Holme-Wed- 6:30-9 p.m. Open Gym-Bays-AEles 13 & over shortened period. This problem has been handled by ding Reception 6:30-9 p.m.-Games Room ActivitIes-Int. &. Sr. at shifting methods and equipment as errors or deficiencies *7:30 p.m.-Memorial Bridge Club-Duplicate Bridge-- Members became apparent. The latest developments in righting Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Walrond, Directors 8 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Camtlra Club this situation are explained in the following news re- 8 p.m.-Good Companions-Dancing _' (Meets 1st, 3rd and 4th Tuesdays) y~Dr Li~l.ary lease frqm the administration. '" * ,: Wednesday 12:30-3 p.m.-Enameling on Copper-Men & Women by leafl Taylor Sunday, September 24 Several more adjustments to Idents were fen upstairs Man- 3:30-5 p.m.-Games Room Activities-Jr. Members 9:30 a.m.-Grosse Pointe Memorial Church-Sunday the High School's lunch room day as a result of this change. 4-5 p.m.-Dramatics Class-Boys & Girls Ages 7-12 One of the pleasant aspects grader at Richard. Mrs. Hanke procedure:; and an enlargement' "We also 'plan to stad. what School 4-5 p.m.-Tap Dance Class-Boys & Girls Ages 7-12 of working in a comparatively replaces Miss Maril1(n Menden- to the school's feeding capacity amounts to a third noon-hour 11 a.m.-Grosse Pointe Memorial Church-Sunday 6:30-7:30 p.m.-Teen Badminton Club small library system is the op- have been made this week, this week," l'I'!r. Gerich stated. School hall, who became Mrs. David portunity it gives to know the school officials announce. These "About 250 students now have 12:30 p.m.-Youth Council-Meeting 6:30-9 p.m.-Enameling on Copper-Men & Women Russo in August, and is now are further steps in the school a study period as well as their 6:30-9 p.m.-Games Room Activities-Int. & Sr. library users personally. Tiley, living in Ann Arbor. Our best system's efforts to provide ade- lunch time between 11:30 a.m. * * * Members in turn, become well acquainted wishes go with her. quate noon-lunch facilities this and 1:00 p.m. Instead of lunch- Monday, September 25 7:30 p.m.-Senior Badminton Group *10 a.m.-Cancer Information and Service Center. with the librarian who serves fall. ing with the first lunch group At the Park Branch we have *10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.-Memorial Bridge Club-Game and Thursday them, so that she is not just Beginning this fall the High at 11:30 a.m. or the second 11 a.m.-Knitting Ladies Group lost an able staff member, Mrs. Lecture-for the Ladies-Mrs. Andrew Walrond, "that woman with dark hair and Rose Moxley.' We are pleased, SchOOl has adopted a continu- i:Toup at 12:30 p.m., we will 3:30-5 p.m.-Games Room Activities-Jr. Members ous school day progral1l. This move these people to the cafe- Director. glasses," but Miss X, who is a however, that she has not gone 4-5 p.m.-Girls Gym & Conditioning Class-Ages far afield. and is still an em- means that all students lunch terias at 12 noon and, thus, *12 noon to 5 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Basic Drawing and 7-12 mystery story connoisseur, a in the school building. Another lighten the load at the other Painting for .Portraiture Group-Mr. Steve Davis, competent' organist or an avid ploye of the Public School SYS_ characteristic of the prqgram is times. This 'Should be a signi!,- Instmctor. 6:30-7:30 p.m.-Jr. Girls Sports-Ages 12 & over tem, as secretary to :1\11'. Lawr- baseball fan. ence Kennedy. that longer class periOds arc cant improvement for all con- 12:15 p.m.-Rotary Club of Grosse Pointe-Luncheon 6:30-9 p.m.-Games Room Activities-Int. & Sr. possible. which should mean cerned." Members The l' e h a v e been a. few and Meeting. Mrs. Yvonne Maxon folloW3 better instructional opportuni- A third improvement to the 1 p.m.-Mothers' Health Council-Tea 7;30 p.m.-Sr. Girls Sports (Volleyball & Basketball) changes in library personnel in Mrs. Moxley at the Park. We ties for students. A shorter situation, which has caused Friday recent months, and we should do not know what it is about 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.-Ballet Classes-Mary Ellen Cooper, like to introduce our readers to lunch period is also used-3D schOol heads considerable eon- Instructor 1:00-5 p.m.-Oldtimers Club-Retired Men-Cards & Hampton road that attr.acls the minutes instead of the former cern this fall. will be !,he addi- Refreshments the hew staff members. 7 p.m.-Grosse Pointe War Memorial Association's library staff, but she makes the 45 minute noon break. tion of more tables and seats 3:30-5 p.m.-Boys Gym Class-Ages 8-12 fourth staff member who lives Annual Dinner, Entertainment and Meeting. All Miss Paula Preuthun, a resi. Principal Jerry Gerich an- to the auxiliary lunch-room, 3:30-5 p.m.-Games Room Activities-Jr. Members dent of Grosse Pointe and a in this particular street. Mrs. nounced earHer this wcek that Improved service and increased contributors to the Association are considered as, former secretary to the Director Maxon was for many years with a new fea!l,rc had been added student know.how have eom- 7:30-9 p.m.-Guys & Dolls Dance Club-Ages 7-12 members and are cordially invited. Paid dinner (One Friday per month) of Libraries, Robert Orr, has the Parke, Davis Company. A to the cafeteria to help speed bined to make the flow of stu- reservations at $2.50 per person are requested by returned to our library as a long-time resident of Detroit, up service and insure that every dents into the facility greater September 20. 7;30-9 p.m.-Jr. High Dance Club-Ages 13-16 she has two teen-age daughters, (One Friday per month) member of the professional student had a place to sit and than the sl,ating capacity or :~7:30p.m. to 8:30 p.m.-Ballroom Dancing Classes-Mr. staff. Slle and Nancy. cat. In addition to the regular the turn-over of sludents com- and Mrs. Bill Wilson, Instructors. Saturday hot lunch Jines. a third line pleting their lunch could ac- 1-5 p.m.-Games Room Act.vities-Jr. & Int. Miss Preuthun received her There have been some recent sp.rving sandwiches, soup and commodate. The shift of some "'7:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Nocturnal Painters-Class- Members Bachelor of Arts from Queens changes too in the processing dessert is now being oper;>tcd of the load upstairs and the en- Mr. Steve Davis, Instructor University, Canada, and her sec- department, which works so 8 p.m.-Lake St. Clair Chapter of the Michigan Chapter 1-2:30 p.m.-P!aymates Club-Boys & Girls Ages 4-6 busily behind the s~nes. Mrs. so that the entire seating eapa- larged sea~;~Jg capacity should & retary's training from Detroit city of the cafeteria could be correct this condition, observ- of the Society of Professional Engineers-Meeting (Gym, Games Handicraft Activities) Commercial College. During her Helen Doherty, who has been utilized. ers predict, and Refreshments 1:30-4:30 p.m.-Open Gym-Boys-Ages 13 & over secretarial stint at the Cent.ral in this IJl;h! Ilnd Soviet Rotarians are very grateful for lowing a collision at i\raek and hl~med each olher for the ac- g a u z e bandages. adhcsive Moross. j list around the corner on Rad- Myth"; and helicve it or not, YOUr help in publicizing this *7 p.m. to 10 p.m.-Popular Organ Lessons-Mrs. Jane cident, so police issued both a tape, alcohol, soothing service. Poucher, Instructor Mrs. Sally J. Ballcr, 46, of nor circle for morc than ten ereams etc. The cost is small Sl'll. Ba'rry G 01 d Wil t c r m., t.icket for not. having [heir cars Cordially. Hl60 :'Ilaek, Leonard, Mich., was years, ar.d the Henke family and we'JI be glad to as~lst Arll I, who WIll spl'ak Febl'u- '" • » undcr control and causing an have all been library users. Son you In your selc'Ction. ;,ry 1.5. Hohert M. 01'1'. Wcdnesduy, Septemner 27 m,lking' a Icft turn from Moross accident. . ))iz'('ctor of Puhlic onto an eastbounrl lane on Joseph Is entering Wayne Medi- All this for the :.malJ priel' "'9:30

'. \ v ' ~ - - - ....- j 'l • \, , J • ... f t. ~ • • _, " ~ •

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Thursday, September 2 r I 1961 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Paga Eleven Mrs. James Douglas Warren Gi'ves Luncheon . . To Aid Ballet Julie Cudlip Weds

Preparing for the opcning of Sevcl'O Ballet season for 1961- 1962, Mrs. William Day gave an Ja'mes D. ,Warren informal luncheon at hel' home in Lakeland avenue last Mon- Pair Speak Vows Saturday in Lakeshore road Gardens day. Attending were all SeveI'D of Merlin A. Cud lips; Following Reception Newly. Ballet Women's Committees area chairmen. The women on the weds Leave for Northern Michigan and Colorado Grosse Pointe Committee werc In the gardens of her parents', the Merlin A. also prescnt. Cud. lips', Lakeshore road home Saturday, Julie Elizabeth Guest of honol' was :\Iiss San_ Cudlip spoke her marriage vows to James Douglas War- dia Scvero, artistic dircctor and ren, son of Mrs. James M. Warren, of San Francisco, and thorcographer of Severo Ballet, ( the late Nil'. Warren. .----.-----.------. / Inc., who discussed briefly the organization's plans for the com, The bride wore a white '" orthern )'Jichigan and Colo- rado thc newlyweds will live in ing year. taffeta gown designed with Sausalito. Calif. WOMEN'S Mrs, Day and Mrs. C. E, Dal. a rounded neckline and a ton, of Birmingham, arc co. great skirt draped to the thairmen of the Women's Com- sides and accented with Wellesley Club .:",;, / mittee of Severo Ballet. Area RpnI< * No, I< * Lambrecht, Jr., Mrs. John Luzadre, Anne Macauley, Mrs. MR. and MRS. THOMAS her 207 freshman classmates. l\IR. and l\ms. 1VllCHAEL Robert Lambrecht, Mrs. Miles M. O'Brien, Jr., Mrs. FLAHERTY, of Cadieux road, She arrived at Hood on Sunday CHARLES BURKE (SHARON Robert F. Roney, Mrs. John J. Scott, Mrs. Lloyd A. have just returned from a ~'isit for the opening of the "ollege's ANN KELLY), of Cloverly road, Semple (who has transfered from Syracuse, N.Y.), Mrs. to Dayton, O. 69th academic ycrir. announce the birth of a daugh- Ralph W .. Simonds, Mrs. Stephen Smith, Mrs. T. • • • A graduate of Grosse Pointe ter, JULIE KELLY, en Septem- W. MR. and MRS. SAMUEL B. University School, Miss Car- ber 8. Clayton Spalding, Mrs. Gari M. Stroh, Jr., Mrs, Paul H, SHERER (ELISE HAHN), of The penter was secretary both of Townsend,. Jr., Mrs. Cheever Tyler (transfer from Sunningdale drive, announce her senior class and the Red * * " Philadelphia), Mrs. Peter Van Osdol, Mrs. Clune Wals~, the birth of a son, GERALD, E. H. MEYERS, JR., of Coun- Cross Council, was the school Mrs. Arthur T. Waterlall II and Mrs. Peter D. Whitman. on September 8. The paternal try Club drive, will receive a Costume grandparents arc the JOSEPH representative to the Youth diploma at the National Confer- * '" " Council-Grosse Poi n t e War Fashions for the Hospital S. SHERERS, of Ridge road. ment Exercises of the American o • • Memorial's Youth Council. and Look Now that September is here, the organization fund Home from thrr.'\l weeks at was' area' representative of and Continued on Page 12) raisers are busy with benefit~ The Women's Auxiliary Corne Hill, Cape Cod, Mass., to Cottage Hospital have reserved October I) at. the are MR. and MRS. CLAUDIUS Grosse Pointe Yacht Club as the date of a salad and C, GAGE. of Notre Dame ave- dess.:"rt buffet, bridge and fashion show. nue, with ELIZABETH and f' . Models from the Auxiliary membership will show TOM. Daughter, ALICE GAGE, 1 autumn hats, bags and accessories. They include Mrs. went from the Cape to visit her Vassar College roommate, Con- R. K. Baker, Mrs. Vernon Landry, Mrs. Robert 'White, stance Wolf, of Richmond, Va., Mrs. Adelbert Jungbert, 1\h's. Joyce Hoskins, Mrs. Ed- and both the girl~ have now ward Smith, 'Mrs. Frank Berli and Mrs. Edgar Flinter. returned to classes in Pough- mann. , keepsic, N.Y. Mrs. George Johnson ,is ticket chairman for the • • 0 benefit. Mrs. Ernest Ray and 1\Irs. WiIJiam J. Nixon will MRS. WYLIE CARHARTT, aSsJst Mrs. David Hines with decorations. of Neff road, is homc from a month in Palos Vcrdcs, Calif., * ::;c * with her son and daughter-in- House Tours Coming law, the ROBERT D. STRAS- Mrs. Wood Williams entertained the board of the BURGS. Her other son, STEPH- (Conlinued on Page IS) EN STRASBURG, joincd her in


more eloquent than words See the Incoming crepe ELEGANT EMERALDS limited Edition cxquis~tely set in pi" of satin golq arrives to calLYout your fall Collection social plans with a quiet from our Jewelry Boutique distinction, elegantly touched of with satin binding. Lined Fall Ensembles dress and jacket) hand-donc buttonholes. B~ack, green or blue acetate .and rayon. Sizes 12 to 20. 35.00 ill ien hcauhfl,1 cmerll1ck Wedf

it with ~.omet~ing very >pec.:i11

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82 Kercheval 2 r East Adams • Md GROSSE POINTE-Kercheval Ave. near Cadieux • TUxe~o 2.3700 GROSSE POINTE • DETROIT ------.2.1 __:.: _

Page Twelve GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, September 21,I9b 1 . Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes

Woods Churc1t Mrs. Roland C. Eugenio League to Hear Short and to the Pointe Miss Cooper Weds Toll ave Sale Bishop Pike (Continued from Page 11) Named prcsident for the com- ing yeal' by the Detroit Parlia- This year ~ark~ the \wen- College of Life Underwriters The Rt. Rev. James A. Pike', meutary Law Club was !\lRS. Roland C. Eugenio tieth anniversary of the annual J.S.D" S.T.D., Bishop of the In Denvcr, Col., Septembel' 27. WILLIAM F. PISHALSKI. She Rummage Sale held at the ------Diocese of California, will speak • * .. will presidt' at the club's first Attending the Juniol' Reception at Grosse Pointe Yacht Club follows Rites Grosse Pointe Woods Presby- on the subjeet "The Religious fall meeting Oclober 4 in thp. te);an Church. League's President Council "t ilnd Ethical Foundations of Federation of Women's Club. Saturday in St. Clare of Montefalco Church. Dearborn Inn this Thursday and Dates of the sale are October Family Planning," at a luncheon house, 4811 Second avenue. Pair Will Live in Norwood road I 6 and 7, and a large assortment meeting on Jl.londay, September Friday will be MRS. FRANK _._------WYLIE, president of the De- ...... '" of merchandise-from clothing 25, 1961 at 12 110011 at the' In St. Clare of Montefako Church Saturday Mar- troit Lcague, of Rivard boulc- DR. and I\1RS. JOliN 1\11'1'- and furniture to antiques-is Veterans Memol'illl Building garet Mar:-' Cooper. daughter of Mrl1. Benjamin F. vard; l\IRS. DONALD LESCO- CHELL LESESNE, ~f Oxforc1 promised to all prospective cus- (8th Hoor dining room). Coop~r, of Bel"kshll'(~ road, and. the late Dr. Cooper, Wa.9 road, announce the birth of a tomers. IllER, of Bishop road and !\lRS. l11arl'l~d to Roland C, EugenlO, son of the Anthony This meeting, sponsored by the STIRLING LOUD, of Trombley daughtel', JACQUELINE ANN, ...,~ Planned ParenUlood League, Eugenios, of Whittier road. " -.-. - .. - '"' -". One of the large'st rummage road. on September 12. Mrs. Lesesne sales in the area, this event Is ,.;:; Inc., is in conjunction with the ... ~ ... is the former ANN KAMPER, For the ri les the bride were the attendants Katherine I sponsored by the Women's As- i 60th General Convention of the daughter of 1\lHS. CARROLL ch.o;c aJ~own .o~ whit.e silk Ann."Cooper, ~enelope ~ondcs. '<: . Protestant EpIscopal Church, J E AND. TEMPLETON, sociation of thE' rnlll'l'h daughtc'l" of :o.IARSIIAL E. M. BOUTELL of Tonnancour Jlll~~ (dHela wlln appllques I JUdlLlI Std,WI, Jeau ::>lelaUI r U.S.A. 1\11'. John B. Ford, Jr., place. of Alencon lace, pearls and ang Linda Euge~io. Helping Mrs., Victor CI"aig, " will in t rod u c e the gU€st TEMPLETON, of Rivard boule- cP'stals accenting th bell onald Eugenzo was best man Chairman, and Mrs. Elton Tur- speaker. vard, was among the 577 mem- '" * " , J •• e and the ushers were Dr. Roy ner and ~Irs. William Freder- bers of the freshman class en- ROBERT W. TRIPP, of Whit- shaped sklrt and rounded Eugenio John Ghazal John icks, t'O-t:hairmen, are; Mrs. Bishop Pike was consecra~;!d tering Sl'1ith College, North- tier road, his daughter, HO- neckline. A matching pill Maas. "hlliam Durass a~d John John Cranc, Quality Shop; J on Ascension Day, May IS, ampton, l\lass., last Thursda)'. BEI\TA, and SOil, DAVID. re- box caught her French silk CuetcI'. J 1958, at Grace Cathedral, San Mrs. Lawrence l\larr, Men's -+ * * turned last Friday f!'Om a three illusion veil and she carried For her daughter's wedding Weal'; 1\lrs. Dwight Moore, '.} Francisco; Bishop Pike had Attending Governor Dummer weeks' tour of England, France, white orchids with her and the reception at the Grosse Women's Wear; ?ill'S. Richard . j served since 1952 as Dean of Academy in South Byfield, Switzerland and Italy. Roberta ..... The Cathe'dral Church of St. prayer book. Pointe Yacht Club Mrs. Cooper Piper, Linens and Bedding; fl Mass., this )'ear is PHILIP T. is re-entering Bowling Green . chose a salmon chiffon sheath Mrs. Charles Faucher, Purses J John the Divine, Ne',HYork CIty VAN ZILE III, son of the Uni"~rsity, Bowl i n g Green, Sue Ellen Cooper was maid with matching accessories and and Gloves; Mrs. Thomas May. (the largest Church In the Na- PHILIP T. VAN ZILES II, of Ohio, as a sophomore. DC ho~or in an .island blue peau Mrs. Eugenio was in beige lac~. I Hats and Scarves and Mrs. Alex '.1 tion). Clove'rly road...... de sOle gown WIth a flower petal Thc neWlyweds will make Bishop Pike graduated in ...... Former Mayor of the City of headdress. In identical gowns their home in Norwood road. Gill, Dishes and HouseWares. arts and law from the Univer- Home from a three month Grosse Pointe KENNETH F. Mrs. Carl Asmus, Electrical sIty of Southern California, and trip to Europe are BOB and AL BERGMANN and MRS. BERG- and Lamps; Mrs. Richard Fem- aIter admission to the Califor- SIEVERS, of Lochmoor boule- MANN, Of East Grand R~pids, Leone-Stauffer Rites Revealed slrum, Books; Mrs. Edward ;:.. ,. nia bar, received the degree of vard. Bob is a student at Michi- announce the birl.h of a daugh- <:::.~.~ DoCtOI' of the Si!ience of Law gan State University and Al tCI', SHARON JEAN, on Sep- Janet Gail Stauffer: daughter Goucher College. She formerly Chase, Shoes; Mrs. A. Cornwal!, F'; ,~ . of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Eliot at Yale, where he was a Sterling atlends Weslern Michigan Uni- tember 13. 1\'1rs. Bergrr,ann Is attended the UnIversity of Cin- Jewelry; Mrs. Frederick Condit, ~~;~ ,j Fellow. versity. the former FRANCES MARSH, Stauffer, of Rochester, N.Y., cinnati and is a member of AI. Children's and Infant's Wear; ,Photo by'.' Beatrice Z,~~an ...... daughter of BEN R. MARSl;l", of was married on Saturday, Sep. pha Chi Omega Sorority. He is a member of the bar of tember 9, to Jamcs Anthony Mrs. Clarence Anderson, Fumi- MARGARET MARY COOPER, daughter of Mrs. the United States, Supreme Among those attending the Irvine lane. Mr. Leone atlended the Unl. Leone, 'son of Mr. and Mrs. ture; Mrs. William Shaffer, Benjamin F. Cooper. of Berkshire road, and the late Court. In the last war, he served 35th anniversary dinner of the versity of Michigan. and was " * ... James H. Leone of Grosse In the Navy as a line officer, Soroptimists at the Women's MR Md :m~s. ROBERT member of Delta Chi. He is a Toys, are also committe'e heads. Dr. Cooper, was married Saturday in St. Clare of Pointe boulevard. assIgned first as an Intelligence City Club September 27 will be MORGAN, of Flint, announce graduate of the 1.!'niversHy of Contributions to the sale are Montefalso Church to Mr. Eugenio, son of the Anthony MARGARET EVANS, of East the birth of a daughter, KRIS- The double ring ceremony Eugenios, of Whittier road. officer and later on as attorney took place at 10 o'clock in St. Cincinnati and will be working stili beIng accepted, and may be I Kings court; MARIE GILBERT, TINE ANNE, on September 18. on his Ph.D. in chemistry at fOr the' U. S. Maritime Com- Thomas Roman Catholic church taken directly to the Ken Smith mIssion and War Shipping Ad- of Somerset road; and MARY Mrs. Morgan is the former the Johns Hopkins Upive;sity. CLOUGH, of Pear Tree lane. DENISE CARNE. Kristine Anne in Rochester. garage, 1922 Beaufail, or the Congregational ministration...... Juilanne Stauffer, the bride's Victor Craig garaIle, 417 Morciss. Wl!,nen Busy is the first grandchild of MR. He completed Ms theological MRS. FORREST CUULTER, and MRS. DANIEL CARNE, of sister, was maid of honor and Gl\I PRODUCTION REPORT Dr. Norman Guice, Professor They" may also be taken to Joseph Burns, 20067 Wedge- studies at Virginia and Union of Roland road, was aivarded Berkshire road. Mr. David Leone the bride- General Motors pro d u c e d of History, Wayne State Uni- the church the week of the wood. Program by Mrs. Wayne TheologIcal SemInaries, gradu- three blue ribbons for artistic groom's brother, was his best 217,569 pas s e n gel' cars and versity, was guest speaker at * * ... sale. PickOps may be arranged Wiseman. ating from the latter magna arrangements in the East De. HOWARD E. HARRISON, who man. trucks in the United States and the opening meeting of the by calling Mrs. Elton TUrner, Group 6: -Mrs. Thomas Ma- cum laude. Before going to the troit Garden Club 1"10\\ er Show has been spending the past The bride wore a white wool Canada during July, as com- Grosse Pointe Congregational Cathedral of St. John the suit and carried white and gold pared with 298,416 during July, TU 1.4472, or WlIliam Fred .. honey, 1585 Roslyn road; co- this week. month with his parents, MR. ericks, TU 2-6863. Women's Associatir.n Tuesday, hostesses, Mrs. Werner Lueck- Diville, he' served for three ...... rose buds and white carnations. 1960. Of the total vehicles pro- Septemb~r 12, at which time and MRS. H. C. HARRISON, of hoff, Mrs. Leonard Spanick mzd years as Chaplain of Columbia MRS. EDWIN O'CONNELL, Yo.kshire road, has returned The couple will live in Balti- dueed by GM during JtzIy, 183,- he spoke on Latin Americ", the Mrs. Harry Urban. Program and head of its Department of of Buckingham road, will open to Cambridge, Massachusetts, more. Md .• where Mrs. Leone 187 were passenger cars and Arguments start many fights, present world study theme for by Mrs. Harold SchaUl. Religion. her home for a membership where he is enrolled in Harvard will continue her studies at 34,382 were trucks. but never seem to finish one. protestant women. Group 8: - h 0 s t e s s, Mrs. Bishop Pike is author of nu- luncheon for the Women's College. Howard has transfer- Dr; Guice has recenlly been Floyd Dargell, 4U4 Lexington; merous books and articles in the Auxiliary to the American So- red from Michigan State Unl. a Fullbright exchange lecturer eo-hostesses, Mrs. Harry Mc- field of Federal, judicial and: ciety of Mechanical Engineers, versity, where he was a member at three universities in Peru. Master and Mrs .• C. R. Todd. administrative procedure. He Detroit Section, on Sept. 26. of the Honors College. The luncheon groups. of the , Program by Mrs. Arnold John- has written for THE READER'S Women's Association will also son. DIGEST, LOOK, CORONET, continue the study of Latin Group 4 will meet on Tues- THIS WEEK, NEW YORK c 0" America in September and day, September 26, at 7 p.m. October. TIMES MAGAZINE, the NEW FALL HOUSE CLEANING? in the home of Mrs. Lee Kitch- YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW, The September meetings will en, 790 Lincoln, for

The 1941 class of Southeastern High SchOOl will hold a reunion this Saturday at the Hillcrest Country Club. Reservations for this 20th year gathering may be made with Mrs. Eric Dale, TU 4-1526 .

• • • and you don't need a butler

Hagerty Sil\'cr Foam ~'ashes and polishes in one operation, and is gllal'antud safc. Foam. ":1-01' .....Jj.el' Ul'fj Dum'$ ing action ""ashcs tarnish '\I,'ith 110 rubbing, and ,-i'lJtJ clfa!l, lea\'jng no dried deposits in Personalized Orion Sweaters patterns. 6.oz., 1.00 quart, 395

Name or initials on either cdrdigan 0: slip-over. White - Red - Navy CHARLES W. WAR REN & COMPANY JEWELERS AND SilVERSMITHS Slip.over - 3.6x. $4.98; 7.14. $5.98 Cardiqan - 3.6x, $6.98; 7.14,$7.98 STEUBEN GLASS

'520 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD I.c. _ UJRLTOn.PIERCE Detroit 26, Michigan - Telephone WOodward 2.5158 idllCKIVAL AT sr. CWI ~ UOSU.POINTl. Store Hours: 9:30 to 5:00 r 10 Kercheval. Grosse Pointe Farms 11.6 So. Woodward, Birmingham i 7. e a-..... ---.. , " >fv ,'y ,

.. 11 '" ,

Thursday, September 21, 1961 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirteen

Woman's Page • • • by, of, and for Pointe Women Chamberlain-Corey Council Plans Mrs.' Culver B. Chamberlain Annual Tea Held Betrothal Told Nelson-Shearn Dessert Bridge By Unitarians ':Yij Rites Read .,~ 'J Many Pointers have made The Women's Alliance of the ,) In Eastminster Presbyterian Rites Read at Home reservations to attend the Des- Grosse Pointe Un ita ri an Church Saturday Joseph Gor- s[;rt Bridge and Card Party to Church be~an the new season don Nelson claimed Donna Bride Wears Cand-Ielight Heirloom Satin for Ceremony b(> held on Thursday, Septem- Tucsday afternoon, September Leigh Shearn as his bride. The ber 28, at 12:30 p,m. at the 19, with its annual Autumn I couple will make their home in September 9 in Kenwood Court Home; Newly- Grosse Pointe Memorial Center, Tea held at the parsonage, Ii 75 , Grosse Pointe when they I'durn weds Travel to Guatemala under the auspices of the Grosse Grayton road. from Nassau and Florida. Pointe Council of Better Liter. Mrs. Gerald Stoetzer served The bride is the daughter Mr. and Mrs. Culver Bryant Chamberlain will be at ature for youth, to assist in the ,I ot as chairman for the event. .'\ll's. John Krogstad, of Harper home in Washington, D. C., after ~ trip to Guatemala. observance of "Better Litera- ture Week"-September 24-30. Also receiving the women of \\'oods, and the bridegroom is They were married September 9 in the Kenwood court the congregation were Mrs. the son of :\lrs. Joseph Nelson, home of the bride's parents, the Donald H. Coreys. Among those who wlll attend i Hichard A. Wilde, this year's of Anita road, and the late Mr. The former Carol Corey"'-- . are: Mrs. M. J. Stringer, Mrs. Alliance president, and l\lrs. ;' Nelson. w()rE' ,m heirloom gown of Iand stpphanotls ('enten'o Claude A. GreinCl', Mrs. G. Sam William D. Hammond whose i, 'zilly, Mrs. John ll. McGrath, husband is the Unitarian min- rUJ t;•.,; 1 itt:~ Lhe br~il~ (h03t3 candlelight satin banded with a white orchid. a taffeta gown with a chapel Mrs. Leland F. Carter, Mrs. " isteJ'. with a lace yoke. A cap of Walter A. Robertson, Mrs. W. .', train aOO a crown of seed Mrs. James Gianelos, of pearls ea'ught her illusion veil. orange bloss oms caught her Cleveland, and Mrs. James P. Truedell, Mrs. Lv.lis Lam- The regular luncheon meet- She carried cymbidium orchids. fingertip veil of illusion Grosser, of Whittiel', Calif., bert, Mrs. Bernard Cornillie, ~, '\ ings of the group will be held, ' and she carried white roses wel'e her attendants' in gold Mrs. David F. Jensen, Mr3. ~ ,;( as usual, on the second Tues- Patricia Treska was maid of Frank Hilton, Mrs. Cyril A. i ------1 gowns of satin and taffeta. They A'1 day each month at the Church honor and the bride~maids Grobbel and Mrs. James Wil. ~ "~ Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Allard carried gold, bronze and rust ~,~I House, 17440 East Jefferson were Patricia Monroe and De chrysanthemums. kins. ") , of Vec'nier road announce the . f'J avenue, beginning on October engagement of their daughter, Ette Kissane. Claudette Berry- Mrs. Charles R. Reinowskl is James Gianeios was best man ~.,; ., '{'1 10, MARY LOUISE, to l\lr. Erwin ere, of Windsor, was flower ticket chairman, assisted by ,Jnd ushering were George Henry Mattison of Toledo, other'members of the commit- t~~:' .~) \::...1 Mrs. E. G. Paxson, Jr., vice- girl. The attendants wore ame- Ohio, son of the latc' Erwin Schlacpfcr and Kim Grosser, tee, Mrs. Richard. E. Jones, Mrs. ',l~i/:: :~~ president and program chair- thyst taffeta fro(:ks and car- '. ~(... t:, Henry Mattisons. of Whittier, Calif. Riford G. Johnston, Mrs. Delmar ,',,~ man, states that the theme of ried lavendar asters. L. Canady, Mrs. Jacob F. Wen- They will be married Novem- The bride's mother wore a '';~i{'' ! ,;:'<~ this year's programs will cen- gown of cocoa lace over ivory zel, Mrs. Robert Hannah, Mrs. ber 18 in Our Lady Star of the John Russell was best man w" t .1 . ter on women in the commun- taffeta with beige accessories. John A. Schaible, Mrs. John D. Sea Church, Grosse Pointe and ushering were Lou Testa ~i.~~~.'~',' t ' ity and their interests. Woods. and Dennis Nettle. Miss Ida Hoyt Chamberlain, the Hoben, 1111'S. Aehiel Amez, Mrs. I bridegroom's sistet', wore a Walter L. Hallenbeck, Mrs. r" gown of black lace over purple Peter L. Lucido, Mrs. Reginald .~.... I T. Murphy, Mrs. William J. taffeta with an East Indian I :~ hammered silver shawl. Barron, Jr., and Mrs. Robert E. ' ..::":::':,';'j,,"r:/. ",' f Mati nee Length Pea r1s ~._.~. y I ; . Phot~d b ';"eorge _.~.~~~~l:~;~~ .. DRAPES Curtis. , In the Kenwpod court home of her parents, the St. ,Ambrose Society Donald H. Coreys on September 9 CAROL COREY Feature them A.M. OR P.M. Guaranteed bea'JltifulllJ became the bride of Mr. Chamberlain, of Washington, Absolutely no restrictions on To Hold Smorgasbord Regional DAR D. C., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hoyt Chamberlain, thei r ability +f) perforr:n as a cleaned by specialists St. Ambrose Altar Society ~feet at Center great accessory accent! will give a smorgasbord and card party Thursday, Septem. Fortnighters to Hold $15.00 Call 'US First Grosse Pointe War MemorIal, Weddige Art bel' 28, at noon in the Parish 32 Lakeshore road, will be the Picnic September 27 Hall. gathering place when 14 Chap- Classes Start Reservations may be made by ters of the Daughters of the Fortnighters, a single young RED calling chairman, Mrs. Joseph American Revolution hold their acult group sponsored by the Prof. Emil Weddige of the Regional meeting on Friday, SEA:[j Maley, VA. 2-4332 or Mrs. J. Grosse Pointe Memorial Chlirch- University of Michigan will VA.2-490B September 22. Presbyterian, will give the first spend an entire day each week, Mitchell, VA. 1-3091. Members of the Elizabeth party of the fall season, a pic- Fridays, teaching oil painting Cass Chapter, Grosse Pointe nie at the Grosse Pointe Park at the Grosse Pointe War l\'[e- park, at the foot of Alter road, morial Center, 32 Lake Shore Farms, will serve as hostesses on Wi!dnesctay, September 27. road. for the Metropolitan Area Chap- Activities will begin at 5:30 Classes begin this Friday, ters who will meet at 10:30 a.m. p.m. Dinner will be served at September 22. There is an ad- State Regent Mrs. Cl:lre E. 7 P,m. A donation will be col- •vanced claGs at 9:30 in the 88 lected to cover food expenses. morning, a beginning group at Wiedlea of Sturgis, Michigan, EXHIBITORS will pre sid e. Accompanying This event has been planned 12:30 and an intermediate Mrs. Wiedlea will be State Com- to help new single young adult course at 3:30 in the afternoon. mittee Chairmen who will pr~ Grosse Pointers get acquainted. All ~lasses a~e of two-hour sent their plans for the coming All are cordially invited. Per. duratIOn. A senes of 12 weekly DETROIT year to the assembly. sons interested in attending may lessons is offered for $36,00. Theme for this year's pro- phone the Church office, 885- This is a real opportunity for gramming will be 'For Evil to 3773, before September 25, for Pointers to study with one of ~:ANTIQUES SHOW Triumph, Good Men Need reservations. the masters right in their own IN THE Only Do Nothing,' a saying neighborhoad. Emil Weddige is LIGHT GUARD ARMORY credited to Edmund Burke, as well known in the art world great English barrister and Lawyers' Wives Plan of Paris as he is in this country. \4400 E. 8 Mile - bet. Mound & Ryan champion of the American Col. Memorial Center Tea He returns to France to work (Formerly Held In The Ford Auditorium) onists in their struggle for Lib- every few years, for a$ one of the world's most eminent color Open: Fri. eve., Sept. 29•• 7 to 10:30 p.m. erty. During the annual meeting of the State Bar of Michigan lithographists he finds only Chapters attending the meet- there paper of the necessary Sat., Sept. 30-1 :00 to 10:30 p.m. ing will be - Alexander Ma- ou September 27-29, at the I Sheraton-Cadillac Eotel, Law- quality coupled with the proper Sun., Oct I -I :00 to, 10:30 p.m. comb, Mt. Clemens; Col. Joshua inspiration. Howard, Dearborn: Gen. Josiah yer's' Wive's of l\1ichigan will Mon., Oct. 2 -1:00 to 10:30 p.m. be' busy with activities of their His professorship at the Uni- Harmer, Grosse Pointe Park; vesity of Michigan. is based not Tues., Oct. 3 ...;..,1:00 to 7:30 p.m. Ezra Parker, Royal Oak: Fort own, under the able direction of Grosse Pointe's Mrs. Nathan only on the renown of his litho- Ponchartrain, Highland Park; graphs and paintings but also ALL EXHIBITS FOR SALE Gen. Richardson, Pontiac; John B. Goodnl)w, convention chair- man. upon his teaching skill. He di. Crawford, Oxford-Lake Orion; rects his classes with a firm but This Discount Card Is Not Good OPe11hlg Night John Sackett, Redford; Louisa On Wednesday, the lovely understanding hand and though SEPTEMBER 29, 1961 St. Clair, Detroit; Maj. John gardens of the Grosse Pointe more of the abstract than real- Biddle, Trenton; Piety Hill, W3r Memorial will be the' set- istic school encourages each IBirmingham; Thrr,e Flags, Lath- ting for a tea from 2 until 4 student to develop his own style lCCCC====cc====cc===c======rop Village: Sarah Ann Coch. This invitation and $.75 good for one admission o'clock. within the frame work of good ran, Plymouth-Northville; and composition. This invitation and $1.50 good for two admissions Elizabeth Cass, Grosse Pointe Mrs. Frank McDonald of the Farms. Grosse Pointe Lawyers' Wives is chairman of this event, and If a tax was to be placed on will he assisted by members ability many'a man would find of her chapter. himself to be tax exempt. . "'. . \ J ,tt:f~+f., ~uide rHimelhochs. ,

SHOWING OF FINE FURS BEAUTY SALON 405 FISHER ROAD Saturday, Septem.ber 23 ., f We will be open Monday, Thursday in our Grosse Pointe Store , and Friday evenings until 9:00 Mr. Douglas Gruber from our Appointments, TU 2-6300 downtown store will be in Grosse Pointe all day to advise you ,with selections. '"

See our exclusively designed collection of John T. Morris furs, including capes, iackets coats, stoles in mink, Select Your New Fall Hat 011 broadtail, Persian lamb and Ala5Kan seal. Miss Millinery nay 1 (j in our Grosse Pointe store FUR SALON, i j Sal11rc1fIY,September 23 GROSSE POINTE FOR MATERNITY SHOPPINGt , Miss Ada McCafferty from our , downtown store will be in Grosle SELECT only what pleases Pointe ail day to help you choose from '.....,' ./ , a new and exciting Fall collection your good {c)shion sense . / MIX well with a philosophy • \ ~.' r,v, ..... ,.~{ ';>T -:.alled, "It's Fun to Wear" . Plus Fed. tax. Fur products labeled to show RESULT-Bright,Lights.Blue country of origin of imported furs, ,, Ilimelhq~~~ chiffon from Margaret Rice's ; . ," < WHILE-YOU-WAIT, ", .J ~ elto •• 1l POINT. I , • i COLLECTION. .,. 1C.ItCH.yAL .... 1l \I,. NU' ~~~....,".,'4A'';;W. t rt'f'dt#'wt" ~1tk "~J "S" ..~""".,.:" ..... ;l...:i., .. J $49.95.

'r ...~ b&'" .... d. 4" , .' ...... a • , ••• ------~------~._.~----~~------~-_._- ...... ------..---~-iI!"'1

Page Fourteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, September 2"", T96T Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes

Ste1vart-Jones Mrs. Frank H. Janiga Parties Honor To Be Wed To Hear Talk Marilynn Axford Betrothal Told '1 ~1iss Petrosky About India i :',' '1 Mr. and !\Irs. R. L. M. Jones, " A number of parties have The Women's Associatlon ot Weds Mr. Janiga of Long Beach, Calif.. announce been given to honor DoroUIY Grosse Pointe MemorIal Church the engagement of their daugh- Petrosky whose recent enbage- will jOin the Women's Associa- ter. Jeanie, to Ensign Kelsey IlIcnt was announced to Fred- tion of Christ Church, Grosse Reception at Woma~'s City Club Follows Saturday S. Stewart, son' of the Roy K. erick Wilson DctUinger Jr. of Pointe, for a program meeting Rites in St. Francis deSales Church; After Trip to Stewarls, of Bishop road, Washington road. Tuesday morning. Octobel' 3, at Montreal Pair Will Live Here The bride-elect attended the The ~'oung couple were en. 10 o'elock in the Under Croft Unil'ersity of Hawaii and was tertained at a luneheon at the of Christ Church. :Maril~'n Nelles Axford, daughter of the Arthur Ax- Detroit Boat Club given by Mrs. graduated fmm Long Beach The guest speaker will be \ Gordon Maitland, of Washing- fords. of Washington road, \I.,-asmarried Saturday in St. State College. She is a member Mrs. Welthy Honsinger Fisher, -....).J ton road. Francis deSales Church to Frank H. Janiga, son of Stan- of Alpha Sigma Pi. the founder and director of Lit- Ie:.' JUlliga. of Los Angeles. Calif., and the late Mrs. Her fiance is an alumnus of '" ~~~1lf Tllis party was followed by a erary Village, an educational in- Jalli.~a, .•------...-----. --- ?lIiami University, Oxford. 0., kitchen shower at the home of stitution operating near Luck- , > ,>, ',,"~ 1\[rs. Toni Hutchison, of Bea- Matnm of honor was !\Irs. where he was affiliated with now, India., For the rites the bride , consfield avenue, given by 1\1rs, All drew Butt and the attendants Sigma Alpha Epsilon. , ""'. Frank E. Hagan Jr. of Jack. Literary Vlllagc is an eight- chose an ivory satin ((own were Grace Celebre and Lynn '~1- r' MI'. and 1\1rs. Stewart will fly son, who is the prospedive year-old institution. Its empha- destgned on pri ncess lines Gail Klein. flower girl. ,,' ;11" to Californill for the cO\lnll"~ f11~irl of .\(11'.01'. SiS i~0n t h~ training of te:lchcrs With a sweetheart neckl 'n6 I ilOlllitS J akobowsKI WIlS best DccembpI' 16 wedding in -Los mlln and ushel'ing were Gerald On Saturday, September 23, for the vaded but coordinated and appliques of Alencon Altos Congregational Church. adult education. It also teaches Connolly and Robert S. Axford. Mrs. Dettlinger and Miss Mar. L, .. lace. A double spray of The newlyweds will return to on DetUinger, the bridegroom's .A the wl'iling of books and pub. After a reception at the Wo- ['. '., orange blossoms caught her the Pointe for Christmas. lishes them, conducts forums on men's City Club the newlyweds mothel' and sister, are giving a Photo by Beatrice Zwann two tiered veil of illusion left for Montreal. They will tea to which Ole gue~ts are reo Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zdro- rural life, develops audiC'-visual quested to bring their favorite aids and sponsors seven night and she .car r ie d roses, make their home in Chandler Alpha Gamma Deltas dowski, of Berkshire road, an- mums and stephanotis. Pm'k dri\'c. reripes to give to the bride. nounce I.he engagement of their schools. Mrs. Patrirk Burke, and Mrs. Fete Undergraduates daughter, MARILYN, to Steph. Mrs. Fisher was advised by Vern Johnson will have a en Howard. son of Mrs. Harold " ~andhi six weeks before his as- Alpha Gamma Delta Alumnae luncheon September 3D with a Tel11pera Class Being Offe,"cd Howard, of East Je'fferson ave. sassination "to do s(miething for chapter was hostess to the "top of the table" shower at nue, aCId the late !\II'. Howard. India, help the people in the vil- Marcella Churchill of !\Ieadow oil. ThOSE studrnts who prefer Wayne State' University under. Mrs. Johnson's home in Pem. Miss Zdrodowski, a teacher berton road. lages and teach them to read," Lane.who maintains a Detroit to work directly with oil will be graduate chapter and the at Poupard School, is an alumna A cocktail party honoring the Following this advice, Mrs. Fish- Studio, will teach classes in Nol'lh Suburban Club on Sep- of University of Michigan and admitted to class also. young couple will be held in er became the founder and gen- Tempera at the Grosse Pointe tembel' 19 when members who a member of Kappa Delta. Mr. ':;... , " f.o-~ " ... y,' , el'al spirit of this great task. War Memorial on Tuesday eve- Mrs. Churchill invites all attended the biennial conven- the Ann Arbor horne of Mr. and :.,-. ( ~ 't:-: ... ~ .,~" , ' Howard attended General Mo- ,-,/,'I Mrs. John Bradfield, October nings beginning September 26. prospective students to view' tion at Glenwood Springs, Col., . :2':' tors Institute and Univel'sity of Mrs. Fisher. a former Grosse ,I' ",' 15. The we'ekly t\\'o hour classes her work in the Grinnell Gal- in July gave re'ports. ;,~!11;<;~1:,~,,~,;',':fjt Michigan where he was affili. Pointe resident i!; a native, of will continue through Novcmber lcries. She will limit her c~ass ~+~l~~",,~::>, ,'~;:~S.f~~' to. ~, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Bohle Rome, N.Y., alld an alumna of ;\lrs. Norman Baker of St"eph- will entertain at a iuncheon and ated with Delta Upsilon. 28 in the Center's Terrace to 15 me'rnbers. The tuition is Photo by Arthur Hilton Syracuse University. Be for e ens road and Janet Majewski, shower in their Pemberton road December 3D is the date set Room. $20 for 10 two-hour lessons. To In St. Francis deSales Church Saturday MARI- for their wedding. World War 1, she went to the presidenl of the undergraduate home 0 c t 0 b e r 22. Margaret enroll call TU 1.7511. LYNN NELLES AXFORD, daughter of the Arthur walled city of Nanchang, China, Mrs. Churchill is a gradnate chapter, of Badger street, were Bohle, who will be a bridesmaid Axfbrds, of Washington road, was married to Mr. as prineipal of a girls school op. of the Pennsylvania Academy of on the' program, of which Mrs. at the wedding November 4, FARMS PAYS BILL Janiga, son of Stanley Janiga, of Los Angeles, Calif., erated by Christian mission- Fine Arls and the Philadelphia THINK! B. F. Martin of Hawthorne was will assist as hostess. Acting on a recommendation ~luseum School. She'is most in- chairman. and the late Mrs. Janiga. by CUy Engineer Murray M. aries. terested in the media of Temp- Before you drink and drive. Honored guests were Penny Smith, the Farms council on All women's associations ot era which is opaque water color ask yourself this question: "Is Monday, September 11, approv- Disti, Grayton; Judi r.'ll IIcr, Alpha Delta Pi Grade 111ethodists Plan Grosse Pointe Protestant church. ~eated in the same manner as I this sip necessary?" Hennann..Nixon ed payment of $21.000 to the es are invited to attend. Coffee Beaufait. and Barbara Sachs. St. To Have Party Today Clair, who will be initiated into Troth Revealed Rzunmage Sale Cooke Contractihg Company for will be served before 10 o'clock. III Alpha Gamma Delta on Septem- completion of work contracted Mrs. Fred Adams and Mrs. J. Alpha Delta Pi Sorority, East for the asphalt recapping of ber 23 in ceremonies at MeGre'- Lane Donovan are the chairmen Side Alumnae group wiII start The Woman's Society of the some of the city's slreets. gOr Center on the WSU campus. From Bettendorf. Ia., comes of the day. PlJBLIC SALES news of the engagement of Dor- it's 1961-62 season with a "Bon Grosse Pointe Methodist Church Mrs. Jules DeBacker Of Bea- othy Joyce Nixon, daughter of Voyage" Party at the home of will hold its annual Fall Rum- Not an Auction - All Items Priced consfield avenue is chairman of the Robert James Nixons, for- Mrs. Thomas G. Whittingham, mage Sale at the Church, 211 the Detroit Afternoon Group of merly of Grosse Pointe, to John 1571 Oxford road on Thursday, Moross road, on Thursday, Se'p- the' Alumnae Chapter, which Anthony Hermann, Jr. September 21, at 8 p.m., accord- tember 28. The doors will open Household Furnishings will meet with Mrs. Carl Swan- ing to the chairman of the party at 8:30 a.m., and the sale will son of Lakepointe avenue on The bride-elect at ten d e d Mrs. Samuel Thorne of Fishe; continue unlil' all merchandise October 3, at 12:30 p.m. Northwestern University where road. is sold. . she was affiliated with Delta Mrs. Robert Reas a!'d Mrs. Mrs. Matthew S. S. Danton Delta Delta. She is now a sen- Hostesses wili be the new of- Ralph Morrison, co-chairmen of ior at. Eastern Michigan Univer- ficers: president, Mrs. Richard the event, announce the follow- 1771 Derby Road sity. E. Rosin of Prestwick road; vice- ing de'partme:1ts and their Birmingham president, Mrs. Leroy Schigoda heads: treasurer, Mrs. Hugh Mr. Hermann, son of the sen- of Bon Heur road; treasurer, (N. Adorns Rd., E. off Adams) ior Hermanns, of KenwoQd Delfs; children's wear. Mrs. K. Mrs. Louis Marick of Merri- P. Leipprandt; records and- House is for sole. Moving to florida. court, is attending Brown Uni- weather road; recording secre- versity, Providence, R.I., where books, Mrs. Carl Cordier; fur. tary, Mrs. David Ellis of Erben Saturday, Sept. 23, from 10 a.m. he is affiliated with Beta Theta niture, Mrs. Wm. Sloan; hats Pl. drive; and corresponding secre- and shoes, Mrs. Richard Polden; tary, Mrs. J. Ross Bush of Pem- household accessories, Mrs, Cal. A June weddIng date has berton road. vin Goodloe; jewelry, Mrs. Ern- been set. NJr. Mrs. Glenn W. Davies Some other alumnae who plan est Reas; toys, Mrs. F. E. Greif- & enstein; men's and boy's cloth- to attend to help "Set full sail 302 Linwood Rd. a ing, Mrs. Arthur Watts; pub- Ballet Season for the year" are: Mrs. John W. licity, Mrs. Lynn Ruester; worn. Rochester, Mich. A bout to. Start Paynter, Mrs. Arthur E. Flem- en's clothing. l\Irs. T. A. Spar- Sunday~ Sept. 24, from ~0 a.m. ing, Mrs. Paul Franseth, Mrs. shatt; women's accessories, Mrs. Charles Menagh, Mrs. Donald E. Robert Slater; sorting, Mrs, , The GrossE: Pointe War Me- Van Hr:ek, Mrs. Robert Gro.~s Wrn. Watson; white elef)hants, morial's School of Ballet under anct Mrs. G. S. Zilly. Mrs. James Loekwcod. . .';.:~i:?~:. the direction of Mary Ellen ~li.Cl».l.it~iIll-l Mr. & Mrs. Ernest W. Nigg ...... :., -,-...... -" Cooper will resume the end of b ....€~i~i.;;~~e~.. Catering exclusively to September. Enrollment times 850 Balfour Rd., Detroit are: 3:30 to 6 p.m. Friday, Sep- SPECIAL TREATMENT DUET""'': lS. of E. Jefferson Ave,) - tember 22, and 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 • for firming • for wrinkles. for overly dry skin p.m. Saturday. September 23. Saturday, Sept. 30, from 10 a.m. REPAIRING Do you want to sell Now you can make sun.dry or naturally dry skin soft, fresh, During these hours Miss of High Grade YOUI"' Gr055e Pointe house moist. Special Salon Treatment Oil is a blend of rare restoring Cooper will interview and place students in classes according ? oils plus astringent herbs for firming and strengthening the Mr. E. S. Andrews CLOCKS & WATCHES to age and abilitS. Classe's are skin. Nourishing, v!tamin.enriched Perfection Cr~m gives (HOT A JEWELRY STORE) scheduled hourly either after structural "tone" to face and neck and replenishes natural oils. 327 Chalmers Ave., Detroit school on Mondays, Wednesdays Adaily treatment combining these twofamous Elizabeth Arden Work Called for and Delivered (S. of E. J eHe rson Ave.l or Thursdays or during the day preparations will bring you a radiantly smooth, youthful skin. Free Estimates ' on Saturdays. The traditional CALL A MAN Saturday, Oct. 7, from 10 a.m. Italian Ballet is taught, from Perfecti~n Cream Duet includes Pe.rfecti~n 600 Cream (3Yz oz.)-(6.00 value) plus Flrmo-Llft (8.00 value) Miss Cooper is a graduate of Salon Treatment (Yz oz.)-(2.00 value). pial"'" the Royal Conservation of To- Oil ronto, a member of one' of De- MAXON BROTHERS,lno. Mr. & Mrs. Herman Shapiro troit's leading musical families and teaches ballet both here and 16835 Ilene. Detroit on the West Coast. Her classes (Between 6 Mile and Puritan) are accompanied by her con. He knows how to treat you. Saturday, Oct. 14, from 10 a.m. cert pianist mother. Miss Cooper holds a special He has learned the ethics class for adult women on Wed. SALES CONDUCTED BY nesday evenings at 8 o'clock 'of the b'jsiness. kindled co. , at the Center. Tuition is $21.60 for 12 weeks for young chil- He works full time. by H. O. McNierney David D. Stalker, Inc. 152:33 Kercheval dren ages 5-10. Older students and adults are' charged $25 per Elizabeth Appraisers 424 Book Building at Beaconsfield VA 1-6257 VA 1.1100 12 week term. Most st'ldents Arden l continue their studle!; through Tuxedo 2:-600_0 ..._~ __ WOodward r -9085 spring when the school presents a delightful "Evening of Ballet". ~ J Announcing! Our New, Modern Beauty Salon Is 'NOW OPEN! ••. is fashion-hi for Fall FEATURING To fan fall fashion tones of brown, mushroom, AIR CONDITIONED 'DRYERS! charcoal, grcen ignite your lips and fingcrtips wilh Mcxican Fire .•• the newcst, completely co- ordinated glow of color from Elizabeth Arden. HOURS: iIIc~iran Fire Lipstick, creamy, salin.lexturcr! __ ,1.75 ;\Icxican Fire Nail J .acrtl1cr.hrilliant, 'luick.drying: 1.00 Mondoy through Wc

Thursdoy ond Now With: Fridoy 9 to 9 • MR. RAY • MISS ADA Soturdoy • MISS IDA JG • MISS KATIE 9 to 3:30 and MISS ANITA EDWARDS Manicurist

PHONE. 884-7565 ~ WRLTon.PIERCE 19491 MACK AVENUE Deliveries - TV 5.8900 ,. .-u-w-u-w I " \

••••••• 7••••••••••••••••• 7•••••••• 5..... __ • 0111... __ .. ... _ ..... _ ~ , I \ ' \\. ., . , ' ' . " " '" ~ v., . ' ~" - • <" '; •• • ,

Thursday, September 21, 1961 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Fifteen

Woman's.Page • • • by, of, and for Pointe Women

Better Literatu re Cou nciI Plans Party Hills Convent From Another Pointe of View Patti Dockson Pllln.Ii Benefit ~'.i '. (Continued from Pug-e 11) ;." I/f. T h I' 0 ugh the tremcndous Garden Center on Fridav at ltlncheon to honor presi- Feted Before Rites salesmanship of .'I1l"s.Cyril A. dent, Mrs, Valentine Guenther. i~ Grobue! and hel ticket commit- , !\ r. ;) ,~~ tee, including Mrs. Frank Gor- Chief topic of conversation around the table was Will Wed Hazen Pingree This Saturday in St. Pdul's on :..r~j " ,. ';», man and l\ll'S, Frank J. Weston, the Center's upcoming House Tours, .,cheduled for Octo- ~. , <~j the Lakeshore; Rehearsal Dinner This Friday many Grossc Pointe women will ber 23-29, Mrs. James B. Ogden ancL Mrs, Otis U. Walker Given by Mr. and Mrs. Jean Mesritz attcnd t he annual tea and fash- have captured some of the Pointe'S) most charming ion show at the com'pnl of the homes for this chief fund raising event of the Center. Beginning in August every week has held a party Sacl'ed Heart, Bloomfield Hills, for bride-elect Patti Dockson, daughter of the Sterling The theme for the sholl', * D?cksJons, of Sunning-dale drive, who will wed Hazen sponsored by lhe mother's club Pmgree this Saturday in St. Paul's on the la)<;eshore, and the alumnae, \s the Civil Old City Hall Memento War centennial. Preceding a Mrs, Eugene Gar gar 0 Monday saw the demise of the Old City Hall steeple, I prese'ntation of gowns and furs ,~as the first host~ss at a ~lobcrt Scherer, Jr., David Ham- but for sentimentalists who want a memento of the kltchpn ~h(1wE'r nnC1 lunch- l!ton, Ralph W!'~t, Pe'!!'I' van by Roberl, a pal'ade of 1861 fasl1l0ns, from the collection 01 Yictori:ln building [h" guld"ll duo r k H 0 L from thi3 eon at the Grosse Pointe BJarcom, of Flourtown, Pa., and mayor's office will he given away to some fortunate Yacht Club. Mrs~ William Charles Slater, of Piltshurgh, .Helen Virginia Meyer, New York fashion tlistorian, will l>e patron at the International Institute's Treasure Shop J. Lilly entertained at a Pa. a feature of the show. These Tea this 'l'hurs.day. luncheon and splash party pcriod pi<,ces, modellcd by at the Boat Club and Mrs, Beginning Art mothers, alumnac iI.:,':: children, * * Hobart Frimel gave a bar- are all authentic originals or The tea is held annually to acquire donations from becue supper and table top Classes Slated reproductions of famous wom- Detroiters which may be sold in November at the Old en's gowns. shower. World Market. 1\1rs.\ Walker L. Cisler is chairman of the Another August party was the Mrs. ,Stirling Loud, who for Last year's show drew 2500 hostesses for today's party at the Institute. dinner and bar shower giVen by the pasl several seasons has women and neUed $25,000. Mr, and Mrs. Edwin N. Peabody conducted the children's sum- Mrs, Philip J. Huber revealed Tuesdoy Musicale at their Lincoln road home, On mcr art camps at the Center that, at this point, tickel sales September 7 Mrs. Glendon as well as the after schOOl win- in Grosse Pointe were leading This coming Tuesday will s.ee' the beginning of the Roberts was hostess at a lunch- ter classes and who h~s taught OVel"Birminghpm and Detroit. Tuesday Musicale's new season, Mrs. Wilson W. Mills, eon and showe'r at the Little adult night classes with the Some of the Grosse Pointe of Woodland place, will open her home for initial con- Community Services, will offer -Picture by William R. Z,mmerman Club. women who will allend are Mrs, cert and a tea for new and associate members. a dayti me program for both Jerome Remick, Jr., Mrs. Em- The next day Bee Baldwin The Grosse Pointe Council of Bet. for the event are, left to right: MRS, adults and young people begin- tel' Literature for Youth is sponsoring met E. Tracy, Mrs. Charles T, • • • gave a cocktail party, for the ning this'month. ACHIEL A.AMEZ, director; MRS. engaged pair in her Oxford road a dessert bridge party in the War DELMAR L. CANADY, secretary and Fisher Jr .. Mrs. Frank Couzens For over 75 years Tuesday Musicale has< been pro- Mrs. Loud's' children's classes home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Memorial Center in Lake Shore road ticket chairman; MRS. RICHARD Jr" Mrs. Sherman Fitzsimons, mating and presenting fine local musical talent. This are divided into two groups. E. Mrs. Robert Bacon, Mrs. Ed- h cd . Wellock gave a dinner Septem- on Thursday, September 28, starting JONES, presldent; and MES. RIFORD One meets T h u I' S day s after ward C. Roney. Mrs. Edward Tuesday Mrs. Harry J. C apman has arrang a plano ber 9 in the'ir Bloomfield Hills school beginning today, Thurs- at 12:30 o'clock. Talking over plans G. JOHNSTON, party chairman. C. Roney Jr., Mrs. Robert Vlas- duo by Camella Ehrlich and Naomi Donaldson with home, day, fJcptember 21, at 3:45 p.m. sir', :l\Iiss Jane Doughty, !lh'S. songs by Dolores Long. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Pin- for ages 9 to 14. The other John B. Hastings, and Mrs. C'! gree, of Voltaire place, gave a group wiII convene on Tuesdays To Duplicate Flower Course Bradford Lundy. I reception for their son and his beginning September 26 at 3;30. Others are lIliss l\'!argaret Choose Scribner-Jean Fresh Flowers bdde-elect on 'September 10 In order to meet the advance the class for the subsequcnt ments and Christmas decora- 'fhe Tuesday group is open to Dillon, Mrs. Robert Gotfredson, C. FRED JEAN with Mrs, Charle's B. Davis as children from ag!' 6. In both enrollment demand for the wceks. Late cnrollees and those tions will be followed in both Flower Arranging course at the who would find it cqually or Mrs. Stanley Beattie, IIlrs. co-hostess, instances 16 one and one-half classes. Tuition, $25 for 10 two Grosse Pointe War Memorial, more convenient to meet in the Fra'1k Feely, Mrs. Joseph Judy Ollison's September 14 hour weekly lessons are offered and one-half hour meetings, Mengden, Miss lIlargaret Brad. an ad'Htional class is being mornings will be placed in the fete was a cocktail party honor-. for $24 plus a materials fee of will be thc same for the new ford, 1111'S. Fred Cody, IIlrs, 9:30 $2.50. The young people wo'rk scheduled. All students will ne\',' Thursday morning group. ing the pair in her parents' meet for the first time this group. Charles Katcher and IIlrs. in many media-charcoal, soap- YOUR ACCOUNT lW,rlTED home in Provencal road. Rich- afternoon, Thursday, September . Phillip Weiss, ard Sutherland was host al lhe stone, paints, wire, yarn, etc, 21 at 1, o'clo k I EssentIally, the same eourse IN REVERSE SERVING GROSSE POINTERS FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY bachelor dinner September 15 Mrs. Loud's beginning art , c . of study including bpsic design The man who dreams of past At this point nothing can be 3143 E. JEFFERSON N.ea~~~ftca'iness LO 7-4656 at the University Club, Mr. and class for adults' is bein~ sched- At that time, Mrs. Richard and color composition, table and possibilities has a poor chance reduced but taxes-the taxpay- Mrs. Robert Scherer, Jr., and uled for Thursday mornings Gerathy, instructor, will divide. wall arrangements. dry arrange- for success in th!) future. ers have already been reduced. Mr. and Mrs. Petel' Fink gave from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. starl- a dinner September 16 in the ing September 28. former's Lochmoor boulevard Mrs. Loud will give basic in- home. On September 17 the. structions in hoth oil and water m James K. Campbells and the color to the adults. Fifteen two- iOO ~lUH~IRSiRJ IllR Frank AudeUes gave a cocktail hour lessons are offered for $30. -'" buffct in thc laUer's Bloomfield Advance enr611ment is request- U6i-USi Hills home. ed at the Center, TU 1-7511. Mrs. Robert Cripps Fisher entertained September 19 at a Church WOlilen luncheon and linen shower in her Bloomfield Hills home. The Set Meetings rehearsal dinncr will be' given this Friday by Mr. and Mrs. The Women of St. James will Jean Mesritz in their Lothrop road home. begin their fall season of group devotion and discussion meet- Diana Balch, of Mobile, Ala., ings at the homes of members will be maid of honor and the on Monday, September 25. bddesmaids will be Judy Olli- The morning group, Rebecca, son, JI,fuffy Miles, of New York; will meet at the !Iome of Mrs. Krystn Glancy and Judith Bald- Walter Kneisel, 22 Sunset lane. win. Laurel Fisher, daught!'r of Afternoon groups, meeting at the Robert C. Fishers, of Bloom- 1 o'clock for des s e I' tare: field Hills, will be flower girl. Esther, at the home qf Mrs. The best man honors will be Ludwig Schiele, 45 Roslyn shared by Richard Sutherland road; Miriam, at the home of and Roger Hull. Ushering will Mrs. Paul Tassy, 4391 Bishop be Myron May, Peter Fink, road; Mary, at the home of Mrs. Albert O'Neal, (j26 Uni- versity; Martha, at the home of Mrs. Ruth Laforet, 508 Lincoln road; Ruth, at the home of Mrs. Alex McKay, 4480 Grayton road. CONGRATULATIONS TO The evening groups, also bc- Recent Acquisitions ing served dessert, are: Dorcas, at the home of Mrs. Robert One pro Handsome Coach Reisig. 874 La'keland court; Lights 35" high. Hanna, at the home of Mrs. on tlte openinlj their beautilul new Ernest Baker, 321 Belanger; 01 Exceptional Chinese Sara, at the home of Miss Chippendale Andirons Liberty Bond, 23228 Westbury and Fixtures in brass drive; Deborah, at the home of 24" high Miss Harriet P a I' k e 1', 424CJ Bishop road; Elisabeth, at the at 17051 J~rchevaf in .pointe Curly Maple Serving home of Mrs. Roland Duensing, Table 2111 Lennon. 5 Matching Hitchcock Chairs Welcome Wagon Club Plans Luncheon Today ••••• Jewelry The W e I com e Wag 0 n of We are interested in buying Grosse Pointe ',vill hold a lunch- Whether you are selecting her An exciting array of 14k gord eon and bridge Thursday, Sep- and selling on consignment. very first diamocd or an eloquent jewelry, fine cultured peads and tember 21, at Huck's Lakeshore Restaurant, 23722 Jefferson, at diamond gift for ar,y memorabie fashion jewelry a w a its you at THE I 12 o'clock. , occasIon, see the superb Wright Wright Kay ... from fa m 0 us A cocktail hour from 11 to 12 MITCHELL'S I o'clock will ,precede the lunch- Kay diamo'1d collection, makers both here and abroad. eon. 4' Note our ne'V address, less than ~cservalions may be made by ,,:' block (rom former locatIOn. calling Mrs, E. J. Hookanson, 17331 Mack at St. Clair TU 4-9544 or Mrs. A. Seder. TU 6-1549. Our phone number is the same TU 2-4724 The fC'llow who borl"Ows trou- ble never has optimism to lend. 1Al,lc/, t?.i

The fined qu-,Iiiy wfltehes i\~rJ Ch nel ,iive' ~~,'i crystal gi{;, from cloc's ... Pntel,.Phi'i;ne, Roie" all tr~ WO'ld •• , YOur', to select Omega, Girard PerregaLP' ocd frJm ,'I' Wr:qht Kay, AI,o Il corn. Movado ... for many year, a p1ete sf;ic:+;or'l o~ v..r;iing Ddr'lC""'t Wright Kay speci",;y. lfaine Arn.Jt engraved r,ofc!, d.~a caro" SCHOOL OF THE DANCE

REGISTER NOW. , . for Ballet - Toe - Character Modern Jazz - Tap - Acrobatic Add.A. Pearl C). Cilliforni., A,'; ts Humbert St. Georqe r';"q. ,Jo',cph Maler and' Co. Slo.~n & Company , T. V. AI~en card" Alice C,wlne',- ide Jewelry Co. In':. Mil/ldil Impoded OriOlnrli" [rnelt Sohn Creations, Inc, Spec;ttl P,'c.Schonl (IttH(,5 Arcadia Export,lrr,port Ciner f./.MIIIt.l'lliring In'ercontincnl,,1 Inrlll,!rie, ,J. Mi1heninq, Inc. ' Sto('~er Paper Box Co. Art,Crr)!! Jewelry DM,eero! t 1nc. Jabc) Ring Mfq, Co. Movndo Watch CompC)ny PdtJ! Slr.wb & Co. Inr. tllld Ad,,11 ClI1.HC5 BaYMdj Brolh8r, f:be!infj ?, ReL'. -, Co. Lrndre Kr~rlan' c1r~d :),','1", Ir.,. Murmac Importing Co. 51uo:0 Pre,,; Greeting C~rd\ Daniel Bennctt r:oreiqn A(jvisnr\' Servic.e CHI Lindstrom g, Son I. in~. ~~lI.Ad Enqr'lVing Co. S, Toc,['1!er, Inc. 16600 HARPER Corner KENSINGTON 8ick',on, Inc. D, Forer & Co., 'nc. Kramer Jewelry Creations OmcCJil Watches Traub MMu/ll(tliriny CO. R. F. 8rodeqaard f'or..rnrr, Inr.. Larrel Jewelry Co. Ornstein and Co" Inc. A. J. Von Dugteren & Sonl Inc. TUxedo 5-7703 TUxedo 5-3638 Buehne.r.W,)'nner, In,. Lou is Fr,lnkl i n Co" Inc. Longine WakhC'\ PMeti,l Jewelry Vogue Ceramir Indullrie, Bovano Indultries, Inc. Friends of Wrigh; Koy Lilnc Hedge\ CoreJs RegiMl Jewelry Co. I(u;t Wayne, Inc. Bulkor, Incorpora 'cd Cront Puh!i',hinq Corp. Marvella Pearls Peter L. Rotter Willinson Publi,hing Co .. Ltc!. Hampton Gre()tinC] Cards Marcel Schurmiln Co., Inc.

_. • _. ~ '" •• - ...... -...... ~ ...... "" "" ...... • • ..... > --.-:---'--:-~------~-~------"~-Q.,-_ "•• '2.'!I•• 1!!I!5.: ....

Thursday. September 21, 1961 Page Sixteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes

Alpha Delta Kappas Offer Lectlll"es Cottage Hospital Aides Author to Give Former Pointer Speaks Health Council IHospital Guild To Hear Customs Officer Vows in Denver, Colo. Engaged Open Season at Dinner On Parenthood Sponsors Party Friday, Septe~nbel' 22, has Booli. Preview ~leets Sept. 25 A dinner at Shiavi's restau- In Denver, Colo., on Septem- been set as the date for 'the rant, East Eight Mile road, De- "Parenthood in a Frcc Na- ber 6, Dennis J. McGinty, son The Mothers' Health Educa- The Bon Secours Hospital next general meeting of the "To TllC Pointe", Pat Talbot's lion" is ale c t II r e-discussion of Mrs. Daniel A. McGinty, of I Guild is sponsoring a luncheon troit, on September 11, marked tion Council will hold its first cour~(' whic;, will be olI('red at Women's Auxiliary to Collage forthcoming book which ex- Ann Arbor, formerl)' Of Grosse and card party Tuesday, Sep- Hospital. It will begin at 10:30 meeting of the year at 1 o'dock the opening of this year's ac- the Grosse Poinle War Memor- plores the roots of the Grosse Pointe, and the late Dr. Mc- tember 26, at 12:30 o'dock In Monday, Septembe'r 25, at the tivities for Alpha Zeta Chapter ial on Monday ev('nings begin- a,m. at the NUl'se"s Hesidence Po'nte com'nunlties and the Ginty. claimed Ann Maddox as Grosse Pointe War Memorial the Science Hall of the Hos- of Alpha Delta Kappa Teachers' on Ridge Hd. Any guests inter- pital. ning Scptemb('r 25. structure of Its society \10111 be bis brld~. Center. Sorority. ('sled in thc Iluxiliary are ill- The newl)'weds will make Mrs. John Condon Is eh!lir- A meeting alter the dinner It is ollercd to G.ro~se Point- previewed by the writer herself The program chairman, ~Jrs. vited. their home in Philadelphia man with Mrs. John Mitchell, was p~esided over by Eve Brit- ('1'& thro~gh .the faclhlles of the at the Grosse Pointe War Me- Eacl Zuehlke, has selected two The program speakl'l' will he where the bridegroom will enter interesling guest speakers, ~Irs. co-chairman. Mrs. Edward son, president of Alpha Zeta. Adult DIV1?1O~10 !the VIllI'er- :'Ill', Joseph O'Houl'ke, Special Plans were made for the com- sity of l\IIChlg,tn and Wayne morial on Wednesday evening, graduate school at the Univer- Stanley !lIacKenzie and Dr. Wachter, TU 2-6209, and Mrs. Ag('nt of U. S. Customs, whose ing year and chapter delegates State ~ni\'e.rsity, The lecturer September 27 at 8 o'clock. The sity of Pennsylvania. John A. Pcric!n. I Louis Decker, TU 2-6677, are subject will be! '.Cuslorr.s En- Grosse Pointe public is cordial- in charge of reservations. There will be attending the state con- I ~nd .dlscusslOn le,adel~ ~\'Ili be II ~lrs. ~lacKenzie, founder and forcement." ly invited. will be a $1.50 donation. vention at Muskegon later this' .Ilerrlll P ,a 1m e r s Clllld De- Bridge Club first president, will relate the month. I velopment Sp('cialist, Florence The book with foreward oy Ihistory and aims of the Council I Gould. America's foremost social his- Lists Winners fo, Ill(" hpnpfit of t"p np", <1ple- r:C:uc;:.to~s ;:.~c bccC'!nin;; mCOTC I .1.1ta:- torian, Clel'elarid Amory, will Sylttpltonj' Sets -Society pt~. I and m.ore concrr~ed. about the .t be' off the press before Christ- Eastern Deanery Dr. John A. Periein wHi dis- necessity of t r a I n I n g young Plalls mas. In the volume Fat, who is Grosse Pointe I\l e mOl" i a 1 Benefit Dates Benefit cuss fiuoridalion treatments giv- people to take lheil' piace in a :'I!rs. Dale Davis in private life, Center !lridge Club winners Meels Sept. 28 hal'e been announced. en in the schoolS under the -, democrac)', to be able truly to _ traces the history of Grosse sponsorshi? of the :-'lothers' The Junior Women's Associa- distinguish right fl'om wrong, , Our .lJ~dy St.ar Of the Sea Pointe from its beginning in September II:-!l' 0 r t hand ______. .._ tion for the Detroit Symphony W 0 men from 23 east side and to be effective world cil!- f\ltar Society WIll present Aut- South, Mary Alice Hentgen and Health Council. Dr. John A. Pe- 1679 through the "Pointe Sys- ricin, Dr. Edward Watko, and Photo by Eddie McGrath. Jr. Orchestra crowded 0 a k 1 and parishes will hold the st'Cond zens both in an exemplary and I umn. l\lodes, a lunc,heon and tem". Isabell Hollinger; Elsie Bur- quarterly meeting of the Wayne missionary way for the ideology fashlOn sho~\I benefit at the Dr. Richard Knoff are the three HilIs Country Club to capacity rows and Peg Moore. I1lr. and Mrs. Bertram P. Eastern Deanery of the Detroit in which the' belie\'e. Grosse Po 1n t e Yacht Club In her talk at the Memorial area dentists conducting the Thursday .for its opening lunch- East and West:-Jackie Wil- Shover, of Grayton road, an- Archdiocesan Council of Catho- . y. . Thursday, September 28 at Center, Mrs. Davis wlll stress program. eon meeting of the season. . To thls e~d Illgher. educah~n 12:30 o'clock, the importance of the leading cox and Betty Tuer; Mary noun ~e the engagement of their lIc Women on Thursday, Sep- Other special guests recei\ting daughter, BARBARA JANE, to The membership mef. its new 1S endeavonng to enhst the aid .. families of Grosse Pointe in Wood and Ruth Rogers. tember 28, at 8 p.m. at Holy of all parents, providing them T~e party \\'hlc~ WIll featu~e invitations will be Dr. Paul Ma. John Frederick Scherer, son of board for the comtng yeW' and shaping the Grosse Pointe of September 13:-N 0 r t hand Name Parish Hall, 8041 Doyle wilh good materials anll the ('x- fashIOns by Healy s an? mU~lc whinney, Director of Pupil Per- the Ernest Scherers, of Stq.nton buzzed with excitement at pro- today from its ori~inal begin- South, Mary Wood and Rich- avenue. pert service of a specialist. by Robert Verhaege .wIlI raIse sonnel, and all school principals lane. 1I1iss Shover is an alumna ject plans for the months ahead. nings as a summer colony. The ard Lyman; Earl Gurnack and Following the busIness meet- It' I d th t funds for the new high school Albert Boelens and deans of the Grosse Pointe of the Grosse Pointe University The first "must" event wlll IS I ~ pea as many for girls. evening will be spice'a with School district. Mrs. Albert Law, hlg, a Race Relations. panel wiiI Grosse Pomte parents as pos- . East and West:-Ellen Wal- School and of Wellesley Col- be the Grand Opening Night of mmv anecdotes of prominent president of the Grosse Pointe be pre s e n t e d by the Social sible will avail themselves of Mrs. Leonard Wall is chaIr. rond and Foster Veale; Robert lege. the new Fisher Theatre Sep- Grosse Pointers as well as em- High Mothers' Club has also AC,tion Committee in coopera- this serl'ice. To enroll call the man of the benefit with Mrs. phasizing their part in build- Walla' and Edward Bolitho. tember 30 featuring the world tion with Archbishop John F. Center TUxedo 1-7511. Clyde Esterbro~k cop-chairman. been invited. premiere of the new musical ing the community's institutions September 16:-N 0 l' t hand Dearden's Committee for Hu- On the commIttee are Mrs. The business meeting will be Wonlan's Club "The Gay Life." The Juniors of today. South, Mr. and Mrs Arthur man Relations. Nova Catalano, Mrs. Joseph followed by a "get acquainted" will be the major sponsor of the Johnson; Dr. John Cobane and Refreshments will be served The voice crying in the wil- Miller. MI,. Stanley Jursek, tea, served by Mrs. Malcolm Group to Meet event which will benefit their Carl Leland. . and all the ladies of the 23 derness has gone to the other Mrs. William Collins, Mrs. Dan- Stirton and her Hospitality com. beloved De t l' 0 i t Symphony. extreme with -the growth of iel Hofcgman and Cyrilla Rei- East and West: - Elizabeth Mesdames Gordon T. Ford and member parishes are cordially Jenny Lind Club mitte'e. The garden group of the television. chling, Trudell and Merrilla Notting- Dale O. Miller are chairmen. invited to attend. ham; Mary King and Fern Gib- On hand .to greet the new Grosse Pointe Woman's Club To Hold Picnic will hold its first fall meeting October 7 will find the as- bons. delegates will be Mrs. William Savage, president; Mrs. Earl on Wednesday, September 27. at sociation sponsoring the orches- The Jenny Lind Club of De- Zuehlke, vice - president; Mrs. 1 o'clock in the home of Mrs. tra's first Saturday evening [ Plymouth Has New Look for 1962 troit will hold its opening fall Delta Gamma Alumnae Edward P. Letsche'r, recording Victor Craig, 417 Moross. concert of the year under the meeting Sunday with an out- Meeting September 26 secretary; Mrs. Roger Holmes, Program for the' day will be chairmenship of Mesdam~ Rob- door buffet !>upper honoring corresponding secretary, and a hat shoiv, member~ to make ert B. Lowry and Donald O. ~.,;.:: past presidents and their hus- hats of garden material. There Stanitake. The Grosse Pointe Delta Mrs. Jack Cottingham,. treas- ~:~""~ . --' _:..,,-'~ . - bands. Gamma Alumnae Group will urer. will be a trigger talk by the The annual Cilristmas Walk f~;~''.';:"\.:.~ Hosts for the party will be chairman, Mrs. J. E. McCaughey through showplace homes of hold their first meeting of the Also board members Mrs. Al- ';.'~.~ . \',. ~fr. and :-'frs. W. I. Arlund, of season, Coffee and Cut-Outs, on on cooking by' the garden calen_ Grosse Pointe and the Birming- INVITATION ton Donnell, Mrs. Thomas E. der, reveling in fruit. Birmingham. In the day's ac- September 26, at 10 a.m., in Groehn, Mrs. William Helier, ham-Bloomfield Hills areas has Members are asked to bring been scheduled Dec. 14-15. The Sept. 28th tivities ",ill be golf, badminton, tpe home of .Mrs. Kenneth !l1rs. Anthony Fortunski, Mrs. horse shoe games and bowling plants for a plant exchange tours will be under' the direc- ~ichl!l of Touraln~ road. Eugene M 0 r Ia rt y, Mrs. Carl PLACE Oil the green before supper. sale. tLon of Mesdames John W. E cards will be cut O\l.~ for Nolte, Mrs. Robert Ungewltter, Baker, WillIam E. Bokram, !III's. Elmer _"'- 12?l1Zl.n is the their vision-screening program and Mrs. Robert !l1arr. .Fisher-Record present club president. Past in the Grosse Pointe nursery Church Group Henry Whiting Jr. and Harry presidents include Mrs. Tore schools. Wieting. Mofor Sales Fnnzen.. Mrs. Gunnar Karl- Any new Delta Gammas in Couple to Live To Hold Dinner A second theatre party in 15000 Kercheval strom, :!>lrs. Charles H. Bay, the area are asked to call ?lrs. February will be chaired by )lrs. Harold H. Albinson. Mrs. Kenneth Kimmel, TU 2-3282. In Ann Arbor Mesdames Edgar H. Farrell Jr. Grosse Pointe Park Carl G. Hasselbad, Mrs. Charles On September 26 at 6:30 at and Donald Hibbert. the Grosse Pointe Memorial J. Koebel, :!>lrs. David W. :Nel- SHORT-CHANGED Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Ger- March 29 is the date' for the ~~' , . Church the Evening Group of son, !1m. GCQrge J. Baer, hlI's. A woman's cbief aim ~ life stenberger . will make their group's fun Telephone Bridge the Women's Association will Karl H. Charlson, Mrs. Ralph seems to be to get a man - ob- home in Ann Arbor where they party with Mesdantes. Richard ,:~>'-'~"~:::-<".;.'<~""""",\."'" '".\ :.. hold a dinner in the church !i:..~.' • I Lagerfeldt. Mrs. Joseph Hadley servation proves her aim is will continue their studies a H. Campbell and Robert D, parlor. Me m b e r s and their and Mrs. Leslie Wrigley. good, target selection poor. the University of Michigan. Gargara this year's chairmen. The Fury 2-door hardtop is one of 23 economy. There are three series, Savoy, guests are cordially invited. They were married Septem- new models which Plymouth introduces to Belvedere and Fury. The engine line-up Phone TU 5.4789 or TU 1-0409 The annual Carnation Ball ber 9 at Christ Church. Mrs. will round out the year's activl. the low-priced field for 1962. All Plymouth includes the' 225 cu. in. 30-D Economy FUR~ BY COMPLETE for re~ervalions. Gerstenberger is the former tIes on May 5 at the Little Club. models have a new look which sets them Six, the 318 cu. in. Fury V-BOO, both Rev. James Mitchell will ad- Eleanor Jean Hartman. daugh- Mrs. John 'B. Ford III wlll be C. GOUNARIS Alterations dress the group after dinner. All apart among standard size cars, There is Mobilgas Economy Run champions, and EXCLUSIVE FURRIER Men's. Women's ter of the Leroy Hartmans, of honorary chairman and Mes- a completely new feel in ride, handling and the 361 cu. in. high-performance Golden st. Petersburg, Fla., formerly members are urged to attend. 9D4 Chalmers VA 1.4063 We Convert dauble.breasted dames John A. Kirlin and performance, with valuable savings in fuel Commando V-8. suits to single-breasted of Kalamazoo. Her hu.~band is David K. Wirth co-chairmen. Complete Skilled Workmanship the son of the William Henry A usti,." MotheJ's Fur Service Gerstenbergers, of W hit tie l' RESTYLING road. REMODELING La Cristy Meet Sept. 27 CLEANERS & TAILORS For the rites the bride wore Capel. Stales, a princess style lined taffeta Jackets 904 Chalmllrs VA 1.4063 gown appliqued with a floral Mrs. Thomas B. McCarthy, motif. A small pearl crown president of the Austin Catho- caug~t her shoulder length veil lic Mothers Club. will extend a of illusion and she carried cordial welcome to the Fresh- men Mothers at the first gen- SEVERO SCHOOL OF BALLET white lilies. Anne Leech was her only at- eral meeting of the year on Wednesday, Septcmber 27, at 8 tendant in a belled skirt bright Fall Enrollments p.m. in the school cafeteria blue taffeta gown and match- Rev. John F. Galloway O.'S.A., ing hat. She carried pink cen- CHILDREN'S AND ADULTS' CLASSES rector, will introduce the mem- tered white lilies. bers of the faculty. Neal McLain, of Ann Arbor, • Beginners • Professional A cordial invitati

i NEW KIWANIAN I Frank Priegel of 553 Neff and safe : road. was inducted as the new- ,est member of Grosse Pointe i Kiwanis in a ceremony held in WITH : the War l\l('morial Center on : Tuesday, September 12. The or- ganization meets at the Center every Tl.e5day. PEOPLES CLUB HOLDS COnKOUT The Grosse Pointe Kiwanis Cluh held Ii ,'Cookout" at the Woods lakefront park on Tues- FEDERAL Picturesque, snug, cozy. The first floor contains:-Living room day. ~cptember 19. in licu of 1 arc gill .9. r meeting-luncheon 112'x 15') with Dining L (7'x9') - Liorary 17': I "x I ) '3") - Kitchel' generally held at the War {9'x9'6")-Screened Terrace (12'x 13')-One Bedroom (10' II "x 12')- Memorial Center. SAVINGS One tiled Both. On the second floor there are two Bedrooms (9'8"x 14') (9'x 14') and one tiled Bath. The basement includes a Rec- GET A Your money is sare at Peoples teation rOom with bar and lavatory. Gas heat. BJilt in 1950. Spick- FREE HEARING Fedcral Savings; every dollar is and-span conditio". There is an oversized two-car garage. The price is $27,000 including carpeting and draperies. Shown by appoi'1tment. TEST insured up to $ro,ooo by an or'\d a dcmomtrotior'\ of SLltC.t; {Dimensions believed accurate but not guaranteed.) incor,lp,cuo,J, all new agcncy of thc United Government. And even- oollar WtJ Hove Many Other Grosse Poinfe Houses carns at the high rate o'f 35'-;%, compounded semi-annually. You Our system ot photographs and small floor plans can Current Rote shorten time-consuming period ot preliminary inspection5 ~~~G~~~J arc safe and ~;atistied at PFS. HEARING UOS by PARAVOX .... c.UN\IIIS. ~Nalural V~ice" Hearing 1201 GRISWOLD at STATE HARPER ot OUTER DRiVe GRA lior aI TOEPFER WO 1.0170 LA 7-7210 p~ 2.5500 Hours: Monday 'hr. Hour>: Monday Ihru ,~~ Houu: Monday 111" ,1 9 to 6 Deol with Th~lJrsdCly••••••••••• ,,10fo 5 .....-' Tu.,day ..' r 910 ~ Thursday••• "M" •• 10,,, S Wecln .. clay, ••••••• 910"" Fttdcy.1I .... ,1 ...... 11 ... 10108 friday J'O to 8 Phon. Appointmolll1-TU 5-540D I Thursday 11 ,1" 11' 11 11 11 11 9 to -4 ) BAYNE OPTICIANS Frlday 9to 6 407 Fisher Road, Grosse Pointe

• ••••• 1•• 2 $II1II& _.a------a------....------~--

Page Seventeen Thursday, Septembar 21. 1961 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly DEADLINE 3 P.M. TUESDAY YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED Three Trunk Ltnes To Serve You Quickly CALL TUxedo 2. 6900 6A-FOR RENT 8-ARTICLf~ FOR SALE 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE 5-SITUATION WANTED SA-SITUATIONS WANTED 6-FOR RENT 2E-NURSERY SCHOOLS (Furnished) GIRL'S tan boy coat and leg. -D-I-NIN---GR-O-0-j\-I-S-E-T-.-5--r-o-o-m-oi-1 CLASSIFIED RATES I EXPERIENCED se('retary de" D_O_M_E_S_T_I_C._S- (Unfurnished) GROSSE POINTE FARMS glngs, size 4, $10. Dresses, stove. Mnngle. VA 2-8621 af. Charge Ads.12 words tor $1.0 0 GROSSE PTE. sires work in Grosse Pointe WOMAN wishes domestic week -I4-2-7---S-'0-m-e-r-s-e-t.--n-e-au-t-I-fu-I--5 Edgen'lCre section. Early Amer- etc. TUxedo 2,5242. tel' 6 p.m. NURSERY SCHOOL Dr St. Clair Shores. 15 years work. Will stay 2 nights. Ref room upper, all newly decor- ~ash Ads-12 words for 90 C - ican, 3 hedrooms, 2 baths, Iib------IDc each additional word and Kindergarten engineering, sales, manurac- el'ences. Temple 2-0771. ated. Adults. $12:> monthly. rary, attractively furnished. Re- TRADE-IN sofas and chairs. All SOFAS AND CHAIRS Ful! and half-day ~essions. turer representative and TUxedo 2-139~. ply to Box '1'-31, Grosse Pointe In nice condltlon. Reasonably Floor stock sent 10 our ware. Coil A fine educational experi- medical fields. 882-8981. EXPERIENCED, religious worn - News. priced. Van Warehouse, 13230 house from our 4 other beaut!- GROSSE POmTE, 3 bedroom ence for your pre-schooler, an desires days. Excellent ref - ______1 Harper. ful stores; some slIghtly above TUXEDO 2-6900 upper, $125. Inquire, 414 Ca. 3 Trunk linfls Transportation available. EXPERIENCED houseman, of- el'ences. Call after 5:30. Tern - AN C II 0 R MY, overlooking ------cost, some slightly below cost, fice c I e ani II g, chauffeur. pIe 3-6211. dieux. watel'. Large beautiful three FRIGIDAIRE refrigeralor, ex- some at cost, at the LINER' STATIONS 821 VERNIER ROAD Grosse Pointe references. EAST WARREN near Grosse room furnished ajlartment. cellent c:ondition; reasonable. VAN \ R I U~ CUNNINGHAM DRUGS TU 1-3460 WAlnut 2-1692. RELIABLE woman wants days , . I N' f LA 7-28,"2. 10105 NOttl' ngham. VA EI 0 ~E P om e. ICe our rooms. 10245 1'11-29 Anchorville. HA " 16941 J{prcheval .t Notre Dam e clean!ng OJ ironing. Good ref Heated, $75 monthly, special 5.3064. 1------1 l_3_23_0_1_I_al_.p_e_r _ TU 5-9698 NEED a baby sitter? The Sit- er'ences. TR 2-2424. electrical wiring for stove. \ HOOVER VACUUMS NORGE electric dryer and HARKNESS PHARMACY 3-LOST AND FOUND tel'S Club. PRescott 7-0377. I 2031~ Mack Ave at Lochmo el. 'I'U 2-3046. Factory doseout. Now all mod- washer, $140. Like n('w, I'll 4.3100 LOST-Grey and w:lite cat, Licensed and bonded. EXPERIENCED lady with 5 BEDFORD LANE ells on sale. Prices too low to TUxedo 2-4578. NF.WB S""ES STATIOSS \'oliit" f",-,-, ;,.,-ll.:lw "yes, ;,'car I . years Grosse Pointe refer - , IIATICO'GTIT TIoud, \.Opr-cr, 'l'. L,.kcf,'unt home '.':ilh 3 bed- Ariver!iQ' Tr~de-ins accepted. -----.------DOWNTOWN AREA old. If seen, please call TU L,CENSEU pracuca! nurse wish_ ences, would hkc Mundays bedrooms, Ph baths, screene !'Ooms, 2 baths, smart kitchen, Harper Vacuum, 17176 E. War. EXPERIENCED l' e-w e a v I n g 5-8409. es private home nursing. VA Wednesdays, Thursdays. WA d I Grand Circus Park news Stan d porch. TUxedo 4-3118. games rMm, excellent furnish- ren, TU 1-1122. moth holes, burns, tears. Hea- Majestic BIdg News Stand 4-35Q(j'. 3-3529. GROSSE POINTE PARK. H')J ings and equipment-Nov. 1st ------.------sonable. Est 1 mat c s. Quick E. JEFFERSON TO CITY LIMIT ~ parakee t, " occupancy MOVING: Carpeting and drap- service. PRescott 7-43Bl. Alden Park I\!anor LOST, Tuesday, --S-E-C-R-E-T-A-R-IA-L-S-E-R-V-IC-E-I LADY wants day work. Very - Camerons Gl!l Shop, Wal'burn Charlel'oix, Sl. Clair. Blu e. court, 789 - Upper 5 rooms . . eries, excellent condition. All TELEPHONE ANSWERING good references. W A 3-5038. & Jeff Nan"!ed "Billy Boy." TU porch, gas heat, garage, $175 SUNNING DALE NR. LAKE mirrored 'vanity and stool. BEDROOM CHAISE LOUNGE. Park Drugs, City LImits 1-0576. MIl\lEOGRAPHING EXPERIENCED lady wilh ref . TU 2-2626, 'I'U 1-3896. Spacious home with 1st floor Dining set, bedroom set, end TUxedo 6-1967 . GROSSE POINTE PARK Miller Pharmacy. Waybur!1 an d -, DITTO erences wishes domestic work guest room and bath, 4 bed- table, cocktail table. pair up- GROUND CO V E R S: Myrtle, Kercheval 4-HELP WANTED PHOTO-COPYING Monday, Tuesdays, Wednes - rooms. 3 baths on 2nd. ~eparate holstered chairs, small sofa. pachysandras. 'I' U xed 0 5- Sullivan Pharmacy. Beaconsflel d , JEFFERSON, E., 28421 days, Thursdays. 921-1619. maid's room and bath on 1st. VAlley 1-0680. and Kero:hev~l MALE and FeM~.LE Village Letter Shop ST. CLAIR SHOHES 0768. Lous' Party Store on Charlevol Splendid home for 6 months. 643 NOTRE DAME TU 4-7064 CAPABLE GIRL for cleaning CUSTOM GUNSMITHING GROSSE POINTE CiTY " WOMAN WHO can drive , • 1959 NORGE gas dryer, $75. Knu!f's' Pharmacy. Notre Dam e If you would enjoy workin g OFFICE WOR~-My home Dr (}r laundry. References. Trin- BELMONT APARTMENTS Johnstone & Johnstone Franchised Dealer 1954 .Whirlpool automatic and Ker.:heval . g New luxurious one aI.d two Colt, Ithaca, Browning washer, $25. TUxedo 1-6722. Cunnlnghams Drugs. Notre Dam e .3 Dr 4 hours a day callin your office, includes telephon- ity 1-5877. 90 Kercheval TU 4-0600 hedroom units. Air-conditioned Bausch & Lomb and Kercheval regularly eaeh month on a ing Dr help with themes. Uni- HONEST woman wishes house- Notre Dame Pharmacy, Notr e group of Studio Girl Cosmeti e carpeted, stove, refrigerator , Winchester Advisory Center . UPHOLSTERY, dl'.lpery, slip and Kercheval versity g I' a d u ate. VAlley work one day. 567-0137. clients on a route to be estab - car parking, hot water heat covers, bolt ends. 79c a yard 2.8295. BEDFORD _ 4 bedrooms, 2 Re-Loading Equipment and GROSSE POIN IE FARMS $120 up mont!)ly. Gremes t and 'Jp. Trail Pharmacy. Kerche\'al 0n lished in and around Gross e EXPERIENCED cook, Grosse baths. Until June 15. $200 Components the Hili Pointe, and are willing t 0 HOMES trimmed and painted Pointe references, fond of vaLue on east side. Park priVl . VAN WAREHOUSE Harms Dr ...gs. Fisher Rd. an d month. B. McDANIEL CO. make light deliverie" etc , Window glazing and caulking children. Stay nights. WOod- Ieges. See Manager, Apt. 3. 13230 Harper Kercheval MAXON BROTHERS, TU 2-6000 113333 Kercheval VA 1-8~~~ ScheltJers Drugs. Fisher Rd. an d write to STUDIO GIRL COS VAlley 1-4127. ward 4-0678. Maumee - ARMSTRONG flute, $60. Ex- MAPLE TWIN BEDS, kinder e METICS, Dept. SW-21, Glen - GROSSE POINTE Farms. New Kinsel Drugs, Mack and 7-MIl NURSING: cancer, strokes, DEPENPABLE girl wishes baby garten table and 4 chairs Rd dale, California. Route wi I! five room ranch. Gas heat 6B-ROOMS FOrt RENT cellent for student. V~lIey Woods Drugs Center, Mack an d senile, any case, IIny shift sitting Dr general cleaning Windsor chair, child's dump pay up to $5.00 per hour. two car garage. 265 Ridge 1-8741. Bournemouth (7 Mile Rd.) PI' i vat e home. PRescott WA I-3(1l4. - ROOM IN PRIVATE home for truck, Playschool peg table mont, $160. TUxedo. 4-2320 GRGlSSE POINTE WOODS LADIES 7-0093. lady. Kitchen pri¥i1eges Dr BUY SCHOOL NAME TAPES TUxedo 1-0329. Grosse Potnte Pharmacy. Mack GIRL wishes days, ironing or Work at home four hours eac h room and board. Near trans- NOW! and Huntington cleaning. Grosse Pointe ref- APARTMENT on Cadieux be - Harkness Pharmacy, Mack an d day handling new and renewa I SECRETARIAL SERVICE portation. VAlley 2-9498. 100 S:C:W-ON tapes. $2.00 erences. V Ai 2-1993. tween Harper and Morang Lochmoor .subscriptions for all leadln g 'TELEPHONE SERVICE -B-A-.-C-H-E-L-O-R--r-e-si-d-e-n-ce--i-n Ten-Day Service Chairs, Tables, Lamps How~:d Johnsons. Mack and 5. Living room, kitchen aLcove , Send Check to: magazines on BUDGET PLAN THESIS PAPERS All styles and sizes, 50'70 off. Mile DAY work, Tuesdays and Fri- bedroom, bath, heated, ho t Grosse Pointe, on the lake, ADSUPCON SERVICE Goronflo, Ma~k and Anita VAN WAREHO'JSE Arnolds Drug. Mack and Raw . through one of our leading d~ - ROSEMARY GANT TU 4-3930 days. References. Call after w ate 1', stove, refrigerator for young business men, De. 1994 STANHOPE thorne partment s tor e s. Complet e six. TR 3.5395. parking, $87.50. TUxedo 5- tween 24-35. College gradu- GROSSE PTE., 36. 13230 Harper Bob's Drugs, Mack and ROSlyn s GARDENER, simpl~ gardening training given, and generou 6523. ate. One vacancy. References. DETROIT AREA commissions paid. Write' Bo x and lawn care. Call John, TR LADY wishes cleaning, ironing TU. 2-9490, after 6 p.m. BEAUTIFUL Grand Rapids BEDS, DRESSERS, chairs, pic BrIggs Drug store. Mack and 2-6346. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thurs- THREE-BEDROOI\I. house, bath solid maple table, 40"x60". Touraine P-1':::, Grosse Pointe News. In - tures, glider cushions, rugs Rands Medical Service Pharmacy clude your qualifications an d days. Call after 5:30, TO and a half, living room, din - LOCHMOOR Blvd. _ Beautiful Extended, 40"x90". Suitable china, glass, bronzes, men's Mack and Moran 8-2651. ing room, kitchen and porch Blue Cross Drugs, Mack and Neff phone. Your Girl Friday room for employed woman. for club or library. V Alley dress clothe. VA. 1-9843. Blue Hill Phatmacy, Mack and two-car garage hot water and GOOD cook, loves children Tuxedo 4-7485. 4-6194. , Blue Hill HAIRDnr,SSERS for Gross e SecretariaL Service heat furnished. 16937 Cran - LADY'S clothing, size 16, arid Oevonshlre Drugs, Mack and light housework, excellent BOY'S Schwinn 26" bicycle. Pointe's fastest g l' 0 II' i.n g I\;limeographing ford Lane. ROOM IN PRIVATE home with miscellaneous articles. TUx Devonshire laundress. Ex peri e n c e d , Student L 8< L Pharmac)'. Mack and 'lea House of Beauty. IIla'Ximum privileges. Pleasant neigh- Automatic ironer. edo 2-4455. cons field Pointe references. 823-2250. RIV ARD near Mack Ave. 2 bed clarinet. Extension ladders, 5 pe'rcentage. Blue Cross. Pai d Mrs. Coleman TU 4-6442 - borhoud. TUxedo 2-4817. Colony Patent Medicine. 1564 room upper flat. TUxedo 5- 28". Reasonable. TUxedo DINING room, Drexe1 mahog Mack vacation. London Salon. TU LARGE room near Jefferson. any. Table, 6 chairs, leaf, buf ST. CLAl R SHORES 1-75!l7. NURSE would like to take care 5C-CATERING SERVICE 5576. 4-7726. Arnold Drugs. Marter Rd. Bnd of elderly person in home Telephone and kitchen privi- fet. Excellent condItion. $195 SINGLE home in Farms. N 0 Jefferson Presl:;ott 6-3189. HILLS SERVICE leges. Garage optional. VAL- TUxedo 1-4904. COTI'IPETENT, RELIABLE children or pets. Good loca NEIGHBORHOOD Parties, Luncheons, Dinners - ley 1-3515. PERSON TO DRIVE CAR toin. TUxedo 5-4091. RUMMAGE SALE BLACK Persian coat, $85 1-PUBLIC NOTICE NURSE, P.N. Part time or relief "Best Service" TO NEW YORK CITY BE- duty. VAlley 4-5378. ATTRACTIVE corner room in FRIDAY, SEPT. 22 Wardrobe trunk, $15. TUxedo References and Experience CITROEN CARS, Monaco M~ - FORE OCT. 1ST. PER- GROSSE POINTE TERRACE quiet private home, conveni- 9 a.m, - 4 p.m. 2-0337. 415 LakeLand. ent to Kercheval and Charle- tors, LOrain 8-4340. Detroit' S SONAL REFERENCES. 5A-SITUATIONS WANTED WAlnut 1-4525 17000 Maumee, corner Notr e 646 LINCOLN RD. only authorized dealer. Dame. Convenient to shoppin g voix buses. Kitchen privi- BOY'S BICYCLE, Hawthorne TUXEDO 5-4478 DOMESTlC 6-FOR RENT center. Decorated 3 bedroom leges. Call after 6 p.m. or DRAPERIES: Six pair fully 21". Excellent con d i ti 0 n EXPERIENCED maid would ( Unfurr;ished) unit with gas heat, stove, re weekend. TUxedo 4-1882. lined floor length floral print; reasonable. TUxedo 4-4489. 1A-PERSONALS - I BE AUT Y COUNSELOR ha s like beauty shop work. VA frigerator and garage: Open four pairs fully lined tra- S PARK, 1127 Beaconsfield, 4 STUDENT CORNET made by OPPORTUNITY to have one' both managerial and 'coun - 4-6667. - 6C-OFFICE FOR RENT verse in deep red. Excellent room upper fiat. Stove, re- daily. $140 m0I!.th. Adults. York, with case, $45. TUxedo home cared for during the selor openings. High earn - buy. TU 6-2649. frigerator, heated, $70. Cou- WOodivard 3-6585 4-2536. winter by responsible couple ings, no canvassing, f1exibl e EXPERIENCED woman' wishes NEW OFFICES, carpeted, ma- who wish leave their coun work by day Dr week. V A ple. DRexel 1-1163. LAMBRECHT RLTY. CO. hogany paneling, individual HOST and Hostess chairs, for to - hours. For appointment, cali EXPENSIVE but precious large try home. References ex 1-7445. FM speakers. Reasonable rent. upholstery class. Call after - TU. 1-9924, between !l-1 2 GROSSE POINTE-Single brick 529 NOTRE DAME. 2 bedroom mahogany fireplace screen changed. Reply, A. Ouellette , TU 2-0263. six. Tuxedo 2-3128. a.m., 7-8 p.m. RELIABLE, dependable girl veneen :l bedrooms, recrea- terrace. Disposal, screened needlepoint (the origina)) Applegate, Mich. porch, • finished recreation wants domestic work. Mon- tion room, carpeting, dra- OFFICE SUITES or SINGLES Russian vase from Czar's 4A-HELP WANTED peries, stove, refrigerator, gas room with batil and fire - Pa'aee. TIoth museum pieces. days, Tuesdays, Wednesdays. Air-conditioning and utilities COMPETENT, 'RELIABLE heat, dishmaster, 2-car garage. place. Garage. Complete in - I USED (Domestil:, ) Ca'll after 7. LO. 8-3207. furnlshec. Free parking. WA 1-3579. PERSON TO DRIVE CAR TU. 1-4170. terior decoration. Call eve- BALDWIN TO NEW YORK CITY BE- EXPERIENCED person with EXCELLENT cleaning lady de- nings after 6 for appoint- 20930 Mack, Grosse Pte. Wds. TRUMPET (Imperia)), $25. Seth FORE OCT. 1ST. PER- local references to live in for sires three days. References. HARCOURT upper. 2 bedrooms, ment. TU 2-5535. Tho mas Metronome, $10. general housework. Pleasan t 11-'2 baths, library, screened ALBERT G. COUVREUR Pianos and Organs SON AI, REFERENCES. TU.3-4157. REAL ESTATE TUxedo 4-5227. and steady position. Call after porch. Carpeted. Garage. VAl. 3 Bedroom Terrace on quiet Used ,only this season at TUXEDO 5-4478 NEAT, experienced II' 0 man CLARENET, excellent condi. 8 p.m., TUxedo 1-4834. ley 2-4874. treet. Extra bedroom and bath TU 1-3000 wants day work cleaning. s famous music camps and in tion, $60. TUxedo 4-3703. 0n 3rd. $175 per month. Newly WOMAN living vicinity Cottage Grosse Pointe references. TV. LANNOO, 5220, near 7 Mile- OFFICE SPACE a va i 1 a b I e our teaching studios. decorated. 1961 R.C.A. 21" Color TV. 2A-MUSICAL Hospital or ,vith own trans- 5-4172. Mack-Three bedrooms, 11-'2 Grosse Pointe's finest busi- INSTRUCTION portation for domestic work - baths, carpet, newly deco- TAPPAN TU 4-6200 ness location. fracy Building , Never Before Grand prize in drawing. Be- four mornings weekly, $14 , EXPERIENCED generaL Child I rated, $140. PRo 5-[)209, VA. 128 K e r c he val. TUxetlo low cost. TUxedo 4-4951. PRIVATE and class piano in- Sales Priced So Low! uniforms provided. TUxedo care, sewing, assist cooking. 2-4148. 1-5007. struction. Guild teacher-Pro- F ARTI'1S brick ranch, 3 bed- CLARINET, case and music 5-9965. After six. 'VA. 1.0506. A-L-T-E-R--R-O-A-D--E-.'--J-e-ff-e-r-so-n-, Also included in this sale, gressive l\lusie Series. El. rooms, wall carpet, recreation, AIR CONDITIONED OFFICES stand, like new. TUxedo 1. wood and Doris Engel, 14932 C OMPANION for elderly worn - COLORED GIRL wishes days; attractive 5 room upper brick screened terrace. Garage. TU Modern building on Mack Ave. , STATE FAIR floor samples. 6484. an. Live in. Grosse Pointe 4-3711. Kercheval, VA. 1-3515. laundry, c 1 e ani n g. WA. flilt. Electric stove, refrigera- Grosse Pointe. Suites or single CLARINET. Boy's clothing, 10- area. White. References re - 3-8773. tor, garage, landscape serv- offices, with parking. Need ten - D~troit open Sun. 1-5 ice. Adults. $135. VAlley 2- R IVARD BLVD. Upper, heated, 12. TUxedo 1-1078. PIANO, organ, voice, theory. quired. WO 2-2897. allt to take over telephone an - Pre-school through university COMPETENT WHITE woman 6611. \ garage, stove and refrigera- swerin~ and some sleno. SMILEY BROS. MOST ATTRACTIVE coat, hat level. Walter Mueller, 482 Co- desires baby sitting, days Dr ------tor. Couple. TU 2-8034. BABYSITTING Woodward 1-4941, 5510 Woodward TR 3-6800 and leggings outfit for girl lonial Ct. N., TU 6-1090. nights. References.' TUxedo HARCOUR'l-Lower, Ph baths, ------6-8 years. TUxedo 1-4722. anti 1-6120, PRescott 1-8016. 2 bedrooms, heated porch. HARCOURT, 2 family tcrrace. Tuxedo 6-1324 BIRMINGHAM LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING TUxedo 4-2380, TUxedo 2- 3 bedrooms, bath. 2 lavs. , 15 S. Woodward MI 7-1177 GROSSE POINTE 19818 MACK, air' condit::oned HUDSON CONSOLE TV, 21" High school graduate, middle EXPERIENCED girl wishes 3 3090. screened porch. by appoint_ CONSERVATORY offices. Good parking faeili traditional frullwood, 2 years ged or elderly woman willing days a wee}:. References. Lor------ment or open Sunday 1 to 3. - Staff of Professional Teachers. a ties, telephone answering ser- old, $100. TUxedo 2-6175. o work. Live in with family 5th ain 7-2614. BALFOUR, 5085, near Warren. TU 2.3126. VIOLINS, good tones, excellenc PIANO, VOICE', t 5 room upper, gas heat, ga- vice available. TUxedo 4-7102 ays per week (7 if preferred). 1------condition, $25 up. Private CLARY CASH Register. Desk VIOLIN, THEORY d VIDOW will care for your chil- .rage, excellent condition. 1644 PRESTWICK-Shown by Must be experienced with chil_ "\ sale. TU 5-1057. for be aut y shop. optical Beginning students through dren evenings Dr w~ekends. TUxedo 4-7436. appointment. LA 7-1645. 6D-RESORT PROPERTY ren. Two children - age 17 studio or bar counter. VAlley artist level. d ESTATES bought and sold. months and three months. Con- VaHey 2-2596. I GROSSE POINTE Farms. Two GROSSE POINTE. Re-decorated 2-5520. 20758 Mack, near 8 Mile EXCLUSIVE Hillsboro Beach CompLete or odd pieces. An- genial family, in nice neighbl>i'- bedroom colonial. Large Iiv-I uppe~. Two hedrooms, den, TU 4-9843 TU 6-2359 EXPERIENCED woman wishes :Jet ween Fort Lauderdale and tiques, silver, china, furni- ood. Freedom of the house, jng and dining rooms. Gas slecpmg porch, garage, radi- h laundry, c1ealling. Tuesday, Boca Raton, Fla. Lush ocean ture, Oriental rugs. Hugh C. STEINWAY Iso your own room. Please heat. Newly decorated. 198 ant heat furnished. Neff near front home, suit two couples a every other Saturday. Refer- Bolan, 10233 Woodward, TO PIANO, organ, accordion, gui- have references. Start immedi- Lakeview. $135. TUxedo 4- .Tefferson, $165. TU 2-7737, Central heat, living rOOM 37x ences. Edgewater 1-0729. 6-2500. Console Piano tar, banjo, classic guitar. Pro- 11tely. Please call PR 6-0213 and 2320. TU 5-9292. 27, family size kitchen. 60-foot fessional teaching staff. ask for Mrs. Carter to discuss RELIABLE, experienced woman pool. ree. room, shuffleboard 2 GREEN leather chairs, $55. REGENCY ;\IODEr~ Punch & Judy Music Studios a II details. wishes cleaning Tuesday, 0 N E _ HAL F DUPLEX, Neff 100 feet private beach. Avail- VAlley 2.9870. Thurs(lay. Friday. Refer- 2084 VERNIER. Large upper 2 Excellent condition. 15 Kercheval, Grosse Pte. Farms able "OW Dr long or short sea- cuces. Call VA 1-5165. Road-Three bedrooms. one bedroom flat. Kitchen with cat. son. Reply to Box No. S-350, A velJ' fine instrument. TU 4-4440 Res., UN 4-9278 \VOlllAN housekeeper. Com- balh on second, one and one ing space. S150 per month. Grossc Pte. News. plete charge. Three young EXPERIENCED maid, house- on third; 2-car garage. Fine Op,en daily. EXPERT piano instruction in Pastel Portraits SMILEY BRCS, keeper, dflY worker. Driver's terrace overlooking garden; . YOUI' h 0 m e. Experienced. children. Cook and laundress 6E-GARAGES FOR RENT by employed. TV. 2-1162. license. References. Horn e $185 per month. S""EEKEY & :"IOORE 115 S. Woodward MI 7.1177 Qualified. GA. 2-7087. h TR 2 8440 TU 1-6800 STEPHEN GYURICH ------nig ts. - . SWEENEY & MOORE RIVARD near Jefferson SPlice Birmingham TU. 1-6800 ------I bl Hawaiian Guitar; Spanish and S-SITUATION WANTED GERMAN speaking girl de'sires I\IORAKG II700 _ 117'50-~ avi a e for cars, stora~e, $20 Multi.Kord. . h h ' . \\0 I hoat~. TUxerlo 2-1262. wor. ookmg, Jig t ouse- bedroom apartments, all cl('c- I . _ RU:\Il\lAGE - Fircplacc set. ~. Master Course VACATION duty, invalid and k C TUxedo 1-5852 work. Home nights. WAlnut DOi\nl'ICAN APARTMENTS, poster ber!. golf club~. desk, m aterniiy c"rc, domestic help. tric kitchens, exce11ent loca- 1677 STANHOPE AVE. ROLAND GUILLEMET 1-363.';. ~ftl'i' 9 p.m. 9610 Whittier. Brand ne\\' and 6F-TO SHARE \'aCllUIll, mower. ChCilp. Tux. Formerly with the Victor I~icC'nsed, Bondr:d. RClll~tercd beautiful building in this ~~O~~~~i\'ate parking. PrieNI __ L_IV_I_N~_Q_~AR_T_E-R-S-_GROSSE PTE. WOODS cdo 2-5638. Recording Co. CARELS EXPERIENCED dayworker for prestige neighborhood. Ready 1 I Studio Rcsidence cleaning', ironing. Tuesdays, October 1st. Select colors now 5261'1! ST. CL:\IR, G r 0 sse WILL SHAHE furnished Lake- GIRL'S 24" Schwinn bicycl(' in a.PIECE white modcrn hC"drnom \VA 1.5110 LA 6-8136 BABY SITTING AGENCY Wednesdays. Grosse Pointe TUxedo 2-7271. Pointe. Upper .') rooms. Gas shore carria,l:(e hOllse with excellcnt condition. $20. TU. set, 3 ycars old. $200. Pink CALL US, VE 9-9066 rcference~. Lula ,Jones, TEm. I ------. heat. garage. Aclults. TUxedo ,l!enlleman. Call Mr. Boyd. 1.9508. G.E. washC'r and dryer, $300. 2B_TUT01:ING pIe 1-7048, eVenings. GROSSE PTE. GARDEN APTS., 2-9,';40. TU 4.6177. Tuxedo 1-8;)50. C 0:\1PANION to (: Ide l' I Y or ______.______21441 SLOAN DRIV}: 1__ _.~_. .__ -.------.----- BOY'S COAT set. size 6. Also semi - inva lir!. Experienced. GIRL WANTS day work :\Ion- On!' and two-hedroom apart- i 922 NOTTINGHA:\!. upper, 3 NEFF nO ..\D nC'ar Village. lYcl~lnl girl's. size 6. TV. 4.3836. FUR STOLE Sl~. Wool muler- COMMUNITY nlty sull, si~C' 12. Bahy hathi- Light home duties. Refer- r!ay~ and Tllesdays. Experi- m('nt. Laundry facl111lr:s, auto. hedrooms, 2 porches, ncwly to ~hare ;lp~rtment. n ------.• ----- TUTORING SERVICE cnces. WA 8-9105. en{:ec1. R('ferences. Own car. malic "as hcat. parking area. dc('orated, nalural fir£'place. nighl.~. TV 2.4462. A,\RGOT W. HANSEN'S neUC'. car s('al. (,irr~ lip- :"oms. LOUIS MAnICK, DlREC------\VA. 2-79.'\0 afl!'r .'>. .. TV 4,8947 .\ d ul t S. $95. ED,I:(ewater -- - -. _... ------Gr:lnr! ni\'er AI1 qallel'Y Iin('d ('oat, size 12. Blazers, OVSEKEEPEH. refined, 'nlrs- ~ilc 10-12. Bo~"s Slit!. coat, TOR. Tlitorln~ by de~ee teach. II EX-P-}O~-R-I-E-N-C-lo.:n-wo-m-a-n-'-v-is-he-~ .. . 1-7411. HOUSE OF DISTINCTION ing experience, preferahly 6G-::::~~?_R~FOR RENT erS available in all subjects for SllC 16. TUxedo .')-99t;;). ~mal1 family. Grosse Pointe da~'s or we('k work. No nights. FIVE-ROO:'>! h(,ilted unfurnlsh- 1;)80 SQ. FT. available in new Plcturcs-l'ainlings grades high school. college and rcr"r('ncC's. R('ply Hox H-17, 897-(\637. TY 5-7965. C'ei apartm£,l1t on thC' Hill, 6A-FOR RENT Eilrly A 11\ e I' i can building. Custom Framing HOUSEHOLD fll rniture. (,nnn adult education. ollc-hillf hlock from K('rche- I Furnished) H1487 ~lack Avenu(', Gross(' 7422 Grand RiveI' Grosse Pointe News. condition. Few antiqu('s. TV. 339 Meniweather val, availahl(' soon. Shown ------. -- ---"'------Point(' Woods. F:.ll1y air-condi- 2nd blk. N. of Blvd. COOK, first ('lass, £'xperien('ed. TV 3-39~O aflC'r six. GrossC Polntc Farms by appoinlm('nl only. Phonc 3-ROO:'>1 studio ap~rlment, heal. tioned. WlIl complete Interior Closc to Expr!'ssway ROSSE P01NTE'S UNUSUAL Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs- OPENINGS FOR TEACHERS G Werner, LOraine 7-223~. garahe. Gnod 10caUon. NC:lr to ~lIit. TV 4-4516. TY 7.6322 TY 8.1160 BLACK Persi~n lamh fulllC'ngth SECRETARIAL SERVICE day. Kenwood 4-9663. transport at ion. .908;). Tuxedo - coat. white' mink trim. $250 IlOUND dining room t~hle, 5 TUxedo 4.2820 Letters, Resumes Composed GROSSE PointC' F,1rms--Avail- ,';.8:;31. 7-WANTED TO RENT ca~ll. PH 7-9382. XP)O~RIENCED. Wishes Mon- ('xtr.1 leaves. ~uilablc fo]- cot. • Dictalion Taped by T('lephonc E ahle imm('(liat('ly. Newly drc. ------" .-- .._------"-~_.- . day and Thur~dJl'.housewol'k. (mOSSE POl:-lTE FAR:\IS SI:-


. \ ... , ~ ..... '.... n ~------:----:--:-~~"'!"""----~IIIIIIII II!')I1!1- ; jlllljl----I!'--- ..------•• - e••••••••••••• t••••••• £.i

Page Eighteen GROSSE POINTE N,EWS- Thursday, September 2"1','196"

YOUR AD CAN 8E CHARGED Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly CALL TUxedo 2-6900 Three Trunk Lines To Serve You QuicklV DEADLiNE 3 P.M. TUeSDAY 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE ll-AUTOS FOR SALE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 'I3-REAL ESTATE 13A-LOTS FOR SALE 21G-ROOF SERVICE 21i-PAINTIUG AND FOR SALE FOR SALE DECORATiNG SILVER tip black fox shoulder FORD '55 Station Wagon FOR SALE VERY reasonably pdced lot SPECIALIZING in gutter shrug. Excellent condition. 8 cylinder, o1-door Country 113'xI78'. Builder's terms. Al- 11'01'1< Roof repair. 30 years _ For Finer Painting $40. TU 2.8932, Sedan. Standard s'lift, chauf. McMILLAN ROAD :ill1H' park,'r. TV 5--1415, olTers 1386 l3lSHOP-Fil'st ofi'(' l'in g. 4 so sillall three-room bUilding expericnce. full y insured, & Decorating feuI' driven, Private. TUxedo 1','1 I l'l'!1l 1'!Jt 1'1\'1'1i,'s: bcdroollls. 1 \ ~ bath, brick. Den, at new low price to be reo low priced. Richard Willertz. ~lcPIL\IL Baby Grand Piano A 3-bedl'00n. coloni:!1 11<':11' .IH 5-3980. J ,'.\ll.1I "t('ph'ss. 0Pl'!J. (,JI1pty family room, modeI'll kit('hen, moved by' buyer. Suitable lor TU 1.8170 or TU 4-3930. CHARRON ,mo bench. Used very little. schools and St. P,lltl pari,h. Ex cellent kitchcn and brcak!;, ~t ,It ~:~:!7:~Dor,'mus. $17,500 gas heat, garage, carpctillg. sales office, cottage, etc. Tele- PAINTING CO. $400. Hi937 CI'.1nforrl Lane. Deal With Your Neighbor SUMMER Speeial - Gutters room. Priced to sell. with qui, 'k J stulii" amaZl'llll'llt. open, phone 884-2708, Satisfaction Our 1120 BEDFOHD-Prke reduced deaned, new strainers install- LA \\'SO:-: sofa. good condition, TED ANGOTT occupall('Y. rlllpty ill :?~l)25 G l'and Lake, Gual"lntee 011 this good 5 bedroom, 3 bath 14-REAL ESTATE c'd, $5. Gutter.roof work and S50. TUx('do 2.3282, 16830 Grosse Pointe's Buick Salesman $lU110 ... colonial. Library, terracc. Fine WANTED metal decks. Caulking. chim- PR 8-4778 DR 1-3098 Villagr Lane'. TOM ROUSSEAU BUICK T. RAYtv10ND JEFFS a 2 11l'droom bi~-Iot, dosc-by for large family. ney repairs. Insured. Bill. TU 15103 Kercheval 81 Kercheval TU 1.110 0 :It SIO.OOO or so',' FRO!\'I OWNER-3 01' 4 bed- HUGHES BROTHERS, paint- 5-807(, TU 4.3930. PLAID Boodlr Buggy. pad, ex - a l!Jxuriolls cH'ry - ('omfort 4-17 FISHER-Sharp 3 bedroom room house in Grosse Pointe ing and decorating, wall VA 1-5400 171 WILLISON, Grosse Point e ec!lent condition, SIO, Whir I- hll~t' St('pl,'SS near 9 mile, bri('k. 11 ~ baths, family room, City. Uncler $30,000. TUxedo washing. expert paper hang------.----- Shores. Like ncW in dlOi<: ROOF REPAIRING pool automatic washer. need s c S16,800 ... liO' lot. 2 car attached garage. ing, free estimates. 5293 '57 BORGWARD, Per-fect con- nc:g!:!::o:-~ocd, T!~~'rc !::cc,co:- 5-(}794. Expert on leak.v I'oofs.' gutters, J t:p(.ll.l, S~G, Tt:A.":' Ju j~';::;';:::: -- dilt..1 ~ujUt" 111\t:~luh. ..ul ~Hld.J ~i\,;'.::.. decks. caulking. VEniee 9-2220,1 Yo!'k$hi!'e. TUxedo 2-9i50 dition. Must sell, Private ranch, nicely arranged. Fu It in Farms, a 3 unit joy. Top 1302 KENSINGTON-All brick 16-PETS FOR SALE LAkeview 1-6427. or TUxedo 1-76117. RC:\.TY table model, swive I PRescott 1-3515 after 5 p.m livinl!, rlining and Florid a maiutenanl'e smooth opera- center hall colonial. Lovely fam- _.-. ~t:l11d, new tube. Universa 1 TRIUMP T. R. 3, 1961. Excel rooms face back of house tion, near everything, Com- ily room, 4 twin size bedrooms, MINIATURE poodles. black, COl\'lPLETE decorating, service. gas range. full size', like ne\\ - garage. Best value in Grosse 21H-RUG CLEANING Interior and exterior paint-, lent eondition. Grey wit h Two ear attJched garage plete with tenants. $20,000 AKC registered, bred by 3959 Beaconsfield. Pointe. ing. Paper removing and black top. Electric ovcrdrive Many extras. Price REDUCED . . . in City. a 2-unit re- champions. Reasonable. Trin- to sell. Owner. TUxedo 1.61366 modeled interior and spaee. ity 1-5819. BESTCARPET CLEANERS p~per hanging. Wall washing. ::\IAPLE bunk beds, complete VAlIe'y 1-2468. FLAT FOR RENT Terms, $20,000 . . . in 9- Workmanship guaranteed to TUxedo 5.0745. A WO::\!AN KNOWS ,CLEI',NING DYING FORD 1957 Tudor 6.CyJinder- Harpel' suburban nearness, Upper 6 rooms. Neff near Ker- CHILD'S pet needs good home. be the best. For estimate. McKinley, 289 3 bedroom s cheval. $155, heat furnished. 1\Iuffet Is combination spaniel REPAIRING :\'OTIGE electric stove, $25 Excellent condition, ncw tires "nice" neighbors. brick call Vendomc, 245 3 bedroom s and settel' (i:emale). 4 months. PROMPT HOME SERVICE Baby's potty seat. Both cxce 1- $675. Tuxedo 2-0337. Cape 51,~/3Y.! on 60' or 100'. WILLIAM FORSYTHE Rivard, 747 3 bedroom s MANY OTHERS Had necessary shots. House FR EE ESTIMATES lent condition. TUxedo 1.0687 $16,800 ... in Roseville. a VAlley 2-9108 FIAT 600 2-door, 1958, in goo d Barrington. 734 3 bedroom s trained. Tuxepo 4.3678. INSURED double-barreled f u t u I' e. condition. Heater, whitewalls lIIcKintey. 365 3 bedroom s AUTO DRIVERS! Only $7.5 4 charming pl'esent. $35,000, TU 2.6556 EXPERT interior-exterior paint- quarterly buys $10,000-20 Bargain. TU. 2-1198. Maryland. 1020 4 bedroom s CHAMPION MINIATURE Sehnauzer. Male. ing. Wall and window wash. - 7 months old. Champion 000 Bodily Injury and $5,00 0 Berkshire, 1222 5 bedroom s 102 Kercheval TU 4.5700 RADKE CARPET CLEANERS ing. Storms changed. Valley Property Damage Liability Balfour, 93il _6 bedroom s stock. Proven show material. - Carpets, rugs tacked down 2-5180. TUxedo 1-2376. FARM TRACTOR Bishop, 1014 7 bedroom S 54 UNIT Evenings and Sunday, TUx- or loose. upholstered Curni- I Chalfonte. 324 Ranch edo 2-158-1. . Excellent condition. '166 KENWOOD ture expertly cleaned Jnd GEORGE S. DALLY CORNET, students. Good con reasonable Lakeshore Lane, 576 Rand 1 MOTOR HOTEL PARROT. CAGE, $85. moth-proofed Jr, your home. PA1!,;TING. DECORATING dition, $55. TUxedo 5-7733. Ridge, 235 _ Ranch AAA approved, directly aeross GROSSE' PTE. F AHl\'IS Free estimates, reasonable TUxedo 2-0263 TUxedo 1-4851 Wail washing and patch plaster- Lothrop, 18<1 •••...... Ranch busy highway fl'om "Adventure Visit the prestige house. 5 bed. prices. DRexel 1-313.3. LARGE dog-house, custom built in Good Eating" Dining Room. jing. Sen'ing this community 1I'loran. 161 ...•••. Semi-ranch rooms, 4~'2 baths. On quiet lane, POODLE, black niiniature. po- $35. 452 Chalfonte, Tuxedo OPEL Station Wagon. 4 cylin - Harcourt Fla t $265,000.00 with $70,000 down. convenient to evel'ything. tential stud. Excellent HoIly. TACKED DOWN CARPETS over 25 years. 1.4701. del'. manual shift. green Wayburn, 1106 .•...... Fla Balance at 5% interest. A fan- , t TU 2-9113 court blood lin~s; 10 months. AND FURNITURE VA 4-8004 tastic operation with a national A CLEARANCE sale of beauti heater. clean. TUxedo 1.1599 Kingsville, .Ont. Cottage MIdwest 4-43()3. 1 - reputation. Iul eonsole and spinet piano s ANN BEDFORD GOOD;\'IAN OLDS '56 88 hardtop. Radio CLEANEDon. CUSTOM PAINTING to make room for new model~ . TU 5-6063 LO 7.<1706 MINIATURE brown poodles. 8 heater, whitewalls. Excellen t EARL M. JOHNSON FINE PAPER HANGING Brand new spinets from $449 JOHN S. GOODMAN weeks, AKC. Tuxedo 1-4095. condition. $650. Friday, or HOli"GHTON LAKE, MICH. GROSSe LICENSED and INSURED Used W u 1'1 i. z e I' apartmen t Saturday. TUxedo 4.2147. PR LOCATION SOUTH OXFORD ROAD, 11<11 20-PIANO SERViCE J. F. TROMBLEY size spinet, $350. Spinet organ 7-9827. RUGS PICKEn UP 2 years (lId priced at 1,.:2 0f -Attractive Colonial; thre e BISHOP Road-By owner. Colo- .POINTE PIANO TUNING and servidng, AND DELIVERED . VaHey 4-3227 original cost. Convenient bud - '52 CHRYSLER Windsor 4- large bedrooms. 2Yt baths , nial. 3 bedrooms, Ph baths, guaranteed. Watter Mueller. get terms. Grosse Pointe Pi - door. Good tires. $150. 501 extra closets. library. scre(;11 - spotless inside and out. Close Shown by Appointment TUxedo 6-1090. PAINTING. -' paperlug. paper ano and Organ Center, 1493 2 Washington. TU 1.2356. ed porch, gas heat. carpet - to schools and shopping. Car- 20% removed. ' WaIl washing. Kercheval, near Alter. ing and draperies. Large lot , pets and drapes. 10 years old. COLONIAL COl\IPLETE piano serviee. Tun- OFF CASH and CARRY Neat, reliable. Work guaran- 1961 MERCEDES.Benz 220S - ing, fully landscaped. c y c Ion e Under $27.000. By appOint. 1007 Three Mile $85,000 rebuilding, refinishing, teed. Mertens. 122 Muir. TU HEFRIGERATOR. 13-fl., 2-door , Black, red leather. Immacu - fenced. Appointment. TUx - ment. Tuxedo 2-3105. 725 Graud Marais 75.000 de-mothing. Member Pia,lO PRIDE 2-0083. white. Hotpoint. Good concli . late. VA 2-1277. edo 5-9433, WOo 2-5454. 84 Vendome 60.000 Technicians Guild. R. Zech. CARPET AND FURNITURE LEO P. KISTNER tion. Tuxedo 1-2037. 70 Sunningdale .•... 52,000 731-7707. 12-AUTOS WANTED Elizabethan Estate Interior painters, exterior. 776 Trombley 50,000 SINGER with enclosed moto I' BALFOUR Free estimates, work guar- Exceptionally well built fam- 30 N. Duval ...•.... 49.900 21A-GENERAL SERVICES WANTED: New Or late mode I CLEANERS anteed. Rates reasonable. drive and Zig-Zag. Just dia I Choice FIRST OFFERING-AI - ily home on 200' site. 4 1238 Lochmoor 49,500 Cadillac to trade on excellen t CARPET LAYING FREE ESTIMATES Custom work and eolor. fr,r decorative work. no othe I' most new architect designed bedrms.. maid's quarters, 840 LakeshQre ••.••. 49,000 vacant business property NEW AND OLD Farm Colonial with many spe guest suite. Paneled li- . 717 Middlesex ...•.. 47,900 106]5 CADIEUX PRescott 7-5876. PRescott attachments needed. Pay $3 TUxedo 2-6781. - Stair Carpet Shifted cial features, 3 Bedrooms, lY.! brary, Florida I'm. Ideal for 1044 Whittier 45.500 7-5853. , for 11 months. PR 5-6188. Repairs of AU Types TUXEDO 5-5700 12A-BOATS & MOTORS baths plus 1st floor powde r gracious entertaining. Over 1169 Devonshire 45,500 RECREATION furniture'. Safe room. G.E. kitchen is homemak - 1600 sq. -ft. attic storage. - 629 Lakepointe ...•.. 43,950 BOB TRUDEL H1-PAINliNG AND 21J-WALL WASHING 19 FT. OUTBOARD 75 H.P er's dream. att. gar. OlTered at l,~ origi. TU 5-0703 Dinner set. Roto-Broil 400 515 Washington 42.000 DECOitATING Good condition. reasonable nal cost. TU 1-6300. WALL WASHING Tuxedo 5-1415. TAPPAN TU 4-6200 , 552 University 38,500 LUGGAGE, trunks. zippers. TUxedo 4-5184. PAINTING & DECORATING 85 Robert John .•.• '35,900 sample cases repaired. Gold HOUSE and garage painting. TYPEWRITER, Rem i n gt 0 n Johnstone & Johnstone 1133 Bishop ...... •..• 35,750 REDUCED WINTER PRICES 22 FT. SPORTS UTILITY. New stamping, cu'tom built tug. Refrences. Very reasonable. Adding machine, Victor. Vi 1852 KENMORE DR .• G. P. W 512 Pemberton , 35,500 - upholstery, new top. 20 hours ga:ge. Travelers Trunk Co., Free estimates. VaHey 1.9684. ELMER T. LABADiE brating pillow. Sun lamp 1st offer, 6~room colonial, 3 GROSSE PTE. 1303 Devonshire 32,900 on overhauled 130 -h.p. en 10323 Mack. Valley 3.0048, Desk. Singer. blond Queen - bedrooml H2 bath. 14x14 19960 Norton Court 33,000 TUxedo 2.2064 gine. 2 props. Refinished. AI I By Appt. Valley 3.00-17. ERNEST A. BOCK Anne pel' i 0 sl, with bench 644 Pemberton 29.900 mahogany. TUxedo 2-3138. jalousie porch. knotty pine CLOVERLY (G.P. Blvd.-Kerche- Pointer and decorator; quality Ironip.g board. TU 2-7232. 1418 Grayton 28,500 val)-Very special lIrt. Ver- and color matching, the finest! basement, bar. 2-('ar garage 588 Cadieux 24,900 "For the unusual" call . non colonial. 4 bedrooms, 3 Served Grosse Pointe homes for TODDLER'S girl's coat set . 12F-RESORT PROPERTY low taxes. carpeting. drapes 2064 Hawthorne 23,500 Suburban Maintenance WE WANT TO BE cherry red, size 3. TU 1-8706 baths. maid's. Paneled library. 10 years. FOR SALE $23.500. TU 4.8877, 1915 Hunt Club ..••.. 22,800 all eleetric kitchen, large glass Associates 428 Lothrop ....••.. 22,700 20685 Woodmonf TU 1-6905 PALM BEACH, Florida - Bed- "No Job Is Too Small" 8A-OFFiCE EQUIPMEt4T terrace. full air conditioning. 1354 Hampton 22,400 YOUR room co-op apartments. Ocean FARM COLONIAL Bathroom and Kitchen FOR SALE sprinklers, circle drive, fenced 2024 Hawthorne 20,900 EXPERT paintmg. paper hang- beach. poot. monthly mainte- Modernization Iut 90'x135'. Early possession. 1032 Nottingham •.... 21,500 ing by mechanics, free esti- TYPEWRITERS and add i n g nance, $22. $14,950. terms. 361 McKINLEY One phone cali for all 1452 Bishop ..... ' ... 20,500 mates, Van Assche, TUxedo machines. new, rebuilt. Rea- Preseott 2-1365. BY OWNER I 428 S. RENAUD-Cape Cod, horne maintenanee prob- 4209 Harvard ..•..... 20,000 4-1187. VA 4-1492., PRINTER sonable prices. National Of. Three large bedrooms. 1ih Ilh-story,3 bedrooms, 2 baths, lems. 1789 Brys Dr 18,500 Each job receives our fice Equipment, 16833 Harper 13-REAL ESTATE baths. paneted library, good lav. new electrie kitchen, car- Licensed 'Builders DONALD BLISS at Bishop. TUxedo 1-7130. FOR SALE closet space. bay windows. New pets, draperies. special attention ... RANCHES TU 1-8444 PR 6-3038 Decorator aIUIT'Jnum storms and screens assuring you that we 1341 N. RENAUD-Custom built Exterior I!1terior (self storing). Window air.con- 742 Sunningdale '. 65.000 A TTENTION: I will haul away are working for YOUR SS-ANTIQUES KENSINGTON. south of Ker- ranch, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 Free Estimates d itioner. Must be seen to ap- 45 S. Edgewood . 59,900 all junk, broken appliances, best interest in the ANTIQUE SHOP, primitive fin- cheva1. Good family home. St. lavs., large paneled library, 819 Lochmoor . 35 Years in G.P. preeiate. 56,500 etc, free of charge. Call evaluation of your own Clare parish. Owner tram- bright kitehen, sprinklers. ished and unfinIshed. Glm;s, 16 Moorland ...•... 56.000 Evans. WAlnut 5-9691. TU 1-7050 s p e cia I requirements. china. ironstone. 20933 Har- f erred. Quick possession. At- SHOWN BY APPT. ONLY Best condition. 20097 Ballantyne ..•... 42.500 per. t ractively priced. Mrs. Schwi. TU 5.9225 683 Fairford .. , .••... 41,900 2 279 ROOSEVELT - Terrace 1C-ELECTRICAL FOR HIGHF:ST quality work- kert. TUxedo 1-3760. 655 Hamptoll ....•.. 39,500 home, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 SERVICE manship plus color schemes. ORIENTALS (Sarouk, etc.l. - 187 Ridgemont _.. , .. 39,900 Silloway & Company , lavs., library. all carpeting. O. Krauss. PR 1-1148. Queen Anne chair. Chippen. 1/ASHINGTON. 589. First of- 311 Stephens _, _. 39,900 ELECTRICAL REPAIRS Vacant. PRINTERS dale chair. large. Hand paint- f ering. Well loeated family 19745 Blossom 'Lane . 39,500 APPLIANCE CIRCUITS ed plates. Bone china cup col- GROSSE POINTE Shores. 3 home. St. Paul and Richard Painting and Decorating' G.P. CITY 562 Shoreham .' . 34.000 PROMPT SERVICE LITHOGRAPHERS lection. Un u sua 1 candella- bedroom ranch, 90' wide. Im- school districts. Spacious cen- Besl of Grosse Pointe Keferences LAKEFRONT - Older home 85 Robert John . 35,900 brum. Six miniatures. Oil mediate possession. TUxedo ter hall colonial. Four bed- KRAUSMANN ELECTRIC • Interior • Exterior 432 Mechanic Street with 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 930 Creseent Lane . 36.600 painting. Watercolor. French 1-2947. rooms, two baths, den. modern 561 HollYWOOd . COMPANY l'ree Estimates maid's. Approx. 3 valuable 36,500 WO 1-3969 tables. Pair wingback petite- kitchen, new gas heating plant . 19981 W. Doyle .. _..•. 34,800 'f'Uxedo 2-5900 JOHN R. FORTIER I acres, 135' choiee water front point chairs. Hand c a l' v e' d arge lot. Mr. Keane. TU 1-3760 19717 W. Kings Ct . 32,900 (seawallJ. Future land subdi- PR 7.3551 Rotary Offset Printers brass cornice. Tuxedo 2-7232 PRESTWICK, 1822 19771.Holiday., . 32,500 21D-~I.ECTRll.A ... Silloway & Company viding possible. CENTER HALL COLONIAL 341 Ridgemont . 29,500 APPLIANCES 9-ARTICLES WANTED Three bedrooms. 11,2 baths, at. HUGH CHAL"IERS 198,1 W. Ida Lane .•.. 25,990 FARMS. brick ranch. 3 bed- FRANI<'S WASHER- GUIDE TO GOOD SERVICE BOOKS bought in any quan. tached garage. finis~ed base- TU 4-40-10 Eve. TU 4.2557 1984 Lochmoor . 19,900 rooms, wall carpet. Reerea. 2010 Allard . tHy. Entire libraries, book. m~nt. gas heat, c~r~et~ng. dra~- 19,800 DRYER SERVICE tion. patio, garage. Offer All l\lak('s cases. art objects. Mrs. B. C enes. New: .Fngldalr~ Flair Free Estimates under $20,000. Terms. TU 4- EARLY AMERICAN extra large 11/ STORY 822.0602, After 5 p.m. TU 1.0766 Claes. 1670 Leverette, wo 1 range, . r:natchl~g. refngerat?r , 2 3711. llh story, 27'x45'. Large ' 12874 E. JEFFERSON 1 Electrical Rep~irs 3-4267_ dehumldlfer, mcmerator, d15' ______posal. knotty pine family kitchen. 1169 Devonshire 45,500 i 519 Anita .. , 37,900 I full dining room, 3 bedrooms. 1!l980 Wedgewood 36.500 Factory Authorizer.. PIANO. good make grand or $32,000 TU 1-2445 NEFF - 2-family Colonial al- Appliance Circuits consote wanted. Phone 731- most new. 5 rooms eaeh apart- ;~;ti~~th:~o~newft~nell~;at~~~~ 1~~~ ~~~~~h~~~~ :::::: ~;',~~~ HOOVER EUREKA PROMPT SERVICE ment. Separate Gas AC fur- 7707. aluminum screened terrace, Service, all makes, serviced with 551 ROSLYN. New attrae"Live nares .. .. 1035 Roslyn ...... •.. 23,000 1 'GenuI'ne faetory parts WE BUY old gold. jewelry and gas h cat, d isposa, I memera- '. Krausmann Electric Co. 'colonial ranch. Three bed- FAIRIIOLME-Very nice colo. tor, many cxtras. Beautiful 942 Washington ..... 23.000 2. Motors cleaned inside & out. ~ silver. Vogue Jewelers, 22377 Serv!ng the ;;rosse Patnte area TU 2 5900 rooms, two baths, large family niaL 3 bedrooms. Pancled condition with new carpeting. 1616 Hampton ...•. '. 18,900 3. All bcarings greased for over 36 years - Moross Road. room, full basement, 75' x 2230 Hawthorne 15,900 4 d & d d . d ~-w-t.~ library. Recreation room. Exccllent locp-tion am 0 n g . . nags c,eane. . eo orlze . 150' lot. $39,800. Open Sat. 2022 Ridgemont 10,500 - C h & $ 0 Mutschler kitehen. trees. Reasonably pI' ice d. :J. as . earry save 1. O. LET US HANDLE urday and Sunday 2 to 5 or by appointment. Owner. TUx- MAXON BROS. TU 2-6000 1779 S tan hop e, TUxedo HOUSES OPEN - 6 Small repairs $1.00. $150. THE SALE OF YOUR 4-0038. Open Sunday 2 to 5:30. 7 I Day Servicr. Serving the Pointe Area HOUSEHOLD FURNISmr\"GS edo 5.1025. 302 GROSSE POINTE BLVD. ----- 5undHY 2.5 for your inspection 18. All work guaranteed. IX YOUR HO:\1E 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, Under in Grosse Pointe and surround- HARPER VACUU:\I Personal following. GROSSE POINTE $3a,OOO. Open 'Vednrsday, GROSSE POINTE ing l1rcilS. You ar(' corriially in-I 17176 E, Warren at CadJeux Ruth Gillman, LI 2-7738 Saturday, Sunrlay, 2 to 5, VEHY CHOICE OFFERING Isl OFFEm:\G vited t? call or ~top in our officc I TU 1-1122 Phyllis Br,1dy. UN 3-4669 VAlley 4-8529. DEEPLANDS, N. by appoint- OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 for a 1Jsl. :"EW _ REBUILTS _ PARTS ment. 1\'2 story center hall. Liv. 273 LAKELM\"D - r..;gW colo. TU 4-0600 TU 1.6300' WHIRLPOOL K . h. BOOKS purchased Cor cash, ing room with bay, fnmily room IN ROMEO n . I 100' 101 near lake'. 4 • _ • • ell more \\as • Business Machines la on I, I JOHNSTON F, &. ers and dryers; also ironers Entire libraries or fine single has natubl fireplace, 2 bed- 2-story brick. 4 bedrooms, l"rge hcGrooms. 2 ~ ha1l1s, largc fam- d II h r All • Rubber Slomps items. Mldwe,,1 Book S"rv. living room, natural fireplacr, rooms, 21,'2 baths first floor, 2 il y room. Fine IXL kitche'n - J0 HN STO N E l1n a 0':lc apP.lanccs. • Wedding Invitatiol'\S ice. 4301 Kensington, TU I J/'J baths, w;llk.ill ccdar closel, angc. 2 ovens, dishwasher, dis. metal repaIrs: SWItches. fau- Grosse Pointe Cab and I on sceond, first floor util- l' • Fine Printing Service tiled basemenl. 9Wxl ;'0' corner 11 ,\tlal'hcd g~r~gr cets, etc. QUIck. reasonable. 5-2450. ity. Offered at much less than Posa " ." ------TV 4-2491. lot. :-;ear schools. Tcrms ar. reproduction. Mrs, Dunaway, 6 KEWm-:HRY _ ll~ stery PHICE REDUCED! TU 2-5300 TH01\lBO:"E for ~tudent. good TU 1-:n60. rangcd. Owncr. 4 condition, Rca.'>onable. Tuxedo h orne' in finr ('oIHlition. :l heel. New ~-heriroom ranch G.E. kit. 1-2479. Silloway & Company PLateau 2-3673 I'oom~, :ll..z haths. pi,'wled Ji. chen with matching refrigerator, HOOVER h 1'111'\'. AI1r~etiv.' kit('hen \\ith I ~'.l baths, carpeting. draperies, Quick. Dependable ------_. AUTHORIZED SRRVICE and WANTED BY OWNER. 3 bedroom, 2 bath riish~\'.l~lJcr. dbpo"tll. Carpel-: 1ilrd h:I.',rm~nt, g3S hcat. 2-car FIRST OFFF:R1 .....G ng, rlraprrie~. Sprinkler ~ys. i garagc. Ll111dseapcd. $24,000. Sales ranch locnted on quiet circle 1 PO)NTE VACUUM TV. RADIO OLD CLOTHING :'>lrKHljLEY - ;J-hedroolll colo- C'm, Att"ehrr! garage Private snlr by owner, Prescott and i:1 Grosse Pointe Woods, t ~1019 i\IACK TU 1-1014 Service BESTPRICES PAID Beautiful horne in perfect ninl in fine' rondit iOll. I I ~ 2-480B. FHEE PICKUP & DELIV ERY SERVICE hath~. large kitchrn, big FOLL~\\'ING BV ."PPT. FOR MEN'S SUITS ('ondition, CHrpeted 1hrougtl- t\~~w . REBUIL'! . PARTS screenerl porr'h. 'Built 1055. KI~I\'W()OD COURT .•. Custom 13A-LOTS FOR SAI.E WOLVERINE L. L. DACKEN out. Immedlatc posses~ion. TOPGOI"\ T5 AND SHOES $28,;'00. Tuxedo 5-4100. h\Jill ('oloni ..] in top ('onriition. .---- 21E.-CUSTOM CORSETS 20431 Mad TU 1.2791 TUlsa 3.1872 $44.500. Call TUxcdo 4.771!l lan{r hrrlrQ{)m~. 2'~ halhs. ::\IIDDLESEX nLVD.-80'x200' ------Typewriter Service Co. for appoint menlo ~ A telephone call will bring us I _ C. W. TOLES f...mil,\' I'oom. At1raf'tive' kitebf'n for s;l1e by ownrr. TUxedo SPENCER CORSETS Cur Hew Location: to you immedil1!cjy ---- _.- ._-- - -.------\1' ilh hr('akfa~t hay, "Built-ins." 4-70:ifl or TUxer10 5.2051. IndiVIdually dc~igned. light. 13131 E. JEFFERSON AVE. -_ .._._------~--- 1ST OFFERJr\'~ GHOSSE PTE. WOODS earpcling, draprries, sprinklrr PHOVENCAL HOAO wI;lght foundatIons and sur- Next to 1he Savarlne Hotel WA.-\'.TED: Brtl('!' womrn's and .Filce hrick rall('b, !In Hoslyn. s.y~le'm, Filll'. drr'p 101. CHOrCE HOME SITE gical gar men t s. over 26 (ililri r( n's ('I othllH{ for re~ale 676 LOCHMOOR VA 2-3560 ~ her! 11 I II I k' I years experience, M a u d e ROAD SERVICE in G. P. s)/op TCxcdo 1-8082. Bri<:k ('olonl;1I built in IOlj6, 4 . rooms, /~)a lS, ~rge ']t. ;\IUSKOKA __ :; hcrlroorm, :1. J\djarrnt Country Club Golf 13 ann crt, 368 McKinley, ---_.---.------!Jrdrooms, 2 baths. nIl rlouhle eben, Jiving room ;,nd dining ell, bath ('olonial wilh I hpdroom i Course. 125' x 2:15'. Gras.:! Pointe. TU 5.4027 or l1-AUTOS FOR SALE" elosets, library, utility room. serernpd porch, liler! llilse'mr~\l, .1nd hath on 1s1 floor Largc I HUGH CHALlIlEl'lS 2-car ga1'.1ge, carpctIng, Luxalre ' , TOwnsend 9-3317. GROSSE POINT.~ TU Largc lot eomplrtC'!y fenced, gas heat Hunter fa . B 'It IO:;r. k ~tdh'n, iargc hrcakfa~t room ru 4.4040 Evc., TU 4-2557 --_.~ ------'57 CTlHYSI;ER-4~Door-ir~rdtop 24-lIr.1.9mt:.'A~a Day .. beaulifully landsc.1ped. Exeel. '. n ,1I .,.J, SIlu;,terl on I1IC(, qUiet Iree ------21F--FLOOR SANDING S~ir~toga .- Good ('ondiUon. lent condition. I block t? .F ('rry -School. Excel-limed stl'(,Cl.' IGHOSSE POINTE Park, 2 lot~ . . . Shoe Repair PO\, ~r .<,t('rrl n S ,lOd brakes. lent condillon anrl many extras, I corner LakcpoIntc and Avon. FLOOR SANDING and fmlsh- S,durday ;lno Sllnday only. SWEENEY & MOORE $27,9(}O. By owner. TUxedo KARL DAVI ES TU 0-3220 (late, 75' x 177' ("ach. Private ling. 24 years in business. A1- 379 Fisher Rd.• Opp. Higl! Earle Richards Service 20397 Mack Ave.. In the Wood. 4126 L.ulox. V

; ;

7 ? PS 77 prE 2 EDZS S 9 j t • t $ Thursday, September 21, 1961 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nineteen 21S-CARPENTER WORK ••~••w••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7:45, Senlo!' Choir. Thursday, Seplember 28: 4 Classified Con,tinued • • 8, Detroit Conference Luther p,m., Junior clioir rehearsal. 7 Headlines Additions Remodeling League Board at SI. Paul. p,m., Youth dJOir rehearsal. 8 21J--WALL WASHING .. .. '" p.m,. Chancel choir rehearsdl. (Continued troD! Page 1) 21R-CEMENT WORK Family Rooms Friday, 22:- mospherlc' tesls of vaslly larg- WALL WASHING. Experl'meed, LETO BLDG. CO. 'l'U 2.3222 Church News ... ST. PAUL EVANG, LUTU. L. VEHBEKE I I " .- • • er weapons. \ f r c e eslimates, reasonable CEMENT CONTRACTOR N. J. Lelo Founded 1913 ••••••••••••••••• a •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ".• Salul'day, 23:-9:30 Cale- 375 Lothrop at Chalhnte rates. VAlley 1-2232, LAke- All types of cement work. chism Classes. Phone TUxedo 1-6670 • 1-5014 '" " ... view 7.6103. }'0I11:TE l\1ElIIORIAI, Monday, Septembcr 25: 4 p.m. 10, Junior Choir. Pastor SundaY, September 11 Porches built or repaired. CARPENTER, repairs, doors, Unlled Presh)'l.erlan Church in Crusader Choir rehearsal. "" ¥ .. Rev. Charles W. SaJ;ldrock WALL WAS II I N G, experi. Patios a speciallty. Bonded, lOCKS, sash cords, cabinet DE FEN DIN G IRISH UN Licensed and Insured lhe U.S.A. '" '" .. Sunday, 24:-8:30 and 11 Vicar TROOPS in JadotvilJe in : ages Remodeled. services Sunday. (Near lIlaek and Vernier) POINTE CONGREGATIONAL the time they wish to consume C U S TOM upholstering. A ALL KINDS CEMENT, Keynoting the Lesson.Sermon The Rev. Edgar H. Yoeman 240 Chalfonte at Lothrop their food. - -- g~re:ndserl~n Free Estimates and Planning on "Reality" is the Golden Text The Re\'. George II. lIann lIlinisters: splendid selection of deco. BRICK & BLOCK WORK Service. FHA Financing. ' rative fabrics. Expert need- RESIDEN,TIAL, COMMERCIAL from the Bible (PJlil. 4): Thursday. S I' P tern bel' 21 lIlarcus William Johns.on DEAL DIRECT WITH "Whatsoever things are trup, Arnold Dahlquist Johnson lepoint mounting, Estimates Driveways, Rat Walls, (Feast of st. Matthew, Apostle BUILDER whatsoever things are honest, cheerfully g i v e n. Ewald. Garages Raised. and Evangelist): 7 a.m. Eu. Sunday, September 24: 9:30 CITY OF whatsoever U"Jngs are just, 13929 Kerche,,'ll. VA 2-8993 Cement Slabs, Patios. TU 1-1024- charist. 9:30a.m. Eucharist. a.m., Worship Service. Church whatsoever things are pure, Basement Waterproofing...... * School for Crib room through whatsoever things are lovely, Furniture Refinishing Porches Re.built or Repaired. Sunday, September 24: 8 a.m. lOth grade. 11:00 a.m., Worship JIM SUTTON whatsoever things :Ire of good Euch3rist. 9:30 a.m Choral Eu- Service. Church School for Crib Steps, Pre-ea~t or Stone. 1677 BRYS . Piano - Cabfnet report; if there be any virtue, charist and Sermon. 11:15 a.m. room through Senior High. fjl'O~~t1?oint-efitl'm~ OUR SPECIALTY ~ Carpenter Work, P.(!pairing & and if thcre be any praise, think l\lorning Prayer and Sermon. Wood Paneling, CEl\IENT REPAIR Remodeling, Attics, Porches, * ... '" Free Estimates on these things." Preacher at two latcr sen'- Monday, Septembcr 25: 1 Lacquering Garages. ices--The Right Reverend C. Licensed and Bonded. A correlative citation from p.m" Women's Ass 0 cia t ion TU 4-2942 Alfred Vocgeli, Bishop of Haiti. Bowling League, 20422 Mack SUMMARY OF tl\lNUTES EDWARD RUDNICK! NCJ JOB TOO SMALL "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Church School classes {in- Ave. 6:45 p.m., Men's Club ST. CLAIR SHORES CUSTOM MODERNIZATION Just Cali. Baker Eddy states (p. 275): "All fants through grade 6) during Bowling League, 19748 Harper September 11,'1961 PR 1-4347 Additions, alterations, recrea. FRED NAVARRO substance, intelligence, wisdom, above tll"o services. Ave. 7 p.m., Girl Scout Marin- tion rooms and kitchens. Free * • * ers in Social Hall #1. CHAIRS RECANED, dolls re- TU 2-5735 estimates. being, immOliality, cause, and Meeting was called 10 order at 8:00 P.M. paired. WA 1-2710. effect belong to God. These are Wednesday, September 27: . .. .. Junior Chi Rho Classes (Grades Tuesday, September 26: 12:30 Present on roll call: Mayor William F. Connolly, Jr., 121S-CARPENTER WORK THE BARLEC CO. His attributes, the eternal mani- II. 7, 8, 9). p.m., Women's Ass 0 cia t ion Councilmen Henry E. Bod man William G. Butler, 219-PLASTERING VALLEY 1-8146 festations of the infinite divine Thomas K. Fisher, William G. Kirby, Ledyard Mitchell, Jr., L&R ------,- Principle, Love. No wisdom is group meetings in the homes. and Edward C. Roney, Jr. PLASTERING, perfect repair. 21T-DRESSMAKfNG wise but His wisdom; no truth ST. PAUL EV. LUTHERAN 7:00 p.m., Group 4 potluck sup. ing. Have that new ceiling Custom CO:1struetion is true, no love is lovely, no 375 Lothrop, at Chalfonte per In home of lllrs. Lee Absent: None. now! Clean, guaranteed. VA BUILDING REMODELING EXPERIENCED dressmaking life is life but the divine; no Phone TUxedo 1-6670-1-5014 Kitchen, 790 Lincoln. Mayor William F. Conolly, Jr., presided. 1-7051, VA 4-3022. and alterations in your home Pastor, Rev. C. W. Sandrock I • Complete Kitchens good is, but the good God '" '" ... Minutes of the regular meeting of August 21, 1961, • Family Rooms or mine. ,":alnut 5.7344. bestows." Vicar: Mr. Davis L. Darrington Wednesday, September 27: l! were approved as submitted. 21R-CEMENT WORK T h u l' S day, Sept. 21-12:45 p.m., Membership Seminar in • Bathrooms EXCLUSIVE atlerations by • Recreation Rooms WOODS PRESBYTERIAN Dorcas Circle, Church. home of Rev. and Mrs. Marcus Reports of the Building Department for the month of MariC' Stephens". Quick serv- Johnson, 1215 Balfour • August 1961, the Controller for the months of July and 5 complete kitchens on display. ice on hems. (Furs). TUxedo 19950 !\lack Avenue at August: 1961, and the Inter-Municipa.l Police Radio System ASPHALT See and browse at 5-7610. Torrey Road GROS.SEPOINTE showing the expenses for the perIOd January I, 1961. Andrew F. Rauth, Minister through June 30, 1961, and an estimate of expenses for the by 30140 Harper PR 1-5050 SEWI~G alterations, a d u Its Charles B. Kennedy, METHODIST CHURCH First English period July 1, 1961, through December 31, 1961, were and chIldren; hems, zippers, Assistant lIIinister 211 Moross Road ordered receh'ed and filed. LEE A. WALKER plain drapes. Blankets bound Robert L. Lucero, REV. JAMES D. NIXON Ev. Lulheran Approval was given to pay Cooke Contracting Co. the MIDWEST ROBERT M. PA.LNAU TU 1-7455. Assistant Minister sum of $21,000.00, as partial payment under their contract Thursday, September 21: REV. ALFRED T. BAMSEY Meeting Michigan State EXCLUSIVE c u s tom made Church for the asphalt recapping of City streets. REPAIR screens, fenees, porch. 9:30-2:30 p.m. Girl Seout Work- Ministers Highway Specifications es, steps, doors, windows, dresses al1d suits, also altera- Vernier Read at WedgewDDd A contribution of $50.00 toward the cost of conducting tions of women's apparel. shop; 6:15 p.m. Westminster 9 ;30 Worship; Church School Drive, Grosso Pointe Woeds the annual Municipal Employees' Golf Tournament was ap- cabinets, bookcases. Goo d Choir rehearsal; 7:15 p.m. Boy for Nursery Ih'll 6th grade For free estimates, call work, prompt service. S. E. Grosse I'ointe location. VA Adult Classes proved. Scout Troop 546 meeting; 7:45 11:00 Worship: Church School 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Barber, 20380 Hollywood, TU. 1-6836. MIDWEST ASPHALT PAVING p.m. Chancel Choir rehearsal. for Nursery thru SenlOr A proposal submitted by Ernst & Ernst. covering a CORP. 4-0051. Htgh. 11:00 a.m. survey of the Department of Public Works, was accepted. ALTERATIONS in my home. " ... '" TUxedo 1-U.88 Church Worship .WAS-55 15 or TU 4-4049 Quick service on hems. 778- Saturday, September 23: 10:15 The bid Of International Salt Co. for furnishing the Cily Additions - Alterations 0195. a.m. Carol Choir' rehearsal. TUxede 4-5862 with rock salt, at a cost of $8.40 per ton delivered, was Kitchen Modernization ...... '" accepted. ,. - • Cut Me Ouf .. - I DRESSMAKING - Alterations, Sunday, September 2'1: 9:30 I Or Minor Repair slip-covers. Neat sewer, good FIRST CHURC'H OF The bid of Ken Brown, Inc., in the amount of $1,783.20, a.m. First Worship Service. 9:30 You are ln~ite" to use tho I Free Estim"tes fitter. WA 4-5518. CHRIST, SCIENTIST, being the low bid for furnishing the City with one express- I Licensed Contractor a.m. Church School-Nursery body pickup truck was accepted. GAS 0 IL through Senior High; 11 a.m. GROSSE POINTE Christian Science , - I FRANK J. ST. AMOUR 21U-PLUMBING The bid of Tony Angelo Cement. Construction Co. in the Second Worship Service; 11 a.m. FARMS I I TU 2-8324 TO 5-5791 Reading Room amount of $11,350.00, being the low bid for the paving of H EATI N G NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE Church ,School.Nursery through Kerche\'al Avenue north of Prm'encal Road, was accepted. Junior High and Adult Bible Sunday Services 10:30 a.m. 19613 Mock Ave. YOUR FURNACE on BOILER Sunday School-Inf~nts. : I H. F. JENZEN BUILDING CLEANED. Class. Christian Education Sun. Room ..' , 10;3() a.m. Grosse Pointe Woods The bid of Henry Salvatore in the amount of $1.385.55, I Service Man I Home a'hd industrial repairs Call day - Dedication of Church Open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. being the low bid for the construction Of catch basins and I Additions, attics completed. School: officers' and teachers. Wednesday Testimony daily except Sunday. and Holi- connections in that part of Kercheval Avenue lying north LARRY'S CUSTOM Meetlng _8:00 p.m. days. Thursdays and Fridays of Provencal Road, was accepted. I I Porch enclosures, reereatiol) PLU~mING and HEATING Rev. Robert L. Lucero will until 9 p.m. VA 2-1659 rooms, garages repaired. I TUxedo 1,,7410 preach. 7:30-~:30 p.m. Thistle KERBY SCHOOL The bid of Floris DeMeulenaere in the am 0 U n t of I TU 1-9744 TU 4-30.-.1 Club for Senior High youth. 28S Kerby Road, at Beaupre First Church of Christ, $2,8'11.15, bcing the low bid for repairing pavement dips We have 24-hour emergency ALL ARF. WELCOlllE Scientist, on \'arious City streets, was acccpted. I~ I servh.~. DOING all types of carpenter 21Z-LAN DSCAPIN G Grosse Pointe Farms Carl Com merson, having successfully passed the Michi- I lJ I work, remodeling at tic LICENSED mas te r plumber. gan State Department of Health examination for Water I I rooms, porches. Small or big R e p a Irs, remOdeling, etc. TREE TRIMl\ilNG, Treatment Plant Operalors. and having obtained a Class jobs. Estimates free. TUxedo Guaranteed electric sewer REMOVAL, SPRAYING, Sixth Church of "F-3" C~rtificate, was given an increa!>e in his salary, to 5.5B92. $6.339.00 pel' year, effective September 9, 19lil. I I cleaning. Cal Roener. TU. Dutch Elm disease spraying, I II 2-3150. c'lhling. CHRIST, SCIENTIST 'fhe City Manager was authorized to prepare specifi- OLD FASHIONED Free estimatcs. Detroit cations and to take bids for the repair of a 36" storm sewer I Pastor E. Arthur McAsh located in ~n easem( nf along the northeasterly side Of the SEWERS CLEA~~ED TU 1-6950 1I~10 Kercheval Ave. propcrty at 12 Lake Shore Road. CRAFTSMANSHIP IN CAL FLEl\HNG TREE one block west at ,\1Ier I NEED A : AND REPAIRED 10;00 n.m. MornIng Worship. Sun d ay Se rvlceo MODERN CABINETS SERVICE I 10 :30 •. m. and 5 :00 p.m. The application of Presion Company for a deed under 45 Years on East Side 11:20 •. m. SlInday School. Sunday School _ 10 ;30 a.m. the :\IIPhigilO Great Lakes Submerged Lands Act of 1955. For Beautiful Quality COl\IPLETE landscape service. to the filled-in bottom land on the lake side of their pro- : PLUMBER? : Cabinct Work, Call 7:00 p,m. Evening Servieo ~ Wednesday Evenln~ VA 2-1282 Lawn cutting, fertilizing, top testimonial meetlng-8 p.m. pcrty, W:JS approvcd. R, adlng Room dressing, cultivating, seeding, An W"oom' 16348 f;a.st Warren "SPRENKLE" rolling, trimming and prun. III Extcnsion of lwo leases between tile Grosse Pointe Carl Watson 2 blk •. we,: or Ouler Drh'o Public School System and the City of Grosse Pointe Farms, : VA 2-1282 : ing. Spring ciean-up work :;'2 Week day •• 10 a.m.,,9 1•.111. to ,lunc 14. )966. was approved. II- _ • 3 Location5 • _ .. LA 6-550 I Wedncsda,'s - 10 a.m .•? pm. 21V-SILVER PLATING hour. For frce estimates, Sundays • 2 p.m.-4;30 p.m. Julius La Quiere. PR 8-2709. Approval was given to pay F!oris De:llculenaere the mLVER & GOLD PLATING sum of $6,500.00. a!'; partial payment uncleI' his c')ntract (or The Grosse Pointe thc repair of curbs and sidewalks. Oxidi7.ing and Repairing Landscaping Congregationol Brass Polishing & Lacquering Bethany A proposcd Agreement between the National Banlt of Church Detroit ann the City, rclative to the use of a parcel of A. H. PETERS FUNERAL HOME Jewelrr Repairing, Engraving Lawn Maintenance 240 eh.lfonto at Lothrop Christian Church propcrt1 thirty ieet in width owned by the National Bank Lt:EBERT "FOR SERV)CE Grosse POinte. Michllran (Disciples or Christ) of Detroit and running from l\lack Avenue easterly, was THAT SHOWS" MiNISn:nS 5901 Cadi~u,. Road found to bc llnsatisfactory. and thc matter was rcferred lo Est<3blished1917 51LVERSMITHS Ihe City Atlomey for rcvision. Call 791-3636 1I1>«6s \\"l1Il.m John,on At Linville 14508 CHARLEVOIX ,\rnold Dahlquist Johnson Servin~ Grosse Polntcs Acting on the recommendation of Ihe City :\lanal(er. Blk. east of Chalmers FOUR STAR ~:.)') A.:-'T.-Worsh'r> Service Firf'man Warren Schultz was appointed to serve as Sergeant Church S, h"(,1 for C"b room REV. KENKETlI BRADY, VA 2-7318 LANDSCAPING PASTOR in thc Fire Dcpil rtmcnt at slich times when a substitute lhrolli:h 10th !:rade, officcr is rcquired, and thc annual salar:, \l'h~n serving- in II lYl A.:l1 -WorshIp Service 9:30 Church School this papat:!ty was set al S6,396.00. Church School for Cnb 1'oom iO:4,'i Won;hip SERVICING THE GROSSE POINTES. Ihro\li:h SenIOr Ili!:h. 6:30 Youth Fellowships A communication was receivcd from :\lr, PC'tcr B. Clark of 349 Kenwood Cour;, cxpresslIlg his appreciation FOR OVER % CENTURY to the Council and the Cily Engint'Cr for the immediate and ('ITicient attcntion given to the replacement Of curb Every style 01 Fence St. Paul Ev. anr! sidcwalk in front of his residcnce. erected lor you Coundlman Bodman heing unable 10 attend thl:' .an- Lutheran Church nual mecting of the :\1icl1igan ;"Iunicipal League, l\layor ChoTfont_ ond Loth,op Connolly was ciesignatcd to serv~ as the City's official WA.1.6282 TU. 1,6670 Sf. James reprcsentative to cast the vot!:: of the Cily at the meeting. Ineludlnr We InYile You T" Wor.h,p Wlih Us 8:30 o.m.-Worship On proPC'I' motion madC'. supported and ('arrie>!. the Chain Link All-Steel tMd Lutheran Church meetin~ ,1cijourncrl at 8:55 p,m. 9:45 o.m.-Sunday school Kerch •• ol ot McMillen Rustic Styles (All oges) 12057 GRATIOT AVE. 20705 MACK AVE. at VERNIER RO. 11:00 o,m,-Worship TU 4.0511 William F. Connolly, Jr., Dawson F. Nac:y, DETROIT 5, MICH. TUXEDO 4.5500 11:00 0 m,-Sur,doy School Sund.1}' Services. 9 30.11,00 a m. Mayor LAKEVIEW 6-7700 GR05S~ POINTE WOODS 36, MICH. (Ages I-B) Sunday SchOOl, 9:30 am. City Clerk Rev. Chari .. W. Sandrock MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. Poslo, Nillsery during holll sen'ires. Puhlished in thc Grosse Pointe News, 10403 HARPU Mr. Mon,od V. Mendsog., issue of August 21, 1961. RESIDENTIAL, INDUSTRIAL Vicar Rev. Georg. t. K.II, Pellor

• I .' Page Twenty GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, September 2 r~196 r * * * * Feature Page * * * * --'~'7-Z:;' .-. Pointer of Interest . 't.uhen the POINTE ...... ! ...... ,"....._.- ....,...... -.--,." Good Taste r;: . ''WaS ~rowin9 Up. + + Favori/e !~ecipes ff ..l. '''f. ..~ oj People ii, The Know f!J~nte - ~ ~"--'" FRESH PLUM CHUTNEY Counter Points / 2 cups light brown sugar, firmly packed By Pat Talbot By Pat Uousseau 2 cups granulated sugar ---",. "Sweet Dreams . . . are sweeteL' still" in t.he Edit are grateful to J\lrs. ,\lfred J. Mayer 1% cups cider vinegar heavenly sleepwear from Walton-Pierce. Soft brushed for a memorhun \'olumt> about her famous ancestor, James 3 tsp. cruslled red pepper A. Van Dyke, ma)'or of Detroit and founder of the Dutch nylon gowns are touched with lace or otherwise finely 4 tsp. salt famil)' which took such a prominent part in the growth of detailed. They keep their good look&, because they are Detroit. 4 tsp. mustard seed so eI< AJfr.::J J. ;\1<1)'1:'1:; alia daughter Margaret Van Dyke 1 cup j.>l'e:;cl'veu ginger, :) lo<. Apro/)Ol .. , yom ememble deJeI'l'es a batI You'll lind '* chopped Mayer, the sixth generation of her family to attend the the JeaSOII'SIlewest and most flattering shapes (It Inrjug's, school. .J 2 cups white seedless , ~ 82 Kerehet'al 011 the {Jill. W'e lot'ed the rwique color com. The Van Dyke family gave money for the present ! raisins ~, ; ~ biuatiollJ alld tbe deep deb tones hUerpre/ed its 1relve/, convent to be 'built and members of their clan and re- ; i ( 7 !.:Ups of fresh Italian ~. , f l'elollrJ, jllrs al/d feathers. lated Chapotans, Picquettes, Beaubiens, Des n 0 y e l' S ( F ,~ prune plums, halved Cas grains and MOl'ans have been enrolled in the school "'. and seeded *' * * Bravo ... for the Italian knits that are making such a big since its beginnings in the old world as well as in Detroit Mix together sugars and vine- llit at Leon's 17888 Mack. The colors include grape. vine green and the Pointe. A Van Dyke was mother superior at the gar and bring to a boil. Add re- and Metliter;ar.,ean blue. The two and three piece costumes are maining ingredients ex c e p t convent, another went on to be dean of Manhattanville designed with great simplicity ... )'et there are imaginatIve plums and mix well. Then stir details that set them apart. By the way. ask to see the Italian College, and another is pres6.dent of the College of the in plum halves. Simmer until gloves that are specially ordered for you ... allow three weeks. Sacred Heart in Tokyo, Japan. thickened, about 50 minutes. * * * The founder of the Van Dyke family in this area, Stir frequently and gently. Fill Dual Purpose ••• the two aims of a Mutschler James, was born in Mercersburg, Pa. about the time of hot sterilized jars. Yields six Kitchen .•. to glorify cooking and to minimize work. the War .of 1812. He was educated with private tutors DR. ELVEN DUVALL, OF BERKSHIRE ROAD halt pint jars. Store in dark This is accomplished by beautifully styled cabinetry l\nd at Madison College, then studied law. In 1834 he ------_.- place. combined with well engineered work areas and easy to decided to go west and chose Dctroit instead (If Sf. Louis By Patricia Talbot maintain equipment. If this philosophy fits in with your bcca':.tse this was the first stage coach stop. He entered where teachers are hired in a In another few months Dr. Elven Duvall 'will know general way. Spe'cial Courses way of thinking ..• then you'll want to see ti,e models the law offices of Charles W. Whipple, who became a everyone of the 473 teachers in the Grosse Pointe School 011 the Closed Campus at Mutschler Kitchens, 20489 Mack Avenue. Supreme Court judge, and in 1844 became a partncr of System. Since February 1 when he was appointed as- Dr. Duvall, with the rest of Offered Adults Oil * * H. H. Emmons, Esq. (ance!'.tor of Hal Emmons, of Radnor sistant superintendent of the Grosse Pointe Schools over the administrative staff, has Voice and Language Improve, K'IOll' Your ABCs ... (vitamin, tha~ is) and what they circle, antique car collector). O been keeping a close and in- ment, Vocabuhry Improvement will do for )'01/. Drop by Tbe Notre Bame Pharmacy to 1, 00 applicatiopsfrom teachers seeking jobs have passed terested eye on the closed cam- The partnership continued until 1852 when Van and Introduction to Geology are ask abol/t NOTRE-VITE, a balallced formula that is com. across his desk. From these he chose newcomers to fill pus regime initiated this semes- Dyke became attorney to the Michigan Central Railrolld being offered in the Adult Edu- pounded lor them. You lake aIle a day. Each cOlltaim a 55 vacancies. He will keep in close touch with them an d tel' at the High S c h 0 a I. (headed by Pointers McMillan and Newberry), and Em- cation Program given by the their 418 colleagues throughout the year. "Change for change itself is complete rouge of llitamitlS alJd mil/erals. A bottle of olle mons took up a similar position with the Michigan Department of Community Ser- The teachers in the school ------useless but this closed campus hmrdred is six 1IitJety.eight. Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad. vices of the G r o.s s e Pointe system are Dr. Duvall's direct fish, swim and hunt, in order system will improve the educa- Public School System. * * * 1n the ensuing years Van Dyke became prosecuting responsibility. Records, recruit- to bring himself up to date. tional program. Teachers will Voice and Language Jmprove- lnvltatioli •.• from Helga to stop at her Health and Beauty Salon for a consultation on the benefits of Electrolysis. She also attorney for Wayne County, and then alderman for the ment, certification and profes- From February to June appli- have a longer classroom period ment is designed for students third ward when he was of great assistance in pulling offers a free introductory treatment' by l\trs. Laldo, who told us sional growth of teachers all cants for teaching positions to give more individual atten- whu seek to j m pro V e their about The J\lemectron l\tethod of deep massage. The salon is the city out of debt. Because of this fine work he was come under his direct surveil- swarm into his office. There tion to each student," he claims. voices for everyday speech. For located at 20951 Mack Avenue and the number to call is TUxedo elected mayor in 1847. His great interest was the fire lance. Jndirectly his office are usually 45 seekers for each Dr. Duvall has discovered con ve n i e n I' e of study, the 4-4308. . department. and he served as a volunteer fire fighter keeps an eye on the administra. job. No teacher is hired without that many of the ideas suggest- course is divided into tWlJ main from his first days in Detroit, finally becoming president tive serviee, business ilnd fi- .1 personal interview, usually ed in the now famous cduca- parIs: (1) Producing the Voice, Center Holding gained competence already in of the department in 1847-1851. nance, community service and several, and a thorough dossier tional Conant Report have been and (2) Using the Voice. Part conversation classes. This will public libraries, but teachers which means a great deal of used in the Grosse Pointe sys- 1 might be considered the scien- be accomplished through addi- James Van D:rke married Elizabeth Desnoyers, are Dr, Duvall's main concern. checking. tern for many years. He loves tific phase of voice study; de- Frellch Classes tional reading assignments and daughter of the revered French pioneer family and the Came from Western U. Seck Best In Nation administrative work and is de- veloping good v 0 Ice quality, time devoted to conversations couple had eight children. Several members of the A one time classroom teacher "The one big responsibility termined to strengthen his de- conlrolled breathing, and speak- Conversational F r en c h for based on them. family, and the clans into which they married, owned himself, he grew up in Utica, that this office has is to con- partment, not rest on past ing distinctly. Part II might be both beginning and more ad- property in the Pointe. William Van Dyke's name was studied at Eastern Michigan tinue to recruit from all over achievements. This leaves him called the artistic phase of voice vanced students will be offered Before You Close On on the injunction restraining the Grosse Pointe School University, the University of the country to bring in top Httle leisure to enjoy his fam- study; considering way s and at the Grosse Pointe War board from buying the Fisher site. Michigan and received his doc- quality teachers. The heart of By, inerclc." on Mack avenue, Grosse Pointe's Own Sport ShOJI ------~------* ):~ * :'If e mol' i a I Church schOOl and J. l. HUDSON Instructor will TU 1-6239 106 KERCHEVAL PILFERINGS functions on a two s{'ction on lhe Hill The littlr firs! g-raciel' was told to come ehool hut she arrived hlte almost everv day. Do ~'Oll 11:-1\'(, ., JlOuschold 01 G/OSSC Pointe WOll6s TU 1.5262 ienced, mature artists of age through .Tunior High; onc TU 1.2262 The difference in time amounted to as Jl1l1ch 'as 30 furniture It"> ~II'.' L<-I IJS r1t"> il that rflflect the ioy ~('('tion fll 9:30 n.m, :inn the I fnr \'0\1 In ,,"our 1'(Hnc. Nt') minul(!~. rlOtl.!i~ ton _"mall or ton la:-~c. I scconel at 1] :1.'5 a m. A singlc I 'Vc have 1hc ('u.c:;t()mcrs. Call DR 1-5218 "r(m ~et out of scho(,1 the ~al1le time evcry day," and contenl ment lTigh School group IMrts at anytime, 'r.~ rrH,IJlCr ~Clid, '\Vhy ran't you J.(et homc the sallle found in creating I 9:30 a.m. HOUSEHOLD tirfl r:- ?,'l Chevrolet Model Close-Oui! coiffures for a I 'E-X-PR-E'SSWAY-MAP-- FURNITURE SALES EARN "It d(;pends 011 the ('ars," was the J'<'ply. "\Vhat do A map of Detroit exprcuways and II.._U_N_1_'2_3_S_B __ T_E_3_'_6_B_20--, EXTRA MONEY tht (;,r~ have to do with it?" prestige clienter. I downtown section FREE. Call at: " __ ._ ..... _.. SELliNG '61 Chevys & Corvairs The ."ollllg"ter explained. "The patrol hoy who takes L. Black C., 30 Clifford St., Detroit MITCHEll All Models • • • All Colors or send 10c for postage and han- I 1/\ ,iI'ross the street makes liS wait !lntil SOIl1C nus come Fashion-wise Grosse GR£ETING CARDS and GIFTS dfing to moil requcUs. I & J Including Demos and Officials Cars alon;: so he can stop them." Pointers expect more G Electric Co. ..-»-CLUBS OR INDIVIDUALS " ...... Jim Krausmann, Owner - TREE', HEW, BIG CATALOGUE My idea of happiness is four feet on a fireplace at MARIE SIRD'S DUCK HUNTERS • 70 SAMPLES, NAME IMPRIN1£tl HUGE SAVINGS! fender .. , Oliver Wendell Home;;. and they get it! Canadran Cluh in Mitchells Boy Electrical Wiring l.cro'iM In"'" CJ"iIIMOS Cord. fr.. , now taking limited number of .v.ryder)' end b;rrfoldoy card., o'f1', ~ ¥ * and Repairing loy .... hO\luhoTd arid bob)" .il«ml 1G'1a. new members, Excellent occam. l Isn't it a shame that future g-cncratiolls can't hl. lamp". len' On opproToT. he Call Tuxedo 1-6833 modotions, mo"h and shore • ALSO, IMPRINTED STAnllHERY here to see all the wonderful thinJ:s we arc doing with blinds. TU 4-2738 Ted Ewald Chevrolet for appointments. W ..ddil"lO DMoun<,m'"'r ..rlClpkm. t heir mOIlf~Y? ••• Earl Wilson. TU 5-4426 end mOlch .. , wri,. teH:Iay- 15175 E. Jefferson VA 1.2000 GrOJJe Pointe & Ea.it Side Milrt..n G,."ml. c.. c.,.. WK <1117W, 7 Mil, h"~ I),t,.;, " Mich. • , (GroJse Poil1/e's 0111)1 Chei'rolct Dealer)