: Overview of humanitarian access (summary of constraints from January to September 2017)

In the first 9 months of the year 100 cases of access constraints were registered. 97% of the cases took place in northern and central regions (, , Ménaka, Kidal and Timbuktu). 75% of the incidents were related to robbery, carjacking, and physical aggression.

Number of access constraints xx by region TAOUDENIT Limit of region Limit of new regions

Main road ALGERIA International boundaries Achourat ! Non-functional aerodrome

Foum! Elba Functional aerodrome Administrative centre of region

! Locality MAURITANIA ! Tessalit Violence against humanitarian workers on locations Violence against humanitarian 20 workers on roads ! Abeïbara ! Arawane

Boujbeha! KIDAL ! Tin-Essako ! Anefif

Al-Ourche! 24 ! Inekar

Bourem! TIMBUKTU ! Gourma- 10 Rharous Goundam! 26 Diré! GAO 2 Niafunké Tonka ! ! BAMAKO Léré Gossi ! ! MENAKA Ansongo ! Anderamboukane! ! Ouattagouna ! Douentza ! NIGER MOPTI

1 Ténenkou! ! 17


The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Key messages

Insecurity in Northern and Central Mali: Insecurity in these parts of the Number of Access Constraints country are on a steep rise. The month of August recorded the highest number of incidents ever recorded in a month with 18 incidents. The situation in Mopti is 100 2017 particularly worrisome. 68 2016 Situation in Kidal: Implementation of aid operations in Kidal continue to remain 18 a challenge for relief workers. From all the incidents reported throughout the 17 country, 20% took place in Kidal with robberies in humanitarian offices and on roads. Since April 2016, the city of Kidal has been inaccessible by aircraft due to 13 13 safety measures. Air access is thus being limited to MINUSMA helicopters. 11 10 Situation in Menaka: Inter-community conflicts and clashes between armed 9 10 groups, aggravated by growing criminality and banditry on roads and urban 9 9 7 8 SENEGAL centres, make it difficult for humanitarian workers to access populations fleeing 7 6 insecurity. OCHA is continuing its advocacy to facilitate access to the communes 6 of Tidermène, Anderamboukane and Inekar. 5 2 2 5 1 Continuity of relief work: Aid workers are mostly targeted for their vehicles and 0 properties. The incidents are progressively becoming more violent. However, humanitarians continue to provide assistance to people in need by adapting the Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec implementation of their operations and relying on community approaches to secure access. 2016 2017

According to the AMRF (Access Monitoring and Reporting Framework) tool. More information about this tool https://goo.gl/ZnJkqS. Only data recorded by OCHA for the period January - September 2017 are displayed in this overview. Creation date : September 2017 Sources: OCHA AMRF Contact: [email protected] | www.unocha.org/mali | www.reliefweb.int/mali Mali: Overview of humanitarian access (summary of constraints from January to September 2017)

% by sub-category of access constraints PRINCIPAL ANALYSIS

Kidnapping 2% The operational environment is deteriorating progressively in northern and central Others 7% regions. Carjacking and robbery incidents are not only on the rise but are also

Physical restriction 7% becoming violent. Five aid workers were seriously injured in the last three months during carjackings which are more violent within city limits than on the roads. In the Intimidation / Threat 8% Overall first nine months of 2017, 100 incidents were reported being the highest figure ever 100 Physical aggression 11% recorded since 2013. While the constraints in Kidal were related to hostilities between armed groups in July, in the regions of Gao, Ménaka, and Timbuktu they Carjacking 29% are related to a rise in criminal activities. Finally, in Mopti they are mainly related to

Robbery 36% intercommunity clashes and the presence of radical elements.

% by type of organization affected CHALLENGES AND LIMITS OF THE ANALYSIS

The analysis of the humanitarian community on access constraints is still limited 53 15 13 11 8 by the following:

International NGO Red Cross Multiples National NGO United Nations Lack of information on protection of civilians in certain areas which is caused by general insecurity, inaccessibility to the area (desert, seasonal flooding of inner % of access constraints by region Niger delta) or lack of infrastructures (i.e.: the regions of Kidal, Taoudenit and Mopti); Ségou 1% Limited information on access constraints for the population towards humanitar- Bamako 2% ian assistance; Ménaka 10% No information on the constraint faced by the population and basic social Mopti 17% services (i.e. health services managed by the government.); Systematic data collection and analysis is difficult due to insufficient financial Kidal 20% resources and challenges related to the collection of information from remote field locations; Timbuktu 24% Gao 26% AND NOW... Information sharing, joint analysis and collective action are necessary to ensure an appropriate response to the need of vulnerable people. In the last quarter of 2017, humanitarian access will be dependent upon the political and security actors’ ability to create a secure operational environment. The slow implementation of peace agreement is also a matter of great concern for the humanitarians.

Evolution of access constraints by region (January to September 2017) Kayes

Gao+Ménaka Kidal Mopti Segou Timbuktu Bamako

7 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1

GUINEE Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep