Aniceta Šapolien ÷ Statistics Lithuania 29 Gedimino av. 01500, Lithuania [email protected]

Statistics Lithuania 29 Gedimino av. LT-01500 Vilnius, Lithuania [email protected]

Abstract: Agricultural statistics follows the situation in agriculture, ongoing changes and trends by farm categories (farmers’ farm and households, agricultural companies and other) and territorial administrative units. After Lithuania’s accession to the EU, the statistical office of the country continues constant revisions, introduction of new statistical surveys as well as further harmonisation of the sources and methods used for data collection in compliance with the European statistical standards. The aim of this paper is to present agricultural surveys and the role of Agricultural censuses: holdings’ classification by different characteristics, obtaining data for small territorial units and testing data accuracy. Statistics Lithuania is responsible for collection of all the statistical information on agriculture and its responsibilities are laid down in the Law of National Statistics, which was approved by the of the Republic of Lithuania on 23 December 1999 and the National Program for Statistical Data Collection. Data are collected by conducting complete enumeration and applying sample methods. The prepared information is used by state, municipal and scientific institutions to shape agricultural policies, providing aid to agricultural producers in line with the EU principles. The Census of Agriculture 2003 was the first in re-independent Lithuania. The main target of the census was to get the data from all potential agricultural producers from Lithuania. The census is very important because it is also the basis of the Statistical Farm Register, is used for the formation of the mathematically motivated sample, preparation of the quality and comparable statistical information on agricultural activity and its results, structure of farms, environmental changes. Next Census of Agriculture will be carried out in 2010 and linked to a special survey of Agricultural production methods on agricultural holdings. It is important to provide additional statistics for the development of agri-environmental policy and to improve the quality of agri-environmental indicators.

Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. Administrative data are used for various calculations. The Ministry of Agriculture provides data from the Cadastre Register, Agricultural and Rural Business Register, Cattle Register, Crop Register for subsidies and Economic Indicators on the Activities of agricultural partnerships and enterprises. The Institute of Agrarian Economics is responsible for the FADN data collection.

1. General information. Lithuania has a total area of 65.3 thousand sq. km, at the beginning of 2006, the estimated population of Lithuania was 3384.9 thousand persons, which is slightly declining and roughly one third of the population live in rural inhabited localities. The average population density reaches 51.8 inhabitants per sq km. Lithuania declared its independence from the in March 1990 and is now a parliamentary Republic with a unicameral assembly, the Seimas. Agriculture in the Republic of Lithuania plays a very important economic, social, ecological and ethno cultural role; therefore, it is a priority branch of Lithuanian economy. Agriculture in 2006 contributed to 5 per cent of the gross domestic product, with approximately 12 per cent of employees engaged in that sector. The large number of employees in agriculture was conditioned not only by the historic agrarian economic trend and large rural population, but also by small farms formed during reforms, partial employment and low labour productivity. The land reform was implemented with priority to land restitution. According to the Census data 272 thousand farms owned 2836 thousand hectares of land of which 2537 thousand hectares was agricultural land. On the average, one farm had a land area of 10.4 hectares, of which agricultural land – 9.3 hectares.

2. The collection of agricultural statistics Statistics Lithuania , central statistical office to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania is a leading statistical institution implementing general policy on statistical and methodological organisation. Regional statistical offices handle statistics in Lithuania too: they carry out work foreseen in the Work Programme of Statistics Lithuania, prepare statistical information on counties and districts. Other institutions, statistical activities of which are regulated by legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania, are active operators in the process. In co-operation with Statistics Lithuania these institutions approve statistical questionnaires, rules on filling them in, fix the data release order and time. Figure 1. Organizational structure



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Statistics Lithuania is responsible for collection of all the statistical information on agriculture and its responsibilities are laid down in the Law of National Statistics, which was approved by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania on 23 December 1999 and the National Program for Statistical Data Collection. After Lithuanian accession to the EU, the statistical office of the country continues constant revisions, introduction of new statistical surveys as well as further harmonisation of the sources and methods used of data collection with the European statistical standards. Legal acts are gradually revised and data collection methodology of agriculture statistics is developed in accordance with the EU requirements. Data are collected by conducting complete enumeration and applying sample methods. The prepared information is used by state, municipal and scientific institutions to shape agricultural policies, providing aid to agricultural producers in line with the EU principles. With the course of the reform in agriculture, new economic structures and new types of farms – farmers and family farms and agricultural companies and enterprises were established in Lithuania. In order to possess accurate data, which would permit to estimate trends of the changes in agriculture, it is important to calculate and assess the data obtained on agricultural output in all types of farms. Exhaustive and sampling surveys are used to investigate agricultural companies and enterprises as well farmers and household farms. Its periodicity and survey methods, i.e. whether total or sample survey by farm type: farmers or agricultural companies and enterprises, are shown in table 1.

Table1. Statistical surveys of agriculture

Frequency Surveys Private farms and Agricultural households companies and enterprises 2003 Agricultural Census Complete survey Complete survey Every 2 Farm Structure Survey Sample survey Complete survey years

Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. Yearly Crop area, harvest and average yields Sample survey Complete survey Yearly Number of livestock and poultry, Sample survey Complete survey production and productivity Quarterly Results of economical-financial – Complete survey activity in ag ricultural companies and enterprises Quarterly Results of economical-financial – Complete survey activity in enterprises providing agricultural services for agriculture Monthly Purchase of crop and animal Complete survey Complete survey production, average purch ase prices for agricultural production (enterprises for purchasing and processing) Monthly Input price statistics survey – Sample survey

Statistical surveys of farmers’ farms and households and agricultural companies and enterprises are an important source of information on agricultural statistics. Agricultural companies and enterprises submit statistical reports. Periodicity of these reports is quite various: quarterly and yearly reports on the number of livestock, production and productivity; annual reports cover data on the land and its use, crops by type, harvest and yield, income received by farms, expenditure incurred and profitability. With a set-up of private farms engaged in agricultural production prepare and submit statistical reports to Statistics Lithuania. Statistics Lithuania is responsible for collecting data on crop production statistics. Annual periodicity of the surveys and the list of agricultural crops basically comply with the EU requirements. In June when spring sowing is over, the data on crop area by agricultural crops has to be submitted to Statistics Lithuania. In November farmers are interviewed about yields of agricultural crops. These two surveys are sample surveys and cover approximately 10 per cent of farms. All agricultural companies and enterprises fill in the questionnaire data on the crop area. The data based on the survey and complete enumeration data in the Statistical Farms Register, total crop area, harvest and yields are calculated. In addition, to receive more comprehensive data on agricultural production the estimated data are revised taking into consideration data on agricultural products sold to the processing enterprises or other sales. Since 1997 livestock has been registered by kind, weight, age, and production purposes. Sampling survey (10%) on the number of livestock and the data on animal production in private farms are conducted twice a year: in June and January. All agricultural companies and enterprises fill in the questionnaire quarterly denoting the number of livestock and the data on animal production. Since 2003 Statistics Lithuania has started to collect monthly slaughtering data on the number and slaughter–weight for calves, bulls, bullocks, heifers, cows, pigs, sheep

Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. overall, goats overall, poultry, rabbits, horses from slaughterhouses. Meat processing plants, poultry - yards and slaughterhouses monthly submit reports on the total live weight of slaughtered cattle, pigs, sheep and goats, poultry and horses. Every quarter calculations of total animals slaughtered according to the data from all agricultural companies and enterprises as well as respondent farms' accounts (as of 1st of January) are made .

Statistical Farms Register has been functioning since 2003. It is used as a basis for compilation of farmers-respondents network for the sample surveys.

There are now increasing opportunities for improving these statistics by using of administrative data and checking consistency with other statistical sources. At present the Integrated Administrative and Control System (IACS) is undergoing rapid development; it contains the main registers of animals, land parcels and agricultural producers, as well as administration and control mechanisms. Administrative data are used for various calculations (table 2.).

Table 2. Sources of administrative data

Responsible institution Financial report of agricultural companies and The Ministry of Agriculture enterprises FADN The Institute of Agrarian Economics Cattle Register The Ministry of Agriculture Land cadastre register The Ministry of Agriculture Crop Register for subsidies The Ministry of Agriculture Agricultural and Rural Business Register The Ministry of Agriculture

First two data sources of the administrative data are used in compilation of supply balance sheets of the main agricultural crops, in EAA calculations, especially in calculations of intermediate consumption. The Cattle Register is used for assessing number of cattle, of which cows, being raised by farmers and household plots. Data of Crop Register for subsidies are used for assessing crop area on farmers and household farms. Farms-respondents, running book-keeping and providing data on the economic activity of farmers, income received from that activity, expenditure incurred, productivity and use of human resources (FADN). The Institute of Agrarian Economics is responsible for FADN data, which are the basis for the calculation of value, added of agriculture.

3. The Census of Agriculture 2003

Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. As a result of current changes it has become necessary to have complete and reliable information on agriculture and structure of the new agriculture farms. Such kind of information can be obtained from total agricultural census. The last agricultural census in Lithuania has been made in 1930. Until 1990 in Soviet time, the full census of livestock was made every five years and a census of crop every ten years. The latest Total Census of Agriculture was conducted in 2003 and it was the first in re-independent Lithuania. During the years of independence agricultural sector has undergone significant changes: • Farmer‘s farms have started setting up; • Collective farms and state farms have been reformed into agricultural companies and enterprises; • After the Law on Land Restitution came into force, a large number of land users have emerged.

The types of farms could be classified for: • Farmer‘s farms; • Agricultural companies and enterprises; • Households using land (less than 1 hectare of agricultural land) for agricultural purposes (incl. kitchen gardens).

The main changes compared to the census in 1930 are: • The number of holding has decreased; • The questionnaire and definition of the holding of the Census 2003 was harmonized with recommendation of EU; • The questionnaire was more detailed in Census 2003; • The organization of the Census 2003 was more developed, IT tools in Census 2003 for data entering, checking and processing were used. Figure 2. Scheme of Census organization:

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Committee of total census of Statistics Lithuania agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania Territorial statistical offices

Committees of municipalities heading up by portreeves and Census-divisions deputies



The main target of the census was to get the data from all potential agricultural producers from Lithuania. Land use, crop area, livestock, farm buildings, agricultural equipment, the number of family members working in agricultural sector, the number of hired employees, their working hours, the farm group by income level and fishery were key questions were enumerated.

The legal basis of the Census of Agriculture 2003 was:

• The Law on statistics (23 December 1999 No VIII-1511 • Work Programme of the Official Statistics • Decision of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania concerning the Census of Agriculture in Lithuania, which was adopted in November 2002. It stipulates the following: -Bodies responsible for conducting the Census of Agriculture -Main organization and methodological provisions; -Plan of prior works; -Provisions made by Municipal Census Commissions; -Census interviewers’ selection and instruction methods; • Rules and regulations of the Census and filling in the Census questionnaire approved by Statistics Lithuania under the previous coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture; • Detailed schedule of Census preparation for the Census, its performance, processing of data and release of results.

Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. Definition of the holding including a description of thresholds

Unit of the census was an agricultural holding which produces agricultural products or provides agricultural services. Only holdings, with the area no less than 1 ha of agricultural land (excluding land leased to other persons) or holdings with less than 1 ha of agricultural land but with income from agricultural activity per year no less than the sum of 40 minimal standard of living (no less than 5000 LT) are included in the questionnaire. Agricultural holdings with the area of agricultural land less than 1 ha and income less than mentioned above are included in the holdings enumeration list but they do not have to answer the actual questionnaire.

The census covers all potential agricultural producers in Lithuania. The questionnaire was completed from each agricultural holding with the area more than 1 ha agricultural land or holdings with less than 1 ha of agricultural land but the income is more than 5000 LTL per year. Holdings less than 1 ha and income less than mentioned above, were included in the Household enumeration list.

Interviewer and other staff training The training was in Regional Statistical Offices, with the help of a person responsible for agricultural census. In the regions the supervisors and interviewers were trained. It was planned to execute training of employees who will carry out the census in three stages: Employees of regional statistical offices, who were responsible for the census 4 training days, were planned. Training was carried out by employees of Central Statistical Office. Employees of regional statistical offices together with employees of Central Statistical Office were carried out training of employees of local municipalities responsible for the census (480 people). Employees of local municipalities responsible for the census together with regional statistical offices and Central Statistical Office were trained interviewers and instructors who were responsible for the agricultural census.

Exact reference date/period of the characteristics All the data, except data on crop area and employees, are filled in the questionnaire as of 1 st of June. Crop area was recorded as the area under winter crops sown last autumn and the area under summer crops sown current summer. If sowing was not completed until 1 st of June, the area planned to be sown also should be recorded. In the census number of persons employed in the agricultural holding during the period from the 1 st of June 2002 until 31 st of May 2003 should be recorded.

Data collection method The census was carried out by interviewers. They visited every holding and filled in

Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. the questionnaires. The enumerator had to present a document certifying his or her authorisation to the person questioned. Each interviewer had a name-tack, a special green bag and a certificate with her/him as he/she visits the farms. The interviewer visited or sent a letter to each farm one week before the interview to find the best time for the farmer/respondent to make an interview. There also were announcements in the municipalities that the Census of Agricultural is going on. In the announcements there were pictures on interviewers and information about the census. In the municipalities the announcements were fastened outside for everyone to see them. Each farmer also got a letter or interviewer visited farmers.


Questionnaire was in paper format. There was one single questionnaire for the whole census in and includes 14 pages. The questionnaire was completed from each agricultural holding with the area more than 1 ha agricultural land (excluding land leased to other persons) or holdings with less than 1 ha of agricultural land but the income is more than 5000 LTL per year. Holdings less than 1 ha and income less than mentioned above, were included in the Holdings enumeration list. In this list only information from farmers name, address, total agricultural land area of which in areas vegetables, potatoes, orchards and greenhouses, total cattle, cows, sheep, goats, horses, poultry and remarks are recorded. The interviewers received special instruction for filling the questionnaire.

Publication and dissemination

Provisional results were published, in October 2003 when information was available on the structure of farms, that is, the number of holdings, the land area under cultivation, and livestock numbers . The main publication is a yearbook in paper and CD. Data of total census of agriculture were published like total of Republic, by counties and municipalities. Data of census were published by main themes: • Farms, their distribution by categories, production aims, methods of ecological farming, land area and so on. Number of small farms and land area; • Land, own and leased, distribution of it by use of agricultural land, unutilised land; • Agricultural crops, structure of them, plantation in single farms; • Livestock and poultry; • Provision with agricultural technique and buildings; • Farms grouping by income, not agricultural activities.

Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. The Census is the basis of the Statistical Farm Register, is used for the formation of the mathematically motivated sample, preparation of the quality and comparable statistical information on agricultural activity Next Census of Agriculture will be carried out in 2010 and linked to a special survey of agricultural production methods on agricultural holdings. It is important to provide additional statistics for the development of agri-environmental policy and to improve the quality of agri-environmental indicators. At present time a preparatory work on Agricultural Census has been started.

References The Law on statistics (23 December 1999 No VIII-1511, Statistics Lithuania, Vilnius 1999; The Agricultural Census 2003, Statistics Lithuania, Vilnius 2003 Agriculture in Lithuania 2005, Statistics Lithuania, Vilnius 2006

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