Wednesday 3rd September 2014 McSence Business Park

Attendance: Robert Hogg (Chairman), Nicki McManus (Secretary), Judy Thomson (Treasurer), Michael Hogg (Vice Chairman), Peter de Vink (Councillor) George Jackson, Margaret Jackson, Douglas Thomson, Robina Dow, Janet Wyllie, Stephen Rutherford, Graham Livingstone, Brian Martin, Steven Liddle, K.Laskarzewska, Samantha Murray, Pat O’Neill, Emma Smith (Police ), Theresa Hogg,

Apologies: Kevin Quinn ( Advertiser), Dan Burt, Gina Hughes, Peter Boyes (Councillor), Lisa Beattie (Councillor)

Minutes of Previous Meeting

There were no issues arising from the August 2014 minute.

The minute was approved by Robert Hogg and seconded by George Jackson.

Local Planning & Development

Newbattle Community High School/Hub

There was no update in relation to the High School project.

Save Kippielaw

There was no update in relation to the Save Kippielaw campaign.

Guest Speakers

SERS – Marion Gracie

The Chairman introduced Marion Gracie, Operations Director for SERS to the meeting. Ms Gracie was invited to the meeting to provide an explanation to the residents of Langlaw on how houses have been identified to receive the free external wall insulation and why some residents are now being asked to pay for the same work to be undertaken.

Ms Gracie explained that in 2012 when the eco funding was originally identified the only criteria required were that the houses must have been built using no fines concrete. Given the price of carbon at the time, this funding was meant to last 5 years but a decrease in the price of carbon resulted in the initial funding running out after only 11 months thereby reducing the number of properties benefiting from this funding.

More funding was identified but the criteria had changed so that every house must now receive an ESP to check the carbon output to ensure that the energy savings will be met.

The residents wanted to know why private home owners were not asked to pay something towards the cost of the insulations. Ms Gracie advised that the funding was not identified by household income but by the type of property.

Ms Gracie advised that it is her responsibility to ensure that as many houses as possible benefit from the funding available. Ms Gracie also advised that an interest free voucher scheme has now been introduced and that every private home owner will be required to contribute £1,500 towards the cost of the external wall insulation project.

Ms Wyllie a resident from Langlaw Road, who has been advised that she will need to pay £1,500 if she wants her home insulated stated that the grievance was more on principal than anything else as part of her street has already benefitted from the free insulation programme. Ms Gracie again re-iterated that there was no way of forecasting the decrease in price of carbon.

Ms Gracie concluded the discussion by informing the Community Council that their office has now moved to Mayfield Place (behind Mayfield Community Club) and that their door is always open for enquiries.

The Chairman thanked Ms Gracie for attending tonight’s meeting.

Forestry Commission – John Ogilvie & Roddy McTavish

The Chairman introduced John Ogilvie and Roddy McTavish from the Forestry Commission to the meeting.

Mr Ogilvie provided a status report on the land known as the Lime Kilns. He also advised that the work undertaken by the Forestry Commission would be concluded in Spring 2015 but prior to their departure they would like to organise more Community based activities and welcomed any input from the Community Council and local residents.

To date they had already completed a successful litter picking exercise and have free photography workshops planned between 1pm – 3pm on Wednesday 17th September and Sunday 5th October and Saturday 18th October 2014.

Mr McTavish also advised that he had been in touch with the 3 local Primary Schools but to date had not received a response from them. It was agreed that the Community Council would contact the Schools with Mr McTavish’s details to help promote possible activities in the woodland area.

Anyone who has any idea’s/suggestion to increase Community participation in relation to the woodlands can contact Roddy McTavish, Community Ranger on 07769 725237 or by emailing him at [email protected] Action: Nicki McManus (Secretary)


Scottish Ambulance Involving People Group

The Scottish Ambulance Service is looking for a representative from Community Council to attend their quarterly meetings to share communications between Scottish Ambulance Service and our Community. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 23rd September 10.30 – noon, at Pentland House, 47 Robbs Loan, . Pat O’Neill agreed to attend on behalf of the Community Council. Action: Pat O’Neil (Community Council Member)

Shaping Services for the Future – Single Midlothian Plan priorities 2015/16

The Midlothian Community Planning Partnership survey has been finalised. A survey has been created to gauge community response. The Chairman has already responded on behalf of the Community Council. If you would like to complete the survey the log onto Closing date for responses are 11 September 2014.

Public Partnership for Health Survey

If you want to have your say on how you can help people stay healthy, improve NHS care and partnership working between NHS and Midlothian Council then you are being asked to complete the following Survey Closing date for responses is Monday 15 September

Melville Housing AGM

The Annual AGM will be held on Wednesday 10th September at 5.30pm. The Chairman advised that he will attend on behalf of the Community Council. Action: Robert Hogg (Chairman)

Police Report

PC Smith acknowledged the Community Councils disappointment at her being unable to attend all meetings but explained that she is not always on duty when the meetings are held but does try her best to re-arrange her shifts to accommodate such meetings. The Chairman again re-iterated that our disappointment was not directed at PC Smith but was in fact at .

The Chairman enquired about an incident where a girl was bitten outside Scotmid Store and the regulations associated with owners leaving their dogs tied up outside. PC Smith explained that she was not aware of this incident and would speak with Scotmid regarding unattended dogs and the safety of the public. Action: PC Smith

The Chairman also alerted PC Smith to an increase in anti-social behaviour by youngsters hanging about Mayfield Church. PC Smith advised that she would bring this to the attention of the other Police Officers in the area to include this area on their “hot spot” list. Action: PC Smith

Mr Jackson raised the issue again of parking at Mayfield/St Lukes Primary Schools and in the surrounding streets with parents picking up/dropping off their children at School. PC Smith advised that she would arrange for a Traffic Warden to patrol the area at key points in the day. Action: PC Smith

Treasurers Report

The Treasurer advised that she attended a meeting regarding the annual funding grant from Midlothian Council. The Grant for this year must be submitted by 10th October 2014. In future years the Community Council is required to state exactly what they wish to spend the funding on. This will determine the funding amount awarded by Midlothian Council.

Councillors Report

Councillor De Vink advised that Peter Boyes has resigned as Councillor for the ward of Mayfield & Easthouses due to ill health. A by election will be held in November (date to be confirmed) to elect his successor.

The Chairman and the Community Council wanted to formally thank Mr Boyes for his time as a Community Councillor and wished him well in his future endeavours.

Any Other Business

The Big Wall Project

The Chairman advised that Chris Rutterford, the Artist commissioned to complete the mural will attend the next Community Council meeting to provide an update. It is hoped that the mural will be completed by the end of the year.


Judy Thomson advised that an article advertising tonight’s Community Council Meeting was in today’s Advertiser. It was agreed that this article would have been better placed in the previous week’s edition, giving more notice to residents who wished to attend. It was agreed to bring this to Kevin Quinn’s attention. Action: Kevin Quinn, Advertiser

Mayfield Public Park

It was agreed to contact Justin Venton, Landscape Manager for Midlothian Council to express our disappointment and the state of Mayfield Public Park. Mr Venton advised last year that this year the park would be filled with colourful wild flowers but again it just looks an eyesore and the whole park looked neglected.

It was also acknowledged that although the main roundabout in Mayfield is lovely the height of the Yukka plants makes it difficult to see the direction of traffic making it difficult to cross the road. Action: Nicki McManus (Secretary)

The Chairman agreed to contract Melville Housing in relation to a resident’s enquiry about the height of her neighbours conifer tree. Action: Robert Hogg (Chairman)

This is a true representation of the meeting.

Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Mayfield & Easthouses Community Council will take place on Wednesday 1st October, 7.00pm at McSence Business Park, Mayfield