An interest coupon on your Liberty Bond, second series, is payable by the Government today. Cut it off and take it to any Today bank and get cash for it Then use the money to buy War Savings Stamps for your children. Mail Flies, Potomac Works. If Bennett, Dead, Could Write. WEATHER: Is Washington Ungodly? Fair tonlxfct. Thurs- t day fair and mrmrr. J Wanted a Miracle. Moderate northeast to onlbrul wind. Trm-neratn- !NAL at II a. m. Ibla Ky ARTHUR BRISBANE. morvlnic. rt degree. -- erngc Two bi temperature for EDITION pieces of news for this last thlrry.thrv-- years on da -- they wiil outlive us all. and May IS. M desrees. wxm sT outlive memory of this war. ataon The first regular, business-lik- e NUMBER 10,r,2!. WASHINGTON. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY IS, 1918. f Qosine Wafl Street Prices. PRICE TWO CENTS. nil service by flyinjr machine Marts today from Washington to Jfew York. It isn't an experiment; it isn't nv whim or eccentric decision. It i- - the beginning of serious commercial use of the flying ma- chine and Mr. Burleson, the Post- RENCH CAPTURE HAILLES WOOD master General, deserves grati- tude for putting the people's post-effic- e behind the great product of American inventive genius. Steamboat, telegraph, telephone, alying machine, all invented here. A good record. ,.GrcJt Piece of news number two: 37i-- Government of the United OPEN BOMBARDMENT States w about to ULKlVlANd harness the Great Falls of the Potomac. When Washington crossed the Delaware, when Tocahontas was ?u-Ti- Captain Smith, when all land belonged to red savages, FUSSING OVER - and ages before men of anv kind Pictures Taken Today Before Washington NewYork Aeromail Flight AMERICANS appeared anywhere on earth, the Potomac Tails were rushing down to sea their power wasted, wait- ing for human intelligence to har- ness them. WAR PROGRESS i Now comes that intelliponce rep- THOUGHT TO resented by Mr McAdoo. Mr Baker and Mr Daniels, three of the able men that President Wilson har- nessed up for the service of the country, as they BY CONGRESS life are harnessm? the Potomac IPs1 for national service. BE HELPING The work is done in the right T The Potomac power is to 1 utilized, as the power of Xiatwra. more than half wasted ought lo HAS VIRTUES be utilized. The water will be carried by ON THEME canal to a point that will give to the Potomac a drop higher than the Niaijara. j Presidents Opposition to Com-- I fall at ' QfllalalalalalalaBkaliHlaWiktew I r- - i i- - if IHaSDKlWHH9WaVla i :ii.. Gasolene, stored away in the coal I m ueu empowered iu vibe HaaaaBaHBaaaSaaaaaaBSSaaBKilMaiiHflBlHaaaHaHaHSfiH aoSBBaflaHHIBII&aBalaHlBaSSJaHoaaaaaaaaaBaa. Germans Repulsed at . teds of the carboniferous era mil- lions of years ago will carry your Actions Due to Fear of Parti-- 1 Prisoners Are Taken and All letter through the air. sanship. And the Potomac waters on their Gains Held Against Counter "way to the sea will supply heat, I light, and power for the Capital of .LaaliaaaaaaaaiLaHHlaaaiHalalllaiaaalaalaH Attacks. the Nation There is progress, By DAVID LAWRENCE. even in war time. Do not over- (Ccpjntht. 11. hy - York Kvenuix Tort Hb3HJHHJHJHH Pboto br Kttl Photo Co look you ' Cotsr&nr PARIS, 13. the fact that owe it to the ! President Wilson, Scretary of the Navy Daniels and Postmaster General Major J. H. Fleet, chief of the flying: division of the Signal Corps, and Lieut. Jlay "French troops kind of men that President Wilson President Wilson has written Sen- confer at ceremonies attending sta rt of airmail servicn. George L. Boyle, snapshot just before the start to New York. took a wood south of Hailles (on your the selects to do work. ator Martin the Democratic leader west bank of the . where Amer in the Senate, reiterating what he Sunday baseball is allowed in ican troops are located), in spite of previously told Thompson j Washington, the National Capi- Senator sharp fighting and German counter tal. of Kansas, that a committee on the ACCIDENT kept-thei- SURVEY BEGUN FORCES attack, the French r gains. The country will hear a good "conduct of the war," such as is They deal Iv. took seventy prisoners, includ- about this decision from proposed by Senator Chamberlain o. ing one officer. those who sincerely believe C that and bis Military man was made for the Sabbath, associates in the ON GREAT FALLS Infjodnces Himself and His FIRST MAILPLANE "An enemy attempt south of Rol not the Sabbath for man. and that Affairs Committee, it obnoxious to" lot was eomDletplv defeatm!. him and would prove Column of Ye Towne Gossip the way to be pious is to be sad. an embarrass- ' "Violent artillery fighting is in ment in the effective prosecution of There was in Europe a sacrea POWER PROJECT TO MAKE LANDING progress north of Montdidier and be- the war. A". n spring, nearby a shrine visited by C. Beaton, one of te tween Montdidier and Noyon," tht thousands. The remarkable spring Mr. Wilson said the same thing nnctpoper tenters in America, uitl French war office announced today. worked six days a week, but in the same way a year ago, but the Bv RALPH A. COLLINS. hereafter be a regular contributor to The army airplane that started from New would not work on Sunday. ! The Washington Time. LONDON, May 15. ar- circumstances are not the same and the of a huge water j German What an interesting, convirc-in- g The lirst definite step toward development many people who agreed with him I York this morning reached Washington at 2:50 tillery began a bombardment this miracle would be to ; it if with in the first instance, now disagree Power project at or near the 13rcat Falls of the Potomac river, im writing this. morning at points between the the starting of the first baseball (supply uses, game in Washington the ball with his judgment. Washington with sufficient electric current for all hasj JUST FOR ..,." Inauguration of the first real airplane mail service in history and the Ancre, and on the should refuse to leave the pitch- Faulti Not Found. been taken bv Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo, Secretary of the was marred today by accident, when a big army biplane, piloted by northern portion of the Flanders er's hands, the bat refuse to When the argued i ., - - OF THE Washington Times. front, Field Marshal Haig reported. President last f n il or inH C,rrptorv. r,(-- - ilin Xvvv- which wave, -- ..w, ... ',r , .- Lieut. George Le Roy Boyle, left the Capital shortly before the umpire refuse to say summer that a committee on the con i, c,i.J J "Southwest of and "Strike one." duct of the war would be a niSKlns; ' Daniels. BECAUSE THEY don't know me. noon, was forced to land on the State road near Waldorf, Md., Do not sav. "Miracles no longer north of Kemmel, the enemy's ar- and Interfering body of a much - e happen," for that is not true. A joint committee of engineers, representing the four depart- AND I want them to. twenty-fiv- miles from Washington. tillery fire increased this morning," The body of the people have "" com'""im-nt- v has hten annointed to make a thoroueh survey and study A .broken propeller forced the army mail aviator to bring his the statetment said. learned to tax wealth and intelli- r..:J"V' ANU ani mends. bou, deferred to hn wi,he ot the upper Potomac, to recommend the most feasible method of 'oe machine to earth. "An attempted raid was repulsed gence, instead of being forever I j north of Lens last night taxed bv wealth and intelligence. and dropped the thine water power development. I JUST want In tell von. Lieutenant Boyle was not injured. The Postoffice Depart- If that miracle is possible, ANY members of the committee are Brig. Gen W. I.. Marshall "We carried out a successful raid . The ment made plans to send another machine to the rescue of the miracle possible.'T.rhi'hil :;:r: ' ' M A so OI a east of Robecq. is ered. and the movement was thoucht ch.tirman .former chiet engineer of the arm. and at present head ' ,""! . pilot. The mail he started with from Washington will be carried he "There was hostile cannonading M-r- .-'V uL",'"h". .. "u".: r the nec.amatlon eri- ..f AND EVERY day to New York bv airplane today, postal officials - What a "story" James Gordon "': of the week. announced. Presi- last night in the Somme and Ancre - ami an Bennett co-ai- write for the Herald demorrati.- nations seem to be un- - Department of the Infrtor ... dent Wilson and a host of executive and legislative officials hydro-etectn- - - of this valleys, to run a war. as witness some authority on drtHofi- H I I WRITE something. north of Bethune, and in the JURORS CHOSEN i and othrr government!! witnessed tho was his life toward end. of the political mlrijrue.- - that have ment: ol II O S'ewromer. orps of Nieppe forest sector." the intermittentl undermined some tl departure of the aviator He was almost forgotten, cf . War Department l AND SOME times you'll like it. and his our allied soiernments. Kncineers-- Start la Ferfrrl. paper died before he did. Itut in the last twelve months the Parsons, civil engineer. Kureau of ! ' power I AND SOME times you won't. j The start today vu perfect, and GERMANS PLACE Its and circulation faded blunders and miiups whirh have at- Yards and IJoeks. Navy lirpartinent. under away, although it cnmloyed tended the handling- ques- TO TRY DENTIST AS ... THE STRANGE ideal weather conditions The some of the fuel and N . Thompson, met hantca! and . Hrst flight tion in I BUT IF vou keen on reading It. was slightly behind sched- - of the ablest men in newspaper midwinter and th production electrical enslncer. office of uper LOSS of aircraft have led many friends of ... i ule. because of the attendant cere-- A newspaper, ' work like a human vising architect. Treasury Depart- - ' AU000,000 body, needs the Administration to the belief that, FOR A long time imonus and preparations for the ro- - a brain controlling. unlimited authority menu having been ... i turn of plane The Herald of late had none. granted LAY llisht a that had just to the executive branches of This committee Is to report upon IT'LL GROW on you. WAUKESHA Washington. NEW TORK. May IS The Berths the Government a cheek of some practicable and a peached It wai just 11:47 correspondent Polltlken How the circulation of the Her- the most feasible u when the Curtis biplane of the states ,d..:1,"W :.Tr":.d..M.n..,.'.,.,.J":.nelhod of power 0 .... ,he JUST THE same. that a prominent German politician Is ald would jump if James Gordon ...- . . .j .... ,ai inpiiiuiiun ... ana numbered SylGJ, took '...iitui - ) an said the offensive on Bennett from a (Continued on Pac- 1!, i olumn 2 I interview the other side of the like committee. (I'rom Staff Correspondent i AS WHEN you were a kid. (Continued on Page 3. Column 1.) thin line between life and CASE i the westerr front had not turned out death Altitude of Va . Ma 15 could send rrexldent. RICHMOND. I'nr jurors AND WENT as expected, says a copyright Copen- his great last "news The Prej-ide- barefoot. story." bv his opposition to were airepled trla from the nrst panel ... ini' hagen cable to the New York Times. the enlargement of the Committer REFUSES TO PLACE of twenty cnlrtmcn called for the trial AND YOU stubbed your Too many had been lost, and He published Stanley's triumph on Militl-- y toes. lives Affairs with ia' pow of J Johnson. twent liirce MHUUULONIYIHILO Ilindenburg therefore was stopped. "i Africa. an4 tJiat - Imuel sold papers. ers of investigation, dor.- nn want lr AND PICKED up Hplinters. but he believed the German army He - t.irs old. the young North Carolina Federal Gov- still sent out the Jcannettr- Polar to gie the impresMon of n willing Special Agent of would succeed In making way to expedition. ness to .bscure enlist, charged with the murder on D'- - its That sold papers. the conduct of tnc BUT AFTER a while Is Mysterious Atten- the north coast. From there the He published the great hoax war o ri whitewash tncimpetent BORbWSDENUy etnber S last of Alice Knight Johnson, ernment German cannon would be able to but the he Hlchmond girl who wu his REVENUE FOR YEAR that frightened New York tell- that is effect of his action secret YOUR FEET Rot tough. .- dant Trial of Woman Who blockade the channel and reach the in manv parts of the t'apital. particu-larl- y bride of throe monl-- n Another panel of at ing all the es- ... south coat of England that animals had in Ccngrrs lias been yumtnoned. It I. Itn Loved. caped from the Zoological Garden. AND YOU could stand anything. Shot Wife of Man She This probably would make It easier The Government was omewhat reluc- robable that the other Jurors will to bring about an armistice and peace Crowds read the Herald hiding un- investigate tonight cn tant to the aircraft situation, BEEORE SENATES secured AND THAT'S Uieway be. AT FOUR negotiations. in which Germaa . . nil BILLIONS der tables with the doors locked. but 'ongressiunal ritinsm forced the Wide interest of tin shown b May 13 Will conquests. - WAUKESHA Wis. would not aim at Then issue lublic opinion has ihsi-te- d on the fai t ttiat most of tho.- excu.tvl fnun i IF YOU'LL give me a chance. the Ktdcral Government take a hand the war would be over would full inquir. and before It begins, before Jur servlc were let go the ' What be the circulation lh- - The politician then stated that Ger- people etl i sc in in Lusk Itoberts rase? of the Herald tomorrow the hav had the facts to which had follow the iletall as it ap AND IF vou don't. Jury to many did not want anything but the re if the Uie are entitled, the White todajr pe.ireil in the press and lia.l forme.1 or While the selection of a following announcement were I!oue President Wilson called ... voung woman charged with Sr retar .f the Treaur M Adoo turn of her colonies and supremaiy in expressed opinions. try the made in the Herald today: (Continued on Page I a Column 4 ) upon former Justice Charles K. YOU'RE GOING to lie sorry. iiavia uoo loday submitted figure to the Senate Madagascar. He meant that an armistice Defernlnnrn f aim Is flrief. slavinc the wife of Ir. "James Gordon Bennett, editor Hughes to act as erts wa going on. a special agent , ,he rrqUP,t f Senator Pomerene woul11 take Pacr tms summer Borglum's charges. Johnson's f aim b havior. when he BECAUSE EVERY once in a of this newspaper, died yester- of Gutzon while. "-- "" ' day. TomorroH he will entered the ourt rn,.m todaj. was ney'okTs'eaVourrVreraVe'd, " """I" ' " rOPK.NI.ACE.7tt- -. an .., tell very I something ------...... - -. simply, Senator Ilrandegee today refused to marked When he arosi for arraign- WRITE to hear the tragic story 01 me ro- - ...... without exaggeration, I - ... Miss bOD.OOO. Reichstag, who requested that his name place before the Scnato Gutzon Itorg- ,.. ended when Grace just exactly what happens ment at o clock, hit head was h.t - f . frvjhn tiei AST &lll1 when THAT'S PRETTY good. me i 101 - - 1 of charges he Lusk slew the wife of tne man mis amount is apportioned as " ;" r what you call yourself leaves your urn's denial that had thrown hack and there was an ex - We have lost. Including killed. F.W. friendship p Ion daring ISut young psychology teacner lovea. iiowa: imernai revenue. body and goes somewhere else." used hie with President ess of mi his face. AND ANYWAY. SIMI.IKMI.OOO: wounded, and prisoners, 3.000.000 Jie The Federal agent's presence gave 000: custom. sale of Wilbon to further his private Inter his ees fell and relaxed as the public S1.MHI.000. men. Vo you think that we Intend clerk read from hi indictment the Liberty rise to stories that action under the lands. miscellaneous, Ixrd Reading "warns against Woolworth ests I'VE GOT a Bond...... i. .v., ..It.ur! ins of STll IH10 OOO to make foolish claims and send our details of th death of Ihe defendant's ... , children through .mother four ye-- rs false optimism." He means Horglum today Prandegee that l.usk Is understood tohae These estimates o an increase of the nineteen-yc-ir-ol- d as, trips Miss I bride a A straw hat. three-quart- Moreover, we shall have kind of optimism that looks for The Times is the best 'a denial of the harges read Into the result AND taken to other cities with the doc- - more than two and bll KT Sas of taking a capsule of cyniade ... "- - - peace at once, or for an immedi- Itecord last week by Senator Thomas tor. u,lm. wife she Kiuea. lli.lla over tne rrcelntM of the c.ilend.r """'" - town Hrandegee'a The motion by II .Smith, .if counsel AND I'M all fixed. the 1!17 to control the new Russian countries paper in for getting 'would be placed In hands Meantime the selection of Juryjyrar I'nr that period receipts - ate revolution in Germany and an for the defense, to quash ' mercantile and in- late today ISorglum requested that the indict fin Many Juro.s hae been amounted to but OflanJ "cure their end of fighting. was overruled of-- 1 Summer. itrafi -- per- the right kind of help. Brandcgce place the denial before the ment The defense FOR THE discharged because the) admitted thls amount a.'7.0li;sl I was inuuencr ..esponsime Such objection exam-i...- - ' politicians enly demand optimhm might prevent Senate. feied a technical against) they were prejudiced As the ceived from Internal revenue. J'.'OG.- - man that tn. Two or three days ago I .!" manner In AND I'LL see vou tomorrow. ! powers u uu. his country from planning suffi- - ..l,.. T,..,.l... Aul4.,t. !,...... the which the grand Jury h end of the special from s. 2.0S1.!32..-.-1 western sou.i g.r -n ..A . wan w n- .,. I I COIOnies r.enlly far ahead for men, money, they had an ad. in The A.. .m. m,..nnrh.nlnn .. In calle.i the court ov ...mmnn.l It aDDeared el-- i f ntm anl .if ntititl.. In.fu jn.l iVl and material. function in this matter." said Itrande ruled e motlon' Johnson pleaded, dent that it would still be some time ( so (it) from miscellaneous sources -- 3. salesgirls, i not But. as regards the final result, Times for and gee. I do not think I should place K"'"" before the Jury box was full. n' ot ,n,p rP of the day Is The veniremen already selected toi IN ITALIANS SINK absolute optimism i justified, and they got more applicants !a lot of affidavits and rtatemenla be AUSTRIANS MASSING ALPS, fore the Senate, and If I receive the la, no for he defense on the case indicate that Miss be - j '"""' sit . '! musi remembered that op- i rtOMH. May !. masse.-- they could use. papers from Mr Uoriclum. I shall re ftV" ''own up About thirty wit Milk's fate will be decided by a Jury ..f tjmism which means HOPE, than ,,avo grand- - j is a j turn them to hi mand tell him to b""n called by the State of farmers many of them Austrian are concentrating along the FOE TRANSPORT great force Smith, It expected. for virtorv. Phone a Result Getter,"' 'present them to the Senate Military "''Attorney for the defense, told fathers. The defense. is Apjn(t lln, ttmj, ,,ialn.. ,t wa- - This country and the allies are i "' court the defense had several wit greatest dependence in iss h.-r- todaj Affairs Committee' - will put Bnnuneed who appear t s 1" f gong to beat Germanv and Aus- - Main 526o. ncs.e- would later, from Lusk's own story of her relations ustriati air.-raf- are figlitinc d.-- IH'MI. Mv a' an deatrorrs ' w roiina JML- -- na. nether it takes one rear or WIIITF sri.I'Hm SPTU'XGS. w. Va. or' i 1M1 - with Dr. rtoberti. peratel to prevent Italian airmen uni- nc'' .j morn-curmtl- n- - - rn or We Th. cjreenbrler l"iropn plan U .nrterfil rh Ave jurors chosen this A. P. Lusk, elghtynve yesrs 01a, from di . ning these troop m-- ' t.. o ar t i lei cannot have too Oicr-ulth- l from Waahlaxton. , I turn I Page 2, Column 4.) Imcnts. name i Purai- jnuih optimum about that. jjlrt. (jCaaunued on race 2, Column 3.) 1 THANK you. (Continued on t