Jesuit Speaks out on Human Rights

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Jesuit Speaks out on Human Rights Opinion: Stereotyping states—Page 9 Scene: Robots: more than meets the eye?—Page 11 San Francisco FOGHORN THE UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO OCTOBER 7,1999 VOLUME 96, ISSUE 4 Alumna Returns to Senate Represent Students Strives for Huong Phan nia, Davis as a Resident Director. FOGHORN STAFF WRITER Her responsibilities as the Stu­ Visibility Knock, knock. I gently tapped dent Activities Director at USF are on the door and nervously poked to make sure the students' activi­ my head into Alison Richardson's ties and programs run smoothly, Elizabeth Barnes office, in room 415 of the Univer­ and that the programs help en­ FOGHORN STAFF WRITER sity Center. A woman with a hance leadership and social skills. Every spring and fall they show Warm smile greeted me. We sat at For instance, some of the activi­ up on campus with their posters a table covered with textbooks as ties that Ms. Richardson is direct­ and speeches and tell us why we I noticed that her spacious office ing are the S.K.I.L.L. Initiative should vote for them. They lobby had a view of the San Francisco program (Service, Knowledge of for things they think we need. Bay, a couch, and a desk with a Self in Relation to Others, Integ­ ALICIA KENNEY/FOCHORN There are rumors about them get­ computer on it. rity, Linkages, Alison Richardson, the new Student Activities Director, organizes ting us a discount on MUNI. Ev­ Who is and Literacy), programs like the S.K.I.L.L. Initiative and. Student Alumni Association. ery year, each of us pays $ 120, and they decide what to do with it. Alison the Student sis n Student Development, social gatherings or an activity for Who are these people? Richardson? "It's an honor to Alumni Asso­ Richardson remembered when the program. Nine years later, in The new Stu­ come back..." ciation, and the she was a member of USF's Black her new position as the Student They are our ASUSF Senate and dent Activities scheduling of Activities Director, Ms. many students don't know much —Alison Richardson Student Union and the Student Director at the student bands Alumni Association, both of Richardson said,"It's an honor to about them. "I think USF students University of STUDENT ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR to play in which she felt helped her improve come back and have the opportu­ can get away with not knowing about the Senate because there is San Francisco. Harney Plaza. her leadership skills. However, as nity to give back." so much to do here," said Vicky She came to Richardson a student, she felt that some pro­ So what does it take to become Nguyen, ASUSF President. USF from the California State said her main goal is to provide a grams at USF needed to be a Student Activities Director? She Nguyen also said apathy about University of Northridge, where variety of programs for all USF changed. "In general, the students said USF was looking for some­ politics is a reason for the lack of she was a Program Director and students. of color and minorities were mis­ one with leadership skills and an interest in the Senate. "They don't an Area Coordinator for three Richardson graduated from represented," she said. For in­ outgoing and friendly personality. understand what the job of the years. Richardson also worked at USF in 1992 with a B.A. in Psy­ stance, she said that at the time, USF was also looking for some­ one with prior experience in an Senate is and don't realize that the University of Southern Cali­ chology and in 1994 she received the Black Student Union and its Student Activities: Page 6 Senate: Page 3 fornia and University of Califor­ a Master of Arts with an empha- members lacked the funds to host Jesuit Speaks Out Can't Name Your Price According to Jayne LaPorta, dents are cheated out of useful re­ Shadi Rahimi bookstore manager, the book pub­ sources when using old and cheap FOGHORN STAFF WRITER lishers determine the cost of the textbooks. Madriz said she makes on Human Rights Going to college is expensive. books ordered by the bookstore. her selection based on the best and What with tuition, room, board, "We don't have any control over the most current books available, and George Sanchez worldwide rise in health levels, to the and an occasional MUNI ticket to books ordered," she said. "Our job then, "within that criteria, I try to FOGHORN STAFF fight to end illiteracy. "International get off campus, costs can add up is just to find the books and have find the cheapest book possible." On September 29, the Rev. Rob­ human rights is not a conception. It's quickly. Paying USF's con- ert Drinan, S.J., a priest, lawyer, and a world law and every violation is for textbooks is tract with the activist, spoke to USF faculty, staff, punishable by the UN," said Drinan. yet another Follet Corpora­ and students about human rights. The Jesuit also pointed out that price students "I look for quality first, then price—because I tion, which Drinan was a congressman for ten there have been many obstacles to must pay. Some know that students don't have too much money. leases the book­ years, dean of Boston College, and is human rights. He discussed the po­ students at USF Within that criteria, I try to find the cheapest store, specifies a professor of Lj>v at the Georgetown litical conflicts of Kosovo, East Timor, are dissatisfied the profits the University Center. Rev. Drinan first El Salvador, and China. Drinan said, with the prices book possible." bookstore can gained national attention as a mem­ "I regret that Clinton refused to agree and buy-back —Esther Madriz make on its ber of the House of Judiciary Sub­ to join the International Criminal rates of the new ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF SOCIOLOGY books. The con- committee that announced the ar­ Commission. Essentially a perma­ and used text- tract also covers ticles of im­ nent Nuremberg books at the regular buy- peachment was turned USF Bookstore. them in here when people need backs. Both the bookstore's policies against Richard' down, and as a "The prices are outrageous," them." and textbook pricing information M. Nixon. "We need to take result, we must said Les Goodman, junior. "That's "I look for quality first, then can be found on Drinan said action." accept the thou­ why I try to buy used books wtten price—because I know that stu­ According to the sands of casual­ .possible. It's even more outrageous dents don't have too much money," website, "several critical factors" de­ the struggle for —Rev. Robert Drinan, human rights "is ties of Kosovo to try to buy a brand new book, said Esther Madriz, Associate Soci­ termine the value of textbook buy- all we have. Every SJ. and East Timor." when it costs $50 and you sell it back ology Professor. She added that her backs. The factors are condition, lawyer needs to JESUIT HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVIST Drinan for $5 or $10." first concern is quality, because stu­ Paying: Page 7 be involved. It's evaded ques­ that basic:" tions of foreign FREIGHT When asked where his dedication for policy, calling them "complicated is­ 3% AUTHOR such causes stem from, Drinan said, sues" and avoided personal opinion 0% I BOOKSTORE "Religious convictions, Vatican II, my on U.S. actions taken in Kosovo and BOOKSTORE SCHOOL EARNINGS & faith, and basic notions of justice." East Timor. Drinan avoided the is­ PUBLISHER SALARIES 8% I EXPENSES The Jesuit discussed the last 50 sue of abortion, a topic that landed 66% 10% 3% years of United Nation achieve­ him in the midst of a Vatican scan­ ments, the issue of global justice, the dal in 1996, after he publicly sup­ Breaking power of knowledge, prayer, and ac­ ported Clinton's veto of the ban on tion. partial abortion. Down "I remember when 35 million Drinan discussed human rights were killed in World War II; I re­ violations. "There are no simple an­ member the six million Jews slaugh­ swers* There are no A, B, and C so­ The tered," said Drinan. " I remember lutions. We need to acquire knowl­ December 10th, 1948, when the edge, to pray and to take action. You Books Universal declaration of Human have been given more than any gen­ Rights was signed. That was a turn." eration before you. Become an in­ Drinan cited triumphs for inter­ tellectual," said Drinan. "Be sensi­ national human rights, from the tized to the world's problems." San Francisco Foghorn NEWS October 7, 1999 NEWS BRIEFS - •«£ VVKHKLr RAN7 l=Wd. , CiTY Of Al y Lake lere w i«>ny swa? mussed at 's Aid Junior Auxiliary, a C located in te the public to help raise i by participating in Lake ;o agai orchestra* forced. The event will be h tttrnw. do* KTa.j»*»m »<* m-*^ cast 0 rase itural Inhabitancy ihe same stan Dear TJ % oi Lovoia .Student-Ca. University werv pondere*., 1 Promoting sel: acted i>y the de<ii~ bodies .ire ; man to the Bnvi- mt.* We*mi King partook in other niear fast in protest of greiup. "Mi vrtopment of the wnfliu ei suds. King anted cfctdUt "WOT i i II i" - - i ii i II i (awtjj. 23 • «sp. toil's Soccer Women's Thii week wil! be one of pitfall* m»go 2 Volleyball .J crescendos. Every negative ftsci ig you can think of to happen Vou Sf' yrni wiU.
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