Mike Miller, Editor No. 8 November 22, 2019 Guests: No guests this week Program — Gift Wrap Committee—Gift Wrap 601

Just a Reminder—No Meeting on the Friday after Thanksgiving this year November 29th

Knickle’s for Kids— This Friday will be the last Friday meeting of this month (see above) so Bud Everett will be ready and willing to collect your bottles and cans. Please take the pop tops off your soda cans and give them to him directly.

Interclub— If you find an interclub that interests you then contact Larry to see if more members would want to go.

Gift Wrap— Set up Sunday November 24 from 3-6 pm organized chaos but great fun to be had by all. Sign up sheets were on the table and will be available at meetings until the end of the Gift Wrap Booth. Steve Miller is back from being an SOB (Spouse Of a Birder) and the four new rolls of gift wrap arrived. Aktion Club— Tuesday November 5, 2019 - there was a meeting with a recap of the Senior Variety Show held this past summer Carl, Ed, Nancy, Gary, Bill and Ronnie as “Barbie” were in attendance.

School Supplies for Puerto Rico— There will be a thank you reception at the Ames Women’s Club Building just south of Lincoln/ Way on South Dakota on Sunday December 1st from 5 to 6:30pm (there had to be a change in flights). An RSVP is not needed but it would be nice to let Janice Reutter know if you plan to attend. [email protected].

GHS Key Club—The club participated in the Trick or Treat for UNICEF on Halloween Night with the AHS Key Club. They collected $1500 and GHS Key Club had 25% of the collectors so they will be given recognition for 25% of the collected funds.

Board Meeting—The board decided to lower dues and meal costs in an attempt to reduce the administrative monetary surplus.

Scholarship Committee— Chair Tim Tryon has rescheduled the first meeting to be on November 22nd immediately after the regular meeting to begin planning for the coming year.

Food Shelf— This Friday there will be 5 different cafes from ISU Dining all closing at the same time for the Thanksgiving Holiday week at ISU. To collect the leftovers Bernie needs some great assistance at around 3 pm to be at each café for collections. (Usually this is spaced out over a week) so if you can help contact Bernie White.

Amazon.Smile. When you purchase through Amazon, login through , designate the Kiwanis Club of Ames Foundation as your benefit organization, and purchase as usual with no extra charges. Part of your purchase price (.5%) goes to our club! The Kiwanis Foundation serves the children of Ames by providing college scholarships to high school seniors who excel in serving our community and who require financial assistance to further their education. Please return your pledge card with a generous donation. Contact President Steve or Club Treasurer Kris Meinhard for details. : Kiwanis International has expanded their definition of a make up for missing a regular meeting: Contact Geri Derner for details.

The following is the web address for our meeting schedular: edit#gid=621852906

Copy to your address bar and hit enter to be taken to our meeting schedular site.

Web Site: Club Website is continually being updated. To see the latest, go to (or type this into your browser address bar). It is cell phone friendly (this link works great on cell, tablet and other such devices). To access our Club’s key documents (By-Laws, Youth Protection Policies, Articles of Incorporation) Click on “Club Documents” on the left side of our website. Then; click on “Click Here to Access Our Club’s Documents”. Then enter password “amesnoon” (without the quotation marks). To access the latest Roster: Go to “Member Login” on the left side of our web site. Then login with your email address and your password. Then click on “Members” in the left –side navigation column of the page that shows up. If you have trouble with any of this ask our webmaster Bud Everett and he will be glad to help you. CONTACT INFORMATION Web Site: Type into the browser address bar: Facebook. Maeann Unser and Ali Sauer have redesigned our page on Facebook. The address is: Ames Noon Kiwanis. Please visit it and BOTH Like it and Friend it. Send photographs of our events to either Maeann or Doug to post. Roster: Go to “Member Login” on our web site. Login with your email address & your password. Click on “Members” in the left-side navigation column. Program - Football’s Fallen Hero: The Jack Trice Story— Steve Jones First thing I need to say is if you missed this meeting you missed a great one and I usually try to give a flavor of what was said but I will not be able to match the eloquence of our speaker nor was I able to capture the entire story as he told it. So I will just give you some of the interesting facts that came out that I did not realize or know from this time in ISU history. First Steve worked in Morrell Hall (before it was cleaned up and modernized) and he was looking at a photo of Jack Trice and he thought he looked like an athlete but also a nice man. He got interested in the story and began researching it and thought this will be a great book maybe even novel length but it was a compact story and it came out lets say less than novel length but it has opened the doors for Steve to speak about Jack Trice at many clubs across the state and even the 2000 ISU Football Team. 1st interesting fact is that the further out from Ames the less people know about Jack Trice. 2nd Fact—ISU Jack Trice Stadium is the only stadium named for a African American Student Athlete in the entire United States. 3rd—Many people think that jack Trice was a rich Alumnus or some other wealthy donor which the stadium is named after. Nothing could be further from the truth and the story began: 4th—Born in 1902 in NE Ohio and his father died soon after so he was an only child and grew up in town as one of the only black persons in the area. So his mother sent him to an Uncle in to attend High School and be around other black people and learn bout his culture and experience real life. 5th—Jack played on a football team that in his junior year outscored the opponents for the entire year 441—0 and were 8-0 for the season. They were invited to Washington State to play their state champs but lost that game. Jack was the only black player on the team and was not allowed to participate in the Whites Only receptions in Washington so his coach, Coach Willowman arranged receptions for him in the black communities in the area. 6th—Senior Year they went 8-0 but didn’t get any invitations to other states to play. 7th—His High /school Coach becomes the head coach of Iowa State College and brought Jack to ISC with him. 8th—Before he left for his first year at ISC Jack eloped with his 15 year old girlfriend, Cora Mae, but she stayed in Ohio to continue her education. 9th—Freshman were not allowed to participate in sporting events just practices for Football so he worked at State Gym to earn money for college. 10—Jack Trice was also a track star in the field events. 11—Jack was an Animal Science Major and wanted to move to the South to assist others in raising livestock and also not stick out in a crowd. 12—During “spring football camp” they set up competitions in physical fitness and Jack either won or was close to the top in all of them. 13—Jack brought Cora Mae back to Ames and they lived in a third floor apartment in the Masonic Lodge Building at the corner of 5th and Douglas (now home to the Octagon Center for the Arts). 14—Because of their race Cora Mae and Jack couldn’t or didn’t like to go out but Jack’s coach gave him a key to State Gym so they would always have someplace to go to have a good time, swim in the pool, run on the track, play basketball and other games. 15—Fall of 1923 ISC played a really good Simpson College team and won. Next up the really good and big Minnesota Gophers in . !6—Travel was by rail and Jack stopped by his apartment before going to Nevada to catch the train and gave Cora Mae a great big hug that lasted she said longer and more intense than usual. 17—Jack stayed apart from his teammates in the Curtiss Hotel because it catered to black custom- ers while the others were in another whites only hotel and that evening he wrote the famous letter to himself that is now on a plaque in State Gym. 18—Jack played well and threw a rolling block that would lead to his death, he was either targeted on purpose because he was ISC best player, or because he was black or it was purely and accident because of a poor block thrown by a tired football player. 19—You played both ways in the early game of football no platoons and because of few subs you played hurt which Jack did after making a lot of great plays his shoulder was damaged. 20—Jack was taken to the hospital but released to travel home with the team and was put into the ISC hospital were he lived for 3 days and then passed away. He was taken back to Ohio and buried next to his father, Cora Mea went back to Ohio and remarried. Jack’s letter was found in his jacket coat pocket and read aloud at his memorial service by then ISC President Pearson. 21—The story faded as his Coach also went back to Ohio to coach Ohio State University. The flame never died and came to life in the 50s and the 70s until the new stadium was named Jack Trice Field at Cyclone Stadium. 22—Renamed in the 90s as Jack Trice Stadium. The book Football’s Fallen Hero: The Jack Trice Story can be found on Amazon or the ISU Memorial Union Bookstore usually has a few copies and Steve is donating the passed around book to Raising Readers.