World Trade Center Health Impacts on FDNY Rescue Workers, a Six-Year Assessment: September 2001-September 2007
A Six-YYear Assessment: September 2001-SSeptember 2007 WWORLDORLD TTRADERADE CCENTERENTER HHEALEALTHTH IIMPMPAACTSCTS ONON FDNYFDNY RRESCUEESCUE WWORKERSORKERS FIRE DEPARTMENT, CITY OF NEW YORK BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor Nicholas Scoppetta, Commissioner WTC MEDICAL MONITORING & TREATMENT PROGRAM Each year on the anniversary of 9/11, two Towers of Light beam heavenward in commemoration of the 2750 people killed in the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. The Towers of Light stand as a memorial, a symbol of hope and resiliency and a reclamation of New York City’s strength and identity. WW ORLDORLD TT RADERADE CC ENTERENTER HH EALTHEALTH II MPACTSMPACTS ONON FDNYFDNY RRESCUEESCUE WW ORKERSORKERS A Six-Year Assessment: September 2001-September 2007 The purpose of this publication is to share important information the Department has gathered concerning the physical and mental health effects of 9/11 on our membership. CREDITS FDNY BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES Kerry Kelly, MD, FDNY Chief Medical Officer, BHS David Prezant, MD, FDNY Chief Medical Officer, OMA Mary T. McLaughlin, Director, BHS Malachy Corrigan, Director, Counseling Services Unit FDNY WTC MEDICAL MONITORING AND TREATMENT PROGRAM Spencer Carroll, Administrative Director Justin Niles, Senior Author and Research Associate Meryl Perrotta, Associate Editor Publication & Photos FDNY OFFICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION Stephen Paul Antonelli, Director Janet Kimmerly, Copy Editor Thomas Ittycheria, Design/Production FDNY BUREAU OF INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY Jason Cheng, Deputy Director, Programming John Adams, Database Manager Kamaldeep Deol, Applications Manager Arumugam Nagappan, Oracle Developer Reshma Rao, Applications Developer Phyllis Vickers, Project Manager Kelly KJ, Niles J, McLaughlin MT, Carroll S, Corrigan M, Al-Othman F, and Prezant D.
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