First Spring Day I wonder if the sap is stirring yet, If wintry birds are dreaming of a mate, If frozen snowdrops feel as yet the sun, And crocus fires are kindling one by one: Sing robin sing; I still am sore in doubt concerning spring… by Christina Rossetti

March 2020 Contents

Photos ...... 3 Lectionary ...... 4 From the Registers …………………………………………………………………………………………………….6 Reflection ...... 5 "What is a Christian?" by John Kemp …...... 8 WI News ...... 11 News from the Schools…………………………………………………………………………...……………… 13 ...... 15 ...... 18 Middleton ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..18 and ..…………………………...... 19 Sibton ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………20 ...... 23 ...... 28 Further Afield...... 33 Church Contact List ……………...... 35 Church Services for the Month……………...... 36

THE YOXMERE FISHERMAN Guidelines for Contributors The Yoxmere Fisherman is published for the Yoxmere Benefice, which comprises the Church of parishes of Darsham, Dunwich, Middleton, Peasenhall, Sibton, , Westleton and Yoxford. Visitors may find more information about our parishes at Submissions should be sent by the 14th of the preceding month, and preferably by email to [email protected] Alternatively, by post to The Editor, Cottage on the Common, Bakers Lane, Westleton, IP17 3AZ. For details of advertising please email Tanya Miley at: [email protected]

Thanks to Carole Homersham for the cover photo this month.


Above: Pupils at Middleton School proudly displaying the result of of their recent Ofsted inspection (see Page 13). Didn't they do well!

Above: Mini Baboushkas in biscuit form, made by Audrey for January's family@church Above: Celebrating Candlemas at the Benefice Service in St Michael's Peasenhall

Left: Everyone felt the destructive force of Storms Ciara and Dennis, and it was far too close to home for this house in . Lectionary & Liturgical Colours for March 1st Purple Genesis 2:15-17; Romans 5:12-19 Matthew 4:1-11 3:1-7 8th Purple Genesis 12:1-4a Romans 4:1-5; 13-17 John 3:1-17

15th Purple Exodus 17:1-7 Romans 5:1-11 John 4:5-42

22nd Purple 1 Samuel 16:1-13 Ephesians 5:8-14 John 9:1-41

29th Purple Ezekiel 37:1-14 Romans 8:6-11 John 11:1-45

From the Registers Funerals Hector John Smith aged 81 years on Monday 27th January. Grave side service, followed by a burial in St Peter Theberton Cemetery. Pauline Mabel Ashford aged 85 years on Thursday 30th January at St Peter Theberton, followed by a burial in St Peter Theberton Cemetery. Valerie Christine Cooper aged 74 years on Friday 7th February at St Peter Yoxford, followed by a burial in St Peter Yoxford cemetary. Robert Brian Perrett aged 79 years on Wednesday 19th February at Holy Trinity Middleton, followed by a cremation at Seven Hills . Peter WIlliam Smith aged 80 on Friday 14th February at Holy Trinity Middleton, followed by private cremation.

PLANT A TREE AND CAPTURE SOME CARBON Oaks and Walnuts For Sale, £5 each Money to Sibton Church I have 6 oaks and 6 walnut trees waiting to be planted out. They are 2 years old and about 2ft tall, and in pots. Please ring Rosie on 01728 660369

4 Reflection New Beginnings This year, "new beginnings" seems to have a greater meaning than in previous years. Our country is embarking on new relationships with Europe and the wider world. Politically the election has led to a parliament with a majority greater than we have seen for some time for better or worse. For better or worse the nation is setting a new course. Even the weather seems more extreme and the pessimists among us concentrate on the disasters, whether floods, epidemics, or famine and wars. However, if we look to nature we are reminded of God's promise that springtime and harvest will not cease. Spring is bursting out all around us. The countryside and our gardens are bursting into new life. Snowdrops are almost over; violets, crocuses, primroses and even daffodils abound. In our church life, we reach the season of Lent, when we are encouraged to think about life, and witness both personally and corporately. This year we are joining in the Deanery Lent study course, if you cannot join one of the study groups, I suggest you read the book and meditate on the questions posed. The Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent book, Saying Yes to Life by Ruth Valerio of Tearfund, is an excellent lead into our thinking about creation and the beauty of our surroundings. So we hope to gain greater insights into our responsibility for the maintenance and sustainability of it all. As with nature, so too with our community life. Our annual parish meetings provide opportunities to thank all of those who assist us to establish and maintain good neighbourliness in our rural communities. I have been encouraged by the way the benefice is growing together and sharing resources and expertise. Long may it continue! This Lent I hope we will set time aside to think what it means to be a Christian and resolve to live as people of faith who are good neighbours and good stewards of God's creation. Susan Warne FROM BISHOP MARTIN'S & BISHOP MIKE'S LENT APPEAL LEAFLET "Few of us can be unaware these days of the critical and urgent environmental challenges facing us. Our appeal this year is not just about fundraising but offers a set of resources for groups and individuals to engage positively and actively with environmental issues." Details of their suggestions can be found at lent-appeal-2020. These include their "Environmental Challenge" - one idea for each of the forty days of Lent. A PDF file is available by emailing [email protected]. Each daily challenge will also be posted on the Diocesan Environment Group’s FaceBook page and Twitter feed.

5 family@church on Mothers' Day Why not come to family@church this month, Sunday 22nd March?! Start with a warm welcome, breakfast, and a chance to meet other families, while the children do some craft. At 9.30 we gather for a service of worship, prayer and a brief talk. It is for all ages and we have people from 0 to 90! It is about sharing the good news of God's blessing with others. It is held at Yoxford but it is for everyone in the benefice. This month, family@church will be held on Mothering Sunday, so a special opportunity to celebrate our love and thanks for our mothers. See our poster on the back page and do come! Carole Lee

Glebe Meadow Community Interest Company Update For those awaiting news of Glebe Meadow's Planning Application, the suspense may soon be over. We are hopeful that our case will come up in front of the March meeting. We look forward to being able to offer locals (Yoxmere residents) aged over 65 the opportunity to purchase easy-to-manage and highly insulated 1.5 storey houses on the Vicarage site in the centre of Westleton, in a senior co- housing scheme within a stone's throw of the village's much valued facilities - St Peter's Church, the recently greatly improved village hall, the village shop & Snug Tearoom, two pubs and two bookshops! For full details of the scheme please have a look at our website http:// which also has a lot of information on co-housing, and if you’d like to be added to our mailing list to receive updates by email please let Sarah know on [email protected].

Update from TEAGS (Theberton and Action Group on ) By the time you read this, we may know if the rumours circulating that EDF is going "hell for leather" to finish its application for Development Consent (DCO) for Sizewell C are true. Once a DCO is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate there are four weeks before we know if it has been accepted for examination, or rejected. If accepted, it will then be published - likely 50,000-plus pages of material. We will also know the results of the Prime Minister's first reshuffle, and who is the relevant Secretary of State who will decide Sizewell's future. Meanwhile, TEAGS took part in a "Brunch Bunch" feature for the BBC's Politics East show on 9th February along with the RSPB's Adam Rowlands and Stephen Baker, Chief Executive of East Council on Sizewell C; anda report we commissioned on EDF's finances by Professor Steve Thomas was featured in Private Eye.

6 Quartetto Quartetto

. 660443 or

660339 660339

7 we're delighted to welcome back welcomeback to delighted we're Philharmonic Orchestra MUSIC to play for play usattheAssembly to TheHall. programme Beethoven'sincludes

Wednesday 25th March7.30pm 25thWednesday at Famiglia withGNo4, Wendy K516 andString Mozart'sQuintet Opus in minor 29 Quintet, the programme Also the Quartet, is assecond Janacek's String 1st Gudgin who play musicians outstanding these have so to luckyare We Sonata". "Kreutzer in playingintimate and acclaimedthis who enjoy orchestras, internationally in £12.50. on Reserveare yours Tickets environment. PEASENHALL SPRING CONCERT CONCERT SPRING PEASENHALL On What is a Christian?

What is a Christian? Humpty Dumpty said, "When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean" and if we are like Humpty Dumpty, we may well use the word "Christian" in this way - and people often do. Thus they say things like "She is a real Christian" or "He was a true Christian" when what they mean is that these folk are good and kind. But the word Christian doesn't mean good and kind. What about a good and kind Jew or Muslim? Are they to be described as Christian? It would be offensive to call them Christian when we really mean that they are good people; for it would seem to imply that you have to be a Christian to be good! Perhaps what we really intend to say is that they are Christ-like. And that's fine. For to be called Christ-like would be regarded by most people - of whatever faith or none - as a compliment. It is the right word to use in this context. No doubt, if we are Christians ourselves, we shall want to go further. For we will believe that all goodness, all kindness, comes from God - from the outpouring of his love. And since that love is poured out from all eternity through his Son, we will know that we owe our own goodness, such as it is, to Christ. And we shall believe that the truly Christ-like owe their goodness to Christ irrespective of whether they know it or not; irrespective of whether they acknowledge him or not. But this does not make them Christian. There are many people in the world who are good and kind people – Christ-like people - without being Christian. Alas, there are many Christian people who are not noted for their kindness and are certainly not thought of as being Christ-like! What is it then to be a Christian? Of course, it all depends upon exactly how you define "Christian". It can usefully be defined in one of two senses: what philosophers would call a strong sense and a weak sense. (It is important to note that the terms strong and weak refer to the definitions of the word "Christian" and not, of course, to the people who hold the beliefs described!) Let us take the weak sense first. Here, a Christian is one who believes that Jesus Christ holds the key to how we should live our lives. There are still many people in the world – even in the Western world – who go along with that. In the strong sense of the word, a Christian is one who

8 goes further. He or she believes that in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ we find the nature and purposes of God and the meaning of life and of the universe uniquely disclosed and a new creation inaugurated. Now, we have defined being a Christian in terms of what a person believes. That is quite right and proper. But that belief shouldn't stop at the level of what we believe with the "top of our minds" as it were. It needs to be deeper than that and an affair of the heart: a matter of putting Christ at the centre; committing our lives to Christ and perhaps finding ourselves able to go so far as trusting and hoping in him, as Lord, Saviour and Friend. However, we must not press this too far in defining the word "Christian" or we shall end up defining a Christian saint - and that will exclude most Christians! It is better - and certainly more charitable, both to ourselves and to others - to keep the definition of Christian as wide and inclusive as possible - without, of course, making it so very wide that it becomes meaningless. Remember Humpty Dumpty! John Kemp

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Friday 6th March, 2pm United Reformed Church All Welcome

PLANNED EVENTS DURING VISIT OF APPLICANTS FOR THE POST OF RECTOR The Benefice is currently advertising for a new Rector, with the closing date for applications being 25th February. Applicants will be shown around the Benefice on 10th March with a social to meet them on the evening of the 10th at Westleton Village Hall, preceded by an evening service at St Peter's Westleton. Interviews are due to be held on 11th March and the Bishop will take a said Holy Communion service at 10.30 at St James Dunwich to which all are invited. PLEASE NOTE: As final arrangements have to be made after the closing date, it is too late to publish these in the March Fisherman, and the above may be subject to change. Please check with your churchwardens for details nearer the time.

9 10 WI NEWS

Middleton In January we paid our annual dues and ate delicious soup made by our committee members. We then settled down to a talk by Middleton resident Julian Cusack on "Rewilding". The best way of understanding this, he said, was to see it as restoring land by just letting go: stop doing anything, and see what happens. Sometimes there are surprises, but mostly benefits such as bringing people and nature together, creating health-giving environments, and encouraging biodiversity. This is being done on a large scale in some parts of the country, but Julian wanted to make suggestions on how it might happen in Middleton. Large areas like the Moor and the playing field might be mown later than usual in the year with wide margins left to nature. The verges could also be cut later to help nesting birds. Villagers' gardens could be part of the scheme. Suggestions included not using chemicals and pesticides; letting lawns grow so as to keep bees happy with flowering dandelions and daisies; putting in hedges rather than fences; making wildlife ponds; leaving wood piles for hedgehogs, etc. Let go of the tidy garden! At the end of Julian's talk we felt we had a much better understanding of rewilding. We thanked him for the inspiration. Our next meeting is March 18th at 7:15pm. Sally Sibley will talk on "Holding the Line: the Women of Sutton Hoo". All welcome. Peasenhall and Sibton On January 8th we had our afternoon meeting, traditional for the second Wednesday in the New Year. The new committee chaired its first meeting and was a great success. Annual subscriptions were paid, whilst general social time and a quiz filled the rest of the afternoon. Tea and cake were provided by committee members. We look forward to our next meeting on March 4th when our speaker will be farmer Helen Reeve from Waveney Dexter Beef. All new members welcome. Westleton It was lovely finally to be able to meet in the beautifully renovated hall that proves so much more user friendly, and also to see old and new friends at the beginning of a year that promises to be very interesting. To set us on our way to an energised and healthy new year we had Marilyn Snell from Munchy Seeds as speaker. Munchy Seeds has been in for twenty years and is well known to many of the members. The seeds are of great benefit as alternative snacks and also to those with a gluten intolerance. All the introductory packets of seeds for tasting disappeared remarkably quickly! Just as well she brought extra for us to buy. Our next meeting will be a social evening with a Spanish theme and therefore - tapas! All proceeds will go to the Blossom Appeal of Ipswich Hospital. We are already looking toward our main fundraiser of the year - namely the Jumble Sale on 6th May. Keep us and this date in mind for your big spring clean out!


Groups in Leiston & Framlingham For more details contact Julie 01728 808108 07940 583320 [email protected]

All electrical work Fuse board upgrades undertaken Install renewable Friendly and reliable energy such as solar service panels/ air source heat pumps Local experienced electrician EV electric vehicle charging points Free quotes and competitive rates Rewires, extra sockets Electrical underfloor Eco lighting, TV points heating Electrical reports for Data, telephone points selling/buying and for landlords

12 NEWS FROM THE SCHOOLS Yox Valley Partnership of Schools including Middleton Primary and Yoxford and Peasenhall Primary Celebrating Ofsted Success

Middleton Primary School, part of the Consortium Trust, are celebrating after receiving a "Good" rating from their recent Ofsted visit which took place on the 17th and 18th December 2019. This is their first inspection since becoming an academy in December 2016, with a previous rating of "Requires Improvement". The Lead Inspector, Christine Dick, opens the report by saying, "Middleton Primary is a friendly and welcoming community." She goes on to praise the school for the reading, writing and mathematics, stating: "The teachers are clear about what pupils know and what they need to do next. Reading is a high priority across the school. Younger pupils learn quickly how to read." Academy Head, Gail Jerman said: "I am extremely proud of everyone who has worked so hard to get the outcome we deserved. It is particularly pleasing that the inspector noted that our pupils are polite and eager to learn. They are well behaved, thoughtful and kind to each other and the older children act as good role models to the younger children. "The confidence younger pupils showed as they acted out their Christmas play and sang word-perfect carols was impressive. "They are excited to talk about their books, often using complex language from an early stage. "We will continue to strive for the best for our children; we really want to make a real difference to our pupils’ education, life skills and development, carrying out our motto of 'Never Giving Less than our Best'."


14 Darsham

A Thank-You From Pat Canham After four weeks in Colchester General Hospital I am now home. I would like to thank everyone for their good wishes and get-well cards. Also special thanks to Mike and Heather, Chris and Linda, Roger and Maureen, Keith and Hazel, and Irene and Chris for all the transport for Marlene. You are very special people. Our thanks go out to Keith Alexander who has served on our Village Hall Committee for more years than can 100 Club be remembered (over thirty) who has decided to retire from his job as for January Treasurer. He has been involved through all the negotiations for the new hall and will 1st £100 Mr J Rollins be sorely missed, not just for this role 2nd £50 Mr B Worman but for his skill in making up posters and programmes for events as well as 3rd £25 Mr S Manning his poppy appeal work on Remembrance Day every year. He is also a full time carer for his wife Liz and we wish him all the best in DARSHAM his well deserved reduction in work. HORTICULTURAL Keith Rolfe On behalf of Darsham Village Hall Management Committee SOCIETY

The Spring Show will be held on Saturday 4th April.


16 Darsham (cont.) DARSHAM CHURCH NOTICES Darsham Churchyard Tidy Wednesday 18th March from 10.30am Please join in the spring churchyard tidy. Bring rakes and wheelbarrows for a fun morning, to be followed by a soup and cheese lunch in the Church Community Area.

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held in the church on Wednesday 22nd April at 2.30pm. Afternoon Teas This will also include reports on From March, there will be the church and the Darsham afternoon teas on Wednesday Town Trust. afternoons from 2.30pm in the Church Community Area. If you are on the Please note that there will be electoral roll you are eligible to no teas on vote in the election of Wednesday 22nd April churchwardens, and if on the church due to the Annual Parochial Church electoral roll you are eligible to Meeting. elect members of the Parochial Church Council. Fisherman Distribution A very big thank you to Ron Reeve and Shirley Field who have distributed the magazine to the Darsham delivery team for over ten years. John and Denise Pottinger will be taking on this important task from this month. You can contact them on 07903 465397. Please note that there are always a few spare copies in the church should the need arise.

17 Dunwich COFFEE 4 U

MARCH: Thursday 12th & 26th St James Church PCC is holding a Dunwich Reading Room Lent Lunch on Wednesday 18th March in the Dunwich Reading 10.30am-12.30 Room at 12 noon. The co-ordinator of Leiston street pastors is our Heather speaker. Please come and support us. All donations to Christian Aid. Christine Palmer DUNWICH BEACH CLEAN Thursday 26th March Meet in the Dunwich Beach Car Park (next to Fish and Chip Café) Please come and help the Dunwich WI and Suffolk Wildlife clean our beach of plastic and detritus. Bring your own rubber gloves. Pick up sticks and bags provided.

Middleton Church Floodlighting

At its last meeting the PCC considered the question of floodlighting the church. It was decided that in line with the Church of England’s "Shrinking the Footprint" initiative, Holy Trinity would reduce the hours it is floodlit and restrict it to 7pm–10 pm.

18 Peasenhall & Sibton ANNUAL PEASENHALL CLEAN-UP AND LITTER PICK This annual event has been arranged for Saturday 28th March. In past years we have successfully collected large amounts of rubbish that would otherwise be left on verges and in ditches. Show your pride in our lovely village! With a good number of volunteers, the job could be finished in 1 ½ hours - time well spent. We meet outside the Village Store and Post Office at 10.00. Please bring a high visibility jacket or vest if you can; litter picking sticks and bags are provided. Afterwards, rubbish bags should be left behind the village hall. Part of the clean-up this year will involve work to the Road entrance to the village. The entrance "gates" need to be cleared, the signs cleaned and the railings painted. If you are interested in helping with this specific project, please contact me on 660280. Chris Norrington

Saturday 6th June 2-4pm

An afternoon of films, photos and memories, including screening of a 1960s film about life in Peasenhall. Exhibition at Peasenhall Assembly Oral history; village archive photos. Hall May 30-31 & online Look out your own photos and bring We have changed our format this year them along! to a digital format - all entries to be Further details or request for transport: emailed as JPEGs to: [email protected] [email protected] Photographs plus details of categories, rules & how to enter can The Family of the Late Vikki Gallant née Ling, would like to thank everyone who be seen at: attended her funeral for the many cards, continuing support & donations Enter online ASAP. No cost to enter as of £850 for the nominated charities YANA, Blue Cross & Guide Dogs given JPEGs. in memory of Vikki. Kind Regards Scott Ling


PEASENHALL CEMETERY - SAFETY OF HEADSTONES Headstones in the cemetery in Hackney Road have to be safety checked every year. The main concern is for those headstones that are leaning or loose in the ground as they could be a danger to visitors. Although the cemetery is owned and operated by the Parish Council, responsibility for individual grave memorials rests with the families or the successors of those that rest there. This is sometimes difficult to assess. If a gravestone is found to be dangerous, it will be laid flat on the ground. The inspection is planned for the end of March.


April Fools Quiz, Friday 3rd April Assembly Hall Its that time again!!! Teams of up to four at £5 per head (which includes food and snacks). Bar open for inspiration or consolation as appropriate! Book your team now on 01728 660339 or 660443 and join us for an evening of light hearted fun.






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We donate to Breast Cancer now after every completed sale.

22 Westleton Eastern Angles presents Red Skies by Ivan Cutting Westleton Village Hall, Tuesday April 14th at 7.30pm Red Skies features two of Suffolk’s most famous residents: George Orwell, who took his name from the Ipswich river, and Arthur Ransome, who was resident on it, and asks what would have happened if they had met. Orwell is intrigued that Ransome is married to Trotsky’s former secretary. With Orwell’s suspicion of spies and the Ransome’s inability to explain how they got out of Russia after the revolution, sparks could fly. The show follows their two stories over twenty years, when all three are in search of answers, political and personal… Tickets (£10) are available from Westleton Village Stores, Phone 01728 648166 or online from

FREE WORKSHOP Westleton Common Events ON CPR AND The last working party of the DEFIBRILLATOR winter season will be held on Wednesday March 4th Saturday 21st March 1-2pm or 2-3pm 10 am - 12.30 pm @ Westleton Village Hall All welcome. Please bring stout Using our Defibrillator machine and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation gloves with you; tools provided. (CPR) techniques. Refreshments at half-time. Please sign up in our new village hall to register or phone Catriona Meet at the container, opposite the on 01728 648477. Common Noticeboard, at the top Donations can be made to of Mill St along a short track on the right. Rural Responders (Advance notice: the next nature walk is on Saturday April 4th)

Westleton Film Club begins again on Saturday 7th March at 7.30pm with Yesterday, a romantic comedy about a struggling musician who finds himself the only person who remembers the Beatles. Set in and around this part of Suffolk and written by Richard Curtis, this is a great film to celebrate being back in the hall. £4 adults, £2 under 60s. Tickets on the door. ADVANCE NOTICE: April's film will be Official Secrets based on a true story about intrigues at GCHQ, starring Keira Knightley, Matt Smith and Ralph Fiennes. Saturday 4th April at 7.30pm.


Andrew: 07850 583093 [email protected] WILDLIFE PONDS Water Garden Services Established 1985 Specialising in Wildlife ponds New Ponds built from Scratch Ponds relined or repaired Ponds cleaned out or renovated Ponds planted out Tel: 01502 478140 Please call Mark Daytime & Evenings The Lilacs, St Michael's Way, , , IP19 9EH

24 Westleton (cont.)

Volunteers Needed for Friday 3rd April Westleton Speed Watch @ Westleton Coffee Pot After a winter break we will resume Speed Watch traffic monitoring in the Two plucky volunteers are village in March. We are looking for "braving the shave" and losing volunteers so we can continue this their hair to keep the medics valuable work. We do up to two hours in the air. each month and only work in dry ** RAFFLE PRIZE ** weather. We will provide training and a **PRODUCE STALL** high visibility jacket. If you would like to join us please FUNDRAISING FOR EAST ANGLIAN AIR contact David Blencowe on 648566. AMBULANCE

WESTLETON VILLAGE HALL 7.30 pm Teams of up to 8 people £8 pp, includes chilli supper Raffle and stalls. Bring your own drinks! Book a table via Facebook or call 07968 947563 My daughter is raising funds for a trip to Borneo in July and needs to raise £4,000 for the charity work she hopes to do there. Jennie Shaw

WESTLETON GARDENERS Garden Trail 2020 All queries please contact Marilyn on 649088 Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th June Our next meeting will be Tuesday We are seeking volunteers 17th March in Westleton Village to open their gardens Hall at 7.30pm. The talk will be over that weekend. "Rowan House - The Story of a We are not looking for Garden" presented by Westleton National Garden Scheme resident Barbara Clifford. We will also be taking standards, just a willingness bookings and payment for the group’s "Summer to participate Garden Trips" so if you think you may want to and raise some participate please bring along your cheque money for books/cash. As usual there will be time to chat charity. and refreshments so come along to our friendly local group. Cost - 2.50 each; all are welcome.

25 The Good Pub Guide Suffolk Dining Pub of 2019

 Convivial and welcoming atmosphere

 Good choice of beer  Seventeen wines by the glass  Thoughtfully created menu  The perfect place for a light lunch or a three course meal

Halesworth Road, Sibton, Suffolk. IP17 2JJ Telephone: 01728 660337 email: [email protected]


26 Westleton (cont.) Westleton Barrel Fair AGM ADVANCE NOTICE Wednesday 18th March at WI ANNUAL JUMBLE SALE 7.30pm, Village Hall Foyer SATURDAY 16th MAY Anyone interested in finding VILLAGE HALL out what we do (or asking This is our main fund-raising questions) is welcome to event, so we would be grateful if come along. We are on the you could save up any household lookout for new committee items, books, clothing, shoes, members so please consider accessories and handbags. joining if you live in Westleton. The work FURTHER DETAILS TO is mainly in the run-up to the Barrel Fair FOLLOW itself in August, plus a few committee Thank you! Elaine Blencowe meetings throughout the year. The fair raises funds for various projects and social events in Westleton and is a very worthwhile cause. For more information contact Elaine Blencowe on 648566.

HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE & LOCAL FLOODING ISSUES The Parish Council has been pressing County Highways to deal with the many potholes and water surface issues which unfortunately seem to blight the approach roads to Westleton. We recently met with an engineer on site and visited a number of locations to identify specific problems. Improvements are being directly taken as a result, but we have been informed that limits on budgets and spending mean some larger works will have to take their place in a long line of priority schemes across the county. Meanwhile, if you come across serious flooding on any road, do please report this on the emergency line – 0345 606 6171. This will at least prompt a call out and hopefully mean that warning signs are put in place. We also encourage residents to visit the County Highways website where there is a straightforward process for reporting problems such as potholes etc. report-a-highways-issue/ . Wine Tasting at Westleton Village Hall Friday 27th March 7.30pm Eve & Rich Berrill from Case-sera Wines are presenting a wine tasting evening. They will be offering wines from various regions around the world, each chosen for their individuality and interest. Cheese & biscuits will be provided. Rich will talk about the wines whilst you enjoy them!! For more information about them visit Tickets £15 each from Westleton Village Stores

27 Yoxford

Annual Parochial Church Meeting Friday 24th March 7pm at Yoxford Church Please come and join us to hear what has been happening in your church this year, and then share a glass of wine with the new PCC afterwards. COPPERBEECH Walking Group SUPPER CLUB TUESDAY 10TH MARCH American @ 10.15am Our next walk is a lovely walk around Diner taking us along the old TUESDAY 7th APRIL railway line, across to the beach and 5 — 9pm back through the town. Holiday fun!! Perfect to enjoy with The walk is about 3.5 to 4 miles. your family, friends, If you are interested in coming along couples please email Diane Humphrey for the - or come along as one. rendezvous point. LIMITED SPACES SO [email protected]. BOOKING ESSENTIAL

YOXFORD POPPY APPEAL Call 01728 668827 or email: 2019 [email protected] Our 2019 Poppy Appeal in Yoxford NOTE: No March raised the grand total Supper Club of £768.66 A fine result! **House-to-house £419.46 St Peter’s Church ** Static collection boxes £294.20** **Wreath donations £55** Thursdays My grateful thanks once more to all 10.30am—12noon who, in different ways, support our Come and join us annual village appeal. Sincerely, one morning a week for coffee Rosemary Draper in our new space in St Peter’s (Appeal Organiser) Church. A warm welcome for everyone, and a chance to meet up with friends.

28 29 The White Horse, Westleton 01728 648222 Shortcrust Pies Pies Pies! Takeaway available

Open: Mon to Thur 12.00—3.00pm 6.00—11.00pm Fri, Sat, Sun 12.00—late

Food: Mon to Sat 12.00— 2.30pm 6.00— 9.00pm Sun 12.00— 4.00pm

New home cooked pub grub menu available.

30 Yoxford (cont.) Our Village Hall

Game of MONDAY: Outreach Post Office 9.30am-12.00noon Tennis : Indoor Kurling 10am-12noon (£2.50 per session) To book a court : Yox Vox Vocal Group (twice a month) call: 668053 TUESDAY: Chi Kung 10am -11.30am : Table Tennis WEDNESDAY: Outreach Post Office 9.30am-12.00noon : Gentle Exercise 1.30pm-2.30pm (£5 per session) THURSDAY: Indoor Bowls Club FRIDAY: Yoga 10.30am-11.30am LOOK AT OUR VILLAGE NOTICE BOARD FOR EVENTS & NOTICES Need a venue for a meeting, function, celebration or event? Then why not book our village hall, which comes with a kitchen, bar area and good sized car park. We also have two marquees for hire. Residents of Yoxford get a reduced rate on bookings. To make a booking contact Hazel on 01728 68802 or 07748 784909.

Outreach Post Office DATE FOR YOUR DIARY Mondays and Wednesdays ‘Spring Clean Litter Pick’ 9.30am-12.00noon Saturday 18th April @ 10am

Meet at Yoxford Village Hall • Posting Once again, we are organising a • Banking Yoxford 'Spring Clean Litter pick' in • Withdraw cash. and around the village and the • Have a cup of tea or coffee with verges of the A12. All volunteers some home-made cake. welcome. Equipment provided. • Meet up with friends or even Prior contact can be made with make new ones. Mark on 01728 668030.


Lesley Taylor Wedding, Event and Tribute Florist Fully qualified with 15 years experience Red Lodge Barn, Middleton Moor, Main Road, Yoxford, IP17 3EX Saxmundham IP17 3LN 07970 257329 01728 668827 [email protected]

32 Further Afield

ALDE VALLEY SUFFOLK FAMILY HISTORY GROUP The Story of a Suffolk Bevin Boy – a talk by Barbara McElroy whose father was conscripted to go down the mines in WW2. Monday 16th March at 2.30pm at the Waterloo Centre, Leiston Admission: members £1, non-members £3, including tea/coffee 01728 830949 or [email protected]

Please note: contrary to previous announcements, this talk is NOT about Leonard Cheshire.

Victory in Europe (VE) Day – 75th Anniversary Search for information on local war casualties In connection with a programme of events planned in Leiston to mark the 75th Anniversary of VE Day in May 2020, the Alde Valley Suffolk Family History Group is researching the lives of those who tragically lost their lives during World War Two. The list of names reproduced below has been sourced primarily from the War Memorial in St. Margaret’s Churchyard, Leiston, and includes members of the Armed Forces and civilian casualties. Our research focus is restricted to those individuals who had a significant connection with the parish of Leiston-cum- Sizewell, and we are keen to hear from any living relatives or friends who may be able to provide stories, photographs or other treasured artefacts and help us to commemorate fully the bravery of these people. A. Armed Forces Personnel John Andrews; Bertie Bailey, George Bedwell, Robert Berry, Frederick Block, Russell Bridges, Bromley Brown, Cyril Brown, James Church, John Clarke, P. Clarke, Percy Clarke, Raymond Clarke, John Clouting, James Day, Jack Day, Geoffrey Fairs, Reginald Girling, Frederick Last, Robert Lawrence, C. Marjoram, Leonard Morling, Harold Osborne, Bernard Packman, John Pendle, Harry Peskett, Frank Phillips, Andrew Roe, Dennis Rose, Clifford Smith, Harold Smith, J. Smith, Richard Smith, Sydney Smith, David Steele, David Titlow, Felix Walton, Mary Warren, C. Williams, Frederick Willsher, Charles Winter B. Civilians Arthur Girling, Harold Goddard, Frederick Hicks, Agnes Hicks, Peter Page, Phillip Ross If you have information or photographs relating to any of the above, please contact Angela Skelcher on [email protected] or 01728 830949.

Laxfield Produce, Craft & Flea Market Saturday 7th March 9.30-12.00 Both inside All Saints' Church and the Royal Oak; and outside on Church Plain

33 34 Church Contact List

CLERGY Churchwardens Rector Darsham Post vacant Shirley Field 668371 John Millward 668712 Assistant Priest Revd Susan Warne 668410 Dunwich Curate Christine Palmer 648890 Revd Brian Jolley 668579 Mobile 07590 046282 Middleton Work 01502 726088. Margaret Perrett 648141 Reader Rita Pateman 648377 Richard Newnham 648877 Peasenhall Lay Elders Michael Thickett 660549 Roger Coates-Smith 667037 Michael Trovell 660218

Lesley Davies 648144 Theberton Carole Lee 07849 849191 Simon Ilett 833364 Michael Trovell 660218 Tina Neal 830237

Methodist Minister Westleton Revd Louise Morrissey Jeremy Branch 648140 01728 830733 Sue Foster 649034 Roman Catholic Priest Fr Tony Rogers 01728 452782 Yoxford Fr Richard Ireson 01986 875837 John Sutherell 07766 146883

35 Church Services for March

Sunday 1st March Lent 1 Sunday 22nd March Mothering Sunday 10.00 Westleton Benefice Holy 09.30 Middleton Holy Communion (CW) Communion (CW) (with Theberton) Sunday 8th March Lent 2 Westleton Holy Communion (CW) 09.30 Darsham Morning Worship Yoxford family@church Middleton Holy Communion (CW) 11.00 Dunwich Holy Communion (CW) Theberton Taizé Service Peasenhall Service in Chapel Westleton Worship for All 15.30 Darsham Evensong Yoxford Holy Communion (CW) 11.00 Dunwich Holy Communion (CW) Sunday 29th March Passion Sunday Peasenhall Morning Prayer 09.30 Westleton Holy Communion Sunday 15th March Lent 3 Yoxford Holy Communion (CW) 09.30 Theberton Holy Communion (CW) 11.00 Peasenhall Holy Communion (CW) Westleton Holy Communion (CW) Sunday 5th April Palm Sunday Yoxford Morning Prayer 10.00 Sibton Benefice Holy 11.00 Darsham Holy Communion (CW) Communion (CW) Dunwich Morning Worship Peasenhall Holy Communion (BCP) Every Wednesday Friday 20th February 09.00 Westleton Holy Communion (CW) 10.00 Yoxford Holy Communion (BCP) Every Thursday 09.00 Westleton Morning Prayers Every Friday CW – Common Worship 08.30 Dunwich Morning Prayers BCP – Book of Common Prayer 09.30 Darsham Morning Prayers

Mothering Sunday

Breakfast Sunday 9.00am 22nd March

Service Yoxford 9.30am Church

Bring your mum to breakfast