DISTRICT SIX 136 S. Bronough Street 800 N. Magnolia Avenue, Suite 1100 1580 Waldo Palmer Lane, Suite 1 A message from Governor Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Orlando, Florida 32803 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Scott on the future of (407) 956-5600 (850) 921-1119 Florida’s Freight and Trade FREIGHT & LOGISTICS OVERVIEW FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FDOT CONTACTS Ananth Prasad, P.E. Richard Biter Secretary of Transportation Assistant Secretary for Intermodal Phone (850) 414-5205 Systems Development
[email protected].fl .us Phone (850) 414-5235
[email protected].fl .us Juan Flores Gus Pego, P.E. Administrator, Freight Logistics & District 6, Secretary Passenger Operations Phone (305) 470-5197 Phone (850) 414-5245
[email protected].fl .us
[email protected].fl .us Federal Legislative Contacts State Legislative Contacts Florida House of Representatives Florida House of Representatives District 105, Carlos Trujillo District 117, Kionne McGhee United States Senate Florida Senate Bill Nelson District 35, Gwen Margolis Florida House of Representatives Florida House of Representatives District 107, Barabra Watson District 118, Frank Artiles United States Senate Florida Senate Marco Rubio District 36, Oscar Braynon, II Florida House of Representatives Florida House of Representatives District 108, Daphne Cambell District 119, Jeanette Nunez US House of Representatives Florida Senate Congressional District 23, District 37, Anitere Flores Florida House of Representatives Florida House of Representatives Debbie Wasserman Schultz District