The Spievanderbilt University Divinity School, Graduate Department
VOLUME 29, NUMBER 1 SUMMER 2012 The SPie Vanderbilt University Divinity School, Graduate Department of Religion, and Oberlin Graduate School of Theology El Nacimiento del Mesías 2010 by José Ignacio Fletes Cruz León, Nicaragua (born 1952, Managua, Nicaragua) oil on canvas 20” x 16” courtesy of Zacharey Austin Carmichael, BA’10, MA’12 from the exhibition The Religion, Art, and Politics of Solentiname: Reminiscences and Visions commissioned for Vanderbilt University Divinity School The SPie Volume 29 • Number 1 • Summer 2012 The Spire is published by Vanderbilt University Divinity School in cooperation with the Office of Development and Alumni/ae Relations. Let - ters to the editor are welcomed, and alumni/ae Features of the Divinity School, the Graduate School’s Department of Religion, and the Oberlin Grad - uate School of Theology are encouraged to sub - mit news of their personal and professional 10 accomplishments to: A Hermeneutic of Hope The Spire Dominican priest Gustavo Gutiérrez reflects upon the fortieth John Frederick Oberlin Quadrangle anniversary of the liberation theology movement and how we become Office 115 “neighbors” through our gifts of faith, hope, and love. 411 21st Avenue, South Nashville, Tennessee 37240-1121 by e-mail: 16 _________________________________________ Art and Articulation James Hudnut-Beumler, Justin Owings, a student in the master of theological studies degree program, discusses the ways Dean and the Anne Potter Wilson Distinguished Cornel West and Gustavo Gutiérrez encourage us to “observe love in the margins.” Professor of American Religious History Victor Judge, BS’77, MS’79, Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs 22 and Editor The Exodus from God to God Katrina Stone, who has completed her first year of studies Zacharey Austin Carmichael, BA’10, MA’12, for the master of divinity degree, examines the “theological Editorial Assistant abuse” that may ensue from the power of images.
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