Rehabilitation and Upgradation of existing Two lane to Four lane of - section of NH-211 from Km 290.200 to Km 376.000 and Km 390.000 to Km 452.800 excluding Gautala Autram Ghat section (Km 376.000 to Km 390.000) in the State of under NHDP-IVB Group B: Package-7


 The project section is Rehabilitation and Upgradation of existing Two lane to Four lane of Aurangabad- Dhule section of NH-211 from Km 290.200 to Km 376.000 and Km 390.000 to Km 452.800 excluding Gautala Autram Ghat section (Km 376.000 to Km 390.000) in the state of Maharashtra.  The major settlement enroute are Aurangabad, Daulatabad, Ellora, Kannad, and Dhule.  The land use pattern on either side of 10 Km of the project road is predominantly agriculture followed by habitation area.  The project revised proposal does not pass through any Ecological sensitive area/National Park/ Sanctuaries however, it falls within 10 Km of Gautala Autramghat Wild Life Sanctuary. Pockets of reserved forest are located in Aurangabad, Jalgoan and along the existing RoW. Proposal for diversion of 18.654 ha forest land in Aurangabad, Jalgoan and Dhule is submitted to concerned forest division.  The proposed total land acquisition is 714 ha in all three districts due to proposed project, which includes 486 ha, 145 ha and 83 ha of land in Auranagabad, Jalgoan and Dhule district respectively.  The existing Right of way is generally 30 m. The proposed right of way is 60 m except at interchanges, toll plaza and other project facilities.  The existing road has 6 nos. of Major bridges, 46 nos. of Minor bridges and 358 nos. of Culverts.  There will be provision of 7 nos. of major bridges, 82 nos. of minor bridges and 354 nos. of culverts.  There are proposal of 11 nos. Pedestrian/Cattle underpasses, 10 nos. of Vehicular Underpass, 6 nos. of Flyovers, 2 nos. ROBs along the Project Road.  The project road will have provision of 60 nos. of Bus bays, 6 nos. Truck lay byes, 3 nos. Rest areas, 2 nos. Wayside Amenities and Service roads of 68.6 Km.  The proposed safety measures will be provided as per IRC: 67 and 4-laning Manuals.  Approximately 20,000 roadside trees are within proposed ROW of 60 meter; however 25% of tress will be saved due to proposed project.  About 250 KLD water will be consumed for the project road and requisite permission will be obtained from concerned department for water usage.  Approximately 86,82,275 cum soil proposed to be taken from 50 numbers of locations along the project road. Approximately 9,38,042 cum aggregate and 1,31,240 cum sand will be procured from Govt. approved licensed quarry. There is no thermal power plant within 100 Km from project road, so fly ash will not be used for the project purpose.  About 742 nos. of structures will be partially affected and the NHAI shall compensate to the authorized owner as per NHAI Act, 1956.  The avenue plantation shall be carried out as per IRC SP: 21:2009 apart from statutory requirements.  The total estimated Project Civil Cost is approximately Rs. 1293.400 Crores, EMP cost is Rs. 19.35 Crores, Resettlement cost is Rs. 70.62 Crores and Shifting of utilities cost is Rs. 15.48 Corers.