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May 16,2013 SSiillf wmcglnli!y(^Uonbogfsii.com VIA HAND DELIVERY Jeff S. Jordan, Esquire Supervisory Attorney Office of the General Counsel Federal Election Commission 999 E Street, NW Washington, DC 20463

Re: . MUR6724 Bachmann for President and Nancy Watidns, as Treasurer

Dear Mr. Jordan:

On behalf of our clients, Bachmann for President and Nancy Watkins, as Treasurer, please find attached the response to the Federal Election Conunission's ("Commission") notifications that a complaint and supplemental complaint were filed against them in the above-captioned matter.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Respectfully submitted.


Waahlnglon DC | Northern Virginia | New Jersey | Nov/ York 1 Dallas | Denver | Anchorage | Doha | Alio Dhabi BEFORE THE FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION

In the miaittet of ) ) MUR6724 Bachmann foi President ) and Nancy VCatkins, as Treasurer )


Bachmann for President and its treasurer, Nancy Watkins ("Respondents" or "BFP")

respectfully file this Response to the Complaint and Supplemental Complaint filed by former BFP

vendor Peter Waldron in the above-captioned matter. Mr. Waldron's Complaints are legally t deficient and wholly without merit, failing to establish any reason to believe that BFP has violated ^ any provision of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 (the "Act" or "FECA") or the Federal

^ Election Commission's regulations. Thus, for the reasons detailed below, the Commission should

^ dismiss the Complaints, take no further action, and close, the file. Backgrownd

While one can only speculate at this point about his motives,^ Peter Waldron has spent the

past several months making spurious accusations against his former colleagues at BFP and seeking

every conceivable opportunity for resulting media appearances and commentary. Unsatisfied with

the extent or duration of his media coverage, he filed the present Complaint and Supplemental

Complaint making equally specious accusations before the Commission, then immediately embarked

on another media whirlwind to capitalize on renewed coverage of the Complaints. Despite the

theatrics, in substance Mr. Waldron's accusations have no legal or factual basis and do not establish

reason to believe that BFP violated the Act or Conunission regulations.

Fint, although Mr. Waldron alleges that BFP "concealed" or "disguised" payments to an

Iowa State Senator, in fact BFP properly and lawfully disclosed all payments to its vendors, as the

' Mr. Waldron has a checkered history and a seemingly insatiable appetite for self-promotion and publicity. Sit Exhibit A (illustrative news articles). Act and FiSC regulations do not require a campaign comiiuttee to diisclo^ made by

vendors to sub-contractors. Second, Waldron alleges that longtime Bachmann vendor Guy Short

received payments as the Executive Director of the Many Individual Conservatives Helping Elect

Leaders Everywhere PAG ("MichelePAC") during months in which he also was performing services

for BFP, but provides no legal or factual basis whatsoever to believe that MichelePAC paid C&M

Strategies or Guy Short for anything other than hna fide services he performed for the PAC. The

Complaint simply describes the common—and perfecdy lawful—^practice of independent vendors

performing separate services for separate clients and certainly provides no reason to helieve that the

PAC paid Mr. Short for services performed pn behalf of BFP. Third, Mr. Waldron's Complaint

^ vaguely alleges supposed "coordination" between a Super PAC and a BFP speech coach, but does

^ not identify any pubUc communication and does not even come close to alleging the required basic 2 elements of improper coordination with a third party. Finally, despite Mr. Waldron's intemperate

rhetoric, the Commission does not have jurisdiction over his frivolous "whisdeblower" claims or

claims for supposed "debt" based on state contract law. Parsing through the headline-generadng

rhetoric, Mr. Waldron has not alleged a single cognizable violation of the Act or Commission

regulations. The Commission must recognize that there is no reason to believe BFP committed any

violation, dismiss Mr. Waldron's meridess Complaint, and close the file.


i. BFP Properly Reported Its Payments to Its Primary Vendor, C&M Strategies, Inc.

A. BFP Had No Agreements with Kent Sotenson and Had a Fully Compliant Contract with Its Primary Vendor, C&M Strategies.

The Complaint alleges that BFP concealed payments to Iowa State Senator Kent Sorenson

made through C&M Strategies, a company owned by long-time Bachmann consultant Guy Short.

Compl. at 1. As purported evidence, the Complaint directs the Commission to examine the FEC

reports filed by BFP and MichelePAC and suggests that the Commission review the "deposits and

Page 2 of 14 payments" made by BFP and MicheleiPAC to C&M Stiatjej^es. Id Hweaiirig his accusations to be based on erroneous conjecturej rather than facts or personal knowledge, Mr. Waldron also suggests # that the Commission request a copy of a supposed "agreement among and between Kent Sorenson,

C&M Strategies, Inc., Guy Short and BFP and MichelePAC." Id

Put simply, this purported contract to which Mr. Waldron alludes does not exist. Attached as Exhibits B, C, and D, respectively, are copies of the actual agreement between BFP and C&M

Strategies (Exhibit B), the invoices submitted by C&M Strategies to BFP (Exhibit C), and copies of

BFP's payments to C&M Strategies (Exhibit D). Indeed, C&M's contract with BFP contains multiple provisions demonstrating that BFP took reasonable measures to ensure compliance with the Act, Commission regulations, and other applicable laws:

• Article I, Paragraph C: Each independent contractor represented to BFP that it was knowledgeable of BFP's compliance obligations and agreed to comply with the Act and Commission regulations;

• Article IV, Paragraph A; This provision provided that the vendor acts as an independent contractor and not as an employee. It further provided that the vendor was not an agent or legal representative of BFP, was not authorized to make any legal commitments on behalf of BFP, and could not enter into any legally binding agreements on behalf of BFP.

• Article VII, Paragraph A: This provision required each independent contractor to disclose any potential conflicts of interest to BFP, including disclosure of any BFP vendors the independent contractor was making payments to or receiving payments from, in connectbn with services performed for BFP.

These contract provisions are the same ones used for BFP's contracts with its other independent contractors, including Mr. Waldron. A copy of Mr. Waldron's BFP contract is attached as Exhibit

E. While the conspiratorial, multi-party contract that Mr. Waldron recommends exists only in his overactive imagination, the aetual contracts in existence here prove that BFP complied fully with governing federal law in malting and reporting its expenditures.

Page 3 of 14 B. BFP's iPEC Disclosure Reports Property Show Its Payments to C&M Strategies. There Is No Statutory or Regulatory Requirement for a Campaign to Disclose a Primary Vendor's Payments to Sub-Vendors.

The Act and Commission regulations do not require a candidate's authorized committee to disclose any payments made by a primary vendor to its sub-contractors. Rather, the Act and

Commission regulations merely requite authorized committees to disclose:

the name and address of each person to whom an expenditure in an aggregate amount or value in excess of $200 within the calendar year is made by the reporting committee to meet a candidate or committee operaung expense, together with the date, amount and purpose of such operating expenditure.

2 U.S.C. § 434(b)(5) & (6). Because the Campaign contracted only with C&M Strategies to provide services, there is no requirement that the Campaign list any sub-vendors that C&M Strate^es

ultimately may have hired to fulfill its responsibilities.

Similarly, Commission regulations provide:

(4) Itemization of disbursements by authorized committees. Each authorized committee shall report the full name and address of each person in each of the following cat^ories, as well as the information required by each category.

(i) Each person to whom an expenditure in an aggregate amount or value in excess of $200 within the elecdon cycle is made by the repordng authorized committee to meet the authorized committee's operating expenses, together with the date, amount and purpose of each expenditure.

11 C.F.R § 104.3(b)(4). The Commission has additionally held that, although a. campaign is

required to disclose its payments to a primary vendor, it has no obligation to disclose the payments

to the primary vendor's sub-contractors in connection with the services provided to the campaign.

Advisory Op. 1983-25 at 3 ("[P]ayments to Consultants may be reported as Committee expenditures

without further itemization of other entities that receive payments from Consultants in connection

with sewices under the Committee contract").

Here, the Complaint specifically acknowledges that BFP reported its payments to C&M

Strategies for its services. Compl. at 1-2. There is thus no basis for the Commission to find a

Page 4 of 14 leporting violation against BFP, as no statutoty, regulatory, or other Conunission precedent requites

BFP to disclose any payments made by a primary vendor to that vendor's sub-vendors.

C. Assuming Ajguendo That C&M Strategies Did Compensate Iowa State Senator Kent Sorenson for Work Performed in Connection with BFP, BFP Did Not Violate Any Federal Laws or Regulations. ; Assuming for the sake of argument only that C&M Strategies did compensate State Senator

Sorenson for work performed in connection with BFP, as alleged, BFP did not violate campaign finance laws because it was not required to disclose a primary vendor's payments to a sub-vendor under governing federal law. Federal law exclusively governs BFP's organization and expenditures.

Iowa law is irrelevant. Regardless, under its plain terms, the Rule is inapplicable in any event because (1) Iowa Senate Ethics Rules apply only to state senators and registered lobbyists and

(2) the rule exempts a "candidate's committee." Iowa S. Code of Ethics R 6.

1. BFP's relationship with vendor C&M Strategies is governed exclusively by federal law.

Congress amended FECA in 1974 to provide that FECA "and the rules prescribed under

[it], supersede and preempt any provision of State law with respect to election to Federal office." 2

U.S.C. § 453(a) (emphasis added). In so doing, Congress repealed and replaced a prior provision of

FECA that had expressly preserved state laws. See Bunnin^ v, Kuntuekyt 42 F.3d 1008,1012 (6th Cir.

1994). The FEC responded by exercising its delegated authority to promulgate regulations to address FECA's preemptive scope more definitively. Those regulations provide that "Federal law supersedes state law" regarding "(1) Organization and registration of political committees supporting

Federal candidates; (2) Disclosure of receipts and expenditures by Federal candidates and political committees; and (3) Limitation on contributions and expenditures regarding Federal candidates and political committees." 11 C.F.R. § 108.7(b). The FEC's regulations have preemptive effect equal to

that of the FECA itself. See 2 U.S.C. § 453(a) (providing that "the provisions of this Act, and [the]

rules prescribed under this Act, supersede and preempt any provision of State law"). Congress was Page 5 of 14 explicit that "Federal law occupies the field with respect to repordhig and disclosure of poiiticsd contributions to and expenditures by federal candidates and political committees," Bunning, 42 F.3d at 1012 (quoting S. Conf. Rep. No. 1237, 93d Cong., 2d Sess. (1974)), because Congress wanted to

"make certain that the Federal law . .. will be the sole authority under which [federal] elections will be regulated." T^er v. Miller, 82 F.3d 989, 994 (11th Cir. 1996) (quoting H.R. Rep. No. 1239, 93d

Cong., 2d Sess. 10 (1974)).

"Federal law occupies the field with respect to reporting and disclosure of... expenditures."

Bunning, 42 F.3d at 1012 (citation omitted); see alsoW C.F.R. § 108.7(b)(2) (preempting all state laws affecting "[d]isclosure of receipts and expenditures by Federal candidates and polidcal committees").

It also occupies the field regarding the "[o]rgani2ation . . . of political committees." 11 C.F.R §

108.7(b)(1); see FEC Advisory Op. 2002-02, at 4 (finding a Maryland state statute preempted where it would prevent a registered lobbyist firom serving on a congressional candidate's fundraising committee or political committee because state law may not "regulate the conduct of a Federal campaign with respect to its organization"); 11 C.F.R. § 110.4(a)(3) (prohibiting a foreign national from participating in the decision-making process of a federal political committee). In other words,

"it is clear that the organization of a Federal candidate's political conunittee with respect to its personnel is within the field occupied by Federal law." FEC Advisory Op. 2002-02. Iowa's Senate

Ethics Code simply has no role to play in regulating the conduct of a federal campaign. See Teper, 82

F.3d at 994 ("Federal law will be the sole authority under which [federal] elections will be regulated."

(citation omitted)). Therefore, no matter what occurred, BFP could not have violated the Iowa

Senate Ethics Code, as federal law clearly preempts all state regulation of the conduct of federal campaigns.

Page 6 of 14 2. The Iowa State Senate Ethics Rules do not apply to BFP; they apply only to membets of the Iowa State Senate.

The Iowa Senate's Code of Ethics could not be clearer. It only applies to sitting Iowa State

Senators. A related code, the Senate Rules Governing Lobbyists, applies to lobbyists. The Senate

Code of Ethics addresses itself solely to members of the upper house of Iowa's state legislature. It

begins by noting that "mmben of the senate have a duty to conduct themselves so as to reflect credit

on the general assembly. . . ." Iowa S. Code of Ethics Preamble (emphasis added). Likewise, the i specific rule repeatedly cited by Mr. Waldron mentions only activity by Iowa senators: 4 A senator shall not accept employment, either directly or indirectly, from a political 4 action committee A senator tcivj accept employment from a political party If ^ a senator accepts employment from a political party during a legislative session; the k senator shall disclose the employment within ten days after acceptance of the J" employment.

Iowa S. Code of Ethics R. 6 (emphasis added). Thus, the language of the Iowa Senate Ethics Rule

addresses itself solely, and rationally, to the actions of Iowa State Senators.

Moreover, Iowa Senate Ethics Rule 6 excludes from its purview any employment by a

candidate's committee such as BFP. Iowa S. Ethics R. 6.^ Iowa statutory law further defines the

terms contained in the rule to exclude aU federal campaigns. Iowa Code §§ 68A.102(4);

68A.102(20).* Thus, whether by preemption, by reference to the text of the rule itself, or by co-

referencing the Iowa Code, Iowa Senate Ethics Rule 6 simply does not apply to BFP, a presidential

candidate's campaign committee.

^ Rule 6 prohibits an Iowa state senator from accepting "employment, either directly or indirectly, from a political action committee or from an organization exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(4), 501(c)(6), or 527 of the Internal Revenue Code that engages in activities rehted to the nomination, election, or defeat of a candidate for public office." Iowa S. Ethics R. 6. However, the rule explicitly exempts from its definition of a "political action committee" any "candidate's committee . . , [that] expressly advocate[s] the nomination, election, or defeat of a candidate for public office." Id. ' Iowa statutory law clarifies that the campaign restrictions found within Iowa law, includmg those found in the Senate Code of Ethics, only apply to non-federal campaigns. Rule 6 prohibits a state senator from accepting employment from a political action committee that advocates for the election or defeat of "a candidate for public office." Iowa Code defines each of these terms. A "candidate" is one "who has taken affirmative action to seek nomination or election to public office." Iowa Code § 68A.102(4). Concomitantly, a "public office" is "any state, county, city, or school office filled by election." Id § 68A.102(20). Page 7 of 14 In sum, thece is simply no legal ot factual basis for Mc. Waldcon's fallacious allegation that

BFP "concealed" payments to Mr. Sotenson. The Complaint does not allege a cogniaable violation of the Act oc Commission regulations and should be dismissed.

11. Thece Is No Reason to Believe That MichelePAC Imptopetly Paid C&M Strategies for Any Services Performed on Behalf of BFP, and BFP Had No Obligation ot Reason to Scrutinize MichelePAC's Payments to Its Own Vendors.

A. The PAC Has Paid C&M Strategies Regularly for Bona Fide Services Since 2010, Well Before BFP Even Existed.

C&M Strategies and its principal, Guy Short, were not simply BFP vendors who suddenly were paid by the PAC, as the Complaint implies. To the contrary, C&M Strategies and Mr. Short are longtime consultants who have performed bona fide services for MichelePAC since 2010 and who have been appropriately compensated by the PAC for those services. Indeed, in the first five

months of 2011 — before Representative Bachmann announced her run for President and before

BFP ever even existed — the PAC paid C&M Strategies 958,822.40 for services it provided to the

PAC, averaging $11,764.48 per month. See Ex. F. That payment history demonstrates that there was nothing unusual or noteworthy about the PACs having made subsequent payments to C&M in the second half of 2011, and this history is entirely inconsistent with any allegation that the PAC

paid C&M for services performed for BFP. In fact, Mr. Waldton contradicts his own misguided

theory by identifying Mr. Short as the PAC's executive director — an admission acknowledging that

Mr. Short provided bona fide services to the PAC during the time period in question.

B. C&M Strategies Provided Bona Fide Services to the PAC and Was Paid Appropriately for Those Services.

In the seven-month period from Representative Bachmann's June 13, 2011 initial

announcement of her Presidential run to the January 4, 2012 suspension of her Presidential

campaign, the PAC paid C&M Strategies an additional $73,250. See Ex. F. Thus, during the time

Page 8 of 14 period in which BFP existed and operated, thie PAC paid C6i^ Strategies an avierage of $10,464.29 per month. That is $1,300.19 per month less than the PAC paid C&M during the period before BFP existed. Accordingly, there is no basis whatsoever to assert that the payments—simply by virtue of their amounts—should have aroused suspicion or provided BFP reasonable cause to investigate payments the PAC made to its own vendor.

The documents supporting those payments also fail to provide such a basis. C&M

Strategies' invoices describe the services it provided to the PAC during that time period, including fundraising consulting, management consulting, a fundraising project, and a research project. Those invoices do not reference, either explicidy or by implication, BFP or any services performed for BFP whatsoever. There simply is nothing about these payments or their supporting documentation that reasonably suggests they were not legitimate compensation for bona fide services C&M Strategies and

Mr. Short provided to MichelePAC; and they certainly provide no reasonable basis for BFP to

scrutinize, or even consider, the PAC's payments to its own vendor..

Finally, BFP paid C&M Strategies $104,580 during that same time period for the separate

political and fundraising consulting services C&M provided, and invoiced, to BFP. See Exs. C, D.

Accordingly, with the PAC paying C&M less during that time than in the preceding time period, and

with BFP directly compensating C&M for the services provided to BFP, all available information

indicated that the PAC paid C&M Strategies only for bona fide services provided to the PAC. There

simply is no basis whatsoever for the Commission to fmd reason to believe against BFP based on

the unfounded allegation that the PAC made payments to C&M Strategies during the same time

period Mr. Short provided separate services to BFP.

III. The Complaint Does Not Allege Even the Basic Elements of Improper Coordination Between a Super PAC and BFP.

The Complaint also contains a delusive allegation that there was direct "coordination

between a Super PAC and a BFP Senior Advisor." Compl. at 1-2. In support, Mr. Waldron claims Page 9 of 14 that he witnessed a conversation between an alleged Super PAC president and BFP speech coiach

Brett O'DonneU. According to Mr. Waldron's supposition, the Super PAC president sought Mr.

O'Donnell's advice concerning media buys in the Des Moines media market. Id. at 3. The

conversation allegedly took place at BFP's Iowa headquarters at the end of Representative

Bachmann's ninety-nine county bus tour, which ended the evenbg of December 29, 2011 — five

days before the . See Ex. G. Mr. Waldron contradicts himself, however, by also

claiming that senior BFP advisors admonished the purported Super PAC president not to discuss

Super PAC activities or to seek advice from the candidate, senior advisors, and staff. Compl. at 3.

4 Tellingly, the Complaint does not allege any advertisements actually were sponsored by the Super

PAC after this alleged conversation took place, nor does it provide any evidence that this supposed

Super PAC ever sponsored any advertisements or that the Super PAC even actually exists. In short,

there is no identified public communication to have been coordinated.

Conunission regulations set forth a three-part test to determine whether a public

communication, is coordinated with a candidate or her campaign conunittee: (1) the public

communication must be paid for by someone other than the candidate's authorized committee or its

agents; (2) one or mote of the content standards must be satisfied; and (3) one or mote of the

conduct standards must be satisfied. 11 C.F.R § 109.21; see also 68 Fed. Reg. 426 (2003) ("For a

communication to be 'coordinated,' all three prongs of the test must be satisfied. . . . [T]he

Commission notes that the inclusion of one prong of its test, the content standard, could function

efficiently as an initial threshold for the coordination analysis.").

Here, the Complaint provides no evidence that the alleged Super PAC exists or that, if it

does exist, the Super PAC sponsored any public communications referencing Representative

Bachmann. Obviously, the allegation does not address the content standard, as no communication

whatsoever is identified. Thus, this claim is wholly without merit, does not allege a violation of the

Page 10 of 14 Act or Commission regulations, and constitutes simply another inflammatbry statetrient desired to garner media attention for Mr. Waldron. There is no basis for the Commission to find reason to believe this allegation, and the claim must be dismissed.

IV. The Complaint's Frivolous and Gratuitous References to Alleged "Violation of Whistle-Blowing Statutes" Do Not Describe Any Cognizable FEC Violation.

A. The Federal Election Commission Does Not Have Jurisdiction over Purported "Whistle-Blowing Statutes" or "Extortion."

A valid FEC complaint must "describe a violation of a statute or regulation over which the

Commission has jurisdiction." 11 C.F.R. §111.4(d)(3). The Commission has such enforcement

jurisdiction only over "a violation of [the] Act or of chapter 95 or chapter 96 of title 26 ..." 2

U.S.C. § 437g(a)(l), (2). Mr. Waldron's fourth claim for "violation of whisde-blowing statutes"—-as

expounded in the Supplemental Complaint received by the Respondents on April 3, 2013—plainly

does not satisfy that basic threshold.

The gravamen of Mr. Waldron's nonsensical *Svhisde-blowing" claim, to the extent one can

be discerned, is that BFP's offering to make a post-contractual payment in return for execution of a

routine Release Agreement somehow constituted "discrimination," "extortion," and a violation of

unidentified "whisde-blowing statutes." As discussed in Section IV.B., infra, the factual predicate for

that claim is beyond frivolous. Regardless, the claim on its face does not conceivably describe any

violation of the Act or Commission regulations and therefore must be dismissed outright for la!ck of


B. The Release Agreement Referenced in the Complaint and the Supplemental Complaint Was a Standard Compromise Agreement with Routine Confidentiality Provisions.

Although well outside the scope of the Commission's jurisdiction, the "ficts" set forth in

Mr. Waldron's fourth claim and the Supplemental Complaint are delusional and thoroughly

repudiated by the plain language of the referenced documents. Mr. Waldron's Political Consulting

Page 11 of 14 Contract with BFP (Ae "Contract") had a limited term, which expired on August 14, 2011. See Ex.'

E, attached hereto. Article VI of the Contract provided strict confidentiality, non-disdosute, and non-disparagement provisions to which Complainant agreed to be bound. Id. Art. VI.

Mr. Waldron provided consulting services beyond the term of his Contract, and BFP paid % him for those services through the end of 2011. Although BFP suspended its campaign on January

4, 2012, Mr. Waldron subsequently submitted an invoice for payment for Ae entire month of

January 2012. That invoice was disputed because it was for a time period that was well beyond both the expiration of the Contract and the suspension of the campaign. Ultimately, BFP offered to compromise and pay Mr. Waldron pro rata for the fust several days of January 2012 pursuant to a

Release Agreement that contained confidentiality, non-disclosure, and non-disparagement provisions substantially similar to those to which Mr. Waldron already had agreed in his Contract. See Ex. H, attached hereto.

As is standard in virtually every contract provision governing disclosure of confidential information. Section 2(c) of the Release Agreement required that, if a demand is made for production of confidential information pursuant to legal process, BFP, as the real party in interest, fust must be notified and given a reasonable opportunity to assert any legal objection or request for protection. Id. § 2(c). This is black letter, hornbook contract law governing a vendor's treatment of confidential information and is not remotely unusual, let alone a "gag order" or an "effort to

suppress information," as Mr. Waldron so colorfully mischaracterizes it. See, e.g., Vladimir R.

Rossman and Morton Moskin, Commercial Contracts: Strategies for Drafting and Negotiating §

22.05 Confidentiality (2d ed. 2013) (noting that typical confidentiality provisions in employment

severance agreements "provide for advance notice of attempts to compel disclosure of confidential

information"); 31 Richard Gillman and Michael I. Levin, West's Legal Forms: Specialized Forms §

32:203 Confidentiality Agreement (3d ed. 2012) (sample confidentiality agreement providing that

Page 12 of 14 "the employee shall not use or disclose the contents oiF such confidential information for any purpose whatsoever, except as may be requited by law, provided that the employee must first provide prompt notice thereof to the employer to permit the employer an opportunity to contest such disclosure"). The standard Release Agreement provided to former BFP vendors simply did not violate any laws, much less those within the Commission's jurisdiction. Mr. Waldron's decepdve fourth claim is legally and factually deficient, and the Commission must dismiss it.

V. The Mete Listing of Debt on a Schedule D Is Not an FEC Violation, and Disputed Debts Are State Contract Law Matters, Not FEC Matters.

Mr. Waldron alleges that BFP lists three vendors on Schedule D ^ebts and Obligations) of its 2012 Year-End FEC report, including Vertical Horixons One, Inc. (the Complainant's company)

and Vero Consulting ($3,000). Mr. Waldron also erroneously alleges that two other vendors have

not been paid and are not listed on the Year End report; Barbara Heki and Drew Klein. He is once

again mistaken. All invoices submitted by Ms. Heki and Mr. Klein also have been paid-in-full per

their contracts.

Mr. Waldron has not been paid the nominal amount covering the first four days of January

2012 because, as mentioned above, he refused to sign a standard Release Agreement to receive

payment for services rendered after the expiration of the contract. The amount included on BFP's

Year-End Schedule D — $916.67 (the amount Mr. Waldron invoiced BFP) — was not listed as

disputed because BFP does not dispute the amount.

Again, the Commission has enforcement jurisdiction only over "a violation of [the] Act or of

chapter 95 or chapter 96 of title 26[.]" 2 U.S.C. § 437g(a)(l), (2). Mr. Waldron's claim that BFP

failed to pay certain vendors therefore is not within the FEC's jurisdiction. Mr. Waldron's allegation

that BFP did not pay him for services rendered is a contract dispute subject to state law. The

Commission cannot resolve such disputes, as "it is not within the jurisdiction of the Commission to

determine the obligations and rights arising under the contract between [a vendor] and [a campaign] Page 13 of 14 Gommittee. Such determinations ate subject to relevant State law." Advisory Op. 1981-42.

Consequently, the Commission should find that there is no reason to believe a violation occurred.


For all the reasons set forth above, we respectfully request that the Commission find no

reason to believe, take no further action, and cbse the file.

Respectfully submitted, 4 4 ( • TOalhJ. McC Jenjamin D. ^ood 'PATTON BOGGSLLP 2550 M Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 P: (202) 457-6000 F: (202) 457-6315

May 16, 2013

Page 14 of 14 ATTACHMENT A s LexisNexis'

Times Publishing.Company St. Petersburg Times (Florida)

Au^.st 16, 994, Tuesday, City Edition


DISTRIBUTION; CITY TIMES; LARGO-SEMlNOLE TIMES j LENGTH; 811 words 5 HEADLINE: On becoming a success in liiasketbaW - and .life




The boy stepped to the foul line as his peers at the Childs Park gym simulated the sounds of a hostile crowd. The shooter .set himself - right foot at the stripe, left slightly back. The noise grew louder, but undaunted, the boy spun the basketball confidently in hi.s small hands, leveled a steely glance at the rim and released. Nothing but net. In this way, (he Rising Stars ba.sketball program is giving 75 boys ajid girls in the Childs Park neighborhood a chance to succeed - fiee of charge - not only in sport, but also in life. "There comes a lime when you simply have to be assertive. We all have to take re.sponsibility for ourselves, our families and our hiture," Rising Stars executive director Peter Waldron said. "1 want to .see each one of these kids become successful in basketball, or as a doctor, or in whatever field they choose. And I'll be doing this for the rest of my life." Waldron studied physical eduGaiioiViis an undergraduate and later earned a doctorate in theol­ ogy. A former political Gpnsuliant, Waldron worked for the Reagan-Bush and Bush-Quayle presi­ dential campaigns as wcli..iis for 1.4 mcmber:.s of the House of Representatives. But by 1981, he no longer could reconcile his faith to his work.

BFP_FEC-0000d1 On becoming a success in baskclball - and liCe St. Pclecsburg Times (Piorida) August 16,. 1994, Tuesday, Cily Edition

".1 have helped people get. there - to a position where they arc capable of solving problems in otir society - but many times they didn't help," Waldron said, "Sometimes, they even became the problem." The di;ffeience between tlie Rising Stars basketball camp and other camps that stre.ss only fun­ damentals is that the yotiths are trained in moral values: respect, courtesy, self-control, persever­ ance, honesty, loyally, faith, courage, work ethic, compassion and self-discipline. Speakers at. the camp have included City Councilman .Ernest L. Fillyau; Wayne .Battle, South Pinellas Economic Development Association president; and retired college basketball coach Cleve Branseum. Ranging in age from 9 to 19, the campers are expected to recite those values upon request. Most of them can, but lest they forget, a guest speaker or coach gathers the children to talk'about values every hour. "Parents are doing the best: they can with what they have to work with, but life .is lough," Wal­ dron said. "We're reihforcihg whal: the parents are emphasizing at home. TliLs is not a baby-sitting service or a vanity camp., .if it. was, I wouldn't be involved." Rising Stars actually is a pilot program for what Waldron hopes will become a network of sim­ ilar camps in the inner-city areas of St. Petersburg. He started his first basketball camp in Clear­ water two years ago, Waldron said he and. his wife have funded the project, but will need government and commu­ nity support to keep the idea alive. At Childs Park, Waldron targeted an area that extends about a mile from the gym so that the- youths can gel to camp on .foot, or by bicycle. Rising- Stars projeci director Jackie Thomas helped market the idea through Vista volunteers, as well as the Childs Park neighlxirhood organization. "I'm very pleased," Thomas said. "My son Aman, who played at Lakewood High and in col­ lege, is one of the coaches, and my younger son Anton, who plays for Lakewood right now, is in the camp. When we go home, we talk -about the kids. They've become part of our lives." Virgil Haywood, a 12-year-oki who plans to try out for the Azalea Middle School team for the first lime thi.s sea.son, is building the confidence required to make that step. "I think I can make it because I'm a good player," said Virgil. "I want to be a pro." Anthony Davis, an 1 l-year-old at Tyrone Middle School, attends the camp with two older biolher.s - Kenny, 15, and Mario, 12. "I've l^een here every day," said Anthony. "( love it." The camp began Aug. "1 and will close Friday. Daily se.ssions run from 9 a.m. to noon. On rainy days, as few as 25 youths have shown up. On good days, as many as 57 have attended. "The results have been excellent - beyond my highest expectations," said Waldron. "But what has impressed me the most Is the cooperation of the kids. They listen and try to understand. Com­ munity support also has been outstanding. All of the speakers have come here of their own accord, after hearing about the program. We didn't have to invite them - that's impressive."

BFP_FEC-000002 On becaming a succm in. basketballand life St. PetcfsburgTiines (Florida) August 16,1094., Tuesday, Gity. Edition

Two Other coaches are inyoived - David Thorpe; dJ Cleairofatei?add ©arj/ ZiitifHiferman of Pasco Couii^'. The. eoa.c,lTiiTg;sfaf£ plans to returri every six weeks to tnonilOT progress: and .to- offer further in- stroctio.n. Wfild.ron also intends to begin, woijs. soon o;n ap afitfr-sdlroo), prpjgrarJi. "We've fryitigiO.-.er.eaie,aw.afei.iess of a cfisiamioprvfijilW^ isaidi: "Wd have to reach our ypiiitg people, as .soon a's pG.ssiblje'." .Ghilds Park is located at 4301 ISth Avetiue §. For .ittoreMbrraatiphi^?^! Wtddfoh at. 942..333i

LQAD-DATp:.:; August 17,1994

BFP_FEC-000003 LexisNexis

St. Petersburg'Times (Floridai)

February lOi 1996, Saturday, City Edition


HEADLINE: Grant revives after-school program 9 DATEI.INE; ST. PETERSBURG


A $ 11.9,860 .federal grant awarded .'Friday will help revive a popular St. Petersburg juvenile crime prevention progmm that combines baskctbali skills with lessons on staying in school, get­ ting good grades and staying out of trouble. The Rising.Sliirs Baslcetball Foundatioh, which .scrve.s

the project would have probably ended in June, lie salt). The non-prdl:ll .fpuhdatioit .seeks lo-biiikl character by teaching youths, age 8 to 17 the importance of harjd.- workand staying .in school. There are 1,922 children in the prpgrarii. He said he will continue seeking donations for the program.

LOAD-DATE: February 12,1996

BFP.^FEC-000004 LexisNexis®

Copyright. 19.97 Times-Publishing Company St. Petersburg Times (Florida)

^ November 13,19-97, Thursday, 0 South Pinellas Edition


HEADLINE: Basketball program called into question




Its supporters call it an innovative program that builds character through basketball and touch­ es the lives of hundreds of at-risk kids. Doubters describe the Rising Stars Education & Sports Foundation a.s a nice program but with dubious accountability and impact. Today, City Council members will eon.si!:re.r whether to give the non-profit group another 100,001) to kee|.r operating its after-schobl piqgfainv which has received more than $ 400,000 in stale :ind city grants since 1995. 'l-he qiiesLion is intertwined in a volatile debate that covers every­ thing from liow the city should'spend scarce federal grant dollars to the job history of legendary Gibb.s High School ba.sketball coaclv Fred "Dyle.s. Dyles used to work for Rising Stars its a coach and instructor. He left the program in 1996 be­ cause of his misdemeanor criminal record. Now, council member Kathleen Ford contends city leaders have unfairly attacked the program at the behest of Dyles' .supporters. She also questions whether Dyles should continue his part-time job for the city's recreation department at Campbell Park. "Do you want Freddie Dyles teaching these kids?" Ford asked Tuesday, .saying she expected to raise questions about his background during this morning's public hearing on Rising Stars' funding request. Dyles coached at Gibbs for 29 years until retiring in 1993 with a 674-236 record.

BFP_FEC-000005 Daskolhnll program called iriin ciucsiion Si. Petersburg Times (noriiia) November 13, 'iy97,Tliursilay, 0 South Pijiella.s Bdil'ion

"He's a legend in the community, and I would be very careful making any allcgalion on a per­ son of his stature," said council member Frank Petcrman, who said he had "very serious questions" about the program's effectiveness. Dyles was surprised Ford would suggest he had anything to do with city administrators oppos­ ing the Rising Stars funding request. "She's.trying to. do this to me. for what? 1 don't have a thing to do with this. She's lying' through her teeth if she says 1" do." Dyles' record includes a no contest plea to misdemeanor theft that resulted from him buying a 19-inch TV that was stolen. Ford also questioned his departure from the school system, which came as the result of a settlement with the Department of Education in 1993. His teaching certifi­ cate was not renewed, due to a number of'complaints about his behavior. The problems noted in the settlement ranged from making negative remarks about high school basketball officials to calling a student a "tutti-frutti a-" to failing to note the petty theft: plea in an earlier teaching certificrite application. 2 Founded by former pastor and Chrislian radio talk show host Peter Waldronj Rising Stars is 2 supposed to build charactcr aud help kids improve" their perferniiaivce in school. For two hours 2 every weekday affernoon, kids .from 9. to 1.8 "can show up to a recreation center to play basketball 5 and talk with Rising Stars staffers. Rising Stars says it has had contact with about 1,600 youths in J St. Petersburg, Waldron has his own checkered record. Pinellas court records show he owes the IRS more than $ 55,000 - "That's still in dispute," he .said - and that he and his wife, Pamela, lost theix $ 335,000 Palm Harbor home to foreclosure in 1996. They owed more than $ 300,000 on their mortgage. "Unfortunately, I don't make that much money any more. It's working with the kids," said Walrlron, explaining that he supports his wife and five kids on the $ 29,500 he earns .from Ri.sing Stars. City Administrator Darre.1 Stephens called it a good program but one that the city's own recrea­ tion department could run for coirsiderably less money. Grant auditors also have raised questions about its effectiveness and whether Rising Stars adequately tracks its impacts on youths. "It's a good program for tO hours a week, but is it worth $ 190,000? It's a lot of money to pay for a program where you really don't know the value of it," said Gail Eggeman, a grants adminis­ trator for the city. Her estimate was based on what it receives from public and private sources. Mayor David Fischer earlier this fall took heat for wanting to give a .1i 100,000 grant lo a pri­ vate school for low-income .students, Academy Prep. When the controversy prompted Academy Prep to return tlie money, Ford urged it be transferred to J^ising Stars, which is just about to see a ."S 11.9,000 Slate gran! expire. "This has been ramroddcd through, and didn't even give us a chance to listen to our staff on this," said City Council Chairman Ernest Fillyau, who said he .sees few kids parlicipating in the program. Waldron, 50, said the organization started being inten.sely scrutinized by the city after state ju­ venile official.? fbrcccl him lo fire Dyles becau.se of the theft charge. He said former City Council

BFP FEC-000006 Baskelball program called inlo question St, PeicrsburgTimes (Florida) November 13,=L99.7- Thursday, 0 .South Pinellas Edition

member David Welch even ordered Rising Stars to rehire Dyles. Welch coUM not be. reached for. comment,. "I don't know of anoiher organization that has been more audited by a muhicipality than what .has beetv done to Rising Stars," he said.

XSKi^iilG: ]3LACK.^D WHI$BvP|fQTO, (2% Kathleen Fijtfd dty ^ifeStat^; Freddies (raji Ci^ & State)

t^^^-DATEVNovfemb^ 17,^997


BFP^FEC-0000Q7 LexisNexis

Cppyriglit 1997 Times Publishing Company St. Petersburg Times (Florida)

November 14,1997, Fridays 0 South Pinellas Edition Correction Appended


LENGTH: 741 words

HEADLINE: Council defiantly backs basketball




III a dramatic rebuke to their administrative staff, City Council members approved an $ 80,000 grant for an after-school basketball program that has been plagued with questions about.its effec­ tiveness. The gram will help the Il:i.sing .Stars .Eciiicaliott & Sports Foundation operate its program for at-risk youths eight hoiits a. week at city recrealion, centers in low-income, predominantly black iielghbophG.od.s. But amid often heated debate Thursday, it was the council representatives from those iiei.ghl)0)rho.o.i:l.s, Erhe.si Fillyai) and Frank Peicrman, who argued most strongly against Rising Stars, questioning whether the program wa.s exaggerating its impact. "What I'm hearing is that what's on paper (from Rising Stars) is not matching what's happening at some of lhe.se sites," said Peteiman, arguing more forcefully than he has an any issue since, joining the council in April. Along.wiLh .lay Lasita, Fillyaii and Pelermari wanted to delay a'.deci.sion lo examine the pro­ gram's record, but they were oulvotecl 4-3. Most, of their colteagnqs had more questions about why city auditors had. focused so much energy scrutinizing Risiiig Sliirs, a privaiG program that has re­ ceived more than $ 400,000 in state and.city grants since 1995. The council also took .some steps toward creating major economic development for those trou­ bled neighborhoods:

BFP_FEC-000008 Ctumcil clelianlJy backs biiskciball Si. Petersburg Times (Florida) November 14,1997, Friday. 0 South Pijicllas KditioiiCoricction Appended

+ Council cliiimber.s eniptecl in appI

COKRILCTION-DATE; December 30, 1997


BFP_FEC-000009 Council (Icfianily backs basketball St. Petersburg'rimes (Florida) November 14,1997, Friday, 0 South Pinellas FdilionCorrcction Appended

A. St. PBiersbirng cily antUl.of agtiaiirto/.the Risitig Stars basketball program-disalipwed a $ 750 expense lor a piece of equipincni iilTe prograio did.not. receive within the required time period. Rising' Stars, pvesideiil Peter Wajdrpvv .wrote a-cligGk;i0/rei.nibuT the citiy, aiVd 'arlawygp ftVr Rising. Stars .stty.s the [Vrbbleiii was created .by shipinen.i deliiiys:.E.roih two equip.tine;i.iVs.uppi.i'efs.. A si.b Nov. 14 about .a.City- Cp.uneii decision tO:'conliitu'e.s:iip,p.0yt;:for the program .iji.ay )iave.',1el-t some readers Willi a misimpt'ession of i.he.£iu.di,t;fiitdirig-.

GltAPHIC: BLACK ANP WHITE PH0TQ,.;(3); Fr&nk Feterman (ran Citj! & State); Ernest Fil- lyau (ran City .& State); Peter Waldton (rati: City &,S.tate)

LOAD-DATE: December 30, mi i I 4

BFP FEC-000010 i LexisNexis

Copyright. .1998 Times Publishing Company St. Petersburg Times (Florida)

May 23,1998, Saturday, 4 State / Suneoast Edition

SECTION: METRO & STATE; Pg. 5B 4 2 LENGTH: 450 words

HEADLINE: Chrislian groups protest plan to sell 'God's property'




From a cluster of buildings off 142nd Avenue, God finds his way into TV sets. He reaches into a child's mind after school and into a Christian's soul on Sunday mornings. Right there, sprawled across 27 acres, .sits Faith Community Church, the Christian Television Network, a recreation center ftjr .kids and a groiip that teaches poor people how to farm fish. Rising Stars Basketball Foundation could only complement the facilities, some believed. So the people at Faith Community donated an adjoining 3-acre sjiver to Rising.Stars several years ago, Pastor David Okerslrorn said. He said it was about 1994 when Rising.Stars, a non-profit- agency, vowed to build moral and spiritual character among young people through a basketball program. But Rising Stars now wants to .sell that land to Gulf Coast Motor Line. And the bus company wants to turn the land into a parking lot, creating a gap of commercialism in what some call "God's property." "We're just very upset about it," Okerstrom .said. "We want the property to continue to be used for Christian education purpo.ses." Peter Waldron, Rising Stars' founder and president, said he would not comment on the Issiie, following his attorney's advice. A Gulf Coast executive deferred questions to his attorney, who could not be reached Thunsday afternoon.

BFP FEC-000011 Christian groups protest plan to sell 'God's property' St. Petersburg Times (Florida) May 23,1998, Saturday, 4 Stale / Suncoast Edition

Okerstioin would not discuss the terms under which the church donated the land to Rising Stars. But the issue canic to the foi'e.fronl this, week when i^epreseniaiives iTOfn isoth sides spoke ber fore Ihe Liirgo City Comtnissioii. Rising/Sfafs-.wfiois Largo to annex the prppcrlyi whiclvis valued for tax purposes.at $ 330;4'00. Coininissiotycrs wi 1.1 vote.on. the rnatiej after.a .publie hearmg .lune 2. Okerstfom and workers for the Christian Television Network spoke against Rising Stars' plan during the meeting. Buses pulling in and out of the property would disturb the peace that now resides there, said Jack Jiirvis, who works for the network. "The noise is. going to be unbearable for us." Robert D'Andrea, also witlv the network,.said be is not oppo.sed to the annexation itself. "We're really against the use, the intended, use, of this property once it's annexed," .D'Andrea said. Rising Stars meets Largo's requirements for annexation, said Community Development Direc­ tor Ric Gosii. Before' coming to Largo City Hall, however, eilher.Rising Stars or Gulf Coasi.ap;pli.ed for-.a zoning change wiiii the county so t.hat..a. park;ihg..lot.would be allowed on the property, .Goss said. For I easbn.s. that were not clear. Tlnirsdayi, that appiicatioii was not finalized.-.No zohing change is needed in Largo to u.se the. land for-a parkiiig lot, Goss said.

LOAD-DATE: May 25, 1998

BFP_FEC-000012 LexisNexis

Copyright 1998 Times Publishing Company St. Petersburg Times (Florida)

May 27,1998, Wednesday


LENGTHt586 words

HEADLINE; Church sues group to g0t 3 acres back




(ran SS edition of METRO & STATE) Peier Walilron cajoled Faith Community Church into giving him land for an at-risk youth pro­ gram, but has been unfaithful to his word, says a lawsuit filed in Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Court. Now the church want.s the land back, and is suing Rising Stars Basketball Foundation, Wal- dron's non-profit organization, to get it. The .suit filed Friday says Wal.droii "orally agreed" to tiie following conditions: Faith Community would give up the land, and Waldron would pay off Hie $ 290,000 mortgage- and anollier $ 40,000 in church debt. Waldron. also would give back the land if Rising Stars' activities ceased. But church officials now contend that he lied. Waldron didn't pay off the bills. And no spiritual uplifting for youth .is going on at 69.00142nd. Ave., the Rising Stars site. Yet, Waldron has.no plans to give the land back. Instead, he wants to sell tlie 3 acre.s to Gulf Coast Motor Line, a bus company that needs the space for parking. Philip J. Ryan, a St. Petersburg attorney representing Rising Stars, said the lawsuit has.no mer­ it.

BFP_FEC-000013 Cluirch sues group to gel .1 iiCres liuck S(. Petersburg Tiuios (Ploriila) May 27,199S, Weiljiestlay

"There were no restrictions on the land," Ryan said, calling the donation a "freewill.gift." Ryaii said Waldroii never agreed to pay off the mortgage or debt. Rising Stars did agree to give back the land if the non-profit agency went under.. But, despite the pending sale to Gulf Coast, Rising Stars will continue to exist, Ryan said - just not at 142nd Avenue. With three staff members and .six volunteers, Rising Stars is helping youth, in St. Petersburg and Clearwater now and helped kids in Tampa and Tarpon Springs before, Ryan said. The group offers crime-prevention and remedial reading programs for youliv. Tiie organization draws kids through the ba.sketba!l camps and other activities. 1 Rising Stare has no outreach programs in the Leirgo area surrounding its 142nd Avenue site. L Waldron works out of an office there. » Members of Faitii Community and an attorney for the church declined to comment Tuesday on 4A the lawsuit. Last week, however, church officials said the breach jeopardizes Hie sanctity of a cluster of Christian activity sprawled over more than 20 acres. Here, Christians do what they call God's work behind the walls of the church - a Christian TV network, a program for youth and several activities at tiie site. Waldron was a regular in .Faith Community's pews back in 1993. lii 1994, he went to church officials with the idea of turning 3 acres next to the church into a home for an outreach project. Waldron would help at-risk youth use lessons learned On the basketball court to build spiritual, character. But he needed some land to do it. Last year, some St. Petersburg officials questioned the program's effectiveness in their city. The program has received more than $ 40C),()00 in state and St. Petersburg grants since 1995 and was seeking an S SO,()()() gratit. riic City Council approved the grant, althougii .some council members said the program wa.sn't all it was cracked up to be. "We're poor," Ryan .said. Public and private grants have funded activities, he said. The need for money prompleil Rising Stars to sell (he land on 142nd Avenue. The organization struggles to provide programs with its current .staff. Selling the 3 acres to Gulf Coast will allow Rising Stars to continue its work, Ryan .said. "This sale turned into an opportimily to obtain assets thai can be more appropriately used to assist at-risk cbildren," he said.

GRAPHIC: Peter Waldron (ran .LA)

LOAD-DATE: May 27, .1998

BFP_FEC-000014 LexisNexis"

Copyright 1999 Times Publishing Company St. Petersburg Times (Plorida)

^ January 3J, 1999., Sunday



^ LENGTH: 2862 woicls 0 HEADLINE: Youth program's funds, results are.questioned



Among the fini1ing.s; Rising Stars has received $ 609,000.in slate and local giants since 1995, nio.sl of it paying llie salaries of the founder and his small staff. Peter Waldron.'s aim was to create basketball camps, not controversy. Waldron said he repeatedly heard racist comments after moving to Pinellas County six years ago. The words .stung, he said, because his wife and children are biracial. That made him want to do something positive in black communities. ,So in 1994. he started a program called Rising .Stars, whiclv invites youths to shoot hoops at city gyms in St. Petersburg and Clearwater. While there, the children also get ie.ssons on how to become, better people. But controversy followed. Several St. Petersburg officials who initially approved grants for Rising Stars said it didn't at­ tract enough children and wa.sn't worth the money. Supporlers scoffed. Some said the sniping originated with black St. Petersburg City CounciJ members who resented a white man getting government money for a program in their neighbor­ hoods. Now, as Rising Stars tries to sidestep the dispules.and seeks lax dollars .from sources other than St. Petersburg, a Times review of the program reveals that:

BFP_FEC-000015 Yotilh piogiain's funds, results arc questioned St. Pelershurg Tiines (I'iorida) January 31,19\)9, Sunday

i-Kising Stars has been awarded $ 609,000 in state and local grants since 1995. Most of the money paid the salaries of Waldron and his small staff, who ran a program that totaled 10 hours a week in St..Petersburg and six hours a week in Clearwater.. +Throughoiil Rising .Stars' four years, both the slate and the city of St. Petersburg sent money to the program, not knowing how much the other was contributing. +Even though government officials sent grant after grant to Rising Stars, they did not verify how many children were served by the program. +Rising Stars has had questionable internal business dealings. In one case, Rising Stars paid a company owned by Waldron $ 6.60 for videos that never were delivered. After the Times questioned the iran.saction, Waldron returned the money. Despite receiving substantial public funding, Waldron offers few details about his background and guards his privacy. He refused to have his picture taken fo'r this.arlicle and two weeks ago drove ^ away from his Largo office when he saw a Times reporter waiting for hi'm inside. ^ Waldron's personal circumstances have improved since he started the publicly funded Rising k Stars. His family was on welfare the same year .he established his nolxfor-profil program. Now he g owns a $ 200,000 house on Prestige Drive in Clearwater's Countryside area as well as a 10-acre J spread in Wyoming. 1 The issue, Waldron said, is not he, but whether Rising Stars has helped young people. He main­ tains it has, But has Rising Stars been worth the money? "1 don't think, there is anyone who knows how much a child is worth," Waldron said. All told, the state has approved $ 489,000 in grants for what now Is called Rising Stars Ediica- lion and Sports .Foundation, including the latest gram, for $ 62,000, which runs out in June. Si. Petersburg has awarded % 120,000, including % 80,000 in federal money that expired in .De­ cember. Rising Stars spent a portion of the public money on T-shirts, basketballs and other equipment, snacks and ireals for the kids, newsletter printing and postage. But 83 percent of the grant money from 1.996 through pari, of 1998 paid the salaries of Waldron, his son and 10 other full- and part-lime employees who worked at various times. Today, Rising Stans emplo.y.s three full lime: Waitlron, his son, who is 19, and another man, who works as a coach. Pinellas Juvenile Welfare Board officials, who routinely dole out grants to non-profits, say it is not unusual for three-quarters of an organization's budget to go to salaries. In an interview with the Times, Waldron firsf sai.cl his salary was about $ 26,000. Then, con­ fronted with Rising Stars' lax records, in which he reported a .salary of S 56,000 for the 1996-1997 fiscal year, he said that about $ 30,000 of that money came from the public, the rest front private donors to the program. The latest tax filing, from the 1996-1997 fiscal year, lists S 65,000 in private coiUiibutions, but does not break down how that money was spent. Once combined, the records from the city and the state show that grant money accounted for IS 55,000 in wages to Waldron during that time.

BFP FEC-000016 Yolilh prograiD's Ciinris, resulls !irc queslioncd St. Pcicrshurg Times (Florklu) Jamiaiy 3J, .1.999, Sunday

And documents Rising Scars supplied the city reported his salary for the J 997.calendar year as S 62,000. When asked about his pay a third time, Waldron said: "I really don't keep track of how much money I make or don't make." Waldron, 5!l, said he handles all o;f Rising Stars' money and plans, writes grant.s, prepares for audits attd keeps records. He described hisrrole as that of an executive, rather than a coach interact­ ing with kids. That's the job of Michael Benjamih, 32, who played basketball at the University of Pennsylvania and graduated with an ecorioinids degree. He runs the program's five weekly sessions in St. Peters­ burg and was paid aboot.S 29,000 in 1997, according to the most recent salary records filed with St. Petersburg. Benjamin said he was working in the securities business when he asked himself: "Where is your heart, really?" He joined the Rising Stars staff, he .said, for the opportunity to work with young peo­ ple. Waldron's son Aaron was paid about $ 25,000 in 1997, records show. He coaches six hours a week in Clearwater and delivers basketballs, refreshments and fliers. As city and state officials independently sent grants to Rising Stars, no one in government mon­ itored total money coming in. For example, the state's most recent grant, for $ 62,000, was earmarked for salaries, but state of­ ficials admit they didn't know how much St. Peicrsbiirg had poured into Rising Stars or whether any of that money also was spent on salaries. Said Art Mainwood, chief of community parlner.ship grants for the Juvenile Justice Department in Tallahassee: "I don't know if he (Waldron) is getting any other dollars from anywhere else." Waldron said Rising Stars has been upfront about, its grants and how the money is spent. "When the city gives us money, they give it knowing how the money is going to be spent," he said. Some organizations distributing grant money keep closer tabs. The Juvenile Welfare .iSoarjl and the United Way of Pinellas County reciuire grant applications to specify how mu.eh orgamzati.dn.s are getting .from other agencies. That helps decide whether a program's budget i.s reasonable and liovv much additional money it needs. Rising Stars has been audited by the stale and the city, but little out of the ordinary was found. The Times discovered two C|uestionable internal bu.siness transactions, both of which Waldron acknowledged were improper. An invoice shows that .Rising Stars bought tiaihiiig videos in March from a company called Contact America Group. The Deparlmenl of .luvenilc Justice reimbursed Rising Stars $ 660, not knowing Contact America was a company Waldron had formed just two weeks earlier. There were no videos. Waldron lokl the Time.s that Contact America was not active at the lime of the iraiisaction. Questioned about it in October, Waldron .sent the slate's check back, saying he had planned to do so.

BFP FEC-000017 Youlh program's fimils, rcsulls arc C|iieslioiiecl Si. Petersburg Times (Ploriila) January 31,1999, Suiulay

And Rising xSl.ar.s was doing business wilh one of its own clireGtbrs, Roy Jones of Penns.y.lvani"a. Record.s show thai Waldion wrote a $ 2,500 Rising Stars check to Jones in 1.9.97, and a S 4,200 check in 1SJ96 to a com))any called U.S.A. Direct, where Jones is a regional sales manager. The in­ voice from U.S.A. Direct indicates that any questions about the )xircha.sc should go to J.one,s. The money paid lor printing newsletters, program announcements and postage, invoices say. Waldron said Rising Stars won't do business with Jones again. "I know for the sake of appearance, it's not appropriate," Waldron said. "We're learning as we go." Juvenile Justice's Mainwood said he didn't know about the connection.s..involving Contact America and U.S.A. Direct until told by the Times. After talking with Waldron, Mainwood said any mistake made by Rising Stars was unintentional. He added that Juvenile Justice employees have visited Rising Stars and believe it is a good program. Now, Mainwood's office is the .sole funding source for Rising Stars. The last partnership grant with the city ran out in December. Waldron declined ihis..month to answer questions from tJie Times about bis plans for future funillng. B.enja.min, however, said the controversy still simmering at St. Petersburg City Hall has pTomptcd the program to look elsewhere for grant money. Rising Stars will seek, money from the Juvenile Welfare Board, said-Benjamin. The state Juvenile Justice departrnent also remains a possi­ ble funding source. Even Peter Waldron's antagonists say he has two rewarding trails: charisma and an ability to get things done. 11. didn't take Waldron long to secure the backing of residents in the Childs Park, and Bartiell Park ncigiiborhoods of St. Petersburg after the program started in 1994. Soon, Waldron and some residcnls went to City Hall for a meeting with Mayor David Fischer. Waldron said he needed more money if .Rising Stars wa.s to continue helping Al'rican-American.s through his basketball and character-building sessions. Fischer called in the city's grant writer, Gail Eggcman. Fischer .said he didn't investigate Waldron or Rising Stars. The backing of community leaders was enough. Eggcman helped Waldron find grants that were renewable, creating a steady funding flow for Rj.sing Stars. Ail the while, Waldron was becoming a familiar face at City Hall. He kept the program's logo, with a shooting star, in front of cily leaders. He would walk through City Hall wearing hi.s Rising Stars shirt, a si.nile on iiis face and brochures in haiui. Waldron hired for a lime .Fred Dyies, an admired former Gibbs High School basketball coach, to work with Rising Stars kids, giving the program Jegiliinacy. "He was always around, handing out propaganda," said Cily Council member Ernesl .Fillyau. "He sold me ti bill of goods, and I fell for It when he first got into the community." Edward .Kirkland, a community activist who lives near Bartlett Park, argues that Rising Stars is­ n't helping black children improve anything but iheii basketball skills - piaclice they can get in (he back yard.

BFP FEC-000018 Youth progriiiii'ij funds, results are qucsiiotiecl St. Petersburg Times (Florida) January 31,1999, Sunday

Council member Frank. Peiermnn, whb, like Fiilyau, represenls neighborhoods where Rising Stars operates, stiid he looked. ittlo. .th.e program and was unsatisfied. "1 didn't see enough monitoring of individual items as related to the people they were serving," Peterman said. •Now, many who siipporLed Rising Stars in the beginning, such as Fiilyau, Eggeman and City Administrator Darrel Stephens, say they are dubious of Rising Stars' claims of having had a mean­ ingful imp'aet on the lives of hundreds of black children. In fact, the number of children served by Rising Stars is uncertain, A 1996 grant application said: "We have nearly 1,500 children registered in St. Petersburg and close to 400 at Clearwater sites." Yet Benjamin, the head coach, told the Times the program had Just 400 in 1996, when he joined it. During the past nine months, when St. Petersburg started counting participants for the first lime, 367 children were in the program, and some of those attended just occasionally. Supporters say that what matters most is whether Rising Stars works. They believe the" concept is soimd; u.se basketball to draw in youngsters and teach them discipline and life skills. Rising Stars travels to five recreation centers in St. Petersburg for a total of 10 hours each week, opening gyms to boys and girls from 9 to 17. One day, the program is at Cltiids Park from 4 to 6 p.m. and the next day it is al Bartlett, Wildwood, Campbell Park or Lake. Vista. In Clearwater, the program also operates a total of .six hours each week at three centers. That city does not fund or monitor any part of the program. The youngsters get to play ball for two hours, but at some point must sit for about 15 minutes while the coach delivers a les.son such as the importance of doing homework or being punctual or treating others with respect. Lucille Rembort of St. Petersburg said her son, Rashald, benefited from Rising Stars. "He's a quiet child and he's learning how to communicate with other children," she said. Jamie Flournoy, 15, said he enjoys the sessions in St. Petersburg because he likes helping the younger kids. "I do .something eon.structivc once in a while," he said. One of Rising Stars' volunteers, retired GTE Mobilnel. president James Harpham, .said Waldron is one of the most honorable men he know.s. He .said he believes criticism comes from Afri­ can-Americans in the St. Petersburg community who "don't want any white people helping the blacks." Fiilyau and another critic, former City Council member David Welch, said race played no role, in their assessment, of the program. Another voiunteer, Philip J. Ryan of St. Petersburg, said criticism against Rising Stars is un­ founded. "I am very familiar with some of the innuendo that is being made, and the iimuehdo is be­ ing made by people who just don't know," Ryan said. Asked if the program is worth the money spent on it, Ryan said: "As far as the kids getting their money's worth, the answer is yes."

BFP_FEC-000019 Ynulli program's funds, resulls are (|uesijoncd St. I'elcrslnirg Times (Florida) January 31,1999, Sunday

Chiu lc.s Payne, pre.si(leiu of Bartlctt Park Neighborhood A.ssoci.atioii In SU Petersburg, said'Ris- ing Stars "is a very vital foundation for our neighborhood. To my kcipwing, (Waldrpn) was very caring about the kids, as well as the cominuiiity." St. Petersburg and Clearwater were to be stepping stones for Rising Stars and for Waidro.n, who is de.scribed as "a man of great vLsion" by Roy .lones, the Pennsylvaivia busi'ncssm'aii who is on the Rising Stars board. That vision never materialized, in Largo, where Rising Stars' offices are in a shabby building. Faith Community Ciiurch, where Waldron and his wife attended services after moving to Pinel­ las County, donated 3 adjacent acres to Rising Stars in 1994, believing the program would expand there. I3ut Waldron said he couldn't find enough money or sufficient community interest to sustain an ongoing program. He. tried to sell the land, worth .$.375,0.00i in 1998, and almost had a buyer. But the church ob­ i jected. It sued Rising Star.s, claiming Waldron cajoled church leaders into giving up their deed. Ris­ ing Stars couniersued, charging slander and defamation. The suits recently were settled, but terms were not disclosed. Waldron said; "We've been challenged. And we're just grateful for the grace of God that gels us through." Raised iii New York, Waldron was ordained a minister at an inlerden'omination'al church in Maryland nearly two decades ago. We was a panelist on a radio tailcshow luilhe Washington,. D.C., area in the "i98.0s, and said he traveled the country as a speaker c.mphaisizing.family values. .He lived in the Washington area, Wyoihing and Illinois before moving to Florida. Waldron said be was looking for a sunny lifestyle and more time with his wife and kids when he came to Pinellas County. Bui he wound up oji welfare, facing forcclosiife on his $ 335,000 home in Tarpon Springs. ll was an embarrassing time, Waldron said, adding lhal he and his wife, Pamela, who is not em­ ployed, were overly optimistic they could pay the bills. Today, his family lives "spiirlanly," Waldron .said. The couple has five children, and their Clearwater home, wiih an enclosed pool., Is a.ssessed for tax purposes at S 195,000. Waldron's log cabin-style house in Wyoming, with four bedrooms and a wooden deck, and sur­ rounding 10 acres arc valued al .$ 240,000. Waldron had co-owned the properly but said that with itis father's help he was able to buy out his partners in 1997. Waldron goes to some length to acquire a measure of privacy. The address on his driver's license is the small Rising Stars office on the church-donated land in Largo. Waldron said he does that, so correspondence goes to one location. Mc lists his home phone in the name of his baby daughter because, he said, he wants to maintain privacy without paying for an unlisted number. Waldron told the Times he was in the military, but refused to say which branch. He .said he has worked as a political consLillani on Capitol Hill, but refused lo name his clients.

BFP_FEC-000020 Youih program's luiids, results are qucstionecl Si. Pclersburg Times (Florida) Jaituary 31., 1999, Sunday

A 1987 .lagiiar that Walclron ha.s driven locally is registered in Wyoming to Great West Coin- iminication Group, which Waidron said was a business he once owned. Waldron said he never thought to register the Jaguar in his name after the company wa.s dissolved. Two other cars, which we.rc donated, are here in,Pinellas but also arc reigistered jn Wyoming, both in the name of Rising Star.s, even thouglrno programs exist there. Waldron siiid his employees use them to travel between rec centers, and. to. transport equipment. But Benjainin, the coach, said he doesn't drive the ears. Waidron said he registered the cars in Wyoming, because^he wants the program to expand there. But that may have to wait. Tampa is nextioi) V/aldrgn's list. A number of groups there - he won't name them - are working with him, he said, eager to see Rising Stars cross the bay. "We're going to help children and we're going to.help thern.any way we can," he said.

GRAPHIC: COLOR. PBOTOi SGOtT KEE.LER, .(3); COLOR PPIOTQ, City o:E St. Pelersburg; BLACK AND WHJtE PHOTO, SCOTT KEELEil;; COLOR DRAWING; .Michae,} Benjamin, who runs Rising Stars'.five weekly sessions, in St. Pete.rsburg-i talks.; to, players at ilid Frank .Pierce Recrea­ tion Center in Barlleii Park.; Participants. practice atthe BarfleftPark recreation center in St., Pe­ tersburg reeenliy.; Michael Benjamin, whose tille:.is-;yi;ce pfeside.nt of commuhily oiilreach, helps Carlond.il McTler, '1.2, with her freeTlhfow leGhhique recehily. (raivNeijghhqirhood Tfihes).; Petfer Waidron, iii a photo froin a city video, lobbie.s the .St. .Pei.ers.biirg council for funds.; .Michael. Ben­ jamin helps Carlonda. McTier, 12, with lier Eree-thrbw technique.recently, (ra.n LA,.SE, CT> NT); The Rising Stars Icrgo with a basketball a.nd.:Sho.oling stars.

LOAD-DATE: February 1,19.99

BFP_FEC.000021 LexisNexis®

Copyright 1999 Times Publishing Company St. Petersburg Times (Florida)

% February 05,1999, Friday, 0 South Pinellas Edition


HEADLINE: St. Petersburg^ own Rising Stars


The local Rising Slar.s program, which uses basketball to nurture black children, gels hundreds of thousands of dollars in public funds but apparently has been accountable to no one. The pro­ gram's director has used state funds and money from the city of St. Petersburg in questionable vvays, and local and state governments have ignored their re.spon.sibility to over.see the money. Peter Wfildron has received .U 609,000 rluring (he past four years for his Rising Stars basketball, camps, a not-for-profit enterprise. Some 83 percent oPlhe money went for administrative costs. The state and city awarded grants, some of which involved federal money, without knowing how many chiltlreji took part in the program. The city is counting now, and its tally is far lower than the num- bcr.s reported by Rising Stars on grant applications. Rising .Stars teaches ba.skclbal.1 skills at different gyms throughout Si. Peler.sburg and CJcarwa- icr. The two-hour se,ssions also .include advice for daily living, such as treating others with respect. Using a popular sport to sneak in Jiving-skilLs lesson.s is a good idea - good enough, in fact, for the city of St, Petersburg to doit. ln.stead of subsidizing Waldron, the City Council should consider incorporating such progrtims into its recrealional offerings. Administrative co.sts would plummet, and inorc childrej) could be .served. Two internal busine.ss deals show why oversight of Rising Stars is needed. The program paid for 660 worth of training videos from Contact America Group. That amouni was reimbursed by the Department of Juvenile .luslice, which did not know that Contact America had been formed by Waldron iwo weeks earlier and had produced no video,s. Waldron repaid the money after questions from the Times. Rising Stars also did about $ 7,000 worth of business with a company whose re­ gional sales manager is one of Rising Stars' clivector.s. Waldron said he realizes now that was bad for appearances and won't continue to buy from the director.

BFP FEC-000022 Pelcrfibiirg's^^dwh .Rising.Star8 St, Bc^lersburg Times (Florida) February.05i 1999, Friday, O.Spulh PineJlas Edition

febbrii^fy %

1 0 a4 I

BFP_FEC-Ob0023 LexisN€»(is'

Copyright 1999 Times Publishing Company St. Petersburg Times (Florida)

July 1.8,1999, Sunday


.LENGTH: 778 words

HEADLINE: Program for black youths is 'gone'


Risi ng Stars Education and Sports Foundation pulls out of St. Petersburg and Clearwater. The program's effectiveness had been questioned. The Rising Stars Education and Sports Foundation, a non-profit group that garnered hiore than a hail-miiiion dollars in public grants, has left St. Petersburg and Clearwater recreation centers where the program claimed to have helped nearly 2,000 black youtlis. "They are gone," said Mary Ann Davis, St. Petersburg's recreation manager. The organization pulled out of St. Petersburg recreation centers - its primary location for the past five years - about two weeks ago, Davis said. "From what .1 understand from (city) staff.," Davis said, "it: was becau.se tiieir funding ran out." In Clearwater, Rising Stars stopped using recreation centers about a month ago, city staff said. Rising SjfiTs also lias-vacated .its office in Largo, which was on land given the program in 1994 by Faith Coinmiinity Church. Rising,Siar.s;has dropped its ownership of the land, valued at .S .375,001), after getting .li 125,000, according to parties involved in the .sale. Rising .Stars' Founder Peter Waldron, who livei? in Clearwaterj could not be reached for eom- meni. One of the. program's private sponsors, James Harpliam, a retired GTE M.ol)ilnel president who worked as a volunteer with Rising Stars, said Wiildfon and his.family may be in Wyoming where (hey have a home. Harpham said he believes Waldron has another job, but he. did not know where.

BFP_FEC-000024 Prtigniin for hiack youths is 'jjonc' St. Petersburg Times (EloriiiaJ July 18,1.999, Sunday

In January, fhc Times reported .Rising Stars had been awarded % 609,000 in state and local grants since 1995 to stage motivational sessiotis for children who also received free basketball coaching in city rec centers. But questions ato.se about the program's c.Cfectiveness. Waldrbn said the.program at one point had 1,500 participanl.s in St. Peicrsburg.and 400 iii .Clearwater, But in :1998, the city's numbers re­ vealed a much lower participation rate. Fewer than 400 youths were involved in St. Petersburg dur­ ing a nine-month period, and .some youngsters participated only occasionally. Rising Star's final grant from St, Petersburg, for $ 80,000, ran out in Decembei:, and the organi­ zation did not apply for more money. "There were a couple of loose ends and there wa.sn't enough good information to explain tho.se loose ends," said Frank Peterman, a St. Petersburg City Council member who questioned the pro- gram. 4^ With Ri.sing Stars gone, Peterman said he expects programs will come forward that operate 2 more cost efficiently. "Hopefully, what will happen is another program will be allowed to flourish 2 now," said Peterman, who represents neighborhoods once served by Rising Stars. g Other St. Petersburg officials, including Mayor David Fischer and City Administrator Barrel Q Stephens, also questioned Rising Stars. The program operated for 10 hours a week in St. Petersburg and, at one time, six hours a week in Clearwater. Officials believed city staff could provide the same program at less cost. The program's other major funding source, the state Department of Juvenile Justice, had award­ ed a ."B 62,000 grant that ran out June 30. Rising Stars sought, another state grant earlier this year but was turned down. However, Juvenile Justice grants chief Art.Mainwood said again last week that the stale had no reservations about the program. Harphan), who remains an admirer of the program and of Waldron, said it.is a "disservice" to the comimiiiity that the program is not active now. I.n Largo, Rising Stars recently settled a yearlong legal l)attle after being sued by Faith Comnui- nily Church, wliich now has merged with another church. Cluirch leaders gave Rising Stars .3 acres adjacent to the church so the program could grow but saw Utile activity tiiere. Waldron angered church leaders when he tried to .sell (he properly to a bus company. The church (hen sued to get back the land. Rising Stars and Faith Community settled the suit out of court this spring. Ri.sing Stars sold the 3 acres in April for .$ .125,000 to Christian Television Corp., which runs Channel 22 out of head­ quarters near the church and Rising Stars' former site. The TV station was not a party in the lawsuit but had an interest in owning the land. "We became involved because we did not wan! running buses in front of our TV .station," said David Gibbs, board chairman and president of Christian Television. Faith Community officials favored the station owning the land rather than Rising Stars and made the .sale part of the settlemeni, GIbbs said. Aside from the money to Rising Stars, the TV sta­ tion paid Failii Community % 125,000. Ri.sing Stars has not been permitted to use the property since the sale, Gibbs said..

BFP FEC-000025 Program for black youths is !gone;' St. Petersburg Times (filorida) July 18,.199.9i Sunday

veinber:,; Tbe .Rising.Slars. 'Eaucirtibn^ari£l^^i?0rts#aiiri^

L0At»>I)AJEEr;\iiy 15,1595

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BFP_FEC-0D0026 LexisNexis"

Copyright 1999 Times Piiblishiirg Company St. Petersburg Times (Florida)

July" 2ij 1999, Wednesday


LENGTH: 56J words

HEADLINE: Rising Stars' exit yields lessons


The sudden disappearance of the.Rising Stars Education and Sports Foundation should serve as a lesson to St. Petersburg city officials about the dangers of doling out public dollars without de­ manding accountability from the organizal.io.ns that receive them. Before Rising Stars abruptly abandoned its Liirgo office and pulled out of area recreation cen­ ters over the past several weeks, it had received more than $ 600,000 in public money, some of which appears to have been badly mismanaged by the program's founder, Peter Waldron. Waldroir.s problems, began when the city questioned the effectiveness of the non-profit program that used basketball as a tool to teach living skills to imdcfprivireged children. Waldron claimed that Rising Stars served J ,500 young people in St. Petersburg and 406 in Clearwater; But the cily'.s own estimates .suggested significantly lower nunibers.. The organization later became embroiled in a yearlong larid dispute with Faith Conimunity.ChurCh in..Urgp after Waldron tried, to sell land given to Rising Stars by the church to a.bus cpinpany. The case recently was settled. From the start, the city had ample evidence thai. Rising Stars was badly in need of outside over­ sight. Roughly S3 percent of the grant money given to Rising Stars was spent on admirusirative costs, including Waidron's salary, Waldron, whose family, vya.s on welfare when lie founded Rising Stars, bought a $ 200,000 home in Clearwater and a .10-acfe spread iii Wyoming while he ran the organization. Even more troubling, Waldron admitted that he personally profited from internal business deals involving grant money from the Department of Juvenile Justice. Under Wiildron's leadership, RIsiiig Stars paid for $ 660 worth of training videos from an outfit known as the Con tact. .America Group. The money was rciinbur.sed to Rising Stars by the department, which did not know the company had been formed by Waldron two weeks earlier and had produced no videos. Waldron repaid the

BFP_FEC-000027 Rising Siars' exii yields lessons St. Petersburg Tiiiics (Florida) July 21,1999, Wednesday money after questions from the-Times, but his organfeition also, did about $ 7,P.0O worth of biiisiHess with a company whose, regional sales manager waS one of "Rising Stars' directors. Rising Stars was. audited by'both the city andllve state, but throughout the ofgani^a!ipn's five years o:f o.p,efJifi6nj,bofh fhc slat.e and.tbe city sentmohoy to the program, not knowing how itHicIv the other Wits..contrib-utiiig, .And eveti though government offieiais seiil grant after granl'ip. the or^. ganization, they never verified the exact number..of children served by the program. To-atone'..for its negligence;, the cily sh.puld thbrdughly iiivc.stig.ate llie cirGurasfances surrpiind- ing .Rising Star!5' unexpected departure. Tralso -s.lvould take m.imediale si:e.ps-.to,.cn,su.re that,grant irioney given to o'ther seeovingly wpiihy cau.seslls'.being spent properly. Mpsl important, city pfri- eials. .sJrouJd attempt' to fill the it'oid left b,y. Ri.$ing.Stars' .rapid exit from the area, For all its problems, .Ui'sihg/Stars. was a positive, innPyallvc i'deai So ppsitive, .in fact, that St. Petersburg should try implementing its Own program thal usesir popular sporllo, teach life^skills. Cily Coun.eil member.'? should .consider.inc.orporaii.iig a.concept .simi.l.ar iq .Rising-Stars info the city's own recreational offerings. Administrative costs would drop, more children could be servedj..and the city would know exactly how its money is being .spent,

LOAD-DATE: July 21,1999

BFP_FEC-000028 4 4 ATTACHMENT B 4 ar/19/20n M„B F03B3682SG TARRAHCE®aF PA6£ 01/10


This Contract» entered into as of this by and between the Bncbruann tot President (liejteinafter "the BPP"), a Mhincshta oonptofit cocpoxatioQ .located at PO Box 251310, "Woodbury, MN 55125, and C&M Strategies, whose principal place of bxisineas is located at 1617 Parkdale Cuclc NorthiExic, CO 805J"6;{"Consultant'') (coUectively "the Patties").


I WHEREAS. Consultant is in the business of providing political and fundraising ^ management .icrvice.a to federal campaign cormxurtees; and

J WHEREA5, the BFP desires to engage Consultant for performance of above said ^ fundraising i-nanagcnient services for the BPP;.

NOW, TliEREEORBj in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual covisnants sot forth hetctn, and fot. other good and valuable conslderatiojo.xcceipt and sufficiency of wluch is hereby acknowledged,.the Parties ngcee as foUown:-


Fiindraisiiy Services Provided. Cop.iultant covenants and agrees to provide to the. BPP-the following services', political- consulting service.s.fljid jmaiiage low dollar-fundraising scrv3.cc,s, including direct tnall, phone, on-line'fiindxai,iing ncriylde.^, and assist with cootdinattng high-dollar fundraising activities imd events, for the BFP. These services shall hetcaftw be referred to as the "Pundtaislng Services",

A. Dltucdves. In perfQi-ming its duties, Consultant shall.routinely consult.with" aivd oihetwise report to the BPP National Campaign DLccctor and Deputy Campaign Mnruiger, or tlie reprcsentitivc othc.wise clesiignated by BFP regarding the performance of the fundraising Sctviccii. Any questions rcgatdihg Coniuitanl's pe,iforro.ancc o.f the Fundraising Sciryices under this Co.alxacl shall be addressed to the BPP dcisigna tcd '.iutho.tizctl agents idencificd aboVc; Nptwidistatuiing anything in the foregoing, it is cjqjressly und

C. Compltnnce Rnspoh.ailiilitics. Consultant ^presents to BP? that it in knowledgeable of the compliance and leg.al obligations of the BFP p.iitsuant to the Federal Election Camjtaign Act of 1971, as jiiuc.ndcd, and Federal 'Election ComfnLs.Htd.n regulations (coUcctivcly "die Act?'), and ^rces to cothply with the provisions of tb.e Act in ftU retipccts. applicable to the pGrfbrmance of the Fundialsittg Services under this Contract nod rp consult with .BFP legal counsel in .the eve.nt Conaultaot has qocsdotts regarding the application of any prpvision of the.Act to the Consultant's, toodeaising services for tlie BFP.

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BFP_FEC-000d29 07/10/2011 1


A. Consultant ngtces to provide the services set forth in Article I during the period from^d^, 2011 to December 31, 2011.

B. Given the nature of the services rendered, Consultant expressly acknowledges tliat litrte is bf the e.ssence.

ARTICLE III... COMPENSATION I A. Compenaatibfl. For successful performance of the duties described in Article I, the BFP agrees to pay COjus^Jtant a. monthly retainer of $22,500 payable on the first day of each month 4 during the term of this Contract. 4 B. Expeoae ReimbUcsemenr;

1. Reimbursement for. ordlilary exp.gns.es :such as long distance, co.pics, postage, etc. shall be inndc paid within sixy (6.0) days of beingiincurted b.}! Consultarit upon ptcacrttatioa to BFP of invoices with originaltcccipfs tmd tjocomentatioriiof costs/exp.enses incurred. Consultant's expenses uodci. this Contract ahaii.h!'e invoiced witlibuf.rBarfcup. Gotisultant also .agrccs- jx) obtain prior approval forany travel ntid/ot other inci'ddntAl expenses. First .class, travel in any .fprm.is not. reimbuxsAble and sluili be reimbuiived only at a coach br other discounted, rate.

C. Mailing of Invoieca and PaVmcrit on Reimbucsettient Requesta. All invoices and requests for payments or rciinbiusements must bear dic.a».sigticd BFP Cbinm.iti.Dent Fotro number, project niunber, and detailed mforraalionincJudin.g, but not' lunit'ed tO; name and aclchcss listed on check, check number, and. check date in order to receive said Gotatnission aud shall be mailed to; •Bacbraatin for President Aim: Nancy Wfltkuis 610 S. Blvd Tampa. FL 33606

D. Noncompliaar.e JustiCea Nonpayment. Any expenses, payments or amounta due under tliis Contract tliat do not meet the above criteria xnay not be paid-in whole of in pact and way be treated as an jn-ldnri concributioii to the BFF, or dcelucced ftoin the cocnpcnsation otherwise due Consultant, at the spk discretinn of the BFP.


A. Legal Status. The BFP and Gorisultaju agree that the iego.l,status of Consultant with, respect to the BH' is that of independeor. conttxctot aod hot-aa employee. Consultarit is not an agent or a legal representative of the BFP arid is not authorized, to maliciany conrnutmcnM for or to net S.S an ngenr of the BPl* for any purpose whatsoever, tn particular, Corigultantmay ne.t ehtet into any leg-jJIy binding agreement, written oi: oral, or take any other legal act in the name of the BipP.

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B. Liability. Consultant ag;re«:s to Assunie exclusive liability for any taxea^ asscssoaent, levies or fioca wliicb may be deemed owed by it, or to any employee ot conttaetot of Coiisultaot as a result of performance of Fundiaising Services pursii.'tot to. tb« Cootfact..

C. Taxea^ iBtc. It is understood and agreed that .Ijjc BFP will not be.i:c$|^o(isiblc fox.the payment or withholdixtg of Eeclcrftl, slate, and/or local taxes, payioll taxes, social security taxes, health-inaorancc, unemployment Insutiiocc, wotkman's compcnsatibn benefits,,and other similflx peiaoniael costs incurred by Consultant in connection with this Cohttact,


Consultant shall Lnclemnify aod hold the BFP, its employees]; directors, officers, agents, and voluatccrs harmless against aod fiom any and all cjainas, dcchaada, liabilities, actions, damages, costs, and expenses tclntcd thereto (including attorneys' fees, court costs, and other ejyenscs of litigation) and all damages and liabilities of any l^d or nature whatcvet, axising-.out of or a ttributable to Conoidtant's performance or nonperformance under, the terms of this Conttact.


A. Confidential and Ptopriemrv Informtttloo. All inattew between*the Patti«, including but not limited to the provisions of this ConcMct; BFP .tnailing or.dotvpr liste; indiviidual conitibutioo hist6tie.s} polling data; financklreports; research; solicitation matctids ot techniques; and any othet matextais or methodologies which Consultant, or list owners, if applicable, may come ih contact with tind/or which are received from or tlirough the BFP, its etnployces ox agents, C'the Matcxials") are, were and .shall teinain the proprieiary and coafidcotialpropcrty of ti\c BFP and sh^ nor be ttansfcned, ccmmiuiicatfid or deliycred to any third pony, wbethec or not for compensation, without die prior express written consent of the BFP'.s Deputy Campaign Manager.

D. Non-DlacloBure. Consoltaat agrees not to cprarnunic.'ite, dirccUy or irtdirccdy, with any i:ncmb.e.i; of the news media on behalf of, for, or about the BFP, without the express adv.snce consent of the DFP's Deputy Campaign Manager or theBFP's Communications Dircclpi.

C. Return of the Materials. Upon the termination or expiration of this Contract, Consultant agrees to return to the .BFP the Materials, and all copies thereof, and to rctaiti no copies tlicreof.


A. Otlicr Entities. Cojxsultant shall list as .Attachment A to this Contract any other entity, in whatever form, in which Consultant or its p.tincipals, agents, or owners has a financbd, proprietary, ru management interest, and what that interest is, if suCh other entity has or is expected to have a finandal or contractual fcladonship \

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fluc! .indcpcndeni; or issue sidvccacy groups. To ensure coallicts. of iiiterasl do not sirjsc, Consultant is obligated under the tenna of this cpntiact to continually update this disclosure vdtli die BFP's legal coiuisel within-one week of changes occurriiig. Ariy potential conflicts must be resolved to the .sadsfacHoti of die Bl-P's Deputy Gamjpaiga Monagiet prior to payment of any cpmpensatibn undct this Cofitmct.

B. Gifts. Consultant agrees not to give any .g^i[s} buvirig.a value (or aggregiitc value) In excess of $50 in any calendar year to any individual who "fa 'employed by the BFP.


A. . , ...... ^ . goveccu.ng cooidinated public comrnunJcadb'ns'promulgatcd^by tlie Federal Election Comnviss|ou ("FfiC") under liie Act niid fii.rthcr warrants" to BFP as'follows;

1. Consultant agrees not ;to infer or otherwise represent that it is acting in any capacity as an agent of the BET otlicr than for the spcciflc piiipose(s) set forth in tliis Contract;

2. Consultattt agrees not to divulge to any odier party committee^ candidate or oihet endty any Infortriation regarding the needs, .nctivides, plans or projects of the BFP Ksulting ftom Cotisultnnt's tela tionship. with the BEP pursuant to tlifa Contract;

3. Consultant agrees that undcr.no circutnstaaces will it engage in substantlai discussions or become materially invoh/cd with any candidate,-party committee, or other .entity for putposcs of their making public cnmmuojcadons referencing Cohgrcsswoioan Michclc ."Baclunann resulting .fto.m Consultsint's knowledge and information conccrnitig the needs, activities; pkns ox ptojeqrs of the BFP resulting from this. Contract;

4. Consultant agrees that.in the event it becomes, aware that it. is .serving as a common vendor to a poUdcal part)' committee, caudi.datc or other cnrity that sponsors public comm.unications referring t.c» Congrcs-swoman , thai: it will specifically insure that inforination regarding the needs, activities, plan? or projects, of the BFP-known to Coasulcant as a .result of this Contracl is tiol. used by or co.mmunicatcd in ony manner to the other ] party combjittec, candidate or odrer entity.

B. Consultant. agi;ces tliat breach of this provision may. resuit in tcriuinadon of this Gontiact" in the. sole discfcri.on of BFP and diat Conso.ltaot shall be liable for any costs, fees, damages, penalties, attorney's fees or other expenses aus.tiSg from Consnlwrit's bleach of tliis prbVi'sion.


A B.FP Exclnaive Owneraliip. Absent any explicit written agfectnent to the contt.'Uty which, has been, executed helwecn Consultant-and the "BIT, signed by the BFP's. Deputy Campaign Mntrager and appcodeti hereto, tlic BFP r.ctains and reserves the rights of exclusive ownership and Pace 4 of 10

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use of any tcijiy, prpduci:, piibL'cad'ori, or any facsitoilc theteof which may tesult ftoih Consxdcuit creativity, except for pte-exietbg matccials purchased by Gonsultaot fw the BFP. Consultnat and the-J3FP agree that the work described in Article I vdll b.c considered a "work for hire" for the pw^ppac of&e UtutcdStates Copyrighe law, 17 U;S.C. § IjOl Hseq, and that;:accordiii^y, ihe.BE^ is thciowncr of a]l copyright lighte in tKc w.otik. Consultant hereby assigns any and all property and exclusive ownership rights.in Consuleanc work to the BFP. * B. Authorshtp. Consultant hexe.by Warrants tliat its agents or its representatives, ate the sole authors of work to bc: produced, dcrvelopcd and/or .published under this Contract, and that such work is att original wpxk of Consultant. Consultant ^rtbct warrants that the work to be produced or pccfortned under this Contract does not infidogc upon any copyright ox trademark, violate any right of privacy, or contain libelous njaterial; and that Considtant possesses fidl ppwei to enter into I this: Conttact. 0. Donor Liata. Consultant agrees rhat all. BFl^ doiiOr lists by whRtwcr name they may be kno%vn, and kdlyidual contribution his.toric.s were, are, and sluiU remain the exclusive property of the BFP. Consultant, agrees chat it docs' nor and shall not acijairc any properly or owticrslup interest in, or rights with respect to, any BFP .donor .list, for any reasatt. Consultant further agrees that neither it not any of its directors, officers, employees, consultants^ ox agents will disclose, rent, .Icase^ sell, encumber, o.t eater into joint owhctship ngrcements concerning.any.Hsf(s^, ;filc(s), inforixiadoa, updates, or enhancomencfs) of the BFP in any form, or for the purpose, not will they retain, duplicate, or use aiiy of sucK-uifotmadon in tiny fashion or for any purpose whacsqever. Consultani ^ccs that atiy other entity gaining access to the BFP's donot list must execute Exhibit 1, Consultant ConHdentiality Agreement Regarding Lists.

D. PamagcB. Consultant .agrees to pay rttc. B IT fp.t Consultant breach, or tlareatencd breach, of any pact of paragjcaph C of this Article the sum of KFiv itvousnnd Do.llars fSSO.OOBl per occurrence as liquidated damages, in addidon to any other cetncdics the BFP toiiy have, Induditig e<][uitable or injunctive relief, widiout requiring the BFP to show or prove it siistained actual pecuniary damages.


Consultant shall not use the name, .insignia or .any fac.simile diereof of the B.FP or its ptopwiy, without the cxp.vcss written .authorisation of the BFP's Deputy Campaign Manager.


The .BFP is a Minnesota nonproRt corpa.rsidon that is registered with the Fcclernl Election Comtnission as Congrusswotnaaiyticheic Baditriann's principal campaign cotumittce for i?re8ident of the United States. Co.nsultant agrees that the directpts, offtcen, employees, tiiid agents of tiro BFP shall not be pcraDiially JLable for aily debt, liability, ot obligation of the BFP. Consultant, liltc all pcrtoDi, corpotations. or orhet entitles exccoding credit to, coactacting with,, or having any ciaini against tire I1.PP many only look to tJrc fund.? and property of the BIT for.payment of.any debt.

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damages, judg>nent, dcctce, or arty money that may otherwise, become due or .payable to them from the BFP.


NotwiihstandidgArticlc M ofthis Conteact, eitbiot party-ijnay. lemiinate dus Contractat any time for a.ay .reason on Bfccen (15) days written hcjtice to the o.thcr party.- S.udb .written ao.licc shall, be deemed suffideat.if irt writing and dcUyetcd by certified moil r<^ta receipt requested, ot by overnight'mail. The nbdce sball be effective an of the date"received: In tlve e.vent .of terminadort,

tlirough the fifteenth day subsequent to receipt o.f. such nodte, no futjhccliability qr-any liquidjitcd damages fot suph tcrttilnadon.s.haU attach to either pany. 14 ARTICLE XIII" COMPLETE AGREEMENT AND NOTICES

This Contract,..Attachment A and Exhibit 1 zeprcBcut the complete and endxe agirccmunt between the BFP nnd Consultant and completely replaces and supersedes all previous agreements, whether- written or oral.


The failure or oinission of the BFP to require.s.tri.ct compliance with- tlic provisions of this Contt-ict by Consuithnt, bv tO. c.xaeisc any of its rights 6s remedies in ntiy .circumstance, shall not. Gonstilutc. a waiver b.y the BFP of its rigjhtSi cojisdtute a ptccedent, or otherwise affect the- in.tcq})tctation pf this Contract. No terms or provisions of tills Contract may be amended, waived, Or modified c.xpcpt puhsuaiic to. a written agteutTicnt...tbatcicpSes.'|ly .references..dii.1 Contract and is sigiJed by duly autliorixed rcprescntittivcs of the.BFP and Cattoultant.


.A.U notices, .requests, deniands, and other communications under tliis .Contract sliall be in writing and .shall be deemed .to have bccii diily given if delivered personally or if sent .by.-ccgistB.ced or ccrfjfied m'ail. .rclum receipt rcque.


This Contract shall not be assigned or subcontracted by Consultant without the prior -written consent of the BFP.

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Consultaot agtefis that all ptovisioha of this Contraa vnll be binding on, or inute to the benefit of, any of itt successor orgMMzadoixs.


The BFP and Consultant agree tbat the terns of this Contract shall be deemed to be made 2 under, governed by, and construed ift accordance vdch, the kwa of the State of Minnesota.

ARTICLE XIX - ATTORNEYS' FEES I 4 • • lo die event cither party must bring suit /or any reason under thia Contract, the prcv^g 4 party shall be entitled to recover ftom the other, patty all costs of sucli suit, Induding reasonable 2 attorneys' fees.

ARTICLE XX -- HEADINGS ? The .headings in (his Contract ace foe tire sole purpose of convemencc of tcferexiCB and shall not it) any way limit:or affect the mcahihg or interpretation of any of the terms or ptovisious of this Contract.


If any of the terms'o.r provisions of this Contract are held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be inyalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining terms and provisions shall continve in .fiiQ force a.ud «.fFcct.


Th.is Contract may be,.executed in .counterparts, and all counterpans will be considered as part of one Cootxact binding. oiV all parties to diis Contract. This Contract may be executed via facsimile, wlvich signatures shall: be deemed legal and binding as an original signature hereto.

Ppne'7 oflO

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Authorized i pjciguiaj, and Hgic.c to be bound by the tctriiz nnd cpncUtidm rbttcpf:

^Fct.this Binchmflrin for PrcsidMV . Po^^C&M Sbs»(«gi«*.

DcpvityGwnpiign^Jaff^^ .. Autlioriz'cd Agent I jf3atc •Dote

EINoz'SSW r-

.PniSe 'S of iO

BPP_FEC-000036 nnVWU 14,10 703a365P^6 TflRRflNCE MJUP PAGE 09/10


C&M SixategieSi a polidcid iidd.fuh!i:aisuig;Cop8iUtant.vrfth o/bwncs». ifi lGca.ted at 1617 Patkdale Circle North, Erie, do 80516 ("'CoiasultanV') BhsyU Ustarif. other endly, in wbatcvcr forra, ih wluch.Consultntit.or its principals, ag«ats, or owners has a financinl, pioprictaty, ox n3.nnageincnt interest, and What that jhtetest is, 'it suchpthcr-entily bflB or is expected to have a fihancial or coritractHai rebtdonship with the BFP. This disdosnte must'include any payments received &otn BIT vendors, by Vendor and any payments to BFP vendors by Vendor; To eriswce conflicts of interest do not arise, Consultant is obligate.d uDdei: the tetms of this coriddct toxontbiually update this disclOsutc with the BIT General Counsel within'one voeh of changes occutdng. Any poteodal conflicts must be addtcosed to the D.eputy CnrrtpaigtiManagec-of.theBFP prior m any compcnsadon under this contmct being paid;


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Exiubit.l CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT REGARDING LISTS & MATERIAL INFORMATION 1. Poi: good and valid considetatioiii the receipt and;suiiicle»cj^ of wlucK is.hcteby acknowledged, "and foe the good.aud-vaUd consId^Cion set in the coiitxact by and between C&M Sttfttegies ("Comiiltaftt'.');abd.BachtTaRnn. for Rteaideatf'BFP'!), and os, a jntfegw-lpart thetedfi Con9ultarit.agi;ees to abide by cil) .tcnoa aiid conditioos.df this Cdntrace, 2. Consultant agrees that all BFP- donor liats. (hereinafter "Lists'') by whatever .name they may be known arid ah.individv'ial .concnbudpn histodes were, arc, and shall tcmftin; the .exclusive prPpprty of the BFP. 3. Consultant agrees rhatit decs not and shall riot-acquire any property or ownejrship inter.Gst in ot H rights xvilh rcepccjt to the-Lists for any tea.son, 4 'l. Consultant cxjStcjisly sickriowledgcs and agrees that the B.EP Donor Fde.afld aU XJsts, iufotmaiion,. updates, and enhsinecrnerits. Actefo which axe provided to, generated by, or otherwise, become knovrii to Consultajxt in. cp.nnectiofl vdth :ox incident to thls Goritiact arc privileged and corifidenrid. 5. Consultant fiicthex agrees that rieit,hcr..it nor any of its directots, officers, employees,, vendors, or agcuts will disclose, tcnt,:leasei soDi of-.cnter-iinto johitovmet9h^..agfiDcmeuts cpncetningany Li8t(3), informatioai update(s), di enhiinc

For the BFP:

Bj AMhoHs^td Agent ^

Caryripeii [ Title Date

For Consultant:


Paso 10 of to


C&M Strategies Billing Date: 7/27/2011 1617 Parkdale Circle North Billing Cycle: June EfleyCO 80518 303-834-5936

Bill, to: Bachm'anh for President: Attn: Nancy Wdlkihs PO;B6X'2:5.950 Woodbury. MN 5S125

lOate Djscrlptlon Hours Hpiirly'Rate ;Total . ]

.6/15-0/30. Pdlltical and Fundraislng Consulting NA NA $11,250

ITotal $11,250 ,1

Plea^O Remit Payrfierit to: G&M Strategies Attn: Guy Short 1617 Parkdale Circle North Erie, CO 80516 303-831-5936

BFP_FEC-000039 Billing Date: 7/27/2011 C&M Strategies 1617 Parkdale Circle North Billing Cycle; July Erio, CO. .811616 •303i^64t5^§

QUI to: Bachmann for President Atln: Nancy Walkins PO B:OX-25950 Woddbijry,-MN. .55125


[bate Qjiscrlptlon Hoiira Hourly. Rjato Tdtal [

7/i"7/31 Political and Fundraleing Consulting NA NA : $22,500 .


["Total $22-i600

Please Rcrilit Payment to: CSM Strategies Attn; Guy Short 1617 Parkdale Circle North Erie. CO 80516 303-831-5936

INVOICE PAYMENT ^ iblSlll mf.. CUENT AUTH ; J- RWCAUTH:. GAJH: . 117.1- Ffrffv7F- r"'i9vi.fu l;4iAA^ . vlutru-


BFP_FEC-000040 Billing Dato:/31/2011 C&M Strategies 1617 Parkdale Circle North Billing Cycle; August Erie. CO 80516 303'834-S936

•Bill to: Bachmanh for President Attn: Nancy Walkins P6 BOX ?5656 Woodbury. lyilN :55125

iDate pisprlptlon • Hours Hpuriy-Rato Tdtaf j

8/1 -.8/31 Pblilical and Fundraislng Consulting ,NA NA' $22;S.i)p

Iowa Consulting. (Additional approved by David) Ni . IjlA

ITotal ;| • I. " i/$25.83ri

Ple.aSe Remit.Pay.ment (b: ' ' • . C&M Strategies Attn: Guy Stiort 1617 Parkdale Circle North Erie, CO 80518 303-8.34-5.936 .

fi Itzjh

BFP_FEC-000041 Billing Date,-10/3/2011 C&M Strategies 1617 ParkdaJe Circle North Billing Cycle: September Erie, CO 6.0616 303-834-5936

BIlLlo:, Bachmann for Prasfdent Attn: Nancy Walkins PO Box. 25950 .Woodbury, MN 55;i2'5

I Date Discrlp^tib'tr tioiirs Ho.uriy.,Ra.te Tcita.l

9/1 - 9/31, Political and Fundraising Consulting NA NA $22,5.00

ffot^ •$22,500, .1

Please Remjl Payment t.o: C&M Slrategies Attn: Guy Sliort 1617 Parkdale Circle North Erie, CO B0516 303-8.3.4-5936


C&M Strategies Billing Pate: 11/1/2011 1617 ParkdaJo GIrcIo Nerth Billing Cycle: October Erlo.CO 80616 303-834-5936

Blllto; Bachmahn for Presldehl Alth: Na.riey Walklhs PO Box 2595,0. yVooclbUrY, .WiN 55125

fPatS" DIscrlptlon Hdurs HdurlyRate Total

10/1 -1.0/3.1 Roiiilcal and Fundraising Consulting NA NA.-. $22,500

[Tot^ :$22,'500

Please; Reiriil Payment lb; C&M Strategies Attn: Guy Short 1617 Parkdale Circle North Erie, CO 80516 303-834-S936

V 1127, CO

BFP_FEC-000043 UscbmirtA lor P/o«liIonl napnu .bunc/neol Fonn

Mlin» >fa/SfcM) OHf OvOmXtd oono/n

CltVMift SSy^iUJ* CHy efit,co«osio ttlXIM bill nil# tl4ii 015 «;» MfO 0.J4 %31 «M4 o» M.CO

V!' H ir 1 40.00 r itiwitfihisi 10.00

but But^mww# ifti Tnil •



fiSiSlL. 'iPil..


CwUtrt IH.tVoH WlUftuM^.UU»>M mn 4 4 u.ii>>i»..w>w.Mi Od-

1 iliUZSi! tiau

-55i § eiLHsiwja- laa. Urtfe>o.!r. tai.

'"iH'fMlWI l1l>IHIt>nn

|0W'WH\1«I Jl/.'ll ennlAMW Ptnw isasiajusm- IStL.

Ui>l»J»l>. lA iMW m mmo- cn.». i> m»» eicujim.

Iia!_ oiw.mwi> isau w.iiiHi nih.i.m»:H

1»U!£.>U0_ BliUclAU l» x:^ffoi2Tdf iiibfj...,ui»in l!I?_

*>"'*• "K1"- INVOICE PAYMENT^ DATE: 0l2r^|ll $A«yrt:_f;JiWgiM. kSM»t —^ >r CLIENT AUTH; RWCAO.TH: aawi liOJt C»»|, i» jam

iwiEiifiai- FEC/DOE: ii.o«« a m SPECIAL IN8TR: . . .

BFP FEC-000044 Bachmann Tor President Expense Reimbursemeht Form Name Guy Slioil Dale Submitted 08/16/11

Addres,s 1617 Parkdale Circle N Claimant's Signature

City Erie, CO 80516 Approval Signature Mileage Date Description of Travel # of Miles Rate Total 0.35 $0.00 0.35 $0.00 0.35 $0.00 0.35 $0.00 0.36 $0.00 I;Ix:;Xv:;;;XvX;X; 0.35 $0.00 0.35 $0.00 Travel Total: $0.00 ty/llscellaneous Expenses folease include complete address with zip coda • receipt must be attachedl Date Business Name and Address Purpose Tola!

08/22/11 Frontier Airlines Travel $655.40

08/07/11 Continental Airlines Travel $638.50 vMvX-M'M'I-M'I'.'t ;I'X*!vXjyvIvTy,X 08/14/11 Valley West inn Lodging $12.3.20

v: 08/07/11 City Cab Travel $40.00

Sheraton West Des IVIoines Hotel 08/14/11 1800 50th St Lodging $1,780.68 West Des Moines. lA 50266 xi.-iix-'v;!:'.':: Outback Steakhouse . "•!'! • I * 08/03/11 West Des Moines. lA 502Q6 Food .$33.16

S&P Americana Capitol Grill 07/29/11 Des Moines Int'l Airport Food $17.54 'tv'v.'X

Mi Mexico 07/28/11 11407 Forest Drive Food $19.56 Cllve, lA 50325 Xy.'y*'X'X'X 'y 08/04/1.1 Food $9.73

Miyabi 9

BFP FEC-000045 08/03/11 Des Moines. lA Food $42.19

Mile High Gfille 08/02/11 Denver Int'l Airport Food $9.78

The Machine Shed • 08/13/11 11151 Hickamn Road Food $3.50 Urbandale, lA 50322 Outback SteaKhousd 06/09/11 10901 University Ave Food. $87,41 Clive, lA 50325 Panera Bread 08/12/11 Urbandale, lA 50322 Food $5.91

The Machine Shed 08/13/11 11151 Hickamn Rpad Food $5.25 Urbandale, lA 50322 Bruegger's. Bagels 06/03/11 1650 86th St NW Food $13.31 Clive, lA 50325 Panera Bread 08/01/11 Urbandale. lA 50322 Food $9,10

McDonald's I'p • I* '*r- •' '• 08/06/11 11400 Forest. Lane Food $5.70 Clive, lA 50325 • Rock Bottom Brewery 08/05/11 4508 University Ave Food- $40.55 liiii West Des Moines, lA 50266 Mi Mexico 06/08/11 11407 Forest Ave Food .. $57.67 Clive, lA 50325 Hassen Haus 08/05/11 Des r\/loines. lA Food $75.00 > • 1 *1' * * 'Xl:' •;! Panera Bread 08/11/11 Urbandale. lA 50322 Food 311.83

Paiiera Bread 08/07/11 Urbandale, lA 50322 Food $16.51

MiyabiO 06/01/11 Des Moines. lA Food $11,61

Ml Mexico 08/02/11 11407 Forest Ave Food $19.91

BFP FEC-000046 V.'4 Glive. lA 5032.5 PaneraBfead 08/11/11 .Urbandale, lA-50322 Food.- $18.73 ...... United Airline.s'-.. . • $1,094.16 08/11/11 ...... Alffaire . .



BFP FEC-000047 1 a s'c asi ^ ^r' - 31- . £ « r- II 3 11.S i: •S'SSA .?• 5 • tl" ^3:^^ SSi , ta: S g "s 5 « 1 S S i;l • *4.i as: -s — —

sp te rns:, i£ !:3«> T' » 1^' t-«'^ t « Si Is <- •• S.^ •' III" i

o u

•V i- •a' ^ i O r* y. 111 O 3.5^ .3i3^^"•= .•=•

BFP FEC-000048 •f. ! i StlFJtATOtl WEST UK MOINES HOTEL leoosoihsi WMI DM MolOM. lA 50J46-J043 US hi I- 515 2231800 t~ S15223 0021 Sheraton,

oucar/cuENT TWVEL yiGEHT/CHlvnSE TO ROOM 1024 G\iy Shore IWiTE lia;P9 • PETIS. 2 Po Box 2.59S0 rouo 4.66100 ..BX-A- Soine Paul, MM 5S125 moE 3 «WNE 02-AOG-11 lOtSU eewm 1.4-AUG-11 PAYMENT y.r

EXPBMSB REPOUT SUMMARY Date Hoom Rev Telephone Boon Tax Other Totol PnyiRcr.f. •j 190.39 n,.oo 1 02-AUG-11 169.99 0,00 2.0.40 0.00 f. 03-AUG-11 169.99 0.00 20.40 0.00 190.39 O..OC \. 04-AUG-11 169.99 0.00 20.40 0.00 190,39 C..00 »i* OS-AUG-11 119.99 0.00 14 .40 0.00 134 .39 0,00 • 06-AUG-11 119.99 0.00 14.40 0.00 134,39 . 0.00 1 •07-AUG-ll 119.99 0.00 14.40 0.00 134 ..39 0.00 i' 08-AUG-11 119.99 0.00 14 .40 u.oo 134 .39 0..C0 09-AUG-ll 119.99 0.00 14 .40 0.00 134 .39 0. 00 10-AUG-11 319.99 0.00 14.40 0 .00 134.39 0.00 11-AUG"11 119.99 0.00 14.40 0.00 134,39 o.on 12-A'JG-H 119.99 0.00 14 .40 0 .00 134.39 0.00 13-AUG-11 119.99 0.00 14 .40 0.00 134 .39 0.00 ToV.ul 1589.88 0.00 190.80 0.00 3780.68 o.co

Pleace oharc any commento regardlnn' ypur stay by contacting Sara Valline /.ii: 3.: 5.457,2119 or nara.valllne4Pjqh.coni. 'I'hank youl


SlGNATUiie y UM iv rt Mimm 01FCIKMSM1FH owwnoo or C««rOanrMW bli u Mi PIA u a a tHM ilwgM. Afi a Starwood Preferred Guest you have earned at lease 3190 Scarpo.ints for chio viate A42595875796

Guy Short ROOM DEPART •AGKNT FO.I..rO 4C6100 02-AUG-U 1024

BFP FEC-000049 SlICBATON WBSrPB MOINBMOTn lUOOUHh SI Wmt D03 Molnos. lA 502MI063 US I- Sienaleoo I- 5152330694 Sheralon

GUEST/CUENr ifwvEL AGENT/awKif ro fiOOM. 1024 Guy Short 119.99 t PEflS.. 2 Po Box 25950 rouo 466100 BX-A Saint Paul, MN S5125 P«S 1 WW6 02-AUG-11 19:58 0®^ 14-AUG-11 PWMEMT VI •

03-AGO-ia BT1024 Room Charge :69..99 C2-ADG-1X BT1024 St State Bxcise Tax 0. .'iC 02-AUG-11 RT1024 7% County Occupancy Tax 11.90 03-AOG-11 RT1024 Room Charge 169.99 03.AUG-11 RT102fl 5* State Excise Tax U.50 03-AUG-11 KT1024 7* County Occupancy Tax n..90 04-AUG-11 RT1024 Room Charge 169,99 4 04-AUG-11 RT1024 5^ state Excise Tax U.;>C 04-AUG-H RT1C24 7» County Occupancy Tax ",1.9C 05-AUfi-ll RT1024 Room Charge 119.99 OS-AUG-11 RT1024 5% State Excise Tax 6.00 C5-AUG-11 HT1024 7% County Occupancy Tax 8.40 06-A0G-11 im024 Room Charge 119.99 06-AUG-ll RT1024 5% State Excise Tax 6.00 06-A:;G-II RT1024 7\r County Occupancy Tax U.fC 07-AUG-11 RT1024 Room Charge a;9.99 07-AUG-11 RT1024 5% State Excise Tax .6.00 07-AUG-11 RT1024 7% County Occupancy Tax 0.40 08-AUG-H RT1024 Room Charge 119.99 00-AUG-11 RT1024 5% State Excibo Tax 6.00 08-AUr.-ll RT1024 7% County Occupancy Tax U .40 09-AUO-11 Rri024 Room Charge 119.99 09-AUG-ll RT1024 5% State Excise Tax / 6.00 09-AUG-11 RT1024 7* County Occupancy Tax ' II. 4 C '.0-AUG" 11 im024 Room Charge 119.99 10-AUG-ll RT1024 5V State Excise I'ax 6.00 10-AUC-ll IIT1024 7* County Occupancy Tax 8.46 ll-Aub-ll RT1024 Room Charge :iO.99 11-AUG-ll RT1024 54 State Excise Tax 6.00 11-AUG-11. Rri024 7i County Occupancy Tiix 8.4 0 12-AUG"11 RTX024 Room Charge ;19.99 *• continued on tlie next page •*

SIGNATUnE I I«wi 10 iwm*i cmrHV »*<• m M/mm d iK> MUXI > n m iwi v v iim!>»«•)

Guy Short ROOM DEPART AGENT ;-'0!,iO 4 66100 02 -AIJG- IJ 1024

BFP FEC-000050 siisRAroN w«!n' HRSMOINIS HOTEI. 1600 $om SI Wssi Dos Volnos. lA 602661063 US •i^ii I— 516323 1600 I- 6l5 233 0a?4 Sheraton

CUEST/CLIENT TOAIIEL AGENT/ClIWOE TO nooM 1024 cjuy Short ftATE 119.99 • PENS. 2. Po no>c 259S0 FOUO 4e5ioa BX-A . Saint Paul, MN 55125 RAGE 2 ABUVE 02-AUG-ll 19:50 ocmnr 14-AUQ-ll RAYMENT VI

12-AUQ-il HT1024 5% Stata BxciBfii Tax 12-At;G-li RT1024 7% County Occupancy Tax 13-AOS-11, RT1024 Room Charge 13 'AyR-il. RT1024 5% State Bxcipe Tax i3-A!UG-ll RT1024 •;% County Occupancy Tax 4 14 -AOCi.-ll VI Vioa Balance Cue

For your convenience, wo have prepared thio xero-balance folio indicating a SO 'oalanco on your account. Pleaee be advloed that any chargna not reelected OP. thiu folio will be charged to the credit card on file with the hotel. While thio folio reflecUa a $0 balance, your credit card may not bo chaigcirt until.after your departure. You are ultimately teeponoible Eor paying all of your folio chargeu in full. •• continued on Che next page »•

SIGNATURE • wMii>miMnpom»^(0toir>v«M'A<»ii«iin>K«u)l'MMiMrApMrnd pktroifcllwwswAdlvUciiAcntnita

Cuy Sfiort ROOM DISPART .AGKNT FOLIO 465108 02-AUG-ll 1024

BFP FEC.000051 :Sm" i.. ||S|| ^•- inSSfeSg ®:r ^H Io IP

a tv» f-* cje»

! TJSS: •4 '7:** Hi Ji 3 - 5. a "? i t .V D W 0X s 0 «k J .3 'a5J 3 t=5l ./ '^3 Sis:; -s: '*y*: i.»; ;;• Sg «3 -Is: !;s ;:S* *'U V ' iy*. 23. « u w a sa S2 V 3 - ^ w« 1 a tii O ir ' « -i. •i» ••'• J5 ^ «M.V» ii

— >r. « V. 0 m •;ci>- ^ (U '1 C". < .-3 lO* 1- l/J s r. O C/) .|.i .f- T 1 l'.1> ^9 • •H .•t» .¥1 i- O) "O • > t- 03 to »-• • ' •!.**. ?"3. »0 o <« .O 1 S •- .Ol "1 *: •• OJ .. > • » 'IK CI 5s •' a» • • 1 a> •*— .4- CB ... _ •> - •» V. »~ IJ: ^ Q • • ro 1 . 3 ^ OS W) CV. _ .10 CJ • • • • U • • t<4«' nj d) e :> "i « M CO c3 <0 a> C5 I.CO i. u 10 • c c x: 0 ^ > •M «o I ez Oi CD O (O 10 n a. -I-' 0) ^ •»••0 \. a> 4 O k. H « . • i.p- « •<•;. '1 k. w X 3 .3 10 Ol li 0 P '0» -H

BFP FEC-000052 3 1 J-AXO-iiOZ.**

Folio//: 238186 Room: 238 Hotnling, John Arrival: 8/13/2011 Departure: 8/14/2011 Colorado Sprines, CO 80903 Coinpnny:

Trnns ft Dale Poslliig Description Charges i'liymcnls Balance 771243 8/13/2011 Rm; 238 Rock Raie 5110.00 SO.OO SI 10.00 771244 8/13/2011 Sales Tax (3% Room Sales Tax) $5.50 .50.00 5115.50 771245 8/13/2011 Hotel Occupancy Tax 57.70 so;o;o S 123.20 771426 8/I4/20II Visa 50.00 $123,20 $0.00 Credit Card lnforii)etit^n * Already Processed Balance: SOJIO Trans# Card Type Card Holder Name Card// Amount DatefTlmc •61230 VISA John Holalirig, ... 2284 5123.30 8/14/201 M0:.55:ISAM Polio Summary . Previous Balance; 50.00 MemberahipTler: Room Charges: snu.oo McnibtirahlpM; Other Charges/Credits: 50.00 Mediod of Pay; Credii Card Phunc Charges: $o.po Tax; 513.20 Less Paymenis: 5123.20 Signature: Total Amount Duo: 50.00

Thank you for slaying al the Valley West Inn. We hope you enjoyed your slay with us and look forward lo seeing ypm again real soon. Please feel free to call us anytime for your lodging, dlniiig or inectu^||HM^uu can reach u.lot(5l5)225-M24 orclieck us out on the world wide web el www. valley Mo/">8cment of the Valley WeisI Inn.

Page 1 of 1

BFP_FEe.000053 •nwrcsBiB a a

Your Flight Details'

Dcpiidiiig Plight Intomiatlon • Sunday, August 7, 2011

Conftnciiisii Aiiiiim Prom To Aircraft Colorado Spitnga Municipal (opcialofl l>y lliiiloil rmiivsttSliy Donoor Inll Aliporl (OEM) Conodair Regidnal Jai Metl} /drporl {COS) 700 Colorado Sprlriga. CO Osm«r, CO FI\yM767r Arrlyoa: 8:16 PM 0h49in. 7i! mi Doporla: 7;ai PM Economy/Coacti Class

ConlinanraiAlrllnGs From To Aircraft |(i|io»lf;

Rottirnlng Flight Information - Sunday, August 14,2011

Unllod Ainlnas From To Aircraft •as Moines Inll Airport fOSM) Denver Inll Airport (OEN) Airbus A310 Plight 616 Oss Moinos, lA Denver, CO 4 1h 47m, 590 tni Osp.8na:1:18PM Arrives: 2:08 PM Economy/Coach Class 4 Unlloo Airllrtas To 4 From Aircraft Colotado Springs.Munldpnl (optrsled by Unlled E:ip'v»ISky Oonvar Inll Airport (DEN) Canadsir Regional .lot WdJU Airport (COS) " Denver, CO 'Cdlorado Springs; CO Flight 6385 Deports; 2:48 PM EeonomyA^oach Class Oh 34m. 72 ml Afrtves: 3:20Pld

Pasnengorand Ticket Information

Jonathan Hotaling Ticket Number: TrIpiNumber: Seal Preference; (Change Seal) 00.18600569367 156433-0.1043 Flight 7677: 11A Assigned TitAeted on Condncnlsl Alrtlnos

l'aj»e 2 ol" 2

Not Asslgrteri, Change Seal, Ticket Number. TickctetJ On, Operated By Summary of Charges Airilne Ticket Cost; $612.00 Airline Ticket Taxes A Fees: $26.50 Bonus; No Pricollna Booking Fee Nuniljor of Tickets; I Airline Ticket Shipping & Handling: $0.00 (Electronic Ticket) Airfare Subtotal; $638.50 Total Trip Cost: (All prices are in US dollars) $638.50 Payment Method: Visa ending in 0128 Priceline Customer Service 1 -OOO-SIO-OSTS (when calling from the United Slates/Canada) or +44 (0)20 7'130 6162 (when Number: calllfig from anywhere else)- Many airlines charge extra fees (or baggage. Those fees a

II is the pas-senger's responsibility lo confirm flight information and check-In location prior to each departure. We recommend thai you arrive at Ihe airport a minimum of 90 minutes in advance of departure for domestic llfghts and at IcasI 2 hours in advance of departure for Internalional (llghls. If you tall lo arrive al your gale on timo, Ihe airline lias the right to cancel your reservation and make you Ineligible for denied boarding compensallon. If you choose not lo lake any ol iho (llghls lor which you are llckoted, the airlines vrlll automallcally cancel the remainder of your reservation.

All adults. 18 and over, are requlrod to show valid pholo idenllllcaiion when traveling domeslically (examples Include a driver's license, passport.or slate Idenlificallon card). 1/ you are traveling oiilside the U.S., all travelers, including per.sons undei age 18. are required lo present a valid passport, and you may also need to show adtliiional docimientation at your deslinaiion and/or In conne'ciing countries.

.Carry-on and cliecked baggage giildeiines varv bv alrlinn we rerommonrt iiioi ../..i r<>Kfi/!i . /. BFP FEC-000054 Frontier Alrlioei Inc.

700.1 Tower Road r * , i Denver, CO 80249-7312 ; Thank you for choosing rrontiefAlrllnesxom fdr your travel plans. Please read these Important details carefully regarding your purchase and itinerary;

Booking Confirmation

1 Reservation Code:HYDRKY

0 Issue Date.'Tue, 16 Aug 2011 4 4 Main contactiMr GUY S SHORT 4 2 E-mail;:

Home phone



Membership No.EarlyReturns*

Ticket NiJmber42221695i5399


Air Itinerary Details

Flights .

Denver CO (DEN), US

Mon,22Aug 2011,07:20 AM

Washington DC-Reagan (DCA), US

BFP FEC-00dd55 Mon, 22 Aug 2011,12:39 PM

F9 728

Frontier Airlines Inc.

Fare Type: Economy


I Airbus 319.

4 Washington DC-Reagan (DCA)/ US 8 Frl,26A.0B 2011,01:24 PM Denver CO tOEN), US

FrI, 26 Aug.2011,03:09 PM

F9 727

Frontier Airlines Inc.

Fare Type: Economy


Airbus 320.

Fare Breakdown

Passenger Type Bp.se Fare

per pewon Taxes

per person Total Fare

per person Number of

BFP FEG-000056 passengers Total Fare

AdHlt589.77 USD65,63 USD655.40 USDxl 655.40 USD

DEN-WAS: Economy Fare Benefits

Advance Seat Assignment*; Standard Seating

1st & 2nd checked Bags: $20 each

Same Day Confirmed Alternate Flight: $50

itinerary Change Fee: $50 + fare difference

Name Change Fee: $50 + fare difference

STRETCH Seating**: From $15/segment

1 EorlyReturns® Mileage Credit; 100%

EarlyReturns* Elite Qualificatlpn Miles: 100%

* Not available oh Great Lakes, codeshare flights

** When upgrade purchased at tifne. ofcheck-ln.- Limited by capacity & availability. STRETCH seating is not available on Frontier Express flights or on Great Lakes codeshare flights.

WAS-DEN: Economy Fare Benefits

Advance Seat Assignment*: Standard Seating

1st & 2nd checked Bags: $20 each

Same Day Confirmed Alternate Flight: $50

Itinerary Change Fee: $50 + fare differerice

Name Change Fee; $50 i- fare difference

STRETCH Seating**: From $lS/segmeht

EarlyReturns® Mileage Credit: 100%

EarlyReturns® Elite Qualification Miles: 100%

• Not available on Great Lakes codeshare flights

BFP FEC-00d057 *• When upgrade purchased at time of check.:in. Limited by capacity &..ava.llability. STBETCH seating is not available on Frontier Express flights or on Great Lakes codeshare flights.


Charged to Visa .... 3880TOTAL: 655.40.U5D

Delivery Information

Delivery Option: E-Tlcket

llnportant information

Be sure to review what's Included in your Fare Type before arriving at the alrpon. CLICK HERE for fare attributes;

Taassist .with your travel planning;

Econorhy and Classic tickets must be cancelled or changed prior to the scheduled departure lime to retain ticket value.

Frontier recommends that you arrive at the airport at least two hours prior to your scheduled departure time.

Passengers are required to have .their boarding pass In hand.45 minutes prior to departure for domestic flights and 60 minutes for international rilghts in order to allow sufficient time to clear airport:security;, otherwise, they may need to be accommodated on another Frontier Airlines fllgltt.

Passengers must be at the des.ignated gate 20 minutes prior to departure or they may need to be accomrhodated on another Frontier Airlines flight.

Tickets are non-transferrabie.

Tickets are non-refundable unless otherwise specified, itinerary changes may result In a change fee of up to a $100 and any applicable fare difference.

To file a compliment or complaint, visit www.FrontlerAirlines.com/CiisfomerR.elations or mail to; Attn: Customer Relations, Frontier Center One, 7001 Tower Road, Denver, CO 80249

BFP FEC-000058 I = (!/ > u .2V^-'.ci w,.-' ;• to COO CO ;p 'QCCD lu ^ , QT UJO; li,

OH a *S't i % h-iaoi to 02 i. o w > Ct'CV tf •pg Is O ;; i X<2 I HH O Hcoa N JB f sui (V I QClij 2 i luz: ; *-.«n cM-^ H t u. |§§il bSp f g. i

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'a> III in •3 5 lislISi;: J I f3 I c

.3 , Z E 15 S S ?. £ 8 S' . _; O - d =; s

S ^ Ci g l-flliil N. CO I

BFP FEC-000059 •^. ' j

•1 ^SSJT '• :» 7^^ 'ZK* C JV-.•' •••^> V>! n» II 5 M J 4 ig S 4 i.»' 2 4 si••i. -Ji-: 1jsi


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BFP FEC-000060 II s a I :St I

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^ ^ f I

:= f5 "f 3 SR S (0 M if •; 2 o~ "5 i " io . •:? •/. a s '-^ S'5 if h _ >- 2 jj 35'^ "55 ta-

BFP FEC-000061 BRUEGGER'S 1.650 86th St. HD CVive lAi S0325 5l5-225-«44 8/3/118:51:49 AH Eat In Order Hunger: 519260 Soda LG 1.99 Em/Che Saus 3,39 SK Skinny Bagel 0.00 Rio Grande Nrap 4.59 soda IG 1.99 Panora Brt. .• Ca1o 32W> *»*Gue^.t Survey*** UrbitHdalo, lA :i03W SHA'fiE.YOUli FEEDBACK: MllirUS AT PhoiW. 5152533220 NHM.'BRUEGGERSaiRVEY.COii r* -U PH AHO-'SAVE; ir OFF .A'$4 PtSqilASE 'HM-X iWfek JtUiit'er: Go-"'-" :0073>- 784 - 510280 1 m ;ci«H 6.99 .1 ..•BAG/ROy. i.99 VALIDATION COOEi i,EQ. SOOA PLU 3256 SuWp-ial NOT VALID WITH OTHER OFFERS •tail " 10: COUPDH IS VALID FOR 30 DAYS loittl iri IIHIT ONE COUPON PER HOKlH Vl.-ja . , Acci rliXXXXXM"' MithCodij;0T0-130' Ojacount Total: 0.00 lrui»fr:6270' Sub. Total: 12,55 State i Local Tax: 0.75 Total; 13.31 A»!0 VOU HAY W Chonga 0.06 GO Visa: -13.31 OH CAlt- 1-800-699-0130 RBglste.r:.i Iran Sen No: 510260 Store ;Nb:0.0.73: Cook Kudus, Coments, Quest.ions? tlERE 218 Call I-0B8-88AKERY Voui- enter Number to: wNH.brueogers.coffl' Customor / Patter; r.uv .'.f

Customer Copy Visa Card Nua ; NXXXXXXXXXXX38B0. lerminal ; 000000800732 • Approval ; 0747DD I agree to pay the above Idtal Amuunt according to Card Issuer Agreenent.

Signature: Merchant Copy

BFP FEC-000062 U) in ui ui N •2 cH

V;? 5 ac'0. jtiin ^13

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BFP FEC-000063 s.'^ ? « «

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Q> U. C. 00 •»- o in > a in N U i.. 4f §..H OJ •»- t «/i <« X UpJ •}» a> X U) OS X -M « f— CD X c 'r- AII eafia ^I X carC X • o : Ujgg r- O i- VMui » OS >- ^ CD /Ik O - X as I »•>- 4^ 4-* O C9 X.x CO ,1 EX. 10 •£• < ^ ?a wx x»- .i <<-O.X a c; Mu; 1^ <« )— .< -aft'CJ'as- o- i ca -•« O Q) 3= CN ua O ^X X o >• I >-«uj.ce «••*-'c (U S^

(1) . T- UJ •• LU I > I.: sc- o. "»» M SB 'M' « 01 •• >- ••»-C3 '•I. CO ••oe ^-3fc uJ o >— a: — I— I' z z UJ '"a: •< u 40 o ca-H ococ3U


GflC(;J{;C30'i7 liitflii; Sw vu-iKriuiiilmlii !•: Of'/o;i/i.i 08-04-11 (SiMt jj ' '•« 01 •* 7 . 2T11 i ".Ti'jr"-"""-"*"""""".Sii)!lij. l.mi.i( / 01 *0.-1 9IK1 I /OHi) 'i?n|i 01 *0.70in I SrJir.y, jiiB„ I;,.:,, ..ofiiiyi mo'j *^.>8 SI. • ^o.ssnt Wfl.flO' K|lli' w. I •I'; M?-.W •^9 >73 ri | f> *10.0.0 a •• •0-27 CD A 002-4451 1 0 - •: o/^ / BFP FEC-000064 »r>r'

Forwarded message Frorri: : Dale:; M.on, Ayg 0,.20,i 'l at i:38;PM " Subject: Your Drilled (light cphprmsiipin'- August 9, 2011 - Bozeman to Das (koines To: !

> V.iew itinerary United Confirmation it J1BRGO > EosvCheck-in Online Flight Info Tuo, Aug 09, 2011Bozeinan, MT (BZN) Dos Molnos, lA (DSM) Flight Dhpart Arrive Cabin Seats United 3641 •'ZN 05:08.PM DEN 06:62 PM Econoniy (M) 04C Operated by: United Express/gojel Alrilnes''""®- Aug 9. Ml 1 Tue. Aug 0.2011

Equipmant: CR7 | Duration:1h 44m ) Non-stop | Fare code: MAOCN Traveled miles:5251 Award miies:6261 No Meal Service

r": cunnocling lo United 0538 DEN 09:20 PM DSM 11:50 PM Economy (U) 20D Tue. Aug 0 2011 l oe. Aug 0 2011 2 Equipment: 320 | Duretlon:lh 36m | Non-stop | Fore code: UE03CS Travelod miles:SB91 Award milea:589 j No Meei Service

Sun, Aug 14,2011OCS Molnos, lA (DSM) Bozeman, MT (BZN) Flight Depart Arrive Cabin Seals United 0011 DSM 06:27 AM DEN 07:17 AM Economy (U) 20E UniU-U UH 19

Equipnient; 319 | OurailoiKlh 60m | Non-stop | Fare code: UE03CS Traveled m!les:589 j Award nilies:5B91 No Meal Service

United 6196 DEN 08:00 AM DZN .09:46 AM Economy (U) 02C Operated by: United Express/skywest Siir. AiiC) 14 .'it'll I '.•iiir,. Aug 14. '.to: r Airlines

Equipment: CRJ | Duration:1h 37m j Non-slop | Faro code: UAOCS Traveled miics:52S j Award mlies:52S j No Meal Service We have revised some of our first and second ctieckod bag fees for international travel. For the latest checked baggage policies, please review alt relevant baqqaao oaties before you travel.. Check-in information

Please note, thai valid, .governrnerii-issued pho,lo.ifJentll!t:alio.n rmist;;b.c presented al the airport. Because you .are a" valOed Mileage Plus0 IK® ntefiiber. we. have requested an 'Otilimiled Domestic Upgrade oh ybuf beha.jf.. Ple.ase.check My Res'ervali.ons iOO hours before.your scheduled departure lo learn If your upgrade has bben confirmed.


BFP FEC-000065 Additional taxes Faro Name Frequont flyer Tlckel Faro|s) and foes subtolal(s) JASON THIELMAI 0162129875640 1.051.35USO 42.60. USD 1.094.15 USD Secure Flighl daia complete Review

MA,..iii.iei!l.coiirirtnBiion.Bmail. traveler farerules Fare.lotel: 1,Q94.1S USD. Purchase summary Product Credit card: Receipt Price Tlckel price VIso xxxxxxxxxxxseoo JISRGO 1,0.94;.15 USD Ticket total; 1,0.94,1.5 USD Itinerary total: Grand total: 1,094.15 USD

Billing / LTelivery information JAS.ON A A THIELMAN MT 50601 USA Book your hotel I I,ocailoii Dniesofstay Uoi«l Kxling Price 4 As low as USD 104 JO per nighi 4- DCS Moines 09/09-08/14 Hotel rnttce More tiotflls

Reserve your car with the United discount

• Save up to 35% with the United discount and earn up to 500 miles • Plus, earn a 1,000 mile online booking bonus Reserve now

Enhance your travel experience

Up to 40,000 Bonus .Miles iknd FipSt Ve.ni; Free Explore fret:.checked bags. prioiTty'boarding, United Club passes and more with (he new MilcaBePlii.s.-Explorer Card. Learn .more. Protect your travel p.lans with Trip Protector o.fiered by United with Access America. Leam more. Save lime with EasyChcck-in Online. Find out more.

Dining opportunities to earn miles. Sij

Thank you for booking at united'Com where you'll always erijoy;

BFP FEC-000066 Bachmann for President Expense Reimbursement Form Name Guy Short Oiiie^obmltietl 09/07/11

Address 16l7PafkUale clfclcN Cblmanlla Slepjilure

City Erie, CO 80516 Approval Signature MteMfl Date Description of Travel //of Miles Rale Total i-W/iftiiViliy 0.3S 50.0I> 0.35 $0.00 r'l'ixVr'i'xi:;? 0.35 $0.00 0.35 $0.00 0.35 $0.00 0.35 $0.00 1 0.35 $0.00 7 Travel Total: $0.00 ts with zlo codo - receiot must be attachodt

Date Business Name and Address Purpose Total Fronllor Airlines DSN to OCA 08/22/11 $655.40

08/24/11 Fronller Airlines DEN to OCA $666.40

•yy yy''''*'*,''.''' Frontier Airllnos Destination to Denver r-»v •* 08/14/11 $26.00

Expedia Hotel Booking Lodging 09/01/11 $607.44 *. X • : X*:

Hynil Rogoiicy l.odging . 08/26/11 2709Jb//Qrson Oavisl-IWY $541.76 Arlington, VA 22202 Subway 06/22/11 320 King St Food $11.04 Alexendrie, VA 22314 La Madeleine 03/31/11 500 King SI Food $10.66 Alexendrie, VA 22314 Buffalo Wild Wings 08/25/11 2450 Crystal Drive Food $28.23 Arlinglon, VA 22202 Denver Inl'l Airport 08/26/11 8500 Pone BNd Parking $96.00 Denver, CO 80249 Jerry's 08/26/11 Reagan National Airport Food $6.20

Legal Sea Foods 08/22/11 2301 Jefferson Davis HWY Food $26.50 Arlington. VA 22202 Two Nineteen Restaurant 08/24/n Food $25.00 , -

BFP FEC-000067 McDonald's 08/09/11 • •11400 ForssI Lorio Food $13.30 Cllvo. lA Flommlng's 08/12/11 1.50 S Jordan Cre.ek PKWY Food $163.64 West DOS Moines, lA 50286 X*!vivX*I*X*X- RocK Bottom Brawory 08/00/11 • 4608.Unlvorsily AVE Food 337.05 VyestDe9Molr!OS,.IA.S026B. Rock Bottom Brey/ory 08/10/11 4.5b8 UnhrorsllyAVE Food $122.56 West Dee Molnos, IA.6026.S :xv:;:-?:-!:xv; Arllnglon Yolldw. Csb 08/23/11 703.522.2222 Trarispoitation $15.00 ililil

Aiilngton Yellow Cob 08/29/11 703.522.2222 Transportation $24.00

Aloxandria YoJIow Cab 08/22/11 703.540.2500 Transportallon $24.00 ililil Bluo top. Cob 08/22/11 Transportation $16.00

Aloxandria Union Cab. $15.00 08/23/11 703.663.1.200 Transportallon X;XvX<;IvXv

Tnxl Cob Revdipt 08/29/11 Transportation $23.00


;X;:;:jX;:;:|:;:J;v' :v:|x;;'vx?o;;:


GRAND TOTAL 53..14 I.08

BFP FEC-000068 Bachmann for President Expense Reimbursement Form Name Guy Short Iftl ^ Date Submitted . „ .0.9/Q7/11

Address 1617 Parkdale Circle N Claimant's Signature '

City • triei CO 80516 Approval Signature . Mileage

Date Description of Travel ff of Miles Rate Totall o;35 $0.00 0.35 • "$"0.00. 0.35 $0.00, 0;35; .. $o.o6" 0.35 Spipo"'. .0:35 .So;oo^ 4 0.-35 $0.00. 4 * Travel Total- $0.00| 2 Miscellaneous. Exoenses.Yolease IncrudexomDiele address'With zlDCdde>- receipt must-bd allached).

Date Business Name and Address Purpose Total Froritief Airlines DEN to DCA 0.8/2-2/11 _ $655;40 y . y 08/24/11 Frontier-Airlines DEN to DCA $655.40

Frontier Airlines Destination to Denver 08/14/11 $25.00 J

Exp.eclia Hotor B6d.l

Hyatt.Regency Lodgirig 08/26/11 2799 Jefferson Davis HWY $541.76 y Arlington. VA 22202 Subway 06/22/11 320 King St Food $11.04 y Alexandria. VA 22314 La Madeleine . . 08/-31/11 500 King St Food $10.66 • y Alexandria, VA 22314 Ouffalo Wild Wings 08/25/11 2450 Crystal Drive. Food $26.23 y Arlington. VA 22202

BFP FEC-000069 Denver Int'l Airport 08/26/11 8500 Pena Blvd Perking $96.00 >/ Denver, CO 80249 Jerry's • 08/26/11 Reagan NallonafAirporl Food • $6.20 y.

Legal Sea Foods 08/22/11 2301 Jefferson Davis HWY Food $26.50 y Arlington, VA 22202 Two Nineteen Restaurant / 08/24/11 Food $25.00

McDonald's 08/09/11 11400 Forest Lane Food $13.30 Clivo, lA Flemming's 08/12/11 160 S Jordan.Creek PKWY Food $165:54 / WestOes Moines, lA 60266 Rock Bottom Brewery 08/06/11 4508 University AVE Food $37.05 1/ West Des Moines, lA 50266 Rock Bottom Brewery 08/10/11 4508 University AVE Food $122.56 y West Des Moines, lA 50266 Arlington Yellow Cab 08/23/11 703.522.2222 Transportation $15.00 y

Arlington Yellow Cab 08/29/11 703.622.2222 Transportation $24.00 y

Alexandria Yellow Cab 08/22/11 703.549.2500 Transportation $24.00

Blue Top Cab 08/22/11 Transporlallon $15.00 y

Alexandria Union Cab 08/23/11 703.683.1200 Transportation $15.00 Taxi Cab Receipt y 08/29/11 Transportation $23.00

BFP FEC-000070 GRAND TOTAL $1.flT8i23 "


BFP FEC-000071 s)

0 1 r- ro •C c Ul V). O a o 9 r^ X N C H -O V) vr wiH •P'OO «A ^ -Nl ^ vo & 8; ifkb jk-rO^ vO z P O O UJ vj "i u It S.U « a ^ O. IK O e o S bJ IK I o o.bi >. i5; oc z X *~ ^J o o * 1/1 ISi <9 H 5 s> C to z Q. g :2 vo ">3 U tn H 1/1 IA> s 1^ ro fN to tu lU (O • U. O Q V to h <0 to i/> 3 CK < rN 0 ID CO o 1 H in 8-51 idr: lO O D

CK ••/ .-.O r1 bJ tK/ . © ss lai^ § g! S iS O fr u- «<• ni 2 w ^ BFP FEC-000072 Fronllor AwRnes .• o. 7001 Towef Roa

Reservation Code;HLYlRBK Main conlacl;Guy Short Issue Dale: Wed, 21 Aug 2()11E-mail; L*"""! Home phone: . Passengers

Guy Short Flight DEN-OCA, DCA-DEN Membership No. EarlyRelurns® - **'• Tlckcl Number 4222169597606 • Seal 3F.3A Air Itinerary Details Flights

Denver CO (DEN), US Washington DC-Rcagan (OCA), US Mon, 29 Aug 2011, 07:20 AM Mon, 29 Aug 2011., 12:39. PM Airbus 320.

Washington DC-Rcagan (OCA), US Denver CO (DEN), US FrI, 02 Sep 2011, 08:69 AM Fri, 02 Sep 2011,1.0:50 AM Airbus 319. Fare Breakdown

T Base Pare Taxes Total Fare Nomborof --^y^.-.- Passenger ype pgr person per por.son per person passongoi^ Adult 509.77 USD 65.63 USD 655.10 USD 1 655.40 USD .J

htlps;//mail.googlc.com/mail/?ui=2&view-bsp&v.ep='=o.hhlliw8mbn-'l 9/7/2011

—•J tm-m, » ..

BFP_FEC-000073 uA|Jcvno luiicioi y

•Hotel confirmation number: CI93IU2

Main contact: Guy short


Preferred phone:

Traveler and cost summary Expedia Special f^ate

Reserved for:

Guy short Hotel: 2 adults Queen DLX Room & Hosted Wine Reception includes; Free Wireless Internet

8/29 • 9/1; $135.20 per night 4 1 2 Taxes & Service Fees

(where applicable): $16.66 per night

Amount cirarged for hotel reservat(^f^07.44

Room options / Additional requests

We Will forward your requests to the property, but we cannot guarantee that your, requests will be honored.

1 QUfiHN B.UD, Nof)-Srnol

BFP_FEC-000074 It, K^i^oioionjf i-UV-MJ at Keagan Naiional Aiipan i ! G .1 N Y 2799 Jefferson Davis Hlohway c.»v.siA.i c.nv Aflln^loh. VA. USA 22202 A1 ROMAtOJtAGAiJWASHWGlON Tel: 703 'f1fl-12M MAIIONAI A«rcK) Ftw: 7O3-410-i2a9 cryslalcily;hyall.com iNf 0RMA7I0N INVOICE

3gyeo Guy Short Roofo No. i/i'a 1617 PartsaeleCir N Arrival. .•68/22.711 iClbn Erie CO 0O6"1624O2 departure QS/ge/ri; Ffi Page No. 1 b/ 'l /IfShilyershlp' Folio window JonusCodP Folio 1 Jdnflrrnalion No. 50625965-1 Invoice jrcSup Name-

)ato Description Ghnrge.s Crcpits 10/22 Deposit Tfenslerred. al C/l -54T.76 4 18/22 Guest noom 122.85 ifl/22. Slate OccupancyTox - 5.0% 6.14 10/22 County. Occupancy Tax - 5.2"5% 6.45 10/23 Guosl Room 122.85 10/23 Stale Occupancy Tax • 5.0% 6.14 10/23 County Occuparicy Tax - 5;25% 6.45 18/24 Guest Room 122;.85 •8/24 State Occupancy Tox • 5.0% 6..14 •8/24 county Occupancy Tax - 5,25% 6,45 '8/25 Guest Room 122.85 '0/20 State:Occupancy Tex- 5.0% 6.14 •8/25 Couniy Occupancy Tax - 5,25% 6.45


Balance •0.00

3uest .Signolure

p- nyroQ ihcil riiy llnhiillylijii iliis bill ls.ii« •.vaivGd oiKl t aycc'lu bii hakf. PluiiSD af|rir liipitMil nmnynl (iMnu.'iO'cf)pio'c3. Phono; )-a08-4/2-2070 I I'OO "i)! d.:ci;li uul.ln Iho Loiiiisu. wlUra tv-vsi. i nuibpiitc ih'e.lioijsVto )in'r.c39..nll:r.liniad3 Incuiicd Ulniriy ihc .stay In ll)S:Ci.(!.(i!l ni.d I piescnl«l )i ihu liriie ol cluck.In

BFP .FEC-000075 Buffalo Wild W1ng.' Grill fi Bar #0291 2-150 Crystal QrJ.ve ».,» /^doo .!e«»ssn3 ^rllMOton, VA 22202 703-/113-0160 noA «»» S iO -IV OlVd EMP: HARSIIA 11 VISA •OiffX D1VD 30NVHD Oftta 00/25/11 Tliiiu 22;59 00 :o- Table 509 00.'9B ^3^X103® 520309 00'0 lisva oo-es (lM3i iimow 333- Carri Holder GUV S SHORT OO'UC Card Number XXXXXXXXXXXX4755 XX/XX . 61;. :.?!(So3;09.«a Auth-Code., 000464 Ctrl; 74907 I nup-i " •• owLd. Amount. W'S est ! Obfib-so : 5.P03 Tip.... ySKA 9.d^X. P;/'®3. total p/iBexXydixiiyixVxxsi - 'suowtf PPP3 eoobrib.f.-eoc. :ooi.Ajas JBUWlsno GbZOO 03' n8/\U00' •pA.1.9 toovi 0038

Cardmember agrees to pay total In acoordance with agreement governing XUOdMIW use of such card. IVNOUVNUaXHI a3AN3a .1 •»* Customer Copy *•*


'» .035s

;o-oS ° •^Id" <=> c: o> i. g ,1 ^ (0 g £ IS-iji ci. ^ c? tJ ^ S S .£.

BFP_FEC-000076 •lefrys Ronald Reagan Airport Washinotm DC

Order v:e: cc:r;T:5KM 0^.0is wiaiiwsv; 225 jNGrre:, vh - j X 1"/ .

252 Cashier AU926M1 0T-.21AM Get 0 Chk 225 X ?y5 J BacoA EDOAEIW BO 1 flqttlBd WAfer mum,I •"KX. eash. •^;>WDrA-. nj!)- - o... oe Subtotal 4 Sales Tax T'i"! 5::jr>.';:7s \in\r, £SJr:^2SS' 2 Payraent /vr szci •Change .Dtie

••"v: vc,i)y: rijaiv*:

BFP FEC-000b77 nustoigcr Cnpy Two Hiiisteen Ruslaurant J ft!. Curreot Uatch 00242011 Wed 08/24/2011 0:44:28 PH i:-2: Check 20-1 Table 3 I {.ii'j v:i.i 111 Chris C. iiLoreli iiE-m Cardlwlder acknoHledues receipt of goods and/or servicee In the amounl of the :.3.;i:.ril 0:I;IT TOTAL shown hereon and agrees to perforw the obligations set forth in the Cardholder agreement with the Issuer i-f? * "-V i.:i- Visa XXXXXXXXXXXX4755 4/:-- Approval 029722 • /.ki Mi • 1 !•. 0A3E 1 TIP 1f- .'l*;' )l Mi:'^ «".• j-OTAI. ;• . I" •. -.1 Customer Copy Thank you for dining at 219! Heixi! Serving Brunch Sat & Sun 10am - 4pin Live Jaz7 Thur.Sat.Sun upstairs 9piii -hui ii '.'.Vi""". . . live OJ Fri S Sat 10piii-2am Daycu Room : t • .-Mt'iiif-n ."VM-/U'lM

BFP^FEC-000078 0120 Sm ver: CLASK « 77 00/12711 23:32. Swiped I: 21 Term; 1 Flemlno's ISO S, Jordan Crook Pkwy Aiii.k.'Ci',iiiit Urev.'., West Dos Moines.IA 50266 Iles-Aiijiios jO/. (515)457-2916 AVf '.tovi Ons Kolncs; TA ton: MERCHANT «: /Stti •• CARD TVPE ACCOUNT NUH0ER VISA XXXXXXXXXXXXSOOO SwvM: rmu i(ii!v OU:OU 1>H 00 TRANSACTION APPROVED . v it-'tt'-iill AUTHORIZATION II: 091720"'- "• SI97i •••Jm Rofferenco: 08IZOp00120>. • TRANS TVPE: CrodH Card SALE VISA Ctnl liX10t«WX»«XX38M 5 ,/• • f.i rv • • * '• Hiwetle card nreiwl: SHORT OW 4 AlWiVkJ: 0509.10 4 T iF> :

TOTAL \ 1,5.54-^

• TaW X-



BFP FEC-0D0079 J J

#1- RMtM(f®/^fy uvj Koines 1 ]0?3

1 'sii inlnuk III ii M m) i'67-il

Sorv. . •' ii OilB; 0V/10/2IHI "..i;71'H M/IOAt,'; Sir- ' 11 -1 lalile 201/1 •«io;-9 g- i ipa, fe CIIIPS T VISA Car

'Additional .Ip/

- Tohl;/ 2» 2^.^ v/'

cieiowEit tm

BFP FEC-000080 DATE . t'5 AMOONTS- JX. Hecayeopnott.. rhoM. wusTiw^Tipi);

cm* oRiyeHi.o.fl. tin(VFj!J6;«AMe,._

OATe" 3f AJitol iNl: S . RCGayEpt-nitii^^^ 4 FROWi-— DfisrmwJH ^ y.yv "^:.0: j CAB* — dRivein.o.# — • ORIVER'SMAMI- ...

BFP_FECr000d81 Blue Top Cab P-^celpt

Dale) -2/33r„_ TIma. TInie: f-fom jo I OnnA Date:.

To N^ATT Ovigin of Ijrip: _ iOl Uywov^ Hii[) II Farat /g". OP Cab# SIgnaMra DMiination: 12rv

703/24»-TAXI l.'-JI'C sign;.


i p I g www.alexanciriayellowcab.com PowuodOy: llWcChaiso Y/5/^ f^SCOVEK

All Cabi Rsoulailr Intpaclod Fo( Saloty a Claanllnou I All COM IndMiluallr Ownod » Opoiaiod

BFP FEC-000082 4 i

BFP FEC-000083 Omail - Fwcl: 'Iravelocity Co.airination Page I of'I GM ii • *» Fwd: Travelocity Confirmation Pf

[email protected] < FrI, Jut s, 2011 at 8:40 PM To:

Ploase add this to (ho flight receipts and return to me.

From: [email protected] To: l Sent: 6/22/2011 1:18:49 p.M. Mountain Daylight Time SubJ: Travelocity Confirmation I >V- travelocity i T-

Thank you for booking your Iravot v/llh Travelocity.

Your Trnvoloclty Trip ID Is; 4117 3273 0773

You con view your Trip Dotslls by logging onto Trpve'ocitv.wm If any issues arise with your reservation before or during your Irlp. plenso contact us Irhmedlalely.

iCiistoincr Support In thpUS I 088;072.a3.iB 2;Jhoui;s/7-.day? a OulsiOa Ilia US., izmiauam 2-lhours/7doyB..3 llffiv|ff<;i)fiwo'nitJfja' flffliiittiEflacfilisyJiiij; En.Es|>3Aol 1:a6rY.n2e-.3033 73hV-lOp.inCST" EmaiEfaailssiitx O.S. Flfohts 7 Pej-U CtrpnJ- , ?fi,\S22X> 1 One-way TIckfit All fliyhl liinos are local lo each city. Pleoso chock In vrith Us Airways Express on the day of deparluro for your boarding pass.

FrI, Jim 24, 2011 Online chack-ln code; GBPV0N Depart: 03:39 pm Wastiingion, OC (OCA) US Aii<,vay.s. Flight 33SS Arrive; 05:03.pm Piltsburgh. PA (PIT) Econorhy Class Operalod by US AIRWAYS EXPRESS- AIR WISCONSiN Travel lime; 1 hr 4 mins

hiips.7/mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=b55bcal077&view=pti&search=inbo.\:&im.g= 1310... 7/11/201

BFP FEC.000084 Ginail - Fwci; Travelocity Couimnatibn Page 2 of4

t Slop • change planes In PiHsburgh, PA (PIT) Connsclloh Ttmo! 2 hrs 10 nilns

Dopsrl: 07:13 pm Plltebu/gh,. PA (PIT) iw tis.AifwBye.Fiiahteaai Arrive: 08:30 pm . Denver, CO (OEN) ,Eco.homy.. Clase

Travel Vme; 3 hrs 26 mins

Passongera E-Uchet Numbers Frequent Flier Information GUY S SHpRT 0376862416048 Add your number at Ihe airport

Pllghl policies

Travel ProtecOon

Conllrmallon number: 11D70567S . You have a66ed I I GUYS SHORT

j- PleoaoBOBi


1 Adull; $425.00 Taxes & Fees: $21.40 Ticket Total: $448.40 Travel Prolacilon -1 plan: $24.05 Total- 5471.35

Wo charged a lolol of $471.35 lo your Visa® xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-3080.

Complete Your Travel Plans for Denver

Add a Hotel Dook your holol now and rosorvo a room that's just your slylo. In just the riglil spot.. More.hotel denl^

; Add a Car liltprrni'dlotc Car from .$.2b.)Wbckeri(l:.d.iy .'Ecbhoiriy Co> Iraih- More oar deals "• sys'/Wiickcod d.-»y Cpfhpo.ct'Car.froVn $10Avuekond day

Add an Activity Criorry Creek Sliopping Center - Shop & Dine.Denver from More ihlnos lo do i3fi

hitps://inail.goo8lc.coin/niajJ/?vii=2&ik=b55bcal077&view=pt&Search=inbox&img=!310... 7/11/2011

BFP FEC-000085 Gmail - Pwd; Travelocity Co...limalioii Page 3 of 4

Gray Line's Dinosaurs, Red Rock and Coors Tour from tss Denver Arf Museinn from jja

Tha Travelocity Guarantee

We look out for you all trip long, and even bofoTQ you go.

The Travoloclly Ouaranlee is our commilmonl lo you Ihal v/e are hero (or you.

Wo sinnd bohind Gvcrylhing wa sell, evoryiMng about your booking v/ill bb right, or I we'll work with our pailnors-lo make II right, right away. kepoifbra r^«r

Additional Information

Online Support

Tr.ivai Cliockllst • PrInlotI liliiorary - Pleos.e priril Ihls iiiformalibn and loko II v/ilh you on your Irip. • Rholo ID - Ev.bry air pn'sscnqer rhusi hnye o valid, govdr/irnontrlss.uod pliolo.lD(e:g. driver's license or passport). Thu.n.amb.dn Uib pKoto 10 miist match the passchg'or.nhrnoTn the rbspryolion.; Onco Ihb ilckai has been issued lho:n.i(hd oii'the lickol cannot bo changed. >1 TSA Ssciiro Pllglil lrifonnaH'on - An/ififornwHon you providod.has boon.added lo ypur resariialjon. * FHilht iiifbr'maUpii - Chock fur lllcilii nnd tialo Ootlnle.'i.prlor lo your depoiiuro. .Somo oitlines^lHow ybii Id pra-niinl your boardliip.onsa viillh o.-i onllno bheck-ln leblure.. ... a Schedule vlunubd -Thn uirlino nioy changa.your n'j^h.t lllniiraiy ol any l1mo:.|l

Policies a I'lckcl.Is non-refundable. a II Traval Prolsctlon has been purchased It is non-rnrunrl.ible.

h«ps://rnail.BOogle.com/mail/7ui--2&ik=b55bca]077&view=pt&search=inbox&msg=1310... 7/11/2011

BFP_FEC-000086 Ginail • Fwd: TTavelocily Co....irnialion Page 4 of 4

• Ploaso'rcvlow your lllnoraiy tmmoiJI.itoly, If any.lssucs'orlso.befora ordu^ng your lrlp y6.ii must call us itghi sway. WIty? Wo wdiK vvtlh our suppliers lo rosoive your concerns, so Ihb. only, oppohunlty vrs. fiavo fo holp yoo Is b"o.(oro your trip ends, llyou wsil unili.ybu roiurn, It's ico loio. • Tlicro. aro limes when we- aro unable Ip eonlirm O'rdGeiva'llon. In Iho rara evonl Ih'al this occursi.wo will ollcmpt lo reach you.by phono ar\d' etneil .so Ihni vro.ca'n re^acCPtyimodale you, Vou rhusi coll us back wllhin

General Policies Tlckcl is lion-rolundnble. IITrauol Piolceiion has bcon purchased It Is non-r»fiindablo. j Ploaso.revlaw yeur llliiernfy linrnocilatoly. It any Issiies.aMse before or dunng yout lnp you niusl call us iiohl aw.iyVVIiy? & We v/oik vilih our eupplictslo rpsojuo yo.ur cone'oros. so Ihe only oppottiinily v/ohayo lO.halp yoii'lc bDlote your irip ends. i( ^ you Wail until yourelurn, it's loo'lp'lc'. C There nie limes when vro aro uria'bloTo conDrni u'rcsurvsOon In liro tore cvcnl IhaTThisoccu/n. ws 'will iillempi ID roach you ^ by phono end omoil so lliol we con rc-eeceniniodolo you, Vou'musl call'lis liock'WiThin dS heure or wo-may not bo oblo lo l\ lienor yeur uibjliiel boohing ptlcci. • • • A Travoldcily leas anil isirline charges will bn shovin ,-is s'epafale Hems on your erodll cord.stnlcmont. AlrVna chniges may. also be llaicd scparalcly for oach passenger,

Chnngo Pollcloa Soma lickols do not ailO'/r any changes'. Ticket chan'gos also have altiina ponnlllos and/or Incroased lates.-lf ynur Uchol is changeablD. nnychan'oee mual bo roaiio pilar lo dopariure. Alillnus will cliargu a lea lo use your llchalas credit tor ii liow lidrol purchase. This foe varies by abllae, markel, and specJIk faro rules, and may bo S150 or more for do'iicsric liciicls and S20.a nr inoiR Ipr liilbiiialionnl llc'knlS. II you la'il 19 show up far any sagmnnl ol your nighl liliicra^, Iho alillno will aulomallcally CtTncol lha ramainder ol your fllglils anil they will loso iill.moni!l.-i(y vnliw. You will nol bo.enllllod In a rorund lor any unused parlions el your lliglil inivel

Cniieellallon Peltcloa if you cancel yon will nol racalva a rcfund. You musl cancel your reservation pilor lo depailuio lo retain any iicKel value. Dopondihg on iho otillno Gnd lore rulos. Iho residual voluo iHut Is loinaliiino may bo allglblo lo be applied lo (iilure liayel, providing Iho cnncallollon. tobocking, ond ro-llckcllMg. of your rcsc/valion is al least one day pifor lu your originally ochmiiilkil (lalu ol dupailuio. Alrllnoa usually derluci St SO ormor.o (or. domosUc licitois.and S200 or mora lor liticrnaiionol lickois balora delannlnlng 1/ ihore l.s liny value ll

Oontosllc Fllglil Noll'cii Air liunupoilalioti to b'u provillbil hiilyniui) puihls In Iho U.S. flhchidlRg lis ovorsoas lenilorlos and possussions) Is subjoci lo jiiuTncllviiliinl cpnlthcl lorms (Including rules', ra'giiialions. lanirsand conditions) ol Iho Iranspoillng air CHti^eis.vihlch are hatcin IncoipoialcdTty t'oforpncc ,iiid'm.ide'pa(l 61Ilia eontreci of carilago'. Wtioro this ctnipan Is Issued lor irtius'po'ilalion or sbivlcos olhar lhan oir Iraval. spoclDe leiiiiK and condilloits ntay apply. Thnsa .luini!: .and conillllons insy br: mcludeil m Iho' lickol'iici or may bo.olilained I'Oin Iho issuing compnity or ogonl, Please inako .siirp ydti have rovloiv'ed Ihe iDipiilonl Ic'gul nolico cnlillad 'Condllipns of Conlraci". "NoUca .ol Incoiporslod Terms". 'Niuico til Onggogc LLibllily Lliiillatlon's'.'. anU'"Mullcu olOvuib»okin9".tii Tnrma ft Conrll|lon.i ol Traval oi lliu siiecilir. Innns and cuhitilium rclnlliig to iion-oir Iransporlolion or sanicos The riinii.-;' a ciniidiiisna of Trnvel tvill also l>b availoblo ol Iho airporl prior lo your flicjhl dopailtiro,'

liilariv,ilinnnl Pllglii (Wisysaw Coiwentloii) Molico If Iho posscngcr's Journoy Involvos an iilliinolo doollnalloh or stop In a cminlry olhor llion llic coiinlry ol dopartuio. Iho tAhiisuw Ciuiivuriilmi may ba nppllcablo.unti ilie Ccnvonllon goveino and In mosl cases llmils Iho liabiliiy ol carriers lor dculh or pmsDiiiii injury mid for Iho loss of or daiiiago lo bsogago. Son Also Iho nollruis onllllod "Advice lo.-lrilorriallonal Paosongnrs en Limilal'ron ol Liability' and 'noiico of OaggagD Lia-oiiily Liinliollons" Tarnt.s A Condilinns ftfTiavel.

hiips;//majJ.goof,]fi.coi'iT/mail/?ui=2&iIc=b55bca 1077&vicw==ptrfeseaTcli=inbox(&msg=rj 10... 7/11/201:

BFP FEC-000087 'Gmail - Fwd: Reservation Co^.i-irmation Page I on

•i'Cf Jessica Riager< n>i I-

Fwd; Reservation Confirmation

[email protected] Won, JuMI.2011 at 7:69 AM Reply- 1" to: Jessica Rager

2 more to add

Sent via BiackBorry by ATilT

From: Fronllg; Alriihes- 4 DatolWRi?^r.2011 V6;'50;:i13.M 4 To: GUY SHORT S'lO't fOrtlUJLa- SiiljJoct: Reservation'.eonfirrnalioft

Thank you for choosing Fr6ntiorAIrnne8.com for your travel plans. Please read these important details.carefuliy regarding your purctiase and illneraty: Booking Confirmation

Reservation CodeiBVCCWQ Main, contact: Mr GUY S SHORT Issue Dale: Fri, 00 Jul 2011 E-mail: llomo phono;


Mr GUV S SHORT Flight DCA-DEN Meinbership No. EarlyRelurns® - Ticket Nomb.e,r <122216905.7109 Seat 4A Air Itinerary Details Flights

Washington OC-Roagan (OCA), US Denver CO (DEN), US F9 727 Fare Type : Clossic Thu. 14 Jul 2011. 01:29 PM Thu, 14 Jul 2011 JW:14 PM Frontier Plus -Airlines Non slop Airbus 320. / inc;

https://mail.gooule.coni/inail/?ui=2&ik~b55bca J077&view-pl&.sciiidi=inbox&nisg=ir) 11... 7/1 i./201

BFP FEC^OOOOSS •GmaiJ - Fwd; Reservation Co..jiwai}oii Page 2 of 3

Fare Breakdown

Passenger Type Base Fare Taxes total Faro. Number of Total Fare per person per person per person , passengers Adult 315.35 USD 34.36 USD 349.70 USD x1 349.70 WAS-DEN; Classic Plus Faro Benefits

1. Advance Seal Assigfunent*: Full Gablh Seating 2. Fully Rofiindablo Fsire.: Included 3. Gllecked Qaggage (2 bags): Included 4. Same Day. Standby; Iticliided 5. Same Day Flight Changea: $0 6. Itinera^ Change Fee: $0 + fare difference 7. Name Change Fee; $0 + fare difference 6. Premium Beverage (flights over 200 inlles)*: Included 9, Priority Services (check-In, securl^ lano, and'boardlng)**: Included 10. STRETCH Seating?": SO 11. Early Returns® Mileage Credit & Elite Qualification Miles: 1.50%. 12. * Not available on Gr.eat l.ake3 codeshare flights. 13. Where available 14. "* Upgrade eirgi.blo. el lime of purchase. Llrhlled by capacity & availability. STRETCH sealing Is not available on ^ronjier Express or ori Great Lakes.codeshare n.lghts, GRAND TOTAL

Chorgod to Visa .... 38BO TOTAL: 340.70 USD

Delivery Information

DellVQry Option: E-Ticket

Important information

Be sure to review what's Included in your Fare Type before arriving at the airport. ] attributes. To assist with your travel planning:

• Economy and Classic Vckois must be cancelled or changed prior to the sctredulad departure time to retain ticket value. • Frontier recommends that you arrive at the airport at least two hours prior to your scheduled departure lime. • Passengers are required to have their boarding pass In hand 45 mfhutes prior Id. departiire for domestic tiights and 50 minutes for Internailonai flights in order to.;allov/ sumcient time to clear airport security; oihetvi'lse. theymay need to be accommodaledon anolticr FrbiSlior Airlines lllghl. • Passengers must be aTthe designated gate 20 rhinutes prior to departure or they.may need to be accurnrhodaled ori another Frontier Airlines 'flight. • Tickets are non-lransferrable. • Tickets are ndn-re.furidabia unless othenvise specitied. • Itinerary ch.sngcs may. result in a change fee of up to a $100 and any appllc.ab.le fare difference. • To file a cdmptlment of complaint, visit .wv/w.FrontlerAirtlnes.com/CustdmerRelatlons.or mail to: Attn: CustQitier Relations, Frontier Center One. 7001 Tower Road, Denver, CO 802.49 htt:ps://mail.googlc.coin/mail/?ui=2&ik=b55bca I077&vjew=]3t&scarcli=inbox&msg=l 311... 7/11/2011

BFP FEC-000089 'Gmail - Fwd: Reservation ConAinnotion Page 3. of 3

Savo time at the atrobrt:.check In onllns within 24 hours of your departure.

Want more legroom? We have iti STRETCH sealing is;now avallabfe on all Ajrbus arid E190 aircraft. Mor?,

Rental Cars: Choose frohi a variety of US and v/orldvrtde rentaj car.suppliers .as iovy as S16/d.ay. ail from one easy searchi Book Now.

Frontier WlastorCard: Apply for the Frpniier MasterCard® today end earn up to 25,000 'rni|.es: enough for a round-trip award licketl Terms-and condllions appl/i Learn.More;.

4 Frontier Airilnes www.fr0PtleralfllnP8.wm 4 4 " ^ • 2 f


BFP FEC-000090 Gniail - Fwcl: Rcservaiion (jJonfirmnlion Page 1 of 3

GM . Jessica Roger i.,l ^i.i-5V

Fwd: Reservation Conflrmatipn

GuyS)[email protected] < Fri, Jul 8, 2011 813:09 PM to:

From: h6-fflBlV@flv1fot^1lflr:cnm To:,0 1 S.e.nnr.mrwH5,?M'»v:'»u;3B P,M, Mountain Daylight Tlmo / SubJ; Rooervatlon Conlirmalibn

Fromlor Airlines Inc. 700l,TowGrnbad . Denver, CO 86249-7312.

Thank you for choosing FroilllcrAirllnes.com lor your travel plans. Please read these important details 8 carefully regarding your purchase and Itlneraiy: Booking Confirmation

Reservation CodeMEIAGY .Main contact: Mr GiJY S SHORT Issue Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 E-malt: Home phone: Passengers

Mr GUY S SHORT Ftigtit DEN-DCA, DCA-DEN Membership No. EarlyRetiirns®- TIckel Number 4222168786169 Seal HD.12A Air itinerary Details Flights

Denver CO (DEN), US Washington DC-l^eagan (OCA), F9 728. Fare Type : Classic Tue. 14 Jun 2011.07:25 AM US l-roniler Plus Tue, 14 Jun 2011,12:39 PM Airlines Non stop Airbus 320. Inc.

Washington DC-Roagan (OCA), Denver CO (DEN), US F9 707 Fare Typo: Classic

hii[w://rm)il.t'(jogle.cum/mail/?ui=2&ik=l)55bc:il077<.'!:view-pi&.seaich=inbox&insg=l.3IOb... 7/8/201 i

BFP_FEC-000091 Gmni! - Fwtl: Rcservaiion C*;nrirmatipn , Page 2 of 3

US Thu, 16 JtiM 2011,08:09 PM Frontier Plus Thu, 16 Jun 2011,06:15 PM Airlines Non stop Alibus 320. Inc. Fare Breakdown

Passenger Type Base Fare Taxes Total Fare Number of ^ , P ^ lype per person per person per person passengers Adult 630.70 USD 68.70 USD 699.40 USD X 1 699.40 USD / DEN-WAS: Classic Plus Faro Bonsflls

1. Fully Relundatjlo Fare: Ihcludod 2. Chochod Ba'ggaoQ .(2 bags): iricludsd A 3. Seme Day .Standby; Included ^ 4. Same bay.•Flliglii Changes:;$0 m 5. Itinerary Ghahoo.Foe;-$d + tare dlflere'h.ce 2 '6. Name Ghongo Fae;:f;.0-I. fare dllferoncfi 2 7. Premium Bovorago ((lights over 20.0 mllos)^ Included e 8. Priority Services (chock-In, security lane, and boarding)": Included H 9. STR.ETCHSeatirig"*:.$0. ^ 10. GarlyReturns® Miioage Gredll & Elite Qiialiijcatlon Miles: 160% 9 11. Advance Seat Assignment*: Full Gabl.n Seating 12. " Whore available 13. *•** Upgrade eligible at liine of purchase. Lirtilled by capacity & avallBblllly. STRETCH sealing Is not available on Frontier Express.or on Great Lakes codeshare Ilights. 14. * Not available on Greaiiakes Cddeshiare Ilights.

WAS-OEN: Classic Plus Fare Benefits

1. Fully Relunda.bJo. Fare: Included 2. ChdckecJ Baggage. (2.bogs): Included • .3. Same Day Standby; Included 4. Same Day Flight Ghanges: .TiO 5. Itinerary Ghango Fee: $0 + tare didererice 6. Name. Change Fee:.$0 -t- laro diiference 7. Premium Bevfirage (lligh.t3.dvor 20Q nilles)*:. includad 8. Priority Services (check-In, security lane, itind boarding)": Included 0, STRETCI-I Sealing*":$0. I.0. EarlyRelurns® Mileage Credit & Elite Quaiiiication Miles: 180% II. Advance. Seat Assignihent'; Full Cabin Seating 12. " WiVoro available. 13. *" Upgrade eligible at lime o( purchase; Limiied by capacity & availability. STRETCH seating Is not available on Frontier Express, or dh.Groat Lakes codeshare Ilights. 14. * Nut available on Great Lakes codeshare flights- GRAND TOTAL

Charged to Visa .... 4755 TOTAL: 609.40 USD Delivery Information

Delivery Opiion: E-Tlcket

Iiltps://iiiaii.google.coru/nnail/?ui=2&ik=b55bcal077&vievv=pl&scarch=inbox&msg=l3l0b... 7/8/2011

BFP FEC-d00092 Gmail - Fwcl: Reservation Qonrirmiition Page^a of 3

Important information

Be suro to rovtew what's Included in your Pare Type before arriving at the airport. CLICK HERE lor raroallrlbules. To. assist with your travel planning;

• Economy tickets must bo cancelled or changed prior to the scheduled departure time lo retain llckel value. • Frontier recommends that you arrive at the airport at least two hours prior to your scheduled departure time, » Passehgers'.are required to havo'their boarding.pass In hand <15 mlnutes.prlqr tp-departure for domesilc.lllghts and 60 mlnutesjor Internalionarillghts In order to allow sUfllclenlTIme-tq:.cl.ea'r aiiporl SQCurlty; othewlso, ihey may. heisd f- -*— • Passengers must be at the designated gate 20 minutes prier to departure or they may need to 4 be accommodated on, another Fronller Airlines llight • Tlckels ore fion-lransJbrrable. . , i *. Tickets are n6n

Save lime at the airport; check In online within 24. hours of your deporture.

Want more legroom? We have HI STRETCH seating Is now available on all Airbus and El90 alrcroft, LonrrrMora.

Rental Cars: Choose from a variety of US and worldwide rental car suppliers as low as $15/day, all from one easy oearchi Book Now.

Fronfter MasterCard! Apply (or the Frontier MasterCard® today and earn up to 25,000 miles; enough lor a round-lrip award tickoti Torms and condlllons apply. Uearn More,

Frbnllor Airlines www.frontifiralrllncs.com

https.7/rnail.googlc.coni/maii/?ui-?,&ik=b55bcal077&vi6W=pl&scarch=lnbo,\&trisg= 1310b... 7/8/2011

BFP FEC-000093 Gniail - Fwd; Rcsci'valiou Gi^iifirmalion Pogc 1 of 3

Jessica nagcr

Fwd: Reservation Gonfirmatlon

[email protected] FH, Jul 8,2011 at 3:48 PM To:

From; flajap)v(5>i|vfrofi|ier,com T6:i • 4 Sent: 6r2?/20.i1.1 ;08:39' P.M. Mountain bayligtil Time 2 Sub]: Reservatlph-Coniirmatioh /

' Frontier Airlines inc. 7001 Tower Road Denver, CO 60249-73-12./

Thank you lor choosing Fr6ntlerAlrllhes.com lor your travel plans. Please read these Important details carefully regarding your purchase and Itinerary: Booking Confirmation

Reservation Code: KCAUTP Main contact:Mr GUY S SHORT Issue Dale: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 E-mail: Ho/no pfione: Passengers

Mr GUY S SHORT Fllgtit OEN-OCA Mornbdfship No. EarlyRelurns® - Tickel Number •1222168897572 Scat 12A Air itinerary Details Flights

Donvo; CO (DEN), US Washington DC-Raagari (DCA), .i;9;720 Fare Type: Clas.sic Thu, 23 Jun 2011. 07:25 AM US frbriiier Plus ThO, 23 Jirn 2011,12:39 PM Airlines' Non slop Airhu.s 320. iliic; •

htlps://mail.googlc.com/inail/?ui=2<&.ik=b.55bcal077&vie\v=pt<&:ierti:ch=inbox&msg=i3l()b.., 'IW'li).] 1

BFP_FEC-00pp94 Ginail - Fwcl: Reservation Lwiifirmalion " Page2on.

Fare Breakdown

Passenger Type ^aseFare Taxes Total Fare Number of P » par person per person per person passengers Adiilt 315.35 USD 34.36 USD 349.70 USD X 1 349.70 USD •. DEN-WASi Claaslo Plus Fore Bonellls

1. STRETCH Sealing*",: $0 2. EaHyRoturnsQP M'^agp Credit & Elite Ouallllcatlon Miles: 150% 3. • Not available on Greaf/Laijos codeabaro Jllghts. ^ 4, " Where avollabl,0 4 5. *" Upgrade eUglt^ie at time p( purchaiso. Limited by capacity & availability. STRETCH seating / is not available .on Fronlior Express or-on Groat Lakes codeshare flights. 0 6. Advance Seat Assignment*: Full Cabin Sealing 4 7. Fully Refundable Fare; Included 4 8. Checked Baggage .(2 bbgs): Included % 9. Samp Day Standby: Included ^ 10, Same Day Fllghl,ehangps: $0' 11. Illnerary Change Fee:.$0 * fare dilfprence 12. Name Change Fee:-$0 + laro dlfferonce 13. Premium Beverage.(flight's over 200 miles)*: Included 14. Priority Services (cliepk-ln, socurlly lane, and boarding)": Included GRAND TOTAL

Charged to Visa.... 38B0 TOTAL: 349,70 USD Delivery Information

Delivery Opllon; E-Ticket

Important Information

Bo sure to review what's Included In your Faro Type belore arriving at the airport. CLICK HERE for fare attributes. To assist with your travel planning:

• Economy tickets must bo cancelled or changed prior to Ibe scheduiod departure llnio lo retain tickoi value. « Frontier recommends that you arrive at the airport at least two hours prior to your scheduled deparlitce. Ilrric. « Passengers are required to have their boarding pass In hand 45 minulos:piior'lo deparlure lor .clomoslic nights and 60 minutes tor intofnalldnal flights In order to aljow 8uill.ciehi.lime to clear airport security; otheiwlse, Ihdy may need to bo accommodaled on another FrbrilierAlrlines flight. • Passengers must be at the dcslgnalpd gate 20 minutes prior to departure or they may need to be .accommodated on anolher'Ffon.lier Al.iilnos lllghl, • Tickets are nohrirahsloirablo. t Tickets aro non-refundable uriloss.:Olhenvlse specllied. • illnerary Changes may result in a change fee of up lo a $100 and any applicable faro difference.

hti[JS://niail.googlc.coinymail/Vui=2&ilc=b55bcal077&view=pt&search=:inbox&m5g=1310b... 7/8/2011

BFP_FEC-000095 Gmail - Fwd: Reservation Confirmation .Page.3 of 3

• To filB a compliment or complaint, visll^w.wv/;FrontlBrAifl!iTfiS:Com/CostO^^ mall to: Attn: Customer Relatione,.FrontiVGenVer'Ohe, 7001 •T6v/GriRo.ad;'-.0!e.n^^^

Save lime at the airp ort; ohack In onllna within 24 hours ol your departure.

Want more iegroom? We have It! STRETCH seating is now available on all Airbus and El80 aircraft, lenrn Mora;

Rental Cars: Choose from a variety of US and vyorldwlde rental car suppliers as low as $16/day, all from one easy searohl Book Now.

Frontier MasterCard: Apply for the Frontier MasterCard® today and earn up to 25,000 rriles; enough for a round-trip award tlcKetl Terms and conditions apply. Learn More.

Frontier Airlines www.fronlleralrllne8.com

hl.lps://mail.googlc.coiin/niail/?«i=2&ik=b55bcal077&view=pt&search=inb6x&m5g=l310b.;.. 7/8/20.11

BFP FEC-000096 Gmiiil - Fwcl: GUY S - WA.^iilNGTON-RnAGAN OBJULI1 I'lige 1 of 2

Giila II Jnska nao"


QuvShorllf^aoUom Fil,Jul.8,20t1.al3:S1 PM To:

Ttfi! I Soiil: fffaofi 3-^s»9.i'.M. Moumnin DayanM Tlmo SubJrOliV 8 • WASHlMQtOA|.ftEAa/iNOWUtl 1 A DELTA Oel-U- P.O. ftox 2070t»

Your Receipt and Jtlnsrar/ IWM M tufMo JI«Daw Ia0-(»A«Kou » MMIIrow « GUYSHORT lOtTPARKDALECIRN ERIE COOOS16

4 Thinit youlor chooolno Delia. We onuourago you lo rovlow IhU inleroieiion beloro your trip. Iiyou ntodlo oomael Oolia or ohock on your Wnhl Monnailon. 00 >0 delra.niin. oat flflO-Qgl-iPig or collIho number ein me back of your SkyMlocie card. Now, menaolng your inivol pram jirci uol oaalor. You can oxcnanoo. reiiauo and rolUnd elecironle.ilekou al i!ii[liuuuD> Take eoNrel andmake cbanoot 10 youl lilnorarles ni tieilajcoisfilifitfuiiuu.

apeod ihrouoh iho oirpori. C>i9ck-in onllno lor your mohi. £lsckia

night Infortnallon

BSl/TA CONyinMATlOW »! CVI&X30 TlCKliT Ii 00(«)3J939;i'ni BXnu KOalA/ 5«Ac/ O^y Oacu VJt'jlii aSUAtUD Class C\Ly T.i«.o u^C.sr Cabin

QAJUI. DF.l.TA ZUbf 0» P LU WAJtHlrlOTnil' V •» pr:ACA|r COACH AH DRS KO;tli:s 9MI* •opcrscsd by MKOA^A A'viA'riOli

CtiK^ )M< Kb«l ^AUlbll9«dM «l iWtSXM! v csu vc OdO*fl^Nlied •! No^ll IWAPI , y a AnAaJlbJt dllgPM (t>l»

wipy (/BAIdclvU •b>lll tfie IKM'IWIQ i-eiivi OA VPIX MAf4, isi'i- PI»a«oia'/aa»'OsaVi Pcfei'rfcinpejA lirOtiyajyB iuUiSm.i iS'MsYt. 'PePfoAbii; ^ Ysij fpiiM toji*K«r>ei iro »i iho 9ii» silNil 16 siiMOi bobio Vftix tcAcusbrl^poiiitfm iitit tH .UmiNSlXOI. OvUajAfk^ojorscftV Viu frtiV bo v>s gii« ki;o»«1 -(S MM»\ nofco yow tcAMuleU 4r««iM«Vi^lopVk(iM>«*oASi nivii. '0..0»v*oi Foi'/MoorViO iSI«irj'i/tfi Vtsni. c«lpMO0». insMAa^OdiMryfnwsiotfdoiircleplfiM . r >riMi'airi>^-irr|A/

Poftsengor information

cat sKOfi?

Billing Dolalls

necclpl liifOrniiillon

hllps://inail.go()glc.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=b.')5bc;il077&vicw-pi&sciirdi--iiibox&msg=l3l0b... 7/8/f2()l 1

BFP FEe-000097 Gmiiil - Fwd: GUY S - WASHINGTON-REAGAN 08JVL11 Page 2 of 2

r«r» uocmii;s; MAS ai. OJill]7S.«lDM«iyop<>;ojiiil'fS.fiDM'oiyo'^) USDSIS.OeiluSDSlS.Oeiio ir KA xr

l'.iro"» a'IA;ai',VSO' / rorsi «l Psynsn.t ijaiii. -ja/aa« /' ' ' Total! -tn.TO USI»> y/

naH-iicr/ac'iiAiitiE rac

Nolo: Wlion using codoln vouchors lo purchoio hcXols, lOniolAIng eroOllt may nei lio rolUiMoa AiMIUonal chargot oiXlior otodDa may anily and ore dUpbyoillA Iho soclloin bolow.

This llckai la non-iolundabla uniots iMuod nl a luHy rolundoUd lo'io. Any clinnoo hi yoiu llhoiaiy may roqvho nnymonlol a chango lou and Incnaicd I'aia. Fallvro la apiwu lorniv lllghi wiUioul noUce Id Uolio w3) loaull In cpnoeUuUpn ol your romolnlng rosorvalfon.

Oalallaii Tax liilornioiloii

ToliilTaX!3B.B9 0SI>

XF 4.M XF 1..V0 AY Z.SO US 20, tS

•Tickoilng Ooislls

Scon Msboieodo ol o OolU'Soll-SorvleD Khiik lo accasa your rosorvaUo^

riCMT SI 0'0a23»]0]S27:i laavu Datsi 07/07/31owo CkpUatSoni 07/07/11 Fliea DC TlaXat loauot AAXWCO Sasutni] Avant lui Ob/MH ' Ticket isaua dacai OTJUUl Hoc tr.iAfi!

SSKSSET g^jgss hfilol'ol itollii'jioa,' nllas.pe'i'dnyTor mombo'is)/

dSs DELTA Hertz, -s'-lyidiiOir.S,

Condlllons ol Carriage Air Irancporioilon on Dalla and lha Oolia Coimoellba cairiciiO Is cuh;or.l 16 Dolin-apcalilimiSlEMIIiloa. Tlioy Indudo Icrms govomlno. lor oxompls;

• Liwiis nn niir lliiiiiiiiv lor po.'sonaliniury Or doaih ol p.Ttsonocis,.ond lor loss, damngo or delay ol gooda and baggogo.

• ClalHUfliWCllOai, IncKidlng Urnc periods wilhin which you niiisl lUd a claim ur briiig an acilon agalnsl us

• Our ilghl lo chjimo inrma ol Ihe conhoci

• Chncli-in innirlinifiniil!! atitl oUiartulos asiabllshlnoY,1ion wo mav rBliiso carrlsna

• Our rlghls and llnillo ol cur lablilly lor rininv or iiiituin in unrlorni tnrvlrn. Ificludlng achcdulo ehangas, subslllullon ol allomailvo air carilorc or ubcroil, oriil rcrouling

> Our poicy on nvfiNinklnn lunhu. and your rlghls II wo deny you boairling duo lo on ovorsoXI ISghl

'Ihosn larms nrn Iricoiporaied by rclcicneo inio our coniraci wWi you. Yuu may view Ihoso £gQ(lllllMUiil.diUiJagB on ittilBiCOrD. orby rnguosling a copy Iroill Ddllii. . ^ . . VyviunigtslM,lilb»«>iauwciVyuvto:r»UltiKiAsti!urCbevcie:,r<>c1rKgliiMrSle'>wiAieii>s'l.il»«v«coUlMlcuta uwjiSjorelcU'rr Dil>»in>il|«soi>.iul>giiW!U!;iiuai'riy.V.«ciitig'WlilOI|ws!t!iMBtfl- ooaviiKiiiriWOli«miorsi»b«riiiom»iHa»»i.ote<»rraniiunci»#vu«rwiiH'«p«»'lM>'rp<~wiiioiOiiuA>ii«i,m.-oci»oi#u.i'.o.i)«i >3refiuiiNi.GAMmM0i,ta, uMvUMAi«luP.rgpmliiuVin.oiiiwiilBriillhVi .luvMoprti u«ciiii,(iaii|iiiwtgrp,

hlip.s.7/mail.googlc.com/m;ii.l/?iii=:2&ik=l75.'5bcaI077(&vicw-pl&scarch=iiibox&msg-l310b,.. 7/8/2011

BFP_FEG-000098 Gmdil - r-'w: - G. Shorl and 1 giie!.»Alexandria 07/1... Page 1 of 2

Jessica Rager

Fw: Hotv{/jre Hotel Purchase Confirmation - G. Short and 1 guestAlexandria 07/11/11

Mon,JuM1,2011 at 8:00 AM Reply-To: > To: Jessica RsTger Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: Hotwire Customer Care Date; Sun. 10 Jul 2011 ie;10:27 -0700 (POT) To: - • ij. Subject: Hotwire Holel Purchaso Conrirmatlon • G. Short and 1 guest Alexandria 07/11/11 Hotwire

Comfort Inn, Alexandria, VA confirmation code: 72795759 - Your hotel booking Is confirmed. Hotwire Itinerary: 5900417178 Dear Guy, Thank yeu (or bookMo yoiir UavdViih Mahwlre; Pleoto nolo thai all booMnga aro flnal aod no changoa at ralvmis aio uUowoa VWvo aaved Dib IrVoimallon In ynur lictaninT. To vlow lhlii oavodlnronnallon or prInT a slngio pogo rocelpl (or your Irlp. «tgn In lo t-our.acrouni. You do noinood lo loco'nriim Willi cornlo'il lnh..Alii*aridrl!i,. VA or Holwlio. II your Irovcl plans chango, you may add lo your si.*r al lW» koiel. For your trip: Prlnl IMS paga atid (aka il with you whan Irovcllng. This conllrniaiion shows your booking It prepaid, and II thould ba preienlcd Pl chock-In.

'nil I'oi Monrullo'i aboul bed lypea, chock-ltVchock-oi-l Umoc. or (or special itquosis. ploata eail your hotel a'l Ida phono nurnber flsled In lha ' contaci inrormiillon.

Trl/3 Dntsils Orgarilkc your tiayal Comlarl Ian. AloaandrlD, VA yr yV '••'v'f'V'ws niiit'ii Hotwire Hot Rate. Ho.tWife- 02S lllnaran/. l>oo!(»| niislauiiini(t) Klgh;Spec• Giiy Slimi 2 D I

'/Uut; lo 'inv iijw iiiiite njgiils in ycii:r hniel'( O:" OfuVri a soccnfl rooi'nV Coiilficl iiito.'nui'.liiii Yi-jii Ciiii iic'.viirld lu your slny. Cli-r.'rt n-sie lo o:j (t; My .'-cjiiuisl on otir siKo HOlOl Cuiiilorl Inn. Alexnudrfli. VA

hitps://niail.f;oogJe.cojn/iTiaiJ/'?ui=-'2(feik=b53bca 1077&vicw--=p(&scarcli=inboxtS;nisg= 1.11!... 7/11/2011

BFP FEG-000099 GjnniJ - Fw: Ilolwire Hotel l-mfchase Confirmation - 0. Short and I gucsirtlexandria 07/1Page 2 of 2

iToatpds-ad?^ Cnntlrmttleneed'i TiTtnti You 00 «o| nood to roeonAimyour booUhe nilhOio hololor hotwire. Important travel Information Know bsfore you go AccbcC'Araorlei • Soma honn may appV.AitifflJonal huwi IndDuxild u'ldi 99 p9.1 Rooms; 1 Tux rocovoiy cliarooi & foot! J3a74 Sublotpl: tm.74 Wo reoomiTuiiicl Trip total: $276,74

Biilod to; guvaliori i trav^l-tlcker' Contaot phono; ! VIsHlrovaMtekerxomlor Conloetomelii Chargtd to; •' getupendgodeeleyou Vita"" saoo ' wool find. enyvyherD elsb. Dnloboolioil: sun,Juiio;30ji > Hotwire t.ptr/ PrlcoGuarnnloo tshoiwmc >'iyi Wo woik wllii our US tind Inierngtlonal partnoib to got (ho best rales on hotels, cars, and illgnie. And we're sure Ihcy'rc.lho lowest prices you'll ilnd. Wilhih dB hours ol booking, II you nnd a lower tale for' un tdehileol booking, we'll piiy ydu ihe dlirorcnce bslwoon the rales, learn more.

Dinner and a show, a guided city tour, h>«

SUaSCRII'TION IWANAGEMUMT You sro reccivino Ihis mcs.',riga iucitueii ypor Rm.iii adrlrrios was provided lot line jioh/i'to account. Only pipcliusa and accoutil-rcliitcd moseogoe will ba sunt to Ibis address (unless you nrd qplod in lo raccivo our promotional /ikTillngs). fou'ebnnot'unsubscnbo Irom purch,ise artd accouht-reialod mesaogcs U'you think you h.ive received,th|smossogo in cuor, plenoo conioct suppd'tQIiotwirs com PRIVACY POt-ICY l-lotwiro IS committed lo preiocting your privacy We veil not shore your inlarmation willt unauthoriced thud paruos or ret)uesl credit card uiioimoiioii m an ainoii. I'or more lirtbimolion, vfcvr our Privacy Policy. O 30 to llokviru. inf. Aii rights reserved Holvnro.and the Hotwire com logo iira eillior rogislorod liademaiks or liaacmorhs ol Holvrito. Inc 10 the U S andtor ollmr coiinliies C.ST 305 3380.A0 NST 30003-0200

http.s://mail.gooele.com/mai)/?iii=2&ik==b55bcial077(S:view=pt&search=inbox&m5g=l3l 1... 7/11/2011

BFP_FEC-0D0100 I ^2or^ Bachmann for President Expense Reimbursement Form

Name Guy Short Date Submitted 01/07/12

Address 1617 Parkdale Circle N Claimant's Signature

City Erie, CO 80516 Approval Signature Mileaqe

Date Description of Travel . It of Miles . Rate Total 12/15/12 Erie. CO to Sioux City 627 0..35 $219.45 iiiliSHKllK:!:;: 12/17/12 Sioux City lo Des Moines 2i6 0.35 $75.25 01/04/12 Des Moines to Erie 664 0.35 $232.40 . 0.3S $0.00 0.35 $0.00 0.35 $0.00 0.35 4 Travel Total: { $527.10 Miscellaneoiis Exbenses foiease include comoiete address virllh xio code - rccciDt must be ellacheol ^

Date Business Name and Address Purpose Total Frontier Airlines CA to Denver OS/08/11 - $2.50 -J

09/06/11 Frontier Airlines Den to GA $265.70 J

Frontier Airlines Den to Des Moines 10/24/11 $287.40 s/ . Hampton inn Lodging 11/17/11 Des Moines, lA $225.00 ^

Hampton inn Lodging. 12/01/11 Des Moines, lA $225.00 J

i .!

GRAND TOTAL $1,005.60

lo-bii- iS'W.-iO

BFP FEC-000101 Reservation Coafirniatiou Page 1 or?.

From: Froniier Airlines • To; GUY SHORT Subject: Rsseivelion Confirmalion Date: Sun, Sop 4,2011 3:29 pm

Frontier Aitlinos Inc. 7001 Tower Road Danvor, CO oozaorsiz

Titank you for cbooeing FronllerAlillnee.cotn ior your Iravol plans. Please rand these Important details careAiliy regarding your purchase and- Itinerary; Booking Confirmation Mala contaci: IVIr GUT S SHORT Reservallon Code: JY Q JSE e-moll; losua DDIO: Sun, 04 Sep 2011 Homo phone: Passengers Mr GUYS SHORT Flight SNA-DIiN MsmborsMp No. EoriyReiurnsrie' TIckclNuriiber 4222168694516 I Soai 40 Air itinerary Details


OraiigO'.Co'unty CA'iSNA), Us • " Doi\vbrc6(DENj,US F9.234 Faro 1Voo: Sloodard Awbrd Thu. 08 Sep 2011.10-30 AM Thu, 06 Sep 2011.01:43 PM Frontier 0 Alfbua 310. Alrllhos Inc. Faro .Breakdown Baee Fore Taxua Tola! Faro': Number ot PaeeengerTypir por person por person per person pneeongors Total Faro Adiill 0.00 USD 2.50 USD 2.50 OST) X 1 2.50 USD

SNA-DEN: Standard Award Faro Benefits

1. Advance Soai Assignment:. Standard .Seatrng 2. Is! & 2nd Checked Bags: $20 eoch 3. Same. Day Confirmed Ail0rh"ald,.FIIg'hl; .550 4. IlineVafy Change Fee: $50 5. Namo-Change Fee: S5.0 6. STRETCH Sealing*: From SlSsegmenl 7. ' When ttpgrada ptirchased af' limjpjof ciieickrlij. Limited by capacity & ovallobllily. STRETCH sealing is not available oh Frontier Express:Hights or oii Gjmal La.ke.s codesliare flights.

GRAND TOTAL Charged to Visa .... 4755 TOTAL: 2,50 USD EorlyRolurns® miles 12,500 rnllos Total: 12,500 tniloe e2.5Q USD

Delivery Information Delivery Option; E-Ticket

n://niail.aol.com/.35138-l.l l/aol-6/cn-ii.s/niajJ/PrintMe.s.s-agc.a.spx I/1I/20J2

BFP_FEC-000102 Reservation Confiv/natioii Page I of2

From: Fronlier Aidinas To: GUY SHORT Subjeci: Reservnllofi Confinnalion Data: Sim. Sop 4.2011 3:24 pm

Fro'ntlor.Alrllnuo Inc. 700TTw(eiRMa Oonvof. C0^0240'7ai2

monk you (or choosing Fran|iorAinino«.ooni for your Iravei plans. Ploase read llMsa imporlani dolalls corsfuiiy regarding your purchase and illnorsry: Booking Confirmation Moln coniacl; Mr GUY S SHORT Resarvailon Code: KWNBWM E-mail: 1 Issue Oale: Sun, 04 6op 2011 Home phone: Passengers Mr GUYS SHORT Fllghjl DEN-SNA MorntKrahip No. EorlyRdlumse tlckelNuriiber 4222109694414 3 Seat 4C Air itinerary Details


Donvorc6|OEI4),U8 Oran()o CbunV CAtbllA),ui F02S2 Fare Typo :Classla Plus Tue, 06Sep20tt.oe:20aM Tue. eIS Sep 2011.09:43 AM Ffohllnr 0 Airbus 319. Airlines Inc. Fare Breakdown B.OBoFarp Texps Total Faro Nurnhor'.ol. PassongerTyps pbr p.brsbn' lipr.ppradn porporeon poesbifiibrbi TotelFnre

Adiill 237.21 USD, 2n.40.-.liSO 265.70 USD X. 1 265.70 USD

DEN-SNA: Classic Plus Faro Benefits

1. Advanco Seat Assignment*: Full Cabin Seating 2. Fully Refundable Fare: Included 3. Checked Baggage (2 bags): Included 4. Same Day Standby: Included 5. Same Day Flight Changes: $Q 6. Ilinorary Change Fee: $0 + fare difference 7. Name Change Fee: $0 -F fare difference 8. Priority Services (check-in. security lane, and boarding)**: Iricluded 9. 8TRETC.H.Seaiing**^ $0 ..... 10. EarlyRelurns®Mllleaoe Credit & Elila Quaiincaiion Miles: 1S0% 11. * Not available, on Great l.akeis codeshare flights. 12. " Where available 13. .IJbgrade eligible al limp-pl gurcliase. Limited by capacity & availability. STRETCH seating is not available on Frontier Exfiress or on Greal Lakes cddeehare flights. 14. Pramiiirti Bbverage (flights pvar 200.miles)'; Included

GRAND TOTAL Chargodto VIso ....4766 TOTAL: 266.70 USD

in(p;//mai).aoi.corn/35138-11 l/aol-6/cn-iis/in.Til/PiintMc.s.sagc.aspx 1/11/2012

BFP FEC-000103 Reservation Confirmnlion Page 1 oP2

From: Fronllar Airlines To: GUY SHORT > Subject: Rnservallon Contitmatlon Datp: It^pn. Oct 10,2011 3;02 pm

'Fronilpr'AiiUnos-ine. 700.1 T'ov/cr Rblid O07Yvar..CO...e02'19-7.3l2.

.Thonk you tor cbooslng FronllerAlrllneccom loryour travel plane, Pleeso read these Importiint details careluily regaroi/ig your purchase and' llinerery; Booking Confirmation Main contact: lAr GUY S SHORT Rosotvallon Code: P EMTY Q E-mail: Issue Oslo: Mun, 10 Oct 2011 Home phono:: Passenfiers tAr OUY 3 SMORT PIlBhl DEN-DSMipSM-DEN. Memtiershlp No: EarlyRelurnsA Hckcl Nvimbcr 122217003rflOS Soai 2D,3D

Air Itinerary D.etal!s


DonVoreQ.(QEN),U3 Ooa rAblnoa lA (OSM)i US '.E'd fioi "Fn'roiYpO"'Economy Mpn. 21i bct:2011.16:30 AM Mon.2l^Oiit2011..01.:0SPM Operotcd by 0 Republic Brnbr.ier liMB E9D Jet- AhllrioS'

Dos Moliioa lA (OSM). U3 . DotivorCO (DENK.US pg 1.135 Fare Type: Economy Wed. 26'Ocl 2011,01:35 PM Wi!d..M Oct;2bl1. 02:35 PM Operftlod by 0 Republic Embraer KMB f.90 Jet. Alrllnos

Ploase ravlow the policies of the operating carrier as they may differ from Frontier Airlines.

Fare Breakdown BASO F.iro Taxos Toliil Faro Numbor ot Passongor Typo Tutu.l F.br'o por parson' por. pordo'n por poraon passongors Adult 2.l7;.1C UEli) ri9,!15l/SP V07.10 USD * 1 2S7.'IOUSb

OEN-DSM: Economy Fare Benefits

'). Advance Seat Assignment*: Standard Seating 2. 1!>I & 2n(l.checked Sags: $20 each 3. Same Day Confirmed'Altenialp piiglil: 550 d. Ilinerary Change Fe.e: $50 + faris difference 5. Natrie Change Fee: $50 j- fare, difference 6. STRETCH Seating"; From $15/segmenj 7. EariyReturnsig) Mileag.e Ci;e,dil:"10b% a. EaflyRe.liirns® Eiilc Qualiffcation Miles: 100% 9. ' Niol available on Great Lake'E .codcshare nighls 10. •• Wfion upgrade purchased a( lime of check-in. Limiled by capecity & avaflabilily. STRETCH seating is not available on Frontier Estprcss llicjlits bfpn (Jreat Lakes codeshare flights.

)irtp://mail.aoi.c<)in/35138-J I l/nol-6/eii-us/iTiail/PrinlMcssaRe.aspx 1/11/20.12

BFP FEC-000104 miiluiuY 7060 lake Ofive » Wen Oes Molncj, (A 50266 P)ione<51S) 223-e700 . Fax(5)!022l-)OIO OinCulsiMmu

H Ihi daWUtiHlU'caid yau an eilny ler

CONFIRMATION NUMBER: 65610345 your mom. A nliv dipoift bm li tvalrMi tu you In llu hlili/.'.l.iV'tii'ilMi my talditylci iMi Wilis Ml wihni and'ttm v> be htU prrsonilly In llis nenl IIMI lh» intfulcd pinon,roiiiuay erass^illdiihVi i» piy let uypan or iKi hill imeuni ol ihttt dnigM. 1IIMI miMUrd vrntdsy dcliviiy'el UM TODAY. U teimcd. ^ otdll el 10.'S mllbt aeptrd la 11/16/2011 PAGE 1 ley aieeunl In tin «wni «l an tmrrgancy. 1. ei sointeiw In eiy paiy, rrquke iptclalnaivellehiJiit io a pAyikalinsabiliiy rltasaindiMMyiitjyd'.Kliauyhrii: • slgnoturo:

diit« referonce dwcrlptlon omount

11/15/2011 1250460 GUEST ROOM $06.86 11/15/2011 1250460 STATE TAX $3:35 11/15/2011 1250460 CiTYT/kX $4.60 11/18/2011 1250722 GUESTROOM $66.06 11/16/2011 1250722 STATE TAX $3.35 11/16/2011 1250722 CITY TAX $4.60 11/17/2011 1250905 GUEST ROOM $66.06 11/17/2011 1260005 STATE TAX .$3,35 11/17/2011 1250805 CITY TAX $4.80 y WILL DE SETTLED TO VS *4765 $225.00 EFFECTIVE BALANCE 01- $0.00

EXPENSE REPORT SUMMARY 1 00:00:001 12:00:00AM Oil 12:00:00AM STAY TOTAL ROOM & TAX 375.00 $75.00 $75.00 $225.00 DAILY T< >TAL $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $225.00

for rcscivaiionscall i.aoo.hampton or vnsit us online al haniptbn.corn thanks. accouiti no. dale of <:ti.irgu lollorchcck no.

-iOnOBS- card member riiunc authorizalion iniibl

etl.iblislirrient no. .ind loceiion rfiiuaamrti-JetMi 10 iianvtni m ata Iv* pUKh»f«f & services


lips 8t misc.

slgn.ntuve of Card member total ainnimi X 0.00

#.) Q HUracMn E^J {.lOMEgj H.HHONORS HiijON v;mi.owi!>t

BFP FEC-000105 70C0 Ltko Orivc < W«.t( DBS Moinei, lA J0266 Phofie (SIS) 223-4700 • f«(5.15) 221-1010 OlDiialfpsnw

U Ibr aiUVticAuni )M ik>«nwile'»«MaHMM.90 hhiuInn Ac (hit olikdE-MI 01 iongn aliht dintilda'iil (0(» lliiaMlllInidhiteh. rO^it PIAH CVT HH» 735082107 BLUE AL: BONUS At: CAR; Kjtn lubKii'lo appnc'riilt itlfi, occupsiiv. or oihtr.ion. neiii iia.Ml ]nit inir.noAtir oi liinrol vabii unaiiifKlxl h CONFIRMATION NUM8ER: 82379832 yoii/ leqn. A lafcg- eraciji bM li avjdabir'le/ ^In ihr (obb/.lagict dial iay ilctfilyIMIMI Md Is noiwjiyn) M9 tgiei to bt htkl gnioiitlVfltbleln At ticnllhtilht bylKSiiilptiiiin.ceuituiy oi tisoil(l'.onli'b>.

11/28/2011 1252072 GUEST ROOM $68.98 11/29/2011 1252872 STATE TAX $3.35 11/29/2011 1262872 CITY TAX $4.69 11/30/2011 1263000 GUEST ROOM 11/30/2011 1253080 STATE TAX $3.35 11/30/2011 1253080 CITY TAX $4.69 12/1/2011 1253320 GUEST ROOM $66.96 12/1/2011 1253320 STATE TAX $3.35 12/1/2011 1253328 CITY TAX $4.69


EXPENSE REPORT SUMMARY 1 00:00:001 12;OO:O0AM 011 12:00:00AM STAY TOTAL ROOM & TAX S7S.0O J7S.OO 575.00 $225,00 DAILY Tf ITAL $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $225.00

Hilton HHeini.fS(H) slays are posted vrlthin 72 flours o/ chocltoul. To check you earnings lot Ms or any other sli y at mora //inn 3.000 HiUon Fomlly holds wortdwldo, please visit llllonHHonors.coni.

tor reservations call l.OOO.'li.oniplon. or visit us online ol hiimpttm..f.om thnnks. .sccounl no. dale ol charge loiio/chiKlc no.

-4b!j.28<:- card incrnbcf nariu! aulhorizaliuri inilial

eslahllshincnl no. and location tiijoWitntiiogi«iwi>sBinii(io


lips % rniw..

slh|nnturo ol card member t'otul aincuni X 0.00

wa«W COMhAtl . 4D S a5;a...bB.- TOWEQ r^. HHONORS ,Si2r "l/.rori nm.-n/i ..J... mow woftiowioc

BFP FEC-000106 Bachmann for President Expense. Reimbursement Form Name Guy Short . Dale Submitled , 07/28/11

Address 1617 Parkdale Circle N Claimant's Signature . .

City , Erie, CO 30516 Approval Signature .. Mileage Date Description of Travel #bf Miles Rate - Total. 07/26/11 Airport . . . .35 ' ..." 0.5.1 . $17.86' 07/16/11. Airport 35 0.51 $17.85 0.35 . $0.00" 0.35 . so.bo! "0.35 $0,001 0.35 $0.00| 0.35 $b.ool 1 Travel Total: 2 6


BFP FEC-000107 Bachmann for President Expense Reimbursement Form Name Guy Sttort Date Submitted 07/28/11

Address 1617ParkdaieCirciBN Ciaimanl's Signature

City Erie, CO 80516 Approval Signature Mil&aqg Date Description of Travel # of Miles Rale Total 07/26/11 Airport 35 0.51 $17,85 07/18/11 Airport 35 0.51 $17.85 0.35 $0.00 0.35 $0.00 0.35 $0.00 0.36 $0.00 • •«r •' 1 ' • 0.36 $0.00 -Vt! ^ •J.,' 4 Travel Total: 4 Mlsceiianeous Expenses fpiease include comoiete address witti zip code - receipt must be attactiedl 4 2 Date Business Name and Address Purpose Total 2 Frontier Airlines Travel to lA HQ 6 07/26/11 $206.00 6 5 07/21/11 $461.39 United Airlines Travel to lA HQ fir) fr-ir.

Courtyard Marriott Lodging 07/18/11 • 1520 NW 114th ST $415.18 Ciive, lA 50325 mmm Mi Mexico Food 07/21/11 Ciive, lA 50325 $15.85

Panera Bread Food 07/21/11 Urbandale, lA 50322 $9.10 'iM:

Mi Mexico Food 1.1.» r - ^ '• •• 07/21/11 11407 Forest Ave $15.85 Ciive, lA 50325 SSP America Food Court Airside Food ;:T.=

7/22/11 Des Moines int'i Airport $7.79 .•i. '•r .,(1, Bandana's Bar-B-Q Food 7/20/11 4570 University Ave $27.78 ' '$ • "• , West Des Moines, lA Mi Mexico Food 7/19/11 11407 Forest Ave $21.50 Ciive, lA 50325 .-.A- Mile High Grill Food - . .

BFP FEC-000108 7/10/11 Des Moines inl'l Airporl $6.59

Centre Food ^ 4''"A 7/22/11 1007 Locust ST $42.10 Des Moines, lA 50309 , PSIW White Top Cab Company Transportation to Airport from 7/14/11 Alexandria, Virginia $17.00

Five Guys Food wsrm 7/13/11 • 107 N Fayette St $11.74 Alexandria, VA 22314 Chlpoite Food 7/11/11 1551 Valley W Drive $35.93 West Des Moines, lA Tidewater Landing Food 7/08/11 Reagan National Airport $24.18 Terminal 8 South Pier Capitol City Brewing Company Food !* !.i.. r::- t/-- i /•' \ 7/08/11 2700 S Qulncy St $67.32 Arlington, VA 22206 Centre Food 7/09/11 1007 Locust ST $21.29 Des Moines, lA 50309 The Machine Shed Food 7/10/11 11151 Hickman RD $40.84 Urbandale, lA 50322 Legends American Grill Food 7/10/11 $29.89

Firehook Bakery Food S-'A7'-'y 7/08/11 105 S Union St $8.17 Alexandria, VA 22314 Sy/V, . ' Centre Food 7/06/11 1007 Locust ST $67.11 Des Moines, lA 50309 Chlpoite Food 7/12/11 601 King St $8.77 Alexandria. VA 22314 DNC Travel Services Transportation 7/26/11 Denver International Airport $11.78

The Cheescake Factory Food 07/26/11 101 Jordan Creek Pkwy $77.63

West Des Moines, lA 50266 v^- i-t United Airlines Travel to Denver from DSM 7/27/1r $210.00 •m

BFP FEC-000109 . V Esroi.,-. '.v.v

A 706/1.1 • • 1 • • f- f


BFP FEC-000110 2 -3 i ^ o H O'OO O •3

ONC Travel Hdsptlaltt.y Sarvlcss •Iw * Denver International Airport i ** Colorado Trails •* 5 CHECK: 9 145 SERVER: 5024 MAUREEN H DATE! 26JUL'n 9:56AH CARD TYPE: Visa .•VJTJ AC.CT #: XXXXXXXXXXXX.4755 cn?' EXP DATE: XX/XX u (/) AUTH CODE: 006724 iS> GUY S SHORT KJ t-* m ;p TOTAL: 9.78 I ».H > en .T1 n "J m TIP ••J » H TOTAL 1 ^ 1^ 5 T

2 !!• 3 i*ti SIGNATURE IJ SIGN ONE COPY AND RETURN NJ> :N) f~ rt- r» THANK YOU *** IV i»0 O^O 'j > w =J3 <• •sj-n >? ,jiO * \U73 "H ro 'V —i >:••

m< 'V» r- '•i

BFP FEC-000111 -s

Page 3 of .3

CrodH card: V)sa xxxxxxxxxxx4755 -- Reri/NtM9G.G -• 401.39 USD

Nole; eacfi opiloh has been charged seporalely. Tplal: 461,39 USD.

Payment details • V Visa.. . • xxS(xxxxxxxx476S-.

USD 461.39 Billing / Delkery Informatlort GUY SHORT 1617 PARKDALE CIRCLE hi ERIE CO 80516 USA

Uriiled Airlines Coniract of Carriage is available at h.ltp://vwvw.uhile.d.c.o.rn/conirac.tpfcarrler

Thur.sciay. Jiii.y .2'! , 2.0] ] A.GU Guy Sborl BFP_FEC-000112 uas Mo'lnoB Wost Cllvo loWa-5032!i ^ Cllvo TS15.225.12J ^•

18JUI11 Long TOrm W/ Break 91.00 10JUI11 Occupancy Sales Tax 4,05 lOJulH S(ate OccupancyTax 6.37 10Ju»11 Restaurant Room Charge 2.00 J 18JUI11 Long Term W/ Break 9i .00 19JUI11 Occupancy Sales Tax 4,55 19JUI11 State OccupancyTax 0.37 20JUI11 Restaurant Room Charge ' 2.00- 20JUI11 Long Term W/ Break 91.00 20JUI11 Occupancy Sales Tax 4.65 20JUI11 State Occupancy Tax 6.37 21JU111 Restaurant Room Charge 4.12 21JUI11 Long Terrh W/ Break gi .00 21JUI11 Occupancy Sales Tex 4.56 21JUI11 Stato Occupancy Tax 6.37 22JUI11 Visa >1^0 Card »: Vl>0000000000a476d/>0(XX Amount: 415M0 Auth:013S79 Signature on F/te This cent Was electronically swiped on I8J0III % Balance: 0.00

Rewarde Account # XXXXX2428. Your Rewards polntatmilea earned on your eligible oornings v/lll be credited to your account. Check your Rewards Account Statement or your online Statement tor updated acliyily.

Got all your hotel bills by email by updating your Rewards Preferences. Of. ask the Front Desk to emalfypu; bill for this stay. See "Internet Privacy Slalemenl" on Marrloli.com.

BFP FEC-000113 trU000-33d dda ffi!S.«2V2 1ft __ ? _• _ •A •

s (/}

r— «»•» c*> e«9 •.—« CO a' " u/ -Si 41 i. C b if- tA » « M b « »SJ *-» #0 M C V « Jfi.u Q «. «0 -2-^S >. A > c:' M or « N 111 C» <-1 N :u: CM ".5 £t 0 ^ ^ M > \A e » U. ^ ^ .r: - s 5 E 1 T -J lA Voo 4« !• -4 e a. 9 f 0 k JS W u « > C C. k V .V V c I- «o -II

C3 WW .QiliKO. uj- Q£ H UJ;Q. I. ..W; Q w>.Qr-.cv. < ..., LU ^. w coa 3 ..Wfc^ ^Q. Q:0 .;O. . DJ H > Z 0> O aJ.Cj-,W ^^x-.uMjj.'uao..KKC. <:<•»«< z.Hui '.la:- 0iii -;00 £J 1- H< < x tu x Hi Q z Q.

>V,- 9H,000-03d ddS Cal>»; _ ID «

Ctiorgc Account .j,



If of Lugjagci ^ « of Passengcfs Tolal.f'are $ ±1 , Time / Date: % Orivtu-.fignature;

cr> 4jr> "-j -S.; VNJV S?- S

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(/of Lujigaecs H of Fus.«ci>gers Tiiwl F»r« J Tiinc/0»tc; 'WH1- Driver Sienniw

Hi 4-* o cn o X u*> C£L > a. «£ in in l_ U *f - cn r- Ctt C"j *t- CO << 3= '• X 0> r- X — X O 4-» nJ •— 3: ><•• b; 1 1. ai » X OS to I UJ c o ;r g-Zr- r- - u - X oo ?: I S3 >- N. _/ X X c« Crt —r- O, 03 => lO X X 1/1 0. i 4: C3 &>«: .1- (0 XZ A I b-1 a c: onl\ fO'—~7 —«f— an ¥f (U UJ *• ixi > t- eV. Ua* O CO -H (O Q) . ..V— o > - tt! h"- w *C->- to <- c 4I> J UJ •• ^ • LU 01— SC o o LU 03 OS I—eK<-> P; ir 0 5C a: o cj «c uJ -ft.

•f'"K; CO^

^I 'i Pf ••

:e5-er>'es;ga:5.efe B1 O <0 >i 3 -fi i*" -?! i I- <«• I CO . uvouuixw .niik/ iHauu STORE » VA-0004 107 NORTTI FAYEnE ST, ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314 (P) 703-549-7391 7/13/n 12:15:52 PH FIVE GUYS Jrder number: 91 1. CO 5,79. HAYO LETTUCE TOMATO ONION Gourmet without attitude. ->.1KETCHUP ->lKUSTARb 1551 Valley W. Dr1ve#224 ->|.JALA West Dee Koines lA 50266 1 Fry 2.09 515-422-9800 1 Reg. Orlnk 2.09 Host; Devon 07/11/2011 ORDER #135 11:39 AH Sub. Total: 10036 Tax; Total: Chips i Salsa 1.75 Small Soda (3 01.60) 4.80 • eosh $20- .. . .. $20.00. Single Chicken (2 02.3' < 4.60 Change $8.26 Steak Dowl 8.65 Reg1stcr;2 Tran Seq Ho: 46291 Cash1er:Glor1a F. Guacamole 1.80 Chicken Bowl 6.25 Don't throw away your recelptl!! Chicken Bowl 6.25 Help Five Guys and you could Winl Log online to wvw.ffveguys.com/survey Guacamole 1-.80 and fill out a brief survey! Subtotal 33,90 10 lucky people will win a Tax 2.03 Five Guys Gift Card each month Worth $25 each! OINE IN Total '35.93 Visa #XI{XXXmxXXX4755 35.93' No purchase necessary Authorizing.... Sweepstakes ends 12/31/11. Balance Due i9fD Must be at least 18 years old to enter. Please visit wwwifiveguys.com/survey Order online at chlpotle.com for Official Rules and how to enter without making a purchase or coinpleting a survey. Void where prohibited.

BFP FEC-00d117 SUOOO-Oad ddia

u c> a» *r

t 'S„ re : 9 IS t i eo ^ ' 3S re 3?3S«, d (II g iJ-g 97 :

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gsg « s fis rtma rs4 Lr> o \0 co.o- \.®./s^tf*T:

j£ 1. J® i •S o S I'll g si'" E €i

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03.- I l-oo AID I trio mnCO • •5 1 -o i^... CM >•1-


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c>5' I I'l'Bi I?. : s i^ill ; 2c: rr OJ u« c.

Vw l/> •SgS8.S f; -M >«r— .iJ 1 "SllI. ^-s- y3\:^ .v> .»* V ;.'» C'l •••" I 0544 Server; SHEILA G Rec:3M 07/26/11 20:47, Swiped T; 206 TeiHi: 5 The Cheesecake Factory DH 101 Jordan Creek Pkwy Meet Dee Hoines, TA 50266 (615)457-9880 HERCHANT H: 67097870869 CARD TVPE ACCOUNT NUMBER VISA XXXXX)(XXX)(XX4755 Hane: QUV S SHORT' 00 TRANSACTION APPROVED 4' AUTHORIZATION 4: 022688 4 Raferehce: 0726010000544 TRANS TYPE: Credit Card SALE CHECK: 67>63 8 TIP: . i^Ci TOTAL:



BFP FEG-000121 :fea&G.2.0'.f.2

.Paisisprtgerfs')' Name;.^U.YMR/SFIGBT tyge.A"fl'iill' Sficurbf light^dala cb "Mileage Plus .number EiTlail I •Plhone •Filghl -.Seal- •0.b8>27;e .


Tipkel price: Ciredll card: Visa w<»fxxxxxxx38.80 - Ref #P1TK3N -- 210.00 USD

Note: each op.l[on has been charged seperalely. Tola!: 210.00 USD

Paymonl details Vi.s:a- i^xxxxxxxxxx38Q0 USD 210.00 Dillirtg / Delivery iniormailon. GUY SHORT 1617 PARKDALE CIRCLE N ERIE CO 80516 USA

United Airlines Cbjrajcl of Carriage is available at hilpyAww.iin|led;COrn/conlraclofcarrier

BFP FEG-000122 i '^NTD Premier Imaging - View Transaction Page 1 of i

WARNING: 00 WOT CASH TNI5 imvn» Cft«:«ccfc™SCCUR£ CHECK IP AHTf £AnJR£S US1TO OW OACK WtHCATeTAMpefitNG'OriCOPTLNQ DiMiotTMiw Badunann for Presidenf ramp>.n.3X02 1161 e/o 610 Souib Boulcvgni jmsmioo* TUnpa,FL 35606. PH. gl3-254-3369

PAY •« • THIRTY THREE-THOUBANO SEVEN HONORED FIFTY & 0/l DQ DOIg^ ' ANPUNT.' U>,TNE. $ :-3375p;00 OHDCROF OWO/Til S AunioBOEOsniufunE. C&M Stifategleii 1 1617 Paritdale .Circle, N, Erto, CO 80.616 I

.'•QDDa 3 75000/

r? V vi. i F>. I f-> ' ii'. I'.J- l-B (:• ' .7 ri ' .

.* 4 mm-a ssi-aoji 571/ .7 N s/1 m 10« m 3 Jv ftCCJ ' •trji i742£0867B

BFP_FEC-000123 htlps;//commercial.bankpflampa.com/IMG_lMGl )51/IMG1151 .ashx?TokenLo.okup=.NL08... .0.5/15/13 Premier Imaging - View Transaction Page I ori

CASriCMitrAuwuajflct^aecvsjnrEAnjHts usTioc»»e«*K»cAiENoumfl»»co«w»*w, 8«nk of Tampa Bachjnann for President Tampi.a33602 1372 c/o 610 South fiQiilevard eM6e«310l04 Tamipa; FL 33606 FH. BI3>2S.10369

PAY •'^ TWENWFlVE THQOSANt) EIGHT HUNDRED THIRTY« Q«00 DOW^S-. OATB AMOONT TOWt 00/12/11 .$ •75530.00 OROEROf & . AUtHORJUO SiOHATU^ C&M'Sbategics 151:7 PaikdalB Circle, N, Er1e..CO.60Sld

/ODO 258 aOOQ/

X 5 ' e & o r. z •is- *•! o •• V" U »-• • V? 2-'2 • 0 •i . T. -o o > L' ^ ^ r. S'm •J i' ^ i: ^ '^'1 -y A. -a-* / ?•?- cy I •: Ifli It i •i r^' I lii •1S8 !OJ k%. ID V i-; .. -c: r' •s''" hH' •a. CJi-.34^5 i- .-t.--

ii iSA . •*. . V.' yy' >• /

BFP_FEC-000124 h{tps://commercial.bankoftampa.com/iMG_lMG 115l/IMGl 151 .ashx?TokenLookup=NL08.., 05/15/13 Premier Imaging - View Transaction Page 1 or 1

CASH CHIT " U^UfSn riAlUBU LtJttD 0« BAC*.»«lCArE (to WIPtfljKl BankefTampa Bachmann for President Tiiiipe. FL 33G02 1493 e/o 610 South Boulevard Tampa, FL 33606 PH. 813-254-3169


CAM SVatOQiea 1617 Psrkdelo Circle, N. Erie, CO 80516

BFP_FEC-000125 hitps://commcrcial.bankoftanipa.com/IMG_IMGl 151/lMGl 151.ashx?TokenLookup=NL08... 05/15/13 Premier Imaging - View'I'ransaclion I'age 1 011

tnsia w cotnnHo . BankofTampa Bachmaxmior President TaiTipa,a3aBa2 1627 c/o 610 South Boulevard oa^EWUiooe Tampa. FL 33606 PH. 8I3-2M-3369



BFP_FEC-000126 htips://comineicial.bankoriampa.comy'IMG_lMG 1151 /IMG 1151 .ashx?TokenL6okup=NL08.;. 05/15/13 Image# 12954264191

FOR LINE NUMBER; PAGE 1729/1981 ^SCHEDULE B-P Use separate schedule(s) (ChE for each categoiy of the n? .23 24 35 26 27a ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS Oetailed Summary Page 27b 26a 286 280 29 Any Information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting cdhtrlbutions Of-.fpr commercial purposes, other than Using; the niyno and address- of any poiltlcal cpmrnlltee to solicit contributions from such committee. \ NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) ) Bachmann for President

Full Name. (Lost, F|r8l. Middle Initial) A. C&M Strategies Data.: of Disbursement tf'-Sftf-fi-ll / , ij--if'V-y"ir/'ir'V':5 Mailing Address. 1617 Paikdale Clrde, N. a 07 I -29 I f 2011 li •..w.i'V..' PwatA.i.-WsiiJ'JtMS-. iJ-.

City State Zip Code Transaction ID: 8AF5S029FA4614897A65 Erie CO 80516 Purpose of Disbursement fiindr.a.lslng consulting Amount of.Each Dtebursernenf this Period 0 Candidate Name Category/ •33750.00.' I 4 Typo 4 Office Sought; House Disbursembrit For; 2012. 4 Senate Primary Q General President Other (specify) T •Stale; DIsth-ct: Full Name (Last, First,- Middle Initial) Q, C&M Strategies pate of bisburseitiant.

Moiling Address ig-iy parkdale C.lrclOi N. I 09 S .? 12

5iiy -gtitr Zip Code. Transaction ID: S0AE1EFABD27044A7A43 Erie CO 80516. Purpose of Disbursemeni fundraislng consulting Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Candidate Name I -.•r.v v. rw>!-r»'E"*i J-V.*"**-" • Category/ •? 25630,00 ji Typa 'A Oflico Sought: House Disbursement For: 2012 Senate [5^ Primary | | General President Other (specify) "y State: Dlslrici: Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c. Campaign Services, LLC Date of Disbursemeni ii Mailing Address P. O. Box 1=56271 ;• 08 IS il 09fl'

City Stato Zip Cod.e. Atlanta GA 30343 Transaction ID ; BOC73B6EB5FC749DABOO Purpose of Disbursement campaign l-shlrts Amount fli Each Disbiirsomant this. Period Catididaia Name Category/ Typo E 15000.00 f Ollice Sought; House Dlsburserhent Fo.r 2012 Senate ^ Primary Q General President j Other (specify) ^ Stele; District:

Subtotal Of Receipts This Page (optional). N ' ':'58?.op I

Total This Period (last page this lineline number only)) ' 5 L BFP_FEC-000127 Fee Scliedula B-P (Form 3P) (Rov. 03/2011) Image# 12970230506

FOR LINE NUMBER; PAGE 1996/2246 tTcHEDULE B-P Use separate schedule(s) (che.clf only one) for each cslegory of the >^23 24 25 20 ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS Oelalled Summary Page 27b 28B. 28b 28c 20 Any Information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of sollclllng contributions or lor commorclal purposes; other than using the name and address o.t arty; pplltlcal commltteo to solldit contributions, from, such committee.. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In FulQ Bachmann for President

Full Name (Lasf, First, Middle initial) A. Brad Johnson Investments, LC Dole pf • Dlsburserfioni

Mailing Address P- 0- Box 13375 R12 ii C' 30 p g 2011 t

City State. Zip. Code Transaction 10: B1550PE32EA8E43O4B1F Des Moines lA 50310 Purpose of Olsbursemenl olflco rent Amount 'p.f Each Disbursement this Period Candidate Name Category/ i 5000.00 •' Type. j?r.it:., •-•.(Fc.-.i.i';,?:. .'vUS.-.*- Ofllce Sought; Houso Olsbursemenl For: 2012 Sehalo ^ Primary Q General f Prosldeni Other (specify) y State; District; Full Name (Last, First, MIddio Initial) C&M Strategies Date of Disbursement

Mailing .Address iei7 Parkdale Circle. N.

eiiT State Zip Code Tfonsacllon ID: B6E3C4387D3574642BCF Erie CO 605.16 Purpose of dsbursemonl fundralsing consulting Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Candidate Name Category/ I 22500.00 I Type Olllce Sought: l-iousc Disbursement For: 2012 Senate ^ Primary ^ General President Other (specify) y State: Ois.lrici: Full Namo (Lasl. First, Midrile tnitial) c. C&M Strategies Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address 1617 Parkdale Circle. N. •] 11 S \ 09 r -i . 2011 ,. .1

City ' State' Zip Code Erie CO 60516 Transaction ID: BE60000003F644991BAA Purpose of Disbursement fundralsing consutling Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Candidate Name Category/ ' " 2250.00 f • TVpo Ofllce Sought: Mouse Disbursement For: 2012 Senate ^ Primary Q General President Other (specify) Slate: District:

Subtotal Of Receipts This Page (optional].. .^i; 50000.00 j! i..t>k 41%'. 5V..V ..fi'tlss*!

Total This Period (last page this line number only)}.. L BFP__FEC-000128 FEC Schodulo B-P (Form 3P) (ncv. 03«0I1) WAHNINC, DO NOT CASH nu3 JHTVIT^ Cf>«cUodk'"SECURE CHECK tF AMY FEATURES USTEO.OW D ACK wmCATE TAMPERIHO OR MPYINO Btinkef.Jampf Baclunaim /or. Fresldent 33602 1077 . c/b .610 South DouJcV^ . . . • e348MI31'0M.. Tainp.8iELJ3606 PH. «i3-2M-3a69

PAY ' TWO THOUSAND mVE HUNDRED SIXTY S 58/100 DOLLARS OAT? AUOUHT or/iii/iT :$ •?266Q:69' oSoGROF Q AUt>K>WZEb.BtaKATUR£ Guy Short 1617Paxl(daleGlrcle.N. Erie. CO 60516 LT /000025&0SR1/ I

4 4

f •. >• >• ' >. —

:J r I M.10

BFP_FEC-000129 https://commercial.bankoftampa.eom/IMO_IMGl 151./IMG115.J.ashx?TokenLookup=NL08... 05/15/13 WAnNIHO-1 OO HOT CASH pvs l^lM'OwUoc*™,SECUR£.CH£CKlf;A)<'y ^TUREi OkCK WWCAfE t^EfliNO OR COPT.INO DankerTwnpa Bachmaim fot Fresident Tampa. Ft 33602 c/o 610 Soutb Boultwd e>66V63V0O4 Tampa, FL 33606 m 613-254-33.69



Guy Short , 1617Park6.aleCliole,N. Erie; CO.806:16



8 8


BFP_FEC-000130 https://commercial.bankoftanipa.com/IMG_IMGl 151/IMGll51,ashx?TokenLookup=NL08... 05/15/13 WARNINQ; 00 NQTCASrt T»1I3 INTUIT* Cn^C*l.«fc'»SCCUHt CHECK IP ANT FEATUnES USttO ON OACK IHD1CAT£ TAJMPERJHG On CQPtiNQ BrnkolTanipt Bachxnann for President TM(tpii.FL33a02'. 1190 c/o .610 South Boukvard evaseAui 004. Tuapa,a3360« PH. 8I3-254-33<9

PAr "" ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED EIGHTY SIX & 40/100 DOLWRS OATiE AMOOKT ! -^.or 08/Q3/11 s AimibRlziU SiGNXfURE; 'Short 1617 ParkdalB Circle, N. Erie, CO 80516



* • * n O \^nl !' 51 fi r* ;3 l"J V o l; •> V. - •ui. C- -•.N ••J "fin/ c o „ 48122011 5379" ;o --5^.213213 1011 97 «T 3 K- i; to . / 'i ^ O i| A OCT I. • .5' •i." '• i74g997pe •. ;?• .•/S

BFP_FEC-000131 https;//commercial.bankoftampa.com/lMG_IMGl 151/I.MGI 151.ashx?TpkenLookup?=NL08... 05/15/13 :WAfWINCU bo'wof CA3H THIS IKIVIT* (3»««»io


AUTKORUEOl:SICNATURE Quy Short leiTParkdaieQIrcle.N, Erie, CO 60516

.''ooooLBLsaa/ • i • ' V I V- I ,0'! V -• -.3 • L* C -I rrw : tJ p t ro W ;*• (-1 KS O O rje 0 C " 'T •Ctf , to f* M „|^.Wf» '-a \ ^ fs Js: • .C5 J' .174435 .• ^ •

I ;•

BFP_FEC-000132 https://comraercial.bankoftampa.com/IMGJMG 1151/IMGl 151.ashx?TokenLookup=NL08... 05/15/13 • I 5 (3 : -9 *•' sJ' . ••• /' '• / V " - ... • -.'v I -J- Sf I;"" i' •;•* ..'• 1^* ^ • t •• •• ,

BFP_FEC-000133 hitp.s://coninicrcial.bankoftampa.com/IMG_lMGl 151/IMGl 151 .a.shx?TokenLookup=NL08... 05/15/13 CAW C»«.t»: (ULL Cn»rtLo[i'»8£CUrorT fSATVRES UtSIlD cm WCK BIOtCAIE MO tiKPBrUWO Oft COVIflHO Bank of Tampa Bachmann for President Tamp8,FL 33002 1814 e/o 610 South Boulevard .63«6a«31004 Tampa, FL 3J606 Pii 813-254-3369

PAY ' ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY TWO & 70/100 DOLLARS DATE . AUOUNT. } TO THE OnOEROF 01/1.7/12, $ ••1532.70 13 AtnHORlZ£O..SICKATyHE, Guy Shon I 1617 PaTkdalo CIrole. N. Erie, CO 60516 1

,'•0000 15:3 270.''

I h 0 5 * J? i ? " " •*•5' N ? t: ?. 53; :S^ «910O«a «12^ Kff -S/T-?M I" WW 3 iii ? Is St m 8°

•• -U - 11- !i ;I «»if .• 7 ->A" JC' ,• i:: ' if"? .' P «.'•

BFP_FEC-000134 https://cominercial.bankoftampa.com/fMG_IMGl 151/IMG.l 151 .aslix?TokenLookup-=NL08... 05/15/13 Image# 129S42C4415

FOH LINE NUMBER; PAGE 1953/1961 SCHEDULE B-P Use separate sc|-iediile{s) (cht tor each category of the Tx 23 24 25 26 27a ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS Detailed Suinniary Page 27b 2ea 26b 2Sc Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee, to solicit contributions from such committee. \ NAH4E OF COMMITTEE (In Full) ) Bachmann for President

r-ull Name (Last. First. Middle Ihlllal) A. Laurie Schissel Date of Disbursement » A. .rv*i Mailing Address 102 Stillwater Road ! f 1 "J f 2011 f

City State Zip. Coda Transaction ID ; B0D2101CCE5A54DBA865 Wavorly lA 50677^9710 Purpose of Disbursement see memo entries Amount of Each Disbursement, this Period Candidate Name Category/ I 364.15 J 4 Type i •• ^4.v..*); . ^• 4 Office Sought; House Dtebuisemeni For; -2012 4 Senate Primary General President Other (specify) • Stale: District; Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B, Guy Short Date of Disbursement M rjri ,r n r Mailing Address 1617 Parkdole Circle. N. 07 a 4 20 I y oni'i f. '{Sx^Mial

Zip Oode Clly Stale Transaction 10: B9561F0A0BO6O4579a42 Erie CO 00516-2402 Purpose of Disbursement travel-no Itemization required Amount of Each Disbursement this Period > - * « Candidate Namo Gatcgoiy/ 945.66 Type Office Sought; Mouse Olsbursemont For: 20.12 Senate ^ Primary ["* General President Other (specify) y Slate; District; Full Nome (Last. First. Middle initial) C. Guy Short Date of Disbursement

M M / II ri r V • V V y •Mailing Address 1617 Parkdale Circle. N. 00 . 03 2011 .

Oily Stale Zip Code Erie CO 80516-2402 Transacllon 10 ; BFAFFBFD0C0DA43028C4 Purpose ol DIsbursemerti see memo entries Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Candidate Marno Culegpry/ 1006.48 Typo ' I ./.. y-.-t Office Sought: House Dlsbuisemeht For; 2012 Senate ] Primary General President Other (specify) State; District:

Subtotal Of Receipts This Page (opiional)., 3196.29

Total This Period (last page this line number only))., L BFP FEC-000135 J Fee Schedule 8-P (Form 3P) (Pav. 03/2011) Image#12954264416

FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE 1954/1981 ITCHEDULE B-P Use separate schedule(s) (chock only one) for each category of the 24 25 26 2/a ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS Detailed Suttiinary Page HI 23 Ij27b' 28a 28b 2ac 29 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or Used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial pufpos.es, other Itran using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. \ NAMiE OF CCJMMiTTEE (In Fuli) Bachmann for President

Full Naine;(LasL First, MltJdle Initial) A. Guy Short Date of Disbursement « / - .vVvriv". y. Mailing Address ^617 Parkdalo Circle. N; 1 08 1 t 25 l| I .2011 I

City State Zip Cods Transaction 10 : BBC0290CE7F0441EP6F2 Erie CO 80516-2402 Purpo.sS ;of Disbursement ... see memo, eh'lrios Am'ourit pf Each Disbursement-.this Period Candidate'. Name Categoty/ i 4645.88. Type : J • •< Jl-;. s-t'-.r • , 4 Office.'Sought: Hiiusp Disbursement For: 2012 Sonple Primary Gene'rOl f President Other (specify) y State: District: Fuli Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. Guy Short Date of Disbursement jnpv:»n, fr.-^ ri / jr v Mailing Address 1617 Parkdale .Circle, N. J .0> * I M 5 ? 2011 , '•

Eliy" State Zip Code Transaction ID: B31ECE04BFE1E4F57A0B Erie CO . 80516-2402

Purpose of Disbursement f see memo entries Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Candidate Name . . -J Categoty/ 2560.59 TVpe f ,• ... Olilce Sought: House Disbui'semont For: 2012 Senaio ^ Primary General Prasidont Other (spccifyl ^ State: District: Full Na.me (Last, First, Middle Initlnl) C. Guy Short Dale of Disbursement . M It / • n n • t y Y 'V Mailing Address 1017 Parkdale Circle. N. . 07 26 .2011

City State Zip Code Erie CO 80516.2402 Transaction 10 : B8037A86129A44SFF931 Purpose of Disbursement mileage Amount of Each Disburserne'nt this Period Candidate Name Category/ - •. i; - t 35.70 Type . -!/»»• . i Office Sought: House Disburseiiient For: 2012 [fVIEiVIO ITEM). Senate X Primary | |. General President Other (spe'cify)"^ State: District:

Subtotal Of Receipts This Page (optional).. 7406.47

Total This Period (last page this line number only))., L BFP FEC-000136 • J FEC Sctiodiile B-P (Form 3P) (Rev. 03'20ll) Image# 12970230722

FOR LINE NUMBER; PAGE 2212/2246 fTcHEDULE B-P Use separate scheclule(s) (chock onjy one) for each category of the EE 23 _ .21 i__ 25 r 26 278 ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS Oetaiied Summary Page Lj27bCj2B.a200 DaobLl 28c 29 Any informallon copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or tor commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of ^any pollllcal commlilee to solicit contributions from such commlltee. y; NAME' OF COMMIFEE (In Full) ) Bachmann .for President

Full Nanie (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. Douglas R. Sachtleben Date of Disbursement t fff -«>"5 r i'Y'-'v Vv v-v j Mailing Address 13105 Gordon Drive U:...! l/iJ

City State Zip, Code- Transaction ID; Bg848827CSA1E4272AA4 Manassas VA 20112-474.0 Purpose of Disbursement salary 1 Aiiio.unl of Each Disbursement this Period Candidate Name Cat'egoryy :• 3816..0P ; Type . I;....', •' V .- -v f . • Olllco Sought: House Disbursement For: "201-2 Senate 53 Primary General Prosldeiti Other (specify) • State: District: Full Name (Last, First, Middio Initial) B. Rebecca Shadwell Date of Dlsburseiiient i'MTs:?rfv-r* ^ Mailing Address 70 Old Ford Trail

city State Zip Code Transaction ID: BF836B4A5E38D4686gEF Dalzell SO 29040.-8423 Purpose of Disbursement see memo entries Atnount of Each Disbursement this Period Candidate Ndmc • 331.29

Office Sought: Hoiise' Oisburseincnt For: 2012 Senate 3 Primary General President 1 Other (specify) Y Stale: District: Full Name fLasr, First, Middle Initial) c. Guy Short Date of Disbursement u >.i J n ' n / V v -v v Mailing Address 1617 Parkdaltr Circle. N. 10 06 . 2011

Cily Stale Zip Code Erie CO 80516-2102 Transaction ID : B380F470B923147DDB25 Purpose ol Disbursement see memo entries * .J Antount ol Each Dl.sbiifscntent this Period C<-itidldate Name • >• • Category/ Typo 3141.08 Olflco Souglit: House Dfsbursemont For: 2012 Senate Primary General President Other (specify) State: District:

Subtotal Of Receipts This Page (optional).. 7318.37

Total This Period (last -page this line number only))., L BFP FEC-000137 • J FEC Schedule B-P (Form 3P) (Rev. 03.'20I1) Imaged 12970789946

P FOR LINI: NUIVIBER: PAGE 328/362 ' SCHEDULE B-P Use separate schediile(s) (chr for each category of tlie fx|2o.20 r 24 25 26 27a ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS Detailed Summary Page r~l27bl~27b 28a 20b 280 29 Any Information copied from suc)i Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than usliig the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such commiitee. V NAfylE OF COMMITTEE (In Full) ) Bachmann for President

Full Name (Last, plrsi: Middle Initial)' A. Christopher Yablonski Date pi Disbursement : M r^r, / fn'-Vj / Mailing Address 701 22nd Street. S. . 01 ^ , 17 il f 201:2-. S

City State Zip Code Transaction ID: B1B9AA396B4AS45FDA22 Arlington VA 22202-2723 Purpose- of Disbursement •>" ii -rti—r, grassroots coordinating Amou.nl of Each Disbursement this Period r* tl- ^ Candidate Name Category/ I 4000.00 3 Type Office Sought; House Disbursement For; 2012 Senate ^ Primary Q General President Other (specify) y State: District: Full Name (Last. First, Middle ftiltlal) Q Gavin J. Smith Date of Disbursement ^ rf,. H M ' M ' S *) or/ 8 Y ' y. • Y " V 5 Mailing Address 115 GVaydon Court J 01 1 17 ii { . 20^2- ? f « Vie V..-/# Y WW-f '

Zip Code aiy State Transaction ID : BACFAE58A0BB04C28BD8 West Columbia SC 29170-106.3 Purpose of Dlsburs'entenl mileage Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Cnndid.He Name Cntbgoiy/ 524.48 Type Office Sought: House Oisbursentcnt Fon 2012 Senate Primary [ " j General President Other (specify) y State: District; Full Name (Last. First. Middle Initial) c. Guy Short Date ol Disbursement M .•,! / !• It ,•'/ V V •* V fv^ailing Address 1617 ParkrJaie Circle. N 01 17 2012 ,

City State Zip Coda Erie CO 80516-2402 Transaction ID : BA7B9S0ED12064C088B1 Purpose of Disbursement see memo entries Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Cattdldaic Name Category/ Typo ? 1532.70 1 .J OtiIcQ Sought: House Disbursement For; 2012 Senate Primary 1^ J General President Other (specify)"' State; District:

r ^ Subtotal Of Receipts This Page (optional).. 6057.18

Toiai This Period (last page this line nuinber only)). L BFP_FEC-000138 • J r-cC Schedule B-P (Form 3P) (Rev. 03/2011) 4 " ATTACHMENT E POLI-nCAL CONSULTING CONTRACT

Tliis Contract is entered into as of this I day of J.uhy 2011 by idnd-b.etSveen. the

("Consultant") (collectively "the Parties").


WHEREAS, Cuiisukam is in the btisiness of providing political and coalition services to federal campaign committees; and

WHEREAS, the BFP desires to engage Consultant for performance of above said political consulting services for the BFP; 4 2 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of tlic foregoing and die inunial covenants set 2 forth herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, receipt and .sufficiency of which is 0 hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:


Consulting Services .Provided. Consultant covenants and,agrees to provide to the BFP the following services: political..consnltJhg and coalition building services for the BFP at die 2011 Iowa Straw Poll and such other services as .directed by the Nktioniil Campaign Director and Deputy Campaign Manager. These services shall hereafter be .re.ferrc,ri to.as the "Cbiisulting Services". / A.Directives. In performing its dutic.s, Consulraiii shall rouriiiuly dpnsiilt with suid oihejwise rcpim ifj tlic Dcpiity Campaign Manager and National Campaign Director reg:i.r.ili.ng the performance of the Consulting Services. Any qucsiipris regarding Coiisultani^S performance' of the Consulting Services under this Contract shall be addressed to an auihoiiz.ed agent cicsign.nied by the Depury Campaign.M.in.iger. Not\vitJi.standmg.3nytlving in the foregoing, it is expressly understood ami agreed that Consultant is an independent contractor and i.s not an employee of the BFP.

C. Ctimplinncc Respoiisihiliucs. Consultant represents to BFP that He is knowledgeable of the compliance and legal obligations of the li.F'P pursuant to the Federal ElecdC/n Campaigii Act of 1971, as .nniendcd, and Federal Elcetioii Coinrnission regulations (coUcGilvely "the .Act"), and agrees to comply with the provisions of the Act. in all re-spects" applicable to the performance of the Con.siilt.ing Services under tliis Contract and io constilt with BFP legal'counsel in the event Consultant has cjuestions regarding the appKcaiion of any. provision of ibt.Act io':Ou- Consultant's services for the BFP.

Page 1 of 8

BFP_FEC-000139 ARTICLE II - TERM; TIME OF THE ESSENCE A. The Paftiibs agree that the.term of: thiis Contract shall be fram July , 2011, to August 14, 2011,

B. Given the nature of the services rendered. Consultant' expressly acknowledges that time is of the essence,


A. Compensation. For successful petfutmancc of the eludes described in Article 1, the BFP 1 agrees lei: p^y Consultant a.onertiin(: fee of $5,000 per month. No other payments shah be due. to Q Con5u!t.:wi.l Ci'ndcr thc terms of thisiagrccment. B. Eypense Reitnbyraemcpt.

L Kciinhurscmcnt for otdjnnT.y. expenscS'Such'^us long distance, c'upies, postage, ctG..:shall be made paid within sixty (60).dsiy.S 6,f being incurred byConSuhant upon prcsentniicin to BFP .of invoices widi original receipts and dbcumcniaiinn of costs/expenses mcurretJ.. Consultant's, expenses ujicler T.hi.s Contract shall be invoiced without ma.rk-:up: Consultant also agrees to obtain prior approva.1 for any .travel, and/or other incidental expens.es. Bcunburscment for. First' Class travel is not autliorized.

C. Mailing of Invoices aod.Ptiymcnl on Reimbursement Requeais. All irivoices and rec]ucst$ for payments or rcj'mbursehicn.ts must be SubmiiteiJ on a .BFP Expense Reimburscincnt Form atid should be scnt to;

Bachmann for President Attn; Natit7 WatJiins, Treasurer 610 S. Blvd. Tampa, FL 3.^1606

D. 'NonconrpUance hifltifies Noiipavment. Any expenses, i»ayments or amounts due under this Contract that do not m.ecl .thc:alyovc criteria may not be paid in whole or in part and may be ircaicil .as an iii-Uiud coiitribui'ion to the BFP, or deducted from the compensation otherwise due Consultant, ar the sole disGretiou. of .the BFl'.


A. Legal Statn.s. The B.F P and Con.sulbmt agree' that iJtc legal status of Consultant with rcspccr to the .BFP is dvat of independent contractor and .riot as employee. Consultant is not an agent, or a legal representative of the- BITP and is not authoriyed tu make any commitments for or to act as an agent of the BFP for any purpose whatsoever. In particular, Consultant may not enter into anv Icgahy binding agreement, written or oral, or take any other legal act in the name of the BFP.

Page 2 of 8

BFP_FEC-000140 B.Liability. Consultant agrees lo assume exclusive liability for any and all taxes, assessment, levies or fines, which may be deemed owed by her, or to any employee or contractor of Consultant as a result of performance of C0n.sulr.ing Services pursuartt "to this'Contiac.t-. •

C. Taxe.s. Etc. Tt is imdcrstoocl and agreed thai the BFP will, not be responsible .for the payment or withholding of fetleral, state, and/ot local taxes, payroll taxc.s, social sccuri.iy ta.xcs, health insiuanec, unemployment inxurance, workman's c:om|)cnsiition bcncfils, and other similar personnel costs incurred by Consultant in connection with this Cpiirract.


Consultant shall indemnify and hold the BFF, its employees,/ditecrots, bfficfcr^j.agaits, and volunteers harmless against and from siny and all cIn.Lms.'dcmahds, Uabilidcs, nctioivs, d.ninngra, costs; and experrses related thereto (including arrorneys' fees, court costs, and other expebscs of litiguiion) and a.ll damngc.s and liabilities of any Icind 01 nature \yhatever, ans'ing..out of or. ^ attributable to Consultant^ performance, or nonperformance under the terms of this Contract.


A. CoiifidentiaJ and ProjirietaTV Information. All matters between the Parties, including but not limited to the p.ro.vi$ioiis of ihis^Contxacr; Bl'P mailing or donor lists; individual contribution hisioMcs; polling data; fmancin! rcporrs; research; solicitation materials or techniques; and any other materials or methodologies .which Consiuhanr, or list owners^ if applicable, niiiy come in contact with and/or which are received from Or through thcBFPi its erhploycc-s or.agenls, ("rh^e.Materials") arc, were and shall remain the proprictsiry and conridcntiM propetiy Of .the BFP and shall noc.bc transferred, communicated or .delivered ip any third party, whether on not for compchs'atioh, witiiout the prior express wrirttn consent of BFP's Na.tiOrial Campaign Director or Deputy Campaign Manager.

B. Cuiisulcanl acknowicdgc.s tJ>at the National Campaign Director or .Deputy Cjimpaign M.in.igcr may take such action he considers necessary, in.cludLng lenniiiaiing diis Conlraci, if Coii.suliani engages in inapjiroprintc behavior, including h.arassfneni;, acts contrary to the miiTcsis of BFP, di-scloses confidential information, or to avoid oi: eliminate a siiuarion wjiicli (lie National Campaign Director or Deputy Caiiipuign Manager, believes crearcs a conflict of interest with, respect to Consiiiismi's relationship with the BFR Consultant agrees that he shall n.ot say or do anything, directly or, indirectly, orally or in \yriring (including electronic communicaiiOns), that may disparage BFP t^r Representative Micitcle Bachmann. The parties agree that Article VI, sections A and 1.J, .shall survive the termination, of this contract.


A. ConstiltaiJt warrants and otherwise represents tliat. he is generally familiar with the regulniioiis gfjverning coordinated public communications promulgated by the Federal [•'lection Commission ("TEC"), under the Act and further warrants f.t> BFP as follows:

Page 3 of-8

BFP_FEC-000141 1. CunsuJtani ngrecs not lo imply or othei-vvise represent that he is acting in any capacit)' as an agent of rhe BFP other than fot the specific purposc(s) set forth in this Contxact;

2. Consultant agrees not to divulge to any paxty eominittcc, candidate or other entity any information regarding the private needs, activities, plans or projects of tlie BrP resulting from Consultant's reiiitionship with die BFP pursuant to this Contract; and

3. Consultant agrees that under no circumstances will he engage in. substantial discussions or become materially involved with any candidate, party committee or other political eiiritj: for purposes of their maldng public cpiumunications referencing Congressw.oman Micheic Bachroann rcsiildng from Consultant's Knowledge and informarion concerning the-private needs, acoviiiics, 1 plans or projects of the BFP rcsuhi.ng from tliis Contract.


^ The B1"P is a Minnesota nonprofit corporation thai is registered with the Fedcriil Eleciion 2 Commission as Congresswoman Michcle Bachmann's ("Candidate'*) prineipnl campaign Gominittec 2 for President of the Uniicd States. Consultant agrees that the Gani^dar'c and BlTV directors, J officers, employees, and agents shall not be personally liable for any debt, liabijiry, or obligation of Q ihe BFP. Cofi.sulrant, liJte all petson.s, corporarion.s, ot odier entiries extending credit to, contjr.icting. 1 witlj, or having any claim agouist the BFP may only look to the funds' arid property of ..tlie-13FP for payment of any debt, damages., judgment, decree, or a.ijy money that may otherwise become .dOe or payable to them from thc.l3.FP.


Notwithstanding Article II of fiii.s Contract, etdier part)* iriay terrhinaic tliis'Gphuact, with or without cause, at any time, and for any reason oiv ft/teen (15) days wriiteii notice lO.lhc Giljicr purry. Such written notice shall be cieemeci sufficient if in writing and rJclivered by eeriificd mail return receipt: rerjuesleti, or by overnight tnail. The notice shall be effective as of the date received.


This Contract represents the complete and entire agreement between the BFP and Consultajit anil completely replaces and supcrsede.s all previous agreements, whether written or oral.


The failure or omission of the BFP to require strict compliatice with the provisions of this Contract by Consultant, or to excrci.se any of its tcighis or remedies in any-cucutTisiatice, shall not consrimre a waiver by the BFP of its rjghi.s, constimtc. n precedent, or otlieiwi.se affircl the interpretation of tlvis Contract. No terms or prpvision.s of this Contract, may be amended, waived, or modified cxccjir pur.snant to a written agreement that expressly references this Contract and is signed Ijy duly autiioti'/ed representatives of the BFP and Consultant.


BFP_FEC.000142 All nnticcs,:rcqucsts^ demands, And othu cominuiiications under d'lis Gontruct shall be in wrijing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if dfelivertd'pieHonally of if sent by-jc^'sjared or certified mail,:rc.tiirn receipt requested;;pippcrlyviddicss^ iihd.pbsiAge 'pre|paid;tOr^ addresses set forth in the Preface of this Agrccm.ent'or,'in the casc of. iriybices and reques;ts,f6r payment or reimbursement, to the address set fottli in y\rricle lU, Paragraph C


This Contract shall not be assigned or subcontracted by Consultant without the prior written consent of thc BFP.


4 Consultant agrees that all provisions of dus Contract will be binding on, or inure to the benefit of, any of its successor organizations.


The BFP and Consultant agree that the terms of this Contract shall be deemed i.o be made under, governed by, and consuticd in accordance witli, the laws of the State of Virginia.


In the event either party must bring suit for any reason under this Contract, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the other party all costs of such suit, including reasonable attorneys' fees. ARTICLE XVII - HEADINGS.

The lieadings in tiiis Contract arc for the sole purpose of convenience of reference and shall not in any way limit or affect the meaning or interpretation of any of the terms or provisions of this (".oniract.


]f any of the terms or provisions of this (Joiuracl are held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining terms and provisions shall continue in full force and effect.


Thi.s Contract jnay be e.Nccuicd in countexpnrrs, and all counterparts will be considered as part of one Contract binding on all parties to this Contract. This Contract may be executed via facsinxilc, which signatures shall be deemed legal and binding as an original .signature hereto.


BFP_FEC-000143 A. Other.Ehfitics. CQns«Ifiwu. sjiftll list .fls. AttnGhmbnt tn this EhhtiGohlra'cV^ny alJicr cnVity,,ih wliatcvir form,, ^ih —. which -._ Consultant orjw agents; or-ownetsrs ha's-ahs's-a b'r-mflnflii><.*rnbnt''int.if'rektjbr-manajgcmcnt-intcrc's.tj and u/)iAt.ch9r'.'ih>/!n>«»'-r'i>nh'(tfother entity.lias liac mor i'i;:exjitictcd to'-hayi:.^ fmancial or contractual relatiohshiji «.yidi fhc BFP. I'las'dlsclpstite inost:uiciu^e-ahy paym rycdvGil from BFP vendors by epiisuliani and any pisytwenis lo UFP vendors by Consttltaht. Furrhcr; Cibhsultani .sli.al,] provide'» !|si of nil prdiuGnJ dicht.s 'wirJv wHich.Cppsuitant'Worlcs, includirigv n.o.l, limited to fedew| .campaign comniittccs,.political action G6njihi.ttc.es, ppliticql partj' .dnH infli^ni*niU»'fSl nr Tr\ <»n«i\irr-isrtnnirtc»f\f.'itVlftroct I'ln-ticM.

1= ...ube resolvedx^..-.v.vc« toV" theU.v s.aiisfactiona.-uo...... ju., of«. theu B.FP's Deputy Caiftp^ign Managct pHor to.p^ aniy 0 coinpcnsadoii under this Contract.

B. Oijha. Consultant agrees not to give any gift(s) haying a value (or aggregate value) In excess, of $50 in iiJiy calendar year to any individual who is employed by the BFP.

Page 6 of 8

BFP_FEC-000144 origitial,;oJi.cl agree io bt;/boi»h£|;b| thcrco;,&'

i-or live liI"P: rQr\4i»-4Ti J j3:r.vr>tL.. t.

Si^anirc / ^ " SigMhite; Pepvi l5^:Cahfijiaig|d^ ];C00!, Name: M.e: -hi . Date l^atc. f h^ijoriSSN,

0 4

•Rage Vflf 'S:


pobtieal and cttalifibn cfDhsuitanr ("Consuliani- shaD'Usl ariy-othcjr cntiCy,.in w.h3tey.icr;:f()rni,.b wluch C^onsiiltiinT or iVs priircipnliSj..ugcni:s, or owners has a, fijVatJcjal,;pro.prietar.y, or maiing

Page 8 pf 8


6 Image# 12951531241

SCHEDULE B (PEG Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 21 Of i* ITEMfZED DISBURSEMENTS Use soparale schedule(a; (chock only one) (or each category of the fJiTliM'' 22 23 24 25 28 OetalleC Summary Pago 27 250 280 280 29 300

Any Inlormallon copleia Irbm such Reports and Slaiemonls may hoi bo sold or used by any person for Iho purpose ol spliclUng conirlbulions Of lor commercial purposes, other- than dsln'g ihd ri'arho.tinc! addrpss of any pblllical.cdrnmHlee.-(d solloll.ii^nlrtbultofts (rorn ajch cdmmHien. NAME QF COMMITTEE (In FulO. * Many Inidividual Conservatives Helping Elect Leaders Everywhere (MICHELEPAC)

Full Name (Lost, FIrsi, Middle Inilfal); A. Saber Communications, Inc Dale ol Disbursement 'srvav / Mailing Address ioi Washington SVeel :(i2 U I! 23 n e .201T :|

City Slate Zip. Code Transaction 10: SB21B-40607-2690S-e Falmouth VA 2240'5:2361 Purpose ol Disbursemeni Fundrajsjng: biroci Mnil 1' .00.3 J Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Candidate Name ft-AuuLuu.i^«rJI a / Aiff If Calegory/ f •3000, Type Ofilco Sought 0|sb'ursemeni For: Primary General Olher (specify) f Sialc; I Full Name (Last. Flrsl. MWdle Initial) B- C&M Strategies Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address 1617 Parkdalo Circle N .i>..vJ!^cl) ^ 3 Clly Slate Zip Coda Transaction ID : SB21B-120182-26951-0 Erie CO 60518:2402 Purpose ol Uisburscmont Fundraisliig: Fundralsing Consulting 003 i| Amount of Each Oisbursomanl. this Pdriod ^ifll (^dicTalc T^nmo Category/ 4500. = Typo Ofiice Sought: House" Oisbiirseinenl.For: Senaie Primary i' "1 General President Olher (specify)

Clly Stale Zip Code Transaction 10; SB21B-40443-26752-e Salni Paul MN 55104-0182 Purpose 01 OisbursernenT Accounting Fees 001 Amouril of Each: Dlsbutsemenl ihls Pdriod Canrlldote Naniu Category/ Type rW.V 6fi]H-o Soughr: Disbiirsernenl For: Primary j ~j General Olher (specify) y Stale:

SUBTOTAL of Oisbiirsemonts This Page (opiional).. 1041.0:00 i

S 1 TOTAL This Perioif (lasl page Ihis line numlier only)..

Fr:CAN02C FEC Schedule B [Form 3X) Rov. n2/2003

BFP_FEC-000147 Image# 12951532470

SCHEDULE B (PEG Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER: RAGE 49 OF 61 ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS Use separate sc)iedule(s) (check only one) lor eacli category o1 the 5? 2lb 22 23. 24 25 26 Ootailed Summary Pago MM 27 28a 28b 28c 29 30b Any InlormuHon copied Iroin such Reports'and Sl.3iemchls.may not be sold or used by arry person for the purpose of solicliing cbntilbulfons or for cdmmerciai puiposias, otiier ihah using, ihe-name.and address ol any pblificai commilliSa ilo solicH cpnTributions irpiti^s.uch com.mltiee.. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) ' Many Individual Conservatives Helping Elect Leaders Everywhere (MICHELEPAC)

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Inillal) ' ' A- C&M Strategies Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address 1617 Parkdale CIrcie N 2011 a: .04.sV . J , OJ,^^

City Slate Zip Code TransacNon ID : SB21B-1201S2-310lO-e Erie CO 60516-2402 Purpose Of OisDursemeni Fundraislhg: Fundralaing Consulting 003 Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Candidate Name 4 Caleodry/ 1627.4 j Type .'JirirSMSw 1 Oilica Sought: House Disbi memeni For: Senate Primary f~| General I President Other (specify) y Slate: District: Full Name (La-sl, FIrsl. Middle Initial) 8I B. Allegiance List Marketing Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address 430 E E Streel

City Zip Code. Stale Transaction 10: SB21B-40583-30989-e Purcellvllie VA 20132-331:9

Purpose ot Disbursement ui iim Fuhdraislng.ptrect Mail J 001 1 Amount of Each Disbursement this Period CiindidatG Nemo Galego'^/ 2000 f Typo Otlicu Sought House Disbursement For: r Senate Primary L- General 'President other (spcclty) y Slate: jistdct: Full Name (Lasl. I-Trsi. Middle Inlilal) c- American Express Dale of Disbursement rire'vi"!! / rfTTifl I Mailing Address PQ Box 53852 i 04 i I 29 I I 2011 f

City Stale Zip Code Transaction 10: SB21B-120178-30984-O Phoenix AZ 85072-3852 Purposo 01 Distiursomoni Fundraising Credit Cord f-ees 003 j Amount 01 Each OlstJUrsprnenl this.Period Gandi3aio"Kfnnii ?*s» "s** A**"* 1V-":'""V/" Category/ I 3:05 Type i-v." -'-J. . I.. •; > " Ollice Sought: House Olsbursoment rot: Senate Primary j j General r- - President Other (specify) y State: bistflcl:

SUBTOTAL of Disbursements This Page (optional).. 3 3530.45

TOTAL Tlti.s Period (lasl pagrt this line number only)..

TEBANyZS f^ec Schedule B (Form 3X) Rev. U2/SC03

BFP_FEC-000148 Imago# 129S1532471

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER; PAGE 50 OF 61 ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS Uss separale schedule(s) (check only one) lor aach calogory oi Ihe 21b .'22 23 24 25 — 20 nelailecl Summery Page 27 280 2Sb sec 29 300 Any Information copied from such Reports and Siatemonis may nol be sold or used by any person for (ho purpose of sollcillng coniributlons or for cdrnmercial purposos. other than using (he name and address of any ppllllcal cpmmilteo lb solicUcqntrlbullons. from, such cornmllfee. \ NAME OF COMMITTEE-On Full) / Many Individual Conservative's Helping Elect Leaders Everywhere (MICHELEPAC);

Full Name (Lasi, First. MIddlo. Inlilal) A- C&M Strategies Oafo .of Disbufsemoni Malllnrj Address 1S17 Parkdale Circle N LAIJ Cily Stale 2ip Code- Transaction 10; SB21B-120182-3l012-e Erie GO 80516-2402 Purpose of Uisbiirsemenl Fundraislng: Fundralslpg Consulting 003' I Amount ol Each Disbursement this Period Candidate Name 4 Categoiy/ 0000 type t 4 Offico .Sought; House Ofabtiraement For: 4 Senate ' ~! Primary General PresidGirl ~ Olhor (specify) y —.J State: Di? rid: 0 Full Name (LasI, First, Middle Inlilal) 9 B- American Express Dalo of Olsburserinenl Mailing Address PO Box 53852

City Slate Zip Code Transaction 10 : SB21BO 20179.30983-0 Phoenix AZ 85072-3852 Purpose 01 Uisbursemeni Fundraislng Credit Card Fees 003 I Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Candidate Name Category/ f 3104 i •type Offlce Sought: House Disbiirsemanl For: Somile Primary General President Oliver (spccilyO y Stale; 55 rid; Full Name (l.osl. First. Middtrj Iniitnl) C- American Express Date of Disbursement v-wwir!! / rTi-^D' / Mailing Address PO Box 53852 I 04. ji E 04 . ji 2011 .1

City State Zip Code Transaction ID: SB21BO20179-30974-e Phoenix AZ 85072-3852 Pi/rjjbse dnjIsbTTrsembnli Fundraising Credit Card Fees 003 Amount ol Each Disbursomenl this Period 'Candidate Name Category/ 6.6 4 Typo ?5iirco Sought: "f House Dlsbursemenl For: Senate ~'j Primary General I President J Other (specify) y State: Oislrid;

9009,84 SUBTOTAL ol Oisbursemonis This Pago (optional)..

TOTAL This Period (last page this tine number cnly).. eae^>^fseww«r«Awet|#Niw'W • •

FEC Sch(:dute B (Form SX) 02/2003

BFP_FEC.000149 Imago# 129S1532472

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3X) FOI^ LINE NUMSEIH; PAGE S1 OF 61 ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS USD soparale schodule(s) :(check only one) for each category of the 23 24 25 26 Delailed Summary Pago' fSnaib Mze 27 ~i 28a. 2eb 280 29 30b Any Inforrnalion copied irom such Reports and Siatofhenls rhay not be sold or used by any parson for the purpose of soliciting conlributlons or for commercial purposos, other than using the name, and address pt any ppllllcbl committee to..?o.l.rclt-.contrlbutlon3 from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) Many IndivlfJual Conservatives Helping Elect Leaders Everywhere (MICHELEPAC)

Full Name (Lasi. First, Middle Inliial) C&M Strategies pale of OlsfaursomanI Mailing Address 1B17 Parkdale Circle N Lsu LJDJ Lrioiu...J

City Slate, Zip Codiit Transaction ID; SB21B-12O182-31011-S Erie CO 06516T24O2 Purpose ol pisburseineni Fundraising; Fundra/sirig CO'«ulllng B 003 1 Amouni of. Each 0.l8bur8emeril'.llti8 Period' Candldaia Namo Galegory/ 3000 • Type

Senate r Primary General President { Olher (siJecily]V) • stale: rici: Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B- Allegiance List Marketing [3ale of Disbursemcnl r.r g'arV.fill I Mailing Addrass 430 E E Streel

Clly Zip Code Slate Transaction 10: SB21B-40583-309B8-O Piircellvllle VA 2013^-3310 Purpose ol Oisbiirsomui.it Fundraising Direct Mall S 001 S Amount of Each Oisbursamerit this Period Candldnfe Nome Category/ : . 2000 Type. Oifico Sougfii: House Disbursement For; Senate Primary j ] General President Other (specif^ y Siato: Oisirici:. Full Name (Lasl. First, Middle Initial) C- Win Right Data Company, LLC Dale of Oisbiirsonieni

Mailing Address 264 N Lumpkin Street f 27 < 2011 i Suite 202 City Stale Zip Code Transaction ID ; SB21B-40816-31005-S Athens GA 30601-2832 Purpose orDlsbursemeni Fundraising List Purcliase 001 Amount of Each Dr'sburaomenl this Period Candidate Name" Category/ 100 Type blltco Soughi:" House Disbursement For: Senalo Primary Q] Gtmeral President Olher (specify) y Stale; iSs rid:

SUBTOTAL of Disbursements This Page (optional).. 1 5100.00 i • • r,.Ay»*vn7A>i» TOTAL This Period (last page llu's line number only).. c

FcfiANOaO TEC Schedule 0 (Form 3X) Rov. 02/2CGn

BFP_FEC-000150 Imaye# 12951532469

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER; I PAGE 46 OF 61 ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) (or each category of the 2ib 22 23 24 25 26 Detailed Summary Page 0 27 28a 26b 28c 29 30b Any Informallon copied from such Reports and Statements may not tie sold or used by any person for Ihe purpose of-sollclilrig contributions or for commercial pufppsiBSi'.other thap usiiig Ihecridme .arid" address of any pplllloaj cotrimlltee to.sollcit CQfiirlbutlons Irom sucfi, committee. \ NAME OF COMMlfrEE (In Full) ) Many Individual Conservatives Helping Elect Leaders Everywhere (MICHELEPAC)

Full Nemo (Last; First, Middle Inlllal)' A- C&M Strategies Dale of Oisburs'emont

Mailing Address 1.617 Parkdale Circle N i. 0.4 I t- 19' 9 S 201-1 , y

Clly Slate Zip Code Transaction ID : SB218-120182-31014-e Erie CO 80616-2402 Purpose of Disbiirspment Fundraislngi-Fuiiciraislhg Consulling. i 1 Amount of Each Dlsbursemeni this Period Candidate Name Category/ j iSOO ' Type-. . IHousu Senate Prlinary General President Oitier (specifyf'V Stale: Dis rici: Full Name- (Last, Firsl, Middle Inllial) B. American Express. Date of Olsbursemonl P'ra-I J / J'.lrSTTN-'ii'Y-fi Mailing Address PO Box S3052 LiiJ L..BJ LJsiuJ

Oily State Zip Code Transaction ID: SB2ie-120179-30978-e Phoenix A2 85072-3'8G2 Purpose 01 Disbursement Fundraisfng Credit CMid Fees 003 ) Amount of Each pisbursemeni-ihis Period ttnbV.*«.V Candidate Name •-V -r"' Category/ 1.75 i Type E Ollicc Sought: House Disbursement For: Senate Primary Q] General President Olher (specify) y Stato: Dis rict; Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) c- Allegiance List Marketing Dale ol Dlsbursemeni Maliitrg Address 430 E E Street srj LJLII

City Stale Zip Code Transaction ID : SB21B-40S83-31002-O Purcellvnio VA 20132-3319 Purpose ol Dieburnomoni Fundralsing l.lst Purchase Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Candidnlc Nemo Category/ Type 625- I difien Soughi Disbursement For; Senate 1Primary Gonorol PresldenI Other (specify) • Stale: ricl: n

.C't^er •t—r-: SUBTOTAL of Oisbiirsomenis This Page (optional)., 2125.75 « • M - .,7 / i . - r.Mf 1 n:» fci'.; 'f*- , TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only).. •

l-f.DAN!)2ii FEC Schedule B (Form 3X) ftsv. 0'^9003

BFP_FEC-000151 Imago#12SS1639263

SCHEDULE B (PEG Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER; PAGE 71 OF 78 Use separate schcdula(s) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS •—4 lor each category ot the 2tb .2?" 23 24 25 2G Oelalled Summary Page 27 2Ba 20b 2Bc ~ 29 SOb Any ihlormallon copied trorn such Reports and Statements may not bo sold or used by any person for the purpose of soflcliing conirlbutlens or for commercial purposes, other than using: tho hpme and address-of'any political comrhlllee to solicit coiittibiiilorrs-from such commiliee. V NAME .OF COMMITTEE (In Full) ) Many inclivitdiial Conservatives Helping Elect Leaders Everywhere (.MICHELEPAC)

Full Name (Last. First. Middle Initial) A- C&M Strategies Date of Disbursement

Mailing Address 1617 Parkdale Circle N 06 j 6 2011 {

City Stale Zip Code Transaction ID : SB21S-120182-35348-0 Erie CO 80516-24.02

Purpose ol OisburEomBni fpmii FundrolSIng; Furvdralsinjj Consulting f-v003; Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Candidate Name Catcgury/ 9175 I Type H 4 4 Office Soiighl; House Otsburscmenl For; Sbnalo Primary Q General President Other (spoclly)" • Slate; iiiirlct; Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) Wesley Enos Data ol OlsburscmenI y"tr'V'«'V™ii'v-!( Mailing Address 501 34ih Avenue SW LisJ City Slate Zip Coda Transaclion ID : SB21B-BB254-35346-e Aitoona lA 50000-2B34 Purpose ol Disbursement Management Consulting Amount ol Each Disburseriieni this Period Candidate Name J Category/ Typo Ulilce Sought House Oisbursoine.ni Foi; Senate Primary r "J General President Other (specilyf v Stele: !^iiict: Full Name (t.ast, First, Middle Initial) C- The Richard Norman Company Dale ol OlsburscmenI Mailing Adrlross 44084 Riverside Parkway i LJSJ ^ Sulle.350 Oily Stale Zip Code Transaction ID ; SB21 B-40602-35354-e l.ansdowne VA 201.76-6823 Purpose onjlsfiursamcni Fundralsing: Oirecl Mail Fundraising i 003 Amount ot Each Disbursement this Period 6#»»wB»atiiLsi Canoidaio Name Categoiy/ Typo 300 : Olllcc Soi/glit; Roiisi Disbursement Fur: Senate I Primary General President ; Other (spccily) y State. brtilrict;

SUBTOTAL o! Disbursements Ttiis Page (optional).. 11785.07

^ i-a-- TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only).. : c s.'" V.^I *.w-7*

rno.AN026 FEC Schedule D (Form 3X) Rav. 02^003

BFP_FEC-000152 Image# 12951539256

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE 74 bF 78 ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS Use separate 5chedule(s) (chcclr only one) for oacfi category of the 5?l21b 22 23 24 25 26 Oelalled Sumniary Page 27 2aa 28b 28c 29 30b Any Information copied from such Reports and Slolemenis may not be sold or used by any- person (or the purpose of soliciting contributions or lor commercial purposes, olhar than using the name and address.of any political committee to solicit contributions Irom such commliiee. N. NAME OF. GbMMITTEE (l.n Full): ) Many Ihtilvidual Gbnservatrves;,Helping Elect Leaders Everywhere (MlCHELEPAC)

Full Nome (Last, First, Middle Initial) A- McGill Consulting Date of Olsbursemeht.

Mailing Address 7643 S Bay Drive

City Stale Zip Code Transaction 10; S821B-40644-35360-8 Bloomiriglon MN 55436-2001 1 Purpose 01 Oisburseinent 7 Fundratslng: Fundrals'lng Consulting 003 -5 Amount of Each Disbursement tills Period Candidate' Name Category/ ? . 250 i Type 1 Office Souglil: l-lousa Olsbursemonl For: 4 Senate Primary I I General President Other (specify) y State: iiiirict: Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) C&M Strategies Date of Disbursement i v'ci 't'Ti,"?. / ro-'C'V^ , 5'f"ii'"/'V>V"S-v-"jj Mailing Address 1617 Parkdale Circle N

city State Zip Code Transacdon ID: SB21B-120182-35349-e Erie CO 60516-2402 Purpose of Disburs.emeni Fundralsirig; Fwndralslng. Consulting I 003 I Amount of Each Dlsburseinenl Ihls Period Candidate Name Elfli &»u A-KS! Category/ 3 4325 \ Type Oftlce Sought: House Disbursement For; Senate Primary [ ] Gonerai President Other (specifyr V Stale: Diflrici: Full Name (Lasl. First. Middle Initial) C- American Express Dale ol Disbursement

Mailing Address PO Box 53852

City State Zip Code Transaction ID : SB21B-120179-3S369-e Phoenix AZ 85072-3852 Purpose 01 Disbursomoni Fundraising: Credit Card Fees 003 Amount ot Each Disbursement this Period Candidate Name --as*#i-v4.vy-« Category/ Type 'j I Olfico Sought: House Disbursement For: Sonato Primary j j General President 3 Other (specify)"y Stale: llslrici:

SUBTOTAL of Olsbursemenis This Page (optional)..,, 3 ' 4576.74' I

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only)..

FF6AN02D FEC Schedule 8 (Form 3X) Rov. 02/2003

BFP_FEC-000153 Image# 12951S39259

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3X) FOfl LINE NUMBER: [PAGE 77 OF 78 ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS Use separate schedule(s) (checli only one) tor each category of the 5? 2ib 22 23 24 25 20 Detailed Summary Pago 27 28a 2eb 28c 29 301)

Any Inlormatlon copie.d'.lroiii sucti Ropgris and Slatomcnts may not be.sbld. or used by any person for the purpose of sbUcillrig. conlribulions or lor cominercial pur^ses, oihdr than using-ihe name and-address .of-any poUilcdl commllteO je spfipll contdliuitona fro^^ cohimlltoei NAME Qf CQMMfTTEE.On Full) ' Many Individual Conservatives Helping Efect Leaders Everywhere (MICHELEPAC)

Full Name (Last, l=|rst; Middia Initial) A. American Express

Mailing Address PO tJox 53852

City State Zip Code Transaction 10: SB21S-120179-35373-e Pltoenlx A2 .85072-3852 Purpose 01 Disbursomoni Fundraislng; Credit Card Fees Amount of Each Disbursement this Period 'C'nndidaleTBmm.' M«v«. Category/ 6.38 4 Type 4 Ollico Sought; House Olsbursem'onl For: Senato Primary j j General Prostdent Other (specify) stale; bis lict: Full Name (Lasi, First, Mid.ri'to Initial) 4 C&M Strategies Oats ol Disbursement pinPlj I piT^.r r-iv-w-vrv:: Mailing Address 1817 Parkdale Circle N C City Stale Zip Code Transaction 10: SB21B-120182-35350-e Erie CO 80518-2402

Purpose of Disbursement KDKUiplA Fundrpislng; Fundraislng Consulting r 003 Amount ot Each Olsbiirsernent this Period Candidate Name Category/ 9000, i Type OHice Soiiglil: i-ioiise Disbursement For: Senate L. Primary j 'T General President Other (specify) y Slate: Sislilci: Full Name (Last. First. Middle tnllial) Envision Marketing Dale of Disbursement

Mailing Adcires.s PO Box 4275 I 05 n t- 11 I K 2011 •!!

City Slate Zip Code Transaction ID : SB21B-4d6l2-3535S-o Lynchburg VA 24502-0275 rottx>sc"orr)Ebiirsemenl Fundraislng: Dirccl Mall Fundraislng Amount 61 Each DIsbprsemont this Pnrfod Cnndidato 'Name ^-.••^hr-q-rcs^.n-gu- • • Category/ 11055 i Type Ollice Soughl: House DisDufsemenI For; ScnaiR Primary f ~j General Prosidoni other (specll^'y Slato; District:

SUBTOTAL ot Oisburscments This Page (opiional).. 20681.38 •(•siMrevI

TOTAL This Peritrd (last page this lino number only).,

re0ANO26 FEC Schodule 6 (Form 3X) Rev. 0^/2003

BFP_FEC-000154 Imago#12951539257

SCHEDULE B (PEG Form 3X) FOR LINE NUIMBER: PAGE 75 OF 78 ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS Uso soparale schedule(a) lor each category of the iib 82 83 24. 85 28 Detailed Summary Page 27 2Ba 88b 28c 29 30b

Any iniormaiion copied .horn .such Report.s. and Slotements may not ba sold or used by any persoii' for Ifte. purpose of sotlcitihg contribullons or 101* commercial purposes, bihar ihaii iislng-the n.niTi.o and .address of any. pollUcal .coiiimlltpd to sollcil c6ntrlbu»ons..frpm such committee.. \ NAME OF CpiintlrllTTEE (In. FirtI). ) Many IndividLial Conservatives Helping Elect Leaders EveiTwhere (R^IG'HELEPAC)

Full Nome (Last, Fli-sl.. Middle Initial) A- TK Loney & Son Printing O.ato of Dlsbursemeni I iCb'VV'ij / vv-iTV Mailing Address 1413 Juliet Avenue

Cliy State Zip Code Transaction ID: SB21B-116762-35362-e Safnl Paul MN 55:i05'256a Purpose of Disbursement uaaa-i jiwi'ii Printing and Copying Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Candidate Name L£3•iwmi aiiHVMvywv, Category/ I 1359.83 7 Typo Ka>. IK»j-v.' ! Sbughi Disburse meni For. Senate Primary r~~| General President i- Olhor (specify) y Stale; bl? rid: Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) American Express Dale of Olsbitrsemeni Mailing Address PO Box 53852 • LHJ L42il.:J

City Stalo Zip Code Transaction ID: SB218-120179-35372-e Rioenlx AZ 86072:3852 Purpose ot Disbursomcni Fundraising: Credit Card Fees •1 003 Amoiinl .of Each Olsbursomonl this Petfod J..-, ^ a7 Conrlidala Name Calegoty/ Typo i . Office Sought: House Dlsburecrnmit For; Senate Primary {""""I General ProsidenI Other (specify) f Stale; Dte !ct: Full Name (Lasi, First, Middle initial) c. C&M Strategies Dale of Disbursement "••y I p='*"ir'i i Mailing Address 1617 Parkdale Circle N 6 31 i 2011 •: SllVV'Ml Its. 'IS •• .

City Slate Zip Code Transaction ID : SB21B>120182-35351-e Erie CO 8051.6-2402 Purpose 01 13tsbitfsoment Fundraising: Fundraising Consulting Amount of Each Dlsbursemeni this Period Candlda.le Name Calogory/ •lypo j 1500 T

Senate Primary [ '] General Prosidtjni Other (specify) T Siaio: 3isirlcl:

>1 .2861.58 SUBTOTAL oi Disiiursemenls TtiLs Page (optional).. K, ti. . i>, r r w.v..>v....

TOTAL Tliis Period (lasI page this line number only) ^

Pn6AK02B FEC Schedule B (Form 3X) Rev 02/2003

BFP FEC-000155 Image# 12951539364

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE 35 OF 54 ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS Use separate 3chedulc(9) (check phly one) lor each category ol Ihe 5?l2lb 22 23 24 25 26 Oelailed Summary Page a? 20a 28b 28c 29 30b Any inlorrnaiion copied Irbm Such Roporis arid Statomcnts may not bei sold. or. used .by any person (or Ihe purpose ol soliciting contributions or (or commercial purp6G03,,oiher Ihan u'slhg lhc'name,.ari,d>ddrBSSj.pl ntiy pplillpal.conimnice.l6'3p.iici.l oonldbplfonsitrpm such, eommlliee.

NAME OF COIWIIUIITTEE (In Full) Many Indlviduai Conservatives Helpinig Elect Leaders Everywhere (MICHELEPAC) >• Full Name (Last. First, Middle Iniiial) A- C&M Strategies Dale ol Disbursement

Mailing Address 1617 Parkdale Circle N , -- . .. 20 S 2011 3 ft: fl Vl.J » v.-

City Stale: Zip Code Transaction ID: S821B-120182-36969-e 1 Erie CO 80516-2402 7 Purpose ol Disbursemeni Fundralsing: Fundi'alsing Consullltig 1 003* 3 Ainojiiu pl Each Plsbursomenl ihls period Candldele Name Catogory/ i 5.750 { type I Oisbu'rsemeni For: Senate Primary I [ General Proslrlenl Other (specily)' y Slate; }is rid: Full Name (Last, First, Middle Jnlllal) s- Payslmple Date ol OLsbursement lU-i-ri'ji / fS VHt, I «:.v":'rV^.v*a'Vi Mailing Address 1436 E 17th Avenue LSSJ I.JU La.BVr.-^J Suite 300 Oily Staid Zip code Transaction ID: SB21B-120839-37001-e Der-.ver CO 80218-16.13 Purpose 01 Disbureomeni Fundralsing: Credit Card Fees r 003 i Amount ol Each Disbursomcnl this Period •a * « CancR^ic Name BBFewautiii Category/ j 34.95 il Type Soiiglii Disbursemerrl For: Senate Primary PI General Presldonl Other (spccily) Y Slate: ^linl; Fell Name (Losi. First, Middle Inlliai) C- Cardinals FEC Compliance Services, PLC Dale of OisbursemenI

Maiiirrg Address PC Box 4182 I 2011 5 " I. • • . *>

Ciiy Stale Zi,o Code Transaction ID : SB21B-40443-36994-e Saint Paul MN 55104-0182 Purpose of nisbursemonl y?— Accounting Fees Amount ol Each' DIsbu'rscmciil Ihls Period CanUlrlalc Name 5nmttmi * 6i>.IMHI Category/ Type 3885" j - 1.. —=7-: rr: fi. - - ..CV*. 'v.-'

Senate Primary f ] General Prosfdeni Other (specify) Y Slate: }isiiici:

SUBTOTAL ut Disbursements This Page (opiional).. 1669.95 1

TOTAL This Period (last page Itiis line number only).. J

*-cSANi520 FEC Schedule B (Form 3X) Rev. OZ/200:i

BFP_FEC-000156 Imago# 1297113124$

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 11 OF 15 ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS Use separate sche(iule(s) (check ot^ly one) lor each category ol Ihe 21b 22 23 24 25 26 Dalallecl Summary Page 27 2aa 2Bb 2ec 29 30b Any Inlpnhaiion cqpjefl Irpm such Reports. and!'Stal^niQnls;niay nol-bo spldior used.by any person tor Ihe purpose ol soliciting contribullons orf6r'i?omthercla| purppses. oihefijian using. Ihe name'anil, address 61 afiy:pbllUc>l"'c.qmih!ttee..to sollcil^coiitiibutlons IIrom such cbmmlltec. NAME OF eOMMITTEE (In Full) • Many Individual eonservativ.es Helping Elect Leaders Everywhere (MrCHELEPAQ)

Full Name (Last. Flrsl...Middle Inlllal) A- Campaign Solutions Date' ol Olsbursemont I / I 'V-'c-T'W Mailing Address 117 N Saint AsaplVStreet LiiJ Clly Slate ZIP Coda Transaction ID: SB21B-119392-37S87-e Alexandria VA 22314-3109. Purpose or DiBbursoment Fundralsing: T?rl Expense Amouni of Each Orsbursuinenl thrsPurlpd Candidate Narhe' Category/ 3 43.84 Typo I Oilico Sought: House Oisbursemcnt For: Senate Primary f"j Genarat Ptesideni Olhor (spocilyV

City State Zip Code Transaction 10: SB21B-1201B2-37583-e Erie CO 80Gie'2402 Purpose ol iJisbursqmenl Fundralsing Consulting .? 001 I Amount ol Each Disbursement this Period Candidaio Nntne K'livrwt*!* Calogory/ 2500 Type Oltica Sought: House Olsbursemeiil For; Senate ! Primary | j Generol President Other (spocityj 'y State: iisirict; Full Name (Lasl, Firsl, Middle Initial) C. American Express Dale ol Oisburserneni I'irf'ffV / j;^n''b'ii"1j I r-'<=>x"¥-nv'V' *. J Mailing Address PO Box 53852 L sjJ LjiJ City Slale Zip Code Transaction ID : SB218-120179-37580-e Phoenix AZ 05072-3652 Purpose of Disbursemeni Fundralsing: CC Fees Arhoirhf ol Each Disbursement this Period Candldato Name CH3 Category/ 2.32 5 Type Olilce Soitghi:' I3isbutsem.enl For: Primary |"~j General Other (specify) -y Stale.'

SUBTOTAL ol Disbursements This Page (opllonal).. 2548.16 ?

TOTAL This Period (lasl page this line number only).,

FEC Schedule 8 ^Form 3X} f^ev. 02/2003

BFP_FEC-000157 Image#12951S39756

SCHEDULE B (PEG Form 3X) FOR LINE NUH^BER: I.PAGE- 17 OF 19 ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS Use separaie schedulels) (check only one) for each category of Ifio 21b 22 23 24 25 26 Detailed Summary Page 27 2Sa 28b 28c 29 30b

Any Information copied from such Ftepons and Statements may not;.bo sold or used by any person tor the purposo. ol soliciting contributions or lor commercial purposes, other ihon using lha namo ahd a'ddreSs of any, pgljllcal cornmlttg.a.-.lo solicit .tynlfibullotis: from such comtnlllee. V NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) ) Many Individual Conservatives Helping Elect Leaders Everywhere (MICHELEPAC)

Full Nnma (Last. First, Mldrlla Initial) A. RMLC Date of Disbursement {•nt'iin I. fs^ o-y; -3 /rv'-'fT-m-j trailing Address Two Riverbend LsJ LSL,I

Cliy Stale Zip- Code Transaction ID : SB21B-120515-37760-e Lansdowne VA 20176. Purpose 01 •fsbureemeni Direcl.Mall Fundraising Amount ol Each Disbursement this Porlo.d C•^aua>wi Candtdate- Name Category/ 810 I 4 TS-pe 4 Olllce Sought: Tiouso rilsbursemenl For: Sunate L Primary (_j General President, Olher (spoclly) y Statu: rs rict: I Full Name (Last, First, li/liddio Initial) 0- Alliance Bank Date of Disbursement . I / SWi-TI /. Ve'TI totalling Addross 115 Sth St E #55 City State Zip Cgdb Transaction ID: SB21B.S-3773B-e St. Paul MN 55101 Purpose ol Uisltursemenl Hank Fees Amount ol Ench bisbUrsomdni this Period Candidate Name- Category/ 20.95 Type 1. Office Sought Disbursement For: Senate Primary General President Olher (specify) y Slate: Oisirici: Full Natnu (LBSI, First, Middin Initial) c. C&M Strategies Date ot Disbursement

Mailing AtJdrass 1617 Patkdale Circle N D 03 II !{ 2011 . i

City Staio Zip Code Transaction 10 : S8Z1B.12016Z-37742-e Fjte CO 80510-2402 Purpose ol l^i^i/nsernerfi Fundraising Consulting Amount ol Each Disbursement this Period Candldato Name Category/ I sooo > Typ.o. Ofllce Srjughi: .D|sburs.ement.For: Primary I j General Other (specity) y Slate:

••••.nr. . SUBTOTAL ol Disbursnmenls This Page loplional).. i 5836.95 > TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only)..

ff.SANWG FEC Schedule B (Form 3X) Rev. 02/2UU3

BFP FEC-000158 lmago«ia951539B34

SCHEDULE B (PEG Form 3X) PGR LINE NUMBER: [PAGE 14 OF 16 ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS Use separate schodulc(s) (check only one) for each category of (he 5? 21 li 22 23 24 25 26 Detailed Suttimary Page MB 27 2Ba ~ 26b 28c 29 30b Any inlormatlon copied from such Reportis' and Btaiemohls may not bo sold or used by any person lor .the purpose of soliciting, coniribuliona or lor commefclbl jSiirposes. other than using the narho and address of a.ny poljtl.cal commiltee to solicit obfilributiehs- Irom .such committee.- NAItrtE OF COlyiMtTTEE .(In Full) ^ Many Individual Conservatives Helping' Elect Leaders Everywhere (MICHELEPAC)

run Name (Last, Flrsi, Middle Inilini) C&M Strategies Dale of Disbursement 'nil Mailing Address 1617 Parkdate Clfcio N L2011 |i Oily Stale Zip Code Transaction ID ; 38218-120182-37831-0 . Erie CO 80616-2402. Purposo or bisbursemcnl Fundralsirig: Fundraislng'Consullltig. rcor-i Amount of Eacli Disbursement this Period 'Candidate Name Category/ Type I 5000 Olllcc Sought: Houso Disbursement For: Sunate Primary rj General f Prcsidunl Other (specify)' r 7 Slate: iliirlct: Full Nemo (Last, First, Middle tntiiat) Alliance Bank Dato of Disbursoinent pmi-| r /. Malting Address 115 Sth St E #55 City State Zip Codo^ Transaction ID t SB218-6-37B25-e St. Paul MN S5101 Purposo olTRsbursement Bank Fees Amount of Each Disbursement this Period •Cantiitiaia Name ^ ,, a, Category/ 1 15.03 i Type OIIKO Soiighi: House Disliur-somcnl For: Senate Primary [ J General Prosldeni c Other (specilyj' y •Staio: SJslrlci: Full Nnmo (Last. First. Middle InilialJ c. Cardinals FEC Compliance Services, PLC Date ol Disbursement

Mailing Address PO Box 4182 09 i 20 i[ i 7.011 J w>.^ .**..•'••9 I**.. .. J,-. •/»

City Slate Zip Coda Transaction ID; SB2ia-40443-37833-e Saint Paul MN S5104-P182 Purpose "onSisbiusemerM Accounting Fees Amount ol Ea'ch Disbursement this Period CariHIdate Name Category/ Type . . ".2" 5 Ollicd~§ibughl: Ht)use Dlsbu-'sement For: Senate Primary I j (Jeneral Prcst'dtini Other (specify) y Slate: Ojsirict:

5439.03 1 SUBTOTAL of Disbursements This Page (Optional).. t . • •',b1 TOTAL This Period (last page this line riurnber only).,

FE(!AHn20 r£C Schedule B (Form 3X) Rev^ 02/2003

BFP FEC-000159 Image# 12951539656

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3X) FOR; LINE NtJM'BFn; 1 PAGE 9 ' OF 10 ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS Use separate schcdulb(s) (check only lor each category ol the 7!!?'^22 ri23 rn24^ „rnas r-|2a Detailed Summary Page (g2ib 27 ~ 28a ~ 28b ~ 28c •" 29 30b Any'inlormaiipn copied Irom such Repons and Stiatoments may noi be sold or used .by any person (or the purpose ol; soliciting ^hiribulions or for commerclBt purposes; other trian using the-name and addre'ss of any pbli|lcai;co.rn.inltl!80 lo.-.5.oiIeire.onlilbuilons (rorh. siich cismmlilrio. \ NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) ) Many Individual Conservatives Helping Elect Leaders Everywhere (MICHELEPAC)

Full Name (Last. First. Middle Initial) G&M Strategies. Dale of Disbursement jlTI'WP / Mailing Address 1617 ParKdaie Circle N

Cijy Slate Zip. Code Transaction ID: SB218-120162-37895-0 1 Erie CO 60516:2402 Purpose 01 QiBbursomctii Eundralsing Consulling Amount ol Each Disbursement this Period '(^ioncllclale Name Caibgory/ 4 Typo s«» J 4 Ohice Soughi; House Disbursement For: Senate- Primary ["~j General Pi'osidciil Other (specify) T Slate: iisirict: Full Name (Last, Firsi, Middle Inillal) Campaign Solutions Dale ol piabursembnl: Mailing Address 117 N Saint Asaph Street LssJ LaJ. CHy Stato Zip Code. Transaction ID; SB21B-1T9362-37803-e Alexandria VA 22314-3100 Purpose ol Disbursement w.^iiargnv' Credit Card Fees 001 Amount ol Each Disbursement ttiis Period Candidate Name Category/ f . ' 7879.14 j Type Olllce Soiighi: House Disbursement For; Senate Primary f""! General President Olher (specily)~v Slate: t 'Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) C- Paysimple Date of Disburscmonl Mc-iiltng Address 1436 E I7ih Avenue rrrra' 2011 Suite 300 City State Zip Code Transaction ID: SB21B-120839-37692-e Denver CO B0210-1613 Purpose or Disfrursemohl Credit Card Fees II Amount ol Each Disbursement this Period Canrtidain Narnn Calogory/ Type 1 ' ' • — 34.93 I Oinco Soughi: House Disbur^eitient For; Senate Primary [" j General President Olher (specify) V Stale: ^is rid;

SUBTOTAL ol Disbursements This Page (optional) 12914.09 f

TOTAL This Period (tast page this tine numbor only).. L-K--S 4Tri{--M>V.'a4-.J^)jR

r-EenwKs FEC Schedule B (Form .IX) Rev, 02/2003

BFP_FEC-000160 Image# 12971139426



Use separate schedule(5} . "

(check M only one)

ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS C lor each category of ihe 22 23 .24 25 26 Daiailecl Summary Page. 27 28a 2Bb 280 29 30b Any Inlormallon copied from such Reporls and Slatemenis may not be sold or used by any person lor the purpose 61 sollclling cpnirlbu.tlpns or lor commercial purposes; other ilian using,the name and addresa oL.any pplitlpai cornihltte^^ to apllcit cpnirlbuilbra frorh suclvc6.mtnHta.9., S. NAME OF C0MMI1TEE (In Full) . ' . . ) Many Individual Conservatives Helping Elect Leaders Eveivwhere (MieHELEFAC)

Full Name (Last. Rrst. Middle initial! A- C&M Strategies Date of blsburs'ement; Masting Address 1017 Parkdale Circle N Lfti LsjJ: J City State Ztp.Code Transaction ID; S821B-12Dia2-37948-e Erie CO 00S16-2402 Purpose 01 Disbursement Fundrolsfng Gbnsullin'g Amount ol Each Disbursement this Period Candidate Kaine .salt {#{>:•»: ".w-.uv.i«r "• Categoiy/ i ' 5000 f tVpe Orilce Souglil: l-louso Disbursement For: 2 Senate Primary I I General 2 President Other (specify) y Stare; 5lsirici: Full Name [Lasi, First, Middle InltiaQ i B- Alliance Bank Mailing Address 115 5th St E .2011 J. #55 City State -ZipOpde: Transaction ID ;.SB21B-5-37947-e St. Paul MN -55101

Purpose ol Dlsbursemani £V.- UMJ Bonli Fees Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Candidate lUame Catsgory/ Type 1! . .?'2Q ^ Oliico Sought; ' House DIsbursehient For: Senate Primary f~| General President Other (specify) y State: OTsirlct: Full Name (Last, First. Middle fiilliai) C- Win Right Data Company, LLC •ate of Disbursement

Mailing Address 264 N Lutnpldn Street If 11 V ij 28 ? (i 2011 S Suite 202 . . City Stale Zip Code Tronsactfon ID !.SB218^0616-37953-e Atlions OA 30601-2832 Purpose 01 Disbursement Direct Mail AmounI of Each Disbursement this Period Candidate lUame 'J Category/ ;i ' ' 120 S Type i: /K:,•J Office Sought: Kouse ISisbursemeni For: Senate Primary I General President Other (specily) y Slaie; Ssirict:

SUBTOTAL ol Disbursements This Page (optional).. . 6129.26 i.

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only)..

Fe6AN026 FEC Schedule B (Form 3X) Rev. 02/2C03

BFP FEC-000161 Image# 12971139431

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER: I.PAGE 16 OF 1.6 ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) for each, calegqiy of the 5?l2ib 22 23 24 25 26 Delailed Summary Page 27 2Ba 28b 28e 29 30b

-Any Information copied from.such Reports and Staiem'oriia.;maynp.t be sold or used by any:person for the .purpipse'of soHpl.tlng contributions or far cohimerciiiil purpojes. olher lhan usfng tha naiiriff and adifriss pf 'any Rplfllcat'^^^ ib.solfcll cpniribuilons from such epmrnjitee., \ NAME OF COMWliTTEE (In FOll) • ) Many Individual Conservatives Helping Elect Leaders Everywhere (MICHELEPAC)

Full Name (Last, First, Mlddlo: InlUat) A- Win Right Data Company, LLC Qato of Disbursement

Mailing Address 264 N Lumpkin Street 1 !1 LJ^:.r.>ii.*.rws« 4 Suite 202 Clly State Zip Code Transaction 10 ; S8210^0.816-37962-0 Athens GA 36601.2832 Purpose oitilibursemonf Website Amount ol Each Dtsbursomeni this Period 4 OanoklBlG Name Category/ 3 . 75 f 4 Type 4 Office Sought: House Dl-sbiirsbmont For: Scnolo Primary General President Olher (specify) y Stale; Qiiirici: Full Nome (Lasi, First, Middle Inlliel) B- C&M Strategies Date ol Disbursement Mailing Address 1617 Parkdale Circle N lJU tJsJ

City Stato Zp Code Transaction ID; SB21B-120162-37949-O Erie CO 60516-2402 Purpose pi Disbursement Fundratsing Consulting Amount ol Each Disbursemenl this Period cfUlMjC. Cahdidale Nnrno Category/ 5000 I Type «'''V...4Ttc ..f bllio; Souglit: House flisbursement' For! Senate Primary f I General President Olher (specify) y Stale; District; Full Name (Last. First. Middle Initial) C. Data ol Disbursement

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SUBTOTAL cl Disbursemeiils Tliis Parje (opiibnal) , 5075.00

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FEdAHOSe FEC Schedule B (Form 3X) Rov. 02/2003

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Full Nome- (Lasl, First, Middle Initial} A- Cardinals FEC Compliance Services, PLC Date of DIsbursomeni

Mailing Address PO Box 4182 li 20 { S 2011

Oily Stale Zip-Code Transection 10 : S821B-40443-3e009-o Saint.Paul MN 55104r0182' Purpos.0 01 Olsburscment Accouniing and Reporlltig Amount of Eat^t Disbursement this Period Oaiididaie Name 1- •"'"Vi Category/ S 826.5 ' 4 Typo 4 .Ollics SoUghli Disbursement For: Seriate Primary Presideni Olhor (speclty)' y Stale: Dis tiei: Full Name (Last, First, Mlddln Initial) C&M Strategies Date ot Olsbursemoni TtrT / / prvripvirvh Mailing Address '1617 Parkdale Circle N C UU City Stale Zip Code. Transaction 10: SB21B.120182-38011-e Erie CO 80S1H^2402 Purpose 01 Disburaoment Fundralslrtg Consulllng- Amourrl ol 'Eetih' PisbursemenI this Period' 'Candidate Name Category/ .1 20000 j Type Oftice Sought: House Disbursement For: Senate Primary General Prosideni Other (specily) y Slare; ^Iricl: Full Name (Lost, First, Middle Ini'lal) C- Paysimple Date ol Disbursement *-ft"li"ilf'l| I tV>-n"g / j-tf^vvvv-.-v'- Mailing Address 1436 E 17lh Avenue r 1.2 fl S 02 1 \ 2011 if Suite 300 Oily Slate Zip Code Transaction ID; SB2lB-120B39>3800S-e Denver CO 80218-1613 Purpose ol oisburBBmcni Credit Card Fees a 001 1 Amouni ol Each Disbursement this Period Candidate Name #.»UM,mKWe*ISWVI Category/ Type Olllce SOugtrl DIsburseriieitt For; c Sopntc Primary [""j General Piissldeni Other (speclfyT y Statu: jls tici:

SUBTOTAL ol D'isburscrnenls This Page (optional).. I 20831.50

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Fun Name (Lest. Flrsl, Middle Iniliol) A- Campaign Solutions bate of bi.sburs.emenf' i^'ij / jrrVn.'l./ { Mailing Address ii7 N Saint Asaph Street jjj OJJ

Giiy Slate Zip Code Transaction tO: Sa21B-119392-30D69-o Alexandria VA 22314-3^09' Purpose of iblahursemenl Credit Card Fees Amounl. of Each Disbursement this Period CanHidnro' lyamo LSI! Category/ I 654,32 4 tyfio 4 Office Sought: House Dlst).ursome.ni For: Sennie Primary l"~"j General Prestdcnl Olhor (specify) V Slale: Sis rid; Full Name (Las!, First. Middle initial) 4 United States Postal Service Dale of DIsbursomeni pstV'j > tj Mailing Address 791 Currell Qlvd r 01 I P 04 y p 2012 i

Zip Code City Slale Transaction 10; SB21B-33303-3e034-o \Atoodbury MN 66125 Purpose oro.isbufpcmp.ni Adminlslrallwe/Sniary/Ove.'head; Postage I 001 Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Candidate Name Caiogory/ Type i 30!) f OfficH Soughi; Huusc Dlsbursepicnl For; Senate Primary j""] General President Other (specify) y Siaic: Ssirlcl; Full Name (Last, l-irsl. Middle inilial) C- C&M Strategies Dole bl disbursemeni

Mailing Address 1617 Parkdaie Circle N OT 2012 5 I 03 I' «|1 •«!•»)> I,

City Slale Zfp Code Transaction ID : SB21B-120182-3B032-C Erie CO 8()51'0~2402 Purpose of Ulsliursciiieni Fundralsing Consuliing 1 001 1 Amounl of Each Disbursement this Period Candldnio Name Calegory/ Type I 20000 ;} Oliice Souglil: Senalo j Primary ] j General Presideni i Other (specify) • Stale; Jidtlci;

2q954.32 ; SUBTOTAL ol Disbursements This Page (optional).. '• f

TOTAL This Period {lasi page this line number only) • j

FEC Schedulo B (Form 3X) Rov. 02«003

BFP_FEC-000164 i ATTACHMENT G c:;)tii;LisRS.(lfl.'iinoinosreoistoi'.com iul|):/A;{iiicu!.5e!S.ri!}snioiiieKr«fji.'.5l«txofn/20I'l/12/30/0ac;liniaiK',-Kr.fJs-99-c:ouiity-(our-in-nfjv;idii.'

Bachmann ends 99-county tour in Nevada

NEVADA,.lA. — Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann concluded her"99-county bus" tour.of lo.wa at a downtown restaurant here Thursday night-, closing out a harried, hurried chapter of her Iowa-caucus odyssey.

Bachmann began the tour two Fridays ago in northwest Iowa, and over the course of 11 days rolled through everyone of Iowa's counties, hitting courthouse-square diners, bowling alleys, roadside bars and 20 different Pizza Ranches.

Besides a three-day break for Christmas, the pace was brutal: IG-event days, interspersed with national TV appearances were the norm, and the constant pressure to maintain the.schedule reduced some events to just 15 minutes of handshaking and autographing signing.

She celebrated the final slop here with a sheet cake emblazoned with a rnap of Iowa and a live interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN. Inside the Snack Time Family Restaurant, Bachmann cut the cake, handed out pieces and then led the assembled crowd in singing "God Bless America.'.'

The Minnesota congresswoman, whose campaign has lingered for months in the Iowa race's second tier and was rocked this week by the defection of a key supporter, hailed the trip as a vote-garnering success.

"This was exactly the right thing for us to do," Bachmann said Wednesday night as her bus rolled through southern Iowa. "We've had a lot of people that have turned out for us and I think we're going to see the benefit of that on Jan. 3."

Not everyone was convinced the barnstorming lour would, translate into support, however.

University of Iowa political scientist Timothy Hagie said the tour probably helped shore up and re-energize the supporters Bachmann has already attracted, but wondered if the breakneck pace may have prevented her from converting new ones.

"You do need to make sure you gel your supporters out to the caucus, and putting in a last-minute appearance and reassuring those folks is an important part of that," he said.

But, he added, "because she was doing if in 10, now turning into 11, days it didn't seem like she was able to really put in the effort to talk to people or have a Q&A."

Christopher Larimer, a political scientist from the University of Northern Iowa, raised the same concern, noting that Repul)lican rival Rick Santorum also visited every Iowa county, but did it over a period of months and perhaps was able to make deeper connections with voters.

Santorum had been relegated to the bottom tier of presidential candidates in Iowa for months, but has shown a late surge in recent polls.

"If she wanted to make that 99-county commitment, it should've been done earlier," Larimer said. "To try to do it so quickly doesn't come off quite as genuine."

Bachmann, of course, disputes those assertions. In several interviews and news conferences this week, she. has emphasized the tour's success in changing the minds of undecided voters.

"We've seen a lot of lowans who have been undecided in this race and in every stop we have people who say, BFP_FEC-000165 'Michele, I've heard you, I'm voting for you,'" Bachmann said'Wednesday. "We're .seeing a real movement and a lot of momentum and we're thrilled about it."

And for pblitlGal ..6bs.ervers' sl!:eptieis'nvat-the..sifa^^^ unde'rlying BoGhmann's lour, they offered nothing but resipecl for the/endu.ran.qe, fortitude and lb.g}stlcal adumelh it represanted."

So what did y.S. Sen. Chuck Gras;s|ey think o,f fiafihmsfririre atefcdmpljbhiTifl^t7"''i;thlriR iis;e;iNio ambit;ibus, but if she Can gpl it done, it's ,befte.r lban not doirijig i.l.-.ai-all,''h.0:s:ald:T!1iUrs.da^^^



Peter Waldron Verticlc l-lodzons Otic 1.334 Tampa Rcjad Palm Harbor, .FL 34683

Dear Peter: As you ktiow, y

1. CONSIDERATION In co.nsidera.fion for you signing atid complying with this Agreement, tlie Campaign will pay you a one-time payment of $916.67. No further compensation or expense reirabucscrncnt; shall be owed to you or your "firm.,

2. CONFIDENTIALITY AND CO^UNICAXIONS a. By signing, this Agreement you represent that you htivc not, and at anytime in the future shall not, (i) use Of disclose confidential or privileged in.for.maiioii relating, to the Campaigp., C,ongi;e.s:iWoman ivrichcle Bachmann (the "Candidate") ot any aciivirics reciting to; febc Campaign, t.he (Candidate or the Candidate's family members or any business owned or operated by a membc.rof i:l.ic Candidate's family ("Conlid.entia! Infocirialion''), including without limitation, .in.formatioii about current or fntn.ro poliiical or con.uniinicatioM a.ciiviiit:,s, strategics or needs, fundraisiiTg, financing aiul. other fijuincial information, polling, consultants, and employees and personnel information (including employee names, home addrc.'sscs, plione numbers, compensation, or job de.scriprio.ns or responsibilities) or vendors. (ii) make any .stntemeiu. (wriite.ni. oraJ, cleci;i:f)n.i.c or otluuwise) about or relating to the Campaign., ih.e Candidate, the Candidate's family members, any businesses owned or operated by a member of the Candidate's family 0.i: any former p.r current, director, employee, agent, successor, predecessor, affiliate., or attorney of the Candidate., the Campa.ign, any relative of tiie C^andidate or any busine.ss owned or operated by any family member of llie Candidate to any media outlet (including wirboul; limitaiion any television, radio, newspaper, .newsletters, magazine blogs, chai board, website, other digital media or any other public media of any kind). (iii) make any negative or disparaging statements to any one about the Campaign, the Candidate, the Candidate's family, any busines.ses owned or operated by a member of the (.'.aodidate's family any former or cnrrcnt director, employee, agent, successor, predecessor, parent, subsidiary.

BFP_FEC-000167 2

]^agc 2

•'affiliate, or atLmney of the Campaign, the Candidate, any relative of tlie Candid'ate any business owned or operated by any family member of the Candidate.

b. The .Partie-s to this Agreement, including t.heii: attorneys,-agents, or representatives, hereby expressly acknowledge and agree that the existence, negotiations, terms, and conditions of this Agreement aiui lleicasc., specifically including but nofiimited to the Severance Amount payable under Section ]. of this Agreement, shall be held in absolute and strict confidence and shall not be revealed ot disclosed ju writing; orally, electronically Or otherwise to.any other person or endty. i c. Upon receiving iu)tice of any request to disclose or make any statemcht prohibited, under any rt part of Section 2a or 2b, you shall provide prompt, noliee of such demand, including the name and 3 contact information of the person or entity requesting it and any documentation relating to such 4 demand. If such demand is one seeking to cpinpcl you as a matter of law to make any such disclosure or stafemeut, you shall not provide any such information until the Campaign has had an opportunity to object and to obtain an order or determination' proteeling such information from disclosure, provided the Campaign promptly pursues such relief. Under such circumstances, you shall not make any sue!) disclosure or slateitnent until a- final decision is make regarding such order or clei:erminat:ion is made by the applicable legal authorities.

3. WAIVER. RELEASE AND COVENANT NOT Tb SUE Ytju hereby waive, rdca.se and forever discharge flic Campaign, the candidate, thti candidate's family .members, any business .owned or operated by a member of the Candidate?s family, or aiiy foimer or current director, employee, agent, successor, predecessor, parent, .subsidiary, affiliate, or arto.rney of any of tiu: following: the Campaign, the Candlciatc, any relative of the Ciindidate, Oirany business owned or opetarctl by a member of the Candidate's family (the "lldeased Parties") from any and all charges, claims, dam.ages, injury and actions, in law or equity, which you yr your heirs, siiccessots, e.secuiors, or other representatives cve.i: had, now liave, or inay have arising FrOtn or rehiting to. the setyiciis you prrjvide.d to and the i:erminai.ion of those .services by the Campaign. ("Released ClaiiDs").

Tiiis is a general waiver and release of all claims that you may have and can lawfully release again.sr, any of the Released .Parties, including known and unknown claims.

4, RETURN OF PROPERTY You hereby affirm that you have rctutned to the Campaign all documents, tccords, cinailsj data, t).r other non -puiilic infonnarion ihai: is recorded in anyniaiuicr, and was furnished to you or produced i)y yon in connection with your services to the Campaign. Specifically, ydti .agrees that .you will return all copies ofBTP pi;operty and data i.eg!!rdlcss of the manner in which iris stored, including computers, phones, tablet computers, any other elcctroriic storage devices, key.s to BFP offices, or any other properly in your possession, and any donor, voter TD, volunteer, micro- targeting, get- ourthc- vorc, and any oflier 13I'P lists ("Lists") or contribution histories wiciiin two (2) calendar days of the execution of this Agreement. You furtiicr agree that you will not disclose, rent, lease, sell, or enter into joint ownership agreeinents cotiecming any List(.s), or any informarion, update(s), or cnhiinccmonr(s) of ihe .IIFP .l.ists in any form, or for any purpose, nor will he retain, duplicate, or use any of siicii iiit'onnation in any fashion or for any purpose whatsoever. You also agree to return or destroy any sudi lasts at B.FP's sole discretion.

BFP^FEC-000168 Page 3

5, NATURE OF AGREEMENT You acknowletIgG thacin signing tliis Agreement you have relied only on the promises writccii in this /Vgreerncnt, and .no.c..on. any .other ptpmise.s or-statemcifta-tnade by chc Gampa.ign. Xhis..jjl\gi;cement is not and sltall not be construed or inrcipl'cted.. as-air adinissipn o.Pany liabifity by you, tlic Campaign or any othct llcleased Patties. This .Agreement contains' die entire agrCe.mcntbetwecn ihc Cfiinpaigh and you regarding the subject matrce of this Agreement, iftmay not be altcredi.modi.Sc.cl. or amended e.xcept in a writing signed by the Campaign !lVlan.agcr on behalf of the Campaign and yOu. This Agreement supersedes and replaces any prior agreements between you. and ..the Gampaign, cither written or oi:nl. Any dispute arising frprn or tdaring to this Agrcement or Ih'e s^is^ices your have provided to the Camp:iign shall be resolved exclusively through mandatory and binding •arbitration by a single arbitrator in accordance with the Federal .Arbitration Act and under the Commercial Jlules of the Americaii Ar'bicrsition.Association.

6. SEYETIABILITY/COUNTERPARTS & FACSIMILE This Agreement may be executed itr counterparts, and. all counterparts \v.ill be. considered as part of one A.grccmenL binding on all parties, to this Contract. This .Agreement may be execvitcd via facsimile, which signatures-shall be deemed legal and binding as an original signature: hereto; .Tf any of the terms or provisions of this .Agreement are held by a court of competent jurisclicdon to be invalid, void, or unenforceable-, the remaining terms and pro.vjsions siialj co:nijn.ue in full force and effect.

Very truly yours,


James L. Pollack Dale Campaign ha i rman

Notary Signature Date Print, Type or Sl-amp Naine of Notiuy

hc/ono / ackaowJedge that I imdemtand the tetms of this Separation and Reiease Agreement and entering into it voluntarily.

Peter Waldion Date

Notary Signature Date Print, '.l ype or Stamp Name of Notary
