
. ..? Bulk Rate US Postage Paid Permit No 855 w' THE SE Lansing MI FCHIGBN RACQUEIBAII ASSOCIAIION ~FI December, 1983 PO Box 23035, Iansing, MI 48909 . . MY SIDE OF THE 'COURT by Bob S~uch . * FOUT rimes a year, I sit darn at my to puilieally thaiik them tor all serves as Secretary and Bill as kitchen table and start to write an theizwork primarily a touxnamenf director. article for the MRA nhsletter. Often These ~lropeople are evolving into the words come easily, but an occasion Gary and pig&+ ~dtyform our husband/ strong ~aardmemhers. ~i11and I'll sir fol hours not knowing what to wife combination the Board, This Judy are r&o of the Board's mare write Ihis is one aE these times couple too has done much to promote silent members, but when they speak, Sa,I hope you'll forgive me, if I tend racquetball in Michigan as well as they usually 6ravide iasight into to jump from topic tb mpic in this helpthe Board function as well as a situatian. Bill's big concern issue. it does. ~a~yandPeggy havebeen is seeding of the players.' The on the ~oirdfar many vears,'and Board often teases these two far I would like to praise the MsBoard their insights analogic have helped their silence, bur they are in the for a jab well done I have never fh? Board thrq~ghrough times. I position of mdst new Board members-- been associated with such a group of vauld like to thank them for the still feelingtheir way ?round'and fine people. All of the people on the stability chat they have given the findins aplace with the established Board have rhe interest ofracquetball Board through the years,. Board members for ~ichiganforemdsr in rheir minds, Admittedly, each person an the Board Jim Emerson.and Ied ~Yrcherare 1he B&rdrs two newest members, serves with a specific goal in mind, wo ?f our more mature Baard members Lee Frederickson and Jack lobaido but collectively they farm a very red is involved wirh the Team are the idealists of the Board dynamic group qf conceined people. I Concept this year while Jim is Lee promoted and held the Pror am proud to say that I am associated primarily serving as a'rournamebr Open division in Grand Rapidsand with such a grovp, director and devll's advocate. he and Jack are featuring daubtee These' wo individuals will bften stops this year. These two have put problems'andconc&rns into not vet realized that sometimes pelspective. ~hei'wereboth the wheels of'an.organizafion turn instru~enralin the formation of

Vice President sole nlflonal orpanlzarlon Of Bud Iight Beer in Macomb county The goal of the MCRR is by Jlrn Easferllng OK on the National level--now on ro to promote all levels of racquet- the state level As always, Mzchlgan ball in Macomb County ~ationai~arquetball Organizations!!: has been a hotbed for racquetball Are you confused?? It seems that eveiy and thls is shown by the fact that I hope this cleared up fhe alpha- sii months there is a new racquetball fhelr are three organiaatlans ooer- be? soup of racquetball arseniza- organization (and a nrw set of letters) atzng in the state tians for vau In my next article being farmed What I hope to do in, I will explain the stare organiz- this article is ~o help you understand Ihe MARA (Mich~ganAmateur Racquer- ations and their activities in what each organiiation is ball Association) is the state mare detail affiliate of the AARA. Ihe MARA In the beg~nnlngthere was the IRA was formed in July 1982 end its (Inreznatlonal ~acquerball~ssn president is Iarry Cole from Flint Ihis was the flrst national racquet- The seal of the MARA is to promote MRA Board ball assoclarlon and it was founded racquetball at all livels'(espee- by Bob Kendler I" November, 1968 iduv juniors) in Michigan of Directors Bob Kendler then resigned from the Ihr MRA (Michigan Racquetball IRA and formed the NRC (National Association) was formed in the Racquetball Club) in June 1973, summer of 1976, Ihe MRA was the ROB S7UCH PRESIDENI which starred professionalism in sfste affiliate of fheUSRA until JIM EASIERIINC. VICE PRESIDENI racquetball (money for pro players) the fall of 1980 when the MRA ielr it could better serve the Michigan JUDY OONYE4 9ECRElARY Im July of 1974, the usU-(united player bv existing independently, DIANNE DRIVER IREASURER stares Racquetball Association) was The fil.st president pf the MRA formed. This was another national was Dennis Wood from 1ansing GARY DDIY IANSING organization geared toward the PChCY DOIY IANSING amateur player Ihe goals of the MRA are to promote racquetball at all levels WIIIIAM GOZIIlEB IANSING In October 1979, the IRA became In Mlchlean- and co run a series of TACK LOBAID0 MI CIEhlENS the AAM (American Amateur Racquet- nine state-wlde tournaments whlch ball Assn ). The AARA is now recog-- iulmlnate in a stare champlonsh~~ JIM EMERSON BRIGHION nized as "the" national racquetball TED DUICHCR IROY organization rhe first president Ihe MCRA (Macomb County Racquet- of the AAM was Xeith Calkins and ball Associirion) was formed in TEE FREDERICKSON WAYLAND the executive director is luke the summer of 1983. Ihis arganiz- CAIHIE FREDERICKSON WAnAND Stonge arian "as fdrrned by and is run bu Mike Witherspoon and Psneho, IARRY ROBERTS 1IVONIA In Play 1982, the USU went Bank- Gutierrez The MCRA is ,supporyed rupt leaving the AARA as the by Petitpren, Inc , distribvfor Page 2

~ sponsors.. <. ~- TheMRA. and you:..: ... is pzoud to present One of the questions most bften 1he MRA continues to operate a spansors for MRA #4,.115, asked of Board members of the tournanent clearinghouse. Through nd ti6 of the 1983-84 Stare Michigan Racquetball Associatian chis clearinghouqe, conflicts of Championship Series We extend is: "What does the MRA do for major tournament dares are held to a hearty welcome to our new me?" A? a neophyte player, I minimum This kives you, the sponsors and welcome back those was extremely critical of those plaver, a chanie to compere in a from 1982-83. The MRA urgea all dedicated individuais at~empting many fine-quality tournaments in players to support the sponsor- tournamenis to provide QUALITY ~i~hi~&.a~ygu choose to; i"g compani6s who support your andorganize racquetball in oui tournaments state. Now, from the inside, 1he MRA, long criticized Far not is the time to answer this having prize money tournaments, ~erurni"gto the State - question from a freshpersp~crive, bas scheduled two prize money ship Series this yearis AMF , events this year for ?I," player The Voit Rollaut Blev ball will Ihere are this year, as there who wishes to compere in the be the official bbll Tor m "4, have been far the past five Men's Pro Open or Women's Pro i15, and 116. MRA 114 marks a nine high-quality, well run open events. lhese prize money return to the Court players tournaments which are geographic- events are funded only by the Club in 1,ansing. Soining'voit ally placed throughow Michigan players who participate in them in sponsoring MQA 114 are Athletes for YOUT convenience ~hes~ and through local sponsor conrrib- village &ndUniversity olds, both tournamentsare placed throughout utions. NO money fram other of la&iiP:i ~thletes.~illag~'c.2 the scare irregardless of which division players is f"nnel1edinro and University Olds will ddnare 5'' areas will draw the most players., a prize money event, The same a new to the mA trophies Men's, Women's and Junior divisions is true far the ream concept this for this event:, Wheel; Ii~n'will are offered at each stop. The year, 1r is a money event su~poried donate five 2-night13-dav stays state Championship is decided bj- by the teamswho pirst plize as prizes, ' the MRA Singles, Doubles and in the ream Concept thisTear is Jan"arv and MRA 115 mark a new Juniors' tournaments WHEW: ! ! ! ! 50% of all the money collected in club sire to the Em Schedule-. That alone is an unbelievable the Team Cgncepr dvring 1983-84 Oakland Racquet Club in Binning: amount of rime and effort by a ham Ioining Voif in sponsor- grovp of volunteers who all hold All these activities are carried ing this event, which will'be ather full-rime jobs qn foq you, the player, bv, eleven the second p:.ize money event, stbet pbiirs: fjoi ~ichiha<,.Gho1 wiil be:~~ll~~;lit~,.pe~j,apd Rating each playei every month for dqnafq their cimi' e&fi'qgnih.:ru7; !: ,AMF~~~~~.~~~.~~~S:.~~will *: each tournament that they enter is prd&t$'raiqueiball: Ihelq:is a &riit$ the daor'p;iz;bj " ~ .~,~ , h Statistic~lnightmare. Up to totally stare-wide ihd ~Fate-b~~ed .: 600 computer entries are done organizationwith YOU, thi:,pla~$r ell6 in Februarv marks the mo?thly along with name and address in Aina sb get involved and return or the,dioxala&ibo changes. The rating print-out is support and promote racquetball .and the Court Playerj Club a+il?ble monthly at the tournament in mchigan This means this year three MRA desk -', . etops are in western ~ichigan, mA 116 will be sponsored by Vair Quarterly newsletters v~i;h the and Vheels mn. By chis ,tournay latest information tor 'the play.ar 'memi..the: ream Eahwpr'&ho;~d. be : are mailed eo your home: Ratings, icF,"ll .ygGy; y,.th",s~k "y~e$~",#&E*+v ~ , , tournarnenr,resul;s,. . articles, itss NOI TOO IAI~to inte; $Ar pictures, opinions, future taurna- team and ~ossiblywin the ments and geseralinformation are Board Members :;;:E~;: all routine in your newsletter

Rules are set down in a well-organ- Ihe MQA Board,af Directors is ized booklet available to all mem- pleased to announce the addition of a new Director. caihie,(sreilerna) bers upon request. Complex rules act Frederickssn '"as named to the MRA inr hotels for agreeing fp -re furiher explained in each as tournament headquareere ?or ~aard.ofDirectors at the ~ecembei newsletter Referee clinics are EmSI tournaments' Remember, held a11 year attou;narnenti, clubs open6, 1983 pla,.er, meeting,. is from cathie, a women'sand when reserving your rooms mention and on college campuses. that are a MQA tournament been active in the Grand Rapids Patrons Association and inpromarine. and ask if have Grievances and special requests special rates. Ihanks to The ball in Western Michigan fiom members are handled at each Red Roof Inn of Lansing: 1he Board meeting, providing the player Ramada Hotel of Southfield: and With the addition of Cathie to the will put the p~dblemin wifing The Southgate Motor Iodge in or attend Board, there are still three vacancies are the first Tuesday of each month remaining to be filled, Qualifications -Kalamazoo at the Oak Park YMCA in Iansing and for becoming a MU Director include are open to all members and guest attendance at monthlv Board meetings and a willingness ta become %five& Failure.to "Ref'' New to the this year, is the involved in MRA activities and on membership card and the mailing of cammiriees Due to a small minority of players entry forms to each member's home, who when they lose seem to think This membership card will help the A11 interested MRA members are urped to they do not have to referee, the player achieve special discounts attend the monthly Board of ~irecrors MRA has adopted to the fdllowing at clubs, on housing, and for a meetings held the first Iuesday afeach policy: month at the Oak Park YMCA in lansing. national magazine:, lust making Failure to ;.eferee or to find Far further informafion, please contact sure each member receives hislher referee far you, card requires a lot of rime in Bob Szuch. Presidwt, MRA, PO Box will result in that tournament 23035, Lansing; MI 48909 or call preparing and organizing the cards not counting as one of your (313) 683-3497, (;ee articles on 50-Mile Radius three stops to participate Discount and on Natipnal Racquet- Ihe Board of Directors is also in the Stare singles ball Discount) m pleased to announce the selection of he tournament director will keep Also, this year them has pub- Iarry Roberts who was also named to lipts af who does nor referee and .. lished the ~irsr'co~rtclub ~vide the ~oardat the ~ecember6, 1983 those persons will be notified by af Michigan, The effort taken to meeting. Larry, a men's seniors letter that the murnamenr will develop a survey that court club player is from Iivaniaand has a high not be counting as one of their owners would respond to, mail the degree of interest in the refereeing three We regret this policy had survey, receive and compile the aspect of the game. Iarry will soon to be adopted, but in alL fairnesis risulrs as well as rype the book be a very active Board member With to those who do referee a policy are some of the rime consuming the addition of Larry Roberts, there had to by adapted. IF YOU LOSE activities not readily seen by still remain two vacancies qn the REPORT BACK TO THC I'OURNAMXNT DESK the player MRA 'Board af Directors IWDIATEIY! ! ! ! TOURNAMENT RE *A MRA No. 1 MRA No. 2 MRA No. 3

by Bob Szuch by Judy Gooyea

Ihis year'sm 113 proved to be his past september 16-18, 195 mem- m 112 was held at Woodland Racquet club in Brighron durlng the weekend vew successful. for the 200 plus bers of the MRA took part in the entrants. Each contestant found first stop in fhe m Series which of October 14-16 Ihis tournament was sponsored by excellent competitioil in their decides the State Champions. Petas- respective divisions. Sponsorgd stop who ~rovidedthe nice collared shzrts key remains the finest on the by wilson Sporting ~oods,Bud four, with many players combining for all tournament entrants Over Light, WJPM an* Viking Sports, iacquetb?ll with a short autumn 280 MRA members participated with the tournament provided ezcitement "acarion, Many players, including lo of the entrants being junior players for all., A nw division found a myself, ventured further north to in the 15 and Under and 13 and Under home wirh the and several new rake in the sights of Nqrthern divisions m, ehamdions were crowned. Ihe debut Michigan M~~'~and pro , . we would like to thank the staff at womenVs open saw 14 men and 8 women vying fdr spansoring this event gave maximum woodland Racquet Club far providing a $1400 oat. ~ohnAmarulli exposure to Bata , Wilso" all with excellent hospitalitv (Chicago) rook home $400 by defeat- ~oodsand radio station durine the entire weekend as well sporting " ing Brian Mitchell (Rochester) in KHQ. KHQ provided numerous radio as having beer available on Saturday the finals in front of a sell out prior to and after the event. evening. The staff assisted the crowd on Sundav afternoon. Cathie dub management' ~rovidedexcell- MRA~~~-~ in ever"~ ., wav, oossible to make . siellema Frederickson (Warland) ent hospitality throughout the the tournament a very enjoyable week- defeated Cathy Thompson (Mt , tovrnament and made every effort end for all. clemens) and rook home $225 to see that the needs of the playerg were elways met. The MRA ~ighii~h~sof. the tournament. included Opening up the pro division had a is to havthe ~~i~hti).'In the Men's .A, Dave ~~~ ~ ~ tie-breaker to Ray Vanover Nice women'. Acrown by defeating Mars Austin (Bloomfield Hills) will be A~Q moving up adivision afier,de£eat- going Troy! : S+po?t. Congratulations. ' to all who took parrin GRA 112: ing Mitcvan Dis in a tie-breaker orher ~ivlsionwinners were: 11-5,. In ihe Men's B it was Kelly orher ~~v~sianwinners were: vs. Kelly with Brian defeating open - Randy Anderson d. Ray Chris-- 21-17. 21-17. For Brim vanover, 21-11, 19-21, 11-1 open - Randy Andeisan d Radiation (Gland Ra~ids)welcome to A A - Bryan smith d Mark $ellei Man 21-15, 21-6 ~ikeCirlson defeated Pat Brads 21-5, 21-lb A - John ~fefferd. Ernie Matties to take home the trophv in the B - ark Casey d Dan Velth 21-18, 21-15 Men's C. Mark Myers vent to a 21-16. 21-16 B - ark Carsan d. Dan Veith tie-breaker wirh fim Ohanesian c - rim ~psd John Fitzgerald 12-21, 21-20, 11-8 before winning 11-9 in the largest 21-12, 21-18 c - sran 1uche1l d. Gilbert0 division Some.fee1 that to win D .~ik* carlsan d John Bakalis Martinez 21-16, 21-18 in.~en'sD is trulv an endurance 21-1, 21-13 D - lohn orriso on d Ron Iiikala and fitness trial seniore B - Pete Jordan d John 21-19, 21-20 Patrick 21-20, 21-9 senior* A - Stuart ~effd..~on en Bonnett outlasiqd Bob Cravelvn seniors c - Jerry Gray d Dave ~udduck21-16, 21-13 20-21, 21-13, 11-6 in e card . .~ .Chrenka 21720, 21-14 . . seniors B - Bob lessmar d" Dennis fought match where the cheering ~l~bfi~Es'h- ~uidpsqriautnieks Kitchen injury forfeit were as much a part of a. chuck uise 21-11. 21-19 seniors c A orris Penner d lairy the action as the players. SenioIs astern B - Gary Nash d. Gerry Shriner 21-14, 21-11 A remains one very rough division Malleck 21-13, 21-13 hfasfer<~ - nichard Sewell d Mila Ma~tersA player lvnn Hahn playing

lunmre 17 - Srotf ressmar d Karhu~ ~~ 17-21. 21-7. 11-7 the first time in Seniors B Pete Flsher 21-3, 21-18 ~asfersB - Ran Knockeai t d.. Ray defeated ~obSmith 21-13. 21-13 in ~ifchell21-10, 21-15 the fxnals Join the boys in open - Judy Gonyea d. Sherl ~01denMasters - Duane Russell d seniors A, Lynn. Gundars Straut- Anderson 9-21, 21-15, 11-9 ~oecharetfe 21-9, 18-21, "ieks handled Tom Rensberrv in the A - ~~ndaLvtze d Denlse 11-6 Seniors C finals 21-17, 21-11. Gravely" 21-9, 21-17 ~unlors15 - Ashley Burt d Srott Henrv Buli keeps the Masters B 8 - ~imsteinbarh d. Dianne seasmar 21-14, 21-5 rrophv m Grand Rapids after a Driver 21-17, 21-18 iuniors 13 - nrlan Flowers d Jeff hard march wlth ~ackMarkward 21-14, c - judv Careon d. Marlene Kmler 21-5, 21-15 R-21, 11-9 cOs. 21-14, 21-10 D - Cindy Belongie d. Cindy Open - Cathle Fredericltson d Donna Ihe boys in the 13 and Under McDanlel 21-9, 21-7 Henry 21-20, 21-8 represenfed Grand Rapids well with ?A - ~athySrelluna d Mary Ann Szpont Joel Bonneft defeating Lee Stein- 21-10, 21-13 bach in the finals 21-19, 21-18 B - Nancy Unlacke d Janet Insko That is two trophies for the 21-16, 21-8 Bennett famil", not shabby fa= a c - Carol Collins d Carol Marshall famil" weekend outing,, 21-18, 21-14 D - ~aren~ichwine d Vicki Srhulte Women's A crowned a new champion 21-14, 21-11 who has just been dying to join (Con't page 4) Page4 Pro open debuts at Grand Rapids

Ihis new divisio,n proved itself Brian vrrchell played through Ray rook home $40 each in its first outing at Gland Vanover and V~keAnderson to meet Rapids. Fourteen men and eight John Amatulli m $he Plnals lohn Prom a soecfa~orviewmint. other women battled it out at Racquet- had to defeat Mark Heckman. Ken than the finals, perhaps the most ball Plus far $1400 in orize Harper and Randv Anderson to get to encltln~match was played Saturdav money. Budweiser Light, Wilson, Finals. Amatulli then defeated euenmg. This saw home town favor- Viking Spores and WJFM and WZZM- Mitchell 18-21, 21-19, 11-10. Ihe ite mke Anderson defeat Bob IV all helped to promote rhis scores tell the stom for even a wilhelm 21-11, 21-17 Both men new professional specfator.-oriented novice racquetball plaver The were making exceptional shots and division. These Pro'splay for crowd, srandmg room only, row enceptlonal sets They had the money only, no shirt or trophy; plerely enjoyed the match Brlan ciowd "OO~"~"and "a"gh*"g" on however, Mike Anderson of BE A and lohn enrertalned and plaved to every The march was inten- SPORT donated custom T-shirts to the crowd, bath provlng that thev se and both playexs exhlbiied a

each pro. ' were rrue gentlemen and the best hlph degree of sports mans hi^ athletes that dav John took home throughout rnakms ~t very enlovable he seedin~sfor ihe en's pro a hefty $400, Brxan $250 and semi- to watch

Open "ere (1) Brian valin; (2) ~ ' finalists Mlke and Randv Anderson Brian ~irchell,(3) Bob ~ilhelm; each took &ome $65 congratular~onsto all af the players (4) john ~matulli,"(5) chris cble, ~hohelped klck off rhe m's Pro (6) ~ike~ndirsbn, (7) Ray On the wornen's slde, Cathie Freder- Open division at rrand Raplds. Vanover and (8) Randy Anderson ickson breezed through She71 Ander- he second Pro Open event will take son and Cathy Ihompson to take home place at MRA 1'5 to be held in Ihe seedinas for the Women's first place money of $225. Cathv lanuarv at Oakland Racquet Club in ~hornpsondefeated Irene Ackeman- Blrrninsham Chmura'ta .et to the finals and rook borne $150. Seml-flnallsts and (4) Judy Gonvea Anderson and Ackennan-Chmura both RULES by Jim Easterl~ng Ihere are a few racquetball rules Recelvlng line "lolatlans-- - Ihe on the serve, is the receiver thar people sill1 are confused receiver may nor infrlnge on the allowed ra break the short llne about at tournaments Thls artlile receiv~nglines (5 foor hash marks plane wlrh elrher hzs racquet or 1s an attempt to clarify them on me walls) until the ball has h~sbody V~olarlonby the elfher bounced beyond the short receiver results m a polnt for root -Fault - Ihls is when the server line or passed the recelvlng lines the server THIS IS A JUOCEBNI haa hlslher faot ourslde or partly Therefore, the iecelver may NO1 CAI1 WHICH CANNOT BE APPEAIED over, the short line when helshe execute a fly return wlthln the begins the serve. And also when the 5 foor safety zone lhis recelvlng line rule 1s a sewer steps outslde, or partly Mm (USRA) rule and is used at over, the service line on the se*e Ihis means thar when returning all MRA tournaments Ihe "Super And fmally, when a person serves a lob serve (which is goiag to Seven" Serles has also adopted a ball (usually a lob) and steps bounce behind the receiving lines) th~srule thls year Rumor has out of the service zone before the the receiver must have his feet lt that the AARA may soon adopt ball has passed the short line plane behind the receiving lines and rhls version of the rule make contact with the ball BEHIND Dellberate or naf,all of the above the receiving line plane --~lme outs - ewee en the Elrsr and are fault serves., A faot fault is second games and also between the llke a short or long serve It is he receiver, after making contact, second and tie breaker are all a fault (bad) serve w~thone more behind the receiving line, may flve (5) minutes sene coming Yes, the foot fault follow through and break the 1s appealable receiving line plane At no time MRA Doudles No. 1 MRA No. 3 /con%) New to the MRA tovrnament schedule rhis Senlora A - Ken Bonneit d. Bob year are wo doubler tournaments leadlng Cravelyn 20-21, 21-13, 11-6 the open zanks Congraiularlons up to the State Doubleslstare Iurliars Senlors B Lynn Hahn d 6ob Smith to - Champlonshlp on March 30, 31, Aprzl 1, Iaura lozon for defear~ng 21-13, 21-13 1984 Jean Hechn 21-20, 5-21, 11-4 Senlois C - Gundars Srraurn~eksd. Women's B winner Joy Bariv beat Tom Rensberry 21-17, 21-11 MRA Doubles lil was held on November nobin Iarrezlle 14-21, 21-18. 11-6 Masters B - Henry Bult d. ~ack Betty Ann Glllzland defeated 18-20 at Racquetball Plus in Gland Markward 21-14, 9-21, 11-9 Peggy Hoshleld 21-11, 21-17 and Rapids. Run by Racquetball Plus the 13 & Under - Joel Bonneit d Lee tournameor provided competition for in Women's D Cindv Gill defeated Stelnbach 21-19, 21-18 32 team in the fallwing divisions: Sharon Huczek 21-16, 21-20 Mens Open, Mens B, Mens C/D, Wqmens A Pro Open - Cathie Frederickson d, and Mixed Doubles., Winners from m 113 include: Cathv Ti~omnson 21-7. 21-16 Winners were in the Open - Mark Heck- 7x0 Open - John Amatulli d Brian A - laura Iozan d. Jean Heckman man/scorr Reid d. ROY whitel~ick Mitchell 18-21. 21-12 21-20, 5-21, 11-4 VanderIind. Mens B - Todd Ieufhjohann 11-10 B - Joy Bairy d. Robin Iatreille Dennis Karliau d Neal GoodmanlGearge Open - Stu Hastings d Rlck Vander- 14-21, 21-18, 11-6 Agin. .Mens C/D - Mike JahnlEd moaas Ilnd 20-21, 21-13, C - Betty Ann Gillilaod d. Peggy a. ovi11o B"tzin/David Michaelson, 11-6 Hashield 21-11, 21-17 Woolens A - Ann JahnIKris Hengel d. Dave Austin d Marc Vamis D - Clndv Glll d. Sharon Huczek Kelly SchmelterIMarlene Goss.. Mixed 21-13, 13-21, 11-9 Doubles winners - Greg Hodges/Judy Dunbar Brian Kellv d Chrls Kellv 21-17, 21-17 Mzke Carlson d. Pat Biady 71-17-- -- , --71.8 . Mark Myers d Jim Ohanesian see you there 21-11, I@-21, 11-9 Page 5 waive guest fees

Your 198384 MRA membership card is now good at selected clubs thraugh- out Michigan. Present this card at the desk of the clubs listed below (313) 591-1212 dale, MI (616) 895-3663 and if you live 50miles away or Southland Recreation Center ~lngescreek Racquet Club, Battle farther, they rill allow you to use Taylor, MI (313) 287-9010 Creek, MI the club without paying a guest court players club, lint, MI ~ay~rea ~amlly Y last, Bay City fee, being a member or coming with (313) 733-6840 MI (517) 6869660 a member. So if you travelling rand Blanc Court Club, Flint, ~ay.Area Famlly Y Wesf, Bay Clty in Michigan, pack yovr gear and MI (313) MI (517) 895-8596 check out some of Michigan's court Rooms North, Port Hvron Saginaw !alley Health b Racquet finesr racquetball clubs. MI (313) 385-4475 Center, Saglaw, MI uoodland Ra~quefClub, Brighton Aquar~usAthletic CIub, IOIEDO, ' Participating clvbs include: MI (3131 227-7373 OHIO (419) 476-4884 Coliseum 11, Taylor, MI Racquet ~ingcourts, Irenton, MI^ (313) 292-3940 (313) 676-5850 Racquerime, Southfield, MI (3131 358-2040 earb born Arhlerlc club, Dear- for racquetball courts at these born, MI (313) 274-2337 facllltles AIISeasons Snort Center Maple Courts, Tzoy, MI (313) 362-3777 arbor Springs Realty in conjunc- Keaiingfon Racquetball Club b Spa tion with little Traverse Racquet Pontlac. MI (3131 391-3334 (313) 743-4510 club ill offer manbere a 101 Rochester Athletic Club, Rochester discount an the rental of Harbor MI (313) 652.2110 cove cdndinivm units with your Waterford Court+ Waterford, MI membership card. Certain avail- (313) 623-9622 ability dares apply, so check Franklin Racquet Club & Spa with the Realty Company in Petoskey Sauthfield, MI (313) 352-8000 Players Club, Wa-ren, MI (3131. . 774-6900 Warren Club; Warren (313) 754-8300 BackVal1 Racquetball Club Madison ,Heights, MI (313) 589-0900 (continued from page 1)

for myself, who knows what the

ways been fair with them But have been called a "staunch con- eervative" at one meeting I by Judy Gonyea really don't see myself as that-- but I do ~la~fhe"devil's advocate" MRA 114 rook place at the Court more often than nor. Maybe, in a Players Club in 1ansing on the future issue someone will rake me Jeziorski 9-21, 21-8, 11-8 weekend of Decimber 2-4. Ihis over the coals, tournament was sponsoied by A - John Kaber d John Bishop University Olds Datsu", Athlete's 15-71, 21-20; 11-4 I will now makemy ouarterly plea village and AMF voit There were B - Gary Iuczak d. Jack White for more participation by the over 240 entrants in thetourna- 18-21, 21-17, 11-6 general. membership. It's your menr all playillg same real excit- C - Gilberfo Martinez d. Steve ~~~~~i~~ti~~and you should be ing and rough racquetball. The Burgdorf 13-21, 21-20, 11-5 involved. Even ifyou only come to tournament was a success and the D - Jeff Wised. Dan Verbeck one meeringa year, it will be a beer provided an Saturday even-- 21-9, 20-21, 11-2 step in the right direction. If ing was a way to relax and watch Seniors A - Bob lipin d. Iarry have any concerns or questions, some of the interesting matches, Jackson 21-11, 21-11 pleasefeel free to write to me or seniors B -Neal Goodman d John any~oardmember and tell us. If We would like to thank our spon- Patrick 21-3, 21-18 . ' you don't rellus, we may not know sois for this event as well as the Seniors C -Dave Chrenka d. Ron a problem needs addressing, Court Players Club for their help Justice 21-15. 1621.. 11-9. in making ihii a tournament.ta Masters A - Lynn Hah" d. Gundare AS you probably noticed, "Ihe Sfraufnieks 21-11, 21-5 remember Athlete's Village service line'! has a new format ~rovidedagain this year s new Masters B - Don Kaufroann d Jim This change will cut costs plus Emer son look to the trophies which goes allows LO put pictures the news-- Masters in a ways to make the lausipg stop Golden -. Fred Rapoporr d. letter, I hope that you enjoy the a little mare unique Duane Russell 21-20, 21-4 new format and will become involved 19 & Under - Ryan Covell d. Brad in writing articles or "letters to Highlights of the tournament-- Heckman 21-14, 21-14 the ~difor"fa which we can respond,, perhaps for the writer and the Write to me at the address on page edicar of the newsletter had Open - Cathie Fredeiickson d Joerra 1 to include the play and the Hastings 21-14, sportsmanship of Mark Heckman A - lean HecLman d. Do I would now like to wish all the of Portage Mark played in 21-13, 21-12 MRA members, their families and the quarter-finals in a tough B - Carol Collins d D' friends a veiy joyous and happy march against Mike "Big 2" 13-21, 21-15, 1 NEW YEAR. I hope you get what you Both players were diving and C - Carol Knel1er.d C, from life and rhat all your ehooring and making good gets. 21-17, 21-5 problems are small!:: It was a ling march and pne D - Dorothy Burgdorf d. Cindy Sank neither player wanted to lose. 21.-11. ?1:7 : I" the tiebreaker at 10-10 with Big Z serving, Mark congratularionslo all who parti,cipa- fed in MRA 114 -2 including the BUrg- neclrman called a double bounce to the Hasrings femily for 1st and dorf family for a 1st and 2nd place I anhimself rhat the referee and 2nd place trophies could not see. Ihis gave trophy, to the Heckman-family for Big Z the game and the match lst, 2nd and semi-final trophies, and 3 Tournament Rule Again this year, to be eligible far the MRA State Singles Championship t9 be held at Franklin Racquet Clvb Spectators enjoyed in April 1984, a player must have the action at MRA 112 ~articipatedin3 MRA tournaments. Woodland Racquet Cluk The State Davbleslsfafe Juniors Championship will again count as Referee Dave Mafyas one of the three tournaments necess- in action ary. Ihis means that there are still 4 tournamenle left to qualify: MRA 115 - 0akland.Raequef Club in Birmingham, MRA 116 - Court Players Club in Portage, MRA 117 - Racquet Cing Courts in Irentan and the Srare Doubleslstate Juniors in Birmingham.,

count a8 one of the three reqvired Also, MRA Doubles #1 held in Grand Rapids and MRA Doubles il2 held in Birmingham do not count as tourna- ment stops to qualify for the Stste Singles Championship

Any requests for special considera- tlon or requests to have this rule Waived should be addressed to the MKA Board of Directors inwriting A young racquetball player at the fallowing ad4rpss: m, to be catches a quick nap PO Box 23035, Iansmg, MI 48901. with his Dad (Mark MeDan~el A11 such requests must be received Men's D) at Iansing by March 31, 1984 and wlll be discussed for approval or denial at the April 3, 1984 MRA Board of Directors meeting

, , ' ,;. 2 ; Cour~Tcl~bc?>:L , , .:.,.i,.I ;,? Guides Available

'Where to Play in Michlgsn: A Guide to Michzgan's RaeqUetball Facilities" is now available from the MKA. Ihis guide lists all racquetball clubs in this state m divisions by telephone area code. It also describes the fac~l- itlea each club has as well as some af the types of programs that they offer to their members Who's the new DP ~eaih entry at MRA 114 m Covlt Club Guides are available Lansing? Why its for purchase from the MRA for President Szuch $15 plus $1 for pastage and handling They can also be purchased at any upcoming MUA tournament at the tournament desk from Jim Easterllng for $15 00 I JOIN THE MRA 11 Jaln the MICHIGAN RACQUEIBAII ASSOCIAIION v I ODAY AMF and receive the following: Io~lnamententry forms, newsletters and speczal discount ads mailed to your home, a membersh~p card, discovnts on National Rac uetball and eligibility to play=-MRA Membership Price: $5 00 Voi t Name:___ - - Address: City: State: ZIP:- Phone Number: ()---

SWPORI RACQUEIBAII IN MICHIGAN---JOIN rOPAY!!! 2175 Vanover Ray 1605 Fecher Jullan 1255 King Mark 1905 Garvaglla Carl 2115 Wilhelm Bob 1605 Ferguson Mike 1245 Centile Bill 1905 Woadcox Davld 2095 Anderson Mlke 1605 Luchzk Gary 1235 Schultz Mart 1905 Graham Dale 2090 Hasrlngs Sru 1605 McCllnchey Michael 1230 Falva Jack 1900 Jordan Pete 2070 Cole Chrls 1605 Bos Timothy 1230 Llikala Ronald 1900 Tessmar Bob 2055 Anderson Randy 1605 W~rherepoonMlke 1230 nine Gene 1900 Ieesmar Ken 2055 Dufcher Dan 1605 Smith Richard 1230 Dutton ~d 1900 Davls Dave 2050 Easrerllne" Jim 1605 Vrosh Rick 1225 Bailey Glenn 2045 Radiation Man 1605 Ruiz 1ino 1225 PIessner Rob 2035 Kelly Gardan 1605 Ca1low:Da"g 1225 Moreno Joel 2035 Vanderllnd R~ck 1600 Carlson Mike 1760 Hazedor" Bill 2025 Brownlee Tom 1600 White lack Jr 2020 Labaldo Jack 1600 Finley Claude 2020 Heckman Mark 1600 Tihaley ~ichard 1220 Mull=" Joe 2015 Frankel Tom 1600 Fitzgerald John 1220 Hussaln Satwar 1730 Saver Tam 2015 Hareer Ken 1600 Pifzpalrick Mark 1215 Verbeck Dan 1720 Parkhurst Rlck ,ma- 8 -"""16"" Luethjohann Todd 1215 susltko noup 1320 Henry Chrls 2015 zwibric~d6ski~~M~kii1600 Graham Todd 1215 Banner Ihamas I715 Amel Jan 201j- i .v~~&&&!prGy ci c '1600 Trieweiler lim 1215 Bridgewater Bruce 1715 Smith Robert 2010 ,~+he~s;.~ik~" 1600 I' :- Scott ~d 1215 Plelns Mark 1710 Goodman Neal 2010 Bii'ckeraher Bobby 1600 Decamp John 1215 liernev Parilik 1710 Heeenah Robert 2010 Reid Scatt 1600 Dimond Ph"1 1710 Sharum Ihomas Horan Mike 1705 Eldrea Jerry 2005 Laew Davld 1600 Johnson Mlchael 1705 Grav Ierrv 2005 Gallagher Gordon 1600 Exhenberg Dale 1210 Hamllron James 1700 Sritt Rav 2005 Hav Pat 1455 Zarm~Erik 7 7," T..-** MS.$

1700 Paquerre lerrv 1700 Gutlerrez Pancho 1700 Penner Morris 1700 Oanna Joe 1700 Shrlner Larrv ...... - 1535 ihrenka Dave 1825 Harris ~&ah 1420 Wray Jim 1205 ~ilsonAllan 1530 Lafferly Danlel Eck Bob 1530 Jusilce Ron Matties Ernie Van Dis are Oberg Roy

1410 Con Dory Gary 1510 Dosenbach Ken Cstaxi william ...... 1510 Wietecha Gerald 1810 Schumer Bob Wisniewaki Mike 1205 Hlavarv Don 1510 Hord Grant 1810 Iargowskl Cliff Eelsing Richard :, 1205 Ouennevllle Dav~d 1505 oionese A1 1810 Kaher lohn cotter ~ike 1200 Bar tholomy Marty 1505 Jewel1 Denny 1810 Yaies Thomas Smith Vauahn 1200 Jacobs Scott 1505 Knauff Ken 1805 Kumer Mike Hamer Robirf 1200 zarlns ~earge 1505 Plullin Randy 1805 Blshop John Schwartz Mlke 1200 Slgler Ronald 1505 Ber~Ron 1805 Tackerr Alan ROzler cut 1200 Lovachis Torn 1505 Brown Don 1805 McNlff Scott 1200 Kamer Jack 1500 Stephens Don 1805 Gravely" Bob 1200 Padalina Anthony 1500 SCeinbach Tom 1805 stringer Ted 1200 Mvstq Rick 1500 Taylor Mlke 1805 Henry Chrls 1200 summer Mike 1500 Stewarc ~aul 1805 nlmarreo ~ike Jahn Mike 1200 Kummle* Bradley 1500 Brown Gal7 1800 Farrell Steve Krefschman Steve 1500 Lamb Paul 1800 casey Mark Kumler Randoloh, . 1500 Kulnrnler Ralph 1800 ZadvlnsKls Gvlda Lawloi 1erry 1500 McMahon Neil 1800 Ferrell cuit Galcia Art 1200 Harre Jerry 1500 Van Andel Jim 1800 Schneck lorn McMillan Mike 1200 Koons Rick 1500 nlll vern 1800 Nartmer David Meredith John 1200 Lark lahn 1500 Carr Joel 1800 Thompson Doug nolone,. Jim 1500 Murdock Max 1800 Davles James Moralee Ben 1500 Cordon Paul 1800 Veith Daniel Mo~ri~onJA ... - ...... 1800 Bell Patrick Brady Par 1200 Bachman curry 1800 Bugarin Ronnie Guljas Rudy 1200 Edmonds Murray MASTERS 1800 Kane Mike Myers Mark ' 1200 Taylor Eiichael 1960 St. Clalr John 1800 Carson Malk Strierer Dennis 1200 Hughes Keiry 1955 Maryas Dave 1800 Kelly Brian Hannon Donald 1200 Hunting Greg 1925 SLraurnieks 1660 Polvi David Debay Alex 1200 Mvczkowiak Rich 1925 Jaksen Dan 1660 lianberg Dan Dell Paul 1200 Riley Jim 1920 iund Dave 1655 Kelly Christopher Harpsfer Richard 1200 Moseley Daryl 1920 Sewell Rlihaid 1635 Broucek Rifk Barker Roger 1200 Jordan Harry 1910 Hise Charles 1625 Rodriguez Salvador Rallis Nick 1200 Kern Jeff 1910 Johnston lorne 1620 Panasiweicz Jim Hase Hamer 1910 Karhu Nllo 1620 Richmond Steve Varga Thbmas 1905 Madden Jess 1615 Rosenbergh Tom Jackson Wayne 1900 Bult Henry 1615 Sigafoose Iim Merkham Doug 1900 Knackeart Ron 1610 lepczyk Brent Raymond Matthew 1900 Nash Gay : 1610 Licari Paul west William 1900 Roeser Fred : I610 McIntyre Doug Richards lodd Klein Matthew 1740 Mllchell Rav '. 1610 Gbodman Neal Englehardt Steve Bonnett Ken' 1730 Emerson Jlm : 1610 Tuckwell Stan McDaniel Mark 5 Gravelyn Robert 1720 Dutcher led : I610 Sarkisian Dan Wesw Matt 5 ~eifskuart 1715 Wlckev Phll 1610 Kaikau Dennis Ohanesian jib 5 Slavik 1R 1715 r~isudJoe '1605 Turner Bryan Coak George 0 Puddvck Ron 1710 Malleck Gerry