Dynagreen Waste-To-Energy Project: Jixian Waste-To-Energy Plant

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Dynagreen Waste-To-Energy Project: Jixian Waste-To-Energy Plant Initial Environmental Examination Project Number: LN2960/46930 August 2014 PRC: Dynagreen Waste-to-Energy Project IEE for the Jixian Waste-to-Energy Plant Prepared by Tianjin Environmental Impact Assessment Center and Dynagreen Environmental Protection Group Company Limited for the Asian Development Bank This report has been submitted to ADB by the Borrower and is made publicly available in accordance with ADB’s public communications policy (2005). It does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB. Certificate No: GHPZJZNo.1102 No.: 2013-224 Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Power Generation Project in Ji County, Tianjin City Environmental Impact Report (Draft) Tianjin Environmental Impact Assessment Center August 2014 2 ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank AQG Air Quality Guideline As Arsenic JEMS Jixian Environmental Monitoring Station JEPB Jixian Environmental Protection Bureau JPMO Jixian Project Management Office BOD5 5-day biochemical oxygen demand C&D Construction and demolition CaCO3 Calcium carbonate Cd Cadmium CESMT Community Environmental Supervision & Management Team CH3SH Methyl mercaptan Cl Chloride CN Cyanide CNY Chinese Yuan Co Cobalt CO Carbon monoxide COD Chemical oxygen demand Cr Chromium Cr6+ Hexavalent chromium CSS Combined sewer system Cu Copper DO Dissolved oxygen DEH Digital Electro Hydraulic Control EIA Environmental impact assessment EIR Environmental Impact Report EIRF Environmental Impact Registration Form EIT Environmental Impact Table EMP Environmental Management Plan EPB Environmental Protection Bureau EDI Electrodeionization F Fluoride FSR Feasibility Study Report FYP Five Year Plan GDP Gross domestic product GHG Greenhouse gas GRM Grievance redress mechanism HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Air 3 HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generator Hg Mercury I Iodide IMn Permanganate index Mn Manganese MBR Membrane Bio—Reactor MSW Municipal solid waste NH3-N Ammonia nitrogen N Nitrogen NO2 Nitrogen dioxide NO2 - Nitrite NO3 - Nitrate PRC People’s Republic of China PAM Polyacrylamide Pb Lead Measure of acidity (<7) and alkalinity (>7) based on hydrogen ion pH concentration RO Reverse Osmosis RP Resettlement Plan SO2 Sulfur dioxide SPS Safeguard Policy Statement SS Suspended Solids SNCR Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction TDS Total dissolved solids TN Total nitrogen TP Total phosphorus TPH Total petroleum hydrocarbon TSP Total suspended particulate UASB Up flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket UF Ultra-Filtration WHO World Health Organization WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant Zn Zinc 4 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES oC Celsius µ micron g/L microgram per liter Bq/L Becquerel per liter dB decibel km kilometer km2 square kilometer kW kilowatt L liter L/s liter per second m meter m 2 square meter m 3/a cubic meter per annum m 3/d cubic meter per day m 3/s cubic meter per second mg/kg milligram per kilogram mg/L milligram per liter mg/m3 milligram per cubic meter no./L number per liter NTU nephelometric turbidity unit t metric ton t/a ton per annum t/d ton per day t/y ton per year CONVERSION UNIT 1 hectare = 15 mu 1 mu = 666.7 m2 In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. 5 Table of Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ 10 1.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................. 10 1.2 ENVIRONMENT CHARACTERISTICS OF CONSTRUCTION AREA .............................................. 10 1.3 ENVIRONMENT IMPACTS DURING CONSTRUCTION PERIOD .................................................... 12 1.4 AMBIENT AIR IMPACT ASSESSMENT CONCLUSION AND TREATMENT MEASURES .................... 12 1.5 WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPACT CONCLUSION AND TREATMENT MEASURE ............................ 16 1.6 NOISE IMPACT CONCLUSION AND TREATMENT MEASURE ...................................................... 16 1.7 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CONCLUSION AND TREATMENT MEASURES FOR SOLID WASTE ..... 18 1.8 ENVIRONMENTAL RISK PREDICTION CONCLUSION AND PREVENTIVE MEASURES .................. 19 1.9 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ........................................................................................................... 19 1.10 TOTAL AMOUNT OF POLLUTANT EMISSION.............................................................................. 19 2.6 ASSESSMENT FACTOR .................................................................................................................. 25 2.7 ASSESSMENT STANDARD (REFER TO ATTACHMENT 8 TO 20) ...................................................... 26 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND ENGINEERING ANALYSIS ............................................. 32 2.1 CONSTRUCTION SCALE ................................................................................................................ 32 2.2 BASIC INFORMATION OF WASTE ................................................................................................... 32 2.3 CONFIGURATION OF INCINERATION LINE AND INCINERATOR ........................................................ 33 2.4 PROCEDURE OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE INCINERATION SYSTEM ........................................... 34 2.5 FLUE GAS PURIFICATION PROCESS .............................................................................................. 46 2.6 PUBLIC UTILITIES .......................................................................................................................... 55 2.7 AUXILIARY MATERIALS, FUEL AND POWER CONSUMPTION ........................................................... 60 3. BASELINE ENVIRONMENT CONDITIONS ........................................................................... 61 3.1 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................................ 61 3.2 SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................... 65 3.3 STATUS QUO OF ENVIRONMENT QUALITY ..................................................................................... 66 4. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ........................................... 78 4.1 WEATHER DATA ANALYSIS ON CONVENTIONAL POLLUTION .......................................................... 78 4.2 DISCUSSION FOR POLLUTANT EMISSION COMPLIANCE ................................................................ 80 4.3 AIR POLLUTANT EMISSION PARAMETER AND DISPERSION PATTERN ............................................ 83 4.4 AIR QUALITY IMPACT PREDICTION AND ASSESSMENT .................................................................. 85 4.5 DISCUSSION OF CHIMNEY HEIGHT ............................................................................................ 100 4.6 CONTROL MEASURES FOR ODOROUS POLLUTANTS ................................................................ 100 4.7 DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION ZONE FOR UNORGANIZED EMISSIONS ............. 101 4.8 STANDARDIZATION AND ON-LINE MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FOR POLLUTANT EMISSION .. 102 4.9 DISCUSSION OF PERMISSIBLE EMISSION OF CANTEEN FUME .................................................. 104 5. WATER ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ............................................................ 106 5.1 FEASIBILITY OF WASTEWATER ZERO DISCHARGE .................................................................... 106 6 5.2 GROUNDWATER ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ANALYSIS ................................................................... 112 5.3 RATIONALITY AND FEASIBILITY OF GROUNDWATER USE ........................................................... 114 6. SOUND ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT ................................................................ 124 6.1 NOISE SOURCE CATEGORY AND INTENSITY .............................................................................. 124 6.2 SOUND ENVIRONMENT IMPACT PREDICTION AND ASSESSMENT .............................................. 125 7. ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF SOLID WASTES .......................................... 131 7.1 CATEGORY OF WASTES ............................................................................................................. 131 7.2 ANALYSIS OF DISPOSAL MEASURES OF SOLID WASTES ........................................................... 131 8. ENVIRONMENT RISK ANALYSIS ............................................................................................. 137 8.1 ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT RISK ANALYSIS .......................................................................... 137 8.2 WATER ENVIRONMENT RISK ANALYSIS ..................................................................................... 146 8.3 ENVIRONMENTAL RISK CONTINGENCY PLAN ............................................................................ 146 9. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ............................................................................................................ 148 9.1 EFFECT OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION .......................................................................................... 148 9.2 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN INFORMATION ANNOUNCEMENT ....................................................... 148 9.3 CONTENT AND MEANS OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION .................................................................... 157 9.4 INFORMATION OF RESPONDENTS OF PUBLIC
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