START OF SUMMERTIME SPECIALS STEVENAGE START OF SUMMERTIME SPECIALS Sunday 29th March 2020 Sunday 29th March 2020 160 Kilometre Route 160 Kilometre Route Start from Costello’s in Fairlands Valley Park at 08:30 (BST). Start Fairlands Valley Park 08:30 Please arrive by 08:00 to collect your brevet card. This is not a race. You must complete Please arrive by 08:00 to collect your brevet card the ride at an average speed between 15 and 30 kph. Your brevet card must be timed ***** and signed at every control. Ride safely and enjoy yourself. The entrance to Fairlands Valley is off Six Hills Way. Café grid ref. is OS 166 TL 254243. If you are not going to finish, please tell a control or contact the organisers on If you come by car please leave it in the large car park near the entrance, not the 07779 799035 or 07850428856. smaller cafe car park which will be needed by others during the day. *****

If you are not going to finish, please tell a control or contact the organisers on From the start LEFT to pass behind the sailing centre 07779 779035 or 07850428856. Through the gates IMM LEFT follow the shared path/cycleway uphill to 1st RIGHT Continue fwd to T on cycleway LEFT to pass under Fairlands Way subway and exit ABBREVIATIONS: RIGHT Continue to pass through two underpasses LEFT just before 3rd underpass onto Verity FWD Forward Way cycle way (1.2miles) IMM Immediately ph public house RIGHT to pass under RBT exit LEFT to Pilgrims way (2.57km/1.6miles) LEFT onto Canterbury Way RBT roundabout Right at RBT onto Great Ashby Way rhs right hand side At RBT continue straight lhs left hand side LEFT into Orwell Ave sp signpost Shortly Right into Calder Way(5.15km/3.2 miles) stgd X staggered crossroads At T RIGHT continue to WESTON T. T junction Y Y junction RIGHT at X sp HALLS GRN, Cromer, (8.7km/5.4 miles) ∆ Grass triangle in middle of T or Y junction LEFT signposted CROMER (13.5km/8.4 miles) X crossroads At T LEFT sp LUFFENHALL At ∆ RIGHT sp RUSHDEN 2.5 5 Ashwell 8 Continue on major route unless directed otherwise. At T LEFT continue to meet A507 You should go through the towns and villages that are underlined e.g. WALKERN. At T LEFT onto A507 continue straight as signposted LOCAL TRAFFIC (16.9km/10.5 Intermediate distances are APPROXIMATE. miles)

(Route checked by Paul Boielle, 1/03/19) Page 1

After Rushden and Moon and Stars ph on lhs first RIGHT sp Sandon, , Buckland At T RIGHT into Finchingfield Road. In 1.1km/0.7mls, at ∆ where the main road bends (19km/11.8 miles) right, LEFT sp Stambourne (72.9km/45.3 miles). After left hand bend with ∆ opposite At T (Roe Green) RIGHT sp Sandon, Kelshall, Buckland. arrive at T RIGHT sp Stambourne. At T LEFT sp GT Yeldham. In SANDON at ∆ (by duck pond) LEFT sp Kelshall, , Royston, (22.5km/14.0 miles) Continue through STAMBOURNE taking right fork at large wooded ∆ passing church Next RIGHT after church on rhs sp Kelshall, Therfield, Royston and continue with tower on lhs to bear left on Yeldham Road to next RIGHT sp Toppsfield, through KELSHALL (25.4km/15.8 miles) At T RIGHT sp THERFIELD, Royston. (78.5km/48.8 miles). After TOPPSFIELD, just after narrow weak bridge, LEFT opposite Continue past houses on lhs and RIGHT into Pedlars Lane sp Reed, Buckland. At T Cust Hall, sp Great Yeldham, (81.56km/50.7 miles). LEFT at right hand bend (no sp), RIGHT then fork LEFT sp Reed, Buckland. Follow signpost through REED END (82.9km/51.5 miles). Continue beyond X to enter HIGH STREET GREEN and continue to REED FWD until passing Wethersfield Road on rhs and just beyond to St Peters church on lhs.(86.9km/54 miles). First control (Silver Ball cafe)(29.8km/18.5 miles). Open from 09:30 until 10:29 Info Control: at St Peters Church by the front steps from the street. What persons From cafe RIGHT onto A10 and IMM LEFT sp Reed. Follow main route bearing LEFT name appears first on the sign board ? through REED. At T RIGHT (no sp) continue to . In Barkway at T by war memorial LEFT onto B1368 sp Barley (33.3km/20.7 miles). In 1km fork RIGHT sp Gt Retrace the route back to LEFT into Wethersfield Rd. Continue CHISHILL. through WETHERSFIELD and arrive at FINCHINGFIELD (97.7km/60.7 miles). Pass through SHAFTENHOE END to Gt CHISHILL, at X RIGHT into Hall Lane sp Saffron Waldon B1039 (38.14km/23.7 miles). Continue 7 miles on B1039 Suggested stopping location for refreshment at one of the various cafes or pubs. through WENDENS AMBO. At T opposite The Fighting Cocks ph LEFT sp Cambridge, Great Chesterfield and IMM Leave Finchingfield on the main through road (B1053) from the memorial going uphill RIGHT sp Saffron Walden 2. At T RIGHT sp Saffron Screen. Keep on the main route to away from the river. arrive in the centre of SAFFRON WALDEN. At the X with traffic lights go straight forward approx 30 metres to find Cental Arcade on rhs. In GREAT BARDFIELD RIGHT by large ∆ sp THAXTED 4, Dunmow 7 RIGHT opposite The Bell ph sp LITTLE BARDFIELD 1½, THAXTED 4 Second control (Mochas cafe) at 52 km (32.4 miles) open from 10:14 until 11:58 Through LITTLE BARDFIELD to THAXTED

In THAXTED at T, RIGHT sp Saffron Waldon B184 From cafe LEFT to leave the Central Arcade and IMM LEFT at the traffic lights sp LEFT opposite The Swan ph sp CUTLERS GREEN 1, Debden 4 Thaxted B184, Radwinter B1053. At RBT bear LEFT sp Hadstock B1052, Ashdon, Lt Through DEBDEN GREEN, DEBDEN. At stud X LEFT sp Newport (115.4km/71.7 Waldon. At 2nd RBT RIGHT into Ashdon Road. At 3rd RBT straight ahead, continue on miles). until through ASHDON then RIGHT sp The Camps, Steventon End, Haverhill At right hand bend LEFT (no sp) opposite Avoiding Low Bridge sign (59.8km/37.2 miles). to WIDDINGTON. Follow road under railway bridge, at T RIGHT (no sp). At T

LEFT on to B1383, sp Bps. Stortford (121.8km/75.7 miles). In QUENDON RIGHT Continue through STEVENTON END, at the fork keep LEFT sp Castle Camps 2 1/2 sp Clavering 4, RICKLING GREEN 1/2. Haverhill 5, (61.8km/38.4 miles). At T RIGHT (no sp). Continue through CASTLE

CAMPS to HELIONS BUMPSTEAD. At X LEFT sp S Bumpstead, Haverhill (68km/42.3 miles). In 0.3 km RIGHT sp St Bumpstead. At T LEFT onto B1054, STEEPLE BUMPSTEAD. In 0.3km RIGHT into Church Street. Page 2

In RICKLING GREEN at ∆ continue ahead, sp Rickling church, to RICKLING. Continue towards Stevenage Town Centre on cycleway crossing Brittain Way. RIGHT At X FWD sp BERDEN and PELHAMS into Fairlands Valley Park. At T RIGHT sp BERDEN and THE PELHAMS Through BERDEN to . Continue FWD along road to Costello’s and FINISH At stgd X FWD sp Albury, . In 1.24km/0.77 miles sharp RIGHT sp Fernaux Pelham (134.2km/83.4 miles). *Beware Finish at 161 kilometres (100.1miles) open from 13:52 until 19:14. the incorrectly pointing Stocking Pelham sp arm. In , RIGHT no sp just after Axe and Compasses VERY PINK ph on lhs go If you are not going to finish, please tell a control or contact the organisers on to lhs of Post Box and Telephone Box 07779 799035 or 07850428856. At X by church, LEFT to third control at Braughing Church Hall on lhs.

Third control at 140 km/ 87 miles open from 13:10 until 17:50.

LEFT from control. At T LEFT then at T IMM RIGHT no sp At T LEFT sp PUCKERIDGE (A10)

LEFT sp PUCKERIDGE Through PUCKERIDGE to T with A120 Cross A120 to go SO onto shared pedestrian and cycle path through gate and continue under A10. Take care of barriers near the end of the path.

At road continue SO sp DANE END, LEVENS GREEN, Old Hall Green At T LEFT sp DANE END Continue through DANE END then RIGHT into Whempstead Lane

(sp WHEMPSTEAD, BENINGTON) to WHEMPSTEAD. At stgd X RIGHT (sp BENINGTON, Walkern) through BENINGTON. Pass Bell ph then LEFT at ∆ (no sp) passing St. Peter’s church on rhs. At X RIGHT sp Walkern 2

LEFT (sp ASTON END) down steep hill past ford sign. At T RIGHT (no sp).

At T RIGHT (no sp) then LEFT (sp Equestrian Centre) into Short Lane. At T with ∆ LEFT.

At junction by Equestrian Centre SO into "no through road" (Tatlers Lane) (159.1 km/ 98.9miles).

Go between concrete posts under Gresley Way and bear LEFT onto cycleway.

At T RIGHT. Page 3 Follow cycleway to cross Cromwell Road and Marlborough Road FWD to underpass, through underpass and LEFT on cycleway on rhs of main road (Six Hills Way).