
DDomainomain ReviewReview DR

Note to Teacher You should spend one day reviewing and reinforcing the material in this domain. You may have students do any combination of the activities provided, in either whole-group or small-group settings. Core Content Objectives Addressed in This Domain Students will: Explain that members of one powerful group often excluded members of other groups from certain rights Describe how organizations and movements, such as the , were created as people fought for equal rights Explain why f ghting for important causes has helped to change laws and improve the lives of many people Explain the terms inequality, discrimination, suffrage, Explain the concepts of , civil rights, and human rights Describe the lives and contributions of Susan B. Anthony, , Mary McLeod Bethune, , Parks, Martin Luther Jr., and Cesar Chavez Identify the main causes for which Susan B. Anthony, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mary McLeod Bethune, Jackie Robinson, , Martin Luther King Jr., and Cesar Chavez fought during their lifetimes Identify Susan B. Anthony as an abolitionist Explain that Susan B. Anthony campaigned for women’s rights, especially the right to vote Explain that Eleanor Roosevelt was married to President Franklin Roosevelt Identify Eleanor Roosevelt as a First Lady

148 Fighting for a Cause DR | Domain Review © 2013 Core Knowledge Foundation Identify the as a diff cult time in American history Explain the role of the in the world Explain that Jackie Robinson was a talented athlete Identify Jackie Robinson as the f rst African American to play Major League Baseball in the United States Explain the importance of the success of the Explain the connection between Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. Identify Martin Luther King Jr. as an important leader of the civil rights movement Describe working conditions for migrant workers Describe the similarities among the causes supported by Susan B. Anthony, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mary McLeod Bethune, Jackie Robinson, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., and Cesar Chavez Describe the similarities among the methods of protest used by Susan B. Anthony, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mary McLeod Bethune, Jackie Robinson, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., and Cesar Chavez Review Activities Key Vocabulary Brainstorming Materials: Chart paper, chalkboard, or whiteboard Give students a key domain concept or vocabulary word such as nonviolence or boycott. Have them brainstorm everything that comes to mind when they hear the word, such as peaceful protest, bus, etc. Record their responses on chart paper, a chalkboard, or a whiteboard for reference.

Image Review Show the Flip Book images from any read-aloud again, and have students retell the read-aloud using the images.

Fighting for a Cause DR | Domain Review 149 © 2013 Core Knowledge Foundation Perspectives Have students choose a historical f gure from the read-alouds they have heard. Tell them that they are going to write two to three sentences about f ghting for a cause from that f gure’s point of view or perspective. Explain that perspective is how someone sees or experiences something. Give students an example, such as, “If Rosa Parks were to talk about f ghting for a cause, she would probably use her experience in the Montgomery Bus Boycott to do so”; or, “If Cesar Chavez were to describe f ghting for a cause, he would probably use his experience as an organizer and leader for farmworkers as an example.” Give students time to write their sentences about f ghting for a cause from the perspective of Jackie Robinson, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., or Cesar Chavez. Then, allow students to share their writing with the class and ask each other questions pertaining to the historical f gure they have chosen. Remember to expand upon each student’s writing and response(s) using richer and more complex language, including, if possible, any read-aloud vocabulary.

Domain-Related Trade Book or Student Choice Materials: Trade book Read a trade book to review a particular person or event; refer to the books listed in the Introduction. You may also choose to have students select a read-aloud to be heard again.

Riddles for Core Content Ask students riddles such as the following to review core content:

• I was the f rst African American baseball player in Major League Baseball. Who am I? (Jackie Robinson) • I refused to give up my seat on a bus to a white person and was taken to jail. Who am I? (Rosa Parks) • I gave my “” speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Who am I? (Martin Luther King Jr.) • I fought for the rights of migrant farmworkers in America. Who am I? (Cesar Chavez)

150 Fighting for a Cause DR | Domain Review © 2013 Core Knowledge Foundation Image Card Review Help students identify all of the Image Cards used for the timeline and then brainstorm what has been learned about each person. Next, pass out all of the Image Cards to various students. Have students do a Think Pair Share for each Image Card. For example, for the picture of Martin Luther King Jr., a student might ask, “What causes did Martin Luther King Jr. f ght for?”

Fighting for a Cause DR | Domain Review 151 © 2013 Core Knowledge Foundation