Рабочий лист 7 (английский язык)

Ф.И. обучающегося______

ГБОУ №______Класс ______Дата ______

1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

Barguzinsky reserve, in the central part of the Republic of , was founded in 1916, with an area of 374,3 thousand ha, including the area of the biosphere polygon – 111,1 thousand ha. It is situated on the North-Eastern shore of , including the western slope of the Barguzinsky Mountain Range up to its ridge, with absolute heights up to 3000m above sea level. In the South the reserve borders the Zabaikalsky National Park. Large amphitheaters with lakes and plumb rocks are characteristic in the high mountains. Fields of crumbled bodies of rock are widely developed. In the lower heights, on the terraces of the lake, open larch forests with cedar elfin woodland are spread. In the middle mountains dark coniferous forests of fir and cedar prevail, and in the valleys great numbers of spruce, balsam poplar and Chosenia. In the next belt there are larch and spruce light forests and thickets of cedar elfin woods. Above 1500 m in the mountain tundra are rhododendron and rocky lichen zones. Sometimes meadows of alpine plants can be met. The wood-covered area makes more than 220 thousand ha. Flora counts 350 higher plants species, including 7 rare species. There are many hot springs with the temperature of 40 °С and with peculiar thermal communities near them. The fauna of vertebrate animals is represented by 39 mammal species, 260 birds' species, 4 reptile species, 2 amphibian species. The number of sables has grown compared to the foundation date by 300- 400 times (in 1993 — 900 sables). It was the primary aim of the reserve’s foundation. Such typical mountain taiga animals as brown bear, reindeer (forest form), elk, skunk bear, otter, hazel grouse, Tetrao urogalloides are usual there. As far as rare birds are concerned, white-tailed eagle and fish hawk can be met in the reserve. In the waters of lake Baikal there are 50 fish species, including 25 species of goby, and also Arctic cisco, taimen and etc. The reserve has the status of biosphere . It belongs to the World Natural Heritage Site "Lake Baikal".

2. Imagine that these are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to present to your friend.

You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12-15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

- where and when the photo was taken - what/who is in the photo - what is happening -why you keep the photo - why you decided to show the picture to your friend

3. The first reserve in

Barguzinsky reserve is the first area, organized in the territory of Baikal. It is located on the eastern shore of Lake Baikal, its length along the coastline is 110 kilometers. A walk along the Barguzinsky reserve shore is very picturesque and leaves a lasting impression. From one side there are Barguzinsky ridge foothills with canyon-like river valleys, sandy beaches and cliffs, while along the other side there is Baikal ridge - a chain of mountain tops covered with snow nearly all year-round. Barguzinsky reserve, in contrast to National Park is not available for visits. Its territory only includes five campsites: South cordon (Sosnovka), Davsha village (former central manor of the park), winter camp on the River Kabanja, biosphere proving ground (from Cape Valukan to Cape Gulekan of guba Amnundakan (Bay) and the Northern cordon. To cut down trees in the reserve is strictly prohibited, as well as to stop for the night outside the tourist spots.

But the tourists, however, easily forgive Barguzinsky reserve its unavailability for visits, because of the virginal purity of its natural treasures that they can enjoy to the fullest – they include mountain lakes, waterfall cascades, hot springs, blooming valleys in the highlands and so on. The pride of Barguzinsky reserve is surely its inhabitants. The reserve fauna on land includes bears, reindeers, elks and many other animals. The reserve waters are home for about 46 species of fish. Also the Barguzinsky reserve water space is inhabited by the Baikal seal - the animal- symbol of Baikal. There are a lot of bears - about one hundred and eighty individuals - the highest index in general all over . But the main animal- the Barguzinsky sable - an animal with an extremely valuable fur, was on the verge of extinction in the early XX-th century. Barguzinsky reserve was once established to save the sable.

Because the wild animals inhabiting the reserve are at large, to walk alone and unaccompanied by experienced guides in the reserve is prohibited – you can inadvertently come across a bear, which lives there.

Barguzinsky Reserve territory has neither grocery stores, nor cellular telecommunication, nor the possibility to recharge portable devices. In general, Barguzinsky Reserve is famous for very zealous protection of the local nature against the negative impact of tourists.

Do the following statements agree with the information?

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

1. Barguzinsky reserve is available for tourists. ______

2. Its territory only includes four campsites: South cordon (Sosnovka), Davsha village (former central manor of the park), biosphere proving ground (from Cape Valukan to Cape Gulekan of guba Amnundakan (Bay) and the Northern cordon. ______3. The reserve fauna on land includes bears, reindeers, elks and many other animals. ______

4. Barguzinsky reserve water space is inhabited by the Baikal seal - the animal-symbol of Baikal. ______

5. To walk alone and unaccompanied by experienced guides in the reserve is allowed, because the wild animals are tame. ______

Ключи: 1F; 2F; 3T; 4T; 5F.

(Источник: http://www.advantour.com/russia/baikal/barguzinsky- reserve.htm)

4. 2. Watch the video attentively https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo61cLbAHLY . Could you describe the pictures in the video and speak about Barguzinsky reserve, using these words and expressions:

Barguzinsky Nature Reserve the northeast shores of Lake Baikal Wild animals An animal with an extremely valuable fur Brown bears Lakes Rivers Mountains Water Waterfalls

Baikal - Exploring the Baikal - the sights and tourist routes It is possible to go on a tour to Lake Baikal via , or Ulan-Ude. 70 km from Irkutsk, there is Listvyanka village, a starting point of many excursions and round trips on Lake Baikal.

The main tourist route passes through the village of Bolshie Koty, Svyatoy Nos Peninsula, Olkhon Island and Peschanaya Bay. On the eastern shore of Lake Baikal you can see the Barguzinsky bay, with the recreational area “Baikal Harbor”, built next to it. Nearby, there is the village of Maksimikha where you can book a tour to the Svyatoy Nos Peninsula and the open air museum “Svetlaya Polyana”. Lodging for the nights is arranged in the villages of Enkhaluk and Sukhaya both in private residences and in rest homes. Between these villages there is the Zagza thermal source.

Rich in mineral springs and picturesque views, the Chivyrkuysky Bay is one of the most beautiful bays of Lake Baikal. Also, the places worth visiting are the Shaman Stone, Ushkan Islands, Shamanka Rock Cape on Olkhon Island, Capes Ludar and Ryty, Peak Chersky, Frolikha tract.

Around the lake there is The Great Baikal . Taking it during the walking tour, the visitors can fully enjoy the spectacular views of Lake Baikal. They can also contemplate the sights of the lake by taking a train along the Trans-Siberian Railway. It is also possible to start from Listvyanka, going along the Circum-Baikal railway. Circum-Baikal Railway is not only a going railway, but also a monument of culture, architecture and engineering art of the early XX century.

As far as winter concerns, the popular entertainment is ice diving in special diving suits, impermeable to cold. Under the water you will find the mysterious and exciting world of ice caves and galleries, and see the inhabitants of Lake Baikal in their . Ice fishing season on Lake Baikal comes on sunny March days.

1-2-day ice safari by quad bikes, snowmobiles, jeeps along the west coast of Lake Baikal to the village of Bolshie Koty or to Peschanaya Bay are also available for you. What is more, Listvyanka is a riding sports center. You can try to act as a dog team driver of a sleigh pulled by northern huskies, brought to Baikal and Kamchatka from Yakutia. Round Baikal Railway / Circumbaikal Railway

We are deeply and firmly convinced of the fact that the Siberian Railway is an indestructible monument of culture of the XIX-th century, a manifestation of the Russian national grandeur, discharge of the moral duty of the contemporaries in the face of coming generations; that it is one of the best pages in the Modern Russian History, a step on the threshold of the XX-th century". ("Priroda i Lyudi" (Nature and People) Magazine. , 1890).

Formerly it was the most exotic part of the Trans-Siberian Railway. The sacred lake with all its awesome beauty passed before the eyes of the passengers of the trains going eastwards. On the one side, the rocks pile up unimaginably high. The lake shining and sparkling is bound on the other side by dove-coloured mountains. The waves from the lake "lick" the car-wheels.

The construction of the Circumbaikal Railway as part of the Trans-Siberian Railway (the section from Port Baikal on the south-western shore of the lake) to Mysovaya Station (on the south-eastern shore) took 4 years. Ancient crystal rocks: granite, gneiss, gabbro, diabase, – possess enormous strength; the steep rocky shores precipitously go under water, forcing to make excavations and niches in rocky cliffs, to construct arches and tunnels.

The quiet grandeur of the plain stone portal with its high quality masonry and the way the arch joins the coastal slope, charms the visitor. It seems to have been there for ages rather than only three quarters of a century.

The railway is 84 km long. It includes not only Russian engineering design of that time but also the hard work of Russian, Polish, Italian and English workers. The Circumbaikal Railway needed 200 and 33 tunnels. Only within the section of 56 miles from Kultuk to Port Baikal there are 48 arches and tunnels. Most of the tunnels are not very long. There are a few tunnels long enough so that passengers experience total darkness. Polovynny Cape is cut through by the longest one (800m). And how many bridges, supporting the walls! It is no coincidence that this part is righteously regarded as the museum of Russian engineering thought, and foreign tourists respectfully name it – "The Golden Buckle of the Great Siberian Trail".

Round Baikal Railway / Circumbaikal Railway

We are deeply and firmly convinced of the fact that the Siberian Railway is an indestructible monument of culture of the XIX-th century, a manifestation of the Russian national grandeur, discharge of the moral duty of the contemporaries in the face of coming generations; that it is one of the best pages in the Modern Russian History, a step on the threshold of the XX-th century". ("Priroda i Lyudi" (Nature and People) Magazine. Saint Petersburg, 1890).

Formerly it was the most exotic part of the Trans-Siberian Railway. The sacred lake with all its awesome beauty passed before the eyes of the passengers of the trains going eastwards. On the one side, the rocks pile up unimaginably high. The lake shining and sparkling is bound on the other side by dove-coloured mountains. The waves from the lake "lick" the car-wheels.

The construction of the Circumbaikal Railway as part of the Trans-Siberian Railway (the section from Port Baikal on the south-western shore of the lake) to Mysovaya Station (on the south-eastern shore) took 4 years. Ancient crystal rocks: granite, gneiss, gabbro, diabase, – possess enormous strength; the steep rocky shores precipitously go under water, forcing to make excavations and niches in rocky cliffs, to construct arches and tunnels.

The quiet grandeur of the plain stone portal with its high quality masonry and the way the arch joins the coastal slope, charms the visitor. It seems to have been there for ages rather than only three quarters of a century.

The railway is 84 km long. It includes not only Russian engineering design of that time but also the hard work of Russian, Polish, Italian and English workers. The Circumbaikal Railway needed 200 bridges and 33 tunnels. Only within the section of 56 miles from Kultuk to Port Baikal there are 48 arches and tunnels. Most of the tunnels are not very long. There are a few tunnels long enough so that passengers experience total darkness. Polovynny Cape is cut through by the longest one (800m). And how many bridges, supporting the walls! It is no coincidence that this part is righteously regarded as the museum of Russian engineering thought, and foreign tourists respectfully name it – "The Golden Buckle of the Great Siberian Trail".

Trans-Baikal National Park

National Park is a sartorial statement of Lake Baikal, a kind of Mecca for lovers of Lake Baikal natural beauty. The interesting thing is that a fairly small area, owned by National Park has collected a great variety of natural wonders. Trans-Baikal national park is one of the protected Lake Baikal areas, available for visit, which does not require advanced planning: the situation with the road infrastructure is generally better than in the whole of Buryatia in average. One thing has to be remembered: the entrance to National Park and stay in its territory are fee-paying.

Trans-Baikal National Park – Destinations

Svyatoy Nos

Svyatoy Nos is the largest peninsula of Lake Baikal. The peninsula is notable for hot springs and dense forests, inhabited by wild animals, such as bears. The peninsula houses three settlements. Kurbulik is the largest village with a population of one hundred people. The other two settlements are Katun and Monakhovo.

The Ushkany Islands

Another significant attraction of National Park is the Ushkany Islands archipelago inhabited by nerpas (Baikal seal). The Baikal nerpa is a very rare species of seal – a half-hour watching them will cost a tourist group about 25,000 RUB. The archipelago islands are famous for many features; one of them is a great number of anthills, reaching three meters in height. The islands’ name itself refers to hares which are locally called Ushkans, inhabiting the islands in a great number. The banks of the islands are covered with broad-leaved forests – home for rare species of plants, some of them are endemic: the black “Ushkany” birch and pine with a bizarre-shaped trunk. The age of some trees growing on the archipelago islands is some three hundred years. The Ushkany islands are almost uninhabited – a light-keeper and a weather station inspector are the only permanent human inhabitants there. Visiting the island is only allowed in a group of at least six people guided by a Reserve instructor.

Chivyrkuisky Isthmus

Chivyrkuisky isthmus is famous for a network of the Bormashev lakes, with very warm water in summer. At the lake, there are sandy beaches and baths with peloids. These peloids are collected at the Bormashov lakes for Gremyachinsk resorts, located 130 kilometers from Ulan-Ude on the same road that leads to Ust-Barguzin village. Another and more extreme attraction of Chivyrkuysky isthmus is so-called the “Culina swamps”. At the bottom of these swamps there are mineral springs, outpouring hot water with gas. The way to the mud volcanoes "Culina swamps" is extremely unsafe without an experienced guide.

Ust-Barguzin: Podlemorye Southern Gate

Ust-Barguzin, perhaps, would have been quite an ordinary Buryat town, but for its immediate proximity to the legendary Lake Baikal. There is nothing special in Ust- Barguzin: standard wooden buildings, occasionally decorated with intricate carvings, wide unpaved streets, little vegetation.

But in fact, Ust-Barguzin village has many advantages; the main one is its proximity to the most important natural attractions of Lake Baikal. This patch surrounded by taiga, is the last inhabited and lived-in village at the boundary of immense conservation area stretching for nearly three hundred miles to the northernmost Baikal village – .

Ust-Barguzin, still unspoiled with excessive attention on the part of tourists and considerable investments, is known as the Podlemorye southern gateway. From there you can start a fabulous tour to tourist places of Lake Baikal, which include the Trans-Baikal National Park, Barguzin nature reserve, the Svyatoy Nos Peninsula, as well as Frolikhinsky Reserve, existing since 1976. Ust-Barguzin opens the way not only to Podlemorye, but also to Barguzinskaya Valley – one of the most beautiful valleys of Buryatia, stretching for 230 kilometers.

Ust-Barguzin village manages to combine extremely harmoniously an urban civilization necessary for city dwellers with primeval natural beauty of Lake Baikal. The village has the usual blessings of civilization of the “Mainland”: water supply, heating, a few shops and cafes, the Internet, cellular communications. And at the same time, just a fifteen-minute walk from Ust-Barguzin there is a picturesque shore of the Barguzinsky Bay, greeting a stunning typical Baikal view of the nearby Svyatoy Nos Island. In summer, the Baikal water temperature comes up to 22° C, so you can swim and sunbathe on a white sand beach. In addition, a whole day in Ust- Barguzin may be spent in fishing; fortunately, these waters harbor various species of fish in abundance: cisco, grayling and whitefish.

The tourists do not have any problems with accommodation in Ust-Barguzin: there is a good choice of holiday camps and private hotels, besides as an option, you can be quartered in homes of the locals. The latter option though quite exotic, is also very interesting, because you can see the culture and everyday life of ordinary Siberian families. However, bear in mind that luxury apartments cannot be found there, to that end, you’d better go to Maksimikha village, where you will find a well-maintained resort area.

The best time to visit Ust-Barguzin village is summer months, July is more preferable to the others, when the Baikal water in many places is warm enough for swimming. The weather during a day is changing rapidly and often - from gloomy and cloudy to completely clear and sunny.

Видеотека Источник Содержание https://vimeo.com/119216910 Промо-видео. Баргузинский заповедник https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgfwwyiw-yQ Бурятия. Баргузинская долина. Уникальная природа https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5j9Wmu69g8 Заповедное ожерелье Байкала

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTvVDkYAGzM Путешествие по озеру Байкал. Основные туристические направления

Дополнительные источники информации Источник Краткое содержание http://www.advantour.com/ru Общие сведения. ssia/baikal/barguzinsky- Баргузинский заповедник- reserve.htm первый заповедник в России

http://www.advantour.com/ru Исследуя Байкал: ssia/baikal/baikal- достопримечательности и tourism.htm туристические маршруты

http://www.advantour.com/ru Поселок Усть-Баргузин: ssia/ust-barguzin.htm Южные ворота Подлеморья

http://www.advantour.com/ru Забайкальский ssia/baikal/national-park.htm национальный парк. Маршруты: Святой Нос, Ушканьи острова, Чивыркуйский перешеек

http://www.bww.irk.ru/baikal Путешествие по travel/circumbaikal.html транссибирской магистрали. Основные достопримечательности