Please follow us for all the latest updates on what’s happening in YOUR PARISH CHURCH St Mary and All Saints Church, We’re on Facebook.

Please support our advertisers and tell them you saw their advert in this Newsletter. If you would like something put in the February/March issue, do let us have it by 10th January 2021 or even sooner. Later will be too late!

[email protected]

Deadline for the February/March issue:10th January 21 1 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley

Vicar: The Revd Alison Massey Email:[email protected] 07837 124509 TheVicarage, 16, Holbeche Crescent, Fillongley 01676 540320 Methodist Minister: Revd Jane Braund The Manse, 136 Station Road, Balsall Common CV7 7FF Email:[email protected] 01676533737 Fillongley Church Steward Wardens MartinWoodley 02476268055 SuzanneWhiting 01676542410 GrahamHargreaves 01676540766 SueTaylor 01676540880 Corley Church Wardens JimGreen 01676540579 GwenHarris 07799685890 House Groups (Corley & Fillongley): Suzanne Whiting 01676 542410 Safeguarding Officer& Data Protection Co-ordinator : AnneWoodley 02476268055 CorleyChurchTreasurer:NeillButler 01676540530 Corley Church PCC Secretary:Annmarie Butler 01676 540530 CorleyChurchFlowersCoordinator:JanGreen 01676540579 CorleyChurchOrganist:GwenHarris 07799685890

FillongleyChurchTreasurer:MatJones 07769153434 Fillongley Church Finance Committee Chair: David Birch 01676 541246 Fillongley Church JCC Secretary: Tracy Pinkham 01676 541134 Fillongley Church Flowers Coordinator: Barbara Wood 01676 540540 FillongleyChurchOrganist:PaulHood 02476732832

Fillongley Captain of the Bell Tower: Rodney Swallow 01675 238368 Transport to Church Coordinator: Tracy Pinkham 01676 541134

2 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley Greetings from the Vicarage

Dear Friends,

Christmas and the New Year are often times when we stop to reflect on the events of the year gone by. 2020 has certainly been eventful on a personal, national and international scale. It may well be the year that many of us will want to forget.

The year that started with high hopes. What would the start of ‘the Roaring Twenties’ bring?

None of us could have anticipated just what this year has brought. There isn’t a single person that hasn’t been affected by the Coronavirus. Whether we have suffered from the virus ourselves or nursed a family member who had it. Unfortunately, many of us will have lost someone that we loved because of the virus. We might have lost income, a job, a home or peace of mind. The impact of the virus will be felt for many years to come.

There will also have been other significant times in our own lives this year. Maybe a ‘big’ birthday, the birth of a new family member, a house move, a new job or even, if you were very lucky, a wedding in your friendship group. But it has been hard to celebrate during a global pandemic and for some, it may feel that this year has been so difficult personally and globally that we feel vulnerable, disconnected or even downhearted.

But Advent is a time of hope. Advent is the time when we prepare for the coming of the light. John’s Gospel tells us“the light shines in the darkness and the darkness shall not overcome it”(John 1: 5). Only light can cast out darkness.

We also remember that the message the angels bring that first Christmas is “Peace on earth, and goodwill to all people!” A message that is sometimes hard to hold onto when the world seems a dark and more dangerous place.

3 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley

In her poem “The Risk of Birth, Christmas, 1973”Madeleine L'Engle writes: This is no time for a child to be born, With the earth betrayed by war and hate And a comet slashing the sky to warn That time runs out and the sun burns late. That was no time for a child to be born, In a land in the crushing grip of Rome; Honour and truth were trampled by scorn– Yet here did the Saviour make his home. When is the time for love to be born? The inn is full on the planet earth, And by a comet the sky is torn– Yet Love still takes the risk of birth. It may feel that this is no time for a child to be born, when our world seems to be in a state of turmoil, with disease, division and hate. ‘We’ are pitted against ‘them’. But it is into this world that Love takes the risk and is born. The Son of God born to bring love, hope, light, peace and justice into a world that is in dire need of all those things. So this Advent, as we look forward to celebrating Christmas, albeit in a different and quieter way this year, perhaps it is the time for us all to allow ourselves to let love into our hearts, to take a risk and to allow the love and peace of the Lord Jesus to be born into our lives. “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9: 6). I wish you all the joy and peace that Advent and Christmas can bring, and the bright hope of the Christ child who came to be the Prince of Peace. With love and prayers for a very happy Christmas and a much better and brighter 2021. Ali Rev Ali Massey

4 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley

Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley

Christmas play: 'The Selfish Giant'

The Riding Lights Theatre Company have produced a play based on the story by Oscar Wilde 'The Selfish Giant'. This play is aimed at primary school age children and can be viewed in 3 x 15 minute sessions with craft activities in between sessions, or all in1go.

Further details are available on the link below. If you would like to watch this play at any time between 23 November and 4 January, please contact Rev Jane Braund at [email protected]

5 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley

Corley Churchwardens Notes

On the basis that so few people were able to attend this year’s Annual Church Meeting in Corley to hear reports, the following is the Churchwardens Annual Report for the 2019 calendar year presented to the meeting.

The year began in week 21 of the interregnum with not much progress being made to find us a new incumbent but church life was flourishing and continued to do so all through the year.

The previous Christmas celebrations were particularly joyful with higher num- bers of people attending services than in previous years. The carol service had a party atmosphere with Canon Jim Canning encouraging us to recall our best Christmas present ever or to blow up a balloon instead! After the service most of the congregation crammed into the Sunday school for tea, mince pies and cake. Christmas Day saw many people from Fillongley in Corley church for a lovely service led by the Revd Liz Jones. We welcomed Liz at Corley and Fillongley churches often during the year including our first All Souls service in November. The backdrop to our festive services at Christmas, Easter & Harvest was of course the amazing flower arrangements created by Chris ,Val, Jan & Ann admired by all who came to church and complemented on by visiting clergy. Thank you to everyone who made our lovely church extra special.

Every Sunday Holy Communion services were covered by visiting clergy & I for one will always be thankful that we were blessed to receive such wonderful & dedicated people into Corley and Fillongley churches. These ministers include the Revd Tim Brooke, Revd Canon James Canning, Revd Jane Close, Revd Terry Colling, Revd Canon John Eardley, Rt Revd David Evans, Ven Sue Field, Revd Andrew Haines, Ven Alan Hawker, Revd Liz Jones, Revd David Mayhew, Revd Richard Smith & Revd Rick White. It was a privilege to welcome them each week as they shared their faith & various life experiences with us. Additional priests were also required for occasional offices during the year. There were 8 funerals, a wedding &6 interment's of ashes some of which expediently followed a Sunday morning service.

6 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley

Your Churchwardens were duly & legally admitted to office at the Archdeacons Visitation on 13th May at St Nicholas' church Nuneaton after being elected for another year at the Annual General Meeting on 8th April. So Gwen and myself continued to be at your service for pastoral care during the Interregnum also for church and churchyard related matters. Churchwardens from both churches met together on a monthly basis to resolve any parish issues and put together the parish profile. Also engaging with Tim Mitchell and the 8EQ's survey which influenced the profile. The Parish Profile was started in February but not completed & approved until July owing to the departure of Archdeacon Morris & the appointment of a new Area Dean so the Diocese could not advertise for our new part time Rector until then. However we were still optimistically hoping to interview candidates by September. By Advent we were still appropriately 'waiting' and praying for the right person and Archdeacon Barry who was installed at the cathedral on 6th October met with the joint councils in November with encouraging hopefulness although by the year end we were all still soldiering on without a leader. Here though are the highlights of the year in chronological order. Following an appeal to repair more of the churchyard paths that had become unsafe this work was completed in January at a cost of £5280. Lent lunches raised £666 which was divided between 'Combat Stress' and 'Young Minds'. During Lent we met each week as a Benefice for study, discussion and fellowship focusing on issues currently concerning us in our communi- ty, our nation and our world; and sharing the joys and challenges of be- ing a Christian in our increasingly secular society. Christian Aid week total was £674.70 run single-handedly in Corley by Margaret Williams. Margaret is stepping down from this role after many years of loyal service so if you would like to volunteer for next May please let us know. The 15th Annual Plant Sale in May held at the front of the lychgate for the maintenance and repair of church fabric raised £1042 including the sale of refreshments and cake also Jen Harris' (everyone wins!) Tombo- la in the Sunday school. I would like to thank Jen, Jan, Margaret, Mary, Jenny & Alwyn and many more who helped by donating plants to make this event a success. Continues next page

7 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley Christina and Nicholas' wedding in August mentioned midway through this report and conducted by Revd Liz Jones was the first here for over two years but others have been booked. Weddings are a good reason to ring the Corley bells which attract bell ringers from all over the country. The bells and framework are in good condition and are occasionally examined by volunteers from the Guild of Bellringers even though access to the belfry is not easy. Annmarie & Neill in their key roles of Secretary andT reasurer have enabled the PCC to function efficiently within Charity Commission and Church of rules and to satisfy the demands of the Deanery and Diocese. We are blessed to have them and more than grateful for their hard work and loyalty especially during this period of vacancy. Faced with having no Sunday school teachers, Gwen took the initiative to juggle playing the organ and providing a few children with arts and crafts in the vestry during the 10.30 services aided by granddaughter Becca. Becca herself has become a great little helper by collating hymn books, pew notice sheets and orders of service together; handing them out then gathering and putting them away again after the service. This is in addition to putting up the hymn numbers and tidying up the vestry after Sunday school. Thank you Becca and indeed we are thankful to our flower arrangers, readers, tea makers, cleaners and all who help to keep the church running smoothly. Our Statistics for Mission data shows a slight drop in the average Sunday service attendance from last year but is comparable to previous years and the Natural Church Development survey in February revealed that Corley has potential for growth. The churchwardens inspection of the church building showed that none of the cracks internal or external had opened further during the year. Both roofs over the nave and north aisle will need some attention. A quote for re-roofing came in at over £8000 two years ago. All the stained glass needs cleaning and some repairs necessary. All the gutters, down pipes and lead valley are cleaned and tested annually. The gully’s cleaned out as required throughout the year. Next year our Quinquennial Inspection is due so we should prepare ourselves for significant expenditure and perhaps start launching appeals and applying for grants again. The last of the old Temcana space heaters was replaced at a cost of £2660 in March. All work in the church and churchyard has been entered into the Log Book which is up to date. Jim 8 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley

Corley Churchyard News Amidst all the out-of-control stuff & uncertainty surrounding us at the moment there is one constant – nature. Not the human kind that caused the situation we are in, but the nature that is synonymous with creation – God’s Creation. This constant draws some of us out into the light leaving the gloom of isolation indoors. The grass, shrubs & hedgerows need cutting. Trees & perennials need pruning. Planting of fruit trees, roses & early flowering bedding to give us hope of a beautiful Spring season. All this is helping to maintain a small part of the reassuring ‘constant’. So yes, in the churchyard, myself & Malc are still cutting grass in December & we have just had the Arborists out making two large trees safe from destructive winds & heavy snow. (That is not an accurate Winter forecast!). There are still plenty of things on the ‘to-do’ list during the coming weeks such as trimming & pruning of shrubs & hedges. If anyone has a solution to disposing of enough brash to fill 6 green bins without a bonfire in the churchyard please let me know. I am looking forward to seeing lots of Christmas wreaths in the churchyard again this year. Take care & have a lovely. safe Christmas. Jim The Church wardens and PCC Wish everyone A Merry Christmas With Blessingsfor The New Year

9 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley


Sadly, we are now in lockdown so all village hall events have ceased! We’re very hopeful that circumstances will improve sufficiently for us all to be able to enjoy a little more freedom and less restrictions when the lockdown ends on December 2nd. The coffee mornings held every Friday have been a huge success and we were full to our maximum capacity on the 30th October. A very big thank you to those committee members and friends who have kept us supplied with delicious home- made cakes, friends who stepped in at the last minute to help and the visitors who supported us.W e hope to be back on Friday 4th December 10.30 – 12.30 and Jen is trying to organise a couple of craft stalls to attend so a little Christmas shopping may be possible during December. A number of our committee members have been ill recently and needed to go into hospital. All are now home and we wish Charlie, Clive and Wendy a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing you back amongst us.

On Oct 9th a black VW Golf or Polo was driven into the front side wall of the hall leaving it badly damaged. Un- fortunately the number plate was un- clear so we’re unable to locate the culprit. Thank you to John Dudley for making the wall safe and organising for it to be rebuilt.

The committee would like to thank our friends for their help and support over the last year, we could not carry on without you! We hope you enjoy Christmas and the New Year in the safest way possible but more impor- tantly PLEASE KEEP SAFE.


10 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley

Corley Golden Years

Hello Everyone!

I do hope you’ve all been keeping safe and well in these awful times, but we’ve lived through a lot in our lifetimes, so will beat this too!

Other than going to the shops once a week and to the coffee morning for a few Fridays until the second lockdown, I filled my time with a bit of gardening until my back ached, crossword puzzles, reading, watching the birds and feeding them: looking after ‘Paddy’ my parrot. and occasionally watching ‘Cyril’ the squirrel pinch the peanuts and hide them in my plant pots, lawn and the garden. In one pot he had buried over 2 dozen nuts; I found them when I was planting bulbs! Cheeky monkey!

The things I’ve missed: going to see my children and my daughter’s lovely collie dog. Ellie, going to the ‘Golden Years’ club, seeing all the members and going on holiday.

Hopefully lockdown will ease again and I’ll be able to go to my daughter and son-in-law for Christmas Day with Ellie. She’s such a funny dog, full of mischief and makes us all chuckle!

Stay safe and well everyone and keep smiling!

Happy Christmas and New Year!


What have you been up to during lockdown? Do let us know at fillongleyandcorleynewsletter Editor

11 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley


Another calendar year is coming to a close but without our usual get-together.

On the day we should be having ourT ea Party and Father Christmas, have a cup of tea and a special cake and think of all the members who we should be with. Everyone will know they are being thought of in a special way by everybody else.

We shall miss our January dinner and the chatter that goes with it; just remember previous dinners and look forward to the next one. I am sure Sheila will think of something for us to celebrate when safe to do so.

We send our love and thanks to Sheila and Terry for all they do for us for our meetings and we look forward to meeting again up with you again.

Have a Happy Christmas and New Year.

Barbara Jensen Fillongley Fete 2021 - a date for your diary. Having had to cancel for 2020 we are looking forward to being able to bring the fete back next year. The fete 2021 will be in and around the Fillongley Vil- lage Hall from 13:00 - 16:00 on the 12th June.

We will contact all those who have taken part in the past early next year. If you haven't taken part before but would like to join us please send an email to: [email protected] of give me a call on 07850 889 249. EddieJones FillongleyVillage Fete

12 13

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Dear School Community,

We were disappointed not to be able to attend church with some of our pupils for Remembrance Sunday this year. However, as always, children in school took part in worship services and learnt about why it is important to remember those who have made sacrifices for our freedom. In particular this year, our upper school children found out about the Unknown Warrior, laid to rest in Westminster Abbey one hundred years ago. All children from Reception to Year Six also observed two minutes’ silence on Wednesday and I was proud to be able to lay the wreath on Sunday on behalf of the whole school. School looked colourful on Children in Need day as we left uniforms at home. Lots of sparkly tops, Pudsey ears and football shirts were on show and hopefully we have raised lots of money. Finally this week, we would like to wish everyone celebrating Diwali a super weekend and hope that, even though families cannot get together, a special time is had.

Stay safe everyone, Alison Patchett Headteacher

14 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley

Fillongley Pre-school

We have had a very good start to the new term. The children have adapted well to our social distancing guidelines put in place, along with our additional hygiene routines.

We started the term with the ‘Owl Babies’ story to help settle in our new children and kick off our Autumn theme where we explored with different ‘findings’ (leaves, pinecones etc.) from our walks to the allotment. We used a variety of resources to explore with these, such as, magnifiers, scales, tweezers etc.

The children displayed an interest in superheroes which inspired our activities, they used their ‘super strength’ to complete our obstacle cours- es, the ‘super brains’ to problem solve, their ‘super sight’ to look and explore, along with many more super powers to complete our activities. They thoroughly enjoyed this. The local scarecrow festival inspired the children to make a ‘super scare- crow!’, a parent kindly gave us the boat they had used for their scarecrow theme, the children then became Pirates and had so much fun searching for treasure and singing lots of Pirate songs, we even went to an ‘under water cinema’.

We have been super busy, engaging in lots of learning opportunities and having lots of fun. We have ended the term with a Halloween party, we played lots of games, danced and had yummy party food. The children all looked amazing.

This term has been a good start, and we are looking forward to starting back with a bang for our bonfire and Diwali celebrations!

Joanne Lincoln Places available for 2,3 &4 year children Contact Jo: 07445850388

15 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley From the Fillongley Church Steward Wardens

These continue to be strange and sometimes stressful times for us all but hopefully by the time you read these words we will be out of lockdown again and back worshipping in our wonderful Church. However, the restrictions which have become our way of life in church in the past months will no doubt still apply and we must continue to keep everyone safe when they attend our church or worship at home using the resources to be found in our weekly eBulletin.

If you have not yet joined the mailing list for the eBulletin, please let Suzanne have your email address and you will receive all the up-to-date information about what is going on in your Church. Equally, if you know of someone who does not have access to a computer for whom you can print out the information, please do that or let us know their contact details. In our preparations for Christmas through Advent, there will be an Advent Window Trail throughout the Village and we are all encouraged to decorate our trees and bushes, and to put our Christmas Trees in a prominent position so that they can be seen from the roadside. Our aim is to create a wonderful walk around the Village which everyone can enjoy and which will bring the true message of Christmas – the birth of Jesus Christ ~ to all.

A Celtic Prayer for Advent

Calm us to wait for the gift of Christ; cleanse us to prepare the way for Christ; teach us to contemplate the wonder of Christ; touch us to know the presence of Christ; anoint us to bear the life of Christ. Amen

And finally, may we wish you a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful & Healthy New Year.

Suzanne Whiting Martin Woodley Graham Hargreaves Sue Talor

Church Steward Wardens.

16 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley

From the Corley Register Funerals in October Colin Matthews Roy Flanagan

At the Crematorium Christopher Woodward

From the Fillongley Register Funeral in October Ann Hennessey Interment of Ashes Harold Cleaver Thelma Northall

We offer our deepest sympathy and friends

United Charity of William Avery and others EMERGENCY GRANT APPLICATIONS These continue to be challenging times for us all but in particular for those in the parish who are suffering financial hardship. A source of assistance may be available to you at this time from the United Charity of William Avery & others in the form of an Emergency Grant. This applies to all residents of Fillongley Parish. If you are suffering verifiable financial hardship you may be entitled to claim an emergency grant. This applies equally to those who applied for a grant earlier in the year and to any new applicants.

For an application form and further details, please contact Mat Jones c/o Cocks Lloyd Solicitors, Riversley House, Coton Road, Nuneaton. CV11 5TX 02476 641642

17 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley Fillongley Parish Council

Thanks to Rev Ali, David Birch and Eddie Jones for our 2020 Service of Remembrance on Sunday 8th November. Thanks also to all those who attended but remained socially distanced as requested. FPC were delighted that our soldier who was placed at the War Memorial for the centenary of the end of the First World War has been renovated free of charge thanks to local businesses; Darren at GPD Welding (Aldermans Green), John at Midlands Surface Finishing (Bayton Road) and Andrew at Brical Powder Coatings (Bayton Road) and Mr Peter Wardley who co-ordinated the works to strengthen and repaint our soldier silhouette and put it back in place ready for Remembrance Sunday. FPC continue to meet monthly virtually via Zoom and parishioners are welcome to attend too. If you wish to do so please contact the Clerk for further information/assistance. Thank you too, to all the volunteers who helped out those who have been isolating through both the first and second lockdown and thanks to all who are keeping an eye out for their neighbours. We have a strong community and would help that though there are less events for new residents to partici- pate in and meet people at the moment, we hope that residents are making their new neighbours feel welcome. Finally thanks to those who work voluntarily to make our Parish a better place to live; to our newsletter Editor, David Smitham, Ronnie Twigger and Mark Burton who maintain the cemetery, Fillongley Garage who cut the grass at the crossroads and donate fuel for the cemetery maintenance, to Jean and Harry Perry who organise the distribution of the magazine and those who deliver it. Thanks also to the numerous people who organise our social groups and sit on the committees of those, all voluntarily.

If you feel that you would like to help out in any way, by joining a group or starting a new one and you need any help or contacts please let me know and I will endeavour to help. We look forward to a happier and healthier 2021 and hope that everyone manages to enjoy Christmas.

Heather Badham [email protected] Clerk to Fillongley Parish Council 549193

18 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley

Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley

Coventry Haven Women's Aid Christmas Appeal 2020 Across Coventry and in our refuges, there are many vulnerable children who need your help not just to get through Christmas, but to have THE best Christmas, and to thrive in 2021! Your donation this Christmas will help to change lives. At #CoventryHavenWomensAid, We believe that children shouldn’t ever feel that abuse and violence is a normal part of home life; it’s not! There is a way out, but we need your support to free victims from living in fear. Instead of sending Christmas cards to your loved ones, could you donate the card value plus postage to us to support the crucial support required in refuge, or could you donate a gift voucher please to enable mums in refuge to choose Christmas presents for their children and to buy food for the holiday? How can I help? *Text HAVEN to 70450 to donate £4 To donate £5 text HAVEN 5 You can choose to give any whole amount between £1 and £20 Please see our website for our bank details and for other methods of ‘giving’: Gift vouchers are incredibly helpful from the following stores: Asda, Boots, Primark, Sainsburys andT esco. Please deliver/post to: Santa, Coventry Haven WA, 30 Hen Lane, Coventry CV6 4LB by 11th Dec. * Texts cost £4 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS. If you’d like to give £4 but do not wish to receive marketing communica- tions, text HAVENNOINFO to 70450 #coventryhaven #christmas #donations #giving #givingbacktothecommunity Jaime Richards Development and Funding Officer I sometimes work at irregular times, so if this email arrives in the evening/at the

19 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley

FILLONGLEY AND DISTRICT GARDENERS' CLUB Steering group: John Sargent Moira Bastow ColinT racey Geoff Croft Lynne McKeown Ray Jensen

Yet another magazine without a proper report from the Gardening Club.

The mixed weather hasn't offered much in the way of relaxing in the garden and now it is time to put it 'to bed'.

Clear the leaves off the lawn, protect your tender plants in a warmish greenhouse, clean your tools ready for 2021, drool over the catalogues, and dream of the spring flowers which will be with us very shortly.

The Committee wish everyone a good Christmas and happy new year and look forward to starting up again sometime in 2021. Best wishes

Barbara Jensen

FILLONGLEY VILLAGE HALL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE We wish all residents in Fillongley a Very Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year. We look forward to welcoming you to The Hall as soon as we are able. Barbara Jensen 20 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley

Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley

Here are some well-known proverbs but one letter in each word of the proverb has been replaced. Can you find the original phrase? For example: “i switch indime ravesm ine” is A stitch in time saves nine.

1.Won’tb udge Itook myids covet. 2. Take ham whole she pun whines. 3. Earlsso red,earlsnorose. 4.Ill word end so plantakes pack Ipull toy. 5. Opool ant has honey ale boon panted.

Answers on page 25

Protect your bike from theft :

Fillongley Mobile Post Office at the Manor House pub on a Wednesday 10.30am till 11.45am

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, branch opening times can change at short notice. We apologise for the inconvenience caused by unplanned closures. Smart Water NWNHW continues to offer supplies of Smart Water. The kits will property mark up to 30 items and are available through NWNHW Contact Tony Hardman 01827 873774 or email [email protected]

21 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley

WI Fillongley Lite

Meetings on third Wednesday in the month, currently via Zoom Non-members are very welcome, £5 per session. Also, the WI Federation have offered a reduced new Member fee of £10.75 for 1 October 2020 until 31 March 2021.

Our forthcoming events as follows:

11th December Murder Mystery - A play for want to be Detectives! Can you work out the all-important question - Who's done it!??!

20th January 2021 Calligraphy Taster - Sheila Smith, an expert from 'Nuneaton Scribes' is going to teach us the art of beautiful lettering.

17th February 2021 Johnsons Coaches - Family history of Johnsons coaches by John Johnson, Commercial Director. John started helping out at an early age and has now had 35 years at the helm with his brother Peter.

17th March 2021 Penguins - The Mother of Penguins: Leah has her dream job as a Penguin Keeper at the Sea Life Centre. Let’s find out how that happened and what it’s like looking after her penguin family.

If you would like to find out more, please contact Jane Allen, WI Fillongley Lite Secretary : [email protected] M: 07515 877748

Jane Allen

22 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley

North Rural Area – Warwickshire Rural Watch Closing the gate on rural crime Countryside Code As we begin another month in lock down, if you choose to exercise in the countryside, please make yourself aware of the Countryside Code and if walking in fields with livestock in, only enter if there is a public footpath in it, stay to the footpath at all times, close ALL gates and if you have a dog with you keep it on a lead. Local Fillongley History Books ‘I Remember Strawberries & Sewage’ and ‘I Remember Bare Bottoms & Stinging Nettles’ available from Susan Moore : Details on

Contributions to this Newsletter Please keep your contributions or suggestions flowing in. We need them all to include, so that as many people as possible get to know what’s going on locally. We like to try and include pieces on a wide range of subjects from as many people as possible. Have you a photograph of a scene in Corley or Fillongley which could be used on the cover?

If you have not previously contributed, please give it a try. Have you an unusual skill you’d like to tell us about? Have you a favourite walk around Corley or Fillongley? email: [email protected]

23 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley Advent traditions around the world Wreaths, candles and calendars. These are sure signs of Advent for many Christian groups around the world. Advent is the beginning of the spiritual year for these churches, and it's observed the four Sundays before Christmas Day. Each Sunday has a different spiritual theme and often involves the ceremo- nial lighting of an Advent candle in anticipation of Christmas and the birth of Jesus. Here are a few of Advent and general Christmas traditions in various countries around the world. Austria On the first Sunday of Advent, Austrian families decorate their wreath with four candles; one will be lit. .Every Sunday one more candle will be lit, until the fourth and last Sunday of Advent. China might not immediately come to mind when you think of Advent, but roughly 5% of the population of 1.38 billion is Christian. Chinese Christians light up their homes with colourful paper lanterns during Advent, and you might find red paper pagodas cut out and placed in windows. They follow many of the traditions that were brought by Western missionaries. Croatia About 86% of the people in this Balkan Peninsula country are Roman Catholic, and Advent is a big part of the religious life here. For some Croatians, preparations for Christmas actually begin before Advent on November 25, St. Catherine's Day. Germany Families across Germany will set up an Advent wreath with four candles, one for each week of Advent. They may gather around the wreath each Sunday to sing carols and light another candle. Stollen, which is similar to fruitcake, is one of the oldest Christmas treat traditions in Germany. And Advent hosts may serve cookies that are spread around their wreaths. Munich has its famed Christmas markets, and Advent concerts. Hungary Along with the wreath and Advent calendars packed with little chocolates, another Hungarian tradition during Advent are the matins. These are a daily Mass held every dawn from the first Sunday of Advent to the first day of Christmas.

24 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley

A classic Advent treat in Hungary is a rolled crust, traditionally filled with poppy seeds or walnuts. You can find them in shops and bakeries. Mexico Advent in Mexico brings the religious ceremonies known as "The Inns." This nine-day celebration that marks the journey of Mary and Joseph is held from December 16 to 24. Each evening in cities and villages across Mexico, a child dressed as an angel leads a processional, usually made up of children. They go to selected homes, where they are denied entry but often given refreshments. Poland For deeply Catholic Poland, Advent brings prayer, fasting and spiritual preparation for Christmas. People stay inside during the long, dark eve- nings making decorations for the Christmas tree and handmade gifts, baking Christmas cookies, and preparing other delicacies for the upcom- ing holidays. Poles attend early-morning Masses. It's still dark out when they start. Attendees light candles during Mass, symbolizing the coming light of day and salvation. People also set up booths in village and city squares, decorated in themes of Christmas, where they will pass out candy, little gifts and cards. Krakow marks the first Sunday of Advent by decorating beautiful Rynek Square square with lights, boughs and garlands. While many Advent and Christmas traditions go back centuries in the United Kingdom, Christingle is a relatively new observance here. It started with the Moravians in 1740s Germany, but it wasn't celebrated in the UK until the late 1960s. The word can mean both a symbolic item and a service. You make Christingles from an orange, which you decorate with a candle, red tape and sweets. The Christingle service involves prayers, readings and singing. It also serves as a fundraiser for children's charities. It can be held at the start of Advent all the way to Candlemas, but Christmas Eve is a popular time to hold a service. Answers to the proverbs: 1 Don’t judge a book by its cover. 2 Make hay while the sun shines. 3 Early to bed, early to rise. 4All work and no play, makes jack a dull boy. 25 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley

North Warwickshire Neighbourhood Watch - Advice Issued Following Rise in Keyless Vehicle Thefts Both regionally and locally we are currently showing an increase in keyless car thefts that are occurring mainly overnight from driveways across the Warwickshire area. We are advising residents to use Faraday bags and steering locks to prevent offences and also to report any suspicious behaviour immedi- ately to Warwickshire Police on 101 or 999 if a crime is in progress.

Local Fillongley History Books ‘I Remember Strawberries & Sewage’ and ‘I Remember Bare Bottoms & Stinging Nettles’ still available from Susan Moore : Details on

Also - her latest biographical (thriller): ‘Life and Death of a Pirate’

26 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley Richard Naughton Bespoke Joinery WINDOWS DOORS PORCHES STAIRS

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33 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley

ALERTS If you would like to receive alerts letting you know about incidents in the area go to: and click on ‘Join Here’ at the bottom of the page. You just need to enter your name and email address and click on the area you would like to receive alerts for – we are in . Press submit and you will receive acknowledgement.

Moor Farm Stables Equestrian Centre in Corley Moor 01676 540594 Lessons for adults and children Official “Pony Club Centre” Hacking Children’s Safe Professional Fun Days Qualified throughout the Friendly Staff. school holidays. 28 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley Joanna Bottomley Bellow Alarms & Holistic Aromatherapy Treatments Electrical installations All Aspects of electrical work undertaken I offer aromatherapy treatments at NICEIC domestic installer competitive rates in All work guaranteed & certificated my home at Corley Moor. Part P compliant Relaxing massage treatments Full electrical rewires tailored to suit you New Consumer Units Using organic essential oils. Additional sockets & lighting Full body £32 - one hour External lighting Mini treatments from £20 - 45 minutes Indian Head massage Security Alarm Systems Hopi ear candling Security Lighting CCTV Call or email me for more information Access Control Tel: 07800 571593 Existing alarm system Email: [email protected] serviced & repaired Fully insured and member of IFPA Call Glen - 01675-592011 Loyalty card discounts available 07889-359907

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29 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley




30 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley Xtreme Tree Care Crown Thinning & Reduction Felling & Dismantling Pruning & Shaping HedgeT rimming & Removal Stump grinding Logs and wood chip for sale

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Answers 1C 2B 3A 4B 5A 6C 7B 8A9C 10B

31 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley All your outdoor needs at our ‘BFocusirdfa atOpticsir’ Saturday OW CEN ILL TRE 28th June W Top quality Bird Food Nuts, Seed, Sunflower Hearts, Fat Balls & Cake Bird Feeders: All sizes and types Bird Tables, Nest Boxes We also stock leading brands: Brasher, Bridgedale, Country Innovation, Healthy Back Bag, Paramo, Stealth Gear, Ridgeline and Tilley Specialists in Binoculars & Telescopes We carry one of the largest displays of optical instruments in the UK, for you to test in field conditions on our reserve. Showrooms Open Monday to Saturday 9am - 5pm Church Lane, Corley, Coventry CV7 8BA Tel:01676 540501/542476 email: [email protected]

Modern life causes many of us to suffer from niggling aches and pains and these are mainly due to poor posture, weak muscles or repetitive movement strains. Pilates can help you to: Improve mobility in the joints, generating free and smooth movement. Increase the strength of deep muscles which support your whole skeletal. Strengthen your core helping to reduce back pain and improve posture. Focus on good alignment movement patterns to help reduce imbalances in the body. Be healthier and fitter, look slimmer, taller, more confident. Develop mindful movement with precision and control. Calm the mind as we connect our movements to our breathing. For more information Email: [email protected] for a timetable and price list,or call: 07983 025410 to discuss your requirements. Find me on FB @Mindfulpilates1

32 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley from plans to completion

All major & minor building works Conservatories Extensions Loft Conversions Doors & Windows W et rooms & bathroom renovations Check out our website or call Gary for a free estimate and advice on: FREEPHONE: 0808 155 0175 Mob: 07973 540686

G.H. Pearman AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS SALES & SERVICE ALL HORTICULTURAL MACHINERY AND FARM SUPPLIES We are able to maintain and supply all types of ground care equipment to professional and domestic users in the Visit our Town and Country Stores Lawnmowers Chain-saws Strimmers Hardware Clothing Footwear Farm gates Posts Rails Tools Gardening supplies Bird Food Green End Road Fillongley. CV7 8DT 01676540238Email Sales: [email protected] Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss any requirements you may have.

33 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley Driving things to think about: 1. You are about to go down a steep hill. To control the speed of your vehicle you should: A. Select a low gear and avoid using the brakes B. Select a high gear and use the brakes firmly C. Select a low gear and use the brakes carefully 2 While you are travelling at a legal speed, another car behind you is trying to overtake you. Should you try to stop the driver from doing so? A. Yes B. No C. Only if it is dangerous 3. Which of these might be badly affected if the tyres are under-inflated? A. Braking B. Suspension C. Gear changes 4. If you have to slow down quickly on a motorway due to a hazard, should you: A.Wave with your arm out of the window B. Switch on your hazard lights C. Beep your horn 5 While travelling within the legal speed limit, the headlights of the car be- hind flash. What should you do? A. Keep driving at same speed B. Accelerate away C. Brake 6 During and after torrential rain, the motorway is causing you visibility problems. Spray is affecting your view of the motorway and affecting gener- al driving conditions. What should you do? A.Turn on your full-beams B. Drive with you hazard lights on C. Turn on your dipped beams. 7 You are driving in strong winds and wish to overtake a motorcyclist. What should you do? A. Pass as soon as you can B. Overtake the motorcyclist as wide as possible C. Pass with speed to ensure you complete the overtake quickly. 8. You are driving in very heavy rain. Your stopping distances are likely to be: A.Twice what they are under normal conditions B. 4 times what they are under normal conditions C. 5 times what they are under normal conditions. 9. When should you update your V5C? A. If you have an accident B. When you get a new MOT C. If you move house. 10. You are driving along when you come to an area that is flooded. You drive through it but then you need to dry off your brakes. How do you do this? A. Pull over and stop for 30 minutes B. Drive slowly and gently apply brakes when safe to do so C. Speed up and brake hard 3 times.

34 Answers on page 31 Church and Village Newsletter for Corley & Fillongley


CORLEY VILLAGE INFORMATION Corley Bowling Club: Graham Spencer 01676 540112 Corley Cricket Club:Vanessa Gallehawk 02476 338572 Corley Parish Council: Tracey Carpenter 07710487765 Corley Village Hall Bookings:Jen Harris 02476 596246 Corley Village Hall : Corley Golden Years: Jennie 01676 540401

FILLONGLEY VILLAGE INFORMATION Bournebrook CE Primary School & Nursery Head teacher: Mrs Alison Patchett 01676 540390 Royal British Legion: David Birch 01676 541246 The Fillongley Singers: PatriciaTatum 01676541100 Fillongley Pre-school: JoanneLincoln 07445850388 Fillongley Guides and RangersRachel Yorke 07835 781476 Fillongley Brownies: AphraT ulip 07805045759 Fillongley Golden Years: Sheila Onions 01676 541423 Fillongley Parish Council: Heather Badham 01676 549193 Fillongley Allotments: KirstyHoskins 01676541576 Fillongley Gardening Club: Barbara Jensen 01676 541496 Fillongley Village Hall Bookings: Jayne Moore 01676 541576 Fillongley Cricket Club: Steve Gardner 01676 541921 Fillongley Short Mat Bowls: Ann Preece 01676 540450 Pilates @ Fillongley Village Hall: Audrajean Elliott-Davies 07983 025410 Fillongley Fete Organiser EddieJones 01676541123 Bournebrook CE Primary School & Nursery Head teacher: Mrs Alison Patchett 01676 540390

Doctors’ Surgeries: Park Leys Medical Practice 02476 332636 01676 540390 North Warwickshire Borough Council 332636 Coordinator for Crime in Rural Communities: 01676 541071 Carol Cotterill 07787 151848 02476 395353 CSW Broadband chapion: [email protected].

Please send your articles by email – in A5 format if possible- or by post. Articles for the February/March 2020 edition to David & Elizabeth Smitham by 10th January. 01676 540072 [email protected] “Hartland”, Tippers Hill Lane, Fillongley, Coventry CV7 8DJ