NEUROSCIENCE The tortoise and the hare revisited Optogenetics and electron microscopy reveal an ultrafast mode of recycling, adding a new twist to a 40-year-old controversy.


obtained evidence that vesicle recycling occurs Related research article Watanabe S, via -mediated (Heuser and Liu Q, Davis MW, Hollopeter G, Thomas N, Reese, 1973). Their results formed the basis of Jorgensen NB, Jorgensen EM. 2013. a model according to which synaptic vesicles Ultrafast endocytosis at Caenorhabditis collapse fully into the plasma membrane and are subsequently recycled through the formation of elegans neuromuscular junctions. eLife membrane ‘pits’, which become surrounded by a 2:e00723. doi: 10.7554/eLife.00723 coat protein called clathrin and bud off as new Image An electron micrograph showing vesicles. This is a slow process, taking 10 to 20 s, invagination of the plasma membrane and occurs at sites distant from the active zone where vesicles release their transmitter (Figure 1A). (arrow) just 20 ms after stimulation Surprisingly, however, another group who were using the same sample preparation, but much rom sensory perception to learning and lower frequencies of electrical stimulation, failed to memory, the functioning of the nervous observe clathrin-coated intermediates (Ceccarelli Fsystem is dependent upon communication et al., 1973). Their results suggested that vesicles between , which is mediated by chemical do not collapse fully into the membrane, but neurotransmission at . Vesicles loaded instead form a transient pore through which they with fuse with the presynaptic release their neurotransmitter. The pore then plasma membrane and release their contents in a reverses, enabling the vesicles to be rapidly recy- process known as . To avoid depletion cled at their current location. This process, which of the supply of vesicles, those that have been has been termed ‘kiss-and-run’ (Figure 1C), takes released are then recycled through a process called less than a second and is thus much faster than endocytosis. But despite the identification of a clathrin-mediated endocytosis. More than 40 years plethora of proteins involved in endocytosis, the later, the debate about which of these models is precise pathway by which synaptic vesicles are correct is still ongoing. recycled has remained a matter of debate. Now, in eLife, Erik Jorgensen and co-workers— The most fundamental challenge facing those including Shigeki Watanabe as first author—report who attempt to identify this pathway is the tran- a third mechanism for vesicle recycling, which sient nature of the structures that form during involves neither ‘kiss-and-run’ nor clathrin, and Copyright Kononenko et al. This endocytosis. In the early 1970s, Heuser and Reese which operates outside the active zone on an article is distributed under the terms of used rapid tissue freezing paired with conventional ultrafast time scale. To uncover this pathway, the Creative Commons Attribution electron microscopy to try to examine these struc- Watanabe et al.—who are based at the University License, which permits unrestricted use and redistribution provided that the tures. By subjecting frog neuromuscular synapses of Utah—combined the use of C. elegans that original author and source are credited. to prolonged high-frequency stimulation, they had been genetically modified to express a

Kononenko et al. eLife 2013;2:e01233. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.01233 1 of 3 Insight Neuroscience | The tortoise and the hare revisited

Figure 1. Models of synaptic vesicle endocytosis. (A) In clathrin-based endocytosis, synaptic vesicles collapse fully into the plasma membrane, before being retrieved via a slow process (taking about 10–20 s) mediated by the coat protein clathrin. This occurs at sites distant from the site of fusion. (B) Watanabe et al. propose a new ultrafast mechanism for synaptic vesicle recycling. This process takes roughly one tenth of a second (or less) and involves the formation of large endocytic ‘pits’ devoid of a clathrin coat. Note that both (A) and (B) require the GTPase to pinch off newly formed endocytic vesicles from the plasma membrane. (C) In the ‘kiss-and-run’ model, synaptic vesicles form a transient pore through which they release their neurotransmitter contents, and are then rapidly recycled (in about a second) at the site of fusion without being absorbed into the membrane.

light-sensitive protein called channelrhodopsin, regulatory factors, but further studies will be with rapid high-pressure freezing electron micros- needed to confirm this. copy. This approach made it possible to control Another key question is how this new mech- stimulation and freezing on a millisecond time anism can be reconciled with previous experiments scale, enabling the team to obtain snapshots of that suggested a key role for clathrin-mediated exocytosis and endocytosis. endocytosis in vesicle recycling (Dittman and Ryan, They found that a single light stimulus trig- 2009). One possibility is that synapses may have gers vesicles docked with the active zone mem- evolved separate mechanisms for retrieving the brane to undergo exocytosis within 20 ms. membranes of recently released vesicles, and for These fusion events are followed within 50–100 ms reforming vesicles from endocytosed material. by the appearance of membrane invaginations This is consistent with the observation that vesicle much larger than a synaptic vesicle, and lateral recycling at highly active synapses involves the to the centre of the fusion site. Similar struc- formation of endosomal intermediate structures— tures are also seen after about 1 s at more distal raising the possibility that synaptic vesicles could sites close to the junctions with other cells. By then be regenerated from these intermediates contrast, clathrin-coated intermediates are rarely through clathrin-dependent budding steps. observed. Given that the appearance of these Watanabe et al. may have selectively activated this large endocytic structures is dependent upon rapid clathrin-independent membrane retrieval stimulation and the prior occurrence of exocy- process. In this scenario, clathrin would instead tosis, Watanabe et al. conclude that vesicle be required at some later stage to turn endosomes endocytosis in intact C. elegans neuromuscular or other endocytic structures into synaptic vesicles. synapses occurs via a novel ultrafast mechanism A second possibility is that mechanisms of (Figure 1B). endocytosis may vary between species more than The formation of these large endocytic struc- previously thought. In the most extreme scenario, tures in C. elegans requires the GTPase enzyme ultrafast endocytosis could be a special feature of dynamin, consistent with other reports (Dittman C. elegans neuromuscular synapses. This would and Ryan, 2009). However, the remaining com- be consistent with the fact that C. elegans with ponents involved in forming these structures mutations in the clathrin heavy-chain gene show are unknown. Possible candidates include BAR a surprisingly normal presynaptic ultrastructure domain proteins such as endophilin (Llobet et al., (Sato et al., 2009). However, mutations in other 2011; Milosevic et al., 2011), , and actin C. elegans genes linked to clathrin-mediated

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