
r r*ri>^03 - /€".•QfTiV*3©W*- COMPILED BY




In the case of this Volume the Trustees desire to express their indebtedness to

Professor Bevan for contributing substantially to the cost of production.








A. A. BEVAN, M. A., F. B. A.

. PRINTED BY E. J. BRILL, LEIDEN (HOLLAND), * for the Trustees of the E. J. W. Gibb Memorial", and published by Messrs. Luzac & C°. A 46 Great Russell Street, , VV.C.

1924 PRINTED BY E. J. BRILL, LEIDEN (HOLLAND). This Volume is one

of a Series published by the Trustees of the


The Funds of this Memorial are derived from the Interest accruing from a Sum of money given by the late MRS GIBB of Glasgow, to perpetuate the Memory of her beloved son

ELIAS JOHN WILKINSON GIBB, and to promote those researches into the History, Literature, Philosophy and Religion of the Turks, Persians and Arabs, to which, from his Youth upwards, until his premature and deeply lamented Death in his forty-fifth year, on December j, igoi, his life was devoted.

'• These are our works, these works our souls display ; Behold our works when we have passed away". "£ J. W. GIBB MEMORIAL' :


[JANE GIBB, died November 26, 1904], E. G. BROWNE, G. LE STRANGE,


IDA W. E. OGILVY GREGORY, appointed 1905.



jj, Sidney Street, CAMBRIDGE.



46, Great Russell Street, LONDON, W.C. "E. J. IV. GIBB MEMORIAL" PUBLICATIONS.

OLD SERIES. (25 works, 37 publiihcd volume*.)

I. Babur-nama (Turki text, fac-simile), ed. Beveridge, 1905. Out of print.

II. History of Tabaristan of Ibn Isfandiyar, abridged transl. Browne, 1905, %s.

III, 1-5. History of Rasuli dynasty of Yaman by al-Khazrajf; 1, 2 transl. of Sir

James Redhouse; 1907-8, js. each; 3, Annotations by the same, 1908. 5 s.; c 4, 5, Arabic text ed. Muhammad Asal, 1908— 1913 8j. each.

c IV. Omayyads and Abbasids, transl. Margoliouth from the Arabic of G. Zaidan,

1907, 5-f-

V. Travels of Ibn Jubayr, Arabic text, ed. de Goeje, 1907, ioj.

VI, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6. Yaqut's Diet, of learned men {Irshddu-l-Arib), Arabic text, ed.

Margoliouth, 1908 — 191 3; 20s., 12s., ioj., 15*., 15J. respectively.

VII, l, 5, 6. Tajaribu'1-Umam of Miskawayhi (Arabic text, fac-simile), ed. le Strange

and others, 1909— 191 7, Js. each vol.

VIII. Marzuban-ndma (Persian text), ed. Mirza Muhammad, 1909, 12s.

IX. Textes Houroufis (French and Persian), by Huart and Riza Tevftq, 1909, 10s.

X. Mu'jam, an old Persian system of prosody, by Shams-i-Qays, ed. Mirza Mu- hammad, 1909, 15$. annotated Mirza XI, 1, 2. Chahar Maqala; 1, Persian text, ed. and by Muham-

mad, 1910. 125.; 2, English transl. and notes by Browne, 1921, 15*.

XII. Introduction a l'Histoire des Mongols, by Blochet, 1910, ioj.

XIII. Diwdn of Hassan b. Thabit (Arabic text), ed. Hirschfeld, 1910, Js. bd.

Persian text, fac-simile, XIV, 1, 2. Ta'rikh-i-Guzida of Hamdu'llah Mustawft; 1, translation and Indices Browne and Nicholson, 191 1, 15^.; 2, Abridged by 1913, 10s. ed. XV. Nuqtatu'1-KaT (History of the Babis) by Mirza Janf (Persian text), Browne, 1911, 12S. of Persian ed. Mirza Muham- XVI, 1, 2, 3. Ta'rikh-i-Jahan-gushay Juwaynf, text, 3, Assassins, in mad; 1, Mongols, 1913, \$s.; 2, Khwarazmshahs, 1917, 15^.; preparation. XVII. Kashfu'l-Mahjub (Sufi doctrine), transl. Nicholson, 191 1, 15*. of Rashidu'd-Din Fadlu'llah XVIII, 2 (all hitherto published), JamiVt-Tawarikh (Persian text), ed. and annotated by Blochet, 19 12, 15s.

XIX. Kitabu'l-Wulat of al-Kindi (Arabic text), ed. Guest, 191 2, 15s.

c XX. Kitabu'l-Ansab of as-Sam ani (Arabic text, fac-simile), 19 13, 20J.

c c XXI. Diwans of Amir b. at-Tufayl and Abid b. al-Abras (Arabic text and transl. 12s. by Sir Charles J. Lyall), 19 13,

c XXII. Kitabu'l-Luma (Arabic text), ed. Nicholson, 19 14, 15s.

XXIII. 1, 2. Nuzhatu-'l-Quliib of Hamdu'llah Mustawfi; 1, Persian text, ed. le Strange,

1915, 8s.; 2, English transl. le Strange, 1918, 8s.

c XXIV. Shamsu'l- Ulum of Nash wan al-Himyari, extracts from the Arabic text with c German Introduction and Notes by Azimu'd-Din Ahmad, 1916, $s.

c [XXV. Diwans of at-Tufayl b. Awf and at-Tirimmah b. Hakim (Arabic text), ed. Krenkow, in the Press].


I. Fars-nama of Ibnu'l-Balkhi, Persian text, ed. le Strange and Nicholson,

1 92 1, 20s.

II. Rahatu's-Sudiir (History of Saljuqs) of ar-Rawandi, Persian text, ed. Mu-

hammad Iqbal, 1 92 1, 47 j. 6d.

III. Indexes to Sir C. J. Lyall's edition of the Mufaddaliyat, compiled by A.

A. Bevan, 1924, 42.5-.

Mazandaran, topography of, and travels in, by H. L. Rabino, with Map

(in the Press).

c Diwan of al-A sha, Arabic text with German translation by R. Geyer (in the Press).

c Mathnawi-i Ma nawi of Jalalu'ddin Rumi, Persian text with English trans-

lation and commentary, ed. Nicholson (in the Press).

Letters of Rashidu'd-Din Fadlu'llah, abridged English transl. by Muhammad c Shafi followed transl. of , by Tansuq-nama (on Precious stones) by the

late Sir A. Houtum-Schindler (in preparation). PREFACE

It is now more than three years since Sir Charles Lyall's edition of the Mnf

I beg to offer them my sincerest thanks.

Though the plan of this Volume is due to Sir Charles, no part of it was actually seen by him, and I am therefore responsible for all the details. With regard to the transliteration of Arabic names and the use of abbreviations I have endeavoured to follow the example of the two earlier volumes. In compiling the Index of Selected

Words I have not adhered to the mechanical rule of recording all the words which are explained in the commentary and ignoring everything else, but have adopted the principle of mentioning whatever seemed to me likely to interest students of Arabic; thus the list includes not only rare words but also some well-known expressions, for example, religious terms, names of articles of commerce etc., since their occurrence in very early texts is often historically important. In the course of the work I have PREFACE

at the end of the Volume, which are sometimes had occasion to refer to the notes them from the and Corrections" called "Addenda" in order to distinguish ^Additions in Volume I. to Professor Theodor Noldeke, who Finally I desire to express my deep gratitude the elucidation of the Arabic text and from the first had contributed much towards with number of which I addressed to him most kindly answered a large questions regard to various difficulties. A. A. BEVAN


April 1924 CONTENTS

I. Rhymes 1—32

II. Names of Persons, Tribes etc 33 — 144

III. Names of Places 145—156

IV. Selected Words "57—353

Addenda to Volumes I, II and III 354—360


refer to The ordinary aumeralt the page*, the Soman numerab to the Poena. Th- lino is not indicated when the verse has n line to itself.

H = Baslt Md = Madid Km = Kanial H .= Hazaj Ma = Mnnsarih S = San K = Kamil Mt = Mntaqiirih T ='l>nl Kh = Khafif K = Rajaz W — Wlfli


ibis KM YMK-i.

v_;.t3«r,i 15

15 (17

I? 68

It i;;i

15 85, 768, 818

15 129

> - - 1? 185, 542

1$ 234

B 249

B 279, 707, 752, 781

B 886, 604, 765

' - y . B 344

15 395 15

B 045

^^^xiXJ^j 15 652

15 668

B 779 H, 856, 868

B 801

B 835

B 861

B 873

> mm B 367

y .. B 27

> £ B(?) 36

y o - B 288

B 465

B 74S (CXV)

K 82 RHTHE8.


_*i«lix gJ-LOil RHYMKS.


^cAjI^c KIIYMKS. II 12 KIIV v|| .


T 789 V 819,

I T 387 M W 34 42



600 ; 652 ;

w 660 (XCVIII) w 710 jljj w 24 w 803

> } w 811 ^J^JI w 830 (CXX Ml) ^Ju W 834 ^1 B 59 u=r^ B 687 B 693 r- (cf. 8902)

Lid, B 397 ;

LxJL B 412, 789

"9 B 643, 825 }i^ B 715 B 814 UFJ* B 845

0&£ B 20, 571 /*>H 12 14i KNYMKS. 15

l*fl*l 16 RHYMES.

uJLeJI K 390 5

4 (jJs R 595

^Jl/^a II 595

^J^J) T 550

4 (jjjkll, T 566 seq.

^wlfcj W 818i seq.

LT^yIt W 783


ji.^1 Mt 14, 17318

uiUJj R 628

uiyi^ol R 147 6

U^jLJ K 580 LaiU^ T 132

L*fcU T 147

3 U^'ji R 883

o^ 1 T 54 cj4> T 638

uoLSib R 283, 377, 829

(jojloJJb T 579

juai Mt 481 5

Lai T 852

JoSs R 338 18

R 618 715 yLr, 7, 712,

183 KIIVMI -. 19

Uaatfl 20 KHYMES.

ISjfilt KIIYMKH. 21

K 412 K 674

It 686 K 708

Km 47, 165 K 788

o -- Km 111 K

I tin 62 K 88, 457

lim 189, 4st K 87

Km 284, 625 K 90, 424

lim 810 Is I 16

J** Km 322, 781 K 270

- - ' , Km 336, 604 (see 679 2) K 288

Ci - - Km 374 K 547

Kin 626 K 722 o -- & » Km 635 K 735

Km 669 K 865

Km 679, 766 (see 336 lo) K 880

Km 739 Mn 836

Rra 751 Mt 79 (X)

Rm 75") Mt 68 1

Rm 773 Mt 659

B 9419, 220 6 Mt 754 (CXVII)

B 395 T 218

B 683 T 666 -oB B 701 T 590

K 458 (XLV) T 612 .0* K 21 T 741

K 405 T 754 823 K 438 21 T (CXXI)

K 440 T 282 22 KIIYMKM. M

> - 24





T 163 868

T 211 721

S o > T 405, 868 **«I/i Mh 1H2

T 420 It 1M4

T 421 (XI. II) mL6

T 828


JkA; T 759 T 819

T S47

T 856

T 36

T 44, 85515

T 502



o - 622


rr 374

llL T 439 r &i W 482 U-JL 16 r W 39 pUlSL W

685 9

697, 773

\Y 756 (CXVIII) 1M» W 840

W 70 30 RHYMES.

o o - oi KIlYMK*.

K 804 is O uHyy* t g K 815 U K 890 in

K 208, 577, 827 a Kli 198

0*-*~ Kli 467 (XLVIII)

R 108 23

B 527 9, 73315 g^y

II 463

It 683 18 g^^ It 336 It 246, 442, 574, 727, 788,


822 CO pJI It 747, 780, T 760 g^' T 117

T 139

T 186, 744

T 321

T 436

T 520 gw (LXIV) T 795 aUJuyo 625

aLi«Ji W 169 w 184 g ...bll^i w 240

W 521

W 771 32



This List does not include persons who in appear only genealogies, unless they bear unusual names. In the case of names which occur very frequently only the more impor- tant are mentioned. passages Passages preceded by an asterisk contain verses ascribed to the person in question; when "notes" is added in brackets, the ascription is to be found only in the foot-notes.


s '• e. the rjWyj descendants of Aban ibn Kulaib al-'Amiri 169 6

> - ct commander of the c j«» o* JP$ Ijl at the Battle of Jadud 740 13 741 a

J lO Abraham 566 1 862 l»*0yi (= 17).

see ! yJf O* rWi **f i

* 288 23 (jjjUaJiH \j*c ^ j^sy] (notes)

"if i ii see ,^1 _yj! ^KX> ^j ^p^t

o- ©_i * ^y^JI o^t 290 25 (notes)

49515 70411 16 705 1 712 3 called Tfi\ philologist seq. seq. 74010, Sy^ijt ^ ^k 740 11

[according to the Fihrist 56 12 seq. his name was -^' — on BjaaIjI ^ ^jl a ^]

70411 see Addenda in loc.

^j£ b,* at [Jjiil] g, ^1 the First Battle of al-Kulab 431 8 s

* 381 24 = JjlJ^if gX^I (notes 646 25) 34 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

-at j\A»^! a dog(?) 464 3

* * 230 18 "jL^JI JaJs ^ f^-fi 51 25 (notes) (notes)

>_juJls>^! i. e. the tribes of Ghatafan, Asad and Tayyi' 364 5 seq.

563 8 J*yp-\ (= (ji^-^' Abyssinians) ui^sAt (= U^JS^M q. v.) 365 17 ).ie Jus-! (= jJ^sw) the Prophet 852 18

*j'L> lX«->1 see ^J^LaJ! ^ philologist, yaj ^t

called ix> and nicknamed 44815 ^y^c^u! ^-j Jus>!, _^j! ^j J^-s?, philologist

_ oS c Jus-! cites Abu Amr ash-Shaibani 7 2 ^-a**^- ^J philologist, seq.

*l)l Jue ^j Ju=>! philologist 10 24 12 22

19 2 12 3 n 20 21 312 127 2 rfwoU ^ Jul^ ^ Ju=»1 philologist, called Jbaf jj, seq. 24516 262 7 27318 32312 384 9 385 8 et passim: interview with Abu Ayyub 72 22

seq. (cf. 211 6 seq.)

Juiw Js*=>! called 12, and 167 5 jtjjsnJ! SJf^i ^ philologist, ^^1 -\j&<& ^ yG _^j!

of called and _csu Jus-! the well-known al-Kufah, ,_Jlx2 _>j!, 314 ( ^j philologist ^Lou' 1225 136 1519 188 11410 11718 12011 1212 122 7 1245 12510 1371 1393 142 7

16418 17216 18318 189 21 240 2 253 2 262 7 18 287 1 28913 31017 31111 3315 33417

37018 37516 42013 et passim.

see ^ ;=>! o*' ^ ^ Sj

DC a- >y .<,%- o c tribe 115 8 .Li! qJ vi^ii! ^ (_r*s-! seq.

[^cjJLl!!] yJi ^ oii>^! 178 6

see ^j^J ^y ^&U>^i *a^J .y &*^>

j^UJf Jlx>- called 34112 c< ^j t>^>>5!, originally wtu., I'KRHONH, TKIHBB ETC. :{.',

aI#U * 402 18 [^Laj^t ^jj] {j£>y>^\ «P1 c ^Lj^s^! i.e. al-Ahwas ibn Ja'far and his son Amr 61811

t ^r-^1 a horse 30 25

> - o. ( * 130 23 [^^5! j."^!' ^j] *^=>! (notes)

* 108 28 3^! _^l

i. e. called 43817 • Jis-Sl ^-jJLxJI cyj_c ^j-j oL*_£, ^j ^J (see foot-note): 110 11 * * * * • * • 350 14 (notes) 395 11 397 20 (notes) 438 12 438 20 (notes) 439 4 10 440 15 * * * * * * • seq. 451 24 (notes) 626 1 664 17 674 12 713 22 (notes) 791 21 (notes) 814 25 * * (notes) 822 19 845 4

called i\*s? A^s? aijl Jue 64118 663 8: cites al-As- ^j^JJuj] (ji^i.^! philologist, _jj! ^ nia I 663 8 67613 68316: see also 41114 652 2 65313 654 2 656 4 65812 668 4 678 21

6812 685 3 [As-Suyiitl, Muzhir II 228, enumerates 11 philologists who were called is al-Akhfash. This al-Akhfash the seventh in the list]

*410l Jjiii! U^ii yt u-ii^t seq. (N° XLI)

* g)JL 521 25 — see fol. 381 [Jj^lXi! ^j] l)^s>^ (notes) al-Buhturi, tfam&sah seq.

woman mentioned Bishr ibn Abi Khazim 648 7 j.b] by

137 Adam 78 14 (= 566 1 862 16) 524 7

* 5Ujol ^1 596 24 (notes)

12 434 21 438 5 690 20 pJO certain clans of the Taghlib 320 (?)

Ju!f half-brother of the Labid 84012 412 8 — read [^bC! yJS ^J\ poet [see NaqaUd

for lXjj! i\j;]

(^Ju^l iXaJu ^ sLb'l at the battle of an-Nisar 366 17

tribe 428 21 525 6 61418 — see also 57120 'fjl prehistoric

^J woman mentioned by ash-Shammakh 51 15 36 . PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

tribe 15212 195 3 19613 1971 19 J3 668 6 Spi\ seq. 78315, pLc

cited 13 (_5j:S5l an authority by Mu'arrij 197

ii)JL« +j3 xAjJ a chief of the slain ibn j^j ^yi ^ ^ Taghlib, by al-Mujalid ar-Rayyan

3 cf. 482 ; 44011

v. &-) > - i juLJ at the battle of an-Nisar 18 ^Jfyi -mj ^ 366

O 3 O c an cited Abu Ikrimah 816 6 !»aP!j] ^ ol^u-j authority by

Uw c ' ted Hisham al-Kalbl 327 called 765 l (jd.«ajsU! ^ o'^ i by 9, (j^La^JI ^yt

see 1 }f

iXJ tribe : their dialect 20 21 : their alliance with the Dabbah 369 7 : their X*jj=» ^j seq. in banner the form of a lion 682 24: see also 45 7 seq. 104 6 3641 seq. 367 16 37112

42913 643 3 645 3 646 8 65811 65919 seq. 71211 717 5 760 2 19

*. - c _ o _ o — see iXut* JLw ^^X^^i ^-j

« Of * * * 1 1 var - 2223 71 7 8 71 10 ,-rj^I o'j*^ a- j*-*^ ( t-*-*^') (=5331) (=734 87712) * * 12 711 18 * 722 13 * 13 (=839 7) 206 73311 (=868 5) *793 6

Jj. of the clan Sahm ibn a subdivision of the ^ gi*,^ (var. £a*^!) Murrah, Dhubyan,

79 4

- o » in «L»/b5! _^aj mentioned an anonymous verse 81516 u mentioned iL«,( (1) woman by Amr ibn al-Ahtam 24519 246 8, called JJJ> J 24612

c c iU*-t (2) mentioned by Tha labah ibn Amr 5119 iU-wt (3) mentioned by al-Aswad ibn YaTur 847 1

op - & £ il+-»! mentioned in an verse (4) anonymous (voc. '^ [>) 847 17

& _ [jL £\ l^j^] i\+J,, called ^Lkdl otj, 638 2

c &+L* v^Jj *LU wife of the Kindite king al-Harith ibn Amr 42916 432 3 I'KK-mn-, num.- i.i. . :C

*L*J cousin of the Elder o^c «|Uf al-Muraqqish 45717 459 8 teq. 4608 442 18 seq. 471* 48417 485 10 887 5

>----> oft *-«L\3 'U*l afforded to 'Amir ibn after the battle of ar- Xj^ljii! c^ hospitality at-'|'ufail

ltaqam 3012 18 33 23 seq. (=712 2 seq.) 713 IS

(iE « m$ O- .. *L*J see _>jt jj^Jl o^ ^y o,Ui

brother of an-Nu'man £UJ jixHil ^-j Oj^i) king of al-Hlrah 365 11 seq. 589 7 («•


* * * 445 10 796 12 846 15 CXWi U^A^Ji f*j, tf 4^ seq. (N° XLIV) seq. (N«

* 4112 * 425 in [(jJjJyJI] c^l jJ

_ o c ^b^J! two men of the Quraish mentioned in an anonymous verse 240 20

iXwJ a of yb» ^ (var. iX«J), contemporary the poet ash-Shanfara, called ^-VbLlj! (var.

196 20 but JjUX«J!) seq., JaXcliJI 19810 seq.

|I I • E m )

*L3- called 8*U»> 506 l : at the battle of Zarud U^LaJu-il [ssUs»] ^t A**.!, ^1 2011 seq.

JuLl clan 428 2 19 429 14 5 2 ^ ^j 5jU ^j 433 447 5916 89114 (var. >j£>\ ^1 60215)

t\*«.! ancestress of the Darim and certain clans of the yoLc ^ i»-*c c>>^-j Taghlib 428 4

seq. (var. gJu») Naq. 452 11 seq.) dJuU ^ vr*s>'$[ osij sJu-J ancestress 123 17 (see foot-note)

O* iubCc v^i^j iJLuJ ancestress 102 19

o^J *ilil a subdivision of the Ghatafan 30 8 32 6 16 33 4 cf. 3314 i*j^ ^j 67111, v

c tX&i! e. -&u jJL> .j 836 ancestor of the Amr ibn al-Ahtam 254 10 (i. ^j ^Li** 7) poet 836 6

Jk\ki! ^jZi ^ ^Jui^l 316 2 4414

- of .St JLii3' see -x**. ^gSj^su) Vsl 38

^i^! (=^^S) 41619

A* 8ee I^n al-Athir I 76617 jja^i (i.e. ^iUliJ! oyu»U ^j Lr ^ Sj*^i 45218)

cited as an 2 9 3113 5 15 1113 12 2 14 8 2 28 l 29 ,yu*oSI authority seq. seq. 23 2616 n

38 9 3915 4217 43 9 4418 46 2 57 5 58 8 59 7 614 13 6311 67 2 68 3 16 716 7613

7920 8012 812 824 8317 84 5 13 85 2 9 86 7 871 8821 90819 9117 93 13 seq.

95 7 14 seq. 9917 et passim: criticises verses by various poets 8418 71919 753 9 (=813

14) 878 7 879 13 seq.

i.e. iSU Jw^rf aJLSt see Introduction XIV: cited 1 14 3 7 ^Le'bJi ^jl qJ J^c jj 16, p.

7 5 1218 seq. 26 1 3813 57 1 58 6 5910 60 8 63 11 seq. 67 2 73 4 913 9517 9913

15117 153 7 167 5 18318 189 8 21 19217 20916 22119 232 2 seq. 2517 254 4 303 3 20

seq. 32814 3316 33417 359 4 46212 467 13 47311 5281 53715 539 21 556 18 564 2 19

568 3 575 20 5816 58913 5918 11 593 2 seq. 613 4 62114 624 5 62817 63211 6413

64810 6619 16 668 2 seq. 678 9 seq. 691 10 seq. 71715 75410 756 8 760 2 17 762 7

83912 86111 86211 864 6 19 866 9 869 7 87015 875 5 21 87715 87917 88018 88211

88411 — see also 267 27 327 26

Xl?L JUI * 1319 * 228 22 *520 9 ( (notes)

* * * * * *2 21 11 17 * 17 8 8 346 39 7 46 16 60 18 61 2 14 t^JJI (j-^At (=12 21) (=265 5)

* 16 * 9 5 * 10 (=26716 582 2) *66 16 (=56818) *80l9 (=255 7) 96 131 *132 133 * * * * * * * * * 13717 147 12 174 1 (cf. 174 9) 202 12 215 11 235 3 22 250 13 266 17 268 * * * * * 17 29318 *2955 (=59415) 34722 (notes) 356 2 (=6716) 358 18 381 22 * * * * * * * (notes) 383 10 389 15 405 12 444 5 447 10 449 22 (notes) 470 7 (= 555 11) * * * * * •478 9 494 17 (=51511) 497 2 516 23 (notes) 528 19 *532 4 547 12 (=882 2) * * 4 55214 *565 9 604 13 (=605 2 7312) *610 5 (see 639 6) 657 (cf. 508 15) *665 2 * * * * * * * 672 2 696 4 6 709 7 12 *712 6 722 21 (notes) 742 6 757 7 769 11 784 14 * * * * * * 791 26 (notes) 797 10 *799 7 819 17 849 8 869 12 881 18 (see 48 21): see also

9120 69316 (cf. vol. II p. 292 note on v. 2)

O --) * i\**» tribal ancestor 102 1 : said to have been called «_*** 102 3 ^ ytar.l seq. originally G J seq., called also ^Lio 102 6

* alii Jui 229 26 JjJ^JI ^ ,J&&I (notes) I'KusoNs, nam mo,

I -ofi a horse which _^d gave its name to a brood 148 16 820 «

w»llbl * 228 24 • J-LpjJt (notes) *683s 816 26 (notes)

lil a vintner 8491 — see (?) vol. II p. 354 note on v. 8

clan of the 114 6 jAi ^ ^os! Qasr 115 H seq.

a of ^s^t contemporary ash-Shanfara and of Ta'abbata Sharra 195 7 n

O oi * l e« 1 3 522 15 ec4^' or*'' r^** cr f*? seq. (N» LXV) *524l seq. (X« LWI,

I 447 2 ^^Ijl ^^Aya qJ (JS

see jtjj! Ji1 ^g^IjJt _5^ ^ J&~>

J > of

j JLS'f a clan of the Khath'am 71113

tr ' oal ancestor 1 18 of f** 0* Lwi seq., meaning the name 763 14 seq.

.•4 wife of the 6 U (1) poet al-Jumaih 25 (var. &!«! 25 10)

*Lot (2) woman mentioned by Bashamah 79 7

.- i c iUU (3) mentioned by Mu awiyah ibn Malik 695 8

>. t i£».UL 5C*Uf wife of al-Mundhir fj$L> ^j i^^Jj [ibn al-Mundhir] king of al-Hirah 36512

lit c^j called mother of the Shabib ibn Yazid 335 lu M>« O^ °J ii*Uj 'Lo^of, poet seq. sLX-*_l c>Jj iuLot captured at the battle of an-Nisar 366 18

> - * i. ^ c [iL^ii^l] y*o c^ &*U! ancestress, wife of Auf ibn Muhallim [ash-Bhaibani] 429 6

o - o - > addressed the 609 6 61012 ^JiCil J&- ^ ^s\j ^ u-Jji]! _jj*l by poet Maqqas (see foot-note)

c * his interview with the 763 lu : 25 18 ^cAa^! ,^<=> qJ ij«^! 5 fh poet Alqamah seq. seq. * * (=717 6 seq.) 27 17 39 9 (=635 21) *416 (=455 8 72817) *53 22 *62 25 (notes)

2 * * 14 * 6 13 17 *66 (=84112) 71 13 (=33115 667 4) 78 *85 7 11212 145 (=412 * * * 69218) 186 10 (=74411) *202 6 *214 8 222 23 (notes) 224 18 (notes) *233 4 *23l5 40 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

* 3 * 5 * * 11 * * * * (= 289 4) 245 264 282 14 (cf. 756 18 seq.) 285 295 1 310 9 315 2 341 18 * * * * * * * 361 17 (notes) 382 23 (notes) *385 8 *413 7 434 22 435 16 436 10 437 10 455 23 * * * * (notes) 470 14 *480 8 486 21 (notes) 505 8 16 511 24 (notes) 52616 (= 83514) * * * * 536 24 (notes) 541 22 (notes) 558 12 559 8 *578 5 *599 6(?) 611 u (= 723 u)

* 16 9 * 18 * 16 * 4 * * * •63811 652 *653 660 716 (=775 8) 724 731 10 734 12 756 18 * * * * * * * * 761 9 763 22 seq. 769 21 (notes) 773 11 787 14 789 12 809 10 820 25 (notes) * 23 5 7 8 11 * 83114 845 (notes) 853 856 *863 87110 874 +878 8 879 4 (cf. 619 16) * * 882 9 884 9 : see also 320 21 (notes) 434 13 489 13

*oLc 599 20 i^jJjiJi (J ^ uplift sy>\ (notes)

. _ . j.e s-i -* m] ***! 11014 and iU! 110 20 a clan of the itJL^u ^ (var. seq.) Dhubyan 11016 seq.

iL^I (1) see &tLI (1)

9 (2) woman addressed by al-Harith ibn Walah 105 (***! = iu**t L) — t mentioned ash-Shanfara 200 7 20114 called J 19416 200 2. (3) by ^e (cf. 19518)

m»\ (4) addressed by Abu Kablr 689 5 (voc. ***!)

(5) mentioned by Abu Dhu'aib 851 8

5 ,&^i .-„ &-f addressed 855 7 iUjyt' (6) by an-Nabighah adh-Dhubyanl (£***! \> anomalous vocative)

KjLsu .o iU-cl see mI

*I*I at the battle of Badr 636 19 [Jjs^sij!] U&- ^

>i.f vi^J^aJ! ^l tf iU^S *86l6 *3017 *319l (=88313) 638 14 847 21 (notes)

JuU •HO 24 865 19 JjJ^J! j| ^ &£•! (notes)

j^ye! j-u (1) mentioned in connection with a sacred month 343 5 seq. — see vol. II p. 126-

note on v. 5 ITT X**I a of the 8 _jij (2) apparently family Fazarah, mentioned by Zabban ibn Sayyar 690

i a c JLliij\ wife of the Kindite ibn 6 \ ui>£ o«^J ,j*Lj' J king Amr Hujr 429 (genealogy) • PKltHONH, TIUIIKH I . 4]

of - bco ^.Li^l iXn? ^j ^Lai!

see Ju=s^ JcjUi^' gfl ^IfiJI ^

oB i _bUi^)! the Aramaeans (see -iu~JI) 65 6

tjJuLo A*~ brother of the Elder 458 10 Jut ^ ^ (j«Jt al-Muraqqish (var. ^j ^-j! 458 IS)

called ibn al-Humtim 13 ^^i yiLc ^ Jujj ^j u^j! *117H, ^^1 by al-I.Iusain 117

.Lai^l 42013 564 7 seq.

- oB , o> > c i.e. a ascribed to him 229 7 Ibn Sa i^Luaj^! ^OUjI ^j v-iLsaJ!, saying [cf. d, Tabaqat III

part 2 p. 110 4 seq.]

*5Uj! named ancestor of a clan of the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manitt *jyj ^ y^wl, originally ««*>, — 207 12 seq. see also 25 10 and cf. vol. II p. 8 foot-note

OS mm* oB

see ^^ ] i*y & jM o^ )~t & j*>

clan of the Ghatafan 29 (jkuju ^ .Uil 17 (= 103 2)

c ancestor of a of the Abd 591 5 Xxjj>5 ^ j^*c ^ .Li! family al-Qais

j > lXjw .lij said to have claimed a Yamanite ^ ^ .Uj! genealogy (*nJI s^c ^ ^U ^1) i -

11315 seq.: see also 115 2

o-i . -B see jj^ol yiLc ^ Oujj ^ j^jt

*II> called at the battle of Zarud 20 10 !_i*5! , JLa+JjJI , seq. [J^b& ^j ^.13

« .. & « ^ » *Z2^\ i.e. U« 3718 (see foot-note): 74018 seq. 7417 836 6 ^jSUl (_,-»*- ^

clan of the Azd 195 19 196 2 s^t ^ ^J^iL ^ ^tj^l (var. u-lyai)

oB clan jjt 231 (= 533 2)

16 : 564 7 784 3 tj^! tribe, called ii)JL yu 566 seq.

* *1U5 12 4 *5010 9 71813 55 3 *57 7 Jpi ^ u^f (see 16) (=360 75417) (=4543) 42 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

* * * * *68 4 139 12 141 7 150 16 9 1 (=634 4) (=37214) *166 208 (=577 14 827 3) * * * 218 2 521 223 16 563 8 and 248 15 * 8 (= 6) (cf. foot-note) (= 427 3) 250 (= 783 6) * * * * * * * * 277 8 (= 406 5 532 8) 282 7 283 25 (notes) 306 6 333 2 349 15 420 2 478 16 * * * * * * *527 7 553 21 (notes) 566 18 (notes) *573 9 590 12 604 15 612 12 729 14 *754 7

* 781 17 * 827 12 *8665

° - 5 ° - . . * sUii 12 lC^L?hJI yJ u-sf 756 seq. (N° CXVIII)

a man of the Banu Thalabah ibn c c ^1 (1) Sa d and a contemporary of the Caliph Uth- man 142 1

-•* mentioned in an 4 ^ijt (2) anonymous verse 744

w -CiC * 5 24 see Amali III 92 14 L?jjUJ! Ja* yi ^1 (notes), Qall, seq.

^s \ J woman mentioned by Zuhair ibn Abl Sulma 162 4

* alwi! nicknamed 18 : 11 , *_*SL3 369 369 the battle of ^jj! !»! seq. seq. (on an-Nisar)

[^^Ji] **^eU ^j \jai^i\ 113 4 seq.

tribe 417 16 427 13 448 4 448 18 jtjj ^ "3CJ seq. (genealogy)

mentioned c ibn c (j*Lj] by AmIrah Ju al as an enemy 521 16

.08 c

1 two men o..Ufc$f mentioned by Abd Yaghuth as his friends 316 l

o- .f t lX_j; -~j see Xj Jut { ^j>-jJ ^j!

C t > c o^>! conversed with Ahmad ibn Ubaid 72 22 fjy>\ qj! s^jyi\ y\ seq. (cf. 2117 seq.)

tiLi Persian a governor of al-Yaman in the reign of Khusrau Parvez 708 9

c^o wife of ibn Ghalib and c f*& ^ lj_>c g^LJt Lu'ayy afterwards of Sa d ibn Dhubyan


addressed in an verso fi o\L? tribe, anonymous 242 [see Naq&'iff 650 4]

c c c eHQ >j a family of the Abdallah (= Abd-al- Uzza) ibn Ghatafan 138 4

see cy.Ls^Jlj [or e^Ls^Jb] <_*jtf ^ o.Ui- — LmJ ^ xi*b tribe 102 7 75910 see also 7471

w O - JL^LJ! see philologist, yai _jj! iCLkij (1) woman mentioned by Jamil 56 17 xiJa mentioned ibn Muzarrid 412 13 (2) by Kuthayyir (voc. ^-yb \i) ju^ij (dimin. of oL^u) apparently a man of the Abu Bakr ibn Kilab, mentioned by

'Auf ibn al-Ahwas 346 8

called also 113 14 see BDuraid 302 where is a .Li! ^j *JL^su tribe, Ji-*-c [but fl, 'Abqar

subdivision of Bajllah]: their history 1141 seq. 1161 seq. : see also 6« seq. 7»

11 4 8 1155

clan of the 73813 yLsu Tayyi'

Ju yj one of the chief families of the Fazarah 89 11 693 13

14 434 1» I>LJI a confederacy of five clans, descendants of Handhalah ibn Malik, 123

43711 750 3

see Jtfjj ^i UJiy ^ _s_j*c

ff the Berbers 311 1

SZ slave of Yazid ibn Mufarrigh al-Himyari 721 5

.Li so j of the 56912 ^ _^l companion Prophet

»„ i iLsLJ! see \Jy* ^ cy.LH SOolct

ii).J! see &*^jj» ^y dL'Lo ^j i_i»-c 44

a she-camel 277 18 l>*

Sjj her interview with the Prophet 555 3 — for the vocalisation, see Additions and Cor-

rections in loc.

called 49215 37 21 52715 80812 ^iLAiJl ,j«oi ^ flb^o, *L^l!l y$ (=52716): seq.

*414 8 [Of tf] j2$

iULij * 420 23 JUi^J! ^j=> ^ (notes)

called also jAAJI XxLio his [^iLLjjJt] a-jjLjw ,-»-? ;j*c ^ iUl&j, ^j (after great-grand-

father) 826 5 : his genealogy is given in two different forms 79 3 seq. 826 6 seq. : * •79 3 seq. (N° X) 826 5 seq. (N° CXXII)

c ..£o his 65917 seq.: slain Abs ibn Hidhar 317: *25 2(?) ^Ju^l j.;Ls> ^i ^ genealogy by * * * * * * 16 20 *293 9(?) 340 (=58413) 365 *366 6(?) 363 17 (?) 570 16 625 17 640 14 seq. * (N°XCVI) *648 4 seq. (W XCVII) 659 16 seq. (N° XCVIII) *677 9 seq. (N« XCIX) * * * * * 699 14 730 21 (notes) 760 17 801 19 844 12

* * ^j&\ L\y ^ sfc yt jL 551 14 seq. (N» LXX) 553 13 seq. (N° LXXI)

[J^b3] fi J ^ J£ ^ £* 367 15

^ylll! 328 22

<£~j«JI e. 3715 *853 2 cf. 147 20 ^*j3sX [i. jL) ^j Ji,\Jv> NaqoVid 13214]

a or to 1 Ju name, nickname, sometimes given { women 356

^iiKi. of tribes 61911 620 3 6712 ^LaLc ,^j ^ [jajJu group (as var.)

! a of the Azd 197 l 196 j.yiJ family (adj. ^Xl\ 20)

8-*ftjJt mother of Khanjah ibn Sinan al-Murrl 101 i lXjum clan of the Dabbah 374 16 355 ^j yo (see 4)

780 24 l_5j£ o* fc (as var.) PEKBONH, TRIBES ETC. IB

XiUT 71515 tho clan StiLT iLu Ju» called 715 U 7161 • yu (i.e. ^ ^ /J), "jL

J^u see jjk & ^ £ ^U! (1)

of tribes: their 415 8: became to JJI, ^j yu group territory subject al-I.Iiirith ibn 'Amr

al-Kindl 427 15 seq. : fought in support of his son Shurahbll (First IJattlc of «l-

c Kulab) 4301 seq. 43415: defeated by tho 8a d ibn Zaid-ManSt (Itattt<- of JadOd)

740lllfi 7412: see also 289 7 392 4 422 7 43121 438 8 14 489 8 44019 4411 48614

640 8

8ee lX*^ lA**"' Jijfti o* fc #' s'jr^' O*

538 3 66014 816 16 \J>£Ja& JG ji\

Jii see i\±*\a (_&\*jli! _^ji ^t qJ

70411 — see Addenda in loc. Sja«JI ^ Jic ^ Jy ^j!

JG met Dhu-r-Rummah 788 3 (jillc ^j _^j! seq.

see iA*^u [p-Lai! ^] yij _^j! (^LoS! j**»l5it ^j

«_j^ clan 366 1 8 ^ yu _>j! seq.

Ru'bah 527 9 733 bVx&H wj) jJ gi] J^b eulogised by (= 15)

at the Battle of Badr 18 [/^fililil] J^L .636

see *jj! Jib _^j! ^ u»byo

;o. a«.' :\_!._v>ib see yX*

«L>ai tribe 535 2 ^j y>~£>- ^ Q-^fib

tribe 24 7 11712 icL=i ^ ^_jUl ^ 3 -U ^ JJb

19 IS: tjJj' called le : consulted al-Anbari 17 Jj>X'i (var. .jJLj), 3; _^j! philologist, by see also 518 26 63015 80516

ci«-0 mother of at-Tufail ibn Malik al-Kilubl 706 19 J-ij <^***JI (*' 46 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

icLsi tribe 41712 427 s 784 1 ^ iji$ tf t\j# seq.

d 9 1 at the First Battle of al-Kulab 5 ^j^ O **" O* •*? & slain 430

38 see vol. II 245 foot-note ,o qj! 8, p.

a mentioned Baahamah ibn cAmr and other (ja-u ^i (var. \ja^ ^j!) legendary person by

poets 9018 seq.


t~& i.e. Lujjw oulS 116 cf. 18 called JojLs JuLj, j^^jJI ,~j jil»- ^ (genealogy) 21,

618 22, and describsd as JUc J by ash-Shanfara, 20313 cf. 2053: raided the Bajllah

* 6 9 seq., the Banu Salaman ibn Mufnj 195 2 seq.: 1 15 seq. (N° I) *199 3 (on the- * death of ash-Shanfara) 470 19 (notes) : see also 27 14 cf. 72 6

Is 173 2 37016 53412 816 7 8819 £*

Cf _ c clan of the Quda who their name to a- ^J^s> ^ Jojj" (var. q^Is» q-j iAjjj) ah, gave kind of cloth 789 16 870 ll seq.

j said to have been named .LSj 70518 called J-ifj ^— ^.vi-K-j' tribe, originally (=71115),

Jo!j iCi_jt i_aJL«j 419 3 5191 84714: fought in support of Salamah ibn al-Harith al-

c c Kindl (First Battle of al-Kulab) 430 8 seq. : satirised by AmIrah ibn Ju al 518 20 seq.:

see also 20 9 (cf. 38514) 212 3713 380 5 seq. 42013 42414 428 3 seq. 4301 4411

448 6 482 3 48418 seq. 50712 seq. 52215 690 20 liUl* ^i iXJb' mentioned by al-Husain ibn al-Humam 118 4

woman mentioned llba ibn 632 9 the name of the see 313 26- ytol_»j' by Arqam [for poet,

and Additions and Corrections in loc]

J .LLe .a>Uj an ancestress of the Banu Nahshal 435 3 10 o>£ ryi ci*^J

i.e. cited 3691116 539 22 668 3 673 4- pLi' >j! ^iLl! ^ ^ <-*#£>, philologist: seq. PERSONS, TKIBEH ETC. 47

«3l called 793 and

. . V (so 36818 370 9) of tribes: said to have been called Jub 268 IS: yj» ^j f, group j»*i'

their territory 41513: their dialect 254 H 2819 383 18 54012: include the Itihib

670 2: their banner in the form of an eagle 682 24: fought at the battle of an-Niair

: also 2 368 17 seq. see 73 seq. (cf. 2118 seq.) 10014 24011 31510 (cf. 817 2 861 IS)

32017 3299 34715 (=76115) 36211 364 15 seq. 380t 43121 432 22 4334 4389 488 IS

2 8 17 5 8 13 71214 758 5 8 4 637 67415 (=675 4) 676 679 680 708 70911 772 786 seq.

836 9 84118

8ee 3 ^** o^ r*^' &*** o^ u* & r**

699 4 jl^jl ^o xZi mourned by Laila al-Akhyallyah seq.

e. Maimun ibn Fihrist 30 8] cites al-Kisa'i 67918 Xj^i' _>ji [i. Hafs,

called 398 1 589 12 : cites Abo i- e. O^s? *JU! jJLi (770 4), jZ^a _>j! OljtlJl t^Jalfl ^j

c Ubaidah 5414, and al-Asma'i 58912: see also 34619 405 3 794 8 88110

111" said to have been an idol worshipped by the Tamlm 268 23

c c i'S$ Itf ancestor of certain clans of the Amir ibn §a sa'ah 25918

clan of the 432 9 482 £1, & &J tf f£ Taghlib seq. (see 5)

8 837 called also hLu oCl 637 9 ubJ 11* clan 31510 317 2 seq. 637 3, £f pp (genealogy),

: or 31616 31714 37012 (=863 20) 568 4 77710 Jj^ fi 36512, f£jji 36113, j£l

the Ghatafan 331 4 331 7 335 10 £>3 IjJ> tf Jj clan of (var. (*J)

Fihrist 69 26 clo'j philologist 15011 [see seq-1

o*Jj see Jaij* yb» ^_j lyfi 48 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

Jd**St ^ & oJj 11611 117 1

- - > ) p * idLs ^Jj' 394 21 (notes)

jfe tribe 114 5 seq. 115 2

jd? a horse 721 1 seq.

c said to be identical with ibn 10. *l«_£jf _jJo clan, Abdallah Ghatafan 138

* iA*c i 600 20 ^cysLst!! v£^*j s,!js ^j y^ji (notes)

G - o . . o ~ - & £ k_jjti see l\*=»! (jrt^J ^

o.lJ- iUUi at the Battle of Dhu 366 9 urc^jllt K^m» g{ qJ Najab

xJi*3 see &Juu ...j> ^j ;_clXjju! ir*c ,•»?

-Li^il! iuLti see ^XjLc .-j xJmi j^-j ^ ui^c

soli* ancestor of a clan 4 ^LoJ ^ l\**» ^ 10112 103 seq. 10914 11014 seq. 11219 23

113 2 127 17(?) 128 2 14119 6191 62214 624 3 62712 672 1

iU^3 ,-_> A»*iA**» ,-u &Jjux

" * *a*x]( SUUs 254 16 his date 257 25 vol. II < ^oL» ^ seq. (N° XXIV): (cf. p. 86) iubCe xJbu a subdivision of the Bakr ibn Wa'il 65 called also 433 13 ^ 9, ^y^a^U! y^

~ ft _ ft .. ) .. - O- ft - I « - • » O - ~c ? called also X-JLuJi; and *! 55916 l_a\-»-xJ! j^*c qJ &*1x3, ^y> ^ ajj=> ^ (see 5116): * *5115 seq. (N° LXI) 559 14 seq. (N° LXXIV)

an of the Ghassanid ^LwJlIS 3-4-s qJ KJ-*&. called iUUstif, ancestor kings 34510

& . > & _ ii)JLo -»£ aJl»S called also i_i»£ SUU3 484 18 507 and ..LkJ-! *II*ii (^yiLJ! ^j j ^ , ^j 22, ^

507 16 (cf. 487 4 and foot-note), voc. i_Jbts 486 15 (wrongly explained 486 16) : cousin

of the Elder al-Muraqqish 48418 seq., or, according to others, of the Younger al-

Muraqqish 507 12 PEBSOHS, TIUBB8 KTC. tf

c l' ln 123s 4 g^j ^y iLJl** 830

* -OS.. A ( ^ oiij-i mentioned by Aus ibn Ghalfa 760 15

^a*«j tribe 518 21

mi mi » - o J jt o~u jU£j ancestress of the Ghatafan and othor tribes 102 1 ^ ^« o^ 15 3 428 21 4391 78411

G o- a of the Banu cAbdallah ^^i' man ibn Ghatafan (see 128 3) 134 1 136 10 14112 u^ cj! see ^ ^ i^j

see *Ju( *Aae ...Lj^s _jj! ,^j v*c

l\aj: a clan included the Ribab 670 4 86320 Aildnnln in [»Lu ^] .y' among (see loc.)

* JLi^J! i=> j 421 16 his 422 5

Aufa ibn 5 6 30318 847 see Atnali [^Kyl] jL> mentioned by Matar (=20616 6), Qali, III 92H jL> cited al-Kisa'I 8116 _jj! philologist, by

Jib. a stallion horse 169 22

c - i*i> of the Banu Ja far ibn Kilab : at the Battle of 30 l» ~l ^-i (705 13) ar-Raqam

seq. *3115 3124

c .U=» taJJlo .Ll=- Amir ibn at-Tufail when he was taken [J^JiJI] ^j ^ protected prisoner

by the Fazarah 33 7 seq. *33 20

.LiU I see d)JU _^jt ;L=> ^j 50

.llj> _^o a family of the Dabbah 448 12

_o» brother-in-law of the 251 14 _o» u^uj> ^ poet al-Ajjaj (var. L^uiJt ^ 592 10) i_jla=> !>>*£ addressed his father in a 750 4 ^-j u^ ^ J^:> by poem

* i.e. 3313 8e( N° Jj^Jbt *l«^- (var. ilgl>) J^ ^ **<>•' l- ( XXXIII) xJL^a qJ jiLso- clan of the Grhatafan 11214

commentator 87318 Lf"ibsi^iJ!

of 3 [^eJCJt] ,iA^=» an ancestor the family called iUxL**J! 741

mentioned ibn Abi-s-Salt 330 15 j-kc ^ ^Ij^\=> ^1 by Umayyah

CiXsf- a dog 18015

.a\=> said to be the name of a tribe in al-Yaman 525 but see vol. II 204 note on v. 4. o 6, p. iuxi clan of the Tayyi' 338 8 738 14

a Yamanite tribe 31110 658 9 65911 76113 784 4 jLlJes- (cf. 77617) seq. ..o( _Li*£! *753 ^aXjjtii ^ JAs> (notes)

£+J>A=» a of al-Hlrah 535 1 884 9 251 (jiy^t legendary king (cf. 22)

xL.t .r i>L> at the Battle of of 31 18 .!.£ for ^cyliJI ^ ar-Raqam (or Sahuq) (var. o!y>)

* * 129 8 *408 6 853 21 6fS\ Dty>

tribe 328 6 329 9 33013 \Sj ^ ry> (328 2)

in a verse to ^wo-^U! mentioned ascribed Aus ibn Ghalfa 762 2

mentioned al-A sha 48 1 881 *£y> ^f by (= 19)

see JCsaLusu! (_w«,jl ^ ujy>

^ o^ ^^ O^ &f? clan 435l ° PERSONS*, TitUIKM KTC. SI

- - a of the 8 Ja _> _jJb family BanQ Minqar 741

v. O O - , * • JLs^*;! his with al- 438 18 439 5 L< Elsp- ^ yy> poetical controversy Akh(al

aJLl! iXa-c commander of the the I 'mar I JjLsfuS! qJ ^j^> appointed Hajilah by Caliph

116 6 seq. — see also 1156

* * *Jai *2l9 *53 7 1237 *162 172 25 447 26 [J-jJuCI] ^ yJ> 7(=720 2) (notes a notet) * * * * * 208 17 250 25 (notes = 524 24 notes) 382 24 (notes) 424 19 (notes) 506 17 (notes) * * * *580 6 612 19 (notes) *614 2 651 8 *744u *765 6 774 3 *777« *779 9 865 10

*89C22 (notes).

* ts> 11 foot-note O.lJi qj 197 (see y)

Joi*« mentioned Mutammim ibn Nuwairah 539 5 539 .p-LJI ^ ij=» by (var. Lj^>j 1»)

Sjo brother of Muzarrid and ash-Shammakh 160 2 174 7 [ ^JLuJxJt] ^j ij=»

0-5 «• — * l.^xLs ^ \jL»s> 634 23 (notes)

*552l rjLftw.il sy> qj] u«L<»>

clan of the Ta hlib 247 8ec 1836 428720 431u 440 5 12 68018 ^4^ & &

clan of the Tamlm 123 2 19 , kiikLi ^j d)JL« ^ (jil^^?- (var. ,Ji^>, ,ji-y2o>)

u^LasUI ^t see u^Ua^Jl ^ OfL^u]

c>^j] sister of al-Farazdaq 208 18 [^Li (j&t>

c c of the 'Amir ibn sa ah 5113 5541 ikfS. ^j v-Jif ^ BJot> clan §a

^aXxj?^ see ^cAatiUI SCAjUII

&» o* /*=? see X3LJI v ni!

for SL/ £•> clan 3011 32 20 45 10 116 2 25917 3661 703 1(?) 706 22 76019, V gj seq. on v. 15 I*> L=- 76014 see vol. II p. 327 note 52 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

an cited Hisham ibn Muhammad al-Kalbl 30 5 [J^ -LkisUI] v^-^ tyi r*-*-^ authority by

25917 seq. [see AghanI XV 52 27]

see A»s.! yot> yi\ (1) ^j^csui ^

see >A*=>i ^*> _>jS (2) l\v«£ ^

_ix> see iX^S* _^jt (3) ^ ,yaI#JI

see ira*^iJI D^»=> 0i yt~^S

* J_ot^ut 51 25 (notes)

Kii> ancestor of the Ghassanid kings 345 22 489 4 775 2 iCUa> called 622 10 a Jewish merchant from slain order of al-Husain , J»*=> ^jt , Taima, by

ibn al-Humam 62117 622 4 seq.

c a clan said to a of the to of the ah 3 ,)»•>• be branch Ghassan or, according others, Quda 784

c ^5b» clan of the Anazah 38013

* * 373 20 424 23 rf

L*_siJ! (or oL-«_s\J!) a name given to certain groups of clans 123 6 84117 20 seq. — see

vol II y. 352 note on v. 16

k>- £cL» a subdivision of the clan Dubafah ibn Rabfah 91 18 92 Lf ^ seq. (var. XcU> 3) oL*tf\5J see L-sU! ; jj«i> (1) woman mentioned by Shabib ibn al-Barsa 337 10 (as var.)

Js*=» (2), mentioned by Hajib ibn Habib 72410

* 330 19 J.yii]t ^5^! (notes)

i.e. JJ& 25 8 45 6 717 5: *25 5 *45 6 C^W^I gl^J! ^L&f ^ seq. (N° IV) seq. (N» * VII) *717 4 seq. (N° CIX) 777 18 PER80N8, TRIBES ETC. :,:l

* Uit Jui 56 1« [^,Jut!l ^ J^.

[tiLSU j] mentioned the sec ^ u^b v^ by Younger al-Muraqqish 502 is, 498 16 499 10

and vol. II p. 191 note on v. 19 a A^> ^j soLl> clan of the Quda'ah 87016

clan 760 12 to ^A\i> [according BDuraid 129 16 a subdivision of the ltonu-l-'Anbar)

) - o > . * * 205 18 cf. cC!A^I v^- _*' (notes, 292 28) 862 22 (notes)

It, it yjJ^o» J woman mentioned by Imru'u-1-Qais 764 1 11

c _ o - c Jj.Lb y>\ &\te- mentioned by 'Amlrah ibn Ju al as an enemy 521 16

* (^W! J&JI rf JJ^> 152 23 (notes)

o^=* clan 43510 l».b ^j Jwi-jj ^

c called 182 woman mentioned Abdallah ibn Salimah 182 3 y»JL>, «lsj ,^1 o^Jo 12, by

184 4 1861

&Lj-> tribe 12918 62116 668 2 seq.

see l - v_j^=- (jJ^bJ! v^ o^ ^'

see U*» ot^i^il ^j ^

jI *t c' te(* 565l3 Bee Index [ijto. l< ^ ^jj] o!^ 5 AghanI,

Persian of Hajar 708 16 seq., called ,**£J' 709 4 i Aiy*iiy> governor

c — ,•»%> _yJ a family of the Abdallah ibn Ghatafan 622 1 20 see also i^*a=»

Go- • - • - see J^, y> ^ tj>

the horse ridden the Ghassanid al-Harith ibn Jabalah 780 8 O.jyivl! by king

o - S »o c n*?^l ioui woman mentioned by al- Abdi 78216 54 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

&1JI tX*c 449 called JGliL. 748 5 : anecdote ^Lkll ^ j»j'b» (or »J_& ^b- ll), _^i concerning * * * him 7484 : 23 5 2 seq. 109 (notes) 342 (=450 649 ll) 374 21 (notes) *452 8

see .A*^5 ^yl^^wJ! ^Is. _^j! ^ J^w

* 720 16 7212 8 ,j^W$i ^o» ^ ^>l> seq. (N° CX) (genealogy) *724 seq. (N° CXI)

._^>L> called 364 18 : 45 2 364 14 682 5 ^IjJI bJ>j ^j , SCii^c _jjl seq.

c i_*=-L> »i wife of Zurarah ibn Udus 825 16

* i.e. '£& 49 called also 4819 313 10 39219: 4817 ^yLoJsJi »yUi, ^y^s? rf 4, iLjJ^kS!

seq. (N° VIII) *49l0 (but see 10519 seq.) *50 20

7812 ^jLJti _yi^! e^U-

^5^1 cy.lil see xil> ^ £>.lJl

430 5 ij^&l] ££ ^ [O/] eJS

-L& called 11014 11219 [JjUlxJI] ^ o^GS., yii (?) seq.

xLi- called _^ii cy lJl 784 7 accordance with but see ^llo^i ^ vijjUi- , ^t ^j ; [in 7751,

762 9], 7812, vi> lil 7751 [77415 gp5W ^§! (iijUl -^31 ; distinguishes _^l £»,Qi.

c from and 780 8: the 77414 ^*-S'^t cy,Ul], ^Ji (j*,ls eulogised by poet Alqamah

seq.: see also 782 7 78310 786 3 seq.

s at the Battle of an-Nisar 366 17 ^oA**"^ {j-^=» qJ j=* qJ £»,l&

ancestor of a of the 428 8 f&> qJ ei^UJ. family Taghlib

77415 eAs^JI li^llLC?)

- > o „ * his 5153: 256 15 *263l cyCkJI sjJL=> ^ o,l

* 34215 *3803 *4143 » 515 2 seq. (N« LXII) »57U (-76718) •88410 *8854 m*

(Appendix, N° I)

u)JL> at the Battlo of c [^^X^l tf] viijLsOl Dhu Alaq 46 21

0JL> * ^j&Jl Qi £»JL»II 601 10

c clan of the Amir ibn 25912 [ijurlj ^y] vi^lspJI ^aWah

o- . e»_ > *5 27 cf. 61719 L5*4«JI j**) ^J ^L«JI (notes, notes)

was slain the Azd in the time of ash-Shanfara 197 20 198 8 12 l<_^a!I ^xSLJt ^ e^LsvJ! by

see lib^i ^j cyjLsd! ^Iji^JI

* * 615 15 617 17 see also UpJI fM, yi vi.jLwil seq. (N» LXXXVIII) seq. (N° LXXXIX):

3617 10120 78812 seq.

* *>Uc £>.Ltfdl 36 16 to al-Harith ibn [^cylJl] ^ (addressed Phalim)

blXxac O.LsJt slain at the Battle of 16 [^^bGI] tjULo ^j ^j ar-Raqam 30 seq.

_*£ his mother Umm Unas 429 6 : became over t_cAjyCil r?v=» pj 3 ^ C^ls^I , seq. king

the Bakr ibn Wa'il 427 15 seq. : reigned forty years 429 8 seq. : see also 431 20 432 l i_oo see ^ j^*c ^ cy.L^J ^^LiU

Ls^t 77416 [JjUit] 5;U ^j J>* q* ;

called si* 102 12 102 and «Ull 37 7 ^^1 ui^c ^j o,b?J! , ^ O^UL , \J^m ^jI 14, _^l of 38 3 (see vol. II p. 11 note on v. 10): at the Battle ar-Raqam 3011: was chief

c of the embassy of the Banu Murrah to the Prophet 102 12 seq. [see Ibn Sa d, Tabaqat

vol. I part II 431]

=-ljJt .~j cy.Ls^l! a of the al-Kalhabah 2012 c

wJif called also v£>.lJ-ti 328 a tribe included the Jimar 841 19 seq: ,~j vi.Ls^t, 4, among

2 see also 115 9 seq. 116 10 183 1 328 5 34110 366 I 56

ijsiS cy.bsJ! his interview with the Tmar I 241 15 360 ^j Caliph (= 1)

c said to be a brother of Jafnah and a son of ibn [^jLmJLII] ^^suJI o.LsvJ! (q. v.) Amr

Muzaiqiya 345 22, but see 448 16, where Muharriq is a son of al-Harith ibn Muzaiqiya

a.* vi>.Lsu! see '— ^jj ^^jt b^ n? ^U*

see *Lajj^ ^ [£> J.] e>,Ls^i! ^r^uil i£».l&

* JjQ^t Uya* ^ £>.L*Jl 683 25 (notes)

c jjALcJ! [iuow ^ ii Jl] XjjL** ^j cy.L^\J! an ancestor of al-Ash ath ibn Qais 441 3

o - ^-o_ mistake for AUL *327 6 XXXII — on the ^fP^ '&icj ^ e^Ls^Jt (a ^ idle,') seq. (N°

Second Battle of al-Kulab)

*105 called 328 22 JjLliJi iilj ^ cy,LsJI 8, ^JiWJI

cy L^JI clan 182 7 jC&Ji ^ ;

Ls?JI i. e. the Ghassanid al-Harith ibn Jabalah and al-Harith the 78 11 ^ ; (1) princes Younger

two chiefs mentioned ibn Habib 726 10 — see vol. II 310 note Jj.LsaJ! (2) by Hajib p.

on v. 10

m 7 O — 3 — ^Lxiul .l\j ^j £j\L> an enemy of al-Ahnaf ibn Qais 178 6 *403s

c -*jz half-brother of Unas bint Auf 429 7 ^jiLuJu) s ^j &i» Umm (q. v.)

J>^> ^ &j* L=- yj a family of the Yashkur 382 3 (genealogy)

- o J a of ash-Shanfara 196 20 L«*£*]!c I»jL> contemporary seq.

c m\\s> a ascribed to I 7 _jjt saying him by al-Asma 853

a title of the yiLsOt Prophet 852 19

1 i_vtb> a chief of the Aus who his name to a war between ^gjLxJI K^S ^ ,j~j> ^j gave

the Aus and the Khazraj 564 8 • PERSONS, TRIBE8 ETC. 57

O) > m Oft

iuL> woman (var. ,J^>) Jo» oUj mentioned in an anonymous verse 664 12

see sU-o j 0L3JI Ajj v-Jd' ^j *juj. w^*a=» see 518 20 and foot-noto 7

O - ) - o - J ^wt .0 uua> see aJ-oL««>ji o

v_~*> ancestor of certain families of the 8 j^c ^j Taghlib 440 (we 518 l») 524 i

see 5* >_***=» ^j! vv* o^ 0u=^

U^c> a dog 19617

iLS\l> 3* 8l am at the Battle of ar-Rabadhah 123 4 j*f&,\ ^ (ji-*

^cAjo-Jt ^o ^ tji-^> at the Battle of Buzakhah 448 8

_Ls\^\J! a ascribed to him 50 9: anecdotes ^yUBal ^-su^j ^j saying concerning him 296 2 12

819 2 seq. : see also 682 13 831 18

« 6 „ o J ^aXiHtl O.Ui ^ j^> father of the poet Imru'u-1-Qais 42913 seq. 43111 432 2 683 5

* JvJL> 553 26 ^ASp! ^ ys?v> (notes)

called 345 9 21 427 15 4291 Additions and Correc- j*>JJCI jj*c ^j j?v>, LJI J^T^ (see

tions in loc.) 441 3

JJjjw ^j ji\> cited 613 25

•\\=» a woman's name 577 l

3 - / 3 5uA=> (1) said to be a woman of the Banii Ja'dah 511 3

*ilx=» (2) said to be a tribe 747 22 58 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

l\j XsjlXs- slain the A.bs in the War of Dahis 364 8 ^.LaJ! ^ by seq.

of - jL=» ,o -!.=> slain ash-Shanfara at Mina 198 6 ,_&>j*55! by seq.

— & - > c >i>-Lj said some to be the ancestress of the Banu-l- ^j ^_i iU->j-=* (»|j^J! by Adawiyah 122 18 (genealogy)

under cy.lii- cyyidl see

see 3- XiysJ! *-Uf>- ^ y»(e qJ lt-a*

* 3219 £pl L>»>^»

c called 45713 70410: cited Ahmad ibn Ubaid 612] 632 11 ^jUy^Jt philologist, J^Ac _>j! by

70411 seq. 750 5: see also 39516 39611 408 8 710 2 seq. 712 5 seq.

* 556 26 ^=> & *JU^=> (notes)

iAx*v brother of the Elder 458 10 460 1 ti)Jlo jo ^ *JUj=» al-Muraqqish seq.

H&j*& 18815

* JijUt u^ ^ >t£?> 14 9

in an verse 652 18 «j^> _yj mentioned anonymous

c c c clan of the Amir ibn Sa sa ah 845 1 367 jijysJ! (see 25)

XIX 152 772 8 ysUJI jiiilp. _jjt [i.e. ,^»*3 *^> qJ J^P? AghanI seq.]

c c c mother of the Tha labah ibn Amr al- Abdi see 55916 *jp- !»! poet 5116,

[JjLAJf] ^ ^ 8^. 110 5

« OS ) - o.Lb his raid the Malik ibn described al-Kalha- ^xiiXJ! ^ ii*jj=» against Handhalah, by

bah 20 4 seq. (N° II) 213 9 seq. 23 4 (cf. 38514 seq.)

* * * * J-s^P^I u^J_S ^ Lli» *324i 410 23 (notes) 413 25 (notes) 775 14 783 15: see

also 48 18. I'KKMJNS, TKIHKS KT<\ N

Lli> woman addressed c fl by Amr ibn Sha's 90 «

a 8ft y in & ascribed to him 384 17 Mbd Kfim ti/M] cT**^ [ef. 152)5 hc.,.|

see u^ 1

~i\J! i.e. A^ku e jyilkXj! _>j!, ^ ^, cited by Ahmad ibn Ubaid 10211

oJj iU^s^lt ancestress of the *jis Jimar 841 19

' c ^L^' 1 refect of ,lice under Ubaidallah ibn cr^ r*-*- CT* O*"*^ P I* Ziyad 123 2 seq. (go- nealogy)

^-' *1275 the uH^^' >V» o* o*~ (on death of his father)

* 830 23 (^lX^^! ^ILo ^ q^csu! (notes)

8ee ! ?>* -*' ^ o* r^

see ijis-oiio (^pwx^?-

- -o - ) *-»Jl\=» *as» 364 6 365 4 called his Uf,'/J! ^ seq. seq., JLj ^j ^^^is. (after grandfather)

365 6 (= 368 14)

see 33 " o~> O*' O* 0^

see iubi *Jbt> ^•ya^d! _^o ^

^jf^> one of tho Banu Jaushan and a contemporary of al-Husain ibn al-I.Iumiim 622 2

622 20 called 622 6 — 622 » is the seq. (var. jJL-a.=» seq.), - ^ ^ys>- ^ brother of Husain

1011 also called 79 5 62211 62412 629 17: ^^J! fUss\i\ ^i ^^ua^jl (genealogy), ^l^s- seq.

calls himself 12015: the leader of the Banu Sahm ibn Murrah in their ^.jL. ^!

feud against the Banu Sirmah ibn Murrah (War of the Ifuraqah) 10318 seq. 622 9 * * seq.: 100 16 seq. (N° XII) *104l 622 16 seq. (N° XC): see also 90 17 60 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

«" - o - was chief of the of the to the ^g^W-M y«Le ^ ^^a^ embassy Banu-z-Zinyah Prophet

102 23 (genealogy)

.lAiJI his interview with ibn Muslim 238 12 [^^Jl&AJI £jj] i^ya=> Qutaibah

* 471 19 JjuiL^uJI (.Uk> (notes)

XJu! mentioned al-Akhnas 410 10 <_jj£ ^ j-yiai* by

' 1^ x*"-> a man or a celebrated for the of armour 613 3 ^aXoo! Vj^ o^ ( family) making

— - £> > ii>JLo ancestress of the clan Jushaish ibn Malik ^j iotoj o^j urk> 12319

> -o - > * * * xL.k-sd), ie. 3811 313 2 7 48220 u*,! ^ 4s_j->, (=609 8) (=375 64216) (notes) * * * * 728 21 (notes) 746 13 856 17 867 lo

see *_jLL^ul _»c {j&is> _jj! ^_j

jCa3«.-> cited Ibn as-Sikkit 3 ^t ^1 by 570 (=636 18)

fled from the Battle of and himself 31 [^"ilXIl] J«I^k! qJ ^^Jt ar-Raqam hanged 17 seq.

o - _ o - *^sd( mentioned Jarlr 506 1 Additions and Corrections in [^»wjiJ!] qIjj* ^ by (see loc.)

JL*j! J! cited as a historical 445 16 446 5 l J_) y%A*j»Jt ^ ^y ^ jjCsf authority

* Cow 566 21 — see Additions and Corrections in ^j *^> (notes loc.)

\S$s> a horse which gave its name to a breed ('-j^> oUj) 439 16

O- J » _& 'iJJi in jwuJ^ijI addressed an anonymous verse 747 11 (= 780 n 822 3)

his "book" cited Hisham al-Kalbl 3314: see also 49817 513 7 514 3 8 765 1 JOjlyS! jU> by

140 3 rft, ^ ^U> (?)

c «io ^ j-*c l\*£ ^j oV3" coniman

74012 7417 15

wJlkJt l\Ic at the Battle of Badr 107 8 121 ty sji> seq. (= 6) PEB80K8, TRIBES ETC. ,,|

(j-^jju! 259 fi U seq.

c S*=> slain the Abs in the War of Dahia Ojj'jfil y**i rf by 694 t soq.

mentioned in an verse anonymous 170* (text and interpretation doubtful)

> - oC O o „ > * * A**=> 1 JaS^I *513s (=8419) 581 582 4

c\a*=» *33 3 *86s * 187 25 * .J^il ^ ^ (see 9) (notes) *294 9 (=85013) 453 1 765 15 77113

cW=> ^j' mentioned by al-Mukhabbal 91 12

their 501 : see ^*=> language 8 seq. also 691 24 731 9 858 8 881 l« 887 7

:> ance8tor 01 a 2013 436 4 t.f-f-

called a ***£=* q-j ^t ^ (j~*^>, itijpjf, clan of the Quda'ah who were allies of the Banu Sahm ibn Murrah 79 5 10 103 20 62116 622 11

b«U=» see sL> iA***! ^1 [»sli=>] ^

?JaJI entertained the cC jJi=- _^l poet Imru'u-1-Qais 243 21 *214 4 (=569 15)

^>Jt— ^_aii*ul at the Battle of ar-Kabadhah 1233 [ L_A?w-t qj seq.

v_AsuJI had a feud with the before f^^j^JI] lX-^c ^ ^ ^ftJ^L^di Qushair shortly the

Battle of an-Nisar 371 10 19

Jii=> at the Battle of an-Nisar 11 Lef&Cl Jayto"^I ^j captured 366 seq.

<_JiiJ! i. e. U*ii! 428 19 called «-L» 431 15 : his fJiS=> yd a ? f-A^-c 23, L? ^j! genealogy

43019: slew Shurahbil ibn al-Harith at the First Battle of al-Kulab 430 19 seq. 441 ll: * 431 if.

v - O _ > - , O — Js-2i=» see g)JU ^ iJJii=>

iiX-ii> brother of 'Amir ibn slain the Banu Murrah 715 4 ^jbbol jJj^J' iyJ at-Tufail, by

(see 713 9) 62 • PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

y - e & ~ v l £. : ~> k : •— 436 one of the divisions of the Tamim 123 15 liLJLo ^_j (or } 3) principal

428 2 12 seq. 42914 43015 seq. 43418 seq. 435 9 seq. 43611 seq. 83611 seq.

c *jli*UI ouJLs- one of the Banu Thalabah ibn Ukabah, who was celebrated for his skill

in tending camels 65 8

&JLi~» 113 a tribe of the Bakr ibn Wa'il 414 2 41512 549 14 -«^J qJ (called v^al^S 5) 709 6 8214

5* c^ an 197 1 to BDuraid 286 >>pi\ ^ ^c*^' o^ ^l* [wJ! ^ xJ|y=- according 14]

c c i. e. his raid the Yarbu and the Rubai ibn .JLliJi ^tjjjiJl, tiLjyi q-j cy.Ul, against

al-Harith (Battle of Jadud) 74013 seq.: see also 740 4 744 2

see s.lXj^u! b.jUJ.

J woman mentioned 717 l 775 vi»_»ysdi by Imru'u-1-Qais (= 10) o[Zs> a man satirised in an anonymous verse 508 12

c ancestor of certain clans of the ah 870 see 789 17 ,•,!»*£ fjf q'^*=- Quda 16, (var. ^>k>)

c X*=> mentioned Thalabah ibn Su air as the builder of a 256 19 ^j! by palace

cited as an 20 (_c -f+±l\ 'i~fp> _^j) authority 329

12115 552 20 c<-^> _yLi clan(?)


y , K=».b> mentioned in an anonymous verse 209 18

XlL> x>.L> of his name 101 18 : see also 687 9 (CjJ) ,3! ^ ^U» ^ origin seq. v_j^ cf-4 at the Battle of an-Nisar 366 16 |»jL=" (•' captured

(AjL=» of the clan Lukaiz 591 5 Ojlii q-j .Li' qJ (genealogy), eulogised by al-Muthaqqib

591 7 seq. Till BBS r, PERSONS, ETC. |

.jbb' iXJLi- slain al-HSrith ibn at the court tin- ^j-j j*-«> ^j by I,)hSlim of king of al-

J.llrah 103 lfl 617 2 seq. 618 8, see also 788 12

* l\JU> 70 2(1 f&-. ^ (notes)

l\JU> his Ol^o ^ saying concerning al-Ubullah 55 s seq.

^\-=- a man who was cheated with hi* father'* ^cJU^' [dX <*-*** \yj] young regard to

c camels by one of the Banli Abdallah ibn Uha$afan, and afterwards befriended by

the poet Muzarrid 128 3 135 5 seq. 13610 13710 [the name of Khalid's father does

not in all's Arabic but see vol. II 43 and Thorbecke's edi- appear Ly text, |>. seq.

tion, Anmerkungm p. 42 9]

^aX*.^! ^f^. ^ }.*& ^ lXJ13- lived at the time of the Battle of an-Nisiir 371 12

oJJ> cited 108 13 120 2 372 18 514 8 9 85818 [yjLO] r^-^ y-j philologist, 539 57417

877 11 16 87917

* 3 10 : see 45 10 i^a\^>\ iLJLaJ ^ JkJL=» at the Battle of an-Nisar 365 366 seq. also (cf.

vol. II p. 14) 46 6 71710: Khalid was the great-grandfather of the poet al-Marrar

c ibn Sa id (Aghani IX 158 29) who uses the name as a collective 760 7

jJL> called U-L, 705 7 807 14 : to death Malik ibn J-cj^JI JuJ^Jt ^ , y$ seq. put

Nuwairah 526 4: see also 116 21 5411

518 26 — see

70517: derivation of their name 70516 Uif ^j .JtiU- tribe, originally called Sj!l (cf. see also 28 2 71114 seq.): their emigrations 1141 seq.:

-£j (jiL\i» see v^h^juJI ^j (^.I>AJ!

*13323 *4037 *470l6 *7159 CVIII, ascribed [^yoUJ!] J£ tf ^\jd> (notes) seq. (N°

c also to Auf ibn al-Ahwa?) *783 4

see .0 _v!A=> .^j! jjkX*J! Jyu 64

JJe> clan, see 119 21

c *'A=* took in 5.mir ibn at-Tufail 33 8 [^JjiL'l] Juj ^ part capturing seq.

an cited Hisham al-Kalbi 427 11 428 U 429 20 431 10 432 18 J-oJlj qJ J^f> authority by

see also 27 435 7 ; 503

* * * 25 535 3 * 538 20 777 25 Jjjs^' l^>> *$ 527 (notes) (notes) s —

) * ° 823 9 se( N CXXI J-4*^ j^* o* ^!^* i- ( )

i.e. father of the Salamah 29 15 <_c.Lj^! ^^j^ot, yoi .y «j*c, poet vjj Js^\ a horse 430 10

3 . 3 a tribe included the Hums 259 ll Xetji. among

_ . i^C! tribe, their feuds with the Aus 564 8 seq. : see also 739 8

3 _0, 3 5Uji=» ancestor of the Asad and other tribes 659 l seq. 670 20

[sjJSS'i] (j-^Ji m\ a saying ascribed to her 66212 i_jli^s\Jt a group of certain clans of the Tamlm 123 6 seq.

a of the ibn 12 ..LiL> _jaj family Namir Wabarah 432 seq.

O - 3 ^£j> see

* i.e. 624 ll u^J^ i ^bswtt /it, seq. (N» XCI)

O - 3 O _ 3 J»**ai» see ijya>

3 3 O 3 -*&s^J! a clan of the hence called .«»=» 112 8 622 14 Muharib, y.Lsa-» oLLi» a dog 464 3

J S » xk-> a she-goat or ewe 335 9 seq.

c ie>Ui- a clan of the Uqail 343 10 554 l I'EKHONM, TK1BEH ETC. ti.'i

: * * XjAj culled ll724 117 " 171 " (,f- MO *2I7 it ^j (wrongly i'fXi & ?** C7* ^^ ) ( 18)

XaJbsul sec ,L-» iU^. (jfjiyul ^

Jouil J^ * 61 18 iA*L> sec _>j! i^yyj' J»^s>yi ^ JJI5

Ju=>! ^j J^J^J' philologist, cited 14011 864 iCcUi- see XcU>

- o - ti jU3a«j> leader of the Uanu Sirmah in the War of the 103 1H ig^JaSi iJUy> ^ Hunti/ah

in a verse ascribed to al-Marrar ibn 1A u~jlii?J! J mentioned Munqidh 126

^_jju3- group of tribes 152 19 437 5: said to have been the nickname of ]>aila [bint lm-

13 : of ran], wife of llyiis ibn Mudar 763 seq. ijJU-> Jb the war-cry the I)abbah

3 364 23 (cf. 643 seq.)

* * * * *UL&]I 389 15 551 5 *597 9 719 15 850 15

iL.sLfc'Jf see _jj! OyXM*A ^ (j«-k»

* 730 12 fj&. ^i Ǥ*

8 ftLi- (1) woman mentioned by al-Marrar ibn Munqidh 142

c ibn at-Tabib 268 called 268 8 &£. (2) mentioned by Abdah 5, »li^>

c JtLi. (3) mentioned by Auf ibn al-Ahwas 342 3

the Elder called 479 M ij^3- (4) addressed by al-Muraqqish 4801, jJL>y>

„-» O-J of) l\JL=» see .JJ4II ^j L\Jby> v^5^ >?'

i/xter III] [-^j&C$J] jJjii ^ JJ^4> 367u.[see Naq.

>-&„ J XJby> see idj3» 66

>w offered his father as a to the Banu Abi Bakr ibn (j^j_=»^! ^ <-ij-& ^ k- by hostage Kilab 34410

c u~=>b a horse which gave its name to a war between the tribes of Abs and Dhubyan

69418 749U

idkL> ii)JL« ..b one of the tribes of the Tamim : their 122 17 : <^j ^ principal genealogy

reproached by Imru'u-1-Qais for their conduct towards Shurahbll ibn al-Harith 435 4

437 11: see also 123 17(?) 428 4 seq. 434' 20 50211 84117

see sjb y$ ^JULiSI sjta ^i ^L*

,i > i j»jb 89 21 or Ojjtj 10817 8819, David, mentioned as a maker of armour

JSj see wJiij'

* 24 20 J^Ju^Jt <*Jufi tf y«Jii» (jj J53

in jb-3*J! Antichrist, mentioned a tradition 190 4 (cf. 383 3)

see lXjlw Lul see 102 yl»o ^j yoct: ^lio 7

a man mentioned in a 60 18 |..o proverb seq.

G o c c a descendant of Ma bad ibn Zurarah ad-Dariml cited Abu Ubaidah 364 14 uwtj.vj , , by

* * * iL^Ji ^ iX/o *23l2 647 25 (notes) 818 22 (notes) 880 10

C- ) 3 iAj.o i.e. iAj.o A+jsu cited as an for a 41416 ^1, ^j ^*»^\J! ^j , authority reading

Sio a woman proverbial for stupidity 462 1

* * * 107 21 208 23 232 5 343 19 *b>^ ^j ^0 (notes) (notes)

- - o-» iC-sub see siAii' iLiLiai _^j! ^

* jJX> _*> 350 19 PERSON-, H.IHK8 BTC. fi7

J>X\ tribe 241 u

a man who was slain the c

G - * h Bhe-oamel ill-luck ^Aj! proverbial for 441 o ieq.

* * called 449 u: *5 20 41 1« 175 11 *233 2 * 8 ^5^1 Jy> yj, jjjj JJ ^jt 401 (.54410) * * * * * 423 7 580 24 (notes) 587 I 692 1 4 765 21

.t , T .XJ ^y ^bjO clan 104 4 659 19

>AiL> at the Battle of an-Nisar 366 10 [^j^UJl] ^ ^byi captured acq.

~ o see and 430 10 25 u s ^jt J*L>bM

26815 (JixJ!

a of the vi^jj woman Banil Murrah, whoso family was under the protection of al-l.liirith

ibn Dhalim 61517 [see AghanI X 2210]

see tjoLlJJI o'3 X j

JujtJJt see aJut l\*c ^ iUL\s

L->-jJ 624 tribe 3119 34 n 3612 10112 110 3 113 210 jbuAj gj (or l^-?^ 5) seq. seq.

118 7 16317 364 23 366 22 367 1 624 4 625 7 66810 690 17 824 15

^JLfAJi see wbLul k*I*S clan of the Bakr ibn Wa'il 433 10 608 4 ^j 'u^i ^ jJte

a 626 9 jii ^j (1) family of the Muharib (?)

749 17 ji>J yj (2) a family of the Dabbah (?)

bl>Jjl 439 6 (see foot-note) 68

* called i£>.lJL 312.3 311 17 J^SjjiXill £y^t 3J, originally ^j ^y> (genealogy): seq. (N°

XXIX) *321l seq. (N° XXXI extant in two recensions).

OP w w J 6 see *A,»,xii oj^^i s L> *jjIjw ^ o-*^

ibn 17 ol^s^' i<3 the sword of al-Harith I)halim 616 jy^iJI 33 See r^i qJ &*L~ ,-»J liUlo

X-Ijl yi, originally called [ilii-c ^J ^£ 9218 648u:*4ll *22lfi *42 23 (notes cf. * 4918 2179) *527 (=866 2) *52l8 *6l4 67 12 *6816 *698 *736 (=2114) *95l0 * * * * 6 128 20 152 20 159 16 185 14 cf. (=753 7 813 12) *124 (=24122) (=54211 * * * * 18 * 2 * * 790 22) 188 12 21011 220 10 234 249 7 *258 264 7 279 17 (=70718 * * * * 752 2 7815) *304 7 320 1 (=372 2 384 20) 336 14 (=604 8 76512) 342 10 344 15

* 15 * 9 9 2 * * 14 * 11 (cf. 27120) 395 421 (=73611) *453 *479 645 7 648 (cf. 92 18) 652 * * * * * * * * 664 23 (notes) 668 11 687 1 702 8 788 4 790 22 801 15 835 17 *847 8 *850 5 * * * * 856 13 (=779 14 86812) 861 13 873 10 877 8 : his dialogue with a female slave

413 seq.

- _ O — w O * - . J & — J iCLoL-Jl i.e. sJJic slain at the First Battle of al-Kulab 4311 yi, .-{Ltdl ^ ^-v*=>, seq.

» 7 . O - see v_jLL*3l _jO J<-V> qJ i>*4*

see and *L**J! ^U .iXiJI i^jyilf }3 yAx*Jt ^ ^^c ^

w & - _ o v. i lj>£ iC*^vJUI 53, called _*5 a i 367 6, lived at the time of the Battle (jj^JI ^j yet ^j 1

of an-Nisar 36713

see gyJ! v ^J!

i a man who his name to a kind of lance X-oy 882 8 .,jj 5 gave ( )

* * * * i.e. 1 ^^ 849l? enealo : 820 4922 165 20 179 21 i^£> jj, Jl*^ cr? ^^ (? ?y) * * * * (notes) *194 3 228 25 (notes) 262 22 (notes) *267 6 314 24 (notes) 33611 (=7659) * * * * * 564 17 651 11 792 23 (notes) *805 6 849 16 seq. (N» CXXVI) 861 16: mentioned — by Khalid ibn Zuhair 70 20 (= 509 3) see Aghani VI 62 3 seq.

c an cited 11 JLJjJ! _^j! authority by Abu Ubaidah 365 PEK80NH, TKIHKS BO. M

woman VXj/i. mentioned by Suwaid ibn Abi Kfiliil 381 17

*61l4 Jt/^JI i^laA ^ J^\j seq. (N« IA.WVI) *6U« seq. (N« I. WWII,

»• c - j! 16119: *63 20 tWp'i cr^ O* "*** *651B (=457») *69« *88lO (— 1888) *87 4 * *90 3 *149 161 19 * * (=424 6) (=536 8) 164 21 (notes) 212 28 (notes) *2l9u * 226 15 * 227 24 * * * * (notes) (notes) (notes) 235 19 *236 2 270 17 277 25 (notes) 282 19

* * *5274 (=73316) *54620 *5898 *60l8 *7229 735 14 742 15 *80O4 *8148 *8808

*883 3

a of clans 670 4 86319 who are sometimes i^Jjl group (37012 seq.) included in the Turin

670 2: of the name 86319: origin supported Shurahbil ibn al-Hiirith 428 2 13, but

at the First Battle of abandoned him al-Kulab 43015 seq. 43114 43314 19 43915: at the Battle of al-Kulab fought Second 317 3: see also 3641 seq. 369 15 484 1 6701

836 11 seq. 812 3 11

i_jLiJI woman mentioned by al-Akhtal 440 23

1 mentioned al-Mukhabbal 207 9 212 3 tiL'lo ^j v_i^i o^ wjLJ by (see 20713)

J mentioned Imru'u-1-Qais 717 1 i_jL^t by (=77510)

jLJ! certain of the sometimes said to be three 772 20 and £* clans Tamlm, (12311 seq. seq.)

sometimes four (772 6 seq.)

l\j Ji Ju J! and the horse of al-Haufazan 741 9 (var. j^yty

c son of the Amr ibn al- Ah tain 831 16 2-t*. i^i gju. poet

c Jx cy.lJi .~j a subdivision of the Sa d ibn Zaid-Manat 740 17 5 ^j *jUj seq.

* one of "the Perfect" (*!#!) 2917: 225 23 (notes) J-4*i! j'uj yj *ujl

liLSLo ^ vj. see J**^J! 70 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

-c, * -ax> ^ ijto, see *»*> qJ u«3>=>'^'

wiaj. see sLu iXj; iUu Jsjt*j. c^s\J! ,-»} ^j

& > ) , (i)JU iCLik.'s- clan 123 12 772 called wlo.' 123 12 ^ j^i 5UajJ seq. 7, ^^Lw^l

.Law nicknamed brother of the Zabban ibn 690 21 (CjIjU! ^j wtxj., XaLs^t, poet Sayyar

_ © * 3- _ - - - & - y - see Xl-b^Lr* ^cjuaj? iJtjO. ^y tgULo ^j K*a*.

^c-^Jl AJt-o, see sUu Aj; ^y tiUL« ^J ajlo.

>A**v woes' iu*j. called 772 8 ^j ^j clan, ^jUjSuI , seq.

Jtx>- ijto. Labid 4516 ^j s»)JL* ^ father of the poet jdkU- clan 1233 428 6 772 123 13 ^j (iULc ^ K«Lg~ 7, called ^4*3 '^^j

»Lu lXj; qj liULc ^j X-x~o. clan, called ^jiJI jCt-^j. and pv?1-!! X «,*.j. 12311, see also

76419 772 6 seq.

.~j iju~i. of the Banu Ghaidh ibn as-Sid : his 355 3 ^^oali ^^^ uJU ^j genealogy seq.

731 14 seq. : was imprisoned by the Persians [on the day of al-Mushaqqar], after-

wards became a Muslim and fought at al-Qadisiyah 73115 seq.: *42 9 *67 26 (notes * * * * * = ] 357 20) 2189 268 12 272 9 355 seq. (N° XXXVIII) 371 23 seq. (N» * * * * * XXXIX) *442 6 seq. (N° XLIII) 473 13 481 13 (=8431) 548 10 600 10 720 11 * * 731 13 seq. (N<> CXIII) 851 15

wto. of tribes : their dialect 383 13 : are said to have from Ijj ^j great group emigrated

al-Yaman 459 10 seq. : see also 422 2 seq. 427 12 seq. 429 2 seq.

_ & ) > - see iiL'U aJl^L~> lOto. \^~yi\ iutjo. ^j ^_j

mentioned Dhu'aib — vol. II on v. ijtkjj y\ by Abu 85814 see p. 360 note 15

Lli jjfj ijto clan 6084 858 Ifl a ^ ^j ; y\

858 17 ^jtiuSl S^oiJ! ^ Z*Jj yi\ PERSOXS, TKIBE8 KTC. 7|

called an U[jl**J> i>A*iji w*$y ^1, authority cited by Abn 'Utwidah 36 it 365 * Mq.

a mare ridden iJls-ji! by 'Amir ibn at-'j'ufail 35 18

!•«• «iwL» *e, an ancetttor of Zaiil al-FawSris lec^^'] (•*>>> t\*J qJ qj] i; 44817 [*<•.• Naq.

233 9]

> - o - » said to be the name of a woman who iS-iJj straightened spear-shafts 109 s seq., see also 108 a 109 a

clan of the 380 4 -Ij. Taghlib seq.

o- i^J" clan of the 10919 1105 1284 139 5 — o* QjL* iyi (kj Dhubyan wrongly called £11* 10918 11013 ^ Jj.

- - _ ft - XUU=» liUU clan of the Taniim 5 ^ qJ -U, 123 17 428 7

or see .A*^ *UI I»a«j ^jI, ^»x*»yf, pjJ*j ^ ^y iX^e

see l iJLfiJI _>ij 103

the 445 16 kXjk-iyl Caliph

^ty^ man mentioned in an anonymous verse 152 10

clan of the Nahd 327 11 'ieiij

Js. see 747 2l(?)

Jjj! oisJ! at the Battle of Buzakhah 448 14 [see Hamasah 280 7] [JJ^t .tyto ^ ^J

of 8 X*S, mother the Kindite prince Salamah ibn al-Harith 42917 430 14(?) 432 seij. iUi. jii a name given to the Dependents (

* * * * s3CJ> 12 13 20 696 2ft ^ JUyl 711 11, called QSlI* ^ 232 242 (notes)

^vc man mentioned Jabir ibn 425 It l»j> ^ by Hunayy 72

clan of the Ghamid 196 lfi jJ^J! yj (var. eUujfl)

~° at the Battle of an-Nisar 366 17 ~yr> o-u aJu. captured

c ancestor of a of the Abs 69415 718 4 [ii^j" ^j] Xs^' family

. > 5 _ -iii X>i}. gave a camel to al-IIarith ibn Dhalim 620 12

mentioned Rabi cah ibn 37124 eljjl (var. ciji) woman by Maqrum

* derivation of the name 7003: *50 5 *6126 *67 2 *147 6 183 24 JjniJI ^ ILjj. (notes) * * * * * (notes) *209 3 222 20 223 10 237 13 24811 258 23 (notes) 280 21 *28l5 *315 7

* * * * * (=80019) 336 18 387 23 (notes) *390 8 413 19 444 23 (notes) 527 9 (=73315)

* * * * * 576 21 (notes) 619 16 679 20 736 4 (=866 4, see 5212) 775 16 (=823 17) *834 9

* * 866 10 874 16

pj 2518 26815 41610 469 9 705 3 807 1 816 11

c 1 J b. woman mentioned Dhu-1-Isba 325 6 see vol. II ...jl^ by seq. (but p. 109)

BJuj> ,^~o V^M w ife °f ^udar ibn Nizar 1 19

c ancestor of a to which the mother of the Auf ibn al- ^^yLiJI J^i^i ^ -u< family poet

Ahwas belonged 353 l

* 405 24 — variants _L. and _u. LA ffjJ -s^i** ^-? J->. (notes) ***->?* ^j ^j &+**»

XIII 437 9

On ancestor of a clan of the Fazarah 690 8 vol. II note on v. [lj>£ ^] Jj. (see p. 291 2)

= clan 123 8 43315 84117 oy. ^ JLjj

-iL»J! e. _ii! Fihrist 58 cites a remark which he heard from u [i. ^j QoIIkB jJaftit _^jt, 9]

c al-Asma i 462 5

Laiwi clan 10219 ,^j e^ I'KKNONS, TKIHKS I . h . 7a yJkfjM iUo! *k^ ancestress of a family of the Kilab 367 u

ancestress of Sy3 o~o a^, the tribal group ikrinuth ibn Khasafah 110 s

1406 the variant JJI)(?) (see 14115)

L*li father of seven sons who were slain the [ c

• nicknamed

* 708 11 [t^JotlJl jXi yi] gtatt

Jliil i.e. *217 *39 17 *709 *836 6462S c< JcJj j^l, *Juy> ^j jJuA (=3201 8733)

(notes) *720 9 *855 4

c .lij cited as an Ali ibn al-Bara 417 7 j~j jj^JI authority by

c aJJ! 'A- r JLj ,~j a descendant of az-Zubair ibn al- cited as an ; Awwam, ^ jjl r-A-jp!, authority 1121

,i * 481 20 (notes) (.I^ju! ^ ^^1

**J»cx! see cy

c mentioned Auf ibn al-Ahwas 353 l y>: ^j| by

254 to Q*j£}\ ^Xe y] ijj

600 21 (notes) J^Uil aljJ ^j i^Tjj

see 98 22 £.: I»t

c mentioned 'Abdallah ibn a relative or friend of the poet ki.°j by Anamah, apparently 74917


called satirised Muzarrid 1321 see also 141 1

* 424 21 lijJ! (notes)

35615 Jfi(1)


«**»\(P) 140 6 (var. ^1 14115) >j* iu-o; (1) woman mentioned by Mutammim 6315 64 9

c A^-o: (2) mentioned by Mu awiyah ibn Malik 696 M

a name to certain families who were to be descended from Salma sLJjJ! _jju given supposed

bint Malik ibn Ghanm 102 24 seq. 104 6

mentioned in a verse which relates to the Battle of [ ,<**•:*!! —*-^s rW or^ crJl f^"*;

2 11 Jabalah 45 [see Naq. 669 seq. 677 5]

x»jA> slain Khalid ibn Ja'far 788 13 [ ^ws^jtSI] qj ^*; by seq.

« - 1 9.3 ancestor of a of the 428 8 jv^o- ^ -^; family Taghlib

* U> 117 5 ,}>!&! V ^ ^j' seq.

* * *5l8 20617 256 *9 8 *13 23 *22 5 *4015 *47 8 56 5 68 14 ^JLL J,! ^ ^j (=4619 4) * * * * *69l9 *70 2 (=877 3) *98 3 (=37413) 162 4 189 14 191 24 (notes) 199 28 (notes) * * * * * * 210 21 211 18 *219 5 343 24 (notes) 345 17 359 17 (notes) 364 10 *397 3 (= * * * * * * * 580 7) 405 17 (=863 6) 445 17 (notes) 547 14 550 14 625 13 626 15 632 1 * * * * * * *685 5 *692 2 749 5 767 24 (notes) 792 18 843 17 856 15 866 17: see also 10118

see ww«J! ^jJic ^ yfp\

XII 170 * 182 18 OdtyJI * (^ [i-c c<-^u tf aUJLl, Aghani 21]

UAJI Cj.UL called 448 8 739 13 slain at the Battle of Buzakhah ^ q-j oLij, ^j-zi ^li ,

448 16 seq. PERSONS, TKIHKS ETC. 7'.

&-» o-i [var. at the Hattl«> of an-.Niwir 306 1* ,j;A*.^f ^juj] ^ ^1 j^j

* 475 20 Jyjlijl ^j tf Bob* (notes)

^LjJ! an authority cited by Ahmad ibn 'Ubaid 12217 369 IB

O o. c mentioned Abdallah ibn an Ju^ by Anamub, apparently enemy of the poet 748 18 749 17

428 2, perhaps a mistake for Ju: jfcj^j" ^ iAj^j Avi^jj ^ (q. v.) uioj of the 116 21 ^j

3^" called at the Battle of Buzilkhah 448 7 12 (C.^iaii ^tyi) ^ e^ c^ ^ji u«.;^l vX(), 17

* A-ai iAj: 330 20 ^ j^*c ^ (notes)

Oi O - O- .Lit ^ viytS! ^ iX); tribe 115 8 seq.

see irj&to ^ y/f o* J**=~ & °i

-~ - & - o- aJlElL^ (Aj; of a 18 9 9 ^j t^JJU ^j ancestor clan 122 123 299 45011 seq.

sLu of several tribes 9 451 l m*j ^ Aj: ancestor 450 seq.

Ju: a client of the Banu of whom the Jarir a female [ .L^oJt £jj] Hanifah, poet bought

slave 15 9 [see Naq. 837 1. seq.] — -.to qj A^j qJ Ju: ancestor of a family 434 21 435 3 see O* *9

Ju: said to 314 3 _^t be=yuJI seq.

i.e. 544 211 13511 249 U 25118 268 U [" loJ^!] jJj ^jI, u^ pi iXfjL 8, philologist

41319 445 8 45114 495 7 53413 589 5 60116 6521 84510 seq. 86311 877 7

1 see 75014 !AjjJ!, ^.v-^Jji seq.

c mentioned Rabl ah ibn 732 l _*LJ woman by Maqrum 76 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.


*J^~ *82 16 * 560 23 *767 8 Jjj^' **$? o^ (notes)

fcXeL. *57 24 ^Jj^J! ^FVe ^ (notes)

* _iLiIiJtJ! s.b ~j ,. SI >» 715 called s.b 13716: his interview with Muzarrid L< 13, ^-j!

139 16 seq.

c w o _ oi5' at the First Battle of al-Kulab 430 2 ^Ju^iJt jj+e ^j v ^j JL«

j *3518 (kw^! iZtfe d (JL»

50811 (JlycLJl

[^y ^] iwLw clan of the Quraish* 620 6 iLsw a 593 12 and mare (var. yu^ iJu*o)

Jw- 1105 [^.iLoAJI] J^ ^j

O w * 726 16 ^*SJI ^^JaJI ^ j^» seq. (N° CXII)

iU*j lived at the time of the War of Dahis 10918 11013 ^JutiJ! ^ s^*£ ^ j-*-»-w seq. 364 6

a clan of the 66815 6712 jjla*» _j-u Dhubyan (as var.)

a 18015 fba" (var. ^f) dog

^ywjJwJI philologist 759 14

L>j*Jt a dog 18015

a 464 3 Cs-^w dog

said to have a ^o^*v been sword-maker 826 20

Jl«^! called *434l the First Battle of c5 if* & gjw, fLssOJI _>jI, (on al-Kulab) PERSONS, T1UBK8 ETC. 77

called woman mentioned Kubi k ola~, ^su' iuo!, by ah ibn MaqrUm 442

of .ifrf ^j A)u ancestor a family of the Taghlih 428 s

Juu« ancestor of a clan 101 i 103 4 used for his descendants is JjLoo ^j seq., 624

b'lu iAj: A**, tribe: their ancestor 104 » 370 H Salamah j»^j' ^j ^ seq. seq.: ppporttfl

ibn al-Hilrith at the First Battle of al-Kulab 42815 43011 seq.: fought at tin- Scud

Battle of al-Kulab 317 3 seq. 32710 seq.: see also 116 4 117 1 20817 219 Iff 226 M

240 4 14 seq. 37012 380 fi 428 3 43411 637 4 70815 741 seq. 74812 83611 acq. 842 3 kI*o ^ jJL clan 6431 65317(?)

A**, clan 3013 s'lji ^j J^Xe yi

i.e. of the 11621 iiJJU ^j 0ou», o>l5j Jjl qJ iXjux, companion Prophet k*lLto Ouu* father of the Elder 457 14 459 14 ^y dUU £•( al-Muraqqish

clan of the 624 13 ^j3 lXju. J,L*i ^j l\**« Dhubyan (var. v ^ )

tX*~ see _jj! qL»J ^ j»*Sj

24317 44815 — see 316 21 and Fihrist 71 [il'L^Jt tf] ^ijJLl philologist

* *I4^-' JJy-^ 1 o*^ ^A*** 225 13

! iXou* see (j«.3 ^ (_c.Laj>5t >Ajj _>j)

i.e. 8031 8439 Ju«~ _^l, J=ycl!!(?), philologist

*630 3 Ja»£B ^ gf ^^ seq. (N° XCII)

L\iL=» ^ JjHj! see t\JL> ^ xjL

X-jLjm. see «JJ! iA*c _jj! ^j (»j'l>

ij L> at the First Battle of al-Kulab 433 14 L"^jpl ^ ^Li-1

LsL clan of the Fazarah 30 9 '*/ o* o 78 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

fciLsu at the First Battle of al-Kulab 429 22 mjb ^j ^j ^jUL,

see >Xot«i i^jJL~1\ _jj?

•ma£«J! tribe 525 8

see j|! c^*£*«Jt ,-y s-!>**r>

o > y l^L» clan 113 called 113 4 pLui ^j a 3, (jo^L* yj

c jJL clan of the Quda ah 62115 622 JuJ ^ ^j ^UbL, (see n)

UbL» clan of the Azd 195 2 19615 20515 t>TJui ^jj seq. seq.

c iuJ[e clan of Ailan 2 ^ jv^*^ ^ ^Le^LL the Qais 102

X»bL, his 22416 *224 9 *560 7 l_=Jut~J! Jju> ~i genealogy seq: seq. (N° XXII)

* * jCJLc 190 called 525 see also *104 5 *164 9 539 22 Jjyi ^ (X. 17, Jkx^l 2,

oUili! certain clans of the Qushair 371 21

^cAiX't >i) lii ^j iuJu* made war upon his brother Shurahbil and overthrew him at the * First Battle of al-Kulab 428 3 seq. 428 18 42916 seq. *43l8 seq.: his subsequent

history 4411 seq.: see also 48913

_JliJd! iAjL> called was the leader of his tribe at the First (J ^sS ^j ^j xJUv, _U~J!, * Battle of al-Kulab =U30 ll 433 9 17 438 22

X*£ *29l4 *40l0 JjuLftH >_^iyk!i qj seq. (N° V) seq. (N° VI)

- 5 . O . :<*iw clan of the 702 18 yJs\i\ Qushair

mentioned Zuhair 16 ^^JL* (1) woman by 40

mentioned al-Jumaih 47 19 48 L<*U (2) by (see 6)

mentioned 92 8 L'e+L* (3) by al-Musayyab

mentioned Muzarrid 3 ^jjll (4) by 12719 seq. 1421 160 1611 PEKHONH, TKIBB8 BTC. 7»

mentioned Suwaid (5) by ibn Abl Kahil 386 7 387 10, called i 895 tv (^JU 'jC-

mentioned Jabir ibn 18 c

mentioned al-Harith ibn 1 ^jju- (7) by IMiiilim 618

c g*L» (8) mentioned by Mu awiyah ibn Miilik 697 8

^Ju* (9) mentioned in an anonymous verse 717 2

jU mentioned Aus ibn as a slain 761s c

c mentioned ibn Abadah 796 21 ^jJL. (11) by 'Alqamah

* "TW * 349 24 395 21 iJLoJ ^ J^JL (notes) (notes)

^e °^ Sinan ibn Abl Harithah 616 [kjlj!] Jib c^j tjr*^ w U

> ; & x c»iJ m °tber of Dhu-s-sunainah and Abu Hanash 431 3 [y.".: J>vM] ^aXc ic^**

c v 1 fc ; -L ^ e^L* c>^J L,Ju» wife of Murrah ibn Auf and ancestress of several clans of the Dhubyan 103 3

° a . afterwards of Malik ibn , . (iLJL> ^*-i-i 'A'- wife of Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manat and

Thalabah ibn Dudan 104 3 seq.

* oiLffJ! o^J J&> captured at the Battle of an-Nisar 366 15 366 19

see UrffJi ^JX* ^ (1) r ^j yya^B

see ^,-Ju. ^j! (2) (jiO=> _>j!

see ft (J^L ^jl (3) e*jlil tf A^y

at the First Battle of al-Kulab 433 14 Jj>L$l ^jX _*l

- O - 15 >_A^L«, a dog 180

tribe 31 u JjL. 80

-^Lw woman addressed in an anonymous verse 26815 e^J ^ £».l& ^ JaJL« clan, originally called wJe, 43316

at the Second Battle of al-Kulab 327 11 ^cJs^IJi ^JCJ> ^j J3,.l.w

* XjOUj! ,™j liLJuJ! 60 6 — XjCLJt was the poet's mother, his father's name being _^t

or 705 1 yJc seq.

«jsui! clan of the Ghatafan 335 7 10 331 ^j j^Jlw (see i)

* 78521 Jjiisu! (.^L. ^ fJLL (notes)

.**2ii tribe: their 102 1: see also 116 4 10 347 26 6617 6713 ^_j j^IL. genealogy (as var.) 71615

s o- y Solomon 715 3 k>_ajb ^ .•.LjiJlw

the *252 3 6 728 8 57212 .Mi! Jus pi yU^- Caliph (=592 82211)

? o- s 1 See L*T*>* O^ O *^ ^'•5^ ^ O?'

..UJLw see _^j! ^XJyl ^

clan of the Azd 5116

c clan of the Abd 5116 [\iLIo ^] iUJL, al-Qais (see 55916)

„0- 3 ie*i^ (0 woman mentioned by Salamah ibn al-Khurshub 40 11

U^*L* (2) see ^^iiw (5)

-O^ 3 ^^jJL* (3) mentioned by al-Muraqqish the Elder 46018

ibn 15 ^U* (4) mentioned by Bishr Abl Khazim 640

4hZj\ see 29319 PEBSOXB, TKIHKH i H

ii)L*» cited an informant of al-Asma'i 857 h v_jy> ^j by

L~ <-~ of the 'Amr ibn al-Ahtam 836 8 h_jJUjl ^J L5 grandfather poet (see Naq. 3711)

b - » - > mentioned ibn Malik 702 3 foot-nod- l^-^isSjl] •£**« by Mu'awiyah (see )

(1) woman mentioned by al-l.Iitdirah 48 20 56 2 59 «

c c (2) mentioned by Tha labah ibn $u air 260 1 (var. ».***)

(3) mentioned by Mu'awiyah ibn Malik 696 20 697 3

U« his 686 5: at the Battle of 30 11 : married c-J! *Jt>L>- jJ ^ genealogy ar-ltaqam * the sister of al-Harith ibn Dhalim 615 16 seq. 616 13 seq. : see also 32 11 32 15 101 17

*686 3 seq. (N° C) *687 8 seq. (N» CI).

jCL> ...LLw see iXii^i yu* ^yM\s> &,-yi o'

*~ see ,3yttJ LC & d*~ fiatf! j4~ mentioned by Sinan ibn Abl Harithah 3212

..j called his A'#a6 an-Nakhluh cited 12613 "jLxJLsuLJ! i\livJ« J>^w, *jl> _^j!, seq.

* 5 368 17 JLxJ^JI IfiL *366

3 : with the Banu 8^ ^ J]^ clan of the Dhubyan : their genealogy 103 their feud §irmah

79 9 88 9 10317 62116 seq. 62219: see also 623 7 829 7

of Bishr ibn Abi Khazim 658 H ftS^w nephew

* 741 11 the Battle of Jadud) ^syluJt ^Cs> gi jj^H (on

* 488 24 v^Jt ^ J^L, (notes)

mentioned 52510 &> ^j! by Ufnlin(?)

c c of the c5.mir ibn sa ah but in of -'%M4 46 1, said to be a family $a (846 3), reality

note on v. the Asad (see vol. II p. 352 36)


idiiis- clan 122 20 ^ kjJJLc ^ ^*v _>j! seq.

Ju^~ clan(?) 846 4

o - - - 5CeiX> * 114 6 [^c^mJjJ!] ^ t\jy*

o_ ) ^tA=» ^ Ajy«, ,jL\=» ^ iAjvw see 593 23

* JyCiJ! Jj?K ^f ^ l\^L 381 16 seq. (N° XL)

\Ikm a well-known merchant at Medina 812 14 [see AghanI XIX 68 13 seq., Xold. Beitriiijc

187 7 seq.]

his on murder of al-Walid II 269 13 iU^U ^ ,Ly~ speech the the Caliph seq.


JyJLjt a family of the Dabbah 39312 44410 74818


c c or of the ibn 762 10 786 2 7 (jj-i; brother, nephew, poet Alqamah Abadah seq.

see ! aI40 tf (j^Li, ^ ^ ,j»Li, L5*A**J! o^

XjLi; _^ clan of the Fahm 195 20 seq.

j husband of Asma bint 30 13 (Visit u*^ ^ -ty> iiJ^ Qudamah (q. v.)

^jJi, yi\ see v-**^ .0 -JaJu

v-*^ clan 78313 (see 783 28) [j^jJ^ ^

M O * O _ ».*> called *UmJI (after his mother) : his genea- ^JloJu! ^ l\jjj ^j v^-!-^? ^ v*-!-^ * logy 33517: 335 14 seq. (N° XXXIV), see also 34719 (notes)

c iU^ui apparently a man of the Murrah ibn Auf, mentioned together with Sinan ibn Abl

Harithah 32 15 I'KKHONS, TKIB1 II.. H.J

«Uled 435 2fl — but *«• tA U^-'* &J& cH iWyfri ^L ^(Y) 429 432 8, whi-n- hi-

mother's name is to said have been

was slain at the First Battlo of al-Kulab 427 u 428 1 12 acq. 429 U acq. 480 17 aeq.

431 1 seq. 43411 18

[(_>y>^l ^] guyi see 347 is

• O m O * ) * ^1*& 787 21 jiff, yt ^jyi (notes)

t<)JU slain at the Battle of an-Nisar 366 2 ^lfjf/ASi) ^ gjyi seq.

. ^ dJL ^j Juyi

Naq. 1067 11]

ojr see *II*3 ^ &jJL

c JLsVrfUl ^ iyjti, cited by al-Asma I 857 8

^Uj! *U£ ^ cited by Abu 'Ubaidah 364 17 tLJLiJl a mare ridden by Laqit ibn Zurarah 761 1

see -^LsvII L*jJ! •yLiw! _^jf ^j

A jLft JI nickname of Jabir ibn Malik, grandfather of Jarlr ibn 'Abdallah al-Hajali 116 «

! or a\ i ft i.e. brother of Muzarrid 110 20 and of Jaz' 160 2: his , .lya ^ J-ajw, * clan, the Jihash ibn Bajalah 11215 (cf. 110 21 seq. 127 8): *40l2 44 16 *51U

* * * * *109 6 110 18 (=22719) 148 24 (notes) 150 18 171 6 (=49415 515 9) *180 7 * * * * 186 2.3 200 10 (=259 9) *257 3 (=425 3) *258 7 274 22 (notes) 300 12 *306 8 * * * 10 15 10 * 547 26 (=42315 582 8) *334 9 *388 9 (=85718) 411 451 538 (notes) * * * * *5615 (=69810 74310) 563 2 580 18 618 21 (notes, cf. 712 26) *650 2 662 19 * * •72618 748 li 799 12: see also 127 6

verse (j*U*S mentioned in an anonymous 645 17

, JliJ , -Ji, of al-Harith ibn Jabalah 7751 (aee 762 9) Ly jjlc ^ _#\ grandfather 84 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

* 231 1 363 j^=>^t ^ fcUuii (= 12) u^yJLtt a mare 597 2

Lu.«,&Jt the horse ridden by Unaif ibn Jabalah 20 lo

_o« c .Lib a subdivision of the Abd 593 10 ^asi ^ al-Qais

* sj>S\ ^JLLciJt his raids in company with Ta'abbata Sharra 6 9 seq. 195 seq. : 194 15 seq. * (N° XX) 591 24 (notes — see Lamiyah verse 45)

3 > - jsi^ tribe 190 13

« D - O - — G —

jCJI calls himself ,Jcs\=- ? 41 4 : 8^am a* tne Battle of Jadud [ ,_£ ] jii ^ v-jL^i; , ^ v^

his 7413 seq.: descendants (v-jL^i; _^aj) mentioned by al-Akhtal 4401

c t --• a subdivision of the Khath am 711 16 g (as var.)

[xliii ^J qUU tribe 12112 440 20 5117 608 6 61410 74011 seq. 784 4 seq. iyL^JI See iCcXe y?

18018 ^LbliJi

i, mentioned by Aus ibn Ghalfa 761 8

j>Aj& a horse which gave its name to a breed 187 15

^JLo the legendary prophet 784 9

G JuLo said to be the name of a man 1385, but see vol. II p. 48 note on v. 29.

_L*a or -LuaJt clan of the Dabbah 180 5 9 72017 724 9

said to be a tribe 668 1 but see vol. II 282 note on v. 24 L^uo , p.

c iL-j.Lsijikl! ancestress of the clan Ka b ibn Malik ibn Handhalah 12319 < PERSONS, TKIIIKM M . 85

o - § - *L*=* of the clan Itabi'uh ^j ys^a ibn Ijuiulltiihih 772 7

brother of tho al-KhanuR [s/^ O^l r^*" poetess 78 U (—697 10) 38915

[,>fyl] /jkM f^o *217 3

clan 435 10 j.jb ^j J»i^J ^ ^*o

1223 [Jj-Iiil] sjU ^i Jk^> y>\ (see 12113)

c JjAij woman mentioned by Subai ibn al-Khatim 72617

««*»•- i(UU» ^

clan of the : their feud with HjA ^j jC^ya Dhubyan the Banu Sahm 79 10 103 17 621 U

seq. 62218 seq. f^.f^ a horse which gave its name to a breed 165 9 169 22

Jma tribe 351 11

m & - & - J « o i G oi 3 8ee r^ o^ r^* ur^' or*' vJi*iL*Al!l a clan of al-Yaman, said to be of non-Arabian origin, 10 20 seq. slXxaa a she-goat 331 5 10

c c Jm*» ^j iU»a*A3 .ancestor of the tribal group Amir ibn §a sa'ah 370 19 371 1 seq. iU=4j ^ ijuo**o grandfather of al-Farazdaq 708 12 seq.

a man celebrated as a hunter 69 l ^|^a*3

iI#U mentioned Imru'u-1-Qais 437 1 [ ^cAjuJ! ^ ] !>a^ by [see Naq. Index]

* iU«-y^! £»*"' «**** ^^° 320 15

6613 Jj^^t yuLil _jj! philologist 86 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

c ,Jalai! of the clan Jadllah, said by Rabl ah ibn Maqrum to have been wounded by the

Pabbah 738 14

jt**a, jjujo see £s=u*»

see ~lk«u sL^Aall ^j! ^Ji ^

_ju*j a camel 73 fi (cf. 21112)

'•CJo mentioned by Aus ibn Ghalfa 760 15 : said to have been a man of the Asad who

c was slain while under the protection of the Banu Ja far (760 19), but according to

Naq. 532 seq. the slain man was the sow of Pabba, which agrees with the verse

here cited (76018)

,-j *_<_^> a clan included the Jimar and S\ (voc. ,_*>£ \> 568 4) originally among (841 19)

afterwards among the liibcib (670 4 863 19) : their alliance with the Asad against the

Tamlm (Battle of an-Nisar) 364 22 seq. 367 16 369 7 seq. : their victory at Buzakhah

448 6 seq.: see also 180 9 37012 37110 72017

see gM^ Xxj£c _jjt

«£ue(P) mentioned by al-Husain ibn al-Humam 118 6

5 -G- 3 iU^j. qj i^yto tribe 91 19 seq. 92 7

tj *a iiaAyto clan of the Bakr ibn Wa'il 459 2 457 ^ l_r ^j (see 14)

ii)Ls?.ojS a man mentioned in an anonymous verse 236 19

iL^-woIi (var. ^Loff^i) a horse 706 20

* pp) ^ }f> 539 84

.Uo slew Malik ibn Nuwairah 526 4 i^ja! Jj*»"^! ^ I'ERBONH, TRIBES ETC. Hi

fat,i er of tho '^y> o* J/° poets ash-Nliiimimikh, Mii/.arrid and .In/.' 127 Is: hi* giwulojry

is in various forms given (with 127 3 compare 11020 seq., Aghffnl VIII 10121

lLfcu! * 420 13

1 50 of (j*»l trH>l 5/** o^ J / grandfather Zaid al-Fawaris 44811 (see 44817)

a 8 l^^Jo dog 70 (*»319l7 87217)

* 633 13 uJLi^jJf B^Mto ^ s^ seq. (N° XCIII) a.**} 50618 for 8 _^j! (variant ^1)

i, e. to account for the name 763 7 S^blia, (j*LJ] ^j j^Lc, legend seq.

o c o.LL mentioned by 'Amlrah ibn Ju al 521 16

*193 2 [wJiW! O^. tf] wJLL _^t

c Jl i. e. l\j y father of the Abdah 268 2 , s-tc ^j , poet

* Xdiyi ^ 410 11

* * * Jui! ^j iS'So *19 3 *65 3 *8l6 *95l8 *98s (=374 11 44212) 104 17 105 14 157 23

5 * 5 * 24 * 28 * * (notes) *158 191 (=525 4) 207 (notes) 217 (notes) 260 17 *275l 322 21

* 14 3 * 15 * 24 = 22 4 (notes) 357 (=869 8) *413 467 486 (notes 572 notes) *505 (=838J«)

* * * * 558 15 578 10 611 1 (=735 6) 817 14: see also 45718 (=48416 49313 49813)

7 c ! c ' tei* al-Asma I 861 10 JJ34-! &h J< o*' ^y

* U^Li *llf. 395 22 (notes) *676

m — O - * JmIkJI f^i ^j Uu^a 809 24 (notes)

nicknamed 41015 called 146 9 (sec 344 23): *2116 *37l j^JLaSI ^b, ^liu seq., J^J&fl 88 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

* * * * (=10714) *47l *146 9 187 17 192 8 589 23 (notes = 735 20 notes) *820 5 853 16 *854l

tjJJlo 39 4 45 13 360 20 605 1 called 366 21 : for his ^j^UJi ~j J^IiW! (or jJLi_b) , ^JJ> _^i

genealogy, see 70617

710 called 710 4 J2.ll Juj] ^ J*ftb 2, pi^'

X^JLia iJuaJ brother of Ibn Shaddad 633 6 _^j! (var. _jj!) Yahya

-*«aaj) i^suJlL mentioned Dirar ibn al-Azwar 539 25 [ c ^] by

k5 of 8 : a and ^Ju^i Lrt ^ _L »hli father the poet Munqidh (al-Jumaih) 25 contemporary

enemy of Imru'u-1-Qais 2517 seq. (=717 6 seq.)

" <-i iA*£ c^vu * wife of Malik ibn Handhalah and ancestress of several families of (j^ gU

the Tamim, who are called after her 122 20 123 6 seq.

Ji^!(?) cited by at-Tusi 65915

i.e. M 57813 643 6 called 1216 261 9012 and J-^kl!, J^i ^ Jjlc 65018, ^yL^ijt _>jl

elsewhere, philologist 18 1219 18 5 8314 87 7 90 11 seq. 303 2 seq. 303 20 304 5 seq.

312 2 5517 568 6 57015 57416 57515 seq. 58816 58910 seq. 64016 seq. 64516 648 6

seq. 65917 seq. 67712 seq. 72017 76017

joJaSS philologist, reported to ar-Rustuml a remark of al-Kisa'l 413 11

XLJail woman mentioned in an anonymous verse 2 6

% „ f o S^-b or (jr^ tribe, called yOU_£\J i^-b 66718: their dialect 767 21: see also 116 24

364 5 seq. 397 18 62613 640 8 73815 764 7

his mail-coats mentioned Rashid ibn Shihab 61313 '/UJo ^jjt by IIUSONH, TRIIIEH RO. N

* 197 27 ^UJI fJJb (notes)

^j *llii=. ^ISJ) a clan included the 12315 434 ^ | among Harajim (cf. so)

i^y^l *328l l^^] & o^lc (var. ^Ck)

jl* prehistoric tribe 16 1 78 7 91 4 40418 5258 613 7 794 oL* 11, ^J.1 mentioned by

Zuhair as an emblem of ill-luck 625 u Diwan Hudh. ed. [cf. Koscgarten N° 31 v. Ij

mentioned ^,-oUil J,! ^i by Kuthayyir 174 8

3 woLaJ! a title of the Prophet 85219

-ole see &c_£c _jj!

(j*LJ] ^j -«Lc see k>:ltj

clan of the Ghatafan cf. 103 2 U^ou ^ yoLc 29l8(?)

ancestor of a of the pAzf ^ jolc family Taghlib 428 8

c slew the Kindite ibn of 4 ^^U! /«Lc king Amr Hujr (Battle al-Qanan) 429

clan of the Bakr ibn Wa'il 92 7 482 4 called 482 » j£o ^j f*lc seq., j^s^ll ^j

c c c a clan of the Amir ibn Sa sa ah 25912 BDuraid 179 [y«Lc ^ «*Jj ^] y«l-c [see IS]

cited 417 10 [^xjiuS] J>^=»!_£ ^jj] yiLc by Mujalid

X « »a-n^3 of clans : their ancestor said to be a of Sa'd ibn Zaid- ^j ^

Manat 370 13 seq. : their dialect 4 11 : at the Battle of ar-Raqam 30 2 seq. : at the

5 : 15 Battle of an-Nisar 369 9 seq. (cf. 680 686 23 802 1) see also 29 15 19 34 2 55

11610 1171 24118 25911 seq. 337 14 3616 364 8 seq. 5113 52512(?) 644 12 647 1

67018 67917 7051119 seq. 710 5 716 15


-Lai! -xle at the Battle of Buzakhah 448 16 yeU? ^

voc * 38l2 called 30 22 70412 70514 710?: ^^bC! J^i^' cr? r^ ( [^ - )> ^Xa j_jl seq.

his genealogy 706 17 : at the Battle of ar-Raqam 30 6 seq. 33 5 seq. : his death 705 11 :

* * * *31ll *33 3 *33li *33 22 575 22 (notes) 704 9 seq. (N° CVI) 710 16 *712l seq.


8ee ^^xaJf oV* O* f^ **£* ^

ca^e<^ 1 s* a* *ne of 8 ,-^W v**^ o^ Z*^' n^ ^'' am battle an-Nisar 366 seq.

J clan of the Quraish 40 6 U ^ yoLc

^i*J tribe 858:116 jJo ^j ^ y»U

oUU 705 18 called 705 18 706 12 and ^-^cbU 36 6 JjbbG! ^jj yiLc seq., st^ _j-j! , _LTjJi (see

vol. II pp. 14, 303)

> o & . , .L^UJt -*le see -Amidol ^j.l^+ji yiic .yua^,

C* see i/S A t]r*/* O* >*

see » yiU _>ji LrA (1)

J i. e. the 197 7 y«Lc hyaena » —

a of the Muharib 626 9 y»le yj family (?)

or aJJ! JuLc, see \-J&u5 {^Ja^' -y JuU, t^S*xtt

bJvjLc clan 608 4 (jiu^s ii)JU qJ HJuU a family of the Dabbah 448 16 27

11 3 .So 3=1 o^J iUiJLc 146 286 12 555

SC^jIe 1116 ^Lac ^ ^Uic cjUj seq. yya^ut ..-j (j*l<£ see u~oLc PERSONS, TRIBE8 ITC. 91

mi O - - . >_JLW;i A*c j (j~L*!i 116 20

1 H0(> -A o* u*^' (J*^1

* * * 227 1 566 27 U»Ly ^ u*IJ«j! (notes) 803 20 (notes)

see iA*r>l (j^UxJi _jji jj-c*?. qJ

uW ancestor of a of the 430 9 ^£3. ^ family Taghlib (var. .4?- ^ «A**e)

Jul iX*c mentioned by Ru'bah 281 o

M -OC JO- *JJI .Axe in the time of the Umar I 116 21 ^y ^ Caliph seq.

*D Abu Dahbal 2« ^iji^,] v_5\t*3l ^j iU eulogised by 350 (notes)

* u^SLb *Jul a*c 481 20 j! ^ ^sjl> ^ (notes)

** - JO- _Lsv*di all! a of Ibn az-Zubair 22 10 ^j uW supporter 110 seq.: his genealogy 111 seq. c * his interview with Abd al-Malik 111 12 seq.

*jo*.. «Ju! i\*c see ***«, lA*^* «LI iA*c qj ,-jJ ^j

* Jkju^M -hiJI ^ »Jlj! Sic 785 21 (notes)

aJJ! jJi the called Ill 1 11 850 2 f^ftjllt] JhjJI ^ Caliph, ^JSI ^j!

mentioned ash-Shanfara 206 4 [^blljl] jJJI jJc, of the Banu Salaman ibn Mufrij, by

called JJl Ju* 182 2 5 190 or *JJ' l\*c Jj^Liil XjLw ^ JJI Jut, iuJL. ^j (see 20), ^

182 8 190 8: *1821 *190 6 j^Ju- seq. (N° XVIII) seq. (N« XIX)

c xlli *JlI! jue his interview with al-Haitham ibn Adi 417 a [ jet ^j]

1 iJu't iXlc 70715 a of the called [J^L^JI] (j^LIkJI ^ (on passage Qur'an), (jJ-LaJ ^1 7531, and uJuk ^1 11315

Ali JJI uW 434 15 [^4i*Jt] ^ ^ uji' ^ 92 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

— > j vjlkssO! *JUI iXkC see .J ^i ^c ^j ^*c ^

*Jiit cited an 1121 44515 s^. ^j ixU as authority [see Naq. 36413]

* * V *JU! JJLx: 37 21 the death of Bistam ibn 492 14 527 "Jjati \Y<~ ^ (on Qais) (= 14) * * 740 3 seq. (N° CXIV) 748 16 seq. (N» CXV)

' Ufc * *ii! Js-*-e called ^A->-£ 102 19 nicknamed Q-* tribe, originally ^yxl*i seq., kJ^s? _^

102 21 seq.: see also 11217 127 20 128 3 138 5 12 622120

al!l lX*c see i^=»'^! and Jw^ ^ u i^jyJ

.*£!' Ju^ &JL1I Jul 41310 63813 called *UI «A>i 12 1 ^ ^ philologist 76210, jU-«, ^j

92 3 and 38 Jus^ 121 232 2 41310, and 232 2 16 elsewhere, ^j ^jI 3, _>j! ^«*»jfl

23314 and elsewhere: see also 187 7 22417 227 5 228 4 18 230 4 235 5 17 237 9 13

238 6 17 239 2 11 240 6 seq. 342 5 41914 577 8 68113 69012 6919 764 6 76519 76718

76818 7701 77117 77219 773 5 11 774111 775 6 seq. 794 7

* *Jl!l Juc 354 14 [^ALfril] iUjlsM ^j (notes)

ejLaJI *sli ^ iJlit iA*c cites Malik ibn Anas 417 8

1 «UI Jui cited 19519 19614 Juilil J** £1 ^j pLi^ qJ by Mu'arrij

- of > jdit see and ***». lX*ts^ Jyx _^jt (jrJ^^I qJ> ^j

u\a£ see *^S yo ^j ^«j

I o a ? f, ... * * L*=* >A>£ 249 20 (notes = 535 24 notes) 413 24 (notes) a ^ v^*=y

Ouc aJLSJ Juc > *>^ cited as an authority 112 2 ;jjjtjf ^ ^ v^ yf

1 o z •> o . com i°n °f * ne 116 21 ^Jyc ^ o*^?^ ^^ Pan Prophet

I ClH & , ^\a« see 0*=»y' ^j! ^eAc ^ |%£i$Jt

: > > o - iX*c see imLs^c *l!f

o - y o _

lX _£ cIan 1187 lfi t(*f" cr^l ^r*^ ^ (probably w<- should read ^Ic aIx according t>. tin-


- > O - ilSlj l\-x clan of the 103 1» * Ju« 103 ^ ^ ^j ^ Dhubyan (var. iJt 28)

€» - J O- Jut *750 3 * (JUB> ^y lt-S seq. (N° CXVI) 754 5 seq. (N° CXVII)

O ... JO - .Aac tribe U-.AiJ! 12111 23114 43918 5116 seq. 76012

x_JL«j: Jf *556l *558 3 ^j g^-~*ji j^i: seq. (N» LXXII) seq. (N<> IAXIII) «6V6lt seq. — (N° LXXXIII) as to the adj. Jjjuii which is applied to him (606 U), see toI. II

p. 243.

l (i\JU-if Jut the called 3961 24 his interviiw O 5yo ^j Caliph, qIj^ g-fl (=545 83218):

c with Abdallah ibn al-Hajjaj 111 ill seq.: with Kuthayyir 174 9: questioned the

Banu Fazarah about the Battle of ah-Nisar 365 8 seq. : see also 831 17 seq.

.A>£ i_sU<« derivation of the name 334 6 (= 423 12) j! ^ sL* l\** a clan included in the Ribab 364 22 863 20

) o - «Ll< l\*c ancestor of a of the Dabbah 2011 14 £* ^jj family

o> y o - o - o - «Aac 268 3 Juc 268 pp (var. (*aj 22)

- J o - ^ at the First Battle of al-Kulab 430 10 l^Uxfl Ln ^j e^yu Jy.c

Jut at the Second Battle of al-Kulab 317 6 *315» Jji.lJ- <_plij ^j *iyb captured seq.:

seq. (No XXX)

* ° * * 2682 8e N° XXVI 2944 8e< N XXVI1 5751 JjJLlil v^' o* *^* ^- ( ) I- ( )

Jkxlijt (1) philologist 190 7

c * * al- 293 11 782 15. t^Alii! (2) poet (perhaps al-Mumazzaq Abdi, q. v.) 94 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

reckoned the Jimar 84119 : see also 109 20 110 3 113 3 (jtuij ^_j (j*y£ tribe, among seq.

364 8 640 8 694 3 seq. 709 3 717 9 720 4

* .L\=» called j! and vJUatlt . J at the Battle of 31 6 ^ u~-^ i _>jI , ar-Raqam seq.

JlkJl *59ll ^e \(?)

JUc see .Li! ^ iOL^su

XJUc woman mentioned in an anonymous verse 253 20

c — iA^Ic (1) mentioned by al-A sha 613 said to be the name of a farrier (LA XIII 236 2),

but more probably an appellative iW (2) mentioned by Muzarrid 127 16 (var. ,»>r 127 23)

c c — iA^ac (3) mentioned by Abdallah ibn Anamah 748 10 seq. see vol. II p. 320 note on verses 20 and 21.

* * * * * * L^Xltf! uolf$ a-i A-^i 27 5 36 2 333 3 347 23 (notes) 368 19 427 19 notes : see

also 42 25 (notes)

o - ? o .. > see ^^Aa^L' ^ lW ,<-t'r!!

ek.VJLc ,.yi &**_>, ,.-j lA^lc clan of the Tamlm 762 9 O^ *"*t> CX?

slain at the Battle of an-Nisar 366 8 [^j^bCi!] xjjIjw ^j iAjJIc

o- J o cWc UjI see 135 16 (as var.)

J^Jj* '• e - ,^*M 328 21 JiU ( rx? (»*.LfiJI, philologist oU ^ &UI iXh* 123 3

* *UI called 184 2: *40 5 131 25 = 251 23 olliyi u~^5 ^j-j lXxIc, ^^ji ^j! (notes notes) * * * * 183 19 *208 6 (=50416) *464 9 480 16 (see 212 25) 529 10 857 11

*JUi J mentioned as-Saffah ibn Bukair 7 A-^e by 630 (= 633 8), apparently the wife of

Yahya ibn Shaddad PIB80NS, TRIBES BTC. ••'.

[ j^W!] vj)JU ifcX^i (var. brother of at-Tufail and 'Amir HO i: u< ^ ixLx) (>\. v.)

i- e- 363 »^*-** _*'i ^ff^^! ^J j*J«J» (33517 Ik) philologist, 618 »cq. 123 §cq. 15M 1619 19 7 3913 40 4 74 8 871 90s seq. 9117 108 5 seq. 1091121 11210 113 8 14017 147 11

17712 20912 229 20 25118 268 23 295 4 29914 (-=-46012) 30611 3181 81618 368 II

the Battle of 364 14 seq. (on an-Nisar) acq. 368 12 381 12 391 18 892 « 425 1 wq. 4515 48018 488l« 4893 50212 50811 6118 514* 51918 624 It 6414 665h wmj.

568 7 10 57515 578 3 585 3 seq. 58615 594 4 60018 610 7 61211 619 8 62418 62617

630 4 635 20 64315 644 3 2 652 66117 seq. 677 12 678 9 694 2 770 s seq. 772 8 775 SO

5 786 3 10 784 seq. 78913 79011 796 81912 (= 835 8 seq.) 825 1 83618 84120 8421

850 5 8518 11 852 18 3 857 seq. 85817 seq. 86018 seq. 862 3 seq. 8688 864 4 867 17

868 7 870 5 18 8712 8721 87310 seq. 874 1 8751 seq. 87615 877 5 1s 87914 880 2 16

883 3

lx>- sclxc 7612 532 [Jo^*j! ^ u)JLo tf] seq. [see Naq. 5]

clan of the Judhilm or, according to others, of the Ghassan 784 3

y _ o - ) 70418 841 18 Addenda in ^-3! ^l^i ^ CtjA ^ a-j-Jj 74014 (see loc.)

c Uic his interview with al-Haitham ibn Adi 417 9 VLk^A

21 14119 142 22 41013 68410 81210 81817 850 1 lic yi Uic 116 seq. aUic ^\ see J^UI (1)

* 3 * 52 12 736 65 11 *82 20 JLp*!l *9 1 *16 2 *29 20 (= 353 8 722 7 834 4) *45 (see 4) * * * * *85 4 *92 11 (=46318) 167 13 183 17 *194 8 216 23 (notes) 217 1 *217 8 *228 6

* * 276 11 *2792l *3582 *23124 (notes) *25823 (notes) 261 7 (=3199) *2728 (notes) * * * 6 *589 7 *595 4 *613 8 696 28 (=48217) *390 5 412 25 (notes) 447 15 *576 *582l

9 *818l9 *834712 *8408 *8412: see also 25115 764 19 (notes) *78218 *81520 *817 iliis .j _a-S\c ancestor of a family of the Dhubyan 110 15

tribe 41512 439 5 61017 74013 J&& tf jj^e (genealogy)

1« 507 10 : in cbLs\c ^!L woman mentioned by al-Muraqqish the Younger 494 2 503 seq. 96 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC,

the narrative 498 14 seq. she is said to have been a handmaid of Fatimah bint al-

Mundhir, but see vol. II p. 186

a mare 51219 ^^JLsve

*54l2 *402 5 Jj^JuL:! ^*i!

*jto. i„ see ^LU eV^U jjj »;k^ji)l ^.j Xju^. ^

*L\e ^J-j said to be a family of the Asad (but see vol. II p. 327 note on v. 14) 759 17

760 4

aAJ! Juc c\j; ancestor of a of the Darim 430 7 436 4 ^j ^ (_,«.iAc family

* 429 4 J=pJ! UmAx _>jI

his 122 21 [J^JiLJI] **£=> ^ JA«j! genealogy

OIjJ^c meaning of the name 763 18

c l\c a tribe included in the Ailan 31411 76110 — for ^!3 group Qais (cf. 16816) their

genealogy, see 312 4 seq.

5 O » * clan of the called also 118s ana +%», ^ xijtj ^ q'jAc Dhubyan 10319, *%»> ^ qIs^^ ^ q's^c 11816

18 ^gjJJij! genealogist 764

or a name to certain clans of the see iujiA*ii >-i-J) XjjiAjLLj , given Tamim 12214 seq.,

also 123 6

wtAj. of 4313 [^.lixJI] ^ ^Xc- brother Kulaib and Muhalhil

di^JI *690 9 *743 16 j-.lfc! ^ J^\L

* * 214 24 * 413 23 *425l *569 2 16 * 25 J^L*J! Juj qJ J^i (notes) (notes) 624 723 (notes) * 829 11 *850 9 *862 4 1'KKSONS, IRUM II'. n

u cliin [SU« l\^c ^J (^jAc included among die RibOl 870 U :>«84 6704 863*0

( '' a " 1// O^ L>** Of the DhttbyfO 69014)

'- p > s,u\£ tribe 668 8 689 24 826 2

bS » 142 10 (^wjSl iul^c eulogised by limairid iaq.

the mare ridden the al-Kalhabah 17 21 1 iu uyil by poet 80s teq. _':w 24u

Jf. see *JL*e ^ ol_>

73'J 10612 yjill (=21114) (=237 12) 10818 116110 19310 223 2 432 7

a hone mentioned ^giy by 'Abdallah ibn Anuiniih 749 14

xos j 12313 was one of his sj^c [iooi ancestresses, Mbd Kfun 538 16]

* :< 249 ly *^> (note8 = 535 •< called 248 20 o^ %J* notes), ^ijUl (= 535 13)

* 795 22 i_=,A*j! ,.tp. ^ ijjp (notes)

KLaj AJL> at the Battle of an-Nisar ^aA^f gj ^j ii^jc 366 15

a->JL (var. c ) *-^-*-X-c called maternal of 'Amir ibn ^ SjjC, JL&-JI, grandfather at-Tufail 70619

* * *32 2 201 20 *290 9 611 24 L e~*±xl\ Jpl ^ (£,* (notes) (=59616) (notes)

man mentioned u^j^e by Tha'labah ibn Anir 51113 (var. uji)

c 1 °l an of the ah 87016 aL\^> ^j s-*^/ Quda

clan of 'l\^> ^j tAjp the Quda'ah 87016

iLJUi clan 69113 £jj^ ^j ^ ^p (see 20 s)

i«*JrC a clan of the in of a feud with their j~S ^ jJ^-J rj-J Bajilah who, consequence

kinsmen, were severed from the rest of the tribe 20 7 113 12 115 13 aeq. 116 2 seq.


rtse a horse 31 21 32 2

c ic woman addressed Urwah ibn Hizam 795 3 "ojc (voc. L) by

a horse which its to 5 L5a\>^^*ll gave name a breed 71

ilJiotSi see .1*** ..b: ^.j

Lai!! a horse ridden by al-Akhnas ibn Shihab 410 3 fLac man mentioned in an anonymous verse 107 5

..Lac mentioned Aus ibn Ghalfa 76015 ^1 ^j! by

a man mentioned in an — identical 3 -*e ^ **ac anonymous verse 43211 possibly with the following

U«ii! see ^ ^3£ (jiJL> _^j?

K+xac at the Second Battle of al-Kulab 317 8 (jriAat^JI jaj! ^ seq.

o - o - 7 7 js.Uac a maternal ancestor of Ilamrah ibn 2 [lclXjc^o! o^£ ^] I)amrah 637

a she-camel 277 18 (j*U«Ji

*** see \k\jS

U (J - 7 7 -- C 7 r, ~ & V - '_» « -j J «ll! nicknamed «snjl\* at the Battle of [ jt^ui^l] i_\_^c **«*) , L< ^j g-wJLs* ^ ar-Raqam

32 7 seq.

l\j: xJic cited Hisham al-Kalbl 31 22 .j^lXi! ^ by

c [iCoLjiX.!] iouLJ! ^ii~u i_jJ»c captured and released by an-Nu man ibn al-Harith al-Ghas-

sani 13317

jcJic (?) mentioned in an anonymous verse 170 4

1 at the Battle of 30 22 4 [J^liwi] jli^ Q? J>*ac ar-Raqam seq. 3115 seq. 32 25 34 seq.

XaU 336 2 XI 85 ^ J^ac [see AghanI seq.] PERSOH8, TKIBK8 1.1. . !l't

"*** 0ne "'' th " tw" O* -/ O* ^^ '"'""-'"nipanions ..f .ludlmnuh al-Abnuh 535* wq.

' 3 tri,M! 24315 It** cyl ^^ 343l ° 661 l (««« 66612) 670 1H

J*** '• l> - no h°w "f the o^' O J^ rji r^' P Caliph 'AH, 7855

M8 iM" ^' (2) J-Jic ^j 8,Ue eU tribe 416 19

wJlc ancestor of a the ^y distinguished family of Taghlib 432 7 seq.

- Cj ._ ) x-ijo: see s.l.i _^j| ^ w*^="

- - - - > - o iJuaj. ^ j^y^ clan of the Qais Ailan 110 8 iU-Xc i.e. «»Jf 15 45711 5641 615 11 called 559 4 5657 ^ji c

560 18 568 3 8 and 387 7 : see also 2 8 3 22 9 6 10 24 11 8 19 ^-IaLJ! 10, g^i^' 134 4 (NMMR

JoCc see »Ll« l\*c .j lJ^c

- o « i^UJl an official under "Urnar I 11611 24 ^jja^u! £ji

i. e. ancestor of certain clans of the Quda'ah 48915 o^lx, £,|>Jb- ^ qIj,,

* *hl iLic 313 26 (notes = 395 21 notes) — for we should read ijrXJ' ^ *^J jji'l {Addi-

tions and Correction* in loc,)

iLLc mentioned 39 10 — see VIII 66 11 iJiXXi! o,liI ^j] by Imru'u-1-Qais (=636 l) Aghani

> _ O 3 4 i(P) mentioned by Aus ibn Ghalfa 762

^Jdxl] (= v_ibU Jsjj) 489 14 seq. (as var.)

c ancestor of the Amr ibn al-Ahtam 254 11 [J^JjOi] Djs ^ iuilc maternal poet

_ - o _ sJJ-c called 764 21: his 762 8 £*iul ^ iUJLU, ji^aJ! by al-Farazdaq genealogy seq., with *186 6 another genealogy 76418 seq.: his interview Imru'u-1-Qais 76319 seq.: • * 762 8 seq. (N<> CXIX) 786 16 seq. (N» CXX) 100

1 iAa£ tX*j£ &. sLc mentioned al-Husain ibn al-Humam 109 18 — for '^jlV ^_j ^ by

his genealogy see 110 3 13

c — ,-j'blXJt X&Le X. t S.l.c the rival of Amir ibn at-Tufail 704 14 for his , i_j^c ^o ^j seq.

genealogy see 706 2

cited as an 416 io 417 7 »L$J) ^ ^Jle. authority seq.

v_*lb ^J -j Jic 6613 *376 2 538 3

*U! Juc see c

«,,> t, «J1 see (^-j ^.JLc ^j^t

see ^J* ^ (2) J4&5I rf /«l*

* .Li 34 3 the Battle of lyirrft ^KJi ^ (on ar-Raqam)

" Jj: called one of the Perfect" 362 8 u"c-^liJS gj bJLs, J^'j (XJUXil) seq.

called ,~j! 303 of the Jarlr: cited as an J^Ji_c ^_j 5,L*«c, J*-a-*-e 9, great-grandson poet

authority by al-Kisa'l 303 9 : see also 225 18 234 1 238 13 821 13

_».c mentioned in an anonymous verse 321 10

Aki^l ».r called 47 21: his edict on the Arabian tribes 116 5 see ^j , L>=-a> yJ) seq.:

also 3 3 10113 (cf. 619 3) 18814 24115 (= 360 1) 2421 46713 538 66014 seq. 705 seq.

80715 81616 85219

s * * *JJ! 259 22 640 17 iff. £j ^ J^e ^ ^*c (notes)

jJx !ie the 252 3 592 8 728 11 822 11 660 15 684 12 kjiJI ^ Caliph seq. (= seq.) om, nunc i i. . mi

-.0 - > » 572 culled by** yi f* 12, i^jf ^1 232 0: sec also 664 28

i.e. ^*c ^j!, yAL^O! O* 'f* V* ^ •*<•! 146n 816g

i.e. iAac Jk*^« the culled _Jjii 328 21 ^c ^jf, J^>)ji\ ^j philologist, ^^Li [rend .«* for

to Additions and in nee also » 5 ^*c according Corrections loo.}, 860

i.e. Umar and Abu or Tmar 1 and Tmar !^*il, Bakr, II, 66014

woman iyx mentioned by Tha'labah ibn Su'air 255 1

c o-!j mother of ibn 'Ullafah 336 2 \2tJJi. S^ Aqil (q. v.)

mentioned ibn al-Khatim 176 20 Index h. [Xsfctj. v^-o] syx by Qais [see Aghani, v., wIht^

163 is a mistake for 162)

J mentioned al-Mukhabbal 370 15 3j*£ by

So. in 2-tc (1) mentioned anonymous verses 19 17 (= 348 in) 2311 359 9

c jtlc (2) addressed by Dhu-1-Isba 32117 (—326 7) 327 4

c one of the Banu Sa d ibn Zaid-Manat who led an the lianii Sj+c (3) expedition against

c l!i/.ah at Nata 380 5

Go .. two or mentioned al-Harith ibn Khiilid j^c (4) persons, clans, by al-.Makh/nml 601 10

a of j-*c (5) mentioned by Kashid ibn Shihab, apparently relative Qais ibn Mas'Od (u. v.)

615 1 — see a(?) ^Jii)

mentioned al-Harith ibn Hillizah 885 5 3^U (6) by (=7718)

called 1513 and often elsewhere in ^ifLi! -+s»! ^ ^jkc, -*s»! ^j! (see, particular, 8566): * * * 3 160 21 as a * 3 *59 2 (=879 6) *73 19 74 17 151 (=806 5) (notes, conjecture) 167

*20S20 *2154 *2162l *22218 *2237 *27714 *287 24 (notes) *373 16 *4095 »49111

* * # * * 14 746 16 9 see 679 793 3 520 12 (=80611) 599 11 (see 65019) 666 *774 (but s) * 809 21 (notes) *856 5 102 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

_ o B •41 61813 yut> ^ ^io^-'S) ^ »,j*£.

see ^LJ] ^j ^*c X^jiXo

* * his mother bint FadakI 254 n : 245 18 ^.yiitjt urM ^ jJlS^! ^j j,-*!-, Mayya seq. (N° * XXIII) 830 11 seq. (N» CXXIII)

0>L_j called *>16 se : his raid the in with ^ •>*£, OS'^-j q-?' q- against Bajllah company

Ta'abbata Sharra and ash-Shanfara 6 9 seq. 7 1 seq. 7 13

tribe 428 2 13 430 15 836 11 ,*a*j ^j 3-ȣ seq. seq.

ancestor of a of the 428 also 428 19 jn'&v ^ 5 -+£. family Taghlib 8, possibly

> a con of the 498 16 503 l 25 ^£ q-j v'^-? rr^ -Sj** temporary al-Muraqqish Younger seq.

c a of the Banu-l- Anbar 199 16 ^ s^*£ family [see Naq. Index]

c ii.US- of an-Nu man of 616 8 ^ ^+c grandfather (?) [ibn al-Mundhir, king al-Hirah]

\jy* ^ cy.Lii ^ v+c an ancestor of the Grhassanid kings 775 l

dULo e»Jl called 434 l [J&UxJf] tf ^ 3^«, jJjsifl,

called of his 429 2 [^c^XaXJI] *#\> ^ 5^c> .yoa«J, history reign seq.

LL=» * 185 22 ^j jj4.e (notes)

* - _ o ^ eUU ^j iJiIiis- ^ 3^c ancestor of a family included among the Barajim 12315 750 3

* 114 15 J±k\i!l p.lMWl ^j j^c

1 3 8ee O ** c^ -V^ *Jl/

J i. e. _»x 535 5 called also after his ^yijjl i jj+c ^j^JlJI (jvXc q-j 3 seq., u&li. ^ Sy*c

mother who was a sister of 9 Jadhlmah al-Abrash (q. v.).: *884 (cf. 25121) TKIRKS KTC. raMOM, | ( , t

eULo lXju- *c see q? gj 3; ^/^l yfiipi

^li ^ ,^i *90r,

* - o » c ancestor of tho Ohassiinid kings, called 448 lfi and f CT* J/»*

*^' ^-Vc called mentioned al-.Iumaih p| >j»», L-y _>jl, by 718 » U — for hiH genealogy

see vol. II p. 307 note on verses 4, 5

*^l» aXt 3 see cC L ^j ^c jjjfaJl jj sf*

1 1 ^ 1 ** mentioned D Bishr ibn Abi Khiizim 6693 Lt*; u* a* -Jr** O* -5.7** y

^jjx slain the Elder 485 1 see 507 ^>UX]I ^j ^c by al-Muraqqish seq. (but lfi)

»c ancestor of a of the Aus 13 [iiLLo ^j] *_ij£ ^ i; family 564

&- w .«»*f see iUL*j Lt ^jj jj»£ ^ajiAjtii _jj!

* 480 20 = * XiMJj ^ ,.*c (notes 737 22 notes) 493 20 (notes), called ki*»i lj| *817 20

^ }-ȣ see iXolc vj^/ ^j j-*c clan 116 2

c called Bishr ibn Amr 55116: his 42822: ^.lix!! »>iis' qj ^j*c, |»^-2-A^ qj! by genealogy * * * * *215 *5815 *183 5 296 15 304 10 336 20 *472 3 *542 4 680 17: see also

428 19 (?)

liVJLo see Juj ^ ^ j^+c j»jj

c A**m father of the Bishr ibn Amr 555 is : at the court of ^cXJI ^j iXiyo qj jj*c poet

al-Mundhir ibn Ma'as-Sama 4221 seq.: the reference at 426 3 is obteun

see != ^*j.-f & sf* ;< ^ ^ 104 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

* * * * * Cj/ cj=Aj<^ gJ i^ 14 12 (=17317) *57l3 78 22 (notes) 549 11 567 2 673 25: see

also 704 17

^Jl) JuJI of called JJJ> 503 25 587 and J> l5 ^j .j*c king al-Hlrah, ^ %,fc 15, yy-KJi 3 384 4, perhaps identical with +U& ^ s ^c mentioned by Jabir ibn Hunayy 44118:

v. see also 539 20 587 14 (cf. vol. II p. 232 note on 40)

see w^x; J?J ^aj ^i 2-tc w^j»

m — G „ O O - . O > O - »£ and >Xtf> see AiUJl j.Ls> ^j 3j ^ j^ ^ »,-*£

w 6 - Ob, as one was slain at 539 5 cCUyJI 3-*c mentioned by Mutammim who al-Mushaqqar sr^ *' W 8ee i&/* J^

see «JL'! -\)^»

c v_Jjti ^ s ->k y\ cites Ibn al-A rabi 221 19, see also 387 7 22

jl i- «• 117 727 8: cited 28 515 69 72 seq. 12 3 16 1911 Ly i4&Jl if* _*' ,*/> qJ vJbBWJ

seq. 5712 6413 66 7 70s 76i 9117 12919 134 1 135 3 seq. 136 2 seq. et passim : his

interview with a Bedouin 362 17 seq.

12113 8ee r*^ O^ »J**J$ ' *** O^ r^ -*'

c *bl*JI cited al-Asma I 108 20 327 9 388 6 575 6 59210 see ^j 3j-*c- ^ philologist, by (but

c 25114) 748 4, by Abu Ubaidah 61211 664 4 786 8, and by Yunus [ibn Habib] 56512:

his interview with al-Farazdaq 565 2 seq. (=426 27 seq.): see also 4312 14018 114 3

539 6 seq. 648 19 699 2 738 18 794 5 878 3

(1) see X*~ci (3) ^i |»t s -4.c J (2) woman mentioned by Aus ibn Hajar 754 8

c of the Zabban ibn s-tc. jXi i. e. the family of Amr ibn Jabir, grandfather poet Sayyar

50 22 (see 69017) OHS, TKIHKS KTC.

9 * V- , .O mentioned the wife Iv jtjtftil Ujl by Mutaniniini, apparently pet's 537

of 615 9 ;y*;i (pi. sfk)

&- > » u*yj ^j -*«x tee xjus

• OS O- > Dal i » see i^mmI *6*& ^j ^mx. ^LkftJl

o. > c c mentioned AmIrah ibn Ju al 522 12 ^ole ^ f+c by

mj] father of the as-Sulaik 705 1

of the clan said Ilabfah ibn *j**e Jadllah, by Maqrum to have been wounded by the Dabbah 73814

mentioned in c : •>_^c woman some verses ascribed to A sur ibn Sa d 102 4 scq.

* Joi> 518 18 *520 5 for his ^^JUkSil ^ Up* seq. (N° LXIII) seq. (N° LXIV): genealogy,

see 518 18 seq.

O- 3.-b. :>L\_£, called iLsOLiJ! 787 4: *12 9 100 *55l4 2i ^--^i ^j SjJUe, syOe (= 9) *56 '8313 * * * * 163 14 19 183 13 *265 3 306 19 423 17 *577 5 seq. *585l *65l4 661 10 *662l

* * * * * *684 5 *689 7 707 10 721 15 (=752 8) 721 18 727 5 789 1 : see also 7051

J — - tribe 38014 748 4 tijie

O- m - ~ O- 7 &_ i[jiiju\ see xJUi ^iL-JtS! j^+c ^

•* - o — •U? c>^ il&jt!! captured at the Battle of an-Nisar 366 15

4l*a * 590 22 JuljiJl qj! (notes)

i. e. the of the House of Kindah 489 7 vol. II 184 tiityjdl (pi." of i&Lc) princesses (see p.

note on v. 19)

is a matter of 112 14 Jljc a family of the Ghatafan (their genealogy dispute) seq.

of camels 605 14 606 12 Li^i a man who robbed the poet Murrah ibn Hammam some


* 91 13 *3419 * 347 4 Jjbbof (jo^l tf o> scq. (N° XXXV) seq. (N« XXXVI) *715s

seq. (N° CVIII, ascribed also to Khidash ibn Zuhair)

JU.T ^ o>« a leader of the Banu Ahmas ibn al-Ghauth at the time of their feud with

the Banu Zaid ibn al-Ghauth 115 9 seq.

OP o, mentioned al-Husain ibn al-Humam 118 6 nyol qJ ^J^c(?) by

)_og > .-». iA«*u see -kJ'^t ^ i_jj£ (jios_»J!

mentioned 4 ry«X*Jl] Li^£ by ash-Shanfara, 206

clan 31718 6 426 yiLc ^ o_j* (=345 11)

-*Le jJQ! lXxc said to have been of the Asad at Battle of an- ^ ^ v_j^c the leader the

Nisar 365 2 (genealogy)

BlJU a clan included the called also 24812 37012 lX_^c ^ v_j^e among Bibab, JjCc (cf.

670 4 863 20)

X- f L c ^ve^ at ^ e t i me °f * ne Battle of an-Nisar 371 13 : ljrhv«t £.7*^' o^ ^ O"* -'-> seq. • * 365 14 * 371 20 8 * * 637 seq. (N° XCIV) 639 15 seq. (N° XCV) 837 3 seq. (N° CXXIV)

clan of the Sa cd ibn ,^-j v_jj-c (1) Zaid-Manat, eulogised by Imru'u-1-Qais 435 17

437 4 4381 see also 842 11 jJL* (see 43412) (=61115 72315) seq.: (var. ^ o- o , and ijj* ^j iwotf)

see vod' ^ v_ij£ (2) ijs^c ,jj i^^jjS' u^JLc ancestor of the Banu Murrah ibn c Auf ibn Sa cd ^ ^cjJ ^ ij^£ legendary (q. v.)

101 4 103 4 called 101 8 103 9 619 seq. seq., J^j ^j! (= 8)

— — — o - o - ->Mhis> tiULc clan of the Tamlm 122 20 450 ^ ^j ui^c (cf. 21)

~ O , . CO G~ * c vs)Ju 115 16 the banishment of the (j;^**sJI ^tfrj3 (^j ^j l3^c (on Urainah)

o~ > ti)JU uncle of iixA^s ^ ^j ui>£ al-Muraqqish the Elder 4597. seq. 46112, called ii)_JI 459 9 MUMOM, TRIBE8 II.. H)7


• - -- 9 > 21514 — read for to r,,, uk>*>4 HyAc o>fi according A(Miti$M >n«/ j n loc,

^Aj^J! JCLSul or the of Hhurahbil viysul ^ ^| ^, jjyfr, protected family al-Kin.il

after the First Battle of al-Kulab 434 12: eulogised by Imru'u-I-Qais 436 6 437 l is

* 295 26 ^jfjill ^bj^c (notes)

*249 2 — read ij^xoil ^lii' ^j (joLc (=53515 ^Lc for i>oLc)

mentioned ibn V-"^ qJ o»Lc by Duraid as-fjimmah 647 u (notes) iAxxi! clan of tho Maharah 14819

c cited al-Asma i it fc q-j ^c-^c by 251 (but see 592 9 seq.): see also 8615- 18210 241 U

(= 360 2 848 3) 395 20

^*c tribal said to have been called also 1 17 686 7 yaw ^ ancestor, yJ-Ji", seq.

s U*»! ioL^c a of Yusuf 296 l 295 *=^jLs» qJ ^ contemporary al-IIajjaj [ibn ] seq. (see 26)

at the Battle of 3010 335 [^ijaJI &a_^\=> pj] ^^*a> ^ aJL^ac ar-Kaqani seq. seq.: ad-

dressed 625 2 : identical with mentioned 8 by an-Nabighah probably Q*as> ^j! 739

AJUiJtAO ancestor of a of the Hawazin 31 3 6 ^ SytoLc family eUu ^ jd&L> ^ i_JLc ancestor of a family included among the liuntjim 123 15 434 19

c iAxLc a nickname of Amr ibn Ka°b, the ancestor of a clan of the Azd 182 7 (=1909):

used as a collective 196 16

c g)JL ^ *ilc clan of the Urainah 116 3 108 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

a 749 16 — see vol. II *Jj**3l mare p. 288

c AikAc clan of the Yarbu ibn Handhalah 403 6

jlXAjI nickname of a man who is satirised by al-Kumait 756 li

or a horse which its name to a breed 165 10 820 5 vjLe, i^jtyyt, gave seq.

c cited as a historical Ubaidah 3651 11 csyai! t_sLAJ! _jjF authority by Abu

c v_j_c mentioned by al-Aswad ibn Ya fur 450 8 — identified by some with Malik ibn

Handhalah ibn Malik and by others with Zaid-Manat ibn Tamim

u*o-c see vsfj^

a clan of the Hawazin to which Duraid ibn 23 14 ijjc as-Simmah belonged

a}Jul tribe 266 2 31111 (=77617 seq.) 416 9 7401 783 13 784 6

see u>wt ^L*c yf, ^ ^jUU

» 1! es> lived the Banu Sahm ibn Murrah and was slain while ; { ^>j l^-i yyai among

under their protection 62118 seq. *622 3 seq, 62219

c uyat woman mentioned by Sa idah ibn Ju'ayyah 767 9

IaL£ of tribes : group their origin 102 l seq. : see also 30 4 seq. 32 l seq. 34 2 72 14 79 5

1014 seq. 116 24 1415 3641 seq. 36716 620 7 67118 687 4 70516 715 4 718 16 74914

78813 842 2 (see foot-note)

oukf _yu a family of the Murad 459 13

xlic clan 459 20 vol. II 169 note v. 2 (see p. on 4), hence the adj. jijti! 458 13 460 seq.

v_jdi!t i. e. GhalfS and , Salamah, 489 7 (var. v_iJL«Jt q. v.) iisil see &J& ^ ^jj&jJiU

cited as an u^jblXl! jJA\ _yd authority for an anonymous verse 793 16 I'KKSONS, TKIBE8 ETC. 108

•yi a Hhc-goat 331 5 9

tribe 826 1 846 4 vol. II 343 fM (see p. eoq. note on v. 12)

see (jyjt;! ^ejIiSI J*ib

.i.e . . tribe 3118 yat! ^ ^J 102 7 14816 703 7 71017 820 5

* JUm 349 12 lC ^j jo^i » - —

Jj*c clan of the 30 7 8j* ^ Dhubyiin acq. 103 3

iLJic see iuJt ^j ^^Li aj

* ij-M^iij! Xj.Ljm o^ Xe.UJ! 367 8

iUili (1) woman mentioned by al-Akhtal 44021

iULls (2) addressed by Ziyadah ibn Zaid 475 3

Xtfeti (3) addressed by al-Muthaqqib 57411 i^Lls (4) addressed by "Abd al-Masih ibn 'Asalah 606 10

sister of the Salamah mother Xrf.UiJ) yh&j&JI c^-o iUbo poet and of ar-Rabi* ibn Ziyiid

29 lfi 362 10

& > » .l\J_«JI addressed the 20 [ ci^-j] X*blj by al-Muraqqish Younger 499 502 5 seq., who calls

her also 499 21 and i+Jai 501 n 502 8: see also J^yCit iUji 48417 49314 49314 seq.

(this narrative is discussed in vol. II p. 186)

Q JJi clan (?) 209 9 (as var.) iLy3 clan of the Quda'ah 432 u 110 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

c maternal of the Amr ibn al-Ahtam 254 10 : at [ ^.gJuJI ] Oyx! ^ .^jJ grandfather poet

the Battle of Jadud 7418 [see Naq. 102411, BDuraid 153 3]

J-jJ&S u-i^ji 430 25 (see 438 27)

itJLli i.e. l>Lj: s ^e cites al-Kisa'i 9 and al-Mufaddal 4121: is ^ W/j j$ philologist: 16, cited by Thalab 31111, and by Muhammad ibn al-Jahm 54215: see also 3 13 4 5 17

9 7 13 10 3 15 143 8 15113 173 7 208 9 12 210 3 212 1 213 19 21513 21612 21813 20

219 9 22013 2212 22212 248 5 277 3 318 7 32415 38110 402 16 46414 51313 51014

542 13 567 10 575 5 seq. 625 11 691 9 697 5 802 I 852 10 854 8

* * * * * *44 3 102 21 *134 6 176 22 228 15 *235 7 250 22 342 13 JSJjyLJJ (=85514) (notes) * * * * * * * 395 20 (=83212) 418 13 *430 7 449 1 502 10 613 17 (notes) 647 11 697 13 * * * * * * (=77318) 708 12 750 16 764 20 772 20 815 20 860 26 (notes): see also 40515

4301 565 2 seq. (cf. 426 27)

Persians 263 8 471 10 561 5 (j*^! the

U38 ee*£ t>i clan of the Tayyi' 73813

Lj3 clan : their ancestor said to have been called s. 101 6 of the ^j ByJ ijt (explanation

name ».! : him 103 6 619 4 1134: of the ji) legends concerning seq. (cf. seq.) victory

c c c Fazarah over the Amir ibn Sa sa ah (Battle of ar-Raqam) 30 8 seq. : see also 31 14 33 5

seq. 341 104 8 113 4 3361 365 8 6191 62215 690 17 seq. 694 3 712 6 71313 715 26 84416 idUas a man addressed in an anonymous verse 57 6 (=31315 638 20 71613)

sJJij called &suL> verses on his death Aus ibn 372 14 ^ &jL*23s, _jj!, by Hajar seq.

called &j&s Aus ibn Ghalfa 761 8 ^ca -yaajt by

* * tjJ-liJI ^—i ,)**&! 324 23 (notes, see 325 22) 521 17

&xL\S see ^^JLsvjl!! ^ J^asJt *^UJt _yj!

see JwAaaJt _jj! (^JiLJ! PERSONS, TIUI'.K- I.H HI

X.*«a* hoc .

cited Abu 'Amr 9 u-juj _^jt by [ash-tthaibani| 496

* 338 17 ^.j-Jwiil

Oo,)J "ii clan 123 iy

}s> ^ d)JU ci*^J *^s sec 122 24

tribe included in the Qais Ailiin : their 195 20: ace also s^+.e ^ |«-^J group genealogy 195 ft 196 7 197 19 seq. 761 10

see lX-o ^1 -^y«

see .iXJUj! y^jli _jj! ^ rjU*iii

i >-

a\U»J! of a in verse •"> ^.U,'! (adj. from name a clan) man mentioned an anonymous 321

clan 78313 and — see 783 28 [*j.^ ^j] (j~ls (variants (j^^s (_Js)

»*.La!t see ^bL. qJ tW _^jt

.Lij l\*ssu 1 called also .LSj 884 17, and vX»j$u ^Lo'il ^ ^ j»

14 7 71 19 13 126 fi 137 14 383 20 45711 564 1 565 4 56913 80119 88417— sec ///-

troduction p. XIV

ouLiiil *448 9 l_^\ ^1 oli Sasanid king 427 11 16 429 8

i_^JsL5 see iUXw/it J ^^ijt

see u~v

lived at t,le time °f th

* Jf&Ci JLaJl 412 24 (notes)

JUS y^ a family of the Dhubyan 30 7

c cited Abu Ubaidah 365 1 364 3 [tftiutil by (see seq.)

3 ) - O- J JLm^o ^y &-*** his interview with Hudain ibn al-Mundhir 23812

4 KJl^U ,.o ..jw ,. j jCx-yli ancestor of a family 364

> -O - J c A_Li-s woman mentioned by al-A sha 60414 (=7313)

J ° — ..UiS\S the ancestor of the South-Arabian tribes 113 18

* 758 14 {JJU) c"jLk«S jjJ

of an-Nisar 366 4 ^jyt ii)JLc ^j 3d at the Battle

*J>L\S clan 328 2 Q' yi j.j> ^j

tAxc called slain at the Battle of an-Nisar 702 3 18 IS:_^iJi-! [aUS j^-j] jLA\3, JuLxJI, (see

Naq. Index)

c JU.AS a horse ridden by Abs ibn Hidhar (q. v.) 31 9

-SliiJI a horse which gave its name to a breed 3815

!J>(?) man mentioned by al-Husain ibn al-Humam 1191

3 8ee *^' o't q$ Sj* o* ^** o* ^>

a horse ridden at-Tufail ibn Malik 38 22 4512 60416 Jjyj by (q. v.)

ci^J maternal of the Shabib 336 1 Xj.!j»]I **^> XsLoys grandmother poet

c c mentioned Abd al-MasIh ibn Asalah 607 15 _b£(?) by

sh^in at the First Battle of al-Kulab 430 5 ^.LxJ! ol"**~ o^ -wJI

5 - O J, see aJLjLj iLoliyS ii'. nutsojra, nam 1 18

lived al the film- of ilie Itattle of aii-Niiar 371 9 ij^-JUl ^«Lc ^y s^*^ ^ syj »eq.

tribe 101 11 15 103 10 s JLj 1317 (=2516 5196) 189 5 24020 259 11 342 H 343 11 I

18 10 15 618 6208 6213 6592 20 716 1 seq. 7173 7805 8523

- « &S o-> &-) „ i at &SUJI %—ajs 2510 — read Kabul to vol. II 8 foot-ii'.t. ^ ^jyi £jyi ^ yjul according p.

ancestor of a elan of the Sad ibn /-aid-Man. it 207 12 — for his Usy^ ^ j^^s 6305 ge-

nealogy, see 207 11

'iiM i.e. his about the of tin- horse 1928 ^ Jyi ^j i^j^i: opinion pints

•sAcL* * 163 23 ^ u-Ji (notes)

Ui' tribe 114 8 11512 ; ^j yut ^j ^5 seq.

rJ^i his c ^i' interview with the Caliph Abd al-Malik 365 u

«Ju! iA*c ono °f * nc H*Miii (ihadirah : at Hat tic of 2 ^j jtA^i the ar-Itaqain 31

: SjlJ wot/ tribe 366 7 367 3 646 6 67011 702 is — for their j ^ ^ yf^Ji seq. (as var.)

genealogy, see 371 9 seq.

- > c said to have built the Ka bah 48 1 881 ^s (?) (= 19)

X-cL>a, s great group of tribes 1172 16412 187 8 29610 4142 489 15 62115 62213 17 7103

784-6 78915

,i: 440 4 in to var. LLs JLi&ftfl uilijS qj! (verses reply al-Akhtal) ^1

JJai a woman's name 577 l

ibn 429 15 o I k*Lv J*x* Ji* l wife of the Kindite al-I.Iarith Amr ( y) r king gowl g

* * * * i.e. ur, 152 11 164 11 *239 9 (=686 12) 292 2 295 11 J^Li^l, Jg&JI ^LU ^ ; * * * * * 659 11 *352t *376 9 381 18 (notes) 552 6 "(= 632 3) COS 12 620 « *628U

- o j „ & J >ul-r> see S.olJl j^Ai^ ^-j


<_j ia* 539 26 ; philologist

»Aa ^ J-^f> qJ i"*™ ancestor of a family 434 21

Jujm cLa*fiJ! 96 20: see also 9212 98 11 ["^.ijj!] ij.'j ^j qJ oulogised by al-Musayyab

J XiJj! cy .US- Kj^S mother of the Elder 457 16 u~a* ^-j cUj al-Muraqqish (genealogy)

> o o - y to account for the name 763 in ioui, i.e. (j*Lij ^j -vn:, legend

see jUaaj >^+*i ^ ^j jj*e

a celebrated called *A3!e 358 6 (j^ (1) hunter, ^o!c _^jl (var. _^j!)

man mentioned Jabir ibn 425 19 U^ (2) by Hunayy

tribe in the Bakr ibn 440 3 15 55115 74012 XaIxj ^y u~^i (included Wffll) seq.

c father of al-A sha 91 21 JjJL> ^ ,j~a5 y&=> qJ u~as see 573 22

434 19 eVJLo ^ *JJiA=> ^ ^^a* ancestor of a family included in the Barajim 12315 v>Jb> ..j see .-j u«^i u~aS j^j Ojjux.* u«aas

•6216 lg& pj ^J

* * * * * * **Lb&J ^ ^^ *1056 162 22 176 18 212 13 384 25 (notes) 420 20 (notes) 787 20

leader of his tribe at the time of the War of Dahis: a as- CA»4*i! j-^3 cjt U"** saying

cribed to him 8910 cf. 12011 [and Naq. 99 3 seq. 42013 seq.]

*L*3> i AJ» said to be the man who is in a of L-flfrjjwfl] .^-j iyfp-\Ji ^— Lr eulogised poem al-Harith ibn Hillizah (N° XXV) 263 11

v & «. it O - slain at the Battle of 3017 [ ,-j^liwt] liL'U ^ J^ftk-i ^j tj~*i ar-Kaqam

s ;, t II at the Second Battle of al-Kulab 375 9 : at the Battle of Jadud (C) *as!c ^_j u^a-s

c 3 741 9 : a verse on his death by Abdah ibn at-Tabib 575 I'KKSONS, THIISK- KIV. ||5

* - O .. ft m O - ~*xm1' (JJI Aab at tlir l< ^ ^j.^ Battle of an-.\'i™ir M61I

*• ft fl O - O -

half-brother nf ( in in 1'niis bint Auf 421); LCiL«-y£j! a^c ^ u«^i (<|. v.)

"NLc 110 or ^-l* '>(' tribes: called ^j y^s 12, (j^s 429 15, great group JQL«J w—s

4875: their dialect 540 12: Bee also 738 13811 211 s 346 12 364 2.428 s 611) S 771 »

cited as a historical Abu Thaidah 364 S (SjljJLli XjLj-c ^j ^aJLc ^j (J.*** authority by

(genealogy) 365 1 seq.

m © ft . • - o m G - o - il called jdL> his .jiu.fe.Ai ijw-o ^ oyi-~« qj (j»w»4, ^ ^-yj (after gieat grandfather)

-LmJLj^j! 3: in ibn 614 13, and _^l 612 addressed thrfWtftniWg terms by ttfahld Shihab

— II 61311 seq. 614 13 seq. for his history, see vol. p. 246

m ft - - ° - c- c mentioned Abd 316 1: see also 4(1 * ^.jJjCi ^jS ^Jom ^ ,j^*5 by Yaghnth

a Yamanite as a al-.Mundhir ibu Ma _«A^JI *-Jj-* qJ ^jx.-o employed tax-gatherer by

as-Sama king of al-Hlrah 422 2

Mutanimim as one who was slain at 539 5 [^cjj-yi] (j-^5 mentioned by al-Mushaqqar

see **J' ,-x**£ vj~*3 qj! (j«^s rj?

u *201l'J *564 2 seq. (N LXXV) J=,La!b! >n&»yi & u-Ji _*!

* 465 21 (notes) [JjA^'t] icls^ ^ u-Is _*'

' r* 70413

-««o» see ^ yliiJ! ej^J

aIsOsC! ^j fjJS 213 22 1

659 19

addressed in an verse 628 l AlS Jji ^! anonymous 116 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

,_& - j ) ^ i s-Mto ZJ^S wife of the Abu ibn al-Aslat 56412 [iL^wj^l] liUU ^i ci*-Ij poet Qais

--&> 3 J-O- c c>J.j juL*? mother of Amir ibn at-Tufail 706 18 [iLo^lXJI] iij^c

* 162 24 *560 4 *689 3 Jj54JS ytr^ y) (notes)

> - O , J c c ic41>i' woman mentioned by Auf ibn Atiyah 838 9

* * * * * liS 12 12 174 7 228 23 298 14 349 23 *384 2 [^ks-jj! Jyi y^] 7 seq. (notes) (notes) * * * * 672 22 (notes) 767 13 787 17 804 17

*412 2fi S'ja ^ ^ (notes)

c cited Ahmad ibn Ubaid 65011 Ucyolac! J&\ ^jl by

c mentioned 316 1 <^jS ^j! by Abd-Yaghuth

cited 9 16 80 11 303 8 3214 41311 52515 539 8 67918 778 2 797 2 JjL^J! (cf. 8116)85210

20914 355 5 53412 708 9 15 L5cyls' (cf. 73116)

c —**? mentioned by Auf ibn al-Ahwas 346 8

see iaJU* c^jlJ- ^j ^v*T £jj_| ^ c^U- ^y

c c c u-ot? clan of the Amir ibn Sa sa ah 259 12 19 353 5 366 2 367 9 369 12 651 9 iMjfj. ^ seq.

68512 7001 seq. 76014 — see also 683 20(?)

* * *3 5 2 26 274 24 505 19 * 700 15 ^j ^ ^j>S (cf. notes) (notes) (notes)

^X*~ * 24 = 23 * 4 * UfJi& ^ voi? 352 (notes 590 notes) 547 779 20 (notes)

°l an [Xic ^i 3 _»£ ^j] wot? usually included in the Madhhij 511 4

an ancestor of the Ghassanid 780 7 ,_*•*? l5j£ ^ w^ apparently princes (var. ai i«4>* and see vol. II on v. i_j^£ ^ ^j, p. 332 note 23)

j~> > O - clan 620 called 259 ly [<^J ^] ^otS' 6, (jio y» ^ot^

— r ° ' ° - XlftJL> ii)Ju wOtS" clan of tho Tamim 123 5 18 ^j ^ PKRSONM, TKII'.I,- I h . 117

J^Uttl [ s^ ^jj ^L. ^ wJir •7ll« *4107

*xU tcJrf'bSi ^ >_**i' mentioned by uI-AmwikI ibn Ya fur 44911

addressed Abd al-.Masih ^e^Aj! V^ by ihn 'Asuluh 556.1 Mq.

C ' clan (,f tn< -^ lllir » Dn 25912 3 tj O- ^^ ^V*" 367 8eq. 36912 618** 651 l> 6711

685 703 7 8451

l_)^LS' called also [8yo ^jj] clan, (jiu-S v^ 259 19

# (1) poet (possibly identical with JL&I 66 5 ^jblXIt ^£10 q. v.)

cited ^bbJt (2) philologist, by al-Athram 708 7, see also 41117 707 7 708 « 713 a

a horse ridden c ibn yj&l by A\mir at-Tufail 30 20 seq.

tribe included in the s^-jj ^-j ^.JS group Quda'ah 1108 1163 10 1172 5 41617 432 IS

479 15 712 10 826 2 841 19

& - 3 c wJL^ ^t addressed by Auf ibn al-Ahwas 344 7

or *iXii see iXU>? -'ui^ cC«KjI, ce gf\, ^j

— — o - (jLix l\j£ called 20 It 24 4: *203 cCijyL;i ^ SLoS\l£t, originally B^** seq. seq. (X° II) *24 3 seq. (N° III) tiUU ^ *JiliA=> ^j iiab' a clan included in the liunijim 123 15 cf. 434 l»

c brother of AdI and Muhalhil slain Jassas Mur- [ lCJL^I] "loj ^ v4-^ 4313, by [ibn rah] 5521

c ijt^j. v-«-J^ c l an °f tno Amir ibn Sa'sa ah 259 12 [y«Lc ^ ^]

a e ^ an satirised and al-Akhtal 418 438 21 502 see ;vjj ^-j v-^-^ by al-Farazdaq U 11,

also 770 6

c c XJUO i. e. the sons of Ziyad ibn Abdallah al- Absi 29 16 362 10 118 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

* * * * * * o-*^3C! *C2 4 106 15 134 9 148 21 229 11 295 11 348 22 [^Xj^] J^jj ^ (notes) * * * * * * * (notes) 405 10 *464 2 467 11 493 19 (notes) 584 15 591 13 607 11 *649 5 663 18 * * * *673 8 *739 5 756 10 777 11 779 17 (notes): said to have been deaf 802 6

XiUT of tribes 259 11 41619 429 13 659 20 672 6 [iijj> ^j] group

(iULo 'sJjS slain at the Battle of 30 16 ^jbbCi ^ stX^-^c ^_j ar-Raqam

»<\sS tribe, called originally _^c: derivation of the name 12 6: said to have been in-

cluded in the group Rabfah [ibn Nizar] 427 14 : their kingdom 429 1 seq. : see also

345 21 52511 761 10

tribe J£? (?) 45015

O. ii a woman whom al-Mundhir ibn Ma as-Sama to obtain as a wife for one \jl£ f\ sought

of his courtiers 450 15

\S mentioned Muzarrid 134 5 ^jl (1) by (as var.)

c c \S a man to be of the satirised Auf ibn 845 8 ^J\ (2) (said Asad) by AtIyah seq.

: J" yjt a family of the Dabbah 748 18

^Jis>$ a horse which gave its name to a breed 71 5 820 6

c iX

,/J _^j (1) mentioned by Imru'u-1-Qais 435 3

21 ,iCj _jJu (2) mentioned by Abu Khirash 538

his 45 17: *2125 *36 5 *47 24 = 165 25 ^SbL'l Xjuo, ^j-i Joj-aJ genealogy (notes) (notes

* * * notes) *62 6 *69l6 133 12 *185 5 189 5 (=487 2) *204 3 236 26 (notes) 257 18

* 771 * 14 # seq. 258 14 (= 1) *28l6 (=6254) *29l4 292 *3104 *32013 3229 (= * * * * 78110) 547 17 (see foot-note) *560 2 595 21 (notes) *598 7 608 15 *626 5 669 16 PDMUn, TKIHKS l.h . II!.

•7232 *743o • 751 U *75524 * (notes) »76613 779 1 '80310 •804 15 •807* •81511 •84011

(l) a man of the Bonn Ahdallnh Ibn _.^\W (Hufafta, mwitfwwj bj Kuarrid 138*

see £Ls&\ (2) jlj& JajJ ^ j^L

woio 113 5 [(VjQl ^j] |»1s\J

jjplll see tiUU ^y O.US. ^j ..*e

at o , see pLs?JJi _^j! i^c ^ t^**

an cited 1 JjL^UJt authority by at-TusI 6G2 1

JcJ tribe 31110 (cf. 776 17) 417 19

oc L*-SJ in the of Ibn Bid 914 ^ figures legend (q. v.) seq.: see also 37018 525 8 s 5651 811 10

called 36418: was slain at the Battle of Jabalah 364 17 ^^UJi BjLj ^ JxJiJ, jJi^j _^t

seq. (cf. 82310): see also 119 5 7616

kLasJU! wife of Hudhaifah ibn Badr (q. v.) 693 4 14

c UaJ called l\ju- a of the tribe of Ad 314 1 O ^j ****> _^jI, legendary prince seq.

c «ii! °lan included in the Abd al-Qais 303 147 17 3118 414 17 603 4 c

a confederation of tribes 757 IB j.jLJLJi [see Naq. Index]

113 5 [^yCJi] f^si yt f$

wJLc ancestor of the of the clans included in the Quraish 101 4 102 is ^ ^cyj majority

614 3 619 2 5 620 7 (var.

! see c uy o^ v^ c^ ^r a* *-*>» 120 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

JQ (1) woman mentioned in an anonymous verse 4 3 (=717 18)

* °r c mentioned al-A sha 508 15 657 ^Jul (2) by (= 5)

c c mentioned Abdallah ibn Anamah 742 1 ^JlJ (3) by seq.

JJ (4) mentioned by 'Alqamah 764 14 (text doubtful) 767 8

,_Q (5) mentioned by Ibn Muqbil 768 8

c gill (6) mentioned by Khurashah ibn Amr 823 13

* * a_Jl!=.^! ^JLJ 317 17 (=345 5 42610) 555 13 *699 4 (on the death of Taubah ibn al- ) i _ o f Humayyir), called X.JLu.'V^t *812 9 (on the death of the Caliph Uthman)

.*£ c>-o see ^_siAa=> [ £,! ] lcLh

O, O — w w O - J - m see idXJL* and XAjLl! ,^aj! ^yjurfu!

sL»-*JI sL« ^! see »U*JI ^U ^ .Jouil

a title of the 852 18 Ly>U!! Prophet

mother of ibn Sharahil but see 266 2 J^o ^.j jJjfMt ci^-j *-JjU Qais (q. v.) 26311, seq.,

where the Xj.Lo is as to one of the Ghassanid phrase ^j! explained referring princes

(cf. vol. II p. 90)

'ijJjLi ancestor of a of the 110 14 ^ ^,:Lo family Dhubyan

***3 ancestor of a of the Hudhail 849 17 ^j aj^Ijw fyt. ^,:U family

c clan included in Qais Ailan 102 2 123 10 209 8 yfiij> yi Ojlo (?)

c ' ** i.e. i u\_L=^ Xi the cited Abu Ikrimah J^UJI (1) q-j ^ philologist, by 51410,

called 445 8 qL£c yi\

- — o - )_& » see ^JjU (2) ** ^ Bj^c THiiiKs ii.. ranoM, i-_*i

*s)JL name of two tnen mentioned by Amir [bn at-Tufail 71:1., ioa 7i5t

tUll *296l [^Ij&H i^Jj> yi pj dJJU u-Jl ^ ^U died 417 n i^*^ qJ rfUlo ancestor of family of the Asad 104 .

tiVJLo ancestor of a l»-£o» ^j family of the Taghlib 428 » 430 M

dXJLo anoeator of a ^a*=- ^ family of the Kilab 706 U

called mentioned c ibn [t5;'j-^'] J*-*^ iyi rfUl-^, jlkd\ ^j), by Amir at-Tufail 33 lfl

see 33 7

). bf o dJJLo *JiiL> 1 ^ ^ (±VjU ancestor of several clans of the Tainini : called Jua^ ^Cu in order to distinguish him from his grandfather 299 U (= 450 u): his children 122 17

seq.: see also 211 seq. 123 is 637 4

» «s\JLo >w«-o. called ancestor of al-Hantaf ihn [^tf «.».aJ!] ^j ^ iiLL«, ^_b*^v*j!, as-Sijf

(q. v.) 123 4

dULc 110 5 [^iJoJ!] pt^ ^

* dUU 772 13 v-oyl ^ (cf. 7731)

O _ O - 3 **>jt.'1 tiJJLo slain Hudhaifah ibn Badr 225 R [ cC ^*Pj ^] by [see Naq. Index]

**_**» (iULo lived at the time of the War of Diihis 109 20 [ L

»Ll< Ou\ ^ l\x*» ^j liUU accompanied his mother Salma bint Malik ibn (ihanm when

she settled the Banil Asad 104 3 — see *Julj «>UU ^.VJL« among ^-j ^j

-#&& ^ LjLL ^j liLJU, called *-«_*iJ! yj, lived at the time of the Matfle of an-Ni-ar

371 11 seq.

-O - bb?oc! * 477 21 ^,j#JI («*c /'//.) O ^ tiUL* (notes)

^bLc ^ dL'L« see ^^^*j> ^ ijUU

ie 122 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC. wJtS' ^ _ .Is qJ ii)JLo one of the two boon-companions of Jadhnnah al-Abrash 535 2 seq.

j^UCJt *JUS j called at tne battle of an-Nisar 368 1 cC c\^.c y^ ^ dVJU, v!*-^ seq.

367 2: at the Battle of ar-Raqam 3117 seq.

XJUi 102 i.e. Juu- Malik ibn Thalabah the ^j <&.!* ^ rf)JU 24, ^j ijULo (104 3), being

name of his stepfather

KiiiL> eVJU (iLIL« clan of the Tamlm 123 5 ^_i ,-y

eULo clan of the 103 3 »^a ^ Dhubyan

-«AjJi (i)JLo at the Battle of Jadud calls himself ^Lc eU'^x 7415 c< ^jjv*xi ^ 7413, ^

(after his grandfather, see Naq. 145 20)

called and t*~*« his with the [^JLJl] x^wy.4 ^ iiUU, ^L*c _jj! ^1(44017): quarrel poet

al-Akhtal 438 12 seq. 439 10 440 1 18

* * 25 12 177 21 : held some to be the author of Poem N° ijcyjjjfjl s^y ^j (iULo by IX,

63)9 77 26 (notes) 56518 71919: elegies on his death by his brother Mutammim

526 4 530 17 seq. (N° LXVII) 544 17 seq. (N° LXVIII)

*XW> qJ ii)JLa mentioned by Sinan ibn Abl Harithah 686 4

iou-c { J* ancestor °f the clans Ghanim and 116 3 ^ Oji^ O* ^ Munqidh

dUL« cited as an for a 8 UmJuI _^jI authority reading 556 eVJU _yj 56616, see ^^

*i.l mother of al-TIaufazan 741 14 yjL^i; ^ o>Jj >^.i^> (q. v.)

JilJ! ct»^J aj^L« ancestress of certain families belonging to the Banu Nahshal 434 21 (text

doubtful) cf. £U SOj! 4351

* j his 63 17 526 2 : 63 14 also ascribed ^.t^jJS Syy p+i* genealogy seq. seq. seq. (N° IX,

to his brother Malik q. v.) *526i seq. (N° LXVII) *-544e seq. (N° LXVIII) Mason, TKlliKs Rt .

J;«y*'' a horse 31 1

J3LuJ! a dog 180 15

Jj^jl jJ^iuJt *134 2S (notes) *1352n (notes) »87818

1 ' '• '"• :» , iC 3^* a03:' <-'" i 'l ( *74; ^lX**- v^&»J!, 4* o^ ey o^ ^^ *''''• »gy)

or. to jJul s: 25 * according others, JuLt 303 *75 (notes) 234 19 (= 451 10) *802l>

XXVI *574 6 .V I, 7 (N« II) seq. < XXVI) *588 seq. (X'» I.WVIIi

; called 32 lived nt the tim.' of the of ar- J:1*J Jrf. ^ fJUUSI, _pL=» _jjl 13(!*): Battle * 10 14 : also 4 Raqam 32 setj. 32 see 686

5 — read iiyjt 690 xJ^L* q. v.

clan 20818 437 12 [p.b ^jj *~Ls^ [see Naq. Index]

1 ! JL^Ai '-) v*- il of the Ehler 482 2 .cJ^ij ^ nkp' o^ ^^? <'onteinporary al-.Miiraqqish

c [Jcotw ^] lXJLs? an inibrniant of al-llaithani ibn Adi 417 10

jaL> the well-known Qur'an-rcader 599 s

- *Xsu> ancestress of certain clans of the Amir ibn Sa'saah 259 12 !o wJLc ^-j *_*j o^-j

(= 771 2)

*i*i*5) a of the clan Abu Bakr ibn Kilab 367 11 II a _jJLj family

author of a 300 14 l-**^u _jj! saying quoted

1 of the 10317 1106 1128 336 4 022 it 623 l 'J Xfaod- ^j vj.Ls? clan Qais-'Ailiin

14 _i 1 c,an of tne Quraish 420 [ qJ ] Vi ^

-^ see ^y^l J>*»

5 • 383 24 J^aJLiJ ^ys^iu _>j! (notes)

*14 24 (notes) *510l seq. (K« l.\| l}l£jl ^J^Ji ^ j^s* 124 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

Ji-^ a collective applied to the Lakhmite kings of al-Hlrah 78 7 108 15 448 4 (see 449 lfi

seq.) 503 24

slain at the Battle of Buzakhah 5 .jLwiil O.UJ- ^j o^i" 448 seq.

Cs**~ said to have been 434 lfi [(_cJcJi] ii)JLo ^ ^ df> eulogised by Iniru'u-1-Qais

&cIl\3 an of Malik ibn Nuwairah 543 3 ll [ .jCjj^Jt] Oy*\ ^jj ^j J^s=wi! enemy

of a of the 6 BDuraid [J^j ^j] Jb^ ancestor family Shaiban 437 [see 215 15]

cited as an 296 12 Fihrist 46 8 J^c _^j! authority [see seq.]

~>J called -io ibn Muhammad al-Anbari ^oAIju!! q-j lX^, _>_?!, questioned by al-Qasim

c 1 7 : cites Ibn al-A rabI 91 3

o - « - 7 Js^sw cites al-Farra 542 15 i»^sUI ^

> called : cited 26823 41616 4485 15 539 9 59111 593 8 70517 ^ jZz?, vsv^ e^'

(= 71114) 886 11

l\+=^ see Aj.j vXi.^ ^ ^~vjsut ^ ^ xlaliul ^ Jw^ 831 18

+jj». called aJU! lX_*_c ibn Muhammad al-Anbari ^ iA*i*, _yj!, questioned by al-Qasim

1 7 seq.

^*=^ see 4n ^ J^tjeSl ^t

o — cited his son Hisham 259 429 9 "e$S$ [^ajLJ! ^j] Jw^ by (q. v.) n

c 2P^?U! l\-^ cited Ahmad ibn Ubaid see also 565 13 eC j.'iU, ^ by (q. v.) 312,

c c *JJI lX^ his interview with the Banu Murrah Auf ibn Sa 102 n (_<*!!! iA_j_c ^ [ibn d]

c seq.: with the Banu-z-Zanyah 102 23 seq.: with an-Nabighah al-Ja dI 682 7 seq.:

sayings ascribed to him 46 15 7213 87 11 189 9 284 9 50910 387 2 461 16 469 4 552 9 PERSONS, TIUHKs ETC. I L'.'i

56011 660 1 10 14 : eq. 778 794 852 is sec al-o .'M6 12 iu 444 fl 5382 545uimk|. 5558

6568 6999 705 11 805 is 8143 and the urtirlr* scq. 8572, Jw>*, j&lJL, ^^aJi'

A>yt Aac ^ iX^ free ,*c ^1

• ft o. o- i - i 4»c i\*^* cited Ahmad 127* ce_iL>-vXiwl 3r Jtl ,^_j 3j+c ^ philologist, by |ihn Timid)

128 2 12 seq. 129 2 130 2 131114 20

*< - i ( - .-*t i\ia^ cited Abu 'lkrimah 5118 cCjj*J! ^ by aOd j l\^ cites al-Farra 575 lo

\LS$ called 12 12 19 21 2021 2222 87 « 150 IS ^LiJl ^ J^k\ ^L> j->\ (?) 6317(1')

15317 574 7108 7123, and L*Jfri 12620, cf. 462 i 27914(F) 4179(?) 12(?) ^; ^J

see the xiv 800io: Introduction p.

S - ) .. - OB U-o l\*t^ see Q-Ji Qi A^>!

see Owk° _jj! (1) ^coiAi^! ,JiJd>$

Jwr^ see lX*^ *l)t iX*e _>j! (2) jU*-, qJ ^

Ours? see iAI=^ *-JJtil _>j! (3) ^lilo ^j ^j

<-^*=^ see Jp;3 _>ji ufjySl

* ljjk#d) Jw^ 808 28 (notes) (j _>*

* * * * 712 11 ! 623 23 IwiftiJI Ju^° ^ 322 20 (notes) 389 17 (notes) (notes) (=714 17)

Ju^° Fihrist 5014 seq.] cited 2 11 j^JyjJl j>jI [i.e. ^LJI ^ ^^35,

see *^' 1 £ iLsj^jt yLj qLb^ ^ -V

O.J . . . > the Bakritcs at an 44013 4415 silk* ^jI slain by al-Aqta'at [,}jiii;i] ^JLir ^ _Ls>>j ^


called one of the mu',imm

JwL&JI, i.e. wto AL called 207 10 * 91 12 ^oAji^JS ; ^ ^ g^j, Ajjj jJ (genealogy): * *207 8 seq. (N° XXI) 370 14

O 7 mentioned Ibn 242 14 sj\f? ^t by Mayyadah (= 243 l)

c ^J? Xm mentioned by Antarah 12 10 (=10010)

) - O S • O - i.e. tribal ancestor 114 2: to the name 7639 &T.iXc, (j*LftJJ ^ 3?*^? legend explain

* o- o.J J- o > r ( see &Lf lXxc ,.*j ..*j j^olX^o (j^JL> iyiLc

3 O. - ,^=-<_V« tribe, their territory 417 3: see also 36112 510 4 70516

called also 44616: 1831 460 1 887 7 otji tribe, jU? 44615.45913

* * Jcot*- *343 *2019 727 18 743 12 * 760 2 [J^Wfl] J^iiiiJ! ^ tpl (or ff 9) (=57110)

* * [J^^i't] l\a-u 0*^^*8 122 13 seq. (N° XIV) 142 6 seq. (N° XVI) *162 5(?) *684l9(?)

*76810(?) *86517(?)

a man of the mentioned Jabir ibn 425 19 LViy> apparently Taghlib, by Hunayy

iiUL« l\**» iAS-« ancestor of a of the ibn Tha'labah 434 18 422 ^ ^ family Qais (see l)

437 6

c ^JSSj iAxe assisted the Kindite Amr ibn the tribes i^sjk*^^ ^ lASyo prince Hujr against

c of Rabi ah 429 3

called 12318 772 — on xli! see Mbd Kiim 538 16 ^jSjkd] S^jjl ^j (j-by«, J^L jjl, (cf. 8)

a horse ridden ibn 8 jjj-x by Ziyad al-Harith al-Ghassani (q. v.) 448 739 13 (var. ,-.5^*

740 2)

the commentator Introduction xv 140 7 887 13 889 s L

.. — & ..

498 12 called . 484 16 jJt-*o$\ (jSJf.*JI (or (jfcjyo seq.) originally A_L«y> ^ ^-^e (genealogy) 49817, or, according to others, ^L^** ^ ***-?. 493 l"2 49813 (genealogy): nephew I'KKHOXK, TRIHK.H RIO. I '.'7

(hi' mill uncle of iil-Mui'iii|i|isli Elder of Tarafah ibn ul- AImI 457 18 (— 484 in): hi»

* history 498 u esq.: *469.'o (notes) *493h esq.

I.IXi seq. (N» LVII) *507u »eq. (N" I.VIII) *508h ,,-,,. |N"

458 in 459? <7 called Juu. 457 1* -*J"^I (jSJ>.JI (or (jii** /mssim) originally ^ 5 .*c (ge-

o - o - 484 w to Aj-» 457 17 48415, or muj. neology) in, or, "ding omen, ^ *_j^* ^ * : XI. liUL. 48415: his history 4597 scq. 457 12 eeq. (N" XLV) 46017 nq.

* * * 46214 scq. (N» XLVI1) *467n sec,. (N" XI, VIII) 47011 seq. (N° XLIX) 474 1

* seq. (N°L) *479s seq. (N» LI) 482 1 scq. (N° MI) 484 4 scq. (.V'l.lll) *484l»aeq. * * (N° LTV) *485 2 (see foot-note) 503 27 (notes) 886 10 seq. (Appendix N" II) *887 4

seq. (App. N° III)

c |U(P) mentioned by Abd al-Masih 607 15

owner of a celebrated horse 31 1 j ^ sy«

Loo >A**» 671 see lXju* ^ ^j S^ 17, ^ iJyfi ^jj ay*

* s 8'a i n at tno First Battle of al-Kuliib 430 1 V*.IJJI r">U**» o^ r*

O- IS) * L*_vii ^j »wo 551 18 (notes)

jjt~ called also clan of the their origin ^.j L_iy= q-j sl^, ^ULi Sy> 69018, Dhnbyan: the 10211 see also 30 8 33 4 103 1019 seq.: their interview with Prophet seq.: seq.

in 9 3 11 13317 1417 619 4 (cf. 101 14) 62115 671 6913 713


t gj a of Ta'abbata Sharra 195 7 |At< companion

* sli -Ui1 604 4 his descendants 556 2 557 17 747s 'jU-^A'' ^ ^ By> seq. (N°IAXXII): II (see Addenda on vol. p. 318)

see i_*£y« jj! ^-oAjI J-^-yj

V^y dan of the I.)abbab 74818

- c _ > o'v o* ! 8ee oV" o* ^ ^ 128 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

i. e. the of Marwan ibn al-Hakam 488 15 a I5J _j*j dynasty

.JLoJj! t_^3 j j (or called originally Ouy 110 20 127 2 ^ ^jj-*-' 14119), (genealogy)

6 mentioned himself as ^~> 12913: *127i *lG0l 127 18, by a _#] seq. (N° XV) seq.

(N» XVII): see also 13916 seq.

c a horse ridden Amir ibn called also 30 20 707 3 ojij*ii by at-Tufail, o.^i),

see iLsjjx jtlc ^j ^-*c

tribe 138 8 86311 JU^o

«iLw! j' a family of the Muzainah 138 6

c e. of ibn see 740 2 741 4 XmLmmJI [i- the family Misma Shaiban, Naq. Index]

jLj: ^s>^«w« mentioned Ru'bah 281 6 ^j (Cjt^iU! ^ by

c jo.^ mentioned by Rabl ah ibn Maqrum as having been slain by the Dabbah 739 13

.JJiaJl JLm 442 called also Z&-. 444 Rabfah ibn ^j >^jl.«>^ 7, ^ ^yju** 4, eulogised by

Maqrum 444 3 seq.

* J= (?)l\aS ^_yi^o 636 25 (notes) ; l_jiLj! ^ i^*~yi ^! the well-known Qur'an-reader 21115 39211 684 14

O * 480 10 J^UJi oli

see J^ac ^ jj*./. J-Jic ^jJ (1) eVJU! tX*c qJ &Ju»x a verse addressed to him by Abu Nukhailah 550 4

- o 7 - o see

o - O _ ,~j satirised in a to the Battle of an- gj^lXJI i-*-*_j. ^ (j~-o lX^c j-j-~« poem referring

Nisar 367 6 13 (genealogy)

at the Battle of Faif ar-Rih 706 8 710-1 I "^-iilL Juji yi rf^IJi (genealogy) i-KK.soNs, room ETC. 119

called of the tribe Ihilmi uli ibn ^-Ji ^j u^y^Jt, originally j-*-*), Ituhiah, *91 U acq.

(N° XI): his genealogy «J1 17

a man of the who is said to have his l" I kind of sword i_jyS^> Thaqif given BUM 106 U

" • (Of. 23711)

oLa* (sic slain at the Second Battle of al-Kulah 317 « {j*^j\ ***j, qJ leg.) seq.

j <_***a* his death 6305 21 63122 fS^ ct (=632 17)

s^ ^y ila*ax eulogised by al-Akhtal 395 12

- > o - . >

of tribes : called 647 ID : derivation of the name ^tjj ^^ jjoj, great group

their lfl: see also 76316: mythical ancestor 118 (cf. 686 7) 113 10315 (var. ^^Jjj! 619 2)

37011 708 lfl

* _^: ^j v°^ o^ V^1 714 22 (notes)

* 348 21 ^0^*4! u-^^aJ! (notes)

* 724 21 ^Ju«^! ^Li,! ^ ^iL* (notes)

oLjui ibn \ ^j! (?) mentioned by Aus Ghalfa 762

a brother of the 523 7 SjjLxJi addressed by Ufnun at-Taghlibi (q. v.), apparently poet

— - O — * - i ancestor of a clan 37 1 2 qj!>* qJ iJ qJ KjjIjm seq.

» - > •&>- ancestor of a clan of the 428 s ,^j XjjIjm Taghlib

11315 ^jJJC! u»^U ^ sl*c ^ ajjLjm an informant of al-Kalbi

» »- . Li*i ancestor of a of the Dabbah 448 9 ^j i_Jo ^j *jjIjw family

3 - - ) J . * called *L£rstfl 695 7 701 ll: 695 fl (X» (IV) *697 7 [J^bCl] dUU ^j H^Ijm, jj^ seq.

seq. (N° CV)

brother of j—« 710 2 jsj£ JujI ^ X^Um ^Xjjj ^ (q. v.)


»•( tXow half-brother of ibn Zurarah 36414 19 ^.LxJ! j ^j Laqlt (q. v.) [see Naq. Index]

iA_*_^i the ancestor of the North-Arabian tribes 11318: of the name ^jlkX-c ^^_j meaning

763 17 : used as a collective 45 9 102 6 10 237 7 24 239 17 seq. 414 13 429 1 12 432 11

439 1 513 9 553 22 589 21 62910 670 21 70417

j called AiU 428 2 42916 432 3 16 48913 brother ^lXIjCJI ^ ^ djA ^^\jla, seq., * of Shurahbil ibn al-Harith (q. v.) 429 16 432 3 : see also 428 14 429 14 431 24 (notes)

* 432 16 4412

w^£ at the First Battle of al-Kulab 432 5 LfAi-+j\ ^ yj^x ^ ujy ^^lXjw seq.

* AAjLJJ 780 16 L9.jQl (notes)

see *45l * 32 124 * 329 20 jSAjJl J+=> ^j ybu [or yijuJi, Naq. Index] (notes) (notes)

see j

; - > 3 mentioned Yazid ibn 600 8 ^jixj! ^j! by al-Khadhdhaq

- r J _ O - _ _ & _ 5 ^fw^' ^ ~*jw see »l\a_*£ ^t

^yw clan of the Tayyi' 738 14

verse on his death al-Husain ibn Mutair 83018 [SlXj!: ^y-i] ^-*-^> by [see

N° 742]

v *i*X^J) _ 4jt^ see tiLu ,.j Ju^Ijw

io.jtx! see under JujLjw

in ^cuXjOujI mentioned a proverbial saying 499 16 [for another proverb in which the name occurs see MaidanI, Amthal, ed. Freytag vol. I p. 223]

sLu=> 12312 yiLiJ! £j ii^otji (=772 7)

B-k**Ji _^o a family of the Quraish 807 14

O _ ? ijbCc iuUs vi^Jj sUiUif ancestress of the and some other tribes 29 18 103 ^ Dhubyan (cf. 3) PERSONS, TRIBES ETC. I 111

J£i\ *2k ^j A*a*J 15 seq. 913 2128 21510 3255 827 9 854 1 4121 4587 498 It 607M

522 15 564 2 58819 589 11 602 1 62114 7627 7652 886 11 : see also 406 21 (n

447 22 (notes) 718 23 (notes)

*k *6083 *609r. ,k\JL«Jl (jJJLc [i.e. iy ^ p~., Naq. 10228] seq. (N" LUXIV) --.,. (No LXXXV)

£Liu ancestor of a clan of the Sad ibn Zaid-Maniit: ^jS qJ jj^c ^j Lr called "ri^inally

vi.Ui 3718 where we should read ^eLiL» derivation <>f tin- (of. 2251, {J yS>s cy.lil):

name 225 3: see also 329 13 (cf. 327 n) seq.

sec jJLo ^ jJii ^ JjI ^ ^

A lu XIX 107 * 39125 ptjJLl! ^ [i.e. v4^ ^

see .yaiitJI y?^> qJ i^»*

kiil! i^Lio a dog 180 15

see .**£*!! ^.!j^o^>-

* 26 t^Jot-J! c>oo^ _^i 26 (notes)

- o J see ,jo^ ^-o qLxjo ^ ^LcbLw

»_ac^U see i&la* Juyl qJ ^*'lc

ibn al-Mundhir of 595 13 iLsrJuJI a body of troops serving under an-NVmiin al-l.Iirah (as var.)

^Jj& called lli * 105 18 see 4910 yl]\ ^ -^Jj>, _>?' seq. (but seq.)

c iXi. wife of Abd Yaghuth ibn Waqqas (q. v.) 318 9

60316 cf. 890 i. e. 59018 (genealogy) -r JyAliJI Osj^Jl (or S^> 6), ^Lgi ^j u-Li seq. * * * 889 of 306 12 588 25 (notes) 600 17 at$li ^ ^ti 2, nephew al-Muthaqqib (q. v.): cf. 8892 IV) seq. (N° LXXX) *6025 seq. (N° LXXXI, seq. A^.-ndiv TRIBES ETC. 132 ) PERSONS,

ibn al-Humam 119 l jUo(?) a clan mentioned by al-Husain

ancestor of a clan 36417 ,. b -.j? iUXa see iA**» ^ yoc!

" ?*« « s^ philologist 327 15 39118 (cf. 59514) "l^j ^ r

448 12 identical jJLo a man whose two sons fought at the Battle of Buzakhah [probably

with Naq. 79 4] ^LLlI ; !yto ^ j.\Iji,

29914 469 called \4hlSi »uLjt >L« ^ JuuJI king of al-Hlrah (cf. 45012) 2(?) 78310, 42712 and 4411 58715 *u1J! *Lo 1^1 422 2, u+i^ 3^ seq., ^l&l ^ ^ ^JuiS

(see foot-note)

the Battle of Jadud 741 8 ^iijl o^i-iJo qJ .oJ^J! at

jJ_li! see Ai^Ui ^ ^ j.Li^>

c Ailan ki^ai. iuJx ancestor of several tribes included in the group Qais ^-j ^ ,yu!£

*102 7

the called 1 12 [J«ii* .o] .yol+Ji Caliph, ^a*> ^?!,

* J^X^t Jtfli ^ J& 792 20 (notes)

c asi 20 20 .JiUjt L$ addressed in a verse by al-Marrar al-Faq (=57111)

o*. 3 d&j> see _Uk;t ^t rf^*?u!

c l\»L« clan of the Urainah 116 3 (iUU ^.j

c il« clan of the Sa d ibn Zaid-Manat 740 47

assisted in the burial of Malik ibn Nuwairah v.) 527 10 [^,\j J| iu-lc ^j] Jl^ljl (q.

690 the ancestress of most of the families in- £Llix!l 'ilJiU (written incorrectly iU^Ju 5)

cluded in the Fazarah 69019, hence used as a collective 50 22 TRIBKS ETC. PERSONS, I M

e o mother of Ya'la ibn 123 lo Ibn *>& Umayyah (q. v.) (in 8« d, 7*06099; V

337 3, she is called jL». cxu|

* 651 24 J^JI ^ yoL^« (notes)

,_&>^J! the Caliph 1 18

cited 161 II — (_a>^Ji ^j! perhaps identical with the following

cited 794 2 Jj^JI ,kx^ _>jl

- O - ) c a !A*=> ^ s^ clan of the Quda ah 148 19 870 16

brother of c * c4*^' Adi and Kulaib 431 4:: 188 22 e "^ o^ J^V (notes) 484 is (= 507 23) * * *667l 719 13 884 21 (notes)

^j^ see j^jj

or 7 called lXo 92 6 5^* O* 5^5* ( s^' 59l4), _^t (genealogy): cited 9117 19519 196 u

197 13 seq. 458 3

1 * ? 833 12 JjLs yL> ^ (^

at the court of the ^ji-Jt ^j^^svJI ^j ^^^yo Caliph ar-Rashid 44516 seq.

see c<~y _*' &p. ^ oijj>

467 13 [,j^*«*i!] (J--J-* _y! seq.

- OS J _ _ O .. c ! c^an of 4 &xj^ ^ iU*r° the Urainah 116 o

^-^ (1) woman mentioned by Dhu-r-Rummah 258 3, called also *I* 264 8

O c c mentioned Auf ibn 4 ^ (2) by Atiyah 837 (yar.^J^)

c •A^ci ^ ^iAs c>-!j L* mother of the poet Amr ibn al-Ahtam 254 11 o'u* a man mentioned Sinan ibn 16 ^t by Abi Harithah 689 (see foot-note) 134 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

soil* see ajLSt Ml qj! ^_i

3^ 8ee O o* 05*** ^ -*'

see &JU, q5+*« jjt qj yiaJf

K*< c (1) woman mentioned by al-A sha 2 22 in s. iU* (2) see ^ (1)


9 * « mSjUB name of a sect (?) 185 5

S called 682 ^A*^! iiJJLSl, ^.Jili >-j! 12, and JgjJ^J! *16l0 (and elsewhere): *22 2»

*70lfi * * * (=53218) *94 19 (=220 6) 169 23 (notes) 269 15 309 19 *336 9 (=604 6

6791 766 * * * * * * 4) 374 20 (notes) 382 23 (notes) 481 7 517 5 586 19 (notes) 674 23 * (notes) *6827 seq. (interview with the Prophet) 684 24 (notes) *773 5

y - « * * * called *51l: 38 5 609 41 20 20 4 8 ^i'ujjJl -iLiduJi, ^L-jJJt (= ll) *54 59 (=723

* * * 879 8) *65l2 70 7 (=31916 87216)* 71 4 *98l2 104 15 132 25 (notes, see 133 5 18)

* * 16 * * * 161 17 (=536 4) 165 (=656 6) 294 3 299 21 356 5 (=58418 72713 79912)

* * * * * *373 3 *375 2 397 22 (notes) 471 3 485 12 531 21 (=55019) 533 11 (=6313)

* * * * * * * * 13 9 5 19 1 11 * 544 546 557 3 559 564 625 643 (= 825 17) 659 6 (?) 685 9

* * * * * * * 693 11 *699 6 723 16 771 4 772 11 791 2 *825 3 832 3 *840 2 *852 5 855 7

*875 3

- - J see LriiJI fa* ^ o~^

c mentioned Anz ibn 209 10 syilj (?) by Dajajah

[ u.,JLijJI] tL&U slew Hammam ibn Murrah in the "War of al-Basus 817 4 [in the Indices

to the Aghani p. 664 Nashirah is wrongly described as belonging to the Yashkur —

see Agh. IV 144 26] PER80W8, TRIBES ETC. li'i

* 817 3 Syi'J f!

ancestor of a of tho 371 3 l»J>Lut family Taghlib

> - » - o XJLj'j female slave of Laila bint 'Imriin 76311 seq., nicknamed 'i*ai3 763 U

-LmCI the Aramaeans 263 7 — see JsLj^t

Ja*-JJ! id. 651 168 2 (=27210): undetermined 80711

ancestor of a family 1231

* i.e. tUlXi 10 18 *136 6 *144 8 *200l« l^suJl _>J, ^.JlsuJ! ^ jJa&l, (=50510 76812) * * * * * *272 8 609 13 636 16 688 9 *692 8 *735 2 769 17 *796t 823 21 (notes) *827»

* 863 23

XJLJ?' * 23 * 4 * 4 _>jl 277 (notes) 478 550

XjoJ mother of tho poet Khufaf, see 117 25


JLj ancestor of the tribal Rabl ah and who are called { 164 : groups Mudar, .tj_i n_j' U

derivation of the name 763 16 seq.: see also 114 1 648 l 667 15

3 ) - O - 1 of his ^L^i vi>Ja x*-*~o mother Malik ibn Nuwairah and brother Mutammim (q. v.) 77 15


15 2 4 13 2 : 8 i^.Lal't 72 453 547 (= 882 3) 882 undetermined 427

a of the Asad 846 1 vol. II 352 note on v. ycJ family (see p. 36)

an ancestor of the of who are called _*=J [Lx-o. ^_j] j-ao-3 royal family al-Hirah, jl

346 2 535 9

i.e. Jw=»i a of al-Asma'I 11 18 called yli ^1, JiS'LJ! |*jI> ^j 6612, pupil 22119, ,}XJl

2610 41713 42113 579 8 86311 876 8 88317: see also 189 9 41211 4481 [and Yaqilt,

Irshad al-Arlb, ed. Hargoliouth I 405 seq.] 136

— the Nasr ibn j_j_j a clan celebrated for the breeding of goats 4117 probably

c Mu awiyah, a subdivision of the Hawazin

* I 92 27 (notes)

* iLX* called *~« 307 23 JjbsbtJI ^ yaUf, oV _^'> (notes)

« _ o -- c *Jtii8JI XJL*ki was slain the Abs 717 9 : verses on his

death by al-Jumaih (q. v.) 71713 71911 720 5

iJLai see _^jt xiib _^j! s_k*ai!l woman mentioned by Hassan ibn Thabit 775 15 iUUli! a mare which belonged to Khalid ibn Nadlah 366 12 seq.

c j£x>L*}jl ^ a horse ridden by Antarah ibn Shaddad 577 6

iocLxj Tab. I cited as a historical t_cjJuLS! j-i\ [i.e. ^^gM^c ^ sr**i 237817] authority by Abu c Ubaidah 36511

3- o£ 3 O - . of [ *i4JI U*Ji al-Hlrah, called U*Jt 427 12, and U*^'t c

427 13 Tab. I 15 1 XiLsiJi ^ [see 850 seq. 882 seq.]

U»L'! 28816 [{j,JuJh\] yJiJ ^

OS O w ...UjuJ! slain at the Second Battle of al-Kulab 317 2 32016 ur*jjXJI u*Lmo- ^ seq.

_^Ls"o! t w called ) -jJLSt 132 22 ^ ^1 ;„il,- _j_j!, eulogised by an-Nabighah adh-Dhubyanl

13316 seq.

c ki>.lil sen* an the Banu Hurrah ibn Auf 133 16 ^-jLUL"! qj imL*aJ! expedition against

c *JJi a descendant of Abd ibn Jusham at the First Battle of [j^jJs] ^ U*J(, (q. v.):

al-Kulab 430 9

*L> — *L*vJi ^ qU*^! 717 6 probably a mistake for *L*«J! ?U ^ .tXJU-'l I'KKflOSM, TRIHEH KTC 187

U*it the lust of called 51 2 307 in 61>; [ LV^i\iil yuUj! ^j] D king al-IIlrah, ^^ ^

or 600 see also II ^JLj-i >j' 5(?): 10816 (cf. vol. p. 250 seq.) 131 h (cf. 251 1 519 8)

36511 591 12 16 15 seq. 6(?) 594 599 602 (=89114 cf. vol. II p. 238) 615 16 (cf. 617 15)

62417 78310 (cf. the foot-note)

ancestor of a 36610 [>_>^s ^ jj+c ^j] J-Uj family [see Naq. 507 5]

l*«iU3l Kilai *8719

* * * 141 22 145 19 *693 7 754 23 ^j^ ^ jJJI (notes) (notes) iaJs ^ -«JJI tribe 428 3 15

c 428 clan of the Qudii ah 432 H KjJ ^ ^ (or _jjj! 5)

*62 13 J^i»(P)

clan 3283 6519 6709 ^Lc ^ ^ 25915 (=7712) seq. 6843 80719 (as var.) 84120 8451

c 5^> clan of the Quda ah 187 8 327 11 33013 511 i 820 21

clan of the Tamlm 12317 434 20 637 2 •jb ^ J-i^i (genealogy)

±&4^ see 8^ ^ Ja^l

*32 2 Jp^jtt ^l& ^ i££ u*jJul the Nubians 152 21

O . 3 - C. at the Battle of 33 6 Ufcfjwl q*£*» ^ J^i ar-Raqain seq.

see name of a sword which to Malik ibn Zuhair ..y^i (= ..yi! ji, Naq- Index) belonged

c al- Absi 5 9 (= 617 l)

o'JLi i'l~> father of Malik and Mutammim 77 18 (genealogy) .jC^jIj! ^ ^.i sjy

18 138

112 21 67116 OLJij ^ &.1* clan, called iUftlft,

c called cites Ahmad ibn Ubaid 34412: see also 648 13 lii.LS- ,-j QijLi?, ^-ly _>jf,

see t JuAjJI o 5 ;^ ****jr

8ee o^ r> k>

10120 [(_=^Ji] iJUy> ^ jUiLP seq.

) — ti5 s j: to death 'Ubaidallah ibn 785 5 [^otjjt 5 ^J ^Ls? put by Ziyad

JUjA* 690 7 (as var.) i_jL* l\*c ^ S-^aJ1 see x^saJbGI

O _ ) 3 »-»-«£> see .*£ qjI s^_^ qj

* ' JkxJti! „l^je^B 588 17 (notes)

* j 215 27 pjL&JJ £jjJ> (notes)

c a of the Abs 717 13 vol. II 307 note on v. piX* yj family (see p. 1)

Jjj^K?) *12H *76l

JjJ^> tribe 195 2 2116 seq., their dialect 782 u 869 3

os „_e* ., > 21 io 647 12 Lj*i*sS s^4* q? JjJ^' [see Naq. Index]

Lu« called 10118 44911 Jtpt D ^ j.^, Jtjidl,

_ _o - J * IV 102 6 189 17 *320 8 *348 3 for £y tf\ [i.e. ^ ^j f-^i, Agh. seq.] (read ^jl ^0 * 356 14

dJJUJt the 417 14 Tab. II 173716 Jyx ^j pLi** Caliph [see seq.] II U09I, THIBKS KTC. I 1't

Jiix]! 4* 43012 of the Ill 362 h L

-J&> J^s^» the historian (we 428 29): cited l is 30 » II M 33 U L< y^iL-Ji ^-j ^ pti*

349 10920 11017 1115 scq. 1121923 113313 seq. 115A 117 5 122 17 127 1 25910

seq. 327 9 34110 428 6 22 scq. 457 14 scq. 515 3 51815 55915 564 7 574 8 »cq. 5911

740 4 8 101 1 and seq. 74114, called jJuJl jJ 79 42710 acq., JJ&' ^ 828 22 422 I

429 19 7103: whether \£&l (422 6 85816) refers to him or to his father is iiiic.-rtain

JuS»9 cites Abu 'Amr ash-Shaibanl 66911 ^ysui' x)«jm qJ 412 5,

a man addressed in an verse 824 13 j.ui^ ^i anonymous

see ^Lo^Ii yoli' ^j woLc

S&2> tribe 169 6 25915 (=7712)

iUli>il x£sU mentioned al-Akhtal 439 5 [ LC ^] JbLP by

mentioned in a verse Humaid ibn Thaur 28 2 Additions nml J_Ii> ^j! by (sec Comctiom

in loc.)

^JuuJi XiLsvs ^ L*5> *860 7

of the cah 78313 3^>i ^ w*i£ clan Quda

JUfH the Indiana 128 16 (see also in Names of Places)

2 8 jJi? (1) woman addressed by Ta'abbata Sharra (as var.)

302 jJ? (2) mentioned by al-Muthaqqib 17

al-Barsa 337 9 jjj> (3) mentioned by Shabib ibn seq.

ibn 355 1 jjjp (4) mentioned by Rabfah Maqrum

438 9 jJlsp (5) addressed by Imru'u-1-Qais

verse 860 4 321s) jJL? (6) mentioned in an anonymous (var. ^f. 140

* CJ~iJ O^P 113 4 jjLs^S qJ (j-aSjiH

XjJUJJI s lc y* £>.Ui v^j jJp married to al-Mundhir [ibn Ma as-Sama] 4281 437l6(?) 58715

wuj ..j »-*c «*»i>Uj JU? ancestress of the Muharib ibn Khasafah 110 7 *J C* if*

c lo 8.!j oJj iXi* wife of Auf ibn Lu'ayy (q. v.) and ancestress of the Banu Murrah 103 seq. uoLsj c>-*-J vXa^1 captured at the Battle of an-Nisar 366 18 oSaI^J! see 750 14

c oiAJl* woman mentioned by ar-Ra I 527 5 (=73317)

of tribes 3619 3714 643 5 706 22 71615 780 5 $jS> group seq.

*_i«^> an Aramaean woman from whose name the name of the city al-Ubullah is said to

be derived 263 7 seq. si^> a man whose generosity is celebrated in an anonymous verse 100 8

undertook to a caravan sent the Persian ^.jjlsU! ^JLc ^ aS}$> protect by king (Khusrau

Parwez) 708 9 seq. : was rewarded with a crown 709 5 seq. : obtained the release of

100 Tamlmite prisoners 709 10 seq.

-1 « it an Aramaean of on a verse a I _j_j! al-Basrah, whom was composed by Bedouin

797 13 seq.

called A*c his interview with c Uthman and cAbdallah sons of ,_oA£ ^ *i*^!l, ^j*=*j' _^j',

Abu Shaibah 417 9 seq.

H - H Oh O- -& — c cvJUaJ! an official in the of Umar I 11611 24 j^JUJi ^ ijm^I ^j j»i*£!t reign

- o , it see fU-J +%& p! (1) PERSONS, TRIBES KTC 141

u\i ( brother of Oe'j (viir. .) Yahya ibn Shaddad (q. v.) 683 A

called iAJb> 55314: for his see 553 2«: *91«) [<*j*-*J] iHH*y* iir? ij^ls) _^j! genealogy,

c (verses satirising al-A sha)

of tribes 433s [JaJa ^J JJI, group 48117 7412 76110, JJ!3 Ulf i.e. Bakr and Taghlib 43010 43912

clan of the Bahilah 759 2 10 ^j** ^ Jot,

a c iJlltj subdivision of the Murrah ibn Auf v.) 31 6 103 la {k^w ^ (q.

i.e. the descendants of Wabr ibn al-Adbat ibn Kilab 26 .by! 67018 (see 670 and vol. II

p. 282 note on v. 30 b)

>- o _ Sj>3 a horse 121 16

* 66 22 sj>j _^l (notes)

»*=-y! a horse which gave its name to a breed 820 6

clan Ibn [v_jbb' ^j] A*=>JJ! 3220 142 4(?) 76014 [see Duraid 180 8, Naq. 92414] olo»P a horse 30 23 31 5 16

see f&^Sl jl± Jjfti ^ yoLc

see oyl OsyyJ! ik) j a woman (?) mentioned in an anonymous verse 495 8

* ^fl\ Jjo} 213 23 (notes =768 23 notes)

* JjX^J! e*.Ul. ^ idbj at the Second Battle of al-Kulab 327 10 seq. : see also 328 20 eeq.

and s. v. (N» XXXII) J«*j£J ^i ^ £»,Ul 142

see < »lsj 3! ci-Jj rt*3c>

*Ju*=» see .-^mOJ! qJ ^^' &'j=> _^j!

* _bljj> iLi£ * 34 25 = 194 21 537 847 22 3

Joy the his death 26913 ^ Oui^I' Caliph:

see *_jli^Ji jU qJ s.Ui

see j^ii* ^ u*Lol yoa« ^ u»LJ]

see jL#t. otyo

aILu ^'iXi 630 called 630 an adherent ^j^jjlll ^ ^j ^ 4, also(?) syw^« ^ ..^F. 5,

c of Mus ab ibn az-Zubair : verses on his death by as-Saffah ibn Bukair 630 3 seq. (N° XCII)

til.LJI see A+^ ^ ^rt^. j_5l\jjJI _jj!


— r & - & - iJLai=» one of the tribes of the 20 9 21 1 123 6 16 n ^ £y?r^) principal Tamim, seq. 437

528 2 74013 seq.

c 'iXais> ii)JLi a clan included the Banu-l- 12218 ^ ^ cy_j among AdawIyah (q. v.) oy>oy the last of the Sasanid kings : his daughter captured by Qutaibah ibn Muslim 238 12

(1) a friend of Mutammim, who mentions him 539 11

c mentioned Rabl ah ibn as been slain at Jurad 739 l l\_)j_) (2) by Maqrum having

* -UJ i called OsLxi* 552 19 60218: *593 9 L] ^Lxisd! yj lXjjj, ^ seq. * (X° LXXVIII) *597i seq. (N° LXXIX) 600 18 seq. (N° LXXX, a poem ascribed

by others to al-Mumazzaq) I'KKsoxs, THIBE8 ETC. I43

* 1^ 121 12 &J* ci' o* o O* **£ (N° XIH, a poem ascribed by others to an unna.n-l

c man of the Abd al-Qais)

oi*^' 75618 ^£K8 & Juji [— Jj^i ^ %fi & AjjJ, see Naq. Index}: HHtirined by

Aus ibn 10 Ghalfa 757 seq., and by an-Ntibighah 771 4

- .-> > ^ jJJI l\ac called and ^ 549 1« JJjeti 5r ^ ^ Oujj, ly> ^1 3/ _>j! (probably identical

with 21522, see vol. II on his death \ j^c ^j Oujj p. 215): elegy 54914 seq. (V IAI i lW: see ^j t\jjj c

> s^sUt see xJd! ,A*£ cC ^e ^j lXjjj Sj*c ^j ^ j^u

Og .0- 1 . UaJ^! a of the c Uthman 1421 ^c; jjyi ^ iAjjj contemporary Caliph

* i^1 ih* o* **> 7214

an interview with the Sulairaan 572 12 L_*ifJi ^ iAjjj Caliph

see Jujj _>j! (1) jJJ^'

a merchant at Mecca 870 17 vXijj y\ (2)

.L»u a goatherd about whom a story was told 335 7

j jo - Xcij a tribe included in the group Bakr ibn Wa'il 518 20 614 7 seq. j«j, r»*J, r«J, see 84616

22416 295 3 616 2 called 40215 77817: fre- o^JtlJl ^y) vy^ philologist 7312, v_i~jj _>j!

quently cited by "Abdallah ibn Rustum 12 1 38 3 92 3 187 7 22416 228 4 230 4 232 17

233H 235 5 17 and elsewhere: see also 5 19 9 11 4012 73 1 seq. 13315 seq. 16312 170 6 236 7 237 9 41216 413 7 et passim

5A**£ called iU** his a of the jJ ^-j iLy«! ^ .JUj, ^-j! (after mother), companion Prophet > ..< c 123 9 Ibn Sa V 337 his is called iOuc seq. [in d, Tabaqat 2, grandfather ^ ^'J 144 PERSONS, TRIBES ETC.

_j^H i.e. the Yamanite tribes 11316 seq. 29915 (=450 12) 31510 317 3 338 8 36113 422 2

70417 70519 71114 — see also in Names of Places

o^Ii! 284 9 354 1 : undetermined 427 21 (as var.) 495 17

Jujj Joseph 4 14 738 5

see .-j v_ju»^j _yi\ i^s^Ji*»}\ v_jyuij

J 3 ) u*o^j Jonah 209 11

c his conversation with a Bedouin 23518: cites Abu Amr [w^_o» ^j] u~j>-j philologist:

ibn al-A.la 56511 seq. INDEX III.


G )(

.ttfl 732 2

> i see iU (jvc G S 660 14

135 5 66012

55 6 263 6 seq.

600 5 (?) * , . t 197 1 19811


> t 65 7 3801 ri.s L>! 541 11 seq.

3701 2._ 75614 (var. LsU)

» of 537 10 (as var.)

15 23 161

3 487 6 and r (var. pj ^j)

194 4



see *o!

G cE 85 8 146 PLACES

«J v_«Jl 18215

, i J^\ 663 2

faj! 539 7

jjt 44210

J.{±$ 36811 (=64419)

j] 140 3 (see 1415)

dS;i* I'l.ACKS 147

Jjc> 884 21 417 4 —' U4JL*vII 7 14 83 21

Li 614 17 s (= sli) iU*Ul 2641 (see foot-note)

6 729 856 2 483 is 846 s'^S ^l^> (var. a!jli) 18212 y^i 14 (with var.)

4x£{ 772 4 768 see 7091 (see 25) ^U> (MSB ll^.) 19 348 &&I 17 (= 18) >sUI 7 15 96(?) 455 14 62311 ci 72718 Jjgfl l]y3*X 4231

ft J 732 3 X^iJt (as var.) ISIy> 741 IS

jJLf 741 16 ^£$U! 50 4 384 21

li^#v;l 82311 e ' tU> 49517 (var. "£>)

199 5 203 4 423 3 L^Jt (fc^o«- (as var.)

8ee o'jj-~J! jlo- o|jy*^!

bL*»J! Jj!> see »L*J!

417 3 54111 21 sjL bli> 66718 w*=»L=» 664 (var. J^>^?>)

iUUs- 45 7 329 20 364 6 seq. 36610 kiL=» 19811

7616 82310 X&t> 8261 (var. XjLi)

iiftrsviut 416 20 ulLsU! 263 2 6701

Je> 525 6 vol. II 12811 28218 41519 41615 (see p. 204) JLsus^i!

OjlXs- 60418 890 20 (see also 740 22) seq. 4189 42013 435 7 46714

7391 48610 54011 666 9 6913 745 jy> (?)

641 16 9 843 16 uiys-

see ilx> 329 5 51016 J>*xJI c^=- J^aajI

4461 81319 l] 34218 s^jj^Uf f>

416 15 X»j» 6531 ._>jxj! »->j> seq.

369 7 (i. e. Mecca and Medina) jlajsUt seq. ..lysiil

6 jo-bb- 35111 66412 (var. w*=»L*s») 522 148 PLACES

<• -.. > s - 41517 i^L>y! SysUI

85 5 642 7 Jll sp-

ȣ. 72716(?) *i~p>

o - . o 5 3 o - 736 3 t^ju^I f p ^^1 65 7 seq. 20213

Li^Ut, i^i^i! 20318 seq. (as var.)

ILsJt 396 6

o_pcla> 15 23 417 6 11 4413 8151

^a=> 117 6 600 24 3215 yL^JI (?)

114 4 JU& 115 5, see

jLji~» 114 4 20211

or A^- 114 8 L?

3 O 3 3 O 3 !^ see a!^

ull=. 41713 ^^Jt 50 4

^LsJ! 433 3 4391

t!y> 844 9

20 33716 u{*» (in Syria) 334 Is- 725 see vol. II ^! (in Najd) 12,

p. 310

J^y> 44210 486 6 82313

DLi see ^lL>

31110 449 6 460 2 535 8 S^osjl seq.

57216 57317 I'l.ACKS 149

sJC&O 3418 7 537 (=194 8) 337 13 J 8621V »L?yi!l 3 826 8 jljJJ! o»k j3 4517

o 586 1 O^ii! 3J 12813

Uiil J 1158 3 (var. Lift 3J)

^1 jj 258 fl o'i 576 10 J^, jLsuit jj 659 » e~«yi o'3 121 13 20 HjUa^! y) 69312

o'J 36211 1 ,»*LJ) 366 9 y* jjj Boq. JLoJ! olj 50010 or Jl*> tJ 578 9 * 2311 (.ysv.Jt oU 445 16 A-aiiyi jj* cAJ 416 20 86211 U^J^ 512 otj v_4^ 351 11 669 6 74212 pi**!, jjkjjl o'j 11418 ioo"l 64016 ; 576 16 618 5 gJt^XJI >1LP> vLiJ^' 687 3 sJcyl 117 6 123 5 >r»' 1,1. 667 2 4*jU3jJ iuu. see xk».

J 58 16 3 756 15 ^Jji {L>j1 (as var.) 460 21 889 6 JLp\ ^ ,j>J\ s5 687 5 f>\ rf^> 626 13 (var. JL>\ and -J3-!) 206 ^j 14 525 9 (jyu^jl JU=»,

i 694 2 ,_£"*=> 5 75614 ,.L>y! (var. r**?) vi~«J! ji 12810 647 24 see !*>jJ! ^^Jl

O o - > e> - > 88 6 U<^jvm1 jj -^>, see «s->, _Lya ^i 656 16 gbj8 7276 JLto .j 215 2 41712 a iiLo^Jf o £ 4414 a y*aJ! jj Ujij 12918 f&>\ 35 129 4 302 (Sy! seq. 150 PLACES

1 D -*';



J> 38215 {J

501 5 Jjilb

85 8 765 7

41517 7718 (=885 5) 5.. &UJ! 71213

out 93 8

or Kile 81319

15318 ;

> 3 140 3 (see 1417) 687 3

525 9

446 18 (as var.) 673 2 (see

673 17)

50 9 116 7 15212 24212 415 8 _s!yJi

417 1 426 8 21 42716 437 2

43812 4461 15 535 8 844 5

86310 (see *b-jt!t 3o)

> -- D _ SO,Vs 4414 72812 o&. 65913 863 22


41617 417 4 seq.

O &- 3 65416

», 396 13

W*«C 215 2 (var. yjfc 21510) I'l.ACKX I.Vi

41816 seq.


26811 seq. 427 11 673 2

13515 (var. Jolyftl)

98 13 4504

11712 o see 12813

396 5

729 6

577 3 61012 662 4 732 2 o see 128 10

G o_> - -O 75715 fc,"

35 6 370 2 417 3 g£ 706 8 707 6 seq. 710 5 14 711 14

jU**oUiS! 154 PLACES

31510 316 3 317 2 327 7 ^llll ^133 seq.

seq. 361 12 510 2

788 4 xiyol k^

459 21 U> 460 460 13 QU=> ^ (var. 1) %&S 396 6 428 13 828 3

1/ 141 5 (as var.) 141 8

^S 8311 183 3

52 5 (as var.)

48 1 881 19) gjfo (= i.. Lsvj 756 15 (as var.)

tlgaDl 130 27

-LtxJ 15010

see ^j y^J ]>)£

o t. JoLo


JoAj 2514 548 11

XJLaLjl 10122

v_as>t5 55919 £«LJ! 11414 18712 30411 368 11

6316 415 8 417 4 gLj-ll! ^tj (=64419) seq.

621 18 622 19 428 13 434 15 2 (_=J-4Sf (^otj 486 709 10

43818 2 objlj 439 8214

119 17 var. cf. 606 -L*!, (as 4) ^Jl 102 6 137 3 21 41617 417 7

440 23 600 16 11(?) seq. 446 seq. 459 10 seq.

85 4 Sy>5 468 6 5015 seq. 525 7 57818

215 5 *U^I 64117 708 9 7112 7713 seq.

XJU*tt 501 1 7841 82114 839 17 869 7

. io, ,Up 772 9 Ojv»J 131 16

v_^u 728 13 (as var.)

(j-^i-j 19012 INDEX IV. SELECTED WORDS. 158 WORDS.

II 221 55910 79517 J — on iiU=>S 557 6, see vol. p. uHit torrent ,__ Oct ° 5122 .v>f, pi. fi*3t. Jt 831 15 yl

_-£ —— see 64811 543 9 i., -ot, seq. 3T (4th conj.) 53615 ,ot leather 613 u 781 18 teatfw 65 6, tent of i* yl i. e. a sword pi*

Jko! interior skin 555 2

472 4 555 27 2601 29412 36212 ilof adj. 25110 35514 [SLsti] pi. j£* 572 72 23 7919 13110 _ «* . si. 8, pi. pi seq. vjii!, oulj', see 4713 2109 2235

o- ) £ 295 2 J3L- 3i! 43517, cf. 29418 — 65611 ^j| ^ol ^S 8117, ^ fjpi 14 i&t 295 6 (= 594 16) 594 21617 [JUk\43 pi. ,IjpW 5551 P !if 5991 ilo^> (=594 9) 659 9 62013 home 780 7 pLi* =oi. ^oii to bring

427 1 to 290 10 ^U ^~ (4th conj.) heljJ (=

678 10 59617) Li! u. (= JJ-li)

oLi 45011 f* 333 5 33716 44310 to Kstere 831 10 G )i D3t. ^oi (with ^D Jc>! 16 9 (=17 7 265 7 346 4 35517) du. Lit DJI adj. see 83113: ) siJ! 63517

849 9 [jJ*i] (roc^ pi. 3L>~ 98 9 409 3 98 13 ^if , pi. (^Jtjl 72318 5*1 (=j4-t o.) #• yy 354 9 ^>F 28313 377 6 2559 0=H V,*, y^i ^1 775 24 £J 25512 -e, i 6884 798 354 9 r ^c'J.! rearguard 2, lSj^' XJj] 354 6 51114 ^LLi ww 593 5 l!uJ \\H|{|» 159

. t 635 5 w.v* anarp-edged Of' J see 850

O o o- ». 8ee ttodw vi>, himk vi>,2 a j-Ajy. yAj^t father 276 u

20211 372 15 '" '""' 52010 Z> *^f (•••• i5«M O 1 of 615 3 391 18 595 D!>>,! ^J (= U), pi. M 520 7

e OOE G //""//'/ aIJ 551 o 45511 24 j^.i. [-J] antelope pL ->; jj! (3rd conj.) o 723 is •Ij] metaph. chattily I 33812 ;; piiu-irood o^. 69714 (=77319) JiJ (=Jwsl) 67810 noun of ^jjy* place 15617

o t (ji't lower part 17110 (=390 4) 390 2 I. 333 fi a ujj (as var.) seq. 513 6 84110) (= o J. G l- 438 18 598 26 U see 792 8 *J)I. jmU (jej ;

• o« !. i. 241 9 332 3 505 1 r; rjl metaph. • 339 7 776 7 871 14 ";' u^B.i 84710 16 3 Bib,! Got 24116 360 3 555 5 j»j! (=3601) Jjj.U see 77611 G.oS 35915 iUj! ° * 229 5 419 15, see 332 3 Jjy (= J?.f?) (— iTS)' f'"' "f famine

note) see under CD ^Jjl ^u 544 7 J$ t -SB 308 16 ,Jy (3rd conj.) vjkl 46018 505 12 81614

ih\ 341 14 seq. Ji ! adj. 664 15 G ^£AJWl • \^>SAW.1 see under ^Lj] 2 4, see 2 24 seq.

G -i jet. Jwli*** <> »/".•••> 629 12 382 9 tangled J, Jfy

!.u ^1 OujJi 75616 4718 (var. r r O' £] (—1^3) JJI, r/): kindred 747 7 cairn 472 8 sp! G S II .*J 78613, see vol. p. 333 5715 JU^] (=76717)

; 6351 69611 _Jl*w/ 1 «{0M 15315 xij.f, JU>J, 25413 seq. 160 WORDS

G _£ j-j coll. 739 3 75310 (=81316) iM- &0I adv. 25816 28415 65716 83712 G-.E G E SUU.! see 678 5, o^ui 739 1 J^yoi evening 492 15 (= 527 16) : adj. >_ e woWe 50817 juwJ 49613, ^.A^UI *I*J 46114 G. E ; £ J^yJj' smoothness 280 3 *JL*ai evening 73614, pi. JJLa! 676 11

,-E &*LJ 753 10 (= 813 16) _bi. ~M i. 669 2, pass. 14212 GoE Jbl 68318 U! u. 75811 887 1

g i see 669 2 sj£>! 134 I 134 or sLJ ^,.1 4, pi. qv— 8, circle 66815 134 10 Jib\ G £ — o £ £ s si -Ja! _vblj an 184 7 G-o G-of yo] (as oath) 450 450 8 gpwj, B^J, 8, pi. j^], ^t, 1*3 202 3

! 538 8 s^Lo see 669 2 852 4 (JmLS patience .Lfel.

***«**) . <—A.**.A) 18 1 (var. w*-io)

G- i > E iuUii 420 6 61510, pi. wJLii 419 3

1566 461 15 ,&?. [^,1] pi. ^al seq. G £ 147 8 ^ja G- —. »_&! sait'w o/f 817 4

. _e i. 351 f* j*ol G o£ •• G E see yal, yo], ^k?i

I covenant 639 19

glueT 34 22 34 14 , pi. ^o!,!

610 6 639 JLo] fw&for (see 7) G _ o£ bundle yaj! of hay 63818, pi. yAi\

32517 610 2

G > £ JJOAO) u^o' adj. strong 54 1 G £ ijajuo) amphora (?) 29113 WORDS Uil 162 WORDS

u-jjyi perceiving 166 19

I trans. 363 3 : intrans. 425 19

554 21

nJij! 595 2 G>i v_«ji fresh 29218 729 3

G >S G )i 749 7 [uiyl] proud pi. oul

oij!. o»_il (4th conj.) to delight (trans.)

15513, partic. 455 2

Jul good pasture 455 10 G it



7972 f ",v - """' cM oW < )> O>» U^«

796 21: pi. SJ^T 8114

»jt. 8jli' 586 10, masd. 130 4

O—j. it *0t 586 10 (var. Si*l)

• '• f" 1 witn OB? (J=j' I'' !' ( J) 787 18 (?) 805 18, OS masd. 806 1 Xrfj

U^T ^jt eerf 258 8 306 » (= 423 Hi

582 9)

* O.^. — it _», ^l. jiit ^1 Sub 1214 (aec'Urtnth ilm

al-Ward, ed. Noldeke, p. 86 note 5)

Jut. l>! slmnjlh 37618 (=8413) o ^>b] side-pole (of a litter) 840 4: /i//-

fodfc(?) 840 8 O.i) Juyo strongly built 234 14 (= 451 n) 164 WORDS

also 0o 146 17 j^ 509 10 o^- Ljii fatness 65214, o

« s/io/-< mail-coat 37 23, pi. t5#*j p1 - kn5 5 3821 ^A_j 78312 ^Ijo! lis?. 349 10 yw. (var. y&gaj 253 155 3 474 8 Ldl 8, pi. ^Jo

«i^. i£il3s; 54319 (as var.) ^ul* 722 3

iol 560 3 58319, pi. go' i?!jo 193 13

water 124 21 : as l^K underground ^aXi{?) 27717 (see note)

230 2 836 4: coll. nomads 329 16 adj. pi. £&. motaph. i^JoJo (var. ^IJu) 8361 fjo. 8,_cJo 43317

-pp. see 211 20 oL>oL. 48714

23 interj. see 595 seq. £0 JJ u. 308 2 13 440 6 580 8 776 7

coll. 57711

9 -i? see 273 16 468 17), metaph. 851 >*' ^° JJO^i (=

610 21 (as var.) tV>Ja!) [Hy>L>] pi. U*!^ seq. (var.

JjOo 549 6 1 870 6 iX>o. Oof with 2 ace's 870 , partic. use 851 16 jju^i garment for every-day Jcot trans. 71818

SiXXj adv. singly 870 4 ^- ^ a. £0 be healed 152 4 157 of a t&j of a woman 7, she-goat 18813 ^jjj. [KJC^] pi. tiWjJ 2 > 334 21, pi. Jo 4616 12315 S , r?y- r^ Jtoa farting the legs 332 14 123 16 [£->y] Pi- f^/j Jo. IlJo of an eye 856 8 cf. 4918 seq. see 4952 Z*' ZJi &f*%> :lV>. =Jo 829 7 seq. 210 Ijj 84315, pi. gj# 4, oL=>^W 6 [iUJo] pi. 395 g3o 405 11 (= 739 7)

ace. and 847 4 _j! more 49419 JJo. jJoi-w! (with ^x) painful

3 *so.Lj 494 19 jJoX< /?(*fcfa 751 jMttttS Wiikiis 168

u. 157 15 V l>jJ iiH'tapli. 815» oMyj «.q.: pi. JL^l «eonJf(P) Oo) o > o < !>'• or [-y] ^ 87011, oty 528 20 81518

319 5 o,y (=789 7) 46115 of oatriobat 8058 2 c. os o. dy. 4jt 55910, 212n, Luo J Oo. ^^ iU^j a J i/ww/ 33 4 234 .1 d)y 777 12 826 2 :

of ii metaph. woman's logs 16219 coll. Ininlinii rutin Is 250 « 5421 163 1 — 6747, see 234s o . 5* js) **y t\ij ceaseless count 304 18 677 5 •tffj

0-. i of rain 55 4 [Kcjy] pi. gj^ metaph. 64712 rilyV (= 454 4) 673 2«,

of a wild bull 282 3 coll. 435 6 J*' yy 57811, pi. jity

tf- tf 528 8 (= jkx;) 399 1 jy o .

in, 11'.1 a mn ijirille 4215 trans. 816 ^y jyl 4 Oo. O ^ 629 14 jy (= v_A^«£) 817 9 OS.) 2 o. 887 17 5j^ of a cauldron 350 4 o^- ^Jy

*L*i j see 1 1 417 see vol. II 12 oyjy 10, p. 153 Lr-y-

i. or u. 85911 u»jj see 149 17 X0y O *„ o Wy^j see 664 5 376 28911 j*By 5, pi. J^Jbfy 378 6 Sy 87613

I. to 168 9 737 876 10 ^y srrnpe 14, metaph.

326 1 587 7 652 8 774 G_o^ G)o) 24: to go see 211 18 800fi ft- jiy, jiyf, alongside of . . . (with J) 257 9

18212 467 17 18013 U5y. [KJy] pi. Otf^ ^y o -. of teeth 461 15 2 ^Sy ^it 658

29 1 1154 [JjyF] pi. >(?)

emaciittion 229 15 380 4 : ilsy stow// pfatti adj. 468 2 (of Xjty an eye) 426 5 M- yjj 166 WORDS

199 7 53011 568 9 598 26 603 8 ***aj of a thunder-cloud 11419 jjj. jJ (?) ^**o. 69112 O"**'

u. masd. 58120 722 10 Jjj. j£ 72210, JjjJ

Mf subst. and adj. 149 7 468 5 555 27

fern. (see 776 5), used for the

46919 47114 597 11 60411: tush

479 3 727 14

47814 Jjjjj G Jjy of wine 9312

jjp 292 5

see 71111 Sji. i«l*i seq. 711u jb (—4^)

see 711 10 ja*

L*o. L*[o a.

23317 (with v)

U^^o. 1/4*4 *W*j s ee 17011 46217 60412,

pi. ,jljUo 46215

G- O . r*- a ^ of a she-camel 733 14 (=

868 6)

iu **Jj 289 11

JivwJ. laJt 791 5

[Ja**J] pi. JLLj 39 2 7

G - O > J»*»o. J-w^« 197 9

G & - o > j^m^jcma^o 568 y Willi I.* !«7

vLL, 4610 Pjcv] pi.

&*• pL*3 60 3 Jaiul see 767 20

LLJi subst. 498 7 659 u, pi. Il_L_j bimlni 731 II > * £|ju 865 7 12, or rfJaU 670

Jju 768 15, pi. 21 A 3 i-yu

iLaij subst. 834 3 &i- J-kJ 37312 785 6, «U»Dl jiu' 88015,

71916 78415 pi. 3^4* job 27018, masd. 27011 18 o 587 1 754 6 Jilj frivolity seq. o > *£j a. l. u. 35518, masd. —x- 651 16 xJLLj, %l4> 8ee 45113 seq. 8811 'juJ" 798 21

^Lj 292 3 >• 86618 ,ju. ^.jb trans. 1441 q£l»j ,^5 705 21 0, o J attacking 647 7 * (jaA-«,.'l j,*,-j,>X'w^ 2 s 266 H [J.JU] pi. bUb (= Uj) seq. 585 18 ^-Jau Ju. Ju women 5512 aci the metaph. ...LLj^ Me of fastening belly-

6458 ^4 253 t girth ( Uaj)

iUkyi SCO 797 13 fUib 112 *L 34515 £*• piebald 21, pi. 527 10 ^LLjL' J^- jjbj see 855 3, partic. 47315

« k* , Uij see Uii» jib 824 5 17

e^*J a. to Ml motion 699 8 p<£ jjSL herbage 8191: as adj. 855 8 G Axi. san. 61510 Jcou, pi. 810 see vol. II 339 i**- vjlj (= v_sl*) 8, p. • 9

-jL i nil ii ranee 828 9 t_*_*j for the fern. 789 it, pi. _el

iuju 824 i 525 9 seq. prosperity 26914, pi. oLiu 168 WORDS

SLjLjI reserve 23 cf. 564 see vol. II 227 of strength 4, £i*. jjui 4(F), p. G o > 646 1 38 6 38 13 ol^u<« (of horses) j-IJ-i" (= Lx_Lj) (see

and 637 3 60912) 5(?) L£j . JJ scarcity of milk 244 15

>wfi.L. JiL 5921 77517 603 8 x^- [yu] pi. jbu Go G o£ iLsilj 776 4, pi. 311 9815 of a camel 472 4 bo! mai- yG , pi.

dens 831 4, of things 816 14 t«Jb. taJj 20 4 537 14

4791 8861 Xxttb 1461 \'f>

— 583 5 yl ojyi ot/L. J*** jjo u. to moisten 7111 O — o ) beginning 649 20 yCx^c Jo a. to ie woisf wjtt (ace.) 188 19

62918: to AoW 561 17 £*& (=^0 718 9 /«y of (v)

JJoj 673 24 785 8 JCj I. with ace. 301 3*- u 18, q-£j( (= [iJb] pi. oij 785 15 ^^) 1918 (= 34819) iJUb see 785 12, pi. o^LL 785 13 Al3 (=SLc?) 13313

JJb (fem.) coW tetrad 871 u [XLL] pi. jo^b 181 19 788 6 J^Li" 28415

10 ^JLj (or Jlj i.) 201 *L. 505 7 10 768 var. iL^Jj (= 12, iljisvc 3418 e=^ 20017)

iJbl 650 6 A. Jbl 39718(?) s ~- O ) -O Jjb. Jjb — L\JL 7 cf. 88718 f^Tjj-78 (?) 248 12 G-o- J^&t SAJu £Ae between the collar-bones p/# SbL skill 8814

22 11 186 8 ,j:_pb

see 75 8 ilil 6 uJb! 25616 720 seq., pi. \£& 83 7

JaL to struggle (absol.) 437 6 J*' uJb of a man 451 6 22213 _b^L surface 157 18 yjt

«_L. ili causat. 152 l oLu. [XJULj} pi. •Jsuj «7«/to streaks 379 4 WOKIH 100

-OP causat. 614 12 l5

to 475 18 I ^fAAj encamp _^ W MWJ) norm 108 17, im-t.ipli. « - c) *~o 625 bco 76619 (= Ol_oo) 117 8 u,

dimin. of c,yLol 632 7 acq. yb Mi- u^** noun of place 47012

w, io intcrj. 595 9

see y^. yl^ ysbr'

g&. a-?^ 779 2

jj. jg a. to exceJ (absol.) 664 14

jj to be out of breath 342 U

157 masd. 664 8 ^li! 3,

see 878 577 11 ^j! 18, pi. jfi\

.:#. .;L^j (?)356l5 (see foot-note)

U^. ji^j a. (with ^1) 753 2

(ji^j /Ves/t rfatos 467 14 G tJiSh pi. san. 75217

hiy £;; a. to /EM 156 20

vji^j. vji# 77517 (=82318)

26018 662 20 797 7 cj£&- il


coll. 15 21 21117 287 17 472 ^. ,*4-* 2, 1611 pi. jll^j

X 1 490 8 ; 5312, pi. ^4-J (as var.) 76617 WORDS 170

coll. 62518 «L 135 9, a*' ^ «y

£4; _ »UI «£* 6159 Jj. iJUl to fill 37816 a aitocA: 24315 oUJ mgrM 2619 fcS 7119 72 5 (=193 9) ^i^^j see 766 8 iJ£>? 79614 entertainment 750 ll j^_J, a tttpAfr 489 7: in the I?. i.e. weak (AJjUl (cf. 7511) JfJS '" arrow-game 75317: pl. (J^ 4436 lXaJ. [iljjj] pl- <**! or 266 6 598 15) pairs 501 4, ^3 (= 834 ll to dazzle (with w) 655 6 u^-j- ya^I Wtwd, 266 8 (= 489 11)

9 43 feW 419 7 of a 396 (see o ^-? LLp epithet pearl j& 56611: JJu^ 8*4* 16412 y^ vol. II p. 147)

i«Iaj white plain 19012 G wV-> Z^L\ 42819 of a sword 563 5, jjkllf pL-u&** tjji 44011 of men 394 8 436 9, also «>>>)! u^

to 17U2: to &*•»«£ »« »*» 154 17 453 13 454 1 i3f[ jfoBwc 730 1, of women

fraiw 846 5 647 7 437 9 coll. 5481, pl. fLalj of armour 562 6 *3 31416, gL«3f

212 7 225 «£ gftaaow (?) (= 15) 246 2 442 17 .,L I, to leave (trans.) (= Cflrf- O successive 37816 [iiij?] pl. *Uj 54815 57414): to elapse of a cuirass 1731 K^.f" epithet to 545 20 aU trans, fceep away G _o , c > g_»,X Z'mA 854 18 o to see clearly 398 4

i- to madden 48510 489 7 ^ of ancestry 14815 «W- }4i' » 292 9, or 87919 [jJsj condiment, pl. ^V lill with gen. 29215 19 jo!p- i-JJL, adj. 672 var. to 33610 (=604 7, 3-il^JO "LJ — I (opp. j4^ a Ca,LJ jjj ,^?uJ)

62813 see 750 8 ^L»3, titi',

Luis 437 7, see 79014 a - ~^\5 ir. 603 8 seq. WORDS 171

l^svj' tf Wad o/" do

i_uj' coll. collar-bones 579 19

yJ&« OW^I 87512

j'J. Jfj 426 7 (as var.)

JlJ see 164 15

79010 *?' >yil mefriph.

1 1 - 849t r?f- to -^] p r*H^'

tfo harden 878 9 jjl (//// up,

dl 87610

• 31411 i>>y o°f

i! see 168 16

c J' 393 9 pji. fulness

y£> 59 5 592 3

Ow--> G - - - > c == ^8 ^ r**<< ( P 7*****)

477 8 Jyf. Li^i(P)

insolence 407 11 »yi

(Sly 172 WORDS

- US. JiG see 38517 42817 (_s 5*3- jixi — j'u 546 7 j^SUit ^L. bIj I. to 8 disdain (with Jx:) 541

[£jux] pi. jbci 3i8i

415 5 JUJ-. 3Ui1 (=*ii) «y

84410 :^j" 13. k_jlil a fctnd tree 33 4 G V of hsUj 83 2 seq. 58214 iX-Si 40913

*+i' a technical term in the .arrow- GE_ oLs moi'si 485 13 _i ground game (see vol. II p. 20) G _ lXJLj adj. 48511 t5.U3 533 12 (= 631 4) 283 2 — Udt 54815 [jyji] pi- J-JLS JLs r &3

5Ua*j' amulet 85512, coll. **£ 44 1, JS\ 27121 (=34416) 34410

44 4 855 855 19 313 18 395 1 19 pi. ,IjUi (= 15) jjLi (= 837 l) 344

706 12 4155 ik*j' 343 e-j&)

279 3 3 - ^SJjJ i}-!-* [JLiJ ] pi. aLUj 26915

[X£] pi. "lil 87 5 •Jtt rt fowd of shrub 800 7 8013

G I G o_ .mj rara 811 ll see under J^ »i.y (_c.3

^Lpo big-bellied 797 12 u. to 8 ijjj yearw 2514 246

G_ 3 *403l to remain motionless 85911 [JCo^j'] pearl, bead (see vol. II p. 147)

du. 453 coll. 453 11 61014 6, pj Ju^S

S - G=- _b I. to meei 886 5 (with j) yi adj. 25816, BJ3 252 7 514 7

ivjol 715 10 seq. 879 19 192 6 3511 774 4 G S - lj3 seq., metaph. JLl prompt (of a speaker) 629 4 223 2 77313 2!^ G-o _ "lis 409 3 - ?#• ;' Sj,_3 wealth 506 16, a

- . 813 U^-o u^i 9, pi. l^j 67111 8139 184-12 711 10 (as var.) WOKIW 178

7714 fit fresh vJuJ. vJULi iulj.(?) 2619

© 1 L*i 177 l JJLJ. jULi (fern, of J-Ji-3) 664 8 — for

similar see IJrockelinann yjyjj! adj. flowing 232 it forms,

Urundriss der I reryl. (Iramm. p. 1348 >$. [jiai] >w«/, pi. >s 345 OS.) JJ&4 66 4 841 j

57 8 (=634 5 738 17) 73813 &&. [£$U] pi. ]& 825 16 ft o- I ^JLotj fox-cub 849 H U^&S 6161 O. o. jut to tose Me torfA 14418 *Ki« caf«e of bereavement 101 24

slii 32913 [JIXL] pi. J^JUU 152 21

JJlj oW 403 15 lUUi 160 9, coll. 78 4 656 (camel) r**- jlljLS (= 15)

65611 [vljii.?] pi. vl*J^» 5122

OS. aj 436 4 J^- crupper JJ8, [&13] /tocA; o/" sheep, du. 15 21

219 6 296 16 627 424 14 vol. 11 jLs-3 (=78413) (J03 l, partic. (see

p. 157) 63 4 19119 30510 o"' [£La3] pi. oLii 657 7 583 5 fi£\

of a camel's hoof 679 8 ,*Jlio (var. 3 - 47017 I** J^aJs

o -of > see ^,-a^! 4713,

- o . o l l\*3 .

or 5321 550 20), partic. 55018 [iL^!] pi. ^jLj'I 47012, v_jl_2f 1917 658 659 m33| JtiJU i.e. Jw3 (= 34818) 2, pi. oUi (metaph.) 1, l4 s 14915 a mountain 538 14 809 (— 20), ^slil

1&J1 80914 1441 >**« ^ & 33314 JLi 57816, pass. 863 9, partic. 807 9

642 2 473 12 [wJtt] pi. vyii J**. 3li /VoM (of milk) o G O E ^_yij coll. CAtps of wood 425 11 Jwmj see el 174 WORDS

52412 [XJtf] pi. ^ii

I. to fo to 406 15 ^jil e^M«? (ace.) (?) VL> adj. 68 l 174 4 (as var.) 356 7 J& (= ^1) 441 14 G o 37812 620 25, (juiAjt XjL=» epithet ,Jj a female that has borne twice of an antelope 650 16 861 19 : pi. suil ends (of a bow)

503 7 L>b>. 23311 558 9 58518 804 8 >>>> 808 3,

Ljj Aeoa ««rf 72415 -b* a ?c^s pi. , ^j>-^ (Cjlc (of road) — 53312 6454 ijr^A (^oIj^I Lg-i-i^ (=

6314) 53315 (as var.) ,Jb>. 15817 800 21117 G o_ j3>-> 5, pi. jii-=> [sUixi] LL« cords 338 I 501 13 pi. a 49315

703 2

,L=>. JL> suffocation 329 13 . u. to i_jjj i_Jj be replenished 7041 716 9,

to 1 rise (of prices) 72120 y"&L>. uib- mine? 626 4 seq.

to a 6 v_jji repeat cry 736 Jl^A^f- see 234 3

ua£XmI to ask a reward for a thing i_jL>. i_a>o see 16 4

(ace.) 642 12 20 Oc - ) _sLs^ scared 16 3 [^y] du. 43313

JL>. 5lI=- (fern.) 75 15 459 1 ^Jji see under «&

UfL>. t^l^-i to become brown 800 17 (as var.) Jj u. to atrtifc 878 1 i!jb» epithet of an array 309 4 41918

crowd 7119 890 4 .yi. S.^i (as var.)

GSo- i. to <2uvS 80 17 5318 730 15 Blo 674 7 UgS. ^j^i ,

to lie dead 71317 i_o- u. to 6tto o/f 87 1 8 ^t see 8019 255 7 605 2 7313 v_4> to /fee 31 14

255 4 60411 G 5 <5 . %3 &_>_j> 16 see 738 820 14, pi.

white stockings (in a horse) 144 14

l^L~> 759 7 woiths 175

39817 V>»4- ,»*^> 122 1 (aa var.)

-*> i. 235 16 /' / /*" metapli. _'_V-- v**^ '• " r "• '" '"'"' 2421,

236 1 b^Lo- splinter

tjMjc?- helpless 629 1

to s^^e 5 L^- ,<•«£>' 843

8*3 5 U^, i^-j

[JCjob.] pi. ^t^ 393 9

Go_ S^- J±> adj. 216 2 (as var.) 584 8

o i masd. for the r**" jii*7- (used partic.)

362 1

J&* 211 1

j^- Li=* u. see 677 7 f

59 3 723 7 879 masd. j^>- ^s^r! (= 7),

668 8

G ^ o > 70 8 319 17 872 y?cs? (= 17)

to l_ju^\=». OlS\>) (with v ) n^?jc< 29517,

G o > oL&s^ calamities 839 3

»JLs\4- 22211

G _ o - Jj^>. Ja^=. ormy 718 is

jda^\=>- ftp (of a horse or ass) 798 17,

38 6 609 12 pi. JjL^> (= 12) 38

234 16 (= 609 9)

Jw?v>. J^-sv> see 79125 176 WORDS

9 - j jIJl_&. last threads the 83 16 95 12 163 5 (of web) joA> (= pUj)

9613 seq. i>Jk« 25014 61417, pi. JoLsu250 6

G > - [OjiX>] pi. l\jLVl> 858 6 »iA> . £/Oo see 549 7

l [ JuA>] recurring, pi. oJo» 849 »i_V>. t^Je^l £o jpro/U (absol.) 595 16 of a she-camel 65 1 sl\^° (var. 'AA^ ) _ .- o to asfc ... 547 10 t_5iXJLj>t of (ace.) 469 19

689 5 seq., partic. 477 1, masd. .l\>. 79612 o [,LX=>] pi. .jiX?- (as var.) 2L\JL>i request, hence the thing G oE inclined to ... 534 y>X> (with ^.t) 7, asked for 63919

san. pi. 4771, worthy of... (with oL> asfcer 29010 (=59617) 689 2 83311 v) SlJei 477 5

'jJ>t 824 18 ^cjJLi 260 14

:lX>. c«X> starvation 406 2 L$Jc>. ijA>, pi. IA\>, see 41913 G_ «lX> 277 9 406 6 532 (= 9) iuLVs- young gazelle 1 72 6 498 3

*dX> Famine 244 4 (= 569 15) 3Jo. tX=» u. 58312

ekXa- adj. 372 7

|/owh(/ 407 4 684ll 88011, cA>! 5441 873 8 g\= gj^_=- of a road 256 LcP> gJ«^ (?) 17, lKX>. arrow ools? 561 12 [uiJ^] (?), pi. 657 or of pi. g!A-> 16, ^Lcl\-=>

(var. v_i->LsuJI) hills 18813

i_jlA^° to a 472 16 appl. M>ntp G f J^>- JuV> see 166 20, stock, lineage 595 8,

JJe>. JJ1^ 'o overthrow 313 44012 pl. jbc>t faggots 477 5 OK — — G xJtXs- (a she-camel) of the breed of JJL> standing upright 67 10 (wrongly-

Jadtlah 338 5 explained 67 16) 150 8 166 20 (as

idU> 110 9 (—»o»tl) var.) G- > _ > ? - xJtJo- masc. 18 3 var.) (as ylX^. happy 433 12 466 5

i"&X> of armour 613 2 *JLV> masc. 18 3 (as var.)

827 827 5 21 JjJo- 9, pi.' JjU> JoJo- 166 (=229 7 766 9) WORDS 177

OX r^>- «3o> i. 503 8 8^>8^ 6713 o . . 20919 216 4 29113 34612 ,lx> y^s* a/wy 328 7 > r* r O - I onr-limidrd 585 2 l*A>l [jsy>l ''"I' (wll), pl. y'j> 18»M ft - O- (= '''"'"' 413 15 414 2 J 136 22 (jtys- BjH/r) fr- Jjy> oi - - Co jj&j hinging (?) 727 7 iujs- seed-bed (?) 64115, 8ee 796 3 2 __ noun of place 641 u 72118 752 fern. /Ae y&A ^P>! 7, 'Ij^sO! o > a< 702 6 205 9 sty «/ .s/imz/j

north wind iLoy> /o tirNM « AW/ 628 1 uys- l_?~j=»-l to. O o > noise 628 coll. 805 176 12 ~i*£f>- 4, pJU? 8, pi. ijHy* Oc 848 8 M&> see 648 16 (-£;>' (jiys-

see 581 13 620 1 879 ur^y?- y>^> (= 5) of a she-camel 641 15 iLoi^i- epithet

a. /« : _ _> wound (with v_j) 494 5 G ' > of a horse 712 ,«~~j-=» seq., of a to gain (absol.) 497 7 ttf»"

wild ass 867 7 of a 0y>! horse 18617 6061, fem. . Choked 39 10 636 ^y?- (jajy> (= l) ib_> 27 4 (here of a lioness)

169 13 187 2 691 12 729 causat. 18512 11, pi. 3y> SJ*" ^f> 4001 106 4 36311 434 5 71911 744 6 [Xe£>] pl. ^~~

sand-hill 21014 891 22 (as var.) ilxyJ-

id. 559 9 ^ysU/o 83210

O - oe - G -o > see 26 3 50 11 360 10 io^>, xsy>, V" [ij-4-] pi. ^"y-k- (= 71814 75616 75418) [J)H Pb Jl/H 169 8 (=7203)

mm - O 154 7 'if? /o commit crimes 7204 JT^ (»j*->(

to silence 57 14 639 j>\ (absol.) (= 2) [iU.b-] pl. *.[>»• obtaining food 4388 o gentle driving 23412 coll. dnt>.< y> !»jy> nj(M 4112, gathered

90 838 3 8218 Bj? jar 7, pi. iff

23 178 WORDS

a 777 14 coll. 5014 863 see iUjy> gainer of food cj_> onyxes 9,

OS _ ) 65418 -ysu complete 422 10 (J o G o - c p» 826 8 s. v. bend (or cj> 1.) of see 7 10 'ff*" [jy>M Pi- j*»'j?" a valley 501 10 654 16 862 19, pi. 76010 of?- (?) 57010 698 9 ^L> |lj>!

30510 826 2 G ) G ^L> 372 8 g!j=», g|j>, (as var.)

G _ > 644 or 7610 shattered 69 4 *f*" [^y>] pi. 9(j> 21, y>t cjfu

G t. iu j^u (a lioness) having whelps 27 4 cL^\/« ««s«7y discouraged 568 9

- oS with understood 1191 444 8 83314 L3ri- Lg—s-i obj. j^>. 0f> adj.

757 11 Jo^> 433 6 838 20

streams 188 13 .ty> 74117 s J^i so ) lcjsu horse-race. 74914 (?) 437 15 £_ - 5>. °;L> to |2> a. content oneself with (*_i)

1_\a*0. <_W> 557 l 4 (var. iA~o-) 5 : to divide 244 (= 569 16) (?) 566 14 G i XwL> dry (of blood) 3411 635 3 of animals 210 or cAjjI> 14, ^eJy> G ^Lwo» orange dye 746 20 (as var.) 339 7, of palms 8214

[lXwv^su] pi. i\«Li»vo «

u. to subside 860 12 if*" 1314 4616 83516

to as 2 yj>S give food (with ace's) -^-r _»o- u. to traverse 387 11 (as var.) 43314 73913 _*,L^' to become stout 5863, masd. to ofttoi« 38017 (food) G ) TJ£>! ' -wL^1 boldness 379 8 jj> 51016 679 6 of _J~o- adj. (=774 9), Sp> see 38019 511 1 739 «Jji> (= 15) a she-camel 54 1 27011 443 6 G. ) see 73916 s.!j> 45618 478 8 679 3 774 8, «ll->

a. to traverse 40518 of a woman 77410 tf*" ej> (=863 7) j^jL&uJt

, - .- o c i^U! to 6p broken 405 9 -**j- &o/d (fern.) 14818 _ — o c to traverse 501 1 10 of j^>! .»«>. a man 836 17 WOBDfl 179

we 2606 J^A-»*C> . j£.«..su> 7918 SOyo-

Jjuf of food 11914 L&>. v^jio. /jom- 866 7

9 o - .Ljl> exclain. 369 21 *_j>^?U> (food) irilliitnl ctiwlimnil i

o t, 53217 LT*>- lutr~*>] P 1 - u~*-J-«- 431 1*, teo

o 23813 r^>. yiL> (lairtii)nj 262 l G w see 419 2 Ajyib- Jjt>. Jjt> a. to /noiiiixe 317 12

i . e ft) /;c/Ae M«e . a 1W^> uio-i deep-voiced, of a horse 24 .'2 ,>*£>! of thing (ace.)

47 8 6 64618 (= 165fl) 165 4, of rain

55 4 (= 454 4), of a reed-pipe Li->. Li> see 841 6 727 of 6, a bow 866 7, fem. ilic> VD - nicer 205 6: icell l£> 844 » of a yic>. fc» tj pl. she-camel 542 2 (as var.) O.o - 8^> /«w& 312 13 398 4 c £ o . jJc> (juirer du. 462 18

J.O ft * l^uJI *-wiO> 4381 503 8 l*"***-r" f*"^ said of yL>! (?) camels 792 U

G ~ o _

1 - distniil.ii 96 1 1 281u , iJ&? 256 8 cr^- tcr-^H P cr ^ jus?

0>**> • J*> 235 8 (=78013) Ji>. jj*> wri/J 86 2

O _ _ ij^Las- san. 793 3 o pi. X-^a--> 3918 796 ^is-. (=63110) 14, pl.

>_a*>. 477 8 [v>!*4-] pl- v*4*> 2381 ^U>

. coll. roofs 398 Lis- 0. /o feni <»«•«(/ from 37620 {•yta> q£*> 17 ^a>. (^J oL*? 43217 £S\*>. kjsv*> 566 4

u - or i- 8ee 7211 £^vi> 566 7 wJii-. v*^* seq.

«L£Vjk> 97 11 218 1 566 3 vl»l> icisp of cloud 847 12 848 1

505 1 847 *^*^UU falling 870 1 year of famine 10,

Go. see also 746 7 iA*s>. lX-«_=> 5 adj. 57 8 (= 634 738 17) Ji_=» /wf healed (of a wound) 21516, see 260 6 180 WORDS

746 6 : pi. v-!|y> shouting crowds »i!JJb* (sic leg.) see 798 5

7211 ±3-. :bb» plaited thongs 467 3 G - > i_Jb^° 757 2 (var. <^Ls? 28215) G _o _ iAxi>. iA*Jb- of a she-camel 478 8 oJb>. c»i> (=iAJb>) see 782it

oib>. JjAs? 83213 (=3961 545 24) Js^d>. J^svJb* 2761 oUu>. JUjj4* 69215 [J^b-] pi. J.=*^> 165 4

JJL>. Jo> i. in a moral sense 201 14 ,. _^L> of a storm 673 26 . G o - J_L>. to com- 425 2 84415, j-Jbr i^sJbs* 65711, pi. 12519 G = ^ ) a 289 496 %jJ? 33114 covering 21, JJLs* 5, ' c . see vol. II p. 188 332 3 [Jl^o] pi. i-JLs? G J^> ft great event 9015 (see "Addi- i^is-. JJi> see 37813 tions" in loc.)

s > l\1s>. i\Jb» trans. 78213 (as var.), with J^> greater part 566 16 : horse-cloth

understood 9 obj. 416 783 13, 7318, pi. J^> 67413

partic. 785 9 (as var.) jJis- cn'me 105 10

G ) G - ) JJLi- 568 9 S±=> adj. 59312, pi. jbL> adj. 377 18, *Jbb> of a she-

73 20 178 2 camel 831 4

G_ _ iAl> hard soil skin 743 6, stuffed i> 54916 88613 L< exploit

78219, pi. o^L>! strength 30712 [JoJb»] pi. xL> 58 16 131 2 (as var.) 42311 4516 5107 9 * s . O Wow, o!j0b- 632 8 [ik\Jb>] pi. 28313 JjJl^ cowretf(?) jObr 85714

657 16 jjb». pL> 3519, pi. pSb* JcJLp ^'mo,? 234 14 (= 451 ll) G _ G 81011 ^\JL^w« sandal 782 16 ^^ G c_ see OyJL^ 78214 JuJb*. i^-jL> 2619 82810 (as var.), pi.

Sd^° burden 783 3 lL^L> 130 7

G_G„ iAi> . of a 2 5uJd> she-camel 798 *JL>. 'itii>' side (of a valley) 889 6 WOKDH 1-1

^. Jb- with ^ 482 5 o s

X-lLi _ 1 iC^ ^*3 678 18 (as £*? driven off (of a herd) 882 19

var.) v u * i .V oompoetty bm (<>f home)

'i^-l(P) 57U (var. i^L^ 76717) 633 S

noun of 537 4 f^fU^. [X*^W>] pi. ^>U> <- jj»> u. to melt (trans.) 284 8, partic.

a. 497 13 284 4 f*- c " pass.

,sv«L> 163 21 to be 12 • J^L^i palinil 752 (var. c , O.l _U> sco 173 11

57213 4 to 8 Z^ 735 jii_>l melt (trans.) 284 £u=- see 78819 A*=-] pi. oL^> 264 1 (see note), C it »,! II > of a she-camel 3411 35518 or oL=>! 687 17 (as var.) 47116 47814 572 15 72415 79913 d_*> rugged ground 4541 742 12,

to a camel 456 18 appl. i. or U. to 28317 r*>. *». (loir abundantly G-o _ G 377 9 829 498 7 *=>. 20513 U> (= 3), metaph. ; [»^>] pl. ^l*> pebbles ( ;

724 1 masd. 498 7 724 1 ace. of place) seq., ^> 2. «q> subst. 283 18 284 12 829 1 : adj. ^s? softd (hoof) 14912

509 7, £=> 592 15 adv. see 25618 j*=». ^ci^ifUt subst. or G_ - » 866 6, pl. oU> 3776, s:L*=» 66 6 (see foot-note) 124 21 775 24 ,J^> o u^t^. [^j-^Lz-] pl. u-^tj-s* 77710 (= t^q. rich herbage 44 9 859 3, rubbish

310 3) 357 13 i-6 2, **>. ,«*= a. ) spear 15, pl. ^> two or more 637 4 of persons fleshy 461 2

O - > G _ > 406 9 ['***=*] pl. £*> groups crowd 890 4 G jl*** eU> me greater part 87 7

G « > 57014 bo. JL> down 72 11 cU> medley C< bending (intrans.) 182 WORDS

of stones JL>f to i« wtoa 665 3, Li^v« curved 622 6, quarried 61418,

(of a shield) 567 19 pi. joL> 16819

^> u. to spare (with 2 ace's) UiiLs? with ^ 15210 37914

312 7 : to lead by one's side 603 10 to hide 81318: to O^' ^y> u. (acc.) pass, 14 (= 891 16), partic. pass. 609 oe marf, metaph. of insects 409 6 JJl> with 2 ace's 370 19 491 (= 491 13), of rich herbage 10, CJjF trans. 72411 on 202 4 see vol. II p. 71 G v_*uL> adj. lop-sided 39515 814 l ^ys>- (derivation) G_o - G S > 'iLkiz> vegetation 558 4 X_i_=- armour 174 3, covert 764 5, intercourse wJu> society, 196 8, v^ols- metaph. 51114 593 3 (as var.)

396 5 prep. 1 3224 51913 65114 [oL>] pl- o -^* -rein 4408 v_jU> leading 24 14 .JjLj. darkness (?) 647 13 747 B, - iuL=> distance 779 4 ^_oL> subst.'472 2 seq. 545 9: adj.

v_jj-L> 78312, metaph. 77115 542 5

Ia^c> 306 4 7 3071 42319, pi. fern. i- to obtain 884 to commit a l^- .-is* 6,„ wJLii 439 20 crime to G o (absol.) 54811, implicate, v_A-c>l secession 308 8 involve (with J^c of the pers.) Jv^-F focfc of »w7& 28 9 (= 130 16) 351 with acc. and — 3, ^i-c v_*jcsu without milk 13013 seq. SO — * O—- > O — - 552 2 b^=> liLJic u>*L> - cB rfwL>. *^-=* a- of the 49215 to 6^«r 800 7 evening (= ^Lq*! »'«pe /h«7 (var. Sot 527 16)

G o > ~ -o?

— - rt^JC> (acc °f time) e?*^' ^?- .JtdAS (with J^) 50213, see note 77015 2514 (=884 8) 884 10 O OS) Lj4- pi. of spears 75715 [^njL>] f^>- ..L> a criminal 548 12 (as var.) G « J - o£ — iL«sU>! 765 8 _U> pi. ^?uJt ^M>- J4> a. with Jj; 83317

*_jl\a=*. i_jJUs>- cicada 150 4 J^>L> with acc. 83317

G o - of 11 jjuo-. jJJ-> coll. rocks 8311 (=183 9) Oj^su milk 334 WOK Its 188

**• 184 WORDS

of 814 said to pepper 6, qv^-H

mean day-light 78012 8221, ^> G-o _ sL-*»J! of a wild-ass 858 6, &Jj-> r*> V^ (= W-=\) 767 9

of a sand-grouse 218 1, of a she- J».lJsG' to fo soaked 52 12 (= 736 4 21 of camel 744 (= 748 l), the 866 5) 7361 the earth (?) 865 18, SJ^sOt setting wO» — **=> «w need — Jx. spife of my Sun 67 15 (= 357 8) see also of it 571 13

53811 s > >_^> u-ine-boui 292 5 123 21 23416 30614 [^y>t] pi. ^^» ^ *4_c 1916 (=525 6) 192 6 43213 583 5 82118 7361 G w 5 oLo*> of sand-grouse 5812 -*=> see 41014 69813 y>p>. seq., partic. open space 49315 501 1 62311 2j>. y> 6 11 1» 561 (= 698 743 11), pi. *L~>i

to loathe 412 453 2 \j>it>> uh*?"' (ace) 7 57517, (of Christians) G_, G 2 513 6 metaph. 1731 617 [-^>] scar, pi. Lc>

adj. 14318 G 47 ? 768n ^ V*>. [v*£>] pi. v^r"

G > o yjiLc* 532 3 758 7 v_)U^u see under u*>

G G o I hindrances 463 2 {j»+=>. tj»4^> . [] pi. oLo»l used for the sing. JLo \j£ff 550 7 452 4, see 792 5 — lX_»-> is pro-

perly a sinew (Hebr. T3) ui^>. i^*+:> dark-coloured, of a mare 597 6

*LXa=> of a woman 293 13 iiU=». [ell^>] streak pi. t>L«j> 472 8 G {_£*>. ijiL> T. 3621 498 7 853 6 iiUc> coll. rotes of scales (in a coat o - - u&L=» of a horse 853 6 of mail) 17316 G_ - _ G- o_ iL&U> of a wound 635 9 Stf^s* of a mare 107 12

v_a^>. [iCft*=»] pi. 777 7 Jjj>. J-*-»» to oe caught in a net (i»Jlf>)


G o _ J^=> r*op« of sand 279 18 (= 707 19 WORM

r52 8 781 «), 137 in «*>. with iind'nitood protection l if-*-:* MlgltJTfl

10 1 : 438 534 pi. JL=- Vfhtt 60 17, 45818 (aoc vol. II p. 169), be-

pi. jjL*=» bemdi (of lore) 182 s fon ii minimal clause 877 1

O,© > • . • iJUj> fif(ici. ijOw trans. 862 3 (as var.),

L*> u. trans. /« ///Ye, with 2 ace's 560 3

68611, with 1 aoc. 266 4 359 8 vi*-Jeu«J 362 1 1

459 12 686 23, pass. 55520, to col- e~i=» adj. 225 »

lect 517 is (= 688 15), to protect

517 20 (=68819): intrans. to crawl

25210, to come near 716 5 (cf. JJts». jiski i7/-/V

woi? ii.">h, do, 839 l defence L)

,_»=» mass, ,_»=» 3J of a cloud 77015, _->=* u. trans. 342 1«, pass. 343 2 gP> 5007 o L*f* iLS\=» gear 49512, pi. «^s\> 520 « 1L>(?) 115 3 826 10

^o. u. (?) 229 5 (=41915) 603 4 [_b>] pi. Il^- (=89115)

"l to fall off 80018 ^=>- _S\s> ! (s. 1.) oU=» see 230 5 bosoms 475 18 [ys\>] pi. jy&^> JCO. JU^ 5952 8MM 865 17418 s^V=» 9, pi. o|r?^="

jj>. see 203 H 249 3 535 731 9 865 7 yc=>, jis>\, Ji>, seq. (= 16)

U=» tent-cord 841 11 o J who "inis ^ _p-l=> (an archer) point-

447 7 52313 8701 v_SU>. [Juj>] pi. v_jyi» l>ltnik(Y) 563 s: sword edge 817 M

27318 r>- «JC» 168 7 (as var.) 20315 (as var.), jys^ (as var.)

507 10 63411 pi. f*p> yf^ girt M 186 WORDS

13810 635 3 v_)t\=». JL u. to hop (of birds) v ^) 78113 ^Js.^ roughness (of the sea) 58518, [£sSl>] du. 6641, pi. 3y^> hillock 813 7 865 20 or 3^#w 78113

xTF 12 mA=> Hoe 3^> adj. 791 (see note)

iU>L> sunken (of the eye) 51213, aX>. £*3l>(?) 560 9

167 7 pi. events 446 9 '^y> otSoL> 726 3, or k>Jiy>

6ott£e, pi. J->|^=> [iUL>ip-] <7toss 48612 488 4 857 6 seq. 2731 or 272 H '^p>\y> eLl5J> (= ay^) 387 4 round the pastern \**li? markings Zti&> 52120 8711 (cf. 87616)

a 2412 27616 adv. 537 19 (of horse) (=4314) vio>X=- adj. 6284, LSjlXb-

6 . Ls^>i to 655 ^_s\> refrain _J^> i. to 29817 ***' go forth G o - unevenness 214 2 889 5 *^=» [1JL>] Utter, pi. JOo.1

G O - _Jo- coll. colocynths 258 12 \~>, see 533 4 cr?^- cr^' o^ o saddler 645 8 a mistake „ob> !-=>!^! 27313, probably

for ^bsuJi (see note) Ot\=>. j^> (= «U) 330 4 5597 G - - crooked, pi. 9 [,!-Sto4] ^y?^- oJ»j> barrier 330

in see 273 14 cf. 468 18, also, 199 7 JU^i (jli. (= soL>) G- « - another 26 1-^ sense, 9, pi. o^ so!l\=> jailoress 330 l

273 16 468 iXjL\j> (= 17) [ikX_j>\J>] spear-head, pi.

..**«? 27310 13810

"o- measure 1344 u. to sfced 494 19, yS\=>. e^> ,A>. 'ii> (tears) 8yU>

344 2 84 9 iLflsfc (=sL>Ls^) Zettwigr /«K (sweat)

"jo to grow bulky 49 15 LX=>. t\_=>

49 16 var. &xLo "As> denom. G G > Jci> see 796 1 42 24 IJc=> coll. kites 7131, 3l\.^JI (= 19, pi. ^O^-.

18) iOcsJ!) 753 2 (=•49 WORDS 1-7

of mi 856 8 49 Is) 440 IS 620 14 S^\». eye (cf. [.y^l |.l. yL«>

256 8 258 49 U 744 2 77415 jjL> bull,)/ 12, Hyb> vly> (at var.)

o" . i , I'm i r 795 17 l$> jjA=> pari (vur. 5Jo) ^ 64513, (lu. 1304 rnl 20 Vt* . tj*A=» i. or u. to make guesses 2644, 0. v'^« 213 12 (-= 768 14) masd. |j.A> 264 4, partie. 464 7

o »o » o. . . o coll. . [i3As»] pi. j^Jo sing. 813 10 856 3 O - . " -j-> PMf 615 5, as epithet of a ^As*. [Jj>] pi. sUs* 66012 camel 61 11 94 12 423 8 443 8 jA> see !Jo see 684 431 19 _^> 14, pi. Jj>\ eggs Jl\S>. Ai>! (= 470 4 598 12 599 10 JLai-) -f>j> of a she-camel 581 7 603 12 (=89118) i. J^ai) 27 4 624 >f- 3y> (= seq. (see 1), A=> . .J^' trans. 559 3 1 masd. 4 14 jj=» 27 594 seq.

V_jvX=>. Liv3L=> see 56116 (cf. 81512) OjL> 131 2 (as var.)

vJjLs? 561 14 (as var.) O.L> eager (t) 62319

see 6241 . see 5 3 6 2 o^=>. vjkXs* , ^Lx=» seq. Ju^> o O o S SU . 47810 [i*X=>] pi. ^(Jot 51 oy>! 58313 OslJo 6 4 (as var.) Of? (as var.) •••• -» , . Mil >•> 1 furious 66 6 ^>. isx> 3 oys^c* a amaU-eareaf?) 747 (var. &jjs3-) - > — - > o - * » >f*- du. L*Ls> 704 18, n^J! ju.V>. kx> n. f<» present 694 15 ^ ^>

7101 85317 (similarly fa 851 (j^Xil 8y> (_5Jl=» confront (with ^_>) > > 1-0 52 19) : for oL*» see under /'> " ^j> ^cju^! /«// oh m tandal 391 10

O- ? or iUA=> see 13 22 846 84611 ^!y> 14, pi. \j> o u. (a 317 ^ _> ftoi wind ?87 is see yi»- yjj=> plunder ^ J; 835i,

>_j to be 730 !3 masd. 819 703 1 y^>! angry (?) , 13, pi. ^i.


to a to of a bow 358 10 )f- •f>\ keep thing (ace.) oneself Xju«^>

. o , ) . &_ 50612 72610 — *j^ f^uJ' &£p 49016

unsoftened (of leather) 583 12, i. see 3113 !»ysw d*>f" uiy> G_; _ > ro«(//j a 889 7 see 67810 iUysU (of road) (j£j=> 9 310 16 (?) (var. see ^L=> 44010 (see note) ^b. ^&J&), j

vol. II p. 109 L5r>- \^fP - • > suddenly (ace)

. *• or u - = see 55 2 uw3j=> o°f ( *&*) 831 16

with 85510 G o- L>^/> 8442 [iisLp] rOM«/A ground, pi. ^j* rain 54 18 '\*zLif> scouring ^- Jfp> sour milk 230 1 2"- tjoX£ to seek to destroy one another l^j id. 39 5 jjj> 407 6 84410 G _ o > olrfP owe tlflO the in &toj=> shuffles arrows

*M»e 860 19 the arrow-game 865 6 if*' j=> (as var.)

»p id. 8613, B^> w&ew 57 11 **• Oj-=> of a she-camel 191 12 255 19 Gs> sp- piece 13 20 466 4 2651 423 8 46810 o GS_> jL> see 275 5 ljy^ (a rein) having a border 271 16 85 13 274 jjj=> rot^A ground (= 14), G — i masd. 18 1 ^- jIjp 8512 150 4 or pi. D !j-=> 27411, 0: B of a 16 17 o[^w place 844 6 Sj=>! (as var.)

iiL> denom. see 792 14 6f>. pi. (= oUU>) 806 8 G sjp». [£ip>] Jjj> tte ii).L=» /Ww£ o/" a camel's hump (as var.)

775 5 792 11 793 9 BP- pj> 60312 (=89118), see 73719

i. with 2 ace's 779 4, with 1 see vol. II 135 rP" fyS> **p (.= ,1U>) 361"4, p.

ace. 63919 /.-erf 191 6 525 pjl> (= 5) subst. 46ll: 5 14 (= Uj>) adj. subst. 604 16 : l»y> j.j>! rough ground (?)

(= 46 20) adj. comparat. 626 3 WOlCliS 180

(= 42 4, pi. d^~^>. lilL-o coll. nimitie* 838S r^*U fIjil £t£) ^Lsu o . 71 11 (= 839 8) *JU^> Bee 838

Iminlles olrfj^ MM HI G57 lfi J*£~j». jjC-^> coll. nttOmgt 805 «,

54618 1 1 or*- ^]i>l of boys 805 ° 737 14 890 46919 o ]_»- 4, pi. if> J—=»• J~«~> coll. f«/fw 20510 68018

o > 470 4 567 19 246 4 468 19 ,.U^> oi£s?

640 11 523 7 Q-^>. ^Ls> (= ^lo.) uir*- [XJl}b> | pi. jt>i- san. 260 4 394 8 OS-) ^o- pi. ^*o^ ItoHOHtrrf (J89 5 ^L-o- adj. sing. 723 11 seq. i\~*S>. i\~o^ eiiried, pi. san. 445 5 _J*> . L«S> 0. to sip 201 4

-»*z> . —v^' of a camel 598 8 [b^ls»] pi. o|y[*=» 6861 o „ .»*=> sorry 143 12 5L^»] (?) 433 11 o de- -wLs> unarmed 53011: pi. san. 498 724 see vol. II £**£>. J-l=> 7 5, p. nuding, i. e. restraining, 3 _*»L-> 188 note on v. 19 4 (j-AJ^I 394 (with variants)

O - > G see 820 U -J_=» feni. imreiled 259 w^i^s> 2, pi. ^-*~->

831 or 63710 1, LjyP> Juij>. Jsi^> i. or u. ro fatftr oneself on

of a -*~o» camel 835 6, pi. ,_=_*«_=» behalf of a pere. (with J) 427 15

777 7 434 13

wearied an 479 9 Sjv^o^ (of eye) [JUl=>] pi. JJ^=> 69518

>> a. or i. to 29515 l (with J) slender 208 8 35814 iJ~~J>. _r pity yLz> adj. 3813, s - I o > > with ace. 445 11 ^«ol pi. -£> 148 7 s o . _ chill 528 3 (jl~. .Lio tax-gatherer 426 5 o noise 29512 U^> a slight 86515, pity s.vi^* of arrows 314 5

see 833 iLji_^~-=» 9, pi. I MW.J> . u. trans, to to itt-feelmg, ^ji^_=» fill, hence

Jsul«J> 705 21 stijiply a fire with fuel, metaph. 190 WORDS

89 14 2 to 665 805 8 (with ace's), feather J«as-. idu^s- 3, pi. ^y>

an arrow 148 7, to saddle a beast to inviolate 64712 rya=>- ^ fegep 57215, also with ace. of the of a woman 519 9 ( -j*='l=- saddle and l_j of the beast 620 12, OLa=> of a horse 708 3 of tears that fill the eye 767 14: Cr^^ of a fortress 658 15 intrans. see 745 1 seq. G 2" number a 481 18 ui^kXio dry fodder 744 13 jya^. u^ (of tribe) G »La=> clemency (?) 82915 tiLcio. dJis> flow of milk 21119

skin-bottle 319 5 ysuia>. ys\«a.-> (for milk) yiio. VA=> u. to stuff back 15114: to pe- (= 789 7) netrate 635 5

-*ia=> . to rare ut'^A . . . 234 masd. iLuiL> edge 83915, pi. Ji.\y> 814 9 yaL=> 16,

for s. v. but *La=» 14614 853 3 (L?£}y> L?^^y> 1., (=147 21)

see loc. 82619 to masd. 56112 LA cit.) 85616, ^>! /7«?tojj 32711,

ends of verses 293 13 735 4

G ) ) Go) aowi^> mattress 9 -*i=> or 456 9 577 j gallop 14617, faz> s. »#» coll. vanguard (?) 212 7 (= wUS> . w*U2' adj. 865 7 225 15)

L\»a=». oLi=> ripe corw 78312 1 -aii^ assembly 71012: pi. _j&Lsu o lXa^ot* 31012 settled people (opp. to nomads)

436 7 32916 y«2>. ya=» stinginess (var. yisjisUfj) G G - o » ,Las> distress 666 4 ^ai^ trans. 44511 G Go ) 845 5 race-horse, pi. .^Ls* 14815 ; yAa=* adj. [*a^] G _ua=> Wrt£ 167 21 L_*Lt>. i_*Ij=> i. 145 7

O G - >

. u. to render bald 11 145 fern. U^ao> \j&=> 566 [^_«-bL>] pi. v_iLk=> 5, pi.

(ja> saffron 549 9 J^%i 411 18 G obj tr> faggots 52015

violent (of a wind) 573 11 J^Jk* (= ^iiivJ! lif) 241 19 is WOK I 191

JaL>. Jas* u. intrans. to turn (absol.) 7985, hjL=> zeal 783 13 785 8, JslijcJI !|L»

to ilescend J:|j3 ^ (jr^* 246 in, 68 5 824 5

to 792 11, pr«M against (J.) 7932 _jui=>. ^Jl> n. /« surround 214 18 723 9 (— Jai>l trans. 862 8 (as var.) 879 9) 809 3, partic. pass. 7319

* . > , o

488 1. *Jo see 663 « flas>. ^L=> (var. ^ao) i., v_jj*>, seq. o . . x»hs» see 488 « qL«_s» coll. young ostriches 287 17,

- OS ) I o-- i X.«Li-> 613 sc(|. young partridges (?) 854 9, *jU=» see 80911 v;i r. ^Liw 62515 82113 (as ) G b;> « sound 367 8 675 17 jLanii 87014 q>.« /"if/i'i;/

G san. 716 1: 124 is Ji>. jil> coming together pi. ya=>. B^Jii. 12718, pi. yliai-

pi. 3>*> fWl 60712 76714 76918 ^ -^ JJis>. J u. to /mm/>, motaph. 151 18, jjjis? abundant 234 7 masd. o^0i=> 151 14

> - of a 2 ^ i^i=» woman 712 147 5LIhs> sinull arroirs y&>. Hj&> (?) fi, pi. G o I

^a=- . see 794 10 173 8 w<.i> «'

£jJL=> 614 7, pi. L&> 6981, £Ji=> see LXa>. iXas- i., t\as», olss», 12818 seq. adv. 535 l 793 25 G ) (var.) short [l\sL=»] taking steps, pi. iAs^s* G - x^_uL=»

saddle 37 23, pi. LS\jo 286 4, or

G ) o £ Jo . iswt (var. see 455 7 and note yi^UU) wviL>l 657 17 (as var.)

> -off a whit*' on the i. to wJL>! having patch Jo. ~--Jlo /.tp;> off (ace.) 56713: to

/lank- (of a wild-ass) 555 28, pi. pierce 652 5 (as var.) 741 13

._*»> 356 7

i. to down 147 3 : JUo. (j£-fl-=> pour (ace.) G 01 iUit£* placed behind the saddle 7491 t<> wear away 562 6 w*Jcsul»w« carrying behind the saddle

147 r> J^io (?) (with ace), pi. fem. (of camels) G - - Go* (jaas>. ijai> see 33619, pi. u»U>! 33617 seq. 3812 (= 609 9), metaph. incurring

9 Jaa=-. iiaX=>! trans. 83218 (var. Julian!;) (guilt) 480 (= 737 6) 192 WORDS

235 9 780 -JL>. <_*!>! to jk>, J\=> (= 14) afford help 10317, partic.

G O 57017 v_oss». ^J&> sand-ridge 15 21 16 3 464 3 to u^-LsO' flow 734 5, partic. 192 9, olaSL> of gazelles 82 9 metaph. to yield abundantly (with s^sii^! curved 16 3 v) 605 5

to be 661 1 v_SJt>. ois* right, just (var. >_&>) >_JlXs>! to drain of blood 684 n Co - 2 786 XJi=> horses in a race 692 9 - e *Jis*! see 661 3 seq. 4-1=- 172 6 813 9, see vol. II Index

£/(«£ which is 636 v«5-Jis> fitting 17, n s. v.

see vol. II p. 294 the veins ^LJlJ! of the inner thighs

58319 JJis*. Kiss* field 62617 •- - £jJb> coll. milch-camels 28 9 of a mare 745 11 ^JsL=> G *^Jl=> 2312 (=36314 83910) milk set to curdle 39 5 ,-»*£=> apart G . _ ) ^b** epithet of a cloud 282 15 (var.

pi. o*s>! 65716 [jL>] <-*!=>, see 757 2)

G - wl** 333 5 .£> miserly 157 12

Ss>. 376 — 1 < y Lr 20, pi. Jlbls*! 13311, ti)v_=> u. \ ^±*S-=> she knelt Jlis* ulUl

in the 753 17 down, of a she-camel, metaph. to arrow-game

466 5 crush 33 4 826 2 u~Jl=>* steadfast (with v)

oLwi^° of horses 434 5 JJU^ see 166 21 (= 229 7)

JxJLp-. .Lis*! see 6121 reasonableness 94 2 {&>. jjC=> (vat. *l^u!) G „ OJ G —o) *X^° of an affair 759 2, iL^x-f* of a ^Jtio. iLais- coll. reerfs 735 3 G 1416 speech ji>, with Js£, leagued against.

730! ^s*. ib> see 68514

'isbn? doubtful in colour (of a mare) Sis* to fceep &ac& (animals from the 2413 water) 356 11 seq. 721 18, pass.

for 2 638 4 seq. vjULs*. vJiJls* throat, used the pi. 778 WORDS 193

* T oi-Ls* coll. of which armour 4 rings, jJLi vittted, frequented (of place)

was made 266 6 (=598 15) 6851 1149

876 16 , JlL> *Jl»yi girth-rings 6on r^- ,&?•' (=^^1) (=86010 ate.) 684 16 877 6: JiliaJ! a kind of |*Jb»| //«///', ////, du. 797 17 brand 865: vJiJb* mctaph. groups O o •toft 648 5 !»**»•! «/' dreaming (var. of men 691 8 o o>Jl=> /«/ty (procipicc) 865 20

' o" 1 I, trans. 501 i obLs^ masd. 19 4 ^^bJ

o oiLsvJI sec 26 7 o~*> skin-bottle 127 10

' 1 ft) ON i inl tn a JJb>. JJL> /;/(/ thing (ace.) l^su* »m>«m 707 11 627« *li! iA*j?o parenth. 40 20 - JJL*?'

denom. from ing 5991 75010 p=> ,>»•> 501 7

ft - o .L»_=> > a saddle 8 J^JC_=>t absol. 425 13, trans. 425 18 fore-part of 757

O.o > 440 8 47616 77712 [^*s^] hack-horse, pi. ^Ls^ o time j*=» of warfare 476 16 : SL> adv. U> /»•«/«/ 794 9

with a reservation, i. e. "make a yy^ 739 21 (as var.) reservation^ 705 9 OS o denom. from [*-L>] pi. J^L> encampments 35 6 u~*> u^jev,'! 259 is

655 H U~+=> raliunt 783 9

/*o< 464 17 [xl>] pi. JJb> 764 21 ,j~«b> (as var.) o disastrous 33017: J^L> IJHw (in which women ride) ,j~*=>l pi. ,j~»L>l

216 21 epithet of pilgrims 46223

2, o , 8117 6913 -! a uoman the Hums 259 2 [JL>] pi. JjJb. of

Ultart 884 11 .^bb> iii/fil ija»». u. to reduce 146 17 O o_ (fatness) J-vLst'' a tAmjf scarcely perceptible O o . salt 636 14 813 8 282 11 2831 yia*^ herbage

Sdbs? 689 2 697 1 encampment J-tls^ /o constrain oneself 338 16 M 194 WORDS

& _ O - - 3 577 3 41 lX^s^J! [j«I>] Utter, pl. iyts- 1, i^yttfAjsiA striving for

O- > the 881 4 *Jl*L=», pi. J««y>, see 1415 mastery ^ - & XJU=> blood-wit 43812 -«a=>l to 873 21 ( defend oneself

J G o , coll. oraste 786 12 heat 853 6 ..bU=> for riding ^c***

- 507 2 310 8 Jlj* [„bU>] pi. ^ ^ gJU=>. g^U=> G - O _ 3 see 815 20 ~ -^ ^^^1 \ \ stout-limbed 378 21, pi. fern.

side of ] ^I^ 4117 16819 8218 (see 82013):

G » 134 8 J^Z. [J±>=>] pi. o>JU> pl. »U=> defenders 825 5 G 4 ,_*=> deprived of food 237 .»*=>. *j> u. to urge on (a beast) 891 25

understood) (obj. L>. §lls> 234 6 (=289 6) 288 20 775 24

lz> to be destined 601 7 seq. O-S.J i^uL^ curved 725 6 *£&J to be bathed in sweat 171 10

29-* see 549 8 (= 390 4) J-** jJi=" G __ L> substance 247 6 284 4 : aim, /«% earthenware 90 7 r^- ^jjl=» glazed purpose 635 14

on > = 199 6 ^sUs». 52 8 ( 866 3), pl. iUj> doom 203 7 •:S^s\L> y>U=»

charcoal 473 1 r^ <^JL=>. Jd=> i. to cause to sweat 288 12

4 1m^> /io< wafer 505 3, sweat 42 (= JJhi>. jiil=> coll. 801 3 17017) 42 9 310 8 87912: compa-

nion 505 12 ju>, oix> aw^er 375 14 G - 15214 L»l dark-coloured, of a horn (?) 175 12, vJU=> adj.

of a horse 714 6 i. of the wind 65114 G & - o**" o> v*-^ fever-stricken 411 6 T-iu^t of a camel 630 8 G 651 17 ^=». sL=> 3914 ^p. see seq.

U> u. 87419 ^j». ,^1^ to avoirf (with ace.) 41 7 (= _^>. (as var.)


O.c. - « A »Mtf" 6 solicitude IS «y^> o/" p/«n< 486 idjLs>| 634

84811 [ L>] tavern-keeper, pi. *«//• h C) ^yL> . Xk» 793 12, pi. \JiL> 822 o." o vjy> *jb>, oyb>, see 812 7 soq. . H. to beset 591 7 '.: I ^jf> ^Ls- (with yj) seo 81214 ^b*, uJl», J=», OS '" '"' transformed 607 5 iLoL> coll. attendants of a tavern (?) J~>. 35=*

trans. 5141 812 6 Jb-I (var. JU) O- o- 82311 iUis^ bend of a valley 516 3 $f? (- j£») o. Jy> fflm/w 400 1 y^. ujl=> Ti. to sin 182 12 Jy> (sing.) crafty 354 6 56418 l>f> o J-jL> « year old 18112: barren (of 67 see 581 13 iL.^> (= ,jJi]) 13, 16918 886 animals) 3, pi. 3^> o du. buttocks a 220 15 3^=>. [ ib»] (of camel) 1497 28717, or \>s> 1361 7031 O o. o a Wna 655 8 .-J^**" of plant JL=. barrenness 769 12 s ..i 14516 (^<3>=>l Sin/r 461 2 547 10 Jjl^s. prep.

223 9 439 20 masd. see 832 9 trrt/Vy (?) ;>>• .y> (J** 84 3 541 14 760 10 Joy> trickery j]^=>

icJLs? 219 8 402 4 642 2 82812: 453 16 549 6 jwOpy [it.y>] pi. jy> (as var.) fn'cA; for ilb? ^ 502 9 see a > 1109, of camels see yf»- *-J)y> epithet 72210, vol. II p. 191 VII 4 LA 207 seq. G _ I *JLs^ a mare strong in the vertebrae 19316 ^j-j^-. u~Jy> enmity (JL*) 4813

U*^' OfOM 194 9 ~s>. u. of a camel 638 |.L> thirsty 8,

o > • coll. untamed camels 4153 (Ji>>- ,jiy> partic. pi. |«-j!j-> thirsty (souls)

° ° - 865 11

15 > - honour 109 14 u > (j*y> metaph. Go - G -o - - > -o - «>, *<•>>, see 812 8 seq., ±y ijky>

u. La&II 825 8 _L)j^>. _LL=> trans., lj^R=> Mey kept

812 said to be of at a distance from us 670 5: to Ij> (?) 6, pi. {&>,

II 340 guard (with J^) 890 5 but see vol. p. 196 WORDS

o s s see under Ljs^LJ to oe abashed before a pers. ijl=», (Jb*-, ,_*%»• i >>

(ace.) 50116 seq. 83518 by> a dark reddish colour *ls?' a 427 1 352 j, J prince (see 14) (jiJw 12715 455 2 6516, pi.

316 6 43212 c

. J. to 741 1 748 12 ,_cp. jjkS- capture

Lj>. sUi^o of a lady 698 4 Jc*=-. 3L> I. to turn aside (with i_j) 37914

s^e 5" 1745 as var ,i> u. of a man 880 of a beast [jJj>J ) pl- "W ( -) 11,

(with v_> of the rider) 56117, cf. \ r- a. to 6e 52 1 1 849 Sf>- J perplexed 7, 56311, masd. vlw-5> 6819 778 9, of os- partic. oL5U> roaming (?), or <^v-i» 774 8 triches 431 19

ite>l 72415 !_jL=> pool 4914 5017 1631 57213 of a saddle adj. J- 1_=» /row al-Hirah. G 483 5 57215, of a rug 57315 v_jy»5> adj. (as var.)

san. 887 9 ^^" hastening, pi. 11914 U"***' u*^P>

o»^=» low-lying ground 876 10 ^fP>. ,i)L> I. to siraf 139 8

? 13911 iSCp- i^=>. 43612

Go- G ) 16 14=> ill-fate 861 6, /b% 365 (see 25 3 o^- ( _;">. [r^>] skin-bottle, pi. ,w> G Naq. Gloss, s. v.) see foot-note jjL> 4351, Chris- [^-x:*] pi. q^' festivals (of Xj2> crumbling soil 108 8

812 6, of 81112 see 823 5 tians) pi. pi. ^jL=»! \t*> (= ^i)

1 iu^i* « /e^er o/ Khaibar 411 16 to abashed 202 2 : to become ^=" ziP- be oU*^ see 823 3 plain (of a road) 523 3 v stallion .... j£ epithet of a camel _a^> to to < revive, metaph. benefit 82217 (var. 1^) 838 20 -•• to 887 6 599 is ^c>t render fertile (j**=». (j*>^> spoliation WOKDS 197

Ja*>. li-jJ> i. see vol. II 786 2, p. 333, Jj. s>3J> to ijiish 785 8 I . *,-.-- iuLs* 153 14 — partic. jl3 yXj> B^O i\>, see 133 7 86710 o o 4 JeuJs? to grope 92 1 05>X>! hoof-print 744

<^f^s-. see 441 13 615 88012 y_a»*> ^A>. jJU- 5, pLjjJk£i

Ai <•-,/ adj. 158 17 509 7 [$**] Pi- Jj4- ob* of a lion 409 II 765 7 J J-3- O 1 '//'>/,// (of an eagle) 36 20 679 2 766 var. a-j^LX-s* jJi^" (= 5, jJJ^ 328 17 336 10) O o » jXsf of a lion 98 21 517 20 (=6891), _>*>. Li> li. to be e.rtint/nislied 62910 seq. i*Xi? coll. 291 8

J^>. jjl=> 7841 (as var.) EkX=>. a. to fail 189 1 cf. 382 18: to O ) p}J> JJUW 166 19 (var. Job*) enter 6116 (?) (with v) o adj. 594 12 *ii=0' to wear a turban 624 13 (var. £A>

£iJ^ (?) 611 6 (var. iLJti) U^J) 759 3 (?), partic. see 814 2 o - . O. - - 573 18, «LX=* 190 4 seq. 819 21 glJc> (=383 3)

see 69410 814 g\s>\ cupping-vein 29718 (see 87817 ?-&-=> 3, pi. 'f-3jJ> and vol. II 694 9 p. 103), pi. soLi-t

GOO 376 13 378 6 see 814 3 (JjL>, *LS>, fU*=», seq.

experieimil 180 15 sAi^") py^? 81318, raetaph. 814 gA*' (var. o see 814 2 fi£ r^- i^\> coll. ipjttfe patches (on the feet of an animal) 276 16 iUais- see 70517 ,**£>. (=71115) O- . . o [X*A>] pi. pLXi* slior-stni/,* 598 8 718 4 o. ; _ > ,»£>!. tfttefe, pi. ,»£=» [(U=»I] i^Xs^* of camels 285 17

v_>Jc> Stout 479 3 a>. [?,>!>] pi. 437 9 * a ^Ui-1 O - iLxX-> of a wound 13413 l5^>- C«A> I. /« tjMid along (of a camel)

_ l>J> of a she-camel 340 11 219 17 6 *"* 5 265 (as var.) 275 16 377 18 198 WORDS

339 14 :lV>. l5J? scarred 88018 (as var.) Z^' ^ o 1>.L> of a warrior 106 21, see vol. b*Xi J^L> (=iLi£>) 13413 II p. 38

see 140 1 17 3Ai». Jlje> (?) G- J modest *f" [SiA-j.i*] (woman), pi. Outy> u. to behind 578 9 J^=>- jJvi> fowgw 139 5

Get — — to restrain fighting) 669 3 JjLi* (from 03? modesty 13913

jJLs?' 71615, masd. 1712 an 868 1 r G — jf" 3- i. or u. to /aM (of arrow) jJL> of things 632 2, *J3L=> 552 7 j3> murmur (of water) 861 13 (= 632 4) J>jJt of a night 53 19 iLi!JL=> of a man 181 (var. *JtJc>, LTf*'

xJIJks-) 220 20 (see note) u*y>. Jfciji> G - i 0^> of a female antelope 156 3 - i 5Ui-=- sH« o/ a snake 490 11 57811 65016 s s see J*^t* J^Lo. see 782 7 j^X=». pJJ>, 13^., or lance-head LS3/^' U*3- (lPj-^ O't-s*) ioJ> to lose its handle (of a bucket) 22 21 68318, pi. ^Uy> (=53219) 46 10 (= 265 13 etc.) or uo.Ls? 68313 11 l\_i» severed 265 , outstripping

6 28818 Jbl=> to cawse to »

12 liJS.£> delicate (of an ear) 4317 crement 235

Go- G J cut 801 3 138 21 &X& off [_b _=»] pi. -kjj-^ nibblings

(with variants) o,Jk=». XiJc> see &ii_\=> G O 3 1 -> oeafc 122 9 853 . 15715 "^_b 22, metaph. 5 MjtXi- so/* r ^- choice wine 812 2 84811 of to 1j>. &j.L> «J>j term abuse applied

e weakness 392 16 a man 367 2 6^- j=> 9 _o e => coll. castor-oil 55 n 3j plants seq. see 1291 yj*.. Xj^> &ok, 86914, pi. vliy> 15 76 19 : as adj. soft 536 xJ" i* provided with loops (of skin- a 551619 771 bottles) 286 4 L.3- so/2 (of woman) W i IK li- 1M

of a woman 797 fl vol. II 857 3 lwUy>. i*£-f> (sec ,,/*• [j>'l pl-;j*

226 21 2. p. 338), pi. L**dj> silk 158 2 jy^. ^> o . colt 570 7 >f- ^iif> '« !>< ilislonitnl Jp-. jj*jl 797 11 O o > au- 0-£° (fein.) niltriiif/ ii/ioii the adj. 1618 o - Jjji 156 3 NflNM (w«Jj>) /.•///»/ tree 674 7 ,._p-. pj> Of rfiji? (sic leg.) see 533 4 t&" ^1^ 486 8 491 12

to see 806 3 cower, , mafd. df. ^y-=- hi. O. to subdue 322 7 11 i^s>. (=75118 15817 ^f^> 781 11)

SJi' to be prodigal 290 17 ^f>. ^-~> 84218 1991 501 IS 5728 J^i» dcMH 65114, 279 18 707 19 707 IS Lilji. (= etc.) 849 12 pi. 3>,j> 780 8 [^] pi. tfji /iwo 199 1 29015 60312 (= J£_> 1 s!^ 43712 891 18) i. e. a jjaJ/re 834 u *jj^* 80516 jff>i jj>, seq. (as var.) f f-- i O m U»s». l~=» a. trans, to 26212 a 808 repel flsy> unskilful (of woman) 3,

see vol. II 339 : as abstr. p. >_a*»l> 358 16 (as var.), see note

59511 folly (?) disgrace 847 4, hunger 847 9

OS'-"^ napkin 601 12, pi. .Lsx* - with to throir about ^a~s». ^e-J-i^ , w, 7167 891 25, to attack repeatedly 591 10

l"*? fo ImJ> — L*^ to count odd rr~- destroy (with ace.) 12618, \£\) JS 854 12 pass. and even numbers, i. e. to count

302 7 in see foot- ^>l (var. ^y^u) things groups, 591 14,

606 see 120 2 lyW 4, note r

42518 447 7 [tj?] pi. l±& 50110 polished 184 \

181 ibid. 3-oy> (=iUU=») 5, pi. J-tt^ - - o « >/>• trans, /o rattle 78312 (ji-^yio*. ,jiJ=ui.:>

.. _ o :Wj> C*C«kl 409 6 intran8. 783 12 jjji-. (=49113) uSda-ii? 200 WORDS

rock-snake 138 18 du. .Us> 617 5 (ji^i*. u&Lks- ,_*=!=>. [(j/ai-] L^yai-!

i. trans. 752 6 w«->a> 484 5, masd. v_>Lii=> ££Jz\Za

ibid.: intrans. w*j*a=> to G ° (also a.) OLi*S> v.juii- fawn 8 8 become green 800 10 G J^ij» jj^~> coll. 467 12 u^toL> of an ostrich 23419 605 9

G - G- o - 800 7 »Lixs> 590 5 Lf^*^* (= iyuij>) la«s> stained 182 15 785 8

^mai>! intrans. 49 1 2 ja=> water- G ' ° - /"* [,«a=>l] pi. oljj! mouldy iU*a=> date-palm 271 3 G skins 818 H ^uuia=» hospitable 528 9

> abundant 628 4 o G- _ e. rr^- r/^ to /ioM a rod 300 16 yoA=>i (byajsu) Go- G ) *»u=>. ijtA>L> down the head ira/sf 4708 bending (of yo=» (=55512), pi. .ya=> a female ostrich) 809 5 474 5 » - •• *«a>i of an antelope 72 11, submis- l>ai> c/d'% 15610 73015 sive 540 5 5936 65421 [lyoL>] flank, pi. ^ol^i- G S _ J Ql»iT>. i&^ai- — '[> exclam. 369 21 .*ajs\v« slender 163 5 l$A~s>Ka.

G S ) G 3 295 15 639 7 J^ni*. J-S35* adj. trickling (jwasai>. [ |jai»] stockade, pi. (joyai- G (jo'bo=> deficiency 457 5 779 6 (var. w-Jai>! see 801 5

wJas- « woman asked in marriage

X*aLai> indigence 75212, see 199 seq. 24812

G o > ..Lias* coll. striped colocynths 491 16 Q».»a*> Jw=> i. to plant the hoof (ace.) 609 6 801 3

22015 , . o C J^2=>. taffc, pi. jui* [&li»] w*Lt>l darfc (?re«j 807 16, see 801 7 G - ) [&Ju*2=»] pi. J»JLa=» strips of flesh , — — O - — i. to s£n<£ masd. M- L~> 4018, ^'Joi- 282 8, muscles 692 3 quick motion 584 8

G ) J G o £

comer 48 9 : ..l«a:>l udders *«o=* pi. XLs?' metaph. to adopt a threatening

808 15 attitude 772 20 vroBDe 201

B.lL> of a she-camel 679 8 Liu Llii- see 6215 28810

o > of a stallion camel 3818 Ji>L> 20 Jo\Jsf 6210 288 72218

o t . .~ o ~ - a <" ow 483 11 sjas>. c3j£ii- fOM (ace.) (?)

865 20 *>. 384h, 154 19 ; ^ adj. pi. (?) °JJ> o . 850 io • protector ( Jai» u. penetrate (with nee.) {jai£>. ija i i. (0 IMMT a lance 121 20 772 4 381 13 (= 64616), the voice 64312 .UU> to leare marks 462 15 (= 825 18) Kfa6> state 120 7 vol. II (see p. 40) - - - O jjiaftA>l (o humble oneself 29 4 596 *Lk> 695 4 9, p#cal\ defeat o 2- _ (ja*fc> of the voice 475 12 k> of a 1094 62610 73418 c WW* surface 484 6, see 8314

^s&s>. ^_ai» i. to start on a 507 6 ^aia>. trans. 31613 journey 2 o . o « » Ud> (=Jwi>) 664 (=841 18) 2738 oLLj=> side-piece of a pulley 132 22

Ul 642 2, grapnel 559 3, pi. ._L b^. v_SJl>. vjifl> i. of the mirage 889 7

559 7 [iULsL>] wing (?), du. 673 24 o ". to 6e muzzled 114 20 62812 246 4 f*>. Jjai> ^y_j» adj.

O ) trans. 628 12 j.Lv^l Ofcii. masd. sinking of a star 247 8

O.o . ^> bloirs on the [X hL>] pi. *Jp|> 1 40 1 ( oiic> ropta (?) O, o nose 607 6 (?) oUjbw« .smiter 603 12 (= 891 18)

« brand on the nose J_ki> 757 11, I. raise the dust 282 11 : to see 26 2 to 282 15 757 S c, bring light (= 2) .h-> mallow (as a perfume) 798 12 599 7

388 3 ^^Li? ol> hidden 55817

iLi- 42012 [H>ui»] pi. LlsL> 43917, pi. otji- 315 8 (=

800 U33- u. to be compact, LjUki- (= 20)

6214 *ja£ 28218, see note

20 202 WORDS

\_isAX>~o seeking to hide 55817 >_»!=». _a_JL=> u. to remain behind 488 18

> 3 O £ 54717 [read ace. to LA wJti-. 'iA=> of a woman 75414 ^a-Ly,

G o loc. cit.] v_^bc=»t deceit 70014

G _ o ) to a v_jJl=> _»!=>! of a camel, to pass beyond the «sJc> . ^JL> £Aai w>/«c/t jjm^s 886 5 G age when the tooth called jtL ap- _^L> 6417 uncertainty o „ o £ G pears, ^J>}^>\ 149 8 cf. 338 5 34019 L^JjL _yJL=> (as var.) of G — [read L^Lii ?] 479 3: to break a water-course 9 5"^Jls» 98 466 10 Gi._ promise (ace.) 604 14, with 2 ace's rfjli? madness 184 18

442 to 12 : to re- G — o 5 9, disappoint 725 ^Jlx^° emaciated 213 3 place (obj. understood) 660 8 (=

805 7 ,wS\Jl>. [^JL^j stow*, pi. jt^a.^3- 88114)

OJL=>. l\U- 50910 *_aii>! to <70 to awa" /ro 724 11 GO), G 3 ) 589 or Jj!^i> (=-«jfeJ) 2091 \_a-L=» faithlessness 1, _iJL>

as an with a 255 9 — (used adj. pi.) ,j~l=*. JJLs- uliLi?. 28018 Q^t Go G o £ [v_ii=>] pi. oiL>i 60712 (JJLsi' with ace. 883 10 G- _ Go- o - -o- Xaii- pregnant (of camels) 663 13 20 u-Jl=> adj. ,j*Jl:> XixLu 280 * -o KaL> adv. in turn 211 1 G o >

m i *> also for the U*aA>. ^1 friends (used i_i^L> prep, after 538 16 sing.) 4131 43613 G ) s_jjJL=» we/* absent from their abodes

JaL>. JJb> to come in contact with (ace.) 74017

616 5 cf. 674 n to , accompany oui=* high-way 84 16

81218 G o) oJLs? owe who draws water 619 13 seq. Jo±> throng 638 4 G oil=> . v_£L=» u. to measure 359 l JaJL> companion 363 4, as coll. com- .-•8 2 to 6e £«Ved pany 660 678 7, pi. -LU- 328 6, oUii>! metaph. o/" a thing

see 660 4 (ace.) 46210: &>£ jMoJ see 8131 WtllCliS 208

* o S - _ - Libb>! vjuls? :',* 292 55510 qualities jjJUi? pierced 6, £],&

o > (var. Uiiii') JL*« 1614 ( fiaf-fdUm 45510 60111 JiB- 63411, pi. J^I ^ u. (p 'lapse 520 6, ^L£> (— a smooth rock 405 5 |»^il

J+i" 3]) 612 4 [xLii-] pi. vjjbli. 61510 ibLi- solitude 45510 4718 485 11 JsJjLiu 181 18 (as var.) iUJJ 544 7 ^li» 44511, pi. Ji=>. Jj> , pi. l^sL> 467 7 in 747 1

trans. - j^JLiJ*!

8 6106 825 ^-JLi- (or SLi») /VesA /bfW«-

14 or 8 JU> see 5 4, masd. J^L> friendship 733 (= 868 6), 2^ 842

5 9 (=6171) (=iiL>) 269 3 i _ o f~*. f\j> tfo 3 JJiLi.! pierce (ace.) 804 " see 643 10 g __ J3. p« 677 4 844 155 in ; 15, pi. f=> — 681 9 $1* J**JI <&> CJ° OS. c U**>. u~*s» 681 74413 &!=» #ap, vacant place 632 9, pi. o^> see vol. II [<_,!»>] pi. u^=> 599 1, wemfe 19 8 779 19 (as var.) : pi. G - „ p. 237 o^L=» sand-ridges 33716: qualities G - iL_«w«L=» (a she-camel) that has not 670 21

G i > drunk for three (complete) dags X_L=* friendship 1215, friend or

276 4, pi. oU 3110 55515 598 26 seq. 742 4 847 4 : street herbage 739 21 8138 ^yZ? (as var.)

2741 36311 5605 to shrink from 74815 3^U> prep, among v*+=> iJjAi? (^c) G > 14 20 501 16 J^JLi- poor 5 (= 46 20 etc.) 838 U«3a*=> 638 12, pi. fem. ,>iJU=»

II 132 6 (see vol p. 352): pi. ^±J> G _ o > friends 512 39518 63217 &La*> see 797 13 204 WORDS

Ja-*j> . trans, see 409 4 J3»,^' 7, partic. 629 ui**^' 473 1, see foot-note ? °- h»,-> sour 73 20 >_a>o. vJLL=» metaph. 18813 L»s> rough, fierce 409 3 18418 O^. ^lii- glanders •*.*=>. £*> a. to K»tp 7510 74010, masd. X^y wose 596 3 747 or 75 15 ,j*i> 4, gU=> 5*' .-AW to 56418 L*s* injure (with 1Jj:) seq. J^=». j-oL=> miserable 163 9 18016 & 49016 564 4 59010 61113 JU=» « disease of camels 613

sL*£- 578 11 op> 242 21 4801 55413 6641

c 436 8 epithet of the tribe Ashja .y> /too (in wood)

weak of camels 671 n [ .!^>] (?), pi. .y=»

5816 1782 oJUs». LJt\i=> to walk fast 763 12 .li>l of wood 43616 OlXJLS' to Mse i/fe war-cry (_jl\a=> Jb

1 643 365 (== 4) U^>>- (j^y> to deal out in due order (with

of the thing) 13119 2 iAis>. ^AjiAii- stallion horse 67512 v (=570

636 13) 636 17 G_ >(; ) &j! ii=> 785 24 ji>. 5 arrogance 03jl> to glance timidly 8317 (as var.)

- 31 9 ,j*Jj». u^j-^> adj. (jo^ trans, to accept 636 18

598 see vol. II 237 of a 18 16 877 L iy£> (?) l, p. il«y> mare 38 729 6,

G J of an 653 of 21 u-~i=>S epithet antelope 2, pl. (_>oji> camels 499

cf. s|_Jkjl JJJ> 49315, pi. (jJUi G o ) ^oUliu rt ^ac

G ) G - o ~ Jy> stem of a reed 13513 ^. i£*i=> vileness 50 7 ^^ id. 388 7 (= 53116) jfe. with 2 ace's 812 11, cf. 28616

G ^JU=>. ^_}Ls» masd. 478 10 ...*z> . ..Li> u. metaph. of a well-rope 68 12 17 G 478 8 483 4 table 292 9 lLL» adj. (as var.) ^\J=> WOKIW 205

^r>- ^> u/iuiiiri' 674 1 J-»> . J-^i- to imagine 748 10

8 to in Ajt^i- id. 584 jJLsi' ehungi ,i/,/„, mince 849 » o oljjl=» omeiate «98 8 jl£>i <« ft? jmimmJ 74 7

JL> a Mid "/" cto

i > pL 725 2« u ^L> [yoL>] pi. 455 24 606 iJis> a CO m; iti-d unman 754 14

U •*=»! lo verb of -^>T (= , surprise) ***•• du. 381 13 880 16 l>Ii. 76012 G JL> scare-wolf 439 8

832 21 o > yfP- boaster 13 JuLs? 166 (see vol. II p.

!>_*5>, fern, of _*=*, 4812 62) 497 1 -' LT^*- U^-Li- to Wnd fast 375 19 639 7, JjLsu* prowo 189 17

&*~*3?, of camels, confined 43211, of a 118 7 *^>. (»*> place lirokni-in 439 19 G -o- O. X 8 «..> see 685 seq. 82611, pi. m£ o ^1*=* tfctcjbri 75310 (—81316) 47012: pi. applied to the a o i-u->. of frame-work of a litter 685 10 [Ja*=»] froop ostriches, pi. cj^P'

287 17 .a^wOo campiiig-groiind 685 6

1 ^jup>. v_jui> see 4735, Ju^ of a woman,


Go. Got A>. yC 71615 7171 (=77510), bb (var. ^_i^=> see 4358, pi. v_jL>t, of men, L!i) 80316 5 473 G t, 6 - ° - Vi3^ perseverance 7755 X_il_a_kJ> a variegated grasshopper, G t. a of a mare 3723 metaph. a swift mare 42 7 Jb. Jj 5 epithet 69112, Go. see 692 10 JlucS' 473 3, see foot-note ti.; i. 703 9 masd. vllo ^ju^ variegated (?) 4431 yO 86618, 7039, o or 78417 785 24 •JL^ dwelling at the foot of a hill

435 6 (read iL*") g^- £>L_p 39710 206 WORDS

jo. jo, j^i, see 7951 SU>

trans, to II jo! approach from behind (see vol. pp. 89, 221): pi.

483)0 oL^sOkx (of clouds) 536 l

iju to be discussed 690 8 r of ***>• bo u. the night 380 10, _b 380 8 _ - G _ o _x\JC-J trans. (= _jj>l) 7114 94 12 j^s-b to cajole 127 10 72214 L>S 62910, or ^=o 80810 G- o_ G 545 13 [5jj] water-channel, pi. .Lp G , o ) ) &aZ£ tfd.bo <^ [iLs-; ^>o] of dung, pi. . 64115 844 2 80116 ^5^0 see 352 4

784 23 see vol. II 327 see 82013 O^O. (joj>b (as var.), [sjjb] AeeZ, pi. Jj!j3 7, G 333 756 4 p. .yjO>

351 16 : see also 30 1 yj^o purpose (ja=o. (jii>i a. 61418, (j435»b 784 8 e> _ jLXj mutual aversion 33013 *_a==o. \_S;=o see 48 5 G ) a., i_Ss>o, jbVc hostile 33015 jUsO 4812

,£3. »Lo grasshopper 85313 bo u. see 454 2 G v. ) _y=o. ssbo gourd 820 20 stones 4 _b throning 55 (= 454 4) vioo. Co i., SuJ, see 685 15 20 454 1 806 8 16 ly>o!

832 23 G yio. j»s3 lazy 5- mass of flesh 391 11 ir* LT^io 727 14, multitude ,»~>o. ^ioOwo full-armed 49713 756 4 of men 194 9

o G o .. 689 5 q-=*o cloudy weather 26018 802 25

... JUL=>o in a bad sense 435 17 (as var.) *Jb-Lx* firm, compact 54 l 82 9 tome a female 555 0>b (of animal) 4,

G - G .. o_ &_i_=»b trained (of a songstress) vW. Juj see 775H

554 13 : <&*>& pi. q>!jJ (of clouds) To a. to 477 1 to out reject , spread 2915 !/>• 58613' WOKDS 207

2j crookedness 180 11 301 1 732 14 u. trans, to 24214 (j*jj. (J..O frawpfi (=

243 intrans. to r> 208 15 (_c.b sec 13616 seq. 1): tffaotd 82610 9j.j eruption (on the skin of a ca- seq.

13614 46215 mel) [*~,b] effaced, pi. (^IjO

242 10 yjijXt trampled y«0 to be taught (with ace.) 468 10

metaPn - (with ace.) 391 14 6524, L 5871 ZJ*' L>°' o»> [ ;3] door-keeper, pi. kJLjLo pass. 401 16 Go G 08 „.^ u. to «w»e (intrans.) 51618 g^« pi. 613 13 - -oS [^J>] ^yi _.j| to 601 12 /oM «p .-o« to rescue 5914: to ii)js>. djSi (with ace.) coll. _.o gradations 46810, pi. in become mature 628 4 l^LM adv. by the way they had

come 227 14 ».^. -.J smoothness 61216

G - o > iU.o of the jL>.o see 376 6 seq. qjJcxJI epithet hyaena

34 ....> 42 24 216 24 able 8, pi. smooth [_.L>] just to walk, pi. fem. ' 2217 |jO (of birds) 1113 G G - .J> a 5 a 44 14 _j sweeping (of wind) 337 j..y> tripping (of hare)

) - CjE Go) coll. ieafes 58 16 o.o. [o.o!] toothless, pi. o o 127 16 OjO. qJjJ dry

ClCr) .o.o see 461 18 see 766 7 /V- seq. jsPjj. oLfcijO

G -o_ . Oio.j coll. 805 13 Jk*m of an 65016, (Jjjjo (as var.) (_5.i>. t.cjiA^ antelope

2, ji- tiring-pin 21516 732 7 .6 milk 466 16, *JU used ironi- JIT Li^ G o »!.

2„> i 357 see vol. II 17, t«o . a. to 6e 62 10 t^.o] pi. (j(j(jO £*o /"«// G _ 134 p. «_m*>> oase o/" the neck (of a horse)

2 , jXa milker 51718 (=68815 74617) 23311 208 WORDS

ucm«j see 233 14 ^°- xkXil 39617 664 8 G G « J cLsJ) 19 [ tsbj pi. defenders 569 . i. or u. to 47 19 see ^-wJ> stop up , masd. 73214 79511 gli^

clij torrent 98 9 640 4 CIo adv. a little 802 4 LA (?) [see G - c. _ *_iiA-^ defence 540 19 : torrent-bed XV 916 seq.] 24210 65616 G - _ 42213, 'pi. ^jtjJo 611 7956 i***o defilement 13, vestige seq. itsA* 530 5 O - G- o ) O «w»o, iC**»L>, -LwO, see 79510 seq. G __ side du. 611 •^Jao. 33 21418, 27418 [*Iot] (Kr^, pi. ^o 17 (= 79513) G o _ Cs3 timbrel 424 4 821 18 *l\j vestige 794 21

G G o _ w»-sj. Jisb (= ,_*»iiXe) 855 8 oAcO. interj. 61 11, or LeiAeo 61 17 gAc^ G - ^jl> pouring 248 8 u~£*>. ^r^co masd. 264 4 oisJ^* 281 8 (var. >Jiit\*j)

G ^aro. tjw2£j sand-hill 214 2 jis>> a kind cloth 528 20 O**' L< of G o •Jico . ^e aci 669 17 5207 cSLeO] o/" driving away [^3] pi. ytiJ

*£^ a. to 62819 i. to £Ai» 19 : u. to jfcco. support \_SJO. Jo (/row 256

of a 219 3 under- *cO ^w-o^j pulley (var. ^Jj!) knock at the door (obj.

G_ J 811 see vol. II 56412 [SC«leo] pi. j»jLco 15, stood)

p. 340 oiio to shatter 131 16

112 14 cf. 11816 Jj3* L (= Lo) _^co . jcJC> to dowm 627 12 ^f

^cLXJ to follow one another 53816 O^ ^So 587 1 > - of to one's Moc« a 59 6 791 12 ^£l>I proclaim, lineage (ab- ^j/ol (of wine-skin)

3 of sol.) 57 63314 716 9, metaph. iJof 1717 (=49416 51510) 494 8, a mare 38 18 — on 747 3 see Ad- partic. 515 6 G denda on vol. II p. 318 rfJb water-carrier 275 2 : pregnant

cb voice, vjLyiJ! 782 5 ^ta came? 886 3

Gk>. Lsj! 214 7 JijGl 494-18 (= 51512) WORDS 909

_.1X« of a man 13 18, pi. IsJUi of ittU^ rousing 778 18

winds (or showers) 154 7 " o » o g-o. -y»j (pi. ofgwibr) mA "/"/ too W««, «s«ta. rfjj a. to walk 286 4 heavily tilling xli titer 339 7

9 - • i of clouds 7317 [_yj] pi. gJo —*A^ sndi'd up (of a wine-jar) 93 12

a ^joJo. (_K>1i smooth (of armour) 1413 173 8 81318, well-shaped (of gaming-

174 8 59812 arrow) 61811, £suJL«' of a maro

719 17 iiUj. tiL_b to be urged on 27310, masd.

846 4 d)Jj ibid. yo. Juc3

dart 465 l JJo. ji u. to embolden 694 8 — so ace. l^-oo. ^^b

to LA XIII 26316, but perhaps scar near the £*o. glo eye 641 13, sec 26 5 we should render "has pointed me - a Si out to one who see under J my people (as j^o. ^<«AJi (.1 may be wronged with impunity)" u~& gaiety 161 9 p. 300 $$3 id. 1891

-JUo. ,iJU> armlet 877 9 jiX« exulting, of a lion 114 17, of an

or a wild ass 555 with antelope 28, u. see 790 4 smeared jwO. j^> seq., ^\J v of the thing 470 6, &)uJI of 7901

a banner 68216 ^^o. ^3 see 77811

X*aVbb a 17413 rubbish 778 said to of (j^Xo. glittering (of helmet) ^yO 5, be pi.

560 2 J3a,:j 6 AI '- X ^^ Ji*b. corpulent 66 (var. )

xio metaph. enmity 569 9, see 833 1 1 : *Io. «3j io distress 1401 in a pi. ^-y^xJ' itj^ias* (of woman) -— OS r ° ' dark 42 24 • I^Jj. i£*gi\* 77811 • o ^Uo] continual km 293 3 _>ta. ^J 44011 Ql«A* 726 2 (as var.) [*Jb] icater-irheel, pi. JljO 98 15, see

vol. II 33, and Addenda *j 45313 647 7 p. ^4-0. [*~

27 WORDS 210

«b a. to 6e sicA; 760 6 ijd to be abased 267 14 \>.

833 8 [5b] pi. %>' metaph.

i_£Jt>. v_juj adj. 46014

165 see vol. II Ojd. Sbv 22(?) 46513(F), 3 84816 „J^>j^. ,3 49512 50413 665 p. 172 a _^. Jld to become short (of distance) — w fce «'«s dizzy "id u. u»!"$) ojb 836 9 > 50013 U3 disgrace 313 8 'L\£li 842 4 oQ3 humiliations 39913 710 see vol. II p. 300 °|jd (or )j3) 17, !&S cwstom, ZiaWi 526 6 611e(?), oLb ^ and Naq. Glossary JoJi favoured by fortune «/t-m$fs 71014 ^jJj 12518, misfortunes 6011 864 8 LCV J^idwo polishing-instrument or [^jJJo (^-&->] misfortune, pi. *»• 803 ll, uJ}>X-^> J^lSO 37016 uSjd> ujjjc^ pounded 803 9 122 6 62512 Jii3 stupefaction 193 5 233 ll Vj)}d. %\oJj> poimding-stone 136 a. to attack suddenly (with ace.) 558 9 seq. masd. 68416 68416 825 5, ^3 68513 3S numerous 71816 (var. ^o) $0d trans. (as var.)

522 2 M**, pi. fetters [jLio*] 'p-tfb! 95 n 753 8 813 '43 to go round (= 13), 575 fern. iL?3 of a camel (= n), dizziness 812 masd. 304 9, hence 18,

of camels 432 11, of 792 n, pi. f?S partic. 75311 (=81317) horses 2664 71917, of clouds 2915 467 7 476 3 p3 coll. dom-palms

*. *.'> little milk 584 8, aj. , (?) 81219 yielding J,3" see

585 14 536 15 greasy i£jo of actions 286 13, of rain J 568 14 22 . .lso! dissimulation 286 11 470 seq., pi. jLp (as var.) ° in the 72915 id. 849 9 ?J>jJ> «W*% ground .«j * desert 849 7 11, iU^.3

21 (=7481) 76614 ,ldj (= ^^1)744 ^SO. 5U$jj3 (sic leg.) WOKDS 211

lAx of wine 649 It 664 18, SUU-« r

id. 516 3 become accustomed 717 2 Jjjj to (?) Oi _ j 0;. i o*>-

1"^ 847 18 nA^ M *—*H see 77511 ,-p cM«tom 58613 717 2,

'° w,r a noise see 753 6 Lo 322 7 ii^ • U=5° '^ 95 5, o judge o Ujj M0

797 15

xJ^J desert 399 5 462 23 46413 739 13 v_>(0. yjj see 739 18, pi. v-^' sco 254 4 ^cjj. ^J 579 met- Ljlji 642 12, pi. y>%3 18, io a horse 73 10 597 jgk> train 6, aph. 42018 with 2 ace's 6334, pass, (of a see 739 18 v_jjJG' seq. 319 5 789 wine-skin) (= 7) G i V - uj^iXo attacked by a wolf 233 l ^jftUS 516 9

\j> a. t<«

a horse 7310 526 11 5tsi Me training of

18 the to be 369 2 seq. 511 19 (cf. 839 seq.) 512 19, y3 angry 52611 food given during training 230 12, J£3 seq.

81 see vol. II p. the j!3. ji53 taking short steps (of 560 9 5613 Slji hyaena) 34 8

3 759 9 iLit^ see 25317 254 1)3 see 760 2 oi. o vioj. uyj^ see 835 9 J3 sec s. r. (.13 «j3 vioji to oe weakened 835 6 t^OO. v_j3 u. 873 21 (var. ^j^Ajj)

. sentinel 736 18 LOoo 16 qLOu^ v1|j3 mischief 402 11, see 785 olo. IsLjJ epithet of a camel 620 l

cf. 778 4 (= 879 5)

o » - 268 8 290 3 735 5 8481 -oiX-o 792 3 dUi. JlO g+i. sp/i* open

4 *jl>. -b see 3 2 ^xXjJ. CjSlxi 7331 832 i., ,»*>, seq. 212 WORDS

u. to wither 796 5 &c A* earned sZam t« 182 15 d*>- joJ (intrans.) , sacrifice

o > masd. j»jj ibid. to scatter 10 737 to sfod j.j. jjmJJ 478 14, G O- > JJJ of a bow 180 4, pi. Joo of wild tears 206 10, to throw down 530 17, asses 356 ll to witor clearly 293 13 G ) jlo coll. lamp-wicks 291 10 to ^5-iAi' ascend (with uj) 19513 G ? - * ot JwoAj' emaciation 288 10 - G J 176 10 : ;_= (= ^*wj) (as var.) pi. 9^,51 Go- G > ibid. 118 13 Joo 755 9, pi. j»=>j protection (as var.)

G- o J * 3 G_ > cresfe of [55.J] pi. («*& helmets 176 5, [sUso] pi. JL>J> reserves of strength humps of camels. 393 9 593 6 273 10

G - - G of ctXcj. [v—i.j] vileness pi. v')^' 78513 a 13614 CJUjO pustules G- p - 99 16 407 l ij»,iA* sharpened

i_j.iX« — 347 1 v';'-^ **^

O - o - j 151 12 s;" _y>.o poison

AT .3 u. to rise (of the Sun) 159 9 :

pass, to be sprinkled 856 18

coll. ante 1515 Ji (=806 6)

» j.J powder for the hair 59 17

ey- £>jo' to stretch out the arms 88 4

c .J young antelope 397 16, see 800 6 G oLc.J (= ol***!j) 598 6 (as var.) G c .lj a small (?) ivine-skin 260 9

Xxj.o adj. striding (of a she-camel)

304 18

G i , J c .lV« having striped shanks (of an

antelope) 16 3 WORDS 21a

o - P » with ucc. and 541 iu 646 12 fd. £6 v |-^*-«] Itiitrr-chitnnil, pi. ^Jlj^* -5-1 ' 646 / |iL^i| shorn;-, pi. »1,L*J 287 4 5361 Jwo 8^3 (a Hlic-canicl) shaped like a " w*AX* '/«/

flMnta oriiininiitiil iritli gilding y\3. & u.

o!J followed jj. by a verb 200 10, JJJj. [j^JJ] pi. J_jo^3 s/vV/.s, motaph. is > tjJJI olj « Wow on the head 758 8 //f((Vs of the tail 220 20 Go. o J 522 8 836 see 845 9 J50. 5 3, seq., pi. oiij. \JiA> 175 5 sharp G o« oljjl 845 8 du. oiii-o 874 10 882 7 (as var.) 714 jyXo spear 6, metaph. 689 8 oUAv« 17512

^jj. ^jlj u. metaph. 5633 y«j. UUtf 163 20

G ! oV fr'.s*£ 562 16 ^Lo 31613

J - 1. . publish 819 18

. seo 296 12

884 23 o . 3U3 a /«,9< 870 l ^ gasp A M — JLo long-tailed (of an antelope) 397 6 542 OS . > vJJ. ^o ^JjJ! ^(?) 14, pi. ujbji Jo^X* of armour 823 16 roofa of trees 124 21 - Go. see 65411 7602 ii3 p*i. pfj I., j»jj, Le tot/ 776 4 G Gi_ o 654 8 ,.10 (=^tj) disgrace 75917 k-jjjo bucketful 512 4 seq., portion

786 2, pi. iL&! 786 4 214 WORDS

into 729 6 L '. USJI to come view(?)

^S watcher (in the arrow-game) 837 a. 31318 (=3951 1) 7001, 864 15

pass. 39418 s££i MZ-top 73614

jsL 836 18 (as var.) t0 u - i0 "*** acc 77910 7803 ' L^Z. ( -) see 700 2 836 19 vj

: intrans. to dispose, arrange 400 8

grow(?) 80016

° -- ' OS to move to and fro (intrans.) „'.» - -> 797 WMr" y ^o (= ^0 see 8, v^y° 135 13 138 13 138 18, flexible lXjIjL. tured at home (of a horse) 7318,

V\" latter of the morning 804 18 part 37 23 i£y> 16 cf. 212 adj. deZi'cato 480 (var. ll) j£j C*j j" trans, to rear 601 3 a 459 8 « a. to become chief ( W»I j jj" 891 yl possessor 603 4 (= 15), pi. end of a 178 11, army period 77910 ^ iLJ^ 680 9 18 59 6 cf. 2601 CJ (=CJj)

Lit" 63413 ~^1 id. 4801

305 16 80910 15_j converging (of paths) 665 3, fit- %] tyCrjy >1,L~ coll. 2491 seq. 500 7 53512 LjL, see Naq. Glossary] pi. fjt^ ly LjLj. owwcft of arrows 863 17 (see 541 14 30517): lordship 780 6 221 2109 72 11 81, pi. Jljf(w ^Tjl) JS, 520 13 806 !£! freshness (= 13) 461 2 43713 780 7 ^ nursling of a mother 363 4 !j£r v^y of a horse 23012 52513 ^Ul masd. to rear 23213, see 797 8 ***,- 865 &y J, (-'u?) 49517 845 . a profit 5(?) to sfeow oneself 500 4 #j loyi making ^yjijii

- one 2LS. men t» s/gfA* o/ rfarfc re of female dwelling 1 - 9 V ( juj. [*kXfJ] P **} 136 5 another 342 3 ostriches) 411 85 17 (as var.) 28711 41118 WOKDS 218

enclosures for cattle see 262 2 [Juyo) pi. iAj!^ £)f> fcm., MtM

129 18 -Li-LJ! of a she-canu-l 251 10 gl-Jw* 34019 coll. (as var.) Ju,. lXj. jewels (?) 474 12 " /'""/ ew&tta 626 «, Ju 270 oLXj. 338 12 598 1 jy^t tpMf long ; swift 18,

a n»p« of four .itiiiiiils (J42 2

• 578 1 1 v^J; yrf; frwp 44418 [Jyjl] Pi" fiH^W 783 9 U«Oj. ijo^-?; rtrOMjl 13 13 15 21 -»*, [vJ*«] pi. vJjL>y (as var.).

Jw, .Lj. i. or u. — 626 4, UlJ, a*. Jo autumn herbage 598 1 704 4 _£Ls\J! 626fi l>*)« jwl^ O.o. _oS~ iunrr siilv idb. M6 of the Hiii/li 157 4, 824 5 iajjt /»wr

pi. obb. 84010 -L"!i5 69415 O^Jy« to"*** '/'"' MM '/' '/"' autumn

. a. trans, to lift 763 l : intrans. jj^ jj, 19219 to stay 48 20 399 1 475 3 508 17

u. to ace. of the 742 lo b. prate to/v/p 654 21 ftjjj' (with place) -*>' .at. Go- O > 82611 887 (= 109 5 (as var.) jj. encampment 7, pi. =y. ^j,! jIj) 547 10, hence communities^) 437 H ^j" trans, to /wr 652 is Oo- 8291 hrcatlilissiirss 675 17 jj, _jj

*j. «« animal burn in the season 757 if. rainy [8^] Wtf, pi. ^j.

822 8 (see 251 136 5 i_iL 791 H), pi. ^Lj adj. prominent 3, iU-?!. /"'.'//'

244 4 569 630 13 (= 15) (ground) 66213, pi. J^ metaph.

Af. an animal four i/ears old 14418 635 l o. : 1(> a 47216 633 3, X*fi£ 597 Sjb, Steep plan- 95 12 580 lfi

^aj metaph. ^oAjlJI ,jJt->j foremost o «j' a. 749 402 *j' 589 4 '-it, ft' 9, metaph. 9, in 592 f/cnerositi/ 3, pi. ^_*_j; pi. ij' 606 9 252 5 (=592 7 etc.) [j-Jj-*] pi. JJ'y» ijriKimjs (followed . of 457 5 of rain* 1 «;kj herbage , 548 O-O- by ace.) 83 4 «.* noun of place 728 5 seq., rottty a season 83018 iiVj.. &>. tri/i/iiui/

a clear enunciation 29313 j- i>*iy

to 189 5 to jj . Li. u. weaken 9, strengthen

189 10, pass. 189 12 (= 487 3)

i. intrans. 30217

£>. adj. 552 4

AS, AS. see 25715

3^iJ see 25810 G _ A-o. ranged in rows 257 14

rubbed 7911 815 9 rr f*JtJi (see note)

(var. pjili)

->;• TOBM 217

n\' ii horse 684 l« 8588 p=>f epithet see 798 10, maml. in **>' L4*^3 t^*LJ ^ see also 6854 (=14721), /Jul 406

(no sing.) 502 3 {(MM 290 *>!y« batterings ys^ adj. 7, «ayj*wd (for

the 877 « 0*> q>. u. sec 554 15 fan.) 366 12 734 13 see 368 4 2L>,; tatty pace seq. tfFj)

of a woman 157 7, of an — IWI 709 to liffii _bj army J*y L>j >>y. 18, (with *V 374 19 acc.) 267 7

•- t° cnre 267 5 9 ^>, abundance mill: in the uddt xjry SO, of

du. sides of a 521 15 18 [L>^] !>=*, pit 769

904 11 So. o » [cf. Naq. and Gloss, s. v.], streuhs ey [£>j] Pl- £3^, of saffron VL> t of clouds 249 3 pl. (= 535 lo), 549 9 seq. of hills 521-12 62518 to mount one another ^r vJOji' after (with iU-o-.l a she-camel of a certain breed acc.) 256 24 54 1 o o>>l. one who comes late (in the arrow-

t^r breadth in the hoof 841 10 game) 4771

_,! see 841 « O - *_k>!. hinder part of a saddle 431 7

o -" > - t »-«>, 555 24 602 10 889 — see — tiro rid. vJL^>, (= 4) ^Jb, (jj^yij carrying

vol. II p. 240 604 11

o _ o o, 774 8 718 715 6 [^juOj] pl. Jj>j. iuLs-j MKMM (= etc.) 684 16 Ob,

877 6 159 3 532 5 o^- [tfj] pl. Qb°! - O - J 36116 510 7 of a spear 522 4 109 ur^- ^>> metaph. ^jip, (see 2)

Oj /rtryp (?) o o_ 38215 1>»>J adj. i. to 404 see ^' ,^j, pelt (acc.) 10, also o y, ^cO^o slini/stonr 405 9 640 4

28 218 WOKDS

Gtj >.i 3.> Gtjujo J Gv o£O: o.i see OO, 80217 iU , £"r j*^ (or i«-j) paste?-n 84016, pi.

3U». drizzle, 802 15 52412 820 8

O « J , i. or u. to 505 1 . ("V ,.3. drip iULw. of a she- iS*";' [j^w.] gentle, pv-^-M

masd. 208 7 to. 504 pij (var. 16) camel 148 18 G Go dripping 50413 —so (.^j. Jww. supply of milk 886 3, ^ bl_w. o- ol_»J. exhausted 745 11 709 16 yir (of mares) Jyut speaking gently i - _ G oE 1 (var. Ij'o.) [J***.]

**».. ***«. masd. 35514 sommcZ jl 643 12 (= 825 18)

G 524 7, pi. UJ 18G11 (=74412) muslin 8 o*V Jjy (JiJ. of Rai 837 ^ 844 1

*iL starving 127 18 Or . o£ G o . to attach 628 4 woise 333 5 _r; <-*.! firmly ,.(;.] G OJ G 42513 ^ firm(?) LA, Li. faira 797 6

j.^1 Mtwwe o/ a star 71818, see vol. to water 2915 53615 £~r ^Jo" II p. 307

« of blood 610 13 Go- G ) U^«j. lj»l&. sprinkle hollow in a hill - ojj- Oj. 86016, pi. oi

lj*", masd. 4433 Mbd Kam 732] 86012 (var. *itw) ^UA* [cf. G _o J 3 [^JuZ-a] pi. ouiL* t»p8 443 175 2 v_iL^ (as var.) G o > 580 8 Oti, oLaiyo long-necked, of gazelles to render lean 518 4

G > -o£ seq., of women 684 6 see 49 21 a»., f^*"^i seq.

Li. u. to bribe 849 4 u. to a _^. (J~»_; (j«. excogitate thing (ace.) 3Ui well-rope 829 5 26913, [cf. Naq. 75014] 8. G 269 3 8: weZfe (j*j languor pi. ^L*. lA*3, Joi-x ^Zace of ambush 713 17, pi.

269 16 JooLn jxrtfa 697 2 W'OKI.S 219

il lth - "'' ; ' hi 1 1 £*V °P' [ *^j frog («ee 4921) •Ac,. kA_c ikunder+kower »;49 j (F) 20, pi. o - - 0L0, thunder v_i^ coll. ledges of rock 88511 (Ax!^ eioude 389 is c 358 see vol. IF oLoj 14, p. 134 e j> '° '""' •'/ "v 1987 1 CO dy/

to he -C.E o~y 0*3, guaranteed 878 2 (as var.) • to cause lA^j J^s-J to tremble 293 8 58714 o - cjf*>j J^j 44814

««/<>« 64914 of a v^; tli^tj ihrmanwl 274 18

coll. crushed flute-stones a. or ««*, 582 14 >~»c, v-ic, u. to stream with blood

O o - 199 5: to 235 4 u10 ^ JwiMy ground 304 » outstrip Jit, see 338 19 u. to crush 891 25 <_ac^ bleeding 338 16 C £*;• :Ua. niasd. 607 12 O 3 J^,. xit, a troop of ostriches 12816 fem. £*>r« 340 7

o«i to nurse a **B 423 ^y^x y>j<< 431 21 O^J ''%" °/" 2,0 numerous U-c,! (of an army) 37 24 i. sec f*,. **Oj 222 6 G o _ 420 6 10 stones f/toj heaped 222 4

a. to l*^ coll. /?mfe 41 is <-o t^Gj respect 589 8

842 8 ^ (var. Juy) to render -^' ^ytojl pleasant 768 15 to allow to 371 met- ?.- , r pasture 5, a ^J A^toij '^jj see 855 8 aph. 660io 82915

8ee 74415 4*%> V%) seq. ^cy intrans. 471 9

to u^f^i command a person to res- cA- &li 807 1 a pect thing (with 2 ace's) 116 20 -J O (,. G-o , see 733 18 ^ v**^ ? X*c solicitude 768 11

JjLcj see 634 9 V~" I to 6e stretched out 289 15 220 WORDS

•J o- G o o g a •~>^-Cj gaping (of wound) 51414, see 3913, drink! lXs^,, Oij, pi. j&J tiff-

numerous 618 17 pi. kyil&j bowls 453 13

471 3 81310 [sx\j>] pi. lXJj vi>^i; suckling (act.)

L>ls mutual help 476 13 [is\_\^c.] pi. iAjLc. supplies of fresh

milk 1321 carpet (?), pi. vj 29311 [v-J/j] ;ljj

see 372 11 to ta shattered 17413 iLijE. seq. (jiii^S 71615,

metaph. 295 12 a - - 614l7 f*j S O^ fJ& c^ > G s/ra«£ 555 24 dU5 ^ 61818 ua*s.

— 616 7 695 cf. a - to ra**e ^e WJCe ob «nder- fM. f£\i tj&fj 4, 76518 £*>*£*? ( J-

dws£ 337 5 j.Lc. stood) 70916, JLs*>! SyJ>~ metaph. G »)

833 11 : ». to ^yi o«e icho causes humiliation 489 4 become visible (with 42910 (yar. r^>, py&) J)

the middle iij' to 459 14 [^yo] pi. yL« of the face carry off (with *_;) 650 i. to v-SO, ij. glisten 93 7 64916 (as var.)

u. 784 masd. Sic' 703 2 -^' Icj 8, i_j. u. to ea£ 649 20

causat. 53 1 8 Go l^£.l vjb sM/ 354 3 ';• oiij the the G- C) "ilkJj sipping of froth (by-') G of 1310 [XJi-J,] pi. (Jgj.l of milk 1321

G __ a 13119 _ Jj,. ji, tow^ (of tail) (=570 2 male ostrich 233 to {J*-Sji 5, appl. 63613) a shepherd 233 l

«,. 2j 68 6 (=37216) 3731 (=42411) scattered ^yiyn 38817

a. of tears . 432 19 546 of blood i. to 587 9 : to ftestow 12, iAs^ t\ij prop wp Is, 883 4 98 6 12 gifts (= 374 442 13), AJ/t. £-oS o -> > La.! causat. 557 17 451 oli 3, pi. ibid., or cXilj 635 14 a 546 13 558 to 98 6 374 12 442 Mj styptic (= l) Jiyul fee^ (= 13), G G- 98 4 374 partic. (= 14) w^j masd. 76811 WORDS 221

JLl thick-necked a 11 II (of spear) 623 ^-« 738 8, Mfl vol. p. 316

v_Jli 138 21 736 14 318 or 648 is *s- I^XJ!^] pi. jjj 8, j^

to set in order 886 masd. 509 14 3 rt- f£. 7, o^ masd. 304

4612 69512 to in l\3, [dtfL] pi. i£», *r jj. plant a spear the ground

824 1 jA* oJs. to shimmer 889 fi 15010 34312 814(112 °/\j Jjjly

5581 3 u. to

671 7, see also 7 18 seq. lt-V Jul 41010 485 8 of a mare 598 16 LA IX o iuaJ'j* [see w«, o. parchment 41010 18 22 o seq.] vj5. coll. /re«A 333 10 sprouts 69212 G - X*a*y» Oils, so/if SOW W»W stowes MMcfer f'< 1698 g [t_^!.] exhausted by marching, pi. (cf. 720 3) 28818 e*

G > 28517 \jfa. adj. s/wr/; 62312 fcftjij G ) see 813 2 g.tfj to Jji.l ,70 quickly 8713, masd. 27011 Go- ) sirfe of an JO- [J^_-c] animal, pi. #\y-* 7r *s a fcmrf of embroidery 217 11 290 2(i 712 8 (=715 6 etc.) 468 5 57817 (as var.) 7901 Go. O^t-* kicked in the side 273 10 oL**i, arrows of a certain kind 1 80 4 G o . up 806 16, rfewse the a snake 49011 67710 H> py.-* JIUM (of tij spotted darkness) 320 3 (=372 22 385 1)

4tl 38617 G . > uO' fj$L] pi. JK ytyu of the teeth 500 4

w^, C^. metaph. to undertake 61617, so 2 - G I . coll. water-holes 520 j0- ijf. 7, *-*-S\ the masd. C>^' 832 23 hoof-print 657 7 (= 675 1) 1^\ — !_JLs\jI 528 9 ) Ls\j 1. 603 17 (= 890 18) coll. cawiefe 131 10 827 17 vltf, G o* ci)L«J see 5 2 >_***. M(rf K»A»cfl coders 775 5

G o< > « ft - £ * o_ > 226 25 Jju. 3141 [v-jji'.l] caravan, pi. *_*A*V £l ^w«. 222 WORDS

«A-o, [ilOu>.] pi. O^o, female ostriches 85 16 0"i SUut. du. 797 17

(var. u\jJI) *_A->, »Ji£' 56713 882 16

of winds 1919 J^oljj 465l2(?) U**j sonorous 812 2 j»j. G o-

to bask 150 -t u^ {jo*, ^*jj a trilling sound 809 3 G ,- Arai 304 9 (ji3_«. masd. 583 19 crt>- ^j.

G & — G£- u. to observe 195 4 oLc 3 bLjjJ. ,j»iy 167 seq.

-- oE to exhaust one's Jwo.l provisions (ace.) —^iS> sec vol. II 148 y J. a lean she-camel 423 4 seq. G_ ) G [XJul.] female wearer, pi. Jw«ij. 167 21 !_jL5>. coll. breast-bones 5802 (as var.) G o- G G wwett 272 1 v3v»y> [v^\] lender, pi. v_jLp (of arrows)

Ml 168 2 272 J^U (= 10) 875 20

£ _ O

i to devour 222 ab- rV *j" (with ace.) 21, ^3>, dust-cloud 381 5

sol. 4914 LT-*) JL^L smew of the lower arm 14 13 masd. mending 28415 j.. 1412 G (=17318), pi. uWtjJ seq. I. fatness (?) 6017 22221, « crumbling G G *_»-*, slender, pi. 876 3 (as var.) mass 222 13 [UuiPj] (jLfl^

O s > G o£ Jj&Jo id. 3813, 51218 ! oUiy(?) X^o, a piece of rope 648 16, pi. -Lo

fragments 92 13 (see 5 2) oU>.l to press ctose (ace.) 399 l

G - & G - "L. decay 648 7 47 [iL*s> ] drizzling rain, pi. ^ 11, G *dyo. rotten bones 361 16 or 163 7 (as var.) G=_ pi*. see 79818 iOoyi h 9015 or 83012 o»j- to*J] P o^ ' er^ 109 4 G L<>« J^J (-3tj) «wr 249 18 636 ^!. adj. ready (cf. 9) thither ,-fcj.l to cas£ hither and (with 253 11 (as var.) 62813 v_>) 66612 iU**, 44711, pi. S _ G_ oS qU**, [,_*,] rain-cloud, pi. iL^< i 822 (as var.) adv. one another s*> jj_*. following (?) "

i 1 Mtocfe 370 19 552 7 632 687 14 u*J,. Jiy (?) •(= 4) WiiKliS 228

hill 647 13 /" toward* 5 «^P. (P) Jo.! M '07/(7/ (Jx) 778

wide 42 21 (var. «lfl>j ^tji)

;— *. jlJiJ — aI jLmo ^ «7 W MO< sough/ \ . see 3j t\j ^j ts.. (inipers. pass.) 811 t jj. tfo meditate 644 1:1

Jul 628 o" 455 2 655 o'Ai ! O. ) 11, pi. Sj 0, ; vjj,.. io^. see 700 3 jI^Jl 418 9 or l^Jlj ^bjj] stupefied, pi. ^J o ." jl5 . of a woman 1815, sec 745 5 370 9 O Oft 456 s(h- >>!_)] (= 0I5 ')

vol. II p. 166

. to _j. _!. K. blow (ace.) 871 H, i>lJi see 745 25812 upon 4, pi. Ojt^i G.ft 202 8 562 fi : to feel 872 3 pass. (aec.) bodkin 8l>: MPfott to which an jijyo to leaves 192 19: to "). put forth animal is tethered 570 7

bring home at night (partic. and u. to in the hand 866 864 1 : to be 15, niiisd.) pass, exposed jiy j!. weigh

to the wind 49512 metaph. to <«s< 620 17911

13. with 2 acc.'s 129 2 (as var.), with jr,.. Jo] see 805 2 (=860 6) v. J, Je'i^, ace. and v_> 627 l (s. 1) see 860 (ji?,.! _ J' to come home at night 261 1 517 13 3 • -•- _ -ft .. o **>«. see 804 12 seq. 805 2 seq., coll. „«_0_«J to smell (ace.) 838 13, pass. 804 8 859 17 436 9 yw^J

J. vine 791 12 cj.. c 3 .

<:• „ 9 ear/ted 9 871 1 KtffiSt. of a female ostrich 257 220

.l 757 10 43714 _ 5 e

! « jfctnd sword 797 15 873 9 ^^u o/ ^jjy (as var.)

rfo^o see 656 10 [ijul.] pi. *j!j. beautiful (of women) c "-

jj> lodging-place 290 10 (= 596 17) 549 6

Jj!i 695 2 cl subst. 94 2 630 7 : light-hearted 5j (= £jj) adj.

840 19 461 to be spirited j|j.. ol. u. to wander abroad 5, 747 4 527 10 unsteady ££,! 224 WORDS

G 2 _ os _ c disturbed 544 17 320 735 7 5y« ^ 7, iLi.3,

, s *«.. ci.! to see& aw un- 20 6 1 opportunity (obj. u>l. I., v_iU, see 75 294 seq. 509

84 3 derstood) seq. 85012 seq. G o- ° °-

. 879 19 i 3 masd. 845 20 (as var.) i_*j. a suspicious sound 865 15 o tit. aside 868 11 turning yjG. disastrous 851 1

^JL u. to 15513 261 17 to a J&>« delight (trans.) cJUJl XJj stow a&ato (of fever) horn 28114 du. 276 vjjj 74318, 4, pi. 411 n G oi 6 6 7 332 7 jfe.1 metaph. 10 seq. S .oE see s. r. t*r tJTb^rfj.l &> 601 13 (as var.)

O - > G ) see 250 coll. Me oes< 2506 l\j, l\j. mountain-ridge 8 24 (see 10 23) XJsj. 15, Jfcj

• > . 74 13 1713, oLl 488 4 kjijjt. strainer, hence wine-jar pi.

3 - of G ) 552 15, pi. 5 . tow*/ .jfr.l long-toothed ^ I. to arrows 315 3 580 LT-ij- ^£,1. feather 8, (of the teeth) 552 12 20 metaph. to he'p 2 1 strained 602 10 889 3s'y> (= 4) G o- iu. Jaj. a KtrtO of cloth 158 3 304 6

- *• ^° ^wtf 8ee 4^9 4 to l?J) L5i; \ seq. 601 13 (as var.)

G - o- water 770 7 1 fetch Kk). a co«< o/ mail 47 ll G 9 829 jf. 283 17 (= 377 3) «jj to /tow; hither and thither 535 12 iu wine 480 3 £;• G — «j. pmM 386 7 j„. adj. 3731 (= 42411) *£ 16019 7317 ^UrfJ t. see 76914 769 9 18 XJ3 seq., pi. U^

791 13 cultivated land 728 16 *-*ih v_iu.

410 3!j" adj. 424 ^Mi 0>i. I. see 25 17 ..L). wois£ (of a plant) 71 12, luxu- Jy 415 3 (var. Jti) riant (of hair) 162 13, full (of a Go, vjb uncertainty (?) 25 15 wine-skin?) 667 6, plump (of limbs) JJj 84811 JUL (= ; ) fem. 678 72218, £ 3, pi. il^ /WJ

16 ._).. I. to overcome v_>) 28412 o/" drink 631 ..,!. (with WOKIM 228


Jj^-j nuking forward nan

) 270 8 [jb-j* | jure/in, pl. j*^tlii

G .1. d-> 1 809 9 386 3 49315 6118 te$ (— j^l&JI j. L^.j 887 10, pass. 37419 41118 794 9 yil AOMf 161 18 536 oL>Ii o - ^jl (= 5) 74318, 409 3 O0. Osij foaming led along (of camels) 274 l jU '/ kind of plant 455 n _ - c* to „ iW«/ 428 n, to In distant, y*y ^ u. to chide 27 21 zfy j=»jj' S* .o see 494 2 fo bristle 1451 79810, Lf-^> ^,Li;l up

O,- O i ) 1 - 154 * * — p .lj see 518 4 C«i yj sj»). ia=>j ^AXa^-jil o . 0>) o 800 1 pi. 796 seq. 731 6 — _oj y: u>=*} (var. ui^) see vol.

II p. 313 (ilonoin. from &y jj>j&< iotjjj "demon") 483n quarrehotnt 529 a U»j* foot-fight

Go. G. O > ) masd. pl. o*r ^ jostling 463 13 Otb»j. [:£jjl=»}] jubj slippery places^) 72915 749 6 [gj] pi. ^ o. > "o . , smooth (?) 553 7 59 4 9 >JLb>j. Jjjb-j JLs^ 79110, iC_>L>j (=723 Co 879 9) 78914 a shoulder that 193 13 r»j- l*=>^> pushes i -I 9 > S pl- long-legged (f), of ostri- [gjl] Sj 331 14 <^J-=>) plump ches, 310 5 G> o » , k_i.L>: 476 ^rb' [v_jj=*j] pl. embroideries 3, with 739 see T^' f>j u., ^faJI, 6, 8118 pencillings 56012 and vol. II 340 p. Go. *»• enclosure 41814 866 13 u. see ^>3 jo-j 279 13 seq.

to make a noise Jo>j 821 18 oZ - (o noise 63411 ^j« o^ i/ire to sat 12718, partic. 12716 J*=-j to swallow 69 u Oj-S (ace.) 127 16 Jo»j adj. o - * see s. r. Jo»l: " u * '" *'"'" 149 20 J^>i^ JJ) l) M 226 WORDS

.ia of a wild ass 357 10

O,). U"

\3& WORM

J: ON MUM number 592 I, tf;j L^>

591 14, see s. r. j~j> 809 3

$\ lofty, 4—^i -'46i5 ,yljji ijronlimjs (of r^j- [iC«j/ij] pi. JL*j Hons) Btf /i,7///V// 190 4 (=383 3) 138 2 (=442 2)

I3i i. to descend 52 s 866 of a thiiniler-cloiiil 54 13 tb' (= 3)

164 5 m! with ace. 508 15 (cf. 396 17), with [Sjg] pi. Jp5j K>« v 508 14 (or J* 39618) 5- S see <>85 15 0-- **: Coll. r.irns,; lines 283 2 Jj fissure 405 7 (as var.) stem/ 376 20 388 3 ^Uj fastness

,JiJ>o loirliiiiils 474 5 a 4417 [Kaj-<] pi. cyo\ MOt/l (of hare)

tfo 729 15 .vc: see 14011 35. v_iij pofoA dU; cC

o_- it see 49 21 seq. u. sec Addenda JJj, Jjt, >} jw«j 609i4(?),

65 20 (= 457 10) see 549 22 718 23 5j^ j^j

(MM "/"> '•/(/(•>• behind 718 J: OfTOtC 47216 J^wo- (= (5- o a, ) 715 6 *- etc.) Sj-* light-limbed (mountain-goat) /(((/

resonance 612 14, 179 9 j*«y pi. j-*ljt 140l 8ee 14011 mi. (_c^*j > seq. shoemaker's knife. 275 7 J-y»jj

_s<-, . aa\ miser 549 6 *t to rise 479 3:

1 4 789 788 16 -^wo:. r^^} see 155 2, ^^o 3 O. o 229 15 *La: a 465 13 (j^sAx: iOflgf rop« of swing (?) s ".<,. j£*y* /o/7y (of clouds) 155 3 (var. 'V disease 2941 727 2 >d>) ~ - o- ^-J:

727 4 637 4 787 18 ^if'\ fltite-/)l

i. 30 20 iOO fi OUj. \J6-. (see Lane) .y y - -o Go to torn aside 707 9 ._j;t seq., .t.^y the last a woman is>r X;o: offspring of 660 12 103 2 104 4 seq. Go- .y. visitor 494 5 : chest (of a horse

a. see 50 20 or camel) 19119 234 3 58219 67219 P-o? >--£ BJh, see 5018 seq., 253 1 B^jJt, 674 7: see also 766 25 seq. J C-.o- 629 8 12 of a she-camel 872 3 f\y 'i.y. epithet (?)

3 .Ufc 358 (= 483 1) i\ y. of a bow 358 10 563 7 (as var.), )-o£ J1 :! of a 93 12 651 epithet wine-jar 5, -Lai! of a well 545 20 iLjj of a camel 252 16 G - Go-! young see 76616 26 G-o yiS>! j*5jl 812 see 50 20 3>y> tyre 2, 242 14 243 jlojl (= 1) ua_£ 3&\ 47 7 253 10 r fat (of animals) u. 320 3 ejj. ^ (asvjji) (=37222 3851)

372 2 *3>t very fat 47 3 9 (as var.)

a. to raise 174 18 337 • to »f™ M"*^ (ace.) 306 4 l£j 5, metaph. lis) 3s') Go- O o£ to 1 59111 259 8, pass, be proud 640 Jjj shape (?) (as var.), pi. Jjjjl Go- I* ©- colour 485 ll tra»e mew (?) 412 13 _^: bright (Tar. s^-^O

553 7 (?) . JC.1.;,'» .ii 77 see ZDMG LXVI J3j $j 15, «ls>: 3J numerous 441 17 p. 697 seq.

Go- G o£ 1 . ; 290 20 _ a fcwtd o/ 291 5, pi. *• t° _%, 3 rug Jjjl L?iy l?5\ contract, draw together 4611

to turn seq. 548 4, pass. 46 15: to ivith a 05J. Oy. metaph. infect malady aside (trans.) 666 18 (2 ace's) 411 11 4618 trans. 52 3 Lsji Ojjj'

oit metaph. pleasant memories 742 l i. to depart 507 16

cf. 887 5 3? causat. 114 8 5-o 783 3 Oj^c . 323 13 0^\ 3Jj (— sib:) (var. iAj;) - £

.)- \ causat. 427 1 718 18 'of an ostrich 233 5 jij- } iAjIj: jo WORDS 899

Juy nwn million H03 11

o - 789 see oIjJujj 4, 870 U

uiiiiiii 218 o cf. jj:. 9fi^i ground (but

21013 58711), 8»luj

I. to /»' i-roiil.ri/ masd. •.. fay *Jj 625", *jj

238 15

sJy;. oK i. to strut 423 11: to be rippled

(of a pool) 730 l i

iLjb; of a she-camel 679 8

754 6 &J,y JJj

see 796 9 Jtji! (road Jjl>)

: 0- O- 288 18 652 14 j»jj. [i^jjl pi. *,n lumps (?)

u~ 230 WORDS

-Lu-w. JalvLo of horses 170 7 rf-^suv! io ar£ 317 14 far-stretching, g^SU,. gently (absol.)

of a 498 l 587 11 see 317 15 seq., way «J?U«I 19, pi: fJf^» see 317 20 589 du. 5211 «^w. kj^h (= *ll) 4,

beset wild beasts 858 14 lX^Uv. C? by (?)

iiuL* of a coat of mail 755 C%*m, W 20, pi. kJym 881 9

2 a coif of mail 17413

o^*« • oU*» sto&e (in a race) 74 9

o - > - [X-sjL»] vanguard, pi. v_ib!^w 48013

!iL««. kjX***- coll. ingots (of gold) 266 14

M * _S_L*i to tall 202 -<-L**_« T"~i" grow 4,

spread out 147 3 155 13

O _, G o£ J~M*. [Jjww] shower, pi. JU«,f 551 6 Go) JO) J^y*^ rain-cloud 202 13, J>»»«-» ji in

the arrow-game 75317 A

J M see 81519 O^*"* L$ ^*

so ^Cx*^ see s. r.

w - trans. 64914 U5+ (_«***

L*u, said to be = JC*x**« or wsjL-w,

815 9

2L*» confinement 49512 Co G - o [»sL*«i -or xjL*-*-], see 419 10 seq.]

mark, trace, pi. ,_jLwl 228 13 seq.

0> JsA-v. Jj'Lwj' smoothness (of motion) 16511

o^v! — vi>^Lj exclam. 139 19 WORM 281

J^su*. J^** tetf* (of i ikin-bottle) 29s xI<«U:u, epithet of wine 7.15 11 8881

(as var.) o^>--.am . c^^u-, o*#u»l, see 83212 o ui*AUi 396 1 545 U 832 (= 13) ^-« hot broth 571 1

[.\$u] xn-ntili, pi. _«_#-.*, 341 1 hXl ii. trans. 525 9 668 8 6741,

; - i > . _.~ u. trans. ;^ iXw 457 5 cf. 779 0: £*"" 535 12, mi'tapli. «y»j LfrTnUa pass. • - i to l>c jJLjl 24 22 iX- (of spears) laid straight ['t)

o _ 722 17 rf-w masd. as adj. 471 s

c3Sm (= Ju.) 19 8 ,s\w> epithet of a horse 71 2 2. .4 l\~ — Oc-J! 261 7 319 . o_ jJjisvJI (= 9) v_a-^u«. J of an arrow 204 U^^ (' ) epithet 10, O ^ jiJu. equity 643 5 sec also 204 1 1 G o 2 . o. .l\am. coll. see 560 2 80416 .JIasTwm., see 204 U ^c\*» 86311, o bflMa 563 14 II - - o f . .at yL» (see vol. p. 224), vji_ > J *tXw . 597 see vol. II 237 [Us^w] pi. \JLsu, fe»M (trees) 792 19 U-jiA*- 6, p. o v G o (j-oX- adj. from six to '/'/A/ ytfora J^— J^su.] a «i«o of sAtko 382 15 oM (of animals) 334 20 478 U

1 . 597 see vol. II »su *^su«l applied to a cloud 417 (= 16, p. 237 |

a 455 72818), to hair 162 13, to G _ _ v_jt\*«. i_iA*w \_-, coll. sKm of a camel's 209 1 pi. p&L hump 733 9 C t. L

liLVw. >ikX~ sticking close 279 8 515 6 ° G > > I -«-••>•. [ujL*=u*] necklace, pi. ynja* 301 8 JJu». jju» u. or i. trans. 57816 G- 6 .. i^L*. « /,•/«

G r o - _s^*». ysu^o mi occasion for mockery 760 is oiX»~l« U. 501 18

Go. G . coll. 745 . a see 5 J^«. J^U, /brt?.s- (of mares) 7, pi. (*\*» jmXw confined (of camel, 537 o 493 15 JLs^u, young gazette* seq.) 3418 (= 194 7 537 8) 232 WORDS

G - o _ *A_a» 537 5, pi. Jl\_*J smothered •_w « feind o/ tree 61314, sec

springs 51 22 537 4 vol. II Index II s. v.

coll. leather 1719 713 3 f^.j« thongs jl\*«. ^cJu- (= i^A*.) 62712

(as var.), aj_« quickly 8613 to j ^aX-J undertake 596 9 709 18 :

tfoZ/" 10712 288 4, pi. t^>L>« pass, to be neglected 373 8 l=y

737 10 ^j,oJ^i to approach (absol.) 505 14,

G - o, with ace. 505 17 506 1 (see Ad- 5*" w«j>yw 555 27, see note ditions in loc.) G o J v_j^>-« £a£/ (of a mare) 244 8

G G i > texture 174 see 881 15 ^, oy« 8, <->**»• u. 38411, v_j.L» 421 4, pi. uy« ^^w G. o - coat of mail du. 881 9 452 11 SOj-^w*

5936 65514 6913 736 6 .!.** tfAe last a lunar month V^- (?) (var. jjr" night of

825 5 161 20 536 the bottom a t_y*j) (= 9): of Go' see 4218 736 9 47 11 »-«.! 65016 *_y« seq. seq. valley 47315, pi.

G_o ) 203 4 B_*J streaks 127 13 ijyw company [JLw] pi. 6515,

3391 889 6

_*J a camel suffering from sores . ws£ desert 87 *?o-w j£^y* 20 432 17 Cjr) o . 380 10 889 du. coats Jj-w 3L>y metaph. 6, fo'dc/ew 15914 40211 of mail 781 19

G t, _ _ > 377 18 pi.) ^yw. ^y* (= £jy«) (var. gSj-*, jo^Xa 876 17 (as var.) t-w coll. £/*ose who hasten on ahead 2 o.) _->-. a kind of sword 82619 ^ysu^, 419 18

G oi > * gee 7441 ^^>yw. &if>f [c^-v,!] « kind of worm, pi. *.j,U

382 15 _^«. _j« a. trans. 60514 770 6

G 5 > _-* a#«7e (for the fern.) 8612 946 \_AC-w • _£X: _«*w4 see 533 4 won i is _':;:;

Op . ° r - oral masd. 250 20 525 nr o^*, (= 15) Jhi [jk~ —i~j pi. Ji«J 5610 (-»

o 69811 74.: li) Jw* 246 12

a. intniiiH. 3820 39710 4033 o jia*. jdu* • B86 714 1 UftX.w cUx~ see 26 U 809 12

J^l*Ji son 533 4 «L«L« loinj-iKibil 809 3 867 7

- - o» © - o - > AjLw. JulJ /'i 4371 wi?^^ ibid. //

li. /o rnnore 189 to tj—, (ace.) 17, pl. lXjuJ /«i/.// '/»! > . (^c) a Ax~, kind of date .">">:! 'j tlO&b 524 6 O o . ijm*. see 813 10 - > - - a sec 524 3 jj*», ^-w, c .L. /

«.^ou»j' to /" a [jjj-w] MHOM arrow, pl. ^-u, 173 13 nearly over(pt period)

no6/e 524 fem. LL» valu- 853 1 ^cj*. e, pi.

G > o - _ ables 63310 v. 321 8 860 (8. 1.) £*ot«o decrepitude (— 4) .«* Itohlrst 524 6 (Cj*J It... Joitw with ace. 625 7

o. _ I., see 3 20 seq. 4 23 <3f- ^^ t=j*<.I, J«* coll. r//y palm-branches 735 4

o > 77514 seq. _AcU~c helper 474 IB to remain all 13313 («,*»! night - - o S o o J.**-. JjuJ (denom. from sbU*.) to render k_j.L*>. night-cloud 54 3 16118 (=

fin-re 44 9 859 (as var.) 536 5) 662 7, pi. 409 6 (= j£, — o . o Joi—**J to becoim fin-re 51913 491 13) 455 11

%lt a hind tree 34318 kJCSM . of •'i^x^ see 650 5 (and note) 666 2

30 234 WORDS

G a. — L*a**v iAs L* that which c 548 4 ic***. ^jjL* ^a*. discolouring (the face)

we have achieved 832 l, with ^_j, »a*.I discoloured 538 8 877 1, *-£-*

64012 37 7 brown-cheeked a fal- 3^ J*ZZ> (cf. 71713), qjA^JI (of


328 mIL 263 14 278 11 823 16 wJta. w*£L, 36219 17, pi. 6!.! «jL*x dark brown 276 16 Li*. 621 [ e!,LJL,] pi. v G-.e, .

32214 . to 10 v^JULw v_suv! approach 427 1, oiwi 248

(= 427 4) jj*. Jobw loose-jointed 23012 G >_&***» coll. strands (of a mat) 167 21 ,»i.. ^iw a. trans. 78715: intrans. to /to.r i. - ? (var. v_A*~o 168 3) 49310 cf. ,^sL, 332 7 So- o » G - o - J*a~- ^yi-w, J>i«,, see 533 3 seq. flowing down (of a mail- G - 1731 ft*v. *a*v coll. 577 3 11 60011 coat) cr

<;-___ oAa*,. AsLv 140 5 cf. 14112 12 seq. ^La*v gwt/f 412 10, of an ostrich 412 G c!_ Oj-a*. 725 3 875 4, du. 874 20 \a*«. hsl^j trans, to cheat 135 9 Go. .a**. i>» coll. travellers 849 9 sLa*. 312 7 796 21

irow 2 X£La*. — 127 19 .La*, cftjp 793 Lg^oltf ^LaLjfj

[_^a*v] negotiator (between tribes), *£U+> . ill 230 fem. 232 7 LS adj. 12, flyL, 633 17 688 pi. iS'jL (=66713 4) _£av. i_jU. dwstf strepi «p by the wind 154 10 6are the [^ft-*^] part (of face), pi. 8U*y see 231 17 IsLwi 437 4, but see 611 15 72315

G ) 231 see 797 4 ^a*, (= La*.) 17, jL*wo roving (epithet of an antelope) Go- £ * > t)« t S 276 4 w*.ft*i . ._

784 8, pi. o_jLa*. young camels 456 18 *SU* » eft*, a. to scorch 819 11 835 l, masd. 621 8 XSmi 74610

-lift*,. 403 20 (tor& colour 397 6 (var. C«*,) _ka*. •r, - XxLl see 276 17 397 7 82318 J^Jj*. 20013 seq. WORDS 2:j5

a 58 iu (c.f 11 T.Sl jju, dangerous (of place) Stripped man) I, pi.

273 or oUill 785 15 LsEOL>« /"// (of a 793 | "'Ji~] pi. 4, camel) 2, ^Lwl f pi. o coll. watered 163 612 8 ^,-iLw palm-trees 5, ^bL. /o«r/ (of arrows)

other Or plants 612 8, pi. yra-«~' _Jl~. _u oomparai. 758 7 ram-clouds 8 21

_^.\-s* . 236 WORDS

of «L*. *aJLw 6oW, a man 879 19, of a resigned, submissive 469 16

woman 277 6 G --o - w*.jJu» to»(/ (of a horn) 280 18, X+jL*

of a mare 16913 8201 ^_SJL~. \_sLx u. (= o^Lo q. v.) see 685 13 seq.

,-sJLv epithet of a dog, du. 180 16 _jLw. with ace. of the thing 47114 G ^JLL _£Ju» frost-bitten (of plants) 334 12, 679 3 774 8 -oS pi. JlSLJ 334 10 [ace. to LA XII JU to cawse oblivion (absol.) 658 9

28 3 a pi. of Jill] Juo trans. 94 6

. of coll. 709 15 JJu* 3w«lJ( a camel 465 1, of a snake ^cJlw quails

490 11 to JU». JU-*.t become contracted (?) 212 7 i , G JjCwI to extract, i. e. to ewre 791 13 (= 225 15) 'water Jk*» scaw^ (?) 13119 (=570 2 — Cl , ) - o — ^4«w. &+j« l^&J) a^***- easy-paced, 849 7 636 13) O o J GS- E [_Lavu«] pi. rf^yOL*** 394 4 £L« shortness breath of 1466: _^j>! G _ o _ XJuw owe Wio &og stolen his an- ^s^\ .w, epithet of a she-ass 68 12

cestry 519 9 379 4 859 3, of a horse 516 3

G > G JtiLw lung-disease 15914 l\*A* . o^**» cheering 804 18 G ; JJu, offspring 519 9, pi. JJbLv 171 17 l\*^. /wo 618 22617 £ g-C.*.* (=228 3) to fei fall 65314 jjlw. jjuw! (ace.) 529 19 603 12 (= 891 18) 876 18 Go, du. 275 2 var.) jJlw bucket, (as G-_ G coll. G - ) o _ ) acacias 792 8, pi. 650 18 jjuu, j^sL, M-. Or*** — 857 4 r ( oJU«»«) (var. .'±wJ!, see note) | I_«-w adv. by night 714 9 (with var- ULw adv. «s a resignedly (lit. captive) iants) 71816

698 7 coll. acacias 156 3 71412 J!*~ (as var.) G_ - G 743 9 [iUlw] rocA;, pi. ^^U L, coll. 716 5

Gw ) ) of the [fl«] pi. |*-JbLw cross-pieces U*v »?/?/.- and water 231 2 (— 363 u

6 : well-gear 402 ladders (?) 849 l 839 10)

G - J xibL, bone 307 15 805 12 see. 560 13 cC metacarpal .U*v seq. WORDS 287

-**»i of a lance 1094 714 ;* „r 171 0, pi. ^*— _^ /v pari io(=390»): pi. 1. at 109 2 J xhowerz 378 16

iJ^LZ. «AojM 808 10 la***. [Jal*»| necklace, pi. .%*» 779 2

O > > G c B rnw/f [ h» »] ]>1. JjU*»I garments o/" &+U, dU-i— 657 7 (cf. 675 3), pL dLjLL*.

h a st/ijrfc /n'ece 521 634 11 690 9 725 6 734 1 761 4 820 8

JbJil X,L«1< 343 10 ~^sJ*~. ^Ju*~o (denoin. from ***«) suffering g cU-w singtng 26014 556 5 c from drought 202 11, pi. san. 102 U D o 9 t*~wc singer 736 1 o o > > 0.0 > see 84317 843 ^x*.. rfJL» seq., pi. fj»* 1h, [,«*«».*] «W, pi. ,*xU~o 61311

fem. oLs-U, 739 7 (= 405 11) "U 392 4 407 15 & 84315 iiL»w*. i)U*Lj( Spt'ca Virginia 556 11 *r" POO* 28018, lineage 595 9 - oiri J****- J ', u. to put the eyes 857 i,

lAJLw . iXLJ to entrust (ace. and 564 10, puss. 856 3 ,11) G-o- to lay down 60115, pass. 713 5 iJu** adj. worn-out 720 6 G 0* oU*» epithet of a lion 517 20 (= 689 1) see 794 14 19 x

SAilwi ///'//t 72415 ^U* (sing.) 297 14 jdljt (=^dil) 6013 iLol*~ /w/(«p/- 228 21 (=31912) o3ajL~j.l^ supporting one another ^*^ 35618, see 819 13 835 3 seq. g - _ 740 n a see 560 27 qU« (properly pi., seq.) 597 see vol. II 237 293 6 11 56012 ujmXU*. (jmAa-. 6, p.

G o - Go- «k|

jUm breast-strap 582 19 672 19 4*" see 106 9 $**"• ji pressing forward 672 is (var.

: »w of a lance 106 4 -- o > - O ? t_c ; i&;— 390 11 oU^w:. »), pi. (text * *

_y*v. UL u. with ^1 681 19, with J 740 15 see vol. II pp. 147, 283) 238 WORDS

G & -

the best 33 18 . 2 6 J.L-A—W metaph. part i\£** ^A—J' sleeplessness

G S .. J 65815 67211 66415, pi. san. 60 13

G - o )

ol * ,: ,

«,t trans, to cause to 3 J^*.. J. ; /tow 615

u. to towa" camels 65 9 seq., { ^w. ^^w ^m 673 26 : intrans. to vracA Zewc£

to be tended to 65 7, be poured ground 379 8 65616 737 14

Go- G - > 650 6 J^w subst. level ground, pi. xJ. r w to ci!ca« the teeth 382 13 j^uJ 68018: adj. =LlsJ! j4*» *• e - ^ os_ masd. the act { of ^—m sharpening pitable 444 8

238 15 828 the camels 9, tending of vol. xlfrUt(P) 553 7, see II p. 217 65 13 Go- G > o £

1 - 86615 («**• [[***"] P fr"' iL-L* 18515 791 shape (=54212 l), G ) - emaciated 288 fem. G - ) *£L» 4, pi. ^^-w precedent 830 1, pi. .yL* customs 60 13 525 8 G hot 14 (.1%*, toma 651 xjlJ 238 21 [^,LLw] whetstone, pi. G ° a 119 5 , *£*~o striped (of garment) motion 570 7 .yUJid su-'j'/fc

G £ - o J . = «.! 234 7 cf. j£_i_x_**..* of an army 569 19, of a _^ ^L**! ( ^L^l— q. v.)

spear-thrust 570 7 sU 232 15

=2 , O J ~iiM^t the over which { (pass.) place )jm. ^]y*i 52512 something passes 19014 662 21 Ilw teak-wood 818 20

to conciliate 779 2 is _yU». (j^iLwK (the ^ oL» u. to rule (absol.) 696 17 in the governed by ^Jl^j preceding jy» to ennoble 107 5 verse) G _ Go, o|^w (= ^j«ajSUi) 447 7 a gear of drought 101 5, pi. crushed f*JoJI ^[y* date-stones from oyU* 125 419 127 16 the Sawad 582 14

Waci 141 26 «i^w. *£^L

572 15 162 13 WfiUliS 289

. L» 402 masd. L* 845 2 i& 634 7 .yw. a c, ,.1^.

0- >

rtWM 832 ) a uarrior alio marks his JWfJ a s.yw soq. „y** o ,. £ . A _ t .L«. 5 «//// 21 845 (var. JUo) a todjp/* 106 (var.

o 0< > [.L»| bracelet, pi. .~» 159 4 who wean a badge), ;<_^>-^^« of o. * /(/. 102 10: I'rrsiiui dorses JflL 434 s y^,] pi. H.jLJ 28510, oU^wt

linrsniii-ii 70815 -w . ^^JL- do. 839 6 - en- (— JjuP) 3241 j£*»L~, discipline 824 4 ^ /«pa 2|^ //«< surface 193 5, «/. cLm u. see 40113 seq. u/ila)id(Y) 86114, /;/«/« 862 5

Oi . 8 camel-cushion 9 cy.. iu. with ace. 472 iJyw 543

14 ^'l-am! morements (?) 232 (with var- u. to 619 lfi 879 J^. *_iL~ 8m«U (ace.) (= 5) iants) \J^m id. 435 6 level 845 14 (jiyu^* ground ijU*J to. 61914 seq.

iiajLv a sand 22 17 milk that ji>rt^/( o/' \jr" /loirs forth of itself o' : 5 211 19 \J>\y~ murrain 189

Ji**«/ a man whose camels die of u^**» to abandon 92 7, an aban- murrain 189 20 (li)iicd pool 730 15

*_/u~ii /o yjide 45211 or*- ^^ "• w * tn V 41213, *j5Ji being G c . iwie/ft 286 9 458 5 understood — see Tab. Glossary s.v. ^^w o. iCuL* see 5 20 see II f> ^L- 15919, vol. p. 57.

A~>~. 107 12 165 15 558 9 7345 u. trans, to with 2 ace's A^, /'o//' seq. *y«,. pLw offer,

654 with 1 ace. 669 6 : intrans. 8, I. — tiXJI a - 691 3 r*~- > t ;A to more 8612 1491, quickly seq. *" intrans. 621 1 696 IB Oo- masd. 14818 2614 (=319 9) 831 10 .y* yl~j'

Go- G j G off 30418 319 8 612 or .L«.l [j~~] thong, pi. ^ 8, O- iUjLw coll. grazing came'* 125 is 715 14 240 WORDS

litter 578 6 to 678 7 [8JU] (?), pi. JSi^L (as travelling Syria (var.

var.) rL&l)

f. * .**, a Yamanite fabric 481 10 . Li. suture of the skull 28018, pi. OS- 5 o lyLSS sent away 761 1 : striped (cloth) y?~-A 207 16 208 2 15 827 o3yi (= 577 4) 711 l 577 11' 728 7 8271

[MMMW spine 11012 • ww • (_5sLij to be dispersed 605 18

su.*_*» used as a 9312 see 140 3 27117 «|u». day, stopper ^jU&l (cf. 1416)

G£ _ €• . , 291 18, as mortar 292 3 _jl_& « heat (oiLL) in a race 224 10

271 16

s/tore 37917 (as var.) 41417

ii u. to kindle 843 to see 797 13 5, metaph.

enhance 183 3

. i- °f J^*- jl-*" persons 640 4, of places, to w^i full-grown 871 1 G be full of (^j) 656 16 u^-S id. 77512

a ifctnd 625 7 »j*»i. »rt^i of plant U-

.^^ww . b«il causat. 607 4

jLi. 25816, pi. w^jli 562 6 615 3 ^j^jyi 631 16 [^L«li;] pi. pL&

;Li. iLw) to ea;a

G - o J see 26516 U>1& ol^w^ of deserts 776 16

•Li. ..sLio with i_> 441 7 oLi i. to &e severed 395 8 G -L, jooLi see 678 8 seq. to l ci^iil remove (with i_>) 742

&w«L& BOftA wind 548 4 887 2 ^xi adv. 39817 )E oS unlucky 1 1 3 22 625 12 (ex- ^Ui! seq. OIJLfi id. 842 8 G plained as = see Noldeke, .,yi,but ui^yUi uell-spaced (of the teeth) 382 6

c Funf Mo allaqat III p. 31) 461 15 WOKD.H 241

tgA, of a wild ass 356 7 Lsui u. to 485 16 486 ^>jj^ epithet _j^SUi. /<«i« U (aa

50 23 masd. 301 18 474 5 [pLiL?] pi. (WJtiJo var.), y&J± 5421 66718

ur#*i intrans. 778 2, metaph. 346 15,

>i>Jui. *£*.£ subst. a kind of plant 8 8: adj. masd. LsUi 40018

abundant 9 84 ,^V£I (= Lsvi) 89 17 325 15 48612 o ^wi, _sv_&, adj. 401 2 seq. (= £[&i 522 2 £ '- ^ii. ^yLi adj\ 38215, (== 57511) 544 8 seq.)

o rfs^ui , „-vi u. or i. to traverse (ace.) 68 15, LA^M • i_^oLi wastiiir/ (lira;/ 851 9 pass, to be mixed (of wine) 93 7 o - - _L^ui braying, epithet of a wild cf. &>>^ui-o 736 1 ass 44 9 ^x^ui icounded 338 16 G G - O J oLs\^\-£oo*«« of ravens 152 21 S^^ broken 64815

u. i. or a. see 287 l to 476 7 L\^sui. Jv^uit injure 2', 286 21

^ui . _=>LiJ'

Jissui. .ksui a. to be distant 325 7 798 .Ls\-i //se MgQW frame-work of a 2, see 767 J*>Li 38412 4001-1 litter 840 4 20,

84012 -L^Ul see 79810 [^?JL«] td., pi. y>liJo O - o . G - o > « &md tree 784 15 824 15 -suui-c propped up 792 3 Jas^S; o/" J^sUwo see 798 4 to act 5312 54316 «_^ui. 5^-^j" bravely *AA. see 7614 |»*ui, ,«^ui ; (•**-&» seq. ^sui 390 2 578 7 **^ui piece of fat, *JUUl iU-^^i cLsui serpent 631 5 see 82917 5781 «^iii! adj.

G o > i^ju&S . u^csui ,;e< of milk 333 5 8 csui. ci^sui adj. slender 21315 40315

81 242 WORDS

the _ _& to intermix 4 (jn^-U [^^ai-Li?] pi. (j^sui fixed (of _yi. 168 (as var.), pass.

eyes) 15013 8781, masd. 8281 (as var.) G mixture 108 13 456 ^yi (as var.) 9, LlX^v. ^.oLi fcroarf 156 l see also 612 n oJui. Jui masd. running 218 3 G - o ) (=5217) sei a 517 8 -.^i^o Wj) (of tent) 456 3 9 803 14 885 5Ji, 11, j.,^ll\ . <—*>_& 1 68 4 -j-i (as var.) noon 88 1 G - c _ ^_c>_i; toW 555 30 (as var.), see 168 5 to £rea£ oJs_ii harshly (with ,

i, 301 12 460 6 £>/>• £>y& Ww

G - _ _ J .xXioc* see 275 2 sr- ~ *-£ increase (of a herd) 126 17,

freshness 773 13, see also 697 14 v_iiXii. v_3*A£l a horse who turns his head

(= 773 19), pi. ibid. to one side 145 10 ^yi

G G ; > O —vC ^_ii current 'r- [o.Lii] pi. (of poems) v.3lXXCi i CJLi 686 24, pi. ^fjJil 801 16 209 14

OJZ. 854 4 O 0">^> fawn 438 18 Ojyi fugitive G iuxX^i 338 8 (as var.) coll. survivors 875 15 lAjyi

G f - ' o-iiS more to 758 7 IwJlX>w . *_n_V£v« stripped 606 l reaay /?ee

4 - _it 760 10 (A£ . .JUi coll. ieads 501 4 comparat. J jr G 19313 »l\av . liwft iry'wry 262 5, ^cjui irf. 19313 u~/~- (j~j-£ harmful

G ) 'j J BlJJi id. 19313 the ribs 52010 v_SUu,r*" i_j^_i cartilage of

coll. 531 2 812 1 874 20 875 4 Uj". yJi _-&_& to #je see 348 rr- wa(jr toi7, 7, 728 5 v_jj^i water-supply 348 5 [masd. ii-i-i] pi. y^Ui

u.Li moustache 465 16, pi. V)!?-^ to^ 634 11 _byi. -bl^yi wind-pipe 858 14 1 -bl—i ^! a constellation 37816, see

yiO_*v. coarse 758 11 Xioyi vol. II p. 139

G _o . V" c _& . c ji a. of animals drinking 865 7 WORDS 243

e _i drinking-place 391 14 603 9 612 4, 'ili~ coll. 555 10 O o c 506 as coll. 560 716 62014 yi harp-string 5, 3, 5, ^M«fl o>~>» hence a instrument stringed 804 8, UiJcJJi of a horse 169 8 (= 720 8) o pi. cL4 strings 804 719 17 O -o o _ bow-string, pi. 39718 [iLcj-i] £_i to become red 81918 \JjA. ^_i (? var. »/*#) see vol. II p. 147) to expose to the sun 872 13 : to o • •) oyi of c -i or [p Li] spears, pi. 708 3, go eastwards 604 l (= 890 19) o > > o -- o - 683 5 (var. ^yi £^i) 413 9 o ijiyi parched O o ci_i , metaph. 95 12 ' (Mtm 826 l 2 > ^jtyi] cLi of a 347 l G o > cff epithet spear-head shining 650 6 o . > (Jiyi-* [xjtj_i] pi. J-SU^ drinking-places coll. «ete 3 «L&. ii)-i 70 (= 877 4), paths 35713 37914 2721 41712 Mi. 46313 £ji-» o o> > [ii)Li] sandal-strap, «

  • thrusts pl. cyi^o himself for- o

    ward 6914 s/io;-e 305 16 : to (in battle) tr- j»jji (?) adj. applied 2 -c a woman 306 1, see 780 2 18 «*c«A a At»d o/" mantle 266 G ~«<»«- e^j.r" aJOj-^ see s. r. v^io.^ . 521 12 815 9 865 15 : Jyi o_i /»/<7/t ground

    I. ®' ^c^i

    coll. 229 15 800 7 race 71 19 ^^i colocynths

    866 13 v_j.Li old, of a man 519 9, of a camel

    equivalent 21414 2661 280 3 260 14 (see vol. II p. 89) 478 8 ^c^-i 37118 50914 479 1 542 1 561 17, of a road 8897

    a &i«d hence a 6ow> or iLilrf-i o/" free, [Joyi A-s^-i] pl. oliyi pinnacles

    148 7 seq. 449 5 (var. oLot&l), ols-i ji of

    O o a horse's neck (compared to a lean 496 5 Vj"~" «_jji adj.

    o > high building) 3818 irt. see 496 41819 v_ijLi 7, pl. v)!*^ 2 . , . i_i—o of a sword 106 10 237 11 434 5 627 5, or 62112 <_«~\r vl^i 244 WOKIIH

    .J». .:£ i. to twist a cord in a contrary ••JstA — du. drawers of water 336 8 Go _ masd. 29 21 353 9 ed. Barth direction, .^i (= [see QutamI, p. 38 17], so - see also 799 LtJt adv. fem. of the hands 239 10 etc.), 6, pi. rJtally&

    askance 5 (looking) 799 834 3, (= 686 13)

    s.:l£ 83 16 ...Uiii, masd. of 3rd conj., rivalry (?)

    in water 336 8 208 21 drawing j^i. Qj^i ^ obliquely 407 18 O}JajJiS\ 18018, xJliuii yu*i to yrotc tocm 652 14 G - o -

    •«• G \jU?:.» a well with a crooked shaft jj^i rough ground 1541, du. 15318 687 2

    6 ' (J>OAXw . [(jo^a^i] yielding no wj'M;, pi. (jajUaA

    ah ;':,. v_jik£. see 663 G 836 3

    ; " >£=»•> teK a 19116 see II >^". (of horse) _ya^. o>li(?) 48314, vol. p. 180

    G — N-^; see 82010 >_*ij_£ . >_«L-i; coll. palm-fibres 272 1 ^h.v., iJowj, G - o - X, L A a toK ware 3 25 785 1 Lk& coll. 354 8, ; (var. mountain-tops splint- O-o bones 820 8

    G_o > 6 ; f G w — streak a [iyiai;] (on sword), pi. tr&w K*ki fragment 62011

    412 7

    O, J i^obw. (_*jti; see 26 7, pi. ^j*-*-^ diverging [a^LU;] mat-weaver, pi. u*i>lji 272 4 paths 64015 u. 20 11 _kii. Xi see 767 798 G-o) G , > [iLotii] pi. ^_^3Ui branches (?) 46513, lH_£ to halve, with 2 ace's 3619 of a severances (?) 668 12, 7e<7S 367 3 seq., with 1 ace. 369 10 seq. horse 840 4

    u. to 6e distant 1 Jalxii. JL6 641 (= 732 4) u^otii water-bag, du. 60914 732 2 767 to remove 3, (with v_>) ) . oS yotil u*M divergent horns 309 20, 64015 66612

    a -S id. 276 4 ^j-O l^>*£I .Lwl to 6e unjust 564 18

    ci^jtii 601 see 6771 . u. to remove 336 see 11, ^^kii j^jkii (trans.) 5,

    11 3 1 798 ^^otll-532 83210, pi. i&Jt& 887 WOKDH 245

    - _ O P M6, metaph. (with ace's) (absol.)

    t - • - 50514, pass. 411 8 767 9 (var. wutSJj)

    OS I 803 28 ytii saffron (as var.) wobiJl JuJui formidable 327 2

    o ' s/»V< iiL* «/. 73210 jbtii badge (in battle) 43318,

    837 158 8 8, pi. yiii v^U, v_iuLii » «i a [^«*i] fr»v/e she-camel, pi. ^Lii Usjll JLaJJ) 822 8 16 11 ftjki (=«£l)

    -i! Me wear see MMft Me /ioo/", JjL**A scattered 276 1 583 19

    221 9 82014, pi. IcU! 2217 O o . ft) 197 5 748 du. sword- Sj-s-i, A->»/e 8, wearing (as a shirt), with edges 623 12 cf. 785 16, pi. .Li-i acc. 87616 knives 187 22 O - o _ O o _ tcioti. «-iuui, cL£.*£, see 75 3 298 7 79812 8191 yLLo 80716, pi. ^sli-i o - • ~ J «A*^ivo mingled 298 3 «ui. a. to to combine 266 19 ^s-ii join,

    ni. 73 8 374 18 gLsti (=2114) (as var.) G O tsli sLi see 266 20 fo <_juti . v_«ti; a. rawte 27 1 9, .^Li 474 4, G o „ u. trans. 446 7 650 15 871 14 _j^x-ci—« \JULw. *Jl£ 2 Go. 192 14 Uui (= ,Vas) 395 9

    G - - - roW M^'«d 332 8 688 7 17 £jj_& du. Zocfrs o/" tatr 188 15, pi. ^U_A (as var.)

    id. 872 3 v_jt>t& mountain-peaks 188 13 vjuai; V o JLa—&] prodigality 331 is (var. Joti. jJLoti; flame 882 23 «a»U£l) Jotiii, fern, iiljtii, see 6812 G G - o > v_M>£. o»^-s-i solicitous about Q^) 246 15 iJLx^iwo far-spreading 633 14 17 (= G o J • > r - • ola-a-£-« of women 523 7 667 13 688 4) with var. *JL*-iw«, G O see vol. II 265 p. fUUC. [iLa_i] pi. sUuZ, mouth of a milk-

    G .* o > marked 680 19 skin 759 7 (?) (var. bylLc) 246 WORDS

    see 8131 ^Ui see 59314 597 3 72912 78413 ^yUl (=^_iyil)

    lL& margin 222 4 Go, G > jXi. [JjCi] pi. Jk£& Ktnas of behaviour

    . I. with 2 acc/s 629 18 v. 81 13 j^i ^i; (s. 1.)

    il with 2 ace's 812 20 L^*" [XJiyLi] flank, pi. Jil^i 168 6, met-

    759 2 NiUC. rf^iii; see 534 19 aph. aspects

    jXil red, of blood 741 13, i^kli of —&£ • £+» cinnabar 80311 butter 12713 ] pi. of horses 432 12 745 7 [yi£l yii; Go- G JLJLciwo ftowwcZ tffiw a cord (jbCi) kJ&sLZ. ^JAJiXi 844 2 G round the legs 880 7 oti see 802 10 seq.

    -VCC . >jLS; u. to requite 787 18 788 14, *JL& a distant journey 507 6 787 13 ilii. epithet of a mare 107 12 365 21 ^yCiJo l£i; see 78717 78814 441 11, of an ostrich 605 9 ft a horse's bit 692 15, coll. 363 11 to be to JiXi unable endure (with v_j) _jJLw. l

    4118 23916 75311 (=81317) v-XXC . ^JCia to 6e sick 20614, to complain

    iU. to treat 861 6 of a 444 3, to suffer C( harshly (?) thing (ace.)

    lii 542 5 from (ace.) 363 16 469 19 471 16

    3Lai 50910 ii)L_ii — _^LlJ! ^L-i 511 14 (see

    59313 seq.) JoCi. J^Li owe who pays 137 9 444 6 ^jOliJi X£. IjCi coll. shoots of hair 160 9 seq. trickling 344 16 G - ^j^Li.. SCJX& ill-temper 29610 JJLii. JJi u. to drive o/f (camels) 366 23, ft s masd. see 390 6 «X-i. fXii, *££, masd. jLS 6471, Xfi adv. 8861 G- - coll. camels tsJjCi. tfL& u. to pierce 122 6 JJUi Aerrfs o/" 669 17 G G 1 do£/» hair a liiJi a s%/i£ lameness 395 15 J^JUi o/ goats' 8416,

    - &Ci weapons 3141 59312 597 2 72911 swirt^ coa£ o/ maiZ 693 4 G owe m'/jo thrusts 357 10 784 815, pi. ol^i 497 13 jji^ W0KD8 247

    6 - O i driven 287 22 J J^Li^c off J^i. J^-i — J«t*£jl £*+=» dwelling in print-

    . to 858 21 yUi uJuM call (animals) 83 9 277 12 together o . 332 7 J»*£ diffusing itself 632 5 seq., pass. " o Of 14 2 459 2 51016 J*»Li 79421 819 j^Ji. " overspreading U o character JUA 315 13, pi. JJUi woWe JUA. JU6 (=3ui) 57311 qualities 620 10 - m J c>-»^. o s « *-Ui sm//*< she-camel 19112 412 7 " o I vi>» iV' -* 543 6 (= a-j'U«w) frf. 145 14 18 $L+A (= 412 692 19)

    ft - - 412 14 849 7 ysuil tfo lotm* wp 30411 O © y , [JjU-i] pi. J>JUi remainder of dates l\*£ i. with u 48 15 271 3

    G o - i» w • .n wna of a man 453 of a Jmi a 6, horse 456 3 Jj+£-« (of man) 290 7, ,Jil O o-

    C Cr i-L*^ 84318 a blaze a horse's cr^- £j>Jh (on forehead)

    144 14 of a man 548 of 78118 (fcAl 9, things 487 16

    G _ 61418 72916, metaph. 69516 . of a horse (J**4-iv u^-t^i 779 3, pi. .*Jj&

    r of women 782 5 masd. ijk 402 11 (var. \J^\) 437 15 Lui (or Ll£) itf. 700 10, also , D (ja«_w (ja*^i to on 319 7 d ^LL£ ^o«rf (var. Lfilfe) 402 14

    U..->. G -a«>>i 776 4 variegated bbLlA 746 3

    Ja*£l 41012, fem. fLh ,,fl 542 5, pi. G __ i^ajUv . ii freshness 83518, see 462 4 Xli. 466 23

    J>LL*£ a 634 v_s>A>Lii. oA^y, ragged garment 11, pi. (see oJuil) 14510

    lixIjU& scattered bands of horse- X »«.jl& nature 20 20 (= 571 n) men 517 6 634 7 G 14712 a. to 321 8 (^Lii (as var.) c £*£ sport (= 860 4) 859 17 g of a £y-& woman 662 20 881 £i£! 4, 4*ii a hideous blow 441 is 248 WORDS

    G— — ».Uiw« water-channel see 796 v_£>Lw . foi-Li] pi. ^U—iii supplementary 3, pi.

    see 844 5 13 charges (?) 395

    G a r«w 6 du. ibid. om oW water-skin 506 7 721 _bj^i. Jbj^i 21, o^- ^-ii 19,

    309 15 pi. . 94 2 ^Lui \_2yii i_js^»*j'

    Uui see under 'uLi a J£i* 602 6 (=889 3)

    rather lean a 47 9 yLi (of horse) 13 3 729 12 ^£ . *|U, J^U, see 593 seq. 597 see 66313 ^^Li. seq. 78413 seq. 80918 623 i_*^it gloomy (of a day) 9, fLf& u. 1401 43915 889 5 J^. 3U (— jiiiji) of an army 643 8 5 io LLiLxUi 321 6 cf. 890 ; ^U

    oW 807 4 433 13 and vol. II p. 115 Sjl^ii

    see 688 raised Go? JJLi 9, pi. jyi (said 5 LX^i; honey 478 G o _ of the tails of camels) 350 15 (= o^i^o tasting of honey 443 l 688 10) G - o _ G- ^ci - 80015 „Ow\i^ I tfoSj^i: hemp-seed idjLi see 74 coll. camels that 1, Jjyi

    G. - ) OJ.I t little milk 73 18 seq. 350 8 cem- yield 1 - j^o denounced 707 jF 3, Sj-££w« 472 8 517 18 (= 668 15 746 17) BHisham spicwoMs(?) 17411 [cf. 627 13 688 7 885 7

    516 10] 717 14 8j£. »Ui u. to be ugly keen 220 9 26517 470 6 G fir" Ipi adj. 398 10 sli applied to an antelope 804 3 806 P^iwi terrified (= 8) 704 4

    G of a mare 555 28 561 7 sLi see under s^w ilsyi epithet

    692 12 seq. - G G .

    l = i w»:re« 60 7 {_^jji^ ( ^-!^* -*) ol^v^ a few sheep 195 8

    847 12 ili; to fte enveloped masd. 13215 i^yi. ^yi turban 847 14 581 (see 5), 11 839 479 3 577 10 3j_JL-« ^JJi legs 71 (= 8)

    pi. i,Uwi 84713 704 1 873 21, metaph. (= JUS Jtj,)

    2741 874.7 jr ^Ji <7

    1 i. see 22 l]yb 466 soq. mA. ILA 506 12, 175 seq. and

    II vol. p. 193

    Luv . 392 9^ft person (?) 7 X-«U; n lunl i- mi tht "kin 198 22 seq., L_*-i keen-sighted 261 4 coll. *U 179 14 655 10, */>ots 823 16

    i 819 1 323 9

    465 lfi [u^-yi!] pi. v^ I. to masd. q*£. qUi dls/ii/inr 7101, ljv-i .^« sec under v_yi 278 11 epithet of an army 85 5

    icormwood 337 15 £** js^i

    iAx*v . oLi I. to foftfd ///W// 25619 29110 O * ) _>Lo. v_»|yo coll. f(7

    v_jl*a5' to consume the a JJii ui, 120 4, pass. 25014 dreys of thing

    to or (ace.) 451 16 oLi;! /itilj/ixlt (with ace. v_j)

    wuo 208 5 425 9 seq. adj. flowing o OS J iOjo Mnl 136 1

    iuUo passion 422 10 451 12 678 15

    coll. fto«'fe 39 20 631 8 °" ' jft— ^jxi iuLoo

    _klii to destroy 739 13 dye(?) 775 24

    [-bLk-iwo] slaughterer, pi. J3A.JL& _^**3 a. metaph. with 2 ace's 687 H 477 8 8261, pass. 41819 (literal)

    tui to a fire iPttA *pA. supply /Vrs/i /'"'/ _^*a (=iJji) 61017, see 611 18 seq.

    73416: to embolden 817 7 to become 653 7 (?) ^xytf! mormny

    3815 trans. 686 9 83715 ^Li (=£jti) _^o! G Go) see 701 15 855 5 *|l£ *£« y?oLo (= ^uu) o 395 or cUiil 336 15 _L«o raid 360 12 637 10 | jJt^i] pi. **£ 18, morniny

    3451 6306 70110 4 (=6049 76513) 63912, J-^IJ lj 438

    32 250 WORDS

    ) - op y^ 878 1 r^- *j»>ot yellowish brown 491 7

    a^o\ bright red 49315 see 685 15 G W . 5 cr^ ^^'^ o^joa attacked at dawn 498 1 Go. ope« space 1919 G , O ) ^s^xj noun of time 479 12 638 15 ^uoa G o _ see 9 ^?. y?^) etMf sky 383 5, 754

    ^o . _«o i. to tie up boasts 550 10 — of ^«._53x3. »«5i*3 i_j.lj-&Jt u«jsua a wild _ua bitter aloes 152 l ass 858 of a Go J G o£ 14, ^j^XjiaJi ycSU) [_us] border, pi. .L>o! 144 7 G - Go) road 256 24 55010 [ .MJO] pi. yUO G 3 o - iX^Us. Oy^^o causing to melt 443 10 (here to the c/aM's .VA3. [ «^»a]] pi. applied gLo! as fern.)

    of a bird 758 11

    tJuo. L5Joo 877 2 (as var.)

    V"° * L^3 u. 207 9

    ,1X0. [_oL*o] raising the voice, pi. _0uo jLo to incline (trans.) 532 17, partic. 304 16 (here as fem.) 22 21 (= 53219) G o - of G-°- j^oo^jo (pi. _tiX«o?) grasshoppers Hjue playfulness 161 4 304 6

    LaL- 6 889 v masd. 602 (= 3)

    ^X\*o. Joa u. to iwra a(ray (intrans.) 615 l 887 of ^P. [ooLo] pi. i«^U3 10, pi. pi. 848 8

    G » J o - > 1891 vJ^rSUa cxXho side du. 125 4 (var. ^j>X>o) G- o > G- Xa^Um (=mu'j) 58110 l\ao. .i\o » iAasj 107 15, ic. G . o ) | (== yJLow) part ucSto) fcatry (of a thong) 739 8 107 22

    . oE »r>.-g.o 26511 t\*ei causat. 638 12 — on 483 10 see ^->a^?. ^ J vol. II _LoJsbo 587 11 p. 180

    G _ o -. .iAao jwtnt of a sword 528 18, pi. (jLsui^Us see 587 12 G ! . 3lX*o tips of sandals 528 20

    ._a3P. £i^ metaph. s(a« 694 1, pi. ^wb!P G_ o > 5 Juo frratsi 764 17

    pages 559 19 G o - 22012 77818 yjuai' breast-girth G - o - JwSP. J*=>Lo /;o«rse 179 17 .i\*a^> watering-place 638 4 WOKDS 251

    'aSSo a. to sin m I 863 17 603 4 &^- (?) (=46817) (var. •f)

    301 18 5361 891 15 ~g$Jsi (— S^) Go- O > 546 18 as coll. 316 8 g^\*o metapa. 7001, pi. £jAa»

    of a of a horeo 166 4 59816 oXo epithet mountain-goat [c*?.fo

    309 20 880 5 acq. A ,La 562 3 O ) 680 9 ^LXao 81218, metaph. 561 17 606 1 o *rfA*a « broken pot 217-1 M - o_ of wine 764 11 vXiya. iUAi-yfl epithet lw\*o see 26 4 £Xo. gf O - - o - 6218 Oj*3. l^y^>] i-hilliil, pi. (j^jAfl i^i^Xto . kjJuaj" 52 14 (= \jof-)) ^_*p " /.//('/ "/' Mro, see 801 7 and

    [oJuo] pi. vjIlXjoI mother-of-pearl £j! s. r. £j 558 9 G • t coll. coW clouds 97 coW iMfM olyo 11,

    JXo , ^X^> adj. AOra 529 19 567 19, pi. 688 7 17

    ('cm. ^JsjJo 23711 u. to fasten 36219 472 2: i. to O c. ^yo. yo ciJw courage 30 16 741 16 to chirp 150 4, crwi; 642 2 SJSjuo of a she-camel 679 8 ^cyiJl 52 6 o 8,1*3 (= (jiiatjl S.Ip-) 0>Ji>^> as coll. 413 15 seq. cord, pi. 526 8 733 12) G - o _ [^yo] gyj (= ^A*a* courage 171 2 10 S.L*> creaky 402 4 8719 ^JLaJ! ^>ll!l ^.Lss (diptote, ace. to some from

    -^^— G - o ci .iA*a. -Jua* smiting 6809 (var. .0Jl>o) a singular Lo) sailors 600 8 seq., ~ id. 228 6 to thirst $}fO ^iA-o. (^Joi 1269, oLo 846 U 873 4, narroirncss the 841 10 .Ijliot (of hoof) pi. fem. olyi 904 (=4247) 357 3 ».". ," see 841 9 ^ii*a* ^coLo (= ^c'lo) see 778 16

    SljJa! oir/.s 44316 69310 L 4331 [^aJiuo] pi. If- t&S°] P U^/

    849 12 nine 73511 814 6 84811, G & - usyo. i_jj^> pure l_J.O. >w!-N3 .««/ /»///. 60 7 13 n d diji- 24 275 7 496 13, applied "

    3 - to be risible 24017 273 in to Death 623 17 C/ ~^a plainly 252 WORDS

    to i^j.Lo turning away (intrans.) 536 20 O&jo. lAJtoi go far 35 11, io ,90 to the

    (var. LJ^La) uplands 6701 G w - a camel's

    hoof) 89125 p. 352

    masd. 356 5 584 19 727 14 iSjuo 4611 ^Ju.jSo (= (= bL5.)

    79914) 727 7 i]J^juo a deep breath 583 12 S .a. ^s _yo flexible 408 3 seq. ^aXsLto epithet of a horse 186 17,

    of an arrow (?) 869 6, see vol. II 408 7 f^ifo. &J6fO (= i_\jt\-i;) p. 361

    i. 37124 678 7 r/°- f/° ) _ o£ Go >

    joo . .xof 802 2 [ ] distorted, pi. yt/a -jioj 420 6

    G.o G . > « swrtW herd 28 13 605 see oi-*«>. 78417 i^oyo 14, [iLacLo] pi. oicl^ia

    251 l G o - Jjiao . Jjsao small-headed, of an ostrich 1 15 1 G O ) (= 501 18 j^Lo (.,l*a<«) 129 4 808 3 G 3 J^o £Ae tof drops in the udder (?) (lUjco. gUibai 342 6 (=450 3 64912) 653 17 (var. 1Lm>, j.^) &^Jl«Aa« 204 5 (var. XJJijLLc) pyi 40 20 G - coll. 22 11, du. 653 12 var.), see 809 6 seq. j»jyo (as .•y*»o. n5**°> *-Jy«*a,

    see also 653 11

    Juo . used for the 702 a t_=yi*3 pi. i»j So 454 1 653 501 1 7, pi. '^\yo G , 46712 Jjbo. J>*o 2319 (as var.) •,1*1 (P)

    786 17 8471 pyli ^iuo. qL*_jL^2_x bending their necks (of GS - J ...*&* cm< 421 an off 17, M WJ) (of 658 2 horses)

    8313 172 4) udder) (= G G - ^ft*o. masd. 59010 ^A»*a G _ o , . 1. to save 876 18 ^5^0 ^ejo «p^o flank 875 4 Go, G >_«_x*3. [w/_*jo] of animals, not broken-in. ^sLo unmilked (of a she-camel) 334 20 g" O o vll*A3 6181 Jao masd. 81 11 pi. (= {jo\^[) G , o > > 114 20 side to side 170 18 [u^**ax] stallion, pi. wucl^t „^io turning from is \\ hi; I 268

    ^^^0 surface 725 fi vjtft^! to shut up (with Jx) 3555 (=

    - > 1)1. „-JLiLo broad swords see Ilm al-Athir I 465 fiL#U_SA3|• ' » 73U«, 22) i c.

    10817, streaks 19214 ;cjUa3 masd. 433 10 (var. LUCJUUt),

    LkLllI 70910 seq. tX«A3. L\ft*a i. ffl /'r//r/- 449 3 OSU*3 du. thighs 332 14 iXa»->' to bestow gifts on a person

    with rt leather fl (ace.) 29317, 2 ace's 2941 O*^' pad 305 o o > JJli 294 see 888 22 656 656 tf ////'/ 4, ^La standing 8, pi. ^y**"

    JJuj> fetter :(6614 449 3 746 fi jJuo. bUo ii. with J 751 3

    3jJ2o 887 12 (?), see vol. II p. 366 a*sl to bestow a L 857 6 521 18 (?), pi. ^yU, a& name of a season (early in the " - ^jjas adj. limpid 437 17 winter) 287 4: a kind of reptile

    v_jLxj clean-shinned (of a 496 1 10 horse) 520 t

    coll. trees that bad in to ie wear 114 4 iLj^fijo Safar !>W. u^_iLo (with acc.)

    80013 19219, XrfJLoJI (=^>) >_^JLo! to approach (absol.) 81 17

    itJAS a 45511: norm <>/' plant epithet tent-pole 165 22

    of a bow 563 5 ,«JLo. 5JU2 a. to rfrijfctf ow Me A

    a she-camel whose OlS*3. jyuc milking fills 403 10 441 18, masd. tJua 444 18,

    O _o - a row of bonis 37 11 iotii/o 1344

    .^Ji-tJuo (moat) cut into stripe 527 1 *a>o head-ache 387 18

    (=83515) g-JUa bandage 37519 376 10, see

    also 26 1 ^JsM>. ow*3 i. to mix 81412: to shut up

    see 784 22 708 16 [read vJUaoj?] XaSLe, pi. j-5|y«3,

    4l*_Lo 329 l 2 (as var.) ,JiaA3 to mix, see 815 2, pass. 505 o (as var.) t*a*a hoar-frost 332 3 254 WORDS

    u. to the teeth 382 917, jJuai smooth 93 l JJj*3. jJlo polish ( G o - of 0*0*2* of garments 253 16, eyes [o^uaxi] pi. ^i^JLoA of warriors 138 13

    580 19 825 8, of faces 490 1, of swords

    Jji*a 231 11 (as var.) 438 4

    10 jJLi flank, du. 421 (= 736 12) u^Juiu 8M*/i! 278 5 288 4

    iSLo id. 231 12 IXo 669 6 G (=gXo) J^&o of a sword 755 12 18 6 L&>\ pi. ^ii rfea/, see 801 802 t?JjCo. <$So u. to sin'ke 58319, masd. t>Ljo

    . 10 .OdUo of a horse 441 11, of men 680 864 1 ^lxLo

    (as var.) tjjijot with <_. 306 7

    of an ostrich 9412 , to 7 i\SSo epithet JwiaJLc" J^Lai' rumble 638

    • G o - G - J G 3 liLl* strong, du. 578 7 (of camels) [iLLaJua or iJUaLo] £/«e remains of

    waiw in a skin-bottle, pi. J^obbo >_Jl/0. !_*iiwa! to extract grease from bones

    273 4, or J^j^Lj 273 8 777 12

    G o J i_Ju» subst. /

    72318 (text doubtful): adj. hard iLa baldness 403 20 56510

    694 15 1 - 39 ° 2 BjLxiSl Ja*» > P V^° KxLo irf. 189 20

    G 3_Of G O 3 back-bone 683 4 ftJuol of a 882 s_Ju3 spear-head 6, pi. qL*Lo

    vlj'uo /mr 4118 81218 of men 538 2 G i_aJUo subst. grease 77714, cross (?) «JUs. see 776 5 8713 £JLa 26 8: adj. Aard awrf rfry 777 7, un- G _o- - . _jiLo. ^aJuo see 408 9 tanned (leather) 777 19, enduring

    847 10 oLLo. v_s£o i. to smite, masd. *JiLa, 68512

    G ) G _ G o 3 loud-voiced 603 15 iyJui* (==iUoij) 813 5 seq. ^jiixiA (as var.)

    5 - G i. to 90 masd. 89 21 ^Jus. ciJUs smooth 52 14 309 20 (see 825 9), JJUo. J^ ri»<7 7, J"-^

    du. 58019, £icL> 15611 90 4 (=424 7) 755 20

    144 10 38013 ^Ul*> sm'j'/* j\*a serpent WOKDK 255

    [idLo] pi. S^Le pools rain-water **9. /<» kill 738 8 of c

    83 ll 183 (= 9) O o > iXLao. [tX»Ai*o] chieftain, pi. JooLio 444 15

    soo 802 7 jJUo. jJLo, (JLiol, *-U3. & 51213, ^jly-Li (= 168 16) 407 1

    512 18 O ) tiL*3 168 9 £JLo skilful, ^Xj! o J^a/> of a horse 512 15 21614 633 for the £Ll«j artificer 4,

    ,Juo. JLo to />r consumed 844 io fem. 378 21 (see 314 9)

    *jLao 314 5 ^JLa to* 342 U [j;Uo] polished, pi.

    id. 1 342 9 16 the the £sLe 277 £_jL*ail troops employed by

    23317 Kindite 428 9 yLiJI ^Jliyo kings seq. ' G - o _ > _ iubLo pounding-stone 558 13 t^L^swo] pi. «jUaw« buildings 7811

    862 5 vin*^ or ca4»3 silent (for the fern.)

    25 6 X » »*> coll. reddish w^jo. jl ; camels 131 U

    fo the ears 6 (as var.) *+*o. ***aj! 7>»-(V/i- m;> 399 (as 3 -Of v_^>al of wine 555 24, of a dust-cloud var.)

    734 l to Death 623 of the heart 302 fem. Akjo , applied 17, £*asI 4,

    of an ear 868 8 fem. iLj-4/0 of wine 73511 812 2

    o - . _ > sticking together 868 1 838 3 849 4

    . JUJ^IA hot 2 jlpLo of a mare 807 JU-O 150 l)^o. epithet 11, pi.

    J^t^o neighings 36412 **o a. — *Ua9 7618 !**«>. (jj**" O.o- O ' 485 5 j»£o] pi. o[>^> tt« hinder part of

    ****9 coll. (= ib>vo) 361 12 a horse's back 66 4 841 ( (= 13)

    of a sword 106 io 66 737 u ^ seq. s, mrfaeea 256 WORDS

    u. trans, see 563 1 77013: in- ..La u. to stowrf still 358 *JL»o v-,3-0. i_>Lo rr°- 6,

    to to 9 8 trans. fall 405 9, descend 769 165 15, X-^-jLq 165*17 (=358

    78417 656 67 15 357 or 7), pl. ,»!*> (= 8)

    v_jLol to seek 641 5 770 9 16517 656 2 seq. (see j.Loo

    seq.), m\JJ\j dj^\ 83218 149 12 ...|yo stowy ground Z>Ik3 (see 792 24) 1521 625 7 792 3 see 777 5 j_5yof a 403 10 1 - jyo. 4*jLo (= 4^-* '«) ) P 20 [sLo] hard soil, pl. %*oi 776 698 1

    jLao tfn/ 87813 streaming 199 4

    G ~ > v_jL«a Me noblest part of a tribe 15219 ol*o renowned 367 11 G- - )

    G ~ , > ijL/o Ml. 152 21 q>«M shouting 205 13 £** a^jyto to utter cries 462 23, to ring to fo'store 14 ^.Lal (absol.) 834 510 7

    GS o . iuJLsuxa rt sorf date 813 6 - - .Lo u. to cawse to torn 475 7 of jo G. o _ eagerness 441 18 629 18 8.yo w\xO . oUs I. for its construction see 742 17

    G ) 12 .!yo a Aerd of antelopes 161 6608, seq.

    herds 263 of 0L0 18 pl. »;v-*a' 14, whiffs (= L\li?) 444

    perfume 532 5 [tXyol] stiff-necked, pl. <_\yo metaph.

    9, 8 > .L*3 (= Jyo) see 16114 26315 ^rowd 44415 51014

    )- Of G 3 83110 «rf [.yol] inclined, pl. .yo Ju*M 78219

    see 533 6 Lo I. trans, to incline 831 15 ty°- tr^ r**°- (see

    cL*ait to torn cm'cto 279 8 381 5 873 9 834 2): intrans. to return to the

    742 to return to (as var.) 873 11 watering-place 10, G what is 8341 cLo a fenced court 96 7, dish 292 9, right 4231 pecA* (measure) 569 6 [yj^»] pl. j*Um

    G - O w. - coll. ornaments 501 4 . ram summer 548 l 859 14 ty°- SCixo gold \^JLk*0 v_sl^o 0/*

    G G « ) > « - 709 9 [jjLo] pl. glya (var. Lg-£!yo) (as .var.) W0KD8 257

    o UuLs id. 562 6 yelping (of a 849 s *•. £**' gL* fox) U, pi. hork late in the » L

    seq. (see 592 5 scq. 728 10 822 10 to 82 21 scq.) **• ^wto bring together o •a. a kind of 8 « summer abode 728 5 ^iu plant 19, crowd scq. 835 1, 8217, 82 21 pi. >_*jLa* 47715 pi. jLto"

    a f^°] '«»/««$', pi. 148 15 she-camel that gives birth °jl*>

    8,L*3J see 8218 late in the season 252 3 O o b ca* °^ a she-camel oLm id. 251 13 j^ 82 9 see 8218 '*Ju*oa summer 615 5 j*«im

    iUalto 27 20 (as var.)

    Oo. lAc wppcr arm a £**> (of man) 829 5,

    *jLiM(?) 29815, see foot-note the upper the part of fore-leg (of

    a du. o»«m<->»v02X see 792 y camel) 8612, 37718

    O o 1 side a Cr^ CTyi> (of man) 57 8 634 5 Li^a*^ race, sfoc/fc 517 20 595 s (=

    73817), bend 464 3 to JeUs waie to appear small 866 18 o masd. 339 11 J>-yiA> small 876 13 t^°- g2*-su=

    Lo. S^SUCs. a. lo £pk26m [ Ui] pi. 199 7, or 247 19 £* £?ua 625 9 c^» ^yo! (intrans.) j^uim bed 851 19 -^a i. lo — ftrwdc ^LjJ C^ai 1124 0.0, resting-place 396 9 cf. £?Uhb» 6843 seq. 7304 — see also 10910 o see an ^ «»«%, 83310, pi. Zl-^o l»^Wo oblique gash 68624

    298 11 15 o o 816 4 g^Ua. gyto sunlight V*& adj. see 57213

    J^sua. J^sus a. see 798 7 [*-**] pl> oUa /row clamps 818 20 o J-sua ^ool 798 2, 4923 kjLyto vapour (?) 439 18 pi. Sy^o

    i-jLfcCi* see 466 24 SUo ' 5^3 8Ce c«r (j^ 8169 seq-

    38 258 WORDS

    to 410 12 udders 33411: ^$\jo sacrifice (with v_j) [s^-jo] pi. oU-*= pi.

    11 684 403 8 Jtyto feUou-icives

    adv. in the 268 10, 'ii?>\j& open plain _i.*3 subst. wretchedness 85519: adj.

    in : public 709 18 pi. J>y*° bare, wretched 377 4

    leafless (trees) 6143, exposed parts,

    3 - to 529 19 a*/ u~yto bite, metaph. 81611, pjjJI {J~']yo i_fs>]yial^ u>*~ 19112 59812 643 8 (j*sy43 adj. 816 14 vertebrae 191 19 u^jyto Lc^uj adv. at dawn 653 14

    G _ o - &_jLcs^i3 to the sun 16 17 7581 exposed i?yi=. -bjyto adj. G « isLsuiw see 816 11 c jo. a or to humble pjo v ^yi3, oneself

    i. with 2 ace's, iXsaJ! 705 3 <_jyto. i_jyto auyto oneself 538 16 709 13 [see LA X

    sL*o descendants in the female i_>y» 90 16]

    line 25916 c «'«!. yaj 875 16 (as var.)

    v_j 781 13 5yto *y& wdder 25216 46616

    y^_j_jto the milk of several camels cjto young 403 15, weak 407 6

    mixed together 73 18 seq. : hoar- G o of a lion 137 20 441 *iyto. j»Lcyto epithet 19, /Vosi, see 782 14: v_*j_AaJi in the

    or xJiLe°-*> 2 138 (= 442 2), pi. arrow-game 753 17, pi. *Lj, *ri Si s *eL*o ibid. (Aose w^o shuffle the arrows 864 15 G, G «« oojecf struck 563 5 882 16 iO_jyto «>)_&>. dXj^to weerty 37312

    G - Cf - 5 612 4 sword-edge, pi. v_j.La* — [yjiw] -- oS G - G ) g .._*al to kindle a fire 62811, «-»*>-* -ya. j» a kind of silk 26618 cf. 6717 _yto. rfoy^l 686 11

    &=»_a^^ besprinkled 647 7, oL>_«b«* 0—0 with ace. 7 j».»'nXi^l 589 torw (?) 281 18 Waze 589 9 735 ^ (= l) _ rfjjto a 60115 yij. (jrrafle »Ju adj. metaph. 169 8 (cf. 720 3) G » - o - ea^es 67 19 300 11) oL=>ya* (= 28818 589 4 G jo\ to emaciate 67215 Jja 146 14 .yto. (with ^_.) chips of firewood WOIUIS L'.V.I

    the hair 15 s 7112 seq. 155 18 « /,///»/ «Arwd 38218 V jyi) o/' Co 230 3 (as var.) 331 u seq. "iLjto truiiml 397 18 [tjjyto] pi. dogs o 871 or 873 id. ob>l*> 9, Jyo 8, kLo. s«/e of a hill 756 £*> (?) 14, pi. £jU>'

    ////r/,,7 367 10 643 8 vtyto ribs 869 6

    dLto 399 » ,»,»a«

    ..ol mho] bigger 864 8 Juus! /o double 266 14 G ~ > G r o > -ft | A J (= — (^i^l 193 8 ^j-r Uaj 544 14 jJLk. jJlka*) jiL«

    o-- > [cf. »l *0t Naq. 899 7, where iAcLoa* of a coat of mail 266 6 (= J jlLi one MS has 59815) 613 2 jtlLZa*]

    G - " unrestrained 29015 _j*to. [JJi*>] WHO <>/')!('. JJU?

    - Go O o C 3-Ju^ (=J^*>) 270 7 [c>jt*s] bundle, pi. vili^! 74418 iJLiM a trackless desert 730 15

    _LubO . JacUs SCO 275 5

    5 ' »**o of a horse 172 6 J-** *Jt

    «- to conceal 603 16 O o , ^*s! (= 890 6) *«*>» of a lion 441 19, motaph. 681 9 ^o leanness 146 12 O o Go* G O S > luil ml 833 L«/ijl 438 14 ^iio 4, pi. •" O*^" _*L*o of a horse 261 4, pi. t of

    653 6 705 21 wild asses 149 20 o _ > G XJ-Jbo ttf. 297 9 351 1, pi. 297 9 qjL*^ 35314 832 22 jfftjb thought Go , j-o. Juo a 542 du. locks /oc£ 732 plaited girth 8, [sj***>1 of hair, pi. yiU*> 7 G o hair of 427 M .Uk«3! uendtrnen 664 l

    G o i*3 coll. hillocks sand 156 20 of .L*a^« Me training of horses 715 G - O- G» # 15518 [-kio, 3^i=] pi. ^a/» i. - j*to. ^*s 249 ibid. O*^' Qa~s parasite 16, pi. ^sLya without chewing it (with ^ of the

    Lii n. to down 667 of 671 3 of a _jj^>. flow 3, Jls cud) (= 79911), I'yLo 260 WORDS

    camel 799 671 7 cLaJt to move the 5, o'j-*Lfe (= head (in terror)

    356 2 799 9) 532 7 (= 651 12)

    G - > G- c. J S a maZe owl cyto 40118 ***3. [iUUjto]] pi. ^Lto! troops of horses

    -. w J 166 7 &*>-*o denom. to be given thin milk G e**- j^oa place of assembly 455 24 to drink 512 4

    Lyis see 512 5 12 »-n '< to stowrf surety for a man t -y4+o- p

    (ace.) 548 9, see vol. II p. 214 Li? I. 77910 £**>• g

    s/»om,' 6 liLus . likjLto subst. narrowness 463 7 733 l ft^a to neglect 543 G 75312: narrow 113 7 cLub rw*« uncared adj. 7611, ^-fr*° (}* G c _ 0^Um see 792 9 for 619

    undefended 7617 529 4 with 12410 8104 t^ytot ^iso. pjto.a. s,j 83222,

    pass, 525 13, masd. ,~/i3 impers. ^SLyB . i_jL*>! to receive as a guest 24912 with 71811 ^ olwbj to border on (with ace.) 72 20

    to seize on both sides to *K masd. ouLai" (with LyU?. ^gJOto /aZ£ 45919, ^c^a

    ibid. ace.) 7211

    ou/to side, see 72 20 to roast «-*^*=. u^jb 49 6, pass. 429 11, see under G i - J .-a^fr ^^a/£> 28513 -73511 u^at G ~ 3 - Xi^«2M calamity 205 2 (= 292 12)

    La». eUj! trans, to kindle 466 l

    OV-^3 . obUai' to become scanty 728 5 eLa**J trans, to %/U up 213 9 G 1 - coll. « A-mrf lote-tree 156 3 to writhe 799 13 J** jLto o/ ;y=°- ^ 215 6 455 24 578 9 86311, n. un. cLto u. trans, to trouble 651b: in- cyis. iJuto 22121 499 21 80716 trans. to 6e diffused 532 5 G to 5 c-aj' be diffused 81414, to &e &-^°- (juto to &e injured 850 10, ,»£*&« 720

    dishevelled 532 3 533 364 ll 399 13 51916 (var. icj^aj' 5), ^*> WyMry

    to Aow>£ 87515 (var. pyaij) WORDS 261

    an 6 ^*vL» far-flung (of arrow) 869

    o J-»fe. ,J^ftb owe ir/io A«* a disease of the to ILLL. iLlL urge on a boast (ace.) 145 14 spleen 68312 (=41218 69219) 69212, pass. 14510

    Ls^L a. to y?k, carry OM«y(with >_j) 765 3 wUj , v_*Ia purpose (?) 46616, see also 773 8 766 2 842 4 G (see seq.) coll. lyilfrb patches 702 6 G o » > _

    . wA/to of jisJo. [ s Jstio] pi. patches adj. 773 J. y^l^e cloud 389 l

    VJ. j*_ll> rwf< 3891, metaph. dishonour Lf^' ScJsiL dust-cloud 174 21 31213 393 16 3941 709 9

    t_aA-b. olL sec under « iALj Jul'. JLIIj covering 536 20, pi. vJl—aJ>I

    Kmfo 601 15 to 336 12 ui. ilyb /eef grief (= 765 10) 0. oulb (i quarter 292 6 604 5 765 8

    G - ) vjsui> « fctnd 8 8 to crow the 5 of plant i_J^> (of cock) 735 °- O -, . - at vji*ii« of a sword 10617 336 5 10 seq. v_jj_b $rn

    336 15 J^Jai! mankind 11 9 seq. ^JjL adj. 33610

    a3 skilled 750 7 i:j stirred 765 3 vjjyj eosi/i/

    iCoLL carrf'idness (P) 15118 > l^tl trans. 588 2 G , <.bt to cott 861 13 5*- cC (with ace.) _ of a horse 187 of a 4 3^b 2, bow 187 du. SIX* 17117 ^1L 6741, pi. 494 2 £^3*

    trans. 9 . a. to cos< 83 ^^la j&L> forth 357 13, see also V»" 3^Li' (var. \SjaJ)

    869 8 19 to SJb' follow continuously (with ace.) .it see 869 869 10 18 8311 masd. con- ysvb! 19, pass. (=183 9), o\f>\

    ? £ho ribs 1 68 9 176 [ Sykb ] pi. (var. ^L) iuiMtty 20, Ojko ei?ew, regular G 108 of y>LL see 869 19 (of armour) 17, a spear- G y du. with ace. 357 15 shaft 17616 jy&L expelling, 56216, gfr*«fll >^L'

    (= 869 9) /'/. 612 16 262 WORDS

    O _ O simulate j-LiiJ to flight 198 16 Vj[£ 2 4

    l>! Ja attack 375 5 irf. 245 19 vjjjjb G_ »t\j Js ofc/eci of pursuit 738 6 X3j.b ooflL she-camels fit for breeding.

    metaph. 519 2 ._b. u. to 46516 "Jo sprout xii_)_b the line of the back 288 10 Lb adv. 431 13 72218 723 3 Oil S-b streak, du. 873 2] 876 4 G o Go, ^Us] Me patching of a sandal 17 19 828 9 G o > ^3j£m sharpened (blade) ^^Lw casting the eyes down 891 25

    see 19412 70 3 U"j \j*S& o-bvo compact, pressed together

    (= 877 4) V" v_j_b i. to wound in the eye 196 15 sto/f 827 10, pi. 827 13 197 10, pass. 207 16 vJ^Lo J^Um G _.o XJsJm hammer 581 15 o^I? to 6e distant 258 12 Go 1JJ3 a /(orse of noble breed 167 4 Uwu><

    288 4 G-_ Orb — acc. \^iJo as prep, on the

    way to ... 469 7

    v_j J=> stricken 678 15 (see vol. II p.

    696 5 285), pi. js£(?) G-O) iLi-b see 678 21 and foot-note G OjLb property recently acquired

    44711 696 7

    o!_b « leathern tent 165 22 260 18

    413 4 517 8 84111

    ilsia coll. tamarisks 35 11 753 10 (=

    813 16)

    Jjjs. Oyb u. absol. 24519 54815, masd.

    G ) s ? Ja 2 adv. 531 8 ^jj 12, liijjb % mgrAt WOKDS 268

    o . O - - o * > . , ^snaJLIj exhausted 181 15 _Ub see 765 -Ub to gib. 20, o'yil <

    rww /"•

    nib. <«Jll> intrans. 576 10 (with variants) 06- -*b see 785 2 - ^' — y H h V the soul is jJLiaJ (j^ijjl O o Oof [^_4-b] ragged garment, pi. .L_»_bl affrighted 235 8 (= 780 13) 1151 478 5 to iJUaS «/jy>«w 687 14 889 6 (?)

    of a horse 14510 4 483 r. ^_*_L 167 *Lbl to be seen 81318 (as var.) 7851, byb 170 2 555 28 citM sco under «JU= 684 16 • .< > *JLkw way of escape 409 9 adv. jUb ^ 785 4 seq. vjdb. .jLJibvo 151 5 o Li (= ^.AaJILo) crouching u~*b- -~«lb (ftim 46613 (= 806 6)

    i^Ijj! see 119

    _ Jill' . *wlJlb 408 9 (as var.)

    **k* an desire 528 18 £-*b. object of

    UUb. Jilb adj. 436 7, odLi! >_^s^iJLj O O _ 795 fy^oA filled 17 502 5, see also 267 12

    LaJLL> adv. with a rush, 861 13 »b- speedily _>*b, u

    fern, 35717 ffjb JJL. Jb to be bedewed 202 8

    stotore jJL 72312, pi. JbLbi 72313 *_*JLb. «_JLL« extended 737 it

    iJblb id. 72311 w^Lo (//. 402 6

    o v a^LLl 211117 san- 555 24 Jjib. [lb] pi. ,ib. j-^b yy? pi-

    Juj. 8bLb which camels are i. to 770 masd. ibid. cC /y/toA (with o^- ^b )•/«(/ 13, (jyb

    smeared) 752 7 ^1 to e«« off 431 3

    — ~ " ® r* c :?1 a. 25 20 717 masd. _Lb .Jib! to render sick 683 9 £*b. g^b (= 8), LS^.

    376 10, ^w«Lb of the 166 19 jkb subst. a disease the eyes L< of spina

    766 t : l, rising 334 683 11 adj. one irho suffers frmu 264 WOllDS

    the disease 683 12 to rj'tfoZ i» 125 4 [also ^i>, LA JjLb height

    VII 282 24, XIX 240 3] J!>b adj. 483 3 61418

    ^Jm denom. one who treats the dis- I. to render lean 496 5 813 8: ksJ°- (_5ji> ease 68312 to traverse 805 4 (= 860 8)

    tte a 4 437 4 coating of well 257 (= jb. [/Lb] pi. J^o J^b 425 4) 5271 y^oi, ^^fb. [»Lb] cook, pi. iiLjb (= jLb fea» 799 5

    835 15) ^Lb see 799 18 G

    to . . . .Jo . .Lb u. to gain access (ace.) Jcvb we^ 181 12

    35210, see 427 5 G o . 790 10 Go, ^jLbj' fragrance .Jo 427 2 (as var.) Go. -dp augury 81111 _bjL. JbLb owe w^o iwws aside 37510 owew 843 11 yLb 12, Ci&M yLb 407 JuLb see 37516 .Lb adj. flying 145 10

    37 17 y.LbJ* (as var.) c Jo. eLb! to gratify, give' satisfaction o~ > s . 2422 (with j) 37812 44210: see also ^Lk. (=^0) G - o > _kb£**o toute, gaping 742 9 86 2 and vol. II p. 28

    clLxJ to overcome 716 5 i. to £wrw aside (with ace.) LTA-b- jiLb (intrans.) 698 1, Go- - h 9 o - e Js of a sword liJL 10 cJj adj., masd. , 403 ty^-ot

    4 SuLb 5 470 u-*-> thoughtless 44814 530

    5 5 ° ' G O » ;J3. oLb 1. see 2 9 seq. 3l

    o p. \juJo^b phantom 2 4 o^b. i_sLb u. see 2 11 3 8 G intrans. 769 7 _Jd to 6e plastered 495 12, * h * es>b o*k- i: ^ Ji^b du. ^Jo uiLb 806 8 587 l

    [v_juLb?] pi. ou!^b /iawrfs awd /iee£

    563 21

    to Jkb. 3Lb u. trans, overtop 40515 (s. v.l.) .Lb. "Lb a. to 6e«d (trans.) 26212 WOKDK 265

    Jl^ i. 5418 701 8 pi. » l5»l 86817 (us var.), 4£>. metaph. [^1 J JJb\ |

    20 JLIjI to «//"»' to he 541 14, and "lj& 665 (as var.) oneself wronged

    yUu (=^) 37 11 550 15

    lustre (of the teeth) 443 1 8 pJb filij] pi. ol4» 12120 785 87011

    [X . I fr] pi. metaph. calamities o o fJJb ^ji? a »(»•/.(') 8ft B, pi. yiLb »A

    ^xb departure 788 10 'hunk before its time 701 3 : a

    voe. 870 male ostrich 257 fem. XJtftXW, qaiiw l> 6, pi. ^yib 6, iU..,JLli

    467 7 553 553 see 809 7 9, ^ii> 4, J^Lstij

    00*2 ffoJ U

    662 15 time 743 6

    tyrant 441 18 Jjb from to scratch (JUai* j*>- (dcnom. JLfe) * s ->

    306 9 423 16 582 U-b . _«-b 759 1 (= 9) c<

    G> J Jib injury 706 13 [see Tab. £rtoss. s.v.] Sib 861 17 o of the 501 4 213 r ^.Ub epithet onyx '^Jb parched 3, pi. iLJb 862 9

    *i_b a. to become lame 395 9 880 4) 333 10 fib. 5, stump

    masd. «1& 23 4 ^_>Jb aAtfl 883 4, pi. sLujL5> 1318,

    *!£> of the stars >_«jLJaJ! 243 see II [*lb] pi. metaph. ^y» 9, vol.

    38510 (var. lilb) p. 82 G o ciUi< 7>co«« to limp 573 l 51 11 0*t». oy^ untrustworthy seq. G saddle- 19 _sJLb. oUJ^J frame 67 (= 300 li), j^». rfS a. to vanquish (with J»e) 716 2 metaph. feet 300 5 (var. Ija£) G overshadowed 86512 to be doubled 296 see 19 dU>- J^Jib ^ib 7, 781

    218 10 jj&! (= |bf ) seq. OS, iJLlw a tent 96 17 «rf. 234 71614 large ^Uai" 7, partic.

    34 266 WORDS

    _ — O — G

    . iaiM \ to with red ointment 18819 79010 7913 g provide oneself (v_>) jaac a o a thing 2919 &_*_]!_«_£ Hebrew writing 561 6 (= G o „ Go? 1 ft Me s/ior£ sides 698 11 [ i k] pi. g of 74311)

    feathers 148 7 dried wn'we 350 15 G- s- LT-**- u~ac (of camels) 71914: %3>[h adv. Sj^Uj hill-top every (= 688 10) day at noon 373 4 726 5 G U-.jLc fierce-looking 779 2, pi. fem.

    Jaj{»^ 6819

    G; . o_ c *ji*AC. iCM-i^AC « woman of the clan Abd- L*c. Lac! trans. 43712 c Shams (or Abshams) 318 4 sJac 45816 - .- o

    h«r . JiaacI trans. 555 28 ujLc swrye of the sea 409 3 G O- iLiiAC adv. by a violent death 319 2 v_)»a3u £ow

    Aac . l\*c to be angry 502 9 seq. Go. G >o£ UU£. oL^_£ to cleave to (with uj) 158 10 l\ac! 522 6 [Jv^c] pi. - O- 3-_

    (var. ^AAJti! o»+e) BJu* see 762 11 seq. 6 3 3 _ > - Jui fragrance 158 159 iXuLc, lXj^Lc, see 634 8 seq.

    G I - ) a Ov-*-c mangy (of camel) 19319, iV**- jJx adj. massive 71 11 (= 839 8) 577 10

    beaten (of a road) 21614 21715 7041 873 21

    Go- Go Go? JJLc see 7 10 (= 601 14) see 443 7 j+&. y^c, _jac, ^*c, j -oS G-. GJ3 Go? ^y^c! a ^n7e o/" w/wfe stories 268 13 see 78716 -*c, -»*, ^ac, G.-o Go iJiow a broad-headed arrow 31313, _fcc the side (of a well) 545 20, du. pi. jol_*J> 99 16 100 5 (= 867 3) banks (of a river) 98 13 G 1731 314 9 (as var.) jLe weeping (fem.) 330 10, see 787 16

    id. 8 . 542 jUb rfro»^ (?) 170 4, fem. bLub 169 22 <9f* ^jac (_s WOKDS 267

    o * > y^jjt to be retottntd 55417 seq. (= iLLc "// oca woman 197 ia _ • - j 594 8 seq. 851 fi seq.) K*A*ff sec 178 6

    to Kite ^J^c) count 590 13, see also g^' _sJix 0rotM (of camels) 126 12 (= 850 3 212 18)

    ,_Xic defect, /line, 820 8 r^- Jx u. of wounded animals 87011 wuju n musical in- resounding (of O ) 717 3 [yile] unlucky, pi. y^e strument) 554 13 o

    o _ G S .lie masd. 722 18 G t wOjtX.** seeking to gain favour 469 2

    - 831 15 ^aj-x** anger against me JXic. Jjiiix* clustering

    594 3 G o _ ..ftflf /»

    G JUc. JUc adj. 456 3 793 7 • I Me of a flood ^yLic /?rs< part 154 7 oUc

    G o_ Go. G » iuw see 82 t o~r^- yc wOSte. [-^sve] pi. >->ySte. 6471

    of a she-camel 82 - u*oyUc epithet 1, J^>L*i 22410 (var. ^o-^t)

    du. 578 7 G rfws< _bs\e /^yZ/i^f 719 4 7341 7415, Lie of a horn 279 16 G - &>Ls\e a dust-cloud 657 l 682 5 vJL*c to store up 812 6 G s

    riskiness 9 vJL^c subst. dry dates 72119: adj. o_^. iUiy^e f 170

    breed 16 «» oW l of good 252 »»>»* woman 747

    G ofi i. or u. 43513 ;Lsvcl hinder 552 7 ^)jCc. jJi (= vjsi-w) j*». [^sve] pi. parts

    the 11 (= 632 4), of udders 562 mc coll. moth-worms 178 5 50510 76812) 268 wouns

    vJL#. ^sic to become lean (of trees) 125 19 jji_c counterpoise 526 8 (= 73312) g" _ g 2 741 du. 741 B [v^su^c] pi. LJl?!* 132 (as var.) 5, G 522 8 ^Jc rived 178 ll

    G ' , . . *_ft^\cl of an arrow 358 H, of a man JjwXc injustice 88 ll G o- 813 7 JjJow hanging out (of the tongue)

    282 3 d-**- J^»el with 2 acc.'s 212 14, with ace. G .0) Jl\Xjm e/*ec£ (of a horse) 558 9 and v_i 782 fi G G o ) a i. e. a crime 730 13 Jw>Lc hasty act, «iXfi. *l\c poverty 223 2

    - 361 9 Jb?>£ . a 878 9 I*jA£ ^oo/ sjJl^c strong (of mare)

    - - O - o — to be mute 727 17 728 l Ac. SAc u. Jotj ^J 479 3 *^c. ^^TjiX^! J( jJ

    11916 (jJLi trans, to cfoVeci i)< pi. (J?>*X 26517 to i. e.

    dn«;e «(/«// 621 to a vol. II p. 221 4, preoccupy

    3: intrans. 270 7 .Lfju gnawed 820 16 person 768

    to 290 7 596 12 lap** id. 333 10 ^Jsi! help

    to to in G ^soLxi' continue, persist (*_>) £ . 555 3 cr^ ,-j*^* dough a thing 24415 G~ o - *» • - « /fo'«d of ctoto 11914 ys\c. Sys\c SyAc WW «<"£ of running 206 14

    G~ O J 5

    2 jk unlimited (?) 425 13 pi. oLLsuL 283 G - iLpLc coll. own marching to battle i_jiAe. i_j!lX.c the border (of a sandy tract) battle 22821 (=31912) 319 8, hence 599 10 seq.

    1 : hindrances 238 seq. pi. otj-c lX\e. Jow see 76317 767 3 seq., cf. 768 3

    jAc. JvAc i. trans, to turn 600 ll: intrans. 9!j^ of a wild ass 14915

    or ott 667 9 60011 697 12: to regard as equal [jjvi.] pi. sU-c 63413, G 769 9 coll. 20410 16 (with <^i) ^cJ^ WOKIM 88fl — • & - "tJou . (Ww'np (subst.) 418 19: »•<>/<

    co11 - Arabian Vj*- vjr* horse* 440 fl 1-^ subst. V^. v smw< «'«<«• 725 It 865 7 o -c one t*jv any 513 9 seq.: adj. 4431 461 15 5004 - - o .. see kjjvXc sco 656 8 Oj*. o^, oy:, 26116 — : - t oS of^c see 261 15 to do one's utmost ^Xc. jlXc! 70713 (var.

    c ' to cause a camel to jAxas) 779 8: see also 2612 rr -y; (ace.) stop

    - 1018 to (=10310 619 with var. ^\«J cease to yield pasture 714 u 8, - » - o to fose ««

    a herd ;/(<; -^x far^e of camels 738 3 OyXil pi. ^c mane of a horse — see 8 24 (as var.) 250 21 542 2 689 l (see 1017 seq.) 14410 483 9 lameness or _^c 740 11 (as var.), olyAi(?) 21512 iLs?^ see 373 5 ^vAc cheek-strap (of a horse) 673 24 ° • ' nVA m camels 688 18 807 11 : frontier 708 17: see also 26 2 -^x*

    o > £ rf±A curve 23 8 j>> > Pi- ;*%*, sec 26n

    warning 116 20 j* ramwe o/" Me palm-tree

    s. v. 158 10 Supplement j

    • of a * . to drove back /^ s/'iAc she-camel 37 22 82 l f jjc (intrans.) 121 4

    355 H 581 15 724 12 — see vol. II OjC adj. A«rrf 878 19 o id. 800 9 p. 27 (below) jjc o" _ a At«rf jljc of shrub 748 11 Os'Ac. >JU\£ see 166 21 7 (=229 766 9)

    u - <» jj*- f- approach (trans.) 373 17 JAi. J31*} 51916 see 809 4 ^,(c XJLXc masc. 18 i s. y: wow^e 794 21 846 5 ~^j^c. ^LxJm see 533 4 f see 795 7 270 WORDS

    also 15 : s-c injury 39415, see 795 2 seq. (ji? Lc doMd 770 du. side-teeth G the .Lt the cry of male ostrich 807 9 38217, pi. Jo.tji 678 3

    seq. &to.lc a 6eas£ slaughtered because it

    see 373 15 is diseased 318 50 23 ycx/> 15, pi. ijo.\^s.

    318 17

    . to res£ in the latter the (j*y: u^jC part of G 3 G j [(jkU;] wiete, pi. fem. oUsLe 57711 30510 46512 9 flight 778 8351 G„ > o; . iOisLc G o (= *jl\2>) see 51 7 a 16 u~jc, .du. pair of ostriches 806 o .e domain 414 13 G S , J U^j region, resting-place 583 5 (j^jjw 1 &mjj: rt iroatf |^am 71113

    O = - 3 oLa-e 210 4 U^jE. [X»fl-e] pi. 60 5 (jijj-x-xi half-cooked seq. (var. G w - w > w - 0>Le of a spear 623 13, 8«JI u^tjc u^jtxi^ 28515)

    & _ o > id. 2619 62312 wo on 0°rx_x— 357 10, see Addenda ijojw see (_)i=jSt

    O -_ o - i. — Uj Lj-J 672 6 XJL/iJj: So/itf" 13116 V. u»jC. ^rf ^±>jo^ (= j) 0*7*" JWtf", (s. 1.) G-o- to provide with food 51 6 seq.: OJjE a fcmrf 19 18 ^c o/" juniper 8 625 to write indistinctly 561 6 (== 698 11 Go J v_j_£ ) 17, pi. \Jf G J J , J ? G — : (j» j: prep, towards 849 11 (_>2SjE ljjx chieftain 809 14 seq. 798 hence G o (jtf-c ^-c obliquely 21, hence 422 18 ^lijc recognition, vestige

    unawares 602 3 [see I. Q. Ahlw. N° 65 v. 1]

    G G _ o - 3 — -c « matter chance L_j.Lx_» 355 6 (jtfjc (_>r j<3 of [&_iy-x_*] pi. vestiges

    811 4 67710, /aces 814 9 WORDS 271

    ••. «J a kind shrub 517 13 523 5 247 c >f- tfO^c of 15, pi. Q*-''r foremost men,

    589 7 seq. (see 735 1) rhirfs 569 1U 57017

    O jo J see 3788 Jai a kind minium 334 10 o*;** V- jC of

    °" ... -SIC. u. 466 1 82912, pass. 4118 78 }j*. \y£. ^f- \J5f- origin, lineage, {jjl\ oy: 13, 37312 494 8 50311 82912 (^yicl c\>U 708 3, pi. 254 10 \Jfi\ ^f G.o» p| remainder 440 [Sjy:] pi. ^js (of veget-

    ation) 843 9 (as var.), wJjjt ^\c 789 a ^^c juice 14, JUjsUI vjjy: gift (?) 542 H bestowed in 5 9 friendship (= 617 1): see 41 1 9 a row — iljjc (of horses) 107 15 said to 2

    g -- „ ^yi adj. coW, ijy\ jUi £7339 be a collective from iLi-e 107 23

    sj 31 5 to be jLiyw gnawed, i. e. MOM 187 18 ^7*- L (?), pass. left free 79312 794 Go. (var. j^jc 5) u. to rub 784 12, masd. 784 13 lily; <<)y: o .Lc without superfluous flesh, X-j.Lc d)yc! to struggle together 521 1 Gi -"_ Uil 722U unchaste a 139 n JUi^e (of woman) G & 5

    - 1 id. G ) O|^e 722 6 pi. of camels [iOCj^x] liUyc humps (1 . o > 304 9 )5yw 187 22

    G J u. to 6e 144 7 see combatant 8 far off 472 8, lihlaw 70 (= 319 17 872 17) v_jjc. v_jy;

    also 794 6 113 7 tjjyjw battle-field

    Id remote 1441 287 4 455 2 558 4 G rr &*• oLo.t harmful (of verses) 209 n **P 0OTM ///a/ tad 6«e« o, _ 7293, ytfc tarm 7 iUy: 196 absent his mind 544 G _ from 14, pi. 177 5 see vol. II 63 j»jy: (as var.), p. ^jye (camels) feeding far ufitld numerous (of an army) 112 4 (•yyc 605 14

    44117 568 5 G .. O see 794 7 wij£, iuy:, seq. o see 378 8 see 794 6 or*- C) !jC v_*jy:

    G-_ ) thicket 76 10 ^jy: *_jyw dririug awag (obj. understood)

    554 1 272 WORDS

    driven a distance 68019 v_jjjw (camels) from UP>-fr(- )

    738 4

    . 5 w^wW-C ^^~ -,»>-r palm-branch 496 606 1, — UbuJI 3181 ^JU ^j*^' metaph. tail 220 20 49611

    Go- I „ 853 u. trans. 87 7 340 7 439 3: i. in- oj-ou queen-bee 13, pi. i_*_^U_) ^jj:. j-c

    to chieftains l to applied 239 (see trans. to be strong 809 14,

    II to become rare 839 n vol. p. 82), noble horses 5;- 309 15 310 300 1 (var. J^oLju 1) Sjc adj. difficult o -». distress 14 421 1 322 (as var.) a /awe? sftrwi 51611 ttjc r~*- rf^^c o/" o - hard 338 16 :tjc ground seq. G —>-w-r untrained a she- /"*• (of camel) of wine 812 6 jj^ epithet (?) 8.0. 831 4, see 835 9 seq. of a flood 409 9 jxX*«o G , J G - > ob.L*c see 634 8 (var. oW-i**)

    . i- to restrain 337 9 i_jj_c oj-c (with ace.)

    > > o- u*^*^ • u-.jctl

    ^UvX . v_a_^^_c labourer 384 3 459 20, see i/fe of a [i*4^c] sj»ow£ water-skin, pi. 153 17 J lie metaph. 655 2

    M'Ao his i. to 250 10 783 Ojt! (a horse) always places J.^.c. j^w-e gttfper (=• 7),

    Go ) G - -

    to»7 unarmed (men) 268 10, or Jic 269 1 wolf) 75519 G 751 2 (see foot-note) jV^c adj. 75516

    Go ) unarmed 163 290 3 , 9, pi. Jj:Ijm ,JIjjm . 333 14 ^JL*£ [_Ju*x] <(*7(/ ; pi. ^JL«£ refuge 635 17 3j**-« . _ ol G 2 t^tAe), >_A-i;!c, see 855 759 2 pjjs. [X*jjc] pi. fH\jc ^\«vXC luxuriant (of herbage) 473 7

    . u. 595 9 554 20213 j^e I^e (= y^o ) 5, jy-iow wcuths 273

    434 1 744 13 iA«»3f h'ii, •! a ill, I,, 1 yix: (low .ii,,/ 571

    O- o > 0-1 i^-c '/ /.'///'/ -Cic 47015 L» j— | of trw, pi. i. to cause ^aox (a horse) to sweat 251 10 600 5 663 519 filj-iXc] pL ^Lix: 146 17 885 11 . - > ' * •• i, . /« '«//«/ 102 3 yic M y^atl yijw oh? tr/fcwf camels are .Li* 130 18

    masd. 413 9 u*** ^c slender, pi. fern. oLisc (of trees) Oft. — o - 614 3 .*ae ^y^*!' i- •• '/"// and night 76516 il&a /'(/. 613 U seq.

    O > ) 413 8 ^*ac MM

    * iw r • ^£ to with a 747 u ulc jiresser (of olive-oil)

    -isc coll. clouds 282 15 O- > L< evening (= 234 6 289 289 8 s^Loc j«t*M (= 6) 757 2) > _«aL*^o (no sing. ?) o fcj/id o/" do

    i. to i_*.vi2£ cloy (with *_>) 759 l, with 435 9

    G O _ o o ace. 759 masd. ibid. 7, u^ac .Lax* wine-press 78914

    A r. a kind of dyed cloth 814 9 qui r . Ji_Ai_c i. trans, to cut (corn), see 870 17 795 20 : intrans. to rush along G „ t, ) »i thickets [X ; r] pi. 38412, 218 17 391 4

    /focfo (of birds) 734 l intrans. see 795 21 o , o ajLa-c wrf, see 70215, coll. yLxe *jLae see 795 20 796 10

    702 14 : pi. u»oLac crowds (of men) [v_j>*ac] rushiny, pi. v_**ac 391 1 420 15 G _ see vol. II 338 o iCa^ic 79517, p. of >_^ic a she-camel, see 702 15, pi.

    G > ) . . — - . 8>-ir rt A-»«rf *_**ae 703 2 o/" saffron 183 12

    G & ) > G «. o - - 558 17 BHisham ^«aA*ac painful 369 i [j^axac] pi. ^sLac [cf.

    p. 7410] wWe. iXoic twisting the neck (like a dying

    animal) 850 6 J>*ac. J^ac! crooked 824 1

    35 274 WORDS

    G-G ) G ) > 73122 »*hr see 16 f^ac. pLax: thong (as var.) wJac. pl. <^ac(?), 883 (as var.)

    G OS ,»,.«>fl.r stow o/" 6/oorZ 358 14 ..he. oUau frti (camels) 1314 386 17 487 ^c! mountain-goat 10, pi. as 92 9 U*J2£. (j*IIie an omen 22313 354 8 71911 H»3£

    556 16 678 500 10 . on a soil (fc/ajw 3, pi. pxLx^i (jislic ^kjw growing dry (of

    see 47 l palm-trees) 821 4

    46 21 refuge, - InLr . Joe » ew£ (in a garment) 1 34 13, as

    see 68515 masd. 782 6 _yac. (joc(?)

    Los — L*3* see 82016 ^A^' o>hr . Jitir i. to attack (with j) 643 8:

    to regard favourably (with ^) to resistance 62812 (^aoc. ^^/iut^l o/fo' 726 5

    Go G o£ r du. >_*.AJ3 .r . k_«^2£ i. to break 405 9 ^.9 h Side, 734 5, pl. jL-L-cl

    192 9 759 3 v_*wnc A7(«r/> (of a sword) 755 12 882 16

    see uuacl an animal with a broken horn v_a»Lc 218 3 (= 521 7) and Ad-

    G ) denda in t"- 40511 (= 739 7) 7391 loc, pl. _«; bending

    (over their young) 729 3 Jsxac. [iA»nc] pi. oLatt sides 209 19 6318 G *g»hr &OW 380 13, cf. *Lo^! XJLiuLx iXfetc cutting 1 29 4 503 7 G iX«m see 12912

    G - o 136 22 ^^Lc. i:7^ic stinking iA*Hx/> see 129 10

    LLc u. to stretch out ~T G & > G O ^ d * _ jlic. (with >_j) 382 15, Joj.Lac -kyae. [-bj^oac, J^ync] pi. camp- to stretch towards (with ^1) 792 8 followers 647 7 with ace's iAj ^Lc 2 426 12, ^tHjw

    . c/om- 605 5 see 821 14 6 (ja^ac (jac ; offering a handful 866

    «kU3 to be able to do (ace.) 788 7 Jxoc. Jwoar muscle 883 3 (var. w**a«s) G - - j [see Dozy, Supplement s. v.] [kLa^^] pl. JoUiix: vexations 177 10 [iilkle] pl. |^>^£ when they stretch (var. J>jtoljw) out their necks (obj. understood)

    aune. »Lac coll. 696 11 73314 (=868 6) 6.84 6 WnjUW 275

    iac\ 741 17 Le compare*, adj. _>-a-c. LLk u. trans, to efface 826 10, with

    884 23 : to a mas.l. J* beg of poraon JJic. $lLc 367 7 (=369 13)

    555 :;<•.: intrans. to fe '//<"< 12 :<*.«Nr misfnrtuiir 659 703 U, pi. .Jie /

    i. to sfafM wttA 'Ins/ 365 22 367 7 ie ridden 149 2 ^-a-c. yic Go, M<- r«« of a horse 853 3 (= 369 13), pass. 483 18 _j_s_c //V.s/

    ill. 2 147 adv. 234 16 jic metaph. 519 (= 21), \yc. easily

    155 157 18 550 15 726 10 yi*j! 16, yiil<> o _ « etna tree 226 8 884 Jit — sLx: 348 see vol. II ^lac of (= 13) pM ce 9,

    stained iritlt 129: [^Aftt?] t/ttst, pi. ^jc p. pi. Qjslc beggars 71019, G J 369 15 or slat 547 13 (= 882 3)

    O o _ . G- of a she-camel 61 15 xoLc coll. animals 359 9 tsUj-s-e epithet seeking food

    9ULa destruction 343 12 (= 267 17 582 3) G o- 147 8 viae totr 223 5 45116 .yxj antelope

    masd. 227 14, see also 818 3 853 14 v_»e. Uic adj. 3231 46912 84710 G - seq. oUi 444 10 to a result G . . ^ac\ produce (ace.) 788 6, xiUc 492 4 to leave behind (with 2 ace's)

    i. see v_Ai£. oiac 776 10 852 15, pass, to obtain as a result ol to hide oneself 776 7 (with v_j) 680 5 (var. t>*Xcls) 276 WORDS

    wJutJ' to obtain ace. and « barren she-camel 1498: of a (with ^ ysLc

    706 l man, unsteady on his legs (?)

    ,_^fic the second run of a horse 146 17 71012: barren sands 3511 pi. yst^c G . .

    164 16 853 3 147 853 6 : 63013 (= 21) ^Jc jLsc slaughterer (,6 267 Ls£f id. 267 2 "lac 13 15 837 15 prep, after l, pi. v wtne 504 664

    id. 1 v_Ji£ prep. 8/ter 59 9, x^Jic j, 853 £).La£ W, 837 15

    G G > >

    result 601 3 : see also 267 2 853 10 to Jic 153 13 ZJ£ [.yic] prone bite, pi. G — jyjii see 85315 seq. : _»«j) iyiic i.e. _aS£ barren 350 8

    owce a month 59 17 v_jJi£. 297 18 G J [vy^] ph Vj^ metaph. vjlfic banner 682 16, see also 853 15

    G o ) G o ) see 267 2 ^Lfit (= u^te) ^JUtC. v_Sci(= «5t) to render brackish 68413 G o - - G i G_ tiLiSc claws an having long (of eagle) [iLs-c] JMW", pi. \_iUc 22311

    G G > > 853 22 [Osyic] pregnant, pi. oisc 86611

    G - o G *o ) u^iUxi (or <~*&3la?) a (ode-star 854 4 G G - &*. Jjit i. to fjoy a blood-xcit (with ace. a sinew 853 13 v_jjJi*^o bound with of the thing paid) 31213 703 7 4^aw &. 817 16 (var. J*.a«x 818 3)

    G & ) Jjjc Me act of fastening 384 3 : blood- s_*JLxwo one who leaves a successor G ) G o WU 425 19, pi. 346 12 : a kind 85317: see also *_^jaw above Jyjc

    G ) of cloth 790 1 *_^ftxi« inquirer 854 2 G JJLc a certain deformity in the leg i_yutj a w«?e partridge, see 853 19,

    of a camel, see 94 19 (= 220 6) pi. <^3ljtJ 225 9 854 9

    JJsLc seeking refuge (?), epithet of a ^jjlc. JoljULe (no sing.) after-effects of a wild goat 69312 269 8 malady G > J^^ac precious, du. i_s^*« ^»c 781 19

    *Aa_c. Ails &e«£ otw

    31 1: 509 7 tail) hoarding (wealth) 172 13 68818 782 4

    O o . see 50414 837 16 166 7 404 yt£. yiLe seq. JJLx-o refuge seq. 16, pi. G>> 342 1 166 7 626 2 yic drinking-place Jjilaw WOKDH 277

    to be barren 850 20 489 i ,»Ji£. jfcJic (var. ihurhj nnlil.rtl 645 4 " -. c > O o. yj^JjM »/ beaten truck 644 21

    W. 22015 489 fie (sec 3) wJLjm PONHd "//A « >//;.;/( vLie)759i

    377 see vol. II *Juu 0, p. 138 seq. _JLc. /«y together 859 17 ^ /.///'/ iUjijjw of rug 573 15 a A«-a## gjc 66 12, du. metaph. 66 It o 170 4 ^fa. JLto(P) Jic piny 859 17 "

    °i t* - L^dc a MM o/ y;/«/i< 655 10 >_*-£-£ . v^^ ''"^ 644 21

    O o > ^s\Jlx. 804 8 vol. II . [ (see 339), l\\c j^c coll. tfo »-oofe of the tongue 701 3 r^0c p. pi. > stout j^c^blx men 805 7 yCx. coll. herds of eameU 251 1 [see ^c * o-- JJU. ^aXJLc epithet of a camel 478 8 (see LA VI 278 9 seq.|

    foot-note): a kind of shrub 689 8 . a tjijXx. iciy^ female hare 44 14 seq. a A-»M(7 iU. XbU of brand 26 10, metaph. iUc. xX-e a skin-bottle for butter 603 4 135 2

    (= 891 15) Si. Udc. vjiie i. _aJlc coll. acacia-pods 12949 746 6 G .-" 5 1. vjiic. OiJLc attachment 79 20 beni a sac/c 482 7 (as var.): pjCt' o c . iron 4024 seq.: coll. clots of blood (^ajw Zoom (of. camels) 789 4 870H G _0 ) G - J (as var.) a o^- [iUXc] pi. ^yCc /b/(/s (in mail-coat) [oiJLc] pi. o^Lcl valuables 18 9

    100 5 (=867 3) G - o r>_ XJiJlc a sleeveless shirt 28 2, pi. vJlLe

    u. to sear ZAc 701 7, see 757 12 seq. 27 21

    Go- O ) o *_*Jx. a 757 «w 11, pi. v_^Jlc ^racXrs iULlc. see 80s

    a (on road) 168 2 (= 272 10) 776 20 see 80 6 278 WORDS

    'sJi^ic. see 2 4 : 80 seq. 5£_ibL_c frv'/7e 474 reserve of speed G- 8 iSblr the loop of a whip 467 3, sec 80 48110 84218: comfort (?) 714 7 (or

    trees eaten « last II ^Jx leaves of by camels thrust, see vol. p. 302)

    GS- > 13110: a she-camel that caresses JJbw plucked again and again 884 10 2_, G , a foal but yields no milk 525 13 Jjm (= JJx) see 803 8

    G- o ) \JilxA suspended 559 3 Ik — 20 20 cf. 571 11 r^- p& (= jjl^)

    *_fiJLc. ..JlLe coll. colocynths 68619, hence fttf 38915 389 12 ( jjc 4241, pi. ^T bitter taste 491 16 seq.

    J - cS Go, hare-lipped 686 24, pi. 787 2 ii!Jlc. ii)JLc to stick fast to a thing (ace.) jJLc! jjlc G - &_ J 123 21 cf. 12619 Jljw monument 628 3, pi. JIjw traces

    G o > 677 12 (as var.) *jLLc . of a she-camel 798 2 |»y^c epithet s 0_„ Jkxlc. ^^XJU: see under lXIc Jic . JJx to traverse repeatedly (with ace.)

    O - , o - > 1333: to divert 2936 556 masd. base-born 599 600 5 5, g^' ^ijw 18, X^Lw 292 18

    . . ,Jx .JJUj potMt upwards ) 594 14 124 7 (=24123, obj. understood): iftle 27011, metaph. 46810 to divert oneself with (v_>) 143 21: L», \ r highest part, coll. chieftains pass. ^c)

    36314 83910) see 4114 WOKDS 279

    to become dm (of lifrbagc)

    G -o -- G o - 48511 65510 J^*c- Jjj^t (= *^u?) of n hone 403 1 2. o. . 119 5 492 11: jrf riiiiimunitg pi. iL4j*c _.*ju tn nriggle 50 1 V paternal relaUcet 364 21 G O I > 49 23 r uc adj. 1 f/e/we 41 490 1 !•*£ 1, pi. ^(J ) (var. O - > Oil

    iA*£ . iA_*_c i. to choose (with J) 752 IB, G « - Co. * o - -v**x a turban 819 H niasd. ^\_»-c purpose 596 3, L\ r waring

    adv. a white summit said 618 8, OcU Jx 618 u i»*jm having (?), © — of a cloud 8481 iX«x. compact 219 17 o A^iLc — with — ^iXcLc overwhelming me O* ^ (=JIj) JL=» ^ 769 12 grief 128 15 iLic sec 81212 G G. _ uV*c (= l\*w) 301 5 437 17 G o_ 532 5 732 7 803 9 pi.c oj*3lo overwhelmed 442 9

    82011 seq. (as var.) r^- 88619 Go) > -cl to make a /nan a for life-time [-y&^c\ pi. .s^o-Llc long-necked

    (With j. of the person) 74 9: pass. (horses) 32 24 626 13

    to be made to inhabit a place (ace.) _VLt . i>JLc trans, to oppose 575 14 (as var.), 117 21 to be repellent to (ace.) 861 it: G > > _ui sugar-palm 158 10 intrans. to sink (of stars) 665 17 G BjUe //7t>e 518 11 lXjLc turning ana* (intrans.) 088 14:

    . -oS J>*e . J*+c< to use a beast (ace.) for ajourney tpouting blood 362 l

    6 19 dust : 443 469 774 14, partic. 318 10, Oj^-c (?) 307 4 adj. sirerring

    „ o > o - of the 07215 hence ^j^A* ^JUti 100 8 from jintli G > i^AC opposition 308 8 [j»

    109 2 J-oIji ,*Aie . ,mJUc rt >"f'/ dye 856 16

    *£ u. f" itfter « call general for help >~A£. _j_c epithet of a she-camel 65 1

    825 8 2713 587 7 72412 774 24 280 WORDS

    G san. 465 to in a ,j*oLe unmarried, pl. 16, pi. ^jw (a man) »w«% engage o 13 contest 178 see 169 2 fem. u*o[>£- 465 15,

    to 194 l_AA£. vJUaC.1 trans, to dislike 575 20 seq. *** ^.c confine 4, ^y** confined

    34 18 194 7 537 666 4 ii unskilful 66 4 (= 841 13) 840 19, (= 8), metaph.

    G 3 > Lc 436 14 531 8 739 8 unkind 727 3, pi. v_aJ-c fresh (?) captive

    440 7 iL^xc a kind of paste (for smearing

    unkindness 18 13 i&ow mangy camels) 193 19

    oS v_JUc. olJLc to hasten (intrans.), of men denom. 411 4 or*- ^,v^

    G o J , 85412, (of camels) 138 6 hence partic. ^I^jLc title-page 41010, sign

    a certain quick pace 170 9 410 12

    G o ) O c » — OsUc l*3( see under ^j\j£. ^] aLi* (= ^*) 4112 G ii ~-

    G CO » G - o - 3 l\AjLe. .A^sLc 442 15 lAfflaw [o^&Lc] grape-cluster, pi. [lX^jw] pl. places of meeting

    G ) o ) 12810 16 JLa£. -sJx: coll. papyrus-roots 637 10

    G o jji 706 5 iiL>Lc « portion of the night 549 l, Tfr*' ^ y?Lc

    G --C- see 54817 666 3 of a she-camel 275 7 r^- Xtg.y- epithet G- o, - - G 1 II 5CxL^£ «(/. 465 1 r*- .Ue fcwwi o/ ^?awi 486 4, see vol. 183 p. 6 742 16 ^- Js. u. trans, to turn 378 (?)

    id, 423 with 475 7 o^- ^e u. to meei (with J) 101 6 16819 _^i 4, ^ Oil a see 34 16 537 34318 [&-ic] pen fold, (= 9), 'ytf

    G .. > G G 34 or li£ 537 9 .sole intrans. 885 11 pl. ^yic 14, o - G ) — of a 340 of lUb LLkJI 169 3 woman 7, pl. _*£ [rfiyi] ^A iL>jc

    220 1 28911 seq.: pl. in Xac^I j. "when given things 8619

    the reins" 744 6 oL>)xl horses descended from the

    G ) ^j^ see under ^yt stallion A'icaj 148 15 OfOBDfl 281

    Jl.c ti. to become 476 18: to do n see 660 6 10 881 12 jj_c. jLt! seq.

    696 with . L«J' trans, to strike thing again (absol.) m, a ultnnaUly 95 5,

    ace. 6: for = nit., I 697 il_c IJs-c, see to seize null ij 68512 73511

    767 10 seq. seq. 791 10, see 881 10 seq.

    5lXsl trans. 384 15 411 8 459 17 473 15 I.U loan 660 8 (= 881 14)

    602 15 891 5 (cf. 14) 728 [s.^-t] pi. oL^fi places of danger St. 669 17 oyi old (of a camel) 403 15 620 1 (= o I 879 — on 642 2 see vol. II blemish 839 15 5) p. 271 j[}C

    o > o -> - .. > - » 869 9: council o^e aloes-wood (used as a perfume) .t^c injury, ^oAa-l .l^t

    551 10 : in i 269 1 (see foot-note) pi. 5 44814, pi. ^jjIjc •a a on a ij.Lc see 881 735 17 ol^ci\ corpse borne bier(?) MOM, 11, pi. i^Jj*

    447 1 »lrt« /omJ speech 35116 590 8

    o * * 352 2 590 iA_^£ recurrence of a malady, met- |^ adj., \^\ ^ (= 9) 834 3 856 3 aph. 2 4 [j^] pi. ,*«< 2 o; o > .1** i. e. absent 838 9 ^c^lc ancient 628 4, fern. 40515: xpt lent,

    an old well 13917 64613, metaph. .IjlI^o borrowed, metaph. 660 2

    store-house (?) 613 6 O o 86615 jr*- jtj*] poverty i\j« doing afresh (with J>c) 38 22, 1** 2538 [#**] «V> Pi- ja with ace. 218 I

    o - o>_>*- ^Lo^c a hard task 375 10 6yc . 6yc to be protected (by charms) 44 l JL&JI (j^J%£ 179 6 oLcl to protect 668 s

    - O - O - « that has adv. ever 445 [OuLc] female recently U°^' (jrj-c 3, q*-tJI o>j-«-i

    o > in due time 12 given birth, pi. i^c (of animals) 469

    G - o J 521 12 729 3 614 19 ija?juJ~t seeking escape


    . .Lc a. to become blind 856 masd. Jajlc «« animal that has not con- .^c 6, J^.

    li 834 7 reiced though covered 733 14 (=

    /o fc/»«d 834 7 868 8681 ;J* 6)

    86 282 WORDS

    c £. to utter the Lc Lc 36219 _> > (C^Lc cry (to sheep) v (= w^.)

    l in 12 136 iU*£ Z>f/(/ 257 6, pi. >^j! i_""rt* 654

    aJjm blemish 496 13 i_S^C. j^liJ! Capella 66517 86415

    I. (= JLlll) with *_j 166 13 886 7, j^c. JLc u. see 13012 G__ G_ see 86815 869 l lamentation 13 3 j^c, j_j£, Go- G _ G o to stretch out the hand 868 11 17 iJ^c, Jo«,e, J^I, see 13 5 seq. i^£ 408 14 (as var.) jJjjm refuge (?) 78715 [read j^»]

    „Lc I. to 6e content 337 9 44014 t«°' ~^£. oL«!c ra/ifs

    l\-a£. jjl\*e a she-camel of a certain breed see 83217 Gy:. yi 148 18 522 see foot-note L*ilt (with v ) 4, G - xiLc « »«"«* of asses 51 n 166 13 'AiCi see 685 r^- (=J*i'Lii) 17 Go- 204 16, or of other animals 429 10, the of an arrow-head 69 ^c- ridge 7,

    c see foot-note and Dlwan of Amr see 17013

    ° - o- b. Qami'ah, ed. Lyall, N° VII v. iCJUi strong as a wild ass (epithet

    2 with note p. 35. of a she-camel) 16 9 (= 17 7 265 7 c c iLile wine of Anah (or Anat) 93 7 etc.) 821 35514 457 5 679 3

    813 18 s-jw see 17012

    of war 164 5 563 21 jJ^i epithet o - U"-^- iL^At light-coloured (of a she-camel) 880 n, as subst. long-continued

    G J 542 3 (as var.), pi. 464 7 trouble 832 of cares ,j~+c. 10, pi. ^^c

    14 440 13 614 816 O^- U<2-*-£ thicket, metaph. 3,

    G > see also 470 17 jvju hireling 584 i l.oJ i. to howl 719 8 757 masd. L« ,r! of a ijMs. l_c*£- (== 5), ^°/ty (epithet mountain)

    404 fem. ilLxc a %* ibid. 760 5 10, (of building) _ o - o 709 14 j^jCuJ to summon to one's aid 365 1 oi.. 489 16 Jiotj' pvrfe 834 li WORDS 888

    a. to loathe _«-£ u. to be ijla (with ace.) 437 17, absent (prop, to to

    absol. 778 5 behind) 269 8

    milk that is in v_aiU diviner 474 2 y+s. left the udder

    878 13, pi. °L2* 885 7 see under o^ot!! ^j^c © remainder yLc 785 15 J**- JLt T. to become poor 130 7 acq., *LTy (of dogs) jjc to impoverish 817 4 873 8 (var. li) JoLc owe M'/to fog charge of a house-

    » h i r . \ f. i. to esteem U happy 493 1 seq., hold 18018

    pass. 77 12, X>JU 433 12

    c - I. to suffer from lack of milk r* f.lc idj*£. 541 3

    130 7 357 4 (as var.), said of a -Lu_ui Iftfer 840 4, pl. lui 328 8

    time of famine 240 20 (?) vjuc. Jw u. 47312, pass. 41819 28 11 130 [^Ulc] adj., pi. ^'ui (= 13) UU iLi] to receive a draught (ace.) G o,

    of cloud 8 : o^- ^^ moss (?) 248 spy 600 15 848 11 2111 4719 5516 [ililk] pi. ^c ^syl 201 1 253 10 721 19 o - G G - 803 7 ywJM unlucky i-j^j-i a« animal that supplies the

    evening draught 33219 a. with ace. of the <**• ,-c ((_«•*£) thing G , - toss 525 10 629 with of the 743 3 (in trade) 1, ^ person er^- q-»-e Go- ) - "*8 ** Mie skin Let with ace. and J*c 181 19 1^] pl. qjL*-< f

    5122 699 8 seq.

    the 323 5 osr- enfeebled (of mind)

    ,*JL£ heat 63614 i v_jLc see 373 6 726 9 i., ; Sole, o Jci see 663 13 = result 372 7 cf. 832 21: lie adv.

    on alternate 434 4 726 ,_*£ tAa< which days 5, lean, metaph. ^Jji G 14 l prep, after 483 553 662 7, U useless to me 587 17, pl. viLic

    <_*£ to!. 775 wui siJsi 481 10 lean beasts 746 10 ^ 12, 284 WORDS

    distant 12 a festering wound 758 12 iu._ a journey 742

    _; U

    the neck (in a camel) 95 12, pi. 8 OvAc . iXct to suffer from pestilence 209 waws 98 13 109 7 213 18 OS) S£ Si\e pestilence (of camels) 136 14 585 18, tops (of hills) 586 1

    G J .J_i. 756 .Ac 14915 ujLe blackness 484 10 ^jJs.c 4, pi. (or ^l\c?) metaph.

    820 or 20815 20, gy>_J **/ hand-mill 584 4 G o _ 436 17 a black mass 248 l ^I.Ac (see foot-note) C^-if- black, (as

    var.), coll. black grapes 74 20, pi. _jj_c. i_j!J_~ black (?) 315 8 (var. jLxiJi black 128 800 20) _*_*j!_£ (ostriches) 16,

    black grapes 384 3 rwoi'sf 163 1 jAe (soil) J _. o J G-&J &« ^ G o, jLo *• e * i_> light-coloured, ^.Al\ >_/" U&Xab unencumbered (?) Ill, see 1634 the dawn 386 3

    ^lX-c . _sjle trans. 835 11 wjw distant place 191 (as var.) LgJUi! (= L\_) 559 9 2761 »L\— lXLjLXe 703 8 ifc/- [&^j pi. j-H^ G.c> G _ - c. _ > see &Jlj.jL/i ijAi dimin. 607 6 889 5 JojL/c base-born, 600 2,

    scattered 101 23 [XjjLc] pi. o)j£ morning clouds 45214 (?)

    830 18 132 6 oy:. [^!jjc] famished, pi. ^yi 3J_c. Lxi u. to nourish 16219 1631 214 9 736 3 2 adj. 663 5, pass. 663 i>yi n id. 7361 850 6 i^lX— nourished 18412 Ju"jc lLj-*-' 44316 58417

    v_jj.ii. v_j^c ecto/e, i_j^i jj s^rtrjj 59812, pi.


    G >

    2 . J: creases the 14 246 (= 442 17 etc.) 792 19, pi. pl. S (in skin) 167 G G ) v_j c 641 15 827 6 or _£ 143 21 5r (as var.), inexperienced G > oS Gs > ,ct see 792 17 8_c blood-price 54510 (cf. 552 10): « WORDS 386

    blaze a horse's 677 I (on forehead) 4, !»!.£ damage 758

    483 7 pi. yji

    69 7 177 see also 78517: Jf edge 7,

    a small quantity 674 11 o. . 261 17 Hyyl adj.

    of a horse 483 fem. iLc yl! 3, metaph. o -> 519 9, pi. 437 4 a \jC.

    Go _ •.-£.. ;_c girth-strap (for a camel) 306 4

    (see vol. II p. 108) 306 9 (= 423 16

    582 9)

    . coll. 266 4 (j-jC (J.JC palms

    42311 U^-i. ^yj yiVJ/i 79913 G -_ 657 313 8 u^^c target l, metaph.

    iLto!i <7(W/i 306 7

    o . U^jyi fresh (of meat) 380 17 o*. v_s ju! to become broken 788 1 Go- « material 271 16 v_iy= tanning G i_j .Li scooping up water 866 6 Git,- o - iLo_c tanned with Oji 271 21 (=

    34416) 783 3

    to orate an arrow to Me jjys. o/l (ace.)

    /mW exto«< 563 3

    G -o > a iCi^c cupful (of milk) 33414, pi.

    jji 33411 44014 [Jbyi] pi. LC5yi

    . x. de&£ 720 5 ( J j^e 286 WORDS

    . a. to be choked 736 i. with ace. of the and tj£ua£ tjai. 6, metaph. jAi. ^aji thing of the 590 with ace. to be full 719 4 ^ person 13, only 69617 uwaif trans. 439 13 551 16 552 2 Ge» - G- o - OS 3 12 7 iUac 85215 yii (= s^) G O J .,.», ,f a young mountain-goat 625 15 aLAai adj. 413 9 626 2 seq., pi. JLsli wwiuUcJ 879 12 see 876 711 19 G '_ o - yii/> 18, pi. jLk* v_A^ai^ occasion for anger 554 21 G ; > G o _ . iLiLe a small 394 1 £*»zaw id. 749 17 i_»-S-£ quantity

    ij-ac- 20811 . Jilt U^n'nr (jai u. trans. £o ZoM'er (the eyes)

    see 274 15 6519 84413, to remit 126 4, with Jic seq.

    G = - > 2 acc.'s 651 to diminish 8, (by Jiixi heedless 750 7

    drinking) 667 6 : intrans. to stop broken slumber 479 9 682 9 ^ac. 5lftc]

    moist 186 1 (jai adj. i_JLc . u^JLci thick-necked 682 19 (as var.)

    683 4 tjaj^ac drooping 651 6

    ° °- u>JLi . viJic ineffectual (of a fire-stick) 637 4 v_a<'nr vj*ail Mtt'w hanging ears 563 25 (as

    G - _ var. cf. 22317), 87314 pi. ^jjLi. ^Jic dusk 440 23

    (as var.) JoOc. [J^Ii, see LA XIV 15 12] pi. j^^li

    wrinkle, pi. 57919 ^Aiai. [^-ycac] ^v^ water flotving under trees 162 19 G i ._ 108 23 ^j^aii' (var. jJ^Li]l 163 8)

    G - , o - ) SCJliJUL« a 96 20 »*ai . of the see 855 3 conveyed (of poem) , (_£»*=£ L^ct night,

    L.Lr a feftuZ 6e o/" tamarisk 603 17 (= uSJLc. v-SJLi to forfeited 397 3 (cf. 580 7) G - 890 18) oiic forfeited, metaph. 397 l - ° - uric see 855 3 iUU-c a kind o/" j«?ce for tanning

    fjaiA half-shut (of the eyes) 872 6 136 22 (var. xi-Lu)

    - G O 5 __ oLi!_i_* Jiic. SClk^c a thicket, or a female antelope (>„&JLx_^] pi. gaming-arrous

    (?) 211 19 817.21 WORDS 287

    JJlc. Jkc to be mterted (with J) 82018 'j^a*, or iftU*, an arrow used in a

    to cuter or to cause jle (with ace), shooting-match 698 5, pi. JlA* 181 5

    to enter (with 2 ace's) see 383 16 390 11

    — on 384 sco foot- (var. L^lJLc) 3, Jux 594 3 note to be deemed 769 jtc. inexperienced 12, il4 tiktrsi 9 638 J ^*a 769 9 trees Jic wafer flowing under 55 ll, Oo. see ^*c metaph., 63917 see 162 20 163 7 Go

    - > 3519 352 sec also S o ^*c enmity 6, 7701 wooded ravines 129 4 [JLc] pi. q^-c seq. 490 fi 0-> a small ^*c goblet 13 20 see 821 10 Jj^U food (?) G> ) 143 5 4 .*£ inexperienced 257 (= 425 4), ^Ak subst. tiWr*< 52 8 (= 866 3) 725 H or 63916 ^11 865n 889 4 602 dense (cf. 11): adj. O.o. o s_*£ mass wafer 0/ 725 14, pi. aU (of hair) 84 9 60917 677 5 G t. metaph. of skin-bottle 291 13 G . j^Jli^ a _k*c grross wetted by rain (?) 140 5 Hi* fertile 27 9 (= 594 18) G c ^*jd see 770 2

    G- > slave JLe. iC^c a female 59816 to 497 l .***• j^i ponder

    Jicl 12 causat. 663 to 493 3 j*il despise (with ^) o . a weak 85 ^*£ spot H (= 274 14) jU. bU. u. (= iSft) 21211 28915

    to £ to 6e 466 10 • Jli r»wrf »n speerf 66 12 i_r+ y-wolii plunged G of ^Ji! to 6wy rfrar 33917 i plunged 820 20 to grow high 65510 (var. (JUi")

    to 598 l » f to ctose

    Sill high price 346 2 (ace.) 60218 (var. J,*ca»2l) a O ftjJLc luxuriance 209 10, jWMM 202 16 (ja«»rl to ctose one's eyes 506 4

    13 (= 480 17) 480 (_>o*£ slumber 566 ll 288 WORDS

    *c distress 497 7 (var. 'Ui «cZ. 672 3: to ftc&i %/«f, metaph. fit: ,^+i)

    3 "Li^i 676 17 84417 [ilc] pi. ,*+£ 490 (as var.) 35315, tight

    to set a 629 11 : to -Li coll. 655 2 723 3, metaph. 80815 IJs (of star) m<

    a£ noon, 652 4 iLxL*c thunder-cloud 11419, metaph. partic. J 71614 80815 li adj., I* 2L, 208 6

    see 376 376 10 rai(Z 67215 842 8 JUL* 7, pi. ^L+i .fji

    sAe/tor 66114 744 8 8417 [^A4_c] adj. sinking, disappearing (of JLii coveri,

    G ) » 490 4 2614 48013 water), pi. ,*£ (as var.) i^ raiding troop

    Lii raiders 673 9 738 6 *cl luxuriant (of the hair) 21516 seq. ["tjixi] pi. l>3

    Go) hollows 634 7 r=- *ii oooty 811 1 [JuLc] pi. Jj^i

    pi du. tiro flocks of sheep 522 8 seq. 3Lc u. to destroy 270 2 30418 488 4 ^Ui a«m, hence an object of desire 50710 539 5 seq. 579 4 37510 19 33Lc to outstrip (?) 37

    885 11 CT^- ^£t of a man 452 18 (see vol. II p. 3L*ci to carry o/f (with ace.)

    G > of a 743 18 destruction 78 89 4 165), gazelle J_ji (undeterm.) 17

    270 2 565 6 C to dwell 6 3 649 L^ ^xl 342 (= 450 12) [KiiLc] pi. £ a^acArs 42414 44915 649 9

    [jyLc] pi. ^[Jm 173 5 (as var.) eX± to sing to a (ace.) about l person

    some one else 13219 i. 503 2 697 3 (v_j) e?^- ^Jk. SO- OA* hence inhabitants 342 3 see 503 4 697 4 masd. abode, •jms seq., ^c^i

    G -G .. 503 7 (see foot-note) V^-^- u^ui iWacfc (of a male ostrich) 605 9 4757 697 84714 e Ji 6, «•& (= dJJbj?) oy=. £>lel to fte/^ 721 20

    ujLc I. to siw& 865 7 Go- S J o - ample, L-JU! 827 10 55*' _y£ adj. a _^i. <_iUct to slander (with ace.) 401 16 88012 (as var.) «l>Lc coll. 384 16

    .Lc u. to oo to iAe lowlands 671 .yi. 16, a hollow 473 7 58016, pi. v_^c

    435 5 512 distances 580 19 872 6 yU 13, WORDS 888

    kj> absence 878 fl iJLc <*=• & ) 570 14 (J (=


    i^i heritage produced by rain 656 6

    729 3

    .J 408 11 oLs. jULxjI roasting 746 10 CCo - ^Lft-o a place of roasting 746 14 t\*^. lX*£I flexible 13513 OJ. e, )

    ' o . > ju>< id. 875 4 l\jLA*< /'/. 135 9

    ,Ls. dU^.0 B.Ls 791 5 792 1, cf. 856 18 Lc ii.

    403 see 673 7 498 1 655 19: the seat a jU (=8^) 8, l»Li. pULs

    40518 863 _^l wore jealous 87 1 5 f\JJ, large (?) (— 7), pi.

    673 9 50016 yJL* 76811, pl.,^Jjti pjUu

    see 68515 L*2^ U^Lfi I. trans. 4516; intrans. 3418 !>*. c=Ls (ojLs, o-oli)

    ija^c to empty 29 10 gradually -aj /o cease 738 3 (as var.)

    lh*f . Xliow 185 7 provocation oss u.

    r. see 2715 -yLs broken pieces 505 9 3^- JliS. iy*&», seq. o» - see 27 12 J^i. seq. (cf. 72 7) of ,~<=>LlsuI *Lsuxi an eagle 14514

    jLi tAn&ot 27 4 138 2 498 7 var. (? (=412 18 69219)

    £U)'570l0 G. o _ _XJ. s.j

    -Lc I. to thirst 357 3 : r^- grow faint from j'li num/j 63 1

    G > to become overclouded 803 see 5, weariness 58 1 832 10 ^yci 7, respite

    802 18 seq. Go. oi^-s u. to wiar, see 796 16 1*6 cloud 382 _ _o6 Ail

    37 290 WORDS

    79614 64212 454 3 5*** 1 ^yji* full (jojj^if (see 9), pi. (j" *

    vJU^U bursting forth 289 21 272 14

    G - ~ o I G o£ l_^a*\jJw (= (jo^\j!) 63 4 ibloi of a she-camel 30418 J^i. ^-jJvJI

    .- - _ G o _ a. from with ^J> metaph. a trifle 509 14 758 6 J^s\s. J^b (denom. J^-a)

    2 ace's 3891 [XJUXJ] pi. JJCs stoppers (for wounds)

    635 9 [see Dozy, Supplement s. v.] ,***. *=»ls Mae& (of the hair) 83115, pi. J-yCiJ' curve 274 18 501 13 ' f>\Ji Jj'lsJ' a bending motion 161 9 Go, "- »iai. 212 3 719 a twisted 291 10 *** strong 4, plump (of jyLio G . o _ G face) 650 6, X -£o of a woman saddle-cover 257 6 ^.Ui 156 17, of armour 189 12 (= 487 3)

    Ls\s. tils 120 4 SU*^s\s of a woman 813 8


    «Xt, see 815 7 „^a/> circular 821 8 ajki, ,M>i, seq.

    118 18 — see Addi- jkXs! (as var.) a 330 17 r^- y>ls grievous (of day) G - o > tions in loc. broken down 154 10 yS\a-L« G c - 718 9 j^Xs adj. tongue-tied G «_s\s a. with ace. and *_j 618 8 gp*. fLXi see 815i seq. G o - ijc>lj disaster 118 2 ».L\-i« said of a Persian 81412

    G i - ) G - _> tiAa* 540 2 afflicted iiAa* of a wine-jug 6515 815 9

    with 24912 (jiiu^a. jLi'i! J>c o06. J^i 65 1 234 14 (= 451 11) 256 19, (JJ<4 39212 466 4 — pi. 8071 see vol. II p. G _ J ylXil [iL£_>Ls] pi. (jij-jjj /bw/ speeches 23 note on verse 5

    477 15 J^X-i. JJLil in the arrow-game 753 17 (jiLs\s 628 2 (var. uiLsU)

    s , 582 16 a/. ^Ji\j> (as var.) (ja^6 . (jwiSAs a. to scrape up the ground

    699 55 4 454 vij 53314 5, JL>ls (= 4) =y« offal WORD6 291

    91 - 9 " a to place open attack 626 6, pi. _b j 309 u z, A „ji vanyuard o > _ _s 873 8 3 ways of escape (seo X^4 At'// 328 7

    vol. II p. 361) X,l$ spear-head 1777: o«« jr/io in ««»<

    du. 532 7

    620 5 pi. l>i"j> [Ji] pi. jllf 887 10

    G-6 J [-bLiU] id., pi. 51 11 of the iujjj Oji* epithet wild-bull 472 16 a. see 18210 6708 (cf. Je>Jjl 456 9) £r*' cji

    /o »n/o Me 182 8 £jj jro uplands to he examined the with >J*' ^i (of teeth, /fl tin cjit OrMp /brM first tjs (*jj) ^k) 14418 55212 28 20 see also 182 9 2- (text doubtful): j coll. Mose wAo flee 876 4 seq. 670 3 o > .Li Me examination the teeth 11 of 86 eJLi trans. 848 8

    46114 j u. with 2 ace's 852 6 /omi/ Aotf 83115: branch, d^f' ^ji £jj hence 6ow 499 21 612 8: chieftain see 94 19 220 Ji^i (= 6) 713 9 82419 (var. £j), pi. £^ji (jits coll. ttw Joraes 4112 21 O - Go Kc.b 547 2 (as var.) see 94 19 (^cLajj!) (= 220 6) iUi^yw > -o£ G o> long-haired 537 19, pi. 538 2 O .. o > £ ^i! ^Icj o s - > ^>f- >j torn (in watering) 8291 z.Ju) id. (of a horse) 3 25 coll. Me m'ns in the neck Jo^J (of O o - if- c _s Me space between the cross-bars a beast) 726 1, pi. 96 1 342 1 Jajiji of a bucket 232 H

    oLoi 453 6 — Jusji. mulberry £ A -bj^J £ JB 403 15 o leathern eji trough 21 2 [iU3J] rt breach, gap, pi. ^Ij 827 7 U»/« o- *Lc j a gaping wound 326 19 (as var.) I? (=£>) 2818 -bi ij /o sewo" on ahead 1712 458 5 '/• 638 dif- [wS^i] pi.

    678 15 856 18 292 WORDS

    7 G - J

    see 553 l and vol. II 217 . *LwiL*J 560 see OU. ,LsJt (?) p. (•wJi^s (var. sL^a-yw^i ) 13,

    foot-note As iXSi a antelope 869 9 (see 211 20), '/' young

    the Polestars 776 20 8Ui 439 18 L\5yiJt

    ii)_s. a man hated by women 764 7 ^N^aJI Easter 709 see 709 11 lijjfco C 18,

    g 4912 2) oLas masd. 744 6 ,.J (=106 iA*as. o 12 437 . I.Lai (no -sing.?) jwai Woo^ Msec/ as jrboa 747 14

    ALs. see 78517 481 5 Aiji i_>a*as , ijai joint, metaph.

    G.o. a cloak 34917 O - o Bj-J /»;• 44119, fur camels 703 2 J^ai. [J^os] pi. JUai ydw»H)r

    G - iJL*ai coll. kinsmen 608 18 ,«J I. to to«r 35817 (var. ^.aj'), to

    664 15 cm£ (a piece of leather), metaph. [j*JU] pi. ^UaLai

    664 18 . to decide (a matter) 359 l J^^i^i tongue

    G o _ , , 9 748 9 **as i. to rend 877 6, 877 &pii (= &j.A*as) (as var.) l*Aai. j.yaa* Go- G > « 685 1 [**ai] rent, pi. ..y^s sil to rfnt'g awfli/ 67 4 (=8714), to

    cftase 871 1 IJiJb to vituperate 39 1 4

    436 12 iixJ to excito 848 l ^iaijt to disgrace oneself

    437 15 j a young antelope 21119, see 800 6 iLswi

    691 12 u. 682 5 838 694 9 seq. (ja«tos. (Jias 3, pass.

    c is to oe 14 to 840 3 frightened 747 (ja«23J separate

    G ) to 84519 coll. 41 21 cjil frighten urLas fragments

    c j adj., see 22 7 seq. G - o - v //Vi 6 .v, < of uaaaas. loose-fitting (epithet a 766 l 5£c iL£j-a_* oty'eci of /ear (var. jU) mail-coat) 1413 1731 567 4 « =

    L^vo . j' Lv^aJi (with v_j) 8381 (as var.) ace. 21 Jw>i2J. J.«es u. with 670

    G o ) Ja~i. -LLk*o 576 7 .to 322 7 ijwoai! jwn preeminence WOK I is 293

    — Jjt" * '?' l2 H( ' (> vo '* 50 17 jJai o' oVa ( f ^ i^>Uii pouer

    II .s7,//7.s 756 —— p. G2): pi. Jy^J 4, *3JklUf ius a OOIM 113 10 (-=624 i) 656 j4^' J}-*" 2, yL&JI Jy*aJ >^Jij masd. with passive MOM 550 2 807 10 ////• [soe Noldeke, QtfBum . p. 18] 2115 idLyas ,'//<"•// k, pi. JoLai 481 18 ' - - * _SLs. sj fo diridv into ekm$ 435 1 Jw>mLj' ///r /nil ti hi/ (in of a shift 505 U G - c to be 22 24 532 ^sjl possible (= 1») J^iasw Shift 156 20 JiJLsi see 816 18 1*"^ seq. ,j«as adj. scattered, lyiuy about 779 It

    5- •• AbCi, lili /*» 792 1 _la r» small i/iKiiititi/ of milk 149 7 j-&J>< G£- iXi iceakness 568 14

    «Jiil to a/^u:< (with ace.) 703 9, ilils

    *Jo. lils io 7>.s7 (r;7/i . . . (ace.) 5b9 2 296 6 G. > i£l£s playful speech 260 4 Joe. Jlii 630 13 i^JLfiw« yield in;/ rich mtlk(?), opitliet

    **j adj. plump 556 lfi of a she-camel 555 2"

    G . t> > *afc« f«// 98 9 is*U • oJlitt* see 204 26, and Addenda in loc.

    ^i&j! {= ,j£s\) 7532 *;Ji fa (yen the lips 662 7 G .- lili see 81618 .ids water-course 827 5 G iUis see 816 9 oL?^» see Index III Go. Q 816 4 stallion camel 886 1 •»y&o perfumed tfjls

    Go- G ).cC o- « (bna herb 848 16 *,\ls. ^Jb! iLs^Jb see 787 3 y« o/" fragrant f±i , , , seq.

    s'ice 2:2 UtiLL'

    or UJij 814 6 J>rLj. jiis 47912, pLyj oms% (feathers) 314 16

    G oi 1 £ pi. variations, [^yji?] l^ili! caprices vjili. oils i. trans. 717 3, vjJLi* see 4912 (?) 327 3 5817 (= 106 2) Go vjiis a branch 612 n Sjj? 10017 Addenda cleft (as var.) j _>-i-i- [^JLi?] pi. (see

    G. ) v_SUjoo 878 13 on vol. II p. 35) 118 9 437 5

    5 (-,>) g 5i desert 636 H to coax 779 3 lJ&

    jjuls few* 75 10 3Ui 836 9 <«/"< o/" Lg

    Ls. bli u. to wean 66 17 381 11 *JLS>'j with blood _> (a foal) (= (a wound) flowing

    568 19) 32619

    JbLjl to rear (foals) 439 19 G~- X^s heljrtessness 568 16 (as var.) or 7764 _jis /wJ 12118, ^s ojs beyond the reach of... 72 11 Jb . I.

    &. 15017 v. .li u. to boil 284 to be JSi (s. 1.) Jt*' (intrans.) 18,

    ,JUC 15019 swollen (of a vein) 840 16 Go - o - .»j — ^iv* j- without delay 846 3 lV-Ls. lXas o/ocA; 787 4

    (as var.) u-Jiii. X-^Jais see 79818 see 87816 iiK^Jl byjs

    tJLs. «li abundance 383 16 seq. -V- J|4 u.

    G > G o£ oiis. oi_iJLj stallion camel 38 18 251 10 s wofcA an [05 ] (of arrow), pi. ^j>si

    679 3 87610 16810 (= 31411) 602 3 G 9 . to drive 861 14 *_£jls adj. supreme 497 ^ lyLi\ away (with ace.) G > G _ see 47312 seq. OiUij *-»'•*]? seq. G -- G o£ Usl tresses 155 blades with a broken notch [^is] pi. 16^ vJSjil (an arrow) of grass 453 11 759.17 WOKDS _"...-,

    - 523 7: see 69012 J- & *J-A & *»—J S (= JwJ, jli, adj., (cf. 19017)

    wJlL Jl) 611 I Jjli vein of the leg 869 IS: adj. 190 17

    iULi /b//y 524 12, see 690 U Lws. id I. — .iCJl . ju» 71317 714 4

    ,>j'j^ see 1916 (= 625 5) tli! to bring back 737 20 cf. 738 3 k±+BA dim, scum/,/ risible 190 14 sAade 187 in 'Li* 'ijj n, pi. J^LJiJt G o- 775 19 see under O*' ^.jUas ^^is

    X&o elasticity 820 16, sec vol. II p. 341

    wide 498 1 t*- ^sl having steps

    iUi 779 4 iAaS. olixJ to

    25 (ace.) 4891, see vol. II p. 184 >1aS! lank-bellied 356 7 620 63812

    2 » Aas/> beneficent 550 7 676 11, fern. il*9 see 757 13, pl. ,_*S

    149 20 418 19 627 5 744 8 (as var.) uoaS. Jols I. 35512 54513

    G , to in arrow- 61814 U»ls! shuffie (arrows the _^*jj disgrace

    with ace. 864 with game), l, jx .Ls coll. see 82 21 seq. 86317, _UaJ! 84 3 JaJt^ G > 465 5 [u-Ji] pl. {j-^^ U^ui adj., see 230 5 G o- (j^Ls water-channel 827 5 ^foxi « torye number (of men) 152 19 G 241 9 749 17 i>c^as ample (of a coat of mail) 266 4

    G o- iLkii z'rf. 189 15 59812: on 6061 see U*uj5 2Ae ad o/* leaping 275 16

    vol. II p. 242 iOtoLi swiftness 1 1 7 G s subst. see 11 9: 11 l v_sus. [ Ls^i] pl. LJLi 65114 U^saas adj. swift

    - -°B - to in J.^.5 . JLs i- to f '"' (absol.) 86 5, to

    foolishly (with Jx) 524 12 ace.) 48310 O G o£ id. JLs adj. 69012 (as var.), pl. 0La_sI jJLxli 9412

    1911 (=525 3 69014) J^j a eonspiemmt place 374 1 seq. G J^s elephant 268 8 j^J see 301 296 WORKS

    489 du. 40 8: &IA. .(= ct£^ p./) 7 Jja. jJcs" (= jJu), pi. JLxj!

    4 enemies 8 40 6 J^yLii^ /raA 184 39

    G - 5 . 5 iJoJi* broken-in (of a camel) 792 19 see 793 10 , seq. > „ o£ G o > *j3i fZa>-& 629 8 682 *_XJs see 10 (*** f/jyjy 5, pi. pack-saddle 645 8, 793

    I 214 18 Li harness for a camel that draws !

    see 533 4 M'afer 792 li o^- lyXS

    Jessj. KJL^vs see 251 7 os ire/bj7 821 14 Go > [ous^Jto] pi. lA^Uio camels with large

    see 835 iJOJt. [lAxi, Ov^Js, iAXi, 7] pi. OyLi humps 250 6

    305 6 80911, or JiXJi\ 835 6 Ja^ui. je&pS [loss correctly Jr^\i] a. to /az7

    BoLiLi tragacanth 483 14, coll. ol_X_i' (of the rain) 672 11

    152 17, metaph. animosities 746 3 . _ oE Ja^SI z'd 114 9

    u. /o a 55418 6«t/d %uf , jJLi. jJCJs (sj-*-i) y^sCs J^-iS rfry 18112

    (as var.) J54. 2*3 to push forward (with ace.) 645 4 -Xjil intrans. to smell of cooked meat ljs\i decrepit (man) 611 17 (= 79513) 87420 (var. Uaj "grow cool" 875 5) *jsuU of a camel 645 8, see foot-note JS dust 3918 (= 631 10) o > a ' " Go G,o coll. camomile flowers, see 181 9 _>^s. !^s\i! metaph. JiS, sycjs,

    G ) ) tee

    G- o > sJi.5 /»<£ 195 4 seq. i A-5 gaming-arrow ATI 1, pi. _LV_5 838 13 — 863 17, or l 5 iAi' 864 1 for the G

    -OJs cooked meat 83512 coll. i (as var.): names of these arrows, see 753 17

    nail-heads 1731 61216 83317 seq. WOKDH 297

    G . - o x=>uMi< ladle 495 8 — j j' u. to doubtful) forge (steel) 175 s

    *oL»L« the hair above the vAi 8 (no sing.) .•>•

    617 13 887 1 739 8 forehead O o Aero 51010 [BJk*Jtt] pi. JuUi 13215 fLXiu

    G I - > o , . oAiw lacerated 14 2 As, Xs 66 12 JJt «/«y (?)

    Go- >) o _ G jls vileness 529 o Pt7e man 529 12 Ocajij 8j_5 9, ^AS. ^uXJs purpose 12210, ».Jo (a

    r cK

    835 11 (var. Lfc$) or ) _ of v_sl\Js. o3i i«jja adj. distant 443 16 sec 549 7 G _ ) > jiXs! V # o i [iiitAs] mountain-top, pi. olxXi 625 18 ^XJLiu skilful (?) 84519 v_jl

    G )

    . u. to 12 ^jolsJ' motion 478 14 561 7 piAs j^As go before (with ace.) 86 rushing

    G , . ei- 490 6 AJ^iAJU covered (with >_<) 271 9 727 U

    _ - o _ o O - )

    LxA_i adv. straight forward 275 16 Jj*. 3'Ai 126 12 (=212 18) 69112 692 3 529 12 729 11 see [X-oLS, 80018] pi. *oLi' pwrf-

    I. to ^lAS cast forth (with *_>) 262 5 70 3 877 512 18 800 feathers (= •*) 7,

    (jaAS see 262 8 also 315 8 800 or ^U-3 (= 20), G - > see 262 9 i__«Aj , (_&Xj! , seq. oLyolAJs 80013 scq. s!lX5 262 11 ^06 axe 504 n


    38 298 WORDS

    . to God 709 18 214 of a camel's t^j-js uJiJ' approach jys compact, solid, 7,

    du. 869 149 20 6516 83 2 58214 ZSji flank, 5, pi. Cj^i) hump

    72418 86811 880 38817 65 20 457 7, metaph. ilJs (=45710) 5, pi. ^bys G the act down to the water 3 i_jj9 of going metaph. 133 6713 67219 12 487 J^U^i (?) 189 (= 3) fern. 21711 yJS 75519, pi. _st to endure 706 masd. 620 9 (with u) 10, Uif (=uo^) G- _ > - 75716 XjLs kinsmen 540 5 (with j^) [ ] pi. >-ajJj' G .. coll. smaH 810 li: 776 see vol. II 331 Jj9 s/Wjj adj. per- vlji adj. (?) 14, p. G o - manent 842 15 ,_*_j\JLi galloping (subst.) 168 6 218 3 G- - B.i—i 165 22 657 7 (=5217) 3815 440 5 73413 low-lying ground G -o- coll. (cf. 675 3), 85911 u Jw rt night-march (?) 187 18, see LA *lyl

    II 16213 adj. — 445 3 seq. ^ gylii! ^ G o_ "4 24 v_jjJw sheathed 749 1 [*>>] pi- j^? G,S - ) cWKed 349 17 ijJw « mare kept near the tent 171 17 j }yU

    of mares 887 9 oljy^ to blows 68611 U*jr' JfcJiil exchange (ace.) G - 3 .71 blows 239 10 _ J*. „.i to reach his sixth year (of a horse) [X&JS] pl.tjfc.La exchanging

    G > G 593 masd. _ 594 (= 686 13) 12, 3yi 1, partic. -Ja

    47 3 144 18 555 27 seq. 63117, pi. u. to vituperate 752 5 i^>y». (joys' 66319 1^5 (jo.Ls »»% slightly soured 663 5 : pi. Gel j sear a 540 10 640 12 (of wound) 2 752 5 yo.!^ vituperations 751 6851 746 6 to a one ijo' Lai |?ass over (v) place white 288 20 uV- 'j£=>jS spot G , after another 15410 _!.» pure (water) 201 4 552 2

    > 10 Go debt, pi. 359 333 332 19 [JLy] u^i -l^i open plain 4, pi. _}Li G G o_ 3 G of 180 l (jajys composition poetry dimin. of _ .Is 633 8 __iy9

    > "o« a white 496 13 see 241 6 _ys1 having spot r^J* toys

    ji wool 82713 see 241 5 j>yS. refuse of jLtoji WOKDS 399

    •J 3 O J rum/on*, hence 882 ^jyoji ^>oor 24017, u-jys. y^y («=osy») 48916 pi. *ltolj5 0.0. 292 18 504 13 oty. ^Ai^Js yjo^«< (of wine) 66221 853 in M« i^i ear-ring 878 13 75411 813 18

    JolLiJi saddle-cloth 65 6 t¥' G - o- ° . ° 743 13 U~-y (= tj.Lbys )

    69915 J=jiiil JsjlSJI


    612 masd. 442 4 (=68114) 3, Xx^5 '^ to be empty 290 10 (=59617)

    eia to r«M one thing to another

    ace. and 516 3 (with v )

    c camels 389 2 ji smallpox of young

    (as var.)

    o.o) G _ J [Xci] tcater-skin, pi. c j 40811

    G_ : > _ Ac. — oij JJi "=,!* highway 547 l G c'ls /(«*•(/ (of a shield) 567 19

    i!e_i 6«'(i (of an ostrich) 605 12 (as

    828 ibid. var.) 6, pi. ^

    mixed san. 238 ^. K_j.ax> of race, pi. l,

    iUyU 18515 (=54212 7911)

    to hasten 763 14 U^f- Jji^ (?)

    - /(/. 76311 JaiyLS

    JUS. Jj /?«< 77 5 87 20

    A*' 3 j j a cry (((/dressed to camels 807 4 G )&>

    .JJ «/ 818 20 300 WORDS

    G similar 612 8 coll. a kind date 4117 109 t ^.lys (of arrows) of Q m S soul 581 10 821 8 oi (fern.) G - G- o - Js « beast that is tied to another -w5. a kind shrub 33314 ^_i .y**S of G - - G - - & ) 126 18, fern. XJjjs 216 4: see also *iJU treated with violence 449 3

    581 12 Go G OE ' JaAMi. [Ja^Mi?] pi. _bL*Ji! scattered bands G . . Xju j soul 732 10 164 3

    .. Jlo joining in pairs 37 19

    *«•$, *.—J5 i. to ponder (with ace.) 150 8, 486 6 jAJyi. jii^s masd. *-*Js ibid.

    L^f with 2 ace's 12617 jJi. !_s u. to follow 210 9 G -

    a i!j_s long-backed (of she-camel) i^uii to fo spoilt, marred, 852 6

    271 of a 585 14 9, ship JL*-^ ««» 184 4 33612 (=765 10)

    514 18, smooth (?) 405 18 (= 863 7) I. to entertain 2 ^=j. (_=_* (with ace's), G ; . ; v_^ciJM mingled 737 20 c metaph. 149 7 [cf. Amr b. Qami'ah

    JJ+S . _£i i. or u. to off 55 4 N° XIII v. 11] scrape (=

    454 4) 149 2 75017 ^ s > coll. chips 310 12 7919 ^Lij SLj^S

    to vanish 3 C j^aj! 386 c . «• cloud 389 coll. jJ> *-^j-J «*»P of 10, G o -

    G = _ > _ , _ 154 17 hurried 5439 and distressful £ ja* (var. tjJLo

    cm* cZosp the feathers 607 see vol. II Icj-a*): (of [j**>ij] pi. j^el&s 4,

    of 875 20 arrows) p.. 243 WOKDH 301

    s - x*ai made silk 782 « u. to L? of fine U<3AaJ9. ^jji MM 201 10 I ijai />/•««< (?) 247 19 i\*as. A .*.-i S i. to otm at (J) an object a *ait« a horse 310 1« 1 to treat u^*3Jm cropped

    deration! 15 117

    to 5 to siralloir the cud Aas! May 683 875 15, pass. 713 9 (=8663), (with 6719 v ) [bAao*] fragment, pi. in LlSj! JuaJi o 108 8 113 7 J^a's. JjoIs . 17421 o

    lXaaoS 12 : marroir, hence strength 307 JLaS »>/. 563 5

    coll. poems 462 9: broken /nun* to 611 13 _yai. ^^jai! keep far off (with ace.) 713 l Ljki coll. outliers 517 20 (=68819): i_Ws! straig litest 7131 LafiJI adv. at a distance 670 5 (var.

    -*as. u. trans, to reserve 597 16 878 1, jaos sLafiJt)

    to AoW ftodfc 634 16 661 6, to shorten

    wwiajij' to fo severed 732 l 260 14 262 I, with object under-

    v swords 89 21 [ »-**&] pi. r^is|y9 MMfJ) stood 726 5: intrans. to be confined O O > > [^^yas] pi. w**2a» 78415 816 4 349 to restrict 5, oneself 556 8, to i - o - _ fall short 572 l IjfMai. (jiai a. see 851 21 seq., masd. ^ja^ai

    852 l _*3J>! intrans. to desist 697 8 875 19

    U^s! to COMM discomfort (with of (as var.), partic. 711 4 J* the person) 851 19 yai f«l 301 12 seq., ii)_*ii exclam. to stroop (to(/-« 490 6, to Desist! 54019 (jaiLil /«// (of

    a star) 629 8 du. the short ribs 4215 [^^jAa's] qIjj*3J» 2 . i _ 774 14 ^ias subst. gravel 865 12, L;«a»»aiu bias °- rtwr/ a.. ».>a,S (jrra»< fmoft 11214: adj. gra- confined, secluded 349 8, pi.

    349 10 velly 852 4 o = - adv. ra the evening 38 15 [cf. X*ias coll. .WJrt// .vtoMM 391 11 t^jwas-* ' o - 2. Cd Naq. 618 2] ijax«ai» see

    v_p.«yi *> coll. hills 188 Ls. coll. 547 tfra- >_^as. of clay 4, pi. a ^Jas camp-followers 15,

    oUai 18813 vellers 889 5, fords (of gazelles) 580 8

    G _

    ,» «'n*> . as coll. notches 612 4 sLLs the hinder the back j»«a^ _^IiS. part of (in

    a quadruped) 7015 seq. «a'^. i. to fashion 8819 ,<*£* 9 - > ^^-ks Me young of the sand-grouse i_^ks. JCJas see 181 9 569 3 g 14 i_jjia3 wrinkled 212 sUaftJ' a tripping gait 155 6

    _ki. Joi° to throw a thing o» jte stY/e 635 5 bowl 512 4 841 7 rain 87114, 60210 ^l>_s' pi. jlks (= iAxs. iXxiiJ' trans. to impede 440 6 889 4) 662 7 67211 &

    lXjCCjS! trans, to ride . . . 500 "lis! 890 5 upon 16, (pi ] side, pi. pass. 171 17 Jas aloes-wood 505 5 (= 838 17) G - &> G 3 j [SlXxs] riding-camel, pi. o'Outs 43915 Jals $ra»7 (of blood) 61013

    i\cls decrepit 130 4, fem. of Sjjju censer 505 3 pi. tAct^s

    women 136 22 : subst. tent-poles 826 11 *Ls. t, b.t a. (= ObJaii y, L'^) to waylay ,^xs riding-camel 577 6 708 8 (with J*) G G c. iA*xs companion, metaph. of a thing [*Ias see 100 3] a fc/wrf of arrow-head, 305 16 : AXfjii exclam. 540 10 (var. 16 pi. clkJt 99 100 5 (= 867 3), or ii)A«iLs): see also 464 5 866 7: ma*, pi. 57215 jLi! ^LLJi! G - o > G o ) see 696 4 573 15 o^X-xJs, OjiAxs, seq. G o G > £ jU»J Me ac£ of storing up 665 3 /te/'d, pi. tJb'61 638 8 [jJjs] G_ o- lXasw position 864 15 *£asl more fo'£e/y to be severed 534 l

    G ) tLjLBJ" 742 4 estrangement to /aM 84012 G. c, J**- ^i G - o 3 i£*i>ji* see 581 5 jiiL^ uprooted 157 4, collapsing 158 9

    ^ilis . *_Lk>o vintager 557 l . to U*oti u~£.laj' tos< long 546 10

    — .. o - o [lj^js] stow-, pi. \_aiis 155 3 to : j*w»»Jut5t break one's back 1 33 22

    73614 see also 549 19 |Jjs. ^Uas /afoow WOIIIW B08

    sec fern. ,j~jii\ 549 18, *L**s enduring

    628 12

    ijamM. 304 WOBM

    Aii joi (water) that rise* in a well 28317 wine-jar 29113, pL hill-top*, 377 9 829 (= 3) J515 wine-jars 13313

    jojLs a young she-camel 441 7 502 3 JL5. JL5 to r/*p 351 9, masd. *JL*j 820 8, 69815 71514, pi. JjlS 6181, o& JJU metaph. enfeebled 681 19 603 8, or Jai^i 699 5 8479 i-wofe of a [JLkt?] pi. «2ju tf* spear- var. also V>J&.' fa// 33114 456 7 (as shaft 3471 jJLiUj) 67611 704 1 734 5 (var. t&m bat (used by children) 63812

    to ami* Aotorf 20010 : J*- JLj on***// jtM. jk1s to rfr«/ 9213 Lli •roZ/W, *&• xlkiT 82917: see

    also 411 IS seq. _^:. with 84411 grf. ^c, Mt/ 862 _ .. ; to drink a ^J5 I refusing (of camel),

    «Jfi i«*. 409 8 (as var.) pi. JU3 84413 *

    mot? 219 3 828 12. masd. suiftlg 0^*3 rapid* 72214

    ^iii 2193 58219

    *-: -

    Vila, jiai to rrodYr toon 167 21

    ^13. \iiL; intrans. 2005

    ULi fA? top of a hill 16 17, of a WORDS BOS

    Jj*3 containing lice (J-»a) 739 12 JaA 866 7

    J_*a-« id. 741 15 (with variants) tjasjJ (= «>1^) 71 2 191 16: (=3*01*3)

    698 7 77512 iL»ju see 798 18

    o- - o -

    ii Li ,; '> 65i 95 1 vol. II ^tJJi. ^ seq. (see p. suited for 62 2 ^j+i adj. (^ seq. G 722 10 32), pi. 'jo\jJ> ^^3 see 53411

    see £-L3. a., 85717 seq. l_J_i a. to be deep red 453 6 5571, j^-«; j-*-» S tULi' metaph. 75 6 Jls 80311 87813 c< o 1. 373 15 jJis beggar seq. LaJs to rfye red 160 9 " o OS - <. _ head-covering 200 13 372 6 497 3 sLiJ)w< see 816 12 gU-S

    844 15

    to with O ) o . , outstrip (?) ^ 37319 ^yL5, *_eUJ», (cf. 388 7 seq. 379 8 49410 10 53110) 388 (=858 1) 8583 G o > JL5I wJJi 366 21 367 gs _> r 2, in a shroud 79 helmeted £*JU wrapt l, Littl i»U 508 12 53011 87616

    i Amy> 576 5 Oil *aj. xm-s see 816 20 seq. 416 9 6 squadron (var. ^~=>) 517

    737 1 . iL-LS summit 17 3 ^iLs

    Oo Me divisions Go J--*-*- [iiLjJj] pi. J0UJ9 of an pwneA dates 831 ^jL5. _»-aJ> of 15, pi. ^y-i 718 18 army 271 3

    j-VJJs. fJou\-Li] pi. joUJi candlesticks 174 18 — rfJs'ui 29 5 ,yj. ^ ^a\ (= ^i) (cf.

    66111 sLi'S see u~iJs sfoc&, race 595 4 72716), 6618 seq.

    lis hooknosedness 231 8 (j^J^Js 5721, metaph. the crown of the

    head a 230 12 (in horse) 48618 (= 572 3), jy.il adj.

    a maker lances 683 18 pi. J»Slji 483 7 48615 680 19 ^iu of G ? - - _. slila/o mingled 214 9 2-^-5 - absol. 44 9 764 O IjaJLxil 5, with ace.

    763 10 J^s. jpS see 181 u

    39 306 WORDS

    the 216 220 1 »j^s 495 4 sUSS upper /^ 19, pi. »3>£

    ols u. to feed (trans.) 322 H <7eser< 347 5 L5y*' %i

    olj'l id. 76010 Us. sUUwJ to seek to vomit up (with ace.) G o- a 729 15 o.J>^» long-backed (of she-ass) 141 26 452 fem. OjS! stiff-necked 9, *bjS ?o»^- 6 Ju's . i!xls /o provide with a border 156 4 necked 379 586 B, pi. J>J> 30915 JUS — l\j^ ! ^ 456 3 559 9

    coll. Ji 69 19 G o j . slS rock 67 17, (= 300 li), .yi lXaS — rfN^'ji l>-o adv. a lance's length 11 pi. 351 j^ 278 5 ~ $ 4931 seq. G o .B pteA 669 6 .t.»5! leanness 67611 /*»• ^s irf. 818 20 12 ^J . (j^s intrans. to be bent 773 U"*»- ,j*LJu measure 595 6 G s. J overturned 80810 (jzjys. ^»yw O^*"* • jjoLciLi! overflowing (subst.) 283 17

    567 4 6318 75217, pi. 31012, 377 9 829 T^S. ^Is gi^l (= 3)

    or 859 11 ^L*** JiaJs. Jils I. with ace. of place 6214 7031

    • 'o look 86 9 o>'s Lijfii' for signs G O. '

    69011 L 221 21 6^. & (—^3S) (var. &) J*S- 3i

    6918 to seek to a [i}-0> ; Js] prince, pi. iV*S jLai*! escape from thing,

    : a 3^-s 678 7 689 9 690 8 pass. 300 13 to ask pardon for

    519 16 JtjJJ 63013 thing (ace.) G c - o Go- 72-8 cf. 419 1: jyu 52310 (var. ajj^ajj) (jJi noonday draught

    see also under jj3 Ji\ to turn 599 16 fnJi. away (trans.) joiic 65 20 (= 457 10) 457 5 13 SUls pulley (?) 402 4 545 (see vol. II

    Is I. to M0u2 270 15 793 p. 214) o*- o (= 17) WOKDS 307

    27011 79312 82619 Aj I — Ac failed to produce ^ seq. L

    iLlli 319 5 (= 789 7) 424 4, du. 31811 /ire 7331 a », i shortwinded 5 ,e-^i epithet of a camel (?) 405 18 V 440

    21*^ aloes-wood (= 863 7) 505 8

    i_*as u. to <»e up 71514, masd. >_*Jo

    715 12

    tf). UX? 471-t yO&3 to come togvihrr 517 6 62319

    G . &> G - > & 19710 (— &i$) [jCyj] scant, pi. i^jcj" 344 16

    see under ^JM ^J ^jUXJt Destiny 601 3

    ^+S . C

    iJS id. 32 25 82511 (as var.) *s£ . **$' adj. penetrating 38812 (as var.) >liLS' coll. herds 433 6

    . rt metal SyjCc onslaught 722 3 ^juS vJLtf' /?«£ piece of 217 4

    [iuuX5] enmity, pi. ouUS" 29512 lX-aJ' . Osls' distress 326 6

    G — JLi" — IJuS* 200 7: ou^I 45411 a used 183 11 |) pi. r«- (.^ plant for dyeing

    G ) oLT liver-complaint 74511 847 12

    »' " i l oLX-L.i'

    308 16 silent 355 18 356 4 799 f+S-f (= 8),

    to a bow 61215 787 8 main 788 l applied seq., _ji'. jaS' part 356 4 799 153 2 pi. (= 8) ^J_^ & °(J£ G -, Us linen cloth 81412 815 9 J^S . yjuf metaph. warrior 419 7 782 12 er^-

    iLif adv. close at hand 121 16 ^S . ~^S u. to hold hack (a horse) 60914 from

    G w I

    t AJ9 of an see 173 14 1^!a fettered 3971 (var. j4^) r arrow,


    >>i'. Li" u. to /a« headlong 73814 87610 li*AJ . dewse 84 13 (as var.) 308 WORDS

    -iT. wealth 18412 185 4 i. to bite 617 5 Jf pOS. jLxi"

    G 3 G - o 3 .liJ' numerous 842 11 ~0^-* bitten, i. e. devoured 154 1, of

    a scarred with bites 679 3 y&A vanquished 39913 stallion, G 3 rather see Glos- 71515 [or robust, BQut. y'lXo (as var.) G o J sary s. v.] 5SJ> rich 9 1 4

    G G -o - armies 435 13 jo\ 491 7 vol. II y>IX« (no sing. ?) a ..o^ pack-mule (see p. 62713 185), pi. ^ot/ JJ3'. ,J4>^ rudder 42513

    _ o£ G - o 3 0=aT. ^cAS'l to encounter hard ground (xjAJ'), . 59 4 723 9 879 l)cs\J' J^ (= 9) G o - hence to ^ro»e fruitless 181 1 JwStf' famine 24017 68818 > . &£ ^ miserly J..?^! subst. vein of the hand 317 7:

    jJvi'. i_J J\i' i. to oe necessary 721 19 adj. ofocfc 383 9, fern. i'iLsu of a

    G o ) i_j.J\i' (a cloud) u>A*eft sAeds no rain year of famine 240 20, pi. J^\S of

    848 l rain-clouds 8 21

    G & _ [>lljdu = CjOS] pi.

    G w _ J to. 854 4 J^a£* JAf . q'^ ynweJ 467 12 725 6

    oOS . L>jjJC< toilsome 6971 . u. to oe wear the (way) u/ v_i"j^ setting (of Sun)

    67 13 .Js/. .Jsi' metaph. to mar 891 17 to be 750 4 _--& G - o 3 ^.K nearly finished (see .lAXil ^o r«

    v_j Jl to shorten 223 see 749 G w (i 3 2, pass, 11, oLj.iA-S' dust-coloured (sand-grouse) G _ O 3 v_;X« compact, firm 840 16 581 2 J ui « bunch of grapes 433 7: distress 'jjl 741 .0J 391 14 J 5, pi. 629 1 3J>* 398 7 UrJ *1^ cord 68 17 G to 71911 L/aM\ /j^JjCi fert/j seq. v_j.K imminent 41417 G 3 Go- evil fu*^] pi. (j*.)!^ fore-bodings of l-j^.^x sei dose together 2803, tightened

    463 14 14 8 749 9, metaph. distressed 236 825 WOKDtt 809

    1S1I coll. /ffA-.s 2211 848 11 iily soq. ^c/ s/eej)

    J' « tone 70 17 867 18 LrjO J /rt/v/e >/' sjf s

    u. causat. 3 7- j? 707 ^r. ^^LLS sweepers (with ace.) 31817

    caftZfi 378 21 71917, pi. 228 fi: ^ ^ Ju^. C

    pi. water-holes 228 7 JS jL~*J id. 69611

    209 1 J/' \*J fa'con (?) ^-J . — 63310 ^li" ^Ixj (var. UJ'^) G > G » ofi G cLj 37914: c/I —J£ down an Z7- »•<«/#« ground pi. swooping (of eagle)

    %s 865 7 328 10

    G -o - c X« Me ^ar£ of the face that is

    3 ' short u~-~- ^.^1 having teeth 552 15, pi.

    kissed 53 12 3 > LrS 552 20, hence chipped 227 14

    G_ O > - breast a j"b" // [iSS] (of camel), pi. t^J' . **»/ a. 885 7, see vol. II p. 364 699 5

    17 3 j^i". ly*s Itf" coll. grapes 215 16 258 9 557 l 5491 G _ d£ [' ^S] pi. tjXJ' Mjil generosity 139 13

    . l~S u. metaph. (with 2 ace's) 519 1 /wto 804 15 y^ a?- ^fyf (?) G - [SU/] pi. %gJi\ 671 7 'i~^S female musician 204 4 Go, 799 du. 6641 3 ^iy. ^i/ /WW* 5, 678 s-STI to ^>m< em force 157 10, to 6y G &£& enemy 755 9 fore* in 347 l (see vol. II p. 127)

    combat 8771 88213 as i^y (? var.) JiS i. to amtfc 589 15

    725 6 syli (?) - Jif 11. to p m 529 4 in «'« [i^Xo] pi. LjP.lXc ^ spito o/" G O = > 19 tfoif 827 17 [ *£* ] speechless, pi. JaJ' 628 unwillingness (

    \S u. to wjVA a ball 96 7 w*_»_? ankle-bone 635 du. ankles >/ j»ay {*S) 5,

    ^_=S\ to delay (trans.) 733 7 667 3, joints (in a spear-shaft)

    to be = 8161 612 16 lijl (said ^yjl) 310 WORDS

    * - a .

    chamber a 291 . rich 'iL+jtS (of tavern) 10, <-*JS ~*fy vegetation (?) 144 1, w*^>5

    see II pi. oL« 44919 js^-*J 309 4 (see vol. p. 108), G Go -

    « >La«5" tcith breasts i_«.J'i J' 3 a disaster (a woman) swelling > s ^ day of

    16610 698 4 (var. L.l*£!l pi.) 623 9

    c e. _

    £Ae rtoi 709 4 bb' . ^1/ a. to remain awake at H-*^- b'yOtS' o/" catting off night (ace.)

    506 4 t<*£> to shrink back 539 2

    V*^. [v&"3 P1 - vV^ 61419 776 7 Jt? a. to gag 317 10 34510 [IdT] pi. ^

    to fte overturned 39 18 ^^ (= 631 10) 4AxIi (= jj£>) see 639 4

    similar 682 see 68913 L5R?(= \jjsO 13, o withered see 1541 j^J^ 33310, seq.

    ^^ki' to draw together 189 15 G o *d5' Wwte 425 2 G o - u oJtf' tffte «oi of drawing together 289 15

    v_aJLJ' . ^Jdis' with 2 ace's 767 3

    i. to conceal 723 -sis' i. e. 7- yi? 3, dar&, vjjil dark broivn 681 9 822 17 the 5 257 night 81 (= 258 l) 14, G a , iAe 6» -e«s£ of a camel 96 l covered with dust 258 6 OXJif. jJLi-S' .^a£*

    G » 385 9 5114 826 a 258 9 77414, metaph. 2, .^tt covering (of leaves)

    699 7 J>SJ> covered with feathers 258 8 pi. jjbli" [see Addenda]

    i. to become 186 11 744 JiiS". \_i^ to 6e enclosed 397 10 JJU\ ]S iveary (= 12)

    2719 464 7 502 3 516 masd. £1/ see 270 3 2, j^Li'

    170 9 598 8, or XS±S 6612 444 6

    JiS' . jii' hind-quarters (of a man) 253 8, 724 5

    of a horse 841 11, pi. §JS\ 149 20 - t Go JJ! to be wearied 835 9 (as var.) a man who has not a seat [ 1}»»S'] firm G « G o£ iC-L^ « i/tin curtain 578 16 856 16 (on horse-back), pi. JLai'l 2691 [JJlTj] pi. JUKI 709 9

    G c - . to 344 7 52710 hence covered 283 8 ^yjrf {jiS' ivrap (a corpse) JJbCo crowned,

    rfaf. (to> - & an 37 24 absol. 485 5 #&* (of army) (US'. *F WOKDH 811

    — - - v 9 Jj wound 615 5 vXiJ'. JjS u. with 2 ace's 12 55717, pi. ^JS 6, masd. jy?

    id. 43311 pLf ingratitude 307 18

    *^u conversation 762 2 768 6 oil? (=£LLi) 1118

    v Jli' wounded 362 ! 8, 43311 ( pi. ^^jb' see 1413 O:. > A-tf. ^OJi' 1403, id. 627 5 ,Jl*wc G G - o » 3 or. \lif adj. compact 35518 on a ^' \)LjJS] pi. ^J/ patches water-

    bag 545 20, mctaph. of clouds 199 4 u~-*^- [x~o!>] pl. ^/»-Jjj-J (animals) resting

    5>c,s in the shade 661 14 831 1 ur. 743 1 [SjJ"] pi. jj\ shelter 1 Jjji' 221 21, pl. JUL? 264 «-^ <&»>*& of a horse 13 c .». »vrf, 24

    sif a. to 388 6: to humble 145 1 169 22 483 3 496 13 722 6 gtf. approach G > oneself 399 13, masd. 388 7 839 15 878 9, of wine 292 18, of £^-i' 531 blood 803 du. lJi\ of (= 16) 11, {J \J^J «.*£>' to shrink, become contracted 531 8 the stones under a cauldron 538 11,

    G o > *JUJfl to approach 388 16 pl. o^ of horses 719 17 G - £^ wear 388 3 J^T. 3*£ to be heart-broken 127 13 G ) 39915 G [tj'i'] shrunken, pl. tjj^ (= \XM discoloured 634 16 5321 550 20)

    U~"I.*? . u^-m/ (a horse) that gallops well 734 5 V_A-A^- oJ-^Jl to protect (with ace.) 427 17,

    J**\ Jw.bU 288 4 pass, to ie enclosed 65 4 G - _ G d j

    ^_»_*_i_i' wine-booth 60 3, shelter for ^. f\ to bud 491 10 beasts 517 13 53017 tall 4719 [&] cap, pl. ^

    u. to /«'

    466 5 627 5 785 419 3 to shelter 484 6 ^^ ^^ 8, pl. bUJ' j^&cJ find r, s _ 4331 6341 87919 daughter-in-law 391 4 312 WORDS

    — i*4 50 23 *1? «^ j, seq. lX^J.

    8619 [34^] ^e, pi. \g

    53011 r?- jig? adj.

    L,^ -flagon 29118 292 6

    G ) _ j LjC< pushing away 332 14

    ol/ a. followed with a by ^,1 84019,

    verb understood 887 11

    G -c - ^j^ see under ^oS

    o, g

    [iijli'] haunch, pi. cA» 84010

    see 250 21 : iJiL**i! see 832 8 .y

    G > G o£ 58514 832 .^camel-saddle 6, pi. .iyt

    2741 603 or 274 7: 8, q!^ fire-

    place, see 794 12

    G > &' c^ w>n's£ 198 21

    G - I, 270 see & &_j^_j' gathering-place (?) 2,

    vol. II p. 98

    4 'Ijji adv. see 270

    a 8 O*' -^l large-humped camel 526 (=

    733 12) fern. iUX 733 14 (= 868 6),

    733 9 822 8 pi. {J

    to humble 538 16 554 a**> ^LfcoJ oneself 9,

    submissive 468 5 578 1

    l-:S . [»|^^] branding-iron, pi. j!X« 15110 W0BD8 818

    Li. vU boo 697 5 a horse) 19119 193 5 707 11 784 3

    827 10 (cf. 88012), in a man 21318 i_^J. [yj] mind, pi. >_*>^l in sing, sense iLjLJ want 255 4 19 189 9 coll. 124 14 655 2 OS, o . . p^J iOj Dr«o>< 748 8, pi. o'hJ 282 8, in xJ^Ju (a mare) fed on milk 839 6 sing, sense 856 14 (= 868 13) G _- wyj sand-hill 85614 w*^ u. to stai (with j.) 748 8


    L;JU and ^a^J intelligent 528 9, explained as (var. LJu)

    = JX 714 4 u£-£-!. o&i to moisten 329 2 (as var.) act w^JLi' Me of girding oneself 492 8, vJiiJ! id. 36 20 4^JU^ 866 7 *^J. the covered 7919 - = G w - >

    . to lXjj l\J compress 328 17 485 13, J^_JU 81510 (as var.) 84816 « pilgrim 205 13 (see foot-note) o;.> a 679 9 pj±* chipped (of hoof) (as var.) [SlXaJ] pi. in i\J 3 J i. e. n» ostrich O G 9 112 4 684 3 809 ** [XJJ] pi. oli} seq. 7301

    835 18 l\^U Me ^ar£ o/" Me &ac& which is

    covered by the saddle-cloth (O^j) w^sU. v^-s^J noise 327 2 229 13 G ^>-^J noisy 71818

    G- o _ G . to into close contact U~J ,j~J bring (with [X^sU] she-goat, pi. v LsvJ 8717

    ace. and ^>) 711 19 „sJ i. or a. 372 l 378 6 845 16, masd. to 20 ^j-^Jf tn/fecf 25 (=717 8), pass. i>Ls^3 42817 732 5 to &e distressed 75 6 1 (var. ^-JLj ) _*»3 170 7 33515 to ^jUjj' contract a malady 25 20, to - o _ y ^JLs^JLo kneaded 8218 meddle with (v_j) 39818

    a >_o_ . .-JUL a sound 335 8 Ls\W! &LJ see 673 9 yJLJ uttering (ace.) r^- r 5

    G Me lower the chest « &Mrf ^jj. ^Lo part of (in cr^- ,^su o/" fodder 582 14

    40 314 WORDS

    l a. to to Xo

    G G - be cut up 187 22, masd. w*^s\i ibid. 438 8

    J^>^ a beaten road 2171 27212 41712 «su . Lsd a. 50 11 360 10 ^J , (jr u., ^^J (= 776 20 879 5 71814 75418) 366 21 405 2 64513 ^^su Zm» 186 17 Go- G o _ masd. or 11 seq., _^J ^sJ 50 64513 G i - > u^pJU gashed 73814 =-bli to 763 20 c

    _^i. to last 35915 to 360 5 t ^Jl long L^PJul impoverish (with ace.) G J, Go — sLs^Ju vituperation 718 n <_\_^\J. lXs^J hollow in a rock, du. 16715

    *jsJ, *_iJ sword-fish 213 18 [see Tabarl, Ji^-J. Ja=^ 799 5

    J>LsJ see 26 4

    is S , *X>J. Jji 17015 37514, pi. cXi 26212 olsU. vJcsaJ! with 2 ace's 158 6 667 6

    v_jb^ a >•»

    [_L 782 6 Jj. smooth 176 16 cv ^OsJ (of spear-shafts) , „ o _ o oLsaJ. oLs\JLc*J to see& to Jom a tribe (ace.) 68313, iiJsJ 45 20

    101 13 verb 603 4 seq. ^(AJ followed by a (= G lean 421 10 736 l.\ °..jJ v_fc>^ (= 12) 89115) 889 5, 65218, °jj G O) oLsOU overtaking (with v_j) 798 9 o.'JU 106 21 6461 71614

    *^-J. see 76 14 jJJ. a. to 783 7 !*^i, *^J, |*^3, seq. 3J e/y'o*/ (with ace.) s„ o

    to with 76 10 : l f&&\ feed flesh 510 11 JO (= JoJJ) 161

    pass, to be woven 62712 siijo 45214

    LtfUXw) to slay 739 1 cJJ. kxJ to 6e kindled 78718 Go- g y *^i 402 metaph. reputation 9, pi. .^sj G or distress, pi. oLJ 189 5, id. 75415: [wjj] oIjjJ pi. ^LsJ /tesA 813 10: 360 5 555 25 said to mean milk 839 11

    ^^v! hungering for flesh, metaph. 4520, J to 6e locked (in a struggle) 783 9, ( G o. see 7615 well-knit 377 18 33jJw WOKIW 315

    — OS o, :IJ jL»> vtJ capable of contending **jL«j coll. eamtU of a certain breed — * - " u in nice, 853 3 (= 147 21) 130 7

    2- > JU see 853 5 plug-ground 877 9

    o 883 \ ^t"4 ;>«/((/ 886 19 00. JQl (with v ) (var. JLaJ!) o G o. ., dark colour (in the 835 18 - 5 JU mini/ 797 (j-oti lips) * - O o > »_«J of o _ [4_~otJ] pi. U women 266 li ^J crowded 463 13 453 17 (as var.) 835 lfl

    1 • see 3 w^ J i., *_**J, 874 seq. jiJ (—1*3) 61 19

    O -o i o*".wj , ^Lj Me ffci o/" browsing 140 5 (sec XJJtJ rm o6y>e< o/' cursing 750 11

    141 10) &jjl! see 75012

    «.*J. »-.] sec 874 8

    O ) O OS, masd. 646 1, mJ . 5 oji [v^] pi- »**" qL*^ message 482 seq. 737 10

    69 l , c^ crouching JaiJ. lai'i or Jail 80*86 53 21

    riotous 592 3 o , (JJ. jjai (?) (var. jjj) see 798 13 5f. ^Lii seq. iUxLi caravan 708 9 O c- *6&y a frothing 798 12

    .MJ. JiJI to 42910 *iJU see 798 14 pursue (with <_>) pi. j»i^U seq.

    136 10 jJ with v_j 475 12, absol. of birds jOji ^Jhl >*J- l

    55817, masd. _yt! 260 9 *J. 1*3 interj. 6115 seq.

    ci^aJ. ol*-**** 42 4, see 17015 seq. wOlJ, w^ 835 10

    *jU. *a_*J to oneself 264 11 causat. 262 2 wrap

    12 u^*L' metaph. of things 560 -_iiJ. wLS u. with ace. and ,_> 510 3

    _ -. o - o causat. 804 18 wodbuJ [,_!ii coll. those who attach tin msetves o to a v_yjtS of a woman 662 IS tribe, see KHisham 372 17]

    4**5 see 13019 pi. (Jul! 43016 708 8 316 WOKDS

    ) ,o£ ) _ & - nwsJfca of 22 17 or see 539 22 [iCiUj] pi. v_ajUj plants kJ! j-Ju [from Naq.

    J . &E 961 11 it appears that » 11 is an liE (= liis) see 816 3 epithet of the bird called ^yo]

    G- =_ J J&S' to r«*c& a place (ace.) 806 16, ijtjw variegated (of antelopes) 823 16 to come to the rescue 30013 G,--> (var. ijtJyi) G O) &.'a}3 metaph. of War 164 5 c & fertilisation, metaph. to set right, assist 375 3 677 l G . - o . K-ftJLaJ MOW* 807 15 544 Ljl to 0CC»r 726 3, with ,Js. 1,

    14514 836 to trisft 830 12 ytf. B^SJ ray/c (=41218 69219) with v 17,

    understood), with i_> 830 18 a thrown hence (object , .JU down, 3*- ffcttigf 5; G_ 4 iQ foe/.; of hair 485 5 seq., pi. 19 situated (of a place) 210 14, a Casi- ^ G; rtM'eM/ 376 20 m^ see 79414 SOS noun of 465 12 solid 374 19 793 ^iiJu place jL^JJo compact, 12,

    G- o - E-_ 174 2 IXJ. IX] see 68515 iUjJU

    G- > /> iUJLc misfortune 544 1 u. to 1 LT*^- (j^^J grope 549

    iL*J a 835 18 ^taJu to handle (with ace.) 512 19 „*> dark-lipped (of woman)

    - _oE O & J 57017 of motion 399 3 ej. jj («"».8'UJ) 4*fJ- w*^Ji (as var.), _^° G_ O) G a horse 757 l [ijuJ] « 0tt>«p 0/ men, pi. eUJ 608 13 galloping

    G pi. WiVrt(/e 304 6 652 4 [£*$] £-*!>J ^•pjJ ravenous 340 7

    889 309 9 : el, I 7, ««M

    :dlo branded in the lower LcLJ adv. gradually 608 9 (var. LcU) (a camel) -oE = - - .= 25 21 said to be = Lx^< JJI 539 jaw Laji ^ 5,

    but some take it as a verb (= ^A-jJ to c/v/ Woe! upon a person

    (ace.) 381 5 WOIUM 317

    O.J b 137 IB and U^J (var. Li

    troubled 630 7 wW.- xi^iJLo o^J' i7i 540 6 (as var.)

    J4J. vJUl whiteness 397 It J~i H. trans, to scorch 747 7 : C9*- seq. g _ fi devouring 490 6 intrans. to shine (with J) 603 17

    — see foot-note (= 890 18) 855 5 ,**£! (^a^I j.! 38816,

    G oi G o j to be 20 [ or slightly dyed 288 r^j jwj*^!] race-horse, pi. ,^lf] -y

    440 6 to i* 634 11 ^1 a/raid (with ^ ) (read

    and see LA III 423 24 see 153 5 ^JLj, seq.) JyjJ Go. G ot tones 65212 [^y] pi. _ly"l /ar_> 452 U 742 12, pass. _LJ j/'fo'to 576 7 450 6, masd. J^j" 667 8 ?ea» 496 _y_« (?) 5, scorched 853 8] J$i 25616 (= 72014) J^ u. to round r/o (with v ) 51011, Blf! pi. ot^J see 792 4 seq. G-oj to seek refuge 51611 628 8 872 4 aratn into a mill aj-gJ pw< 296 16, pi. (as var.) u* 5, *7fe 296 13 _b^ u. to spread something (ace.) JL> _/e8< 580 8

    over an 131 10 G - o- » (u) object , see 285 14 735 19 y$Le G_ G _ Xc^ (— iL*J*4) yearning (adj.) 66 17 not? 679 3 "b5J3 «'/*(/ (var. w_^) 381 11 (= 568 19)

    O- G > O-o. iSi 712 7, pi. v^^J 291 188 4 245 11 KcjJ burning pain 538 8

    642 7 to G. ) vd>i.

    to 6e 433 8 699 8 vol. II blamed 830 9 vXo (see p. 297) rV- ^ (var. ^.j^liu) to 42218 ,yj' K«£«r 4581, f~jjj, cy*b5 u. to ornrf on 2*j. (a veil) 155 10 .Sjf 15414 r kiUJI to 29 21 353 9 722 8 w((?) (= G- > acting wrongly 20010 to 834 5), become strong 581 20 Go, 61 15 I. to too/ 847 \£>jj strength (= 267 17 582 3) L?9»- i^P amy (with ace.) 18, G o 412 14 58115 to 426 defer 5, ^yU deferred 159 15 318 WORDS

    j» . . absol. !! see 52 4 iCiL« hot 14 ^eJt (= ^yi ,«.JLj) temper 27 (read KiL ace.

    8011: to wave 66 4 to 72 193 8 (with v ) (= 8) G - 2 84113) 115 oii-» hot-tempered, see 72 l seq. 193 9

    52 3 605 9 vol. II 800 7 261 10 ^Jy> (see p. 242)

    O -2 - 56 2 o 4 > S^ metaph. seq. Lo. the the [i-jL<] fat of flanks, pi. ,.,«<«

    577 17 (as var.) ^*—0 . c-^J the side of the neck 126 12 (=

    du. 2211 ^nX< a. see 685 14 masd. 19 21218), c &X* 685 867 11 -J. JL»J 40913 rfj'uo one who draws water 6817 13222

    8 see 3 LT-A-5- «~J except (?) 24, 10 seq. (read gJU), pi. ^V* ropes 239 7 G a. to be timid 569 2 rfeg/j (of a well), see 546 6 fi> _yoo

    G „ a. to »7'se 389 12, XjjLo of the *_*J. ouJ palm-fibre 257 9, see vol. II p. 88 C — Sun 453 11 vJiJ. ^ I. l?A^ ^ sJW^ Lo 176 5 *JCx to grant a favour to a person j£$} to economise (with ace.) 2 l (ace.) 57411

    «_X/>! to oito«' a person to enjoy the

    company of another (with ace. and

    v) 2941 [cf. Bllisham 762 17 763 1] Lc. L*/> followed by the Imperf., see 606 9 «a*3 to obtain a favour 48 20

    727 2 : LLb l Lo see 606 12 Q (= iule) G o - o > «-X-«X*^ a« opportunity of profiting £ - —

    Uo . to contend 403 8 jLj 294 6, see vol. II p. 103 0.0 Go, G Bi« enmity 403 3 seq. (see 533 10), pi. nefye, pi. ,Uo> 51516 776 20, o. o^- [qX*] c G J 1< vengeance on enemies 10 20 or yU 587 11 G ..Liu 724 1 3U. OiLvc comer of the eye 383 n (var. e/for£ (in marching)

    a 438 iU Ls>j) ^_^o« strong (of cord) 10,

    f. *. . 559 7 du. [U;L«] t&, ^LSU 7515, pi. ^lo 5812 800 5 856 8 ^ with a noun 130 9 WORDS 319

    iXX*. Jvo u. to 6 JJU. [ JjL*] pi. jJL> standing (of things) /?// (a pool) 562

    648 15 to 3JLi stretch tight 841 11 o 375 10 8 is (^ii* justice jLx* mi 743 o . 88 9 [JJ^!] pi. JoLc! chieftains ^IJut »0« wdrtw 725 14 726 l (see

    foot-note) . u. to an odour 732 rf^u £m« diffuse 7,

    the settled tribes L$iL Ja^u of the Sun 699 7 ,>A*- 'JwJl (— JxJi J^l)

    429 8 l\^u. ,a^u> u. (=.£$') with 2 ace's 696 9

    •Ju*. x)«X« iwi/e 77 7 i\j^, » Lj to e«cei (absol.) 226 8 (=

    884 12) JA*. jj^« adj. too.se, hence tom/t M tpsnd-

    - 9 - 452 restless 45211 see 719 719 8 757 ing 4, pi. ,jAXo ysul 6, ^sC!o (= 5) #». o ° - . J^Joc! looseness 452 7 _^v« epithet of an army 719 4 756 16 0-0- »..s\

    mtfi 5110 142 5 663 5 U^rs*. (jia^o jpwre (?) u. to sucJfc 301 5 OyO. \£>jA

    of a 71414 855 JwSU. J^sul country (see 2), ? 489 if sW ) jL^Cwo 75217 O o - sr _!.* exultation 7114 (text doubtful) \»i?v« 135 22 549 9, L drought, famine, G o _Ux epithet of a mare 187 2 pi. J>^ 436 9 o G O- Jo»Lo see 855 2 a kind of wood 226 8 £/*• ^.^ (=88412) G -) J^=>L^« far-extending 170 7 470 15

    ^^ a jfetfta o/* arrow 148 7 - :su summer clouds 186 1 r~~r^\A r oL*j (var.

    > .&£ Go) 46516 r**) [Jy>l] pi. Oy»

    coll. camels 323 5 (jkl^. (jrLi^o pregnant Lot to twist tight 29 21 (= 353 9 722 8 66319 834 5) 35315, metaph. to strengthen G «<'ato/ - to render Ijii^u drawn from a well (?) 5623, painful 84417, pass,

    724 5 to ie firmlg built 722 6 320 WORDS

    to resolve to bitterness u. to -***»! 15010, feel o-«. vjj_* penetrate (absol.) 890 20,

    13 207 l, to continue 234 12, to be tight see 891

    353 5 to 15 (metaph.) J|Ji sing (?) 602 (cf. 891 14)

    adv. l_\jU 8 562 3 lyO (= 8yO yO ) S; .. *ij ff- — vJLs-JI 8341 yo y« M 8--* the twist of a cord 29 21 353 15

    coll. JLo [a-).*] cora, j^ 3535, pi.

    29 19

    . see 867 9 (j*.* (j*yi

    to a u*^ pull rope straight 133 22,

    masd. 867 n

    seize ^-•J' to (with *_;) 759 3

    to dose to 867 7 (j^JC/tt jw:e83 (*_>)

    coll. 308 7 [(_wyc] cables, pi. (jXoi u*V toose 867 13 16913 u~jyo energy

    « icoman with (jwyo. *«ajyo languishing eyes

    235 8 (= 780 13)

    « silken 797 8 -by> waist-wrapper

    (as var.)

    L^b^ M«/i (of a mare) 692 12

    to 536 l £/ cyci produce fertility D ». 9 .. OjoE 859 3 [^y», £-«] pasture, pi. cy>!

    mo/'e 58 5 g_ysl femfe (var. ?y»^)

    coll. where animals roll tf etyx places

    themselves 242 10 W0RD8 321

    &^mA sweat 84 u JU3^. oLa* lirii/hl, liciicc nfiigr 166 10

    strip, limn/, du. 43 17, pi. ... o t, . . tew 399 fl masd. 399 7 £*a» (as var.), c^t tfJLwt 192o 399 5 see vol. II j*^i!(?) (var. j^ai',

    p. 148) A-~«. J^-v^o rope 676 17 727 14 (=356 5

    58419 79911) see 76316 fa*. yZLtj (= \ja*=>)

    G o t-sfcsjC . «,—, BOMM 731 see foot- irind^) 6, (jkw u. to inflict pain 281 14 note CX34. io=x! to 6e made to chew 866 13

    AV^*^C . to /«' 42 15

    coll. muscles 168 9 , 0. 505 3 638 15 882 10 ^f**** evening c

    12 adv. 31 .L*j' to 6e rained ,1m. upon 107 15 G 803 5 ^J^> (explained as — 1401 ^*Lw adj. rainy til (j^,) G_ o . G > ,'j.Vw^ aw o/>ew plain 639 12

    . u. to 13 ,jiJiji ^jiwo wipe 285 Jak<. iLkJa* see to under _^iw u£_ix*j shcA: Me e«rf of a bone

    247 19 607 8 (as var.) jJx« u. to />«i o/f a creditor 765 18 :

    G - 1 jCiLX* Me e/«Z a bone 797 coll. of 17, see also 281 3 79413 G o. 47 3 86 to the uilci^s 19, applied out 280 18 ^yo+A spread

    feet 880 5

    »._:.-:. Um u. to drive camels 807 11, with

    see 68515, masd. 685 19 ^—iXvo. ^j-i^* {y*^ obj. understood 18611 (cf. 74412)

    to stretch out 385 to ^« . I. with ace. of 367 10 (with 9, ce ^jAa place ^Ja^i ^)

    cf. 643 8 journey far 422 16 [cf. Farazdaq

    intrans. to walk about 8 ed. Boucher 144 ^yZ-* 112 p. 9]

    203 7 seq. 700 7 (= 852 12) lit* fadb (of a camel) 86 19

    ^*j' said of wine 664 15 4813

    SULi see 37813 tUjlLo — ilLlLjt seq. uC^(= ;ii=UJi)87ll o ^w> a. to disappear 227 12 .,::.-' . jLa «//'/ pomegranate 8 19 seq.

    41 322 WORDS

    *Sbjt. 180 8 to within '^Ko (= Lj'jz)

    309 15 ^jw a. to hasten (intrans.) 497 G . ) J 614 7 o _ r.,l£»] pi. ,-yU opportunities ju hairless a 149 12 fA. (of hoof) G c. Me utmost that can be wished (jlXoj [ywi] & pi. ^2217 724 l, an opportunity (of hitting)

    coll. 418 9 74511 JJW. (j;^w 724 18

    748 i^Lo! jjwi s£om# (/round 15, pi. — iL.. BJ*i Lg-jLic iJ-< fter utmost speed 6815 725 3

    561 12, ? A_H ijw« of a woman id. 69 9 283 8 307 4 585 9 i\^-> 797 6 11 G o L>=*-*- ijcLxX*! indignation 590 6 (as var.) ¥±s> coll. mail-coats 657 16, cloaks

    G w )

    . « where an animal rolls iiL>vc ijW) j)?ace 746 20 (as var.)

    itself 391 19 (= 595 14) a^C* see 792 8

    uttju a crackling noise 71 17 735 4 rtf Me Ju. eJw mixture, p^Uajl viLJu «p- G-o- 8 Jt* red ocAre 131 4 proach of darkness 218 4 seq. i.cE JU> more o/tter 32 23 Go o & „ - ^JU. rfJU subst., jJUJI ,-.slSr of a sword o , v - v' -Ljw JaiU 96 9 4 (as ,var.) 205 9 (cf. 470 567 13), pi. J±a o -bLiu co?y? 576 5 seq. 629 5: adj. fem. XjpL 621 8

    rfJLc! toos< Zo;;e?

    wAite, fem. ib=\JUJ! 595 13 (as var., ciX* . X_i'bCo 464 4 (as var.) 13 see vol. II p. 236), pi. 674 Go, fX* u. absol. 596 masd. Xc ibid. **' yC< 3, 629 5 cJ& 13114 »yU («=syu?) (as var.) Od, G. o_ a. motion «u. «L> see 99 9, masd. *Ju rapid 664 3 9 733 23 »j^<-« plump (as var.) 514 3 (as var.) 828 3 G o _ G ) U~Xo. U-Xo tea; 426 8, pi. (j*Xlai " > Q £L* ^£ t (j-il* pi. san. 600 8 and vol. II 33 £b>] p.

    libCc . tjbUJ' trans, io swcA; 607 99 11 323 jLli ««/if (= 17) WORDS 323

    V - — If i_£jlo. oUUj- flattery 891 17 Sk^xirf a I/rust nt for iii il hiiiy 331 7,

    pi. ibid. dVJU 70916 832 4 gJLLi

    eUxi tern. 167 4 ^u. O-.t, . •CjCJuxi possession l!92 4

    u. fo /*>w7 349 JJU. jwo (meat) 13, J^**

    scorched 277 1 OS. xU scorching pain 432 20

    o > J^U s«-ert< following fever 411 10

    G c» JJU [j*Ju] a needle for applying eye-

    3 salve, pi. j-y^L 279

    JU with 2 ace. '8 86018 jJL.. C<

    .JU-i to enjoy the company of a

    person (ace.) 53911, see 86018

    £ coll. (fetwfe 667 6 823 13 (?)

    9 -, 6* see 54817 c

    Sj^U period 782 19 860 12 (for the

    vocalisation see 860 18 seq.)

    said to be = 657 3 is* ^ ,J] seq.

    UJI said to be = 815 12 JjUiJ!

    J or*'•i*. y-3^x 246 2 (= 442 17 etc.)

    i. or a. 383 7 tfo f^k-A (see seq.)

    bestow, with 2 ace's 533 12 (=

    5 631 4), metaph. 383 (cf. 83 7)

    733 14 (= 868 6) o _w»_^ a Wan* a/rot' 707 3 817 21

    864 l 324 WORDS

    22 _;_>.-: I. to ik^A. »L^c (=S'lSj) 457 JjL« depart (?) 1116 seq. (see

    _o* 12 16 seq.) 30314 _^pc. ^! to sharpen (an arrow) 315 3 XW 30314 (as var.) teeth L$* crystal, metaph. 93 7 JLu(?) ni6 alp antelope 161 12 261 17 468 10 845 16,

    £*a^ 631 17 632 2 coll. Lp applied to women 461 2 fleetness

    G Go. G oy. ciol° ay see 855 6 J^- Jw* milestone 79 16 274 1116

    of a l [ jLJil] rider, pi. j^o 268 10 269 _U u. 3391 600 4

    ^cJU see 901 882 4 seq.

    Xjilo Median mail (for armour) 89 22 J^U. jXli a measure (for wine) 814 7 (as (as var.), du. coafc of mail 881 10

    (as var.): Median wine 838 3 var.)

    Lo u. to vibrate 177 to revolve **LLj 807 5 see also 556 8 J3-- l, (in (as var.), G.2 . the 719 4 air) SCcLi whisper 808 l G G -jLo flowing (of blood) 255 9, moving J ttoanji 35810 61214

    to and fro 377 18 k a. L5 _cl_i trans. 786 17: denom. from

    G £ > v^>^_yQ . vi^yi intrans. to mo?>e «?ora# smoothly see 743 5 ^cy, S.o 835 6 (var. o±yo was trained) cUJl see 743 5 Go, G u>-y», viA^«; 1691 (as var.) Uyj 20917 520 7 67715 743 3 sULi smooth soil 662 13 fi - o ) ^Uju retreat, refuge 41513 559 6 — o _La*! trans, to m*7& 333 5 G oi I u^ajI see under wuf tfoU milker 333 5 .- at ^ a\aj! to oe mode to bark 178 8 lX*-«. oil* stalking 517 20 IJjiLo 247 8 347 5 12 348 4

    see 796 86615 ***• jlil (=jUil) 9, jUo _\>J . lXo to oe attacked by (v_j) 68216 G », u~*-«- U*^ a fc?'«rf of M-oofZ used for making Go. see 499 22

    saddles 341 4 887 10, hence saddle

    581 2 i. 75611 J*»' >^ WORDS 325

    j i i. to 728 1 niiisd. dissrmliiiilion 490 27 [_r > speak ^J>

    . .of to hi mi arrow 61914 ua*j! fly bJlj cmpM (of a mail-coat) 173 20 (= o . 96 l ijioo adj. throlili'mij 26112) 2619

    vi a. to become manifest 40211 ^JLi to be noised abroad 477 18 (as

    *a-lj' to stream 310 8 var.) Go. to « hind of wood 563 5 801 16 82415 LiJ notoriety 201 14 295 7 (as var.)

    827 10, see also 784 16 and vol. II - -* to ArtPe noble 555 is p. 385 s. v. jpl offspring

    O - o _ G .. « iLx^_i mctaph. origin, lineage, 153 2 [ iy-^ ] thorough-bred she-camel, pi.

    462 9 [Of. Tab. Ill 29 7] 4*&*? G c - G -- - - <_jj^u^ 836 1 : the worst seq. part 836 3 G 168 9 17815 31415 Jjlj */,•///>// ^? -Lp fulfilment 589 1 G G - J_^j well-shaped 187 2 496 13, iC-L^-j - - [iuLi] awake, pi. \>j 69512 BJwsr courage 360 12 433 l 696 20, pi. G -, ;y_jl wore famous 550 5 oLX^p 00MM o/" courage 557 14:

    Li u. — eVj Li i_jL_j re- distress 693 693 5 _j_«_i. JjJLo 7516, 8, pi. o'Ocp

    G - & _ o J bounding 43217 jLp sword-belt, hence oLs^t ^iy^*

    to rowse to 14 to// 681 19 ,_ol (= Li I) project 156 G jyp stow* (of a she-ass) 868 l (var. Lo see 841 fi

    ' 7 G 1 „s0Aj 7031 885 t* 4: o^=»Lj strainer (?) 495 mixing-bowl

    *> , o - sudden 12 6 12 _XJ. » T*J (thrust) 514 (as var.) 814 seq. 326 WORDS

    69 14 Ls? u. — 828 iAxS^ courageous Kiiyi _^i 4, see LA X

    4 10 285 11 oys&A distressed 873 (= 70 320 1)

    o > Jo-L* combatant 13919 280 20 Is? (=2Lp) 41210 516 2

    9L>? running (subst.) 257 9 412 7 iAj? [A=>Li] molar tooth, pi. .A>!y563 2l sLp 8tP»/! (epithet of a female ante- see 84411 y$?i J^- lope) 84519 Go. G.o - li fto£ weather 8449, U^i 84410 y>li K*=»b of a she-camel 1864 699 8 72412

    Lp lineage 600 4 775 5, of a female wild-ass 861 17

    _s\j^> troci!;tr< 186 4 (sU? secret talk 721 12

    rf?T to 887 5 comrade 474 jrf fulfil j^-^u 16, metaph. .jai G _ o* to ;>L_ii march forward 420 6 Jo^Ut 788 6, pi. Xjcp'l groups 15 4

    f>u see 887 14 (as var.) 725 26 G o. »Lsu-< « height, a place of refuge 201 7 &• ix£? refuge 47613 G - «_*.:? a (/ms/j o/ blood 635 3 638 17 ^»J? masd. 295 6 (= 594 16) 504 11

    7111 74113 87014 (as var.) 59414 6531

    G - — nature 352 18 to iLXj^ (as var.) ^¥- JILLS' engender (with >_j) 148 15 G 555 30 J*>li thorough-bred (as var.) ^' .^" a. to coincide with the beginning a 826 J_^I gaping (of wound) 19, of a period (ace.) 287 10 (see 162 l

    fem. i^b? (= tt^P LJtL) 252 7 536 n)

    of a J^^o epithet spear-head 252 10 .jsULii to cut one's throat 155 8

    G o - Jj^su-x aperture 579 4 to 6e struck 27310 J*- j*r Go- i/ie Pleiades 556 11 r*- !*_suJI sjp adhesion of the lungs 683 12 G-o - G J s^or£ 617 5 iU^ grass ;L^' cough 13614, see 813 2 G _ G- G- *jsu^ ^>?ace 626 9 of rising 'i>^ nature (?) 652 12 [Jamharah 179 7

    has a to on 73612 gloss ^pb*J!j qL\J! Bj^suJI £-^' £ push (var. \^Z3S , cf. 42110) woitns 327

    O O .. O.b D f « I 595 « nostril 407 15 u~-^'. (j»L^' lineage yS=\J-« (yS=U_rf, fS^Jt)

    675 17 uo-a^'. i_p^' era animal that has not recently O o - c conceived 868 4 masd. 806 8 (as var.) u^ir (var. u«csuU 804 8) o U-w^ir xt<,/,/„

    o Jasr see 11 12 Oi.^. v_o=»1j emaciated 470 4

    o » cord 378 6 586 3 gLs? spinal (?) .v/c/ii/n' 7 Jrf?'. Jj>b 177 ,

    - . . . o* — JJr u. (=^^3!=.!) 296 8 **•'. ^ panting (subst.) ^' 3j of a xJLs^ <*o/f 310 12 horse 9 4 (as var.) O - - o > srar 15 v_«Ai 185 (= 542 12), pi. vs^ *?j^ . &j^£jjs to cough violently 151 12 185 12 7861

    u. to turn O - o _ j^. [& (trans.) 150 19, with aj>jiXu a m>mm s;vace 177 17 v_j 87410 ^oLu (no sing. ?) desert plains 233 9 »a. 319 8 ^ysr'l (trans.) t\j i. to run away (of camels) 763 8 :U-J' to aim 87411 <_<— obliquely (trans.)

    735 285 10 (var. upUXi) JoJU* 15, pi. JjoLlo

    .jsULjI to ta eager to do a thing - . . .a . > . o< »iAJ — *Ajl "4 see dUy«( 421 11 seq.

    (with j) 207 5, ^iJu ra(/«- 55910 — •iAJ. Lxi u. to collect, contain, 655 19 _^' ijcj ^ ^ from any quarter ol i 19 4 assembly 655 706 887 2, pi. 887 11, see 888 16 seq. KjJJI 1416 22613 iiL^vj_» a track round a well 246 2

    ,"cjj »/. 497 1 718 4 (= 442 17 etc.)

    to see 95 7 skin-bottle 127 13 ,_&XJ. (_£Ai 6e/a// (with ace.) ,«*'. !**"'

    yjM rain 650 3 (=59912), herbage v*-^- w-JUt v.^fe'vXixi deprived of sense 13413 rain 20: produced by 649 goal (?),

    1'. rotfpw 89 11 xlxi! 4031 yfe ^ (=12012) pi.

    610 14 iAi — i- e - [Hy>lj] pi. y>|>i snortinys (var. adj. q*»^! ^5^ .'/"'"'""•'•'

    470 6 328 WORDS

    that are [SColi] pi. oLi things flung (?) Oji. Oji prompt 75415

    5 » 95 (var. ,^Li ) 476 3 jjj. JJLLS ^cjJl-o a» opportunity of grazing, JU exclam. 340 3

    hence choice 778 5 G > j:Lu epithet of a warrior 68 1 19

    *_j>\_jl_* injury 834 17 (as var.), pi. j;J. Li u. to rise (of bubbles) 7361 115 22 17710 ^jJ to leap forth 821 8

    . to 740 13 Aj .

    o °. - .lXj metaph. d«£y 168 6 w^»ocJi with ace. 659 4

    J G. . ~ G ? G _ .- .Ai SjJuJ teaming 152 12, pi. 152 7 o (= ^v^o J53) 103 6

    seq. metaph. ^lyj^l] ,-^i 480 13,

    v^e 1 - ! ! 41213 *_j!jJt 9 Jju. J^ i P J ^ ,^~.j q, 521 m if V/

    a plaited girth 338 5 v_jij. woij a noise macto % antelopes 807 12 fc,"

    G the [_s*o] flesh inside the hoof, pi. _:lj distant 38710, see 767 20 r**- j. G ) 41 12 18 613 9 821 8 — see 820 13 exhausted 17917 ^y-o jja^ G _ o J .^Jun, pi. -Jsa, see 798 18 cij. cjJ i. to desist (absol.) 405 2 75711 Go G > o£ sfrap 583 12, *~oi 672 19, or desire 630 8 c ^*j pi. ejii G 951 356 7 58514 620 25: see c shallow a 545 20 ^Uil 5jj (of well) also 731 19 c iji oaM iw front 21519 G - o G _ (, i id. 31616 338 5, pi. *Iu 39011 ^j^o arrow 876 4 cr

    G _. c, > c 395 19 y^k-< distraught wSUvU . ljjjwo causing to move 674 1

    drained blood 362 8 74512 u. i. to Oji. \_»J^J of JwWJ. Jwl^J or make haste 755 19,

    (as var.) see also 669 13 (with ace. of time) \V()KI)S :;•_".!

    wo- 483 3 692 12 736 3 OtfOttf 486 4 Jjy*J sirifl JU acq.

    iJu^o coll. loote hairs 379 1 adj. — mL£ scattered sheep ^j^io yio (

    195 8 +*»i. ^^J coll. persons 4516 G o , ue/fts on the outer side [ syili I pi. -il^j »~^L» ROM (of an ostrich) 804 3, pi. of the, fore-arm 1318 1411 277 9 a^wLa-* pads (of a camel) 443 c, 6 532 (=406 9): ^il^S adj. spread- soles (of a man) 522 2 (= 57511) ing 512 18 G o. j~»j. BLmJ ancestresses (?) 4801, see vol. II .yiO^ distraught 562 3

    p. 179 i. or u. to owto/e om< 75811 jr»- j*io - oe « _ os Go. j! (= L*o!) to r/r««£ a respite to ;.£o a s/««// /j/W 16515

    (ace.) 4881 iCi^mO ^jiJ i. to bubble forth 504 13 (var. lli Me sctdtic vein 586 3 722 U 878 19 oS Or*) 883-t, pi. 2l«ol Me parte ««'«»• Me G o^o. a 147 13 PttN 878 13 O uaSlj unruly (of woman) G O o U^Uxi coll. /jto/A ctowrfe 64317 71818 a lost object 201 10 ^^j 3 L£i rearing (of a 147 10 1yg horse) L&il to wate to appear 203 4

    S . a - a h «'«!> j . Jiio i. to p«W aooftJ 76 10 LisjLX*«t to scent (with ace.) 551 8 G la&li roaming (of an 16 3 U^u growth 183 16 antelope) 653 2 - - •• wcioi to /w: 85512 o «_wj to ta w«(to to imbibe a thing w*-ij property 510 3 C G (with >_j), metaph. 298 8 w^xio persistent 18 4 (as var.) £yio (or pv^j) see 298 9 <»£!} sobbing (subst.) 886 20

    o . to ,«_£u *AJ oe

    JuSJ . lA^iJ u. to 462 23 proclaim (?) p. 385 s. v.

    > _ oS lA^iJl more for 495 8 sought j^^^Lj' foulness (of meat) 818 14

    I o _ - ^io u. to «

    42 330 WORDS

    see 855 8 ouaj an elderly woman 542 8

    o . G ij ^aw« 687 10 [iLa>ol_j] pi. oi-Ajo'j female servants

    in [i^Aaj] sacred stone, pi. v_;L*aJ! 292 13, or v.Joo^J 475 18 (var.

    228 13 : 467 16 wv^>y' wftAaLui!) v_Jua^j opa» spaces

    (7 veil 2 v_^ol> wearisome 50512 (var. —*^3t-j) woman's 259

    G - G 85418 855 7 ^juaA-o servant 292 9

    o v_jLaJ lineage 436 8 to 5 J»*aj. jjjij u. fall off 31 ; masd. j^-> G- I G [K*aa2J] pi. w^jLAii coping-stones 341 14, 519i: fo emerge, partic. Juo'j 1609

    G > props (for a wine-jar) 848 16 masd. ibid. 653 H, jyai

    G G * G » see 1819 Lsuai (?) 689 5 J>*aj, pi. v3»*aj,

    G - J G WtM a broken [rf^*aj] pi. *Lsuai counsellors 712 2 J^eli (an arrow) point

    G , - G - > „ 759 17 X^Ucjj — LJ-a*-? iL=s\*Aai mutual sin-

    G - G ) > 14 cerity 764 [J^sio] sword-blade, pi. J^oLu 175 20

    496 1 ^Aai! ytwer A=J. JLi! /o owe another's hair _> ^^ ^w£Z G G T^- LoaJ! power of self-defence 669 3 125 11 G «aj « fcmrf 424 10 627 13 cC o/" grass (_>2AaJ. ,jai a gut'cfc pace 652 8 close uoLu sticking (?) 1 36 5

    « *2J a. to he white 382 9 397 12 r (as ^wto'j distant 505 13 (as var.) var.), metaph. to be manifested

    diminution (?) 774 24 394 12 yjyvtoi

    G G . . g£ «>ai tewtfe dfoM 276 8 4731

    tAali ttAtfe 142 12 155 13, pure 406 lfi ^*ni COoM 33917, pi. Jj>aJ 63317

    (as var.) 794 21, ij^alj conspicuous (= 667 13 688 4)

    203 2 (as var.) .^ai. rfwcai a. or i. to wet 81 1 <- c G G _

    . i. to to ^^Aaj \_Aoi u. or halve, cover half rf^aJ masd. sprouting (subst.) 193 3,

    a 2 16 of thing (ace.) 205 (= 292 12): sprinkling 557 l, see 874 seq.

    to serve 9 791 [^Aiiil cistern, pi. 'uaif 39312 WORDS 881

    E-T5 Moots trees flJ# to be 194 a [_\*ili | pi. Adtyj of I92ia, u~ u~ dainty (?)

    II camels carrying water 792 10 ^j~Jai 19318, see vol. p. 67

    /A* lutlhiir of a cistern 39 18 > p • sec 534 18 (ji-ki, ^Liiij (= 631 10) cf. 796 IK .s

    ^-ai sprinkling (subst.) 433 8 790 10 var.)

    87410, see 79119 seq. 87410 seq. Xttki water-supply 344 18, pi. v_jlki 21 17 G olIjLj draught (of wine) 814 « (var. Aoi . lX*sUo(?) 142 5 L^U) -ulj fm/j, mot$< 382 a G . ^. JoLki a ceaseless flow 641 8 G ) .Lai a kind of wood 334 4, see vol. II

    OU2->- Jiki i. to wWer (with ace.) 454 11 16 p. 385 s. v.

    G ) v_ikjL)t to (/«/

    5- > 2 lja«iij. iUsUaJ see 103 vJLkLo r//r£ 45218

    to in J^ai. juto'j compete shooting, metaph. Jiij . JJa'ii see s. r. JJjU

    to contend with (ace.) 178 8 313 3 u. 46818 62012 >• ^ki (= JliiJl ) (= 375 8 642 17) 406 a, masd. JL^ ^LMi eyes 18412, two veins near the see 116 22

    - - - o eyes 18418 J*02*j! to compete with one another [.Joj] watching, pi. Jij 15013 568 4


    851 16, camels 827 17, with 2 ace's G JAi pearl-string 65314, organization 813 l 757 10

    an emaciated camel 805 4 860 G _ yai (= 8) ( ' 363 a § - (...Ihi fitted together (of armour) a kind arrow 69 4 ^aj> of JUa 820 17 (as var., see 821 13)

    •» . see 464 5 san. 717 14 ^ki f-tiai y~- pi. (with ace.) 332 WORDS


    .13 a raven 532 7 651 500 537 croaking (= 12) jvtLj 80/iE 10, cheerful 19, pi. G - 1 86 8 of women 453 13 454 11 461 5 yyti swift j»clji

    474 8 8314 c*»J • o**i< (?) 205 9 G coll. ostriches 249 1 535 14 G - o- G plxi seq. (= [*^bu] female antelope, pi. _l«j 82313 seq.) 51713

    831 1 837 8 jUlxi coll. wooden posts 17 13, du. see G - 3 - - O , [K^\£l3] epithet of a she-camel, ace. 219 11 : LlxoIju tsJLw, see s. r. jyi : to some swift, ace. to others white, pi. *jUj ostriches 499 21

    pi. 21715 ,kc!/i 786 1 ^j^jti favour G

    jtJ a. or i. to shout 680 masd. mxj happiness 450 6 507 5 ;*-*• 9,

    s_xj ibid. X. «. ,t..^o (a woman) delicately reared

    G _ 461 14 55413 768 6 ju gushing (of a vein) 152 4

    G w _ .LxJ see 680 10 iixiH see 767 20 798 seq. ji«. (= 10)

    464 13 (j^tlj dozing uc*-l. <_xJ a. to denounce (with 2 ace's)

    712 7, pass, to 6e noised abroad lA*j ^iou 0L0 see 665 8 seq. ill 15 Go- G

    >_ajtj mountain-side 618 5, ol_*J see 381 23 pi. gl3 (= gli)

    see 468 3 [iuii] gulp, pi. 4-J" 52 8 (=866 3)

    ijtfiu 1513 (as var.) oi*-J • oi*J a. see 15 18 seq. G a - G -_ ^e of camels 285 17 J-oi^j' shoeing , vLii hoarse 15 9

    *ju to 115 5 ii to 6e uttered 478 3 prosper L-^ uC (as var.)

    Uxi (sic leg.) see 816 16 utterance 478 5

    to treat to render ^13 tenderly 157 12, U-i. LsJ coll. tufts (?) 0/ herbage 455 11 luxuriant 220 15

    ^>AJ. lii^ai i. to a 122 10 10512 81614 sputter (as charm) fjut (= jJIj) seq. G .«_ iUxi happiness 507 5 ^ixj! to Jeap forth 498 3 G*o Gj&£ o_ 435 or *ju see 471 24 JC*\S3 « wind 367 6 [£**j] pi. ^jti! 5, gttttt of WORDS :t:;:t

    _\aj a. to hrstoir (with ^) 281 7 U&i. oLaJ u. to

    ouj see 804 l i\aj. 3: [sjoli] pi. o'^-s'j arrows 602 pi.

    [o&] hole, pi. jltfl 282 15 (=757 2) c\i|j_j W0Unds 787 18, thrusts (?) ° - • vJUJ interrupted 803 14 883 10 - - > ... ouU-t driving out 756 16 see 841 yu. jSlj (i.)

    . a kind 655 6 ^iJ (= i-J^) see 834 19 and note Jju Jai of plant

    _aJ aversion 627 9 iLoii subst. obstacle 810 8 o {jJ6. of an ostrich 257 ^i'J nnu/iiii/, 6, pi. eii coll. scattered stones 478 10 584 l, j|y of sheep 199 7 splashes (of water) 521 16 ^ 834 18 (? as var.) G - - masd. — *~i scattered pL^aJ o''",v *^ ij-ilj^ a boasting-match 70416 705 2 abroad 521 16

    .aJ-Xw» scared 233 1

    to search out (with 224 3, to relieve fi ^) U-aj- ,j~ju (with j^i) 320 partic. 469 2 in the ,j~iLLJt arrow-game, see 753 17 G.o ) o. iUaJ colour 276 8 &»lsJ «f«;y 746 3 o _^JLj hollow 336 13 mos£ (as var.) [u~aJ!] precious, pi. u^jLi! (?) G - o _ » wJiJ^ JJOWI 659 7, pi. ^oLu 659 1 566 14, see foot-note G - . o - > oi... [iUaJU] merit, pi. v_*iL* 294 H (as var.) u~sj-i' Mp drawing of a breath 583 12

    lXjLJ. iXaJ coll. smrtW see i. or u. to s/««y, 810 12, U^aj. ,ji_!L) graze (with ace.) pi.

    627 17 (as var.) iOlaJ 81011

    G c to (jilai! permission graze 628 l oJu! (?) 299 5, see foot-note

    « - - G u. 11616 . Ijiaaj. ijofli (= (i)y>) lXjU. AaJ-X-l to to&e as apotV 106 4 o - seowte 7 i^aj coll. (?) 212 (=22515) _ I _ G - c I JLj. denom. from s-JU q. v. 217 17 G , O yU Jaai. iifii naphtha 633 4 a certain quick pace 464 7: a

    392 7 see 807 2 [^yii] adj., pi. ^ii (var. _>«£?) chirking sound, 334 WORDS

    G , _ beast [s-sJ] a holloic made for a nest, pi. luujLi a for slaughter 188 2, pi.

    yii 21711 jJUU 187 22

    G, > G - o > see concentrated 297 14 [sJSli] misfortune, pi. yijy 37613, ,«JLU (of poison)

    G o - o > 83417 seq. «_sLLX*~c grating, du. 807 16

    G G -o- o J _^_ftj rt slight sound (?) 834 14 (var. w^»^ « place where water stagnates

    54 3 757 1

    193 8 ^_sA) . v_s-aJ u. to ?»•««& 801 3 (j*Jij. u~jyiJ skilful open G - - see t_jl&j 8018 [and Naq. 504 8 seq.] see 56016 ,j*J!j. u~a-J u., u-vilj, u-yi-S,

    Co O ) of G o£ G G . > 743 or >_SJU. a [(j^JjJ] *«&, pi. ,j~a-ji 13, ^Ls-j! [^jyj-j] croaking (of frog), pi. oiaJ

    560 15 seq. 50 5 (var. JUUii LA XII 23816)

    G- 3 VSi. [iJLaJ] pi. JolsJ leathern shoes (for

    . with ace. 463 4 265 11 (ji.sJ (ji>i>J camels) Go- G o G o - 3 removal 741 18 (jSxJU, uiiijju, see 469 seq. Jji^o

    G ~ . > 3 ViLJ) 169 8 720 ijiJijU 469 (as var.) galloping (= 3)

    Go G - o tj^aj. 'sJo&J** slander 32117 32515 seq. v_suaj. \_&&i ostrich 233 5, fem. iL&JLi 605 9

    828 6, pi. vjutai 826 6 u. to Wfltfte {JaSJ. (jiaJLi 62914

    - . <.* G - - o - to a iUiJ-sJ a noise 807 l (jiaiLJi make clucking sound 1611 cackling

    14 5 - •* 49 807 7, masd. 50 807 1 seq. , intrans. to J » ^jij. contain marrow >" ( ,y*-j!

    . "tJLi a. to slake thirst 6 to retain «.jU 52 (as var.) 805 12, some strength 274 9,

    G o )

    : to 865 11 utter a cry (with >_j of partic. pi. oLv-2-*-v« 646 2 (as var.),

    the thing proclaimed) 24315, see or ^Lu 29310

    also 807 13: to be trans. 17612 infused (of poison) ^^aJj" s _ o£ 406 18 UU sand-hill 16819, pi. sLiLji 156 20

    _ m o — o G o to moisten 5 fcowe *JUJcJ 142 [_^Jio] a containing marrow, pi G o - o£ taJ clamour 513 7 (as var.) 807 15 SULil 23 22 (as var.) o G 40615 steel 176 5 £jl3 long-steeped (var. xxjIj) ^iu (a sword) of pure WORM m

    bo. LXi a. to tear away tin- crust of a. ^~&. u~*Li null./;,,*/ 31220 3755 4897 7331,

    'I o . wound 540 masd. l_j£_j (ace.) 10, pi. J.LjCJ! (of arrows) 313 8 (=

    744 4 — sec also 203 8

    *_*£). Vr^j to leave on <»!< side (with ace.)

    576 10

    tn ^3jjs i/o aside 7.')2 1 1

    iLjXi mufortttne 540 s

    In [_^Jol] ti'iiiihnj one side, pi. 1_*Xi

    22 21 (= 532 19)

    GO- J .. [w^Xju] summit, pi. w^S'Lu 54811 ooCj. ^J*io u. fo MrtA-e marks on the ground

    503 11 (var. ,-JjLy) — see also 635 7 G oil) see 275 5

    G - o » ciOoivU full/Hi/ headlong 635 y

    K^S-i. ^&LXa loose-jointed (of a horse) 440 5

    _!\£l< 335 335 4 o. _ ) _i ».L_j 556 5 j^jtil mLLj (var. ^U-J') (with ace), 3484 (obj. understood) Go_ coll. 144 1 662 21 .y flowers oy- y fish 173 8

    tfmtd 845 162 6 Jjj (fem.) 16, pi. jy I. to become fat 234 12 472 8 G- o ^cy s.UlxJ brilliancy 17911 ^ foffMM 234 7 876 13 8781 .U* way-mark 879 5 (fem.) journey 474 2 640 15 G- _ ^cjj s.Lu to»np 882 seq. jU /"«< 23414 (=45111)

    Lrolj dangling (intrans.) 467 3 Li. rOV 33917 340 6 2^.3

    to 9 (ji(j u. reach (with ace.) 578 uii «» o/

    G o- J ^•Lx^t "Jil Jj'J 64613 _»J. -0 border, ^^j o'j of a road 889 7

    see 53418 ey. £jti O^o • jljl to quicken the pace 423 11

    of Oil^ /WJ 334 4 jjji. [ItiLj] pi. v_£-LjI 88710, pi. pi. G J 729 16 JUjI 584 6 v_suixi projecting G 14 see s. r. Jui MB 723 9 (=879 9) 777 ^_v.j

    43 338 WORDS

    Oj^ii? masd. sfapp 305 10

    _s^P to at noon 356 4 2&S>. journey (= jLP. _il* a addressed to horses 439 16 cry 18 799 8), masd. 494 (= 515 12)

    to rest at 9 : . noon 682 masd. _*>£>. >lLs> briskness 471 16 ff^i (?)

    noon-day journeying (?) 775 5 see 13 22 r^- _^i ; b1*£, G_ G 39 or [sy>LS=] invective, pi. oiy>lS> 2, u^-*- U*^ see 859 fi y>[^ 38 22

    a native 844 2 _k*S>. Jals> i. or u. trans, to descend upon i_=y>l£ of Hajar

    634 7 729 3 74811, to destroy 6089: masd. 72411 ^,!jJs\0 intrans. to be abased 608 16 G J ts^p a. to doze masd. c K-f&. 396 7, ys\£ &9 a. see 2.51 15, cf. 592 12 £*» 1717 G - ) (=49416 51510) «_^S> see 251 14 seq., cf. 592 10 seq. G o - cLsuj' rt brief doze 566 11 728 10 822 10 G _ o_ icj^a sleeping-place 63 4

    JJjJ> iiU! 181 11 G ^Jl$\$>. v_ius\.? epithet of the ostrich 809 9, G-O - G i « dust-cloud 673 10 *y±& iLa_s\? see 809 7

    dusty 242 10

    i. trans, see 808 14 : intrans. to I^suJ>. *^*

    a 741 11 §vlUs> see 666 2 fall (of blow)

    G G& *^os>] trans, to exhaust 808 15 ji* invective 262 5 yes? /fcree Aerrf 21 124 3 G o - G > aU^\S> « o/" camels 123 -*£X**x ea/jrer 302 9 504 638 1 504 3 (= 6) 18, pi. jlysri G ^_jy^ epithet of a bow 612 8 .yS^ causing to fall (with ace.) 808 11, G _ G_ to sweat 1 808 13 S3iS> i. with LLsv> 62013 causing *y?v* s^s-lS G o_ (•v?^ overturned 808 3 c_>JJ\S> to wake 68817 (trans.) G - _ .) to covert 729 6 G G J oU^i« fleeing [iA>lS>] awake, pi. Oj~^S> 551 2: asleep,

    1-^ 46018 695 fem. and pi. o^-^? 8, pi. cr?^- qI^-P (sing, pi.) light-coloured,

    lXs*!^ 250 6 of camels 131 4 472 4 521 12, of WOKIW Mfl

    antelopes 136 5, nietaph. of men APA£. APlAP a kind of bird 547 1

    131 7 251 6 519 of 1 r (= 6) 519 2, I I II 5AP see V3AP s. r. IAP truffles 251 4 v. of (s. 1.), pi- ^SL^i

    i. to in U^»- ^cAP place front (with v_;) camels 131 8 (cf. 251 2 519 8) 434 3 o 820 1 to (with a man mixed race 11 (var. ^^^j), prteedi cj*&&> of 238 seq. 82217 v ) _ls> a correct speller 698 13 W to ^cJl—g-j* MMy (intrans.) 157 4, to 'A*. SAP see 548 sAi> Aju pi. V\», 18, M>aM; sto/rto 666 15

    546 7 66517, A«j 247 8 46511, SjAji! otp «ect 381 1 : oh« m;Ao goes in front

    with ^A^jI 731 6 867 7, pi. oW-P of wild beasts

    234 6 289 >_jAP . uAJ fringe 746 20 (as var.) (= fi), uiJ>^J! ^I^P 38017 23315 vlCvi & 7111 (see seq.), metaph.

    O - o - 164 5 v_jA*S> W. of a cloud 248 8 427 4 o ^gAP bestowal of gifts 17917 to oAP. iXji] sm& OOiett, collapse 158 9

    1 205 13 A^ « deep sound, lAP adv. 13 10, A^« pilgrim

    Jowd shouts 364 12 o'AS> to hasten Ul\*. >_)AP! (trans.) 3992 (as var.),

    O , O J G . o > to 258 16 /""- ,AJ>. "A* »wr 34 18 (= 194 7 537 8) uiXp Sim/1 ol*A»-«


    778 4 7913 Jap. iJj^P swaging motion 829 5

    G > . a . -Sj^J> swaging to and fro a yA?. (of ^^»(?) 16815 (as var.) woman) 157 7

    -P i. or u. to dread 356 18 : intrans. JAP. JAP to suspend 474 12 to whine 441 17 64419 667 18 702 14,

    JjAP « OTrtZe pigeon (or

    G c 852 6 AS>. a 214 7 277 9 Jjj* r piXfl" ragged garment

    406 6 532 543 9 720 6 67310 (= 9) jfc^P. &^iJ-p resisting 340 WORDS

    395 61912 80714 ?//. 424 4 ^i (= J^j) r^

    4881 motions ^ ?j*' [ij£>^$] pi. iJlj^ trembling 697U 726 608 18 [^yp] adj., pi. jly> (=77319) l, metaph. troubles, feuds

    G c - epithet of a sword 562 11 S3 see 685 15 :lfl>j0 7f, denom., G - o - 169 13 186 17 27 £&. -£a0 « tona 22 17 »yj> 8tojf 555 861 17, r o/* ptomt

    beam 878 9 *-wX^. *£**•!5> coll. withered leaves 362 5

    G - o > 18 v. *Jm^> mocking 369 (s. 1.) wUB*. iLLoaJ' WW 625 15, coll. ^aS> 728 12,

    humming (of a fly) 585 l, _ pi. <^jLz& 738 3 : pi. ._*;yi>L£f showers if' j* jj> of a cat 42318 rain 36 20 328 ^ftiS of (cf. 17)

    O - - - > "J> u. see 17717 *xaw" to 628 !**a0. «K/f«r injury 8, **a-gJL*

    46410 (sic) injured 39319 jiifl>!

    w . rt certain 464 7 lankness the 168 13 Sj^ quick pace *Aa5> of belly (=

    « • » - of Go) **aS> Mose «;/(0 [j^u*!] pi. #iw away &jj> a portion of the night 548 15 their possessions 555 5

    1 i. to jest 648 17 649 6 : to J^- jji j^3> iUyoaix slender 678 3

    G s - ) Zeaw 1321, see 649 7 seq. *»ajx spKtf (of a reed-pipe) 727 6

    with ace. 540 2 Of. 3)L5> JJ^. JJaiP shower 332 7 fertW 1015 619 6 jjj* JJii adj. 20213

    an 115 l fem. 16112 »sjjs> mm/2 (of ostrich) [J>LLJ>] pi. jj^y

    ibliiP adj. 536 20 1^3 see 673 26 G - 3ll>3> 41 7 (= 455 9 728 18) PTO&mi 17 13 506 7 jvjjS>

    « sound 853 6 i. to 476 3 *tjx*i roaring ^ai£. U& flutter (?) G broken 821 18 847 12 pj-g-* oiS> empty WOIUW :»41

    u. /'* 36 10 innthliss yj>. Up s/i

    nut 297 K 282 3 677 t, ;i[>h. to fa /arsons 886 7

    imisril abroad 431 is A^ . Joo'Ji Ion;/ extinguished (of ashes) 209 1 usl3> ««/* 725 3 G o ^Lp|

    IV 448 22 Jjy . jis? see 809 6 LA seq.)

    idaP « finale ostrich 809 3 f adv. jm « 454 1« lJ~*-$. L~cUj' irhisper

    i JjCS>. J>Xls niotaph. of a horse 559 9 *$>. **$> adj. streaming 28710

    - masd. 641 13 <&>. Ii^ mocker;/ 62917 eUff

    J*£> . iiUi shedding tears (?) 248 6 JJ>. J^> exclam. 439 lfi G - o » J^« left alone 752 7 *L?. *Jl3> to {om self-control 538 18 (as

    G - - _^JuS> . _JL5> to mow ow (intrans.) 420 10 var.), masd. «JLS> 393 3 (as var.)

    394 9 (as var.) +4&. »» u. to melt (trans.) 247 5 seq.: to o

    see 57214 be on the . . 5114 ^^ point of. (with v_j) G c, cUJlP eager (of a she-camel) 94 12 to 114 ^. '£$ jrroir/ 17 572 8 G - -C/- > cares 149 mw/- [* ;»»] pi. *>L»_S> 7,

    - . to hasten 306 14 464 13 (iVJj> JjLji Goterings 866 9 (as var.) . > a of a wild ass 421 10 .-. ; epithet JJL2. JJL2 intrans. to retreat 375 5, masd. (= 736 12) 277 12

    rt rt7?i 4: to 266 4 j4^*»! '° »*•*« 206 oms/i e*?. qUI* ,7'Vrf/c

    208 2 577 15 827 (of tears) (= 4) see as .j!. .I?, o*J-P, 18317, pi. qv^-* 545 noun of 53 5 6, place J*$X~* voc. 183 lfi G & 18 J^Lfjt downpour (of rain) 54 to \X3> . LJL* a. ie«^< (with ace.) 205 17 JJui^o shining (of a cloud) 500 7

    4 544 masd. 592 15 : 377 5, s^ pass,

    1 . to &«rA- or see J4J1S J^Ji£ AoW (with j i_>, to 6e smeared (of mangy camels)

    foot-note) 55616 136 22 342 WORDS

    to he 205 17 abasement 323 1 469 16 ^JLP congratulated y

    LLuS> tranquillity 23 19 AiS>. ^oA^ of a sword 17514

    j'rf. 603 12 891 693 16 I. to at... 45 2 ^JUL-P (= 18) ^ ,_=JJ> /fy (with J)

    20 4 : to lj SlX-Js> (dipt.) a hundred camels 250 876 carry along (with )

    5 4 to fce 44 21 (= 524 15) 527 (= 733 17) 194 39114: MHpty

    JU^c (= ^=00^) 365 17 567 13 623 12 <^jsi to fly at... (with J) 70 3 (=

    877 4) .Ls> see 415 4 (= .Li!) j£ — J=> (=^) 85412 s > Ui> — \j3 o^ 469 see vol. II 174 7, p. ^=y «pwa 44 14 171 12 39114

    Gi ) G5 &£ *j**!, see 45 3 - ^. „Lpi imbecile 516 21, fern. 4>^ %fci- »j^>, seq.

    hearted 412 7 867 17 — Js-ft!! 662 21 (of beasts) (as (^cj^* (_=>£<« (see foot-

    var.) note), L>3 .3 (J^ 853 13

    iL>!^ friendliness 329 9 71317 LS>. »iJlL» (=d)Q) 415 6

    .Ls> u. to 177 20 wrong (with ace.) seq. a< LP. X—^j! j <««£ moment 710 7

    to 14 "Igi" sinfe (of stars) 377 1_*aS> >Ll

    JlS> ii. to 725 14, to &e frighten pass, i. with ace. 765 with two acc.'s ** _l$> 7, 468 5 amazed 732 278 11 1, with v

    ricfl vegetation 558 4, pi. to 6e j»j>gj ^^t^j #1* t° drive along 864 1, pass,

    coloured 290 20 designs (on rugs) driven together 821 18

    525 8 _Lo>! to waA-e a dash 873 8 X^« danger (var. gUaiLs

    and cli" La) -IP — -I she-owl 758 11 j.1*

    — JsjlS>. <\j£ see 213 seq. ^j> likltc ^^ moderate thy grief

    601 18 uba-P. u»L® i. to break, i. e. to slaughter so- li^ adv. easily 138 6 236 l WOKHS B48

    o > ,***• unsteadiness 568 as see ^L? u, adj. 11 ^j^* seeking refuge \ 77 1 568 lfi o 0-6- imitation 13 I*' l»L*3 761 j^« adj. wide, open 78 17 84 16 861 14 *- o - i. (o t5'3- ^'j Add loi/il/nr 173 l j*i. (bu2 (a woman) slender in the waist (trans.) of. 15617, soo 79713 ^fj promise 325 8

    *- G^. 638 of ^jL^< totrsfy 7, a place 855 19 ^stj adj. rtrowy 793 7, fern. «Tj 1735

    (as var.) 793 5 oujp. « wrt/e oLJ> ostrich 85 lfi, see 809 6 • , 6 . = aJj^£ see 809 fi '** r*v ^T ( fr ^ ) nomails 429 s G «. 502 8 <**. ,»jL* o^s- U^bj, shining, glossy 315 5 (as var.) G 258 3 masd. j^jJ" 0»*j} (//prim 4203 (as var.)

    [^1] pi. ^ 356 11 638 7 _.o« ^-*iS' 04.5! to ruin 596 9 o j»L^ofl mod 648 17 a. >Jijy« gap, place of danger 139 3 (as


    G _ Jh>3- JJj Aatty rain 147 3 85911 V"3- v_j!j! to to shame 139 8 362 10 put (= G J^oj unwholesome 88 17 834 16) 362 12, 834 15 iLjy* disgrace G C_ "-el! dyiyo watered 287 4 (as var.)

    yAil to be ashamed 782 709 8 to 4, partic. gojl jr»w sparingly 20313 0£- G 6- i_>!j adj. strong (of a hoof) 613 9 - V j . . drfeeti in a G- ^j^s (of tent-peg) 648 15 aj] s/<«me 139 5 362 19 (?) o 0-£) 3 (MM (/7/o causes u 37 7 206 13 HI. 362 18 yi't feud iuy G- Bj" blood- feud 63414 olj'l to fo stow 751 12 G- - slackness G _ »^jj 'W«y, 328 12 (see 328 24) iA*jj tramp, the sound of marching adv. owe the ^cyLj" after other 11414 309 4 330 17 O- o;_> 31 5 >• Sji fire-place (?) y^» stringed instrument 204 4

    to i i:-' one another J!j 3*1} preserve (with ace.) 636 18 (as x V foUo%emg 329 5,

    var.) continuous 723 3 344 WORDS

    aorta 586 3 v_a*> marcA 167 7 464 7 582 6 0*S" ^.05 v_A>j. 3 rapid 67617 77616

    • i. 501 6 l_^.jj LXij (= i\*i) JLs?] id. 6471 ^o^Si adv., see 256 17 G of a mare 71 ll 839 down the XjLSj epithet (= 8) ,*>j- ^fj casting eyes (in grief)

    G ft. masd. 685 1 50311 i_jljjj'

    G , o _ Ijfel 330 see 331 17 c/tee& 710 8 t*>- (=^ijj ?) 17, seq. cr^' i£J.:>j seq.

    of a she-camel 244 8 built a iLL=>j epithet *_SJj. iLaiyi strongly (of mare) 16913, 256 8 423 8 60111 of a knife 17 v_jL*alJI ' 868 83 4 218 6 57614 34 14 Xo>5 rough ground olsJiy^~o firmly fastened (as var.) 585 9

    •• * , I*« for crushing 'i-j^y> see 83 5 (epithet of a camel's hoof) 265 3 iLjLi^a a fuller's mallet 24411, pi.

    3 said to be = ,_*_Juljl 547 13 ibid. O *' ^i^Jt , ^>|yo

    (= 882 3) «-5- *>3 (=^>>0 3921 - - »* L> a. to wound 710 8 ,. =?".! 5 on a a^>jl to confer honour person

    i. to throb 6 masd. 5 V^>5- u-"->5 7 seq., (ace.) 709 G Go- o - 77414 — a< ooiOM 225 6 v_^:>5' jo-j .Lfi &=>*j

    ^o^ see 828 5 V jjj^ wearing-down see 7 7 828 4 ix>j 748 12

    74815 iA.:>3 I wore distressed 542 18 „j adj. G o_ jJig 444 13 ^>y> causing anger of a male l\=>» jc>5 solitary 88 1, epithet

    9 . a 5 Ss>y>5 o/" Wajrah antelope

    to h'stoM 17512 1972 i £o irritate 70416 (var. (j.^-j. u~=>j' (absol.) T^- ^>5 yijl)

    799 5, with ace. 53 21 lA=-j- ui^-ji 742 3 G o _ . 540 10 — k>5 k>j imperf. *-s^_> ^i^-j 742 19 (as var.) see vol. II G G 6 «£>; painful 544 7, pi. cL>j 632 p. 319 W0BD6

    1' 1 423 18 87311 su with 10 544 5 lC^o5 '''I/ (side) 3 obj. undentood 535

    o ^ o » uifcrs^**^ feeling lonely 742 3 852 8

    cAj'i /« V* «/ an "I-;/ 398 7 . the pace ji>j >_a^>5 ailj. dense, of darkness

    851 3, pass. 786 17 357 o, of herbage 453 11 £j^i~! G, <,_ X*o3 du. mwm worn as amulets by [&k>j] a mack hill, pi. *_jb>j 183 s G infants 301 5 340 7 v_A=>|j of hair 500 c (as var.) 0. > 8513 11 _ _ o - [ijuji^J pi. *JL>j -*s>3« -v>j to pant 148 2 c i. e. mo< - ° - 3^« /«/"< alone, compelled -,*=•} ad). panting 147 17 17110

    o. > . t° cockle an 807 l j-^3 uP'i' (of ostrich) ilcoi^ agreement, compact 740 H

    S > Go- o - > 15414, 743 9 ^3 8«*^>< pi. L(r>j [pvA^I pi. «J|y* everi/iliii/-r/othe>t 7866,

    > or 158 3 ,A=»j. Ai-, i. see 18613 27517 £o]y> o 186 8 o^=>5 adj. i. marching quickly UUj. Jfjj to njiproach (with J) 249 8,

    «<;«/• 248 8 (see 249 6) 567 19 i. see 874 3 ^jj r*>- r>

    (? — see vol. II p. 227) G a. L.^j. &Aj i. to fte mingled with (ace.) 486 6 vjbj rain-storm 282 15 (= 757 2)

    O - ii»5 ttflO/6 160 6 iUijjij /ie«< 443 10, see 669 13 (ace. of

    16 fj»j. fS>s adj. unwholesome 401 time)

    W. 694 7 ^j lib}, flibj sand-hill 215 5 G_ - > jUdfJ" see 172 u to 5. an (of things) I *— t-.- jjijl bj. bj a. to <««>« 26215 (var. b\j) 7001, to perish (of persons) 852 8

    O - - O c£ > — for 700 see under _jj. [_j>»] w**1 of the neck, pi. -by 7483 seq. <_=^j 7,

    A) J c?-^ . — jjj j>j lii^j exclam. 476 7 £o>j see 526 12 seq.

    cOj .

    395 19 seq. jjj. idbbj a silver mirror 50010

    44 346 WORDS

    to have its e to ie 60 10 vol. II -J}. Ijj straps ((.Sjjl) broken, ,y patient (see

    said of a bucket 46 10 (= 265 13 p. 19) 7011

    78210 coward 312 10 80111) £j3 40615 G „ — to intend ace. or 611 17 e to. 832 see 40616 >jl (with *_j) j3 23,

    (= 795 13) seq. Zc. fear 516 21: manner, fashion 4051 G „ G 06 see 7828 [*3j] pi. fljjf ^. 3jl stain (of blood) 229 5 (= 41915,

    • v£>J 508 17 see o, •> heritage foot-note)

    ijiVjI ash-grey (camel) 561 17 o. a . o.y to ,90 «£ /wK speed 171 12

    (i). to Zeowe behind reddish 1451 49315 732 7, 3 (with ace.) 501 10 i>tjj adj. t)js- G _ G oE 745 7 85616 use(i f° r tne 7925 pi. i>U Njj] pi- ^.s' ( dual)

    o. 5 oh attack of fever 41111 seq.: see 1 1 13 w rjs- coll. mew wAo descend to the water

    i. to 151 L5)3- j_g. a injure internally 7 seq., 402 6, camels 464 13 825 5 thirsty G o - G G_ masd. 151 12 ,cj 3 j.tj flowing (hair) 500 4, s^.jj aw ^J\J\ see 119 attacking army 734 1 G E 8ee 488n se |;.s> ^ji cri q- see under j>«. jLj] G &_ BLy see 447 17 a 697 2 Oj.yi frequented (of path)

    £ja- c-.j a. or i. to drive back, restrain, 8eo 855 2 (j*. j. (j*jjt, (_Ws> seq. 3110 2614 319 8 54511 (as var.) u~j.i yellow 19219 7317 735 5, with obj. understood

    480 6 (J^j- U*>!j (= l c^) 38416, pass. 87213

    \ \ to 70s 319 17 f. s urge on, incite, (= ' e e J> to S,-5 .^ imperf. control oneself 872 17) 372 1 c and c see foot- (var. jj' jj', c to be divided 53316 -y3 (as var.), note)

    see 98 2 seq. to . 3 restrain 145 10 545 6 £ (var. G &£ JO— > « _ pU s \ (no sing.?) remote places 97 20 and to L^Ej a Uxcj 3 ), defend (with

    5104 . 477 11 see vol. II 178 ac) 3 (as var.), p. wouns :;|7

    sec 828 5 -13. I13 rr** noted 817 7

    see 828i 183 6 *)> ^ liiniity

    60218 £,33. [^jj^HJ henry, niotaph. staid, pi. ^33 CT~V 1J */ee/;

    ) mm 39412 in 339 14 (var. ^J) [KJU»] /'/., pi. oL*««J' |»y

    adj. 53 5 " eertniii Ll*«3 0*9. £**»9 /,• /»«•« 742 10

    man) 601 7 reed-bed 337 15 626 10 423 £«,. _^3 (= 10),

    coll. {OHMS 22 21 (= 532 19) 423 4 c«j . &»3 800 548 19 and foot-note g 626 13 for eLwj Sir*'/? (camel) 377 14, the

    feni. 94 8 [x^u-wj?] pi. _%JL£3 (= -b>.l) see

    o 62618 fcu*3 see 548 24 seq.

    &**« 399 xa«JI a generosity 9, J>e />// to 2 356 7 £-,. _-^3 gwd (with ace's) J stretch of language 890 1 _L&j du. 797 6 seq.

    G - i - > MM 377 4 pUol A^wiyi streaked (of a cuirass) 173 1 6 G I rich 73 10 j~3-/o _;^»a

    x^c a 40014 free space G- G. G - & 3 8.&J3, s-wjX*—«, sec 461 17

    • to fee ?«(/e/t 889 5 oi*>3 «Ji*»3 G ..... * G cLSo] stinginess m gvnng 281 8, LcLij] u£**»3 coll- camels gathered together adv. slightly 28018 669 10 (as var.) 8 G _ iiyo giren sparingly 281 iLa^-3 see 669 12 seq.

    OUvj [jCJt-t-ig] a dried riJM of ment, pi. . trans, to scrutinise 565 6 809 17 I***} **«3j JiiLiij 839 13 seq. Go. iiriiniiss 16 _*a»3 the first rain of winter 287 4 iiVui» sikwj 860

    824 rain see 18615 15, vegetation produced by alXii3 ( UC%)

    3 4 53615 iiLily. twifl (she-camel) 186 8 265 7

    G, > 7 X*~ — Jo^! oU see 26 l seq. (as var.), LsvlJ! i&tty> 516 2 348 WORDS

    . of of a mmj *£g the legs mare 561 7 (var. tf^fc'j light-coloured 724 18, X^si^sU

    o - ) 261 17

    G *£g to 6e scarred with galls 390 11 a^j&s sheen (of metal) 419 18

    pi. 355 6 [p&j] ^j a. to - e birth to G a. **3j. k^j variegated (of antelope) 844 1 : to abase 399 17 608 18 :

    «.^ to cease ,_£}. metaph. streaks on the legs of b-=» 3 /row war 83314: ( -&j

    an animal 16 3 intrans. to gallop 880 11, see 80414 :

    streaked 653 4 (as var.): as pass, to fee slackened (of reins) 704 1 (^_i^«

    subst. a 336 12 765 to restrain 559 10: to /Zwie (= lo), jt/tojj (with cr )

    see LA loc. cit. //a/top 890 20

    : to *.*?}! trans., see 804 14 intrans. wftASj . i_juaj i. to march well 171 7 (= 494 16 hasten 528 9 515 10)

    to fre /wade tow 426 18 *j'

    . to J^joj Jw^ail claim kinship with (<_.) 248 12

    562 3 (= 825 12 seq.) 82717, adv. 828 2 - - ^5 graKop «Jto^Jl °.. OLxaj 40 20 seq. G 3 isJL*aj' see 172 14 Oo) soj =:&» — 6 s^toj La*ijj' ^5 1x^=5 see 72

    a uoj.^. [oyaj] peep-hole in a woman's .UJsJt X**o|j a woman throning aside

    veil, pi. JajLoj 57816 (cf. 303 7) her veil 637 14

    579 4 Xc'uto. epithet of a male ostrich 804 8

    a kind 334 see 12116 Xj^wtoj of plant 21, lc^J- u^lP' G vol. II p. 120 sLoj coll. palm-withies (used for

    314 15 . 16 making ropes) +io$ */toj meat-tray 595

    to be bare a 494 . 582 6 19 586 13 f>*°5- G - o- 880 7 ^tojX* light-coloured AJj*3y« woven double (of a mail-coat) G _ - ^jioj whiteness (of the dawn) 262 1 89 21. 567 4 WORDS :i4'.»

    o » • v skin-hottle 759 7 871 .

    1 39 1° 636 ///1. v ^} (= 1) mnhling 737 i: drunk

    iininiilnl tig M ijiifst 480 11 (=737 8) jdz, 1AL5 i. to make firm 628 13 o Jwt'3 «;/ uninnted guest 4809(=737fi) Jkkri trans., see 628 17

    jUj (—jdj^P) 62815 lij 825 8

    fcUkftb) sec 62816 A:. 1M3I to mount (obj. understood) 252 13

    Oo - . v_aIj abundance 536 20 j (of rain) As3 fore. runner 16015

    lUbj ahum/ant 144 7 G o- HAUM 361 9 J*9' -jj O o - » meeting-place 628 19, pi. ^by« -j^!^ l 761 t : fern, as jj3 undamaged ['tjjj 830'J subst. « to;r

    (of an eagle) 853 22 oiij. OUtj 696 20, see vol. II p. 294

    00 - o • 235 20 wwtj e»Wre 514 l o«j sufficiency

    G o _ 168 19 to 4711 ^i*£j 80/l (/round <.?j. ^% replenish

    Go- G J » i! to 452 18 c<; 3 dHmji /br/A (with >_j) adj. arduous 404 10, as ^3 pi. .^cj -o£ to with ace. with jjjl ascend, 447 7, subst. rough paths 832 21 73614 G o_ Jjs (j-wij smooth ground 169 1 (as var.) v_jij abundant 810 11, unmutilated du. G S- > U~£^ of a road 645 4 873 8 G o- tumult 99 i cjjej see 16912 j?jj. .^osj Go- o - 1AC5. l\£j iceakling 737 9 (as var.) Jjj adj. Aarrf 14912

    o - G . . _. oS Xtftf, iL^a, see 16911 67915 seq. to irritate 704 16 jCj! (as var.) Go- s , -

    irritation 70615 t\s . with 437 8 ^5 (var. Iy>.>) 5 J^j! v G - y^ adj. 151 7 J^j' trans. 793 9 : intrans. 453 1 1 350 WORDS

    see 699 1 SvAS) heat 158 17 i_6Sjt

    - ' Go _ of 5 see 16 6 699 2

    Go, ) /(0< 6. bracelet 475 J^iU^o 162 [^aiyi] (?), pl. _a%,o 7,

    sec vol. II p. 177 to fee 2 J8) deaf 590 (var. oJsj) _3j. G i_ 3 v_sJsy> wearing anklets i. e. having to an animal 148 ^jj quiet (ace.) 13, striped legs 16 3 masd. 77818

    - 6310 to remain quiet 8316 (var. V.v (= L?iii-) jj^j' Jsy) ^ ^ G - G-c - « means 851 4 [».*}] errtcA;, fissure (in a hoof), pi. KjISj of preserving i" ) G. o. 680 2 !4* 613 9 ^Jsyi (= X*i^J )

    see 53419 ^ ^, y^ 46410 587 7 71816 G o - G - J 447 16 .JLo dignity (?) of &_*_^|j^o gTrt'eifc of pace, epithet a

    865 18 jjv* /"mW of fissures she-camel 274 is

    . i. to 481 3 uaSj (^vaij crtwA j*»

    masd. 823 9 cJSj. «.ij hammering

    tjj soreness of the hoof(r) 3911

    *5j adj. 39110

    — see X_c3j ii*syi _>^J' 828 4, LA X

    blows 37613 28511: pi. ^

    [*J»t}] alighting (of birds), pi. £ yij

    546 12 G 631 17 c'isj onslaught G ~ cLij attaching 543 16 G «*s3 sharpened 313 13

    pl- 52118 583 5 tjSji] £%»"

    G~_ _ , [*_*_a_»-x] hammer, pl. ,ti!^ 221 7,

    metaph. 265 l

    oiiij. >_aSj i. trans. 69815 82710 WORDS Ml

    9> -

    weakness i7is to ""'/ 1 3-4 i. 184 io J^ly (as var.) JJJj putfoi

    OS- ) with Jjyo preoccupied (v_j) a thing 754 8 .. see 767 21: to 3- „— j^J., take for

    "' s/ 1 - 58417 0*v tc/i] ' I' o/j> oneself (with acc.) 231 2 (= 363 14

    u 839 [iJS's] id., pi. bltfj 559 (=578 6) 10)

    said of women seated in litters (0 with 2 ace's 231 i olJtf'jj L

    578 1 351 16 502 15 : on 352 3 (= 834 7 12)

    see LA VI 298 16: intrans., of the _-Jj. ^l\s milk that is left in the udder 885 9 evening 492 n (var. «ls) ^3li' fair 17215 (=44717) .0* to 445 3 — .Jj! confer favours G O > » Q ) l\J,. lXJ, — 524 7 pOl JJj Jvi to /» continual 435 5 L<

    561 7 A_Jj •&** 814 12, fem. hX*£ ^ 463 2 48513, pi. lVS"^ 52015 xJ3 aaddU-pad 83 2 377 u, pi. oL~j

    [s^xJ] contemporary, pi. JJ 697 u o5 57311, or [1% 83 7

    (= 773 19), and eAXJ 184 4 212 14 lfi exclam., woe to thee! j^jjjl ^Ls f J^\ (= 480 17) (197 12 609 6, cf. 84416 and Qur'iln 75 34

    kinsman 3511 503 24 616 1 «Jj . tlj a. to dissemble (absol.) 312 10 398 10 ^JjJo (r^

    65317 7331 82917, tJj (imperf. «J^j) to be excessive 601 18 seq. pi. jyi - o - -o- 376 20: (MM ^^Jyt

    cull 1 : 742 5 is addressed 643 J!^ (=

    361 12 cJ^S spottiness 775 17 (= 823 18) *UL>)

    • ««. J G - S_ > . moistened as if 776 4 873 XJ^o by showers ^J^ variegated 21, SLkJ^o (^Jj) 77512 82317 (as var.) 4014 (=54411)

    G n-aSj. o*ij continuity, constant repetition uiiyoj adj. flashing 660 18

    275 16 8l*p 69310 798 21 ol!,. vJiJj see 256 1 3 1. //• weary 8, of a she-camel 256 8 ^iijj sin/V, (with acc.) 443 16

    used for the 8 15 «J). »J!j fem. 630 ...tj slack, feeble, 436 352 WORDS

    O - m~a 5 O .

    i. to crtwA 2651 cf. 679 8 . 726 332 19 Ja3>j J*3 rf f\ Juj 3, L^b 3

    ~i3 . 3 see 81212 seq. 3^- ji>j i. see 73810 ^

    &'s see 14611 73811

    to 6 JJP5I frighten 738

    to oUoic to be jiyx

    78312 507 16 LT^H' u~j_i adj. dry (var. u<~h) jis /W

    Jea» 470 6 J>% restless 146 6 U^jb

    a 37714 65212 r*j- p>j % (of camel) 6«re of flesh 883 4, du. 883 3, pi. *3yU imaginary 421 17 u*oU 883 2 (as var.)

    to weaken 717 3 0*9 ^y?jl 1£> 48818 (see foot-note) Go* so- see adv. at ^2*5 54819, U^j midnight !j£ see 27 15 (= 72 7) 64914 695 8

    ojul to decide to

    J> . j» i. to oe broken 246 u i (J 3 4, metaph. ^cJu, ^Jui, see 700 8 313 8 .it to 40513 coll. reeds 93 see vol. II ^>jl frreai cb 7, p. 32, to. a m«£ 404 9 where the note on this verse is _5

    broken 545 20 and numbered nig 84016, bursting (of misplaced wrongly

    a 859 J? as 2 : 807 9 : rain-cloud) 11, iLtJt 'i reed-pipe metaph. t_r

    id. 1318 weakling 375 5

    Go- _o - 9 see vol. II 62 see 726 84717 160 ; V^i- v_*j5 4, vjb-i, Dy.. *Q£ (= Sli>) p.

    O o_ 27612 £fe. lily (=l3o^i)6. see 726 4

    • 1 8Ge 8828 L/^-5 o*^-S L#* Q^ ' V»> 'l*?/> WORDS 858

    a hind /•nice 882 6 jjiaj masc. ikjOjj of young, 196 9, see 374 6

    , ,OLi see 855 3 i. to play tin' u rrmr-gn me, abaol. ymj. y~j o" - subst. MM 150 8 374 1: 477 15 ^Uj adj. high 688 7 817 16, with v 75312

    25413 (ef. 635 1) 637 2 818 masd. 477 15 7, jlo

    _~j intrans. to hi- in condition good JaiLi. .LyiLj 501 4 709 9

    (of animals) 522 10, masd. 146 12 Jaa_). JaL fc) wake (trans.) 494 5 y*o the act of twisting a cord towards

    to 30 L~j SL«I a., see 170 21 oneself (opp. .j^i) 1, Jj Jjl, — 29 21 (=353 9 722 8 834 5) in ^(H) 875, sec foot-note this verse is = «*»jjt y**JI 3 G _ _ (^j(=Jiu^5)122 5883, partic. 86016, -*o subst. (mm Wo piojp the arrow- **~o one whose abode G c£ pass. vi^jkJ! jroww 863 17, pi. .L*jt 320 7 533 8 is 9 o frequented (by guests) 102 seq.: adj. gentle 148 13 793 5, oLi "Is id. 662 15 moving smoothly (of the legs of a Lj of a sword 562 of a camel) 377 18 Or*- epithet 11,

    cloud 770 15 _~j (Ae front 874 11 (var. o^j) of a sword 619 see 771 18 .L*o subst. liberality 838 20, ease 843 15 : ^JLj 14, G - iUiUj South wind 337 5 adj. easy 842 17 (as var.)

    subst. see 818 2 ^^1 »nos< auspicious 812 10

    at ease 255 15 .«L*J j**Ly« living (var. *iL> of plants 382 13 792 8 (var. o>\!s) of pi. Sj~*rf)

    X, 1 « 3 .; femd o/' /*/«//< 184 473 11, G ) r*- ju. 1«j masd. bleating 195 3 335 8 67111 coll. pb 473 7

    h»,i , -bL*j exclam. beware! 195 it senseless 15 HJ- *$j! 678

    3 desert «aj. *AjI intrans. see 38619 855 i'u^j a trackless 619 14 855 19,

    *ib fo'tf 386 17 see 678 20


    45 354


    Vol. I.

    Preface, line 19: for 1889 read 1890


    25 10 : XJiLJl . fejf see vol. II 8 foot-note Page ^ £j^S , p.

    „ 2714: /or X-sl* rrad KjU

    2918: read ace. to 103 and delete foot-note 11 „ for y«le ^ yiLcj p. 2,

    „ 47 l : for Lsa^J! read Lsu^i! - - OS _ - o-o „ 54 3 : /or *^u,l «U reaa -^u-t «Lo

    57 24: ace. to Diw. loc. cit. „ for ^^b^e m»d ^bbsGti! Hudh.

    „ 85 6 : for <->££ read ^Jdi

    87 5 : this verse describes a and means "on her .„ evidently she-camel, l_£j>L;_S'i ^

    to back", corresponding LkiJt ^fiS p. 86 19

    „ 98 26: for previons read previous

    105 see of „ 7: the Dman Qais ibn al-Khatlm, ed. Kowalski (Leipzig, 1914), Poem 5

    v. 26, which reads

    „ 10518: for J^L*1 re«^ i)^

    12612: read cf. 21218 „ for ^a^j ^L~j>, p.

    „ 130 9: see Ibn al-Athir, ed. Tornberg, I 49619 G - & _ G - o- t G , - „ 13116: X_U3_c read which would account for the var. 5C«»j_£ for for xca^-c (?), and

    the explanation in line 20, which agrees with the definition of ij^S-c or

    in IX 50 7 urL^c LA seq. ADDENDA VOL. 1. :(.V>

    Pago i63i: ace the above-mentioned l>/

    „ 176 20: see ibid., Poem 4 v. l

    204l«: in this is „ verse ^JiuJI "rushing forward" probably the right reading (cf.

    *J! o«Ji->^9 2 and on 205 Heems to be a Hlfftfllrf yy>- Naq. 16), ^jtbli, p. i,

    for c>li-*J

    „ 21014: seo the Dlwan of Dhu-r-llummah, ed. Macartney (Cambridge, 1919), Poem

    16 v. 13, which reads jU>! for JLo-l

    „ 212 U: see the above-mentioned Dlwan of Qais, Poem 2 v. 5, which reads t)Jue for 'L>b1j

    „ 218 23: for "stretching out their necks" read "renewing their efforts", properly

    to the c "returning charge", cf. ^J>.o\yc ii~J cAX*jw, Umar ibn Abi Kabrah,

    ed. Schwarz, Poem 305 v. 37, see also Naqa'id 871 4

    20: a 220 for joi^J j*Ji read J*£*3 j^JlS

    225 1 : r«oa ace. to 3718 „ for .j^cLiw ^ ^^Uu _jfl>j p.

    „ 273 lfi: for Jksa& read >jjaj} (Noldeke), cf. p. 46817 which has l^JI

    „ 274 15 : for *Lsuu read sljsuaj

    „ 338 5: for l$jLii read l^Lil, cf. p. 149 8

    35013: rea

    ) JO „ 373 1 : for U>.J Geyer £oe. cw. has L^u

    - 376 3 : Lm.*X» / e«r/ L*l£« see Index Words s. v. „ /or , of

    „ 384 u : /•««(/ _^i acc - *° tno above-mentioned Dlwan of Poem 2 v. 1 (.^L=»"^t vy*-^ Qais,

    25: „ 418 /or "lice feeding upon him" read "small insects by the side of him" —

    G - > Go- J**i is not = J*3

    „ 420 20: the verse in question is not found in the Dlwan of Qais

    42112: the words acc. to XVII 21 „ after eVLj supply L^dUs?! l\3j lg*ftXo ^c, LA 445

    435 6: lils? read 8 „ /b>- iL^ ', see line 8

    „ 442 2: /or »JLi ''«<^ »J*i> cf- P- 138 2

    449 a: the construction > LxJ is Hebrew rather than and „ ^ l^-Ii? Arabic, suggests

    that the text is corrupt 356 ADDENDA VOL. I.

    £ - — o > - , fo. 45910: the words i_j-*j *=> are a variant for in line 8 Page (_^LJIj e

    46314: read as = cf. „ for vJu^LJI ^> ob^Lst J=>, taking ji» Ji-, ^sjC p. 627 18

    and vol. II p. 260

    c „ 477 21: for Ajlan read al-Ajlan, ace. to LA Joe. cit.

    4991: after loe. cit. adds _bU*Ji which to confirm the „ {yJL\ AghanT Jjli^, appears

    — on the skin be to straw reading l-j*-*-'! stripes may compared chopped


    „ 50118: cf. Naq. 177 6 (a verse of Jarir)

    3 : read 14 „ 514 for e^U c^U ace. to p. 99 seq.

    533 4: »W» „ for ^s/^-«j ?±j&*>s

    B 547 17 : /"or ^JlL=>!5 read Jali-I,

    - „ 609 24: fo/ "drawing him back into the place of the second rider" read "'which

    e. the he (i. camel) was carrying"

    610 24: read "carrots" „ for Jpf$ ]^vJ! (?) o « OS rratf „ 63214: for cL*ai! pL^a-l, and so also on p. 633 6

    rear/ „ 64017: for s^ii bjj!

    646 3: „ after ^Jd! add'y^(?)

    c „ 6515: for JUiJI rear/ JUiJi, see Noldeke, Fiinf Mo allaqat II p. 37

    „ 656 15 : /or Job rard Jot_> as on p. 78 4

    - 668 12 : ra/d ace. to the of „ for +.<**&£ j^^iij above-mentioned Ditran Dhu-r-Rummah,

    Poem 1 v. 29

    , 67912: /or ooJ^ r«*d <^ZSS

    „ 696 13 : for oLsJLj r«00 ^JijbLj

    „ 699 13 : for '^Ju read ^3u

    „ 699 21 seq. : the brackets are here misplaced, since "with their breasts" is a trans-

    lation of JJ^IxJIj, while "over the plains" is added by the translator

    „ 70411: read with EUA*S for ,.^1 ffW, agreeing ^ ^Jic

    arfrf „ 71711: ft/tar !>\3-l3 xLai (?) addkmm VOL. i. :C)7

    Page 720h: for ^1 read »Jl

    723 l : '•<«

    725 7 : rend -a£ for ^s.

    „ 74217: for Jf% read Jjfe

    744 II : read LsoLt „ for 'i3>Sy OS 0* 3 O - o - J it: and so also in line 766 /or i^j.o /vW **6»s*->, the next

    „ 78118: for XjeuLwj mrd jLwlwj (!*) "a long coat of mail"

    „ 78310: for y>\ read Jc>(?)

    c „ 783 20: the battle of Ain Ubagh is not to be identified with that of al-Hiyar; it

    was at al-Hiyar, in Northern Syria, that al-Mundhir was killed, in 554

    c A. D., and the battle of Ain Ubagh, in Babylonia, took place about 29

    Fiirsten years later — see Noldeke, Die Ghassanischeti p. 19, and Guidi,

    UArabie mdi'isfamique, Paris 1921, pp. 22— 27.

    787 15: „ for Jyw read Jyw

    „ 787 25: for "hadst recourse to" read "didst pity", see p. 80518 seq.

    „ 788 1: see the above-mentioned Dlwan of Qais, Poem 5 v. 7; render "She dreams

    ft - - most of her time" etc. For the ~c .Li "to be unconscious away phrase [

    of a thing", see Naq. Glossary s. v. Ji. Kowalski translates "Sie schlaft

    ein wegen der Machtigkeit ihres Leibes" (!)

    9: read 796 for ^t JL^j

    „ 797 16 : for 'i^a^i read Uj*a^

    read „ 79918: for U~J JLIj (?) "dried up"

    „ 805 21 seq.: for "laid prostrate" read "turned back", and for "(the day's)" read

    "(the battle's)"

    808 13 : read „ for ^Sji^o ^|>a«o

    „ 809 9: for ^yi LA has ^«*» in both the passages cited

    818 2: read „ for \j»y*o*, u«->£j

    „ 83318: read «^j for c(r«jsy (jr 358 ADDENDA VOL. I.

    4 : read Page 834 for »Ija*J AyHm\

    „ 835 8: for o-aj. read ^^xoj.(?)

    v 83519: the parallel passage (p. 13113) shows that <^JlS\S here means "become stiff",

    and the emendation mentioned in the foot-note is therefore unnecessary

    c c 84118: Utaibah ibn al-Harith ibn Shihab not to the ibn Yarbu „ belonged Riyah ,

    c c c as Abu Ikrimah here states, but to the Tha labah ibn Yarbu — see Naq.

    7510 247 13 3021 8091 1035 6

    „ 84219: for "in" read "is"

    read „ 863 20: for y^^ y* (?)

    Vol. II.


    „ 31 (v. 21): for "water-wheels" read "watered fields" (?), see LA XVIII 29113 seq.

    „ 32: the notes on v. 4 are wrongly numbered (2) and placed before (3)

    „ 35 (v. l): for "mixed multitude" read "various branches"; slisl is not a contemp-

    tuous term, as is proved by the fact that al-Farazdaq speaks of the iLLi!

    in a on that of tribes 11415 = v_S!j ^_j j_£_* eulogy group (Boucher p.

    Naq. 61513)

    „ 40 (v. 6): for "I burst the joints of his harness" read "I pierced his belly", see

    Naq. 323 4 seq.

    „ 43 seq.: the account given in the Introduction to Poem XV does not agree with

    text 2 is the Arabic p. 128 seq., but based upon Thorbecke's edition, An-

    merkungen p. 42

    61 "well- remembered" read „ (v. 59): for "formidable" (lit. "male"); this meaning G G o _ is connected with the use of for the hardest kind of cf. S5 iron, j^SJsJ "

    Mbd. 66 for 1 Kam. 6, which Addad, ed. Houtsma, 47 4 has <_o v-^ (Noldeke)

    „ 70 (v. 23): see above, note on vol. I p. 20416

    „ 96 (v. 50): for "not thoroughly cooked" read "not (even) half-cooked" (?) ace. to

    one of the explanations in the commentary ADDKNDA Vol,. II. B59

    Page 132 (v. 13): render "He threw them into the daifalMB, plunging into tin- inid-t of

    it etc. — is not ™ 1*3.1** , Ui5j«x-^

    „ 151 (note on v. 6): for "habluhu" read "hablahu"

    " c „ 154: in the Introduction to Poem XLII insert Amr b." before "Martlud"

    c „ 169: for the correct translation of the verses of Amr ibn Qami'ah, cited in the

    vv. 1 notes on and 2, see his Dlucin ed. Lyall (Cambridge, 1919) p. 13

    "Ye two comrades of mine, be not in such haste to be gone, but gather

    you some provision for the way, join yet in pleasant converse with me,

    and put off the parting till tomorrow: Staying hero for a day longer will

    not cause us to miss any coming gain, nor will my hurrying away a day

    earlier help me to outstrip Death"

    „ 222 (LXXIV v. 4): for "or spent the summer" etc. read "so that during the

    summer she tossed the slave about", i. e. she was so high-spirited that

    the slave who had charge of her could scarcely control her; for the con-

    struction cf. p. 774 8, v>-v^> uibJj l&j

    „ 226 (v. 16): for "girt up her skirts [for the battle]" read "became pregnant", cf.

    76912 and Ma 169 p. (jLr> ^ i^SA* o|) Geyer, Buka'u, p.

    c c c „ 243 : the epithet al- Abdt, which Abu Ikrimah applies to the poet Abd al-Masih,

    is probably a mistake for al-^Ibadi, i. e. a Christian of al-Hirah or the

    neighbouring district (see Rothstein, Die Dynastie der Lahmiden, p. 18 seq.)

    „ 280 (v. 30b): for "al-Miranah" read "al-Maranah" ace. to BakrI 528 9, Yaqut IV

    480 7 seq.

    „ 284 (v. 6): "scarred with bites", see the Index of Words s. v. *>JL*

    „ 287 (v. 8): for "prepared for you" read "reckoned to your credit"

    c " c " „ 28918: for "Ya murlyah" read Ya marlyah (so BakrI, Yaqut)

    „ 318 (v. 16): for "shouting, with Murrah [their prisoner]" read "shouting to one

    is as = another the name of Murrah"; ^AJ' rightly explained by Bra

    w*j*0iu i. e. their descent from Murrah »yc ^! proclaiming (ibn Hammam), 360 ADDENDA VOL. II.

    who was an ancestor of al-Haufazan, the hero of this Poem — see Naq.

    Index III s. v. ,££> ^ Sy>

    c 14: battle Page 328 on the of Ain Ubagh, see above, note on vol. I p. 783 20

    c c c „ 352 (note on v. 31): for "Mu awiyah b. Kilab" read "Mu awiyah b. Ka b — see

    Yaqut I 525 23, II 25416

    „ 360 (note on v. 15): for "the kunyah of al-Mughlrah" read "the kunyah of a son

    of al-Mughlrah ", see the Arabic text p. 85817


    „ 166 13: for .bLb^l read Mlh\

    or- of „ 46 ult. : for ^wjl read y^jt

    J — o - 5 — O - „ 48 14 : for xJlxj' read &JU-3

    „ 5917: for "tho" read "the"

    : * * 89 after 7 : insert -^ 50 26 q-j ^Le (notes)

    90 17 : for i_^sJuJ read 1_^iLi^Jt

    * 105 after 14: insert &>b>o 209 22 .o jJLc (notes)

    132 3: /or &«JL< reao3 x^»

    1486 after li: i«ser£ X*a$\ 3 4

    150 a after 10: insert 3 4 ^Jit

    153a 22: /or "(var. iLyoijS)" read "(var. iU^Ls and iLoo|j5)"

    154a 4: /or yUi- read q^*

    160 a 23: 32517 iwsertf a/"

    165618: /or ^j read ^cj

    166a 4: /or 149 7 read 149 8

    166a 6: for 59711 read 597 16

    1966 10: for Z£=-l read v*^i

    280a 2: /or u*o^c read ^^

    a, e o o

    *" -9 >»

    £ 9*£» t O I ,Q "'Sh *> o 1 ••> > fkdH afS >'' i.