FACTS AND FIGURES 1997-98 Scottish Natural Heritage is a government body established by Parliament in 1992, responsible to The Secretary of State for Scotland. Our task is to secure the Working conservation and enhancement of Scotland’s unique and precious with natural heritage – the wildlife, the habitats and the landscapes which Scotland’s have evolved in Scotland through long partnership between people people to and nature. care for We advise on policies and promote Scottish Natural Heritage practical projects which aim to Publications Section our natural improve the natural heritage and Battleby support its sustainable use. Redgorton Perth PH1 3EW heritage Tel: 01738 627921 Fax: 01738 827411 Our aim is to help people to enjoy E-mail:
[email protected] Scotland’s natural heritage Web site: http://www.snh.org.uk responsibly, understand it more ISBN: 1 85397 016 6 fully and use it wisely, so that it can TH1.5K1198 be sustained for future generations. Printed by J. Thomson Colour Printers PREFACE SNH Facts and Figures 1997/98 contains a range of useful facts and statistics about SNH’s work and is a companion publication to our Annual Report. SNH came into being on 1 April 1992, and in our first Annual Report we published an inventory of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs). This inventory was updated in SNH Facts and Figures 1996/97. We have also provided a complete Scottish listing of National Nature Reserves, National Scenic Areas, European sites and certain other types of designation. As well as the information on sites, we have also published information on our successes during 1997/98 including partnership funding of projects, details of grants awarded, licences issued and our performance in meeting our standards for customer care.