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i y I was also interested in another group, children of desperately poor immigrants on the lower West Side, who were obliged, at the earliest possible moment, to earn their bit to help provide food and shelter for their families. To help these people adjust themselves to their new svirroundings, a neighborhood house - The Fifth Street Settlement - was established. We had many social and recreational activities and taught sewing, cooking, manual training and other industrial arts, but of course in a limited way. O) At stated times, we held exhibitions. A number of Public School Women Principals were inter­ ested in our work. t>J Q •sAJ-fr^^A-

I attended the Trade School Committee meetings regularly from Jan. 5, 1909 to June 1st. 1909, trying to convince the men that a Girl's Trade School was necessary. (TO) There were thousands of women already employed •in industry and we were eager to train girls not only to battle with the world, but to equip them to become efficient and economical home makers and intelligent Mothers. Not until we assured the Committee that we would not allow any girl to graduate until she was able to make clothes for herself and family and prepare and serve meals properly, was the resolution passed which brought into existance this wonderful Trade School for Girls. \*&> t_rvc/0 : • • • y • y '. -- • ; .(/

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Hurrah for Lincoln House Food Exchange.1 Rah for Bee Eder, tec J Rah for our Frieda Eckstein! Hurrah, for mo and for youl! V.'ouldn't AxO world gc hungry were it net for ua all C h fc r o ur Noodles and S trudels, Fish Balis, Herring and all. GOODBYE FRIEDA (to tuflC of My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean)

Soon Frieda, you'll nail o'er the ocean, Long mpfoths, our Exchange you'll not see- Dear Frieda, when you're o;er the ocean Oh lonesome, so lonesome, we'll bo!

CHORUS: When you corr.o back, ccir.e back From *i.AsO -Lei u , Africa and the Red Sea Come, back, come back Oh happy, so happy we'll beJJ

• 3 yZZy? ty xi/7. h K> l^uy y

aX(-*>s* lA&^6y^ysj^)!i^ A~~ tu. nus^c, % %— -7' dZ»r^ £s~cyyffc^

(V~&xy oiy~ CLXX^ yu^^^-t^i^^/tl^^^

My. Cjtyty^

y^^-^t^L CK,^A^ ^iu^d , '^) 1M ^Oy£^Ly& ^ytmX%0 yfm )0 %^y%^ /hx-c*yi~ ^zyxAiyy * * * Z\AJ~lX

<-Z7^^M • y "^- C*yy

y -TZcx^vLxy m*rj^J7^ WL^£ rtlC/mt St* '~y 7

*~g4^/ j^y'— &+«+*. Hi^dA

. i ^xy zzxszzzjzzyy. x^ _ xxzy Vy? <


NOV; .ELL TOGETHER - LET'S GOI I I I (tc tune of After the Ball)

Hurrah fcr Lincoln Hoa.se Food Exchange.1 Rah for Bee Eder, too J Rah lor our Frieda Eckstein.' Hurrah, fcr ao and for you!.' Y'ouldri't the world gc hungry Sere it nr t -P.-->» — n "" »^j-

----> -s^s^, uome back Oh happy, so happy we'll be.'.' ~3 y fyLAxtzyx^x /


I GOING ZlZX PV.RTY FOR MRS. CHARLES ECKSTEIN NOV/ .ELL TOGETHER - LET'S GO! I I I (to tune of After the Bali; Hurrah for Lincoln Hoa.se Food Exchange! Rah for Bee Eder, too! I Rah for our Frieda Eckstc-in! Hurrah, fcr mo and for you!! Wouldn't the world gc hungry Wero it act fcr us all Oh for our Noodles and Strudels, Fish Balls, Herring and all. GOODBYE FRIEDA (to tunc of My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean) Soon Frieda, you'll sail o'er the ocean, Long months, our Exchange you'll not see- Dear Frieda, when you're o'er the ocean Oh lonesome, so lonesome, we'll to! CHORUS: When you come back, come back From Asia, Africa1 and the Red Sea Come, back, come back Oh happy, so happy we'll be.'!

y xLx^yZy yy A/zyuzyyy y^y^^yy^ytsz^y


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(Zh A A^7xy-iyty-2^y yxyyAyy^yyTz

Zy /Tie ^yssty2si-st^.^yyyyy> ayyy-ytXTists^ gc O^yxXxX Xx^yzyyyZyy yZTZstsXy yyAsC d^XLA.AZ7 pZXyX^ Z^y^*

' yy7-s4V--£L£Z y7Zt:yy^x-Xy SZ tZZyyyy? yy/yiykytZ ZTyyXlZ

/xTi-yssix <2s*y-x-yycy

cy) jZlyAyisX tlJ y)Zr)yiyL4xyuZ jy^ruTyXXyu*XLZ\ t\.d> (Tune of "Gallagher and Shean")

Oh, Mother Rosie, Oh Mrs. Rich, Can you tell me what you're offring for the day? Elmer's going to get my meat, Klutz's market can't be beat, Can he take your order while he's on the way? Oh, Mother Rosie, Oh Mrs. Rich, Will you take us to market and to town? If you can't give us all lifts, we will go in several shifts, Positively, Mother Rosie, Absolutely, Mrs. Rich. Oh, Mother Rosie, Oh,Mrs. Rich, What's the name of that game you play at night, When Miss matters plays her trump, You just think that she's a chump— For what matters--you are sure that you are right, Oh, Mother Rosie, Oh, Mrs. Rich, You're as jolly a young flapper full of pep, And unless you should£°^S9fi5might smoke a cigarette, Absolutely, Mother Rosie, Positively, Mrs. Rich. (To be sung to the tune of "My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean."

In a city in Deutschland called Breslau, A place that you all surely know, There was born a sweet girlie named Rosa, Just seventy-five years ago. (chorus) Sweet girlI Sweet girl! This baby was a fine pearl, fine pearl, Sweet girl! Sweet girl! . This baby was a fine pearl. Soon after she came to this country, She came from the East to the West, Her products were children and sunshine, and goodness and courage and zest. (chorus) Sally, Frankie, And Edith and Clara and Vick and Nate, Lev/is, Fetchie, And grandchildren right up to date. Her love for good works never slackened, Societies grew up and spread, In each of them Rosie was active, Most often she stood at the head. (chorus) Council, Sisterhood, And all that's worthy and well, and well, Sewing Society, Outing Society, And Temple Emanu El. Today we all sit at her tab.e, And sing her this song o ' good cheer, We hope we may all be assem )led, To honor her eighty-fift 1 year. (chorus) Three cheers for -^osie, Our birthday song is sung, is sung, Seventy-five,seventy-five, Seventy-five years young. Zyy p-azystsss- y Xyy^s^-st^yxA y yy* ^x-y y^./xAr' *x!r tv^-s. ys,^a_^uJ. y,&s,s-

idyiyyrxxy- t ^yy ptzuy^ ytiexuZs- AyO CKy cyTyLsst^yLZy yy^'' ' ,1 ,1 siAXy • zxy ZZX^- TUAX ^olxfp ^ ; L& SAs^xzxx, '^sXK (Zz+s-kt^ _ /7x y*yy yy ^ 7^6 .«<,. bU y^yy 7 yt7s^^ ^ (yuuf^y^s ^oXyy) lyyAy^ y^^x^^- y a^sX rusXX cZX 0Xs ^ss-^s^s yyjf- , o~s~yyy> y ^dzyyyX5 z^s-yy^y, yr» ** l-x^-^- y^*^ 4 /X /y- y^XL.-xy^ 'H^yyyy- ZKIJLJ, IXJL y- 7^ AXsttyyTyxyy^ %~yXXt x ZZy xy^-X yxsZ y^y^- % axzxx^s- ZAX^yy Zxx^^^^ \ydzi^ ]^j2yl0uyyf ~&-<*-yssOX>

,_pJZo^^y yyLA^yhxsaJL y jzy^ yx^iy-^iyL /j\y^yyxx ys ^y^o— o~ yyy yyxyLsz. (^k%yy ^ zkyjyr(Zy^y XyxAx<) zyu^yXZ^ yyjLx^ x^ Jy 4^>^^ , yaw yiX7-y\X> I &<-y^jxy

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MIGRATION AS A CHECK TO POPULATION. There is reason to believe that certain migrations or movements of races, took place long before the date of our earliest written records—that to prehistoric and probably very remote times, belongs the settlement of the two American continents by emigrants from Asia. That the process of settling these vast areas must have taken an enormous space of time, is proved not only by the geological evidence drawn from human bones and other relics of primitive man, but also by the great differences, both physical and linguistic, between the various American races of common Asiatic origin, The first migrations of which we have distinct historical evidence, besides those of the Phoenicians and Israelites, are the movements of the Dorians, Aeolians and Ionians, The next great movement of population began from the Nomads of Mongolia, living near the Great Wall of China, the tribes precipitating themselves on the Goths and drove them across the Danube into the Roman Empire, This started an era of unrest, which lasted nearly seven centuries from 377 A.D, to 1014, and gave birth not only to the states and the nat­ ions of the Middle Ages, and the modern world, but to moder n civilization as a whole, creating new tongues and new types of culture from the mixture of the intruding races with the provincial subjects of Rome,

Passing over the minor migrations of population we come 7y to 1492, when America was discovered and the Spaniards and Portuguese settled in tropical America. Later the negroes from Africa came. In the 17th century the English, French and Dutch colonized the temperate parts of the North Amer­ ican Coast. Commissioner Wactchom who is stationed at New York at Ellis Island, says that the apparent increase of population at that station last year, due to emigration was approximately 1,000,000; but that the average increase of foreign population for the entire country for the last seven­ teen years was 280,000 a year. But, he says, there is one phase of the imigration problem which has been generally over­ looked and that is that a very large number of the foreigners who come to this country, go back again. How large this number is cannot be accurately stated. It will be kept tract of hereafter under the provision of the new imigration law. Let us now look back and see what great pressure has beai brought to bear, what motives have induced these hundreds, thousands and millions of people to break home ties, and to risk and seek their fortunes and their future in strange and often unknown lands. A careful review of the situation will show that imigrat­ ion from the beginning of society, has beon inspired not so much for the desire for more ease of earning a living as by political, reiigious, economical and racial oppressions. People as a rule are so attached to their homes, that unless greatly pinched, will seldom be tempted by alluring opportunities from abroad. If through excessive populat­ ion imigration becomes a prime economic necessity, who re­ lieves the situation? The man or the masses on the verge of starvation, the unskilled dependent members of society? Oh no, it is the steady, thrifty, strong, energetic man of character, who has saved his earnings, who is willing to begin a new colony in a new country, in spite of the dangers, difficulties and hardships the first settlers invariably have to endure. How does his leaving effect the mother country? Does it decrease the population very much? For a short time, yes. Statistics prove that voluntary or spontaneous emigration rarely has any material influence in lightening the pressure of over population* A country can afford to lose annually a very considerable number of inhabitants without becoming less populous. Al­ most immediately more marriages are consuraated and the gap is filled up by an increase in the number of births, Scotland has sent out a steady stream of emigrants whose departure has only strengthened those who were left behind. While^the^native English have gone out at one door, Irish and Scotch have come in at the other, it has not materially altered the quantity of the population, but it has greatly altered the quality. Nearly all of the European states have a redundant population; that is in proportion to their pro­ duce. They cannot afford any effectual resources of emi­ gration to each other, and for the last three centuries have been pouring their surplus population into our shores. ¥ How long can we continue to be a safety-valve for this army of emigrants? Gfidding| in his Democracy and Empire is very encourag­ ing when he says, that only a few spots within our national domain does the density of population yet approach the average density of the older European Countries. Notwithstanding the rapidity with which the best lands of the interior and of the southwest have been appropriated as homesteads, the intensive cultivation of the vast domain has hardly begun. •' According to the census of 1890 the population of the United States as a whole was less than 22 to the square mils, A population of 300,000,000 instead of 75 or 80,000,000 would not seriously tax our food producing capacity. All our knowledge of social evolution, compels us to believe that if no overwhelming catastrophy prevents we must continue for numberless generations to maintain and to perfect our civil­ ization. How far the movements of our more recent migrations will interfere with the re alization of this dream, must depend on the intelligence and energy of our government or the charity of our private interested institutions,- in lead­ ing and helping the newcomers away from the alluring temptat­ ions of our big cities. One-fourth of the immigration,or 224,080 persons, that passed through Ellis Island last year were Italians. The Italian government is assisting the Society for Italian Emmigrants and has agreed totllOOO to each camp school established here. The Industrial Removal Society of New York has helped 29,513 Russian and Romanian Jews, forced into the country through oppression at home, ic locate in different parts of our country within the past fass^xaars. The Jewish Agricultural and Industrial Aid Society has established over 3000 Jewish families on farms all over the country and founded a prosperous community of about 2000 inhabitants at Woodbine, N, J., and-artmrpinyWis. John Stuart Mill says that the planting of colonies should be conducted with a deliberate regard to the permanent wel­ fare of the nations afterward, placing the enterprise from its commencement under regulations made by philosophical legislators; the government alone having the power to frame such regulations and to enforce their observance. To apprec­ iate the benefits of such colonization, it should be consider­ ed not in its relation to the single country, but to the collective economical interests of the human race.

We have noticed that the settlement of a new country, increases the supply of food. And we have seen that when all conditions are favorable, a new country may double its population in 20 or 25 years; and that when foreigners begin to have a decided influence and effect, the native populat­ ion begins to fall off in births, Sydney Fischer, in writing of the New England States says, that the more the aliens increased in numbers, the fewer became the births of the natives. We have a new country, not half developed, with emigrants pouring into us, yet our birthrate has been steadily falling off for 60 years. All of the emigrants and all their increase can not make up for the loss of the old rate of increase of the natives. The 4 twenty years which saw this highest immigration saw the lowest rate increase since 1750, Let us suppose that in this more enlightened part of the globe, the internal economy of each state were so admirably regulated that no checks existed to population and the dif­ ferent governments provided every facility for emigration. The population of Europe excluding Russia is 100,000,000; and allowing a greater increase of produce than is probable or even possible in the mother countries, the redundancy of the parent stock in a single century would be 1,100,000,000, which added to the natural increase of the colonies, during the same time would be more than double what has been sup­ posed to be the present population of the whole earth. Hence it is plain to see that emigration systematically carried on would increase the population almost indefinitely instead of acting as a check. The truth of the matter is that the problems of migration are becoming more and more complex and perplexing and the future more gloomy and hopeless! By encouraging emigration to flow into its most resourceful channels, we are hastening our day of doom? James Bryce in his inaugural address before the Scottish Geographical Society, July 1902, said;- Nearly all of the north temperate zone is now occupied and most of it pretty thickly occupied. The Western United States, though all the best land has already been taken up, can support a far greater population than they now have. But the attraction to emigrants becomes daily slighter 7 as the conditions of agriculture grow less favorable. We may conjecture that within the lifetime of persons now living the outflow from Europe to North America will have practically stopped, A somewhat longer time will be required to fill the far less attractive parts of Northern Asia, Asia Minor, Persia and Mesopotamia, Vast regions of the tropics are scantily peopled. Most of Equatorial South Africa is a forest wild­ erness. India and China are both filled to overflowing and will continue to send emigrants to South America and perhaps Africa, European people may after a few generations acquire the power of thriving in the tropics, but this seems far fran probable. If we were to compare a map of to-day indicating the comparative density of population with a similar map of the world in 1780 and note how much of what would then have been marked as empty space, has now been occupied, we shall realize the immense advance that has been made towards the establishment of an equilibrium of population and the relat­ ive shortness of the future during which we can look to emigration as a remedy for the evils which now afflict the toiling masses of Europe, U (y^s\y\^yXsx^t4ys^_ y^yC72y I Jy 7


Maithus-—Principle of Population Vol. 1 & 11. JonnStuart Mill-- Principles of Political Economy W, T. Thornton—-Over Population, Its Remedy James Bryce—Contemporary Review—Migrations Considered Historically. E. G. Wakefield—A View of Art of Colonization F. W, Williams—Am. Hist. Assoc, 1899. Chinese Migrations F. W. Giddings-ADemocracy and Empire R. H. Palgrave—Dictionary of Political Economy. Emigration G. S. Fischer—Popular Scientific Monthly. Has Emigration Increased Population Hobson—~-Imperialism as an Outlet to Population Mayo Smith--Emigration Statistics and Sociology Mra. Apple's POth Birthday Twno "Old Oaken Bucket*. (1) How dear to oar hearts is oar Mrs, Apple A true inspiration to over;- on*- E. Hor sails and her manner so neat and -.o charming y\nd all one no aid wish in one m hold How dear ^o her heart rEll h^r leve and devotion For Temple and Sisterhood, for Co'moil and Home Hor nctive keen interest in nil thn-t'n progressive An exanple should be where r.'or we nay roan.

Our sweet Mrs, Apple, our dear Mrs. Apple Oar rood Mrs. Apple In hor ai btieth :renr.


Our dear Mrs. Apple, hor eighty yearn crown her She's eighty years young and so she'll remain She never talks Blander and she noyer gossips ?ron all but the kindliest words, she refrains Each Sabbath Bhi Bits in h*r pew in the Temple To read off the prayers, tia hor joy and delight She glTefl of herself in a well rounded neasore To children and friends that hold her so dear.

Our sweet Mrs. apple, our dear Mrs. Apple Our rood Mrs. Apple in her elgjkkleth year. y^ JZiZ 7?

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^st^^^Zj^CsiL 4~ &p7—. It* £•' i2^N 7 ^yy=^d y^y MRS. SIMON KANDER, President MRS. HENRY SCHOENFELD, Rec Sec'y MRS. ISAAC D. ADLER, Vice-President MRS. JAS. M. PERELES Cor Sec'y and Treas.



^°^7TUmyu^^^^ d^s^y^rti^ 'ajy^^ /

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y rvTo*

I was told to use three minutes • But I'd be riding for a fall If I tried to tell in that time Of one who towers over all.

'Twas back in 1907

That she met me at the train And she led me to Martinis Which surely shows the vein Of thought that in her mind trickled When she saw pocr thin me . That her 'mitleid' for her fellows I Began with anyone she'd see.

Shall I tell you that in a schedule At the question of my age y " She said that was an answer To be omitted from that page£

I remember how we ca.mpaigned

And cajoled beyond your ken A man into becoming Most envied among men, In accepting the Social Center Chiefship 'When she told him what to do To hold down that position './hich to the whole teaching world was new, t.

This should be told unto you Since it is one of a score Of efforts which her lifetime Has added to our store Of conquests in fields Both virgin and unknown That Made Milwaukee famous And brought it greatness and renown.

She has oft Received the unwary When a question she deferred By answering, "I'd like to think about thatj" And when no work was said, the questioner Was certain that the subject now was dead.

Than about seven of the morning The telephone would ring And a voice from South 1824 would say Why I've telephoned to so and so To so and so and so And at last I know just what we want. And how we'll make it go.

And did you ever hear her say "We'll try Bohemian pancakes for our lunch. And if you questioned further she'll tell you in her way "Yes,we've had different pancakes"every day."

Of course you knew that this meant A new cook book was in line to be proof-read for the printer f And Mr. Kander had been primed, to be the willing victa.. And no portion was declined.

And just the other afternoon Some officers of Mothers Club she'd scolded Said to me with a smile, "It's not hard to have Mrs. Kander scold you For she's teaching you something all the while."

I have pictures in my mem'ry of Romps and dances, quite a score Whenwith the children she has froliced And they clammered still for more.

I see her up bleak Fifth Street With those who could not rightly say her name But knew her kindly feeling By her smiles just the same.

I knew of the many offspring In every family fold; She knew the name and failing And they never thought her bold.

If she asked most personal questions Which in others they'd resent. But went about rejoicing That her thought for them she lent.

I hope I have given a picture Of one I love most dear Whose praises I could sing and sing And yet not finish, near. .

But who I hope will some day of Find biographer/might Her deeds and charms to blazen With litters of great light. ©££©1.3 0



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TJTR;inX0-HD8P!?T flUTTRfi' AT W, HEAD 0T' fin? T.I TO!

How .dear ~to.'this -heart Ira that rhym« of r^' 'childhood, That dear Uncle Herman onrpossd "lone *%Q%y the wee r.uSs©tAsh0#s -that A*eA&^-^n Old :l-r.«m\vood>—: ~y W,2 -set' 'dowiv in vera© how'aihtyAstood- in•*""'row.., The great, sturdy booto, and the'trie;, ones bosidte them,.. The-v?ee xuaset. onors ait the end of.:the line, y ... . The. hush of a the: nbrnihp,. the greeting- tienied. him, ' He told in e poosi 'that" a-ni tod just fine.; : The wee rusBet shoes, the'tip scuff'' .*ed rimaetB, The wei3 Etiny rusaet.«i'6t -the end of. the. line* ' That tender lava r.pcfem 1 hol£- as t. treasure,' Though, ofety a memory, dir.: it XB[-now,: ' ! I find - to-day-sT st:ili< ,;^te$®r:E^3/eampre;» •-• : The deaj>e«tf- sinceresit thi;it* niece", can avov;. ',7. Hor ardent our 3oyo ity our pride' 'a. ever g^owinp, for* th-A'.worid'. has., reached; .out for -the fares ,1 ' oj" it© nen, : : lt' loo! -for the ^essence of Vorth:to o'er-f-Iov.-anfy ItAfind^ it in life A to~day .-as. yan than, A His ha^S .hlf rursfujt .nhoya. firr^E* trodden ruyjoetn,' i 'if*fgyp»ea%S3fitjBse' ^' hoots.arc now hA^dinf-,-h4s liheV': How afreet is tJ.se lig&ptb Ions wv. have regarded ,-How bright in the future vye ivia h hlr; bo~aay, . . •His shir~ to success* VJLnmelfyfti>B \>p T^oprod. it,.. Through .obstacle*; yr.taat, overcome by fair plfeji And'ncwy though rtfJpyed from the. lovea . naciT,.aTaiQn, A tear-, at parting, vvt1 try to suppress, ' for 7/e hope ..thrcm^h.th*- love w§ 'y^r our relation* The futureywill unfold only what 'AS ,. jaesst.-.-. . »- Those >big russet boots,. thonel eaters of others , Tion^ may • they stand .&t~ the fwty of his line*

s*^M*4A. As •''. •... - , y- '•.,- •y The Socth*3ayer 'yy ••" -,. "A. I "Wonder, what became of Sally. ,: •z7yiz_yyz(^7i,.yzx y ID3rC*iAs- pals mud -old-- tiwe gals,;' ZZ llMMy0w-^&^Q''ofA'cur"Trtu**'?-.' A*;' 't^un#'front old,- can't be told - :Tiir you''meet' ret*>y:faee to face, . .. a

a,..,, ,.... -,„•;., .*•-... ,, y^a,. .. . E. 'Wc^mon- now-'^earft short -slslrts ©aid; hoh.bed. hair! •Ana 'iiOuMie .Maces, q-uitn ,openly • trmrT.il see" 'AmT:"tM£r''lip8 and'their chores * - A; They'paint laBce rbees.

; ](JT(1: tt^e' p&l3.,.'whftHi'E^fl'i-v^re young,- ' Things A**ere mil to diffcresrfe " ETen the -son^s that were suag. With haiT smoothly cobbed-in4a. braid dowa the hack, •And mi®*® laced 130*tirhllfc'.rt^Td thtrfe they,would oracle, 'TIltbtE'iglcirts so .10210,. witk-Mst ruffles-galore, '• "TAe arilded.- through. street0' and' •" &ym$t up . the f loor.

