The Best Way to Spend a Day in Ceylon
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a fv V v^a THE BEST WA^r TO SPEND A DAVIN OST |>assenger vessels calling at Golomko s|>en<l a lull <Jay tKere, arriving tn tlie early morntng and leavtng at midniglit. Tkts gives am{>le ttmc to vtstt |>laces of interest in andl around Colombo witk time for skot>|>ing. To many, Ceylon is tlie first glimj>sc of tke East, and it is certainly one of tke most fceautiful and interesting countries in tke world. Round-tke-world travellers invariakly state tkat Ceylon is tke kest and lovliest country tkey visit, and it is to give you an oj)t>ortunity to see all tkat is |>ossikle during your stay tkat we {>lace tkis leaflet kefore you. A few useful kints will ke found on tke last |>age. mmm ARMSTRONG'S TOURIST AGENCY was started in 1921 to provide visitors to Ceylon with personal first-class service and advice. A splendid fleet of modern cars is owned by the Agency, and everything is under the personal direction of the owner. The cars are driven by experienced English-speaking chauffeiirs, and a competent staff of mechanics— under European supervision—are employed in the garages to see that the cars are in thorough order. The following makes of cars are available : Minerva, Cadillac, Delage, Hudson, Buick, and Studebaker. If any further reference is required as to ser- vice, we may mention that the Ceylon Government place their orders with us, and we have had the pleasure of arranging tours for the following :— Their Majesties The King and Queen of the Belgians, H.R.H. Prince George, Crown Prince and Princess of Sweden, Crown Prince of Japan, Hon. Alexander Ramsa}/ and Princess Patricia of Connaught (two tours of a month each), liarl and Countess of Sel- borne, Lord and Lady Eorster, etc. THE GREY FLEET ELEPHANTS BATHING AT KATUGASTOTA (NEAR KANDY). SHORT MOTOR EXCURSIONS-KANDY THE GREY FLEET (1) Kandy and return, passing through some of Ithe most beautiful and interesting scenery in the world. The trip takes three hours each way, and there is an excellent macadam surface road. After passing through the Native Quarters of Colombo the route runs through the Low Country for 30 miles. A visit to a tea and rubber estate can be arranged, and the Kaduganawa Pass is reached at the 58th mile. A high climb unfolds the beauty of the Low Country with its rice fields and wonderful tropical vegetation. We pass through Peradeniya with its marvellous Botanical Gardens which should be visited, and on into the old capital of the Kandyan Kings. After lunch at the Queen's Hotel or Hotel Suisse, the car takes one to see the Elephants Bathing, the Temple of the Tooth, and the Lake Drive, returning to Colombo in ample time for the boat. Kandy will be found to have good shops, where many articles can be purchased at less price than in Colombo. All the Colombo banks have branches there also. Inclusive rate per head for car, driver, and lunch : 4 passengers.—£2 10 : Oeach CodeAYVSO. 5 „ £2. 5 : 0 „ „ AYCOG. 6 „ £2 0:0,, „ AYOPO. THE GREY FLEET TEMPLE OF THE HOLY TOOTH (A Holy Relic of Lord Buddha). SHORT MOTOR EXCURSIONS-NEGOMBO, ETC. (2) Negombo via Henratagoda, returning Coast road (or vice versa). An interesting and lovely motor drive through the Low Country native village. Visit Henratagoda Botanical Gardens, Cocoanut Estates, etc. At Henratagoda may be seen the parent trees of the great eastern rubber plantations. Cinnamon growing and native fishing life. Five hour trip with lunch in Negombo. 4 passengers per head, 5 : 0 Code HENBO. 5 „ „ £l 2 : 6 „ HERAT. 6 ,, .. /I 0 : 0 ,. HATNE. (3)- Negombo direct coast road returning same route: 4 passenger car, £3 (per car) Code NEGOG. 6 „ ,, £4 , NGOEG. (4) Mount Lavinia and 25 miles around Colombo, visiting Buddhist and Hindoo Temples, Cinnamon Gardens, Victoria Park, Native Quarters, etc., three hours. 4 passenger car, £2 : 0:0 per car. Code OLAVF. 6 „ „ : 10 : 0 „ „ IVLAF. THE GREY FLEET KANDY LAKE (From Lady Horton's Drive). ARMSTRONG'S TOURIST AGENCY (5) CAR FOR THE DAY (Go where you like). For passengers who wish to avoid the heat and dust of the streets, a car is the ideal way to do one's shopping and see Colombo. The car is in charge of an English-speaking guide driver, and is entirely at one's disposal all day—from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. 50 miles is allowed, so that a trip may be taken to Mount Lavinia in the cool of the evening, and the car will drop you at the hotel in Colombo for dinner if 3^ou so desire. 4 passenger car, /3. Code DAYIF. 6 .. „ DAYES. NOTICE. Parties should be arranged on board before arrival of vessel and names handed in to Ship's Office, when a wireless will be sent free of charge reserving cars, or wireless direct to "AWAKE," Colombo, with code word and sender's name only. Gars of the GREY FLEET will be found as you leave the jetty. Our men—with name ARMSTRONG'S TOURIST AGENCY in cap will be in attendance. Ignore touts representing this firin. Our Office is in York Arcade to [the left as you leave the jetty. THE GREY FLEET COLOMBO'S PALM-FKINGED COAST (from Mount Lavinia). THE GREY FLEET TESTIMONIALS. OrKKx's HorsE, COLOMBO, October 2m, 1926 C. D. ARMSTKOXC, Messrs. Armstrong's Tourist Agency. Dear Sir, I am glad to state that I have been directed by His Excellency the Officer Administrating the Government to compliment you on the smart turn out of your cars and drivers for the motor tours of Their Majesties The King and Queen of the Belgians. The motor service was much appreciated byi Their Majesties who suffered no delay on any of the journeys, and I thank you for the personal trouble you took. I am, Yours faithfully, E R. SUDBURY, P.S. & A.D.C. yiKl-X's HorSK, COI.OMBO. mh February, 1927. MANAGER, Armstrong's Tourist Agency. Dear Sir, The Earl and Countess of Selborne desires me to express their entire satisfaction with the car and driver with which you provided them. Yours faithfully, R. NEVILLE (Captain), Private Secretary to H.E. the Governor. NATIVE CHILDREN ENJOYING A DIP IN THE COLOMBO LAKE A FEW USEFUL HINTS. Sun.—A topee or sun helmet is advisable if you walk in the sun during the middle of the day. It is not necessary to wear one motoring as the car hood is ample protection ; otherwise keep in the shade. Motor Cars.—Avoid cheap hiring cars with dangerous drivers. It is more expensive in the long run, even if you get a ' long run." Rickshaws.—50 cents or 9d. per hour. Galle Face from jetty or shopping centre, 35 cents (add 15 cents for tip). Post Office.—First to right, first to left leaving jetty (opposite Queen's House). Postage (British Fmpire), 9 cents first ounce, postcards 9 cents. Luggage.—Passengers will find on arrival, porters on board from Galle Face Hotel, G.O.H., Thos. Cook's, etc. It is advisable to hand over luggage only to those men representing the hotel or tourist company one is travelling through. All men have brass plates with the Company they represent on. If luggage is handed to a third party extra expense and delay is caused as both parties look for their share of tips and transport. There are several porters, baggage contractors, etc. who come on board, but it is advisable to deal direct and hand a list of luggage to the Hotel or Tourist Agency porter. The Galle Face Hotel maintain an express motor delivery van. Galle Face Studebaker Taxis are available on the jetty, and orders may be given to the porters to reserve one. Ask for Galle Face Hotel taxi man at jetty exit. Insist on having an Hotel car or taxi as native hiring cars have no fixed tariff. Exchange, about 1/6 = 1 Rupee.—Money can be exchanged at jetty, at our Office, or at Messrs. Thos. Cook's ofiice a few yards away, where the actual bank rate will be given. Tell your driver to take you there. Water.—Ah tap water in Colombo is quite pure and fit for drinking, the same applies to Kandy and Nuwara FUza. It is advisable to stick to minerals or filtered water in the villages. A fresh cocoanut contains excellent liquid. Municipal Guides.—These men are found on jetty. They are not paid by the Municipahty, but pay a yearly fee of 25 rupees for their licence. Many of these men are motor car and small hotel touts and make their living by guide fees and commission receivecl from all native shops where they persuade passengers to go. They also tout for native hiring cars, and passengers are earnestly requested to report anything of this nature to the custom offices as touting on the jetty is strictly prohibited. Tea.—Beware of rubbishy tea in attractive packets. Go to a proper dealer or store. Brassware.— Go to Kandyan Art Association, run by the Government, fixed prices, best work. Jewellery.—All is not gold that glitters—Real diamonds cost real money, and a little local advice is of value. MOTOR TOURS TO ALL PARTS OF CEYLON. GALLE FACE HUTE]., COI.O.MISO, C. D. ARMSTRONC ESQ. 2Qth January, 1927. Dear Sir, After a fortnight's tour of Ceylon through your Agency I feel I should place on record the absolute satisfaction of every one of our party of four with every detail of provision made by you for Our comfort and enlightenment.