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++ + + tllI litlIIllllllltf IIII11111111111111 are so much- the organs peculiar to women He advertised and found it also had a good tonic effect found no re- on the whole system this he used X I had PIUS THE NEW lief in his private little faith in practice with such the medicine favorable results that he finally de ¬ w L u LLLLLuLLLLLL LLLLL L LLLLLL at the time cided to put it up in patent medi ¬ TTTTTTTT + LLLLLLLuLuLLLv T TTT WIw r r ITITITI loo7llJIZIII I and was so cine form some thirtyfive years N APr I JtK2 The thp lote nature beloved7Tby many millions of Mi availability was coinmentwl upon weakand sick en- ¬ opI ago and since that time it has Leo Xlll vat ID psotJcnllf people It Is certain Unit no prelate by the really thoughtful writers more that I felt dis ¬ joyed the largest wile of any medi ¬ i hCvIfS + PP hero > PB no would have n more enthusiastic sane ¬ frequently than that of any other car¬ couraged but tt ¬ is i rnnM lllt tlt his DrliHnnt reign tion from the laity dinal As an example a special cor within a week cine put up for women only It I Would be 5IO Cl shoi bv the grim Pope Plus X Is sixtyeight years respondent of a prominent American after I had entirely vegetable and Dr Pierce reaper the pnntllfl lo a old He was born at Rlese In the prov dolly last April wrote as follows to his remnred Irl gives his absolute guarantee that it ous cont1III1t1t1I with JUher Perosll ince of and was educated In paper concerning Cardinal Sarto and commencedtaking the Hallo ii priest whose musical rom ¬ Saleslan institute at the papacy contains no alcohol t opium or other the Cottolenso 11 Prescription positions have matte him famous the founded by the famous Dom Bosco He It Is Cardinal Gutscpi Sarto the harmful narcotics The trouble with world over tint he was convinced fhnt was always of n serious turn of mind of Venice the friend and I was like a wom- ¬ many tonics put up for the public is hte successor would be Cnrdlnnl Sarto and when a young than his rector said patron of Abbe Perosl I the composer different the patriarch of Venice Vhon the to him that he had never been a who Is at the present moment regard ¬ an New life that they depend upon alcohol for recent conclave went Into sewlon ed not only Italy like ¬ ¬ there childCardinal throughout but and vitality their stimulating effect this is some seemed little probability I was not discovered wise In principal capitals of Eu ¬ that Leos Sarto the seemed to thing Dr Pierce Iran always felt was propfcecy would be fulfilled for Ham until he hind reached middle age lIe rope as destined to become the next come with polln seethed to n province of pope bad practice harmful and a poor bus ¬ have an almost com was parish priest in the So little has been heard of him each succeed ¬ inamllng lend among the members of Venice for the most of his years and until now in connection with the papal ing day until iness policy if not absolutely wrong the college of cardinal Orcglln finally became a His high succession he may be regarded In with exI that in a few weeks The Sisters of the Good Shepherd Gottl end Sernnno VnnnutcllI as strong ecutive qualities and unexcelled learn ¬ the light of a dark horse In the race I was fine health possibilities Besides these there were ing became known soon after hIs etc ¬ which Is perhaps tine to the fact that in at their convent Our Lady of the several others who were thought to be ration and were recognized by the nu he rarely goes to Home that he has and a happy hearty Woods Carthage 0 use a great likely candidates In case rivalry thorities of the church It not never been a of Eternal woman My boy is the wits resident the deal of Dr Pierces medicines they among the lenders should become so until 1803 that he was created a cardi ¬ City and that from the time of his be ¬ now two years old ¬ say in a intense as to make the election of any- nal at which time he was also named Ins appointed vicar generalI of the die r recent letter to Dr Pierce one of them Impossible But Sartos as patriarch of Venice Thus the cese of Trevlso until now he has held splendid ¬ We beg to assure you of the great nnme was scarcely mentioned except modest but able parish priest became steadily aloof from nil the projects of ing perfect health If at benefit these medicines give our ail ¬ among the most reverent who remem ¬ the head of the province In which he the curie any time I feel tired or in ing ones bered the prediction of Pope Leo end had served so many years In a lowly The vast majority of the Italian car- ¬ We cannot sufficiently I need tonic a few doses of popu ¬ ofa those who were mindful of the position Ills selection was made by dinals and especially those who form Favorite Prescription recommend their excellence larlty In the Catholic church of Cnrdl the consistory of 1803 which was com- ¬ lug part of the curia are established yourIt t recuperates me once My Favorite Prescription cures the nol Sarto which by many was regard ¬ plIed to sue the throne for the prlvl In the Eternal City have won their at ed as being second not even to lege of installing him as patriarch of promotion to the sacred college as address is No 511 Jones Street womanly diseases which undermine that of Leo himself Cardinal Snrto Venice In return for this concession members of the diplomatic service of East Savannah Ga the general healthwhich make the now Pope Plus X evidently did not which was made through Premier the papacy rather than as priests And WILLIAMS Mrs Susm eyes and cheeks hollow1 and the body seriously consider himself as one of the CVIspl the church appointed an ecclesi ¬ when a prelate has spent the greater A SOUTHERN BELLE To Dr R V Pierce papablll for the evening before his astical vicar apostolic In northeastern portion of iris life In diplomacy and thin Weak trid sick women are election he declared In speaking to a Africa to assist the premier In his pet has found It the stepping stone to high A beautiful Georgia Girl Vice invited to consult Dr Pierce by friend who hind suggested he scheme of extending colo It that the African honors naturally leaves him at the President of the Eaat End Palmetto letter in strict confidence Address might be time next pope that when he nlei close of his career as representative of Club of Savannah and prominent There Is No Beauty Like the started for Rome from Venice he had Cardinal Sarto had not been in otllce the Vatican abroad with a greater socially there relates the following 0 Dr R V PIFRCK Buffalo N Y Ir Beauty of Health experienceYou ¬ Nothing encourages beauty of face and form so much as a healthy body YOU GKN let a copy produced of Doctor suffering women that there Very much depends on the condition Pierces Gammon Sense is to be had in the country of the organs peculiar to women Medical Tldvlser 1008 to recommend es ¬ I want it These should perform their functions pales FREE by sending pecially to mothers I was regularly and be free from those stamps to pay expense of seventeen years old when my mailing ONLY weakening influences so often con ¬ Send 31 darling boy was born Felt one cent stamps for the very exhausted and weak for a nected with life in the city cloth bound volume or long time and it seemed I could Dr R V Pierce after making a only 21 stamps my back My for the not get strength specialty of womans diseases finally book In paper covers sisterinlaw bought me a bottle found a prescription whose ingre ¬ of Dr Pierces Favorite Pre ¬ address scription after I had tried sev ¬ dients were entirely of vegetable ori- ¬ Dr H V PIERCE eral of the other remedies which gin which had a inarvelous effect on Buffalo N Y


An oldfashioned barbecue is something everybody advertises limit few > ee it after it isi iidver F 2 tiled We propose to live up to our advertisement and give the people something good in return 3 for their money Wo have employed one of the best cooks in the county to prepare our meats o 3 They will bo served in the best of order and cdoked to the Kings taste

3I BEEF MUTTON PIES AND CAKES VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS E 3 be found on our tnbles all served for the low price of 25 3will2 centsE 2 Besides a splendid dinner there will be all kinds of refreshments A splendid band of music and fl1no dancing floor for those who wish to trip the light fantastic This barbecue will he one of the best ever given at this famous resort No expense will bo i spared to make it a success So if you want to have the time of your life and spend a pleasant I j day dont miss this opportunity Tell your neighbors and friends and bring thorn with you L best of order will be maintained No intoxicating drinks allowed on the grounds The 4fiecandidates are all invited and will be present I I FORMERLY CARDINAL SARTO W L NOEL J L ISO1E Proprietors t

bought a return Hut the unex- ¬ more than a year before he publicly des leaning toward statecraft than toward ticket TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTY7TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTTVTTTTTTTT pected has happened mind Leos pre ¬ dared for a union between church and the administrative nnd doctrinal duties diction hns been fulfilled Cardinal state speaking In no uncertain way of hlq office at Home Many persons Snrto la Pope Plus X nnd the Kouian Ills utterances created a great sensa ¬ declare that it is Imperative that the Potent Pill Pleasure N01 1 111010011 11N01011 1111111 111101 01N0- Catholic church Is satisfied that the tion and It was felt that he might have next pontiff should be a prelate who The pills are potent in their ac ¬ progress made during the reign of offended the holy father by the fervor wonld devote his entire energies to re that ¬ and pleaannt in effect are PeWitts Leo XIII Is to be continued and per ¬ of his words Apparently he received forms of nn administrative and eco- tion s I haps amplified under the administra ¬ time silent approbation of the pope In n mle character and likewise to the Little Early Risers W S Phi pot of M H lion of time present pontiff whose estimation he ever held a firm more rigid enforcement of the doc ¬ Albany Gi siy D irlus H bilion of Elizabethtownly- I KM WItH It Pope Leos prediction was considered placeIt trines and discipline of the church at uck I took one Small it Cardinal 1 ERTI remarkable by reason of the fact that said at the time that Cardinal Sarto the patriarch of Yen did ine more gool than u loaiel blue DISTRICT AGENT because of Sartos position with refer-¬ Sarto made his public announcement ice Is the man of all others who fills mass or any other pills I ever took ence to a modus vlvendi the Austrian and Prussian ¬ between the tint ambas these requirements lie Is probaby Rut the same time it effected ui pitas i i to be at endeavor ¬ church and the state he seemed sadors the Vatican were the most able ndmlnstrator of the Ital sently Little Early Risers nre certain- I HOME INSURANCE CO NEW YORK on that important point directly op-¬ fill to Induce the papal authorities to Inn episcopacy combines firmness and lyJ un ideal pillSold by all Druggists posed to Leo For Instance Cardinal agree to a modus vlvendi Emperor determination with abundant tact and LARGEST COMPANY IN THE WORLDII Sarto publicly announced his Joy when Francis Joseph Is reported to have common sense tumid has managed to in NO HOT NIGHTS IN i there were strong probabilities of a written several letters to the pope with stitute a number of very practical rev iTHE union between church nnd state nnd this end In view nnd Emperor William forms In his archdiocese of Venice COLORADO his accession to the pontificate has long of flermany Is said to have been equal ¬ without giving offense either to the cler- f ¬ guaranteed in case of loss been regarded In certain quarters as ly anxious to bring about an under gy or to the laity He avoids all news¬ The nights are cool without damp ¬ town property Prompt settlements time timid the solution of the Roman problem so standing between Vatican the paper notoriety Indeed his name la ness from dews The air is pure with ¬ Prompt attention given to any matter that may come up long long government unsolved and so u cause of Italian rarely mentioned in the press He has out undue moisture There is no ex dissension over all Italy to say nothing For more than three decodes a gulf always understood how to i maintain cessive luat in summer the average B HERNDON Irvington Ky Its bearing upon the yawned between the rival palaces agreeable yet dignified I Agent of attitude of oth has nil modus vl There 2 tr Catholic countries Cardinal Sarto of king and pope n gulf material and vend with the Italian authorities temperature being 80 decrees Ja noted for his prudence having never political For thirtyfive years since from whom he derives his stipend and fire no continuous saturating rainfalls 2J6 + + + + +i + + + + r meddled with politics and for extreme the Italians battered down the massive limas shown his enlightenment by tho but rather brief showers which pass independence He In also a patron of walls near 4lie old Portn Pia < nniost vigorous campaign which he has car ¬ away quickly leaving clear skies be ¬ tie arts find munched Father Lorenzo njen rind noble women pf all pnres rued on against the veneration of teller hind them The summer nights are < < + < Perottl the celebrated priest composer have been dreaming and hoping that of questionable authenticity He Is on invariably pcol inviting outdoor ex ¬ recognized The cardinal Is as one of the mighty breach between victors and friendly t rmn with the members of ercise and inducing rest and refreshing THE be most learned men In church- vanquished might In some way be reigning of Italy during 1 the the house the The most centrally located and u t e is stickler for the exact truth as closed late reign took part with King Hum sleepSplendid firstclass hotel In tbe city onlyI than train service with accommo- I etween church mud the people and I It was said of Pope Leo that In 1878 bent fid Queen Mnrgherltu In the i of I Fifth 1200 rate ton much r uown some years ago by when he hnd succeeded 111 ph n launching of a manofyrnr at Ven ¬ dations for all classes passengers Avenue list Only one block from the estroylng certain relics of doubtful IX be lodgedI for some amicable ar ¬ ice as well as In other state and very low rates via the Union utbenticUy He brings to his high rangement1 If ceremonies at which they were shopping district mind two blocks from with the Italians but PacificA I dice a character of most attractive he did reasons rf state outweighed his present and would certainly be a or write for pamphlet The the principal theatres I nodesty energy OB HOTEL unusual In the dlrec private wish Tie was silent and thus most agreeable choice pope to RocUiei Great Salt Lake and the Yel ¬ Street curs pass the door to all purls matters large small pledged to UI totfof and the himself the no compromise the present ruler of Italy lie Just lowstone describing in detail the at ¬ of the cltr- sixtyeight years old which will be In 1 partyIt tractions of the west Everything neat and clean fII- admlnlstrntheoWcerndthe Is strange that while Sarto was his favor In the eyes of the conclave Louisville Ky G A never seriously considered by tho pub ¬ since as n general rule that number of W II CONNOR organizern I PIKE CAMPBELL Mgr Ii i- oubted Christian character the car lie at Urge or by the ordinary press years constitutes a guarantee that the teal la from the sweetness of his correspondents as a papal probability pontificate will not be of undue length 58 E Fourth Sf CINCINNATI OHIO ffw=w> > > I w >v W

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