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The Carbon (November 9, 1979)

Marian University - Indianapolis

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JI SALE .J DAR OF EVENTS I am . writing in reference t; _ the letter Parerits' week-end & . Homecoming Week supporting a red ction in ta:·es. It is oo'd that we . concern ourselves with this. The first: Fri., Nov. 9 - 8:00 p.m. Pie Parade spons0red by ·-th:lng that comes to mind when we spea of r ~­ Social Plan ning Committee, Dining R. ducing taxes is chat we will have a· little more pocket money . But we must look further - 1 p.rn. Style 9,ow sponsored by Sa., t N ov. 10 :00 than this alleviation. The programs that will Home Ee. Club, Allison Mansion. be hurt by the reduction of t axes are the same programs that give aid to those who are 3:00 p.m. Men's Basketball vs. St. not as fortunate . Should they suffe r beeaus~ Francis, The~e·. we don 't want to give up a little money from our paychecks? I t is frustrating to think cf 3:30 p.m. Variety Show, Marian the high percentage of the tax dollar that Hall Auditorium. goes to military spending . It is even more frustrating to think that a reduction in taxes 8:00 p.m. Square Dance, sponsored would mos t probably hurt the program s that we by Manasa. need (Welfar e ) because the capitalistic struc­ ture of our society does not allow for equal - 2:00 p.m. Intramural Championship S un., Nov . 11 distribution of goods and services. No , a re­ Football Game. Crowning of Home- duction in taxes is not good . It is not good coming Queen at half-time. unless it also means a reduction in military 8:00 p.m. Pep Session, sponsored spending. by Freshman Class, Clare Hall Gym. "Concerned Observer" 9:00 p.m.-midnight, Pizza & Disco, Old Mixed Lounge, sponsored *********************************************' by Freshman Class. HUMAN RIGHTS I N LATIN AMERICA Mon., Nov. 12 - -Up Day (S 1·C\n vi~ '. ,_bl.,<:..,I\""- ~.: J Or-t, c. E::. ) · On Wednesday , November 14, at 10:30 in room 9:00 p.m. Gong Show, Peine Arena, 310 of Ma rian Hall, Beverly Keene will discuss sponsored by the Sen ior and Junior this topic. Cl asses. Beverly is an intern in the Huma n Rights · Intern project in Indiana. She also works vith Tue. , Nov. 13 - Grub Day ~ '), <:tro. t'~ Ot(,· -} Bread for the World. Beverly has recently re­ turned from several ·1at i1 ·Ame rican countrie., 11 :30 a.m. Lecture, Biology Club, and will incorporate into her presentation her Mr. Thomas Flatt, 'Fish Management observations on the political and social con­ in Indiana,' Room 157. ditions. She will be a guest du ring 11:30 to 12:30 12:00 noon, Little 500 Bike race. the same day in Clare Hall, room 127, faculty and students are invited to brin~ their brown 9:00 p.m. Miss Marvin U Contest, bag lunch or cafe tray ther_e for informa l dis­ Marian Hall Auditorium, sponsored cussion with her . by Clare Hall Board. This presentation is cosponsored by the Camp us Min istry, Non-West Com.~ittee and the Wed., Nov. 14 - Clash Day (Lifu,ll"(thun Otf ,c.e-J History Department. EVERYONE WELC OME 5:00 p.m. Banners judged.

8:00 p.m. Men's Basketball vs. ********************************************** Marion, There. ATTENTION SWIMMERS AND ALL I NTERESTED MEMBERS Thu., Nov. 15 - Inside Out Day ( Bu s~n.:<.:: OF THE MARIAN COMMUNITY: 7:30 p.m. Music Club Movie, Lib. The Freshmen Class has been doing some re­ Aud. novation at the pool in Allison Mansion and wou ld like any individuals who have some great 7:45 p.m. Student-Faculty Basket· ideas and ·any amount of free time, whether it Game, Clare Hall Gym. be an hour or just half an hour, to come and help them out on Monday thru Thursday, 7-9pm. 8:30 p.m. Toga Party, Old Mixed As soon a s the chlorination is done , there Lounge, sponsored by Soph. Class. will be swimming after each work session for all those who helped ~ut . Upon total comp letion Fri., Nov. 16 - _Blue & Gold Da_y(/\lwn ·, of the pool , there will be a POOL PARTY for ' Hush Day ()\, hc.t.:. ) the entire Ma r ian College Community . The more interested individuals we get to help at the 7:30 p.m. Variety Show, Ma rian pool , the sooner we will be able to enjoy the Hall · Auditorium. pool for our.use . For f urther information, contact Bonnie Culley at ex t. 480 or pres . Sat., Nov. 17 - Homecoming Day Susan ·Back at ext. 465 . Please donate any amount . of t in:e you can . 1: 00 µ. m. Homecoming Parade (ed. note- The freshmen clnss should be com­ Continued on P ge 3. raenJ ·.:\ or hj e ffort. All the cla :,r~ s should -2- o .ll.ow th i . example ,rnd tnk on ::i prcject to 1,,1r, 1:.ah tain the! (·drnpus ' or r:;i11a l l> eau~y.) •


it's coming Dec 10th. Hel!o Dolly-Tne Movie flu shots will be given in t ne r a•tI1 Center for one night only $ 50 pe r perso n, $ 75 a couple Thursday, NovemlJer 8 and i- riday, No, e, ber 9 {male/female coupl es please ) This will include coming from 12 noon - 2 pm. Anyone tJe hvee n 13- attractions to our next mov1t:. '.?S 'yv'.'!rS of 22e ,i ll 9et 2 sh ots V cl tour week T.A.G. will sponsor ?. on e- acts this semester! interval between Oth 0 rwise 1 inJect,on ·s yood anyone interested in directing, NOW is your criance for 1979-80 flu . No experience necessary, learn while your work. This It Is recommended that you not re ce,1,,e a sho wi ll also be a good time for new actors, with little if aflerg1c to eggs. Any questions picas contact the or n~experience to make their mark. All of tnis H altn Center Ext. 552 11 :30 am :..... L :30 ;; m , will be - discussed -\f<..'1ld ncsday, Nov 14 at 4:30 pm, Monday thru Friday. wh ich is the next T .A.G. meeting. Auditions at C.T.S for the'' Norman Con ques ts'' Mrs. Osbo; ne are Monday and Tuesday . Our own audi ·QJl$ 'ror ti e Musical/Yoeman of the Guard," will be Nov. 19th. Sign up at the switchboard for an aud ition tIrr1 e. TO Y:ARIA COLLEGE STUDENTS : The Variety Show is going as sch ed uled. The performances are Sat., Nov. 10 at 3:30 p.m. and Fri., Last spring I applied for a j ob at Ma rian College that ha s alwayf had a con~ro Jersial Nov. 16 at 7:30 p.rn . Be sure D:: n~:ing ~ s tigma attached to it. W'ren I applied , I a c-- ,. cepted that fact as part of t he job) hoping in the coming year that that stig~a ~ould fade. Somehow with the passing cf tim3 i t hasn't faded , but instead it has pr~spered. HELPI!!!! I started in August with r, p-;:-. imistic hopes for the coming year. Tha s aff was in­ This Sunday, November 11 , students are needed volved in all areas of Marian Coll ege , and to help sell raffle tickets after the Masses at St. they were l iked by both studen:s and adninis­ Michael's Ct1urch for the Dr Nicholas Purichia ra ffle. tra cors. Looking now at where! s~and , I've St. Michae l's is located at Tibbs and 30th Street . We had many regrets that I ever acc:~tcd that need your help! Interested perso ns should meet at position at all. I 'm stuck in the middle of C!are Hal l desk at 9 :15 am, 10:15 a.m .; 12:00 noon. the ever wide ning gap between s ~udents and Even if you can only work one time period, your administrators , hoping so~et hing wil: happen hel p wou ld be most aoprec iated. For more inform~ · · to bring t hings to n·::> a gai:1.. I g ess it tion please contact eItt1er Mark Dan iel (ext .. 306) or is wrong f or me to hope for this . Beth Wathen (ext. 559.) I never look f or problems , they seem to fall in my l ap , and them being pu .. i11 that po­ Thanks Bunch es !!!!!! sition I must act. in ny best judg,'.!n ,_. ,t • .1y judgeme nt is never right to anycne else but myself. Is it wrong for me to jus": wan t to be a student for a change and not h9ve t o face ADULT LEARNERS those discipline problems of othe s? My answer is clear to me now, eve~ t hough Returning to colleye after some years? Then I see myself as a student, others ;,ill always join others who have done the same. You are in- see me and label oe the Reside.: Assistant! vited to bring your brown bag lu nch or cafe tray (coffee provided) to Cla re Hall, R. 128 or the Home Greg Smith Ee. Room for the following programs: Thurs., Nov. Marian Col~e g= Student 14, Mr. Dave floberts horn Madan 's Career Plac em ent Office, will lead a discussion on Career Options; on ********************** *** *** **** **•*********** the Thurs. after , Nov. 29, Sister Olga from CALENDAR OF EVENTS (continued from p. 2) the Psych Dept., will speak on Psychology of Women .. Each session is from 11: 30 to 1 p.m. Come and go 1 Sat. Nov. 17th Homecoming Da y when you need to·-- Although the sessions are primarily 2 : 00 p.m. Men's Basketball vs . Oa kland for Aclult Learners, everyone is welcome. City, Ritter High S=hool Gym

Campus Mirtistr y Drawing of winners in the raffle f or the Dr. Purichia Scholarship Fund wi !l take place at half-time

AMERICAN CH EM ICAL SOCIETY 6:00 p.m. Homecoming Dinner-Da~ce, Atkins on Hotel Thursday, November 15th at noon, Dr. Gates *******************************ft~k~~-·******** from the University of Toledo will speak on 'Or ganic Cryo Chemistry st Nea r Zero Degrees Kelvin'. The DR . PURI CHIA SCHOLARSHIP FU.'D R/,.FF 1.. E meeting wil ! be held In room 355, and a plant will · ··; This is the last week to sell or buy raf- be given away at tne mee ting. fle chances for the Dr. Purichia Scho:arship Fund. Tickets are still available ;n the Fi­ ALL ARE WE.LCOME nancia l Aid Office . Please turn ~n a:l m~ ney :1r,d '.: i<:1--.f't ' 1:•Jbs by noon on Fr:::.dR.y , c v. 16. If you have tickets and cannot~~~~ ~tem, JOST RE MEM.KER: please t urn them back in ear l y i 1 ~h e week. Thank You, i•· r i:rr,· ·1 ': ·f;,a !.'." ys c.J.asses h, s . Sister Ma-rga E.::: ila-.:-ney absolutely-:r( .. ~lt! , ·\, },',.1 ' C.,aBc: Strug le~3- ***~******k******************~***•~•~*r*•**** 1J. ) t ...... • ,. •

llO,L~CO:-lL'G WEI.: ! ! ! GOT::c TO ll0~11:CO>i i.,{C '. Homecoming Week is a]most h re ! Each ·1:tss If so, have w,: r,ot a deal for you! Of will be vying for the coveted " spi.r"i.t~ st·i,:-.k" course you ~ill hnve Lo get a corsase or ~ou­ G ,~~ · itb up puinLs [~- th~ir ~!~~ s for~~-~­ to;1 · ere fo · your love y or handsome date . That cipation in the various acti ities of the .Jee·. is wi1ere our fantastic deal co ... e s in. Flo\.-: r To get credit for dressing fort c Crazy Days, -·.'o rld , the florist providing the flowers for simply sign U) in the office list don th O"r Eo::.ecoming Court , is giving a 20% dh;count calendar below on each day t1at y u dr ss ap­ to any :-:a riar. College student , ho orders from propriately. For Hush Day on Fr .day , all th .::m ·. - The· f·lowers will be delivered to Clare females will be given a bush button to be won: Ha!l the ~orning or afternoon of the dance . on that day . If you talk to a guy who is not There are only t .;o t h i.ngs 0·1 have to do to in yot,r class , he can take your hush button. take ad\a, tage of t1is won erful offer . You Girls who s till bave t heir hush button i n t he ,us t call in your order no later t han Thursday , afternoon and guys who earn any, can Lurn tha. Xov . 15 by 5 p .m. and you must also have your into the Alumni Offic by 4 to count towards noney at the desk when the flowers arrive on class points . Foll owing ls a schedul of Satu~day mo rning . So, you can 't afford to events : pass up this terrific deal . Call Flower Saturday ov . 10 World at 783- 4124 before 5 p . m. Thursday . Vari ety Show 3 : 30 p . m. Marian Hall Auditorium 1· ey do a great job too! Sunday Nov . 11 ******* ** ************************************ Girl's Football 1:30 p .m. Guy ' s foo t ball 3:30 p . rn . TO OUR EXTHUSED AKD SPIRITED MARIAN COr !-,fU 1ITY Pep Rally 8 : 00 in ·Clare Ha ll Gym · , follow ing in Old l-''ixed Lounge He l p start out Homecoming 1 79 by showing ~hat spirit and enthusiasm you have by attend­ Monday .ov . 12 ing the Fres ~en Class PE? RALLY Sund~y LOv . 11 Dress-Up Day - sign up in t h~ Busi ess Office at 8 : 00 p . r:. . i n Clare Hall g_yr.l . Show what wild Gong Show 9 : 00 p .m. Piene Arena and c razy people you are and what spirit you have in your sclool end basketball team by · Tuesday ·ov. 13 attending . ~allowing t his PEP RALLY will be a PIZZA PARTY n ad D.A:"CE in the Old Mixed Grub Day- egistrar ' s Office Lou1ge a t Clare Ha l l . Little 500 12 : 00 noon Circle in front of Clar~ o~ce a gniD, that ' s Sunday , ov. 11 at Miss Marvin U 9: 00 p . m. '!a rian Hall Aucl:ltorL 8 :00 p.1:1 . in CJ...:lre ti:.ll (!yP1 , She~.: · _p n.g,. ' 1 Wed nesday ~ov . 14 geared a nd rowdy aad r eady t o have a good time . So , come and back your team! Clash Day - Informatio Off ice Banner Judging 5 :00 P. m. ·***** ·" * ***·* *** ** ~'•* * **i,>~**~' 1, -;,; **fr: ~'• ,t.;. --;:. * * * * ~< r, I*~';* * i, .len ' s Basketball -, away Baby Contest Outside Ma rian Hall ud . - For TOGA! TOGA ! TOGA ! ! ! class points ts determined by the runo unt o f money put in for pictur of your classes Hey Folks ! babies . 0 T ursday ovember 15th, the Sophomore c lass ·is · s~o~soring a Wild and crazy Roman Th ursday tov. 15 Toga :Fes tival with fun event. galore! 1'ow one Inside-out D3y - Business Of f ice of these great events w:i.1 1 be a group dnnce Doughnut e · ting Co ntest 8 :00 a.m. contest starring those t wo infamous footbal l Faculty vs . Student Basketball 7 : Lf5 p . m. teai~s : Gutter Ra ts and La gnaf. ow' s your Clar e Hall Gym cha1ce to get in on the action ! If you think Sophomor e Toga Party 9: 00 P.m. Old Mixed Lnge. ~ group can beat these great guys at dan­ cing , get s ix or more people together, get Friday Nov . 16 sooe nusic , & -ge your dance learned ! For fur­ Blue & Gold Day - Hush Day - Alumni Office t '1er ::.r: ~o contact Nancy To,msend or Jill Variet y Show 7:00 P. M. Harian Auditorium c2t ext . 428 , Pam Keiffer at ext . 418 , or De1•se Uhrig at ext . 533 . Saturday ,·ov . 17 P.rade 1 : 00 The Sophomore Class Game a t Ritter 2 : 00 P . S. Don ' t forget to get your togas ma de ! Dinner a nd Dan ing a t Atkinson 6 :00 cocktails ********************************************* 7: 00 Dinne:r 9 : 00 Dancing SOP"O:;QRES ; Any Questions , call Jill Ortma n Cc~e out to the Little 500 , Tuesday and ext . 428 wa ~ch '"'Ur Sop 1or.1ore Bikers ( Cary ~,',,ber , To1:i i-;.no.·, t.l.,rna Be sso, and N::mc y Townsend) -c:1c'-' to victory . ~e _still need a no-speed bike, WANTED : so if yoli . v . on , please call N~acy Town ­ Three charming , attractive, Apoll J-· ·sei ., 'Sxc . '·28 . Also, rem,;:1.bei- to check in mn. es to accomp.any three volupl:uous , s nirnow; th -~ 0f,:icc 1-:'k n :v u dres, up next w ck! /\11y-· ·.:::~.. :;. > c:~.c<:;.:-:nt. y0t n~ \,~c1:1r· c,111 ·n~ 01L :Lntc:reste>d in hclµ i 1r, dccon1i.:e , work, etc lhn e . n .1.J. · i. ly go as a set , cannot f:npa ate• -~t :~~ ora Pnrty, )l;:·~i~;t:! sec \·n,cy T 1s•1,f;'1

1 ·~.,- .. ··· . .. :.~v ~~' ~~'(" ...... ;.~ .. d~i:,··~ r; ! ~ ( ,,.. -1 ...... _,.,· :1c.L ..'. .. qp.Ly . ~!0 !)rit1.1· ... :"-~p0.r.iL~nc- .... nccc'st:i:tr", , ..• : . - 1 ; ,l, a PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB INT RA11URAL

The first meeting of the Photography Club Sunday·s Championship Do 1bleheader: will be next Wednesda y (Nov. 14) at 11 :30 in the 1 :30 girls BEARS vs BO , lBERS Psychology Lab. The purpose of this meeting will 3:00 fellows I AETA THI vs LAGNAF be strictly organi za tion- that is, we will attempt to Stars of the eek : dele1111i 1,.:? vv hal you c.tre i11 erested in le,11r,11,g , cioing, fop U lt1c1 al - LO N OAKLEY seeing, etc. and also selecting a time V\ihen we can Top Player - WILD BILL DOHERTY meet on a regular basis that fits into everyone's {TD Passer Supreme) sch edule. Rem ember, you do not have to be an ex- Brute Pl ayer of the Week - PA ~ KIEFER perienced photographer to participate. The only Top Offensive Player - KATHY HE EGAN requirements for membership are interest an d enthusiam ..

Dr. Appleby THANK YOU

************************************************ Doyle Hall Council is pleased to report that t he Monte Carlo Nite turned out to be a big success. SQUARE DANCE We are grateful to al l those who teamed up with us and helped us out. A well-deserved thank-you to: There will be live music Saturday night at 8:00 Dan & Carol Stockwell, Dean Woodman, Sr. p.m. for the Square Dance sponsored by Man asa and Franceca, Sr. Margaret, Mary Rihm, Connie Ryan, the Soc ial Planning Committee. Noble Melton's Old· Margy Sweeney, Nancy Townsend, [\1axi ne Randolp. , Time Fiddle Band will play traditional favorites to Chris Noel, Deana Crabtree, Bob Freese, Jim Woods. dance to. Members of the band are Noble Melton Jill Krider, Sr. Mary de Paul , Mr. Elmendorf, and on fiddle, Don Lathan on banjo, Ron Dye on guitar, the Business Office. The council is to be given a and John Steiner on bass. If you don't know how 'pat on the back' for handling all their assignments to dance, members of the Cen tral Indiana Folk Music and last minute details so well - Bob Oesterling, ike and Mountain Dulcimer Soci ety will be on hand to Helms, Mark Co llier, Tom Knox, Rick Sallee, and help out. Mike Yosha, the cailer, will take time to Joe Dash. Al 5c;1 1 very special thanks · to Greg Smith for teach the dances. Join us Saturday night in the base- putting in so much time and effort with us. Our ment lounge for a foot·stompin' good time! Admis- final thanks to all of you who attended and enjoyea sion is free, but donations will be accepted to help yourselves - you helped make our time worthwhile. Manasa with va~iOL.s service projects. Greg Hortemiller ************************************************ Doyle Hal I President.

GUEST SPEA KER at Saturday night Mass, Nov. 10 •*•**•••••••••••••****•••••*•*••••***•******** and Nov. 11 ATTENTION GOLDEN KNIGHTS Si ster Mary Kirchoff, member of the Medical Mission Si sters, and native of Ch icago, will speak on There will be a tour of Allison Mansion on the foreign missions at the weekend Masses. Sister Friday November 9 at 3:30 p.m. Plea se Attend] Mary is a practicing physician who has recently re­ turned from work ing three years in the missions in ********************************•**** **~***** ~ Kenya, Africn. She is currently re sid ing at the Marian Col! ege Faculty House while studying community medi· LOST AND NOT FOUND cine aL I UPUI. You are invited to pl ace a financial contribution in the bas ket at the back of the chapel 1 pair of Levi's (well worn}. Res idents of which will be used to ass ist the Medical Mission Sis· Clare Hall if you picked up laundry from the ters in their work in the developing nations in Asia, clothes! ine downstairs during the weekend of Nov. Africa and Latin America. 2, 3, or 4 please check and see if you have a pair of jeans that aren't yours. Please return them **************••*•······························ to Belinda Bowen, Room 217, Ext. 533. Thei r return would be great!y appreciated. BIOLOGY CLUB Thank you. Tuesday, November 13th a: 11:30, Thomas Flatt who is a district Fisheries Biologist will speak ****¼***********************************«***~~ on 'Fish Management Activities in Indiana.' The talk will be given in room 157. GOOD LUCK TO THE VOLLEYBALL TEAM IN


· ····- ~·-········***•*******···················· TOURNAMENT!!!!!!!!!!!! l ! !! !! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ll !l !! ! ! ! ! ! 1! ! i ! ! ! !


Saturday, Novem ber 10 at 1 :00 (Parent's Week­ GOOD LUCK TO THE MEN~ BASKETBALL end ) in Allison Mansion is the Style Show sponsored by the Home Economics Club. Refreshments will be TEAM . WE WISH YOU A SUCCE SSF: UL. SE.t\S011! se,vcd and door prizes awarded.

~ · , ' '{ J ') ., \~ .. .. . f~i3r:y si-car idec1s have been lost because the people Wh ~n think al.I_ is !ost, ~:, · ·. . '. ,, h ;1 c them couldn't stand b2in9 !nu9hr.d at. .5. you -~--- ~-~Anonymous .. ______.. A

I ~ • ..... f'" • "J "')' ... , ' .. •.. it\ , .. ~:...... 'J l getting caught by 5 , count t he~ , 5 rd' o '.·'.L.~ ;1:~ ::;: ··1, :;~~ . EXPERIE 'CES getting caugl t by the rd be[ re you c.:tn g, t in ·-;_ ;. ::i.:,G ·.. iTii FRIE. 'DS the door ··cu1CKL.. 1: 1uu1 c.; ~u1 t.;1:,:· guys \ i.o I lay ga11 es ''i'IZZIL C,\.?.POT " being president of f .c.l. & i . b. t . c . LOST CHE?. ?..Y TO.·'.ATOES AT DL NER silent treatme nts Rt;,;;; LG !-1ILE oildorfs from abash R::-vr VI:;G 11 .'EW BEGI. 'L'GS" guys asking me who they should take to home- o:~LY FIVE t-:ORE T;:EEKS TILL CHRISTMAS coming wh~n i don't have a date :,:o I:G OUT AT CHRISTMAS ! getting mushed co1:·G P.O:-~ BUT :or GOI 'G HO 1E . l : 30 phone calls HE::JS sleezers Tl E "CLUo" linda "lovelace'' kuper "SCAPPL"G" AT :OTRE DAME lovely linda d . t . SPO::TAtEOUS SATURDAY IGHTS bus ts- "not gi rls" :o:,EY FRO~! HOME radar cop at 30th st . ;-fY ROO'.'!IE IN 336 unfounded accusations by gutter rats ! XY t~uT FRlE:iDS 0~ 3 HAIN b-law during homecoming week . ,8.S. SPALLI'.\A (FRO'·1 BOOSTER CLUB) killer car doo rs :-:ICK.EY ::OUSE WATCHES entering through exits :-1EG ' s PARE.:r s saudi drivers CORK.Y ' S APPROVAL .. • THA KS "saudi" hawkins dance 1ST CHEESEIRYERS . bud's "babes" ''BAD 'E\-IS BEARS" going on to book iii PAl'l K feeling yu cky KOOGIE Carbon Confidentials GEEZ SHADOW Robin and Linda, why are you on the warpath? Ai.\ 'E B Mary , what happened in Doyle Hall Sat . night? BURKE L. C. says "Oh shit!" ORELUP Does anyone know where to find a large cheap ELA;.~A apartrr.ent for a lot of '-!arian C. students? J~ ET "S:ORK" J . H., ara you really a bad influenc on your MOT Z little brother? SGS •• 1 1 S B- DAY Is Tom Knox President of C.B. S.? Dor~s Bee!(' [>t:!..!.l ~·:e~; ~ :. ::' v--.: .i. t1 ~· l':i:.1? "BUSI(\ESS " Hey Joe G. , you are livin3 (ed . note : the re- R. A'S ON DRUGS mainder has been deleted due to poor tast e ) DOHERTY ' S HOUSE i~ARMI 1G PARTY ! Just ask "~1a1mny 11 about her glands ! "HOOCH" Susan B - "Once upon a Dream" "KEGGERS" Linda K. - How ' s Charles doing? "UP IN S~·1OK.E" Hey Kathy, Is there really bed bugs up there 11 l O" or was it Ma r gy? LAG.AF S. Farris : uo you have $17 . 50 , buddy? ,\EENIE ' S WEENIE When will Brian B. grow his mustache back? BOOSTER CLUB Sam , how many times did you go to the bank H0>1ECOMEG WEE:' - HERE AT LAST ! today? B. C. PRES. - L.M. Hello , It" s me . I ' ve thought about us for a H0:1ECO:·IIKG COURT long , long time . STYLE SHOW M.C . - ESSIE AN PS 135 Class : "I miss you !" (from Dr . A) FLOh'ER h'ORLD Margy , I wish I could have been caugh t on the CH.~\'"l',;EL 13 B-B STARS couch with you instead of Cathy. dARIAr KXIGHTS VOLLEYBALL G.S . - How did you get your rug burns? H.'\PPY EAGLE DAY *~******~************************************ ** \ INKY SL11"KY " STUDENT NIGHT " , RRY ~lE, OR SET ME FREE HOWDY DOODY TI tE The Indiana Chapter of Home Economists i n YO.' RE SUCH A PR1~TTY GIRL Business will Have "Student 'ight" again this BRL\THTAK.n:c SUNSETS year on 10v. 27 , a t Heritage House South, 4900 SPECIAL FRIE·os L.A. S.S. South East St . ( at US . 31S and I-465) . There BA BARA will be a social hour beginning at 5 :30 P.M., :1R . ROGERS dinner following at 6 : 15 P.M. The evening pro­ CA.'\ YO SAY "C RAZY "? gram w·11 be given by Mr . Carl Goodman, Accounc ! ?}G ! !.= (:: $'<&% ($ ,~& c;( %''·& ( %( <; ( & ( %) 0 Exec . wit· ~1anag ment Recruiter , Inc., who wi ll 1/3 YEAR help each person objc tively analyze her own E:GAGEG P, OPO ALS jcb sills . All student s and faculty who are in­ "T!'t:' .L\TE. 1ALIST S YS ' NEVER 1 I D' m!ILE THE t erest ed in participating are invited to attend. J.Di::.-\LI T S YS ' , 0 lATTER '" Reservations are due by ov . 21, to : ancy i