
Computer Programming

Decision Making (2) Loops Topics • The Conditional Execution of Statements (review) • Making a Decision (review) • If Statement (review) • Switch-case • ? operator • Repeating Statements • while loop • Examples Conditional Execution of Statements (Review from last week) A Statement defines an action to be carried out.

However, you may want to carry out the action on certain conditions. e.g. If b is not zero then compute a/b if is not negative then find its square root Conditions  A conditional expression is executed only if the given condition is true.

 A condition is expressed as a logical expression.

 e.g. Verify if the value in variable X is even or not  The value in variable X is even if it is divisible by 2 so the condition will be: X%2==0 Decision Making  To carry out a statement conditionally, a decision should be made.

 Decision making in C is done by if-else statement

 if( condition )  [The statements carried out when condition is true]  else  [The statements carried out when condition is false] Example  Read an integer and check if it is positive and divisible by 5 or not. Print a proper message in each case

#include void main() { int num; scanf(“%d”,&num); if( num % 5 ==0 && num >= 0 ) printf(“The condition was true\n”); else printf(“The condition was false\n”); } Decision Making using Switch-Case  If an integer or a character variable is tested against several constant values we can use switch-case statement for decision making.  Example: The example below can be written with switch-case int num; scanf(“%d”,&num); if(num == 10) printf(“Excellent \n”); else if(num == 9) printf(“Very good \n”); else if(num == 8) printf(“Good \n”); else if(num == 7) printf(“Average \n”); else printf(“Weak \n”); When Can We Use switch-case  The variable should be integer or character

 Compare for equality only ( only ==, we cannot use !=,>, >=, <, or <= with switch-case)

 The condition is not a compound condition (AND, OR are not used to combine simple logical expressions ) Switch-Case Statements  The structure of a switch-case statement is as below: switch(variable) { case value1: [statements if variable==value1]; break; // exit switch-case case value2: [statements if variable==value2]; break; // exit switch-case ………… default: [ statements if variable is not equal to any value given is cases] } Example

#include void main() { int grade; scanf(“%d”,&grade); switch(grade) { case 10: printf(“Excellent\n”); break; case 9: printf(“Very Good\n”); break; case 8: printf(“Good\n”); break; case 7: printf(“Average\n”); break; default: printf(“Weak\n”); } } Break Statement  Break statement makes the program exit the switch-case statement.

 Default part is the last part of switch-case, so we do not need a break in default part.

 If a case does not have a break statement, the next case is also executed. This can be used to OR two cases. Example  Using switch-case statement write a program to read an integer number greater than 1 and less than 10 and do the followings:  If the number is 2,4, 6, or 8 print “EVEN”  If the number is 3, 5, or 7 print “PRIME”  If the number is 9 print “ODD”  Otherwise print “Out of Range” #include void main() { int num; scanf(“%d”,&num); switch(num) { case 2: case 4: case 6: case 8: printf(“EVEN\n”); break; case 9: printf(“ODD\n”); break; case 3: case 5: case 7: printf(“PRIME\n”); break; default: printf(“Out of Range\n”); } } Default  Default is executed when the variable does not have any of the values in case parts

 In fact it can be assumed as “if non of the above values then..”

 Default part of switch-case statements is optional (same as else in if statements) ? Operator  ? Operator is a short form for if statements  Syntax:  Condition? True part : false part  True or false parts return a value, so it can be used in assignment statements  Example:  int large, a,b; scanf(“%d%d”,&a,&b); large = a>b ? a : b; Nested ? operators  ? Operator can be nested in another ? Statement  The syntax then will be:  Condition ? [Nested ?] : false part  Condition ? True part : [Nested ?]  Condition ? [Nested ?] : [Nested ?] Example  Read three integer numbers and choose the largest one. int large, a, b, c; scanf(“%d%d%d”,&a,&b,&c); large = a>b && a>c ? a : b>c ? b : c ; printf(“ The largest number was %d\n”, large); Repeating Statements  In many cases same operations are repeated for different data.  For example, finding average of a student is repeated for other students too.  In these cases, we can use a statement called a loop  The statements inside a loop are repeated until its condition becomes false.  C uses three types of loops:  While loop  Do-while loop (will be discussed next week)  (will be discussed next week) While Loop  While loop repeats a group of C statements until its condition becomes false  While loop has the following syntax: while(condition) [statements];

 Condition is a logical expression  Statements inside the while loop are called body of while loop  If more than one statement is written inside body of a while loop, they should be put in {} Example 1  Write a program to print all positive even integers less than 100.  The output should be like:  2  4  6  …..  96  98 #include void main() { int count; count = 2; while( count < 100 ) { printf(“%d\n”, count); count = count + 2; } } Example 2

 Re-write the calculator example to find the results until -1 is entered as the value of both operands. (e.g. ends when -1 / -1 is entered)  Calculator  This example is a simple calculator which can perform four operations: +, - , * , /  The program reads two numbers and a character. The character defines the operation.  The character can be ‘*’ , ‘-’, ‘/’, or ‘+’  The program carries out the operation and prints the result #include void main() { float num1, num2, result; char op; printf(“Enter the expression:\n”); scanf(“%f%c%f”,&num1,&op,&num2); while( num1 != -1 || num2 != -1 ) { if( op == ‘+’ ) { result = num1+num2; printf(“ The result is %f\n”, result); } else if( op == ‘-’ ) { result = num1-num2; printf(“ The result is %f\n”, result); } else if( op == ‘*’ ) { result = num1*num2; printf(“ The result is %f\n”, result); } else if( op == ‘/’ ) { if( num2 != 0 ) { result = num1/num2; printf(“ The result is %f\n”, result); } else printf(“Oops !!! Division by zero\n”); } else /* if the operator is not one of the 4 valid operators*/ printf(“ Invalid operator entered!!! \n”); /* read next expression */ printf(“Enter the expression:\n”); scanf(“%f%c%f”,&num1,&op,&num2); } /* end of while loop is here */ } Example 3

 Write a C program to read three grades of each student and find his/her average. The first grade is midterm exam grade, the second grade is final exam grade, and the third grade is assignment grade. The weight of each grade is:  Midterm 30%  Assignment 25%  Final 45%  Repeat finding average for 20 students #include void main() { float midterm, assignment, final, avg; int count; count = 0; while(count < 20) { printf(“Enter the midterm, assignment, and final grade \n”); scanf(“%f%f%f”, &midterm, &assignment, &final); avg=midterm *0.3+assignmenrt*0.25+final*0.45; printf(“The average is %6.2f\n”,avg); count=count+1; } } Example 4

 Write a C program to read a positive integer and find sum of all positive integers up to and including that number.

 Hint: Make sure that the number is positive #include void main() { int num, sum; int count; count = 1; sum = 0; printf(“Enter a positive integer \n”); scanf(“%d”, &num); if( num < 0 ) printf(“ You entered a negative number\n”); else { while(count <= num) { sum=sum+count; count=count+1; } printf(“The sum is %d \n”,sum); } } Summary  Some statements in a C program are executed conditionally

 If the condition is a simple logical statement testing an integer or character variable using equality (==), switch- case statements can be used

 If parts of a program are repeated with different values, we can use a loop

 while loop repeats executing the statements until the condition becomes false Questions?