Model 1000Hp - Cryogenic Pressure Reducing Regulator Section I I
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INSTALLATION, OPERATION & MAINTENANCE MANUAL IOM-1000HP- Cryogenic 02-20 ISO Registered Company MODEL 1000HP - CRYOGENIC PRESSURE REDUCING REGULATOR SECTION I I. DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE The Model 1000HP-5 and 1000HP-36 are cryogenic pressure reducing regulators used to control down stream (outlet or P2) pressure to levels above 10 psig, and up to 300 psig (size dependent). Sizes are 1/2", 3/4", 1", 1-1/2" and 2". The unit is designed for liquid or gaseous service with proper trim utilization, and proper jet selection. Refer to Technical Bulletin 1000HP-CRYO-TB for sizing, application and selection recommendations. Installation, operation and maintenance manuals (IOM's) exist for the following other Model 1000 products: 1000HP-Basic 1000LP-Basic 1000HP-Differential SECTION II II. INSTALLATION 1. An inlet block valve should always be in stalled. WARNING 2. If service application is continuous such that shut down is not readily accomplished, it is The maximum outlet pressure listed on the nameplate is rec om mended that an inlet block valve, and a the "upper operative limit" for the sensing diaphragm. manual bypass valve be in stalled. Higher pressures could damage the diaphragm. (Field hy dro static tests frequently de stroy dia phragms. DO NOT 3. Pipe unions must be installed to allow re mov al HY DRO STAT IC TEST THROUGH AN INSTALLED UNIT; ISOLATE FROM TEST.) from piping. Trim can only be changed by unit removal from pipeline. If flanges are uti lized, a lap joint flange is required on the inlet end of the valve 6. Clean the piping of all foreign ma te ri al in clud ing to help align bolt holes as the cylinder screws into chips, welding scale, oil, grease and dirt before place. in stall ing the valve. Strain ers are rec om mended. 4. An outlet pressure gauge should be located ap prox i mate ly ten pipe diameters down stream, and within sight. 5. All installations should include a down stream relief de vice if the inlet pressure could exceed the pressure rating of any downstream equip ment or the maximum outlet pressure rat ing of the unit. CAUTION Installation of adequate overpressure protec tion is recommended to protect the reg u la tor from over pres sure and all downstream equip ment from dam age in the event of regulator failure. 7. In placing thread sealant on pipe ends prior to can drip melted condensate as re quired. A purge en gage ment, ensure that excess material is gas is recommended for the spring cham ber. removed and not allowed to enter the regulator upon startup. 10. Regulators are not to be direct buried under- ground. 8. Flow Direction: Install so the flow direction match es the arrow cast on the body. 11. For insulated piping systems, recommen dation is to not insulate regulator. 9. For best performance, install in well drained hor i zon tal pipe. Recommended position is with 12. Cashco does not recommend field welding on spring chamber vertically downwards. Orient the cyl in der (inlet) end of the regulator, due to the to prevent the spring cham ber vent hole from possibility of warpage. collecting rainwater or debris, and so drain hole SECTION III III. PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION This is a function of the ratio of the port area to 1. The Model 1000 is available in two vari a tions: di a phragm area. It is possible for there to be too 1000LP (larger diaphragm) for down stream pres- high of an inlet pressure for the regulator to close sure control from 1-30 psig; 1000HP (small er off against. (Refer to Technical Bulletin, Tables 6 diaphragm) for down stream pressure control from and 7 for limits.) Reduced port, Option -12 allows 10-300 psig, body size dependent. low er down stream (P2 or outlet) pressure set tings for a given up stream (P1 or inlet) pressure level. 2. Movement occurs as pressure variations reg- ister on the diaphragm. The registering pres sure 5. The FTO design also is limited by a minimum is the outlet, P2, or downstream pressure. The pressure drop. If the regulator pressure drop is range spring opposes di a phragm move ment. As below 5 psi, an Option 1000-17 Piston Spring outlet pressure drops, the range spring pushes should be utilized to assist open ing the valve the diaph ragm up, opening the port; as outlet piston. (Standard with 1000-5; must be speci fied pressure increases, the dia phragm push es down with 1000-36.) and the port closes. 6. The Model 1000 includes an aspiration jet ef fect, 3. The Model 1000 includes a rocker arm in its due to the clearance of the piston from the body op er a tion al mechanism. The rocker arm allows near the regulator's outlet. These clear ances vary the regulator to operate flow-to-open (FTO), as to whether the fluid is a gas or a liquid. Jets must rather than conventional flow-to-close (FTC), be se lec ted to match one of these two general which increases rangeability. fluids. An improper jet selection will reduce perfor- mance. 4. Due to the FTO design, there is a limit as to how low of a downstream (P2 or outlet) pressure level 7. A complete diaphragm failure will cause the setting is capable for a given inlet P1 pressure. regulator to fail open. 2 IOM-1000HP-Cryogenic SECTION IV IV. STARTUP not, slowly rotate the reg u la tor ad just ing screw clockwise (CW) until flow begins. 1. Purge the system, including the spring cham ber, to remove air, moisture, carbon dioxide, etc. 7. Continue to slowly open the inlet (up stream) block valve until fully open. 2. Start with the block valves closed. A bypass valve may be used to maintain outlet pressure 8. Continue to slowly open the outlet (down stream) in the downstream system without changing the block valve, especially when the down stream fol low ing steps. piping system isn't pres surized. If the outlet (downstream) pressure exceeds the de sired 3. Relax the range spring by turning the adjusting pres sure, close the block valve and go to Step 2, screw counterclockwise (CCW) a min i mum of then return to Step 4. three (3) full revolutions. This re duces the outlet (down stream) pres sure set point. NOTE: Ro ta tion 9. When flow is established steady enough that the CW or CCW is as viewed from the ad just ing screw outlet (downstream) block valve is fully open, end, i.e. bottom of valve looking up. begin to slowly close the bypass valve if in stalled. 4. If equipped with a bypass valve, slowly open 10. Develop system flow to a level near its expected the bypass valve to cool the system piping and normal rate, and reset the regulator set point by to allow slow contraction of the piping. Closely turning the adjusting screw CW to increase outlet monitor outlet (down stream) pressure via gauge pressure, or CCW to reduce outlet pres sure. to ensure not over-pres sur iz ing. NOTE: If no bypass valve is in stalled, extra caution should 11. Reduce system flow to a minimum level and be used in starting up an am bi ent tem pera ture ob serve set point. Outlet pressure will rise from system; i.e. do everything slow ly. the set point of Step 9. The maximum rise in outlet pressure on decreasing flow should not 5. Crack open the outlet (downstream) block valve. exceed the stated up per limit of the range spring by greater than 30%; i.e. 10-40 psig range spring, 6. Slowly open the inlet (upstream) block valve at low flow the outlet pressure should not exceed ob serv ing the outlet (down stream) pres sure 52 psig. If it does, consult fac to ry. gauge. Determine if the regulator is flowing. If SECTION V V. SHUTDOWN 2. If the regulator and system are to both be 1. On systems with a bypass valve, and where shut down, slowly close the inlet (upstream) block sys tem pressure is to be maintained as the valve. Close the outlet (down stream) valve only if reg u la tor is shut down, slowly open the by pass regulator re mov al is required. valve while clos ing the inlet (up stream) block valve. Fully close the inlet (up stream) block valve. (When on bypass, the system pres sure must be CAUTION con stant ly observed and man u al ly reg u lat ed.) Close the outlet (down stream) block valve. Do not walk away and leave a bypassed regulator unat- tended. SECTION VI VI. MAINTENANCE A. General: 2. Owner should refer to owner's proce dures for removal, handling and cleaning of reusable 1. Maintenance procedures hereinafter are parts, and disposal of nonreusable parts, i.e. based upon removal of the regulator unit asbestos gaskets, suitable sol vents, etc. from the pipeline where in stalled. IOM-1000HP-Cryogenic 3 3. If desired, gaskets may be oiled, or coated with gasket sealant or thread sealing com pound, pro vid ed the sealant is compatible with the fluid. (See below for "oxygen cleaned" valves.) 4. Valves originally supplied as "oxygen cleaned" (Options 1000-55, 1000-5 or 1000- 36) are as sem bled using special gasket sealant, Fluorolube GR-3621, or equivalent. Cashco, Inc. recommends following fac to ry cleaning spec ification #S-1134, or equiv a lent. Con tact factory for details. B. Diaphragm Replacement: 1. Securely install the body (1) in a vise with the Diaphragm sub-assembly consists of items (10), (11), (12), spring chamber (2) directed upwards.