PRIDE OF DARLINGTON 2 OPINION 4 OBITUARIES 8 PUZZLES 7 LEGALS 11 CLASSIFIEDS PAGE 8 QUOTE ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.’ EDMUND BURKE Vol. 146, No. 6 NewONE SECTION • 12 PAGES s&PressESTABLISHED 1874 FEBRUARY 5, 2020 75¢ Darlington, S.C. WWW.NEWSANDPRESS.NET Cup plant to close amid $145M Dixie expansion By Bobby Bryant Darlington will not create new the city,” said Darlington said David Duncan, executive Pacific said its cup customers of city-owned property for a Editor jobs, but will modernize and Mayor Curtis Boyd – except for vice president for Georgia- “will continue to be served total of $187,000 to an undis-
[email protected] expand the plate and bowl the fact that the plate-making Pacific’s Consumer Products from Georgia-Pacific Dixie closed buyer for undisclosed capacity of the facility,” plant will be shut down. But Group. “The demand for our plants in Lexington, Ky., and Georgia-Pacific has revealed Georgia-Pacific announced in a hopefully, Boyd said, many of plates and bowls continues to Lehigh Valley, Pa.” purposes. The council’s agenda the secret of “Project Peach,” press release. those employees will be able to grow as consumers value the “All of the future Darlington referred to this as an “econom- and it means good news and Referring to the 80 or so find jobs in other divisions of Dixie brand’s unique combina- operations will be clustered on ic development” deal known bad news for Darlington’s huge employees whose jobs will end the Dixie complex.