South American Weekly Report Tuesday, May 04th – Monday, May 10th, 2021 – COVID Report Tuesday, May 04th – Monday, May 10th, 2021

3,165,121 67,821 1,404,487 (3,1%) 7,718,272 (17,2%) Cases of COIVD-19 Deceased Fully Vaccinated Received at least one dose

Political Outlook The president, Alberto Fernandez, is tour in Europe to visiting the presidents of 1. Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and the Vatican. (Source)

The President launched the "Call for Projects for Harmonious Development with 2. Territorial Balance", an initiative promoted by the Economic and Social Council (CES). (Source)

Economic Outlook Manufacturing industry grew 12.4% in the first quarter of the year compared to the 1. same period in 2020. (Source)

April national tax collection data indicated an increase in tax revenues of 105% over 2. April 2020. (Source)


Congress resumes its functions to deal with the bill sent by the President in order to 1. make decisions regarding health policies due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Source)

The Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, announced that, as of May 19, 861,000 2. Astrazeneca vaccines will be released for Argentina through the Covax mechanism. (Source)

Other News The Chief of Cabinet, , headed a meeting of the Economic Cabinet 1. with the different authorities to discuss the current situation. (Source)

The President launched the Rebuild Program, aimed at completing the construction of 2. 55 thousand homes with an investment of 110 billion pesos. (Source) Brazil – COVID Report Tuesday, May 04th – Monday, May 10th 2021

15,285,048 425,711 18,380,678 (8,6%) 36,502,196 (17,24%) Cases of COIVD-19 Deceased Fully Vaccinated Received at least one dose

Political Outlook

President Jair Bolsonaro signed a Provisional Measure this week that allows purchases 1. of goods and services related to fighting the pandemic to be made without bidding. (Source)

President Jair Bolsonaro again attacked Covid's CPI and threatened to issue a decree 2. that would prevent mayors and governors from promoting tougher social isolation measures amid the coronavirus pandemic. (Source)

Economic Outlook A study released by the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro 1. reveals that economic activity in Brazil experienced a 6.7% retraction in the 12-month period, started in March 2020, with the pandemic, until February 2021. (Source)

The reopening of the Emergency Employment and Income Maintenance Program (BEm) 2. records a total of 506,834 new agreements for suspension of contracts or reduction of working hours and wages. (Source) COVID-19

The statements made to Covid's CPI in the Senate over the week had at least one 1. point in common: they all addressed President Jair Bolsonaro's insistence on the so- called “early treatment”. (Source)

Consortium of states presents new report and asks Anvisa to reassess import of the 2. Sputnik V vaccine. (Source)

Other News Cities in which President Jair Bolsonaro won the 2nd round of the 2018 elections had 1. a higher number of cases and deaths by covid-19 than those in which he lost. (Source)

COVID-19 crisis takes 6.6 million women out of work.(Source) 2. Bolivia – COVID Report Tuesday, May 4th – Monday, May 10th, 2021

318,610 13,251 734,162 (6,7%) 264,656 (2.4%) Cases of COIVD-19 Deceased Fully Vaccinated Received at least one dose

Political Outlook

Political analysts detect several tendencies within the government of President Arce. 1. These tendencies seek greater space for power, but which for the moment coexist in a "fragile equilibrium". (Source)

The European Union says that Bolivia is the country it supports the most and advocates 2. for a peaceful and respectful dialogue. (Source)

Economic Outlook

Digital tax opens a national debate on tax reform (Source) 1.

Bolivia registers negative inflation for the second consecutive month, as in March 2. where there was also a negative inflation of -0.12%. (Source)


There is fear in the authorities that the lack of vaccines will aggravate the 3rd wave; 1. they will define plan (Source)

A study by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Johns Hopkins University 2. shows that in the last three months, Bolivia has experienced a significant reduction in cases and deaths from COVID 19, per 100,000 inhabitants. (Source)

Other News Bolivia applies the highest rank to punish smuggling with jail. (Source) 1.

Short-term gas purchase contract opportunity opens. (Source) 2. Chile – COVID Report Tuesday, May 04th – Monday, May 10th, 2021

1,260,448 27,384 7,294,070 (38%) 8,765,052 (46%) Cases of COIVD-19 Deceased Fully Vaccinated Received at least one dose

COVID-19 The Health Ministry again reported fewer than 4,000 daily cases of COVID-19, and 1. reported that 10 provinces decreased its cases in the last seven days, and 14 provinces in the last 14 days (Source).

Authorities announced new measures in the Step by Step plan. From this Thursday, 20 2. cities will end the quarantine, 31 cities will advance phase, and 9 will go back one step (Source). Political Outlook Authorities presented the guide "Follow the Safe Voting Route", which includes self- 1. care recommendations to vote without the risk of infection in the elections next Sunday (Source).

Sebastián Piñera announced the delay of the start of the curfew on Sunday, from 2. 9:00 pm to 2:00 am, due to the elections. In addition, preferential treatment will be offered to the elderly and chronically ill who vote (Source). Economic Outlook A study by the Catholic University revealed that 46% of the jobs lost during the worst 1. moment of the pandemic were recovered in April. Employed persons increased for the first time in 12 months (Source).

Retail sales increased 29,5% (excluding supermarkets) due to the end of quarantines 2. in some cities of the Metropolitan Region, according to the Santiago Chamber of Commerce (Source).

Other News A report revealed that in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, an average of 516 new 1. companies have been created per day, accumulating 42,923 so far this year, 72% more than the first quarter of 2020 (Source).

A study revealed that 52% of Metropolitan Region population the has experienced 2. overwhelm as a result of the latest quarantines that have been implemented in the context of the pandemic (Source). Colombia – COVID Report Tuesday, May 04th – Monday, May 10th, 2021

3,031,726 78,771 2,440,975 (4.9%) 6,478,808 (13.1%) Cases of COIVD-19 Deceased Fully Vaccinated Received at least one dose

Political Outlook

Peace Commissioner, Miguel Ceballos, said that the Government agreed to negotiate 1. the demands of the National Strike Committee to end the protests that began on April 28th. (Source)

President Duque announced that in the second semester of 2021, there would be a 2. free public university, technical and technological education for socioeconomic strata 1, 2, and 3. (Source) Economic Outlook According to FENALCO (The National Trade Federation of Colombia), in the days of 1. the strike, the losses have been recorded for more than $ 1 trillion, and this grows as vandalism worsens, affecting commercial establishments. (Source)

Although February and March showed a recovery in consumer confidence, April again 2. showed a slump, almost at the same levels seen in April 2020. According to Fedesarrollo, consumer confidence fell to 34.2%. (Source) COVID-19

Phase 3 of the Vaccination Plan will begin in Colombia. This phase will include 1. personnel from the educational sector, the members of ICBF, the Attorney General's Office, the Public Force, and people with preexistence and comorbidities. (Source)

The Government informed that 1 million doses of Sinovac arrived in the country. 2. Colombia completed more than 10 million doses of the different pharmaceutical companies (Sinovac, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca). (Source)

Other News

After several days of protests and blockades carried out in the framework of the 1. national strike, several departments are already registering shortages of food and medicine, but, above all, of fuel. (Source)

The Security Council extended the mandate of the United Nations Verification Mission 2. in Colombia until 31 October and expanded it to include monitoring implementation of the sentences handed down by the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP). (Source) Ecuador – COVID Report Tuesday, May 04th – Monday, May 10th, 2021

402,595 19,286 265,841 (1.5%) 1,289,962 (5.9%) Cases of COIVD-19 Deceased Fully Vaccinated Received at least one dose

Political Outlook

1. The president-elect of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, announced that he would sign a contract with Russia for the acquisition of the Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine. (Source)

The political parties and movements are mired in lobbying to reach alliances and 2. pacts for the election of the new authorities of the National Assembly, which on Friday, May 14th, will inaugurate the new four-year legislature. (Source) Economic Outlook The public company Petroecuador EP reported that 65,000 barrels of fuel would be 1. exported to Colombia: 20,000 barrels of gasoline, 10,000 barrels of diesel, and 35,000 barrels of LPG. (Source)

President Lenín Moreno requested the dismissal of the general manager of the 2. General Bank of the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute (Biess), Diego Burneo Aguirre, for increasing the interest rates on mortgage loans. (Source) COVID-19

Ecuador negotiated 20,097,155 COVID-19 vaccine doses with the providers: Pfizer- 1. BioNtech, Sinovac, the global initiative Covax Facility and AstraZeneca. In the second semester, 14,707,055 doses will arrive in the country. (Source)

The National Electoral Council (CNE) will collaborate with the Ministry of Health to 2. help in the logistical deployment for the new vaccination plan in Ecuador of the incoming government of Guillermo Lasso. (Source)

Other News

President Lenín Moreno denounced the alleged intervention of Nicolás Maduro in the 1. wave of protests in Colombia. (Source)

The Organic Law on Personal Data was approved last Monday by the plenary session 2. of the National Assembly with 118 votes in the 707th session of the Legislative. (Source) Paraguay – COVID Report Tuesday, May 04th – Monday, May 10th, 2021

299,684 7,209 12,428 (0,17%) 131,013 (1,8%) Cases of COIVD-19 Deceased Fully Vaccinated Received at least one dose

Political Outlook The President heads the launching ceremony of the Wheat Planting 2021 in Alto 1. Paraná. The government assured that it will continue to provide road infrastructure and energy supply for the expansion of the country. (Source)

The Raúl Peña II Family Health Unit was inaugurated by the President of the Republic, 2. Mario Abdo Benítez, in Alto Paraná. With this work, there are now 12 USFs delivered by Itaipu Binacional. (Source)

Economic Outlook The Ministry of Finance will inject a total of 114,394 million guaraníes into the 1. economy through payments to suppliers and creditors of the State. (Source)

The Paraguayan State closed with a fiscal deficit of -0.5% of the Gross Domestic 2. Product (GDP), which represents approximately US$ 205.6 million, according to a report issued by the Vice Ministry of Economy. (Source)


Paraguay will receive a donation of two tons of medicines for Intensive Care Units as 1. part of a cooperation from Spain. (Source)

The Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare announced that, in a joint effort with the Ministry 2. of Foreign Affairs, it has been decided to enable the registration of foreigners who do not have a Paraguayan identity card for vaccination against COVID-19. (Source)

Other News Government inaugurates road in Edelira, benefiting some 40,000 inhabitants, mostly 1. agricultural producers. (Source)

The two Paraguayan binational cities, Itaipu, shared with Brazil, and Yacyretá, with 2. Argentina, will reallocate their socio-environmental funds to Paraguay's health system through agreements with the Ministry of Health. (Source) Peru – COVID Report Tuesday, May 4th– Monday, May 10th, 2021

1,858,239 64,691 712.205 (2.19%) 1,431,241 (4.47%) Cases of COIVD-19 Deceased Fully Vaccinated Received at least one dose

Political Outlook

According to the national survey of the Institute of Peruvian Studies (IEP), Pedro Castillo 1. has 36.2% of the population's intention to vote while the leader of Keiko Fujimori has 30%. (Source)

The Constitution Commission of the Congress of the Republic approved by majority a 2. project that proposes a reform referred to the constitutional mechanism of question of trust. (Source)

Economic Outlook As of March 2021, the transfer of resources generated by the mining activity to the 1. Regional and Local Governments amounted to more than S / 1200 million. (Source)

The Banco de la Nación (BN) will open 500,000 savings accounts with a National 2. Identity Document (DNI) number, as part of a financial inclusion policy. (Source)


The Ministry of Economy transferred S/ 180,696,654 in favor of 1,120 local 1. governments to finance immediate intervention activities of Trabaja Perú program, in the context of the health emergency. (Source)

The Government announced the beginning of the immunization of people with Down 2. syndrome and patients with kidney failure receiving hemodialysis. (Source)

Other News The Congress approved the signing of the law that allows the withdrawal of up to S / 1. 17,600 from the Pension Fund Administrators (AFP), after it was observed by the Executive Power. (Source)

More than 100,000 small agricultural producers, with active loans in Agrobanco, will be 2. able to view the status of their debt in the new internet banking that the institution implemented. (Source) Uruguay – COVID Report Tuesday, May 04th – Monday, May 10th, 2021

220,683 3,112 794,377 (22,66%) 1,237,283 (35,29%) Cases of COIVD-19 Deceased Fully Vaccinated Received at least one dose

Political Outlook Senator Jorge Gandini presented to the Health Emergency Follow-up Commission a 1. proposal to create a “green pass” so that those who are vaccinated can partially resume normalcy. (Source)

President Lacalle Pou main concern is post-pandemic Uruguay. In this context, a shift 2. towards the "pure and hard" policy is framed to face what is coming on the horizon with Covid-19 under control. (Source) Economic Outlook The 2020 Financial System report prepared by the Central Bank indicates that the 1. Ministry of Economy and the BCU took a series of measures that managed to avoid a credit contraction and keep liquidity. (Source)

Exports reached US $ 883 million in April, which implies an increase of 29.4% in year- 2. on-year terms. In addition, it was the highest monthly total since June 2017. (Source)

COVID-19 In May, 2,000,000 vaccines will arrive in Uruguay. The Secretary of the Presidency 1. Álvaro Delgado announced the arrival of 500,000 more doses of Pfizer in May, which will be destined for the prioritized populations. (Source)

According to the Ministry of Labor, almost 50% of the companies inspected "have 2. some degree of non-compliance" with the provisions to combat Covid-19. (Source)

Other News Unos 167.000 niños regresan este lunes a las aulas en todo el país. El 12% perdió el 1. contacto con su maestra. En 2020 luego del primer cierre de las aulas por la pandemia, se habían desconectado un 33%. (Source)

Year-on-year inflation had the biggest drop since 2005, with the consumer price 2. index rising 0.5% in the last month and 6.76% in the last 12 months, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics. (Source)