American Institute of Architects Continuing Systems (AIA/CES)

“The Products Council” is a Registered Provider with The

. Credit(s) earned on completion of this program will be reportdtted to AIA/CES for AIA memb ers. C er tificat es of C ompl eti on f or Grading both AIA members and non-AIA members are available upon request.

and This program is registered with AIA/CES for continuing professional Grade Marks education. As such, it does not include content that may be deemed or construed to be an approval or endorsement by the AIA of any material of or any method or manner of handling, using, distributing, or dealing in any material or product.

Questions related to specific materials, methods, and services will be addressed at the conclusion of this presentation. Presented by: Jo hn “B u ddy” Sh owalt er, P .E . Vice President, Transfer

Copyright © 2007-2010 American Wood Council. All rights reserved.

Copyright Materials Learning Objectives This presentation is protected by US and International Copyright laws. Reproduction, At the end of this program, participants will be knowledgeable of: distribution, display and use of the presentation without written pppermission of the speaker is prohibited. 1. Wha t in forma tion gra de mar ks s hou ld con ta in. 2. How grading is done. 3. Variations in gggrade marks such as are found on finger- © American Wood Council 2011 jointed lumber. 4. Code-accepted alternatives to a grade mark. Gradebeams Marks and girders shall be Grade Marks • IRC R502.1: “Load- a lumber grading or iilbji tf l i di mension lumber for , ins identified by by a gradea grade mark mark of of No 2 ppgyection agency that has been approved by an D ACME accreditation body that complies with DOC PS 20.” 14 S-Dry R602.1 and R802.1 are similar

Grade Marks Grade Marks

LbLumber gra de LbLumber gra de

No 2 No 2

D D Lumber ACME Fir ACME Fir species 14 14 S-Dry S-Dry Grade Marks Grade Marks

LbLumber gra de LbLumber gra de

No 2 No 2

D Lumber Trademark D Lumber ACME Fir species or logo ACME Fir species 14 14 S-Dry S-Dry

Moisture content Moisture content

Grade Marks Grade Marks

LbLumber gra de

No 2 No 2 Heat-treated D Lumber to kill insec ts – D Trademark ACME Fir species for international ACME Fir shipments Mill 14 14 identification S-Dry HT S-Dry

Moisture content Gradebeams Marksand girders shall be Grade Marks • IRClumber R502.1*: grading “Load-bearing or inspection iilbji tf l i di mensa ion lumber for joists, identified by by a gradea grade mark mark of a of a DOC PS 20 ggyency pp that has been approved by an accreditation body that complies with DOC PS 20 * R602.1 and R802.1 are similar


Grade Marks Grade Marks dimension lumber for joists,

• IRCidentified R502 . 1by: “La d oad-bibearing AiAmerican LbStddCLumber Standards Comm ittee • a lumber • Untreated wood program grade mark of beams and and girders girders shall shall be be • Untreated facsimile list

gggrading or inspection agency that has been approved by an accreditation body complies with DOC PS 20 that

.” Grade Marks Grade Marks

Grade Marks Grade Marks Grade

Trad emark/L ogo

Mill ID

Moisture content Grade Marks Grade Marks

• Machine evaluated • Correlates stiffness (machine rated) or (machine evaluated) to other properties

Grade Marks Grade Marks

Trademark/Logo Mill ID

Wood species Moisture content and girders shall be identified by a Grade Marks Grade Marks: Certificate of Inspection • IRC R502.1: “Load-bearing • Not manufacturer/supplier letter dimension lumber lumber for for joists joists beams, beams • From ALSC-approved lieu of a grade mark, a certificate of grading/inspection agency ggggradeinspection mark ofissued a lumber by a glumberrading or inspection agency that has been • Assurance that lumber conforms approved by an accreditation body with grading rules that complies complies with with DOC DOC PS 20PS 20. In • Letterhead of accredited agency • Information about lumber – Grade & species grading or inspection agency meeting the requirements of this – Moisture content section shall be accepted accepted.” – Size & number of pieces inspected • Identifying mark on each piece

Finger Jointed Lumber Finger Jointed Lumber • HRA • Widely accepted for – Heat Resitistan t Adhes ive use by IBC and IRC – Designated on grade • Interchangeable stamp with sawn – Used where rated assemblies are required lumber with certain by code limitations: • Exterior – HRA • Dwelling unit separations • Commercial tenant – NON-HRA separations – Wet service – OiOrien tati on Finger Jointed Lumber Finger Jointed Lumber

• NON-HRA • HRA marks absent? – Adhesive not rated for – Treat same as NON-HRA heat resistance – Designated on grade stamp


Finger Jointed Lumber Finger Jointed Lumber • Other Stamp Designations • Adhesive Performance Testing – Exterior Use allowed – Structural applications are not – ASTM D7374-08 limited – ASTM D7470-08 – Must meet HRA criteria in – adhesive to sustain ASTM E119 rated assemblies fire t est of l oad -bibearing en d- jointed stud assembly loaded to 100% of allowable design load for 1-hour Finger Jointed Lumber Finger Jointed Lumber

• Other Stamp Designations • Other Stamp Designations – Old grade marks – STUD USE ONLY or – VERT USE ONLY

– Limited to use where bending or tension stresses are of short duration

NDS Chapter 4 – Lumber NDS 2005 Supplement

• Design values 2005 – Visually graded lumber 1 Sawn Lumber Grading Agencies 2 Species Combinations – MSR / MEL 3 Section Properties – Timber 4 Design Values - Lumber, Timber, and Decking – Decking - MSR and MEL --NonNon--NorthNorth American Sawn Lumber 2005 NDS Supplement - Lumber 2005 NDS Supplement

Visually graded dimension lumber ( 4A) Visually Graded Dimension Lumber (Table 4B)

2005 NDS Supplement 2005 NDS Supplement

Mechanically Graded Dimension Lumber (Table 4C) Visually Graded Timber (Table 4D) • MSR and MEL 2005 NDS Supplement 2005 NDS Supplement

Visually Graded Decking (Table 4E) Non-North American Species (Table 4F) • 2” - 4” thick • Various widths

• Different from 5/4” decking – Span rated per ALSC policy – Usually rated at 16 ” – 24” on center

Stress Rated Boards Species not in NDS

NominalSouthern 11,",1 1 -Pine1/4" ,Lumber and 1-1/2“ • Foreiggpn species • Southern Inspection Bureau – , ipe, greenheart, etc., • Domestic species – 2002 Standard Standard Grading Grading Rules Rules for for – ash, locust, magnolia, walnut, etc., • Wood Handbook • Section 265 stress rated boards – Industrial 55 (IND 55) – » graded per No. 1 dimension – average unadjusted ultimate values – Industrial 45 (IND 45) – need to be adjusted per ASTM D245 »graddded per No. 2di2 dimens ion • NtNot gra de s tampe did in – Industrial 26 (IND 26) accordance with ALSC » graded per No. 3 dimension • judgment Tongggue and Decking Roof Decking Course Evaluations In order to maintain high-quality learning experiences, please access • WCD #2 #2 Tongue Tongue and and Groove Groove the evaluation for this course byyggg into CES Discover y and clicking on the Course Evaluation link on the left side of the page.

– Specialty lumber product – Nominal 3” and 4” decking – especially well adapted for use with glued laminated arches


This concludes The American Institute of Architects Continuing Education Systems Course info@awc. org