Pf Summer Household
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* WftV u. would Jackson answer—Joe of Cleve- Bartlett 2. Two-base hits: E. San-1 land. SMILES—VALUE OF. RECORD FOR BURKETT ders 1, Peterson 1, Birdsall 1, Reeves Paul Since Joe became an Idol of the Gryska 1. Double plays: E. Sanders to An article in The Pleasantville bleacher patrons, his habit each day E. Sanders to Smith to R. San- Smith; Press of last week set me thinking has been to a to the ders. Struck First Class Shoemaker toes ball over! out: By Adams 5, by on the value of smiles. I am not MANAGER OF WORCESTER TEAM 2. Base 6 E. Avenue boys just before the game. He did Montgomery 5, by Murphy very familiar with the higher mathe- Washington on balls: Off Adams off LONG IN HARNE88. this trick every time he appeared in 1, Montgom- SEASONABLE PUDDINGS. matics, but I am positively sure that PLEASANTVILLE, N. J. off 1. Haw- St. Louis last year and in 1912. ery 6, Murphy Umpires: an expert in the highest mathematics to suit all tastes are kins and Painter. cannot All Work Guaranteed Satisfactory Just before the of a recent possibly estimate accurately opening represented below. are and Prices Reasonable. They the value of Smiles. Smiles on Jr game Joe walked out to right field. PUDDINGS grow As Member of Cleveland Club He Led Next Saturday, June 27th, the East compounded with fruits and nuts the richest soil found in human A. A. and from the sim- National League Batters In 1895 Philadelphia will play here. range comparatively hearts. They are the best crop On their first here the PleasantviUe and 1896, and Topped the List appearance ple everyday pudding to the elaborate grown. Smiles do not exhaust the Laundry East Philadelphia put up a good clean kind for special occasions. They are soil as frowns and scowls do. So the [ With St. Louis In 1901. fast to the home man CHINESE game, losing boys suitable for dinner or luncheon. who grows smiles as compared by 3 to 0. with the man who grows frowns, oth- _ Pineapple and Tapioca Pudding.— FRANK LOUIE LEONG, Proprietor With the opening of the season in er things will live This Take one-half cupful tapioca; wash equal, longer. the New England league recently. PLEASANTVILLE TRANSFERS. may or may not be an indication of AI1 work done by hand and will be and put iu double boiler, with a scant Manager Jesse Burkett started on his the real value of Smiles, but most of for the second or third cold water and a of salt. ready delivery Anna E. Underwood to Annie E. quart pinch us value very that W after its twenty-eighth consecutive year as a highly anything day receipt. Testman, lot No. 19 of section 1 on Cook until as clear as starch. Stir prolongs life. Smiles on baseball player. As pilot of the grow happy Prices low. Satisfaction map of farm lots belonging to Risley often to prevent lumping. Remove hearts—hearts that are not altogether f guaran- Worcester team Burkett dons the • teed; all work not satisfactory will and Farr, located at Pleasantville and from the fire, put into the dish in dependent on outward conditions. The spangles regularly, and, though he known as be done over free of charge. Give tract No. 4; $1. which yon Intend to serve it, add one- environment has much to do with the doesn’t in he John Hutton me a trial. participate every game, et ux. to Florence S. half cupful sugar and a can qf shred- production of smiles. But there are plays often to his name in 30x115 Northeast side of hearts whose source of enough get I Jones; feet; ded pineapple. When cold whip cream many happy the records for the season. 455 feet Southeast is above the who al- 1 33 South Main Street Edgewater avenue, and spread on top. happiness clouds, Since Jim O’Rourke made his final of Edgeley avenue; $300. so have in themselves an artesian well Nut and Fruit Dessert. Charles S. Adams et ux. to Butler of the water of life, with an inexhaus- Phone retirement from the diamond to be- Lady Assistant. Connection. Boyd; 50x150 feet; North of Walnut and Banana Pudding.—Shell tible outflow. come president of the Eastern league s^de Pleasantville and Atlantic City Turn- and peel three ounces walnuts; cut This water is charged with happi- the record for continuous service on E. ADAMS pike, 1010 feet East of Main Shore them into fine shreds. Peel also three ness and smiles sparkle in every drop. the ball field doubtless belongs to Road, etc.; $5,000. to four ripe bananas and rub them This indication and proof of inward FUNERAL DIRECTOR Burkett. Oakhurst Land Co. to William F. is invaluable. But further: through a fine sieve. Chop finely four happiness Jesse Burkett was born in Wheel- Schade; irregular; Southwest corner Smiles carry light into the darkened 15 N. ounces of beef suet free from skin. Second St. PleasantviUe ing, W. Va., December 4, 1870. At the of Seneca and Chalfonte avenues; home; they bring comfort to the af- Joe Jackson. Put this into a mixing basin and add age of sixteen he $250. flicted, peace to the troubled, joy to began playing pro- four ounces two Amanda C. Melvin to William F. breadcrumbs, ounces fessional ball at Scranton, Pa. Two A bleacherite bowled: "Hey, Joe, the sorrowing. Smiles heal broken, +*****+**++**********+++++ Schade; irregular; South side of Sen- moist sugar, a pinch of salt, the juice the muddled years later he went to Worcester. La- where’s de ball? Ain’t you gonna give bleeding hearts, clarify eca avenue, 60.75 feet Northwest and finely grated rind of half a lemon. add to the face. With ter he was traded to the New York us one?” brain, beauty from Southwest corner of Chalfonte Stir all well together and lastly mix smiles devils are cast out. They aid Giants, who farmed him out to the Joe reached into bis and hip pocket and Seneca avenues; $1. with the walnuts and banana pulp; digestion, stimulate torpid livers; Lincoln club of the Western tossed a new ball into the seats. There league. Marie V. Sawtelle et vir. to William then stir in two well beaten eggs. make the work of the heart easier. In In 1891 he was sold to Cleveland. He was a wild scramble, and a little tot of Seeds ! Schade; irregular; Southwest side Have ready a well buttered pudding a word, they make every burden remained in the came with Ohio city until the up the sphere clutched Seneca avenue, 30.75 feet Northwest mold, sprinkle the inside with finely lighter, sweeten every bitter cup, amalgamation with St Louis in tightly in his hands. from where same is intersected iby added to ev- All know the impor- 1899, crushed dried macaroons and bread- bring pleasures everyone, and with the St Northwest side of Chalfonte avenue; and all the time. played Louis Cardi- crumbs and fill up with the above erywhere, in a home tance of usintf Good nals through 1901, The next season Bob Bescher a Star. *1. Children growing up g preparation. Stand the mold in a pan found where smiles abound and frowns and him a member of the newly Followers of the Giants already look a little hot water and bake Seed. CANCELLED MORTGAGES. containing are unknown are to formed scowls likely grow- American league club In the upon Robert Bescher as a real star. the in a heated pudding moderately up smiling and happy and to have Mound City. In 1905 he the Whenever this man Let us figure on joined young reaches Isaac Andrews to Sam. W. Sparks; oven. pleasant memories of their early home Boston American first the league club. A year base fun begins. He takes a 5x8 rods; beginning on the upper side A Steamed Pudding. life. Let everybody’s face be radi- later he your supply. bought an Interest in the big lead, worries the pitcher as much of the Shore Road in South corner of Banana and Rhubarb Pudding- ant with smiles and everybody’s heart Worcester as club, and has acted as possible, and when he starts he's a Nehemiah Martin’s corner; $300. Cream in a basin two ounces of butter will be happy, yea joyous. of the team ever whirlwind. It a MRS. HAPPY SMILES. manager since. requires bullet throw with two ounces of powdered sugar; his to Coughs and Colds Weaken the System During long career as a big cut him down at the middle bag. then spread the inside of a pudding leaguer Burkett established a reputa- Bescher is playing better ball than in dish or mold with it. Now HUBIN’S NEW PEASANTVILLE Continued Coughs, Colds and Bron- thickly tion as one of the heaviest batters who Cincinnati last season. make a suet with half a THEATRE. chial troubles are and paste pound V depressing _ ever faced I Fertilizers a pitcher. As a member of weaken the system. Loss of weight of flour, quarter of a pound of finely the old Cleveland club he led the Na- Howard Fox big and appetite generally follow. Get a chopped beef suet, half a teaspoonful Manager reports HAMMONTON AN EASY MARK. business the week. The pictures tional league batters in 1895 and 1896, 50c bottle of Dr. King’s New Discov- of salt, half a teagpoonful of baking past Good Fertilizers as are fine, the Day and Night Screen and again topped the list while play- Our Make It Three In ery to-day.