[ This Dissertation I Has Been Microfilmed J Exactly As Received Mic 61-921 I F KNOPF, Richard Clark
[ This dissertation i has been microfilmed j exactly as received Mic 61-921 I f KNOPF, Richard Clark. ANTHONY WAYNE I AND THE FOUNDING OF THE UNITED ! STATES ARMY. The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1960 History, modern University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan MTHONTÏAÏNE AND , THE BOUNDING OF THE .UNITED STATES AffllY DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Riilosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University Dy RICHARD CLARK KNOPF, B.Sc. in Edu., M» A. ****** The Ohio State University • I960 Approved by Department of History AGKNOWLEDGEMEMTS No endeavor of this kind is undertaken^ pursued, or completed single-handedly. Thus, vdiiie the author assumes fu ll responsibility for the accuracy and the interpreta.tions contained herein, he takes this opportunity to acknowledge the help and support of a number of individuals and institutions who have aided him materially. In the fir st place, especial recognition is given to the Anthony Wayne Parkway Board of Ohio which made this research possible and for which this study serves as a summary report of the historical research es of its historical editor. The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and especially Dr. H. N. Vfilliaras, 2d, its director, and Miss Lois Given, its associate editor, has been most helpful in providing its treasure-trove of Wayne materials and editorial commentary oh part of the manuscript. Likewise, the University of Pittsburgh Press, through its editor, Mrs. Agnes Starrett, has been of considerable aid and counsel. The Historical and Museum Commission of Pennsylvania, represented by Mr. Donald Kent, its editor, has also contributed to the.
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