Historic Distributions of Wet Savannas in Tates Hell State Forest
HISTORIC DISTRIBUTION OF WET SAVANNAS IN TATE'S HELL STATE FOREST FINAL REPORT DECEMBER 1997 CAROLYN KINDELL, PRO.JECT MANAGER/EcOLOGIST '. I Historic Distribution of I Wet Savannas in I Tate's Hell State Forest I Final Report • for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service I (Agreement #1448-0004-96-9102) and Northwest Florida Water Management District • • December 1997 • Carolyn Kindell, M Project Manager/Ecologist - � - Florida Natural Areas Inventory 1018 Thomasville Road, Suite #200c • Tallahassee, Florida 32303 (850) 224-8207 , http://www . fnai. org • Gary R. Knight, Program Director • • Cover Photographs: top: Wet prairie in Apalachicola National Forest, Ann Johnson, FNAI middle: 1942 BW aerial of a selected portion of Tate's Hell State Forest, National Archives, Washington, D.C. bottom: 1994 infrared aerial of a selected portion of Tate's Hell State Forest, National Aerial Photography Program, Photo Science, Inc., Gaithersburg, MD. Recommended Citation: Kindell, Carolyn. 1997. Historic Distribution of Wet Savannas in Tate's Hell State Forest. Final Report for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Agreement #1448,0004,96,9102) and Northwest Florida Water Management District. Florida Natural Areas Inventory, Tallahassee, Florida. ABSTRACT Tate's Hell State Forest is currently 131,000 acres or low pine tJatwoods, pine plantation, swamps, and coastal scmh in Franklin and Liberty Counties, Plorida and is managed by the Florida Department of Agriculture's Division of Forestry (FDOF). The original 214,000 acre tract was proposed for purchase under the Florida Conservation and Recreation Lands (CARL) program in 1992, and acquisition is still underway. The Tate's Hell tract is vital to the maintenance of water quality in Apalachicola Bay and provides critical habitat for rare plants, animals, and natural communities.
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