Series Divine Mother Messages of Peace “Always count on My presence, on My aid and on My I words engraved in your hearts, in your spirits and in the Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity books of your lives. Because when I am no longer able to be here among all of you, you will discover that My Word is M Mother María Shimani de Montserrat

eternal, and you will always find in My messages the keys to ary, Conception Mother of the Trinity of the Divine Consecrated nun of the Grace Mercy Order. As a transcend the events of life and to live in eternal renovation. visionary, she is dedicated to bearing witness to the

Association Mary Messages of Peace Mother of the Divine Conception instruction of the Divine Messengers, a spiritual task that Thank you for responding to My call.” she develops by guiding groups of prayer and altruistic The Virgin Mary, in one of Her messages transmitted in service. 2012 to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity requested the creation of a charitable and humanitarian She is a member of the Council of Permanent Guidance entity to propagate Her instructions, and also those of of this Order, which has monasteries in several countries. Christ Jesus and of Saint Joseph. She coordinates the activities of the Nuclei, Marian Centers and Light-Communities in Brazil, Uruguay, In addition to the propagation of this teaching through Argentina, the United States, Spain and Portugal. various media, the Association promotes meetings of prayer She gives lectures on the current planetary situation and in which the Apparitions of the three Divine Messengers In this book are gathered the messages that were transmitted the multiple possibilities of humanity drawing closer to occur. by the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, in the period of one year, spiritual life through prayer and charity. The Association Mary offers everyone the opportunity to the visionary monastics of the Grace Mercy Order, Mother Author of the books “Mensajes del Gran Reino Celeste,” to grow spiritually, encouraging a true ecumenical coop- “Cristo de la Luz – Samana Redentor”, “Siete días con el eration and supporting a fraternal relationship among María Shimani de Montserrat and Friar Elías del Sagrado Maestro Jesús de Nazareth”, “Mensajes de Misericordia” religions through prayer and selfless service. Corazón. and “Mensajes de Humildad”, published by Irdin Publishing. The goal of this work is to take the message of the Most Holy Mary, also known as Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, to each heart. She speaks to us about the need of all coming to know Her messages, which express the importance of us praying for peace in the hearts and among nations. At the end of the reading, you will feel inspired to respond to a genuine call for Peace and for Good and become instruments Grace Mercy Order in the Hands of God. The Grace Mercy Order is an autonomous institution of a Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón religious, philosophical and ecumenical nature. It offers Consecrated monk of the Grace Mercy Order and also a a monastic life with an emphasis placed on the pursuit of visionary. He dedicates his life to prayer and to selfless the expansion of the Christic consciousness. Colection service, responding to the inspiration of Christ Jesus and Divine the Virgin Mary. Founded in 2009, the Order seeks to offer itself as an instrument of the Divine Plan, in communion with human Messengers He was contacted by the Most Holy Virgin at the age of beings and the Kingdoms of Nature. seven and prepared by Her for the public task that began I in 2011. IRDIN EDITORA He has given talks on his experience as a visionary in Association Mary service of the Divine Messengers. Mother of the Divine Conception I Mother María Shimani de Montserrat - Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

capa_brochura_Messages_of_Peace.indd 1 17/04/19 21:47 Series Divine Mother Messages of Peace “Always count on My presence, on My aid and on My I words engraved in your hearts, in your spirits and in the Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity books of your lives. Because when I am no longer able to be here among all of you, you will discover that My Word is M Mother María Shimani de Montserrat

eternal, and you will always find in My messages the keys to ary, Conception Mother of the Trinity of the Divine Consecrated nun of the Grace Mercy Order. As a transcend the events of life and to live in eternal renovation. visionary, she is dedicated to bearing witness to the

Association Mary Messages of Peace Mother of the Divine Conception instruction of the Divine Messengers, a spiritual task that Thank you for responding to My call.” she develops by guiding groups of prayer and altruistic The Virgin Mary, in one of Her messages transmitted in service. 2012 to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity requested the creation of a charitable and humanitarian She is a member of the Council of Permanent Guidance entity to propagate Her instructions, and also those of of this Order, which has monasteries in several countries. Christ Jesus and of Saint Joseph. She coordinates the activities of the Nuclei, Marian Centers and Light-Communities in Brazil, Uruguay, In addition to the propagation of this teaching through Argentina, the United States, Spain and Portugal. various media, the Association promotes meetings of prayer She gives lectures on the current planetary situation and in which the Apparitions of the three Divine Messengers In this book are gathered the messages that were transmitted the multiple possibilities of humanity drawing closer to occur. by the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, in the period of one year, spiritual life through prayer and charity. The Association Mary offers everyone the opportunity to the visionary monastics of the Grace Mercy Order, Mother Author of the books “Mensajes del Gran Reino Celeste,” to grow spiritually, encouraging a true ecumenical coop- “Cristo de la Luz – Samana Redentor”, “Siete días con el eration and supporting a fraternal relationship among María Shimani de Montserrat and Friar Elías del Sagrado Maestro Jesús de Nazareth”, “Mensajes de Misericordia” religions through prayer and selfless service. Corazón. and “Mensajes de Humildad”, published by Irdin Publishing. The goal of this work is to take the message of the Most Holy Mary, also known as Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, to each heart. She speaks to us about the need of all coming to know Her messages, which express the importance of us praying for peace in the hearts and among nations. At the end of the reading, you will feel inspired to respond to a genuine call for Peace and for Good and become instruments Grace Mercy Order in the Hands of God. The Grace Mercy Order is an autonomous institution of a Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón religious, philosophical and ecumenical nature. It offers Consecrated monk of the Grace Mercy Order and also a a monastic life with an emphasis placed on the pursuit of visionary. He dedicates his life to prayer and to selfless the expansion of the Christic consciousness. Colection service, responding to the inspiration of Christ Jesus and Divine the Virgin Mary. Founded in 2009, the Order seeks to offer itself as an instrument of the Divine Plan, in communion with human Messengers He was contacted by the Most Holy Virgin at the age of beings and the Kingdoms of Nature. seven and prepared by Her for the public task that began I in 2011. IRDIN EDITORA He has given talks on his experience as a visionary in Association Mary service of the Divine Messengers. Mother of the Divine Conception I Mother María Shimani de Montserrat - Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

capa_brochura_Messages_of_Peace.indd 1 17/04/19 21:47 MARY, MOTHER OF THE DIVINE CONCEPTION OF THE TRINITY Image of the Divine Mother as She presented Herself on August 8, 2007 to Messages of Peace the visionaries Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón and Mother María Shimani de Montserrat, in a group of prayer in the north of the Department of Paysandú, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Uruguay, in a region known as Aurora. This is why She is also known as Santa María de Aurora (Holy Mary of Aurora). Until now, July 2015,1 She continues to appear. Collection Divine Messengers SYMBOLS OF THE IMAGE The crown of stars symbolizes the twelve doors that in the near future will be opened to the New Humanity. These are the twelve new gifts that will guide souls. Divine Mother The term Mirna He, amongst the stars, signifies the Divine Trinity and also the I Immaculate Holy Spirit. The green mantle symbolizes a complete healing for souls. The rosary of 72 beads, which the Divine Mother holds in Her hands, signifies st contemplation. 1 Edition The silver cross with equal sides within the rosary represents the New Humanity, which will be reborn redeemed after the transition through which the planet will pass. Its four arms symbolize: right line (east), Universal Wisdom; left line (west), the Equilibrium of the Planet; the upper line (north), the Hand of God; the lower Daily messages transmitted by the Virgin Mary line (south), the New Race under the Supreme Will of the Creator God. to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, from November 15, 2011 to November 15, 2012 The half-moon upon which the Divine Mother alights Her feet symbolizes the birth of the New Time. The seven roses represent the realization of a new planetary cycle. Mother María Shimani de Montserrat Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón Original painting: Josuéh Lysnel Based on the descriptions of the visionaries and approved by them.

1. This text was written in 2015, the same year that the original book in Spanish was published. Now, in the year of 2019, the Virgin Mary continues to appear to the monastic visionaries of the Grace Mercy Order, transmitting messages of help to humanity.

2019 Copyright © 2019 Mother María Shimani de Montserrat Original title in Spanish: Mensajes de Paz – María, Madre de la Divina Concepción de la Trinidad Contents First edition in Spanish published in 2015

Introduction ...... 9 Irdin is a non-profit publishing house. Introduction to the English Edition ...... 11

Cover, translation, editing and design: To the Reader ...... 15 Team of volunteers of Irdin Editors Association and Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception. Daily Messages 2011 Printed in Portugal. November ...... 21

International Cataloging-in-Publication Data (CIP) December ...... 41 María Shimani de Montserrat, Mother Messages of peace : Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity / 2012 Mother María Shimani de Montserrat and Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón. — Carmo da Cachoeira: Irdin, 2019. — (Divine Messengers. Divine Mother) January ...... 85

604 p. : il. February ...... 125

Translation of: Mensajes de paz : María, Madre de la Divina Concepción de la Trinidad March ...... 171 ISBN 978-85-5441-021-6 April ...... 211

1. Virgin Mary. 2. Spiritual Life. 3. Prayer. I. Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón. II. Title. May ...... 249 III. Series. June ...... 289 CDD: 291.4 July ...... 329 August ...... 369 September ...... 409 All rights reserved IRDIN EDITORS ASSOCIATION October ...... 451 Cx. Postal 2, Carmo da Cachoeira – MG, Brasil | CEP 37225-000 Tel.: (55 35) 3225-2252 | (55 35) 3225-2616 November ...... 501 Apparitions of the Divine Mother and Accounts of the Visionaries ...... 527 Introduction

On November 15, 2011, the Virgin Mary announced through the vi- sionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, a monk of the Grace Mercy Order,1 a cycle of Daily Messages to bring Her word to humanity. The Virgin Mary asked Mother María Shimani de Montserrat, as instructor, to guide and supervise The messages would be received by Friar Elías under the supervision the process of contact of Friar Elías del Sagrado of Mother María Shimani de Montserrat. In that transmission, Mary Corazón. was informing us that She intended to reach everyone’s heart:

She also asked the Mother to be in charge of the “I want to tell you, My little ones, that today we should be in the organization of all the instruction that is part of this work, for this reason, She requested the two visionaries Heart of Christ, revering this good news that I announce in order to appear as authors of this book. to dialogue with you by means of the daily manifestation of My Messages of Light and Peace for all souls, wherever they may be.

Therefore, gather the fruit that I am giving to your hearts and apply My words in daily life: in service, in charity, in love, in peace and in the rescue of My dear and little children.”

In this book you will find messages that were transmitted from November 15, 2011 to November 15, 2012. Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón received most of the messages privately and some of them were transmitted during public apparitions, which can be found in the chapter “Apparitions of the Divine Mother and Accounts of the Visionaries.”

1. Autonomous institution of a religious, philosophical and ecumenical charac- ter, which proposes living monastically by means of a consecrated life.

9 Messages of Peace

The messages, received originally in Spanish, went through a gram- matical review, which applied the minimum of corrections, only when required by the language norms. A permanent search for faithfulness to the original was kept throughout the whole process. Introduction to the English Edition Some expressions were capitalized. The intention was to convey to Religions and spiritual traditions almost universally acknowledge the the readers the intensity with which the Virgin Mary manifests them existence of a divine feminine principle which represents the imma- and also to highlight them, as they express spiritual attributes. An nent or in-dwelling aspect of the Divine in the universe. Through- example is the word Mercy, recorded like this throughout the book. out history there have been reports of this divine feminine appearing When, in the same message, the Virgin Mary uses the verb in the to individuals, groups and, at times, large numbers of people. These singular, She is addressing the visionary. And when She uses the occurrences of the Divine Feminine are universal, having appeared and continuing to appear within all of the world’s great religious and plural, She is addressing the readers. spiritual traditions. May the words transmitted by the Divine Mother inspire us to live a Within the Christian tradition this divine feminine principle is life of prayer, peace and union with God. known as, or embodied in the figure of Mary, Mother of Jesus. During The Publisher the 2,000 year history of , apparitions of Mary have been well-documented, including in: Fatima, Portugal; Mexico City, Mexico; Lourdes, France; Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as in many other places throughout the world. Mary continues to ap- pear in our time and reports of these appearances have made their way into the media, individual accounts, books and films, with recorded incidents in the 20th Century numbering in the thousands. One of the contemporary appearances of Mary is as the “Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity,” a form in which She appears to visionaries of the Grace Mercy Order, an ecumenical Christian monastic order from South America. These apparitions have been taking place for over a decade, originally in a more restricted form to a small group of devotees and then, at Her request, open to the public in gatherings transmitted live over the internet which have taken place in Argentina, , Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Nicaragua, , Paraguay, Peru,

10 11 Messages of Peace

Poland, Portugal, Spain, , the United States, Uruguay Every effort was made in the translation of these “Messages of Peace” and Venezuela, becoming in this way a truly international event that from Spanish to English to be faithful to the original and to replicate is regularly witnessed live by thousands of individuals from over 30 in English the style, rhythm and meaning of the Message as originally countries, many who also participate in prayer groups that are associ- transmitted. Our goal was to “let Mary speak in Her own words” by ated with the work of the apparitions. preserving as much as possible the form of speech of the original and underlying the form of thought imbedded in it. Often this required Mary also delivers messages which are transmitted by visionary mo- a style of English that was more creative than grammatical. We en- nastics of the Grace Mercy Order to all those present at the appa- courage you as you read these messages to absorb yourself into Mary’s ritions, and these are recorded, transcribed and translated. At some points in time these messages were transmitted daily, and during words as She expressed them and in this way to enter more profoundly other time periods, weekly. This book contains a compilation of into the underlying intelligence that is contained within them. messages delivered daily over the course of a thirteen month period Thousands have been inspired and moved by the apparitions of Mary in 2011 and 2012. and by these messages and in many cases have had their lives trans- In addition to the apparitions and messages of Mary, the visionar- formed. At the request of Mary, these messages are now shared with ies of the Grace Mercy Order have also been receiving messages and you in the form of this book. We hope that you will also be inspired, apparitions of Christ Jesus and Saint Joseph. Each series of messages moved and transformed by them and that through them you will be has a different quality and energy and offers the feeling that a differ- able to feel the presence of the Divine Feminine energy that is em­ ent being or higher consciousness is speaking them. In their totality, bodied within them. these three series of messages constitute a complete spiritual teaching The Editors with philosophical, theological and practical information, including instructions for prayer, spiritual service and daily living according to higher principles.

The messages of Mary, Christ and Saint Joseph are available on the website of the “Divine Messengers” ( along with video clips of actual apparitions, prayers, “testimonials” of individuals who have had their lives changed by contact with this work and other information. At the time of this writing, a series of one year of messages of Christ has been published in Portuguese and Spanish and a series of one year of messages of Saint Joseph is being prepared for publication. Eventually these two books will also be pub- lished in English.

12 13 To the reader

For what reason would the Virgin Mary be appearing and trans­mitting messages, in this cycle, to consecrated monastics of a Christian, ecumenical and autonomous Order, formally organized in South America at Her request?

The Divine Mother told us that She needed to reach all Her children, regardless of race, religion, or social situation; to reach all of Her children in the world. She also said that She wanted to recover those who for various reasons have dis- tanced themselves from the Church of Her Son and have gone astray on other paths that did not lead to Christ.

She asked if we, imperfect beings, would give ourselves wholly to Her service, whether we would be willing to live a profound process of conversion and purification, and whether we would serve God and His Divine Messengers in total obedience for the rest of our lives; we responded “yes.”

She asked us to assume a consecrated life and to live the sacred instructions that Christ transmitted to sanctified consciousnesses such as Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Clare of Assisi, Saint Teresa of Jesus, Saint John of the Cross, Saint Benedict and Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, who today are our Masters and Inner Guides.

After so many apparitions throughout the world, over the centuries, for what reason does the Mother of all creatures bring us again, in a universal way and with emphasis, Her message of peace, love and conversion?

15 Messages of Peace

The Virgin was charged with preparing the hearts of Her children, so that they may receive Christ into them and offer Him an inner dwelling place where He might reign. Thus, we will be ready to recognize Him when He arrives. Mary told us that this would be Her last cycle of messages to humanity, in which She would reveal precise keys so that all Her children may reconcile themselves with God; in this way, She will be able to lead us to the Sacred Heart of Her Son, Christ Jesus, who has announced to us that He will return in body, soul and divinity to the Earth at the time of the great “I am for your souls, tribulation, a time which, Mary warned us, is imminent. the Great Universal Mother, She is the Woman Clothed with the Sun of which John the the One who waits for you to unite to My Heart of Love Evangelist speaks in the Apocalypse; the one who comes to so that in this way you may receive My Peace. unite the peoples, the races and the religions in these times. In My Kingdom of Peace you shall remain Her message of peace, hope, love and faith will restore the when you merge yourself with Me bond that human beings have lost with their own spirit, and under the powerful spirit of prayer.” consequently, with God and His Firstborn Son. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity It is so that you, brother or sister reader, may receive these keys that Our Lady has created, in order to prepare all Her children for what will come, and to strengthen your faith, that this book has come into your hands. In case you feel, brother or sister reader, that for some reason you are far from God and from the Heart of Christ, here is our Mother of Heaven, with Her incomparable love, stretching out Her hand to gently bring you back to the House of the Father. May the Immaculate Heart of Mary protect us all.

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat

16 “Wash your faces with the water of My Immaculate Fountain of Forgiveness and Mercy.”

2 011 November November 2011

November 15 Dear children, Today I call you to awaken to the fruit of the Merciful Love that Christ radiates to your hearts. The Most High Lord hopes, My dear children, that you may elevate your hearts towards My Kingdom through the exercise of prayer. The time of the coming of Christ is close, it is closer than each one of your hearts expects. Keep vigil with Me in prayer for the merits of the Reign of My Peace. Soldiers of God, walk for love to Light. Who adores you always, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity November 16 Dear children, Today seek the Light of My merciful eyes so that, as your Mother of Peace, I may be able to accompany and guide your steps towards the Lord. I leave to you seven keys to open the Door of the Heavens: - Prayer with love; - Fasting for peace; - Communion with Christ; - Forgiveness of the past; - Reading of the Gospel; - Reconciliation with God; Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity The Fountain of the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay - Trust in the Divine Will.

21 Messages of Peace November 2011


With these seven keys you will find the path that will lead you Dear children, to the consecration of life. 18 Thank you for responding to My call and opening your hearts Keep your hearts in My Heart, in My Temple of Peace. Let us to My voice and to My Messages for the world, and especially work for Peace in the world. for all My children in the Americas. Who adores you, Today I call you to celebrate in My maternal Love the effort and the surrender of your hearts to the Will of the Lord. Today Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity I remind you of the moments of My preparation during the November Visit to My dear Sister Elizabeth.1 Our Hearts, the heart of Elizabeth and Mine, responded in that time to an unknown Live in the Love of Christ and live for the Love of Christ. 17 Will which, however, we could feel in the depths of Our souls. My dear ones, At that moment My canticle Magnificat was born, praising the Lord of the Heights for His Glory, His Grace and His Today imitate the path that Christ traveled here on Earth, Immensity of Love for all creatures. convert your hearts into little disciples of prayer and of charity. Transmit the Love of the Redeemer through works of charity. Today I invite to you to keep in your hearts this moment of In this way, My little ones, you will be serving as instruments the Magnificat, the moment when the Archangel Gabriel of the Omnipotent Lord in this last time. announced to Me the glorification and the divinization of My soul as Blessed, as Universal and as Mother of all creatures, Today I call you so that through the prayer done with the after My Resurrected Son had elevated Himself to the feet of heart and service of charity we may alleviate the suffering of the Father. Therefore, My little ones, the effort made with love hearts. That in the merciful Love of Christ, My dear ones, you and for love of God is worth much. may give your hands, your arms, your gazes of Peace and your hearts so that I may arrive as the Divine Queen of Peace to all Keep My Maternal words in your hearts. Trust and enter My the flocks in the world. Kingdom of Peace. Let us unite ourselves today in prayer for the peace and the healing of those who live in affliction in the Follow the footprints that Christ has marked in the sand, but whole world. Awaken the flower of your souls so that I may this time imitating the power of His merciful Love and the elevate it with My hands as a precious offering to the Creator. radiation of His Infinite Peace. Let us reunite our hearts so that you, with Me, the Mother of Love, may be one with the Who loves you and guides you and so many other souls, Heavens. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Who guides you always in Love, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity 1. She is referring to Her cousin Elizabeth.

22 23 Messages of Peace November 2011

November Dear children, may the Resplendent Love of Christ be in your Dear children, 19 hearts. Today remain in the exercise of complete trust in the Divine Never abandon the boat which you are navigating. Go in great Redeemer, Christ. Allow His Sacred Spirit to transform the purity to the encounter with the merciful Redeemer and when past so that it may awaken the new soul consecrated to the you find Him in life, love with devotion the Will of the Lord. Most High. Today I call you to a deep and contemplative prayer, having Open the path towards your hearts so that I, the Mother of the as the only mission the elevation of the world and the salva- Divine Mercy of Christ, may enter into each dwelling. Search tion of the souls that are lost due to the very fire of the world. for the Most Beloved Redeemer Christ within each heart so For this rescue of essences I invite you to be with Me, in inner that your souls will be able to see the Divine flames in each communion with My Immaculate Heart. brother-heart. Seek the divine Presence of My Son in each place and in In this way you will be constructing the path of fraternity for every moment of life, for in this way you will be conducted the new time that will come. Aspire to remain under the guard and guided by the power of His Divine Mercy and by the of My Immaculate Heart, because know well, My little ones, compassion of His Most Holy Heart. that I prepare the path of the return of My Son, the Universal Christ. Strengthen the life of this world through prayer so that the Light of the angels may illuminate the infinite ocean that Who loves you eternally in prayer, you, My little ones, are navigating. Do not fear the storm Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity of life, everything passes and everything prevails when your hearts are united in fidelity to My Maternal Heart. November Let us continue with faith, renewing the vows of consecration 21 Calm your lamentations in My Heart and I assure you, to the Most High for this mission of love that I entrust to you. My son, My daughter, that you shall find the Light of My My Heart is united to your hearts. Kingdom. Who adores you always, Dear children, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Let us keep working for God through the power of prayer. The enemy tries to dissolve My Plans for the precious souls, the November ones that I must rescue from obscure lives. For this reason, My May the Divine Face of the Living and Glorified Christ be soldiers, if at any moment of life you are in a test, keep going 20 the Face that your hearts always search inside the ocean of and hurry to the center of My Immaculate Heart so that I may prayer and of life. protect you and shelter you.

24 25 Messages of Peace November 2011

My little ones, we must pray, because the final time is coming I promise to guide those hearts that surrender to My Maternal and hearts will only be able to affirm themselves in the power Love, and thus I send these missionaries of peace to give of the Divine Love of My Heart. I want to tell you, My little themselves to the necessity of their brothers and sisters. The ones, that I place all of My followers of prayer before the sorrow trust in My Maternal Presence will strengthen your hearts, of the world, a world that owes much to Our Lord. those that will need to be firm for the time that will arrive. To alleviate daily the pain and the desperation of souls, today I My little soldiers will have to seek union with Christ in every ask that we pray so that the merciful Light of God may descend moment, because in this way you will be preparing the dwelling over all the hearts that seek peace. However, the world and daily for when the Master of Love returns. humanity will reach peace and the new time of God that is to Today let us pray, My children, for the salvation of all the come when, in humility and renunciation, you pray for your souls in the world and especially for those souls that are own salvation. forgotten and without Light. We are now in the time of inner I am here to help and guide you towards My Kingdom of preparation. Peace, the Kingdom of God. I await each moment for My children in prayer. Remember all that I have said to you until When a Light is ignited in prayer, a soul is ignited. now. Thus you will understand that the test in life is small in Thank you for responding to My call. face of the emergency of the world. Who guides you always in prayer, Let us pray and work for peace. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Who loves you and shelters you always, November Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity November I give you My Heart today so that you may love it, may keep 23 it in your dwellings, and may adore it. This Immaculate Heart Open your heart and your arms so that, in your temple, you of Mine will give you life, will guide you in your path and will 22 may receive the Gift of My Immaculate Dwelling. May the bring you to the merciful throne of God. divine power of the Holy Spirit descend like the fleeting ray of a star over all My little hearts in the world. I am, for your souls, the Great Universal Mother, the One who waits for you to unite to My Heart of Love so that in this way Dear children, live in the Perpetual Love of Christ and cry out you may receive My Peace. In My Kingdom of Peace you shall for the immensity of His Divine Mercy so that this humani- remain when you merge yourself with Me under the powerful ty may receive the harbinger and the arrival of the new King spirit of prayer. of the Universe. For this, My little ones, your hearts must be prepared by the divine fire of the prayer that elevates the soul Pray, Pray, Pray much! Because, each day, new and precious and ignites the Light of the spirit in each consciousness and souls of men and women, children and older people, and of in each being. the Kingdoms of Nature, are lost.

26 27 Messages of Peace November 2011

This is why, My dear ones, it is urgent to pray so that the Divine My dear children, remember the humility of Our Lord Christ, Compassion of My Son may soften the Greater Law. when He surrendered Himself out of love for you and, in com- plete trust, He accepted to live the martyrdom of the Passion To accomplish the mission of reconversion of the tepid souls, My dear children, you must love above all things, Divine for the liberation of the world. Mercy, a divine mystery that by its works is radiating itself to Behold, My little ones, that the Savior of hearts is returning the whole world. Embrace the flame of My Heart so that My and will first touch the doors of the hearts. For this anticipated Immaculate Soul may guide you in this praying mission. moment, you must be prepared in prayer and in vigil. The hours And from today on, My children, revere the life that the Lord of the eternal sleep are now ending; it is necessary, children, has given to you in this final time. Therefore, love with confi- to be awake for that which will come from the Heights. dence the Will of the Lord. But first it is time to exercise humility with the heart. You I carry you all in My Heart. will be truly humble when you accept to surrender yourself out of love for others, when you do not fear being judged, and Who loves you, when you are able to live from the Divine Faith of the Lord Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity despite the indifferences of the other hearts that still do not live in God. All that you may do, you will do for love and for November the salvation of another brother or sister; thus you will begin 24 Dear children, to follow the path of humility. Bring today My Luminous and Miraculous Face into your You must aspire to not know who you are in order to open lives. Stay under the Source of My Maternal Love so that the yourself in donation and surrender to others, without want- Divine Word may become flesh and life in you, as It became ing anything for yourself. Through this pathway you will be Life in Christ. seeing, little by little, the spark of the Will of the Lord. To live from this Original Source of Purity, My little ones, Carry My Merciful Love in your hearts today, and remember, you must faithfully practice humility and peace. If there is My little ones, that we are now at the time of the last prepara- no peace, there is no humility in the hearts. For this reason tion. With this aim and for this mission, I appear daily to you. today I invite you to exercise the gift of humility for love of all My other children that offend God with their arrogance and I await from the Heavens to find you in prayer each day, before forget Him. dawn. Let us keep vigil with love and for the love of Christ. Exercise humility to be able to swim in My ocean of peace, and May each child give with consciousness that which the Lord thus the world will be able to be saved even more, and some can receive as an offering from the heart. Give yourself truly more hearts may be converted and redeemed. For this purpose, with effort and love.

28 29 Messages of Peace November 2011

Let us pray. Let us celebrate today the monthly meeting of the 25th so that the Lord may avail Himself of the devotion of your hearts. In the Peace of the Kingdom of the Heavens, I am with each one of your hearts. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Who guides you, November Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Dear children, 25 November Come to Me so that I will guide you towards the Kingdom of the Heavens and towards the Kingdom of Peace. May today your hearts smile because, in this way, My 26 Immaculate Heart will rejoice. Keep in your hearts the moment of the birth of My Son. For this, today I invite each one of your little hearts to lay upon Dear children, the great manger of Redemption and Light. Today I invite you to the redeeming prayer, with the mission Come to Me, My little ones, and I will keep you in My arms so that more souls in need of My Peace may be touched by the that each one of your souls and your lives may feel the protec- Mantle of My Light. For this reason, My little ones, today I tion and the security of following the path towards Christ. remind you of the moment of My Assumption and Coronation Wash your faces with the water of My Immaculate Fountain in the Heavens as the Divine Mother of all creatures. of Forgiveness and Mercy so that all past error or pain may be Carry today in your hearts this precious memory that still elevated to My Heart, so that I may transform it into a source remains alive in the Greater Heavens. Thus, My dear ones, of love. you too will be in the assumption of your lives towards the My little ones, many souls need true prayers so that they Most High Lord. Life will be converted into a sacred instru- may be elevated and rescued from where they are found. You ment where the Lord will be able to make use of your hearts have now entered one part of My Great Maternal Heart. donated in prayer. Therefore, My dear ones, now you must act with fidelity My little ones, remembering the mystery of My Assumption towards My Heart by means of the attribute of prayer, a pri- to the Heavens, you will be assisting the Divine Plan through mordial essence that will give life and salvation to all My living prayer so that more children in need of forgiveness, children who daily lose themselves in this world. Mercy and relief from their sufferings may receive Grace, as you are receiving in this final time. I trust in the effort of all of you in these final moments; therefore take, with your little hands, My Mantle of Protection I carry you all in My Heart of Peace on this day of the 26th and Light so that My Immaculate Heart may guide you in of November, in which I radiate the Light of My Celestial these times. Kingdom.

30 31 Messages of Peace November 2011

My soldiers, the time of perpetual prayer is approaching; thus ones, I am among the hearts of the world and in the hearts of the world that is in ruins will be able to be restored by the all My children. My celestial mission is that all convert their power of prayer and by the Love of My Immaculate Heart. hearts before entering the Kingdom of the Heavens. Raise today your hands and fill the Heavens with prayers. For this, I radiate My Maternal Light to you so that your hearts may find rest and so that your feelings may be quieted I keep you in My Peace, in My presence. In order to arrive to the Kingdom of Peace, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity life will demand from you effort, work, prayer, transformation, renunciation and giving of yourselves. November A true soul consecrated to the Will of the Most High waits in Why is your little heart anguished? silence for the awaited encounter and accepts with braveness 27 and from the heart all that it will have to transcend. Do you know the divine mystery of forgiveness and of compassion? For this reason, today I invite you to transcend yourselves under the strength of the heart and of the love that each one Each time that the darkness of life passes, My Immaculate of your souls has for Me. Thus the new spirit will be born, and Light flows out for your hearts. I love you, adore you, protect you will be close to My Kingdom. I will not separate Myself you and accompany you in each step of life. from any soul that transforms itself, and less from all those Today I invite you to remember the resurrection that Jesus that face solitude in the path of consecration. radiated to Lazarus. Today allow your hearts to be resurrected Aspire to faith within My Immaculate Heart. There, in this from every suffering or pain so that My Immaculate Heart will kingdom, we shall be together in the eternity of the living guard them in each moment of life. Love of God. My little ones, I know each one of your hearts from birth up Who shelters you from everything, in the Merciful Love of to the present life. Therefore the time has come to surrender to Christ, Me that which in your hearts is as hard as wood, as resistant Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and heavy as iron. I guide you so that your hearts may live from the presence of My Divine Love. November Come closer to Me and I will understand you and I will listen 28 My dear ones, to you. Pour your feelings over My Heart so that My Soul may The Lord has a predilection for all hearts, even more for those help you with the steps of the path of transformation. that accept His Immense and Glorified Love. Many souls suffer because their hearts lose the inner strength Today I call you to remain in the glory of the Lord, to praise to love and forgive and even more to find Me. But, My little Him and honor Him for His good works. He has given us life

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and existence. He has radiated Our Hearts with His Infinite Today I ask, My little ones, that you live the presence of the Grace. He loves us and wishes to radiate to each soul, the Sacred Master of Love so that your hearts may inhale the aroma Kingdom of His Love. of His Merciful Love. In this work of Peace and Redemption, My dear ones, we are together sharing the hope of the heart Therefore, My little ones, the first lesson for the disciple is the and the peace of the soul, for the salvation of hearts. gratitude of the heart, in order to be able to learn to love all creatures in this way. A cycle in this entire path of pilgrimage is ending. From the East to the West your hearts are bringing, in My Name, the Good Today I give My Immaculate Love to you so that your hearts News of the work of the Kingdom of God. may recognize God, as much in the works, in Love, in Light, as in the instruction. Your eyes will remain more luminous For this reason, little ones, the time has come to lift all hearts and joyful when the Lord sends you His Glory. to the Kingdom of My Immaculate Heart so that all My children may be touched by the Light of My Eternal Mantle For this we must pray daily out of love for all the souls that of Peace. have seen God but that have not listened to Him. Today let us When the works of the Lord are realized in the souls that go, My dear ones, to the rescue and to the redemption of all the are on the Earth, the Kingdom of the Heavens celebrates hearts that are lost without perceiving it. I ask you to allow the and praises the Most High for His wonders and Love for all Source of Mercy to spring up to all fallen hearts. creatures. The Lord has given you much; now is the moment and the time I adore you. of eternal giving. Thus you will know the prodigious ministry of charity. Thus you will know God in all creatures. Thus you Be well received in the fourth Kingdom of My Immaculate will be able to see the expansion of Divine Love in hearts. Heart: Aurora, after Fatima-Lourdes, Medjugorje and Guadalupe. I shelter you all in My Being. Who loves you unconditionally, Who guides you in Light, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity November November My Heart awaits your pure prayers, those that are born from 29 Dear children, the hearts consecrated to Me. May the blessed fruit that was 30 born from the Holy Spirit, Christ, be the eternal aspiration of Today remain in trust under My Protecting Mantle. The Lord working together with Him for the worldwide Redemption loves you and will protect you in this path of challenges, sur- of the souls. render and consecration that your little, little hearts are living.

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Today I invite you to reunite the strengths of the love of the Today Christ calls you to remain in constant adoration and heart of each one of you so that this love may be merged with prayer; in this way, little children, you will be assisting in the the Love of My Immaculate Heart. Thus, My little ones, I will restoration of the wounded world. You will unite yourselves guide you in every moment of life and you will not waste time heart to heart with the souls that cry out for Light, and you searching for Me because I, the Queen of Peace, will await you. will remain in vigil for peace in the world. Thus I will be able to say that My Immaculate Heart will triumph. May My Immaculate Heart be, for each one of your hearts, the shield of Light that will shelter you from the evil that is spread In love and adoration for the little hearts, throughout the world. For this, My little ones, today we are in Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity the hour of preparation of the soldiers that are formed under the creating principle of a living and redeeming prayer. Aspire to penetrate the Kingdom of the Heavens in each moment of life. In this way, My dear ones, you will be conse- crating the existence within this world. Now we must, day by day, go to the encounter of the souls that are lost and thirsty for God, but that do not know how to begin their own recon- ciliation with Him. For this, My dear ones, I am forming soldiers of prayer, conse- crated to My Immaculate Heart; soldiers who will help Me day and night in the praying rescue of the hearts that have fallen in faults and in error. For this, I come to the encounter of your hearts from the Heavens in order to radiate My hope and My Reign of Peace for your lives. It is simply enough in this final time to drink from the source of prayer so that in this way you may be guarded from everything and in everything. Those who pray with Me, My little ones, will be arriving, be­ fore the end of their lives on Earth, to the Doors of Paradise, to find themselves in adoration before the Universal Master of Love and Forgiveness.

36 37 “May the pilgrims walk through My pathway of roses.”

2 011 December December of 2011

December 1 Dear children, Let us celebrate today the presence of My Immaculate Heart in the world. Today unite your hearts in fraternity so that My Merciful Light may reign among them. Today make a vow with Me to help Me through the most holy prayer so that My Heart may triumph in the hearts that I seek, day by day, among families, peoples and nations. Carry in your hearts the presence of your guardian angel so that they may guide you through the paths to the Lord. I need your hearts, My little ones, in order to alleviate the world in pain and especially to give love to those who are distant from the Lord. I am bringing the Good News from the Heavens and I wait for you all to submerge yourselves in the Kingdom of My Peace so that I may accompany you in your steps. Let us remember the efforts that your hearts should make for love of your brothers and sisters, those who do not know love and who are distant from it. In this way, My dear ones, My Heart of Love and of Mother will be able to radiate to the children that I want to reach through you. Remember the works of charity; they are pleasing to Our Lord because they give redemption and healing to the creatures. Who loves you, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity December A humble heart, donated to the Divine Purpose of the Lord 2 is a heart that is in the great flock of souls of Christ, since it is a heart that does not decide by itself because it is permeated Pilgrimage by a Divine Will. This is the same Will that filled the depths Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay of My Heart when I was on the Earth.

41 Messages of Peace December of 2011

December My dear ones, to follow the Purpose, you must love the Divine My little ones, Will beyond the human will. The human will, not merged with 3 When you break a vow made to the Lord, come to Me and I God, has provoked in humanity miseries, wars, separation, loss will heal you and I will listen to you. One’s own life is a life to of precious souls and loss of hearts. be transformed by the fire of My Love. Therefore, My little ones, I come from Heaven in order to Today I invite you to imitate the little Christ so that you may make known the Kingdom of My Peace that is radiated by an Infinite Will. So that the heart may be redeemed, it is necessary live the Love upon My arms while resting. Everything that still to love the transformation of the soul that the Infinite Will is offends the Lord is there to be liberated. sending to each life. For this reason, My little ones, we must pray so that the world The first step of the pilgrim soul is to renounce itself; this will may reach the Light of the Lord again. I listen to your afflicted liberate it from belonging to the will that made people lose hearts; therefore, My little ones, cling to My praying voice so Light in the world. Love the unknown Will so that the Doors that your beings may come out of the shadows and the new of the Heavens may show the next path to follow in the path- Light that I am bringing may shine. Find in Me your rest and way of life. For this, My dear ones, remember that everything wait in confidence for the Mother of the Heavens to arrive to is achieved through prayer that is done with love and for love your encounter. of the souls that need the Light of God. My dear ones, let us alleviate the evil of the world through the Today I invite you to remember the moment in which My constant vow of reparative prayer for all the causes that offend Son, Christ, lived the Will of the Lord, accepting to drink the God. Each prayer must spring like the force of the Divine chalice of sacrifice, that the Lord of the Heights gave to Him. Love in your hearts. In this way, My little ones, the course of all hearts will be able to change for the good of all. What allowed the Purpose of God to be fulfilled in the Mas­ ter? It was the complete trust in the Love that Our Lord has Love the power of silence and find in it the Kingdom of the for every creature. Therefore, little ones, convert your hearts in living prayer. Let us alleviate the world and the hearts from Faith so that the paths may be invaded by the Unfathomable the noise that each heart carries upon itself. Therefore it is the Mercy of God. time to give more of oneself, without restrictions; it is the time to learn to love. God loves you. God guides you. God shows you the exit. In the love that guides you, In the Immaculate Love, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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December Dear children, Keep My words in your hearts so that they may reverberate 4 like seeds in the coming time. I am walking with each one of Rest your souls in My Maternal Heart so that I may give you your little hearts. the Kingdom of My Universal Peace. Wash your wounds in the Fount of the Living Christ, and then I will dry you Who guides you always, and I will protect you. Find in My Heart the flame that will Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity illuminate you through the paths of the mission of love and December peace. Hold the love in your hearts, Love that I radiate to you from My Immaculate Heart, because the moment will Trust in My Heart that I will shelter you. Do not fear arrive to confirm yourselves before God, before His Grace 5 for that which you still have not overcome. Rejoice in My and His Will. Immaculate Heart so that My Love may echo within you. Today I invite you to the conversion of your hearts through Dear children, the unity of each soul with Christ: the Resurrected and Today I call you to the daily contemplation of prayers. This will Redeeming Lord. He prepares His return to the center of allow, My little ones, that the requests that are pronounced love in each heart. from the Earth by each one of the souls, be heard by our Most Beloved Lord of the Heavens. Today I invite you, My dear For this, My little ones, many of you will suffer to alleviate ones, to the meditation of prayers that elevate the spirit and the great pain of many souls, with the mission of restoring the the soul. Raise your voices to the Heavens so that I, the Queen faults committed towards My Immaculate Heart. Everything of Peace, may intercede for all the souls that in this final time that was said before is being dictated by the actions of humans; lose themselves in materialism and ambition. therefore we must pray so that many souls may be conducted by the Wisdom of God. Therefore, My little soldiers, ignite the praying inner fire so that, together with My Immaculate Heart, you may help Me Souls live without peace. You, My little ones, have been able in the liberation and in the forgiveness of the whole world. I to see this with your eyes through spiritual service. My Immac­ listen daily to your prayers and My Immaculate Heart will ulate Heart suffers when so many children lose themselves. For respond to your requests according to the Will of the Lord. this reason carry in your hearts the emblem of gratitude and I love your hearts very much, I contemplate you moment by perseverance; they are necessary to sustain life in the Faith of moment. Thank you for responding to My daily call. My Heart the Lord. protects you; we are united in prayer and in Mercy. Throughout this last time, My apparitions awakened many The Kingdom of My Peace in your hearts. children who will be conducted again before the throne of Who protects you from everything, in the Celestial Light, My Father. Therefore I count on you, My little ones, so that in prayer all may be redeemed in My Immaculate Peace. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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December Dear children, Today I invite you to the inner preparation for the new cycle 6 that is coming. For this, My little ones, you must continue pray- I know the offenses that your hearts can radiate, but, My dear ing with the mission that many of My children be redeemed ones, hold your gaze on My Immaculate Heart and stop time by the Glorious Light of My Love. I pour over the hearts the so that My Divine Love may assist you to revert and convert Graces that come from My Celestial Father so that they may that which still has not been transformed. be strengthened and give themselves without tiredness, out of Walk along the way of prayer without stopping; the Lord, in love for all the souls that are blind. His Glory, accompanies the steps and the learning experiences I invite you to remember the origin and the beginning of My of life. Do not fear for yourselves; fear for the pain of the world, original purity that was announced by the Archangel Gabriel. a world that offends God and that does not pray sincerely to I am blessed and immaculate amongst women because I bring receive the forgiveness for all the faults committed. the Message of Peace to all hearts and to all souls. For this reason, My little ones, I am forming angels of prayer Therefore, My dear ones, be as blessed as My Heart is, and on Earth so that together with My Immaculate Heart you unite in fraternity and compassion that which the hearts of may help Me in the conversion of the souls that are prisoners of some people have separated from God. Cultivate the seed for themselves and of the illusions of the world. Listen to My call the coming time and let us pray together so that My Peace may with the ears of the heart; thus you will understand that we are be established in the hearts that are alone. in the hour of the battle and in the hour of the rescue of souls. I call you all, and in each moment I wait to find you united I love you all, My little ones, and the time to grow is approach- to My Immaculate Heart. Unite your hearts to My Heart so ing; this will be day by day in prayer. When you feel that you that My voice of Mother may resound in them. have offended God, do not get involved in your imperfections; My little ones, as so many years have passed, in humility, rev- elevate them to My Heart so that My Light may assist you. erence and love I invite you and call you to prepare the birth Rejoice your hearts because My Love comes in assistance for of My Son so that more Light may be ignited in the souls that all the hearts that cry out. are distant from His Most Sacred Heart, preparing in this way His celestial return. I bring all the hearts under My Mantle Who loves you eternally, so that they may be elevated like roses to God. Find purity in Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity your inner world: I will help you. Let us pray for Peace. My Kingdom will come to the assistance of the little hearts. December Who shelters and guides you always with heart and soul, Pray with love and purity in every moment of life; through this 7 path you will remain inside My Immaculate Heart. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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December December

My Heart radiates Light and Love to all the little hearts that Dear children, 8 on this date in the world celebrate My Maternal Presence. 9 If your hearts knew how much I love you, from them would It is important, dear children, that all hearts remember the spring an immense bliss and joy. daily sacred exercise of contemplative prayer and the weekly exercise of fasting for peace. In this way, My little ones, you Today I call you, My dear ones, to live from the fruit of prayer. will be uniting your hearts for the love of all the children who A prayer that may transform life as an attribute for God. A do not listen to God, do not adore God and do not love God. prayer that may illuminate life, as a flame for God. A prayer that may establish My Peace in life and that may radiate love My little ones, I come from the One and Only Heaven to to the heart. an­nounce to your hearts that the preparation of the heart in this final time will be quick, fast. For this reason, My little ones, each prayer must be truthful I want to tell you, My dear ones, that all of you, day after day, and humble so that it may bear fruits in life. If you pray with must love the inexhaustible source of prayer and of giving of Me you shall know the inner Light of the Kingdom of the self. In this way you will assist many of My children to once Heavens. Thus, My little ones, the world will be converted again approach My Immaculate Heart. and will be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, when more souls, in simplicity and in love for the Whole, pray for peace. Keep vigil in each moment for the union of each heart with My Maternal Presence. Now has come the time for all of you A world without peace is a world without kingdom and with- to love your fellow humans truly, despite the facts of life. In out love. For this reason, My children, I come to encounter all this way you will be fulfilling in fraternity the parables that the hearts that listen to My call day after day, and to all the were proclaimed once by My Son. hearts that awaken with My voice of peace. On this day, direct your hearts to the Most Holy Heart of I want to bring to each one of your lives My rejoicing of love Christ. Prepare your dwellings so that the flocks may enter, for the Lord, and that your little hearts may learn from and that they may establish the new Light of Christ in your the Divine Love so that this may be extended to the sick and hearts and in those of your brothers and sisters. sleeping hearts. My Maternal Love is for all. My Mantle of Who will be the new flocks? Protection is open for all. My Immaculate Heart is surrendered They will be the children that will wake up to the Light of and donated for all. the events, and who will radiate the Infinite Love of Christ. You, My little ones: Do you accept My Merciful Heart? Through the paths of the Redeeming Master, you shall find shelter in your dwellings. I am in the time of announcing the Reign of My Peace to more hearts that must come to know It. In this way, many of My Who loves you always and accompanies you wholeheartedly, children will leave the chaos of the world and awaken in the Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Light of My Divinized Heart. I wait for you daily in prayer.

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Thank you for responding to My Call. each one of your little hearts will accompany the immaculate triumph of My Heart. Who conducts you through peace, Who adores you in the Glorified Christ, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity December December The soul that vigils in prayer will be in the Kingdom of 10 My Heart. I radiate My Immaculate Peace to all the missionaries of 11 prayer, and especially to My children that in this final time Dear children, have made a long path of service under the Plan of the Especially today let us prepare the ministry of My coming to Lord. your hearts on the 12th and 13th of this month. Let us sow in My dear ones, the hearts the message of the Good News, because in them My call will spring again as a fountain. United in the reparative prayer the new networks of Light are interwoven, which will be able to reach all My children I wait for you today as I do every day, permeated by the Light that are distant from My Heart. For this reason, the groups of of reparative prayer. prayer consecrated to My Immaculate Heart will be essences My little ones, each Apparition and each encounter with that will shine for Me in the cold of night. your hearts means a unique moment of rescue of souls that For this I am preparing you in a vigil of prayer. The only path are forgotten in desperation and in suffering. For this reason, that will lead you to Me is the true essence of prayer; it will My dear ones, I count on your prayers so that they may fill the Earth with peace, and open the Heavens where the Most help dissolve the mental and psychic maladjustments that Beloved and Merciful Redeemer of all the creatures is to many of My children suffer today. be found. Each moment of prayer is like the opening, by means of the On the 12th and 13th of this month, allow My Maternal Love sincere voice, of a door to the Heavens, and thus the Great to permeate you deeply so that you may recognize in this Universe of compassion can descend in this final time. It is way My universal presence. Especially, My dear ones, allow necessary to strengthen the wise hope; in this way, My little yourselves to feel in your hearts the victorious coming of My ones, your hearts will be guided by My Light and by My Love. Celestial Light. Who loves you and guides you, Reunited in prayer and in peace, I shall find you, listening Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity from the Heavens to the call of all My children. I trust that

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December December Dear children, Awaken every day with the Light of My Immaculate Heart. 12 13 Remember, My child, the call of praying together for the Today I invite you to live in My Eternal Light. May My call Reign of My Peace in the hearts. May your heart of a servant resound in the depth of your little hearts. May humanity be not be afflicted, may it be opened to My Maternal Presence. reborn in the Hands of God so that it may be forgiven and converted to My Immaculate Heart. I love you all from the depths of the Heart of God. I illuminate you on your paths through the silence of a Great Mother. I For this, My little ones, the Lord wants to see you truly per- shelter you in My Immaculate Being so that your hearts may meated by the essential prayer, a prayer that may transfigure feel the relief of My Prodigious Love. your consciousnesses and convert you into worthy instruments of God. My dear children, in this moment you must pray with the greatest fervor of your hearts so that the Lord may reignite I want to ask you, My little ones, that today you remain before the hearts that are empty of Him and the hearts that feel My Merciful Face and that you leave your hearts open so that without Him. I may enter, and so that there may be life in them. I adore you all deeply, My dear ones, but remember all of those hearts that Therefore, My little soldiers, open the fount of prayer and of only seek the good life in the material life. renewed life that each one of your hearts has kept for such a long time. Thus they will be merging with Me in the eternal To dissolve from the hearts these great illusions that cause work of prayer. I wait for you every day because it is time to humanity to fall, I call you to deepen into the constructive prepare for what is coming. meaning of a prayer that may elevate all those hearts distant from God. In this mission, My Immaculate Heart shall accom- Because of all this, My little hearts, I announce to you that pany you. the hour of the permanent vigil of prayer is approaching. The Inner Light of each heart must be kindled for when God, Our I accompany all the hearts in this inner goal of responding to Father, summons the awakening of the instruments that will My call. serve to assist the last hearts that will be reintegrated into the For the perseverance and for the faith in My presence in your Greater Light. lives, thank you for responding to My call. Thus, My little ones, your souls will confirm their vows to the May the Divine Heavens be the new dwelling of the pure Most High, because the time will come when each soul and hearts. each heart shall be one with the beloved Angels of the Lord. All this shall prepare the way for the last ones that will be Who adores you perpetually, converted to My Immaculate Heart. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Walk, My little ones, in absolute faith that together with the Merciful Light of My Glorified Son, every path can be

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traveled. The time has come to confirm the complete trust To you, My little ones, who as servants of prayer respond to My in Christ. call of Peace, I say: I, the Queen of Peace, count on the beating of your hearts that, full of prayer and of Mercy, will assist in May peace reign in your hearts. the harmonization of many blind hearts. Who guides you, adores you and loves you, My Divine Light, light that monthly I am bringing to your Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity hearts, is the same that must be radiated to your brothers and December sisters, those who wait to rest in My maternal arms. For this reason, My dear children, each day of service that passes is the 14 Trust in My Maternal Love and you shall be saved. Com­ equivalent of years to rescue the hearts that are absent from mune with My divine presence so that your hearts may be the Most Beloved Lord of the Heavens. liberated of all pain and may be reborn as little lights for the Lord. My little ones, we are in times of Special and Unique Graces that, by means of My Immaculate Heart, are being conceded Dear children, the Lord needs to avail Himself of you every day to the hearts that would not deserve them. And as My Love in this life and during all the time that passes by. Therefore, My is great and immense for each one of you, you will be able to little hearts, hold tightly to My Mantle of Light so that under understand that My Divine Heart of Mother and Servant is My humble feet you may see the path that I will indicate to working in honor of all My children in need of My Love. the throne of the Lord. I am preparing your hearts daily for the times that will come. I Let us pray for peace in the world and especially let us pray for all those hearts that live day after day suffocated by suffering will listen to you and will meet you in the inner exercise of and that are lost in the confusion of the heart. To alleviate prayer, because, I assure you and I confirm to you that My all these ills, My little ones, I am in perpetual need of your Immaculate Heart will be inside your little hearts. prayers. Thus, My dear ones, many hearts that in this final It is time, My beloved ones, that the Love that springs from time are lost may be rescued from the twilight of life and of My Divine Heart be an expression of life, for each one of the world, and thus be saved. your souls. The Lord, who is worthy, wondrous and merciful wants, May the Lord at each moment bless all of you, My children. through My Maternal Presence, to safeguard all the hearts that, without perceiving it are distanced from His Heart of Who adores you and shelters you, Love. Now, My soldiers, the time has come to give everything Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity out of love to the Supreme Father. This will help in the liber- ation of the great faults that many people commit unjustly against the Heart of God.

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December 15 A lesson in Maternal Love that is coming for many souls. Lift up prayers with fervor to the Heavens; there I will be able to radiate My wonders Dear children, today let us celebrate with immense bliss be- over the afflicted hearts. cause the Lord has sent Me to you to announce My Daily Messages. Let us commemorate today the first month of the My last hour of peace wants to announce itself to all hearts. Celestial Announcements that My Immaculate Heart deliv- Give out My call in the dwellings that still do not seek Me. ers to your little hearts. Accompany My path of Mother and Proclaim My Good News of Peace and Redemption to My Pilgrim of souls so that My Immaculate Heart may triumph children so that the conversion of the spirit may be manifested in the whole world. in the hearts. My beloved ones, in this way begin preparing your hearts for To all those who need Me, there I will be. I am the Mother of the encounter with Me for the end of this month. Contemplate Peace. I am the Mother of Mercy. I am the Bird of the Sun that in prayer the Infinite Love that My Heart of Peace has for each illuminates the darkness in the hearts. I give new birth to your one of the souls. life through the inexhaustible source of the Love of My Son. Therefore, My little ones, I say to you that My Immaculate Let us pray for that which Our Lord needs. He has thirst for Heart counts on each one of your little hearts. My feet are good souls. alighting on the world to establish the Kingdom of Peace of I will intercede for your hearts, Our Most Revered and Merciful Father. My Mantle is over the world to protect and shelter the hearts that in trust, open Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity themselves to My Maternal Love. I will not be able to do December anything for all those children who daily distance themselves from the path of God. I will only be able to pray and to inter- 16 May the Kingdom of My Peace be your path, one that will cede as the Mother of Mercy. bear fruits for the Lord. Walk in My Maternal Trust. May My sword that cuts off evil alleviate your tired hearts. However, My dear children, your hearts may assist Me in the relief of the great sufferings of the soul and heart that many May the Light that springs from My glorious divine source be children live in the world, and this will happen through the the rain that purifies your beings and washes your faces. May strength of your daily prayers. When you manage to love My merciful eyes be the hope that gives impulse to courage the power of prayer, My little ones, I will be able to say that and strengthens you to transform life into a temple of conse- your hearts will be doing works of humility and of giving. cration to God. Know, My little ones, that My eyes are upon the world to May My Universal Mantle be the home where your hearts of contemplate it and to rescue it in this decisive final hour pilgrims may rest and may find the refuge that your souls seeks

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December so much. May My Immaculate Heart be a replica in your lit- 17 Dear children, tle heart so that your soul will imitate My path of Union and May the Infinite Love of Christ be present in your hearts. Love for God. Today, My little ones, you shall know that I appear daily in the As you will be able to see, dear son, dear daughter, nothing in heart of Casa Redención.1 For this reason, My dear ones, you the Kingdom of God is separated. Try to live in My humility so must rejoice your hearts with My Maternal Presence. that you may discover the Divine Love that is life for your souls Permit that each daily announcement be a renewal for the and a balm for your hearts. When you succeed in feeling My feelings and for the soul; thus, My little ones, you will find Immaculate Heart, you shall sprinkle with My holy water the the meaning of My words and how far My Merciful Love path that you have traveled so that consecrated to My Heart wants to go. you may see the New Light that comes towards you. Each apparition of My Heart represents for Our Father the Remain in My Heart. Repose your face upon My Being. Cover salvation of souls. My Love is delivering many Graces to many your face with My Mantle. Feel in peace with Me and no evil souls that are receiving one more opportunity in life to recon- will be able to disturb your little hearts. Step forward exercis- cile themselves with God. ing the maturity of the feeling so that, bathed by My original For this reason, My dear children, I come daily from the purity, your hearts may perceive My Love and My Trust. Do Heavens to announce Myself to your hearts, because we are not forget to enter in Me and to come to Me in prayer so that now in the Hour of the Peace and of the Restoration of the in your simple pleas, you may elevate the world in pain to the Heart. Unite to Me in prayer; commune daily with the Most feet of the Lord. Holy Heart of My Son. Open your arms and your hearts to Come to Me, I protect you. Come to Me, I love you and I will receive Him. bless you. I wait for each one of My children to follow this He, in His Glory, waits to radiate to you the Prodigious Love journey towards My Immaculate Heart. of His Mercy. Find rest in the arms of the Shepherd of souls; follow the steps that the burning Heart of Christ will be indi- May peace reign in life. May My Light spring in each heart. cating to you. Above all, trust in the powerful force of His Love My Peace. Embrace My Peace. Live My Immaculate Peace. Restoring Love. Who loves you, Let, My little ones, your souls express themselves in this final Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity time so that your hearts may receive the gifts and the talents that will assist many souls. Seek refuge in My Immaculate Heart so that you may thus enter My Temple of Adoration.

1. Casa Redención is part of the Marian Center of Aurora in Paysandú, Uruguay.

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When your hearts love the Creator with trust, I will be able Heavens. I come from Heaven so that you may recognize the to say that your souls will be consecrated to God. presence of My Maternal Heart. Let us pray for all the needs, but even more for an urgent need Dear children, the Lord blesses you today consecrating His that exists in souls, which is the lack of Divine and Merciful Graces of Love and Peace for your hearts. When you elevate Love. your hearts in unity towards God, Divine Mercy that is Work I am with you daily. and that is Life, will be able to penetrate the hearts that are asleep and in pain. For this reason I come to you, to announce Who loves you eternally, to you that we are now in the Time of Peace, a Peace that Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity will be gestated through constant and loving prayer from all souls. December Today I call you to elevate the heart through the sacred attri- 18 I come from Heaven towards you, as the birds at dawn. I am bute of prayer and in this bridge of elevation, My Immaculate the Lady Clothed with the Sun, the One that announces the Heart will assist you. Many are the souls in need of your prayers. Hour of Eternal Peace to the children on the Earth. I am the Each word of prayer realized with firmness and love has reper- Bright Star of love for your heart. I am the Servant of the Lord, cussions in the life of the world. Therefore, My little ones, in the One who brings to your soul the Mercy of the Heights. this tough time in which humanity lives, each true prayer will May your heart honor the Lord God, Almighty over all exis- be able to assist the souls that, on Earth, lose themselves in the tence. May your soul praise the wonders that it receives by influence of contrary actions in the world. Grace. I offer you My Immaculate Heart so that your inner For this, My dear soldiers of Light, you must affirm your hearts world may become a reflection in the dark night. in the depths of My Heart because I, the Mother of Peace, will Awaken before Me to life and await in My hope the return of listen to their echo. The hour of salvation is the last Grace that the Savior. Only find relief and love in My Words. Embrace will come from the Heavens to the hearts that are still distant with trust My Protecting Mantle. I come from Heaven with from God. the divine hope of a reunion with each one of My children. I prepare hearts for the new time and the immaculate fruit of Know, My little ones: God loves your hearts despite the prayer is the key that opens the Doors of the Heavens. offenses that many children commit daily towards His Heart. For this reason I invite you to pray for the worldwide Smile daily at My Face. I know the awakening of your True restoration of the unprotected hearts. My Maternal Light is Love for Me. I know how many steps you have taken in con- descending over Uruguay, especially over all the hearts that secration. I know how much you have walked seeking refuge month after month wait for Me in the Home of Adoration.2 and Light for your heart. I come towards you from the Heights to give you the Redemption and the Peace of the Greater 2. Located in the Marian Center of Aurora in Paysandú, Uruguay.

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May the shine of your eyes imitate My Eternal Light in your hearts, must love each moment of the encounter with My glori- pilgrim lives. I will be waiting for you soon, at the end of this fied and kind Son. There, in this supper that each day you shall month of December. New flowers will open for the pure spirits celebrate, you will be able to drink from His wonders, and you that live in the Lord. I call you to live in God. will be able to eat in humility from the compassion and from the Mercy that His Most Holy Heart will be radiating to you. Who guides you and loves you, The moment has come for that which John the Apostle wrote Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity as a message, to be fulfilled as Good News in all the hearts of December the world.

Dear children, The Lady Clothed with the Sun brings the stars of Light, stars 19 of the Father, those which redeem the world. For this, My May the infinite compassion of My Son strengthen your hearts dear ones, the hearts must open their inner treasuries that so that they may walk in life towards God the Father. Today I in some children still remain closed. Opening the heart, the call you to reflection by means of the exercise of prayer. Heavens will open themselves to the souls that may want to My little ones, in this time we must uplift humanity and the recognize them. souls through contemplative prayer. Today, My little children, Let us pray for the relief of the suffering that many of My chil­ I teach you how you must contemplate: dren live daily. First, by giving your heart to the Lord; Run all of you towards My Immaculate Heart, My Light will Second, by opening the merciful source of prayer; guide you. Third, by praying with compassion and piety for all your Who loves you, brothers and sisters. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity In this exercise, I assure you, My little ones, that your hearts December will be deepening in union with God through a prayer that will alleviate the sorrows of the world. Embrace My Immaculate Heart; I will do you no harm. I am 20 the Lady that descends from the Heavens to announce in your Your hearts are participants of My Maternal Presence. For hearts the Divine Peace of the Lord. Do not fear. I bring you this reason I invite you to live within My Immaculate Heart. My Eternal Light from the Heart of God. In this Kingdom that belongs to God, your souls will find shelter, protection and renovation of life. I am the Mother and Queen of the Divine Love. I am the Mes­ senger Bird of Peace that saves the children that are without The Lord, in His Immense Grace, wants to renovate your light and peace in the world. I appear before your eyes, before hearts so that in this last cycle of the world, they may live life your hearts, so that you may recognize My message and My by means of a true communion with Christ. You, My little call to prayer.

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Today I say to you, My little ones, that the Lord sends to Earth The Eternal Light is the Divine Purpose for life and for the from Heaven and from the Universe, large groups of souls that redemption of all hearts. fulfill His will in a mission of prayer and of peace. Who adores you and keeps you in the Heart of God, For this reason, My little ones, the first step for souls is to unite in fraternity and in love; this will be able to happen Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity through giving and in service. See thus, My little ones, that December the Lord gathers you so that all souls may carry out, in honor to His Will, the works of love and peace that He proposes for 21 Dear children, each heart. With joy and bliss in the name of all the children of the world, When souls are in group, there exists a mission of Love and let us pray for the salvation of the little souls that need Mercy Redemption that is gestated through service and prayer, to and Love. God. For this reason, My children, you must not sadden Today I invite you to prepare with Me the inner arrival of your hearts if you have not yet found the group of souls for Christ to the Earth. From the Heavens, the coming of the the mission. Holy Spirit will be pouring Graces to the world in this final The Lord, who is kind, places hearts before His Works of time of humanity. I invite you, My little hearts, to prepare My Peace, a Peace that His Heart radiates to the life of souls. coming on the 24th of December. I call you to prayer with the All the Purposes of God are permeated with giving and with purpose that your hearts may remember My pilgrimage to the selfless action of all groups of souls. The stronghold for the ancient Bethlehem. these groups that serve the works of God is the constant spirit of prayer. May your prayers and hearts be converted into the Great Guiding Star during the night so that My Heart may illumi- This is why, My dear children, I invite you to pray so that your nate the world with peace. For this, My little ones, I summon hearts, in this final time, may recognize the group of souls you to prepare the heart during the days that precede the 24th to which they belong. The first path will be, My little ones, the reconciliation and the union with Our Celestial Father. of December. Prior to the arrival of Christ, the Immaculate From then the path of the groups of souls will be guided by Heart of the Lady of the Divine Conception will arrive to be His Greater Will and thus, they will respond to the Greater before your lives once more. Call that comes from the Heavens and all the hearts will act I will bring the Holy Spirit with the mission of renewing the for love and service towards fraternity. life of many hearts. I only ask, for this merit and for this spe- Prayer prepares the path for the time that will come. United cial Grace of Forgiveness and Redemption, that you, My dear to My Immaculate Heart, the pathway of peace will be able to children, may raise the voice of prayer to the Heavens so that be followed by all hearts. the Lord God may respond to the call of all of His children.

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December The Bird of the Sun, ignited by the Holy Spirit, will alight I hear daily the supplications of your hearts. I come from Its gaze of love and peace upon the hearts that open, in order 22 Heaven to respond to the call of hearts that unite to Me. The to thus renew the present life. I want, My little ones, that life of the hearts that consecrate themselves to the Most High your hearts prepare themselves for this advent on the 23rd of God is inspired, by means of the tests of confirmation, on the December, by means of the vigil of the eve. path that the soul goes through, until arriving to the throne of the Lord. For this reason, My little children, do not fear There, your beings in prayer will meet Me and, in the bliss for how much you have offended God. Instead, seek, in every of receiving Me in your hearts, you will be traveling the path moment, how to return to Him. towards the rebirth and return of Christ, as it was in the man- ger of Bethlehem. It will be necessary that your hearts prepare I am the Lady of Peace and I reach all the hearts that, being themselves so that the other children may receive the Grace open, want to enter the Kingdom of the Lord. If the soul feels that My Immaculate Heart will radiate to many lives. unprotected for that which it still must overcome in itself, I ask it to enter into a state of prayer in order to be able to thus I invite all My children, those who will be in their homes with repair the offenses that souls commit against the Heavens. their families, to the reconciliation and the forgiveness of all 3 the faults that are committed against the Heart of God. For I come as the Mother, Help of Hearts, so that they may feel this reason, My little ones, the exercise of reconciliation must My immaculate trust in themselves. Enter into My Immacu­ be emanated first within your families so that all the hearts late Heart when you are overwhelmed, confused, or distant that still do not respond to My call may receive the Grace of from prayer. the Holy Spirit. I come to reconcile your hearts with the Celestial Light. Shel­ I am preparing souls and hearts for constant prayer. The Lord tered within My Heart you will receive My Kind Love so that needs to pour His Mercy over the evil of the world. Thus your your souls may find humility before the Lord. hearts, in the vigil of the eve, will await the arrival of the Lady My little ones, you are part of the Creation of the Lord; you Clothed with the Sun, of the Virgin Mother of the Divine were made in His image and likeness. Now I invite you to trans- Conception of the Trinity, on the 24th of December. Celebrate form and to surrender that which has not yet been transformed. the presence of the Kingdom of Peace in your lives. I give you the flame of My Merciful Love so that you may strengthen yourselves day by day. The world awaits its redemption. Humanity must reconcile itself with God to be able to return to the Kingdom in the Silence your hearts. Allow that the true love may spring Heart of the Lord. from them. I will lead you along the paths of peace. Feel the Who loves you eternally, 3. Tr: “Mother, Help of Hearts” refers to and expands upon the meaning of the well-known title of the Virgin which in English has been called “Mary, Help of Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Christians.”

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expansion of My Mantle of Light, despite everything. I guide ence in life only exists to reform the heart and to convert it you. I accompany you. I will show you the exit. in the forgetfulness of itself. A greater Flame will come to the aid of each pilgrim; it will be the ardent fire of prayer, an exer- Revere with your hearts whenever you are before the Most Beloved Heart of My Son. He will radiate to you the power cise of reconnection between the soul and God. of the Love of God. My little one, daily unite the beads by means of prayer so that Go in Peace. I forgive you. I love you more than you love your your heart may recognize My Immaculate Face. Breathe slowly own lives. I contemplate you from the Heart. the breeze that I bring from the Heavens. Open you little eyes so that they may witness the coming of the Bird of the Sun Keep going towards Christ, wayfarers of the Good News! from the heights. Strengthen yourself in humility so that you Who shelters you, may bring peace to each brother-heart. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity My little ones, I come from the Heavens to announce My Good News: the hearts must awaken to the celestial reality December of the Lord. A new communion with My Son will re-emerge If in truth your hearts knew the power of My Love in the to conduct souls again towards the Infinite Heart of the 23 words, from your souls there would awaken an eternal Redeemer. This new alliance with the Savior will prepare reverence. the glorious coming of My venerable resurrected Son. Today, My dear, walk towards the interior of My Immaculate Therefore, My little ones, each heart must be open to the call. Heart so that by finding an inner refuge your heart may be The voice of My Heart is being announced for the last time as filled with bliss and love. When you direct your steps towards it has been announced in Fatima, Lourdes and in Medjugorje. Me, remember to divest yourselves of “your faces,” those that I transform hearts into eternal temples of prayer and Light. I may have imprinted themselves in the learning experiences of am opening this Fount of Graces to assist all My children life. Wash them in the Fount of the Divine Source so that your that, with love, carry Me in their hearts. The time of the Inner soul and heart may renew the feeling of Love for God. Return of the Christ is on the eve for those that still sleep, that Place your little hands in the fount and feel the gifts of ren- are distant from the flock of the Lord. ovation and forgiveness of every fault committed. Before the For this reason, My little ones, the hearts must forgive before fount of My Immaculate Heart, that which will take you to God so that the offenses may be purified and permeated by the pure feet of the Divine Father, detach the past from your Divine Mercy. The cycles in humanity are changing; therefore heart so that you may advance towards the Heart of the Lord. the path of prayer will conduct you. I will help you. On the path that God created for each soul and for each heart Who accompanies you from the Immaculate Heart, there exists only Mercy. Each step in life is the crossing of the pilgrim towards the Doors of Heaven. Each learning experi- Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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December 24 Dear children, It. But all the souls must confirm themselves before God for this final time. For this reason, My little children, I come from This is how I want to see all of your hearts: in vigil and in prayer for all souls. Thus you will be confirming your lives to the Heavens to prepare the hearts that may want to listen to a life of prayer and salvation. Your hearts will be guided My call. For this, My little ones, it will be important that the towards My Immaculate Heart. ears of the heart be open to My words so that they may pierce that which is still resistant to God. Little children, the humanity of today suffers from being dis- tant from the eyes of God. For this reason, My children, it is Do not fear, My children, trust in My Eternal Light and you necessary to establish columns of Peace in each place on Earth will know the Wondrous Love of My Heart. I love you all, and as well as in each hour of the day. The Merciful Lord makes even more those who walk through other pathways, those who use of the praying call of all His children to be able to alleviate must be rescued from the world. With your hearts, alleviate the the world from the justice that will arrive for all of humanity. Scourged Heart of the Lord so that in the celestial hope, more It is necessary to strengthen and confirm oneself in prayer, in children may be converted by My Maternal Love. I follow you order to be able to consecrate oneself to My Immaculate Heart. all from the Pure Heart. I want to bring from the Heavens the hosts of angels, in order Thank you for responding to My call of the 23rd of December. to begin the hour of salvation of all hearts with prayer. There is much left to be done, My little ones, by means of your hands. Who loves you and blesses you perpetually, Therefore, by igniting the universal flame of prayer you will be helping to alleviate the sorrow of the world that each day Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity is destroying itself. December I call upon all the wayfarers of the heart so that together with Rejoice your hearts for the rebirth of Christ within each being. My Immaculate Heart they may follow the pathway of prayer. 25 Allow, My little ones, the divine flame to transfigure the life We are at the time of the final call for the salvation of souls. and settle in each heart. My merciful eyes want to pour the purity and kindness of the Lord, and thus call to conversion those to whom My Heart Today I am with each one of your hearts, keeping vigil in and My voice will be announced. prayer for the next encounter on this day of Grace. Some The day of Grace will come for all the souls that will know hearts have already reconciled themselves with the Lord, but how to recognize the Mercy that, from the Heavens, the Lord others will have to deepen in the sense of faith and of adoration has for each heart. The world must be restored and for this we to Our Sacred Lord of the Heavens. Faith and adoration, by must affirm in the life of each heart a prayer that may repair means of the exercise of prayer, permeate each being, uplifting the deeds committed throughout the centuries. the heart towards the Kingdom of God. My Immaculate Heart will triumph in those hearts that may May your hearts, My dear children, live this reconciliation yearn to live in Me and in My Temple, so as to never abandon with the Most High on these dates on which I am appearing,

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with total joy and humility. I wait for you day by day in a state smile of Our Most High Lord. Come all souls towards My of adoration through prayer so that it may simply collaborate Immaculate Heart, because I will make you drink from the with the reconciliation of many hearts with God. Source of My Peace. A celestial key for your lives will be to drink from the True May the pilgrims walk through My pathway of roses. That Love that My Son is radiating to you today from His Heart of united with My Heart we may pray for peace. It is very simple Shepherd and Master. Thus, with this living and pure Love, that which God asks of you: only to be in prayer and to be a you will be able, My little ones, to travel the path that each living prayer. day you must discover by means of prayer. So that more hearts may be saved, the Lord needs the giving of This path, which My Immaculate Heart invites you and His instruments: instruments of Peace, instruments of Love, calls you to live, is the path of consecration of the soul to My instruments of Redemption, instruments of Conversion, for Immaculate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of Christ. Through all hearts. this pathway of love and trust, that your lives must cultivate, Know, My little ones, that My Immaculate Heart guides you your souls will come to witness the gifts and the talents that and that My Heart of Servant is guided by the wonders and the each one of you will give and offer with humility to the Lord of Mercies of the Lord. My Heart is an instrument of love and the Heights. He wants to see you happy, persevering and pure peace, which I invite you to contemplate. I want your hearts to of heart. This will help you to overcome the evil on the path reign in My Heart so that the loneliness in souls may be over, and to find the Divine Light in the face of each test. so that the new soul restored by My Love may recognize My Remember, My children: practice faith and adoration through prayer and may unite to it. prayer. This will strengthen the spirit and the heart in face of Today, My little ones, may the Kingdom of Peace embrace you everything that the world will live. I call you to the unification completely so that all inner conflict may be liberated from sor- of your lives with Christ. rowful hearts. It is possible, My little ones, to know a Kingdom Who adores you in the silence of the Immaculate Heart, of Love and Peace. I come daily from this place to bring you the Light from the Heights. Seek, My dear children, to remain Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity each second within My Immaculate Heart so that your little December hearts may be converted in Redemption and in Forgiveness for many souls that I want to arrive to in this end of time. Come towards Me, I protect you. Come towards Me, I will love Be partakers in the Eternal Light that is appearing again to 26 you. Come towards My Kingdom in trust. Live in My Peace. your hearts. Unite your hearts to Me. There is nothing more precious in souls than the reflection Who loves you, of a sweet heart. I gather hearts so that they may celebrate with Me in prayer. More beautiful than the Heavens is the Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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December Dear children, On this path, which you will decide if you will travel with 27 Me, I will be able to say with certainty on which souls I can Today I invite you to sow My Peace in your hearts so that, count for the hour of the rescue, for the hour of the salvation as small Lights of My Immaculate Heart, the world may be of hearts. converted. We must pray and this must be a remembrance for your lives here on Earth. Let us trust in the Lord. He deserves it. Remember, My children, that we are in a time of transition In the Merciful Love, to a new time that will arrive to all souls that are thirsty for Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Christ. Therefore, little ones, the constancy of your hearts in prayer will be important. I radiate to you from the Heavens December My Divine Love so that your hearts may walk towards My Dear children, Kingdom of Peace. 28 Receive My call with your hearts and arms open. I am the But first, little creatures of the Lord, seek the Kingdom of Mother, Relief and Help,4 that comes to the world to shelter Peace in prayer. Thus you will allow many of My children to the little hearts. There are still many places through which My be touched by My Merciful Love in this last hour. I call you on Heart must pass in order to alleviate pain. this day to the upliftment of the heart; it is a special permission that I am giving you so that your souls may closely glimpse My I only ask of you today, My dear children, that in face of all the Kingdom of Peace. inner suffering, you remain in My Immaculate Heart. In this hour of surrender and renunciation I will be there to support But to get there it will be necessary for your hearts to pray with the steps of your hearts. Here on Earth there is still much to the confidence that they will, for an instant, be able to touch restore and forgive, but the most urgent is that we must pray with the soul the Doors of Paradise. so that the last Celestial Graces may descend. For this reason, My little ones, unite your hearts to each other. Dear children, in truth I say to you that My Heart of Mother This is important for you and for our beloved Lord. The world is humble, simple and open to each one of you. My Love is separated of heart and soul; few are the souls that propagate will never separate Itself from the hearts that have been My fraternity in this final time. consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. For this reason, little Also, My children, we must pray to unite the blind hearts ones, you must live with the utmost joy the suffering that the that are distant from the true Merciful Love of My Son. As Lord sends to your hearts so that this pain, permeated by love, His coming is on the cusp of few hearts, since few truly wait may liberate the evil that the world lives. for Him, we must pray without ceasing so that many of My 4. Tr: “Mother, Relief and Help” refers to and expands upon the meaning of the children in this last hour of the world may be radiated by the well-known title of the Virgin which in English has been called “Mary, Help of Light of My Immaculate Heart. Christians.”

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I conduct you through the path that My Son promised you to A hope of igniting again the Light in hearts. live. He is the Path, the Truth and the Life for all the hearts I call your heart so that your soul may respond. I call your life that accept to live it. There is a path by which to go. There is to prayer. Consecrate your inner world to My Heart; I wait a truth about your existences as souls and hearts, and there is a new life, that through My Son, you will discover on the for you always in prayer. I want to have with all My children pathway of prayer. Only aspire, My little ones, to find day by an inner communion that may transcend barriers and may day the path towards Christ. He will strengthen your hearts dissolve loneliness. I love all My children who day by day con- during the hours of testing. secrate themselves, because from them will emerge the bridge of salvation to other children who are distant from Me. The most essential of all, My dear children, is that your hearts may not lose the joy of serving and of smiling because such is Therefore, My little ones, courage for life and prayer for the will of the Lord in these moments: He wants to see your the soul; in this way you will form a heart abnegated to the hearts full of gratitude and joy. Divine Call. The mission of all My children in the world will be to con- Gathering the flocks by means of the Light of My Heart, all vert their hearts to the Will of the Lord without any fear. For are led to the feet of Christ. He awaits you for the surrender. this reason, My little ones, I am among you announcing the He awaits you so that you may love others. He awaits you upcoming time of peace for the world. during the night in prayer and in vigil. Each soul must extend its arms to receive Divine Mercy. Each trusting heart will be Let us pray. able to see the light of Christ in the path when the pure soul Thank you for responding to My call. surrenders to His Presence of Love. Each heart must imitate May joy reign in your hearts. Peace for the Earth. Him so that in this way the Light in the heart may grow. He loves you deeply. He counts on the giving of your hearts. All Who loves you eternally, hearts are asked for one more step in life. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Dear children, this is a lesson of surrender before the Ministry December of Our Lord. For this reason, My little ones, we are at the time of living prayer as a living nourishment for life. It must be the 29 Between you and I, a thread of love. daily strength for your hearts. In your prayer together with Me, the call for peace. Little sheep, the Lord calls His children to a prayer that may In your heart, My beloved Kingdom. restore the world. Between the Earth and Heaven, My Immaculate Heart. Who loves you and adores you, A sublime voice calls for all its children. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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December Dear children, and that I await, at each new day, that your hearts may radiate 30 peace and purity. For the Lord it is important that your hearts be converted into flames of Peace. To convert the heart, it is necessary to pray in Many hearts and souls lack purity from having been invaded the name of My Immaculate Heart of Peace. Thus, I will guide by the will of humanity; thus they have been distanced from you as the Mother of all the hearts. the Divine Will. For this reason, My little children, to be able to help the world and the spiritual conversion, I invite Today I invite you, My little ones, to pray with Me without you to turn towards My Heart as little children. In this way, expecting anything else. In this way your little hearts will be in prayer and love, the Celestial Father will pour His Mercy invaded by the Supreme Will of the Lord. Today I call you to over the world. internalize the exercise of prayer as a praise to God. He wants to see His children surrendered and as pure as the crystalline Your hearts must be that which they have never been, in order water of the rivers. to be able to live in another law, and under an Infinite Will. I assure you that when your hearts become crystalline through Let us pray for the peace in each heart. prayer, in each one of your lives the path of purity will begin. Who guides you, Purity will protect your hearts so that they may not unite to all the human actions that in this world have distanced humanity Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity from the Beloved Heart of God. December Therefore, in each apparition I come to radiate to you, from A call to prayer for souls the Heavens, My hope for the true transformation and con- 31 version of all the hearts that in this last hour must defy their Peace! Peace! Peace for the hearts that have fallen! steps and direct them towards the consecration to the Lord. Good! Good! Good for the souls that walk in the Light! But if your hearts are in Me and not in your own selves, you Unity! Unity! Unity for the hearts that aspire to live in God! will be able to recognize the Divine Love of My Heart, and thus you will understand the adoration that I have towards That many hearts, in the remaining time of this end of the year, each one of you. may reconcile themselves with the Lord, elevating thus all the faults that are committed by lost hearts. I only ask you, My dear children, that you place your hearts and your feelings in the universal prayer to My Immaculate To those who month by month respond to My call, I ask for Heart. In this way and in this exercise, you, My little ones, a true prayer during the hours of today so that many of My will be dedicating life to Love and to the Redemption of the children may be saved in the moment of Judgment that the world. Remember, My little ones, that all are within My Heart, heart will live in its last hour.

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For this reason, My little ones, today I invite you to launch Dear children, the Lord calls us to ignite the Light of prayer the nets to the sea, as My Son did so that we may rescue those in the hearts that are lonely and distant from His true Love children who will be permeated by the Light of the Lord. May of Father. Let us help with pleas so that hearts may redeem during these hours, each member in the prayer consecrated to themselves before the Infinite Love of God. My Heart will My Immaculate Heart, be able to dedicate part of their atten- lead all. tion to the prayers for all the children that are being distanced Who prepares you in this final time and loves you eternally, from the Eternal Father of Love. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity My little ones, it is up to all of you to unite with Me in prayer and in love for all these souls. You may do this alone, in group, in family, or in a meeting of souls, while during these hours many gather to waste the valued time that God is granting them. My dear children, the time has come for the rescue of the hearts that due to their blindness and to their lack of Light, must see the Mercy of the Lord again. I invite you to witness the Divine Heart of My Son; thus you will be repairing all the errors that humanity generates during these hours. I call you so that through your prayers, your hearts may attract the Kingdom of My Peace, that which few hearts know. Let us open the source of the Heavens over the pain of the Earth so that all hearts may be converted by the Fount of My Motherhood. My little ones, I am delivering without conditions the Love of My Immaculate Heart so that your tiny souls may unite to My Heart when everything happens. God loves you and He wants to be Life in each one of your hearts, but for this they must convert themselves in the end of times. The conversion of the heart will be the last gift for many. My Redeeming Light is passing and my Mantle of Peace wants to cover all hearts.

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January 1 Dear children, In the great battles, prayer wins through the love that each soul pours, from within, for the other souls. My little ones, today I invite you to pray with sincerity for the restoration of all souls that were immersed in the path of fes- tivities through the impulses of the earthly life. I call you today to the reparative prayer for all hearts that, without knowing, have lost the brightness of the flame that united them with the Creator God. Therefore, My little ones, to relieve the pain of the souls that have distanced themselves from their true Father of Love, I call you to collaborate in humility with all these souls through your union with the Heavens in the daily exercise of prayer. Many hearts on this day will feel distanced from everything and they will not be able to understand why. For this reason, My little children, I call you, who by Grace have known the power of prayer, to exercise the love in the heart for all brothers and sisters who through these worldly festivities are deceived by the false love. To come to know the Divine Love, we must pray and thus tepid souls will be able to strengthen themselves in this last hour in the world. My Blessed Mercy is being poured over all hearts, but now My Immaculate Heart needs true missionaries of prayer. With the praying beings in the world, the planet will be con- secrated to My Immaculate Heart, after everything that will happen with humankind and the peoples. But if there are not Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity true hearts donated to prayer, it will cost much to the world Inside the Home of Adoration, Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay to surrender itself at the feet of the Supreme God. Humanity

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in each little heart is being called by My Immaculate Heart to wants to see being born again all hearts that have distanced consecrate itself to God in the redeeming prayer. themselves from Him. Still there is much to learn in this world, but My Heart pre- My little ones, many are the works of the Father for all souls, pares the hearts for the final time. I am in each one of you, but these works will be accomplished if there are hearts perceiving and loving you as the Mother of Peace. It is nec- surrendered and filled by prayer. The definite time is coming essary, My little ones, that all come to know the Kingdom of for many hearts that will no longer be able to continue living Peace in order to recognize thus that the Light of God is close in the ignorance of what life is. For this reason, My dear ones, I to each soul that seeks it. count on each one of your prayers so that the Purpose of Light God loves you. God wants to redeem you. God awaits each may victoriously be accomplished over the Earth. heart to surrender itself before His Merciful Love. There is still Many hearts are being confused, lost and tempted by the ene- time for all hearts to convert themselves. Heaven is opening its my because they open the doors to it with the lack of prayer. doors for those who, even without understanding, may aspire for their own rehabilitation. The Divine Lord awaits you for Dear children, I ask you to pray for all of them so that My the supper of communion with His Most Holy Heart. Immaculate Heart may be able to ignite conversion in all hearts. There is, in many of My children, a lack of the true faith Who contemplates you from the Heart, that is strengthened by daily prayer. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity For your hearts to be like shields before the events of the world, January you, My little ones, must assume prayer as the only principle for each of your lives. Without prayer, My dear ones, life does 2 Dear children, not have a path towards God. Walk with Me in prayer, thus all evil will be able to be over- Let us meditate with the heart. come in the lonely hearts that do not have God. Thank you for responding to My call. Dear children, day by day commune with prayer so that your souls may humbly collaborate with My Plans of Peace and Who adores you with the Heart, Redemption. Extend your arms to the Heavens through Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity prayer, My little ones. The Lord who is good and wondrous will respond to the supplications of all hearts. Today I invite January you, My dear children, to live in My Maternal Faith. 3 I am the Mother who alleviates sadness from the hearts. I am My dear ones, we must help for faith to be a flame in the hearts the burning Flame that illuminates the hearts. I am the Queen that in the day by day, easily forget about God. For this, My of Peace who announces the new dwelling for the hearts. I am little ones, I call you to convert yourselves into pillars of your Divine Mother. I am the rose that opens up for you to My prayer for the whole Earth. God, who is fair and merciful, feel the sublime perfume of the Heavens.

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January Today I want to tell you, My little ones, that the world needs 4 Dear children, living prayer each day. Each prayer in your lives must be a I am also with you in the adoration to the Sacred Heart of My renovation. In each renovation given by the power of prayer, Son. I assure you, dear children, that in It you will find the your hearts will be converting themselves to the Will of Our strength that your hearts need in these moments. Lord. Thus your souls, attuned by prayer, will help in the relief of the hearts that day by day lose the inner Light. Little ones, the contemplation of the Divine Heart of Christ is important for your lives. Each union that is established As praying souls We must help to reverse the chaos of the world between you and His Spirit opens a door to the reconciliation so that the Kingdom of My Peace may settle Itself in each of all the causes that by mistake may have been committed. human heart. We are now in the time of a next Judgment for souls. Therefore, My little ones, it is primary, that all, united Never forget, dear children, this perfect union with Christ so in prayer, truly ask for the coming of Divine Mercy. that in the times of test you may have the will to continue on the path that will take you to Him. Today I call you so that Now, My dear children, only the Divine Mercy of My Son will your hearts may put their attention on this ministry. be able to assist the inner pain of all souls and all hearts that easily forget the true God. For this reason, My little ones, your The adoration of My Glorified Son will help you to understand better the situations of life. This will allow you, My little ones, hearts might feel grief and this happens because the world, to be able to give all to His Most Holy Heart. as kingdom and as life, is asking for help to all the souls that belong to it. Adoration is an act of constant restoration of life, of mind and spirit for all hearts. In contemplation begins for you a path of To relieve at least a part of what is already destroyed, the prayer communion with Christ so that later you may be able to merge done with your hearts will aid all children who in this time yourselves with Him in the adoration. need peace and much Light. The prayer done with the heart will be able to help in the conversion of situations, events and Know, My dear ones, that this exercise is of importance for all people who are distant from their lives. hearts. I must tell you that the goal of your hearts will be to not take this sacred exercise as if it were just one more passage The time has come to unite hearts for a single goal in these in life. Each meeting for the adoration of the Sacred Heart of times: the Universal prayer for souls and for the world. God, My Son must be an act of reparation for your hearts and for loving and compassionate, awaits each of His children. your little souls. This will help so that the world, which adores Dear children, the moment has come for each soul to take its other forms more, may at least convert itself little by little from step. From the depths of My Immaculate Heart, I will come the heart and from the soul. to that heart that opens itself to receive Me. Each one of your hearts must love the adoration done before the Heart of My Son. You must establish an alliance with His Who loves you, Sacred Heart. This will be the beginning for hope and for Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity good will.

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For this reason, My little ones, I invite you to enter into the Dear children, today I call you for you to love what you still ocean of adoration. There you will remain, traveling a new have not overcome. In My Heart you will find refuge. path towards Him. In this way you will unite to His beloved Who adores you, Heart and you will help in the relief of all hearts that do not contemplate Him. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity The first hour of salvation will occur by means of the adoration January of the Heart of Christ; the adoration will prepare you for what Dear children, will come afterwards. 6 Today I leave to each one of your hearts the sign of My Peace. Thank you for responding to My call. You will find this sign in the daily prayer. Little ones, another Let us pray for those who do not adore God. sign for your souls is conversion. The Lord invites you to con- vert the spirit into a sacred temple of forgiveness and restora­ Let us pray for those who do not love God. tion of life. Let us pray for those who do not surrender themselves to Light. Dear children, in the consecration of your lives by means of the In reverence to the Heart of Christ, Divine Word of prayer you will find the path that will lead you to the Doors of Peace, the Doors of My Kingdom. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity My little ones, it is time to prepare your consciousnesses January for what will soon come from the Heavens. My Immaculate With the hearts that decay, with all of them, I am. The strength Heart carries a herald for all of the children who unite to God. 5 of prayer will give you courage for the transformation of each For this reason, little children, the world must also continue soul. Prayer will sow patience before the changes of life and converting itself through the prayers of all of the children of love will unite what may be separated in the hearts. To be able the world. If you knew how necessary it is for your hearts to to convert itself, each heart must recognize its faults. By recog- pray you would be each moment impregnated by the Light of nizing them, you will be able, by means of prayer, to dissolve My Heart. and elevate, little by little, what weighs on the hearts. I want you to recognize that we are in the moment of radiating I want to help you, for this reason I come from Heaven so that peace for all those who need it. Your lives must convert them- you may find comfort in My Heart. My immaculate spirit selves into constant instruments of God, thus the Divine Plan will overflow with joy when My children remember God. If of God will flow according to the designs for each one of the life were prayer, life would be transformed. Love cultivates souls. This most precious plan of love will alleviate the constant patience before the tests, and patience will bring you to the generation of faults that many souls commit before the throne redemption of the past. of the Father while they live in the world. For this, My dear

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children, I openly wait for you so that we may merge ourselves words of Christ. For this reason I invite you to recover what in prayer for all these children. As humanity you must learn they have always, from the time that you were children, taught many lessons of peace and of humility. you about the real life of each Gospel. United thus in prayer, souls will be able to reencounter a path of true communion On this path of construction of the Inner Plan you will find with Christ. You will be together with Me, bringing the spirit Me. It is enough that each one of the souls opens itself to My of the reading back to life in the hearts that must learn to love immaculate call to conversion. on each new day. Thank you for responding to My call. Dear children, keep My words in your hearts so that they Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity may grow like the flowers in each dawn. The Lord calls you to Peace for the lives. reconcile yourselves with the teachings that Christ dictated to humanity. January My little ones, I will accompany you through this new path- 7 Be like children and come to Me because I will protect you. way of prayer and communion with My blessed and merciful Dear children, Son. If you open your hearts to the call that comes from the Heavens it will be the sign that more lost souls will be able to Today I invite you to contemplate My Immacu­late Heart. I reconcile with My Immaculate Heart. want to teach you to live in the humility of life so that your hearts may strengthen themselves day by day. Who guides you with Divine Love, I want to tell you, My little ones, that we must pray for Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity the world and for all the souls that lack the true humility January of the heart. If you, dear children, pray with the soul and with the heart you will be able to help so that Our Father 8 Awake in the dawn under My Maternal Presence. may pour His Love and His Mercy over this chaotic world Begin to take your firsts steps towards My Heart of Mother. without peace. Quench your thirst with the inexhaustible source of My prayer. For this reason, little ones, I come as the Queen Messenger of Peace. I come to teach you how you must act with your hearts Open your heart to humility. before life. I want that, from My Heart, you may go through Feel in thought the One and Only Mind of God so that your My servant life as Mary, the Mother of Jesus, so that you may feelings may be pure. keep the glorious moments that My Son offered to all the souls through the episodes of each parable. Each one of them will Direct yourself towards the Temple of the Creator and cele- help you to meditate with the heart about the Love in the brate with joy what He has given to you.

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Live in His Will to be able to understand the steps in your Dry from the Face of God the tears that the world has gener- consciousness. ated in Him. Unite your gaze and your soul to the eternal Heaven. Convert life into a prayer for this final time. During the day, be like the flower and express gratitude in My voice is coming to the ears that want to hear and to live it. reverence. Nothing is separated between humanity and God. All your Be like crystalline water, travel all the paths, as prayer does. hearts must be only one, thus they will be able to live in peace. Give yourself like the stars, shine constantly like the Light. In order to not create wars, the thoughts must be pure. Encounter on the path, one sister: prayer. For humanity to grow up, surrender must be greater. Allow her to convert your being, let her liberate the path. The Lord of the Holy Heavens wants to carry everyone in His blessed and beloved Heart. Proclaim with unity the power of the Divine Word so that filled by My wondrous Love, you may see before your eyes, As souls, you must please Our God with good works of peace. the Presence of God. Thus, in a little time, the world will be able to be something else and the life of many souls will change. Enter the Heavens with your brothers and sisters. Contemplate Creation in prayer. For this reason, My little ones, I come to the aid of all, an­ nouncing My Good News of Peace. Seek restlessly the law of Spirit so that life may be consecration. I wait for you as My servers. If you live selfless love, opening your soul with prayer, the Holy Spirit will pour the flame of eternal devotion over your being. I await you in prayer. Whenever you feel that life has defeated you, that pain has Thus, the Peace of My Kingdom will be in souls and My beaten you, and that suffering has dried up the source of Immaculate Heart will triumph. adoration, affirm the union of your soul with Me because My In the Eternal Peace, Heart will come to help you. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity For your soul, I am the Guardian of Faith. For your heart, I January am the Mother of Graces. Dear children, I want, My dear, that you connect your soul to My Eternal 9 Heart. For this you must pray, not only for yourself, but for Today I come to you with the special Grace of preparing in the whole world. each soul the inner advent of Christ.

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Dear children, today I invite you for your hearts to remain Dear children, under the two merciful rays that My Son is radiating for the 10 A divine mystery for each one of your hearts is the prayer whole world. In spite of the weaknesses in faith or the fear of the heart. It will take you towards the Presence of God in the hearts, I invite you to not separate yourselves from the whenever you need it, because prayer will lead you to the feet Most Beloved Heart of Christ. If life is under this glorious of the Creator. and powerful Redeeming Heart, it will take another path to its consecration and to its steps towards God. The Lord, good Little children, today I take you all towards the feet of the and beloved, has given you a beloved part of Himself: Christ, Divine Father. Therefore, I invite you to convert your hearts so that, through His Love, you may illuminate the steps on into a living plea so that each one of your souls may express the path that you travel. itself like a beautiful flower for the Creator. Thus, dear chil- dren, you will know how easy it is to live in the peace of the Today I call you to remain in the quietness of the heart, thus heart and in the peace that true prayer will give you. you will be contemplating the Presence of the Most High. While the world changes rapidly, those souls that are tepid Dear children, seek in My Immaculate Heart the perfect union and those that are distant from the Divine Face of Christ must of your lives with God. I, as the Divine Mother, the favorite strengthen themselves even more in prayer. Mother for each one of you, will take you towards the coming time of reconciliation. In order to forgive, dear children, you You, My little children, now live, in the day by day, the school must open yourselves to love what you have never loved. By of prayer. Therefore I invite you to teach all your brothers seeking the presence of the Divine Love of Christ you will and sisters the prayer of the heart. As the world needs your know from where to truly begin the path of the conversion prayers, you, dear children, embrace the path of prayer so of your hearts. that all children in this last hour may receive the Graces that the Heavens await to pour over all. Thus you will be walking When My voice pronounces “heart, heart, heart” so many through prayer towards the consecration of your souls to My times, it is because we are, My little ones, in the time of the Immaculate Heart. calling to the conversion of all hearts of the world. And you are partakers with Me to be able to help Me in the total trans- The true faith in each one of My children will begin with formation of many lives in need of God. the trust in what is still unknown but that is as sacred as the Heavens. Because of this, My little ones, I come towards you, calling you one by one so that the merciful God the Father may reign in Thank you for responding to My Call. your lives and thus, you may come to know the infinite ema- In Unity, nation of His Love. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity In the name of the Almighty God, I am inviting you to restore your lives not only through prayer, but also through the full

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and absolute trust of each one of your hearts in God. He of Graces will be able to be placed over the children that still wants to give you His Peace, the Eternal Peace, again. For this, do not have Me. dear children, My Immaculate Heart is coming to each one Dear children, each one of you must love the daily communion of your lives. with My Son. In this time, not even one day of communing Let us continue firmly through this path of prayer and peace with Him should be missing from your lives. On this path of that together we are building through the giving of the heart. fraternity towards Christ, you, through the act of inner com- munion, will be able to alleviate the Heart of My Son that is Thank you for responding to My call. harmed by the vanities of the world. In this unity with Christ, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity the world will be able to have at least some more time of peace. Peace on Earth, Love for those who wake up, Infinite Light God can listen to the voice of your prayers. Thus My Immacu­ for those who walk towards Me. late Heart will be able to arrive to those souls that are the most in need. January Thank you for responding to My call. Dear and beloved children, 11 Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Today the Lord asks you for the fraternal love from the heart Relief and Peace for the tepid souls. so that this love for the others may be honestly radiated towards your fellow humans. Dear children, God loves you January despite the events that the world lives today. 12 Dear children, I invite you, little servers, to recognize the Light of God in Today I come towards you speaking with the Voice of My each brother-heart. Thus you will be able to unite more in love Immaculate Heart, commemorating with joy the time of and to continue together through the paths of the true peace. My monthly apparitions to your little hearts. In this time I need you to be firm in the merciful power of Dear children, the Lord has in His Heart and in His Kingdom prayer. As souls donated to Christ, you will be able to help all of the souls, even more those which in this time are sepa- so that some events that are generated by humanity may not rated from Him. fall upon the hearts. My little ones, I am the Eagle of the Sun, the Morning Star For this, dear children, the Lord entrusts to you the love of the that ignites the Light in all hearts. I invite you to humbly true prayer of the heart, a prayer that may uplift the reality of consecrate yourselves to the Light of My Immaculate Heart the world. Together with Me, My little ones, you will be able and this will begin in the day-by-day of prayer. The prayer of to travel the pathways of peace and thus My Universal Mantle the heart must not fade from your gazes, it must be like the

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flame that takes you to the inner encounter with God. I assure your little hearts may discover the Gift of the Peace of God, you, dear children, that He waits for you to be able to protect the one which I want to radiate to the world. you and to take you to the feet of His Venerable Law. United to the continuous word of prayer, many circumstances Dear children, this path of prayer that each one must travel foreseen for the world, especially for the heart of humanity, are and must consecrate, will allow you as souls to consecrate the able to change for the good of all of you. Therefore, My little existence in each heart. In this way you will be doing this out ones, here you will find a true inner reason for your hearts to of love for all My children and for the fraternal union to the begin to pray with Me. world in pain. The aim for each one of your hearts will be to I thank you especially, dear children, for the unconditional merge themselves with My Immaculate Heart so that the last support of all of your hearts for this Divine Work of the Reign Graces may descend over the souls as the Light of My eyes of My Peace and of Conversion. All of us as one will be able to descends over the lives of all. help so that the consequences that are written for many souls May the Infinite Grace of Conversion be the awakening for may be able to change through the giving of the love of each those who are still asleep to My call. May the Kingdom of My one of you. Peace be in your hearts. Through this path of collaboration, dear children, I want to Who loves you, see each one of your hearts. Wait with joy for the coming of the powerful Heart of the Lord upon you. Thus each soul will Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity be communing with a deep love that will allow you to revert You will come to know the Gifts of God through the strong inner situations. growth of your love. Dear children, let us meet under the Love of the Creator so January that the world in its last hour may change and the Celestial 13 In spite of all, dear children, My Plans of Peace are missions Peace may be the new life for many hearts. for souls and the whole world. I count on each one of your prayers. Dear children, Thank you for responding to My call. Today I carry you all in the depths of My Heart of Mother and I Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity await you to walk through the pathway of conversion and faith. Do not lose the hope to reencounter God. He calls you Who loves you and guides you. so that your lives may express the Gifts of His Love on Earth. I embrace you with the Immaculate Light of My Heart so that

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January Stay with Me and witness My Immaculate Heart. Stay in peace each heart must travel in life will be the paths that will lead 14 in order to be able to see My Light be born before your eyes. you to God. Let us pray for the Reign of Peace so that God in His Glory God the Father loves you and wants to see the hearts joyful, may bless and guard you. but the world must surrender itself before the power of His Keep your little heart in My Heart and I assure you that you Love. will find the relief that you so much seek. Remember that I am Who loves you deeply from the Light of My Heart. your Sacred Mother of Love in whom you can trust because My mission is to take you to the Presence of My Merciful Son. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity And in this communion you will find the rest that you have January expected in your walking, so much for such a long time. Dear children, Dear children, embrace with fondness the expansion of My 15 Peace so that all souls in the world may receive from Me the In His Grace, the Lord summons you to work for all your same gift of love. Therefore, My dear children, day by day I brothers and sisters in the world, under the spirit of peace. invite you to renew yourselves in prayer. In this way My Plans In these times in which the world does not rest from its suf- of Peace will be able to be victorious for many souls that fering, I call you to the perpetual prayer for peace in all hearts. are lost. Through this path you will be able to build solid columns Now, each one of your hearts knows, in part, the Love of My of My Peace so that they may radiate to the whole world. Kingdom, a kingdom that comes from God. I invite you, Know, My little ones, that the Lord awaits the redemption My dear ones, to give, without fear, the love of your hearts. and the conversion of the world. Therefore I come from Love is the Primordial Essence that can truly give relief to the Heaven towards you in order to teach you how to forgive unprotected and helpless ones. and love, despite the human differences between hearts. Dear children, I am calling you to alleviate the suffering of Dear children, true Peace is a state of Grace. Peace is divine and many souls through the powerful gift of prayer. Only with immaculate. I come to the world to remind you that humanity the prayerful giving of each one of your souls will the works has a door through which you can find My Maternal Light. of God be able to be taken forward on Earth without being Each day that passes, the world fades away. Therefore, My dear interfered with by the enemy. children, the act of prayer must be constant to the point of feeling it as a part of each one of your cells. The enemy is strong in some hearts, the ones which I will have to rescue and convert. For this reason, My little children, we In this way, My little ones, many Graces will be able to be must pray so that in this last hour each soul may receive its poured in order to open the hearts that still remain closed. own conversion. United to the Will of God the paths that You, little children, just remember and live each moment of

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prayer. In this way your little hearts will shine within the night with God; My Immaculate Heart will safeguard you on the that will come to all. See the Light of My Immaculate Heart so path through which each one of your hearts has decided to that your souls may have strength and may feel the Peace that pilgrimage. Walking in the Will of God you will understand I am radiating from the Heavens to you month after month, that your little human wills must unite to the One and Only apparition after apparition. Will. This exercise of humility and surrender will allow you to strengthen prayer and in this way peace in the world will be Rejoice your hearts through the path that you are currently able to reign for longer. traveling. It will be important to sow unity so that the state of My Divine Peace may be a burning fire in each one of you. Dear children, in these times, each moment that passes in life must be a constant searching for the Will of God. In this way, Live in peace and feel My Immaculate Peace. Love one another all of the hearts will be able to enter in the Celestial Laws, the as My Son has said. It is time to live these mysteries. ones that your souls must recognize and love. Today, live under Thank you for responding to My call. the first Law of Love. The world needs the compassionate and humble love among all My children so that each day it may be Who contemplates you with the Heart, able to be relieved a little more. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity The mission of each one of you will be to aspire to encounter January the Divine Law that humanity has lost, the law that manifests itself between souls and God. For this reason I come not only May today My Peace reign in your hearts. Whoever searches to give to you the Inner Peace that many desperate souls search 16 for this Peace will find Love. Whoever is in My Divine Love for. I also come to reconcile and redeem the hearts that have will find trust for the path. Whoever lives in the trust of distanced themselves from God. God will find relief, because everyone will be under the Will of God. Our Most High Lord guards you; the Divine Love is for all of your hearts. I am here to guide you. In this way, My dear ones, the path to consecration is revealed. In infinite trust for the Celestial Father, Dear children, today I invite you to watch over the consecra- tion in each one of you. It is a precious gift that God is conced- Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity ing to your souls. The true consecration begins with our trust January in prayer. From that, My little ones, the Celestial Universe opens itself so that in each hour of life, you may be able to see Dear children, and feel the Will of God. 17 The relief of all suffering is achieved with prayer, when each In this way, dear children, you will know how to live in peace, one of you trusts in the light that will arrive to you through in the peace of the heart. Let us go together to the encounter it. In this way, little children, you will be able to recognize the

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January Will of God, a Will that radiates truth and compassion to each Dear children, one of your hearts. 18 Love defeats the barriers of pain. The pain of the world can Dear children, in this time embrace the power of love that be liberated by the imperious power of each prayer. In each prayer has when it is done with the heart. In this way you prayer there is an inner mission, which each soul will assume will be collaborating in simplicity, for the relief of the pain of before God. many souls that the Lord has asked Me to help. All of them Dear children, avail yourselves of My Immaculate Heart and in are sister souls that you will be able to love and feel in prayer. this way, each one of your hearts will be formed in the school In this way we will be loving those we do not know and those of prayer. Remember, My dear ones, the importance that all of that are far away; in all these souls, true fraternity will begin you, as souls and as families, pray united and together; in this to be gestated. way the Lord will provide you with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit Dear children, let us proceed affirming the importance of the that in these times are necessary in humanity. prayer that elevates hearts in condition and in feeling. We Each moment that your souls are before prayer and before My are now in the time to manifest the spirit of fraternity. The Immaculate Heart will give you the strength, dear children, Merciful Lord has asked that many hearts, as many as possi- that each one of your hearts will need in this last cycle. Open ble, begin to live with humility in this spirit of fraternity. If your eyes, My little ones, and see the Good News that the Lady in the world people were more loving and fraternal with one Clothed with the Sun is communicating to your hearts. another, the Plans of God could already be different. Dear children, while time is quickly passing by, the inner force For this reason, My dear ones, I come to your hearts to give you of prayer must be a pillar where God can find support and pour My Peace so that all may be able to walk towards the spirit of out His Grace, because in order for the Graces to be victorious, fraternity. The world is sick but we will be able to heal it when in each soul there must exist a support of prayer for this world. each one of you, praying, give everything of yourselves. The In this way each soul that is supposed to be impregnated by Lord contemplates the honesty of your souls and the love that the Graces will be able to recognize what God will dictate to you radiate when you pray. its heart. Live in peace to be able to live in the Love of My Blessed Dear children, vigil, with much love, the path that each one is Son Jesus. traveling. The evil that is suffocating the lives of many hearts In the Love of God, and that leads them to perdition has not yet finished. Because of this I ask you to pray so that My Plans of Peace may be Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity accomplished in the souls and in the world. All your hearts, May Peace be in the hearts! little children, are being prepared for the next world that will come after this one.

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So that true joy may heal hearts, today I invite you to pray with I guide you. joy and also because of the lack of joy of sad souls. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity May the omnipotent, venerable and beloved Lord God be in January each one of your hearts. Dear children, May peace be in the lives of all My children. 20 It is in this way, always praying, that each one of your souls Thank you for responding to My Call. must be, impregnated by the Light of My Heart. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Day by day, walking in the trust of God and in His victorious January Will, all of you, My little ones, will be able to find peace. Because it is in loving that you find peace and in giving your- Dear children, 19 selves, you find peace in each inner world. Accept with joy the return of My Son. Ignite with prayer the Dear children, as humanity continues to offend the precepts Light of your hearts. Thus you will be able to see the new world of God, I invite you to realize and to contemplate the prayer of being born within this world. Wait in silence for the coming the heart. Thus your hearts will be able to clean from them- of My Son and withdraw your souls in the depths of His Most selves all the remaining pain and the world will be lead towards Holy Heart. All are invited day by day to the supper with Him a new direction of peace. so that your hearts may remember the divine alliance that once was made. The Lord knows the degree of your weaknesses and of your imperfections; I tell you to not fear for this. The hour of con- Today you are all called to reconciliation with life; My Reign version of the faults has come and this will begin from the of Peace brings you the Heavens, prayer, conversion and now surrender of every inner circumstance. the definitive union between souls and God. For this reason, My little children, prayer will support you in the face of the My little ones, the time of transformation is coming for all of changes that will happen in the world. Prayer will awaken My children. For this reason, little children, I am teaching you the true path of faith that each one of My children must begin how you must take the first steps in the reconciliation with to travel. For this I am here among you and in your hearts to God. May no one bring disturbance into their lives if they still let you know the Immaculate Love of My Heart. owe so much to God. Dear children, praying, we will prepare the heart for the new For this reason, dear children, the true Judgment will begin and we will open doors so that the angels may assist the world with the renouncing of your faults. If you have offended God with their love. Let us revere the Creator, let us commune with for any reason, I tell you to walk towards Me so that I may Him through the Merciful Presence of My Son. present you before My Son. Everything has already been given

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to humanity, for this reason I come from the Heavens bringing My dear ones, love God. He waits for you every day as His My Eternal Peace. worthy children. The Universal Love of Our Father opens the doors to the light that will come. So that My Immaculate You must let die all the past so that the new soul that the Heart may triumph in the world and in souls, the adoration to Lord is waiting for may promptly be born. Live perpetually My Glorified Son will permit you to dissolve the suffering in in the Grace of Peace. Peace can heal life. Peace springs from many lost hearts. Every rescue begins in the inner opening of the brave hearts. the heart. In this way, dear children, the Lord will contemplate each one of you as souls. I accompany you from up close. Your hearts and the heart of all My children must reconcile I will protect you. themselves with God. His Wonders of Peace and conversion Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity await to be poured from My hands of Love. I will help you to find the path. January Thank you for responding to My call. Awaken Peace in your hearts. Commune daily of the 21 redeeming presence of My Son. Await in peace His return Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity from the clouds. Offer to God all givings that the heart January may radiate. Find strength in prayer so that it may illumi- Dear children, nate your path. 22 All of you and all souls need to live in prayer. The world, as Dear children, a heart in pain, asks of you the Light of your prayers. My In the alliance with Christ which is an emblem of love that Immaculate Heart will help you, when in trust you walk springs up from your hearts, there exists the love that you must through the pathway of My Love. seek so that the spirit may be permeated by the Mercy of My Dear children, I have all of you present in My prayers and I ask Son. Elevate your pleas to the throne of God, dear children, Our Most High Father that the Graces may be poured over so that the celestial ears of the Father may listen to the call of the hearts that are distant from God. Live daily in the Love all of His children. In this way, each one of your hearts will of the Celestial Father, My children; trust fully in His designs. be working out of love for the true conversion of life, and in I come to your hearts to invite you to contemplate one of His these moments you will be forgiving the guilt that perhaps Designs: Peace. some hearts may feel. The fault towards God is not the seri- My little ones, prayer is the shield that will protect you against ous matter, the important thing for the soul that has made a the evil of the world. My Glorified Light must descend upon mistake is the return to His Heart. All the life of the world is all the creatures. I await the alliance of all of you with the a learning experience, the time to redeem the past has come. restoring prayer for each one of your hearts.

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My beloved children, I call you to construct with prayer the My little children, the world is in the apex of its own test and towers that are in the Heavens so that they may descend over the time of human opulence is ending. If souls do not convert the Earth. In this way the Kingdom of Peace will be more alive themselves by means of My call to peace and to the conversion for the souls that, in sincerity and love, seek Me. of the heart, what else will the Heavens be able to do? Dear children, do not fear the transformation and the dai- God the Father loves you profoundly and contemplates you ly conversion of your hearts. The Lord wants to bring His from the Heights. Promised Land to life in all creatures. I am daily with each Dear children, the world is in an emergency, as the Earth and one of you. I contemplate you in My prayer. I seek you in My for the souls that live on it. Therefore, do not waste even a adoration of God. I wait for you in prayer. I Love you. moment of life without being invaded by the fire of prayer. Thank you for responding to My call. I want to make you recognize the new coming of the Holy Spirit, which will touch some hearts. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Souls need prayer from all of you so that they may have Full is My Grace for all hearts. the courage to pray. They need a Divine and sincere Love so January that they may trust again. The world also needs prayer so that Mercy may be a reality for all hearts. Dear children, 23 Beloved children, I am true with each one of your hearts. This Remember with humility that I am the Universal Mother of is My last call to the consciousness. God has granted Me the all your hearts and that I especially share the path with you Grace of Faith for all those who may listen to Me. You will by means of prayer. be able to feel Me in the depths of your hearts. I will be there. In these times you will find strength and shelter in each one Thank you for responding to My call. of your lives in the spirit of prayer that will lead you along the correct path to the encounter with My Son, the Redeemer of Peace for all. Peace! souls. Because of this, today I invite you to reencounter the Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Kind Heart of My Son in prayer. In this way you will be able January to feel the Mercies that will be poured from His Most Beloved Heart over each one of you. 24 Dear children, Dear children, while many souls walk in desperation from With joy I prepare My Immaculate Heart for the 25th and the lack of Light and Peace, I call you to conversion through 26th of this month, the moment in which I will appear to prayer. I need you, as faithful servants to My call, because each the whole nation of Brazil. The Lord will be granting you for moment of prayer can save a soul that is lost. these days the special Grace of forgiveness and conversion of

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the heart. All of this will begin, dear children, with the practice I listen to your prayers. of daily prayer. In this way, little children, more Graces will Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity be poured in several nations that are in need of peace. My call to peace is for all humanity, but first this state of peace must January begin in the depth of your hearts. 25 By request of the Divine Mother, the message for this day Rejoice your hearts on this day, My dear children; shine like is the one from the Apparition of January 25, 2012, that the stars in a perpetual prayer for the world and for all souls. took place in the Light-Community of Figueira, Carmo da You know that I have appeared to many hearts and at different Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil. (See page 527) times in the world; today I am arriving again in the world from January the Heavens by means of distinct but united apparitions. My Heart wants to permeate all the children because My claim 26 Dear children, to all of you is the call of attention to the daily task of prayer. I only seek among you the union of your hearts with God. I Dear children, your hearts are in time to convert pain into am calling you to the awakening of the True Love for My Son. joy and suffering into the giving to God. Your efforts as souls Dear children, your prayers will unite you with Him, and in surrendered to the Will of the Supreme will help you in the this way you will be preparing the coming of Christ from the real transformation of your hearts. Love the Divine Will. Love the Infinite Will that comes from Our Celestial Father. Heights. But for this, My dear ones, much still must happen. So that God the Father may send you again His Beloved Son, Little children, today I invite you to prepare your hearts for the redemption of the hearts must occur first. the encounter with Me this month. Joy and gratitude will be the keys that will open the doors to the new. My little ones, I am here among your hearts to invite you to the powerful prayer that must be done with the heart. Dear children, God the kind Father has granted Me the Grace In this way, little children, you will prepare your souls for th th that we may meet in Figueira on the 25 and 26 of the com- when the new spirit of peace may arrive, renewed, as a help ing month of February. There My Immaculate Heart will give for many hearts. you peace through My voice. Dear children, I embrace you strongly and lift you to the We are in a time of Redemption, My little children. Your hearts Kingdom of My Peace so that your doubts and sufferings will not be able to miss the call that I make for each heart. may be filled with the love of My Immaculate Heart. For your The world will be able to live in peace when all souls seek prayer lives and the life of all souls, there will come the wisdom that daily. In this way My Immaculate Peace will be life and hope will be necessary to organize again the world that seems lost. for many. For this reason, dear children, I prepare you in prayer and in Thank you for responding to My call. love for when the Light of Peace emerges again from the depths

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of the Heavens. Never forget, My little children, to proclaim Dear children, this celestial sign of Faith will lead you to the the faith in your hearts, a faith that must be the shield that presence of My Son. Remember, little children, that I, the Lady separates you from all temptation. of Faith, will lead you by the hand to the throne of My Father. My dear ones, I am accompanying you in this new school of My dear ones, in the encounter with Faith everyone will be prayer. Keep in your hearts My Peace, for I come to you so that able to strengthen the Light of their hearts. Faith is the pro- your hearts may rejoice for all the blessings received day by tecting shield in these times. Therefore, dear children, I will day. Do not fear, dear children, for I am with you. accompany you throughout this path of pilgrimage towards the encounter with My Son, the Redeemer. Thank you for responding to My call. If you knew how important it is to live in the Faith of the My Peace in the peace of your hearts. heart, you would discover the purity of this heart. Faith pre- Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity pares you for the path of the pure intentions of the heart, and this begins by means of the exercise of prayer. Prayer will bring January you clarity to life. Prayer will awaken peace in you. By request of the Divine Mother, the message for this day 27 is the one from the Apparition of January 27, 2012, that Now, My little children, you are wayfarers and seekers of took place in the Light-Community of Figueira, Carmo da Faith. I invite you to imitate My path as Guardian of Faith, Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil. (See page 530) as the Faithful Mother to each heart.

January Thank you for responding to My call. 28 Dear children, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Collect the Graces that My Heart has poured at your feet. January A Special Grace is the true encounter of each one of you with 29 Dear children, Faith. Today I invite you to witness the flame of My Faith so Today rejoice your hearts because I can be with your souls, that in prayer your souls may recognize My Peace. contemplating you in prayer. My little ones, smile to the life that the Lord has given you so that the giving and the surren- The path of Faith, dear children, is constructed through der of yourselves may be precious gifts for God. complete trust in God. This Faith, which is Divine, will give you strength to overcome the tests and the challenges in life. Dear children, follow the pathway to the maternal garden of Faith will prepare you for the time that will come to humanity. My Roses so that, invaded by My Peace, you may take strength For this reason, My little children, I call you to contemplate in each day of prayer. Each prayer, My dear ones, must be a the Faith of the heart, which lives in each one of you. garden of roses created by the voice of your hearts. In this

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January way, My little ones, the world will receive the Graces that Dear children, illuminate My Immaculate Heart. 30 Go on the path towards the encounter with My Glorified Son. Dear children, yesterday I invited you to live in the Faith He will give you all the Love of His Blessed Heart. He loves of the heart. Today I call you to take the steps towards My you and protects you in spite of all. Son so that your hearts may find a safe rest within His Most Because of this, My very dear children, each call to prayer is a Holy Heart. humble response to our Creator Father. Each prayer exercised My little children, I am with each heart to indicate the path with feeling and with the heart will radiate purity from your towards the Heavens. See daily the Light of your hearts as hearts. You, My children, are called to travel daily the path- praying souls. way of the life of prayer. There you will find firmness for the decisions of the heart, as well as wisdom and clarity for life. Dear children, help your brothers and sisters so that they may reach peace. My Peace is divine and I come to you daily to pour Today I invite you to follow the path of devotion to My it over the world. Immaculate Heart. Through My daily voice I am bringing you the presence of Dear children, all the souls of the world await to receive the the Kingdom of God. Therefore, little children, live in the sign of the peaceful return of My Son. For this reason, My aspiration of being able to be in the Kingdom of the Heavens, dear ones, I invite you to prepare, as missionaries, the heart of and this begins through prayer. Live the paradise of God in all of the faithful to My Immaculate Heart through the living each one of your hearts so that the path of the pilgrim can be exercise of union with Me in the groups of prayer. constructed based in the life of prayer. All of My praying children must renew the exercise of prayer Dear children, I shelter you perpetually, I wait for you in month by month. For this I invite you to meditate on the daily prayer daily, and I call you through the Light of My Immacu­ words that I communicate to you through the messages. In late Heart. this way, dear children, you will be guided by the Light of My Divine Heart for the moments of confirmation of each Thank you for responding to the call to the propagation of the one of your hearts. All of the groups of prayer consecrated Plans of God; the world needs to live in peace. to the Celestial Mother must come to express themselves as Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity precious roses of My maternal garden. In this way I will col- lect the roses one by one to offer them to the Divine Father as a miraculous work of His Divine Mercy. Each soul can, with firmness, keep hope in the heart in order to be able to give life by means of prayer.

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Dear children, I accompany you in the steps of life and in the in the nations, for peace in the purpose of people, for peace in steps as praying beings. Each heart will be able to see on humanity and especially for the peace of the souls in purgatory the horizon, the light of prayer. In this way each soul lost in that also must achieve the Grace of Peace. this world will receive the Grace of the conversion of the heart. My beloved children, the constant and true prayer together If you pray you will be converted. If you stand firm in prayer with the exercise of fasting will aid the world that is in the many Graces will be able to be revealed for life. abyss of perdition. Dear children, this exercise will conduct Dear children, never lose hope so that your hearts may always you through the path of consecration that each one of you is smile before the presence of My Eternal Peace. making towards My Immaculate Heart. Fasting relieves the weight of the faults that are committed against the Sacred I love you deeply, Heart of Christ. Therefore, fasting repairs, before the Divine Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Justice, the consequences of the acts committed from the January blindness of humanity. Before the return of My Son I invite you to fast because many hearts have forgotten how important 31 My little children, this is for the life of the soul. Never forget in these times the day of fasting. Fasting done Dear children, beyond fasting in itself there exists the mystery from the heart repairs the feelings. Fasting done with love of the Celestial Graces that I am showing to your hearts. In dissolves the conflicts. Fasting done with peace will bring you this way, My children, you will be sharing with Me the Grace more peace. of the Relief for the life of many souls that today live without Dear children, I invited you some time ago to fast for peace, the Love of God. I invite you to be with Me in fasting and in today I invite you to fasting on Saturdays. The Saturday will prayer because the hearts need you. be for you the preparation for the vigil with My Son, it will be Those who fast with their hearts donated and without ex- the preparation for the New Easter. Saturday is a day of special treme sacrifices will be doing what is requested and what is prayer for those who still have not converted to Love and to right. I invite you to this sacrifice of the heart to help the Plans the Redeeming Presence of My Son, Jesus. There­fore, My little of God. You are all with Me in My Heart. ones, I call you to renew the spiritual exercises through the giving and the surrender to God. Each soul will know what it Thank you for responding to My call. is that it will be able to offer to God so that, in this way, there Who guides you in prayer, may be an end to suffering, war and pain in the world. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity The days of Tuesday and the days of Saturday, dear children, will be of special Mercy for the hearts that aspire to respond to the call of fasting for peace in the life of the world, for peace

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February May the Lord bless you, because My Works of Peace are 1 being fruitful. My dear children, for this month that is beginning, I call you to meditation in the groups of prayer. I call you to an exercise of contemplation, which will be conducted by the presence of the Heart of My Son. Dear children, if you seek Christ, your hearts will rejoice. To live in the joy of the heart, you must pray so that the whole world may live in peace. Little children, each group of prayer must radiate its seed of peace so that it may sprout through your prayers. When it sprouts, it will be open to what is new and in it will bloom its first vocation: the eternal prayer. Dear children, take care of this seed of talents and fruits, which is to be found in each one of your hearts. My dear ones, share the fruits that you are receiving through prayer and through peace. Give your hearts in the name of peace and thus, all your brothers and sisters will be able to be permeated by Grace. Beloved children, at the moment of group prayer, your hearts will be partakers in a loving encounter with Christ. For this, little children, I invite you to witness the Sacred Heart of Christ so that He may inspire you on the path towards the pure and the sacred. When you manage to live in Him, the relief of all pain will be able to come as a sparkle of Infinite Grace. I prepare you for the Works of God, works in prayer and in the giving of self. In this way, I will be following each one of your steps. Praying in peace Dear children, My call is responded with joy by the children A monk of the Grace Mercy Order in Medjugorje and now it is being responded by all the faithful

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of Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. In each nation, a spiritual glimpse the path towards the consecration of the heart. Today gift. In each heart, a path to redemption. I radiate to you My flame of peace so that it may dissipate fear Children, I conduct you through the path of faith; the Lord from your hearts. See coming again into your lives the Lady surrounded by the Sun so that this sign may restore in the needs the experience of peace in each one of your hearts. This world that which up to now has been unfair to God. Come to will help the sick world. It is time to heal all through the word My encounter so that I may help you to reconcile your hearts of prayer. In prayer is to be found the exit to arrive in the King- with the Most High. dom of God. My beloved children, the source and the fount of My Peace and Thank you for responding to My call. those of My Venerable Son Jesus are open and in abundance Who adores you, for all hearts. Commune of the presence of Christ so that His Sacred Heart may show you the new path to travel. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Dear children, let us pray with the heart for the peace of all February the lonely hearts. 2 Beloved children, I will guide you through this path towards true peace. May this day in your hearts begin before the most beloved Thank you for responding to My call. presence of My Son. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity The King will arrive to reign once again over the life of all souls. He will quench the thirst of the heart and He will renew February the hope of all those that have lost it. 3 By praying you will not only find the strength of the heart, Dear children, today I call you to witness the unfathomable but you will also awaken to the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. source of life and salvation that comes through My Son, the Dear children, today I come to invite you to the awakening Redeemer. May all of you come towards My Heart, My dear of the Holy Spirit in each one of your hearts. In order to live ones, so that we may walk together in this pilgrimage towards in this spirit of peace – the same one that visited Me and the the conversion of the heart. The time of reconciliation is being Apostles – you, little children, must allow that the prayer done given to each one of My children. Therefore, little ones, go with the heart may make this Magnificence of God descend. in prayer and adoration, announcing to the world that the In this way, dear children, you will be able to be impregnated Redeemer of souls is arriving with a Good News of Peace by the spirit of peace while your hearts pray with Me. and Mercy. Dear children, the moment has come for all of humanity to Dear children, the Grace of God must be a living experience reconcile itself with God through the unity of the heart with in your hearts. In this way, dear children, you will come to the Holy Spirit.

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Beloved children, what yesterday seemed to be a mystery, I of humility for life. If your heart is tired, withdraw your soul want that today be a reality for the world, through the sincere within My Immaculate Heart. If your heart is discouraged, path of prayer. In this way, many souls that are asleep will be listen to My voice that comes from the Heavens. Await with able to be polished and molded by the power of this wise Holy hope for what will later come as Good News. Spirit of God. Listen with attention to the sign of the Lord, because it may The Lord invites you to the conversion of the heart and of now be the time of your calling and of your awakening. Find life before His beloved Law passes over the world. Live the in prayer the moment for your perfection, surrender and giv- Compassionate and Loving God day by day so that your hearts ing. In this way the souls that are thirsty for God will avail may be filled by His Divine and Inner Light. A sure path to themselves of your service. Accept with gratitude the changes reach the presence of the spirit of peace is to follow the path in life, thus you will understand the mysteries of the universal of Christ. The Master of Love calls you so that by surrender- divine plan. ing your hearts, you may be blessed by His universal presence. Unite your heart to the heart of each brother and sister, be a link that forms part of the great chain of fraternity. Imitate Dear children, many of the so called “divine mysteries” will Jesus and live each day in Christ Jesus so that you will be able approach humanity as one last Grace that will come from the to follow from up close the footprints that His Sacred Heart Heavens. The path towards redemption is open for each one leaves. Embrace with your soul the new time, live the Hour of of the hearts in the world. Reach the source that quenches the Peace in this moment. thirst and in vigilance let us pray for peace in the world. Work as a worthy child of God in the unity of the hearts; do Thank you for responding to My call. not divert your heart from the purpose so that it may always Who contemplates you from the Immaculate Heart, be able to see the path. Surpass, with courage, the shadows that the life of transformation brings; withdraw your heart Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity within the Kingdom of Redemption. Allow yourself to feel Eternal Light for the Earth! in your life the divine power that rules each creature; unite to the Omnipotence of God. February Bring your life close to the Lord; feel from up close the power 4 Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Live under the Law of His Love. When you reach the emptiness in all, you will of Love. Walk without pause towards the Kingdom of the allow the Source to fill the amplitude of your heart. Be born Lord. In confidence feel the Peace of My Heart in your heart. again with joy so that all may live under My Grace. Renounce the past to be able to live in the new. Dear children, today I call you to the reflection of the heart so Rejoice your soul when you sing to God. Smile to the life that all may unite to the one and only principle of life, which that has been given and entrusted to you. Live the example is God.

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Let us pray for those who are in the ignorance of the heart. Thank you for responding to My call. Peace for all. Faith for each heart. In the peace of the Heart, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity February February Dear children, Rejoice your heart for the Graces that it receives in My 5 6 Maternal Presence. Search for God in your hearts. Unite once again the ties of love with Him so that your souls may be in peace. Live under the Dear children, Light of Christ; find the path to conversion by His side. In this The Lord be with all your souls so that life may be nourished way, your feet will walk at the same pace as His Sacred Heart. with the Benevolent Love of My Son. Do not fear the changes, the world is in the cycle of Redemp- My little ones, today I invite you to contemplate and to under- tion. Therefore, My dear children, do not disturb yourselves stand with the heart the union with My Son in the commu- for the faults committed against God. Seek to unite your souls nion. There you will find the restoration that the soul needs with the Creator so that His Gaze and His Heart may radiate for its life, as well as the love that can give you the strength to Love to you. continue on the path of consecration. Today I come to ask you to pray with the heart so that the Gifts Dear children, it is important for these times that you be of the Father may be made visible in all of you. The true love is before the presence of Christ just as you are in your hearts, a Gift from God to which you must always return so that life in your feelings and in your thoughts. He knows you deeply, may be permeated by the Light of the Heavens. but beyond all, He loves you with compassion. Dear children, I call you with My Great Heart of Mother so Therefore, dear children, in Jesus Christ you will find the path that in the day-by-day you may be able to live in reconciliation. towards the Temple of God. He calls you to share the love of The world offends God without perceiving it. For this reason, your hearts over all My children that are distant from love dear children, you are called to radiate peace. Your hearts must and from true peace. Christ wants to see you in service and in be like Mine: fountains of peace for the world. Convert your giving so that together with His Most Holy and Merciful hearts into a source of life so that through prayer they may Heart, the world may be relieved from its own weight. radiate the fruits that love will bring to you. See well, little children, God the Father has given you a Dear children, I thank you for the response of your prayers. We treasure and a gift that He emanated from the center of His must continue in prayer because all the souls need conversion Creation, and this present is the Earth, the Planet on which and hope. Live in the law of My Immaculate Heart. you live. For this reason, My little ones, not only the time of

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Grace for all souls has come, but also for My tiny Kingdoms children, that you relieve My Immaculate Heart, because it of Nature which form part of the life of Creation. lives the suffering of the world and of all souls. The Lord of It is up to you, dear souls, to restore with love and braveness the Heavens invites you to participate in the hour of reparation what humanity has destroyed in the Kingdoms. through the sincere act of prayer and fasting. I invite you to be in contemplation before My Son so that His Dear children, the world and humanity have passed through Heart may permeate you and may give you wisdom. In this many tests and today they live the test of definition. For this way you will be able to collaborate in the salvation of all souls reason, My little ones, through fervent and loving prayer, many and of all the Kingdoms of Nature. souls that are far apart from God will be able to be conducted I am the Mother and Guardian of all of you. I am the Servant close to My Immaculate Heart. of the Creator. Today I want you to imitate My path: the path- Dear children, carry in your hearts the sign of My Maternal way towards the peace of the heart. Presence so that as servants of God you may proclaim My May God save the Kingdoms! Peace from your hearts. This is My call for each one of you; My Heart cries out for humanity! whoever is in Me will lack nothing and will be blessed by the Light of My Eternal Heart. In the Blessing of God, Beloved children and little souls, the Heavens send you a Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Special Grace in these times, which is My Maternal Presence February among your little hearts. This is why I call you to a profound prayer for the world that is burning in flames, just as many Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: During this morning 7 souls that have lost themselves. attunement, in the prayer of the Hail Mary, the Divine Mother appeared to transmit Her message to souls. My voice announces to you that now is the moment for the She presented Herself as the Immaculate Heart, with a clear, conversion of the heart, the conversion of life, the conversion patient and serene gaze. During the apparition, that today of thought and the conversion of all souls. I announce Myself lasted longer than usual, She showed us a sad face, bathed in to your hearts so that you may recognize the Will of God. tears that were running down Her Face. My Inner Grace is the last path that My Heart is showing to At this moment, opening Her arms, She said: the souls.

Dear children, Peace, Peace, Peace, to all human beings! When a heart hurts, it is because it is full of sadness and May no one lose the Light of their heart. If souls despair, it real prayer will permit it to be alleviated. Today I want, dear is because they still do not know how to live in God. Much

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prayer is needed so that all My children may see the path to- This happened in the moment in which Our Lady descended wards the Kingdom of the Heavens. from the Heavens to the place of the apparition. She raised our consciousnesses until they were very close to Her Heart. Dear children, today I leave you My Hope as Mother of all For us it was a special Grace of Love that the Divine Mother in this world. You must look for the only revelation for your gave us with the presence of Father Pio. Right after that, the lives and also the only Grace that will convert you on this Divine Mother said: path that each soul has chosen, and this Grace is Peace. God the Father is calling you to promptly renounce yourselves Dear children, why do you cry, if I love you? and to forgiveness among humankind; in this way everything I come to bring you My Celestial Peace which is unmistakable will be able to change. among the creatures. My Kingdom of Peace is for each one of My Immaculate Heart is open for each one of you, come to My children and you should no longer suffer, because I, the Me and cry out for My Heart of Peace. Queen of Peace, want to make you grow as kind souls of God. Even in the desert of life, all must be in peace, in the peace of Dear children, the world of today and all that the generations the heart. have created will lead you to learn about life. But never forget that I am among you to quench your thirst for My Son and to Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity indicate to you the path that will lead you to Him. Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: At the end of the appari- My Heart suffers when I see you sad, it is as if a thousand spears tion, the Divine Mother began to rise towards the Heavens hurt it. I need you to be as strong as the oak tree so that the and at one point She stopped and there appeared Angels of heart may be nourished from true learning. God that were carrying in Their hands bowls that seemed Remember, dear children, that the indomitable faith of the to be of bronze. They placed them at the feet of Our Lady to heart will allow you to see clearly the distances that you will catch the tears that the She shed over the world. After that, still have to travel as souls of God. My dear ones, you must the Divine Mother continued rising. not lose hope so that the daily prayer may bear the fruit that February it promises you, the fruit of true Love for God. 8 Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: The Apparition of today For this reason, My little ones, in My Maternal Silence, I ob- took place during the afternoon. The Divine Mother arrived serve you, because you are still very small within this world accompanied by Father Pio, who, full of joy, transmitted His and now, little by little, you have begun to take the steps Love and His Devotion to the Virgin Mother. towards self-forgetfulness. The Virgin Mary today placed us close to Her Immaculate Dear children, prayer done with the heart and with Me, with Heart so that we could feel Her Peace and Protection as Mother. My Immaculate Heart, will help you. And when you no longer

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have strength in the heart to be able to continue, remember, My little ones, the Heavens open up before each one of you so dear children, that My Heart will be the safe shelter to sleep that in the faith and in the devotion to the Most Holy Heart of and wake up in God. I see the world that suffers and wears My Son, hope may also be able to be propagated like a spring away by the evident lack of love among hearts. of love throughout the world. Therefore, dear children, the trust of each one of you in My Son will give you strength. In I come to give you My Peace and My Love so that you may this way, the changes of the heart will be able to be manifested grow and fly high like birds. All are kind hearts that aspire to through love and peace. find God. Today I invite you not to lose this hope; in order that it may be strong, you must drink from the fruit of prayer. I invite you today to be in My Peace before the path that each one of My children is traveling. For this reason, My dear ones, Dear children, time runs fast and I prepare you from the heart I call you so that your hearts will be able to be strengthened in to awaken to the eternal life of faith. I shelter you with My prayer and so that each one of your souls may wake up to the Heart. I love you. Be strong and brave, do not be afraid of the true faith of the heart. There is still much to travel in the path of changes of the heart. Trust in My Son and thus you will be consecration to God, but this path will begin at the moment able to trust in God. of prayer in each one of you. I walk with you, I am the Pilgrim from Nazareth. Dear children, you will be guided as hearts through the precepts of the Heavens, such as are Peace, Love, Faith and Thank you for growing with the heart and for responding to Healing. Each soul that unites in devotion to My Immaculate My call. Heart, will begin to live these precepts. Mary, Queen of Peace Dear children, I only want to teach you how to begin the path February of absolute faith in God. Your hearts must come to know the Lord more each day so that His Mercies may be able to reach 9 Dear children, the world. I will help you. Today place your ears over My Heart and listen to the beat Thank you for responding to My call. of My supplication for souls and for the world. Let us pray with purity and love so that the Father may avail Himself of Love and Divine Peace to all, the humility of all hearts. The first changes that will come Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity may happen in the hearts, when each one of them unites with February sincerity to prayer. Do not be afraid of anything. I am with you to show you the exit towards Redemption and Forgiveness. 10 Dear children, Dear children, you now know that together we prepare the Peace begins in the life of your hearts. Today I invite you to advent of My Son, Christ the Redeemer. He extends His arms propagate peace over all life on Earth, radiating hope and so that your hearts may enter into His Love and His Mercy. compassion to all those who need it.

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February Dear children, the world is at its time of transition, for this 11 Dear children, reason we must pray with fervor from the heart so that God Let us celebrate today the Face of My Immaculate Conception the Father may illuminate all creatures with His Mercy. To that once emerged in Lourdes. I want you to reach My Sacred reverse the negative actions of the world, you must be sources Heart so that your souls may find the path that you have to of love in each moment of life. In this way, you will be crystal- travel towards God. On this path of pilgrimage towards the line instruments and God will be able to make use of you so Father, you will be able to find My Immaculate Conception. that the plans of Love and Redemption may be fulfilled. You will be a good instrument when you seek the emptiness of all. Today I invite you so that each one of your lives and hearts may In this way, the Source of Mercy will pour Graces over all souls. become immaculate through the purity of prayer. In this way, your souls will be living flames for the Lord and they will find Dear children, you are being called to collaborate in the salva- Peace in the Greater Kingdom. Therefore, place your eyes in tion of souls and of the world through the imperious strength My Heart so that they may discover the sacred gifts that the of prayer and devotion. In this last hour, all hearts will be able Lord grants to each one of our souls. to ignite themselves in Light so that many souls may receive Dear children, today I reveal to you and remind you of My the Grace of the Intercession of My Immaculate Heart. As presence in Lourdes so that your hearts may return towards Mother of Graces, once again I want to see the souls that have the Original Source of the Souls: God the Creator Father. In fallen being born. I bring to all the gift of the conversion of life these times, the gifts that allow all souls to be consecrated are so that it may convert itself into a Gift of God. presenting themselves through My Immaculate Heart. I only Dear children, aspire each new day to live in My Heart so that want that you return to My Immaculate Essence so that the paths may open towards the new conception of the heart that My Mantle of Peace may expand itself over the whole world. each one must discover. As the Messenger of the Good News, I leave today in each one of your hearts the Grace of forgiveness. In forgiveness, wounds Dear children, you must not be sad, because I am among all of are healed when the soul cries out for Divine Light. There, I you sharing the Graces that the Father has allowed Me to pour. will be among you, to radiate to you My Compassion. I expect from all My praying souls not only the fidelity to My Heart, but also trust in My Plans of Peace and Redemption. Those who still have not forgiven, do so, because Divine Mercy The Grace of conversion is for all hearts, even more for those will be bestowing this infinite merit of the Creator. The more that want to hear the last call. beings who are forgiven, the more My Plans of Peace will be propagated throughout the world. Live in forgiveness. My voice cries out for you and for the world so that the new Light of God may renew the life in all souls. I am there when Thank you for responding to My call. your hearts open to receive Me. I am Omnipresent and My feet leave tracks where you will be able to find the humble pathway Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity towards God.

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Thank you for responding to My call. In this way, dear children, you will give life to the talents and you will wake up to the new life in the Kingdom of God. I contemplate you from the Heart, Little children, confession and adoration will uplift you as Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity souls; thus more Graces will be able to be poured over all the February children who still do not live in God the Father. True forgive- ness, given first to each one of you, will help so that the Light 12 Dear children, of the wisdom of My Son may later reach the hearts of other My call comes from the Heart as Mother and Guardian of children, so that they may live in peace. all souls. My hope is the salvation of all and the eternal peace Dear children, every sacrament is to be lived because they are in the world so that God may reign in the creative life of this sacraments of the heart, which construct the new, redeemed universe to which you belong. soul. The first step is the opening of the heart so that after- Therefore, beloved children, remember today two spiritual wards the Mercy of My Son may descend. exercises that will help you during this cycle of changes in the May you live and cry out for Divine Mercy, because it is the world: Primordial Source of Forgiveness. - The inner adoration to the Most Holy Heart of Christ. In Who always shelters you with Maternal Love, the adoration of My Son you will find the foundations to strengthen forgiveness and love in your hearts. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity - Confession made with the heart, which will lead you to the February truth and to the forgiveness of all the faults committed against Dear children, the Lord. 13 Never lose the merciful power of faith in your hearts. We are Therefore, dear children, I reveal to you the power of Grace now in the time to unite, in fraternity, the feelings and the so that you may see and feel that the hour of reconciliation talents of each one so that the works of God may be fulfilled for the whole world has arrived. If you live under the mantle on this suffering Earth. of prayer, the Graces that will come through the conversion will be greater, and thus you will be living in a renewed faith. Dear children, trusting in My Son will give you Light on the path to continue towards the life of eternal peace. The world The sacrament of confession allows you as souls to be before still has much to learn through the lessons of humility. If in the presence of God and of My Son without fear, with courage truth humility is lacking in the heart, the possibilities of peace to forgive what is still not mature in your hearts. The confes- will be reduced for the life of the hearts. Humility and prayer sion made with the heart will be able to liberate the world from are needed, little children, in order to live in the Will of the its own weight, and then there will be less pain in your hearts. Eternal Father.

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February For this reason I invite you to unite, on each new day, to My 14 Dear children, Glorified Son in the sublime act of communion. Each moment Each day you must feel and say with your hearts: of communion with Christ is a renewal for your hearts and it is the forgiveness of all the faults committed. In this way, lit- Prayer is the strength of my faith that brings victory to life. tle children, your souls united to Christ will be relieving the It is my shield; it is my light. It is the fount that quenches my desperation and the lack of peace that the world lives. Besides thirst. this, if you and each one of your brothers and sisters allow Prayer is the hope; it is the original emanation of love. prayer to become life in your hearts, you will always be able to find the source that will quench the thirst. Prayer is the spring of Graces that is poured over the world. In each new moment of prayer, your hearts will be renewed Prayer is the advice for the neighbor, it is the intimate confes- and will be affirmed in the gift of faith, thus consecrating sion with God. themselves to My Immaculate Heart. See My Heart of Mother It is the shield for my soul; it is the emblem of the new as a flame of wisdom so that your lives may feel the constant humanity. shelter for each one of your hearts by the presence of My Prayer is the contemplation of the heart; it is the renewal of Maternal Love. life. Dear children, you know that the world and all humanity It is the power that liberates all evil, because in prayer is the need prayers so that My Son in His Unfathomable Mercy exit is to be found. may be able to help all souls. You must await each day, with joy, each encounter with the Sacred Heart of Christ. In Him, you In prayer I find the Light that my heart seeks to illuminate the will see clarity for life and the healing of all the wounds of path towards the Lord. souls. With this, I am telling you, dear children, that through Prayer is the announcement of the Good News. It is the unity My Son you will find the Divine Door towards the Heavens. for each creature. We are in a time of Divine Mercy. Walk taking your steps In prayer, I discover the gift of joy and I find peace for the heart. towards the Lord in the faith of the heart. Soon everything In prayer, the soul expresses itself to God and the Lord re- will pass. sponds with His Immense Mercy. Who adores you in the Holy Heart, Prayer is the pillar for all existence; it is the inner communion Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity with the Son of God. Through prayer I return to Christ and in His Heart I recon- cile life.

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February Prayer is a star that foretells the coming of the new world. 15 Dear children, Through prayer I encounter, day by day, the Immaculate Heart Peace comes when it is requested through daily prayer. Peace of Mary. is constructed as an Inner Temple and it has its foundations in love and in harmony. Divine Love and harmony is what is The soul praises, with prayer, the Queen of the Angels and of lacking in the world; therefore in prayer are to be found the the Patriarchs. keys that will allow all to live in true peace. With prayer I surrender my heart to live in peace. Dear children, Peace is like the great guiding star that the Prayer brings us closer to the eternal and loving life of the world needs today so that the events in humanity can change. Queen of Peace. Peace radiates hope to you and hope will bring you forgiveness together with Mercy. For this reason you must build the path In prayer we build the path towards fraternity, because we are of prayer like a beautiful garden of roses so that together, in worthy children of the Father who, in prayer, give ourselves fraternity, you may all feel and see in your hearts the different to peace. talents that the soul in prayer awakens. Prayer is the strength that raises humanity to Redemption. Today, dear children, I give you the seven talents of prayer: With these affirmations, dear children, you will be confirming - The talent of Love, through the absolute giving of the heart; the alliance with My Son through prayer. So that peace may be lived in the world, we must pray and affirm our aspiration - The talent of Peace, through the hope that can be emanated to the path of good and purity. The heart needs to be prayer from life; in life and in spirit so that more sleeping souls may wake up - The talent of Joy, through harmony; to the mission of prayer for peace. - The talent of Compassion, through humility in the heart; Let us honor the Lord, dear children, so that the Grace of Reconciliation may be radiated to the hearts of humanity. - The talent of Faith, through perseverance in prayer; With the response that your hearts give through prayer, the - The talent of Light, through the communion with Christ; world becomes more peaceful and a New Love, the Love of My - The talent of Mercy, through daily forgiveness that is ema- Immaculate Heart, will be able to appear in the life of all the nated from the life of the soul. children who aspire to live it. Prayer awakens talents in the hearts that follow the path of Thank you for responding to My call. inner communion with My Glorified Son. Peace in the hearts of all, Dear children, the path of prayer is deep and beautiful for Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity your hearts. This is why I invite you to walk in confidence

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within the ocean of prayer so that your souls may find, in Heart of My Son to begin to live an inner reconciliation. The each moment, the Love and the Face of My Son. soul of the pilgrim is the living flame that My Heart of Mother of Peace is igniting in all hearts. Little children, in prayer the paths open so that the devotion to My Immaculate Heart may arrive as an inflowing of Grace Dear children, My mission with you is to bring you close to for all of My children. Wait, each new day, for the Peace of My Son and even more, to the ministry of His Divine Mercy. God in your hearts. But for this to happen in all of you, you must be vigilant in Thank you for responding to My call. prayer and in adoration to the Most Holy Heart of My Son so that the Peace of His Kingdom of Love will be able to reach May the Divine Hope spring in each soul. all. Therefore, dear children, now is the time to mature the Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity consciousness, the heart and the soul before God, not only in confession with My Resurrected Son, but even more in February reconciliation and in fraternity among creatures. Thus, little Dear children, children, the Plans of God will be manifesting themselves, first 16 in the absolute faith of the heart and in the consciousness of Divine Patience is the gift that allows you to understand with all My children. the heart and with the soul the mysteries of God. This will free you from judging the precepts that the Divine Faith awakens Walking in the life of prayer, the Mysteries of God will begin in all the souls. to be uncovered as a true feeling of faith in your hearts. In this way, My dear ones, you will help Me in the renovation of love Dear children, the best path to know God is to live under and of truth in all My children when you unite to Me in prayer. His Immense Love so that your hearts may discover the true devotion to Him. The path of faith builds hope and allows My Immaculate Heart is for each one of My children. This is you to feel the mysteries of the Father, those that until now why, I appear monthly to make the Will of God known to have been distant from humanity. For this reason, dear chil- you. Now, in the call of the Celestial Father, He invites you dren, the devotion to My Immaculate Heart will raise you up to fraternize your hearts with all the hearts of the souls so to the Kingdom of the Heavens so that in the eternity of your that Christ may be able to renovate the life of humanity. hearts you may be able to feel the Living God, a God of all, amongst all. The first return of My Son will happen through the renova- tion of the devotion to My Immaculate Heart and for this all Little children, your souls must be like silent pilgrims who My children are called by My celestial voice to begin the path walk in confidence and in faith towards the designs of towards My Humble Heart. God, and who emanate purity from their hearts towards the hearts of their brothers and sisters. The pilgrim lives in devo- I await you in love so that with Me you may penetrate into the tion to My Immaculate Heart and accepts to be in the Sacred Heavens with prayers, and peace may be able to descend over

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the hearts. As My Son of Nazareth has said, “I give you My When the majority of hearts live in serenity and in prayer, Peace, remain in My Peace.” silence will penetrate the consciousness of the entire world and many will see that it is necessary to be silent and pray. So Live with joy the presence of My Immaculate Heart amongst that the world may be relieved from suffering, all the hearts you. must give their time, dedicating it to prayer and to the union Thank you for responding to My call. with the Heavens and with serenity, which will begin to express itself in the silence of the heart. Mercy for the whole world, Peace for the souls that listen to My Voice, The Lord is calling you, not only to live eternally in the faith that Christ in His Mercy gives to you, but He also calls you Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity to observe in the heart the awakening of serenity. In this way, February the world will be able to reach peace in the heart, in life and in the families. Dear children, 17 Everything begins in the union of each soul with prayer. It will Today I invite you to remain in the sacred serenity of My take you towards My Son. In this way, dear children, the reality Heart. For this, dear children, I want to teach you how to live of the world will be able to be something else, when all unite in a serene and peaceful heart. The talent of serenity is nec- to one another in fraternity. To initiate the path of serenity, essary for the world because it harmonizes the other hearts. first you must live in hope so that prayer may take you towards peace and silence. Dear children, once you live the serenity of the heart through daily prayer, you will find peace in the soul. Serenity will lead It is time that your hearts speak through prayer so that silence you to recognize silence. Once you are in silence and in prayer may be established in each moment of life. the world will see itself favored, as silence will neutralize the Let us pray for the world with a pure heart. constant noise in which humanity lives day by day. I thank you for responding to My call. For this reason, My dear ones, My Immaculate Heart wants to make known to you these talents that live inside the hearts Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity of all humankind, but that the daily life of the world causes February to be lost. I want to invite you to walk through this path, dear children, so that you may not waste time. When you are in 18 My soldiers of prayer and My soldiers of peace, prayer, it will strengthen you in the communion with My Son. Today I invite you to enter into My Mantle of Love and Pro- This will allow you to be close to the sacred serenity that My tection so that your souls in prayer may prepare the heart for Heart wants to teach you to live in the present. the good and the new.

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Dear children, today I call you to be under the Mercy of My hearts must have the exercise of prayer as an act of reparation Son so that your hearts may completely recognize the Love and Mercy for the life of each soul. that He has for you. Also, today meditate on the compas- Live in the hope of Divine Mercy. If you live this in the heart, sion that each one of you must radiate to others. This com- you will be transformed and once more the world will be free passion will be a source of love of the heart, and it must pass and it will be alleviated from the burdens that it bears. The through you until it enraptures you as the Love of My Son. Light generated by each prayer constructs the bridge between In this way you will be like little hearts that will walk in faith humankind and fraternity. and in the hope for a new world full of peace. In order for souls to change and consecrate themselves to Christ, they must I am among you so that you may learn to live from the Love convert their feelings into something pure and crystalline. of God. In this way, lives will be renewed because they will be If each heart emanated in truth a feeling of Pure Love, this within the Universal Love of God the Father. alone would help in the liberation and in the rescue of many Courage and Hope until Eternity! souls that need God. Who guides you, My Immaculate Heart is polishing you so that each new day your hearts may illuminate the world a little more, because the Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity majority of hearts live without the Love of God. As I want to February reach all My children in the world, you must be living instru- ments in prayer so that the Promised Graces may give life again 19 Dear children, to many souls that are lost. Live in the Kingdom of Eternity. This begins with the aspira- For this reason, dear children, the transformation of each one tion to live in it. Today the Lord and My Immaculate Heart of your lives and hearts is very valuable. In this way, you will invite you to discover this Kingdom through prayer and be offering yourselves as flowers to God, and the Lord, in His through elevated feeling. immense Love, will be able to intervene with His Peace in In this way, dear children, the world will be able to be perme- the whole world. Each change in life must happen by means ated by the Light of this victorious Kingdom that many souls of the Love of My Divine Father and under the protection of seek and which is called Inner Paradise. The path of prayer His Holy Hands. In this way, you will be traveling a path full conducts you through the direct pathway towards My Son of peace so that the simple changes may happen. and now, My little ones, souls must remember how important The true need for each heart is to redeem itself and to begin to is the longing to live in the Kingdom of Paradise, in the One love in a pure and more ample way so that all the conscious- and Only Kingdom of God. For this reason, dear children, I nesses will be able to be permeated by the Divine and Greater am here among your hearts witnessing the path that will lead Love. So that the world may be born again, as humanity, all you towards this Kingdom.

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I invite you today, My little ones, to work tirelessly so that each Thank you for responding to My call. being may be able to have a pure heart. In this way, My beloved Peace in the depths of each heart. ones, humanity will find the relief that it seeks so much. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Through the persevering path of prayer and pure feeling, I will be able to help you so that the pain that each one has been car- February rying for so long, may disappear. In this way you will live the Dear children, conversion of the heart. 20 First you must live forgiveness in your heart so that later puri- A part of the Universe is with Its arms open. God waits for you ty may awaken and may take you to the one and only truth. each day to walk together with Him. Dear children, He will Humanity must forgive in order to be reborn in the Hands of take you towards the true state of Forgiveness and Redemption. God. For this reason, dear children, I announce to you Grace My little ones, the path to forgiveness is open to all; you are as a path to Redemption, Rehabilitation and Mercy. not only wayfarers of prayer, you are also wayfarers who dis- Each soul is on the eve of being able to renounce itself and to cover, through faith, the precepts of God. raise itself towards My Immaculate Heart so that I may be able Dear children, all need to conduct themselves through love. to guide it towards the Kingdom of the Creator. Prayer will Within love nothing bad will happen to you, because My be the foundation that will construct the great pillars of the Heart will be upon you. My victory over the world will be temple so that God may enter, and it may be Him who builds perfect because redemption will be the life for many who, due His Dwelling of Love. to their own pain, have distanced themselves from God. The Lord has sent Me, as the Messenger of Peace, so that hu- Peace is the forthcoming purpose for the world, a true and manity may awaken in this end of times to the act of forgive- transparent peace that may be able to change the consciousness ness and reparation of all the faults committed against Him. of many hearts. For this reason, dear children, I still remain I announce to you the Grace of Mercy so that My children upon the world guarding the heart and life of all so that in may accept it and may be able to renew life under the impulse consecration you may unite to the greatness of My Son until of the Love of God. In order to forgive, one must follow the last days. the path of self-detachment. This path will be constructed I prepare you from the heart for a new path that all must en- by the gift of forgiveness. The inner illnesses will disappear courage themselves to travel: the path of prayer and the path- because they will be touched by the power of prayer. way towards Grace. In this way your hearts will be relieved Dear children, I conduct you towards truth. The truth of the and there will be no more suffering. heart will help you through prayer so that each soul may see Whoever responds to My daily call, does so for the world and what it still must elevate and surrender to God the Father. My for the souls that are in need of My Heart. children must not sadden themselves for the consequences of

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their faults, but rather, they must, from now on, rejoice the My Son is the flame of life that allows you to take the steps heart because the divine hope will take them towards the for- in the consecration of your hearts to God. For this reason, giveness of all that has been committed. dear children, as humanity you were partakers of the divine So that nothing may repeat itself in life, prayer and courage Mystery of the Transfiguration, a mystery that today I invite are necessary in order to transcend that which one still has not you to remember. Carry in your hearts the sign of this Divine been able to overcome. Remember the foundations of faith so Mystery that will lead you to discover a profound surrender that it may be the star that leads you towards a state of con- and a constant transformation of your hearts. stant prayer. As humanity, the apostles were witnesses of the infinite mys- Dear children, I give you My Peace and I hand you My Uni- tery of the Love that My Son lived and lives with His Universal versal forgiveness for the reparation of all souls and of the Father. For this reason, little children, the apostles were called world. Let us pray in trust for a greater redemption for all to find, in the depths of their hearts, the truth of the divine humanity. Wait for Grace so that later forgiveness may arrive existence and the Presence of a Greater and Omnipotent Father in the heart. among the creatures. Redemption for all the souls through the prayer of the heart. Jesus, the instructor, prepared them as humanity on the path Thank you to all the praying beings for responding to My call. of the awaking of the One and Only Consciousness. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Therefore, dear children, I conduct you, as My Son did with the apostles, towards the encounter with the only universal February truth of God. Through the path of prayer, like Jesus, you will Find My Heart in each one of your hearts. Find Light in be able to transfigure life into something immaculate for God. 21 your essences and see the purity of My Love that strength- In this way your souls, as instruments of the Creator, will be ens you day by day. able to emanate the attributes of peace and of absolute surren- der of the heart. So that My Son may transfigure your lives, you Dear children, must begin with confidence, the pilgrimage of faith towards Today I invite you to meditate on the Mystery of the Trans- His Most Sacred Heart. figuration of Jesus. In this Mystery, which can be contem- plated through prayer, you must meditate on the sign that May faith be in your kind hearts. was manifested in the experience lived by Jesus alongside His Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity apostles. They are the representatives of the heart of human- ity that throughout time follows the voice and instruction of the Master.

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February I wait for you. I expect you. I love you. I know each one of you the flames of pain and suffering. My call announces the relief 22 beyond your hearts that are still in the process of Redemption. that many still do not believe they can live; but in the end of I contemplate you in perpetual prayer. I watch over you with all, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in each essence that My Immaculate Heart. I seek you in each path so that each seeks Me and in those that do not seek Me. soul may reencounter Christ. The true spirit of prayer will maintain the boat in the ocean The time has come for the true consecration of some souls, until it is lifted to the Heavens. and of constant giving for many others. Time marks the hour of permanent prayer for reparation of the world and of the I invite you to remain with your hearts in Heaven. sleeping humanity. Who venerates you, Today I come to raise My voice over your hearts so that, in Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity addition to you, other children may be able to listen to My divine call. For this reason, dear children, the Lord contem- February plates all with His mighty Heart of Love, He awaits the con- Dear children, version of each soul in this time. Such conversion will help the 23 Plans of Peace that My Immaculate Heart proposes to emanate Today raise your prayers to Heaven, because My Heart will to all souls, even more to those distant from the Love of God. listen to you. The words will remain among humanity, but My Immaculate Heart is coming towards you so that you may My children, know that all must surrender themselves to recognize the power of the Love of God. the victorious Love of My Heart so that the world may thus find the rest that it so much seeks. So that humanity may ac- Today I invite you to open the heart more so that Divine company the changes in the world, it must pray always, as Mercy may be the shield that protects you from all evil. My an eternal vow. This will allow the constant pain of the world Heart gives Itself to you and to the world as a treasury of love to be reverted. In this way, little hearts, the true consecra- and of sacredness. tion of each one of your spirits will be able to unite to the Dear children, as the world changes, strengthen the true Light of the Holy Spirit that, at the end of times, will work as ardor of Love and Light that prayers awaken in your hearts. an emblem of peace for many and as a flame of faith and hope Therefore My victory in the life of each soul is the rescue of for others. the essential Love that God gave to each creature. I come to the Dear children, the world is in urgent need of prayer. Therefore, world announcing peace and the reparation of all the faults if you live day by day the attributes of My Universal Heart, you committed daily. When My Heart cries out to you for prayer, will help so that the Divine Law may shelter and rescue many it is for love of all the souls that deny God and that do not live hearts that have separated themselves from God. Souls burn in God in a true way.

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The hour of Redemption, dear children, is for each soul Dear children, each prayer is a new mystery of faith that reveals that surrenders itself in the Hands of God; it is a canticle of itself to the life of souls. For this reason I invite you to be before Glory for the angels of Heaven. For this reason, dear children, the Divine Spirit of the Father so that all may begin to live His each prayer done with the heart is a Perpetual Grace for the Laws of Love. world in pain and for all humanity. I invite you to enter with Dear children, you are all called to the conversion of the heart your hearts into the school of prayer through which you are and this begins through the deep love that your hearts may be passing, because prayer will illuminate the world through the able to radiate to others and towards the world. If humanity Sacred Heart of My Son. could love beyond life and heart, the world would change and Pray and forgive, in this way the world will be repaired and the opportunities for salvation would reach many children. compassion will be like the flower in each new dawn. I call you to be part of the groups of prayer consecrated to Thank you all for responding to My call for daily prayer. My Immaculate Heart so that God the Father, in His Infinite Mercy, may contemplate the world with compassion and love. I am with you, Each prayer that is pronounced with firmness and devotion Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity will permit that more souls separated from the Light may be elevated by the inner strength of My Immaculate Heart. February Dear children, we are still in time so that many souls, in an Dear children, 24 act of reconciliation, may be able to approach My Son. With May your hearts smile today so that the flowers of God may True Love, He awaits them to show them the immensity of sprout and blossom in them. His Goodness and His Humility. Little children, keep with fondness the Presence of the Heart The school of prayer is for all the souls that aspire to enter it of My Son. In this way, He will make you walk towards the and for those who have not found the Light of the Celestial Kingdom of the Lord, in which you should always long to live Kingdom that My Heart is offering you daily. Let us love with and to remain eternally. honesty and let us relieve the world from its own pain. All have been called to the hour of total reparation of that which your Today I invite you to let peace spring from the depths of your souls have not done well. You have been called to the hour of souls. Many hearts await kind souls that may be able to radi- Redemption. ate peace and love to repair the pain. This is why I prepare you daily so that you may live in My school of prayer. A good dis- Thank you for responding to My eternal call. ciple lives with faith the precepts of the Master of Love, and Light in the hearts of the world, in this way, begins to travel the paths of love and hope, which are necessary for many souls that are alone. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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February Do your hearts know how much I love you? Dear children, each group of prayer responds to the divine 25 call for peace in the world and, above all, for peace in the My Immaculate Love is for all; therefore, dear children, today heart. I conduct you through the path of imitation of My I invite you to live in My Universal Love, even though you may Son, as pilgrims and as collaborators of My call. I shelter you still not know it nor feel it. all within My Immaculate Heart. I come to your lives so that you may renovate the commit- Perseverance will open the doors so that all, starting from this ment that each soul has with My Son. In each call to prayer time, may live love in the heart so that it may be radiated to announced by My voice, many angels of the Divine Father the other hearts. gather to help the world and humanity. Remember, dear children, that all of you and the whole world Dear children, I love you deeply, much beyond your own lives. Each soul contemplated by My Immaculate Heart represents are being called to a task of charity and solidarity among souls. a precious instrument that God gives to the Earth so that His This will make the Ray of Fraternity emanate. Thus, from this Will may be accomplished. But still many souls, distant from experience, Grace will be able to be real for humanity, which the true Universal Love that our Father gives to us, are also is lacking light and peace. distant from the Divine Purpose that God has for each life Thank you for responding to My call. and for each little heart. Peace, peace and only peace for the world! This is why I invite you to deepen in the contemplative mystery Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity of prayer so that, in this way, more and more souls may come closer to living the state of prayer. The groups of prayer that February respond to the call of the Universal Mother must collaborate Dearest children and souls of prayer, each day in the awakening of the Light of the heart so that they 26 may be conducted by My Love and by My Peace. With joy I receive all of your hearts in the Kingdom of My Father, and today I invite you to emanate peace and love from Prayer in the groups consecrated to My Immaculate Heart the depths of your little hearts. allows, through the reunion of the praying hearts, that the world in its totality may be helped by the Divine and Greater Dear children, we are now in a celestial mission of peace and Love. On this path to strengthen the groups in prayer, more conversion for each one of your lives and for all of the lives that groups of souls are attracted that need to drink from the are in the world. For this reason, little children, I invite you Fountain of Wonders that My Son gives to all, a Fountain that to constantly live prayer so that in all the beads of contempla- we call Divine Mercy. tion done by all with the heart, you may be able to touch the

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February Heavens, and the Lord may be able to respond through His 27 Dear children, Graces. It does not matter how much your hearts have failed the Love I am the intercessor of all souls. I am the one who will take of God. My Heart contemplates the faults of the world and, by you towards My Glorified Son. For this, dear children, after means of the constant prayers that My voice emanates from the these months that have passed and in which we have been Heavens, I can fill the Earth with Graces to repair the faults united from Heart to heart, I announce to you, as a Special of all souls of the world. Grace, that My celestial voice will continue for some time For this reason, dear children, more than repairing the Great more accompanying all of your hearts through My Love and Heart of the Heavens, all of you are called, through prayer, to through My Words in the Daily Messages, with the aim that convert yourselves into little sparks of My Immaculate Heart My Immaculate Heart may reach all. I ask you, dear children, so that you may live My Peace, and so that you may imitate to propagate My call for peace and for the time of conversion My Peace. The Lord expects from each one of your hearts and that you invite hearts to reencounter the exercise of prayer purity, giving and love, so that these principles may embrace as something primordial in these times. the greatest number of souls that need peace and love. Now the Lord has asked Me that, through the Holy Spirit, My For this reason, dear children, today I invite you to live in the Immaculate Heart may reach families, so that the families of perseverance of the heart. There the faith of all souls will be the world may recuperate the symbol of the Sacred Family able to become stronger, and prayer will be pronounced with of Nazareth. And this will happen when all of the hearts of truth. In the path of faith, you will find the balm of the Love the families begin the precious path of prayer. Thus they will that My Son gives to you through the daily communion with also be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. His Sacred Heart. In permanent prayer and daily communion, many of the negative actions committed in the world are Dear children, I thank with Divine Love all of your little hearts repaired in the moment of the inner encounter of each soul for responding to My call. You must know that it is God that with Christ. now calls the world to reconciliation and to forgiveness so that Mercy may emerge as a source of conversion for all of Dear children, also the unity among your hearts will allow the the hearts. times of peace among the souls of the world to be established. Through this path of peace that I invite you to travel, the hearts Thank you for responding to My call. that seek courage to continue in life and on the path of unity Mercy for all of My children. with God will be calmed with love. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity I wait for you on the path of unity with My Immaculate Heart. I love you. I contemplate you. Have courage to live the change of the kind heart towards God.

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Let us pray and work in peace and for peace. to Brazil, because a great part of this nation has consecrated itself to My Immaculate Heart. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity I am the Lady Aparecida who brings to the Americas a new February call and request for attention to all the hearts. The Will of 28 My children, the Father is that I accompany South America for some time more, through the renovation of the cult of consecration to With love I ask you today, on this day, for a perpetual prayer My Immaculate Heart. done with the heart. I wait for you every day so that your souls may merge themselves in Christ and thus the plans of peace, Under the power of the Holy Spirit that I bring to all, I invite that are urgent for the world, may be accomplished. you to seek this Greater Light as a last resource of peace for the world. Therefore, dear children, My Heart, My voice and Eliminate ignorance and illusion from your lives so that My My Maternal Presence present themselves in this part of the Immaculate Heart may be the secure Purpose to reach My Son. Americas because My Heart must embrace the world more On this day of prayer, fasting and retreat, offer your true inten- and especially many souls that are not being lead through tions so that the Heavens may receive them and may send a good paths. sincere response to your requests according to the Will of the Father. This is why I do not only call the Christian community, but My Heart cries out even more for all those who are lonely and Dear children, you know that My Heart overflows with joy distant from God. My only call and mission is for all to pre- when the souls put themselves under My Mantle of Mother, pare their hearts in peace before the world changes quickly. but My Immaculate Heart also suffers from seeing many chil- With this aim My Immaculate Face is appearing over Brazil dren still distant from the Love of the Father, the Love that I and Uruguay. am pouring over the world, both in Medjugorje and in Carmo da Cachoeira. Dear children, I only tell you that we are now in the time to live the ecumenism of the heart through fraternity. I invite you I want to tell you, beloved children, that My Maternal, Im- to pray deeply with the heart so that the plans that God has maculate and Universal Purpose is the same for the whole entrusted to Me for Brazil may be accomplished out of love world. and for the salvation of more souls that are without My Son. Why is My Heart in two places at the same time and with Thank you for responding to My call. appointed times? Because the world still has not learned how May peace be the spring of hope for your hearts. to live from the real and pure Love that God expresses in Creation for all of the creatures. This is why God has sent Me Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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February 29 Dear children, Fully trust in the Merciful Love of My Son; in His Sacred Heart you will not only find refuge, but you will also find serenity and love. Enter with confidence and forgiveness in the Soul of My Son so that His kind gaze of peace may guide you in the path that you are traveling. Feel in your hearts the Sacred Divinity of My Son so that your lives may find the Holy Spirit through the words that His Voice dictated in the Sacred Scriptures, in the Gospel. Meditate with the heart on the purpose of each parable. Ignite the Light of your hearts in prayer and see the message of Christ for the world. Live under the shield of humility so that you may find Christ in the other hearts in need of conversion. I invite you to remember the Sacred Scriptures so that you may see the words of the Redeemer as a great key that opens the door to the Heavens. With honesty live the instruction as a sign of Good News for all those that walk as pilgrims of prayer. Let us watch over the presence of peace through the groups of prayer. Peace is necessary in these times, in each one of My children. Thank you for responding to My call. United in Divine Prayer, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

166 “May life, converted into a new flower for the Creator, be of profound beauty for your hearts.”

2012 March March 2012

March Never forget to set aside and dedicate some time for the 1 encounter with My Son and with Me through prayer and through Our Presence in your hearts. In these times, dear children, Our careful effort is that Our Hearts of Mother and of Redeemer Son be the columns that may sustain each one of your lives. Dear children, We as Hearts, have offered Ourselves to the world because God in His Kind Mercy sends Us to recover the world and all of the souls that are upon the face of the Earth. My children, so that the enemy does not interfere in My Plans of Peace, I invite you to follow Me day by day in prayer. Do not lose the faith that I have given you with love and with gratitude. Whenever you lose the strength to pray do not detain yourselves, run towards My Son so that He may embrace you and shelter you. Whenever you feel lack of love, do not despair, penetrate into the Light of My Immaculate Heart and affirm My Maternal Presence in each one of your lives. I love you deeply and I wait for you as true missionaries of prayer, because in this way you will be able to help Me radiate the peace and faith that are lacking so much in the hearts of all My children. Awaken the joy and praise God for all the change that you are living in your lives. This is the sign of the consecration of your hearts. Thank you for responding to My celestial call! True joy for all of your hearts! Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity From an altar to the Virgin Mary In the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay

171 Messages of Peace March 2012

March 2 My children, A celestial blessing for the world, May peace reign in your hearts today so that hope may become Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity life and joy in all souls. Today I invite you to discover the five March keys that will take you to the Heavens: My words of Peace want to be like the Heavens in the hearts - Constant charity 3 of all souls. I want you to be able to recognize the Celestial - Forgetfulness of self Peace so that through pure prayer, done with the heart, you may live peace on Earth. - Spontaneous self-giving All My children already know that we are in a cycle of changes - Permanent humility for the world. Therefore, month by month and day by day I - Compassionate love. prepare you. With these five keys you will be able to open the doors that But I do not see your hearts paying attention to My daily will lead you towards the Greater Kingdom. words, words dictated by the Love of My Immaculate Heart and which come from the Heavens, a place where day by day Remember, dear children that the growth of love in the heart I invite you to enter with trust and truth. is reached in patience and humility. Therefore, My dear ones, sustain this standard that I am giving you, My banner of peace Dear children, God the Father has granted Me this Grace of so that, like the heart, it may radiate the absolute quietness that being among your hearts, and My Heart has worked so that many souls need to be able to encounter with God. your lives would have the necessary keys for the conversion of the heart. If souls remained in quietude for a moment many events in the world would not happen and the Creative Universe would be The world is blind, but not all My children are blind or deaf. closer to the life of all hearts. Open the doors with these five I hear you from the Heavens when your hearts place the keys to travel the path of sanctity that all hearts can live. voice of prayer on the highest celestial state. Because of this, dear children, My Heart rejoices when I see perseverance and In God, love towards others awakens. With God you will be hope, essences of peace necessary in these times, permeated walking through a secure place. To God the souls exist as His by joy. precious creatures. Dear children, embrace My Heart with love, and place in It, day I invite you to exercise the five keys that allow the conversion by day, the miseries that make the lives of many hearts suffer. of the heart. Through fasting many world circumstances will be resolved, Thank you for responding to My call. above all the loss of souls. When your hearts enter the path of

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surrender and giving, wounds in the heart must be healed, and Be strong in Me and in My Son. Extend your arms towards through the exercise of prayer they heal quickly. Christ, because He will receive you in His Eternal Paradise of Love and Peace. All you need, dear children, is to call My Dear children, remain with the flame of the heart ignited and walk, walk until you arrive before the Heart of Christ, to adore Son with the heart. He will listen to you and will answer you It and love It. He awaits you in silence. through His Holy Peace. Thank you for responding to My call. Thank you for responding to My call. Light for the hearts in the world. Peace in the hearts and peace for all the children that seek it. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity March March 4 Dear children, 5 Peace, Peace, Peace on Earth! Peace! Smile from your hearts and radiate joy to your brothers and My children need redemption, conversion and reconciliation sisters. Healthy joy heals the wounds that many hearts carry in with God. The Supreme Father calls you to the penance of their lives. The path of joy, which is necessary in these times, is the heart. He calls you to the hour of reflection as souls built through prayer. Souls must quench the thirst of My Son of humanity. The one who listens to the call will be saved and through the communion with Him, through prayer and the Mercy will embrace their soul. But many hearts still do not joy of the heart. hear how important the conversion of the heart is in these times. If My Immaculate Heart talks to you about conversion, For this reason, dear children, today I call you to revere God it is because you have not yet purified the heart sufficiently. with joy and in constant prayer. In this way the world will be able to be converted again under the Will of the Eternal Father. For this reason, dear children, I invite you to pray in groups Dear children, the joy of the heart will lead you to live a true so that the communion with My Son may manifest itself in humility that will in turn conduct you to the purity and to the your lives. Many souls must recover the alliance with Christ, transparency of each one of the intentions of life. Remember, even more those that unite to the principles of the world. I My children, that the world must heal itself through the call call all those hearts lost in the vices of the world to the hour of for Mercy that prayer can generate when souls cry out for it. reconciliation. They do not have the strength in the heart to The path of joy will bring hope to your lives, a hope that many get out of the path which they are traveling. This is why I invite of My children lose for the lack of faith in the heart. you to pray for all of them so that God in His Mercy may be able to rescue them. You are My columns of peace, through each group of prayer. I invite you to propagate joy in hope, in prayer and in the devo- Dear children, the world is in a final time of changes; this is a tion of each one of your hearts to My Immaculate Heart. universal truth that many hearts still do not want to see. For

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this reason the moment has come to exercise all that has been My children, My Heart announces Itself among you so that taught so that your hearts, as instruments of the Father, may you may recognize that My celestial gaze and My Heart are be the emanation of peace for the world. observing the lack of love that exists among souls. For this reason I come to remind you that it is important that you not Dear children, in this reflection and call for reconciliation, only live from the fruit of prayer, but that you feel the pres- you will be building the bridge towards fraternity among the ence of My Son in your brothers and sisters of the path, in the hearts of all humankind. families and in those closest to your lives. In this way, dear I keep you within My Heart. Let us pray and let us cry out children, you will begin to live the fraternity that is necessary for the presence of My Son so that He, by sending His Mercy for all the children that do not know it as the Wisdom of God. to the world, may awaken the hearts to the call. My beloved children, the life of fraternity among hearts will be Thank you for responding to My call. able to reverse the great spiritual miseries that many souls live. Therefore, the firmness of the transformed heart and persever- Love: a divine spring of light for the hearts. ance in the life of prayer will allow you to know the degrees of love in all this Creative Universe. So be it. In your eyes I place My Light so that your consciousnesses Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity may see the necessities of all souls. On the path, I leave My March footprints so that you may follow the pathway that My Son has marked towards the Lord. Dear children, 6 May your hearts be able to perceive the coming of the Holy Seek help in My Son and afterwards, with absolute confidence, Spirit. It will be a balm of peace for those who trust in this come to My Immaculate Heart so that My feet may guide you divine mystery of God. on the path and My Light may radiate clarity to your hearts. Thank you for responding to My call. Dear children, many souls still suffer because they lack hope and strength; these beloved souls that are My children are Reconciliation in each one of your little hearts! scattered throughout the world in search of material purposes. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity For this reason, My dear ones, I invite you today, through the March imperious exercise of prayer, to raise towards the Heavens all the souls that day by day forget God. 7 Dear children, Dear children, find in My Heart the pathway to arrive to My Elevate your gaze towards God so that through My Immac­ Son and thus, in the name of humanity, your lives will daily be ulate Heart you may find the Divine Purpose. The world is partakers in the communion with My Glorified Son. asking for help for Redemption. Therefore, dear children,

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March awaken the flame of prayer in your hearts. Thus you will build Dear children, the path for the conversion of all souls. 8 I am like the Sun of the Universe that day by day wants to My beloved children, I search for you so that you may con- illuminate you and love you so that you may be able to live in stantly live in the Love of God, and it is in this Love of the My Son something unique and glorious. Live in the Spirit of Father that your hearts will be able to uplift the consciousness Christ and, in humility, reconcile your lives with His Sacred in the name of humanity. Heart. Dear children, I wait for you in prayer so that together we may Dear children, in the daily reconciliation of your hearts with walk towards the Heavens of the Lord. There you will discover My Son you will help so that many souls that are lost in the life the keys of peace and love. For this reason, dear children, I of the world and souls that do not feel God may all be guided present Myself daily to you so that you may grow as souls and by the Light of My Immaculate Heart. as one only heart which can radiate a Greater and Pure Love, Little children, through the trust in Christ you will be able necessary for many creatures. to renew life and all the mistakes committed, especially those Your prayers must not only be a constant dialogue with God, that are repeated without being able to be forgiven. All these but they must also respond to the emergency of the souls and will receive the right measure of Divine Mercy. Therefore, your of the world itself that awaits the hour of His Mercy. hearts, as part of humanity, will revert world situations that all souls live, such as the lack of faith and the absence of love. For this, beloved children, prepare each day of prayer as a unique day of communion with the Celestial Father. Turn Today I invite you to renew yourselves before My Son through your eyes towards the Heavens so that the Divine and Unfath­ prayer so that everything may be reconciled and forgiven omable Grace may be the solution for many souls. according to the precepts of the Most High God. Dear children, seek to be in God and in the Divine Father, Dear children, in the act of reconciliation you will be saved and thus you will be able to find the Light for each inner moment. many souls that still deny and do not live the Living God will Carry the flame of peace in your hearts so that, through love, be able to be touched by the presence of My Maternal Love. it may be propagated through the world, in the same way that But for this to happen, I need you in prayer, affirming in your Light is. hearts the life of Mercy so that the majority of the faults com- mitted by humanity may be forgiven. Thank you for responding to My call. My children, we are now on the path towards the reparation of Peace for all My children. the heart and of life, therefore I invite you to exercise patience Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity before what is unbreakable and to remain in My Immaculate Heart so that My Love may heal everything.

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Recognize that without God the Father nothing can be done. Dear children, in this preparation for the adoration, your May gratitude spring in you for being before His throne. hearts will be liberated from the burden that they carry in life and thus, they will shine by the Presence of the Redeemer. Mercy for My children from the whole world! Therefore, dear children, it is important to open yourselves in Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity order to live the true mysteries of contemplation that Christ left as a teaching. March The time has come for all hearts to prepare themselves and My children, 9 to use time properly in order to be in My Son. Keep in your Today I invite you again to the adoration of My Son, in each lives the mystery of the Love that Christ now brings to you, one of your prayers, as well as in the exercise of contemplation through His Mercy, for the whole world. Live in Him and live of the Merciful Christ. Raise your eyes towards the Heart of for Him, because soon you will understand everything. My Son so that your hearts may live the announcement of the Thank you for responding to My call. New Redemption. In this way, My dear children, through this exercise you will be, in silence, preparing your hearts Love and Light for the hearts. for when He returns. Your souls, as lambs in the flock of the Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Shepherd, should walk in trust, through the state of prayer and of adoration. March Dear children, you will not only be lifting your hearts a little 10 Dear children, more through adoration, but you will also be able to raise the Today raise Your arms towards the Celestial Kingdom of feeling and the thought of the humanity that lives without My Heart so that your hearts may be able to be purified. The My Son. soul that surrenders to the Will of the Father, My children, For this Easter that is approaching, I invite you to embrace is a soul that gives itself and trusts in the True Love of God. My Son and just as at the Doors of Jerusalem, I invite you to Dear children, in order for the changes in life to be manifested receive the Redeemer Messiah. With this paschal mystery in in these final times, it is necessary to accept, with braveness, your lives, you will be able to live the sublime presence of His the conversion of the heart. When you have converted the Most Holy Heart, because without My Son you will not be heart, you will know that faith has alighted like a living flame able to truly see what God has for each one of you. in your lives. Beloved children, it is only through My Son that you will be Dear children, while a part of the world dissipates itself able to direct your feet towards the Heavens so that the soul from not recognizing God, I ask you for constant prayer so may find a safe place to return to. that My Immaculate Heart may assist all the children of the

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world. For a greater conversion of the heart, it is necessary Today I am among your hearts so that you may feel Me as a that the changes of life happen through consecration to My Mother of Love and Peace. Never be afraid of what has not yet Immaculate Heart. happened. Know that through My Son you will be able to find the strength to walk through the world. Therefore you must Therefore, dear children, live the power and strength of the secure prayer in your hearts so that the fount that comes from heart through love so that life may, every day, be as an Inner the Divine Source may descend over the hearts of the world. Temple to God. The path of pilgrimage in each one of you must reach the depths of the soul, thus the victory of the Love Beloved children, the alliance of your hearts with Christ will of My Son will touch each one of your souls. I wait for you in permit you to see the horizon of light that is approaching. prayer as wayfarers and as hearts that at each moment aspire Wait daily for the presence of My Son and know that we are to find the Father. still in a time of Grace. Walking in prayer, humanity will reach triumph in the Love of God, although for this to happen, it is Dear children, souls easily forget the Presence of the Universal necessary that many hearts liven up their lives through prayer. Father. For this reason I am amongst you so that all of you may Thus all of them will be able to renew the life of the heart in remember how important is to be in the Lord. The Lord guides love and forgiveness. you. The Lord knows you. The Lord loves you. Therefore, live the ultimate time of Mercy. Dear children, accept and live the forgiveness of My Son. In this way you will receive the Rays of His Divine Mercy. This The world cries out for conversion, but it does not know how is the path that you must travel together, imitating the pilgrim- to start to live its own rehabilitation. I invite you to contem- age of Joseph and My Heart towards Bethlehem. plate prayer from the highest place in your hearts. There you will find Me converting the world and the souls through My Why do I tell you this? Because your lives must be born as Immaculate Love. Jesus was born, who awoke in Mercy for the world. I need you in purity so that you may feel through My Heart. Thank you for responding to My call. My dear ones, I hope that through prayer you may be forgiving Wisdom for your hearts. everything with your heart. Thus the suffering of the world Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity will be less, because if souls pray with the heart they will be March able to be saved. Dear children, feel My Peace and live My Peace. I need you My children, 11 firm in the heart. Do not be afraid of darkness because the triumph of My Thank you for responding to My call. Immaculate Heart will guard each one of your lives. Mercy and Peace for humanity! Dear children, never lose the path of faith that you have built through prayer. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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March All hearts, as souls, will enter the Kingdom of the Heavens, Peace in the depths of your hearts, 12 therefore you must not fear. My Immaculate Heart is in Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity your lives so that you may live It and love It. March My most beloved children, A sign of conversion is the living of love. A sign of faith As long as the world needs salvation, I ask you to pray with 13 is to be daily in the Heart of My Son. A sign of hope is to the heart so that all souls may be partakers of the presence pray with Me for peace. A sign of bliss is that your lives be of My Son. I wait for you day by day in prayer, dear children, as Sources of Mercy of the Eternal Father. because in the day-by-day many souls are preyed on by the enemy. My Immaculate Heart Itself is afflicted when My Dear children, children are carried away by the opinions of the world. With joy I await you so that we may pray for peace. Praying When My voice calls you to constant prayer, it is for the great with Me you will allow that the Ray of Grace be life and sal- need of Peace and Light in so many other hearts that do not vation for the souls that are scattered throughout the world. know how to live in God the Father. Therefore, dear children, Beloved children, in this time of changes and transformations I come full of Grace so that souls may accept the presence of I ask you to pour the faith of your hearts on the great Love that My Heart of Light over the world. My Son has for all. The change in your hearts, dear children, Still, little children, there is much to be done. For this reason will permit the changes in the consciousness of humanity. I invite you to live in My Glorified Son so that all may be like My children, in this way, and for the souls, I am accompanying infinite rivers and streams of His Divine Mercy. each one of My children in the steps of faith and consecration Mercy is the flame for the rapid conversion of the heart. If you that all must live. were in Mercy the situation of the souls would be different Dear children, I invite you today to take refuge in the Heart and peace would reign for longer. of My Son, because in Him you will find the answer and the exit path that many souls search for in this time of changes. For this to happen, My children, it is necessary to have confi- The true change must first happen in your hearts so that later dence in God and to make the flame of prayer flow out as one it may happen in the consciousness of all My children. of the most precious instruments that God has given you. Little children, know that it is necessary that your hearts Dear children, stay in My Maternal Peace. I understand you construct a new world through the love and the peace that and I live in each one of your hearts. I call you to always live in many children do not have nor live. For this reason I call you My Son because in this way your talents will be like My roses to propagate the Love of the Celestial Father over each place in the garden of the Maternal Love. on Earth. Thus the Grace that many hearts are waiting for will Thank you for responding to My call. be able to be a truth for the life of all souls.

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Dear children, cooperate with the presence of the fraternity later, drinking from the Fount of His Heart, you may merge that My Son radiates to each soul. Know, My children, that in yourselves with His Holy Spirit of Love. the depths of all your hearts you are one with God. Today I invite your consciousnesses to return to the union Thank you once again for responding to My call. with My Son that each one of your lives had in the beginning. For this, dear children, reach the redemption of your lives Celestial Light in your hearts, through prayer, through communion with Christ and through Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity the reconciliation with the Most High. March In each new conversion you will be helping to alleviate the world so that the Eternal Love of the Heavens may reign over Dear children, 14 the sorrowful Earth. Peace will be reached in the devotion to My Immaculate Thank you for responding to My call. Heart, and the world will live some more time of Grace. See emerging from your hearts the presence of My Maternal Love Divine Mercy for those who have not yet achieved it. and your lives will be closer to God the Father. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Dear children, My Heart cries out for the redemption of the March world and of so many children that your little hands could not count them. My beloved ones, the universe to which your 15 Each day many souls live without prayer and their little hearts hearts belong is full of Light and Grace, but little has humanity become distant from God. In this Grace of Conversion that learned how to live from God. For this reason, raise your eyes some of My children are receiving, today I ask that you pray always towards the Kingdom of the Most Holy Father so that for all the souls that are fading because of the lack of God. on the path that you are traveling you may see My Son at your Dear children, the path that the world follows today separates side. He is the One who returns for Love, Redemption and souls from My Father. My children, hold in your hands the Peace. Find God in your lives through prayer. beads of prayer so that with each one of your pleas you may Dear children, accept to enter the path of My Peace so that help to raise My children that do not live the Living Christ. My Heart may guide and protect you. While the world still In this way, dear children, My Immaculate Heart announces believes that it is living well in the way that it has been formed Itself in your lives. Thus you, together with Me, united in the through generations, I tell you that all souls must surrender divine mystery of prayer, will be helping the world which needs themselves before the throne of the Creator so that He may God more each day. see them with eyes of Mercy. The Kingdom of My Immaculate Heart is open so that all My Beloved children, fulfill the promise that your hearts have children may be able to enter. Do not lose the faith of your made to My Son. First of all, live in Him perpetually so that hearts and you will be guided towards the Heart of My Son. It

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is time to walk towards the Kingdom of the Celestial Father Beloved children, the Holy Spirit and My Immaculate Heart to prepare the hearts for the new time. are the strength to awaken Mercy in souls, preparing them for when My Son returns. Thank you for responding to My call. Dear children, the path that each soul is choosing to travel in Peace for your lives. life will lead it to be closer or farther away from God. For this Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity reason, dear children, I come day by day to remind you that March there exists only one path towards the Father, which is through My Son, who will announce Himself to the world for the sec- 16 Awaken the Light of God in your hearts and never lose the ond time. Search for My Son in your hearts so that you may joy of being in My Resurrected Son. be able to see Him coming from the Heavens. Dear children, Thank you for responding to My call. When you live in the ocean of prayer, as humanity, you enable Love for all from My Immaculate Heart. the creation of a perfect alliance with God the Father. There- fore, dear children, every day the world needs faithful in- Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity struments of prayer that may unite to My Son through My March Immaculate Heart. Through this pathway of prayer that will lead you to peace, I invite you today to remember how import- 17 Dear children, ant it is to live from the constant fruit of prayer. Embrace My Heart so that you may be protected and so that The soul that is invaded by the Spirit of Prayer will be recon- you may always be under My Mantle. ciling itself with God the Father, and the Holy Spirit will give Beloved children, today I invite you to live with honor the it, by Grace, each one of Its Seven Gifts. conversion of each heart; in this way you will be able to see Dear children, for this reason, I not only invite you to live My Son in your lives and you will find repose in His Sacred from prayer, but I also remind all My children that they must Heart. My joy is to be found in the daily response of your as well be saved from their own human lives. It is now time hearts. Therefore, My children, I call you to the total reparation for souls to manifest the gift that God granted them from the of what is not well for Our Lord, the God of the Universe. moment of Creation. So that your hearts may live reparation, you must pray con- stantly and await, in trust, the response from My Kingdom of My children, while from the Holy Spirit are emanated Its first Love and Peace. signs for the world through the presence of My Immaculate Heart, God is radiating His Gifts of Peace by means of My Dear children, My Heart is in pain for the injustices that Heart and the Holy Spirit. happen in the world and that offend God so much. Therefore,

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you already know that only prayer will help the souls that Beloved children, many souls need peace in life and in the most need the Mercy of My Son. Today I invite you, also, to heart. These souls, that are My children, live confused with concentrate your hearts in the sacred mystery of Easter, which little wisdom to take their steps. For this reason, My children, is coming. Thus, dear children, you will live Easter in renewal I call you urgently to the prayer of the heart. In this way My with My Son and in the communion with His Heart. Son will be able to flood you with His Mercy and His Graces Peace be for all in these times. May none of My children lose in these final times. the strength and the hope of their hearts. Dear children, the world is still blind before the Love of God. My dear ones, all that I ask of you is that you give the faith For this reason I ask you to awaken in your brothers and sis- of the heart so that many of My other children may learn ters the compassion and the forgiveness that are so necessary from you through the example of love, of forgiveness and of for humanity to redeem itself. All souls in these times are in reconciliation. their cycle of definition and judgment. Pray, dear children, with much love, so that God may listen to you and may pour Today especially, I prepare My coming as the Co-Redeemer of His Mercies over the world. souls and as a Faithful Servant of My Son, the Redeemer. The coming of My presence at the end of this month should bring Humanity still lives in the illusion that everything will contin- you bliss and joy because God is sending Me to you, to your ue to be the same. I tell you, My children: wake up! Wake up lives and to your hearts. because My Son is returning to the world and the world must Thank you for responding to My call. ask God for much forgiveness. Let us pray for those who are blind and for those who still do Live daily in the love for others. Thus the Light that so many not see the Light of My Heart. souls await will be able to be the flame that My Son will deliver to each one of your hearts. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Pray! Pray! Do not tire of praying because it is necessary in this March time of Judgment. Dear children, 18 Thank you for responding to My call. Loneliness and the lack of the True Love of God in some hearts may awaken fear. This is why, dear children, as instru- Light for the path of the souls. ments of prayer, you must love God the Father above all Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity situations, feelings and thoughts so that in this way your con- sciousness may be guided towards the path of the perfect Light of God.

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March 19 My children, Because of this the consciousness of each one of you and your love in prayer will be able to repair what many souls do with- For the immense Love of My Son, remain in prayer for the out consciousness. souls that distance themselves from God, those souls that rapidly withdraw from God. Live in the Redemption of My Son; say “yes” to the Light of Dear children, know that My Immaculate Heart holds you His Sacred Heart. strongly so that, following My steps, you may reach My Son. Thank you for responding to My call. The Redeemer calls you for you to live in His Perpetual Mercy. Therefore, little children, feel mercy in your hearts so that With the infinite devotion of My Immaculate Heart, afterwards your lives may manifest it to your brothers and Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity sisters. March Dear children, I lovingly envelop you in My Mantle of Peace; it is time for all My children to receive the same Grace through 20 The Five Keys of Conversion your prayers. Dear children, your souls are as walking pilgrims that must My children, you know how important it is to forgive with always seek God. Your feet lead you in search of the path of the heart. For this reason today I invite you to truly forgive God. Your hands, always in prayer, uplift you to talk with God. at each moment that which you may be living in your lives. Your hearts are like the fire that makes the light of the flame Forgiveness, dear children, will lead you to find with sincerity spring up so that it may illuminate your path. the Celestial Kingdom of Christ, in this way your hearts will Therefore, dear children, I am the Bird of Peace that comes be imitating My Son. from Heaven to indicate to you the correct pathway towards Dear children, for the world to change according to the Will My Son. My Immaculate Heart surrendered Itself to the world of God and not according to the will of humanity, I invite so that souls may strengthen themselves in faith and in the you to be a pure prayer in your lives and in your actions. Thus, love of the heart. My Purity shows you that it is possible to be through the act of prayer you will help daily in the redemp- eternally in God, just as your lives are here on Earth. The path tion of many of My children who live without God. for each of My children must be the constant aspiration to live I lead you towards the path of the consecration of your hearts. in the Heart of My Son, who also offered Himself in life and It is up to you to collaborate, My children, with all your broth- in spirit for the redemption of the world. ers and sisters through the prayer of the heart. In Christ can be found the strength so that the lives may be Remember, My children, that there are many souls that daily liberated from the obstacles and may be permeated by the walk through pathways which are not the paths of My Father. Victorious Light of God.

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With this message I want to tell you, My dear ones, that your tating My Victorious Son. So that the world may change, it is hearts live and will live more in My Son when, in the faith of necessary that the souls live from the fruit of humility, a path each heart, they may be able to see that the path to Paradise that will take all, as hearts, to the Father. is possible for all. For this reason, My children, the humility that each one of To enter the Kingdom of My Son, you must live day by day your hearts will be able to radiate and live will be the fruit the conversion of the heart. For this, dear children, I want to of victory for the Heavens and thus, Divine Mercy will be able say that you must practice these five keys to Redemption and to come to the souls that live the most irreparable faults. Forgiveness: The gift of humility awakens the stream of Mercy. Remember, - Fasting done for love dear children, what My Son once announced to you here on - Charity towards others Earth: “Blessed are the merciful, for from them will spring out the Fount of Mercy.” - Prayer as a source of renovation For this reason, dear children, I invite you, through prayer, to - Reading of the Sacred Gospel strengthen humility in the heart. - Confession with My Son. A true soul that lives in the humility of My Son: This exercise will allow you to know, My children, at what - Does not want anything for itself point and moment is the conversion of your hearts. In this way, My dear ones, each one of you will be able to show yourself - Is at the service of the needs of others as a true soul of God, as a worthy son or as a worthy daughter - Lives in constant forgetfulness of itself of God. - Loves, in order to learn to give itself It is time to repair the heart! - Aspires to live in the Purpose of God Thank you for responding to My call. - Builds the gift of peace with its hands Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity - Awaits, in vigil, for the coming of the Good News March - Reveres its fellow humans Dear children, 21 - Loves silence Love one another and protect one another, thus you will be able to be fraternal in truth and in love. - In prayer finds the key for its change and for the conversion of its heart Today I give you more keys so that you may begin to live the school of humility. In this way, in simplicity, you will be imi- - Allows itself to live in simplicity.

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I await, dear children, that each day your hearts may live a Heart. The praise done with love and gratitude penetrates the new act of humility. The Lord considers you as good creatures, Kingdom of the Heavens, and God in His Omnipotence, avails and that which humanity has not yet transformed is now up Himself of the songs of all humankind when they cry out for to each soul to transform in the heart and in life. In this way the Presence of God with sincerity and reverence. most of the hearts will be able to recognize in life the meaning Dear children, when you call My Son, His Merciful Heart of humility as a gift that converts the heart into an instrument responds by means of the Graces that were promised to the in the Hands of God. Humility will lead you to find in the world. Therefore, beloved children, when you call Christ you Heart of My Son an emblem for your lives. are also calling a part of God. Thank you for responding to My call. The world needs to heal its wounds by means of praise to our Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity almighty Lord of the Heights because in this way the world is relieved. When the souls gather for love of God and praise March Creation, a Ray of Pity and Compassion descends from the May the voices of your hearts sing today so that the center of the Heart of the Father. This Ray becomes as a Fount 22 Heavens may radiate their light towards the Earth and so of Mercy that the Angels of the Lord bring to the heart of each that, together with you, the Angels of the Lord may praise creature. Thus, the destiny of humanity can be changed by the all His wonderful Creation! absolute Love of God. Dear children, In these times of changes, praise with your hearts so that through prayer your souls may shine before the Father. Raise your hearts to the Light of the Lord and find repose in My Immaculate Heart so that your lives may always find the Thank you for responding to My call. path towards consecration. Peace for all My children in the world. My children, the praise to God exalts the loveliness and the Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity beauty of the Heights. In this way all hearts are partakers of the glorious Kingdom of God by means of peace in the heart March and of the love that springs as an Inexhaustible Source of My children, Graces. The praise that your hearts emanate towards the God 23 of the Universe will make you partakers of the Merciful Gift Not even one day must ever pass in your lives without praying of My Son, and in this way the Light that is necessary in many with My Son and for My Son. places will spread over the world for the hearts that have dis- You know, dear children, that humanity needs many aspects tanced themselves from the One and Only Father. of Mercy and Grace. But if My children leave for later this Beloved children, the song of praise done with the heart re- precious moment with My Son, how will the world be con- pairs and restores the faults committed against My Immaculate verted? For this reason, My dear children, all of you are called

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March not only to daily sacrifice, but you are also called, out of love, 24 Dear children, to reflection. It is necessary, My children, to awaken in face of Open the pure fountain that exists in your hearts and with what the world lives today. Me bring the Law of Love to your brothers and sisters. Can My Immaculate Heart count on your hearts at any time? My children, for the immense support that emanates from My Dear children, for the Heavens time is precious, as much for Heart to your lives, I come to you to cause you to grow so that, the souls as for the world, since both must reach their redemp- when you grow, you may be able to take the steps towards the tion. My children, one of the reasons why My Immaculate Kingdom of My Father. Heart cries is the lack of consciousness before the emergency Dear children, walk as children in order to be able to get to of the souls and, above all, the lack of peace in the world. My Son, to His arms, which are the perfect path to reach His This is why My Heart remains among you to encourage you Most Holy Heart. Through this path, My children, you will and to lead you along the path of conversion, so necessary for help in the conversion of the world and, especially, of many this cycle of closure in each one of your lives. souls that lose themselves each day. For this reason, beloved hearts in redemption, accept the path of peace that, through Dear children, I await, in My hope, the response from all. prayer, I invite you to travel. In this way you will be doing it out of love for others, for the brothers and sisters who are scattered all over the world. Dear children, do not forget the gifts of peace that your hearts are holding, share the path daily with your souls so that the Dear children, relieve the Divine Heart of My Son that is Spirit of God may remain in your hearts. offended by the incomprehension and the deviation of big groups of souls. To alleviate this situation, My dear ones, upon Beloved children, remember that the transformation of your awakening at each dawn there must emanate from each one of hearts and of your lives will collaborate with the change of the you a true aspiration for wanting to be in My Son. world and of humanity. My children, the Grace of Conversion is for all. It is the mo­ With the hope of being in My Son, you will be able to relieve ment to awaken with the heart and with life before the call the burden of the pain that the world lives. of God. I want to tell you, My children, that each one of you has a key to the conversion of the heart. May My Immaculate Peace be in all of your hearts. Live with Me, I feel you and know you deeply. Thank you for responding to My call. Rejoice your hearts for the presence of My Celestial Peace. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Thank you for responding to My call. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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March March Dear children, By request of the Divine Mother, the message for this day 25 26 is the one from the Apparition of March 26, 2012, that Carry My Peace in your hearts and I assure you that you will took place on the Hill of Christ the Redeemer (Colina do not lose the strength of My Faith in your lives. Cristo Redentor), in Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, The moment has come, My children, for you to forgive one Brazil. (See page 533) another before My Son alights His feet on Earth. Be merciful March with each one of your brothers and sisters and avert the lies that many create, lies that offend God. Forgive! Forgive! Forgive each one of your lives so that the 27 world may also reach absolute forgiveness! Prayer, dear children, is the primary key that opens the Infinite Grace from the Heavens. Search daily for the precious key of My children, today I call you to the exercise of forgiveness prayer and sanctify your lives in the presence of My Son. There in the heart, a necessary act that must emanate from your is nothing left for you to lose. You must burn in the absolute hearts. In this way, dear children, forgiveness will lead you to Love of My Son so that you may learn to love and reconcile find Divine Mercy. yourselves in your hearts. My children, walk in this pilgrimage For this reason, My children, allow yourselves to be touched with Me so that I may be able to guide you and protect you by the two Divine Rays that spring from My Son to the world. from the paths without God in which the world lives. Thus, My dear ones, you will find a firmer path in these times You, My children, must be the bridge between the Heavens of changes. If you pray with faith and compassion, you will and Earth. This you will accomplish when you pray with Me find the Merciful Rays of Christ and He, in His Immense Glory perpetually. Prayer must cause love to grow in your hearts so and Peace, will lead you to the Universal Father. that My Son may be able to live in you eternally, as a flame Dear children, do not fear for how much you have failed; the from God the Father. important thing is that your intentions and your hearts trans- By the reverent love that each one of you has for My Son, I ask form themselves through the devotion to the Sacred Heart you for firmness and hope in your lives, for the steps that each of Jesus. For this reason, when you have fallen, cry out for the one must take in these times of divine Celestial Justice. merciful forgiveness so that the Light of the Divine Heart of My Son may be able to help you to reverse the mistakes. Be patient so that your hearts may be meek and pure before God, the Celestial Father. My children, the world offends God daily; therefore your prayers with love will help humanity and also when each of Thank you for responding to My call. you may recognize that you are in this world learning. Light for the path of all My children. Dear children, be like Lazarus, resurrect through the Presence Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity of the absolute Love of My Son so that in this hour your tiny

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hearts may strengthen themselves in prayer and in love for My children, take your hearts to the presence of My Heart so the others. that you may recognize God the Father in each one of you. Let us pray for the conversion of all hearts. Thank you for responding to My call. Thank you for responding to My call. Light for the lives of My children. Peace in your hearts. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity March March 29 My children, 28 Dear children, Bless Christ in your prayers because next month you will be, as May joy prevail in your lives in the presence of the changes. humanity, preparing the advent of Easter. Celebrate with joy Today I invite you to interpenetrate yourselves with the uni- the mystery of the Passion that My Son offered for Love of the verse of prayer so that you may learn inside this school to feel world. May this coming Easter, dear children, be a gathering of the sacred words of the daily prayer. prayer between your hearts and your lives so that in this way you may accompany the Shepherd of the sheep towards the Remember, dear children, that while a great part of the world Merciful Face of the Father. does not pray to the Celestial God, it is up to all of My children who are more conscious to multiply in their lives the exercise May this Easter prepare your hearts in prayer so that the world, of prayer. In this way, My little ones, the world will be able to once more, may receive the Grace of Forgiveness. Dear chil- change its spiritual situation through the wise exercise of prayer dren, the Easter in the coming month must lead you to the that each of My praying soldiers must carry out day by day. reflection and the meditation about the mysteries of surrender Let the inexhaustible source of Graces spring so that your lives that Christ made for humanity. Each passage of the life of Jesus may be permeated by the supreme Love of God. prepares you for the time that will come, strengthening in your hearts the union with My Son. Today I also invite you to remember the presence of the Angels of the Lord on this Earth. For this, reverence and love for each You must prepare your dwellings, My children, so that Christ one of Them will allow you to maintain a true communion may share His Good News in the Last Supper, that which all with My Son, because the holy angels, in their obedience, will are invited to witness. also lead you to the Heart of the Living Christ. Dear children, this path towards Easter will allow you to re- Therefore, dear children, through the power of prayer, embrace member how important is the confession of each of you with the flame of eternal peace that the angels bring to Earth. Each My Son, so that in this way you may arrive to His table with angel has a mission to lead humanity towards Redemption. purity and love.

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Beloved children, the path of Easter prepares you as souls to surrender that His Life and His Heart gave to the world and live in Christ day by day. Because of this, My little ones, Easter to humanity. allows you to grow as hearts and as souls before the Mercy of Dear children, may this coming Easter be a moment of union the Redeemer. Allow yourselves, little children, to be conduct- with Christ and with the Celestial Father so that by Merciful ed towards the experience of Easter in this year of the end of Love the paths of many souls may be conducted to the Eternal times, so that your hearts may thus renew the vows that many Light of God. of your souls have made before Christ. All of My children must know that the mystery of the Easter of Christ is a real reason My children, the Easter of this year is an opportunity to to reconcile with the Celestial Father. redeem the heart and to surrender your lives in trust to the Supreme Priest of Love. Follow the steps that My Son will Dear children, as humanity needs a great Source of Mercy, I be indicating to you for this Easter of Redemption through ask you to pray with the heart and that you live each one of the prayer and confession. mysteries that My Son lived out of love for you. Dear children, accept the arms that My Son extends to you Be true springs of gratitude because My Heart wants to take through His Love and His Forgiveness for the world. May you, in this Easter, to the Divine Heart of My Son. all of My children be partakers of the Sacred Table of Christ, Thank you for responding to My call. because in this offer of each one of you, you will be including those souls that live without God the Father. Peace in your lives. Dear children, the Redemption of My Son is for humanity. All Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity hearts are in time to convert their lives to Christ, the King of March Forgiveness. 30 My little children, Thank you for responding to My call. May a profound reverence be born in you today, which will Reconciliation to all of My children. prepare your hearts for the days of Easter. In the living of Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Easter your lives will return to Christ and to all the passages that the Sacred Heart of My Son lived. March Therefore, My children, let us pray so that God may fill you 31 Dear children, with His Graces of Peace and spiritual Reparation for each For the immense Love of My Son, accept His arms, arms of one of your souls. Through the prayer done with the heart Love and Light that He extends over the world. you will be able to come closer to the mysteries of the Passion of Jesus. For this reason, My dear children, you are invited My children, today I invite you to live Easter with the heart; to go, with My Son, through the sacrifice and the absolute thus, little children, you will be able to walk with Christ

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through the pathway of all His passages and teachings that He left to humanity. Dear children, remain in My Peace because I want to lead you to the Temple of My Son so that each one of you may find the Sacred Heart of Christ. Therefore, My children, live Easter as a preparation for the renovation of your lives. Thus your hearts in prayer will be able to renew and heal the lives of all the children. May no heart extinguish the flame of faith, but rather may it ignite it again, because God in His Glory counts on each one of the instruments of His Creation. For this, dear children, follow the sign of conversion that My Immaculate Heart is indicating. For a true conversion of the heart, live as souls this Easter of Redemption that My Son prepares for you with much Love through the power of His Most Holy Heart. My dear ones, you will prepare the path towards Easter through the act of prayer. Beloved children, rejoice your hearts so that in this way your souls may prepare themselves for the days of Mercy that, once more, My Son will pour over the world. Here on Earth, dear children, you are the primordial instrument of true prayer, daily prayer that this humanity without God needs in order to live its own reconciliation. Raise your arms and keep the last Graces that the Heart of My Son is giving out of love for the world. May on this Easter your lives be pure so that in this way, all may see again the new Face of Christ. Thank you for responding to My call. May the Easter of the New Era of Christ change your lives. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

206 “Raise your eyes towards the Portal of Peace, which represents My Immaculate Heart.”

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Rejoice your hearts for the Eternal Presence of My Son, and 1 because each one of your lives is partaking of the Table of the Lord in this Easter of Christ. Dear children, therefore today I invite you to prepare your lives through true prayer done with the heart; this will allow you to live an Easter of inner communion with Christ Jesus. This path of reconciliation and merciful forgiveness that you are being called to live must be lived in the name of all of humanity that throughout times has offended God. To alle- viate the Heart of the Most Beloved Father I invite you to experience, during this week of Easter, an unknown state of peace and reconciliation through daily prayer. In this way, My children, your hearts will commune at the table with My Son, being thus able to witness His Sublime Heart of Peace. I invite you to live Easter once again, because you, as souls of humanity, need a quick conversion of the heart so that the Father, in His Infinite Celestial Grace, may manifest His Will through the instruments donated and transformed by My Immaculate Heart. Dear children, if in truth you knew how important this Easter of the New Era is, your hearts would live in profound joy and praise. The Presence of My Son, through the Sorrowful Mysteries, will lead you to understand and to live the passages that echoed in the universe through the surrender and the sacrifice of Jesus. My children, may Easter awaken in you the courage of wanting to be in My Son, in His arms of Mercy. Portal of Peace Dear children, the commitment of each of you is to live this Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil Easter with the heart, being able to transmit in this way the

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importance of this moment of forgiveness and reconciliation Know, My children, that it is now time for the conversion of to each one of My children. your hearts, hearts that form part of this humanity. Confess your hearts with My Son. Live in your lives the Sacred Conversion is to live in prayer. Conversion is to redeem one- Heart of Christ. Sing in Glory the coming of the Redeemer. self. Conversion is to accept the call of God. Thank you for responding to My call. Whenever you fall into fault against God, just repeat in your Eternal Light to the lives of all My children. hearts: Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Request of Redemption to the Celestial Father April My Lord, 2 The enemy wants to overthrow My Plans of Peace. For this My God, reason, dear children, I count on each one of your prayers. This Father of the Celestial Universe, will allow the Light of My Immaculate Heart to continue to redeem my heart and purify my life, be poured upon the world. Live in My Peace, My children, and so that absolved by Your Forgiveness, no longer allow yourselves to offend God. Open your hearts so I may recognize that Your Love protects us that My Rays of Grace and Mercy may purify you. and Your Merciful Peace reconciles us My little children, do not fear for all that which you cannot with the Light of Your Glorified Son. yet resolve; if you trust in the Purpose of the Father you will be able to be guided towards the Light of God. Amen.

Dear children, My Immaculate Heart must be the bridge for Dear children, I follow you closely in this Redeeming Easter your lives that will bring you close to My Son. While the world of Christ. still does not hear the voice of this Faithful Servant of God, I ask you to pray. Pray with the truth and the transparency of Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity your hearts, because if you do, God will avail Himself of each April one of you. Dear children, My children, it is enough that you live within My Immaculate 3 Heart, because in this way your lives will be transformed into Contemplate My Immaculate Heart so that your lives may be flames of peace that My Heart will extend over the world. For converted into crystalline sources of purity and peace. Allow this to happen, dear children, your hearts only need to seek to your hearts to live the conversion of the heart through daily live in the purity and in the absolute love that My Son radiates prayer offered to the world that lives without peace and with- to your lives. out redemption.

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My children, prepare your hearts through the glorious joy My children, today I invite you to the opening of the heart, that My Son will bring to you with the motive of helping the a heart that must give itself and surrender itself with confi- world that needs God. My children, may you all have meek dence to the Creator. Thus, dear children, your lives will travel and patient hearts so that the changes that need to happen the pathways that God proposes to each one of the souls: the in your lives may happen in Peace and in the Presence of the pathway of love, the pathway of peace and the pathway of rec- Sacred Heart of Jesus. onciliation. In this way, My children, you will be able to find Dear children, continue penetrating the Heavens through the My Son, present in each one of your lives. simple instrument of prayer. In this way all souls that need Dear children, raise your lives and your hearts to Heaven so Light in the world will receive, by the expansion of My Mantle that through the holy prayer, the Heart of My Son may be able of Light, all the Spiritual Graces for the redemption of each to call all of those who have distanced themselves from Him. heart. Beloved children, love My Son perpetually. In this way you will open the Heavens for the descent of the Rays of Mercy My little ones, it is the time of conversion, therefore everything that many of My children need. will happen according to the Will of God, which you must love and revere. If you still live the changes of transformation, live them in absolute joy, because this will indicate to you that the Good Dear children, recognize the Purpose of the Celestial Father in News will be coming to your lives. your lives, which will be revealed to you when you contemplate with Me in prayer. Many of My children need to reencounter Dear children, unite your hearts in Light so that God may show you the victorious steps of His Will and His Mercy. the path because they have distanced themselves from My Son. This is why your prayer will contribute so that, in this time of I only ask you, little children, that in the Easter that is ap- tribulation, many of My children may be able to be rescued, as proaching, you renounce that which you have not yet re- you were rescued through the power of prayer. nounced, elevating thus your hearts towards the Creator. Cultivate a healthy joy in your lives because the world without Be in My Perpetual Peace. joy will not be able to reach peace. Trust the Merciful Love of Thank you for responding to My call. My Glorified Son. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity May this Easter renew your hearts. Be with My Son, the Re- deeming High Priest. April Thank you for responding to My call. Dear children, 4 Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity In My arms you will find the refuge that your lives seek so much. I bring you My Peace so that you may live it and imitate it with the heart.

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April 5 Dear children, Have you seen the lack of peace in the other hearts? My Immaculate Heart rejoices when all are with Me, but It Out of love, My Immaculate Heart has entrusted much to also withdraws when souls do not have the inner strength to you. Now you must give a little more and this will begin with respond to My call. the true surrender of each one of you. In this month of April, Little children, wake up! Wait no longer to serve God. While I hope to find you more awake and persistent in the purpose of the world continues on the path of separation between the the call that My Heart announces to you. In this way, dear chil- hearts, the One and Only Father has given you My Heart so dren, your prayers from the heart will help Me in My Maternal that you may imitate It and accompany It in this pilgrimage. Mission of Peace. My children, the fortress of your hearts is still not firm in I expect an appropriate posture from each one of you, as wor- God. This is why I invite you to unite to My Heart, so that thy instruments of the Creator. the Celestial Kingdom may show you the path. When My May in this Easter your eyes ignite themselves with the Light Maternal Voice calls you, it is for a special and celestial rea- son. Therefore, dear children, I hope that next time you are that My Son will radiate to you, out of love for the conversion attentive and truly open to be with Me. God is sending His of each human life. Messengers of Peace to the world for the last time. All human- Persist! Persist! Persist in faith in My Immaculate Heart! ity must respond so that Grace may permeate the changes that will arrive to the Earth. Thank you for responding to My call. Dear children, if in truth My Immaculate Heart were the Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity pillar of peace for your lives, from your hearts would spring April a great joy from being in prayer with Me for the humanity that is without God. 6 Dear children, My children, today I prepare you to receive the Body, the Today, Holy Friday, is the day when once My Son withdrew Blood, the Soul and the Divinity of My Son, who is constantly from the world to be restored in the Lord. Today I invite you offended because of the lack of love among the hearts of the to the quietness of your hearts so that together We may accom- world. Therefore I invite you to repair the Heart of Christ and pany the Redeemer in His Sacred Hour. the heart of the world through prayer. My Son needs you during the passage of His Cross, My chil- Dear children, all of you must open yourselves as an inex- dren. You must be at the side of His Heart as good sheep that haustible source of prayer so that humanity may change the accompany His priestly ministry of the Passion. Come to actions that are against the Plan of God, so that the Mercy of Him, dear children, and embrace Him strongly as I did, walk- My Son may act in each heart. ing at His side in silence, in an attitude of great surrender for You are now in peace, but what about My other children? the world.

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Dear children, I am reminding you of the Passion of Jesus Therefore, dearest children, you are now ready to commune because your hearts must love the Will of God above all again with My Son, the Savior of all souls. To be able to live things. If you are in My Son, He will take you by the hand to this sublime act of love for Jesus I ask you to forgive and to the Celestial Father. For this reason, My dear ones, on this reconcile your lives with each one of your brothers and sisters, most holy day, meditate on the Mysteries of the Passion. Each who are also My children in Redemption. one of your hearts must withdraw in My Son today so that you may meditate on how important the surrender was that Jesus Dear children, I call you to deeply contemplate today in prayer carried out for all of you. the mystery of the Resurrection of Christ through the power of Love. If your hearts have already taken this step of Love, My In the vigil of the heart and of prayer you will be collaborat- Immaculate Heart will be able to give more life and salvation ing with the world that still does not live the Passion of My to many of My children who are very far away from God. Son but, rather, lives in its own pain, the pain of an injured world that, through Christ must be forgiven and reconciled. My children, celebrate this Easter as the first Good News that Therefore, My children, since each one of you belongs to this comes in the end of these times, to alleviate you from all the humanity, it is up to you to help so that a greater number of suffering in your lives. Therefore, dear children, the prayer of souls may be permeated by the Merciful Light of My Son. And the heart will lead you to find, on the path, the Presence of this will happen through the act of the merciful prayer on the My Son, of His Holy Heart of Love. part of humanity. Holy and venerable be the Angels of the Lord! Because, Humanity must pray very much to be able to receive the Graces through the sacrifice that My Son offered out of Love, they of Conversion and Forgiveness. This is why My Immaculate will be able to help in the Redemption of the world. Heart guides you in this school of prayer. Open the doors of your little hearts and search for Christ Thank you for responding to My call. because My Son is there in each one of you. Accept the arms In the Sacred Hour of the Passion, of love and redemption that My Son extends to you. Allow Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity your hearts to burn with love for Christ. If this happens, dear children, My Immaculate Heart of Mother will be able to April help, through Mercy, the world that is lost. Pray with the heart. My children, Embrace with peace every mystery of the Passion because the 7 time has come for your lives to grow. Today I invite you to the withdrawal of your little hearts, to wait for the awakening of the Lord Jesus, My Glorified Son. Thank you for responding to My call. Remember, dear children, that during this week your lives are In the Good News of the Resurrection of each life and of each being prepared to enter the redeeming doors of Easter, that little heart, My Son makes reverberate through the act of the Passion of His Sacred Heart. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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April Dear children, Live the joy of the resurrection and celebrate because My Son 8 wants to be in your lives! May your hearts sing and praise the Redeemer today because He has resurrected in each one of your lives. Live the joy of Thank you for responding to My call. the Glory of God and quench the thirst of all souls with the Eternal Light for the world, prayer of the heart. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Dear children, open your arms to receive My Immaculate April Peace and propagate the spirit of collaboration among hearts. In this way, My children, your hearts will live the charity of My 9 Children, I lift you in My arms as I did with the Child Jesus. Son. May today be a gathering of prayer, love and joy because Dear children, My Son comes to each one of you so that you may live Him and love Him in fraternity. Today I bring all of you to the Heart of My Son who, having resurrected, comes in His Glory to bring you His Peace and My dear ones, may the fount of gratitude spring from you His Divine Mercy. Thus, today, through the spirit of prayer, today because God sent Our Hearts so that the world may be you will be preparing yourselves to receive the Rays of Mercy, on the path of salvation. an infinite source that you must accept. You must also live in the love for My Immaculate Heart. Dear children, liberate your hearts from all sadness and live in peace this reencounter with the Infinite Heart of Jesus. Your hearts must convert into little flowers for the Creator. Open the doors of your dwellings and receive the Shepherd so In this way, My dear children, your lives will become more that your little hearts may be redeemed. Then you will truly be peaceful because you will be in prayer with God. able to be in My Son and you will not forget that He waits for My children, the primordial mission of My Immaculate Heart you daily so that you may adore Him and contemplate Him is to rescue all of My children, even more those who are blind, with the heart. who are far away from God. Therefore, dear children, I await so that from each one of your little hearts may flow a fount of My children, your lives are today communing with one Great living prayer, truthful and humble, that may help the world Heart of Love that must repose in each one of you. This great of today. Heart of Love is called Jesus, My Almighty Son who brings you Peace and Love. Dear children, the one who walks confidently along the way of prayer will be together with My Son, adoring Him and The source of prayer that your hearts generate day by day contemplating Him in simplicity. I want to take you each day will relieve the pain of the world because Our Hearts will be towards the Prodigious Heart of Christ because in this way able to intercede for all of humanity before the Most Beloved your hearts will be inside the Kingdom of God even if you still Father. remain on the Earth.

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Today I call you to deepen into My daily messages because in Dear children, perseverance in prayer will be the inner key that them you will find the keys that the Lord, through His Faithful will allow you day by day to be near to My Immaculate Heart. Servant, is giving you. My merciful eyes want to illuminate the path that each child, with the heart, must offer to God. In this way you will totally Little children, those who live My daily message will be on the consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart. right path of conversion. Know, dear children, that humanity lives today the cycle of the possible and total redemption of the Therefore, dear children, the surrender of each one of you heart and of life. Therefore, live with the heart the Grace that represents a celestial victory of eternal praise. In this way the the Heavens are pouring to you. angels elevate all the souls to the Kingdom of My Immaculate Heart. Be fair and simple. Children, God expects from you an infinite openness that Thank you for responding to My call. may be born from your little hearts, an openness that may lead you to give yourselves towards charity and humility in Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity order to be able to see thus, the Face of My Son in each one of April your brothers and sisters. In this way you will be able to live the fraternity that is necessary for the conversion of the world 10 In My Son is to be found the adoration to God, and in and especially, of all the souls that have distanced themselves the adoration done with the heart, Love and Peace are to from the love of God. be found. Dear children, today I contemplate all of you in My Maternal Dear children, Love. Always remember that I want to bring you towards God. Rejoice your hearts again because the Kingdom of My Father Thank you for responding to My call. is coming to aid all the hearts that open themselves to receive Peace for all. the Law of Love. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity For this reason, My children, be in vigil in My Son today, in His Heart of Peace, so that God may show you the need of all April souls and how great is the thirst for love in many lives. Because As Queen and Universal Mother of Peace I want you to enter of this, dear children, you must pray, pray much with the heart, 11 into the Kingdom of God so that your hearts may find a firm so that your lives may correspond to the great call from the refuge of love in My Immaculate Heart. I carry you all, as Heavens for the redemption of humanity. humanity, in My arms of Mercy, helping in this way each one In this way, little children, from your hearts you will help in of My children. My Plans of Peace and Salvation that My Immaculate Heart Dear children, stay in peace because My Kingdom of Peace is weaves as a mantle of Light for the world. in each one of you.

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April My children, the world must urgently go and drink from the Dear children, Fountain of Graces that My Heart is pouring for those who 12 If humanity lived the precepts of God, that is, the Command­ are thirsty for My Son. He, who is blessed and loving, will lead ments, the world would be different. Therefore, dear children, you to the true devotion to God the Father, who is offended My Heart is present in each one of you because as humanity, by humanity. you need the Graces and the Love of My Maternal Heart. For this reason, dear children, the prayer of the heart will guide My children, today I call you to renew the devotion to My you in each step that you must take in this end of times. Immaculate Heart and if you do so, little children, God, the My children, My call wants to echo in the depth of your little Source of Love, will act through My Son who has resurrected, hearts, even more in all of My children who for many years and through Me, the Universal Mother. have distanced themselves from the Love of the Living God. Today I want to bring you all towards the true feeling of Together with the Sacred Heart of My Son, your lives will be prayer, which must be primordial and important in each one able to repose in absolute trust, and the path you are traveling of your lives and in this time of changes that you are living in will be permeated by the Light of His Divine Heart. the world. I want to announce to you that the key of prayer will allow Today, also, as My Son has done, I extend My arms of peace you to be before the Holy Spirit. Therefore, this blessed Spirit for those who may accept to live My call as a group and as an of God will come in aid of all the hearts that in this last hour individual mission for each one of your hearts. consecrate themselves and live in the Peace of My Immaculate Heart. Know, dear children, that My voice announces itself to the world in this time of purification. This is why I invite you to Dear children, the true fraternity that each one of you is able to join the forces of your hearts together in unity and in peace. express day by day will help to dissolve the evilness that many In this way, these attributes will uplift humanity even more hearts live for lack of the Merciful Love of God. towards the Kingdom of God and you, as souls, will be united Therefore, constancy in the life of prayer will help so that all to Me. these hearts may receive the Immaculate Gift of Grace and When I say to you: “Thank you for responding to My call” it Redemption. My dear children, in truth, Redemption is a celes- is so that you may know that My Maternal and Immaculate tial mission for all humanity. Heart is embracing many souls that are unknown to you and Thank you for responding to My call. that live in this world. These souls need My Heart, because if My Heart were not among you as humanity, many Plans Divine Love for each one of My children in the world. of Peace that My Heart propagates would not be able to be Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity fulfilled.

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For this reason, My children, I carry you daily in My Heart and the time will come for the reencounter with the true Eternal today I tell you again: Thank you for responding to My call. Father. Peace! Peace! Peace for all! The path of the redemption of the heart is a path that My call is preparing day by day through the daily messages. Therefore, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity I will be able to say to all those children who may approach April Me through the daily messages that they are on the path of redemption. By request of the Divine Mother, the message for this day 13 is the one from the Apparition of April 13, 2012, that took I promise to be present when hearts unite to Me. Then, in this place in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay. moment, My Maternal Heart will be one with each one of My (See page 538) little children. April May the Celestial Peace reverberate in your hearts so that your lives are converted into pure prayer. 14 Know, My children, that My Immaculate Heart is among you so that your lives, as little children of the Great Father, may be Thank you for responding to My call. guided through the paths of peace and redemption. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity For this reason, little children, today I invite you to live on April prayer through the union with Me in the devotion to the Most Beloved Heart of Jesus. Thus, dear children, you will be A true exercise is prayer done with the heart, because in this quenching the thirst for souls of all this humanity that My 15 way your hearts illuminate themselves and live the eternal joy Son has. of God. For this reason, My children, today I call you to the prayer done with the heart so that you may always remember All I ask, little children, is that you trust the purpose of My that it is the faithful path to the conversion of humanity. Peace so that it may be manifested in all the hearts that are thirsty for peace. Your little hearts, united with Christ, relieve Prayer done with the heart is complete trust in God. Prayer the great sorrow of this humanity, which has arrived at the done with the heart is healing of every pain. Prayer done with time of reconciling itself with the Celestial Father. And this the heart is an inner encounter with the Light of My Immac­ will happen by means of the path of prayer that each of you ulate Heart. While My call tries to awaken all of My children builds day by day. for the moment of prayer, I ask you to live the prayer done with the heart. In this way, dear children, the Primary Source of the Divine Mercy of My Son will be able to be poured for some more The path of prayer in this school is infinite. The spiritual growth time over the world, especially over all those children who do of your little hearts will begin with the prayer that may be not hear the voice of My Immaculate Heart. To all of them done with the heart.

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Dear children, know that the hearts that pray with Me are souls Dear children, humanity is at the doors of redemption, as are that cry out for humanity because it must reach redemption. each one of My children. This is why the permanent strength Carry prayer done with the heart as a precious gift to God. of the prayer of the heart will allow you to persist. Thus I will find you on this path of love that I invite you to The Heart of My Son is offended daily, but when some of My travel. children fall into guilt or pain, My Immaculate Heart helps Dear children, each prayer united with Me allows one soul to this heart that must, as a soul, start again. be touched by the Merciful Love of My Son. I want to make My children, each one of your hearts must be redeemed you live and understand that without the prayer from the heart through Mercy. For this reason, accept that you are still on the world cannot live in peace, because the souls need to talk the path of the rehabilitation of the spirit and of the heart, to God daily through the prayer done with the heart. because if you did so, you would be able to travel in life through the pathways of My Peace. Live prayer with Me because My Heart will guide you. The world lacks much peace, but even more it lacks serenity in Thank you for responding to My call. the hearts of each one of My children, who will be able to find Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity it in daily prayer. May you be conducted by My Maternal Grace of Redemption. No longer offend, and live in the Heart of My April Son. My Maternal Spirit forgives you and loves you. My Heart of Light can convert the hearts out of love. 16 Thank you for responding to My call. The biggest pain of humanity is guilt in the heart. It is like a Redemption for the heart of each one of My children! stuck arrow that does not allow for liberation and forgiveness. For this I call you to alleviate the guilt of the world, a guilt that Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity separates the hearts from God and that generates suffering. April But the time has come for the world to revert everything As the Lady of Graces, I visit you daily to quench the thirst through the presence of peace. Guilt causes lack of peace in 17 of My Son for good souls. the hearts of My children. For this reason, dear children, each guilt that you feel in your hearts must be healed through a Dear children, sincere act of love and reconciliation. With My hands on the Heart of Peace I give you My Graces to awaken gratitude in your hearts. Each one of the Gifts of God, such as His Spirit and His Mercy, can be the Primary Source that may help you, as humanity, to I ask you, little children, that you persist day by day in the path liberate yourselves from guilt and from pain. of prayer. Now, go joyfully and pray, pray and pray! Pray for

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this humanity whose time of change has arrived. The merciful in prayer with Me because the beads of contemplation form forgiveness of My Son is being poured and delivered so that part of the salvation of humanity. souls may live the penance of the heart. I call penance a deep Recognize that your heart is still growing and that life drinks prayer that may restore the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Through this from the source of learning and of the knowledge of God. path of restoration by means of prayer you will be united to My Son, who waits for you with immense bliss and joy. My child, allow each soul to live the school that it has come to attend. Without experience your lives will not be able to wit- Dear children, My Maternal Heart is donated to each one of ness the presence of My Son, because love is learned through My children, especially to those who live without God. I invite the walk of each heart. you to accompany Me in this task of peace and salvation of hearts. My Words are nourishment for your lives; they are the fire that illuminates you so that you may find the Source of Peace. Today I leave you My words of Love, because as the Mother and Queen of Peace, I wait so that today you may be united to For this reason, little children, today I tell you: remain in My My Immaculate Heart in prayer. I only want to tell you some- Peace! Walk through each learning experience united to My thing else, that My voice speaks to many children in the world Heart, because It will guide you. Know that My eyes accom- but especially to those who must help Me in the mission of pany each one of your steps so that in My Maternal Vigilance conversion and of the simple path of prayer. you may be able to take refuge under My Mantle of Protection. My Most Beloved Heart loves you and waits for you entire in Many of My children are still unprotected because their lives each act of prayer. Know, dear children, that every prayer done are without God. with the heart is a prayer for the salvation of humanity, which Now, can your hearts see how close I am to each one of you? is asleep. I am a Simple Heart that wants to impregnate you as a prayer Today I leave you the Love of My Immaculate Heart, as an for the heart. I will only show you the true and the good so that inner strength for the hearts. My Heart of Peace pulsates in your hearts may be able to grow and walk. your little hearts. Therefore, again I tell each one of your little hearts: enter into Thank you for responding to My call. My Peace! Abandon yourselves on My lap so that I may be able Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity to sustain you as I did with Jesus. Be always like children so you may be very close to God. Return to the path of sanctity April through the absolute faith in My Son. Come into My Peace and, in your faith, live in My Immacu­ I illuminate you with My Heart and I will find you in prayer 18 late Heart. Drink from My crystalline Source of Love and with Me. Forgiveness. Abandon your heart in Me so that My steps may guide the new path. No longer let the time pass without being Go ahead!

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I love you in the silence of My Immaculate Heart. who are most simple of heart will be those who will be able to transmit My Immaculate Peace. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Dear children, I invite you to follow Me in this school of prayer Dear children, I transmit this message to you in a special way, so that your little hearts may correspond to God the Father. Be because it will help you to bring Peace, My True and Maternal today, once again, in the Heart of My Son so that the Light of Peace. It will also be an instruction for all. the High Priest may guide you. April Thank you for responding to My call. Witness the Sacred Heart of Jesus, because in My Son you will In the Love of God the Father, 19 find that which your hearts so much search for: peace. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Today I come to permeate you with My eternal and celestial prayer, a prayer that My Immaculate Heart pours, out of love, April over humanity. For this reason, dear children, I call you to My dear children, strengthen the alliance with God, so that your lives may be 20 able to be in Him. In Jesus Christ is to be found the path that humanity has lost. Today I invite you to prayer so that many souls may be able to My children, each act of love and charity will place you in the be conducted to the Heart of My Son. Kingdom of the Father, within the Plans of Peace that My Heart proposes in this end of times. Therefore, dear children, True prayer done with the heart will reveal to you the path elevate your prayers with fervor towards the center of the Heart that you must tirelessly follow towards God, going through of God, because in this pure and sincere way your lives will be tests and learning experiences that make your spirits mature. partakers of the Holy Spirit. My children, the pathway towards My Son will bring you to Be in vigil so that this holy flame of peace may be able to touch the Kingdom of God. Therefore, dear children, keep in your the hearts of many of My children in the world. So that this hearts the flame of persistence, to be able to reach redemption Spirit of God may embrace and radiate to humanity, there as humanity. must exist a true path of prayer that is formed by the souls of Dear children, the constant state of prayer done with the heart this humanity. In order to form these groups of praying hearts, will build in you a temple of love and peace, a temple that is I am among you day by day, allowing you to grow as My little strengthened in the experience of service and charity. children who listen to the voice of the great Lady Clothed with Little children, My call announces to you that humanity is at the Sun, of the Queen of Peace. the moment of forgiving with the heart, but if souls do not As a mother I seek that the formation of your hearts in the live this state of forgiveness, how will the hearts receive the school of prayer be real, true and humble, because the ones absolution of all their faults?

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Dear children, prayer will lead you to find My Son who awaits My children, I call you to prepare yourselves in the path of you to share His Bread of Life and of Redemption. prayer so that the devotion that is kept in your hearts may serve and collaborate for the relief of this humanity. Know that the state of redemption begins with the opening of the heart. I want that you build a simple heart so that God, the Today again, I carry you all in My Immaculate Heart so that Beloved Father of all creatures, may live within you. each one of your lives may have the strength to respond once more to My requests. I fill you with My Maternal Light and I accompany you on this day with My Heart of Faith and Love. I motivate your hearts to live in My Son before He returns. Rejoice your lives in My Son. He loves you infinitely. Dear children, carry My Virginal Purity in your hearts and Thank you, children, for persevering in responding to My call. feel that it is possible to improve everything in these times. My Peace, Universal Peace wants to be over the world and, for this, your prayers will help My faithful purpose of love in the hearts. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity I guide you. Live in My Faith. April Thank you for responding to My call. In My spirit of peace and under My spirit of peace you will 21 be able to build the paths of fraternity. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Dear children, April The absolute trust in God will help you to be in the Heart 22 Dear children, of My Son and thus the purpose of My Peace will be fulfilled With immense delight I prepare My coming to each one of your in each soul of humanity. little hearts, in the month of May, in Portugal, and in June, Full trust in the Will of God will allow you to grow as flowers in Argentina. Today I invite you to follow Me in the Plans of in the spring time and to mature as fruits. My children, your Peace and of Reconciliation that God has for each creature. little hearts must be inside My spirit of peace, thus you will As the Immaculate Heart, dear children, I bring you closer be saved and guarded from all the temptations of this world. to My Son daily, because in Him you will strengthen the Gift of Love. Dear children, because of all this, today I invite you to live fraternity from the heart; in this way, little children, you will My children, on these days of gathering in Portugal and in be in the Heart of the Celestial Father. If humanity reconciled Argentina, I invite you as groups of prayer to fill the Heavens with God through the healthy spirit of fraternity, of charity with supplications. This will help, My children, so that these and of love in the heart, the paths that await the world, nations may receive the Grace of Forgiveness that My children through My intercession, could already be different ones. need.

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April I also want to ask you that in each gathering of the prayer 23 As a guardian Mother of the hearts, I bring you to the daily groups you cry out with your prayers and with your hearts for encounter with the Most Beloved Heart of My Son. This lov- the presence of the Angel of Peace. In this way, little children, ing and good Heart of Love of Jesus must be like the burning your lives will prepare themselves to receive Me during the fire in your hearts, a fire that allows you to grow and learn in months of May and June and together we will be able to ren- honor to the Glory of God and for the Divine Love that the ovate Divine Mercy in each beloved child. Celestial Father has for each one of His children. Dear children, live today the presence of My Universal Peace Today, My little children, I invite you to consider the oppor- through the union of each soul with the Angel of Peace, thus tunity that each one of your lives is receiving through My your hearts will prepare My arrival with immense joy. monthly arrival towards your hearts by means of My an- nouncements of Peace and Redemption. Know, My children, that My Heart comes to you in Portugal and in Argentina for the second time so that as humanity you Dear children, many changes will take place in the world, but they will be more welcomed if everyone unites to one another may renovate the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. under the Spirit of My Immaculate Heart. Because of all this I want that in the coming months you may live in My Peace as I ask you to not worry about what God has not revealed to a preparation for the times that will come. you as humanity. Walk in the life of prayer. My Heart is with you and with the Yes, dear children, I tell you that the traps of the enemy con- entire world. I embrace you with My Maternal Light and I fuse the hearts that must follow the one single Purpose of God place you under My Mantle. in these times: Peace. It, beloved children, will be more real and truthful in each of your lives when you practice the prayer of In the months that will come may your hearts live in a single the heart, the confession with My Son, and the fasting for all heart group of charity and service for souls and for the souls souls that live far from God. of those that are dispersed throughout the world. I tell you more, My dear children: awaken the spirit of hope I await you all in prayer, for the Mission of the Peace of God so that the Goodness of God may be a fact for this humanity. in all My children of this humanity. Thus, little children, when your actions and your lives corre- Rejoice your lives in order to receive Me. spond to the steps that My Son and My Immaculate Heart will Who loves you from the Infinite Heart, mark for you in this special time of definition, your hearts will be able to be in God. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Envelop your hearts with the Mantle of My Peace so that, guarded by My Merciful Ray, which comes from My Glorified Son, I may be able to guide you and accompany you closely.

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Let us be, in this hour, in vigil and prayer, adoring the Heart Dear children, this little piece of the Great Heaven is My Im- of Christ so that He may show you the next path before His maculate Heart, which must be repaired from all the offenses expected return to the world. that It receives from the children of this humanity. But the All has been announced, but now the ears, the inner ears of Divine and Unfathomable Mercy is still present for those who the heart, must open. may cry out for this divine aspect of Redemption that My Son radiates to the world. Thank you for responding to My call. In this exercise with Divine Mercy you will prepare the path Faith in your hearts. for the time of Justice, for the second saving return of Christ, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity My Universal Son. April Live in the source of meekness, because thus you will find the Beloved children of God, many still do not believe in the true path of humility. 24 call of the Queen of Peace. Therefore today I ask you and I tell Let us pray, little children; pray more! you, little children: come to Me, because if you come, you will be in My Son, you will be in My Divine Peace. Thank you for responding to My call. No longer fear for that which still does not change in the Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity heart. It is important, dear children, that your hearts be in immense joy when My Immaculate Heart comes to the April encounter with all of you. You are My beloved children. My little children, And the world, what is it to My Heart? Do you know? 25 Thank you, because on this day I have collected with My I tell you, dear children, that humanity has been blessed hands of Mercy each one of your pleas made for this humanity throughout time by the merciful rays of God. God does not in need. Thank you also, dear children, for waiting for Me to have rage for the world. God is Love. God is Truth. God is receive My Message of Peace on this 25th of April. Hope and Forgiveness. God is the Primordial Source of Peace for the hearts. If you, My children, take the steps in the con- I want to tell you that I have been in Medjugorje because there, secration to My Immaculate Heart, I tell you that you will in that Kingdom of Prayer and Devotion, My other children be doing it for all My other children who deny the Celestial were waiting for Me. Thus, My children, you are able to know Love of God. what the Omnipresence of My Immaculate Heart is like and Today I come to your little hearts with a small piece of My how, in My Mission of Peace for the world, all of you accompa- Heaven so that you may be able to venerate and honor it for ny Me through the pathways of the prayer of the heart, which love of the Creator of All. in this time must be a flame that guides you and shelters you.

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April As the Mother of Graces I pour My Immaculate Spirit over 27 Dear children, the nations that most need God, Forgiveness and the Mercy Yesterday I invited you to live in the reconciliation of the of My Son. heart; today I invite you to continue exercising this attribute Today I want to invite you to continue on the path of prayer, from the Heavens, because each reconciliation that is lived will because if it is true and it is born from the heart, it will be able relieve the burden of suffering in the world. to transform you. For this reason, My children, carry in your hands My standard Dear children, I accompany you through this path that you of peace and in the prayer made with the heart you will allow are traveling, a path of consecration to God that will lead God to fulfill you with His Gifts and Graces. you towards the Infinite. You know, My little ones, that humanity fears the time of the My children, keep, especially, the presence of My Heart and great changes, but I tell you that in truth you must pray more so the Heart of Christ during these days of encounter with Me that all the fear may disappear. The enemy distracts the hearts so that it may help you in the moments that will come. through fear. For this reason, little children, if your hearts are vigilant in prayer, you will help this belief in fear to disappear I thank you, dear children, for accompanying Me on this path through the strong presence of love. of prayer that is awakened through My Maternal Presence in Dear children, stay in My Protective and Maternal Presence the world. so that your lives may find the true refuge of the heart: Peace. I thank you also for accompanying Me to the Apparitions in Life in peace is like the elevation of a bridge of Light to the Portugal, for God has something prepared for each heart that Heavens. This path will be built with daily prayer, a prayer that opens itself and trusts in My call. prepares you for the new times. Once again, today I say to you: thank you! Now is the moment to radiate to your brothers and sisters the From the Light of the Immaculate Heart, love that your hearts feel for My Glorified Son. In this way, from each life will be able to emerge a ray of fraternal love that Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity humanity needs to find again in these times. April Dear children, each one of your hearts is in My presence. I By request of the Divine Mother, the message for this day call you to reconcile yourselves with God through the act of 26 is the one from the Apparition of April 26, 2012, that forgiveness. took place in the Marian Center of Figueira, Carmo da Thank you for responding to My call. Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil. (See page 542) Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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April Special Message of Mary, Sanctuary of Aparecida, dedicated to the humble honor of 28 Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity My Immaculate Heart. transmitted in the National Sanctuary Come to Me through the Sanctuary of Aparecida, because on of Aparecida, São Paulo, Brazil this path you will be collaborating in the salvation of those As the Lady Aparecida I give you My Peace and My Blessing who are most lost and far from God. from the Merciful Heart of My Resurrected Son. Unite to the consoling principle of My Heart so that in ren- Today I call you, dear children, to live the flame of redemption ovated faith of all My children, hearts may arrive towards through this day of prayer and peace that is necessary for these the Kingdom of the Father, which is equal and humble for all, where the Love of My Son reigns. times in order to live a true conversion. Today also, My little children, I thank you for having responded to My call, because Carry in your lives the strength of My Heart and may this God Omnipotent, by means of the presence of My Immaculate attribute give you the opportunity to live the eternal state of Heart, sends you the plenitude of Forgiveness and Grace for forgiveness. reencountering the path through the call of the Faithful Servant Thank you, little children, for responding to My call. of God. I thank your hearts, in the Peace of My Heart. I want to tell you, My children, that the Lord Christ, through Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, the response of all, is pouring His Infinite and Divine Mercy the Blessed Aparecida of Brazil over some nations that need absolute forgiveness. Through the “yes” of all My dear children and through the intercession of April My Immaculate Heart, I have received the faithful permission The triumph of My Immaculate Heart will be able to occur before God so that millions of lost souls, throughout this final 29 through the immediate response of all My blessed children time, may be touched by the Light of My Maternal Heart. in the world. Dear children, because of the response of this part of human- The triumph of My Heart is the Presence of God the Father in ity, My Plans of Peace are descending upon the world. This the life of each soul. It is the reencounter promised by My Son. means, My children, that the sincere prayer of all of you and It is the coming Kingdom on the face of the Earth. of all the faithful to My Immaculate Heart has allowed, once My Immaculate Heart, dear children, is the Source of Graces more, the victory of My Immaculate Heart and the triumph that, throughout time, I have poured for love of My children. of the Plan of God in this cycle of tribulation. Now, My children, I invite you to make My Immaculate Heart Because of all this, dearest children, I call you to visit time and triumph through the constant exercise of the prayer of the again and according to the possibilities of each heart, this heart, as well as in all works of charity and service to the others.

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Dear children, the Purpose of God for each one of His little You must open your hearts day by day as the roses open up creatures is immense; this is why I call you all to witness the in the morning when they see the sun, and this may happen Presence of Christ in the hearts and His coming. And this will through the prayer that is born with the purity of the heart. happen when each soul of this humanity may accept to enter Dear children, you know how important Inner Peace is in the true and only Kingdom of God. these times. So that it may exist in all My children, I form you For this reason, dear children, the task in the groups of prayer in the school of prayer so that your hearts may also call other will be more constant, because each one of you must be, in children who must awaken in time to the life of prayer. prayer, a sentinel who guards and protects the call of God. In this time and for the aid of humanity, the presence of My For this reason, I leave you the mission of praying for all of Immaculate Heart is here. Through the triumph of the Heart those children who are waiting to be healed from the sorrow of God in Mary, I will be able to bring you towards the arms and alleviated from the loneliness which invades their lives of My Son, the beloved Shepherd of Forgiveness who awaits day by day. you in prayer and in communion from the Heavens. All My children will be under the spirit of Grace in order to Dear children, to be a Marian soldier of prayer it is enough to receive the strength to begin the path of the rehabilitation say “yes” and to persist in the purpose of responding to the of the heart. This will happen when each one of My praying divine call. On this path of service and of giving to the Will children extends their hands and delivers the love from the of God, your hearts will begin to consecrate themselves to My heart to those who, in truth, still cannot recognize the Face Heart, and the triumph of the Plan of Peace will be unique of the Lord. for the world. Because of all this, My children, the task of giving to others Thank you for responding to My call. must be broader in order to reach the hearts that are most distant. Peace, only Peace for these times. Today, dear children, I teach you the path of charity through Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity service and prayer because this last time is of immense Graces April for the conversion and the healing of the heart. Dear children, I hear the supplications of My children and I send My Marian 30 praying soldiers to work through the peace of the heart. Walk, Daily I address My words to your hearts because they have the children, towards the Eternal Light of My Immaculate Heart! gift of wisdom and understanding. Therefore, little children, know that the true words that come from My Immaculate Thank you for responding to My call. Heart want to awaken in you the precious gifts that My Son Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity has given you.

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2012 May May 2012


By request of the Divine Mother, the message for this day 1 is the one from the Apparition of May 1, 2012, that took place in the Monastery of the Divine Trinity, Brazil. (See page 548)

May 2 Dear children, Be in Jesus and live in My Son so that your hearts may prepare the Inner Temple for the coming of the greatest and venerable Redeemer. Today I call you to deepen into the path of prayer because in this way, dear children, you will remain with your hearts and your lives more elevated, distant from the temptations of the world. I want to be with you, accompanying you from the immensity of My Immaculate Heart so that your steps may follow the paths that My Son will reveal to you in His Return. Keep in your hearts all that which, as souls, you can live by means of prayer, because in this exercise True Love will be able to prevail in your hearts. Therefore, My children, await in My Son the new, the good and the pure, but before all else, you must know that you will have to build a path permeated by My Peace and My Love. As Co-Redeeming Mother, I bring you daily to My Son because this world still diverts the souls from the Purpose that God has in store for each little heart. I am here, among your lives, to guide you and show you how to reach My Glorified Son. The good exercises of faith and prayer elevate your hearts as Portal of Peace – Detail the great towers that watch over the Presence of the Light of Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil God. Never forget that you must turn towards God with eyes

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of peace and forgiveness so that the Purpose may be fulfilled Today, each one of My little ones, see yourself as a disciple in each one of My children. who, having received the instruction of the Master of Love, now waits in vigil for the next call. Know, My dear ones, that the prayer given by your hearts helps in the salvation of all My children who still live without hope Thus, My children, My Heart of Mother brings you again, in and without peace. this time, the call to prayer, to forgiveness, to reconciliation and to Mercy, so that your hearts may purify the feelings and I call you to perseverance through the powerful and lumi- all intention may become pure and crystalline as the water of nous Heart of Christ. a beautiful river. Peace for the world, because every day humanity needs Open your hearts, day by day, before the voice of My Heart peace, the Peace of God. and know that God calls you so that your lives may manifest Thank you for responding to My call. the gift of peace and of meekness in this time. May My voice reverberate with love in your hearts. The world will be able to receive the prayers from you, but even more it will be able to receive the effort to transform life into Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity an instrument of My Peace. May I prepare and I guide you with immense Maternal Love. I will raise those who are fallen. I will bring joy to those Thank you for responding to My call. 3 who are sad. I will give hope to those who have lost hope. I will relieve those who suffer. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Dear children, May These are the promises of My Son. Therefore, pray! Pray with 4 The world offends Christ and there are still only a few chil- the heart so that all My children may receive this precious and dren who, in prayer, repair His Divine Heart. It is time for the Merciful Act from My Son. My Heart serves you as protec- conversion of all lives that still in these times have not lived tion, as shelter and as salvation, so do not fear the falls of life. reconciliation. Today I invite you to stand up from where you are and walk Dear children, may your faces never lack the joy of being with again by means of the Divine Spirit of Christ, taken by the Me. I love you and I accompany you in all the changes that Hands of Light of My beloved Son. your hearts must live. Ask for aid from My Son because He, in His Merciful Power, will save you and will forgive you. You, dear children, must build in your hearts the promises of the Living Christ through prayer, as a preparation for the new I want to leave for you today the source of forgiveness because time of peace and in honor of the return of Jesus awaited by all. this is the only path that will take you towards the encounter

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with God. Allow each one of your lives to be reconciled day by Lord, give me a pure heart day with God, with the Highest and the Supreme. so that I keep hope and in Your Divine Mercy Dear children, act as souls of the Father that in the exercise reach Redemption. of prayer find strength and faith for the changes. Humanity must still pray much more so that it may receive the Grace of Lord, give me prodigious hands the Merciful Forgiveness. so that I only give and serve those in need of You. If you are in My Son and adore His Heart you will be able to take the steps towards the times that will come to the world. Amen. For this reason, live from the joy of the heart so that your hearts may receive the bliss of forgiveness and reconciliation Thank you for responding to My call. with the Supreme Father. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity The gratitude for each step that your lives are taking will show May you with wisdom the next path that My Son will illuminate to you with the power of the Light of His Sacred Heart. 5 When souls open themselves to respond to My call of peace, In order to strengthen your hearts, repeat with love and the Will of God manifests Itself in all that is creation and humility: life. The hearts receive the Law of Love and Grace because their lives are touched by the Merciful Love of God through Prayer to the Mercy of Christ My Son. Lord, give me merciful eyes Christ teaches you to walk in truth, in purity and in transpar- so that my glance ency because your lives in this time must be as crystalline as may see the need in each place. water, as pure as the soul and as joyful as the heart. Lord, give me a silent mouth My children, for your response to My Maternal Call, today I so that I only pronounce thank you all for your perseverance and for your faith. While words of Love and Light. you continue imitating the path of My beloved Son, you will Lord, give me a humble path be able to aid humanity, not only through the prayer of the so that my feet walk heart, but also through the humble service of each one of your through the pathway of simplicity. hearts that are offered to all My children that are spread over the face of the Earth. Lord, give me crystalline ears so that I only hear For this reason, dear children, allow that from you may shine Your words in every place. My hope for the conversion of all. In this way My Peace and

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My Maternal Heart will be aiding all for longer and the con- of the talents may awaken in each one of you, first the soul flicts will disappear before the presence of My Immaculate must be divested and die to itself in order to be reborn under Love. the Grace of the Holy Spirit. Today I give you the light from the Sources of Graces of Each path that My children travel takes them through long God the Father so that all, as only one, may be able to walk and difficult lessons that in some cases strengthen the spir- towards the redemption of life and of the heart. it and give it firmness, to continue through the pathway of consecration. Know, My children, and remember that you count on the lov- ing help of the guardian angels. They are the sigh of the Love I want to tell you, dear children, that this is a special time of of God on Earth and they wait to be welcomed and received Graces as well as of Conversion for each one of My children in each one of your little lives. of this humanity. I always bring you towards My Son, the Resurrected Christ, For this reason today I invite you to remain in the joy of giving so that in communion and in prayer with Him you may find and of service to God the Father because thus your lives will the new path towards God. be led to the sacred Feet of Christ. I thank you for responding to My call. Your hearts are true little lights that at each moment must ignite again in order to shine in this world through peace. Light for the whole Earth! For all this, know that My Merciful Love day by day wants to Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity help the hearts of this world. May Your hearts must be persevering and firm as the trees that 6 When a flower opens, it expresses the Love of Creation; elevate themselves to God. in this way, dear children, also your hearts must manifest Thank you for responding to My call. themselves in beauty and in purity as do the flowers. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Dear children, May With immense trust I place you all close to My Immaculate Heart so that you may take the steps towards the Heart of My So that your hearts may be strengthened through My Son, the Son. Know, children, that in the path of prayer your lives will 7 Redeemer and Savior of souls, fidelity is one of the paths that approach the consecration of your souls before the Kingdom today I invite you to travel out of love for the Plans of God. of God. The enemy is still active and it continues with the aim of The fruits that My Son has entrusted to you, such a long time obstructing My Plans of Peace. As long as you are in My ago, and that are called talents, must awaken by the imperious Immaculate Heart this will not affect you because you will exercise of prayer. But, My children, so that these sacred fruits be under My Protecting Mantle. When souls must mature

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as consciousnesses, they are very tempted by the enemy, but My children, by the wonderful and victorious Love of My Son in each test there exists the possibility for each one of My today I invite you to remember the daily prayer and commu- children of consecrating and confirming themselves to the nion with Christ; these two inner exercises will help you to Divine Purpose. revert the great pain of humanity. As a Guardian Mother of the Souls in these times of great A true act of communion with the Merciful Heart of Jesus changes for this sick and sleeping humanity, I try to make My begins with the absolute trust of each one of you. This, dear Rays of Peace, Salvation and Mercy reach the greatest number children, will strengthen you in the faith and in the love that of lives possible so that they may be protected, through the you must live with My Son, the Most High Priest and Savior. prayer of the heart, from the attacks that the enemy plans when one of My children reaches consecration. Today allow that your lives remain the longest time possible under the Rays of My Son, merciful rays that will help in the The victory of the Heavens on Earth will proceed by means of the intense and loving pleas that My children proclaim for conversion and surrender of your hearts to God. If you count love of God, so that His forgiveness may descend. on the presence of My Son in your lives, you will be silently helping all My children in an act of love and from Heart to Dear children, do not fear for how much is still left for you to heart, allowing thus the presence of My Immaculate Heart change in life or for how heavy the burden is that each one of to be upon the world. you carries and that must be liberated and redeemed. The true time of conversion begins with the complete surren- In the present times, allow the Light of My virginal shield to der to God; thus the celestial greatness will be able to descend shelter you and for this, My children, call for the presence of over all the hearts of My beloved children. My loving Maternal Protection. Continue in prayer, My children, this is urgent for humanity, You know that I guard you all, but now it is time for each one of you to grow as a consciousness and as a heart. which must awaken to the eyes of the One and Only God. Go ahead, little children! You are little praying soldiers who, in service, form part of the Marian Army on Earth. Thank you for responding to My call. I hope that many more children enter into My Immaculate Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Heart so that they may reconcile with God and so that He May may forgive them. 8 Dear children, Thank you for responding to My call. With gratitude and love, rejoice your little hearts so that My Have a good exercise of prayer, My little children! words of peace and conversion may be able to be heard by the Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity ears of your little hearts.

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May In the twelve stars of My crown you will find the guidance that of the Lord will help you and He will consider this humble 9 I come to announce to the world. They are like the guiding star offering on the part of all. of Bethlehem for each one of My children. The stars are like Thank you, children, for responding to My call. the dawn and the morning star in the Sky for those who must resurrect to life in Christ. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Dear children, with immense joy I bring you towards the May Heart of My Son, who must be loved and venerated daily by Blessed are the little and humble of spirit because from this humanity. This preparation will allow you to receive the 10 them will spring the Love of My Beloved Son. Redeemer for the second time. Dear children, Dear children, today I want to invite you to contemplate the Merciful Face of the Living God through the presence of My Today I invite you to mold, through the prayer of the heart, a Son. May you also witness the Presence of the Most Beloved humble spirit of service and giving to the Will of God. Heart of God through My Immaculate Heart. The day-to-day of your lives will bring to you a humble spirit Know, dear children, that in My stars you will be able to see through charity and service to others. the new dawn, the many years of peace; that promise that was Dear children, if you had a humble spirit, humanity would written in the Heart of God the Father for all My children. already be different and it would be permeated by a Higher In the adorable and venerable Heart of Christ you will find Grace. I know that many of My beloved children who have the secure path that will lead you towards the Kingdom surrendered themselves into the hands My Son, daily seek this of God. purpose and this Divine Inner Gift; but today I tell you, My little children, that for the humble spirits, everything will pass, Humanity can, with prayer, remedy the past and the suffer- but the true Kingdom of My Immaculate Heart will prevail ing that it itself has been gestating for a long time. Now My in the lives of each one of My children. Marian soldiers must express the hope and the redemption for all those who still do not have them. My children, each little soul that consecrates itself to God is a victory in the Kingdom of the Heavens because it is one more I also announce to you today, dear children, that My monthly soul in need of Light and Redemption that is included in the presence on the 12th and 13th of May, once again in the revived Purpose of Salvation. and beloved Portugal, will be extended until the 14th of May, in a pilgrimage of all those present in the apparitions, to the Dear children, may My Maternal Heart be a refuge and an Sanctuary of Fatima and Aljustrel. In this exercise you will internal repair for each one of you. Thus My universal Light be, as many other children, alleviating My Immaculate Heart will be able to aid you at any time, when you simply unite to and alleviating the Justice promised for . The Angel My Maternal Love.

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Today I collect from the world many souls of God that, because the presence of My Celestial Light wants to cause love thanks to the response to My call, have been able to be elevat- to reappear in the hearts that are very thirsty for God. ed towards a Kingdom that is closer to the Face of the Lord. My children, may My presence on the 12th and the 13th of this My children, today I give you this key of the humble spirit so month be the preparation so that not only your hearts but that it may be the true reason to renew your lives of prayer and also your lives may open the doors to those who truly need of giving to God. My Immaculate Heart. Know, dear children, that each act of True Love has repercus- My Merciful Heart will do a part of this mission that God has sions in the world in need of Light. entrusted to Me, but know, My little children, that I count on the serving assistance of each one of you in the exercise of Because of all this, the Mercy of God is great in these times prayer and in the works of charity, for love of God the Father. and thus My Face of Mercy will be with you on the 25th and 26th of May in Fatima, Portugal. Thus, dear children, all the hearts that lack hope will be able to find a new Light that comes through Me as a help to the Thank you for responding to My call. world, that prepares you and brings you towards the encounter My Maternal Love to all. with My Son. He is the Source of Life for all, He is the pathway for the consecration of the heart. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity I await you in prayer because it is necessary for the world. May Thank you for responding to My call. The hope that may spring from your hearts will allow 11 you to awaken the love for the Purpose and thus the steps Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity that you must take towards the Lord will be more truthful. May Dearest children of God, 12 Dear children of God, Today I invite you to prepare My coming to Portugal with Being close to the anniversary of the Apparitions of Fatima, the immense joy that comes from your hearts. In this way today I invite you to open your hearts through My universal your lives will shine in peace when My Immaculate Heart is and Celestial call to the world. among all of you. As Queen of Peace, as Universal Mother, today I especially But today I ask you, especially, that My arrival in Fatima, after address all My children who have left the path of Christ, who such a long time, be announced to all those who still have not have abandoned the aspirations and the promises of My Son. found My beloved Son and those who have lost hope in Him, I place them all within My loving and merciful Heart of Peace

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and I tell them to resume the path to Christ because in these The true way in this cycle will be to heal the pained and sick times He will serve you as a bright star during the night. heart of humanity. It must know the Eternal Peace and the True Love that spring from the Source of My Graces, which Because of all this, I want to especially address My Immaculate we call God the Father. Heart towards all My children who deny My existence; I tell you that I love you, that I will love you and help you even more I accompany your spirits through the infinite joy of the Holy after this world. Spirit and through the prayers that I constantly pronounce to the Father for all of you. Allow, in this moment, your hearts to reconcile with and unite to the One and Only Father of the Universe, who has been May My little Heart of Servant and of the Nazarene Mother awaiting your return for a long time. help you reveal the true steps that your lives seek so much. Live in God without restrictions so that wisdom may guide Dear children, I am only a Messenger from Heaven who wants you to the path of My Absolute Peace. to help you to see and to find the path that many have lost out of ignorance or by distancing themselves from the Will of I want you to be able to know Me without fear because many the Father. of My children still fear the power of My Love. My Immaculate Heart gathers you in this life and in the name of My Blessed Know, My children, that My Heart will not harm you. It only Son, Christ Jesus; remember that He is the Truth that unites wants to make you discover how it is to love God in life, from you, He is the Path that congregates you and He is the new the heart. Life that will have you awaken by the presence of His Merciful Love. For this reason, dear children, My guardian Heart has persisted in this world for a long time because It must see the new and Under the spirit of peace, My Heart invites you to enter the redeemed humanity appear. But for this to happen, beloved Kingdom that you have always searched for. You will reach children, you must take the leap towards divinity, which is the peace through Christ, who for a long time has been opening one and only direction that your lives must have. a new door for you. I need all My children to return to the path of love that they Know, My children, that I love you. have lost, and to reencounter with forgiveness, that is lacking Thank you for responding to My call. in many of My children from not having remained in God. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Therefore, dear children, you must aspire to humility because it is in it that you will be able to understand the great Mysteries of God, mysteries that many try to mentally understand.

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May My children, My Heart and live joyfully with Me this victorious memory 13 of My Heart in Fatima for the whole world. For the great and immense Love of God the Father, today let us celebrate the memory and the anniversary of My Apparitions Let us pray! Let us pray! Let us only pray! in Fatima. May peace be the principle for each one of your Thank you for responding to My call. lives, and through the Presence of My Immaculate Love may your hearts be ignited again. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Dear children, today I bring you the memory of Fatima May because it was there that My Maternal Heart triumphed By request of the Divine Mother, the message for this day throughout Europe. With this I want to tell you that there My 14 is the one from the Apparition of May 14, 2012, that took Heart founded, for the world, the school of prayer, an exercise place in the Sacred Heart Nucleus, Madroeira, Portugal. that for a long time I have been inviting you to contemplate (See page 556) and travel with the heart. May My children, through Fatima you will be able to find the Merciful Love of My Heart, because today I remind you of 15 As Mary of Nazareth I give you today all the Love of My how important it is to live in the prayer of the heart. Through Immaculate Heart of Mother. this path that you are now traveling, My universal Light can Dear children, help many of My children that must reach the state of peace. It has now been six months of daily messages transmitted with In the praying responses of each one of you, God the Father immense joy and gratitude to you. With this I want to tell can pour His wonders and His gifts over those children who you that the path of prayer is infinite for your lives, and it is do not live the One and Only God. In this exercise of prayer on this path where you will be able to find peace and faith for you will be strengthening your lives for the total consecration the heart. to My Immaculate Heart, but also, the prayers will reach all those who, in an emergency, are in need of salvation through I accompany you today as I have been doing for six months in this definitive cycle in the life of My children in the world. My intercession. Your perseverance will permit the awakening of the spiritual Dear children, the path to Fatima is a path towards the depth motivation of prayer in other children. Each action that is done of the heart, it is where, through the exercise of prayer, you will with the heart glorifies God the Father. Thus you will be inside be able to find purity and devotion, necessary instruments for the Kingdom of His Love and His Will. the redemption of humanity. So that your lives may take the correct steps towards the Lord, In My Son you will find the fire that will illuminate and shel- you must imitate the path of humility and obedience that ter you in the face of everything. Withdraw your hearts into Christ, My Resurrected Son, lived before the Presence of the

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Heart of the Father. This exercise of obedience and humility to pray for the miseries that trap the heart of many of My little will awaken in you the trust in the merciful decisions of God children so that My Heart may be able to liberate them and and thus your hearts will be able to be strengthened on the help them through My Original Immaculate Purity. path. Dear children, to alleviate the great pains, prayers will keep Remember, little children, that the good works that are born you awake and attentive so that wisdom may guide you to the from the heart not only please the Heart of the Father, but place where the need of the world is. also have repercussions on the mission of redemption for humanity, a mission that My Son will bring forth in His return Today the world needs true prayer from all the devout servers to Earth. of My Immaculate Heart because in this way, My children, God the Father will help all hearts in the world with His Graces For these moments your hearts must be in prayer and awake of Peace and Redemption. before the real needs of the world so that your eyes, the eyes of souls in service to God, may recognize the Presence of My I only ask you to watch for the presence of humility because Son among you. in truth it will give you the courage so that each one of My Know, dear children, that in the same way that He was among children may be able to respond to My emerging and urgent His followers after the glorious resurrection, again He will be requests. in the world, especially with the new disciples who await Him Know that I only want to see the world be reborn before with an open and surrendered heart. the merciful eyes of God so that He may forgive you and The will of the Father will be able to be fulfilled in this last liberate you from every inner situation. For this, My dearest cycle through your response. My Will of Mother comes from children, you have My Immaculate Heart donated, open and the Supreme Will. surrendered to you out of Love. Let us celebrate in prayer the six months of daily encounters Be sincere with each other’s hearts and may the Ray of the with Me, the Mother of Peace. Mercy of My Son be able to purify and liberate you from all Thank you for responding to My call. faults so that under the Holy Spirit you may be free of your- selves, and you may glorify the Father eternally, together with Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity the angels, the archangels and the cherubim. May Let us give thanks for the intercession of the Divine Spirit in 16 In spite of everything, My Message of Peace and Salvation these times. must reach the world because humanity will need the keys of Glory to God in the Highest! Redemption in this time of profound changes in all hearts. Thank you for responding to My call. Humanity still does not know the great sufferings and pains that many of My children live. For this reason, today I call you Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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May As the Lady of Sorrows I ask God for all My children so that The time of the calling is now, therefore, little children, redeem 17 My Immaculate Heart may be able to intercede before them. yourselves! Redeem yourselves! Redeem what you still have Today I ask you for more prayer with the heart so that God the not redeemed so that you may redress the Father for so many Father may hear My supplications for the world. offenses that He receives from the world. Those who do not live the conversion of their lives, how will Be joyful so that your hearts may approach purity. they be able to endure the changes that will come for the puri- I thank you for responding to My call. fication of souls? Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Remember, My children, that in contemplation and in the renunciation from the heart you will find the true mysteries of May the Will of the Father that humanity still cannot live. 18 My Heart extends Its Love over My children and the world. My Heart wants to bring you each day to the Presence of My My arms are extended to give you Peace and Redemption. Son so that you, by imitating the beatitudes of the Shepherd, Dear children, may be able to dissolve, through fraternal love, the great evil that this world lives. Today I call you all to be in My eternal prayer, with the heart in the Heights, with the heart in the Lord. For this, My chil- From epoch to epoch My Immaculate Heart brings a message dren, go to the Fountain of My Son and drink from His Mercy, for the conversion of all. Therefore, in this time, the conversion because you are still in time. and the detachment from all faults through the true prayer I pour My Graces on you, as humanity, so that the hearts may of the heart will allow you to live the reconciliation with the strengthen themselves in the Lord. Remember to be in God Lord. throughout the path. Thus, My children, your lives will partic- Dear children, I have a tear on My Face, which is showing My ipate in the communion with Him and with the Resurrected pain for this humanity. I wait in the hope that My children Christ. who are distant from God may be able to approach Him. I pray Allow yourselves to live in the Holy Spirit so that each one of for all of them and place them closer to My Maternal Spirit so Its Gifts may manifest itself in your hearts and in your lives. that they may reach redemption and conversion. Cry out in prayer for the Presence of this Divine Flame and Humanity still must live acts of deep humility to be able to be humble to be able to receive it in the Grace of God. It will relieve the offenses that the Heart of God receives. For this give you all the Love of the Father and it will illuminate you reason, My praying children will be able to relieve the heart of during the night, as a great Light of the Lord. the Father through unity among souls, love among hearts and Through this Flame of the Holy Spirit you will be closer to peace in all homes on the Earth. This will help in the conver- God. Therefore, feel this Flame and think of it as a standard sion of many children who need it. of wisdom and prayer.

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Contemplative prayer will bring you closer to the Holy Spirit Uniting your hearts in one true, pure and crystalline heart of and in this exercise your hearts will find the Peace that the children and of brothers and sisters, you will be providing the world needs so much. example for those who still do not live fraternity. Each soul will have, before God, the opportunity to be reborn in Love If you are in Christ you will be able to see the path of charity, and Redemption. whose time has arrived for the world to live. For this, the praying assistance from My Marian Armies on For this reason I extend My arms of Mercy, to shelter you and Earth makes a difference, and it will allow the conversion of accompany you as the Mother of Graces. hearts that would be irrecoverable. Be with Me, My little ones! My Immaculate Heart is close to In this way, the Grace of God will be the strength and the you. I contemplate you. I adore you. I love you. victory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in this epoch and in this Thank you for responding to My call. humanity. It will be an act and an exercise of service on the part of all the children that accompany My Marian Spirit. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity May life, converted into a new flower for the Creator, be of May profound beauty for your hearts. Today I only ask you to keep Because many souls need Mercy in this final time, My rays of vigil with Me in prayer. 19 Love and Pity try to reach all of My children. You will be able to live My words when they are a prayer in Because of all this, dear children, today I invite you to contem- your lives. plate the Face of Compassion and Love of our Eternal God Thank you for responding to My call. the Father so that through inner prayer you may be able to help, out of love, other souls that are scattered and lost in Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity the world. With the praying collaboration of your hearts you May will enter the Merciful Plan of Salvation and in this way you will be partakers of the Redeeming Plan of My Son. 20 Dear and beloved children, Only the life of prayer will prepare you for the time that will In the face of anything that happens in the world you must come, but for now, place your eyes and your hands on the radiate the absolute peace of the heart, which is born in contemplative beads of prayer so that the Angels of the Lord each one of My children through the daily coming of My may assist the world in need of True Love and Inner Peace. Immaculate Heart to your lives. I come towards My children to give them the Peace of My My children, may harmony prevail today in your hearts so Immaculate Heart and to make them remember the commit- that the Peace of Christ may settle in them. It is necessary to ment with Christ, My beloved Son. have much courage in this time, a courage that may lead you

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May to give yourselves to God so that the plans of My Peace may 21 By request of the Divine Mother, the message for this day be fulfilled in the world. is the one from the Apparition of May 21, 2012, that took place in the Sacred Heart Nucleus, Madroeira, Portugal. Today I call you in a special way to convert yourselves into (See page 562) a point of prayer and devotion so that the angels may be able to help in the salvation of many souls. For this, dear children, May I place you close to the Kingdom of the Lord and thus your My children, hearts will be participants of the inner communion with 22 My Son. Remember today that the great communion that exists for the world and for all souls is the Sacred Heart of My Son. From I also invite you in obedience to live from prayer, as a primor- Him pours the restorative fountain for all hearts, and He is dial instrument that will quench the thirst of the spirit and the infinite path to the conversion of the heart. will allow you to meet with My Son, who awaits you in Love and Forgiveness. In the Sacred Heart of My Son you will find the new dwelling that many of My forsaken children should seek, but they have Dear children, open the doors of your hearts so that My Heart their gazes on other places of life. of Peace may be sown in your lives and thus you may see the designs of the Creator. Through the absolute trust in God you I ask of you, My children, who have been able to walk forward will be able to accompany, step by step, My Plans of Salvation with the help of the holy daily prayer, that through devotion for each one of the souls. you bear witness to the existence and the Presence of My Son in each human heart. Your lives must transmit the example of Awaken in your lives that which My Son has left you as a a true conversion through prayer and consecration to the Most legacy: the Good News, and live them as precious precepts for Sacred Heart of Jesus. the transformation and the consecration to God the Father. If you gave the example of a life converted and sheltered by the May the Holy Spirit be the guidance for each one of My Love of Christ, many of My children distant from this truth children. Begin this day in prayer and know that I shelter you and this Christian feeling would be able to return to the arms above all things. of the Redeemer. I love you. Be in My Maternal Peace. Dear children, daily union with Christ strengthens you as souls and as existences in God’s Plan of Love. The good and simple Thank you for responding to My call. example of surrender to Jesus will allow you to shine as stars Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity during the nights that will come to purify the absurd world. The compassionate ears of God are attentive to the pleas of the pure hearts that think of the salvation of all in these times.

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As the new flock of Christ, renewed in faith and in the conse- Pray for the planet and for all the tiny kingdoms that belong cration to My Immaculate Heart, today I ask you and call you to the Creator God and which are assaulted by the hands of to convert into real and true Marian banners of prayer so that, humanity. as a legion of My Maternal Heart, you may be able to build Pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit so that through the the one and only restored and redeemed heart in the human- Heart of God this blessed Spirit may change and transform the ity that will come: One only heart of love; one only feeling of consciousness of all the souls, for the Glory and Good of God. brotherhood; one only goal for all My children: Fraternity. Pray for the presence of Divine Mercy, necessary and urgent Thank you for responding to My call. for the life of many children who, step by step, distance them- From the Light of the Infinite and Merciful Heart of Jesus, selves from the Love of God. Their own decisions in life deviate souls, and the enemy imprisons them as if in an eternal prison. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Pray for the immediate arrival of Christ to Earth and to hu- May manity so that the Will of the Father may be fulfilled. In this Pray every day with the loving voice of the heart and thus, dear way your hearts prepare themselves for the time when the Son 23 children, you will be responding to the call of God. of God may return among the clouds. Pray with love and devotion because in this way, My children, Pray for the conversion of those that have been offending God the Merciful Heavens will be able to save many souls that suffer for so long and for those who do not pray to My Immaculate and live immersed in the pain of life and of the heart. Heart. Pray for the conversion and for the total forgiveness of the For so many prayers and offers on the part of My children who world so that the Most High God may listen to you and know, hear Me, I will be eternally grateful. that as humanity, you want to be in His Celestial Grace. Thank you for responding to My call. Dear children, pray out of love for all the little children who, May the Light of God be upon all hearts. forsaken, need the strength of all prayers to direct again their eyes towards the Creator God, the God of Love and Truth. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity May Pray for all the causes that day by day are unfair to the Heavens and that compromise the free walk of the hearts. 24 My children, Pray for peace so that the Angels of the Lord may help all the Continue praying for the coming of the Holy Spirit and for souls that, lost, must have the hope of entering the Kingdom Sacred Peace because many of My children are now closer to of the Heavens. living the conversion of the heart. This conversion begins by

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recognizing oneself as a child of God redeemed by Christ and Thank you for responding to My call. forgiven by His Merciful Love before God. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Know today, dear children, that I call you to hope and to per- May sistence in each one of your hearts, because in this way you will be able to be before the Heart of the Father in constant 25 By request of the Divine Mother, the message for this day contemplation. is the one from the Apparition of May 25, 2012, that took place in Fatima, Portugal. (See page 568) Dear children, in the face of any external or internal situation May in your lives I tell you to trust God and to unite to the redeem- ing principle of My Son because in this way My Mantle of As the Mother of Consolation I give you Peace and all the Protection will shelter you above all things. 26 Celestial Love of the Father. Today I also remind you of the importance of being in ado- As the Queen of Heaven I want to bring you closer to the ration to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the eternal Divine Heart of My Son. communion with His Blessed Spirit of Love. Whoever is in Today, dear children, the permission on the part of each one Jesus finds the strength and courage to transcend the limits of you will allow your souls to unite to Christ and Christ to of their own transformation of the heart. unite in Love to you. Withdraw your hearts into the Heart of My Son because in Now is the time to live the conversion of the heart through the this simple exercise of adoration you will allow the flame of daily exercise of the word of prayer. compassion and of fraternal love to manifest in each one of you. Your lives must be the example of brotherhood and charity so that this message of giving may be transmitted to those who Open your consciousness so that the Source of Graces that still do not live in the absolute service to the Creator. is helping a great part of humanity may be able to approach your hearts as a Gift of Peace and of Light of God. Dear children, My Immaculate Heart is the great consolation and help for all souls and in My arms you can find the nec- Know, little children, that I accompany you, but now the essary refuge and shelter for each one of My children. When moment has come for your lives to mature like fruits and for everything seems to be difficult in your lives, it will be the your hearts to grow like trees. With the heart converted into moment, My children, to commune through prayer with My a beautiful flower for the Creator, you will be corresponding Glorified Son. to the Plan of Peace for the world. It is time to direct your gaze to the consoling and merciful Let us pray out of love for all My children. The task begins Gaze of Jesus, for in Him you will find relief for the inner now, it is already time! Calvary that you are living.

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Know, dear children, that the great consolation that My Heart Dear children, may each cross that you carry be an offering wants to pour is the consolation of peace. Because it is in peace for peace in the world and above all for the reconciliation of that many of My children in the world will be able to be born all hearts with the Highest God. as precious essences before the throne of God. The cross of sorrow has already been carried by My Son. His The true consoling relief for the afflicted is one of My celestial Redeeming Love has triumphed in the world and He made missions on Earth. But now, I give to all the Marian groups of eternal life return to all. prayer the task of reversing through the prayer of the heart all I know the burden and the magnitude of each cross of My that which causes suffering to the innumerable children that children and I want to help alleviate any burden so that you, need peace and love. with free hands and arms, may run in immense joy to God. You are already under My Mantle, but now the other children, Humanity carries a great cross that throughout time the the ones that are most distant from Me, must also be under the Celestial Father has tried to alleviate through the Presences Redeeming Light of Jesus, the Infinite Light of God the Father. of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and of My Immaculate Heart. Thank you for responding to My call. But now, little children, you as true groups of prayer, will be Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity able to cry out for the source that heals all and restores all: the inexhaustible source of Mercy. It is in Mercy that all will be May able to be alleviated. Dear children, 27 Trust in the Merciful Christ because His Love will embrace If you carry a cross in life, it is a sign that your hearts must you when you simply say: “Yes, to You I surrender myself, Lord.” continue walking as the Heart of Jesus walked until the end. Thank you for responding to My call. Even though the cross may seem heavy, the cross itself is the reason for you to follow the path towards redemption, being Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity forgetful of everything and loving all that each one has and May that was given by the Lord. Little children, Know, My children, that the path of redemption is a path that 28 calls you to the reparation of the past by means of forgiveness, Remember to be like children in order to be in the Victorious so that in this way your hearts may reach reconciliation with Kingdom of the Lord. With your pure hearts you will find God the Father. He waits for you with immense Love and the doors to the Heavens. In the prayer of the Heart you Compassion so that your lives, by means of redemption, may will find a beautiful refuge that I prepare for you inside My be elevated towards the Heavens. Immaculate Heart.

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And if you are in My Son, the Master of Love, you will know Thank you to all the praying souls, for responding to My the aspects of His Grace and His Mercy in this new time that Maternal Call. comes for humanity. I thank you! The harmony of your hearts together with the act of daily prayer helps to dissolve the great evils and sufferings that Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity many souls live. So that the Light of Christ may become pres- May ent in each life on Earth you must give the permission, in the prayer of the heart, for Mercy to act in the world. 29 Will you carry with Me the banner of peace? The Source of Divine Mercy needs praying missionaries who Will you help Me propagate My message in the world? may be able to respond to the call for peace that My Immaculate Dear children, through the prayer of the heart, you will be able Heart pronounces to the world, an urgent call for the repara- to be My messengers, who communicate to everyone what My tion of all humankind, believers and atheists, who need the words dictate day by day to your hearts. Many are My Marian Grace of Redemption in order to be in the Reconciliation and soldiers of prayer, the armies of the Father on Earth. But to the omnipotent Mercy of God the Father. continue in this service to the Creator of All, you, in the groups Because of all this, dear children, My Marian voice calls you of prayer, must always renew yourselves in the exercise of the to live the time of true and constant prayer for the souls of this prayer of the heart. world and for the souls in purgatory. Today I invite you to live in the instruction of the one and Every creature of this age that was born from the Heart of omnipotent Lord who is in the Heavens; may He be for you God, but that has come through other paths to insuperable the wise and kind paternity that so many children seek in the tests and learning experiences, must become rescuable and be spirit. saved in these times. My Immaculate Heart wants to lead you to know and feel My Maternal Heart invites you to convert yourselves into a the greatness of being in the Lord and how all of you can be continuous prayer so that each one of your lives may represent invaded by His Wonders and Mercies. But before this, My a flame of prayer for this current humanity that must reach children, each one of you must be repaired in the Lord so that the Grace of Conversion. your hearts may live the forgiveness that is promised by My My Marian Spirit is with each one of the hearts that form Son Jesus. the groups of prayer and also with those children who pray Know, dear children, that Christ, the Redeemer of the World, in solitude. is attentive to the voice of all supplications. They must be true My Merciful Heart wants to touch with Its Light all creatures before the eyes of My Son so that He may be able to indi- that are on the face of the Earth because I want to bring all cate the path to you. And thus you will be able to proceed in towards the Kingdom of the Heavens. God because your souls must remain, through prayer, in the

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infinite ocean of Mercy so that your mistakes and pains may So, beloved children, the most loving act of reparation of all be liberated little by little. faults committed against the Universe of God is the prayer and the fraternal giving to others. You, dear children, represent, for the Heavens, precious diamonds which polished and transformed by prayer, must be I want to tell you, My little children, that each step you take in near to the Hands of God so that He may place you as Light prayer will be collaborating for peace in the world. in the universe. Many of My children are precious diamonds that still are not polished and that lose the intensity of their The Grace and the Love of God will be the strength for all the own inner brilliance. Marian missionaries who are on their way to the consecration to My Immaculate Heart. For this reason, dear children, the prayer for all children col- laborates so that all souls may also be repaired by My Maternal Also, today I tell you, My little creatures, not to have fear for Hands and by the Rays that spring constantly from Jesus. anything. I will be in your hearts when you allow it. Know that I am a messenger of God who wants to let you know the Thank you for responding to My call. Infinite Love of the Father in My Son Jesus. In divine prayer for all, Your hearts must be prepared for when the one and only Son Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity of God returns to the encounter of all hearts. Trust in His Merciful Love because each one of you can be in this immense May and compassionate Love of Jesus. 30 As the Mother of Good Counsel, today I tell you, My children: Let us pray for all the causes that the hearts need and present be in My Peace, trust in My Peace, live in My Peace so that before God the Father. this celestial and inner serenity that many of My children lack may be able to reach all through the imperious strength of the Thank you for responding to My call. prayer of the heart. I am the kind Mother of all, therefore I love you. Today I am with you, tomorrow in the Celestial Kingdom of Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity God; the world must be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, for this is My Divine Mission for these times. May Therefore, dear children, your offering of the exercise of prayer 31 My little ones, souls donated to the Living God, I say to you: and of a life of sanctity, manifested in fraternity, in charity, in the soul that prays is with Me. The soul that prays lives the service and in love for others, will count for the merits of the promise of the new kingdom. The soul that prays liberates itself salvation of the world, for the salvation of all the souls that are from its own sorrows and gives relief to its brothers and sisters without God, even those who still believe they are in Him, but through its prayers. The soul that prays transcends the fears whose lives lead them to move away from His Heart. because it is a soul that is in the joy and in the Mercy of God.

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The soul that prays is working as a living heart for peace. The soul that prays is in the promise of the coming Heavens, which will come to the aid of humanity. The soul that prays will know the Holy Spirit because God will protect it in His Love. The soul that prays receives wisdom from My Son, and in the prayer of the heart awakens the consciousness for the Plan of God on Earth so that this plan of love may be fulfilled. This is why the soul that prays can, in prayer, help the world because it is a peaceful soul that accepts the Will of God. The soul that prays has become part of the Marian army that, through the Resurrected and Glorified Christ, aspires to be in God the Father each day. The soul that prays is a companion of Love and spouse of the Divine Truth because this soul is united to the Laws of the Most High. The soul that prays will work more for this world, for all the souls that do not pray, do not adore and do not wait for God. Thus, dear children, the soul that prays will be in the sacrifice and in the prayer of the heart and this will be its shield and strength to be in the world. Today, My children, I invite you to convert yourselves into a praying soul so that the Grace of God may be in each one of your hearts, and in the celestial horizon you may be able to see the Truth and Guidance of God. Therefore, the souls that pray must be in My Son, the Re- deemer. The soul that prays can be in the arms of Christ. I will be with My Immaculate Heart guiding the souls that pray to God, Our eternal inner aspiration. Thank you for responding to My call. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

284 “I want that you continue pilgrimaging with Me by means of prayer.”

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June 1 The one and only path of salvation: Jesus. The true and strong hope in everything: Christ. The firmness before the tests and the challenges that My chil- dren may live: Jesus Christ. He is the Primordial Shepherd for your hearts. Christ is the Guiding Star that will announce Itself to the world for the second time. Therefore, dear children, today I invite you to pray so that the Guiding Star of Christ, which is His Sacred Heart, may be among you as It was once among the apostles. Not only your lives can be consecrated to the Purpose of Christ in this time on Earth, but also each one of you can, in trust, be a faithful friend of Jesus. I want, My children, that you be able to learn to love through the example of humility that Christ expressed when He lived in the world and shared His Wonders and Teachings of Love with Me, His Mother. Even on the Cross, until the last moment, He contemplated the misery of humanity through His Infinite and Divine Mercy. Dear children, I want you to learn through the daily act of prayer and of aspiration to remain always in Jesus. This will help you transcend the human limits that prevent many from taking steps towards the Eternal God. You are still in the final times of Grace. For this reason I call you so that, through sincere prayer, you may intercede for all the children who are far from God and even more, for all those who do not want to listen to this Servant of God, who comes Pilgrimage again to the world to give you forgiveness, salvation and aid at Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil the end of these times.

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Through daily prayer, dear children, your little consciousnesses the salvation of the soul. God wants to reach them in this hour, prepare themselves for the new times, in which the faith and with His Fountain of Mercy and Wonders, through all the the love in My Son will be keys for the great salvation. Marian hearts that respond to the call for peace and redemp- tion of all creatures of this world. It is time, little children, for all to run to the Fountain of the Mercy of Jesus and for your hearts to place themselves under Therefore, dear children, all prayers that you may exercise the eternal Rays of Reparation and of Forgiveness. For this, during this time will have repercussions in the time of the so as the Mother of Graces, I illuminate your path so that called Final Judgment. you may move forward through the right pathway towards My call asks you to unite your hearts to the Divine Heart the Savior. of My Son so that the world, through the consecrated beings I count on the prayers of all. and souls, may be able to be saved and redeemed. I carry you all in My Maternal Heart. Dear children, no soul is far from its own Judgment before God. For this reason, He invites you to live in reconciliation Thank you for responding to My call. and prayer in order to be able to manifest harmony and peace in yourselves. Peace for all My little ones. Know, My children, that My Heart of Mother waits for you in Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity prayer because the prayer of the heart awakens the faith that is June supported by the Flame of the Holy Spirit. 2 Dear children, Thank you for responding to My call. Never lose the bliss of living in the Lord and the joy of Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity responding to His Divine Will. You, My children, already June know that humanity needs much prayer to be able to alleviate from the Heart of the Father, all the suffering that it lives. 3 Dear children, Grace and Reconciliation have been the keys that have opened Find a safe refuge in My Son Jesus so that He may fill you with new doors for you. Today I ask you to always remember all His Gifts of Peace and Love. Search through prayer for the the children who, unconscious and without inner guidance, Kingdom of the Heavens. Cultivate meekness in your hearts are moving towards the abyss through the temptations of this so that the exercise of humility may awaken in your lives. Remember all the works of charity that you can perform world epoch. towards one another. Elevate your souls towards the Merciful With prayer you will be able to help all these beloved children Heart of God because it is through Christ that you will find who do not live in God and who, tempted, decline without the true life and the true path.

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June Therefore, dear children, today I call you again to perceive the As the Mother and Door of Heaven, today I say to you, importance of converting yourselves into Marian columns of 4 servers of Peace, live in Peace and for Peace so that the prayer, into Lights of Christ for the world in pain. And in this greatest amount of souls may seek this Divine Spirit of exercise of consecration to God you will be allowing Him, Reparation. from your hearts, to place His eyes of compassion and love on Dear children, all those who still deny Him. The divine time that elapses in the world wishes to transform My children, each prayer repairs, each prayer builds again a you into instruments of God, but your lives go through learn- new bridge of peace between the Heavens and Earth. If you ing experiences that must mature the consciousness. Therefore, knew how Heaven is, your little hearts would already want dear children, each moment that you live day by day is an to come with Me to this beloved place of peace. But for this to opportunity to forgive yourselves and reconcile yourselves happen all humanity must reach the Great Heavens, where with God. Christ, the Source of Redeeming Love for all creatures, reigns. Each moment of life must make you grow in the heart and Therefore, dear children, the ample exercise of permanent convert you into a precious heart of peace. prayer will permit you to mature as consciousnesses, so that the wisdom of the Holy Spirit may be able to lead you in Many of the faithful devotees to My Immaculate Heart will humility towards the Will of God. be called servers of peace by the Supreme Voice of the Heavens. This means that your hearts must be formed in the school The Father has a precious Plan of Love for each creature but, of prayer so that each one may be able to collaborate in the as time goes by, souls are distracted from the Purpose of God rescue and in the salvation of another brother or sister. by the temptations of the world, thus finding failure and no consolation or love. This is why you must be Marian instruments of the prayer dedicated to My Immaculate Heart. This will help so that the For this reason, today I invite you to pray so that the Purpose victorious Plan of Mercy of My Son may be able to deepen in of God may be fulfilled in each human heart according to the many souls, even more in those that still do not recognize the divine designs. liberating power of Divine Mercy. I thank you! My children, this is why today I invite you and all the prayer- Thank you for responding to My call. ful beings to be guardians of prayer for the benefit of all the hearts that must live the Plan of Salvation of My Son when He Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity returns to the world. Now, My children, your hearts must not only be in humility, but also, through My Son, they must be merciful before the

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reality of each creature and in this way you will see Service Dear children, the moment will come when each life will have emerge before your lives. to radiate the true spirit of fraternity, which will be necessary to The plan of Peace is a purpose of My Immaculate Heart, this cultivate so that the Peace of the Kingdom of the Heavens may is why the existence of true groups of prayer consecrated to the manifest Itself on this Promised Land. Hearts of Jesus and Mary is important. Therefore, dear children, with joy bring in your hands the gift Be in the Divine Peace of My Son. of fraternity so that uniting heart to heart and as humanity, you may participate in the awaited return of My Son. With Thank you for responding to My call. open arms waiting for Christ, your hearts will prepare them- Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity selves for the arrival of the new and for the coming of the spirit of peace that many of My children will be able to live. June May My Son be for your lives the first aspiration for Celestial The Marian praying missionaries that unite to the light of My Peace. 5 Immaculate Heart must be vigilant in prayer for those who still do not pray, do not wait for and do not love the celestial Thank you for responding to My call. God of the Universe. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity This exercise of love and vigilance for souls is done through the prayer of the heart because through this prayer the keys of June wisdom and discernment can be awakened by the Presence As the Mother who unties the knots in the hearts of all of the of the Holy Spirit. 6 souls that My Son entrusted to Me out of love, today I invite Today I call you, dear children, so that your lives in these you again, My dear ones, to reparative prayer. This exercise times of great changes may aspire to be and remain under can be performed through the prayer of the heart, allowing the the Flame of the Holy Spirit. In this way your hearts will be Gift of Peace, which comes from the Heavens, to approach partakers of the selfless service to other souls, a service your lives through the prayer of each heart. that can awaken through the heart. And it will be in this spirit of collaboration with all the souls of the world that My children, humanity must convert itself through reparative your lives will find the perfect unity with My Glorified Son, prayer and it is in this form of praying that you will be able to and thus you will be able to see the eyes of Jesus in each one of find the Transfiguring Spirit of Jesus. your brothers and sisters of the path. So that your lives may reach the state of reparative prayer, you Now, dear children, it is up to humanity to protect and call must consider as sacred the Blood that Christ poured over the for the Presence of the Holy Spirit so that all hearts in Christ world and meditate on how this offering of surrender and sac- may go on missions for peace through prayer. rifice allowed its redemption. The Most Precious Blood of Jesus

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will lead you to meditate on the act of humility to achieve in As Pilgrim of the Creator, I am in each step that some of My this way a meek heart and a life donated to the Creator Father. children take. I seek to comfort hearts so that souls may grow as sacred spirits of the Lord. Whoever lives in the Lord walks Dear children, as the Mother and Lady who unties the knots through a single path towards My Son. On this path many of humanity, today I invite you to liberate these knots through prayer so that God may hear you in this offering and steps must be taken to reach the consecration of life before His Divine Love may aid your souls. the throne of God. The knots that humanity carries are knots of suffering that Along this path, dear children, today My Heart wants to lead little by little can be untied by the essential power of the prayer you, along a path of faith and love so that your lives, through of the heart. If in truth you knew how many knots the souls prayer, may recognize the humility that will protect you and create through pain and suffering, you would not be able to free you from all temptation. count them. The world is a path without an aim towards God. Therefore, But the power of the prayer of the Rosary can create between My children, pray, pray, pray with the heart so that the Divine the Earth and Heaven the approach of a Higher Grace for the Word of your hearts may strengthen you and lead you towards world. Each bead of the Rosary that is meditated on allows the encounter with Jesus. the power of the Light of Christ to approach more and Much is still left to be done in this world, in which the great more the souls that need His Mercy. And you, with love, will majority does not hear the call that comes from the Hearts of be able to collaborate with the world by means of prayer. Jesus and Mary. For this reason, a good cause that you could May the Holy Spirit lead you to live the conversion of the assume would be to repair the Heart of My Son from so many heart. assaults. Thank you for responding to My call. In this way the prayer of each one of you will allow the Fountain of Divine Mercy to help all the souls of the world. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Go towards the encounter with Christ. He waits for you so June that you may pray with the heart because the world of today Rest today in My arms as Jesus did, so that enveloped by My needs it. 7 Mantle of Maternity you may find rest and encouragement to follow the victorious path of My Son. Life, to be consecrated, Thank you for responding to My call. must be confirmed in the Lord. For this reason the hearts face Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity tests to confirm the pathway to the One and Only God of the Universe.

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June My words of peace must be in your hearts so that in them We are in prayer for all causes. 8 may spring the Love of My Son. My Immaculate Heart accompanies you in each step that you Dear children, take towards the Lord of Love. Each cycle that you live is a moment of renovation for the Thank you for responding to My call. feeling of the heart. I also want to tell you that your lives are Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity precious before the Kingdom of the Lord. June My children, remember that the prayer that is born from the source of the heart will bring you closer to the Kingdom of 9 Firstly, dear children, today I thank you for responding daily God. to My call to the prayer of the heart and to the urgent call for peace for all the hearts of My children who are in the world. As the Mother, Help of all followers and non-followers of Christ,1 today again I give you My Peace so that by receiving Today, My children, I call you to continue persevering in the it in your hearts it may be a flame of Light and Truth for all. fruits of prayer and in the Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary. With this instrument that was given to you so many centuries In the immense bliss of the Glory of God, today I ask you to ago, I invite you to meditate and to form part of the life of elevate to Heaven all the urgent pleas for the hearts that day each of the Mysteries that God the Father manifested when by day have their inner flames extinguished. My Immaculate Heart was in the world and among you as Dear children, we are now commemorating seven months of humanity. Each repetition of the Mysteries seeks to lead you to walk through the pathway of My Son and to follow, under daily messages of instruction. Therefore, I ask you to meditate the bliss of His Redeeming Love, each one of the episodes that and to enter in each one of the announcements, and that in were wonderful works of the Most High God the Father. prayer you may live the greatness of My Love for all of you. Therefore today, dear children, I invite you as souls and as If you did so, little children, the paths of humanity would be hearts to discover the path of purity that Christ expressed able to be impregnated by Grace. in His public life, as well as the transcendence expressed in My little children, smile to the life that God the Father has the act of love in His Passion. I want to make you understand given to you. That within the Kingdom of the Divine Mercy how God the Father manifests Himself in each one of the of Jesus, all the souls may be able to be born again under My creatures. In the Mysteries you will find brief reviews of Our Mantle of Peace. life as faithful servants and children of God. At the moment of daily meeting with each one of the Mysteries, 1. Tr: “Mary, Help of all followers and non-followers of Christ” refers to and expands upon the meaning of the well-known title of the Virgin which in English has been in your hearts the Will of the Father will be revealed through called “Mary, Help of Christians.” each one of the events.

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Therefore, My dear children, know that it is in God and for Today I come to ask you that the divine commitment you God that humanity will reach full redemption of all the faults have with Me be one of making My Immaculate Heart tri- committed against His Heart. umph in all the hearts that are empty of God, and even more As Pilgrim of Prayer I instruct you so that your hearts may in those who, subjected by the modern world, lose the Light be able to see how the Will of God is unique and omnipresent of the spirit. in each life upon the Earth. Therefore, My children, in the same way that you have been The path of the prayer of the Holy Rosary will give you the called by Me, I want that the other children of Christ may impulse and will allow you to find service, love, surrender also be called to the Venerable House of the Father, towards and an absolute trust – that which My Son lived with God. In the eternal refuge of the Love of God. We are now at the time this way I will be able to tell you that God will be the Eternal of elevating all the souls towards the Kingdom of the Heavens Light in your lives for the moments that will come. I prepare and this will begin when all the praying groups favorite to My you with My Maternal Heart. Immaculate Heart will offer and surrender the prayers for each one of the children that are in the world, and for those I thank you! that they do not know and who need the Mercy of My Son. Thank you for responding to My call. Today I want that you, as faithful servers of My Immaculate Faith is perpetual strength for life. Heart, living from the gift and the fountain of life that Jesus Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Christ represents, build towers of Light on Earth through the sincere act of the prayer of the heart. With this little act June of surrender to the life of prayer many causes written by the Today I want you to follow God above all things and all Hands of the Justice of God will be able to be repaired. Unite, 10 causes. May your hearts live in the absolute trust in the coming only unite the love of your hearts to the great and immense of His Greater Kingdom. May you be in constant prayer with Love of God! My Son because in this way, dear children, you will honor My Now is the moment to ignite the Divine Light of the heart and Immaculate Maternal Heart. to radiate peace to all. I want that you, as good praying and vigilant beings of the I thank you! heart, always pray for all those who, at the end of this time, quickly separate themselves from the Purpose of God. I want Thank you for responding to My call. that you, as souls that walk in constancy towards My Virginal Purity, transform life into a temple of prayer and that in repar- Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity ative communion with My Son you offer it for the conversion of humanity.

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June As the Lady of the Mystical Rose, today I want to invite you call: that you live in the faith that prayer radiates to you so that 11 to contemplate God from the Heart, because it is in the heart fidelity may manifest in each of your hearts, the fidelity to My that Peace is to be found and it is through the heart that the Son, the Redeeming Love. door to suffering and evil is closed. I thank you! Dear children of My Father, it is with the prayer of the heart that all souls on the face of the Earth will be able to relieve all May you simply be with Me in the Kingdom of My Eternal pain and suffering. But there are souls that even though united Peace. to the Living God, do not have the strength to consecrate their Thank you for responding to My call. lives from being immersed in the current world. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity So that all souls may be touched by the same Virginal Grace that you have been touched by, today I invite you to, in prayer, June place inside the Kingdom of God all of the hearts that, con- Dear children, fused, need the Light of My Immaculate Heart. 12 Today again I call you to remain within My Maternal Heart On these days of the prayer gathering with Me in Luján2, I because in this way you will be in the Divine Heart of My Son. invite you to remain as guardians of prayer so that your little hearts may became as custodian angels that may accompany As it was correctly written in the Holy Book, Jesus, He who the purposes of peace of My Immaculate Heart. has been resurrected, is in the Universe, among your hearts and with each one of the souls. He will come to announce Today I also tell you, My dear children, that My Merciful Face the new world of peace in the same way that His Divine and is working for the salvation of all the souls that, with grave Unfathomable Mercy has come towards you. faults, will receive the ministry of My devotion so that all of them may be able to be ignited again by the immediate assis- Humanity must realize a new journey, which will begin by tance of the Divine Holy Spirit. means of the prayer done with the strength of love from the heart. All the Marian praying missionaries will be able to be I call you, who have already walked a little through the path guided when in prayer they may walk towards the Door of of the prayer of the heart, so that through your hearts, all the Peace. hearts may learn to pray with fervor and to be in My Maternal Heart so that My Celestial Light may protect you. My children, I announce to you the Kingdom that My Son has announced so much, and as the Mother of Mercy and Grace, I Dear children, I leave an inner mission for each one of you and for all the souls that at the end of these times respond to My guide you so that in the Peace of My Heart you and all human- ity may find in the heart the Living Christ, the Redeemer of 2. City located in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina all faults.

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Therefore, dear children, may your hearts rejoice today, and to listen to you as humanity. If souls do not pray for the souls ignited by the Loving Fire of the Holy Spirit, may they be able most in need, the Inexhaustible Graces of My Heart will not be to redeem that which is still not redeemed in all this humanity. able to be poured over those children that urgently need them. Remember the daily union with the Most Holy Heart of For this reason, My children, we are in the time of the purifi- Christ because it is in this merciful alliance that all souls will cation of feelings and thoughts that do not correspond to the see, before life, the one and only source that will quench your One and Only Law of Universal Love. As the accumulation of thirst: Jesus. feelings increases in the entire world, I ask you to pray with the heart because in this way I will be able to place all creatures Thus in prayer, your hearts will be able to repair the Heart of under the repairing and redeeming fount of the Divine Mercy My Son which is deeply offended by the discord and separation of My Son. that increase day by day among the souls of this world. The Rays of Pity and Mercy of Jesus are still among you and So that everyone may be reborn to the eternal life, the praying over all of humanity. But many forget how important these missionaries of My Immaculate Heart must be like the Flame Graces are and the enemy succeeds in distancing them from of the Divine Holy Spirit in the darkness, a flame that illumi- the source of these Graces. nates all the hearts that need peace. This is why, as the Guardian of the Hearts, today I invite you Live from the Love of My Son so that your hearts may form to revere the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In His hands of Light He the great shield of God for the new times. holds the sword of Redemption, which will be able to cut off I thank you! and liberate all evils. Inner light for your hearts! Peace! You, dear children, will be able to be the servers and the instru- ments of God that may consciously intervene in prayer and Thank you for responding to My call. with love for all souls. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Remember that fasting, as an offer, helps in the descent of a June Special Grace for the souls in Purgatory. As the Mother of the Eternal Graces I want, at the end of Reality and Truth are approaching the life of all My children; 13 these times, to convert your hearts into hearts renewed by the Law of the Love of God is available to those who, as Jesus, the Glorious Love of God, because My Immaculate Heart may want to learn to love like Christ loved on the cross. promises this. Ignite My Hope in your hearts, for the salvation of all. Dear children, much suffering invades the purity of the hearts. Thank you for responding to My call. To be able to restore them, today I ask you to pray, to pray with the love of your hearts so that God, the Creator may be able Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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June The Queen of Peace wants to make you live and find peace, I thank you! 14 so necessary for the life of all My children in the world. With Thank you for responding to My call. the jubilation of Peace in My Maternal Heart, dear children, I invite you to pray so that the Peace of the Infinite and Merciful Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Father may be able to come to all the hearts that are most June distant from Him. My Immaculate Heart radiates Love to the world. My hands My children, today I talk to you again about Peace because it 15 of a faithful servant sustain it with much love. From Eternity, is something essential that many creatures lack, and this lack I send Light onto all so that the Holy Spirit may act as a celes- of peace comes from the absence of the life of prayer. In this tial fire in the hearts, may heal them, elevate them and forgive way, My Heart comes again to the world to heal and forgive them in order to be in unity before the Creator. the pains of all My children, pains that do not allow them to begin to live the life of prayer. Dearest children of My Maternal Heart, with the Flame of Love from the Holy Spirit over the world, let us celebrate Many of My children know the consecrated life and the today the immense joy that God gives you through My daily nourishment that prayer provides to each spirit. Therefore, presence in your lives. Today, emanate the ray of gratitude so dear children, the faithful service of all the devotees of My that all souls may also receive the Grace of the conversion of Immaculate Heart will be to pray for and to help all those the heart, the inner relief for life. who, absorbed by this world, lose the Light of the path, the Presence of God in life. Rejoice your hearts, for in these past seven months of daily messages My voice has been echoing. When your souls rise to It is important that your consciousnesses face the events of the Heavens, the Eyes of Kindness will reveal to you all of this the world in a loving attitude of prayer. My dear children, it daily exercise of love that My Heart is doing for this humanity. is the great heart of all humanity that must place life before the Love of God so that His Merciful Love and the Holy I want to tell you that God, silently, through My Fire of Mer­ Spirit may help you, as little creatures, to walk towards Eternal ciful Love, has been calling you every day for seven months so Peace. that the world may remember that the One and Only Will, the original Source of Love and Unity, the Eternal God, Omnipres­ And after here, after this world that must live the conversion ent and Kind, loves you and waits for you through a sincere of the heart, you, as souls of God must come in deep prayer to act of reconciliation with His Beloved Heart. The Father of the promised Kingdom: the Kingdom of the Heavens. Graces has descended in Divine Spirit to awaken the Light in Open the Source of Love that My Son has left to each one of your hearts. This is the echo that My Maternal Voice is prop- you, a source that must be sought within the heart. agating so that all hearts may reach peace.

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Therefore, dear children, may each moment of prayer dedicat- Love of My Son, who wants to awaken you to the reconcil- ed to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of iation with life by means of a pure act of forgiveness which Mary be a perfect alliance with the Love of God for your lives must emerge from each one of you. and for the conversion of all those who are still not converted. The Heavens observe the Earth and My Maternal Heart par- My Heart, through these past seven months of daily calls has ticipates in it. Dear children, may the bravery to want to live wanted to impregnate you with the instruction of Love and in God the Father day by day and to be in the Kingdom of His of the Redemption that My beloved Son radiates to the world Grace all the time, also awaken in you. If you only awaken this with His Divine Mercy. simple aspiration in your little hearts you will discover the path of purity in order to then find peace. Walk without pause to the encounter with the Love of God. My children, each act of giving and charity elevates you as I thank you! faithful servants. Therefore wait for the coming of the new Thank you for responding to My call. always in the prayer of the heart. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity As the Mother of the Holy Faith, I contemplate you and direct June My prayers to God for each one of you. Therefore, if your hearts elevate themselves, My Mantle of Peace will be able to help By request of the Divine Mother, the message for this day other hearts in need. 16 is the one from the Apparition of June 16, 2012, that took place in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. (See So that the world may live in the Peace of God, it must pray page 574) a lot and for this the existence of Marian groups of prayer will allow the descent of the Celestial Love over the Earth. In June your hands is the key to the union with God. By means of the The Infinite Light of My Immaculate Heart will prevail exercise of prayer you will help the world as My Immaculate 17 and reign through the absolute love of all My children, Heart has been doing for so long. given and dedicated to the life of prayer that must be done I love you and shelter you; just be united to My Heart. with the heart. I thank you! Dear children, Thank you for responding to My call. Yesterday, in the feast dedicated to My Immaculate Heart, I visited you to invite you again to live from the loving and Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity redeeming fruit of prayer. All humanity must return, through My Love, towards the arms of God and towards the Merciful

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June I will be in your heart when you allow Me to live in it. I will You must have each one of these acts as something precious 18 be your Blessed Mother when in trust you walk through My and practice them in the name of all those children who do garden of roses. not do so. I promise many Graces to the hearts when they are in absolute I thank you for your response! faith. Thank you for responding to My call. The conversion of life begins with the giving of the heart and Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity the spirit. This allows you to discover silence to then find the new and the good that comes from the Lord. June Whoever waits in faith, resumes the path towards the Heavens 19 Dear children, because the spirit that prays to the Creator Father finds the If you have thrown yourselves into the prayer for all souls, it favorite refuge within the Heart of My Son. is a sign that you must continue on the path. May no one lose It is time to open the ears to hear the call that God sends you the hope of sharing the path of sacrifice so that in this way through the presence of My Maternal Heart. each child may recognize that the salvation of the heart is in true surrender. Dear children, today I ask you to make your hearts become like pure water and to convert them so that they may be as Each step that is taken must be in the Hands of the Will of beautiful as the nature created by God, the Source of Love God, thus your lives will be able to recognize the signs and Compassion. of Mercy that He, in His Glory, will send you. Be responsive to the requests of praying for the conversion of I am here among your hearts and the world to heal you from this humanity so that the Kingdom of Grace may permeate all all evil, disturbance or pain. Therefore, believe in the power hearts. It is time to repair the heart and the life of many of My of forgiveness that God has given Me as a Grace to be poured children who, remaining distant from God, are deviated from over you, My little children. the path of the aspiration to find the Redeeming Kingdom of Rejoice your lives before each test that the Whole sends you. Christ, the path of salvation. It is necessary to mature to be able to expand humility in the heart. Thus you will be protected from the world and, with Dear children, My voice will not tire of saying that you must the loving act of prayer, you will be able to correct the indiffer- change before the time that will come for the world; that you ences of life so that it may be consecrated to the Creator Father. must confess daily with My Son and that you must fulfill the act of reconciliation through the Sacred Communion with His The Most High has all of you in His Kingdom, but it is nec­ Heart of Peace. If you could have these exercises as fundamen- essary to forgive and to be forgiven among yourselves as tal, the world would be able to reach some more time of peace. humanity, as a family and as beloved beings. This will relieve

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the burden of betrayal that many hearts live, due to the prev- Your own lives can express flashes of peace and Light. For this alence of competition. the exercise of the persevering and constant prayer will lead you to the direct encounter with My Son, the Redeemer. If you were in constant prayer, Heaven would see it all as set- tled, and if you trusted what God dictates to your hearts, you Each new day a new school of prayer arises that you are invited would be spreading My Kingdom of Peace. to live and to imitate for love of My Son and for the salvation of many hearts. All My children must come to live the conversion of the heart. If you convert that which still has not been converted, you will Dear children, today I leave you this key of fraternity, the same convert the whole world into Light and thus My Immaculate one that Jesus propagated upon the Earth through the ema- Heart will triumph. nation of His Love, His Healing and His Compassion for the I love you deeply. weakest ones. Do not fear, I am the Mother of Peace. Know then, dear children, that in the world there are souls that suffer and that need those who are stronger in the prayer Thank you for responding to My call. of the heart to be able to find the path of redemption. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity The daily prayer of all My children and all the groups of prayer June will allow Grace to be poured over the world of today. 20 Dear faithful devotees of My Immaculate Heart, I thank you! Today I invite you to remain in the exercise of the fraternity Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity of the heart, because in this way your lives will awaken charity June for the others. As the Daughter of the Holy Spirit, today I give you My Peace With this teaching of today, I want to invite you to exercise this 21 again and I thank all of My children for being responsive to act of love so that the world may learn to love Christ through My call. each sister and brother. Humanity still must live many schools and lessons of humility. Love, whose essence is fading away in Know that I love you and contemplate you in the Maternal humanity, must emerge through the inner devotion of all the Love of My Heart. In this way I elevate you to the Heart of praying hearts. God so that He may make use of your lives as instruments of peace. My children, it is time to act with all the love of your hearts so that a great number of children may see in you a true example Therefore, dear children, today I invite you to contemplate of unity and brotherhood with the One and Only. the Face of My Son, Resurrected and Ascended in the hearts

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June that are most in need of Peace and of Light. Today I ask you Dear children, to place the loving strength of your prayers over My other chil- 22 Today I call you to prepare again and with joy My merciful dren, the ones who must be conducted by Me, in the name of arrival in the city of São Paulo. You, My children, can help My Beloved Son, to the Door of Redemption, a Redemption Me in this mission of peace through the sincere act of prayer. that Christ will radiate to you. I want you to be more open so that, as instruments of My Why do I ask you for this? Maternal Light, My Immaculate Heart may reach spaces It is time, My little children, for you to live from the fruits of of this city that need much compassion and love. Still, dear prayer and of good acts of charity towards others. These two children, few are the servers of Christ that, looking around paths of consecration will prepare you for the new that will themselves, can clearly see how much prayer is necessary for come. their poor and sick fellow humans. For this reason, dear children, also contemplate today the Therefore, dear children, as praying souls that will receive Divine Light of the Holy Spirit and know that by placing once again the Grace of My visit, I ask you to prepare your in your prayers this Spirit that is born from God, He will hearts in prayer and, in this exercise, raise your hands to plead strengthen you until you may be able to walk alone as adults. to God for the Grace of Conversion of many of My children in Brazil. Still, being children, you must always remember that in this way you will be able to enter the Portal of the New Kingdom I love with fondness this nation that welcomed Me as the as Jesus once said. Only Mother for all. But still, a little bit more effort, love and dedication are necessary for the ones who are in most need I want your lives to be the Beatitude of God on Earth through and for those who are most distant from God. the consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. You know that there are infinite ways of being a server of You, My little ones, have the Maternal surrender of My Heart Christ. Today I invite you to be constant guardians of prayer of Peace to ascend as children to the arms of My Son. He, so that it may never lack in your homes. The times that will with His Redeeming Love, will always shelter you because come and that were described to My daughter Lúcia of Fatima He loves you. are close. But all will depend on the attitude of souls before I thank you! the simple life of prayer that I ask you to live as something primordial. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Your hearts are already enveloped by My Maternal Joy for visiting you once more in this needy city of São Paulo. May this visit be a new reason for you to meet the One and Only

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King of Life, of Truth and of the New Paths: My Son Jesus, in the heart, which will allow you to take the steps towards the High Priest. the Light of the Creator. I thank you for the response from all! May the days of Saturday be like a feast of Mercy for your hearts. Even though not all are able to fulfill My requests, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity remember the importance of this day of the week; this alone June will help in the conversion of the world. 23 I want you to celebrate on this Saturday the supper with My May you find in Jesus the joy of serving God, the Love. Son, Jesus. Remember that Saturdays are days of special repa- I thank you! ration and Grace for all those children that, united to Christ, commune with Him in His Heart and His Divine Spirit. Thank you for responding to My call. The day of Saturday helps you to meditate on the mystery of Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity communion that My Son instituted in the Last Supper. This June precious act that Jesus performed with the apostles allowed the great liberation of humanity in the sacrifice of the crucifixion After thirty-one years of My presence with you in the world 24 through the Apparitions in Medjugorje, today, dear children, I of Jesus. The whole passion that Jesus lived invites you, during invite you to celebrate with Me the Grace that God has poured the day of Saturday, to contemplate the acts as sacred and over humanity through My announcements and messages as the beginning of the victory of the Kingdom of God on throughout these years. Earth, through the Merciful Love of Jesus. Therefore, My children, may today be a special meeting be- With this, dear children, today I invite you to keep in your tween your hearts and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, because He hearts the fact that the day of Saturday, with fasting and prayer is attentive to the praying voice of all My children, even more in community, will be able to detain irreparable worldwide so of those who aspire to walk through the path of forgiveness effects with the simple act of giving oneself to God, for love of and conversion. those who still do not give themselves, do not love Him and do not adore Him. Today, from this side of the world, My Immaculate Heart gath­ ers sister souls, especially in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, in Over the course of time, all this exercise will demand more order to prepare them for the new time. And the most im­portant effort from you. Therefore your hearts must be in constant for Our Lord is that you live in fraternity. prayer, to be able to comply with My call. Dear children, My Immaculate Heart has already been in your My children, know that the children of Fatima cultivated lives accompanying you for five continuous years, just as My purity and surrender by being very innocent. Today I only ask Maternal Love accompanies My children of Europe through you to remember the inner child that each one of you holds the devotion in Medjugorje.

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With this I want to call you to the reflection of the heart on a request that I make to all My children that, fervently in so that your consciousnesses may be able to truly awaken to devotion, respond to My call. that which My voice is announcing to you day by day in the Today I want to invite you to consciously collaborate with the messages. Marian Work that My Immaculate Heart has been realizing It is the first time in My Apparitions in the world that God here in the world and especially in Brazil, in Uruguay and in has allowed Me the Grace of dialoging and talking to all of Argentina for some time. With this I want to ask you to place you daily. My words in your hearts, because today, My little children, I My Maternal Heart hopes that all this instruction that I give invite you to be part of the Divine Providence. you today may be kept in the depths of your hearts so that, in Know well, My little ones, that God, the Creator, fulfills His prayer, you may receive with immense joy the coming of My Plan for all the creatures and that one of His great and loving Son, the Redeemer. And it is by His Merciful Love that all providences has been to send His Faithful Servant to dialogue of you will be able to be guarded and thus carry the Light of with all of you, month by month. Christ ignited in your hearts. Therefore, dear children, so that My Call and My Maternal Dear and beloved children, I leave for each one of you this Voice may be able to ignite more hearts that are in darkness, I maternal reflection in this cycle that is ending, and which need from each one of you a sincere and humble collaboration brings the Good News of the Kingdom of God for those who so that My Plans may continue in the different nations. have never believed in the Creator. This time God the Father is giving permission so that each one May the Celestial Light of My Heart illuminate you eternally. of My children may awaken their consciousness towards fra- I thank you! ternity and towards spontaneous giving, united to the infinite work of My Heart. Thank you for responding to My call. While you are in this world, you will need providence and Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity help. Today My children, those who, in a selfless way, dedicate June their lives to My requests also need the loving assistance of all of you. On Earth as it is in the Heavens, there are hard workers My dear children, 25 who, through their effort, make it possible for others to receive Commemorating with joy together with you the Apparitions the Greater Grace. in Medjugorje, today I invite you to be and to remain in God, As the Lady of Graces I give you My Peace and I thank you for the Creator, through the Sacred Heart of My Son. the opening of your hearts, for responding in this way to this Dear children, for this special reason of My presence in the important maternal petition. Thus My message will be able to world for so many years, today I also want to call you to reflect reach more souls.

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I invite you to imitate Joseph, the carpenter, so that with good simple reason of uniting again souls with God, the Creator, instruments we may together be able to construct the new uniting again what was separated and distant in each one of Kingdom of Love on Earth. the consciousnesses so that each one of My children would be able to know the essence of the Love of God. Eternally, I thank you! Today I reconcile you with the Holy Spirit of the Father so that Thank you for responding to My call. your hearts, permeated by His Eternal and Loving Peace, may Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity be able to walk towards the consecration to My Immaculate Heart. June Know, dear children, that Jesus has His Arms open in order to Dear children, 26 give you, with purity, His Divine Redeeming Love. For the bliss of the reencounter of your hearts with Christ, I thank you! today I invite you to continue celebrating with Me the anni- versary of My Apparitions in Medjugorje. Thank you for responding to My call. Today I ask you that in your hearts be ignited the Flame of Mary, Divine Mother of the Conception of the Trinity Love that My Son entrusted to each one of you. The infinite June Flame of Love of the Creator will be necessary for the times of great changes; the flame of the Merciful Love of My Son that The Love that My Heart has for you is great and infinite. This will guide you and will protect you by means of the prayer of 27 Love goes beyond your lives because it reaches the depths of the heart, the infinite Flame of Light of the Holy Spirit that your souls. Therefore, dear children, My Love is repairing, it is a will bless you and will fill each one of your lives, as a renewing fervent Love that ignites, encourages, renews and heals deeply. Source of Grace. The Gift of My Love for all creatures is the great power of the My children, in the month of September we will have in living and resplendent God, acting through My Immaculate Brazil the Anniversary of My apparitions and, especially, of Heart. It is a love that elevates the consciousness so that it may My Guidance and of My Love for you. So that the work of My recognize that it is a soul of God, a flame of His Divine Spirit Inner Peace in you can continue, My little children, today I also on Earth. call you to the collaboration which must be born from your My Maternal Love for you is the same love I placed in Jesus hearts, because if this is so, then I will be able to contemplate when He was a child. For this reason, dear children, Christ this gesture as a sincere action towards Me. gave Me out of love to you, so that I would be the Great Master My children, remember that each work that My Heart has of the Saving Love. Christ consecrated Me as the Guiding Star realized throughout this time in this world has been for the for souls, as the Intercessor before God, the absolute Guardian

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of hearts. This is My commitment and My mission with all of and true act of the prayer of the heart, because in this way you you: to accompany you, out of love, until eternity. will discover how the spirit of the prayer of the heart will help you to forgive and to reconcile your own hearts with God and, My children, today I invite you to trust this repairing Love, thus your hearts will be reborn and from them, all inner pain especially, among your dearest ones, your family members, will be erased. relatives, friends and other souls known to you. As the Mother of Love I give you My Trust because I only Therefore, My little ones, it is time to live the act of the prayer want you to be in My arms so that you may learn to love and of reconciliation so that all My children can be partakers of to know the Merciful Love of God. You are still in time; thus the promises of Christ. you will be able to arrive at the Kingdom of My Son and your The commitment of your little hearts that are on this Earth is hearts will live Peace. to vigil in prayer, vigil for those who do not vigil and for those Do not fear, I am with you! who distract themselves with the modernities of this world. I thank you! In this way, My little children, your hearts will be as the hearts of My cherubim angels that vigil in the essence of love for all Thank you for responding to My call. those who, day by day, easily distance themselves from God, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity the Creator. June Therefore, in the end of these times the task of the groups con- secrated to My Immaculate Heart will be to vigil, in constant Dear children, 28 prayer, because in this way the strength of My children will be Praised be Jesus in your hearts for all eternity! the Word of Love, guided by the Holy Spirit. Today I invite you to contemplate in gratitude the Sacred I thank you, My children! Heart of My Son, because He will give you the necessary strength to convert your hearts into precious instruments of Thank you for responding to My call. love and truth. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Therefore, dear children, always keep in your hearts and in June your lives a moment of prayer, to talk to the Almighty God. Thus your souls will be able to be partakers of the Mercy of 29 Do not fear facing God, He loves you. My Son contemplates the Redeemer. you and I shield you under My Protecting Mantle. Today My arms of piety are extended and radiate My Light God knows your skills and virtues. Christ knows the power of Love to you in the depth of your spirits. So that this may of the talents and My Heart helps all those who, with love in continue to happen, My children, you must live the sincere the heart, call Me.

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For this reason, dear children, may the joy of living in God and Rise, as Jesus said, and do not become faint. of giving yourselves to God prevail within you today. Every Be spirits in transformation. mistake the world makes can be forgiven. Therefore, look back no longer, see the celestial hope that emerges on the horizon. Thank you for responding to My call. Just keep your hearts open so that the Holy Spirit may fill Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity them and purify them. It is necessary, My children, to keep June the heart pure so that the feelings and thoughts before God may be pure. Do not be afflicted by how much you see that still 30 By request of the Divine Mother, the message for this day needs to be transformed: the life of consecration is eternal and is the one from the Apparition of June 30, 2012, that took place in the Sacred Heart Nucleus, in the Light- everything begins now. Community of Figueira, MG, Brazil. (See page 583) Be carriers of the joy of My Maternal Heart because the world needs relief and you can help with prayer. Elevate your consciousnesses to the Door of the Heavens and ask with compassion for Mercy, My Son will hear you because His Rays are still over the world. Build with your hands the bridge towards the prayer of the heart. If you have fallen, I will lift you. If your hearts are discouraged, I will make them joyful. God is everything for your lives, God is Love and Truth for your hearts. Today, stay in Jesus because His Sacred Heart will alleviate you, and It will repair you with His Compassion. Accept the time of Mercy that is still left and be brave praying soldiers willing to consecrate life to the God of Love, the Only One for all. I hear your prayers when they are born in the essence of the heart.

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July 1 Dear children, With immense joy to the Heavens, today you renew the vows of charity and love that you have made to God the Father. As servers guided by the Holy Spirit, My children, I call you to maintain the inner unity with the Merciful Heart of God. Know that the union of your hearts with the Eternal Father has repercussions as a great Source of Light upon all human­ ity. The more you believe that God is everything for your lives, the more the Plans of Peace will be able to be a living reality for all My children. This is why I invite you today, My dear ones, to witness through prayer the infinite Creation of God. May your hearts be little stars in the Universe that must radiate peace through harmony and Light to dissipate shadows. It is time to place, with confidence, your heart in the Hands of God. For this, the most perfect path is the path of Life, Love and Truth that My Son has been inviting you to travel for a long time. Your lives are contemplated by My Son and He sees you all as souls in a great school that is called the “School of Forgiveness and Redemption.” Each one of your souls lives a part of this school. The mo- ment has come for all My children, gathered in this world and in the name of God, to practice the school of prayer and fraternity. Being fraternal is a path that you must build day by day and, for this, loving patience towards others must emanate from you. If each soul on Earth were truthful with its fellow humans, the Love of the Father would be able to express itself in infinite The Bell Tower ways in each of His children. But there is still much to learn, Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay that is, there is much to forgive to be able to learn to love.

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I am close to My children so that they may remember that it you to strengthen each one of the groups of prayer consecrat- is time to live in Christ so that the Father may receive you all ed to My Immaculate Heart so that God the Father may find in His Promised Kingdom. true souls always donated to the life of the prayer of the heart. I am here, My little ones, to lead you towards Heaven. May My children, the path I intend for you to go through is an your hearts be firm in the purpose of God. infinite and precious path towards the Heart of My Son. In Jesus you will find a beautiful path that He wants you to dis- I thank you! cover through the simple act of uniting to His Sacred Heart. Thank you for responding to My call. Know, dear children, that the Fountain of Mercy that is born Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity from Jesus the Redeemer wants to fill you in advance of the coming times. Have love in Jesus despite everything so that, July confessed in Christ, you may be partakers of the Kingdom of 2 I keep you in My Heart, dear children. With this I want to the Heavens. tell you that, with confidence, you can find My Eternal Peace. Aspire to live in My Son daily, because I will help you. Jesus Today I guide you through new paths, even though the world waits for you. changes so much every day. I thank you! My Maternal Spirit fills you so that in the Heart of My Son Thank you for responding to My call. Jesus, you may reach the Grace of Conversion. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity I count on your prayers at each moment because the universe must still be repaired from all of the offenses that humanity July generates. A life without God is a life beyond that which is Raise your hearts. Aspire to the Heavens. Know that I am your arid, it is a life without hope. 3 Mother who rejoices you and loves you in the same way that Dear children, My Heart struggles for the love of all the chil- I loved Jesus. May all despair disappear from you. May you dren of God, and through you I will be able to reach places that ignite, in this moment, My Maternal Peace in your little hearts. would be inaccessible. The prayer of the heart penetrates with Breathe in the perfume of My words, I am the Queen of Peace Light each one of your cells, it is like the daily nourishment for who shelters all the children of God. For the soul, I am the the new born. Messenger of the Holy Spirit, who wants to take you to the Redeemer. Receive from the Holy Spirit the source that will satiate you, that will make you strong and happy from living fully under Do not be discouraged by anything in life, be reborn now be- the presence of God. This is why, My little ones, today I invite fore the Creator. Accept the changes that are approaching, live

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today the True Love of the heart. God hears the supplications helpful and compassionate with your fellow humans so that when the prayer is sincere because it acquires the strength of My Plans of Peace may be fulfilled in all nations of the Earth. the Love of the heart. This is why, My children, today I invite you to be an active part Lift your arms, My dear children, as Jesus the Redeemer comes of the power of prayer so that your lives may be a principle of again to your lives. Creation in the Hands of God and the sound of love that is born from His Voice. I know that the world cries out for Peace. God sends His Servant to proclaim love in My children and the forgiveness It is important, dear children, to be what God wants you to of all the past. Feel the union in your hearts so that you may be in this time. As instruments of the Father, carry My Peace be partakers of the new spirit of peace that My Immaculate today because there are many who still do not have it and need Heart is emanating to the world. it. You will be potential roses in My garden only when you unite to Me in the prayer of the heart. Thus you will radiate Know that I know you all very well, just as My Heart of Mother to the world the Light that it needs in these times of changes. knows Jesus. I know what you need and in what you must Dear children, correspond to what God asks of you today: to mature. Therefore, My children, be truthful so that your eyes be true children of God in the prayer of the heart and in peace may closely see the footprints of the return of the Shepherd because in this way you will be helping the inner harmony that of Love. many of My children need. Prepared as for a great supper, your hearts will rejoice when The Kingdom of My Peace wants to dwell in the lives of all, but they hear the call that My Heart will proclaim. I still find places that are not filled with My Maternal Love. Return to God every day so that My stars of peace and of the Therefore today I invite you to be empty, empty as was My annunciation may be the guide for your consciousnesses. Let Son Jesus at the moment of carrying the cross and reaching us vigil in prayer so that all may be partakers of My Maternal the Calvary. Light. Imitate Jesus in the simple examples so that your lives may find I love you and wait for you in prayer. the path of humility that all humanity should travel before the throne of God. I thank you! The Source of Love is springing up in the name of the Father Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity through My Maternal Immaculate Heart so that you may rec- July ognize that I love you and that I accompany you as the Lady of Eternal Graces. In truth I tell you, dearest children, that whoever remains I thank you for corresponding to My call! 4 under the Light of My Immaculate Heart will always be able to be guided, as long as you remember that you must be loving, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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July 5 A servant of My Son Jesus must always transcend the paths I thank you! of life to be able to finally see on their own horizon, the Light of Thank you for responding to My call. Christ that guides them. For this reason, dear children, today I invite you to the persistence of the heart so that in this way Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity your hearts may only seek to be in Jesus, to be in the Heights, July in the House of the Father. Persist! Persist! Persist in responding to My call! Thus I will Therefore, My dear ones, I remind you of the importance of 6 shelter you in everything! Follow the path of faith that My Son awakening the true spirit of the prayer of the heart so that all is revealing to you. The world needs instruments that may be the groups of prayer that have consecrated themselves to My able to give themselves to My Immaculate Peace. Immaculate Heart may be able to have Jesus as an aspiration and the Holy Spirit as a guide. Do not fear for the tests of life. May your hearts be strong in prayer so that they may see the Light of God. Each one of you must help Me at the end of this year so that the plans of conversion and salvation can reach the greatest number With absolute trust approach My Son so that He may be able of souls. For this reason, My little children, carry Me in your to transmit to you the compassion of His Heart. hearts so that My Maternal Light may accompany you. Dear children, as I have told you before, I invite you to persist Know that I am with you, walking by your side, watching you in faith in these times of changes, through the prayer of the with My Maternal Love. heart. Never forget that your hearts, day by day, must ignite the Everything will be able to be alleviated in your hearts and Marian fire that My heart radiates to you through the daily in the world when larger groups of souls may live prayer in messages. devotion, reverence and faith. In this way your hearts, participating of My celestial mission, My children, come today to My arms because I want to help will allow the Grace of the Father to touch many souls that you and protect you from everything. Therefore, pray with Me need conversion and forgiveness. so that God can hear you and, as creatures of His Kingdom, humanity may reach more peace and more forgiveness. Know, dear children, that God sends Me to each one of your lives so that you may recognize that My Heart comes before Be loving and brave in this life, because a true disciple of My My Son to rescue you and save you from the perdition that Son walks for those who do not walk towards God, and serves many are living. on behalf of those who do not serve their fellow beings. May My Maternal Love fill you so that in trust you may walk May your hearts be seeds for the new, may My Maternal Love towards My Son. shine in you.

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Now, My children, it is time to grow and mature in order to My Son waits for you day by day so that in this new time that be able to face the new time of Redemption, a Redemption is coming, all your hearts may adore and contemplate God that My Son will give to all those who aspire to be His new through the merciful Rays of Jesus, My Glorified Son. My little flock in the world. ones, today I want to tell you that the world needs the forgive- I thank you! ness of God for all the causes that it generates, causes that hurt Our Hearts, the Heart of Jesus and My Immaculate Heart. Thank you for responding to My call. I ask you, who are more conscious of everything, to exercise, as Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity a primordial task, the prayer of the heart so that more Celestial July Graces may be able to descend from My Heart of Peace over many of My children in the world. As Mother of all beings of the world, today I contemplate the 7 new time in My hands. Therefore, dear children, I only ask you It is especially up to the part of humanity which is more prayer- to raise your arms towards My Peace, because many souls that ful, to lovingly intervene before God so that My Heart and the suffer need to alleviate their pain. Merciful Heart of My Son may be able to guide and help it in You, dear children, who listen to My call, must propagate the the time that will come to this world. power of the Grace that I am pouring over this city of Buenos Open in spirit to My call, you must only place your lives in Aires. the Hands of the One and Only God of the Universe so that This is so, dear children, in order that you may know that Jesus, My Son may guide you again as He did once in this world as the Redeeming King of the Universe, loves you and contem- a humble Shepherd of Nazareth. plates you through My Maternal Love. It is time for all the Dear children, may the Light of the Face of the Father reflect groups of prayer that are consecrated to the Light of My Im- in each one of your lives today so that in devotion you may maculate Heart to pray more for Peace, for the true peace which always be in His Restoring Love. comes from My Son for all of you in this new time that I am announcing. My Maternal Light for all Buenos Aires! Dear children, leave the past behind, be born again today in I thank you for everything! My arms because My Immaculate Heart loves you and knows Thank you for responding to My call. you. It knows how much you need Inner Peace. Today I invite you, My children, to be active founders of My Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Peace for the world and this task will be able to be real when the groups of prayer have this celestial goal in their hearts.

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Today I want to see the maternal joy of My Heart rise up in My children, 8 My children, for everything that God has entrusted Me to give 9 Today I invite you to remain in the Kingdom of the Heavens as you with love and devotion throughout this time. the only aspiration to be awakened in these times. Your hearts It is important that your hearts revere the Creator, My Son must look towards the horizon of God and thus, witness the who will return, and the Holy Spirit, because if this is so, all of coming of His Kingdom of Peace to the Earth. you will be inside the Great Spirit of the Holy Trinity. Dear children, with your gazes directed to the Heavens, I call My children, this simple act of love and reverence will keep you to intercede for all My children, asking for mercy through you steady during the new time that will come. the fervent prayer of the heart. This will be a simple act of love for humanity, coming from each one of your hearts. I invite you to pray with the heart because in each day of prayer your lives must deepen more into the Kingdom of the Lord. As Guardian of Faith in the hearts, I live in the perpetual hope that My Immaculate Heart has for the conversion of the world. So that each one of your souls may find repose in God, you Little children, you are participants, in this time, of the cycle only need to say “yes” to Him daily so that His Merciful Love of salvation that My Son promises to all the children of God, may guide you and accompany you, especially in this hour. especially those who live in fault. I want your lives to participate in the Kingdom where My The Source of the Mercy of Jesus is still being poured upon the Immaculate Heart is to be found. For this reason I talk to world. It is enough that more hearts believe in this Ministry you today about the importance of living a life of prayer, as a of My Son for the Grace to be able to descend over humanity. service to all this humanity. Therefore, go and tell everyone that My Son wants to help and As souls, which you are, you are in time to reach the arms of consecrate all the children of the Father as new sources of life My Son who, as a Good Shepherd, wants to make you know the for this world in pain. essence of the Celestial Peace. Live and be participants of each one of the promises of Christ through the act of the prayer of As Marian soldiers united to My Immaculate Heart, I ask that the heart and also remembering the passage of the Beatitudes. you respond to the great call that My Heart pronounces to all of you, a call to accept the remaining time of Mercy for My When My Son spoke about the blessed ones, He was inviting children before the time of Divine Justice comes. you to sanctify your lives in the Lord. Therefore, little children, if all of you give the example of humility and charity you will Dear children, you are in My arms as well as in the Heart of God. walk towards the state of true consecration. Live this time as a time to pray more and more with the heart. I thank you! I thank you! Thank you for responding to My call. Thank you for responding to My call. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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July July

Opening My arms once more, today I tell you, dear children, I come to you to give My Message of Peace for those who suffer 10 that if you are like children and come to Me you will be in 11 and lack Jesus, the Consoler. My Son is eternal consolation the new paradise of God. Day by day the world uses up the because His Spirit heals the souls to redeem them and liberate precious resources that God has given you through each one them from all faults before God. of the Kingdoms of Nature. Therefore, dear children, search today for Jesus, the Consoler, My children, the time of outrages against the Kingdoms will through prayer so that your souls may be partakers of Divine end and humanity must account for everything it has received Mercy. Recognize, My children, that without Jesus you will be from the Hands of the Creator. It is time for pride to disap- nothing. He is the power that vitalizes you and leads you to pear from the hearts of My children so that the true Peace of find the spring of love, the unfathomable source of forgiveness that many of My children need. God may dwell in the lives of all My children. In this aspiration, raise all pleas to Heaven so that My Maternal I ask you to be strong in the prayer of the heart so that the Heart may be able to collect them and keep them as a gift in Celestial Grace may be able to convert and repair every offense the Eternal Heart of God. of humanity towards God. Many of My children expect good times for life. They are the Dear children, this is a time of transition that your lives are ones who do not change in the heart. Therefore I invite you going through, these are no longer normal times. I call you to prayer, to elevate the thought towards God and thus allow to the awakening so that your hearts may be able to face each His One and Only Law, the Law of Love, to act on the reality event in the world and you, as servants of My Son, participate of your lives. in everything, collaborating with the sincere prayer I ask from you, a prayer that may be a source of love for all. My children, for the new Holy Spirit of Peace to fill your hearts, first you need to erase from them all pain or separation that In this way, My children, you will be able to perpetually have exists among creatures. You, as praying beings, already know the presence of My Son Jesus in your souls and in your hearts. that humanity is very divided before God for the lack of true You, who are more open to the prayer of the heart, must con- charity towards others, charity that starts with the emanation vert yourselves, not only to sanctity, but also into servers of of the love of the heart. the blind humanity. Never forget, My little children, that the Love of My Son, Know, My children, that the Grace of Reparation is in your which must reside in your hearts, is the Love that will allow hands and it comes by means of the prayer done with the you to heal all the past. Follow the steps of My Immaculate heart. If I repeat this, it is because you still need to practice My Heart. requests more. I thank you! I thank you for your response! Thank you for responding to My call. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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By request of the Divine Mother, the message for this My Maternal Heart waits for you so that, in alliance with 12 day is the one from the Apparition of July 12, 2012, that Christ, the world may be able to shine as the true gift created took place in the Home of Adoration, Marian Center of by God with His Hands, and that He gave to you out of love. Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay. (See page 591) All My children are faithfully co-responsible for the manifes- July tation of the Creator. The time has come to repair the faults As I am a mediating Mother between the souls and God, today and to pray for all of Creation, and even more for that which 13 I ask you, dear children, to consecrate your lives in a definitive has suffered unconscious interference from humanity. way to the Plan of God, a Plan of Love that Our Lord has for Today place all the Kingdoms of Nature in your prayers. They each one of you. expect harmonious giving from you. Let us repair, in the name For this, My children, awaken today and see with the eyes of of the Love of My Son, all that which needs to be repaired. the heart all the goodness and the Mercy that My Son is giving Let us pray with the heart. This is your commitment with the you through the Mother of Peace. One and Only. Dear children, you know that humanity needs Mercy daily. For this reason I invite you to remember in each moment the I thank you! presence of the Heart of Jesus in the world and especially His Thank you for helping all the Kingdoms of the Creation of awaited return. With your hearts open, today I also invite you God. to remain in the arms of God, the Creator, so that each one of My children may be able to find support and firmness to face Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity the steps of the transformation of the heart. July Your lives and the whole world are going through great chang- Do not let your hearts grieve anymore; believe in the mystery es, changes that are watched from the Heavens and that are 14 of love that I am revealing to you. This, My children, will allow accompanied by the eternal giving of Jesus, of His Sacred Heart, and by the surrender I make to you by means of My Immacu- you to live the absolute trust in My Son and in My Maternal late Heart. Heart. With this I want to tell you not to lose the aspiration of fulfill- Dear children, always raise your prayers towards Heaven. They ing the Purpose of God, because the changes call you to trans- are well received by the Great Heart of God because in this form the feeling and the inner consciousness, leading to a spirit way, the Grace of Reparation can act as the Fire of the Holy of total collaboration with the Divine Works of the Father. Spirit and convert the pain of your hearts. My children, in this sense it is necessary that more souls be My little ones, today I invite you to keep praying the Mysteries able to adhere to the celestial proposal that God suggests to of Contemplation of the Rosary so that in each one of the pas- you through My Maternal Heart and My daily call to each sages that My Son lived, you may be able to learn about love, one of you. sacrifice, surrender and faith. By the lack of these principles in

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the heart and in the life of many of My children, humanity has Dear children, so that your lives may grow in the direction of walked through mistakes that have offended God the Creator. God, the Most High, I invite you to keep in your hearts the teachings that Christ manifested to the world with so much Therefore, dear children, the prayer of the heart and the prayer love. among united souls will open the Celestial Door so that all these gifts may be able to awaken in your lives and thus each The mysteries of Christ were keys for the expansion of the one of your little hearts will become a faithful instrument of heart for many souls and thus, healing was manifested in the Creator. the children of God. Therefore, My children, the keys He left If humanity just stopped to think whether it is on the true through His examples, teachings and parables, will lead you to path of God, many consequences would be able to be detained consecrate yourselves more each time on the path of My Son, and humanity would avoid living the Law of the Universe. But a path towards fraternity. if there are true groups of prayer that respond to My call for Christ, who resurrected before the eyes of the world, is the peace, My Maternal Promise is to intercede for everyone, espe- One who will return as Good News for the present time. It is cially for those who do not have God in their hearts. important, My little ones, that you prepare your hearts from In this defining time, it is necessary to learn in order to grow; now on because each moment of union with My Son will you rely on many keys. Today again I give them to you: love, strengthen you. At each new encounter with Him you will be prayer, sacrifice and devotion. Through all of them, other more remembering the importance of keeping vigil in the prayer of beautiful keys will be able to be awakened. the heart. I thank you! Know, My dear and beloved children, that He sends Me to you so that, as a kind Mother, I may instruct you and guide you to Thank you for responding to My call. the true path that Jesus traveled while in this world. The path Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity of the souls is a celestial path that you must travel on this Earth without belonging to it. July Now the moment has come for the rehabilitation of all the 15 As long as God allows it, and out of love, I will intercede and fallen ones, and My Immaculate Heart invites you to pray mer- I will be with you all the time that may be necessary. My last cifully for all these children who, without knowing, seek God. presence in the world will occur before the return of My Son, as a sign for the souls. As I am the Mother of Graces, I call you to collaborate with the Infinite Plans of God. Today I want to invite you to internalize the reading of the Gospel of My Son, written by His faithful followers. Behind I thank you! the Acts that Jesus lived, there was a Greater Consciousness, Thank you for responding to My call. which is the One and Only Consciousness of God, that guided and accompanied all the steps of the resurrection of My Son. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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July 16 My children, Thank you for responding to My call. With the Redeeming and Saving Cross of My Son in My hands, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity today I tell you: convert yourselves in the name of love! What July do you expect from this path? Only find refuge in the House of God. Little hearts, the moment has come to raise the heart to Heaven 17 and to entirely abandon the illusions of the world. You and all Only wait for the coming of My Son with joy. My children are called to the time of conversion, a path that Only await in prayer to find peace. leads you to Redemption in order to find the absolute forgive- ness of God. Dear children, For this reason, dear children, watch, watch and watch with Today I call you to revere God, the Great Creator of the Uni- the light of the heart so that nothing may be lost in your lives. verse. Each new day must be a praise to the Lord because in I invite you to live from prayer in order to find in it the Divine this way your lives will be partakers of His Law of Love and Power of the Holy Spirit. Remember that the world is chang- Forgiveness. ing and you need to strengthen the life of the spirit to be able to glimpse the loving Kingdom of God. My children forget the Eternal Father. Today I remind you that you must always return to the Universe elevated, as souls, My children, seek quietness and peace before each situation. through prayer. Wait with joy for the coming of the Messenger Persist in God’s Purpose and, in the inner hope, receive the of God, the King of the Redeeming Love, My Glorified Son, Love of My Son in your hearts. because while waiting, you are opening your hearts for the new Stand up, My little ones! It is time for the conversion of the that comes from Jesus. heart! It is time to open the Door of Heaven through prayer. Revere the Creator as a Path of Consecration of your lives to Each time that your hearts pray, the Lord allows Me to pour the Will of the Father. Know, My children, that in each act of the gifts over all My children. reverence you will be praising God and in this way you will You can be faithful servers of My Plans of Peace. Know, dear form part of the harmony that the world needs and has lost children, that I want to lead you to eternity, to the discovery because it forgot to praise the Creator. of the Love of God in your hearts. Today I invite you to remember this act of reverence because I need you in Me, I accompany you, I understand you, I shelter it will lead you to live in the devotion of the heart, a pathway you. It is time to change, to accept and to grow as a kind soul that opens to the encounter with faith. in the arms of God. Dear children, if humanity loved God the Creator, the plans I thank you! would already be different. As a Mediator, I want to make you

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discover His Love in each one of your hearts. It is time to rec- the Forgiveness of God and of reconciling yourselves with your ognize that without Jesus, you will not be able see the path dear ones. Each act of forgiveness attracts the original purity clearly. Jesus is the vision that, as Light, illuminates life in order towards your hearts. Life becomes luminous before the throne to redeem it. And for this to happen, it is important to pray of the Father because in it there is a new dwelling, a dwelling with the heart. visited by the Compassionate Love of My Son. I thank you! Search for purity in order to begin to live the Immaculate Peace of My Heart. Thank you for responding to My call. I thank you! Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Thank you for responding to My call. July Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Today I invite you to consecrate your lives as a gift to God, 18 being flowers at the feet of the Creator. Carry the joy of serv­ing July Him on your faces and, in harmony, manifest the Love of My Dear children, Son. Live under the Source of the Love of the Savior and, as 19 good and humble instruments, radiate the peace of the heart. Do you wait for the arrival of My Maternal Word each day? Know, dear children, that despite the way the world behaves I want to instruct you so that your hearts may recognize the before God, My Immaculate Heart makes you participants Presence of God in all Universal Life. of the new path that I want to reveal to you, the path of love I want to make you see the reality that the world lives for lack and forgiveness. of the prayer of the heart. Remember that you serve out of absolute love for God and I want to awaken My soldiers from their sleep so that all souls that My Son calls you to drink from the Fount of Mercy for may serve their fellow beings through prayer. all those who easily forget the importance of being in God. For this reason, My children, each action of life must be con- For this reason, My children, today I invite you to consider secrated to God and you must work under this spirit of peace. each one of My loving words as sacred, words of God that I give you in My daily message. In this way your lives will be Many will receive, in due time, the last call of God, the Father able to recognize that, as Mother of all, I want to bring you to of the Universe, and one of His warnings will be given through where Jesus is to be found so that you may redeem your lives, the voice of My Immaculate Heart that comes to the world to your actions and your hearts in peace. elevate it as a consciousness and as a heart. The Lord, God the Father, promises a Fountain of Graces for Be good disciples of My Son, be true messengers of His Divine all those who hear His Voice, emitted by His Favorite Son and Mercy. The Divine Hour marks the moment of making use of His Faithful Servant of Nazareth.

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Dear children, the moment you are living with Me is the final My Son calls you to prayer so that His Merciful Fire may be moment that will not be repeated, because the coming of the able to redeem you and reconcile you with the Eternal God of Light of the Divine Heaven tries to awaken your consciousness the Heights. While the world goes on, day by day My children and the consciousness of all My other children in this world. must elevate their hearts to the Heights and to the Eternal in order to find the true Spirit of God. Keep each one of My instructions as a gift and sow them so that they may be able to sprout in the time of the return of Everything is right there, dear children, very close to you. My Son. Thus your hearts, trained in the prayer of the heart, Therefore, open the doors of your hearts so that My Son Jesus will be able to testify to the Presence of Christ in your lives may be able to reign in you for all eternity. For this to happen, and especially, to testify for all those who still do not believe you must be in constant prayer, dialoguing with Jesus and, in in the Mercy of My Son. Jesus, dialoguing with God. Thus your lives will correspond to the Will of God, and His Rays of Light and Pity will touch And finally, My dear children, remember that your souls are the heart of all creatures. blessed each day by the Holy Spirit through Me and this is because I love you. My children, it is time to sustain with steady hands the holy prayer and to multiply it for the good of the world. For this I thank you! reason, My little ones, never forget how important it is to begin Thank you for responding to My call. the day with the Lord so that your lives may be blessed. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Remember when you wake up that you are worthy children of July God and that He awaits you from eternity so that your little hearts may merge into His Universal Light. If so, My children, 20 My children, day by day and without perceiving it, you the world will be able to be different and My Eternal Peace, distance yourselves from God. Especially those of you who the Peace of God, will be in the hearts of all My children for renounce Heaven to enter into the life of this world. a while longer. My Immaculate Heart calls you, gathers you and cries out to Live in the Mercy of Jesus and remember His precious prom- all for much prayer so that the Light of the infinite Heart of ises for this humanity. the Father may be able to fill all. I thank you! For this reason, dear children, all of you in this time, and espe- cially the most faithful devotees to My Immaculate Heart, Thank you for responding to My call. must be in My Son igniting the flame of the heart to gather, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity in prayer and in vigil, with the Master of Love.

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Dear children, towards the new time of Eternal Peace, Peace that the world 21 must live to be able to be in the Eternal Kingdom of God. Praised be Jesus in your hearts and in the hearts of all of My children in the world! In Jesus, praised be the King of the Universe! My little children, today I call you to practice the humility Thank you for responding to My call. of the heart, the humility that may be exercised through dai- Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity ly prayer and which will bring you to find the peace and the meekness that is necessary to live in the end of this present July time. As I am the Mother who reconciles and protects all souls, My Therefore, united to My Immaculate Heart, you will be able 22 children, I remind you of the importance of being in the Peace to find the Light of My Son for the path that I invite you to go of the Lord, because He knows you well from your birth, and through from now on: the path of humility. A humble heart is My Maternal Heart has held each one of your souls in Its arms a meek heart, open and receptive to all the requests of service so that you may revere the Infinite Love of the Creator. and of giving that may come into its life. Dear children, for this reason today I tell you: rise from where Live by the examples that the little Jesus once manifested in you have fallen and walk bravely to the Source of My Son Jesus, each one of His passages here on Earth. Today I invite you to because He will wash you and heal all your inner wounds. For remember, My little ones, the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem; the this to happen, little children, your hearts must humbly say presentation to the Father, of the child Jesus in My arms, as “yes” to God and with this permission, Jesus will help you. well as the finding of Jesus in the temple. Remember the importance of Divine Mercy because you are Dear children, I want to train you on the path of humility, and still in time to unite in trust to My Son Jesus. He, as Priest and that each one of these living examples that Jesus transmitted King of this world, calls you to contemplate with simplicity the to all of humanity may be a valuable spiritual instrument of merciful Heart of God who, from the beginning, has created conversion. you in His image and likeness. Dear children, you know that humanity is still not humble Therefore, dear children, do not waste more time and, as Mother before God. This is why He sends Me to you through Jesus so of Eternal Love, I invite you to reflect about the current defin- that you may remember that the moment to renounce oneself, ing time that you are living. to transcend oneself and to find the true Kingdom of God has Do not fear! I am here in the name of the Grace of God to now arrived. conduct you as a flock to the Great Shepherd of shepherds, the I welcome you all in My arms of motherhood. Divine Heart of Jesus. Know, My children, that My Immaculate Heart was consecrat- Live the spiritual principles that My Son left to you: confession ed to God by all of you. Therefore I love you and I guide you in Jesus, daily communion, and constant prayer to be in the

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Grace of the Vigil. Each one of these principles will lead you able to intercede with Me for all the other children who must to be in God and to live the reconciliation that My children receive the Grace of Reparation and Redemption. I count on must exercise from the essence of the pure heart. you until the last moments of your lives. My Maternal Heart, like the Most Holy Heart of Jesus, knows the origin of your Walk towards My Maternal Heart; it is time to elevate your- little essences well. selves as souls to the feet of the Creator. Walk, My dear children, with complete trust in Jesus, Shepherd of all, and look at the Dear children, I tell you that it is time to act as true soldiers new horizon. of prayer, consecrated to the Light of My Immaculate Heart. Day by day I try to correct your lives with harmony, as a kind I thank you. Mother, so that you may find the only Celestial Door that will Thank you for responding to My call. take you to the feet of God. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity My children, today I call you to live each prayer with fervor because the Heart of My Son Jesus is listening attentively to July the supplications of this world. 23 Dear children, Trust Jesus, trust His Unfathomable Mercy! Today I call you to live in the Eternal Grace of God, of His My Immaculate Heart takes care of you so that all may be providences and of His splendorous gifts, one of them being saved, in Jesus and for love of Jesus. Peace, the Inner Peace that I, as Mother and Queen of Peace, want to awaken in your hearts. I thank you! But if your hearts have little trust in My Maternal Purpose, Thank you for responding to My call. how will My Peace reach you? Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Your hearts must become new, pure and crystalline contain- July ers so that My Son may fill you with His Merciful Graces of Redemption and Forgiveness. Let us continue together through the path of peace and unity 24 because in this way, My little ones, you will be in My Kingdom, When you, My little ones, reach the inner state of emptiness the Kingdom of My Son Jesus, Paradise, a place where your of self, I will be able to say that your lives are truly surrendered hearts must aspire to be with God. to the Will of God. Dear children, open the portal of the heart so that My Immac­ While the world faces its own miseries, I come here to your ulate Light may be able to fill and impregnate you with the encounter to guide you towards Eternity. Presence of the Holy Spirit. Open your arms so that the heart Dear children, the only thing left in this time is to pray more, of peace that exists in each one of you may be able to emerge to pray much. As representatives of this humanity you will be from the depths of the soul and there God may always reign.

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July My children, spread the Peace I am giving you, the Peace that 25 As the Mother of the Nations, dear children, today I invite is necessary in the hearts of all My children of this world. you, as I have been doing for a long time, to pray for peace, to work for peace. Invoke the Divine Mercy by means of each For peace to prevail, you must be like the water that springs prayer of the heart so that it may descend over all My children. from the fountain of My Maternal Heart. My little ones, on this day of special importance to the Lord, You must be a source of prayer to thus renew life under the the Heart of My Son is present among you to remind you that Divine Spirit of the Lord. You must be an expression of faith now is the time for each one to observe with compassion the for this world. You must be the Fire of the Holy Spirit that need of your neighbor and to see the urgency of your fellow in prayer may be able to awaken and heal the aching heart of human. humanity. Therefore, My children, it will be important that your hearts You, My children, are part of this Creation, and God created concentrate in the essence of charity and of giving so that the you to serve others in charity and love, creating a New Fra- Light of Christ may be able to spring from the depths of your ternity in all humanity. hearts. Feel that everything I tell you and that what My Heart ema- Humanity still must learn to live the essence of humility. All nates daily to you is true. With prayer and love in your hearts of you, My dear children, can convert your hearts into precious you will allow your souls to be converted into simple instru- instruments for the Creator. ments at the service of the Divine Father Creator. Today My Immaculate Heart is also on all My beloved chil- Open your hearts again and only find rest in the Hands of dren of Central America, children that I contemplate with God. much compassion so that the Redeeming Ray of My Son may emanate from their hearts. I leave you a mission: to pray so that the Fountain of Peace that is found in Heaven may descend over the Earth. Open your arms to receive the Love of the Universal Mother of Graces, so that in this way each one of your little hearts may In this way, My children, your lives will correspond to the consecrate themselves to the designs of God. This is the reason Plans of God. of My Immaculate coming towards you. Walk in faith. Everything is under the gaze of My Maternal With My Immense Maternal Heart I ask you: pray! Pray and Kingdom. pray so that all may be able to be each day closer to the Will of God. I thank you! My voice comes towards you to announce the moment of Thank you for responding to My call. Mercy, as if the Bird of the Holy Spirit were impregnating Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity you with Its Gifts and Its Graces.

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You can help with prayer so that this Magnificent and Om- My little children, this is a reason for you to enter in trust into nipotent Spirit of God may be more present. the true universe of prayer, which you must build day by day in your hearts and in the hearts of all My children. I want to teach you to open the treasury of the Heart of God so that you may discover the immense and powerful Love As the world waits for Mercy, the Mercy of God, through that He has for the existence of each creature on Earth. Christ My Son, I invite you to become conscious of your life here on Earth and how much it is collaborating with the Plans In the same way that My Heart of Mother once pilgrim­aged of God, in surrender and in love. with Joseph to Egypt, today I invite you to walk towards the My children, My Marian mission is to warn you that these are consecration of your hearts. not normal times; it is time to pray with all the fervor of the Remember that I wait for you to pray the Rosary every day, heart in order to thus be able to be worthy of the coming of the High Priest of Love, of Jesus your Savior. this will bring you closer and closer to God. Little children, if your hearts pray and your thoughts are I thank you! calmed in My Maternal Presence, as Mother of all I will be Thank you for responding to My call. able to graciously bring you close to the presence of the Divine Heart of Jesus. Your lives must be as the expression of the roses Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity in a celestial garden, because thus you will become worthy of receiving the beauty of the Love of God in each one of your July lives. My Celestial Immaculate Heart guides you and illumi- As a mediator before God, today I bring you, dear children, the 26 nates your long and extensive path in this world. urgent call to prayer and to reflection, so that in a conscious Dear children, way you may be able to serve all in the name of My Eternal Peace. With supreme reverence, remain during this whole blessed day of the Lord in the infinite essence of gratitude. If today your My voice announces itself to each one of your hearts; I am here because I love you and I guide you. hearts feel a sincere gratitude, My Maternal Heart will be able to help you, as humanity, a while longer. Be like Jesus, imitate the path of meekness and humility. Your world is in need of immense and inexhaustible Mercy. For Let us pray, only pray. this reason, My children, open your eyes and see My Son Jesus I thank you! before you. Christ expects that, without waiting and without Thank you for responding to My call. delay, your little hearts approach Him so that your lives may be able to recognize the greatness of His Redeeming Love. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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July July

My children, As the Lady of the Roses I want to bring you to My celestial 27 28 garden so that all souls, gathered as roses, may be able to stay With immense joy and bliss today I tell you that the Plans in the promised paradise of the Lord. of the Father are being fulfilled through each one of you. Therefore, My little ones, the reason for My words today is so Dear children, these promises are beautiful but today I invite that your hearts may celebrate with Me because the Celestial you to the conversion of your lives, to forgiveness of the past Plans are being manifested in the hearts of all those who hear and to the reconciliation of your hearts with each one of your My call. fellow humans. Remember, My children, that in each brother and sister, Christ, My Resurrected Son, is to be found. There- As humanity still needs much Mercy, I ask you to continue in fore, I invite you to be responsive to the Kingdom of Peace so fidelity on the path of consecration, an eternal path towards that it may be present in each one of My children. God. Today I want to thank all the soldiers united to My Immaculate Heart for answering and responding, over the last Do not fear for that which still does not change in the world. eight months and also in these past years, to all My requests of The prayer of the heart is necessary to find the Light of the prayer for the souls in the world and especially for this beloved Father. planet of God. Little children, run as pure essences to the feet of the Creator, Dear children, in this way I invite you to deepen into the Mys- because if this gesture is sincere through the offering of teries of Contemplation of the Holy Rosary so that each one prayer, the Omnipotent Lord will fill you with His Infinite of your souls may find the keys that will unite you with My Repairing Graces. Son, with each of His passages, the ones He left as a teaching Today I observe you and place you inside the Celestial King- for you. dom. I place the entire great humanity that does not want to Today I invite you to keep your hearts inside My Immaculate change by accepting the Plans of God because it lives its own Heart. As the Co-Redeeming Mother, after Christ, I want to decision of life, inside the Celestial Kingdom of prayer so that sustain you for a long time in My arms so that each one of the with My custodian angels We may pray for the salvation and lives of My children may live in the Eternal Grace of God. redemption of all My children. I want to accompany you from this life until Paradise. I know My children, it is up to all of you to respond to the requests each soul well and I know what each one of My beloved chil- pronounced by Our God in each one of your hearts. I want to dren needs in these times. make you grow from the heart so that many of My children may be able to imitate this simple path of consecration to the Infinitely in the presence of Jesus, the praised King of the Uni- Most Holy Heart of Jesus. verse, today I tell you: I thank you! It is time to repair the great causes that have distanced the souls Thank you for responding to My call. from God. I come here to each one of you as a Mediator and Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Mother of Jesus, the Redeemer, your Savior.

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I thank you! You must be reborn through prayer as precious instruments in the Hands of God. All My children are called to collabo- Thank you for responding to My call. rate with the planet. It is necessary that all of you know that Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity someone in this humanity must intercede before the Creator. July For this, My Son has given you the shepherds. Pray for them so that the Holy Spirit may guide them in these moments. While from Heaven, God the Father keeps His sacred gaze on 29 all humanity, dear children, today I call you, as I do every day, I thank you for your prayers! to the reparation of the heart through prayer. An immense Thank you for responding to My call. number of souls await the prayers of all the Marian mission- aries consecrated to My Immaculate Heart; souls that, being Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity distant from the path of sanctity, lead themselves through July pathways that are contrary to the ones destined for their lives. My children, Therefore, My children, as a Mediator in this world of today, I 30 call you to contemplate the Merciful Face of Jesus as the only Live in perpetual alliance with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. path to the redemption of the heart. These times distract the He loves you above all things and shelters you in His arms of souls more each day and conduct them towards intentions that Mercy. distance their hearts from the path that leads them to God. Today I contemplate you from My Maternal Heart and with Today I call you to pray with all the heart so that God the eyes of Mercy, I tell you: do not fear, I am with you! Stay in Father may hear the pleas for the salvation of all His children the arms of the Redeemer because He will announce Himself, in the world. alive and resplendent, in each one of your hearts. With a thorn thrust in My Maternal Heart, today I ask that Do not fear, do not fear, My little ones! God wants the best through prayer you repair My Immaculate Heart so that as for your lives. This is the moment in which God the Father the Mother of Mercy I may be able to sustain for longer all the calls you to redemption, to the awakening of faith and love in hearts that are losing themselves. the essence of all My children. For this reason today I invite you to surrender each one of your fears and to fully trust the May all My children be conducted by My Maternal Heart so Plans of God. that all creatures may raise their arms and cry out for pity. There must be peace in the hearts of My children. Therefore, Dear children, it is time to become conscious of the life of today do not forget that My Maternal Kingdom shelters you prayer; a prayer that, by the divine power that it acquires, will so that each one of the souls may arrive at the Redeeming be able to protect you in the moments close to the end of this Kingdom of the Love that Jesus, as a priest and as a shepherd, cycle in the world. has prepared for you.

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When I come to your encounter in silence, as Mother and the coming of the Good News that My Son will pronounce Servant of God, it is so that your hearts may recognize that I for each one of your lives. am always among you. My children, looking at this world with compassion, I ask you: It is important that, in this time, you live in a state of con- pray with the heart! Because if you do not pray with the heart, stant prayer because prayer will lead you to recognize with the precious instrument that God has given to you will lose absolute clarity and wisdom the next and true inner path to its spiritual strength. The world lacks a deep and loving life of go through. prayer. Through this prayer all My children can be guided, as the Holy Spirit guided My Immaculate Heart. Dear children, come to Me with your arms open, and remain- ing in faith and love in My Maternal arms, I will be able to fill My Maternal Heart counts on all the hearts open to respond you with the essence of the Love of God, a Divine Love that I to My call, a call that My voice pronounces from Heaven to lovingly bring from Heaven. this entire humanity that is deaf to the Divine call to the con- version of the heart. Therefore, walk with joy towards the Purpose because in this way you will be in God. For this reason, dear children, I invite you to convert all that still needs to be converted by the merciful fire of My Son. I talk I want to lead you each day to the Peace of the Heart. to you with love so that your consciousnesses may awaken and Rest your souls on My maternal lap. not fall asleep when My voice lovingly manifests Itself to you. Courage and Hope to all! I ask that you follow the path of consecration to My Heart Thank you for responding to My call. because in this way you will give Me permission to guide you towards the state of peace that you must now live as a premise Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity for your lives. July Dear children, never tire of praying. Constantly elevate prayer In My Spiritual and Immaculate Heart you will find the towards the Heights. God, attentive to the supplications of My 31 protection and the help that My Maternal Love wants to children, will respond to you. Trust in this so that in this way pour for each one of the sheep of Christ. you may love the Celestial Will. Dear children, I thank you! With your hearts directed towards the Heights, I invite you to Thank you for responding to My call. be in peace and to search for this Eternal Peace in the depths of Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity your souls. It is the time and moment to prepare the heart for

364 365 “In all of the Marian Centers there is a luminous star of My Crown that is united to the heart of each pilgrim.”

2012 August August 2012

August In Jesus you will find the true path towards peace. For this 1 reason, dear children, opening My merciful arms today I ask you above all things: come to Me because if you do this My Immaculate Heart will help you. Today, especially, I open My Protecting Mantle so that, through the prayer of the heart, each one of My children may place themselves under My Mantle so that the Rays of the Eternal Light of God may illuminate you and may show you the just and holy path that you are invited to travel, imitating My Son who traveled it once for all humanity. Dear children, find the strength of faith in the devotion to My Immaculate Heart. I want to cause you to be reborn as Jesus made brother Lazarus resurrect. Dear children, it is time to walk so that you may be able to see the Eternal Light of Divine Mercy that My Son wants to give you. Go forward and do not waste time because My Son needs you strong and brave as the flight of the birds in the dawn. Dear children, today I invite you to pray for Light in the heart, I call you to remain in joy, because this will allow you to awak- en the inner presence of the Holy Spirit in each one of you. Come to know the Gifts of the Holy Spirit through prayer. Stay in My arms! Trust in the surrender that My Heart makes for you today. Thank you for responding to My call. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

In one apparition of the Virgin Mary Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil

369 Messages of Peace August 2012


Keep My Maternal Words in your hearts so that you Awaken, My little ones! 2 never forget that they come from the Lord. Awaken in I thank you! you the Sacred Spirit of God, and may your lives be a great dove of Light that transmits peace to those who do not Thank you for responding to My call. have it and faith to those who have lost it. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Dear children, you are My Missionaries of Peace. This you August must remember well, this is a mission of peace and redemp- tion that My Immaculate Heart invites you to live day by day. 3 Dear children, Know that I am here because I love you, and My Son Jesus I wait for you every day so that in groups of prayer you may sends Me to the world as a mediator between souls and God pray the Rosary asking for Light for the world and peace for the Father. I am the Maternal Flame of Love and Help and I all My children. I wait for you in prayer so that together with want to teach you not to waste time in normal actions. Each Me you may contemplate the Luminous and Redeeming Face new day your spirit must place itself before the Will of God of My Son. so that the hearts may recognize that they are called to live in As I am the Mother of humanity, I call you to strengthen the the Eternal Kingdom of God. groups of prayer by means of the prayer of the heart and through the reading of My daily words. Dear children, with supreme compassion for My children, whom I contemplate in My hands, today I invite you to recog- Dear children, I want that, by means of prayer, you trust in nize the importance of a sincere prayer that can aid the whole the existence and power of Divine Mercy. You are invited to world with its Light. You, My little ones, are called to be the remain very close to My Son so that He, as the High Priest, new disciples of My Son, you are called to unite Heaven and may baptize you with His Gifts of Peace. Earth through an honest prayer of the heart. In these times you are contemplated from the Heavens and It is time, My little ones! It is now time for you to open your My rain of Graces awaits to awaken in the hearts of all My arms and receive the Maternal Grace that My Heart of Peace is children. For this to happen, I invite you to deepen into the pouring! Many of My children who form part of this human- path of prayer, because God the Father wants to fill all souls ity waste the precious time of their lives immersed in illusion. with His Mercy. I call you to reflection with the Voice from Above so that your I will accompany you as Guardian of souls and as Master of hearts may be able to shine in the Throne of God’s Eternity. prayer. All My little children are called to the time of reparation Know well, My dear children, that I need you despite every- of the spirit through the power of prayer. thing, because My Son is coming, and before you are called Have absolute faith, and under the Holy Spirit, walk to- in consciousness, He will touch each heart. I invite you to the wards My arms; I will comfort you as I once comforted Jesus. sincere preparation of your lives by means of prayer. I love you!

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Thank you for responding to My call. Dear children, with your hearts in celebration today I invite you to prepare your dwellings to receive the Merciful Heart Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity of My Son. I know that many of you are tired from such a August long walk. This is why today I place you under My Restoring Mantle so that your souls may always say “yes” to the Will My Eternal Peace liberates and forgives souls from all of God. 4 their faults. Dear children, I invite you to remember the importance of working in love, the love of Jesus, in this way you will know how to extend your Pouring today the Grace of forgiveness, I ask you: pray with arms to give and to be charitable with all, without boundaries the heart! And pray with all the love that God has placed in or time. each one of you throughout your lives. Dear children, for this reason, and contemplating the igno- My children, live in the Source of Grace that God has granted rance in the world, I invite you to prayer for all humanity. Me so that, out of love and for your redemption, I may pour it Each day, as a Merciful Mother, I want to embrace the greatest over all of humanity. number of children. Therefore, dear children, pray with constancy and faith so that Being Mother I know well your tests and your learning. In this the Custodian Angels of the Lord may guide you through the way today I invite you to persist in the infinite Love of God. new path towards fraternity. My children, it is in the source of this transforming Love that I Today I invite you to convert your lives into a pure rose. daily invite you to stay, and also today I call you to prepare My th Do not fear, I am with you! arrival with joy and bliss for this coming 8 . Remember that we celebrate the Graces that God has allowed Me to pour on all Thank you for responding to My call. My children and all the Graces of Love and Forgiveness that I Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity will be able to radiate as Rays of Light to many more children. August You are in My arms, today I only ask that you do not leave them because I want to deliver you to Jesus, the Redeemer. With joy I send My blessings to all My children of Argentina, 5 who with great kindness, await My Maternal arrival to this I thank you! th nation on the 18 of this current month. This is a Marian Thank you for responding to My call. date that celebrates the anniversary of My Merciful descent upon Aurora which took place in the morning of the 18th of Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity August, 2011.

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August 6 Dear children, I thank you! Embracing the whole world and radiating the Light of My Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Immaculate Heart, today I ask you: multiply the life of prayer August so that it may be the seasoning for your life and so that it may awaken love for prayer in those of My children who still do 7 Peace! Peace! Peace in the hearts of all My children! Come not pray. to My Kingdom because in this place of love and peace My Immaculate Heart will heal you. Open your arms My little ones, through these almost eight months of daily and receive from My Heart the flame that will illumi- instructions you have been invited to be participants in the nate you to travel the new path with My Son, a path called school of prayer and now I ask you that it be the true reason Redemption. for your lives and the lives of many souls. Dear children, You are called to be examples of the life of prayer in such a way that it must never lack on your day, because prayer is a perma- May your hearts rejoice because My Immaculate Peace is with nent dialogue with God, the Creator. Prayer is the fraternal each one of you. Know well that all your prayers count a lot relationship with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Prayer is the path in the universe, especially the prayers that are born from the for each one of My children to find peace for the heart. essence of the heart. Without daily prayer the world cannot be repaired because Today I ask that you wait for Me in prayer each day. If so, My each encounter with the life of prayer will lead you to a state of merciful eyes will contemplate you preparing the salvation of reverence and love for the Infinite, the Most High God. If the all the essences of God. world, in its totality, heard My call, Grace would forgive many The world waits for your prayers and so do My children that of the causes that limit the walking of many souls. do not pray. Therefore, contemplate with Mercy each one of Therefore, My children, your effort in the life of prayer will the Kingdoms created by the wise Hands of God and know represent, to the Heavens, the triumph of the angels on Earth. that they need all My children who are on Earth. Dear children, on this day and in these times of important You, dear children, have the primordial key of the prayer of definition, I tell you, save a moment for God because He waits the heart, which will open the Sources of the Heavens so that more Mercy may descend. to meet with each one of you. My children, you have in your hands the possibility of mak- My children, the key to open the Door to Heaven is in you and ing the decision for a new life. My Son Jesus, the Most High this key is called Will. As the Mother of Hope I am here to Guardian of all the hearts, waits for you so that, united in vigil show you how to open the pure treasury of the Heart of God. and in prayer, you may help the heart of all the souls who are I count on you! deaf and do not hear the Voice of My Heart.

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I thank you for your persistence. Walk towards the Light, for- My children of humanity through My Maternal Presence getting the past with love so that your spirit may be reborn. among you. Thank you for responding to My call. My children, may your hearts ignite again with joy, in gratitude so that your lives can be eternally in the Lord. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity August Today I call you to live in this trust as it will take you towards faith, and faith will keep you in the devotion to My Immac- 8 By request of the Divine Mother, the message for this day ulate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. May Our humble is the one from the Apparition of August 8, 2012, that Hearts be the essence of forgiveness and hope in your lives in took place in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, the moments that humanity will live. Uruguay. (See page 598) If prayer were the Light in all of the families of humanity, they August would become sacred families, members of the Fraternity in 9 Dear children, these times. May trust be the next spiritual goal that all your hearts will I thank you! be able to radiate as worthy children of God. My little ones, Thank you for responding to My call. may this trust between the creatures and the Supreme God be the new redeeming alliance for this humanity in need. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity My children, today I call you to strengthen, by means of August prayer, this same alliance which My Son established between Continue to pray every day because the supplication of His Sacred Heart and God. Dear children, may this purpose 10 humanity is being heard. for your lives be the reason of your presence on Earth in such a way that if you keep this spiritual flame of God ignited, many My children, creatures in need will be able to be helped by the Great Angels With all of you in the center of My Immaculate Heart, today of the Lord in the final time. I call you to prepare yourselves by means of the vigil of prayer Dear children, it is important to consider this in your life: to that all My children are being called to carry out tomorrow, build in your dwelling the perfect union between the soul and on the 11th. God. And this unfathomable trust will begin through the act Dear children, God is receiving true impulses of love from of love, a love that My Son teaches you to live in your life, a all of you. I invite you to continue praying for the world. My repairing and redeeming love. Immaculate Heart elevates the pleas of all My children, and For this reason, today I invite you to open your hearts to God, in His Infinite Mercy, contemplates the love of all His the Light of the Creator, Light that is being poured over all children.

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Dear children, go forward, go forward! And do not stop the ations would be served from it, in the loving union with God victorious art of prayer. This is the time to share, your prayer that all souls must seek. is equivalent to the charity of many hands. With the coming Today I accompany you, as I have been doing for five years, of My Son everyone will be able to be touched by the Mercy of and in these times of great definitions, I contemplate you and the Redeemer. I only ask you to be inexhaustible sources of prayer. It is time to propagate the importance of praying with love for Dear children, the world still has not prostrated itself at the the redemption of all My children. You, My little ones, have received the greatest instrument from the Universe of God and feet of the Creator and, as the Mother of the healing of the this instrument is called the “prayer of the heart.” soul, I ask you to keep praying, praying with the power of love from each one of your hearts. This will allow the Universe of And today, extending My merciful arms and My Mantle of God to act on all consciousnesses, especially those that need Light on all who need it, I ask you to continue through the the Redeeming Light of My Son. Christian path that is being built from your hearts. Dear children, I invite you in a special way on this 11th of My Son, under the High Glory of God, contemplates you with August to convert your lives into a state of prayer, into a new His Eyes of compassion. He invites you to work for Celestial proverb of Light that may be radiated to humanity. Peace and, in the name of this Celestial Peace, it is time to help the world, the Kingdoms and humanity. I conduct you through the new paths of the shepherds, shep- herds that you must love and respect, because My Son has May the Holy Spirit be the flame of wisdom in the hearts of elected them to proclaim the Kingdom of God. all My children. I will accompany you always, and whenever you allow Me to, because I love you. Dear and little children, the time is coming to unite what the consciousnesses of all My children have separated throughout In the Merciful Love, praised be the Redeemer! time. The only reconnection for all the souls is the Divine I thank you! Heart of My Son, because it is in My Son that you will be able to find the Peace and the Forgiveness of God, which many Thank you for responding to My call. need. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Humanity continues along the path of the offenses and this August has repercussions on the life of the spirit. This is why, as Inter­ cessor of all souls, I call you to pray with the heart so that more On a day like this 11th of August, but in the month of February, Light may be ignited in those who walk through darkness. 11 1858 in Lourdes, My Immaculate Heart brought to the world the Universal Mantle of Healing for all of My children. I asked My Son is the Light of the world and you are potential sparks My daughter Bernadette to dig a spring so that all the gener- of the eternal brilliance of His Sacred Heart.

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My children, it is time to raise your arms and cry out for it is important that all of you remain under the light of the Mercy through prayer so that the whole Creative Universe may Holy Spirit, because the time has come to learn to love, for- be able to transform all that humanity still does not manage give, accept, give and fraternize your lives with each one of to change. the hearts in the world, also with those hearts that you do not know. Know, all My little ones, that you are in the last time of Mercy, and as it was announced by My Son to the world, the time for All, as humanity, are inside the great boat of God that, about Divine Justice will come. Love the Law to be able to love the to leave towards the infinite, waits for the last flocks that are Universe of God. Remember the commandments; renew your called to elevate themselves towards the arms of the Creator. vows with the Creator. Dear children, this call that God has entrusted Me to make I guide you and I place you near My Son. through My monthly coming has a spiritual reason that, Do you accept the coming of His Kingdom? throughout time, My Heart of Peace has been building in your little dwellings. Thank you for responding to My call. The life of prayer will allow your hearts to unite to each other, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and above all, to unite in the call that My voice pronounces day August by day. The new time has not come yet for My children; much must be forgiven and reconciled from the heart. But yes, My 12 Dear children, little ones, the moment of the Good News that I bring to you Today I ask you that your hearts do not lose the Peace that My has come so that you can be partakers of the Kingdom of God. Son is giving you through My Maternal Presence. My children, the promise is for all when you simply say “yes” My children, opening My Perpetual and Immaculate Heart, to Paradise. I ask you to come into it so that I may be able to elevate you as I thank you. consciousness to the arms of the Creator. Thank you for responding to My call for humanity. Today is a moment for your lives to withdraw into the Heart of God by means of the imperious exercise of the prayer of the Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity heart. All of you, My dear children, are co-responsible for My August Marian mission here on Earth. Because of this I not only ask you to open your hearts to My call, but also to My requests for 13 I will not tire of coming into your lives because as the Mother the salvation of the souls of God. of Mercy, the merit for all the souls of the world is salvation. May your lives, in these times, be able to represent the path Dear children, with your hearts open you will reach eternity, that Christ walked here on Earth. Therefore, dear children, therefore today I invite you to consider the life of prayer as

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August primordial. In this way your lives will be within the Kingdom Esteemed children, of the Creator. My children, as the Lady of Peace today I ask 14 Today I especially thank all the servers that are donated to My you to pray, to pray with your hearts because the whole Uni­ verse of God is attentive to the supplications of all My children. Immaculate Heart. My task for peace is propagated through the spontaneous and selfless collaboration of many of My My dear ones, sustain prayer with steady hands so that it, as Marian servers in the world. Light in the world, may be able to aid those who need it the most. Open the Doors of the Heavens through prayer because The message for today, I dedicate, with love and gratitude, to everything is allowed when it is born in a pure way from the the group of souls donated to the mission of the Mother of the heart. Divine Conception of the Trinity. Without the full dedication of your lives, many souls could not have been saved. Know, My Today remain in Me and do not fear for anything; now is the dear children, that My Heart does not praise, but that it does moment to revere the One who has created you out of love and radiate love and celestial gratitude for the task that you, as devotion. He is your Only and Omnipotent God. children, make possible in this part of the world, in this part Dear children, the time of Mercy is passing fast in the life of South America. of all souls. Do not delay in calling for the Divine Presence Dear children, for this reason I extend My arms to this entire that is born in the surrendered and loving Heart of My dedicated group of souls so that, held by My Maternal Hands, Son. All are invited to live in this unfathomable Presence of I may be able to raise all to the Kingdom of God. Jesus. The Priest of Love, with His open arms towards the world, awaits you and tells you that now is the moment to My children, remember that your dwelling must repose every prepare the Inner Temple for His return. The sacred words day, because God needs your temple to be firm and strong so pronounced in the past by the Redeemer will become true in that you may be able to continue in the task I have entrusted these current times. to you. My children, wait day by day for the silent coming of My Son. As I am the Mother of all souls, today I ask all My children He is your Guiding Star; He is the Fount that will quench any to pray, pray for this whole Marian group of souls so that the thirst that your hearts have in these moments. Light of the Holy Spirit may fill them, guide them and give Drink from the Fount and wash your faces with the Divine them spiritual wisdom for each one of the steps that they will Water that has sprung from My Son, because it will be in this take with Me in this task of peace, in this Maternal Mission offering from Jesus that you will find the Law of Love. of Mine. I thank you! Fully grateful to this whole group, which is dedicated to car- rying the message of My Immaculate Heart, I ask you, My Thank you for responding to My call. little children, that you collaborate sincerely so that this task Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity may be able to go on for much longer. God has entrusted Me

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to come to you and Jesus has asked Me to be a Great Protector Today I show you a reality of the world that many, out of igno- of your hearts. rance, do not want to see. Dear children, continue through this path, God is joyful I call you to collaborate with humanity and with your home, today for the giving of all. which is this world. Welcome to My Kingdom, missionaries of Mary! Dear children, opening your eyes to the call, you will be invad- I thank you from the Heart of God. ed by the Light of My Maternal Spirit so that you may walk with firmness towards the praying mission that My Heart Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity asks of you. August You, the ones who are most awaken, can help consecrate the 15 My dear ones, world to the Creator again. With My arms open towards the world, pouring immense Let us work in the name of peace. Mercy, today I call you to contemplate again the flagellated Heart of Jesus that is offended by many souls that deny the I thank you! life of the Great Spirit of God. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

My children, I ask you to continue to pray as you do every day August so that My other children may also be able to receive the Grace of salvation. You are already within the Grace of God having 16 Dear children, Me every day at your side. But today, dear children, you must Do not fear, do not fear for anything because My Heart know that many hearts deviate because they are tempted by the knows your tests and your challenges well. In spite of every- onslaughts and traps of the enemy. This is why My Immaculate thing, never stop looking at Jesus because His Sacred Heart Heart is willing to fight for the salvation of all before My Son will always shelter you from everything. descends from Heaven for the second time. Dear children, you can help Me in this mission of salvation, My children, believe in the power of His Merciful Rays, be praying for those who need Light and Redemption the most. partakers of the absolute Gift of His Redeeming Love. The time has come to help all the hearts that day by day lose Dear children, you have the Great Shepherd by your side. He themselves because of the modernities of the world. is the one who can hear you and accompany you from Heart My children, you have Christ, the Redeemer, as alliance and as to heart. Therefore, My little ones, leaving behind the pain of protection; in Him you will be able to take the steps towards the past, I invite you to renew yourselves through the loving giving and charity to the others. Fire of Jesus.

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Walk towards Him because He will show you the new path As Guardian of all hearts, My children, I tell you not to fear for towards the Kingdom of the Father. Today I talk to you about anything, to see the Presence of the Kingdom of God in the the importance of living in Jesus and being in Him all the sparkle of your hearts. I place you inside My Heart in order to time possible. elevate you close to the Heart of My Son because your prayers repair all the events that happen in the world. Dear children, allow Me, as Mother, to bring you close to the Great Priest of Love and Redemption so that your lives, at Dear children, may your hearts be instruments for the good the feet of My Son, can be like roses at the feet of the Creator. and the pure, may they be the expression of the life of My Venerate the Face of Light of My Son and trust that everything Glorified Son here upon this Earth. In this way, with the dai- is in its place, because in this way you will recognize the Will ly prayer in your hands, you will become obedient sheep that of the Father, a will that many souls do not live for lack of love. will learn to love and forgive day by day. The True Love of the Heart is what is lacking in the world. Convert your heart into a heart that trusts and do not fear Therefore, dear children, I call you to imitate the love of My losing anything or being judged. Remember, My little ones, Son so that each heart may find relief for its own sorrow and that the true flocks are the ones that are tempted the most. joy to be able to continue through the pathway of its own school. Therefore I ask you, who trust the coming of My Son, to embrace His Sacred Heart so that under this spirit you may Radiate the love of Jesus at each moment and be the carriers collaborate in the redemption and conversion of those who of hope. have not been converted before the Creator. I thank you! Dear children, I pray for those who, still distracted in the life of Thank you for responding to My call. the world, do not find God. I pray for those who, distant from Mercy, are placed under the fire of temptation and damnation. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity As Mother of Mercy I pray to My Son so that in this final time August all may find salvation and peace in the heart. My Maternal Heart nourishes all the hearts with Light. My I tell you, My little ones: pray with Me! Pray for the presence 17 Mantle of Peace extends itself over the world. My presence of peace! among you is possible by means of the word of your prayers. I thank you! I love all My children, especially those who need the absolute forgiveness of God. I pray for all those who separate from God. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity I pray for all those who deny God and for those who do not believe in the Mercy of My Son.

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August 18 My children, My children, as Mother I contemplate you, as Celestial Mother I love you, I forgive you. Believe that God forgives you every day, even more, He forgives you before you offend Him. I thank you for responding to My call! Dear children, I have told you to trust in Divine Mercy. Mercy Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity is Forgiveness. Mercy is Redemption. Mercy is a new opportu- August nity to enter into the Kingdom of God. Mercy is total absolu- tion given by the most Holy Heart of My Son. Believe in the 19 Dear children, prodigious time of Divine Mercy. Praised be Jesus in your hearts and in your lives! God needs all My children, all of His instruments to bring My children, just as yesterday with My Maternal presence in to completion the Divine Plan on Earth. While many of My Buenos Aires, today I invite you to consider these last words, children easily distract themselves in this world, you are day by this last call that My Heart of Light pronounces for each one day, more and more in My Maternal arms, because every day of your lives. I present you before God, under the light of Divine Mercy, as My Heart once presented Jesus in the Temple of God. With this I want to tell you, My dear children, that praying to God every day is very important because it is the prayer of Dear children, today I invite you to meditate on Divine Mercy. your hearts that will help you in the time that will come. The It is the last fountain that is being poured over the world and life of prayer is for all souls; prayer is a permanent exercise in over all the souls with grave faults before the universe. your existences. Therefore, your collaboration with the Plan My children, I perpetually pray for all of you so that, as brave of God must be conscious every day. souls in prayer, you may be able to be responsive to the call of Dear children, I introduce you into My school of prayer so the Creator, the call announced by means of the voice of My that your hearts may learn to love the life of the spirit, of the Immaculate Heart. Spirit of God. A path to arrive at the Most High is My Son My children, My little ones, on this day My Heart remembers Jesus, and as souls you have complete permission to cry out one morning when I arrived at the Heart of Aurora in Uruguay. for the Presence of Jesus. God the Father gave His Son for the May this day remind you of the moment when God sent Me salvation and total forgiveness of all. to you to announce the time of salvation. Now the world finds itself in another cycle and God sends Dear children, after a year of being permanently with all My His Messengers to announce this new cycle of changes. My children, announcing My Good News, today I ask you to per- children, in prayer you will not lose anything. You must only sist and, raising your eyes to Heaven, to walk with humility form strong praying groups so that, from the Heavens, God towards the Purpose of God. may help all souls.

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My Maternal Heart invites you to become aware of the time Your life must be an inexhaustible fountain of prayer so that that humanity is living, a time of lack of control, of pain in God the Father may use the selfless service of each one of you. the heart. I call you to be servers of peace because it is very The more groups take on the task of praying for this world in necessary for life on Earth. need of Light, the more I, as the Merciful Mother, will be able Let us pray, dear children! My Heart will guide you! to help you and thus, together, you will help Me to repair the hearts of many souls. I thank you! This is the time of Mercy, of Pity and of Redemption. This Thank you for responding to My call. is the time of the last call to reflection and to the conversion Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity of the heart. This is the time to place yourselves in perpetual prayer for all humanity. August All of you, My dear children, are called to pray for peace in Prayer, a life of much prayer to God is needed by many of each heart. 20 My children in this time. The Heavens are open to receive the pleas of all my children who pray with the complete I thank you! sincerity of the heart. Thank you for responding to My call. Dear children, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Being the Mother of Reconciliation today I ask you to consider August the life of the spirit, the loving expression of your souls so that God may reign among you. 21 Dear children, My children, it is time to vigil and pray, as My Son Jesus has By following the steps of all the souls of humanity, today I said and, in these times, the vigil of prayer will be of great call you to continue praying for all hearts. Every day, human- importance for the entire spiritual life of the world. Dear chil- ity must open its heart to receive the Eternal Grace from the dren, you must be precursors of prayer, motivators of prayer so depths of the Heart of God. that souls may place themselves within the life of prayer. Dear children, God awaits you so that from His Kingdom all My children may find the true Source of Love. As the Mother Know, My children, the Divine Heaven gives thanks for the of Graces, I hold humanity in My arms like a little child. As the conscious intercession of a soul of this world each time it Mother, Help,1 I shelter the hearts that lose themselves. Your begins to pray. Dear children, I want to tell you that prayer is heard, not only in the whole world but also in the entire uni- 1. Tr: “Mary, Help” refers to the well-known title of the Virgin which in English verse, from where the angels and the archangels assist souls. has been called “Mary, Help of Christians.”

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August prayer helps to relieve the burden of pain and suffering in the 22 The arms of God, the Most High, are open for all of you to hearts of many children. enter into the pure Heart of Love. With this I want to tell you that the Universe awaits daily the coming of more souls Children, the Lord loves you, the Lord needs you, the Celestial towards the Kingdom of the Creator. Universe counts on your loving collaboration. Therefore, My children, assume in your lives a spirit of collaboration and My children, a path to this encounter with the Universe of fraternity so that many of My children may learn from your God is the Light-Star of My Son. In Jesus you will lose the fears example of life. of consecrating your life to the Will of the Creator. Your souls must express the Spirit of God in this time, in this Many souls lack the Presence of the Love of God because they way the Love of God will be closer to the reality of all hearts. put their personal will in first place. My Son teaches you how Try in each prayer to take one more step towards the inner to be partakers of this Greater Will, which you will be able to refuge in the Heart of God. find by means of the prayer of the heart. It is through prayer that you will find the true essence of the Will of God because My children, it is time to repair, and this reparation is perpet­ your hearts are donated to the universe during prayer. ual, as much in the life of humanity as in the essence of all souls Dear children, today I ask you to pray for all those who live that must be in the Lord. their own will and that are far from the true Purpose of God, Today I want to share this reflection, since the number of souls which is the eternal life through His Merciful Love. The world in the world is rising and they all must be led towards My will able to be better when it accepts that God is the Only Immaculate Heart and towards the Sacred Heart of My Son. pathway for the life of every soul, because it is in God that all This will happen through your honest prayer. Heaven is for life can be conducted towards the Light. everyone, but in truth, My children, each soul defines its path My children, know that the moment has come for the world at this end of time. to recognize the existence of the Creator. Therefore, one of You are instruments of peace and peace must be life in your the reasons for so much prayer is the great need for salvation hearts. of many of My children. I thank you! As Co-Redeemer I ask you to contemplate every day the lov- ing Heart of God. Each time that your hearts are in God, the Thank you for responding to My call. world will be safer. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity I thank you! Thank you for considering My call in your life. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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August 23 First of all, dear children, I want to thank all of this Marian Thank you for responding to My requests. group for your sincere dedication, especially in the last few Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity hours, during the trip from the city of Montevideo to Brazil. August To all My other children, today I want to give you this exam- ple, the example of the constant selfless giving, which you can 24 Dear children, understand as the Will of the Lord. Awaken to the call of peace! Today I ask you to open your Therefore, dear children, I invite you to walk by means of prayer hearts so that more light from My Immaculate Heart may in the Purpose of God because this Purpose is a celestial idea enter into your lives. My Maternal Light takes you towards the that the Father plans for the soul that decides to be in the Eternal Redeeming Light of Christ. My prayer gathers you as arms of the Creator in order to be accompanied and guided souls so that together We may pray for peace. throughout eternity. The world changes fast and it is necessary to create pillars My children, as Pilgrim Mother who has been following hu- of prayer that may be able to harmonize the consciousness of manity step by step in this world for many centuries, today I humanity before the events that it produces with its actions. invite you to imitate the path of the pilgrim so that the Love I tell you, dear children, that the life of prayer will keep you of God may be revealed in your life. A pilgrim who is conse- prepared for the times of change. The important thing is that crated to My Immaculate Heart is a soul dedicated to a life your hearts be participants in the life of the Spirit of God so of prayer for the world. A pilgrim who is consecrated to the that you may be able to transmit the Love of the Father to all Sacred Heart of Jesus is a spirit in harmony at the feet of the those who need it. Redeemer. A pilgrim who is consecrated to God is a complete All My praying children are called in this time to the repara- soul, willing to stop living its own will and to remain in the tion of the soul and the heart through continuous prayer. Your unknown, in Heaven. groups of prayer must represent the Heart of the Living Christ Dear children, through the prayer of the heart every day your for this humanity, and this heart, formed by your prayers, must souls can consecrate themselves to the Will of God. As hu- widely expand love towards the whole world. manity, this will allow you to find the peace that is lacking in I invite you to be bearers of My Peace; believe in it because the lives of many of My children. In this way you will find the the Peace of the Lord is necessary in all humanity in these essence of the true Love of God in your hearts because the soul moments. that prays through the voice of its heart is living in the Love I thank you! of the Father. Thank you for responding to My call. Today I thank all the brave ones for responding to My call, and in the Blessing of Jesus, the Only Son, I give you My Peace. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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While the world and humanity define their path towards the Redeem, through forgiveness, all the past and, in joy, togeth- 25 eternity of God, the time of Divine Justice approaches to re- er with My Son, quench your thirst for love. Be responsive to verse all the causes that have been generated in this humanity. each other because for the end of this cycle in the world, the time has come to manifest the sacred teachings that My Son Therefore, dear children, in these times of emergency, I call left you: you all to be peacemakers and propagators of the Purpose of God on Earth. In this way and through the prayer of the heart, - To love is to forgive there will be more time for Mercy to continue to work in the - To give is to surrender hearts of all My children. - To trust is to live in faith. As the Mother of Divine Justice, I ask you, dear children, that you do not waste time and that you open your hearts because, I thank you for responding to My call on this day! just as in Medjugorje, these are My last warnings so that the Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity consciousnesses of all My children may reflect and awaken to the reality of this time. The Virgin Mary continues the transmission saying: Dear children, do not see Justice as a punishment. The Divine Justice will put in order that which humankind has deviated My children, I have seen and I have considered, within My from the Will of God. Plan of Love, that for the times of emergency, My Voice must go on, echoing in the hearts that still do not hear Me. This is Therefore, little children, pray, pray and only pray! So that why, from today on, all the monthly apparitions will be public the Love of God may touch all My children. Know that your and open to everyone so that My message may reverberate in honest and sincere prayer from the heart will define, as it was the consciousnesses. in Fatima, the next path of humanity. August As Mediator, I ask that your praying voices help humanity, placing each one of your supplications at the feet of the Creator. Under any circumstance of life, remember, dear son, dear 26 daughter, that I am the Celestial and Universal Mother. I am Dear children, My Son Jesus is a great mediator. Therefore, the Queen of Peace and the Guardian of Faith in all hearts. unite your souls to the will of My Son so that your hearts may find a true guidance. In Jesus you will resurrect to life. In Jesus This is why, My children, today I invite you to contemplate My you will remedy the pain of the past. In Christ you will follow Immaculate Heart, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the Most the pathway of Mercy and Redemption. Chaste Heart of Joseph, so that your lives may rise up as flames of peace at the feet of the Creator. Do not feel fear because today I am among you and with all the hearts of the world, calling you to pray for the peace and Dear children, the devotion to these three Hearts will protect the conversion of all this humanity. you from all evil, will prepare you as souls, will alleviate you

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from every pain, and you will always find in Them the Eternal My children, it is time to collaborate from heart to heart, and Light for your hearts. from soul to soul, so that the Kingdom of God may have its streams on Earth. Today I call you to strengthen the devotion of the heart, not only for life, but also for your pure essence, that, at the end of With prayer, you have the decision in your hands. everything, must reach eternity. I thank you for responding to My call! Little children, lovingly consider these three Sacred and Im- Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity maculate Hearts of Peace, Love and Unity as a guide, because thus the consciousness of all My children will be redirected August towards Love and Redemption. 27 Dear children, You, as instruments of the Creator, of Life and of the Only When you live in the Will of the Father, you will recognize, Existence, are called to repair these three Hearts, because by means of prayer, the immensity of works of Love, Pity and an act of love to the neighbor, a sincere and true prayer and an Mercy that He realizes in this whole world. action of peace and charity will repair the offenses that these three Hearts receive from many souls that, in ignorance, lose When you live in the Will of the Lord you will recognize your preferences and your goals and you will know which of them themselves on the path towards the Light of God. to purify. For this reason, dear children, as the Mother, Help of the believ- When you live in the Will of God, you will feel what Good is ers and of the non-believers,2 of those united with God and so that imitating it, your lives may also conduct other souls. those distant from God, of devotees and of the incredulous, I ask you to pray so that in this way, under the action of the When you live in the Will of My Son, you will recognize the Grace of the Holy Spirit, each soul and all of humanity may One who, with so much love, speaks to you day by day and awaken and find the true Will of God, the love and the total you will be able to value everything that has been given to forgiveness of all causes. your hearts. Today, My dear children, I call you to wake up, with bravery, When many of My children live in the Will of the Father, from this time of apparent normality so that your hearts, you will recognize My messages and you will confirm all the united to Christ, King of the Universe, may act as Light on the maternal instruction given month by month. planet, as relief of pain, as shelter for the great number of souls When humanity lives in the Will of the Holy Spirit, everyone that walk without guidance in this world. will know where they are and that at this moment they are invited to travel the new pathway of Christ. 2. Tr: “Mary, Help of the believers and of the non-believers” refers to and expands upon the meaning of the well-known title of the Virgin which in English has been When the hearts live in the Will of God, they will be able to called “Mary, Help of Christians.” surrender life into the Hands of the Creator, and they will stop

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controlling their own lives. This will allow God to express His Remember, dear children, that your lives must be the source of Universe in each one of His children. prayer, of a prayer that must spring from the heart. My children, if humanity already lived in the Will of the Lord, Therefore, My children, live within the great Source of Prayer conflict would end in the world and Celestial Peace would that is My Son so that your lives may recognize the Love of be present, there would be no separation within families and the Redeemer. As sheep of the Shepherd, unite your hearts to only unity would reign; everything would be rebuilt so that each brother heart and keep your hands united to each heart, God would be able to make Himself present in the hearts of because if so, you will be renovating the existence of love in all His children. of the world, a Merciful Love that is radiated by Jesus to each But still, dear children, souls do not live in the Will of God heart of this Earth. because they fear what Love, the Eternal God, may aspire to Dear children, be in this way a source and may your lives not do in each essence. If humanity were already in the Will of the tire of giving love, unity and hope in the times that will come. Lord the plans would change, and Divine Mercy would be the Light expanded in all the corners of this world. My children, transforming your lives into inexhaustible sourc- es of prayer, you will allow the Holy Spirit to approach the real- While souls do not live in the Divine Will of God, I ask you ity of each life, lives that need the Light and the Love of God. for constant prayer so that the soul may recognize the path it is being called to travel, the path of Redeeming Love. Therefore, My Immaculate Heart tells you again: pray! Pray and pray, My little children, so that all humanity may receive You, My little ones, can aspire to live in this unfathomable the essence of Good and Peace. Will of God because this feeling will please the Heart of God, and you will help Me in this mission of the Queen of Peace. As Queen of Peace I call you to pray with Me so that your hearts may become, through prayer, roses of Light for the I thank you! Creator. Thank you for responding to My call. Reflect today on the importance of giving yourselves for love Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity of others. August I thank you! 28 Dear children, Thank you for responding to My call. A soul dedicated to the life of prayer is a heart open to new Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity cycles. Therefore today I ask you to be an instrument of living prayer so that My Son may manifest Himself in the essence of your hearts.

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Today I come to erase from your hearts all the pain that may May Jesus be praised in all the children of the world! 29 have remained there from the past, because the Eternal Grace Thank you for responding to My call for Rio de Janeiro. of God allows Me to do this, as Mediator between all souls. In the Eternal Light of My Son. Dear children, opening your hearts today with joy, praise and canticles to the Most High, receive in them Jesus, the Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Redeemer. Keep His Merciful Rays in your souls so that as August little sheep, you may walk with confidence towards eternity. Dear children, My children, today My Heart rejoices in seeing joy and purity 30 in each one of the children from New Earth.3 Therefore, dear Opening My merciful arms again, and with perpetual prayer children, let us praise the Redeemer and let us thank Him between My lips, today I invite you to live My message, today because He has sent Me towards you to give you the Peace I invite you to consider each one of My words, those that have and the Love of My Immaculate Heart. To all these children been pronounced during these last months. that represent millions of little souls in the world, today I give My children, if you do this in this way, you will be able to be My special Maternal Blessing as a luminous sign of the Holy instruments of God, you will be able to be the living message Cross: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. for each heart in the world. This will allow that each one of My children, because of this special gathering in the Com­ My words be sown in your hearts. munity New Earth, I want to ask you again for more prayer Dear children, know that as Intercessor for all souls, the divine from your hearts, as has been born many times, and that each message that I lovingly give to you every day is a message of new prayer from the heart be directed especially to all the Light that comes from Heaven. children in the world, even more to those who are without a father and a mother. My children, today I want that you not only awaken to the maternal call, but also that you remember that each one of My Spirit of Immaculate Mother wants to embrace each one of My words reaches your lives to bring you Forgiveness, Re- them to relieve their pain and their abandonment. Therefore, conciliation, Mercy, Divine Love and Redemption in these dear children, it is important to consider in your life the prayer last times. that repairs all the causes that are in need of peace and Light. Being the Mother of Jesus, the Great Priest of Love, I want to With your eyes raised towards the Heavens, My dear children, teach you to read the messages, I want to teach you to meditate on this day I am grateful for the simple response from your on My messages, and I want to teach you to interiorize My hearts to My Immaculate Heart. words in your hearts.

3. Tr: “New Earth” referring to the Light-Community New Earth, in Rio de Janeiro, Dear children, My Immaculate Heart has already spoken much where many children live. to this humanity throughout these centuries. It has spoken to

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make you remember that God is your only and true aspiration Therefore, dear children, today I invite you to be consciously for all eternity. formed in My school of prayer and devotion so that in faith the But still, My little children, a great part of humanity is blind absolute trust in the Will of God may reveal itself in your lives. and closes its own heart to the gift of life that My Son rep- Dear children, yesterday I called you to pray for all the little resents and, more so, it little accepts Mercy. children of the world; today I call you to pray for all humanity. For this reason, dear children, your prayer must help to restore Know, My children, that your prayer can lovingly intercede in all these events so that your hearts, as mediators, may receive the Heavens and My Maternal Heart collects each one of the a Greater Grace of Forgiveness. prayers to offer them to the Creator, as the love of the heart of each one of His children. My children, when you feel My messages, your souls will be in eternal prayer. As the world changes rapidly and without Dear children, in times of emergency I call you to be formed pausing for reflection, My Immaculate Heart is offering Itself daily in the prayer of the heart so that through it you may be to each one of you so that, united in prayer, we may change the under the merciful guidance of My Son. course of humanity, in the Grace of God. Today the world still needs much prayer, the active partici- Dear children, remember to feel My words with the love of pation of each praying group so that in this way My Celestial your hearts, allow the light of the Holy Spirit to descend from Light may be able to fill each one of My children. the Infinite Heart of God upon all humanity. As Divine and Immaculate Mother, again I say to you that you Let us pray in this time of emergency! Let us pray for the pres- have, through the prayer of the heart, the definitive decision in ence of peace! your hands. Run without delay to the arms of My Son. As the I thank you! Good Shepherd of all flocks He wants to lead you to conversion and forgiveness. He waits for your permission. Thank you for responding to My Call. I thank you for accompanying Me in this mission of Peace for Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Rio de Janeiro. August Thank you for responding to My call. As the Lady of Light, today I bring you, from Heaven, the 31 Redeeming Love of My Son. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Dear children, Today, may you be able to be in Jesus the Savior. May your prayer be the aid for many hearts that need My Maternal Help.

404 405 “Accept My merciful flame so that, united to Me, you may find Peace, 2012 Love and Reconciliation.” September September 2012

September 1 Dear children, Commemorating the anniversary of My Apparitions in Brazil this month, today I invite you to prepare your hearts for My annual visit to the Hill of the Apparitions,1 a visit that will be different from the previous ones. In this final cycle, My dear children, you must say “yes” to the Creator so that His Works of Peace may continue acting through His Faithful Server, the Queen of Peace. My children, for this special reason this month I call you to renew your groups of prayer through the growth of your faith in the heart and through the weekly exercise of prayer. I want each group to meditate on what it can give to My Immaculate Heart. I invite you to think about what has hap- pened in each group throughout this last year in which My Heart has visited you monthly. As the Mother of the Lord I call you to strengthen yourselves as a group of prayer through a sincere vow of praying for peace and of summoning of more souls to pray with you. My dear children, you must renew yourselves through the Holy Spirit. This is why, at each new meeting of prayer among souls, I invite you to feel and to ask for the Presence of this inexhaustible Spirit of Love and Wisdom. My little ones, when I speak to you of renovation in the groups of prayer, I speak of each one of the praying beings to be con- verted into a living flame of the Holy Spirit. My children, may your helpful groups of prayer imitate the Cenacle of Mary of Nazareth with the apostles. In this way the heart of your group will be My Immaculate Heart.

Symbol of the soul of offerers 1. Located in the Marian Center of Figueira, Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, In one apparition of the Virgin Mary Brazil.

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Open the doors to your dwellings for the coming of new Creator. In this way, in the name of all those who do not pray, praying souls. do not adore and do not love God, you will be making an important surrender of your hearts to the Most High. Dear children, with humility I tell you that you were able to see the great Ray of Light that My Immaculate Heart and the Walk in this time under the Bravery and Love of Christ be­ Sacred Heart of Christ poured over Rio de Janeiro, manifested cause your missionary hearts must now give everything for in a great rainbow; this was the sign of Mercy in response to humanity. all My children who pray, who pray to God. Smile to the life that God has given you with so much love; I thank you for responding to My call! be thankful from the heart and serve, in peace, those in most need through prayer and the service of the heart. In this way Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity the towers of peace will rise from the Light of your hearts. September I thank you for living My call! 2 Dear children, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Today, once more, in My spiritual visit to Medjugorje I ask September that you recognize the presence of My Peace in your hearts. My only and eternal aspiration is that all My children My Love wants to convert your souls into a garden of roses and 3 enter the Kingdom of My Immaculate Heart so that each into an inexhaustible fountain of peace. one of your lives may see the Light of the Face of God on My children, by accepting this call from My Maternal Heart, humanity. pain will no longer exist in you so that in this way the Love of Dear children, the Redeemer may be born again. Today I call you to remain in the aspiration of being in the Dear children, I want your consciousnesses to not complain Eternal Kingdom of paradise and in the Kingdom of the anymore about the difficulties and the tests of life. I invite Merciful Light of My Son. you to remain in My Maternal arms so that you may walk in sacrifice. With your aspiration to the Highest, through the prayer of the heart, your eyes will open to the call for peace and your My little ones, the world is carrying so much pain. For this hearts will remember that each moment of prayer is unique reason you must be true emanations of My Peace upon the in this final time. face of the Earth. In this way, My children, I am calling you to the permanent act Dear children, in order to correct the past, the tests and the of the reparation of the Heart of God that is highly assaulted pains, you must surrender your lives into the Hands of the by the offenses committed by humanity day by day. And these

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offenses compromise the path of the heart of many of My chil- May your prayer become the mediator between you and dren who are distant from God. This distance happens from Christ, My Son and God Almighty; in this way and with a not recognizing the only and True Love of the Creator. reverent attitude you will learn, My dear children, to suppli­ cate to God for the whole world. As I have told you, we are in a time of emergency in which there is a need for continuous prayer. Place your thoughts in Great is the need for piety, forgiveness and Mercy in all hu- the Highest, in the Divine, in the Celestial Dwellings of God, manity, while few are the ones who open the ears of the heart because this is also a way of praying with the spirit. without searching for miracles and hear My call. My children, the more that prayer flows from your lips, the I ask all My children to pray! Pray with the heart! Pray with greater will be the possibility of the coming of Grace, of Mercy all the True Love that may be able to spring from your hearts! and of Redemption. Now, all that has to be done is to pray, pray and pray so that Dear children, know that in all this praying journey, the Light a little more Grace may be able to reach all My children. You, of My Immaculate Heart is over your hearts; therefore, walk My little ones, must be like stars of Light that come to the together towards the Light of the Redeemer. Christ awaits you aid of the Earth, that bring peace and Light to the darkest as ardent missionaries of His loving Peace. corners of the world. I thank you! In times of changes, many prefer not to hear. Now My Mater­ Thank you for responding to My call. nal Voice calls you to open your eyes to the announcements from Heaven. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Dear children, may your groups of prayer be sources of the September expression of My Maternal Love for each one of you, and may With My hands united in prayer and contemplating each this Divine Love that you receive through the guidance of My 4 one of My children, today I call you to reflection because, Immaculate Heart be able to extend itself to all the souls of as Mother, I want you to understand how important the the world. preparation of your heart is for the new time that will All humanity must receive the Grace of salvation. Therefore, come. My children, let us pray without delay! Dear children, I will be thankful! My hands do not tire of perpetually praying for the needs Thank you for responding to My call. of this humanity and for all the causes that need greater intercession. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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September I want you to remember to pray the Rosary every day for peace Thank you for responding to My call. 5 in the world and for the conversion of the souls that are distant Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity from the Most Holy Heart of My Son. September For this reason, My little ones, this is the invitation and pri- mordial call that My Immaculate Heart makes today to each Embrace strongly the call to conversion that My Immaculate one of you, as well as to each group of prayer. 6 Heart pronounces to each one of your lives. Recognize, dear children, that the conversion will be accomplished through Throughout these past months, in which My Maternal Heart the exercise of the prayer of the heart. Always live in the aspi- has been among you, many requests of prayer have emerged. Today I also ask you to consider each one of them as valid since ration to a life within the Laws of the Lord. May your spirit there is still a need in the entire world, a need for a true prayer and your little soul remain in this Kingdom and may nothing that may be born from your hearts. allow them to descend from It. Praying the Rosary for peace you will allow the Celestial Light Dear children, My Maternal Voice calls you month by month to approach and fill the spaces in the world that need forgive- to remind you about the importance of the conversion that ness and a quick conversion. must be manifested in your thoughts, in your feelings and, above all, in your essential life. And this will begin through Dear children, My Maternal Voice will not tire of telling you the path of prayer. how important it is to be conscious in the life of prayer and in each one of the situations that arise in the world. I want to lead you to live in the Divine Presence that is called Love in the Heart. My little ones, to receive this Celestial Grace Each day that the sun awakens in your lives, many situations of Divine Love, you must feel and act in the name of this Love arise as a reality that expands itself towards all humanity. so that, strengthened by prayer, you may help many of My Because of this, My children, may prayer live in your hands, children who are losing this Primordial Essence of God. may prayer be the harbinger for many, relief for others and hope for those who have lost it. Your prayer of the heart will Also, dear children, you will see the world in the way it is seen collaborate in preparing the conversion of many souls and will from the Universe of God and you will also see the great sep- give sustenance for the most important moments of humanity. aration that exists between souls and My Son. He shows you the path towards the new, the Sacred and the Divine. Therefore An invitation for your souls is to be in Jesus, to live in My Son pray, and do not stop praying in order to help all those who because in Him and with Him your hearts will be illuminated need to live this Divine Love in this definitive time. in the Eternal Peace and they will awaken to forgiveness. My children, supplicate, aspire to live in the essence of this Let us pray because the only thing left to do is to pray. Love so your life will be in God, it will be repaired, and any I thank you! pain from your hearts will be erased.

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In joy, purify your feelings and accept My arms so that the Know, dear children, that it is now time for reparation so that Light of My Maternal Heart may illuminate the path to forgiveness may be expressed in the life of each soul. My little redemption for you. The Love of God must be the premise ones, I am calling you to help the world through the prayer of of prayer for all My children because in Love you will find the heart and through a pure donation that may help many Celestial Peace. souls with the exercise of prayer. I thank you! Therefore your praying groups are called to build again the union between the soul and God; for this reason, dear chil- Thank you for responding to My call. dren, My call is urgent before the time of Divine Judgment Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity comes. September Enter the Kingdom of Divine Mercy and, with compassion, accept to drink from the Fountain that repairs everything, As the Daughter of Mercy and Queen of Peace, God accept to remain in the Heart that knows everything and heals 7 Almighty has given Me the permission to go and help all everything, accept to be in My Son Jesus. the little hearts, all souls of humanity. I thank you! Dear children, Thank you for responding to My call. Today I want to tell you that it will be through prayer that more Graces will be able to be poured over all souls of the Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity world. For this merciful Grace to be able to come, God September needs children in constant prayer who help to repair all the causes that offend the Love of God and cause indifference in Thank you for responding to My call for peace and for the the hearts of humanity. 8 conversion of the hearts that each day distance themselves from the Love of the Creator. My children, I invite you to form part of the praying flock of My Son, souls that vigil in prayer for other souls so that the My children, do you really know why you are My dear chil- world may be converted, saved and become sacred before dren? the throne of God. Because I want to teach you to love no matter what the cir- Immersed in the powerful spirit of the prayer of the heart, cumstance. you will relieve your tests and, as mediators, you will pray for Because I want to open your Inner Temple to the Glory of those who do not live in God. The Heart of God continues to God. be offended and My Son, through His Divine Mercy, sends Me towards you to reveal this reality. Because I want you to open your eyes to the Light of God.

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Because I want to erase conflict and lack of peace in all My You are My dear children because I want to reveal to you the children. only truth, the truth of love, which will lead you to be able to forgive and thus reconcile your hearts. Because I want you to pray with Me and to remember how important it is to unite to one another in prayer. Dear children, all My intentions are united by means of prayer; it is the path that will lead you towards the Truth and Because I want to recognize your hearts as I recognize, as the Life that Jesus represents. Mother, the Heart of My Son. You are My dear children because I love you as hearts and as Because I want the souls to be one, as My Son and I are one essences, because God observes the beauty that He created in with God. you through the power of His Love. You are My dear children because Jesus entrusted your path My children, when you are empty, God will fill you with His to Me from the beginning. Eternal Love and your faith will become as strong as iron. Because I want the world to be a Kingdom of Peace. Nothing will prevent your life from being joy, even in the arduous tests. You are My dear children so that you may learn to forgive, to reconcile and to live in the Love of God. When you are in God nothing will separate you from Him because there, Jesus, His Kind Heart, and My Maternal Because I need your sincere response in prayer as in the com- Heart will be with you illuminating for you the path towards munion with Christ. Eternity. Because I want to consecrate your lives so that humanity may Open your Inner Temple to the Great Heart of God and you be consecrated. will be perpetually in His Trust. Because I want you to be humility in life to quench the thirst I am here today because you have prayed with Me, and this of those that are alone. Grace has descended through My Maternal Arrival in each You are My dear children because I want you to live in Peace, one of your lives. because in Peace you will always find Light and shelter in the Be brave and never stop the pulse of love in your hearts. Heart of God. I am celestially thankful for your inner pilgrimage! Because it is necessary to liberate the causes of the past to be born under the Light of the new. Joy for your day. Because I want you to be in God. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Because I want you to live as souls and to let go of all control.

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September September

The greatest suffering that My Maternal Heart observes in My children, 9 this humanity is the lack of love in the heart. This is why, dear 10 Time is passing in the lives of all souls and, today again I invite children, to be in the Love of God, to live in the Love of God you to be in My Peace. and to work in the Love of God is what will allow you, in the end of times, to make wisdom blossom in humanity. Dear children, in order to remain in this Kingdom I invite you to live in prayer. Today, once again, I reiterate this request in Dear children, a path to find the Love of God is to open your the face of the need for love and unity among the hearts of all hearts to prayer, because it is the mediator, it is the new Light My children. When in truth you accept to be in the Celestial that is arriving in the consciousness of all of My children. Kingdom of Peace your lives will reach harmony and peace My children, as Mother I am here among you to teach you to in the heart. walk in the art of prayer, in the life of prayer that all My little When I tell you that time is passing in the lives of My chil- children need to awaken and to carry out in these moments. dren, it is because few stop to look and to pray to the Heart of You can count on My Son Jesus, who is the living expression My Son. The souls distance themselves from the source of life of prayer, of the perpetual union with God the Creator. When without noticing, even more so when many hearts reaffirm I invite you to pray for peace and for Light in humanity, I call their personal truth. you so that your hearts may become merciful, so that they may Being the Mother, Help of all Christians, and the Queen of imitate the path of humility and total giving to the Creator. Peace, of Love and of Salvation, I ask that you never forget to Dear children, therefore, walk, walk and do not detain your live in the presence of Jesus. In this way, with a loving gesture steps in the life of prayer, because thus My Immaculate Heart that is born from your heart towards the neighbor, you will will accompany you and God will make use of your prayers. help to reverse the lack of consciousness and the lack of aspi- ration to search for Jesus. The Work of God in this time is the redemption of all souls, and the prayer that is born from the heart will be the great key As I have said to you before, dear children, He waits for you for the salvation of the most humble and of the ones in most in the silence of the heart; therefore, do not detain yourselves need of peace. in time and start to pray at each moment of your lives. The Lord of the Universe will be thankful for your collaboration. Listen to My call and remember that these are My last words in this cycle of humanity. Prepare your hearts by being con- Dear children, for this reason today I tell you to remain in stant in prayer. the Love of God, because the Love of God will be the shield for your protection and this Divine Love will serve as help for I thank you! your decisions in life. Thank you for responding to My call. Surrender your very little wills so that the Living Christ may Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity find rest in your dwellings. Light must enter the hearts of all

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My children, even more those who must initiate the path of Dear children, today I arrive in Paraguay to give you My the conversion of the heart. Maternal Blessings and My Peace. Let us pray for all of them. As the Mother of all souls, I supplicate you to pray for the salvation of all the peoples of the Americas so that, just as I thank you! Juan Diego, they may regain humility, simplicity and the Live in the humility of Jesus. love for God. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity My children, today from here, from the Celestial Universe September together with Juan Diego, We thank you for responding to My requests. I hold a special fondness for all My children of 11 My little children, Paraguay, because the ever Blessed Virgin Mary knows about Flaming souls in the Creator, with joy for His Mercy, may your love for Her Immaculate Heart. Jesus be praised in all the hearts of My children of Paraguay. Dear children, pray, pray much so that God may hear you from Dear children, by the Grace of God the Most High, today I the voice of your hearts. Pray for the Guarani communities, visit you with much Love to invite you again to proclaim the pray so that education and a dignified life may be expressed in prayer of the heart. My children, I send My Maternal Blessings each one of these children of Mine. to the whole Guarani Nation and today, as the Mother of I adore you all with My Heart. Let us pray for the presence of the Americas and as the Server of the Lord, I bring you My peace in all of Paraguay. Maternal Peace and comfort to the afflicted. I thank you! Little children, as in Guadalupe with Juan Diego upon the Tepeyac, 2 today again I place My crown of stars upon each To all the prayer groups in Paraguay, thank you for listening one of My Guarani children. Dear children, My call in these to My call. times is a call to prayer, to the reparation of the life of people, In the Living Christ, of each one of the American cultures and of all humanity, and this will happen through your sincere prayer. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

As the Mother of the One and Only and as Queen of Heaven, September My children, today I call you to reaffirm, through prayer, your My Maternal Heart comes to your lives to alleviate you from conversion to God, to the Almighty; this will allow your souls 12 to commune with the presence of Christ the Redeemer. all pain, suffering and incomprehension. The Sacred Heart of My Son comes to your lives to redeem you and to lead you 2. Hill near Mexico City, where in 1531 the Virgin appeared to the Indian Juan Diego. towards the path of salvation.

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Dear children, calling again each one of your lives, today the I thank you! Lord asks you to purify your hearts from any feeling that does Thank you for responding to My call. not belong to the Light, because if you do this through the exercise of prayer, your souls will be helping to alleviate the Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity great rage that a part of humanity lives. This is a feeling that September distances the hearts from the One and Only loving Heart of God. 13 Contemplate the divine beauty of Creation Therefore, My little ones, may your hearts be hearts of chil- Dear children, may the essence of love and truth spring from dren: pure, crystalline and truthful hearts that, renewed in you so that your hearts may be open to the essence of giving. Jesus, may love again, creating in this way a bridge of peace My children, never stop contemplating the Love of God in between Heaven and Earth, uniting the Divine Spirit of God your hearts. Embrace the essence of forgiveness in your inner with the little spirit of each one of My children. worlds so that the new spirit of Love may be sown in you. Dear children, a path for your hearts to be healed is to imitate Dear children, never give up, raise your aspiration towards the little and Divine Child Jesus who, with His purity and the Infinite, aspire to live in the Kingdom of God and also innocence, transmitted the essence of True Love to humani- aspire to live the Reconciliation and the Mercy of My Son. ty. The little Child Jesus left upon this world the Spirit of the Love of God through His surrender for each one of you. Little children, never lose the joy of being in Me and of glimps- ing in yourselves the power of My Immaculate Love. Accept This is the love that I want My children to cultivate in their to be on My path. Your souls recognize where My Maternal hearts; this is the love that emanates from the Sacred Heart Heart comes from, they recognize My presence before your constantly. It is the love that Jesus gives without tiring, such a consciousnesses do. compassionate love. He Himself consecrated each one of you to the essence of the Love of My Immaculate Heart. I am the Lady of the Heavens, I am the Mystical Rose, I am the Mother who helps the pilgrims and I am the Immaculate I reiterate, My children, that when I talk to you about being Heart that gives Itself to you in order to love you and to for- little children, it is so that with this attitude you may purify give you. the rage that is lived in the world. If you renewed yourselves in the spirit of love, humanity would be able to receive the Grace Dear children, My voice announces Itself to the world once of Compassion. more so that My children do not lose the path to salvation, to the rescue of the heart. Dear children, as a Mediator I call you to pray, to pray for peace in the mind and in the heart of each one of My children. I will, I am with you on this path of pilgrimage towards eternity. once again, be grateful for your responsiveness to the Plans of May pain, bitterness and desolation not be a burden in your the Creator. lives. May your hearts, filled by the Holy Spirit, receive Peace,

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a Peace that comes from the Universe, a Peace that the suns being reborn as redeemed souls, that ardently desire to be in and stars emanate, a Peace that is radiated from all galaxies, a God. I will guide you. peace that comes from the Infinite and that you do not know. My children, while your lives are in this world they must From there My Maternal Heart comes in order to show you learn to forgive, to transcend and to love above all things. the path that leads to a humble and peaceful life, a path Remember, My children, that this is the lesson for the disciple towards the Universe, towards everything that the Father, of My Son: to love above all circumstances. Adonai, created out of love for you and for His Glory. Dear children, today I call you to trust in Forgiveness and in Dear children, glorify God! Love God! Search for God in Mercy, I invite you to reconcile your existence with God. My your lives because in this way your little essences and all the Maternal Heart knows you very well, It knows what it is that essences will be in the Celestial Kingdom of the Universe. you feel, think and do, because as Mother I come to the world Beyond your earthly life there is eternity, the eternal present, to correct the mistakes of the hearts through My message and the Omnipresence of God in all the universes. My Maternal Love. Therefore, My children, pray, pray and pray! May your lips not If you fall due to some obstacle, dear children, get up as tire of praying so that the Mercy of Christ may aid humanity. Lazarus got up when he was called by the Love of Jesus. Receive in your lives the Redeeming Love of My Son so that, in your I thank all My children for the loving welcome in this nation dialogue with His Divine Heart, He may heal you from within. of Paraguay. Love and peace for all. Dear children, begin this day praying for the Redemption of humanity. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Go forward, My little ones! September Trust the Almighty God because He loves you. Dear children, 14 Thank you for responding to My call. Remember that you live in this world for your redemption and for your salvation. Do not detain the steps that My Son Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity is manifesting from your hearts. In the moments of test and September confirmation, do not look at the past, strengthen your spirit by means of the prayer of the heart. Unite your essences to 15 By praying the Rosary every day souls will place themselves, the One and Only Essence of God so that My Immaculate more and more, at the feet of the Lord. They will receive the Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus may be able to rescue balm of the Mercy of My Son and in this way the gravest faults you. Dear children, today I invite you to live in hope, hope of will be forgiven by the Love of God.

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September Dear children, for this reason today I call you again to perse- 16 While the world still does not stop to contemplate the Heart vere in the purpose of prayer so that your hearts may distance of God, the Father sends Me to call you today to practice themselves from the wiles of the enemy. Maintain in your lives the prayer of the heart. The prayer of all of the faithful ones a rhythm compatible with a life of prayer. Create indispensable will give the sustenance to help humanity. The prayer of those moments of prayer so that you souls may be present in each devoted to My Immaculate Heart will unite the hearts with moment of your lives. God. The prayer of the humble and the servers will awaken the devotion and the faith in the defining moments. When I invite you to observe a rhythm of prayer, I am call- ing you to maintain a conscious spiritual and inner task at this Dear children, united by means of prayer you will be prepared, end of times. Your hearts and your lives must feel thirst for as missionaries, to assist the need of peace in the world. prayer and for the discovery of the Divine Mysteries that faith Therefore, My children, pray much and consider this sacred awakens in your hearts. exercise of prayer so that your lives may be guided by the Holy Spirit. My children, for this, seek the source of your inner inspira- tion in Jesus, and His Sacred Heart will show you the correct My children, by uniting your hearts to each group of prayer, path towards the redemption and reconciliation of each one you will be uniting to the Christic Love of My Son. For this of your lives. reason, today I also invite you to consider the important union among the groups of prayer so that in this way your souls may It will be important, dear children, to maintain constancy in be one in fraternity and peace. Once you unite all your groups prayer because this will prepare you to face the times that will of prayer as one group, you will be giving the Almighty God arrive for the planet. the permission to act in each one of you. My dear children, today I call you to have as a premise, this Little children, as Mother of the Pilgrims, today I guide you request of Mine, which will lead you to understand where the through a New Path that many of My children are taking victorious essence of love and forgiveness is to be found. again; and this Path is called Jesus Christ the Redeemer, your My children, as Divine Mother, more and more, I want all My Savior. He must be your inner alliance and you must have the children to be considered for salvation, because I know that all purpose of living with Him through prayer. should live in the beauty and the Light of the Love of Paradise. Dear children, keep this mission in mind, knowing that My Your sincere prayer will form the New Earth of God. Heart will help you. I thank you! I thank you! Thank you for responding to My call. Thank you for responding to My call. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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September 17 Dear children, Thank you for responding to My call. Being the Mother of Graces, I contemplate the need of each Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity one of My children. As the Mother and Queen of Peace, I invite September you to put in your prayers all the supplications that your brothers and sisters send Me so that the Light of the Father 18 When you open your hearts to God, you will open them in love and the Grace of His Love may be able to respond to the call to your brothers and sisters. There you will begin to understand of His children. the science of compassion and your hearts will be touched by the supreme radiance of the Humility of God. My children, with this you will see how great is the urgency of prayer for humanity, for the nations and for the continents. When you open your hearts by means of the exercise of prayer, Dear children, as servants of Christ, today I call you to pray the darkness of confusion will fade, and on the path you will for all the supplications that the souls pronounce every day manage to see the Merciful Horizon of God. towards Heaven. When you open your hearts, it will be humanity that will open By praying and fasting you will help so that the Grace of the itself to the Will of God. Souls will find themselves sincere and pure before the Creator, and with an Immense Love, His Mercy of My Son may propagate itself in the hearts of all My Grace will be poured over all. children. Little children, I invite you to mature by means of the exercise of prayer, because it is in prayer that you will discover When you live in My Immaculate Heart, I promise you that the wisdom that your consciousness needs so that, in these peace will surround the beauty of your souls as an extensive times, it may make the decisions of peace. garden of roses because there will shine the One and Only God. Dear children, as Queen of Peace I ask that at each moment of your lives you seek Jesus to alleviate the offenses that He When you are in the Heart of My Son, your souls will be paci­ receives from humanity. My children, try, through prayer, to fied and will live in the Law of the Holy Spirit; the essence of alleviate the Heart of My Son and, from the exercise of prayer, love and truth will be revealed to you in life. to consolidate in your heart the covenant with Christ. If humanity opened the heart to My call, much pain would Dear children, in these times peace must reign in the dwelling already have ended, peace would reign in the homes and no places of all My children. You, with prayer, have the key that child of God would have their life in danger. But still very opens the Door of the Celestial Universe of God. few are those who, spontaneously, open the heart to the call of My voice. By means of prayer you will find the most peaceful path for Many are the soldiers who must be in vigil. The Shepherd your lives. must look after His flock. Remember that everyone is called to I thank you! constant prayer.

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Today I invite you to open your hearts and let yourselves be For this reason I invite you to pray because you must know conducted by the new maternal guidance. Whoever accepts that all can receive the Grace of Forgiveness and Reconciliation. to be My child will be well received in the Kingdom of Peace and, in a true act, the hearts of those who still have it closed Dear children, we are in a time of immense works by means of to God will be opened. the infinite power of prayer. The prayer that is born from your hearts will be the foundation for building the bridge through This is what is essential for today: to open the heart so that the which humanity will be able to elevate itself towards God, the Love of My Son may reign among you. Eternal Love. I thank you for responding to My call! Extend your arms and through your hands give charity, give Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity without restrictions the Love of My Son, the Redeemer. September I thank you! If each soul accepted to be in My Maternal arms, humanity Thank you for responding to My call. 19 would be guided and accompanied by the Light of the Spirit of God in each little heart. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity For this, dear children, pray so that the Holy Spirit may bring September wisdom to the consciousnesses. Pray so that the Spirit of Begin each day under the presence of My Peace and in prayer Love may nourish the hearts that are empty. Pray so that the 20 supplicate for the conversion of the world. My Maternal Heart redemption of My Son may vivify each one of the essences. wants to see souls in constant prayer. My Maternal Heart If you pray, dear children, there will be a Greater Grace that wants to see souls that remember the prayer of the heart at will act for the salvation of humanity. Dear children, today I each moment. pour over you My Merciful Rays so that you may be guided by the Unfathomable Spirit of Peace. My children, the path towards permanent peace is possible. For this reason I invite you today to pray for peace in the heart My children, My voice can expand itself as Grace and as a of those who do not have it. Pray for all My other children, for call, by means of the good examples of charity and love that those who are distracted, for those who are distant from God your lives may express. Therefore, little children, remember that you have come to the world to live the teachings of My and for those who do not believe in My maternal call. Son. Accept to live in the Priestly Love of Jesus and in joy Dear children, the prayer that is born from the groups of commune with His Celestial Presence. prayer will help in the formation of the new path for human- Dear children, each act of love in the name of Jesus will help ity. Therefore, My little ones, the Heavens will receive each to heal the ignorance and the pride of the hearts that are blind prayer that is pronounced and given from the heart, as a true before the Presence of God. and pure rose.

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It is important, My dear children, that in all this exercise of In your hands is the possibility of Mercy for the world. In prayer the Sacred Heart of Jesus be present, because His Mer­ your hands is prayer, the path towards the new and the good, ciful Love must be your aspiration and your flame of peace the hope of a better world, which must live under the Laws of for the world. Love and Peace. Dear children, opening your arms to My call, your hearts will Little children, for all that to be possible you have the presence receive the help that they need. Permit, dear children, that of My Helping Heart, of My maternal gaze upon each one of the Holy Spirit of wisdom and truth may conduct the life you. As the Queen of Peace I ask you to strengthen the path and the essence of the task in each group of prayer. of prayer that you are lovingly realizing. Count on Me, My children, as Mother and Guardian of the Know, dear children, that each moment of prayer helps a soul hearts here on Earth. of this humanity. May the Spirit of God bless you today, under the sign of the When I call you to prayer I am calling you to become conscious luminous cross of Christ. before the need of Mercy. As the Lady of Graces I give you My Maternal Blessing and I invite you to go forward. I thank you! I thank you! Thank you for responding to My call. Thank you for responding to My call. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity September September Feel the subtle perfume of My prayers for humanity. Guard 21 in your hearts the essence of faith. Awaken in your hearts the Dear children, call to hope. Aid humanity together with Me by means of 22 Embracing the Star of the Universal Peace that announces the the prayer of the heart. new time, today I call you to include in your task of prayer all Dear children, accept My Good News because Jesus wants to humanity so that it may walk within the new cycle; the whole dwell in your hearts forever. My children, today I call you to planet so that the Light of God may continue illuminating; pray for the salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature and for the the whole Universe so that together we may commune with salvation of humanity. You hold in this world the greatest trea- all Creation. sure that God has given you: nature, His Creation. My children, a special request is that you pray for all of My For this reason, dear children, pray for the salvation of each children in India because My Maternal Heart has now one of the elements of Creation. May your prayer reach the begun the path of salvation in all the world, before the return Heavens so that it may be heard by the Heart of God. of My Son.

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Dear children, for this reason today your hearts must focus God. It is through Christ that you will be able to reach God, on these important maternal requests so that the Plans of Heaven, the Universe of the Creator. God manifest themselves in each sector of this humanity. Christ, dear children, is the Celestial Door that in this defin- My children, your prayers will collaborate with the cycle of ing time opens before the reality of all the souls. When your the New Time that is coming. Thus your hearts and your souls hearts enter into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, your lives will will be able to prepare themselves for the Good News of Christ be able to be participants in the actions of charity and giving. that emerges for the second time. My children, in a time that runs quickly in humanity, I invite Dear children, I invite you to enter into the cycle of deep you to experience the Heart of Jesus, I invite you to form part of the Heart of Christ and of His loving redeeming path. changes in consciousness so that your true spirit of peace may awaken in time before the events. Dear children of God, today I am calling you to convert your- selves into new disciples of My Son through the sincere act of Little children, for this to happen your life must be united in prayer because in the strength of prayer and united as hearts prayer to the Creative Universe of God and thus, your aspira- of the Father you will help the planet and humanity, in the tion for the Infinite will be true. From there comes the Holy name of peace. Spirit; from there the Source of Wisdom for all Creation is born. My children, for this reason, today is the moment for your consciousness to give the definitive “yes” to the consecration Therefore, dear children, may your hearts open themselves for of your hearts to the Sacred Heart of My Son. the new because the moment has arrived to unite the hearts in As little children, I am guiding you. As souls, I am elevating love and in the task, preparing your beautiful Inner Temples you close to My Son. As hearts in redemption, I am loving you. to receive My Son, the Savior. Dear children, accept with your heart this important invita- I thank you for responding day by day to My call! tion to live definitively in Jesus because, in Christ, the life of Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity many souls will be able to find a meaning and, thus, you will find the loving Will that God has for each one of My children. September Dear children, your prayer counts much for Celestial Grace 23 Dear children, to be able to descend. You are in time! Today I call you to enter, through your hearts, into the Eternal Pray for all the religious people. Light of My Son. Today I call you to live the attribute of rever- ence and devotion to the Most Holy Heart of Jesus. I thank you! Thank you for responding to My call. Dear children, through the permanent act of the prayer of the heart you will be able to approach the Universe of the Love of Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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My children, ates silently in your hearts for only one reason: to live in Christ, 24 awaiting His celestial arrival. In this important time, remember the one and only Guiding Star that illuminates you, that governs you, that loves you, In union with all of My children, I thank you for your response that conducts you towards the Infinite Universe of God. Re- throughout this last year. member the Master of masters. Remember in your lives the Thank you for responding to My call. Instructor, the Shepherd, the Essence of the Love of God. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity My children, love Jesus Christ, live in Jesus Christ and for September Jesus Christ! Dear children, today I call you to pray for peace, the peace that I am the Lady clothed and surrounded with the Light of the 25 Great Sun. is urgent in the essences and in the souls of all of My children. Today I invite you to serve the Creator with the heart, to give I am the Immaculate Spirit guided by the wisdom of the yourselves to God with the heart and to remain in the arms of Holy Spirit. God, your Omnipresent and Eternal Father. I am the Mother of the Universe, I am the Queen of Peace. Dear children, little children, do not fear, do not fear for any- I am the emanation of Love, of Unity and of Faith for all My thing! Embrace Jesus with your arms, feel His Unfathomable children. and Magnificent Heart of Mercy, keep your life under His rays and keep vigil in prayer for the existence of each brother I am the refuge for those who are alone, I am the morning that and sister. awakens in each one of the lives. I am the Morning Star, I am the Aurora that gathers the flocks My children, if you accept to give your life, your soul and your of Christ. existence to Christ, what will you lose? What will you find in your hearts? Today I will tell you. Dear children, your lives in I am the Immaculate Conception that brings comfort for the Christ, in My Son, will find comfort, relief, love, trust in God desperate, Love for the dispossessed, Faith for the lonely and and eternity. Redemption for those who have denied God. Dear children, as the Mother of Divine Eternity I ask you: I am the bridge to the Heights, I am the Mother of the Per­ trust! Trust in My Maternal and Universal call, because God petual Prayer of God. only asks Me that your hearts be resplendent and consecrated I am part of the Divine Word, I am the testimony of the at the feet of the Creator. Creator. My maternal soul searches for souls that aspire to find peace, I am His Servant, I am His Server. I am part of His Light for forgiveness and redemption. My children, My voice reverber- the world.

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Dear children, I am the Mother of the Divine Conception because through prayer you will allow the Love of the Creator of the Trinity, I am for you the New Flower, I am the subtle to be born and to awaken in you in this defining time. Scent from the Fount of God. Today, only be Love, Divine Love and Immaculate Love. I am the Mother of the Redeemer, I am the Servant of Christ. Today, only be peace, souls in the Peace of God and serve I am, for My children, the fountain that heals the wounds, I God with joy. am the Blessed and Immaculate Heart. Blessed are the humble and those who persevere in My Son, I am the Mystic Rose, I am the Spirit of Peace. because they will find the Kingdom of God in the heart. But I will be even more, upon this world and in the universe, I am the Mother of the Most Holy Heart of the Creator; as through your love, your compassion and your humility. a part of Love, I love you and I bless you in the unity of the Holy Spirit. My children, today I invite you to be part of the Great Spirit of God. I invite you to live in the Heart of the Most High so I thank you! that humility, sacred devotion and reverence may be able to be Thank you for responding to My call. born from your tiny souls. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity In you I will be the Mother of Graces. United to My Mother­ September hood you will be united to the Eternal Father who conducts each soul, each one of My little children. In My arms I hold the world. In My Heart I keep humanity. 26 In My prayer I help humanity and thus I aid all souls. With Dear children, may from your essences spring the wisdom to My eyes I contemplate the joy of some hearts and the pain of understand with the heart who, for Love and Grace, visits you the wounded hearts. month by month. Therefore, My mission is to bring Heaven to Earth through Just as I want to be with you, My Son wants to be part of your the prayers of My soldiers. My Graces are poured hour by hour, beings. second by second over this world in need. My hands pray per- What greater Love is there if not the one that is born perpet- petually for you. My Immaculate Heart rises to the celestial ually from God? throne of God to ask, as mediator, for all humanity. Dear children, today I am calling you to contemplate the While time, the changes and the events pass quickly in the immensity and the magnitude, the greatness and the univer­sal life of all souls, My Heart wants to take you to a deep state expansion of the Love of God over all the universes. of peace. I want to reveal to My little ones the essence of the Divine Mercy of Jesus. I want that My little ones learn to be Dear children, today I tell you and I remind you that each one with My Son without fearing for anything and thus to walk of you is part of the divine expression of the Love of God, in joy towards the encounter with His Merciful Heart.

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As Mother I protect the hearts and I awaken the power of Because today My Heart calls you to be in Christ the Savior faith for life. As the morning I bring hope, the renovation in so that the Grace of God may aid the world. Jesus, the beginning of a new path towards God. Today I call you to open your eyes to the reality of humani- Day by day I contemplate that the need of humanity increas- ty and to commit yourselves with the perpetual prayer for all es; for this reason, from the Heavens of God, the Most High the causes that need the Mercy of the Redeemer. sends Me towards My children to help them to find the Love Dear children, today I ask you to ignite the Flame of the of the Creator. Holy Spirit in your hearts so that My Immaculate Peace may Little souls of God the Father, today as the Mother of Divine propagate itself throughout the world, because at the end of Mercy I pour once more the Ray of Forgiveness and of Repa­ everything, My Immaculate Heart will triumph! ration upon your hearts. But so that your lives may feel the Thank you for responding to My call. unfathomable source of reconciliation, you must say “yes” to God, to the Father of Love and Compassion. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity September Dear children, today I am calling you to convert your lives into forgiveness, into peace, into eternal Mercy for all. As Mother of the Universe I bring you the Gift of the Holy 27 Spirit and the Light of the stars. As Mother of the Universe I Today I am calling you to do something for this humanity, give you My Peace so that the love in your hearts may awaken because, through its own actions, it separates itself from the in this time. Peace of God. Today I invite you to distance yourselves from the abysses of Today I am calling you to reinforce the power of prayer in life and to take a greater leap towards the Light of fraternity. your lives. Dear children, the world carries much pain. Therefore you, Today I am calling you to fasting and to meditation on the through prayers and good actions, must carry the emblem of Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. My Eternal Peace so that the conflicts in the hearts may end. Today I ask you that your hearts become merciful and hum- You must not lower your arms and give up, but raise them in ble so that Jesus may manifest Himself in each one of His the direction of the Universe of the Creator and cry out once disciples. more for Divine Mercy, thus God will listen to you. Today I am calling you to awaken from the slumber of this Today I call you to awaken the humility of the heart by means humanity. of the Divine Light of Jesus because only through Jesus will your lives be able to learn the steps of humility. Today I am calling you to be active servers of God for your neighbor, in your families, for your dearest friends and for Dear children, calling in your lives the essence of humility, all humanity. you will be able to know which is the task that God sends

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to your hearts. Today God, through My Immaculate Heart This simple exercise, My children, will help you in the harmo- reveals to you the task of the prayer of the heart so that you ny and in the silence that you and the world need so much, a may be able to live the Celestial Peace within yourselves. silence that will lead you to find peace. Today I invite you to be prayer in life and in actions so that Dear children, as Mother of Divine Prayer I prepare you for through this prayer all of the causes that need Forgiveness the moments in which prayer must be the sustenance for and Mercy may be dissolved. The present moment merits the your lives. Dear children, this is why the prayer that is pro- collaboration of all the Marian servers consecrated to My nounced with the love of your hearts is so important, in this Immaculate Heart. way your souls will be dialoging with the Most High, moment by moment. My children, while your lives are able to reflect good actions, I invite you to help the planet and humanity through the faith will awaken as Light in many of My children, and humans prayer of the heart. I invite you today to find meaning for your will stop fighting with one another for their ambitions. lives by means of prayer, your union with the Eternal Father. Whenever you feel lack of peace, observe, dear children, how In this way, dear children, your hearts will serve as instruments your exercise of prayer is going. of peace, of love and of hope for the hearts that still remain I thank you! closed to the call of God. Live in My Eternal Peace, only peace! Your lives must commune at each moment with My Son. Your lives consecrated in Jesus will be Divine lives in the arms of the Thank you for responding to My call in spite of the circum- Creator, because the unfathomable Mercy must be the hope of stances. a new way out for those who seek with the feeling of the heart. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Above all let us pray for peace, and remain in My Maternal Peace. September I thank you, dear children! I bless My little ones in the loving power of Jesus so that 28 your hearts may find the safe refuge inside the Celestial Thank you for responding to My call. Temple of God. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Dear children, today I invite you to pray with the inner voice September of your hearts, because in this exercise you will find the art of living the contemplation of the heart. Today I call you to 29 Dear children, exercise the contemplative prayer, which means, My dear Before the Graces received during all of these days, I invite children, to leave the heart, the mind and the spirit in the you to live love and fraternity so that all of My children may Hands of God. be born to the new humanity.

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Dear children, for this to happen I invite you to persist in the Rest in My arms trusting in the Light of the Redeemer! exercise of the prayer of the heart. For this you can count on the Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity assistance and the help of My Immaculate Heart that guides you in your path of prayer. September My children, remembering the importance of prayer in this 30 On this day, dear children, I invite you to withdraw within end of times, your hearts will be able to receive the spiritual My Maternal Manger. Today I call you to remain close to the assistance of the Holy Spirit of God. Know that you can count warmth of My Immaculate Heart, of My Maternal Love, just on the Wisdom of the Father, by means of prayer, in order to as Jesus was from His birth. make right decisions in your lives. Today I ask you to unite your essences to My Maternal Essence I want to help you to grow in consciousness so that the true so that the True Love for the Creator may awaken in your lives. heart of love may be able to reach each soul of humanity. Dear children, today I invite you to remain within the power I want to prepare you as My Maternal Heart prepared the path of prayer so that your souls may awaken the spiritual gifts that for the coming of Jesus. I want you to walk directly towards prayer offers as fruit for the souls. the Divine Heart of My Son, remembering the importance of My children, when I call you to remain within My maternal the communion with His Sacred Heart. manger I am calling you to be humble and simple so that God may find your dwellings crystalline and pure. For this, your My children, as Mother I accompany you through this pil- hearts must be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. grimage towards the universe, which your lives are realizing in these moments. The world still has not changed, therefore your prayer of the heart will permit that many situations may find the Light of Remember that prayer is the foundation for the life of the spirit My Son. of all of My children to awaken in time and in consciousness. Little children, today I am not only calling you to awaken Dear children, in this time in which the reality of the world your consciousness, but also to find, through Me, Jesus the needs your prayer, My Heart is calling you to serve God by Redeemer. My call is announced so that My soldiers may find means of the prayer of the heart, by means of your full trust the path towards My Immaculate Peace. in My Son. My children, today I call you to mature the heart and to rec- With humanity in My arms, today I say to you, dear children: ognize God in each thing because the Father waits to baptize walk towards the forgiveness of the heart so that My Immac­ you with His Spirit of Peace. Trust in the priesthood of My ulate Peace may spring in the essences. Son, commune of His Merciful Heart. I am with you during these days in a special and maternal way. Thank you for responding to My call. I thank you for responding to My call! Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

446 447 “Dear children, today I call you to witness the unfathomable source of life and salvation that comes through My Son, the Redeemer.”

2012 October October 2012

October 1 Dear children, While the world becomes agitated in this end of times, hu- manity must submerge itself in the ocean of prayer so that the Great Angels of the Lord may aid all hearts. Before the trumpets of the angels of Heaven sound, you must be prepared by means of the prayer of the heart, firm in faith and trustful in the Source of Divine Mercy. Today I invite you in an urgent way to enter into the Most Holy Heart of My Son because in this way your lives will be protected by the great spirit of Mercy of the Redeemer. Dear children, today I call you to become conscious from the heart because the times call humanity to live the conversion of the spirit and of life. As the Mother of Perpetual Help, the Lord sends Me to awak- en each one of My children from sleep and to place them all in the celestial task that the Lord is dictating for each heart through My Maternal Presence month by month. Little children, you must not pass even one day without liv- ing the prayer of the heart, because in this way your lives will have hearts open so that the custodian angels that are sent, under the Light of My Immaculate Heart, may approach to guide all of My tiny children. The moment has come to open the consciousness to the un- usual universal signs that will try to awaken those who have separated themselves from the magnificent Will of God. My children, all those consecrated to My Immaculate Heart must help so that other children may glimpse the Light of the Apparition of the Virgin Mary throne of God, when the One and Only Son of the Father Hill of Christ the Redeemer, City of Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil comes in Glory from the clouds.

451 Messages of Peace October 2012

Dear children, everything has been said. I call you and I ask in daily communion with My Son and to live in reconciliation you for prayer and more prayer from the heart. and peace. Souls easily forget the essence of these important attributes for the heart. I thank you for responding to My requests! Dear children, today I invite you to remain within the devo- Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity tional heart of Medjugorje because thus you will find My October Maternal Presence in your lives. My Immaculate Heart radiates Love to the world. Remember that God contemplates the exercise of your prayers, 2 that God expects the greatest effort and giving of the heart Dear children, from all His children so that the designs of His loving Will Today I invite you in a special way to unify your hearts to the are fulfilled. Light of My Maternal Love that also springs in the Center of Therefore, dear children, live Medjugorje as a school of prayer Devotion in Medjugorje. to live the Peace of My Maternal Kingdom. For this reason I invite you to pray for all the Marian Centers I thank you for responding to My call for one more month! where My Immaculate and Helpful Face1 is present for the life of all souls. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity As the Queen of Peace today I call you to pray lovingly for all October the pilgrims who, united to My Immaculate Heart, make an An urgent maternal call effort to live the science of faith and the devotion of the heart. 3 Dear children, with the rosary in My hands, I pray so that My My Maternal Heart descends one more time upon this world, children may awaken in time. as also day to day, through My announcements in the daily messages. I pray for all souls that are distancing themselves from God. Today, My little ones, My Immaculate Heart reflects itself I pray so that the world may reach the Grace of Peace. upon the Marian village of Medjugorje. I pray for all those who do not pray. Therefore I am inviting you to enter into the Kingdom and I pray so that faith may be able to awaken in time in your hearts. the Spirit of My Peace that are present in Medjugorje. There, I pray to dissolve the difficulties that many children are living. it has been thirty years, and here in the Americas, five years, that God has been sending Me towards you to teach you to live I pray for this time of tests and confirmation.

1. Tr: “Faz Inmaculada y Auxiliadora” in Spanish - may refer here to “Mary, Help I pray so that all My children may forgive each other and may of Christians.” redeem themselves through My Son.

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Dear children, I perpetually pray for this defining time in As the Queen of Peace, I pray for your salvation. which souls offer themselves to be in the flock of My Son or Therefore, dear children, let us pray today with all these inten- nominate themselves to be outside the flock of My Son. tions because it is necessary that your hearts be in constant ser- Therefore, as the Interceding Mother, I pray so that no one is vice. Let us pray for the Presence of the Peace of God, because lost, not even the smallest of the essences. it will be what will sustain the world. I pray so that all may achieve forgiveness. I thank you! I pray in this time of Mercy because Divine Justice is spring- Thank you for responding to My urgent call for Peace. ing up. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity I pray so that My Beloved Son Jesus may be among you. October I pray, supplicating Him, so that He may guide you again. Today I want to see in all of My children the infinite joy of I pray for everything that I observe in this world. 4 serving God with the heart and to aspire to live in the Celestial I pray for the new cycle that will come. Kingdom of Eternity. I pray so that reconciliation may be lived in each creature as For this reason, dear children, today I invite you to work in the an emanation of the spirit of peace. name of peace and in the name of the merciful hope that My Son wants to awaken in your hearts. By means of the sincere I pray so that the trust in the Only One can be strengthened prayer of the heart, your dwellings will prepare themselves to in those who have surrendered themselves to the Divine Plan. receive the advent of the Holy Spirit upon the Earth. I pray with hope for all humanity. Therefore, My children, the daily prayer is important in these I pray so that all My little children may become conscious that times, as humanity must reconcile itself with God through the these are no longer normal times, that it is necessary to pray profound praying dialogue that is born from the heart. with the heart every day, and not to easily forget the nourish- ment provided by the power of prayer. Dear children, today I also ask you to remember each one of the passages that Jesus had on this Earth and each one of the I pray for all of you so that the Holy Spirit may descend upon simple teachings that He left for you so that all may be able to each one of My children. live the conversion of the heart. I pray for those who do not listen to My call and for those that Opening My merciful arms I radiate My Graces to all so that discredit the words of My Immaculate Heart. My little children may walk in the honesty and in the truth I pray so that the truth may manifest itself in your lives. of the heart.

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Dear children, therefore, be truthful and do not waste time so because in this way you will be under the Light of the Spirit that thus you are able to transform your hearts, because Christ of the Love of My Son. Jesus will be approaching your lives to show you the Will of Dear children, so that you may grow before the Will and the the Lord. Plans of God, you must believe in the power of prayer in this My children, today I call you to open the doors of your hearts decisive time, because it will help you during the different sit- and to remain in the Infinite Light of the Creator. uations of your life. I thank you for responding to My call! Dear children, once more My Immaculate Heart comes to Argentina to find hearts consecrated to the hope of the Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Redeemer; humble and merciful hearts. October Let us pray, My little children, let us pray. 5 Dear children, I thank you! With My arms extended, radiating love to all of Argentina, Thank you for responding to My call. and in a new meeting of children and pilgrims, I give you My Maternal Blessing. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Dear children, in this time of Grace and Justice, I ask you to October pray more with the heart, to keep a space for God and that your Dear children, hearts and lives express themselves lovingly before the Creator. 6 Open the doors of your homes to God so that you may be radi- With immense delight and joy in the heart, I give My Blessing ated with the Love of His Omnipotent and Compassionate and Maternal Peace to all My beloved children of Argentina. Divine Spirit, of the Most Holy Trinity. For this reason, My children, I gather all of you around the Divine Sacred Heart of Christ so that your souls may reaffirm Dear children, when I call you to prayer, I am calling you, as their alliance with the Universe of Love and Peace. Mother, to the preparation of your hearts for the new cycle. Dear children, today is one more moment to remind you of the My children, this is why I call you daily to be in Jesus and to confirmation of each one of you with the Universe and with look for Jesus in each moment of your lives, because Christ the life of prayer, necessary and fundamental for humanity promises you the redemption of the heart, the kind rebirth in this end of times. of souls once again consecrated to His Sacred Heart. Dear children, as the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje and in In the face of the tests in these times, dear children, I call you the world, today I ask you to pray from the source that exists to strengthen your union with God, as much as your lives can, in your hearts.

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October Today once again I ask you to pray to prevent wars, persecu- 7 Dear children of My Son, tions and disorder in the life of humanity. Rest your lives and your hearts in My Maternal arms. Carry in Today, dearest children, I ask you to pray to prevent suffering, your souls the loving unity with the Eternal God. pain and the desperation that My Immaculate Heart witnesses My children, today again I call you to prayer, because a world day by day in this world. and a humanity without prayer is a reality without God. Today I call to pray to alleviate My flagellated Heart that is Dear children, united to your hearts I invite you to strengthen hurt by the grave offenses of humanity. the spirit and the exercise of prayer so that you may always find Dear children, today I am calling you to awaken your small refuge in the Kingdom of the Father through the faith and the devotion to the Most High. consciousness in the face of the events that are unfolding in this world. As Mother of humanity I ask that you unite your hearts through the praying exercise in the groups of prayer. Each group of As the Mother of Graces, today I ask you to place your hearts prayer must not only be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, under the Redeeming and Merciful Rays of My Beloved Son, but they must also radiate the Light and Love that they have because it is in Christ that you will find Relief, because it is received from the Heavens. in Christ that you will find Light and Forgiveness, because it is in My Son that you will find the Reconciliation that your Each group of prayer must maintain the spirit of peace and lives and the lives of humanity need. the will to gather as souls that want to dialogue with God. The group must weave the network of peace between Heaven and Therefore, My little ones, may the hope and the joy of serving Earth. God awaken in you, because you should know that many of My children, you are servers consecrated to the Light of My My children must live the redemption of the heart. Immaculate Heart. This is why I ask that in this defining time My children, on this day of meeting with Me in Luján, a Sanc- you be responsive to My requests and strong in the purpose tuary of love and faith, I ask that through prayer you unite to of living day by day a consecrated life through the prayer of Jesus, that you call Jesus, and that you look for Him so that the heart. His Divine Spirit of Love may be with you, visit you, guide you All groups of prayer must be pillars of Christ, they must beat and shelter you in everything. the universal rhythm of the Heart of My Son; they must always Dear children, for one more month I say to you: thank you for renovate themselves, inviting new hearts to participate in the responding to My call, to all the pilgrim hearts of Argentina! life of prayer. Dear children, in you is the possibility of allowing salvation I thank you! to become a reality. In you is the love that will unite you to Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity My Beloved Son.

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I thank you! Dear children, it is time to awaken before that magnificent and splendorous Grace of Redemption and Forgiveness in Thank you for responding to My call. which My Son is calling you to be participants. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity May your lives be only Mercy. May your actions be merci- October ful. May your words and thoughts be impregnated by Divine Mercy. May the Fire of the Love of Jesus convert you into in- Dear and beloved children of the Father, 8 struments of His Unfathomable Mercy. All the offenses that are generated in the world are forgiven Dear children, you still have time! day by day through the Unfathomable and Powerful Divine Mercy that springs as a fountain from the Sacred Heart of I thank you for responding to My call! Jesus. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Therefore today, My little ones, you must surrender in faith October to the infinite mystery of forgiveness and of reparation for the hearts that have fallen into the faults that offend God. 9 My children, So that the world and the souls may achieve peace and uni- May today your hearts be able to understand and vener- versal harmony necessary in this end of times, My Son needs ate the Special Grace that your lives are receiving by means humble and spontaneous soldiers of Mercy. of the exercise of prayer and in the name of the Love of My Son. Dear children, the Universal King of the Love of God, Jesus Christ, awaits daily that through prayer, service and frater- Dear children, this is why I invite you to pray more with the nity new soldiers are able to be His instruments so that His heart so that God the Father can hear you and My Maternal Mercy may be propagated through the world. The hearts still Heart may continue to come into your lives. The mission that have not understood the true mystery of the merciful Rays God entrusts to you is to pray for the salvation of all souls, of Jesus; therefore today I invite you to propagate this import- because, in this time, dear children, everyone will have one ant Grace that My Son is pouring over the whole world. last Grace: to live the Conversion. Before the Divine Universal Judgment approaches the world, My children, in His Sorrowful Passion were radiated the high- you, My little ones, must be in deep and true prayer so that the est States of Love that flowed out from the wounded Heart willingness to pray every day may be born in you. of Jesus. Now resurrected, He calls you to the conversion of your lives and to drink from the Fountain of Christ Itself, For this reason, dear children, the renovation of the groups which heals all and cures all. of prayer is so important, by means of monthly meetings that

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October allow the strengthening among the groups and the encour- 10 While humanity is still looking for satisfaction in life, My agement to serve God and to be less invaded by the realities Maternal Heart calls all souls to the new and last flock of of the world. Christ. Each group of prayer must be the Light of Christ in the world, As mediator before the souls that have found the spiritual and for this Light to shine in the darkness, the flames of Christ path towards God, I want them to be able to help other souls that are each one of the souls must be united in the mission that quickly deviate from the path of faith and from the Love and be humble from the heart, because in this way the Holy of God. Spirit will be able to guide and bless the existence of each pray- Therefore, My children, I ask all praying beings today not to ing group. waste time and to pray with much aspiration towards the My children, today I communicate to you this important mis- Heights, waiting for the Infinite Mercy of My Son. sion of the end of times for all of these praying groups. Know, I expect from My soldiers the awakening of their conscious- My dear children, that My Maternal Heart will be among you, nesses and that they offer themselves to collaborate so that accompanying you at the moment you begin your exercise of the greater part of humanity be able to live some more time of prayer. peace. And as time goes by fast, I ask that you pray with the heart, attentively, so that something may be able to change in Dear children, it is now time for fraternity to be born from humanity. hearts so that the task of praying in group among sister souls may have universal repercussions. But for this to happen, it is Dear children, pray, pray, pray and pray! Pray with the voice necessary to have much humility and to be empty of yourselves, of your hearts so that the Pity and Compassion of God may because in this way your meetings of prayer will be victorious touch the hearts that have separated themselves from the Law and you will be united to My Maternal Purpose of salvation. of the Lord. Today, dear children, I thank each one of the praying beings Remembering the teachings of the Commandments of Moses, and devotees for being responsive to My urgent call for today I ask you that you have them present in your lives as the prayer and peace. first basic rules for a good child of God. I thank you. Dear children, throughout time humanity has been called to change from the heart; therefore may you open your eyes and Thank you for responding to My call. see the Merciful Light that My Immaculate Heart is radiating to all. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity I remind you of the importance of living in fidelity to My Son so that your hearts may be guided and may be protected in these final times.

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I thank you for responding to the voice of My call in these My soldiers, may your hearts be always ready for everything, times! for that which God wants in these moments. Know, My little ones, that you are working by means of prayer so that salvation Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity may be possible, even for the souls that are less deserving. October Dear children, I promise you that each prayer that flows with With joy and bliss I place each one of My children in the love from your hearts will be heard and responded to under 11 Celestial Kingdom of God. the Highest Will of God. Dear children, Dear children, as a mediator between the hearts: thank you for listening to My supplications! Today, let us celebrate from the heart for the coming of the I thank you! Queen of Peace to Aurora, Her favorite home. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity As the Mother of the New Aurora today I give you all My Maternal Blessing and I thank you for responding to My call October for peace. 12 As the Mother of the Christians and of the non-Christians,2 As instruments in the Hands of the Most High, today I invite in name of the Light of My Son, I try day by day to remove you to consecrate your dwellings to the Celestial Father. Know, many souls from the immense inner desert in which they live, My little ones, that He waits for the love of the pure and true for lack of faith and love in the heart. souls, that may want to live in the one Source of Love that In these times, dear children, may your hearts be active precur- forgives and repairs all. sors of My call for peace and for the salvation of the creatures. Today I am calling you to be partakers of Divine Mercy Dear children, as the Mother and Door of Heaven, today I through My Immaculate Heart. Dear children, I call you all ask you to search for God within your inner beings, for so that you may take one more step, with absolute trust in the the Love of the Father, for the Immaculate Spirit of Peace, Plans of God. because this Spirit will allow you to grow and It will strength- en you for the decisions in life, in the mind and in the spirit My children, as the Divine Conception, I ask you to pray so of each one. that many of My children in these critical times may also be able to be touched by My inner call. Today, in addition, I Today I am calling you to prepare with consciousness your remind you that each call to which you respond has worldwide dwellings so that in a short time Jesus, the King of the Universe, repercussions in this end of times. Each call that is responded 2. Tr: “Mother of Christians and non-Christians” refers to and expands upon the from your humble hearts will help in the redemption of meaning of the well-known title of the Virgin which in English has been called humanity through the victorious coming of Christ to Earth. “Mary, Help of Christians.”

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October the Master of masters, may find rest in pure and crystalline Dear children, dwellings where His Absolute and Unfathomable Mercy may 13 Remember, in this time, the Portal towards Heaven that My be poured. Immaculate Heart once opened in Fatima; a Portal of Peace Dear children, the world is going through great tests in the and Redemption for all humanity; a Portal of Faith and Hope faith and in the life of many hearts. For this reason I ask you to for all My children. place the millions of children that I have under My protection in the true exercise of your prayers so that they enter into the This is why today, My children, in the face of so many chang- definitive Law of Forgiveness and Mercy. es in humanity, I ask you to return in consciousness and with the heart towards the Marian Sanctuary of Fatima, Portugal, As I have told you, dear children, this is a last cycle for the and from there may you see My Peace arise again for all the confirmation of the hearts before the Plans of God. Humanity world. can live in the new Plan of God, a Plan that will lead you to remain in the true state of peace and reconciliation. Each Marian Center consecrated to My Immaculate Heart is seen from Heaven as a little piece of My Maternal Dwelling My children, it is very important to keep the fire of the prayer upon the Earth, as the Presence of the Most High among His of the heart ignited, prayer that unites you to the Sacred Divine beloved children, the creatures. Spirit of My Son. But for this to happen, dear children, your lips must only pronounce words of love and peace, words that Therefore, dear children, raise your eyes towards the Portal may spring from the heart, words that may relieve the great of Peace, which represents My Immaculate Heart, and see in suffering that many solitary souls are living. yourselves, the Love of the Redeemer being born. Dear children, today again I supplicate you and I speak to you May each one of My children be a new and renewed portal with immense Love from My Immaculate Heart, because as towards peace and fraternity. May each little child affirm in you all know, these are already the last announcements that their life the Merciful presence of Jesus. God sends Me to transmit to all hearts. Today celebrate, once more, the anniversary of the Appari- Before the new time that will come, My children, may your tions in Fatima. hearts, your thoughts and your feelings be merciful so that I ask you all, My children, that you elevate your hearts for God may reign within you, so that the Love of My Son may all pilgrims and non-pilgrims, for all those who live in faith reign forever. and for those who have lost it, for all those who commune with Keep gratitude in you so that it radiates humility and Mercy. My Son and for all those who forget Him. Thank you for responding to My call. Dear children, may each one of you today carry Fatima, the Inner Marian Sanctuary, in each one of your hearts. May your I thank you! lives be uplifted again before the Light of the Father so that Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity the essences may find the way of forgiveness and love.

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My children, on this day, carry the Peace that My Maternal may be here among your hearts calling you in the name of My Heart once poured in Fatima and may this encounter with Son to live conversion and forgiveness in this time of Mercy. your inner sanctuary, with the House of God, permit you to My children, this is why today I invite you to remember recognize what the true state is that My Love wants each one and keep in your hearts a Great Miracle of Love that God of you to live in this time. manifested through My Immaculate Heart in the luminous My children, with reverence, I tell you: awaken to this last presence of the Sun. The great seed of Light was sown in the call that My voice pronounces to the world, a call that speaks hearts of those who had faith and in the hearts of the unbeliev- to you of the opportunity of redemption that your hearts can ers. The seed of My Maternal Light was sown in the believers live and a celestial call that promises you a truthful encounter and in the atheists. No one remained without receiving, once with My Immaculate Peace. more, the Grace of God, His Forgiveness and Redemption. For this reason, dear children, today I am calling you to med- As the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, I bless you all every day itate through prayer, on these mysteries that made themselves and I say to My little ones: Let us pray for the inner peace of visible once in Fatima before the eyes of all My children. each one of My children! God called Me to pour His Infinite Grace in a time in which Celebrate with Me the presence of Fatima: the Marian Center humanity was once again walking towards perdition. But of Love. the Merciful Love of the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary inter- I thank you for responding to My call every day! vened to harmonize the events that occurred in the world. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity The Angel of Peace brought to humanity the sign of conver- sion and of penitence. He prepared the path of salvation for all October of humanity, and this happened through His spiritual inter- 14 Dear children, vention upon all souls. After that 13th of October, 1917, when the Sun of God showed Thus, dear children, after this, the Lady more brilliant than Its True Face, the life of many souls changed for the good of the Sun arrived to propagate to the world the important call the Divine Plan, the war among the hearts stopped and My for peace and forgiveness. Maternal Spirit was able to establish some more time of peace. Today, again, I descend from Heaven to open your hearts to My children still need miracles, but today I tell you all that this important cycle in which humanity must consecrate it- self to the Will of God. after so many Graces that have been poured by Jesus, from His Sacred Heart, and from My Immaculate Heart, the great Grace I mean, My little ones, that each soul must confirm the de- for this time is that I, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, gree of its Love to God, as this will permit other Laws of the

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Creator to act upon the world. By means of the exercise of Your goal, as is Mine, must be to alleviate the tired heart, prayer, hearts will be radiated by My Love, as in Fatima. the wounded heart and the fallen heart. To ignite, through prayer, the Flame of the Holy Spirit and to trust, in the name I invite you, dear children, to remember the facts of the Ap- of My Son, in all the wisdom that you will receive to grow paritions of Fatima because as I have said, your lives will thus as consciousnesses and as hearts. enter the inner sanctuary to live in faith and in love. My children, today there is reason to celebrate from the heart May the Sun of God, that once illuminated the world through the past eleven months in which My Maternal Love, My Hope, Its Universal Source, illuminate your little hearts. Walk through My Grace and My Mercy have been poured from the greatest the pathway of My Son. depths of My Maternal Heart for all My beloved children. Let us pray for peace. Continue united to My Spirit of Peace and through the per- I thank you! manent prayer of the Rosary, be united every day to Jesus, the King of Love. Thank you for responding to My call! That your hearts, during these last eleven months, may have Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity been able to be a part of My Great and Divine Son Jesus. That October from now on, your lives may be surrendered to the Plan of God, as a reparation of all offenses that He receives from this 15 My little ones, world. Keep in your hearts the whole path of love and conversion Be merciful and love your brothers and sisters because they are that, through the Faithful Servant of God, you have lived. For also My children. this maternal reason today I invite you to remember that it has already been eleven months of encounters and of daily For all this time of Mercy, I thank you for responding to My messages for the world. call! Today I am calling you to be the living example of My Mater­ Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity nal Message through charity and giving. October Dear children, I call you to form part of My Marian army of Dear children, peace and to propagate My words by means of your prayer. You 16 are in time to live in the Mercy of My Son, you are in time to In the eyes of God, the soul always loves. forgive with the heart. In the eyes of God, the soul lives its faith. My children, today I also call all those who hear My urgent In the eyes of God, the soul walks and ascends. call for Peace and for Goodness so that you may propagate My words of support and help to all the hearts in the world. In the eyes of God, the soul is in God.

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In the eyes of God, the soul recognizes the path towards Christ. of God in your hearts, because My Maternal Aspiration is that you learn to love as Jesus loved. In the eyes of God, the soul drinks from the Fount of the Love of God. I thank you for responding to My call! In the eyes of God, the soul grows and finds strength in the Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Heart of God. October In the eyes of God, all souls are equal and all of them are unit- ed to the Creating Principle of God, because in the eyes of God 17 My children, one lives the great mysteries of the Heart of God. As the Queen and Mother of Peace, today I invite you to search Dear children, today I invite you all to remain under the mer- in your hearts for the inner union with Jesus so that through ciful gaze of God, because in the eyes of God your hearts will prayer you may help My Son to carry the cross of the world. become inseparable from the life of prayer, and the Great and As the Cyrene, carry, out of love, the pain of the world. May Divine Spirit of God will allow you to know the humility that your prayer be the nourishment that may satiate all, and the you need in order to fulfill His One and Only Will. water that quenches the thirst of many of My children. My children, when I invite you to be under the gaze of God, Today I want to tell you that the cross of humanity must be it is for you to recognize that you are not walking alone and supported in the perseverance of the groups of prayer that, that, united to His heart, you will be guided by Love and by united with the Most Holy Heart of Jesus, fulfill the call to the Holy Spirit. alleviate the Heart of Christ. Little children, many hearts still are not under the kind gaze A small part of your lives, by means of prayer and as a ser- of God. The Father is close to each one of His beloved children vice, can contribute to others. Today I refer, dear children, and you, in the name of Love, can help so that the whole world to the inner state of giving yourself to others. This inner may be under His gaze. state will allow you to recognize the humility that is necessary Each child of this humanity must open the treasury of the to live in these times. Because of the lack of humility in the heart in order to reach the gaze of God. human heart, many events are unfolded, events that condition the harmonious walk of My children. My Father, the Most High, is in your hearts and therefore I invite you to search for Him within your beings because many Therefore, searching in yourselves for Jesus, the Redeeming children easily forget God in the heart. Your attention to be in Love, you will find the essence of giving, and when this giving God will alleviate the martyrdom that He receives from the becomes a daily exercise together with prayer, your hearts will constant offenses of humanity. begin to glimpse the Light of humility. If humanity were in the Mercy of God, it would be a merciful All of My children are being called to live this path of humil- humanity. You are still in time to find the Source of the Love ity, of emptiness of oneself, for love of God and for the repa-

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ration of the great conflicts and the arrogance that humanity Center of Figueira on the 25th and 26th of October, cele- lives, in which there is so little love for one another. brating in this way the month of the Most Holy Rosary in a ceremony of prayer that will extend until the 25th and 26th Dear children, I am calling you to form yourselves as good of November of the year 2012 of your time. instruments of God so that your High Priest, Jesus, may be able to pour His Merciful Graces upon the pure hearts and This divine decision is in response to the Will of God, the upon the fallen hearts. Most High, and it is because of what Our beloved Celestial Father has seen regarding the lack of spiritual and material It is time to be in Jesus every day. consideration that My children have given to My task of con- Let us pray. tact with you.3 I thank you! My children, this means that My voice and My echo will be Thank you for responding to My call. pronounced for a longer time for the intercession that My Son, Jesus Christ, has carried out before the throne of God. I Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity want you to understand with your hearts, My little ones, that October your collaboration with My Divine Work has been scarce in this part of the Americas. My dear and most beloved children, 18 I want to tell you, My children, that your hearts have been In the name of the Almighty God, in the name of the Holy lacking the donation and the providence for My task to be able Spirit, in the name of the Redeeming Love of My Son and to embrace each corner of the world. before the Celestial Choirs, under the Power of God in the universe, under the Merciful Light of My Immaculate Heart, Therefore, dear children, in the face of the lack of love in the I, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, Mother of the consciousness for all that throughout time I have been pouring Divine Conception of the Trinity, in this moment and during as Grace and with love, I want to tell you that the apparitions this hour, reflecting the Maternal Love of My Immaculate planned for the final days of October and November will occur Heart, but with tears in My immaculate eyes, announce to you in the Marian Center of Figueira. This means that I ask you with reverence and peace, the next celestial call of attention for a loving collaboration so that My Message may continue to all My blessed children on Earth. to echo in the world. 4 I tell you that the ever Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven, has For this reason, as your Mother and as Mary, Help, I intervene seen a serious fault on the part of Her children before God. with Love for all of you so that the wisdom of the Holy Spirit Therefore, in the name of peace, I absolve you and tell you, 3. She refers here to Her task with the visionaries. dear children, that the Queen of Peace, the Mother of the 4. Tr: “Mary, Help” refers to and expands upon the meaning of the well-known World, will manifest Her Face of Love to all, in the Marian title of the Virgin which in English has been called “Mary, Help of Christians.”

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may awaken in your consciousnesses. My adult children, it is My eternal Love to each one of the groups of prayer from the time to grow in maturity because this will allow your hearts United States and from Venezuela. I send you My Maternal to be under the Law of My Divine Mercy. Comfort and announce to you that My promised arrival to both nations, according to the plans of the Most High, has Jesus waits for you so that your consciousnesses may medi- been moved to the Marian Center of Figueira, in Brazil. tate and confess with His Sacred Heart. I invite you in this final time to love the Law of the Divine Providence, because to When I tell you that I carry humanity in My arms it is because understand the mysteries of Heaven, they must be loved even it needs the guidance and the protection of My Motherhood. more than all that your lives know in this world. When I tell you that I will appear in glory and in spirit during Dear children, in the name of the Light of Heaven, I thank the months of October and November in the Marian Center you for responding to this urgent call to meditation and of Figueira, it is so that your hearts can feel that I will not reflection of your consciousnesses. abandon you because I love you beyond your thoughts and reasoning. In the Faith professed by My Son Jesus, I wait for you in the Marian Center of Figueira so that together we may celebrate Today I want to remind you of a parable that Christ left to all the month of the Most Holy Rosary because Peace is urgent humanity. It is a message that will allow you to understand in the lives of all My children. why God wants and asks your consciousnesses to grow in this defining final time. Will My soldiers follow Me? My children, remember that Jesus once said that in a past time Thank you for your inner attention. there was a very poor woman who donated everything that Who loves you eternally, she had so that the temple could continue with its task. But because what she had given was so little, her action was not Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity considered by humankind. Jesus My son invites you to recog- October nize that the action that each child of the Father offers is more important than the value itself that each one has. Dear children, 19 What is the mystery of this parable? Carrying all humanity in My arms, today I direct My celestial words to all My children from the United States and from Dear children, the mystery is that in the Kingdom of the Heav- Venezuela, asking you to pray so that the Blessed Grace may ens are kept the true and the sincere spiritual values that enrich descend over both nations. the hearts of all souls, and not the goods that My children keep and accumulate on Earth. At the request of My Son Jesus, today I give My Maternal Blessing and I call you to continue walking for peace in your Today, My children, I want that you learn to love that which hearts and in the whole world. For this reason, today I send you do not have. I tell you: love the true spirit of the Providence

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October of God. Jesus said to His disciples: “Leave everything that you Blessed children, have and follow Me.” My Son wanted to tell you that each 20 In response to the urgent call realized yesterday to My children, one of you must donate yourself entirely to the Will of God and trust that He will give the greatest goods that exist in the I announce to those to whom I have appeared for five years as Heavens. the Blessed Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, that My Beloved Son, Christ Jesus, sends Me today to your Dear children, My absence in Venezuela indicates that a cor- hearts to tell you that the Almighty God has observed from rect balance in the collaboration and in the support for My His Heart your response to the celestial call of attention. universal task with you is lacking on the part of My children. Dear children, in the face of the urgent necessity of conversion God will not abandon you and My Maternal Heart will be and redemption of all the creatures of God, today I call you to transmitting the monthly message for October and November continuous prayer and especially I call you so that, during this of 2012. But today I want you to meditate on how much your whole month, your lives may deepen and may give time to the hearts are supporting, with sincerity, My Universal Task, so that it is thus fulfilled in each nation. meditation on each one of the holy Mysteries of the Rosary. God has not given Me the permission to make great miracles. There you will find the keys for the conversion of your hearts Therefore, in order for My Message and My Light to be poured that are: peace, surrender, trust in God, charity, forgiveness, out on each nation that God has asked Me to go to, there must the Love of My Son, sacrifice, and the resurrection together exist a total collaboration from you so that the visionaries may with the glorification of Christ. fulfill the task that My Heart has entrusted to them in each My children, in this month of the Rosary I want that you nation. especially dedicate yourselves to unite your hearts to each one Dear children, you are being invited to live in faith and in of the passages of the life of Jesus and of the silent life of My surrender to God. For this reason I am now with you. Do not Immaculate Heart. fear for anything, but it is now time to grow from the heart. My little ones, that in this time may awaken in your conscious- Will you, My little ones, accompany the voice of My call? ness the call to Redemption and to the Surrender to God, a I bless the efforts that I have seen from the groups of the United call that My voice pronounces day by day by means of the daily States and of Venezuela. Let us pray much because the times messages. are changing! Dear children, under the Grace of God we are now close to I thank you! the completion of one year, continuous and without interrup- tions, of daily blessed messages of My Immaculate Heart, of Thank you for listening to My call. the Queen of Peace, who intends to guide you along the path Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity of Good and Peace in the heart.

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After a continuous year of Graces received, today I want that Thank you for responding to this celestial call. in response to these Graces, you unite your lives to the key Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity teachings of Christ. October For this victorious reason of My Immaculate Heart in each one of your lives I announce to you today in the name of the 21 Keep the Immaculate Love of My Heart in your beings Merciful Love of Christ Jesus, that on the day of tomorrow, and in trust call, by means of prayer, the inner presence the 21st of October, 2012, My visionary children, will be of God. honoring Me by means of a simple prayer and an internal Dear children, communion in the Sanctuary of Aparecida, a sanctuary that I love with fondness for the humble expression of faith from May this day of Sunday be dedicated to the reparation of the all of My pilgrim children of Brazil. Heart of the Lord through prayer. In the exercise of the prayer of the heart will be revealed the attributes that will help all of Therefore, dear children, the Honorable ever Virgin Mary, you in this time; attributes such as Faith, Love, Forgiveness, Lady Aparecida of Brazil, invites you and calls all Her chil- Mercy and Redemption. dren so that together with My children the visionaries, you may realize this simple pilgrimage towards the Sanctuary of Dear children, as the Mother of humanity I ask you to pray Aparecida and that, through the offer to pray fifty beads of the so that My Son may intercede and alleviate the pain in many Holy Rosary and of the inner communion with Christ, you hearts. may repair My Immaculate Heart. Each sincere offering that is born from your hearts day after In response to the events that have happened between you day, will allow the Plans of the Most High to be fulfilled in and God, I promise you that whomever participates with a the lives of all souls. sincere spirit of reconciliation and forgiveness before the Most My children, in love and in devotion, I ask all of My children High, the Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, will radiate the power from the city of São Paulo in Brazil to raise their eyes to the of Divine Mercy from Heaven, and your lives will be absolved Merciful Kingdom of God and in this way, to practice in before the Law. their lives the maternal teachings that My Heart has poured through this last year. Dear children, I have brought roses in My hands to the throne of God, and the Father of the Source of Love and Compassion Through the exercise of the adoration of the Sacred Heart of has accepted My offering for all of you. This exercise of frater- My Son, all My children of São Paulo will be united to My nity that I ask you to realize will allow, once more, that your Immaculate Heart. hearts be clean and pure before God. Therefore, dear children, today God asks you to grow in Once again, dear children, My Immaculate Heart will triumph! consciousness from the heart and to unite your souls with the

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different states that prayer will radiate to you, states such as of responding to the call has repercussions in all the life of the unity, love and fraternity. planet and of humanity. In this month of the Sacred Rosary, may your hearts discover By means of the exercise of the Rosary on these days of Octo- the keys of salvation in each Mystery. ber until November, your lives will be preparing in conscious- ness for the new, for the time that will arrive to the world. I give thanks to My children of São Paulo for responding to My call! My children, the opening of your hearts will allow that this task may become sacred and true, just as are resting, eating Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and living for God. Each action of life in this time must be October sacred so that God may avail Himself of the good examples of His children, who learn the laws of living together and of Dear children, 22 fraternity. In this month of the Rosary until the 26th of November, I ask The new world will be composed of groups of souls that will you that out of love for God the Creator, you gather in groups learn to live the laws as the ancient peoples from the desert of prayer and that you pray at least the first fifty beads of the lived and obeyed together with Moses. God has prepared for Holy Rosary for the world and for humanity, uniting in this each soul a special message of love and a mission. way this request to the one that I have already made for all the nations of the world. Your exercise of daily prayer will allow that, in each moment, your hearts may contemplate the Will of God. My children, by means of this maternal request, My Immaculate Heart will intercede in favor of all the souls that are in need of Dear children, may this month of the Holy Rosary be a pre- peace and forgiveness in this time, with the celestial mission paratory month, a true school of prayer for all. that all of My children may awake from the dream in which I thank you for responding to My call! they normally live and may begin to live for God, in His Love and Mercy. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity In order for this to happen for most of My beloved children, October the prayer of the heart on the part of all groups that have con- Dear children, secrated themselves to the Divine Mother will be considered 23 If you try to live in the essence of My Peace you will find the of universal importance. Kingdom of God upon the Earth, and the conflicts among Dear children, when souls are conscious of the requests that the hearts will be dissolved, conflicts that are born from the God sends through My Immaculate Heart, this loving action consciousness itself.

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October In this time, above all, be united as brothers and sisters through My children, prayer and let yourselves be conducted by the power that it has 24 In the advent of the new time for this world, a time of changes when pronounced with love. and learning, today I ask you for more prayer, a prayer that Dear children, withdrawn within My Heart on this day, seek may spring as a fountain from your hearts, a prayer that may the presence of My Son, practice the teachings of Jesus through help the world, a prayer that may alleviate the great burden of daily prayer, service and fraternity. humanity. Prayer will always bring you clarity, wisdom and It is no longer the moment for any heart, for any child of the discernment in the moments that will arrive for humanity. Father, to stop fulfilling their daily task of prayer because, Your lives are already living a different time. It is necessary, without realizing, you would be distancing yourselves from dear children, to be attentive and vigilant to the consciousness the purpose and you would begin to live under human princi- and to the heart. ples, even those souls that have consecrated themselves. While the world continues repeating mistakes that have now Prayer is the salt of your lives, it is the seasoning that provides humility and wisdom in these times. My children, while you become irreparable, My Maternal Heart comes to humanity walk upon this world you will open a little door towards to bring Light and Mercy. Heaven through the daily prayer in order to find peace and I know that some of My children judge the truth of My exis- meekness. tence and of My apparitions. Therefore, dear children, today I Be merciful at all times even if your thoughts and feelings say tell you that the ever Blessed Virgin Mary, Universal Mother something different. and Queen of Peace, has now been among you for some years. Unite to the Heart of My Son so that all the sheep that have God gave Me the permission to send My saving message to separated from Him may find the path again. You are part of all My children; therefore many hearts were participants in the Plan of God, a Plan that is being accomplished with effort My apparitions throughout the last year. in this part of the Americas through the announcement of My Immaculate Face. Dear children, in the face of hunger in humanity, in the face of the wars that are awakening among brother-hearts, in the face As the Mother of Relief, I give you My Blessing and I invite you of the great loss of children and teenagers, in the face of the to remember the path of humility for your hearts so that in this path of perdition that many young people are going through, way upon this world there may be more peace and harmony. and in the face of many more things that are now unknown I thank you! to you, I tell you: Pray! Pray! Pray! And pray, as if it were the last time! And recognize, from this day on, the Celestial Grace Thank you for praying the Rosary every day! that you are receiving through the loving intercession of My Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Immaculate Heart.

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My children, you are now adults in your lives of prayer, there- Dearest children, today I want you to understand in your fore with maturity and charity pray for Peace and Mercy in hearts that God the Father manifests Himself not only each corner of this world. through My Immaculate Voice, but also through all those who This is My last and definitive call to humanity: Prayer! Prayer give themselves from the heart to concretize the Divine Plan and prayer so that more souls may be partakers in the presence on Earth. of the Master and Savior. Therefore, My children, God the Father is the Great Tree of Dear children, you have the path of Salvation, Grace and Mercy Wisdom, Its roots and Its branches are the expression of the in your hands and on your lips. You have within your lives the Infinite Universe and Its leaves are the emanations of the souls infinite power of prayer. You must love prayer and feel it in upon this beloved planet. the depths of your souls. Dear children, in order for this to exist in all of the created life, Dear children, you are in My Heart, therefore you are being there exists in your lives the presence of the Universal Mother, awakened from the dream of this world, by the Universal Love the Queen of Peace, the Morning Star that announces the new of the Queen of Peace. time before the coming of Her Son. You are in Me. Dear children, this is why your lives and your essences are al- I thank you! ways united to the essence of the Heart of God. As the Mother of the World, as the Lady of the Heavens, I come to your en- Thank you for responding to My call. counter to reveal to you the true mystery of your faith and Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity of your lives; this mystery is called Love for the Whole, Love for the One, Love for the Will of God. October This is why today, with the Rosary of Peace in My blessed Dear children, 25 hands, again I invite you to prayer, because day by day many For the commemoration of My monthly apparitions each souls are lost and they do not find the path towards Light. 25th in Medjugorje, today I invite you and I gather you in the name of Jesus so that your hearts may contemplate the exis- For you, My dear children, who are awake to the life of the tence of the Marian Center of Figueira. spirit, it will be enough to serve in this time: to serve by giving yourselves, to serve by loving, to serve to repair the Heart of After twenty-five years of instruction, necessary for your lives My Son. and loving for your souls, today I announce that the Blessed Universal Mother, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Through your inner maturity and with prayer as a primor- Trinity, has walked silently together with you through this dial exercise, you will be taking secure steps towards the con- pathway of teachings and learning. secration of your little hearts.

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My children, on this 25th of October and after so many events purity of the heart. Out of love, God has given you His Favorite that have happened by means of the presence of My Immac­ Son, who left for you the path of truth and salvation. ulate Heart, I call you to the awakening of your consciousness Therefore, dear children, today revere, adore and glorify the so that, under the will of God, new and donated Marian serv- Presence of the Son of God in your lives. ers of peace may emerge. These soldiers of peace have the spirit of loving prayer, of being in inner service for souls and finding, On this day of important reparation of the Heart of Christ, I in the Will of God, the aspiration to reach Eternity. ask you that, out of love, you surrender your lives to Jesus and that you find, in the Merciful Love of Christ, the door to your My children, awaken to the call and listen in your hearts to salvation and redemption. the Voice of the One and Great Lord. My children, new instruments of Christ, new fires of His I thank you! Merciful Love must awaken in this time because the souls, as sparks of the Love of Christ, will help in the salvation of the Thank you for responding to My call. essences by means of service and consecration. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Today, dear children, I want you to remember that you are October precious essences of God and that beyond your understanding and reason, there is the expression of the Love of the Father 26 As the Star of Heaven and of the Universe, your steps are in each one of His creatures. If souls could at least remember guided under the Light of My Immaculate Heart. Thus that they are essences created by God, the steps in conscious- your feet walk on this pathway towards the encounter ness would be able to be united to His Will. with My Son. This is a pathway built in the pacification Dear children, as the Mother of Redemption I leave My crown and in the faith of the heart. of stars to each one of your hearts today so that, guided by My Dear children, today I call you to rejoice your hearts and not Immaculate Love, you may recognize the value of your faith to fear for anything because your Celestial Mother is with and of your absolute trust in God the Creator. you, by your side, observing the walk of each soul, observing Today I also tell you to fear nothing and to walk, walk in prayer, the definition of each heart before the Plans of God. Because because it will be your shield for the important moments. each one of you keeps in the heart something that is revered Uniting day by day your hearts in fraternity you will be able by the angels of Heaven. This precious thing that you keep is to carry imprinted in your beings the Eternal Celestial Peace called “purity of the heart.” of the Lord. Although the world forgets, day to day, to strengthen the spirit Propagate the merciful power of prayer and may your lives through prayer and through the Love of God the Creator, today reveal to those who are distant from God, the teachings and the I invite you to search within yourselves for the immaculate transformations that Christ has made in your consciousnesses.

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Be the new shepherds of prayer and, through the exercise of Dear children, today live this union with Christ from heart prayer, be the guardians of all souls with Me. Let us pray for to Heart and from spirit to Spirit, because in this spiritual the presence of the Mercy of God in the world. exercise of unity you will concretize in your hearts the beloved and honorable Will of God for your lives. I thank you! Be partakers in the time of Divine Mercy, and through prayer, Thank you for responding to My call. propagate the Spirit of Peace to all those who need it. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Today again I form instruments that live the path of salvation October and that, united to Christ, must radiate the inner love from the heart. Souls cry out for help, although many hearts are Dear children, 27 blind to this inner call. As the Mother of Heaven, today I invite you to an inner This is why today I call you to prayer for all of them so that encounter with My Son through the adoration of His Sacred your brothers and sisters may also be participants in the mer- Water and His Divine Blood. Contemplate these two princi- ciful time. Be vigilant in the prayer of the heart. ples of the glorification of Jesus so that your hearts may fill the soul under the Gifts of Christ. I thank you! Today also, My children, meditate and feel the gift of the Thank you for responding to My call. transfiguration, because in your union with Christ you Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity will understand the Wisdom of God. May the Holy Spirit participate in your lives and, united to the Sacred Water and October the Divine Blood of Jesus, may you drink from the Fount of When you feel lonely, I will be with you. Salvation and wonders in the name of humanity. 28 When you see that life is a shipwreck, I will be with you. Dear children, today I call you to consider in your prayer all the Gifts from the Lord, the Most High, Gifts that manifest When you doubt your faith, I will strengthen you. themselves through His Favorite Son. When you feel you are carrying too much burden on yourself, In your sincere union with Jesus, you will help to balance many I will alleviate you. souls that must reach the Light and the conversion through When you search for My Son, I will show Him to you and I will peace in this time. A soul that is truly on the path of conversion give you to drink from the Fount of Mercy and Redemption. is permeated by the Merciful Love of My Son. He is the one who in truth guides them and conducts them towards the When you see that everything is empty, I will fill you with the Doors of Heaven. Spirit of My Love.

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October When no one can help you, I will place you under My Mantle 29 Dear children, so that, with the angels of Heaven, you may praise God, the Remembering the miracle of the Wedding at Cana, today I Source of Love and Forgiveness. ask you that, through prayer, your hearts be converted as Jesus When you feel joy, My Heart will be with you. converted the water into wine. The mystery of this miracle is to be found in the love that you can have before the Father. When you feel sadness or desperation, call Me because there I will be and I will place you in My arms, just as I did with Therefore, children, on this day accompany Jesus in the conver- Jesus, to radiate to you the Light of God. Then you will no sion of humanity which is in need of Mercy and Forgiveness. longer feel lonely, you will feel the Maternal Comfort of My Dear children, may your lives reflect the teachings of Jesus in Heart. spirit and in essence. May your arms be open, free and prepared to receive those that are most in need of Mercy. When you cultivate prayer in your heart, there God will be because souls are still in need of forgiveness. Little children, today I am calling you to live this miracle of the Wedding at Cana in your hearts so that your consciousnesses When you do not find the path, cry out for My Heart and may live the great example of conversion that My Son realized I will radiate the Light of My eyes so that you may walk to- in the name of the Love of God. wards My Son, the Redeemer. Thus you will be like a sheep that aspires to the guidance of the Great Shepherd and togeth- When Jesus converted the water into wine, He was instructing er with the hearts of the whole world, you will supplicate for us about how the Love of God converts the impure into the redemption. Pure, the irreparable into the Repairable, the faults into Mercy, the darkness into Light. For this reason, dear children, may It will be the moment in which your heart will be kept with- today your prayer be a new conversion of Cana, a demonstra- in the Sacred Heart because in this way you will be protected tion of the love that each one of you keeps for God. from all pain. But this love that you keep must be radiated in brotherhood Now, on this day aspire to be in God and in vigil, in eternal to all because in this way all will be uniting to the great web prayer for the souls. of love and fraternity. Believe in the power of Mercy and elevate your supplications Your redemption will begin when you recognize that you are as flowers to the Heavens, because I will collect them to a part of God and that God is a part of you, because in this give them with love to the Creator as an offering of a soul in simple exercise you will be collaborating in the spiritual ele- redemption. And when you see the new dawn remember that vation of humanity. the Light of God is being born for each being. Therefore, it is important to pray every day, even more so in Thank you for responding to My call. this time of urgent changes in each one of My children. But if you are under the Light of the Holy Spirit your hearts will Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity receive, once again, the Grace of Forgiveness.

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Be in My Peace and seek to be in My Maternal Peace. My children, My Message is reaching everyone throughout the world. Today I also ask you that your hearts be faithful I thank you! propagators of My message and of My call, because many souls Thank you for responding to My call today! that have distanced themselves from God must begin to pray Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity again and many souls that do not know the Love of God must feel the Celestial Father in the depths of their hearts. October Dear children, in order for this to happen, your faithful prayer Dearest children from Córdoba and from all of My beloved must continue every day and thus open the heart to receive 30 Argentina, those who are in most need of God. As the Queen of Peace today I come to your encounter through Dear children from Córdoba and from the sister provinces, a Special Apparition of My Immaculate Face. today I invite you to participate in the new life of the spirit May this day be glorious, blissful and joyful for all so that we through the selfless service to the Plan of God. Therefore all may be together and united to the Celestial Jubilation of God the groups of prayer from Argentina are called to collaborate and, through the prayer of the heart, we may say “yes” to the for love in the emerging of the New Christic Community Salvation and Redemption of souls. of Brotherhood,5 extending your arms and giving yourselves Dear children, God the Father has sent Me to the city of through your hands. Therefore you are invited to be the work- Córdoba to give My Great Maternal Blessing and for this ers of this Plan of Love. reason My Immaculate Heart has heard the loving voice of In the Córdoba Mountain Range, from My Home of Prayer, your prayers and of your call. a point of Light must finish emerging. Therefore you are all When souls say “yes” to the Divine Plan, the events that are called to form yourselves in the school of prayer and to respond written in the book of God change through the interven- to the maternal requests of My Heart. All of you are part of the tion of My Immaculate Heart and of the Sacred Heart of My Home of Prayer because the world needs it in order to reach Son. And this happens because you, as so many other souls, the Grace of Forgiveness. live the inner power of prayer. Good fraternal service for all My children of Argentina! Therefore, dear children, may your hearts continue to pray, creating new groups of prayer that respond to My requests and I thank you for responding to My call today! thus strengthen the faith in each one of you. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity As the Mother of Divine Mercy today I bless you all for this path of faith and devotion that your hearts are living in honor 5. Located in the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Capilla del Monte, Córdoba, of the Lady of the Immaculate Peace. Argentina

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October 31 Dear children, May the joy of living and of being in God awaken in you today because in this way you will be in inner communion with the Creator. Dear children, today I ask you that, through the prayer of the heart, you may commune again with the Presence of My Son so that all souls may unite to God and may awaken to the call of this time. My children, as the Mother of Graces, today I radiate My Peace to you and I bring all of you closer to the Great Heart of God. The goal for today, little children, is to continue to pilgrimage through prayer, because the world needs your loving and giving help. The redemption of all hearts of the world is primordial in this time, and each one of My children keeps in their heart the inner potential to accomplish this praying mission that My Heart entrusts to you day by day. Dear children, today before the Doors of Heaven I ask you to revere the Universe, because many of My children forget to look towards the Infinite to find peace. The enemy distracts humanity with modernities and this disconnects My children from prayer. Today I invite you to love the primordial exercise of prayer so that at least some of My soldiers may help in the awakening of the new consciousness of the spirit and of the heart, that each child must have in these times before the Most High. God will thank your praying posture at the end of times. I thank you! Thank you for responding to My call for peace. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

496 “I am the Lady clothed and surrounded with the Light of the Great Sun.”

2012 November November 2012

November 1 Dear children, Opening the Source of the Universal Mercy of My Son for the world, today I call you to unite to the Creating Principle of Love, because humanity needs to awaken and go to the encounter of this Love in the heart. You, My little ones, have in the daily prayer, the fundamental key so that this Source of Love, which is born from God, may be poured over humanity in this cycle. My children, as the Mother of Forgiveness and Peace, today I ask you that, opening your hearts, you may walk towards the loving encounter with My Son, because thus you will allow His Redeeming Grace to make Itself present in the hearts of all humankind. Through the exercise of prayer you will participate with Jesus in the salvation of the hearts and, just as it was with the disci- ples of Christ, your hearts will pray two by two, to make Light shine in the essences. Dear children, today I am calling you to walk in prayer because many of My children must recognize that without the prayer of the heart we are nothing in this time. I intend, as a Mother, day by day, to teach you to love the exercise of the prayer of the heart, because in this way many of your brothers and sisters will be able to see the powerful effects of inner prayer. My children, for this reason you are called to participate with consciousness on the path of consecration that will begin through your inner commitment with prayer, and consequently, a perfect union with the Sacred Heart of My Son will come as a result. Dear children, you can be on the eve of the birth of a new Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity fruit that, in the Hands of the Creator, may serve to help and Sunset in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay support those most in need.

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Your goal in these times is inner donation. Walk towards I call you all to be conscious and collaborate in My universal this purpose of the heart. task of salvation. I thank you! Dear children, My Protecting Mantle of Mercy and Love is over you. I pray for you perpetually. I pray for you asking God Thank you for responding to My call. for your salvation, asking for His Mercy. Time runs fast and Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity humanity must pray more to prevent irreparable events. November Therefore, My children, I am with you, walking as Mother, step by step, by your side and as the Guardian of Faith for Dear children, 2 your hearts. As the Lady of Divine Defense, today I call you to pray for Dear children, we are in the time of the purification of the the protection of the Marian Centers and especially, for mind and heart. Therefore I invite you to pray sincerely because My National Marian Center of Luján that in these days in this way you will be protected under My Maternal Light. has experienced critical situations. Dear children, opening My arms to help all souls, especially Therefore, My children, with the flag of peace in My hands, the Sanctuary of Luján, I ask you on this day to pilgrimage I invite you to pilgrimage, out of love, to the homes most in serving God and giving your love to your brothers and sisters, need in this region, and through service and giving, to supply faithful devotees of My Immaculate Heart. that which My children from the region of Luján may need. I ask you to go to Luján on these days to bring the love of Dear children, My Marian Centers are in your hands and God My Resurrected Son, and also so that your hands may donate contemplates the honorable grace that all My children can offer charity and humility to those who have been affected by the and perform through service of help and prayer to those most storm that took place in that region. in need. Today I not only invite you to prayer, but also to serve in the end of these times. Dear children, you will have two tasks to accomplish before God: My Son calls you all to be merciful and the hour has now come to surrender everything to the Lord for the salvation of souls. - To serve the brothers and sisters of Luján and pray with them so that the hearts of My children are repaired. I will Children of My Son Jesus, sheep of His beloved flock, as the thank you for responding to this important call. Universal Mother and the Mother of Perpetual Help, I am calling you to pray for the Centers of Peace and also to serve, - To meet with Me in My monthly apparition that will take in a selfless and true way, My children that during these days place on the 3rd of this month in the city of Buenos Aires, at have suffered the consequences of the flood in their homes 7:30 p.m., when My Maternal Heart will prepare your hearts and families, but above all, within their hearts. In reverence and hands to go and serve Luján in the name of Christ. This

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task of service will continue until when your hearts indicate begin to exercise fraternity because in this way, in your nuclei to you. of work and service, you will find My Universal Peace. Dear children, will you help Me? I want to form, for these times, awakened soldiers, who leave behind all amenities of life and who, as sincere disciples, may Thank you for responding to My call. be instruments in the Hands of God in this end of times. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity You, through prayer, have the key to define the salvation of The Lady of Divine Defense all humanity. For this reason, now for thirty-one years in Medjugorje, My Maternal Heart has pronounced and cried November out for prayer, prayer and prayer! This is what you must take in Beloved children, as a spiritual nourishment in this time, thus allowing My heart 3 to redeem the paths that divert millions of souls, the paths of Once again My Mercy is upon all Argentina and especially modernity and comfort. upon Buenos Aires, this needy city of the world. I am here, dear children, in the name of the Most High, to Dear children, today I call you to the awakening of the con- open your eyes, aspiring as the Mother of Heaven, that your sciousness in the end of these times by means of the prayer of consciousnesses may mature and be able to help humanity the heart, because a new cycle is approaching and your hearts itself through prayer. must be prepared to receive it. For some, this cycle will be Good News that will change the state of consciousness, but My children, someone must do something for the world! for others it will be deep changes that will lead them to define Because each day it kindles itself in flames from its own actions the path to follow in this time. and those who must act are all My faithful soldiers, the soldiers of My Heart. For this reason, dear children, you who live the day-to-day in this city of Buenos Aires, as do other souls in different cities Today I arrive at this world to open the Doors of the Heavens of the world, must pray with fervor and from the heart so that to your lives so that hope and Mercy may be cultivated in the greatest number possible of souls. the Grace of God and the Mercy of My Son may be propagated in the hearts most in need of love and redemption. Dear children, God is listening to you, therefore continue to pray every day. I will be universally thankful. My children from Argentina, yesterday I invited you to pil- grimage to Luján in a different way. This time for a true and May this month of November be a preparation for all of you selfless service, because you must know that great colonies of for My next arrival in Buenos Aires, in December. souls must also be supported by prayer. For this, it is necessary Thank you for responding to My call for humanity. to have prayer groups that, consecrated to My Maternal Spirit, may persist and walk in the faith of My Son. Each group must Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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November Dear children, You, My dear children, are in the time of the definition of the 4 spiritual path of millions of consciousnesses. Therefore, prayer In this time you must have a pure heart, and to live with a will be a perfect shelter in this time and My Maternal Heart pure heart you must pray with a totally pure love, and to pray will help you, whenever you call Me. with a totally pure love you must be day by day in the Heart of My Son. Dear children, today I give you My Forgiveness and My Celes­ tial Light because I love you and I know what is best for each In the end of these times souls are weakened by the influences one of you. that they receive from the enemy and from the different states of humanity. This generates consequences, at times irreparable, I await you always in prayer. in many hearts that, within the life of illusion, believe them- I thank you for responding to My call! selves to be on the correct path. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity As the Protecting Mother, I invite you day by day to prayer so November that in this definitive time your hearts may perceive and may feel what is true, healthy and good for life. If you fall into the 5 Dear children, normality of this fast time, do not be discouraged, but awaken Preparing the eve of My arrival in the Marian Center of even more the power of prayer on your lips. And when you feel Aurora, My Maternal Heart announces to you that by the that you cannot walk, call for the Light of My Immaculate Grace and by the Love of Jesus I will be among you and in Heart. prayer in the Home of Adoration on the 10th of November, 2012. If souls read My messages, My words would strengthen them and through prayer they would be able to walk in love and This meeting, dear children, has the special purpose of guard- bravery. The souls that in this time live upon this world are not ing and protecting some events in the world. You, as My chil- the same as the souls of yesterday. This time of changes and of dren, are being called to collaborate with Me by means of transformation must be supported by your loving and fervent prayer in a special meeting on the 10th of November, at 9 p.m. prayer of the heart. My dear ones, for this reason you must wait for Me in prayer, Dear children, in this way you will help yourselves and will with canticles and joy so that My special announcement may assist many hearts that are crying out for relief and forgive- be pronounced. I will direct My words especially to the heart ness. God awaits you to walk at His side in this end of times, of the Light-Communities, strengthening them for the times and to reach down to the depths of the abyss so that the souls that will come. of this world may raise again and reconcile themselves with Thus My Maternal Heart will radiate Light to each one of the the Most High. Marian Centers recently consecrated to My Immaculate Heart.

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They are: Dear children, as the world moves rapidly, much prayer is need- ed to support the changes that will arise before the eyes of - the Marian Center of Figueira everyone, changes that will define the “yes” or the “no” of all - the Marian Center of Aurora souls. - the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit. You are called to walk close to My Son so that you may see the Dear children, the 10th of November will be a special day need in all hearts that await the Forgiveness and the Mercy of because My first four visionaries, those who lived the expe- God. rience of the first apparitions in Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, Dear children, it is time to continue praying because this will report to all, at 6 p.m., what each one of them experienced will alleviate the Heart of Christ, and thus you will be close during these first apparitions and which of My requests have to His Universal Love. Now you must follow the steps of the been realized throughout these last five years. Return of Christ so that your dwellings may be united to His After five years, this is the first time that My Maternal Heart Sacred Heart. announces to all the accounts of the visionaries, which will refer to the first apparition in Uruguay, and will be carried out Many hearts are waiting for the New Christs, and My ecumeni­ from the heart of the location of the apparitions in Aurora. cal order, the Grace Mercy Order, forms part of the soldiers of prayer, because today all are called to share the Christic path On this day I will announce something important for everyone of the end of times. regarding the new cycle of My presence among your hearts. Thank you for responding to My call. I thank you for responding to My call! Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Let us pray for peace in the world. November Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity November I give My Peace to all My children and today I call you to 7 trust in God, because in the end of these times your faith As the Lady of Faith, I intend that your hearts be vigilant must be mature and it must be impregnated by your prayer. 6 when the awaited moment of rescue of hearts and salvation of souls arrives. Your path of prayer will allow you to find the My children, carry in your hearts the Love of My Son because essence in each one of My children, and especially to discover it is in the Love of My Son that your lives will find the trust that which their souls are in need of. that all need before the mystery of God. My children, opening the Fountain of Mercy, I bring you to Dear children, while the times are changing, your prayer must My Son to conduct you through the paths of Peace. be pronounced as nourishment for life. Therefore, may in your

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November hands arise the prayer given and radiated from the heart. Seek 8 Dear children, the Source that nourishes all things, may it be the water that I hope that throughout this last year of Daily Messages you quenches the thirst of your hearts and of the hearts that are have accepted to live in the Grace of God. It is a merciful rev- alone in life. elation that My Maternal Words have accompanied each one Your communion with My Son through prayer will reveal to of you for all this time that passed, during which your hearts you the power that love has when it awakens in souls. have had to grow and mature before the reality of the end of this time. Dear children, your hearts must be temples that are redeemed and consecrated to the Living God, the Almighty God that My children, this is why today I call you to deepen in your hearts the gratitude towards God, gratitude because through is aware of everything, that loves everything, that knows My Son and His loving intercession God has allowed Me to everything. daily come to your encounter through the messages. Therefore, My children, may your consciousnesses, within Dear children, you know that the world is suffering very much the trust of God, embrace the Love of the Most High so that, and that each new day innumerable souls are lost, condemning together with the angels of Heaven, you may help all hu- themselves to the path of purgatory. manity. May your hearts not fear for anything; may you walk with bravery to accomplish the beloved Purpose of God. Therefore I call you to live the prayer of the heart, because your prayer will be the only hope for the salvation of many hearts, Dear children, open your arms to all so that the heart may above all, of those children who in the ignorance of their lives show you how simple it is to love with devotion. offend God. My little ones, the love of each one of you will give life to that Lovingly I ask you to pray under the Light of God and to com- which seems to be lost and will bring healing to that which mend to Him all souls possible, through the power of prayer. seems to be in pain. The Love of My Immaculate Heart is the Those that still do not pray, do not do so because they lack primordial reference for your lives. The one who is in My Son Maternal Love and need to quench the thirst that their souls is also in My Heart, is in the Great Consciousness of God. have felt for so long. I thank you! Dear children, this is a defining time, a time of changes. This is why I invite you to be conscious of your task of prayer so that Thank you for responding to My call. more Light from the Universe of God may be able to help and Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity save condemned souls. My children, hold in your hands the prayer of the Rosary and may each new prayer that you realize be an offering and a supplication to the Mercy of Jesus.

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In My Son is the path. In My Son your redemption and your You are under My Grace when I lovingly visit you month by forgiveness are to be found. month. But the world, where is it now? Is it living the Mercy of God? Be awake to prayer! Thank you for responding to My call. Dear children, as servers and souls in prayer, you are called to be participants and propagators of Divine Mercy, because, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity with much love, a pure and crystalline love, lives and hearts November are transformed.

Dear children, In your hands is the future of the world and of all humanity. In 9 prayer, in fasting and in vigil, the strength of life for each heart May your words not judge the other hearts, may you lips only is to be found. pray for peace and for love in the whole world. My children, be in My Maternal Heart because the Lady of My children, may your feeling be an emanation of the Love of Peace wants to make you humble before God so that, together My Son because through Jesus you will find the source of all with the angels, all souls may live their salvation and conver- love and forgiveness. sion, and may praise God forever and ever. May your lives, at the end of this time, be only love and for- Pray for the shepherds because in them My Son always wants giveness, and may your virtues be transmitted through good to be. works. You are My children and all My children must be bearers of peace in the heart and thus radiate it through I thank you! charity and giving. Thank you for responding to My call. Charity and giving are what is lacking among brothers and sisters of the same world. This is why My Maternal Heart Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity comes to you to teach you that True Love is born as a flower November in the sunrise. From the Heart of the Universe today I come to your Dear children, may your arms and hands be always open to 10 encounter. In the name of Jesus, My Maternal Soul comes welcome those who are most lacking and those who need God to heal and restore hearts. the most. Dear children, Little children, today I invite you to imitate Me. Today I call you to be true representatives of My message for the world, Today I invite you again to enter into My Immaculate Heart because as Mother I know that your hearts can be faithful so that your inner dwellings, in spite of everything, may be representatives of My words on the planet. able to find, see and feel the Omnipotent Presence of God. If

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you only enter into My Immaculate and Maternal Heart your Praying with fervor for this world, I call you so that during little lives will be quenching the great thirst that My Son has this day you may remain in My Maternal Kingdom of Love, for all souls. because you need it, as does humanity. Therefore today let us My children, that today your hearts may be fountains that flood with love the hearts that are empty and without God. emanate love and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Dear You still have time to change from the heart! For this I am children, that your essences may be as the inexhaustible waters with you! that, converted into rivers of Mercy, may quench the thirst for love and peace of all the souls of the world by means of service. I thank you for responding to My call! As the Mother of the Universe and of the Earth, today I come Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity to manifest My Love to you in a time of great changes in the November consciousnesses and in the life of all My children. Dear children, Little children, in the face of the great faults that are commit- 11 ted day to day by humanity, today I invite you to consider your With the Rays of the Mercy of God upon the world, I invite lives of prayer to be an exercise that may repair the Kingdom you to feel the Love of God in yourselves, because humanity, of the Heavens. Therefore, may your lives never forget to find in the end of this time must heal and redeem itself so that the the inner child, because in this way My Son will pour over you Divine Plan may be fulfilled on Earth. the Gifts and Graces of Redemption and Mercy. Today I need you to have total trust in God, absolute trust If the world simply prayed a little more, the Light of the Most because He knows you well, He knows you since your birth High would be another fountain that would calm the thirst of and He also knows the steps that you have taken in your lives. all His children. But as long as there are hearts that are closed The Lord is inviting you to live in Redemption, a fundamental to My Maternal Call, all that will be left to My children is to principle for the end of these times. grow, as a seed grows from within the earth. But this seed must not lack the Water of Life , the inexhaustible fountain that Dear children, today I am here among you to show you the causes the true hearts to emerge in the creatures. Love of God and to tell you that many souls need your devo- My venerable children, I am here to teach you to walk under tion and fervor in this time. the Love of God and so that your eyes may not lose sight of My dear ones, today I am calling you to become conscious of Mercy on the horizon. the time that will come. Know that My Son needs apostles Dear children, today I invite you to love the Creation as God and disciples strong in prayer. I want you to understand how has manifested it for all, and this will begin through your love important the salvation of souls is. Know that you, together for the magnificence of the Kingdoms of the Lord. with My Son, have this task in this world, in this humanity.

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November Little children of My Father, that on this day your hearts be in 12 Dear children, the Heights and that Jesus may prevail in your essences so that May your lips never tire of offering praises and blessings to the you may find the faith that will strengthen you and permit you Heart of God, because in this way, in the name of humanity, to take the secure steps towards the Lord. you will be praising all of Creation. For this, My children, you have the key of prayer and this My children, may your hearts rejoice on this day because My prayer of the heart must expand itself through the world, as Son is present in your lives and He, at this hour, needs all of well as the love of your hearts. your True Love. As the Queen of Peace, I invite you to enter into My Kingdom My little ones, bring on this day My banner of peace in your every day because it is necessary that souls convert themselves hands so that the powerful flame in your hearts may radiate and that they may reach eternity. And within you there is a faith and devotion to those children that have lost it. precious potential of reconversion through your love of God. In times of conversion, I need you firm and brave so that those Dear children, I am pouring My Light upon the world again. who still do not believe in My call will be able to return to the arms of God through My Heart. The time of definitive salva- I ask you to pilgrimage with Me praying with the heart, during tion is for all, and you, as My beloved children, can count on all the hours of this day, because not only will you be accom- My Maternal Help. panying Me in My Maternal Task, but also your hearts will be united to God opening the Doors of Heaven to the Earth Dear children, know that after having walked so much with through your loving response to My requests. Me throughout all this time, there exists a unique and precious opportunity for all souls to find God in this last hour. Just as Dear children, may the Fire of the Holy Spirit be ignited in you I took Jesus in My arms to the Temple of God, today I present so that, united to the Redeemer, you may praise God eternally all of you so that My Father may pour His Mercy and His Pity while your hearts are upon the Earth. on you. Each step that you take in this life means so many steps for many other souls that must unite to God the Creator. My dear ones, I thank you on this day for responding to this important call for the Redemption of humanity. Dear children, therefore raise your prayers tirelessly towards the Heights, and may your open hearts be receptors of My I thank you! Immaculate Love. My Spirit is in your hearts whenever you allow Me. My little ones, with My eyes of Mercy I contemplate you Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity because, from Eternity, in the Kingdom of the Heavens, My task is for love, the task of bringing you to the encounter with My Son.

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I thank you again on this day for walking at My side; My Heart This is why, dear children, My Maternal and Devotional Heart has been walking at your side for a long time. is among you to teach you to walk through the path of prayer and conversion. Now, My Light has reached your hearts to awaken them to the celestial reality. Throughout these last months you have known the Face of the Thank you for responding to My call. Queen of Peace, of the Mother of God, but still, My children, you must love the daily prayer until your hearts recognize that Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity the prayer of all the groups will change the world. November When in Lourdes I called for penitence, I was calling the world My children, to reflection, to the awakening of the consciousness before the 13 actions. Pray, pray much so that in each moment of your day God may hear you and thus His Magnificent Spirit of Love will be able In Fatima, I called the world to daily prayer so that souls would to work through all creatures. weave, by means of the rosary, a new web of peace and redemp- tion that could help the world. Dear children, pray, pray much so that your souls and the souls in all of the world may receive the consolation and the Mercy In Medjugorje, I called you to fasting and prayer, just as in that they are waiting for. Aurora where, for five years, I have been asking humanity for a little more sacrifice and effort so that it may be able to balance Pray and do not tire of praying, because in prayer the strength itself before the events that are outside the Law of God. and the loving dialogue of your hearts with God is to be found. In Salta, Argentina, I called you to heal the heart through the Pray, pray for the time of changes that will come, so that each heart of this world may listen with humility to the lovely adoration to the Eucharistic Heart of My Son. I was calling requests of My Immaculate Heart. everyone to consider the importance of the daily union with My Son the Redeemer, through the Communion with His Pray to open the Doors of the Heavens so that the angels may Holy Body and His Sacred Blood. be present with their love and service on Earth and so that this can allow the hearts of many consciousnesses to change. Today, dear children, I call you to the awakening in yourselves When you reach a harmonious and loving prayer you will be of the new time, to the preparation of your hearts through going through the path towards contemplation of the Most prayer, through adoration, confession, fasting and the devotion High and your beings will be as sparks of Light in the universe. to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Pray for those who do not pray. Pray for those who do not love. My children, after so many calls and warnings to humanity, Pray for all of humanity because the prayer of the heart will today I call you to live your conversion and your redemption guide you as a mother guides her little child. by means of prayer and peace.

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Dearest children, you are part of the beautiful Project of God, Dear children, your conversion, your penance and your fasting you can be an expression of My Peace and the Divine Peace will help in the salvation of souls that are living irreparable of My Son. faults and above all will allow the arrival of Divine Mercy. Children of My Father, now, recognizing the power of My When I call you to conversion, to penance and to fasting, Maternal Requests, again I call you to the prayer of the heart, I am calling you to give a little more of your beings, without because prayer will help the whole world. living great privations, but rather giving from your hearts all that can be transformed and redeemed. I thank you! I call you to prayer because in this way your hearts will be rising Thank you for responding to My call. themselves as a bird rises itself towards the top of a mountain. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Dear children, may your feet climb the mountain of grati- tude and devotion so that your hearts may unite to the Sacred November Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Dear children, 14 In Medjugorje, one year ago, on the 15th of November, 2011, We are coming close to the anniversary of My daily messages, My voice was announcing the emergence of the Work of the when God gave Me the Grace to guide and accompany you. Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. Today it is a very broad Work thanks to the response of My soldiers. My children, therefore, through all the instructions that My Heart has given, I invite you to exercise the reading from the But to all of you, dear children, those who accompany Me heart again, that is, the reading of all of My messages from month by month in My apparitions, I ask that you help and collaborate so that this co-redeeming work that is united to your heart. I invite you to live My messages, to practice them the Master Jesus may be able to expand itself even more, just in a simple and humble way. as the work of Medjugorje was propagated 31 years ago. Dear children, the beginning of the announcements of My My children, I want to tell you that all the Work that is real- daily words had its origin in Medjugorje, when My Maternal ized in South America with the Blessed Virgin Mary must be Heart prepared My visionaries so that they would accomplish supported with a little collaboration from all of My children. I the task that has been carried out in the name of God through- ask you for a true collaboration from the heart, a surrender to out this last year of apparitions. God from your inner being, because a work on Earth happens Today I want to invite you, united with My 31 years in and manifests itself through the workers that work in it, and Medjugorje, to walk in faith and in conversion, because if you these workers need the resources to accomplish it. transform your hearts day by day, you will be transforming Thus God takes care of His workers and at the same time, of the abyss of humanity. the Work.

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Children, everything is united by the same link and your I give thanks to My children, those who accompanied Me to prayer will help so that My co-redeeming work may continue Medjugorje a year ago, for having pilgrimaged with devotion touching hearts in pain and suffering. and love, because this state of love, radiated from your hearts My dear ones, I invite you to accompany Me as the Pilgrim before God in Medjugorje, allowed Him to send Me in order Mother so that Light may reach those that deny the Merciful to guide you during a whole year of great changes. Love of My Son. Dear children, on this day all the groups of prayer and all souls Let us work through prayer so that the Work of God may be receive as a task to pray week by week so that you may wait on accomplished in South America. Saturday for My Weekly Message, which will be transmitted in an apparition to My visionaries. I thank you for responding to My call! Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity My children, the moment has come to grow and mature from the heart so that the soldiers of My Son may be prepared for November the time that will come to humanity. 15 Dear children, Dear children, once again I place you all in My arms, to offer Today, by the Will of God, an uninterrupted year of daily to God the voice of your prayers, that have helped in the con- apparitions and Daily Messages of Love is fulfilled. version of humanity. For this reason, dear children, today I tell you that the ever In the next year of 2013 I will visit you by means of My Blessed Virgin Mary will announce Her words of Love and Motherhood and from the Heavens, twice a month, on the 13th Redemption for all Her children for a while longer. and the 25th of each month so that together we may accompany Dear children, on this day I announce to you that God has the descent of the Holy Spirit that will help humanity. asked Me, from today on, to communicate My instructions to Little children, rejoice today because, for one year, My Im­- you on Saturdays and on the days of the apparitions. maculate Heart has triumphed due to your response to My My children, after a continuous year of Graces received, My maternal call. The celestial choirs, together with your hearts, Maternal Heart asks that you look within your hearts and that are praising the One and Only God during all this day. you grow from within through My Redeeming Peace. I thank you for responding this whole year to My call for Therefore, dear children, may this day be for you a day of syn- peace. thesis so that you can keep in your hearts everything that God has given you through My Immaculate Heart. From today on Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity we will meet daily through the prayer of the heart because the world is waiting to receive the Mercy of My Son.

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January 25 Special Apparition 2012 of the Divine Mother Light-Community of Figueira, Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil Yesterday, while a small group was praying to the Divine Mother, She appeared and said:

Dear children, tomorrow I will appear at 7:15 a.m. after the study, to say good morning to all My children and to all the residents of My Community of Figueira after so many months. Thus She announced this Special Apparition and invited all those present in the Community to participate. She also communicated that the message for this apparition would be the Daily Message for that day. Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmitted the words of the Divine Mother:

Message for January 25, 2012 Dear children, I say good morning to your hearts. My Plans of Peace con- tinue their course. I count on the collaboration of all of you through prayers. The Lord has granted Me to come this morning, to be present in your hearts and give you My Peace and My Love. I want that you no longer afflict your hearts, that you follow My path, that you trust in Me, and that you launch yourselves into My Heart where you will be protected. Dear children, We must continue to work for peace. The planet needs it and your hearts need it as well. Still

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not everything has happened, therefore we must pray to and sisters. Many months have passed since the last strengthen the heart and the soul in this last hour. Today apparition in this region, but know that My Heart has I pour My Special Graces over all those who may want to remained here, as in Aurora.1 receive them. Nothing is separated in the Law of the Lord; the world My dear ones, feel trust in Me, I am with you, at your side must live its lesson of humility to be able to reconcile in your paths. Wait in peace for the coming of the new; in with God, and thus the new will be born. a short time you will understand what I tell you. In this I come as the Mother of all to announce to you the arrival last hour everything will change. Therefore, dear children, of My Son, who will knock at the door of your hearts. you must be open to receive it. I cannot say anything about You must be prepared, My little ones, because He will do it today, but your hearts will feel it moment by moment. it without your knowing. The Voice of the Lord will be Dear children, do not sadden your hearts because if you heard in many hearts that will feel the peace in this time do you will be collaborating with the enemy. You must of conflicts and wars. open your hearts for peace, for the call of My Peace. Remember, dear children, that everything is for the love When you live peace, the world will have peace and all of the Lord, everything that happens is for the good of all. will end soon. As it has been for centuries, I am among But each one learns, reaping what they sow. It is time to give you, accompanying you. the fruit that is kept. Therefore I invite you, My little ones, Little children, receive My Heart with humility. I come to to do it now and to not fear because I will be there. Feel My Peace in this moment, everything is perfect for the Lord this encounter to love you and protect you so that you may and in the Universe from which I come. consecrate your lives to the Lord, each one in their place and time. The coming of the New Spirit, of which I have I thank you for waiting all this time. For this reason, the spoken before, will be in this end of times. Therefore we Lord has conceded Me the Grace of being here again in must pray so that He may come and envelop you, protect February, among you and your brothers and sisters. you and bring you peace. My dear children, My message is not just for you but also Dear children, do not waste time any longer! It is time to for the ones who are not here and that need God. You, My bring forth the gifts the Lord has given you. This is why little ones, have already found Him, therefore it is now I need you strong and absolutely donated. Do not keep time to open the door for your other brothers and sisters, any resentment in your hearts because it is the time of the who need the Most High and who need My Peace. You are Judgment of the Lord. The veils of the world will fall and the precursors of My message that must be given with love many will be surprised. and without interferences. Thus, dear children, you will be working with Me as little workers of God. Therefore, dear children, I come to announce My Peace to you so that you can live it and radiate it to your brothers 1. Region located in Northern Paysandú, Uruguay

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Thank you for responding to My call. in My call and fulfills what I ask. It is so simple, dear ones, to fast and pray. This will be able to help the world. Receive the Grace of My Peace. Each one knows that which they can give without great In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. sacrifices, but with great surrender; the Lord will see it as Amen. an offering to His Heart. – End of the Apparition – Today I come to ask you, dear children, to gather in prayer, each one in their home at 1 p.m. Pray 150 beads of the January Hail Mary in honor of the Annunciation. Try to recognize Apparition My message, the one which has been written and spoken 27 before. At this hour many souls will be able to be repaired 2012 of the Divine Mother by My Immaculate Heart and all the conflicts that are in Marian Center of Figueira, your hearts will be able to be dissolved. Whoever trusts in Carmo da Cachoeira, MG, Brazil this Grace will receive it. Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmitted the words of Thus, I will give you the Light for the path and you will the Divine Mother: be able to find the fraternity that you must live in this time so that the world may reach peace. It is necessary to Message for January 27, 2012 surrender to the Heavens in order to find the call and to Dear children, discover the divine task. Each one has a gift to awaken. I have already told you this. I come to thank you for the shared days. It will be neces- sary to pray in order to understand My message. Today Therefore, dear children, you know you cannot waste I look for you within My Heart, a place where you must time; it is time to act with the heart and it is time to leave always be to be able to live in the Lord. conflicts behind. Thus your families will be able to be filled with My spirit, My Spirit of Peace, and this same presence Do not worry, dear children, if you do not understand of My Immaculate Heart will be able to reach everyone. My words. They will be translated into different languages so that everyone may be able to understand My message, Dear children, I need you strong in the trust and in the the same one that I am bringing forth today. sincerity of your hearts towards God. Many mysteries will be revealed in this last time, especially to those children Dear children, rest in Me; I am among you, sharing this who want to discover My signs in prayer. Reread My words moment of prayer with all. The Lord has entrusted Me to daily, it is necessary to contemplate My mystery, the one I ask you to continue praying. am bringing in this moment. You know, dear children, that this is necessary. In this way I thank you for the infinite patience of the heart, for try- the world will be able to be repaired, when everyone trusts ing to live in peace. Remember first to radiate it from your

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March hearts so that I may be with you. In this way this peace Apparition will be able to be radiated from your words and actions. 26 2012 of the Divine Mother In this way everything will be impregnated by My Light and you will be able to find a new path towards the Lord Hill of Christ the Redeemer, that I am leading you to discover. Thus you will be at the Carmo da Cachoeira, MG, Brazil door of His Mercy, and the faults will be redeemed for all Responding to the request of the Divine Mother, we be- those who may want to live it. gan the procession at 8:30 a.m. and the prayer at 9 a.m. Around two thousand people were gathered, and when It is necessary, dear children, to have a transparent heart, we reached the feet of Christ the Redeemer we began to free from stains and faults so that My Purity may help pray in order to attune ourselves with our Celestial Mother. you. If you rest under My Mantle, everything will pass and many souls will be saved through your examples. In these After praying for an hour, Her energy clearly approached and at one point She appeared. times, do not cease, not even for a minute, to be in Me so that I may lead you to My Son, who awaits you with joy. Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: We are going to learn a Dear children, I love you and shelter you. prayer that the Divine Mother has transmitted, a very simple prayer, while we walk to the area where She is. We will remain For the coming month there will be a new step, and in a in prayer while we move until She indicates and begins to short time you shall know it. transmit Her message. The prayer is as follows: Will you be willing to accompany Me? Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, My Universal Sun is among you accompanying your I trust in You. hearts. I need you next to Me to be able to show you the While the whole group prayed, Friar Elías del Sagrado path. Remember to unite to Me in prayer. Corazón and Mother María Shimani de Montserrat, with 2 some of the brothers and sisters who were collaborating May the blessing of this water be the baptism and the in the apparition, moved towards the place that She indi- purification for your hearts, and may it free them from cated, among the public. stains. Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmitted the words of Thank you for responding to My call. the Divine Mother: In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Message for March 26, 2012 Amen. Dear children, may My celestial glory be in your hearts. –End of the Apparition– Thank you for having responded to My call once more. I 2. She refers to the rain that was falling at that moment. am now with each one of your hearts. This is why, on this

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day, dear children, I bring you the Presence of My Son, your lives. Accept to live in My forgiveness, dear children, a simple way of being able to live Him and witness His so that your families may be able to reconcile themselves presence in your hearts, in your lives, and most important- and feel the presence of My Heart as an emblem of Peace ly, in your families. in each of your homes, in all cities and, especially, in the world. Strengthen yourselves, dear children, not only through prayer but also enter the Heart of My Son so that He may Those who do not listen still have time. For this reason I guard you and protect you in this time of tests. If you invite you to be in prayer, to live a prayer of the heart so walk with Me, dear children, I will always bring you in that Heaven may be able to respond; not only through My My hands, I will embrace you strongly and uplift you to- Presence in the heart of this world and of humanity but wards the Kingdom where Christ is. Before He returns, also through the Presence of God. This Presence needs to your hearts must already be prepared, not only in forgive- be affirmed in your hearts so that each one may find the ness but also in love, in reconciliation among you. path that He is revealing to you through Me, through My Immaculate Heart. Today I bring you, dear children, the Presence of the Glory of the Father so that you may be able to convert If you consecrate yourselves to Me, many more souls will your hearts into a pure flame that is alive and resplendent consecrate themselves and I will be able to say that My before My Heart. I accept your offers; therefore, open your Heart is triumphing in this time of purification, a purifi- hearts, not only to feel My Heart but, even more so that cation that the world will live by the Law of God for the My words may deeply penetrate your souls, and from them redemption of all hearts and, above all, of My children, may emerge the Inner Temple that you must always look those little ones that you call Kingdoms. for, especially in this time of changes. All are in the process of redemption, therefore, accept Dear children, accept to live in the Temple of God. He My merciful flame so that, united to Me, you may find needs you there and there I will be able to look for you at Peace, Love and Reconciliation that will be necessary for any time of the day because I want to see you in prayer, the Forgiveness of God and to erase the past. not only for your families, but also for all the children, the Thus you will be able to be born, My children, as new elderly and sick, and for the world that needs peace, that souls that will contemplate the Father in this time of tran- needs conversion. Because of this I reveal to you, dear chil- sition, when the Heavens come closer to the Earth and all dren, that the conversion of your hearts has already begun. angels that belong to God may help the world, may aid Begin to truly live so that purity can emerge, the purity the hearts, all those who need help and all those who have that today I give you out of love and for the redemption of distanced themselves from My Maternal Heart.

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Let us pray, dear children, for all those who now need In the highest point of the sky, unexpectedly, Christ appeared as the Light to carry on. Now I open My hands, extending the Sacred Heart and He began to project His Light over those My arms to receive your prayers. My Heart listens and My present and over the town. At that moment a triad was formed: a voice resounds as a deep echo in each one of your lives. dove that represented the Holy Spirit, under the dove was Christ Beloved children, may a part of Heaven remain perpetually and under Him was the Divine Mother. in your hearts. Afterwards, the Divine Mother rose up and placed Herself on the Thank you for responding to My call. right side of Her Son and She told us: May the Peace of the Father deepen into your hearts so My Son has granted Me a Special Grace for today, because that they may open up and come to know the Eternal My Son is a part of God. Light that I bring to you out of love and truth. Amen. At this moment She said that the Special Grace was that She In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. could come closer to Her children of this humanity. Then She Amen. descended and approached the area where we were.

– End of the Apparition – Before She transmitted Her words, She showed a shield in Her left arm, which She moved from right to left. In this shield there Mother María Shimani de Montserrat asked us to sing was a symbol imprinted: a silver Christian cross and a letter Luminous Bird. “M”; the symbol on the shield seemed to have very much power.

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: Now Friar Elías del Then the Divine Mother made the shield disappear and started Sagrado Corazón will will give an account of what happened. to contemplate us and to pray in silence. Sometimes She lowered Her gaze and watched us with much love, and as She said, She Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: Before the apparition, there brought a little piece of Heaven that She placed in each one of us. emerged in the sky an image of the planet, of small size with stains in several parts. At one point a group of angels appeared Thank you. and circled it. Above it there was a chalice. Afterwards two angels Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: It seems like this does appeared, each one carrying a chalice, for a total of three chalices. not end here because tonight we will meet at the Hill of the The content of these three chalices was of clear water that was Apparitions to wait for the Divine Mother. poured over the planet, bathing it. At this moment the angels removed the stains from the planet with their hands. Today, by Her request, we will inaugurate the bell Tower on the Hill of the Apparitions. Then came the apparition, which was very strong. She presented Herself as the Queen of Peace and there was a sign behind Her.

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April Apparition Plan of Peace is being fulfilled in the world because each 13 one of you is living in My Son, having the experience of 2012 of the Divine Mother the fire of His Love and of the flame of His Heart. Garden of Mary, Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay Dear children, open your arms again so that the Kingdom of My Peace may be able descend. Know, My children, Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmitted the words of that this task of peace is a daily one in each of My children, the Divine Mother: in each cell of this humanity which must be redeemed again, and ask God for forgiveness so that it may be born Message for April 13, 2012 again by the Fire of My Spirit, by the Merciful fire of My Dear children, Son and by the descent of the Holy Spirit. My Heart is placed in the world to liberate the misery of Today I am joyful with you because you are souls of God humanity and so that all pain may be healed through the that are being conducted again towards Me. For this rea- presence of My Universal Light. son, dear children, you must renew yourselves from the heart so that you may see My Flame, My Flame of Peace Dear children, I thank you for being here once more. and My Flame of Love in this entire world that needs the Open your arms to receive more children who also have Father and must revere Him in this last hour. need of Me and who must heal their pain. Therefore, honor the presence of My Immaculate Heart because it is the Today I carry in My hands the prayer of peace, which I Heart of God that is before you, and honor the Sacred place daily upon the world. I have come to reveal it to you, Heart of My Son that is also before you. because it will be able to lead you straight to My Son, and place you within His flagellated Heart that must be Let us pray, let us pray for peace so that it may be reached healed by your love and prayers. Thus, dear children, you within each heart. Thus peace will exist in the world and will repair His Heart, which is the heart of humanity that the wars will be detained, and everything the enemy wants still hurts. to build will be eliminated by the powerful strength of My Heart. Lady of Graces, Spirit of Peace, But so that I may intercede for humanity, all of you must spring up as a flame be united to My Heart daily. Thus, I will be able to lead you in our hearts. through the correct paths that will bring you towards My Son, towards this loving encounter that each one of you Amen. must realize with the High Priest of Love. With this prayer you will revere My Immaculate Heart Live the communion with My Son internally in your and you will be taken into account for salvation by My hearts and then I will be able to say that one part of My Spirit of Peace.

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May the world be redeemed in the union of the hearts If you open your hearts to My Son, Eternity will be shown with Me because you should know that as the Mother to you and in this way many other children will be able to of Peace I come to the aid of all, especially of those who reach it, many who are lost in this world and those who do have distanced themselves from Me, and who are also My not believe in prayer. Therefore the strength of My Faith children. They need My Heart in order to continue on and the Power of My Immaculate Heart must triumph the path of redemption. once more, thus the mission of My Peace will materialize. Drink from My Inexhaustible Fountain of Mercy. It is the Today I want to bless My children, the true children who same Fountain of My Son that is being poured over this come to My Kingdom in the purity of their innocence humanity and that needs to find in God a new spirit, a new and in the sincerity of their hearts. Therefore, smile, dear reconciliation for the heart of each one of My children. children, because not only My adult children are in My When the world reaches redemption, My Plans of Peace Heart but also all the small ones who need Me. I take you will be different and everyone will be able to live My all to the Kingdom of My Father so that you may live in Universal Harmony that awaits to descend from the peace. Today I place you in My arms of motherhood to Heavens to the Earth. This is why, throughout the centu- unite you to God. ries, I have only asked you for prayer, because the faults of Leave at the foot of this tree any misery of the heart so My children are very great and all must reconcile them- that My Merciful Fire and My Immaculate Love may be selves, asking God for forgiveness. If you did so, peace able to purify your lives. Surrender that which you call would reign, that which was announced long ago. “pain” to God. Prayer restores, prayer will lead you, it will But if My children still do not hear Me, what else can My bring you to the encounter with Me because My eyes of Heart do if not only to repeat the same words that invite peace, My Merciful Light, will illuminate the new path everyone to the conversion and to the encounter with God that each one of you must travel before God for your own in the Kingdom of My Heart so that My flame may con- redemption. tinue to spring up in each one of My children? Thank you for responding to My call. Continue with Me in prayer because I want to bring all May the Holy Spirit be life in your hearts. to this school of prayer so that you may totally entrust your lives to Me, and thus you will be trusting in My Son. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Because you must know, dear children, that My Son is Amen. close to you. He is not as distant as they say, you must – End of the Apparition – only open your hearts so that He may find you and have the repose that He needs to alleviate His Heart.

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April Special Apparition to God and will see the Paths of Light that will come to 26 the aid of humanity by means of My Heart. 2012 of the Divine Mother Marian Center of Figueira, Today I also invite you to remain in the Kingdom of the Carmo da Cachoeira, MG, Brazil Creator. Each day that dawns you must turn towards the Kingdom of the Father in order to find peace, the Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmitted the words of strength in the heart for what you still must change the Divine Mother: in each one of your lives. If in truth you are in Me, dear Let us pray for peace in the world, even more for the children, I will help you to transform your hearts, to places that still do not have it. close the wounds and to open the heart to the Good News that My words bring through My Love and My Presence Everyone prayed the prayer of the Angel of Peace a few in the world. times: O my God, I believe, Today I am, by a special request of the Father, praying I adore, I wait for and I love Thee. with each one of you, not only to listen to your hearts, but also to the pleas of your hearts. I am an open ear, an I ask pardon for those who do not believe, open Heart, an open Mother who recognizes each pain do not adore, do not wait for and do not love Thee. that must be transformed by My Love. Know that My Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmitted the words of Motherhood consists in being with all of My little chil- the Divine Mother: dren. If you are with Me in true prayer, I will be able to help you and you will walk as little children taking the Dear children, with this prayer, peace will be reached. first steps towards the throne of the Creator, to which you Therefore you must pray it daily, because in this way must return after this life. you will be with Me, interceding before God for this humanity, and even more for all those places that need To those who are still not able to live the consecration to My Peace and that still have not found it. My Immaculate Heart, I only ask, dear children, that you trust in the coming of My Son because it is very close, more Message for April 26, 2012 than you can imagine in this reality of the world. There- fore, wait for Him in prayer, in a deep vigil of the heart Dear children, because in this way you will be in truth united to Him Today I invite you to remain in the Source of My Heart and to His Greater Purpose for when He returns. because in this way I assure you that you will be in My Trust in the steps that each one of you is slowly taking. Peace and you will not live in confusion as many of My The conversion must be deep for you to be able to liberate children live. This is why today I invite you, dear children, yourselves from the faults that not only hurt My Heart to be in true reconciliation. Thus your hearts will be close but also the Heart of My Son.

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Through My monthly meeting and My coming here to Today also keep My inner silence in your hearts so that this Nation I am preparing you, dear children, for that disturbance can be dissolved in those hearts that suffer, which will arrive to each one of your lives on the return of and in this way My Light may be able to enter, dear My Son, which is already written and that, above all, has children, because I am here to serve you, love you and been said through His Words of Love. protect you. For this reason, hold tight to the Beads of Contempla- Wait in peace for each change in the heart. I know what tion3 because in this way you will be united to God, each one needs and what God wants for you in this time uniting Heaven and Earth, Earth with Heaven, through of purification. Therefore, embrace this time that is My Immaculate Heart. Resort to the Beads of Contem­ beginning, because My Light is entering into this planet, plation when each one of you calls Me to be in prayer for preparing the Kingdom of My Son that will come to the this humanity, which is in much pain and which must encounter of all, for those who may want to see It and for prepare itself in this last hour for its redemption. the ones who do not want to see It. This will happen, dear children, before the Judgement Because today I tell you, dear children, that His Face that each soul will live before My Son. Do not see Him as will shine for all those eyes that have never seen Him. The an executioner, but as a great Heart that calls you to live promises that He has made will be fulfilled and I also 4 in His Love and in His Fraternity. If you live fraternity, fulfill them as was once written by John. which is another flame in the heart, many things will not My Heart wants to reign in you so that you may serve Me occur because it will be something true and you will be as pure instruments through prayer and peace to relieve trustworthy before God so that His Purpose of Peace may the suffering that the world lives. be able to continue upon this world. I encounter your hearts when, in truth, you want to be Today I shelter you all in My Heart so that you can feel with Me. Thus, dear children, you will be uniting My My gaze, My hands, My feet of a Pilgrim, the warmth of Heaven to your inner heavens, and you will live in My Heart. I bring you closer, dear children, so that you My perfect unity, that which you need to learn to live can also feel My Flame that prays eternally for this hu­ and to grow in your hearts. manity that needs Me in this final hour. I also tell you, My children, that if any situation occurs When I arrive in Portugal next month, I want to tell in your hearts, do not abandon Me, for I will take you to you, My children, that I will be waiting for you in a deep My Son and He will give you strength in the heart for prayer of connection with My Heart, especially with you to continue in this transformation that your lives are Fatima. going through.

3. 72 beads of Contemplation, also known as Orandium, an instrument of prayer. 4. She is referring to the Book of Revelation in the Bible.

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Also, do not fear for what you may find in your hearts. flowing out drops of blood. The angels were healing this heart Allow your souls to express themselves so that they can placing small handkerchiefs or wet cloths on the wounds. And find the true path that they must folow in this time although this heart was bleeding it emitted light to the planet. towards My Heart and especially towards the Heart of This heart came from Christ. My Son. He waits for you in perpetual silence. At the same time another scene appeared within this same scene. Now, dear children, I want to give My special blessing to a Nucleus that has always trusted in My Heart and that Angels were seen separating out from this Heart some energies or forms the Sacred Family for this new time. Therefore, some sufferings that came from humanity, because it was a Heart 5 dear children, I invite My children of the New Earth in that was very overwhelmed, taking on many things that were not order to consecrate them to My Immaculate Heart and all from it, many things that did not belong to it. And in spite of all of you, My children, will make this moment joyful with the suffering, this Heart relieved the planet with its presence. the canticle Misericordia para este Planeta.6 The moment of the apparition arrived. The Divine Mother came Then, the children, the youths and some adults of the Com- munity New Earth approached. as the Queen of Peace. The first thing that She did was to place us inside Her being in an unexpected act, and afterwards She Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmitted the words of the Divine Mother: began to address us with Her words.

Little children, never forget that God loves you just as Today the Divine Mother descended very slowly while She was you are and that He knows, through My Immaculate speaking to us, until She was one meter from the ground. Her Heart, the truth of love in your hearts. presence and Her consciousness were very close to the brothers and sisters who were here at the front, and the Light that Her Thank you for responding once more to My call. aura radiated was penetrating, in a harmonious way, the auras In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. of all, without infringing upon any learning or experience that Amen. each one is living. She was just radiating Her Peace, which was imbued by the energy of reconciliation; it was a permission that – End of the Apparition – She was receiving from the Father to radiate this energy. Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: Before the apparition a sign She wore a sky blue mantle, a pink tunic, a golden belt and She was presented in the heights of the sky; there appeared a heart was barefoot. At the moment that She called the brothers and the color of blood that was being sustained by a group of angels. sisters from Crer-Sendo, of the Community New Earth, She This heart had a crown of thorns around it, and from it were expanded the 12 stars of Her crown, which projected themselves 5. New Earth: Marian Center of the Child King, Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. upon the whole planet from the west to the east, reaching Asia 6. Tr: “Mercy for this Planet.” and a part of North America. In this way, the whole planet was

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being radiated by this crown of stars, at the same time that She At this moment in which the planet is preparing itself to face was speaking to us. important changes, all of our actions, as missionaries of peace consciousnesses that we are, must be done with a great commit- At another moment of the apparition, She once again addressed ment. It is necessary to reflect if we are placing our time and our this group and those who were not present, referring to the invita- dedication at the service of the Hierarchy or if we will remain tion that She made yesterday, for us to visit Our Lady Aparecida. involved with our personal things. But if we have the right at- Today She announced publicly, to be transmitted to each one of titude, we will always be able to, in balance, carry on with our you, that those who could should not fail to go to the Shrine lives. We truly need to reflect on the proposal that the Hierarchy of Our Lady Aparecida. has made to the inhabitants of this city. May I would like to emphasize that this situation is not common and, 1 Apparition from what we have heard from the Divine Mother during these 2012 of the Divine Mother years, we can say that it has been a very surprising promise on the Monastery of the Divine Trinity, part of Our Lady, and with all our respect and our love, I would São Paulo, Brazil say also, very daring: to offer us the possibility that the Divine Justice may descend with harmony and lightness over this region. The group gathered in the Monastery of the Divine Trinity, as requested by the Divine Mother. It is the first time that the Divine Mother transmits so many in- Before starting the work of prayer, Mother María Shimani structions and revelations to humanity. We need to value what is de Montserrat shared some reflections with those present. happening. If in this moment we are not totally conscious, when a little more time goes by and some things have already happened, Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: Before starting the perhaps we will understand what the apparitions of these times prayer that prepares the arrival of the Divine Mother, we would meant to humanity. like to share some reflections with everyone. It is a call to our consciousnesses. We know that She is already in We have had the feeling that we have never understood well the our hearts. Now we need to open our consciousnesses and adhere reach of the words of the Divine Mother; if we had understood, to Her call with much more conviction and with the love of our our attitude would be different. But this time we will make an hearts. This will increase our faith and our determination to effort to put in our consciousness and in our heart the importance collaborate with the Hierarchy in this Rescue Plan so that hu- of the praying action in the face of Divine Justice, for what this manity may receive in a more balanced way and in peace that great city has generated up until this day. which it needs to learn. The Divine Mother came to this place by a special permission We feel that She wants to deepen the assistance to this city so from the Creator, and it is necessary that we make an effort for that some situations, that would not be good for anyone, may Her coming to produce the fruits that She and we expect. be deactivated.

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So, to collaborate more consciously with our Divine Mother, as this, glorifying the Name of God and bringing peace to part of humanity and as inhabitants of this city, let us say “yes” Earth through prayer. so that the energy of Our Lady and of the Holy Spirit will come My dear children, today I invite you to be in My Peace here and continue with this assistance and with the deactivation of energies that would otherwise compromise the normal devel- because this vow must be renewed day by day so that it opment of this part of humanity. may prevail and so that Peace itself, that is My Peace, may guide you during the difficult times that the world will go After these reflections let us begin the attunement, putting our through during its purification. consciousness, our heart and our love in each word, in each can- ticle. But do not be afraid today, dear children, keep your feelings in the center of My Heart. So, among hearts, Let us begin as She taught us, opening the door to the Holy Spirit We will be united in the Purpose that God has for the so that It will accompany us in the task of today. world, thanks to the daily response that your hearts give When we sing Luminous Bird, let us know that we are invoking to My call. the Spirit of Light, the Spirit of Love, the Spirit of Truth, the feminine aspect of the Trinity that we know as the Holy Spirit. I also thank you for your perseverance and for the con- stant prayer that is necessary for all My children, those The group sang Luminous Bird and started to pray. After praying for about an hour the Divine Mother who lose themselves minute by minute, hour by hour, approached. moment by moment, in each part of the world. Therefore, Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón and Mother María if you unite your efforts within My Immaculate Heart, Shimani de Montserrat stood up. After a few minutes I will be able to guide you and My steps will lead you Mother María Shimani de Montserrat transmitted that towards God. the Divine Mother had asked everyone to leave the room because the apparition would take place in the garden. Today, also keep in your hearts the importance of si­­ When everyone arrived at the place, Friar Elías del lence so that you may hear the instruction of the Lord, Sagrado Corazón started transmitting the words of the the call of My Son, announced through His Faithful Divine Mother. Servant. My merciful eyes will lead you towards more infinite paths, where there is no darkness, but only the Message for May 1, 2012 Peace and the Love of My Heart.

My dear children, Today I also collect the prayers of all My children who With immense joy you receive Me in this home. I also are in other parts of the world, honoring the Heart of hope that in all the other homes you may receive Me like God and persevering in faith in this hour of tests. For this

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reason, you must not fear, dear children, and know that end of this year. My Heart will be here on every 24th, and My Immaculate Heart can take you through the paths then, on every 25th and 26th, It will be in Figueira. that Christ walked to reach the Father. This is the goal of Also know, dear children, that everyone must follow My your hearts through the consecration that each one of you steps, those that are being marked by My feet for the can live at this hour. approaching time in different parts of the world, as in Let us pray, let us pray, My children, because it is necessary Portugal, Argentina and Nicaragua. to be able to continue walking towards God. When I am no longer here, you will be able to be in Me Lady of Graces, and thus We will be united, sharing the same heart and Spirit of Peace, the same Purpose that God has for each one of your lives. spring up as a flame You will discover with prayer what My Heart will dictate each moment to you. Resolve life through prayer, this is in our hearts. the true path that will guide you towards peace. Amen. Listen to the voice of the Servant who wants to accompa- Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmitted the words of ny you in the steps that you are taking. The commitment the Divine Mother: today is in the life of prayer; in this way you will be in Me Know, My dear children, that My Heart is here so that you and My Immaculate Heart will be in you. Therefore, trust will be able to renew your trust in God. My mantle extends this promise. itself over the world while My Heart is present here, and I thank you for responding to My call and for your prayers enters into this humanity. My children, drink from the done for all My children who need Peace. Fountain of Love and Peace that My Heart brings to you Keep the stars of My Crown so that they can serve you as so that you may be able to erase any pain from your hearts. Light on the path. Know that I also know each inner situation, therefore I thank you from My Maternal Heart. entrust your situations to My Heart so that I may be able to hear, forgive and heal them before God. In this My Immaculate Heart for each one of you. way you will be able to renew your lives by means of the Thank you. ministry of My Son, in the coming and in the return of His Love and in His total Peace. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I also want to tell you that I am keeping something special for you, something about My coming to this place until the – End of the Apparition –

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Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: During the apparition Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: We see that our task silence prevailed, a silence that spoke without Her really speak- is expanding. She wants to come back here to continue assisting ing. It was a silence that transmitted much peace, confidence and the city of São Paulo, which will be very important for every- security that She was here. She was also very joyful for each one one. Thus, let us prepare Her house, because this is Her house, to of us and She invited us to persevere in prayer, to not lower our receive Her on the 24th of the upcoming months. arms and to continue forward. The only thing we have to take care of is that the Divine Mother The first request that the Divine Mother made was for this may be able to enter into our hearts to help us in the times that Nucleus: that this place be transformed into a garden of roses will come. Let Her awaken in us this ardent devotion that She in honor of Her Immaculate Heart. She said that any creature, wants to activate; it will be a great experience. any brother or sister who comes here and sees the garden of roses, will be able to identify it with the Divine Mother, and thus will Let us make an effort for our prayer to have the power that God already have been prepared to enter the House of Prayer. It is an has given it and that we have not been able to discover yet. Let inner task with the Plant Kingdom that She is offering to us. us allow this Power of God to work on this planet and that we Today the Divine Mother also liberated some energies of the city, may be able to overcome the tests that will come, in union, in a which were being removed as She addressed Her words. fraternal way. Let us thus allow that our faith in the Hierarchy may increase more each time and then we will all see how the As Mother that She is, She knows the inner situation of each events unfold. one of us. We remained as crystalline as water before Her, where everything can be seen. As She spoke She would point out and say: Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: In a certain moment of the apparition She said something else important: Look at that one who needs a bit more attention. Now I am going to direct My gaze towards that son who needs I ask you that today be a day of prayer. Me the most. She asked us to pray, each one in their home, the four Mysteries She announced that the next apparition in São Paulo will be on of the Rosary so that through this task the Heart of God may be the 24th of June and will be public. She also said that the appa- repaired, and She said that this task would continue until the ritions of the 25th and 26th of May in Portugal will be publicly end of the days. transmitted through the internet. Thank you all. She also said that She will come back here until the end of the year unless the Father requests Her to go to some other place. Anyway, She invited us to be united with Her through prayer wherever Her pilgrimage may go.

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May Apparition resurrect from the life that each one of My children lives, 14 far from God. 2012 of the Divine Mother Sacred Heart Nucleus, I also want you to know that on this day My Immacu- Madroeira, Portugal late Heart ignites little souls so that they can live their redemption and the encounter with Love, the True Love Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmitted the words of the Divine Mother: of My Son, that today is also announced to you through My presence in Portugal. Children are the first to enter Heaven, they enter before the adults. Dear children, it is important that you live in communion with My Son so that the mind may receive wisdom from At that moment, one could hear the laughter of some chil- the Heart of Christ in each decision you will have to dren that were playing in the park of the Nucleus. make in your lives in this time of changes. Stay with Me today, here and in this moment. If you were united to My Heart, I would be able to accompany you and follow your steps when you openly Message for May 14, 2012 allow Me to. Dear children, Know that when I was here in Fatima, a long time ago, it With joy I give thanks once more for the response of was because of the Will of the Lord and for the conver- everyone. The Lord is sharing His Blessings of Peace and sion of the hearts. Hearts that still today, must continue Love with each one of you and with your families; conse- converting themselves to the Glory of God and before quently, My children, with all the families in the world. His Judgment. Know that Mercy is at the door of each one of you. It is enough to ask for it through Christ. I want you to consider My words today, as a guideline to start living prayer as something important for each one Today I also tell you that many faults that each one of of you. you know in the depths of the heart and soul have been forgiven throughout these last days by My merciful Today I need you not only to be here, but also in the Presence, thanks to the fire of Love and of the infinite world, carrying My Peace and My Love through prayer devotion that I have for each one of My children. and the surrender to God that each one of you can make in this last hour. In this way, dear children, you will be Also know, My children, that I only wait for you to find responding to the need of the world to relieve the suffering humility and true purity in order to be in the Lord in these and the hearts. Thus, My Peace will be able to satisfy all times that are approaching, when He will then come to the the hearts that urgently need Peace and Light in order to encounter of everyone.

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Your hearts, little children, must be prepared, not only by opening the heart but also the arms, as I have been doing through the practice of My prayer, but also through com- for so long, for so many centuries in this world, so that My munion, confession and the daily participation of your Heart may be able to reach everyone without limits and lives before God, before His Majesty and Splendor. Here without restrictions. In this way life is totally consecrat- I am referring to His throne of Peace and Light that all ed to the Father. This is all I ask of you: to consecrate the My children must find. heart, because in this way you will be consecrating your life to My Son, who waits for all. And for this gift to multiply in each one of My children, you must only be in prayer. A deep prayer that builds day This is all that I want to say to you today. by day, from Heart to heart, the union with Me so that But there is something else that I ask of you: do not lose it may attract, through My intercession, all the Graces what I have given you in these days. Continue united to that My children, the world and the nations need in these Me within My Heart. This is possible when the soul lives times, above all things. humility and learns to love with the wise examples of charity and giving of life to others. You will be in this Also know that My words, which are authorized by God, way imitating My path as a Servant, to which I want to are ending, but My Immaculate Heart will continue take you quickly to enter into the Kingdom of the Lord. serving each one of the souls so that they may achieve forgiveness and conversion in this time. Out of Mercy on the children that My Son delivered to Me, I sustain with My hands the prayers that I perpetually The Lord has allowed Me to pour the last founts of Mercy announce and pronounce before the throne of the Father. to transform the hearts of all humanity and even more of those who are distant from the Father and who must Keep peace for the most important hours of this world ask for forgiveness so that I can take everyone towards and thus you will be able to help Me so that it can be the Promised Kingdom, announced by My Son Jesus in spread over those children who will need it. Jerusalem. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This promise of the Kingdom of the Father must be alive Peace! Peace! Peace for the world! in your hearts together with prayer and the giving to the neighbor. In this way you will be able to find Light on This is My perpetual prayer. the path, patience in the heart and peace in life in spite of I thank you. what happens in the world, and I will be able to tell you that you will be united to My Heart in spite of everything. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Many still must come to the Maternal Encounter with Me. For this, My children, you must be prepared not only – End of the Apparition –

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Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: In the apparition of today Tuesdays and Saturdays. She said that She considers the giving the Divine Mother presented Herself as meditative. She appeared of each one by means of fasting and that it really does not matter as the Queen of Peace, She wore a white veil and a pink tunic, the way each one fasts, but that She was reminding us about this and as always, She held beads in Her hands. She came accom- exercise because it helped Her Marian Mission on Earth, mainly panied by two angels that appeared as lightning and prepared in the mission that She has with the souls in different parts of Her coming at the scheduled time. the world. Generally, She lowers Her face and smiles before beginning to At the end of the apparition when She was leaving, She blessed speak. Her presence radiated a very maternal energy. Today She this place and all those present in a special way. Then She ascend- told us again that She was sheltering and receiving all the pil- ed towards Heaven, converting Herself into a sphere of Light grims, especially those from the Portuguese nation. that alighted at another point. There She appeared once more as the Queen of Peace and when She definitively disappeared, in a For the second time She spoke about what happened in Fatima. very subtle way, She formed a shower of rose petals that covered She said that this event had universal importance and that the whole range of the hills. everything that had occurred and was seen in Fatima on the part of humanity, was not understood in depth at that moment. She Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: I would like to reflect was referring to all the levels of the Portuguese nation and of the on two things: first, the more prepared and concentrated we are, planet that the consciousness of the Divine Mother was touching the greater the possibility of Her acting on each one of us. Our and impregnating. minds and our lower consciousnesses need a certain vibration and When She referred to Fatima She invited us to, above all, a certain work to be aligned and to maintain the inner contact recall the period of Her apparitions and of the actions that Her with the Consciousness of the Divine Mother. If we are distract- consciousness made with other consciousnesses that were not ed, this will not happen. When we do not make a good task of revealed but that collaborated with Her arrival on the planet. preparation, She cannot work as much with us. There was a moment during the apparition when She said that The second reflection we wanted to make is that today She said we should not only be with our hearts open, but also with our that those important mistakes that each one knows that they have arms open. Then She opened Her arms and showed Her Immac- made, that which is kept deeply inside, will be forgiven by Her ulate Heart. She explained to us that by means of this sign that Mercy during these days when we will be with Her. And She She was giving us today, of being with open arms, our hearts also said: would always open and love would arise. She was inviting us in a symbolic way to do the same with everyone. Do not lose what I have given you on these days. Today also She referred to the importance of fasting, and as Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: Does any one have a good Mother, She reminded us that the days of fasting are any question?

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Question: Does Mary speak through the expressions of Her face I will be able to bring you to the Temple of My Son, to or does She also use telepathy? the House of the Father. Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: The Divine Mother Today I also want to ask that you continue praying with uses various resources to communicate. Sometimes She speaks in the heart. The world is being helped very much because silence, sometimes She pronounces words. the kind eyes of God are on each one of your lives, con- templating each one of your hours and those of all My Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: And She moves Her lips, children who need peace and salvation to be born again complementing what was said. before the Love of the Creator. Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: And sometimes She Today I want to correct two things in each one of your uses Her creative power, the power of Her mind to transmit lives: information. She uses whatever She has available. First, you must not allow the heart to suffer, and for May this today I invite you to live in the perseverance of the Apparition Light, the Unity and the Love that the Heart of My Son 21 promises you in this moment. 2012 of the Divine Mother Sacred Heart Nucleus, Second, today I also ask you that in prayer you allow to Madroeira, Portugal emerge in your hearts the immaculate fire that My Heart is pouring into you at each moment. In this way, My Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmitted the words of children, you will be calling all those who are in need of the Divine Mother: salvation and protection in these times. Message for May 21, 2012 Today, see once again in My hands the beads of prayer. Dear children, This exercise must be continuous and in this way you will allow, dear children, that the mysteries of the Father that If you are in My arms you are with Me, and in this way, will lead you to consecration may be revealed in your lives, tomorrow you will be in the Heart of My Son before to each one at their own moment. In order for this to He returns to give you, for the second time, His Good happen, prayer is primordial because it will not only lead News. you to peace when you persist, but also you will be able to Today smile to life and thus, dear children, you will find My Heart present in the path of your lives. allow My Ray of Peace to reach more souls through your Why do I repeat all this to you today? hearts. This, so simple, is what I ask you today: to live the truth, the peace and the serenity that My Immaculate Dear children, the time has come to persevere on this path Heart brings to your lives. Live in My joy and in this way of transformation that each one of you is living before the

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Face and the Heart of My Son. Therefore, believe and live the hearts truly open themselves to live this promised in His Mercy so that His Rays may reach you and thus encounter with God, that will lead you towards Eternity, convert your hearts. to Paradise. It is also necessary to contemplate the Heart of God to Serve God in prayer and in the love that can be born from ease the offenses that He receives from this world. But also your hearts, because on this path you will find peace and today, believe in the Power of My Immaculate Grace that you will be with Me in the mission of peace for the world. comes to help all of My children in these times of conver- sion and definition in the spiritual life of all. To serve is to love, it is to give oneself to God, it is to share the true fraternity that is lived in the Heavens, which may If you allow Me to take your hands I will be able to lead descend to the Earth through you, My very dear children. you to a true and merciful encounter with the Lord Jesus. Today I am upon the world, bringing especially the con- In this time of changes that many of My children live version for all creatures that have not yet awakened in within this world, I invite you only to prayer and to activate forgiveness and in the love of the heart; creatures that still the flame of the heart so that you may be united to My live irreparable faults and that My Immaculate Heart tries Kingdom, the Kingdom of the Father that today I also to balance through Love and through My victorious Light. bring to you with much compassion. Faults of My children, those who I call, but who are lost I have you all very present within My Being and within and who need God. The collaboration from all of you, al- My perpetual prayer, contemplating the heart of My chil- though small, will allow My intercession for all of them. dren, all those who must walk towards redemption so that Today I leave you the Presence of My Heart so that you the Plan of the Father may be fulfilled, at least in some may remember It and adore It, and in this way you may be souls. For this it is necessary to find the fire in the heart, able to reach My Son. Because, know that He always waits the Flame of the Holy Spirit, which will permeate you for you in prayer and in silence, which is very necessary when you invoke it in prayer. to give peace within the great noise that the world lives, a In this way you will be able to see how the same Spirit that world that still does not pray and in which there are very descended over Me and the apostles when I was on Earth, few who respond to the call. descends over you. This same Spirit will be able to come But the hour of conversion, of the opportunity before and help all the hearts that accept the conversion and the the Father, will come for all at the end of this time. And, transformation of all the faults committed, by means of in this exercise of Salvation, of Conversion and also of the Holy Spirit and the fire of Love of My Son. Redemption, My Immaculate Heart will be present Know that My Son still pours the Rays of His Compas- helping My children, lifting them and assisting them with sion and Mercy, but it is still necessary, My children, that My Maternal Heart.

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May the celestial victory of the Father, may the power of ing on the depth of our prayer and on the inner openness that His Compassionate and Merciful Love that descends we put in it. At a certain moment while there was lightning, a through My Son to all of you, be able to convert you and channel of light descended upon the top of the tree that we have prepare you for the new, for the Good News, for the Hour in front of us. Usually this is an indication that the consciousness of Peace, of Universal Harmony. of the Divine Mother is approaching. It is important to be aware that the condition for the approach of the Divine Mother is the I thank you for responding to My call, because in this prior work that the angels perform, creating channels of Light. response the world and humanity have been helped very much. At some moment the angels began to gather at a point of the Sky, forming concentric circles, and at each moment more angels I thank you. approached. It seemed that during the prayer they remained observing something that was gathering them. In the center of In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. this gathering of angels there was something that, for a long time, Amen. we could not see, until there appeared a great golden chalice with many consecrated Hosts in it. Then each one of the angels, which – End of the Apparition – were many, took a Host from this chalice and headed out from the planet. And then they began to place them over the Earth, Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: The Divine Mother always covering the whole globe with consecrated Hosts. says that silence helps us to remember things, especially when we are before an apparition and everything that She gives us as At another moment, almost at the end of the prayer, the angles Light. showed Christian wooden crosses. They placed themselves in the Heights to our right and to our left and they contemplated the Today She visited us as the Queen of Peace; She was wearing a channel of Light that they had opened over the tree. sky blue mantle and a pink tunic. She had Her right hand on Today, as in other apparitions, the wind moved the garments Her chest and with the left hand She was holding a rosary with of the Divine Mother with much harmony. This happened espe- many beads, and so far She has not told us how many they were. cially when She arrived. Before She appeared, during the prayer, we saw lightning bolts She manifested a contemplative state and at the same time that permeated all of this area and beyond. At that moment some a great devotion towards us, Her children, and towards all of groups of angels, in armies, approached. They were in a state of humanity. contemplation and constant prayer preparing this place. They were also using our prayers to do a service during the preparation While She transmitted Her words we could see behind Her, as of the arrival of the Divine Mother. in each apparition, an open Sky where the presence of the Father was manifested as an energy of Light that sometimes changed Today something also happened that sometimes occurs in other color, from pink to white or sky blue, and at times all the colors apparitions, which may occur with more or less intensity, depend- were manifested at the same time.

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Her words would become clearer as we approached Her, which Today I come to ask you that you continue praying, as generated inside of us, as we heard Her, much peace and you have been doing all these days, because the most harmony. hardened souls are being rescued by the Light of My Immaculate Heart and by the victorious prayers of the As you heard, the Divine Mother spoke about prayer because with everything that is happening in humanity, She is making hearts that, with humility and love, open themselves to a special intercession through prayer, because She said that there My call and respond to it by means of prayer. are many events that are being generated. I also come to ask all those who are here present and all For this reason She left two requests: the first one is to continue My children who listen to Me, that when you meet today with prayer; the second is to write down an intention on a piece of in Aljustrel, you pray in front of My image of the Most paper and to place it in a basket where She will appear in Holy Rosary. Pray to repair My Heart and the Heart of Fatima on the 25th and 26th of May, 2012. To those who go and My Son, which are strongly assaulted by all offenses that do this, She promised to radiate all these intentions and to do not stop and that spring from the hearts that do not intercede for all these lives. want to listen to God and that close themselves to the Primordial Heart of the Father. The Divine Mother said that She will know what each one’s intention will be, that in truth She already knows it, but that I also come to tell you to continue along this path of it is necessary that we do this exercise to be able to detach from transformation that your hearts are living, because in something. this way, through the prayer and humility of heart, you will be able to help other children who are in need of peace Thank you all. and conversion in this time. May I want to invite you to raise the souls to Heaven with the Apparition 25 exercise of permanent prayer by means of My Mantle of 2012 of the Divine Mother Protection so that My Maternal Heart may be daily and Fatima, Portugal totally with you. Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmitted the words of Contemplate the Face of My Son, the face of His Mercy, the Divine Mother: before His return. Your prayers prepare the arrival of He who promised to come back to this Earth to finish convert- Message for May 25, 2012 ing it according to the Purpose of God, according to the When you accept My call you will live eternity, but first Will of God, in the Great Kingdom of Peace that is lived you must live it here on the Earth so that it may later in the Heavens, and which must descend to the sorrowful reach the Heavens. Earth.

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If you persist in doing everything that I ask you, you will Therefore it is necessary, My children, that My voice be reach the Grace of Forgiveness of all faults, those that are heard from century to century, because in this way My hidden and that My Immaculate Heart knows deeply. Maternal Consciousness accompanies you in prayer, in Know, dear children, that each fault towards God can be adoration and in the silence that elevates each one of you forgiven when your hearts open themselves to the recon- to the Kingdom of My Father ciliation that My Heart is announcing in this final time. If Reconcile your heart, forgive and with joy begin to live in you are in the merciful arms of My Son Jesus, you will be My Immaculate Heart. saved from all temptation, persecution and pain. Thank you for responding to My call. You must convert that which still has not been converted. May the Light of God spring up in your hearts as a flame Know, My children, that you, as humanity, are observed of redemption and peace. by the eyes of God, His eyes of Compassion and Mercy that, in this moment, contemplate your hearts in need of I thank you. redemption and the total forgiveness of the past. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Accept My call, because just as in Medjugorje, these are Amen. My last warnings for those who want to hear the profound – End of the Apparition – sign of conversion that comes from My Maternal Heart for all My children and for those who still do not want to Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: Before the apparition some- be My children. thing important happened: two guardian angels of the Virgin ap- peared and placed, over the top of the tree that is in front of us in This is all that I want to tell you today, especially during this garden, a large number of golden roses that opened up during this morning. It is necessary, My children, to listen to My the prayer and gradually became more vivid and brighter. words again, because it has been six months that My voice has been proclaiming itself daily for each of your hearts. The angels also placed a six-pointed golden star over the crown of the tree and, in front of this star, a chalice. It seemed to be an Receive this Special Grace of Reconciliation so that to­ offering from the angels to humanity. morrow, in the arms of My Son and together with My steps of Pilgrim, you may be able to follow the path of While this image was shown, a door opened in Heaven through the redemption of the heart. In this way you will be able which Our Lady entered. to live in the heart the Grace of Mercy that My Heart She arrived dressed in white and radiating to us the Light of and My Rays of Peace have been announcing to the world Her Immaculate Heart, which had some thorns. But in spite for so long. of this She was very joyful for the response to Her call.

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At one point, raising Her left hand, She said: “Look to the side,” able to overcome and bear in harmony and balance all the and a little higher, to Her left, Jesus appeared. He made a bless- tests that we will face. But if we do not place our heart in ing with the sign of the cross and after a few moments of silence, Her Heart, we will find ourselves involved in everything that He disappeared carrying an uncountable number of souls, which humanity is going to live. We can go through this transition were withdrawn from the planet, ascending to higher levels. either in a harmonious way or in a desperate way. This is one of the offers She makes to us. Today, as in a previous apparition, the Lady transmitted Her message in silence, which penetrated into the depths of our hearts. She has also been explaining to us during all this time, that It was a silence that contained a call, an alert to become aware now is the time of Mercy, which means that we can place our of the reality of this moment of the planet, of this time that is not miseries in the Heart of God, placing ourselves first in the normal. This alert that She was transmitting was to strengthen Heart of the Divine Mother and in the Heart of Christ so that us in prayer and for us to trust that, in this way, we will allow these miseries can be forgiven and we can be rehabilitated before that many brothers and sisters whom we do not know, may be the eyes of God. helped. When the purification becomes difficult, then we will begin to Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: From August 2011 understand what the Divine Mother wanted to tell us. For this until today, for ten months therefore, She has appeared two or reason, from now on we need to prepare our hearts and our inner three times a month in public and private apparitions, in which beings in order to pass through this purification. We are being She made many revelations and gave precise instructions for lovingly warned by Her; we all hope that we can return this this planetary moment. love that She gives us. One of the last revelations that She made and that She confirms For this reason we insist that you try to read and study the in each apparition is that of the return of Christ. She affirms material that is on the website,7 because it is the opportunity and confirms that the promise that Christ made is about to be that we have to continue in peace or to let ourselves be carried fulfilled, and She has given us some clues of how it will be. away instead by the current of dissociation that some conscious- She also explains to us, in great detail, that which each one of us nesses will live. Later we will not be able to say that no one told must do in order to overcome the transition, a planetary purifi- us, that we were not warned by our Divine Mother. cation that we are all going to live, known as the great judgment We know that for many of us it is a little difficult to leave the of humanity. It will be a physical, mental and spiritual event normal world in order to enter into a deeper spiritual world. for all of humanity, in which the scale of the Law will manifest itself for each one of us. We know that the material life takes all our attention and our energy, but we need to be more aware of what is truly happening. She teaches us, in each apparition and in each transmission, how to be within Her Heart and the Heart of Her Son to be 7. Official website:

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June Apparition other things also happen, such as energies that are not of the Light 16 being released from spaces, from consciousnesses and from cities. 2012 of the Divine Mother Buenos Aires, Argentina As She recently told us in Her apparitions in Luján, She has the Mother María Shimani de Montserrat made an introduc- purpose of liberating the nation of Argentina. Although we are tion before the work of prayer, especially for those who unaware of what is happening in the celestial planes and we will had come for the first time. never know the scope of the work that She is doing, we know that unimaginable situations can be liberated and avoided through Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: Good afternoon, the presence of a divine consciousness such as that of Mary. everyone, welcome. Thank you for coming here to share with us this moment with Our Lady, our Divine Mother. Through the union that we can live with Her this afternoon and the “yes” that we can give Her, She will surely assist and help this For those who are participating in an apparition for the first city in such need. time and for those who do not know the reason that brought us here to Buenos Aires, we want to tell you that we were in Luján The task of the Divine Mother is that of Planetary Rescue, for on the 12th and 13th of June, days of the apparitions of Our Lady, which we try to unite with Her in the most conscious way possible. when to our surprise, at the closing, She informed us that She We try to cooperate in any way we can, in absolute faith, despite had received special permission to have a Special Apparition in not having a great understanding of all the events that occur on the center of Buenos Aires. So we left in a hurry, looking for a the planet and in the universe. place to meet, and here we are. We have seen that it is necessary to want to transform ourselves The Divine Mother explained to us that the Special Apparitions and achieve fraternity, which is an experience that humanity come as the result of special celestial permission, which She needs to start living. It is necessary to want it, and beyond want- ing it, it is necessary to do something for it to materialize. We receives from our Father to attend to the needs of the conscious- have seen many changes in people and how they have found nesses, the needs of souls, as well as to respond to all of us. During peace, protection and clarity for making decisions. So much so these days of meeting, we prayed and talked a lot about these that they begin to solve their inner problems and the families times, about the need we all have to reconnect with God and begin to organize themselves. Noticing these changes is what keeps about the work that Our Lady is carrying out so that we can us united to Her, because we know that what is happening is real, find the right path. we know that She comes and can ease our hearts and change our Thus our heart was able to open, and through that opening, our lives forever. This is why we have committed ourselves to helping Divine Mother was able to come here, to the center of the city of Her in this task and collaborate with whatever is necessary. We Buenos Aires. hope that you also join Her, because She is available to everyone. When an Evolved Consciousness descends from the higher planes I would like to make a suggestion on how to unite with our to the lower planes where we are, hosts of angels also descend; but Mother, in inner union. We have to cross a space that we ourselves

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created between Her and our heart. This space is something that With songs and prayers, the arrival of the Celestial Mother we ourselves have created, something that is not real, because for was prepared there; and at a certain moment Her pres- ence was very intensely perceived. Her, distances do not exist. In order to pass through this region of a void existing between us and Our Lady, we have to apply During the last canticle, Inmaculado Corazón de María,9 our will and look for Her wherever She is, which is in the depths fourteen strokes of a bronze bell were heard and Friar of our hearts. But as we do not go there often, we do not know Elías del Sagrado Corazón and Mother María Shimani de Montserrat approached the place where the Divine the way well. Mother appeared. After a few minutes, the transmission The image that is here,8 beautiful as all Her images are, inspires started and Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmitted Her words: our consciousness to go meet Her. As we pray we can contemplate it and try to immerse ourselves in Her gaze. We must tirelessly Message for June 16, 2012 seek Her until we find Her, until we cross that dark region that exists between our heart and Her Heart. Therefore, instead of Dear children, praying in the void and repeating words just to repeat them, With immense joy I call you to live in the bliss of My let us now contemplate Her image in order to find Her in our Love. If you do so, you will be confirming the commit- hearts. Let us try to reach Her by crossing this space that needs to be ment that you have with God and with My Son. dissolved. This exercise will open our hearts and allow us to My dear little children, I invite you to be in Me in the face achieve the purpose of truly meeting Her within ourselves. But of any circumstance of life, and I deliver to you today one this is a purpose for which we need to work, and this is why this more Good News: joy in the heart. If you receive it you image exists, so that we look for Her there. It is something that will be responding to My call and to the call of God. calls us, but in reality we will find Her in the depths of our hearts. Today I open My Mantle, fully extended over the world So we invite everyone to practice this exercise so that today we all to bring you Peace. manage to find our Divine Mother and always remember where we can find Her. I am here because of a commitment that I have with each one of you, which is that of saving you. For this reason Now we will begin our task of prayer and canticles and after I ask that you accept My call to find peace. In this way, the apparition we will give accounts and make comments so that a new door will be opened in your lives. This door that I everyone understands what happened. announce to you is redemption, the conversion of the heart and the very necessary encounter with My Son, which you Thank you all. must live. 8. She refers to a painting that represents Our Lady that was at the place where the meeting was happening. 9. Tr: “Immaculate Heart of Mary.”

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Today I only want one response from you, which is to My Merciful Rays want to come to you perpetually. accept to live My Universal Prayer in order to help souls. In this way you will find a true path towards conversion. I have given you a special gift, are you responding to it? I always have you present in My Maternal Heart, but you Not only is My Mantle upon the world, but also that must also know that it is necessary to give a little bit more of She who brought Me into the world. Trust in the to Our Lord. announcement that I am sending to you through Her Immaculate Heart and in this way you will alleviate the Stay with Me and you will find the true door to the crown of thorns that the world gave to Me. Heavens. Therefore, pray. Open your hearts and listen to the call I only ask you that you contemplate each prayer with of My Mother. My Rays are Her Rays, My Heart is Her Me, and thus We will ignite one more heart and, in this Heart. We came into the world in order to bring you way, dear children, you will be faithful to My universal call. This is why I need you strong in prayer, to find the peace. Now We have come back in order to bring you Peace that many need. redemption. Know that it is a Grace of the Divinity that I am here Listen to what the Shepherd tells you, this is His last among you, a Special Grace. With this Grace, keep your promise! hearts within My Mantle so that I may guide you to Jesus. Trust in what She has told you throughout the centuries Let us pray in order to keep the doubts away from the call because I am also there in Her words. If you ascend to Her that today I am making. Prayer will elevate you, prayer will Maternal arms, you will also ascend to My Heart. There- transform you into something you do not know. fore renounce everything that is not good for life and renew yourselves by means of My Mother. The visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón perceived at this moment that Jesus was present. We have come from a place in the Heavens to bring you the good and the pure. I do not want you to be thorns Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: Now, with the Divine in My Heart, but to be Light propagated in the world. Mother, Her Son Jesus is present. Consecrate yourselves to the Faithful Servant, Mary. And Jesus, opening His Sacred Heart, says to us: The Divine Mother starts speaking again: I only ask you to trust in My Divine Mercy which comes through My Mother because in this way you will find Listen to the voice of My Son, sweet and redeeming. peace. If you do the opposite, you will be denying My He wants to liberate you from that which you have not second coming.10 yet been able to liberate yourselves. Everything begins through the act of praying with the heart in order to find 10. He refers to the much-announced return of Christ. My Son.

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And Jesus says: Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: Today, the Divine Mother came as Our Lady of Graces. The Trinity is present here at this moment through the expansion of My Light upon these souls. For this reason I A little before Her Apparition we could already perceive the want you to contemplate that which you are living so that presence of Saint Expeditus with a legion of angels accompanying you can understand it with the heart. Our Lady. As I once transfigured Myself on Mount Tabor, I want Today once again the Divine Mother invited us to work with to transfigure your hearts today and this will begin when the groups of prayer. She wants to consecrate Argentina to Her you are in the arms of a good Mother. Immaculate Heart, just as She is doing in the city of Salta. The Divine Mother speaks: She welcomed all of those present and those that are not here. As the Lord, My Son, tells you, you must be like children She said that today Her presence was stronger because She was to find Peace. working not only with us, but with the whole city. Jesus says: She had Her arms lowered, radiating Light from the palms of Her Hands. Eternal Light for the world. She wore a blue sash whose ends were much wider, falling to Her The Divine Mother adds: feet. She also had a very long necklace of beads. Now do you understand how nothing is separate for When She began to transmit Her message, She made a special God, the Absolute? movement removing Her veil. We asked Her: Why is the Lady Therefore, be like beads11 in My hands, in order to be with doing this? Me in prayer. From now on I wait for you in a daily work. She answered: It is for you to know that I am virginal. To pray is to love. To pray is to forgive. To pray is to Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: At that moment She spread redeem, it is to find God in the heart. Her Mantle across the whole room and there were some little I thank you. cherubim angels that helped Her to spread it. The Mantle that was spread to Her right, as well as to Her left, radiated much In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Light. Amen. Then came Her Son, Christ. He presented Himself as the Sacred – End of the Apparition – Heart and seemed to be more than thirty years old. The whole time He had His left Hand on His Heart, which illuminated 11. She refers here to the beads of the Rosary. Itself. He wore a white tunic and a red mantle and when He

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began to speak, His Sacred Heart pulsed and radiated much There is a need to form new groups of prayer and to strengthen Light towards everyone. His hair fell towards His left side and ourselves in this practice. His Face was slightly inclined downwards, as in contemplation. We will continue this task permanently from the Marian Center His eyes were sky blue and crystalline. of Aurora. He accompanied Our Lady for a while, until He bade farewell Thank you all very much. and left. And the Divine Mother continued to perform Her tasks. June • • • Apparition Today when She appeared, many legions of angels that were on 30 2012 of the Divine Mother different levels placed themselves over the city of Buenos Aires. Sacred Heart Nucleus, Light-Community of Figueira. They were liberating, transforming, harmonizing everything. An Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil archangel that came before our Lady commanded these legions. When this archangel, who was strong and powerful, arrived He Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmitted the words of the Divine Mother: silently indicated to the legions where they should work. Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: Today the Divine Message for June 30, 2012 Mother revealed that She wants to come to Argentina the first Dear children, Saturday of each month. It is with immense joy that today I invite you to repair Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: We asked Her why She My Heart. Today, especially, I reveal My Immaculate wanted to appear on these dates and She answered that She Heart so that you may contemplate It. wants to consecrate Argentina, as well as Uruguay and Brazil. Dear children, I want to tell you that I am united to you Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: In theses apparitions and to all those that, at this moment, hear My call. Today She wants to help us in our processes of liberation and conversion. I come to bring the Special Grace of Reparation for your It will be a unique opportunity for all of us, very important to hearts by means of My Inner Reparation. understand the extent of what can really happen if the groups of I can see that many of you have the Scapulary of Peace. prayer and all of us do a good work throughout the coming years; Do you know what it means, My beloved children? thus we will be able to prevent many imbalances that nations It means that you are responding to God the Creator and may have to live. to the Heavens. And also, My children, it means that My She wants to place in our hearts the strength that we will need task of peace is materializing on Earth by the simple fact to balance certain events to come. that today all of you are united to Me in prayer.

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As the Lady of the Holy Rosary I invite you to pray every Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: At this moment the Lady day. With this simple response that your hearts will give shows a sign in each one of the palms of Her hands and says that I will be able to assist all those who are, in this time, in these signs reveal that She carries the world. The Divine Mother need of a Celestial Mother. continues saying: Today, I also want to direct My Blessings especially to all of With these signs I say to you, dear children, that all the you, My children. If you keep this blessing that emanates scars that the world generates in the Heavens are disap- from My Heart, this peace will be able to be propagated pearing through the prayer of all of you. This means that among creatures. Know, dear children, that above all the old wounds have been engraved in the Heart of God, things of life, you are instruments of My Heart when you and now the moment has come for them to be repaired pray with Me for peace. by all of you. You know, dear children, that peace is not present in the Let us pray. world; this is why I need you faithful to My prayer so that Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: She places Her hands in a I may be able to appear before God for this world. sign of prayer and repeats: Today I also want to leave you with an instruction that Blood of Christ, wash me. is born from My Heart: live the Love that My Heart is Blood of Christ, wash me. giving to all of you in these times. In this way, My little Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón continued transmitting the ones, My Heart will be able to pilgrimage through this words of the Divine Mother: world for longer. I am untying the knots of the hearts that are suffocated. Today I have all of you in My prayers; all means all, and especially those who do not hear My call. Dear children, it is simple to talk with God when you allow it. Today I am here as the Lady who unties the knots The Lord Jesus My Son, is present in your lives at this to alleviate the hearts of My children. Great knots created moment. Accept, My children, His Rays of Mercy. His by the world will be able to be liberated when everyone Rays are passing through the planes of this world, but prays with Me the prayer of the heart. There exists other many still do not see them. This is why He sends Me to collaborators who, from the Heavens, untie the knots on you, so that I may announce His Return. the Earth. Know, dear children, that the celestial realities are not distant from your lives; therefore I am here, simply My Blessing is Directed, also today, to all those who deny and with love, to help you. God. For all of them I invite you to be in prayer. Remem- ber that God is attentive to the supplications of all of My Many of those who have been on Earth living for Christ children. untied great knots in humanity permitting the Kingdom

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of the Father to come closer and closer each time, to the Today you are in the abundance of My Fountain, but the Earth. I reveal to you, My children, that the collaboration hearts of many of My children live in great deserts. This of all My children who have lived in Christ, and who to- is the pain that I carry throughout time; a pain caused by day are with Me in Heaven, helped to open the Doors of all those who do not listen. Heaven. You who are here, like many of My children who follow Little creatures, know that I have been here for many gen- Christ, are missionaries of prayer. In this time in the world, erations; today as the Queen of Peace, before as the Im- I call you to the perpetual reparation with prayer. In this maculate Conception; as the Lady of Graces; as the Most way you will be always with Me, in My arms. Holy Heart of Mary; and many other presences that God Also know, My children, that God hears you in silence, has sent Me to show you. In each one of them, dear chil- and that the Heart of My Son and My Heart will always dren, there exists the same essence; the same essence of be there, present, in the silence, silence that must awaken Love that I am pouring in Medjugorje for Europe; the in your hearts because in this way you will find My Peace. same essence of love that I am pouring here as the Divine Conception of the Trinity for all of the Americas. Pray today as well, dear children, for the elders, the adults that are alone. I will thank you for this response; everyone My presence is unique and maternal for all of you. Re- needs God to be able to live eternity. joice your hearts so that I can be here today in your lives. Remember, My children, that it will be necessary to be Let us sing to praise the Heart of God. in faith in this time, the faith promised by Christ to all of All intoned the canticle Inmaculado Corazón de María.12 you. In this way you will be in the arms of God. Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: The Divine Mother is saying Remember, My children, to have pure thoughts and crys- at this moment that She will give a special blessing to all the talline feelings, just as the water that bathes you day by other children who respond to Her call. For this, before bidding day. In this way, you will be with Me in the throne of the farewell today, She is going to call here a sister who Our Lady Father. knows trusts in Her. The promise that today I leave for you is to be able to be Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón continued transmitting the with My Son. My Immaculate Heart, by means of your words of the Divine Mother: response, will be able to triumph so that He may be a true presence in your lives, day by day. May the Kingdom of My Peace be the essence in your hearts. My children, open your hearts each time that I am with – End of the Apparition – you in the apparitions so that I can water the seed that I have sown within you so that it may grow and mature. 12. Tr: Immaculate Heart of Mary.

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Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: Today during the apparition, said that they kept in the Heavens a copy of the true Shroud that the Divine Mother had a special companion. She approached had enveloped the body of Jesus. us as the Queen of Peace, although in a certain moment of the This sheet, this Shroud that they held with so much love, became apparition She untied knots. illuminated and radiated a very powerful light. At this moment Before the apparition, a few important things occurred. When the codes that It kept were projected over this place. the sun was setting, there appeared an army of angels with Then the body of Jesus imprinted on the Shroud disappeared, the presence of an archangel. The archangel, lifting a large and over the Shroud appeared many images, images as if of a film, monstrance said: where different moments of the life of Jesus in Jerusalem could be Accept Redemption! Live Redemption! seen. For example, moments of His public life; moments of the The monstrance had a Host divided in two parts. He was trying Passion and of the Crucifixion. to mend it, to unite it again. As we were praying the archangel At the same time this great Shroud would absorb and receive elevated our prayers and directed them to the monstrance, all of our prayers, which were helping in many situations that towards the broken Host, and said that all of the prayers were were taking place on the planet; situations that somehow began restoring a part of Christ. to be solved. Our Lady showed this so that we could understand The special companion was Father Pio, who appeared together the power of prayer. with the Divine Mother. While She transmitted Her Message In the beginning of the apparition the Divine Mother made a She asked him to give blessings and to do inner healings in those request and an invitation to us saying: present. Father Pio followed with precision the instructions that Our Lady gave him, reflecting total obedience. He gave blessings Dear children, today I bring you a Special Grace, a new by means of a prayer, placing his hand over the head or chest of permission that God has granted Me to be among you. the people. My Heart is in the New Earth. Will you receive Me in this At another moment, before the transmission of the message, the Community? Divine Mother showed us the Holy Shroud. The angels that In the name of all the brothers and sisters present we said “yes” were accompanying Her brought a cloth, which they opened from to Her. Then, more seriously but without losing Her joy, She the left to the right when She indicated, extending it as a great said to me: Mantle. Numerous angels held the edges of this precious cloth. Once it was extended the body of Jesus could clearly be seen im- In truth, dear son, it is a Special Grace that I will pour printed on the fabric. One of the angels that held the Holy Shroud over the population that is located in Rio de Janeiro.

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July Dear children, I will approach all those children who were Apparition rescued because My Heart is with them, and My Special 12 2012 of the Divine Mother Grace is also with them. Home of Adoration, Marian Center of Aurora, Remember to say, dear son, that many of these children Paysandú, Uruguay must continue to pray so that they may soon be with Me. Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: In total harmony, we will hold hands to say a prayer. The Divine Mother says that She will She explained that, with the exercise of prayer that the children use such a prayer to make, at this moment, an absolution. will be carrying out, other children will be assisted who She wants to reach in this time. We will repeat the prayer of the Celestial Father three times; the Lady asks that we think about the strength of Her Immaculate We asked Her where She was going to appear, and She replied: Heart as we pray. In the new lands, in the Community New Earth. And I Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmitted the words of the Divine Mother: want something else for that day – and opening Her arms She illuminated Her Face and, looking at us with a smile Message for July 12, 2012 I want 33 white roses and something on Her lips She said: As the Lady of the Holy Rosary I ask you to continue to even more special; I want the children to sing to Me before hold hands. the apparition. When they sing they will allow Me to help This is what I want to build in this time: peace, the peace other souls. that is lacking in homes, the peace that is lacking in the Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: It seems like our hearts of My children. Divine Mother does not want to leave any place without Light. The world, dear children, is divided, and you are My in- The permissions that God grants Her are the result of our struments of peace. I need you to be firm and persevering response. Therefore, let us be attentive to where Our Lady will so that My Plans for Peace can be carried out in this part continue to place Her Heart. We will have to have our bags of the world. Unity is important in these times and it must always ready. spring from the heart. As I have said to you before, today I say to you: as the Lady of the Holy Rosary, I invite you to Thank you very much for responding to the call of our Divine pray the Rosary every day. Mother. Today I have on a blue sash that unites you with the Divine Heaven. This is the unity that God wants to build in your hearts through My Son.

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In these times, sincerity is needed in order to live in peace, in these times. The Love of My Heart leads you to unity, and thus your hearts will be transparent before the King- and for this reason I invite you to live this mystery day dom of God. Allow My Ray of Mercy to rebuild you and by day. transform you into new dwellings for My Son. Unity is not separation, unity is purity. This is what you When I announce His Return, it is because He will re- must awaken in your lives. When there is no purity, it is turn even though few believe in this mystery that is because there is no unity, and in this sense the prayer that written. When I invite you to pray it is so that you may must spring day by day in your hearts is lacking. In this prepare yourselves for this moment. In this way, dear way you will be united to God, something very important children, you will not only be united to Me, but also to in these times, My dear ones. God and you will help to propagate My call. This is why I am here. I guide you, I love you. Since before I invite you to live the daily message every day. Deepen you came to this Earth, I began to love you, and I love you into My words delivered over these seven months; there is even more since you exist as souls for the Kingdom of God. a path that I have built through them and few are seeing The promise of Paradise is for all. It is a truth, not an il- it. For this reason you must read, interiorize and feel My lusion. I invite you to have this aspiration in this present words with the heart so that you can understand the time, an aspiration that you will strengthen by means of mysteries that I am revealing to you today. prayer. You will be able to reach the promised paradise Today, again, I leave My crown of stars over you so that when more than two unite in prayer. What My Son says you can remember that they will be the guide in this final is real, but His Words seem to have been forgotten in the time. They are twelve emanations of the Holy Spirit that I hearts of humankind, due to the lack of love. bring from My Heart. They are what you can understand, I invite you to remain in this Love above all things, in My little ones, as attributes for your hearts. the Love of My Son, which will allow you, My children, This Light that God has given Me, I give to you today be- to reach the Purpose that God has drawn in the Heavens cause I want to build true confidence in your hearts, which for this humanity. I have been trying to do for so long in this humanity; You must be firm in this time of emergency, you must a confidence that transcends the differences that exist be with Me in order to prevail before the events that will between My children so that they can finally live in unity. take place on Earth. But you must not fear because I am I come to you, My children, to remind you of the impor- here as the Queen of Peace to remind you that Eternity tance of unity above all things in this world. You fear the is the promise that God conceded to Me for each one of Kingdom of God very much because you do not know It. you, Eternity that will lead you to peace. If you live in My It is the lack of love in My children that awakens the fears Peace, if you work for My Peace, if you pray for My Peace

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in spite of everything, My Peace will be as a great kingdom I do not want to see the world in a new Calvary. So that of love in the depths of your hearts. this does not happen, My Son has already lived it for all Today I alleviate the suffering of many so that they may of you. be healed. This is why today I asked you, My children, I invite you to be in peace, only in peace, to always seek to pray with Me the three prayers to the Celestial Father the Peace of My Heart. This is the true Grace that I give from the heart. The heart is a place to which you must al- you today. ways return and this you should never forget, in spite of the feelings that this world awakens, feelings that distance Know, dear children, that many of My children that are in My children from the true path that God has entrusted to the world suffer from a lack of peace and their hearts are them in this time. uneasy because God is not in them. I receive many questions every day in this place in Heaven I call you to pray for them, and place them close to the where I find Myself; for this reason, today I say to you, throne of God. It will be My servants who will be able to My children: only prayer will protect you. The Holy Spirit intercede for all those that are much forgotten, especially, will be the great mediator for each one of your lives, and for their affronts that offend God. this impulse of Light will come through My Immaculate Heart that I once again present to you today so that you I am the Mother of Mercy, I am the emanation of the Ray may venerate what God has done in His Faithful Servant, of My Son that wants to illuminate the path of all, even in His Pilgrim of Nazareth, in Mother Mary, the Mother more of those who are in the darkness and who have not of all. seen God for a long time. Today I am preparing you for tomorrow, and tomorrow I Remember that everything that I am doing with you has will prepare you for what will shortly come to this world a meaning in life, it is a Purpose of God on which you that must be purified in the peace of the heart so that God must reflect in order to understand it. For this reason, I may always be present. invite you to pray so that wisdom may enter into your Today I give you a spiritual gift: the Mystical Rose of My consciousnesses and My Son may reside there eternally. Heart so that you may contemplate it and hold it in your hands as you pray. In this way, My children, you will be Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: Let us say a prayer that Our with Me in each one of the symbols, in each one of the Lady is making for all of those souls that need Light. signs that I have revealed to you throughout this last year I am with You, Lord, because I trust in You. and the year before, signs that God allowed Me to pres- I am with You, Lord, in Your Mercy. ent to all of you, signs that silently prepare your hearts for when My Son arrives. Amen.

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Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmitted the words of August. She said that something important will happen on this the Divine Mother: day and that only then will we know what it is about. Thank you for responding to My call. Today Our Lady came dressed in white and, as She said, with May the Kingdom of God be the Light in your hearts. a blue sash. Behind Her something that we could understand to be a sun could be seen, a resplendent sun, alive, that illuminated I thank you for responding with perseverance to My everything and that was present during the whole apparition. requests. When She recited the last prayer, She radiated the energy In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. generated to the whole planet, mainly to Her children in Asia, Amen. Oceania and Europe. While we prayed as a decree, the prayer – End of the Apparition – was reaching all of them. She showed that the energy emanated from the prayer erased many inner scars in all the souls that were Fray Elías del Sagrado Corazón: Today the Divine Mother there. brought a piece of Heaven in Her Mantle and through this Today She spoke to us about Her apparitions that will happen symbol, we were able to understand that Mary is a great until the end of the year: reconciler of souls. Initially, I will be here until December, but there is a last The exercise that She asked us to do with the first prayer was place that I will visit by the end of this year: Santiago de witnessed by two angelic beings that presented themselves as Chile. two archangels, but they did not say who they were. If you re- member, She said that She was going to absolve us and that This was a very intense moment, because She showed something She would do so in the name of Christ. in the Chilean nation and said She would go to Chile to rescue At the beginning of the apparition She emphasized that we many of Her children who also need help, just as we do. She should work sincerely and truly, as workers of Her Plan, of the referred mainly to the indigenous consciousness, whether physical Plan that She proposes for these times. or not, we do not know, but we know that it will be helped. During the greater part of the apparition, She realized an inner Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: The Divine Mother and profound work, and we do not know what happened. Exter- said everything that we needed to hear. She called our attention nally we were only able to see shapes of lightning of white light that to live in unity, which means that we are not achieving it. Let us descended inside and outside of the room. develop this energy so that we may never lack it, because it is the foundation for the work that She needs to carry out with us. We The Divine Mother placed Her presence and Her consciousness must be attentive and vigilant so as not to lose, without intending over the Garden of Mary, where the orange tree of the Appari- to, the treasure that God has given us. tions is. She asked us to concretize and finalize the project of the Prayer Center, both the fountain and the pathways, by the 8th of Let us place all of this in our hearts and be more attentive.

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August Apparition At the request of the Divine Mother, Friar Elías del Sagrado 8 Corazón asked two nuns to approach the tree. The Divine 2012 of the Divine Mother Mother asked us to repeat the following prayer a few times: Garden of Mary, Marian Center of Aurora, Come Jesus, Paysandú, Uruguay come into our lives, Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: Welcome to the and be the bread of Eternal Life. Celebration of five years of apparitions of our Divine Mother. Amen. We have made a great journey in these five years that could Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmitted the words of only have happened under Her protection. All of this that you the Divine Mother: can enjoy today is the work of Her Love. The only thing we can do is to give thanks to God for the possibility of Her being with Message for August 8, 2012 us, guiding us, giving this impulse to our humanity. Today I am here to celebrate the communion with the We hope that we can open our hearts and receive the Graces King of the Universe. For this reason, My children, I that She has for each one of us. thank you for your response. As we saw in the opening of the Meeting last night, today, the My Maternal Heart is with each one of you and this 8th of August, is a very important day, the beginning of a new means that the Kingdom of God is on the planet, more annual cycle. The year of 2012 brings the last moments in so in those who need the Celestial Light. which the Divinity tries to place in our consciousnesses codes of Dear children, today you do not commemorate My pres- Light that will help us in the moments of transition. This is why ence, but the Presence of God in your hearts. Today I invite what we are going to live is so important; although not related you to remember this Presence permanently; this aspira- to external phenomena, it is an unprecedented spiritual event. tion will strengthen you for the times that will come. We need to place it in our hearts and let our spirits adhere to the energy of the Divine Mother and thus, in the inner planes, Dear children, today I contemplate you in My prayers and many things can happen. the Lord has also heard your prayers. This is a very positive response in this final time and many of My children are Now let us pray and sing, and as time passes we will perceive being helped at this very moment. how a state is being consolidated in which we will build a path of Light from here to the Heavens, a path through which the Divine You are within the Kingdom of My Peace, just as other Mother will arrive with Her angels to transmit Her message to children of Mine, this is why I invite you in this time to us on such an important date as is today. persist in prayer.

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With immense joy, dear children, once again: I thank you! Trust in what you are doing, do not be afraid to transform I thank you! May My Eternal Peace be in your hearts so your lives, rather, be afraid to not be able to consecrate that I can make you find Christ. The King of the Universe them to the Lord. This is what I ask of you, a healthy trans- waits for you each day, therefore, do not only open your formation that is born from the heart and that expresses hearts, but also Your arms in order to receive the light itself as a precious instrument in the life of all My children that comes from Him and that with Love He is giving to who are in much need of God. the world. Therefore, as mediator of souls, I invite you to be in Me Today I leave a sign to you, a symbol for eternity: the flock so that God may be in you. I want that you continue of My Son. Each one of you forms part of this flock, in- pil­grimaging with Me by means of prayer, of forgiveness cluding those who distance themselves from Him day by among yourselves and above all, in the love that must day. My Maternal Task is to make you return to Christ. prevail in your lives and in your essences in this time that Each one of your prayers counts for salvation. Contemplate is so important. this as something true, because God will always hear you On this day I bring to all the contemplation of My Immac- when your prayers are true and are born from the heart. ulate Heart, which will be able to illuminate you in every Today I am inviting you once again to prayer, to continue decision of your lives and every step that you are willing praying for the world, the world needs it and you know it. to take in the consecration of the heart. The Grace that today I am giving you, you do not know In the simple words, dear children, are to be found the because it is born from the heart. This Grace that I want great mysteries. Know that through all this time, and in to teach you is called Love of My Son, the Redeeming the same way that My Heart does in Medjugorje, I want Love and the Saving Love. to teach you how to be in God despite the circumstances Dear children, continue on this path so that, in some more of life, trusting in the unknown, in that which you cannot years, your lives may transform themselves into the desired touch but that does come from God. Temple where God waits to enter. Dear children, trust in the unknown so that the truth may express itself in your lives, a truth that is called Faith I am contemplating at this moment many that need help and that will lead you towards the Heights. and to all of them I say: pray, pray with the heart because you will be in communication with Me and My Maternal Today I am with you and I am silently pouring My Graces Flower. The prayer of all of My children will be placed at upon the world. Open your hands and your hearts so that the feet of the Lord so that thus I may be able to intercede the beating of My Immaculate Heart may be the flame and in due time I may be able to help you. that blazes eternally within you.

600 601 Messages of Peace Apparitions of the Divine Mother and Accounts of the Visionaries

Now, in this time of definition, I ask you to gather to- Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmitted the words of gether and pray with Me so that My Heart may guide you the Divine Mother: and the eternal flame of My Son, His Sacred Heart, may accompany you in each step that you take in this life. Know that as Mother, My greatest purpose is Peace for all of My children. Silence promises you greater knowledge of the essence of God, therefore, dear children, silence is also prayer. I thank you! Today I come here to absolve you and to open the Door And remember that you must never separate yourselves of the Kingdom of My Father to you. from God but rather search for Him in your hearts because He lives there. Let us pray: Thank you, dear children. Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: Let us repeat the following prayer that Our Lady is teaching us at this moment, it is a very In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. simple prayer. Amen.

Listen to me, Redeemer, – End of the Apparition – because I trust in You. Amen. Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: I would like to com- ment that the Divine Mother called the two sisters to participate Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmitted the words of with us here because they were part of the group that welcomed the Divine Mother: Our Lady for the first time five years ago, on the 8th of August, My school of prayer teaches you to pray with determina- 2007. We remember the simplicity in which we gathered tion. Place your spirits in the words so that they may be together at that time to be with Her for the first time. She told us heard. that this manifestation is the response to what all of us here have Remember that the prayers and the singing open the carried out, trusting in Her and She in us. Heavens so that the healing of God may descend. Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: During the preparation Now, in gratitude to each one of you, I will pour a little there were some events that we want to report. At a moment, more of My Light in order to bid farewell. several crowns of golden stars emerged in the heights. At another, there was a great assistance of the guardian angels to all of those Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: The Divine Mother present; they released many knots that existed around the people, is asking us to sing María, Virgen Madre.13 strings with various knots could be seen, which were untied very 13. Tr: Mary, Virgin Mother. delicately.

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Also, during the preparation we had the special visit of the Master Christ, as the Sacred Heart, who came accompanying Our Lady. He brought in His arms a representation of the planet Earth. He showed the planet and indicated with His left hand some continents, especially the American continent, which could be seen illuminated by a golden energy. He explained that the task of prayer allowed for this continent to light up. At that moment Our Lady disappeared and Christ performed a special task with us. He opened the Kingdom of the Heavens and an energy of sky blue color started to descend upon His head as a great column of light. This column expanded itself, radiating its energy to everyone and touched this whole place and also other more distant places. Then Our Lady appeared again. She descended from the Heavens with many guardian angels and imprinted in our consciousnesses the image of Her Glorification, making this light descend from the Heavens and coming closer. Two of the guardian angels that were with Her were each holding a chalice. With this image we understood that a Ceremony was taking place, an inner communion with Her consciousness. At a certain moment She indicated to the angels to place them- selves in different parts of the field. Our Lady came dressed in white, but changed Her attire three times. The second was pink and the third, with which She ap- peared at the end when She blessed us with Her Light, was grey. Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: Let us give thanks by singing the same song that we sang that night of the 8th of August, 2007: La Mujer que Nos Guía.14

14. Tr: The Woman who Guides Us.

604 “Beloved children, may a part of heaven remain perpetually in your hearts.” Marian Centers in Latin America

Mary, the Divine Mother, asked that four Marian Centers be Irdin Publishing founded in South America. The Marian Centers are places of continuous prayer and vigil, where monastics, collaborators and pilgrims gather together to Its purpose is to propagate works of a philosophical-spiritual contemplate, pray and renew their devotion to Her Immaculate nature for this era of global transformations and great need for Heart so that Peace may reign in humanity and on the planet. inner search. These teachings invite us to expand our conscious- ness, to unravel the mysteries of our planet’s history and enter Marian Centers founded so far:​ into paths of peace. • Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay Irdin is a non-profit publishing house run by volunteer • Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil collaborators. • Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Córdoba, Argentina • Marian Center of the Child King, Teresópolis, Brazil For more information, visit:

For more information, visit: Series Divine Mother Messages of Peace “Always count on My presence, on My aid and on My I words engraved in your hearts, in your spirits and in the Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity books of your lives. Because when I am no longer able to be here among all of you, you will discover that My Word is M Mother María Shimani de Montserrat

eternal, and you will always find in My messages the keys to ary, Conception Mother of the Trinity of the Divine Consecrated nun of the Grace Mercy Order. As a transcend the events of life and to live in eternal renovation. visionary, she is dedicated to bearing witness to the

Association Mary Messages of Peace Mother of the Divine Conception instruction of the Divine Messengers, a spiritual task that Thank you for responding to My call.” she develops by guiding groups of prayer and altruistic The Virgin Mary, in one of Her messages transmitted in service. 2012 to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity requested the creation of a charitable and humanitarian She is a member of the Council of Permanent Guidance entity to propagate Her instructions, and also those of of this Order, which has monasteries in several countries. Christ Jesus and of Saint Joseph. She coordinates the activities of the Nuclei, Marian Centers and Light-Communities in Brazil, Uruguay, In addition to the propagation of this teaching through Argentina, the United States, Spain and Portugal. various media, the Association promotes meetings of prayer She gives lectures on the current planetary situation and in which the Apparitions of the three Divine Messengers In this book are gathered the messages that were transmitted the multiple possibilities of humanity drawing closer to occur. by the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, in the period of one year, spiritual life through prayer and charity. The Association Mary offers everyone the opportunity to the visionary monastics of the Grace Mercy Order, Mother Author of the books “Mensajes del Gran Reino Celeste,” to grow spiritually, encouraging a true ecumenical coop- “Cristo de la Luz – Samana Redentor”, “Siete días con el eration and supporting a fraternal relationship among María Shimani de Montserrat and Friar Elías del Sagrado Maestro Jesús de Nazareth”, “Mensajes de Misericordia” religions through prayer and selfless service. Corazón. and “Mensajes de Humildad”, published by Irdin Publishing. The goal of this work is to take the message of the Most Holy Mary, also known as Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, to each heart. She speaks to us about the need of all coming to know Her messages, which express the importance of us praying for peace in the hearts and among nations. At the end of the reading, you will feel inspired to respond to a genuine call for Peace and for Good and become instruments Grace Mercy Order in the Hands of God. The Grace Mercy Order is an autonomous institution of a Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón religious, philosophical and ecumenical nature. It offers Consecrated monk of the Grace Mercy Order and also a a monastic life with an emphasis placed on the pursuit of visionary. He dedicates his life to prayer and to selfless the expansion of the Christic consciousness. Colection service, responding to the inspiration of Christ Jesus and Divine the Virgin Mary. Founded in 2009, the Order seeks to offer itself as an instrument of the Divine Plan, in communion with human Messengers He was contacted by the Most Holy Virgin at the age of beings and the Kingdoms of Nature. seven and prepared by Her for the public task that began I in 2011. IRDIN EDITORA He has given talks on his experience as a visionary in Association Mary service of the Divine Messengers. Mother of the Divine Conception I Mother María Shimani de Montserrat - Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

capa_brochura_Messages_of_Peace.indd 1 17/04/19 21:47 Series Divine Mother Messages of Peace “Always count on My presence, on My aid and on My I words engraved in your hearts, in your spirits and in the Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity books of your lives. Because when I am no longer able to be here among all of you, you will discover that My Word is M Mother María Shimani de Montserrat

eternal, and you will always find in My messages the keys to ary, Conception Mother of the Trinity of the Divine Consecrated nun of the Grace Mercy Order. As a transcend the events of life and to live in eternal renovation. visionary, she is dedicated to bearing witness to the

Association Mary Messages of Peace Mother of the Divine Conception instruction of the Divine Messengers, a spiritual task that Thank you for responding to My call.” she develops by guiding groups of prayer and altruistic The Virgin Mary, in one of Her messages transmitted in service. 2012 to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity requested the creation of a charitable and humanitarian She is a member of the Council of Permanent Guidance entity to propagate Her instructions, and also those of of this Order, which has monasteries in several countries. Christ Jesus and of Saint Joseph. She coordinates the activities of the Nuclei, Marian Centers and Light-Communities in Brazil, Uruguay, In addition to the propagation of this teaching through Argentina, the United States, Spain and Portugal. various media, the Association promotes meetings of prayer She gives lectures on the current planetary situation and in which the Apparitions of the three Divine Messengers In this book are gathered the messages that were transmitted the multiple possibilities of humanity drawing closer to occur. by the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, in the period of one year, spiritual life through prayer and charity. The Association Mary offers everyone the opportunity to the visionary monastics of the Grace Mercy Order, Mother Author of the books “Mensajes del Gran Reino Celeste,” to grow spiritually, encouraging a true ecumenical coop- “Cristo de la Luz – Samana Redentor”, “Siete días con el eration and supporting a fraternal relationship among María Shimani de Montserrat and Friar Elías del Sagrado Maestro Jesús de Nazareth”, “Mensajes de Misericordia” religions through prayer and selfless service. Corazón. and “Mensajes de Humildad”, published by Irdin Publishing. The goal of this work is to take the message of the Most Holy Mary, also known as Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, to each heart. She speaks to us about the need of all coming to know Her messages, which express the importance of us praying for peace in the hearts and among nations. At the end of the reading, you will feel inspired to respond to a genuine call for Peace and for Good and become instruments Grace Mercy Order in the Hands of God. The Grace Mercy Order is an autonomous institution of a Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón religious, philosophical and ecumenical nature. It offers Consecrated monk of the Grace Mercy Order and also a a monastic life with an emphasis placed on the pursuit of visionary. He dedicates his life to prayer and to selfless the expansion of the Christic consciousness. Colection service, responding to the inspiration of Christ Jesus and Divine the Virgin Mary. Founded in 2009, the Order seeks to offer itself as an instrument of the Divine Plan, in communion with human Messengers He was contacted by the Most Holy Virgin at the age of beings and the Kingdoms of Nature. seven and prepared by Her for the public task that began I Book printed at Pancrom, in 2011. IRDIN EDITORA San Pablo, SP He has given talks on his experience as a visionary in AssociationPortugal Mary service of the Divine Messengers. Mother of the Divine Conception I Mother María Shimani de Montserrat - Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

capa_brochura_Messages_of_Peace.indd 1 17/04/19 21:47