

Van Raalte Team Locals Hanover Township WHILE BOONTON SLEEPS. Personals Church Street \ :••-,•. Defeats Stamford G>nsiders Zoning Mm. Carlton W. Van Xhiyne via* Spring has come to Boonton-and Boonton is glad. called home by the sildden death of Ordinance Adopted be beU in t&e High School, l*ti her mother, Mrs,\E. A. WMets, of Cmmedkot Team Played a ti-aiilit, Tmsday, M* j 22nd, Modified Ordinance Presented She sKows her gladness in every nook and corner. And SayviUe, JL t, .. '" at eight ©"clack. Tfcsre are serctml Engineer Instructed to Select Poor Brand of Ball awl with the spring has come the birds. Birds that sing and Mr. and Mrs. John Clave, of Church Epoitxii& matox to be decided upon. But Still is Not Satisfactory strait, left yesterday for a month's Site for Bridge Over the j. Ctax&e a&d ftlie jvor birds that talk. There is deep and. tender meaning in " Lost 5 to 2. to Committee. trip to the Pacific Coast, where they Railroad. ..'.-' Kion Bros. bam leased the offices the biidVsong. ijiut the talk of the bird reminds ua of will first visit California and then in the tapestry trick balding-. 1017 work north to British Columbia. Mrs. __ Sxp~% erwd of tell tnssen ahnred There were about fifty represen- ; Regular semi-njonthly _ meeting of Staid street-new oospied by Eatti tative citizens from all sections of the youngster "whose mother told Tier that a story had Clave has only ^ecently recovered Broo, for free svus, from E. from a severe attack of pneumonia. Board of Aldermen was held on Mon- wJsm tfeey fc=E sp m Hanover Township present at the ad- been tojd of the kiddie that did her anything but justice. day evening. Ail members were pres- framed meeting of tie Hanover - Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Van Blar- ent except Mr. Bowden.- '•'.'•• ship Committee, held at Wliippany And the child asked who it was had told. "A little com, of Church street, attended the New Tnk,- bas began repairs last Friday night. After a lengthy bird,"~said the mother: "Oh, I know what bird it was. funeral of Mrs. Van Blarcom's moth- Minutes of previous meeting hvero Ijiimw KSBBIC^ fj[n»)iig that tltor- ftTii this zoning proposition* er, at Newark, on Sunday afternoon. read and approved. • •: • ' ""* ooeMare ta road traflfie. it was generally agreed that the pro- It was one of those blamed little English sparrows," re- Report of Board of Engineers foriv some real speed Tfee TTrmm PiMf #Tf««t« Win m poaed ordinance would not be satis- plied the child. ; ''• • •- GREEN POND STOCKED month of April .was read. Mr. Harry. OrKrffl sect Friday ereiunff at tie J&onte factory for, the township; and a new WITH LAKE TBOUT Meadowcrof t, was recommended as -a far Tana Saslte aod pftrfied Sir. sod Sirs. James KemUm^an Higfc new member- of the Bdard of '.Fire land arcnoe. ordinance is-to be drafted and pre- There are. sparrows in Boonton; hungry Sparrows, szcadty esooe. aSoviaar. E&sst sented at the regular nieetxnf% Satur- Lake trout one of the gamest of Wardens. -George Van Nostrand has A soles of foor stiaEea en mission day afternoon, Jane £. eager for a morsel on which to make a meal. ' And they resigned as member'of Fire Wardens. aomeg the Beeroes wiJI begin land-locked .fresh water fishes, may Stewed sp n£l ia tifae grartgs amd W. E- Doremas conunitteenum of whisper and chatter and chatter and whisper until the become ah important angling asset of Report was referred to Fire (Co^mmit- fctU etafttensL v tee. .. •"..•/. Mbantaln LmktsT presented & xaodi- things they say take wing. And, far from their source, . . Under direction of the fir fied ff^frranfff which, - according -to State Fish ant} Game Commission Report of Troasurer. was presenteil B&SL f*r«»ft»«= p_ Brextsie and referred to Finance Committee. TBe Izrst subject wiQ Committecman'Dr. B» V» D. 'Totten, flrop as fact. • . . < Green Pond, in, the northern part of "Tic Kegro and His Beritase." Tl of fiEorris Plains, was too broad, and the state has been stocked with -several Report of Collector was read anil ; And now, to the good people of Boonton: Until you thousand of these trout and the ex-was referred to Finance Committee. team maims e^Jkt ^ £or Slar 39 win * be Still TTT^% tfrfn^tnyy fttP the township Negro and Bis OmtntmtfonL' read in the columns of this paper that we have lost the periment will be watched with inter- Request submitted by Boonton Auto as a whole. est by thousands of fishermen. Supply to install two gas pomps in craved O"Xe3 ad fSajtd a The new modified ordinance -would sewerage disposal plant dispute, take heart and continue front of their garage on West Mai a Ko. ISSt Jr. d. V-A. K, last ejnung, dmde the township into three The lake trout require a pond of ec water and. the conditions street was referred to Street Com- it vas BiffulW*! Boost aosd Airae SSxte OIQXKXIQF utiicazd Apcar ud A,BandC Zone A wopld have the as you have clone during the past few weeks. * You have mittee.' . ' T f ot&er State offieeTSB ^atyn* restrictions as t^p- former ordin- undei . which {they thrive in lather C a bise delegation from ance, with t^^ exception of allowing been fine and big and patient; you have relied oh the . states, the commissioners believe, are A letter was read from George H. £nt asi <5J it HKSSESJ arefl. i^tt?^ Fitzpatrick to the effect that by rea- IVter Gnoper tfyrTt^o^ of Ni people trying to. handle the matter and you have been duplicated in Green Pond. If the ex- oti£r restrictions woold stand. ; Zone periment proves successful in Green son of the town having neglected to jB»«x»wl t&e uss. Eed JUTBTOHI was mete eaests of tht local a big source of help to them. : Pond the distribution of these fish keep dean a crosswalk on .Mechanic aO B mold ta^e in Morris Plains and Cedar Knolls, vita the same restric- will be extended to other water lakes street hi? wife Jiad sustained, a_fal4, .. So far as this paper knows, no letter has been received of New Jersey. The lake trout were and serious injuries, -necessitating' As sooci as t&e store hmlrfrng. far- tions' a?f {A* only prolri!iit$nff pSt- hospital treatment. He endpsed a naif qompei 6? Mn Doland, Ge earagea. Zone C, TBid>\wooId by the Mayor, or anyone in Boonton, from Commis- hatched at the state fish hatchery at Hackettstown, from eggs imported in bill for $162 and,! although he did take in the southern portion of the not want todemand its payment, felt' ' nxaa. a remadded, it viQ be eceo- toamalip, vontd be nnrestriAed. sioner Fagan, in which was even mentioned the disposal wet moss from other states. They make rapid growth and reach a larger that the town was obligated to pay it pwd >y »cpottcr-A. £ I*. Co. store, Jodd Comfit, president of the com- plant. ' '.';"•/• V :'•'.''•• ..,:.••"•'.•'••./.'••'•.. ' ' " ,by reason of neglect to clean /ross- naKn» t&ins £n'-a3 bx tfrit compain size than brook, rainbow and brown mittee, told the position of the rommit- We have heard from the Commissioner and weJiope trout, which species the state uses in wolks, especially as tljey insisted on ins «sa tftard ami fsft enenr tze took, and that bt their oaths the? general restocking work. property owners cleaning thelr^side* nre compelled to protect the town- and expect to hear, from him some more. In fact, hear- walks. On motion matter was refer-'. in m msx-op oa-t&e canal bridge ship as a whole. The smallest sec- red to attorney. ts-Pte&ki. LaPgart «BJ tfie foot of Mara street, bat fartnn- tion has to be considered the same ing from him is a pleasure. '_ POWDER WORKER FLEES one vu hurt and the Permission was asked by Wm. S. Coot cazc of MML M j f Hi. «y as the largest one. BLA£T AT HASKELL PLANT Davenport to put a cesspool**under : There were abont fifteen speakers S .serere stunn bat W< the sidewalk in front of his property ' present* MBxaog -whom were being erected near i his'property, said G. G. P. WOMEN TO VISIT The quick eye of Grant Dolan of on Church street On motion referred Here is Oe ESSSC MS TO SSV it trfgftt. WtiiiaBi BrownTs re that the committee had to be. careful Haskeir probably "saved himself from D£xaa artame, was-stmck lawyers from different sections ' of , • CHILDKEN^HOME to Street Opmniittee. ' ,* j in its action, because:if the ordinance death Friday night when 2,000 pounds toe the township, who freely gave their , A number pf bills were presented FSBS4—ffins^ecck fcd t^t for. Stajm- opinions as to the ordinance presented would not stand the ^eat of the courts, lit order'to see existing conditions of of ballistite in a "sweetie" barrell arid on motion were referred t» prop- 1 Tad asd Hi sxfeSr to £&ert tester. b damaged. and glazing house exploded at E..L and agreed that the ordinance as pre- it was only a waste of time to rush and the need of the unfortunate, little er committees, to be paid if approved. sented would notstand the test of the hVthrough. ,', .!,,.; .--''. .'- "•'.- .'. , .. do.Pont.de Nemours plant. Dolan, . A'.recess was-token-to-look^OTer TBJ-COUNTT LEAGUE: SCHEDCLB courts.- The township counsellor, N. ones~on the very door step of, Morris- about to leave the house,'after load- bills, after ! whiheh Mr. Grpthraill^ The doctor suggested that the town- ing spjlis 'of the powder in a barrel C Toms, was not present, because of ship, be divWed into six districts, and town,. Republican.-women have ~ ar- chairman of, Finance Committee,- r&> - •argent hmfiwi-i elsewhere.' rangedfor as many as possible'. of saw a tiny flash; such as usually pre- ported that all h^d been approved for one citizen be appointed'from each disv sides these explosions. He took to, Buries the manr discraaiens it was trirt, taking tha election, districts as their iiinnber ta 'attend the i'Moiris payment-. Dn hla motion a numljer . IJSMBOB baa teen ananspj xa ~ hls^heela and before, the blast c^ of notes were ordered renewed.'-^ J-'-* - pointed out that the township ought hpundaries* and reportNaliaV each dis-~ -Cbuhiy Chud/en's Home at Parsippany was seventy five feet from the scene. I cr Himuiun.ii» or some ccg wria ta he pI*I*I 1 3szie£s=z& ssm SIIJ 13, Pomptoa Lafas »t Bixsriale, to hare a ynwmp ordinance'alQiouch triet- wanted as. a zoning ordinance, on the morning-of May 24. .A general He was n ot injured. The cause of the Mayor. Moller stated that Newark •Ifcxlis szMtla l.m^r^ Pint at !K»IT«H Batter at the present one vaa directed to block and in that way the committee could explosion has not been determined; News article to the effect that Jersey get aomewhereX . _ . invitation is extended to all members City had notified him that location of latle Fall; Slay 2fiv Btradafe at Pbia- the Jersey City disposal plant project, Dolan had been carrying the powder which, is about to be started in Farsip- After farther discussion Dr. 'SSSeTBof the organization to make^a visit at sewer disposal plant could not ber>. fed csror. afmwaWmfl EraQetfc ta p , this time, v ; \f'' f*om a car to the barrel, in which it moved further away tfrom Boonton secae asd FrBcs ""rraEl ta tMrd, O&J IBffie TaUs at Batta; Jane Z. Kmnel- pany near Boonton- -. " » suggestions were adopted and the fol- ia polished, with graphite. • The ex- R. BL Gay, .of Boonton Manor, was lowing committee was - appointed: To open contact between the Home was not true, as the letter he received RETcxdaLe, ^rmptnn Lakss plosion, which occurred abofit 9:45 contained no reference to said.phint. fey ecS. t» ire£2xce Ha. FaOs> Batter at Lincoln ~ Morris Plains, No. I, Fiederick Hou- and varioaB sections of the county, o'clock, was felt all through/this sec- wen; Morris Plains, No. 2, C. A. Dobi He said everything looked - good for bmd X=K3 srcfffe: cat. One RZIIL _ > met every some of which did^not even know of tion and the blaze that followed wat Boonton in tho negotiations pending object£onv and always nrged speedy bins; Malpardis, No. 3, Fulton Cox; its existence, Miss Alice visible .aa far as Paterson. Only the with Jersey City. , -...•-....-.. June i- w5—«-• "—^•> rt i£ l A*t temporary one. Wiuppariy, Ko. A, E. W. McEwan; Par- general /secretary of the New Jer-glazing houses were damaged. ea Ease' Csar) sippany, No. 5, Dr. R. A. Rabe; Moun- Mr. Smith, chairman of the.Street F. T. Eubidge president of the sey . Citizen's, Institutional Commit- The blasts temporarily stopped a Committee^' recommended -that Wm. Sfoantam Lakes Association, stated tain Lakes* representativcr'was not yet HEKOBIAL DAT ^ ~ . v tee, delivered a".stirring address in dance,at the Haskell Club, but this Davenport be granted permission .ta thah t thhe Ai'ij h, appointed- -. „ . was resumed when word arrived that TO AIX EX-SOLDIEES. SA1UDES AXD MARINES thft Boild- Ledgewaod iBaptist Church. As a place cesspool under sidewalk; that Loaa Assodati&a at the Xaires Mr. Doremus himself asked to with- result, several_women in the'audience the fire was extinguished. Employees Boonton Auto Supply be granted per- ' fc Buafaa ud TidailT draw the ordinance he.presented and of the' plant fought the flames. Y«a CTnrfitfaw tfee fe tiing tot Mentaml Itay. orsM the ordinance. ~C. V. T3- offered to aetve as a medium to pro- mission to install gasoline tanks and • - letson, president of the Morris Plains that the matter Be laid over, as he that William Pier be given lines and Ai^ocTitwni' spoke -against the. propo- was willing that all tho sections of mote interest by giving teas and other . _r» 6s pime eases tier waist-Ene •social affairs, at which time the sub-NEW BOONTON INCORPORATION grades by engineer BO he .could put the township should be protected in down sidewalks. , All were concurred »-J^ W<0, eazz! Crt tla.: o&l Vrffaca «nt asaia and boircHT-.tle ject could bo presented. , . E. W. McEwau, of Wbippany, de- some.way, and'he was satiafied. that Articles of incorporation of thien by the Board. , the committee was on the .right track ' f, tien 3roa TSIII let them fciTe clared that the ordinance would be Sliss Hilt-spoke of the wonderful Hanover.Construction Company of 119 Mr. Smith then offered'aresolu- ' acd^stated that it of getting; somewhere with a zoning and efficient Superintendent and hiaMechanic street, Boonton, was filed tion that 75 cents a barrel and ?3.00 II jraa Dirf fMeSre to dsa a wrt&w E» =P and tee Georsz Fisher." (Hwae s tbe Tnnft vltcnt an ordtnazicc pro- wife, Mr. and. Mrs. Bailey, who have in the Comity Clerk's office on Satur- a load be charged for cleaning cess- > MBited tltc vniAnip of somr kraut and The meeting adjourned at' a late wrought.such^a change in the Home iA fcanr »fe»S -Kiitng t&a» so I*m sife.) . . • day last' The company will carry, on poolsjn Boonton, it costing that.much bat doss. * He said be liked both, and since their coming a couple of years Hare j«nr osStar. »SjS «r sfeter, or sana&acjy else/is sister go owr tie a generai'^construction business an,d to do the work. Carried. woold like to see*, anybody stop; him ftgo. buti they must have support, and J ECT ' has an authorized -^capital stock of A letter was read from tfie State from tn^VfT'g tTiftTi if be wanted to. the number of'children is increasing $10,000. Stockholders arc John R. PEa3li£Da1ta»jibTjg ELLIOTT FUNERAL. Board: having charge of the Morris Mr. BIcEwan grgrf that a differ- to, Bach'an extent that the problem Padovana,' Tony Marasio , and .DanCanal, asking that a resolution bo it £BB\ Ct pCT. lie £s^£y SerEeaxt EKTCT meaat it to fit jn vltea be py'rfyaft**if>~pTT*i one.be Boonton Lodge of OddV Fellows, to- ii becoming greater. While the oldej 1?adpvanaf all^ with' ten- shares- each, passed releasing the State from any 1 that, it 'wrmtd protect ones attend the public schools, pro- and the latter is named' as fitatutory 1 1«G& fiar pass aM Kga tftaea to wear mih jmsr pcttees. Toa wul aeca gether with members.of the Degree agent ayrnf BoOXltOO BlftZIOT of Sebekah, numbering around 100, vision should be made for their fur- (Continued on gage 4) J Teas &are Mane naneifsff ta &k. ' froar sewaee disposal plant ther education, Miss Hill pointed out. to. be cat.' THIS TIME THEY PROMISE to be and members ol Boonton .Council, erected in that jeetara. Jr. Order United American Ilechanks, They are> not just little pieces of hu- MUSICAL AT LINCOLN PARK Eraa t&e veat&2T mxa tsmmsus Jbmarial Daj win be a fine day W. B. Desarest, of Troy HQIs who paid their hut respects and tribute manity dumped on a refuse heap, bu With Money in the Bank He koasrs aftat Sea talliES about.. i^t a^ KataVver py ivrQ£cssiB^^DB e3^nuut to'their late brother, William H, El- show that .the.y y have' ability for doingg The program committee of tho Lin- HE SAW US LAST IKAE. tiVa^ t&e flr«Trpanfy lift {JJ ^0 Teasona~ liott, on Sunday afternoon. Marching somethingthi g , many of jth displayindilpyi g coln Park.Home and School Associa- Me; and it .had to perttiis. to the life. down Main street from their rooms, exceptionatill tatanttatt They are bibrighh ii- * and alert and not only worthy to betion has announced it will hold ita At onrf you will feel more they.escorted tha remains -'of their musical the night of May 26 at the -safe, • more confident, happier-. y He f^T^^itft wltiKt was d brother from the undertaking parlors taught useful vocations but as useful homo of David Benjamin. Among: in other towns ia New Jersey, and said of Mr. Brown to the Eeformed citizens have a, right to be. those taking part will be Mrs. Arthur It is storing a port of yonr' Church. The pallbearen were George The children, no longer present.the Kitchell, pianist, of Newark, and lbs. earnings, - engaging them to- appearance of an institution all deck- 1 B. Bqmine, Warren L. Doremus, Madeline Reining,, soprano, and Mrs. work for you. We pay 4%. £k petition nFVIVP*B 'by 42 George tofthouse, 'William.MacNeil, ed mfjanjr > hc)j^*lhc orphans. } Ana uwera v . An invitation is also extended, to BOONTON,N.JV Boonton National Bank these women visiting the Home Thurs- All of Uie above on Reasonable Terms JOHN day morning,. May 24, to go "a sec- ond- mile." and attend the Republican meeting to be held at the "home of Mrs. tGEWM Clark In. Mountain Lakes, taking box loncfiea with, them, A r- TWO TOT BOONTON TTME8 AND THE BOONTON WBEKLT BULLETIN TUEtDAY. MAY 22,1»»

CHESTER MEN PINED $1,000 Horbach and German Xrarja, two of CONFLICT AT LITTLE FALLS continuing their efforts in the field of DILLON'S MANAGER SEEKING tinue their lowing at two-week in. potatou can be grown. Plants shonld FOB VIOLATING LIQUOR LAWS the men arrested following the raid / ON SUNDAY AMUSEMENTS Americanization, in which they had "MOBE WORLDS TO CONQUER" ieryals. - be purchased frpm seedsmen to start on the farmhouses had. been'at, the been-succesaful. . Go overfall the trees, shrubs anc^ the. crop. . . • -..-...— -- The connection between the raid on place only two weeks' before. .Judge More than 200 citizens filled the Officers were re-elected as follows: - (Published by request) other'riaraery"stock planted this spring Tomatoe planting time has conie. At -* the farmhouse in Cheater, which net- Wilson fined each of these $250. Wag- rooms of tfie little Falls Township State deputy, William L. Leonard, Eli- Dillon is a clever'and hard-hitting and firm the ground thoroughly 8gain the time of transplanting set. some' ner' was fined »500. Their bail Committee a few nights ago to raise zabeth; state secretary, Thomas J, boxer, and is ready to meet any good about the roots. ,, ' ^ early and niain crop varieties using ted the detectives of;the Prosecutor^ 1 staff the largest BtiU and liquor hanl was continued until next day' when objection to the passing of an oudi- Horton, Jersey City; s ate treasurer, welterweight for any number of If the garden soil is light, sweet more of the latter than the former. ever made in Morris County, and the counsel promised the fines would be nance for the regulation of. amuse- George J." Gibson, Mooreatown; state rounds, at any club. E. E. Dex- tfno in-'the establishment of IA. V. R. paid: • ' . ••.•••'•: " ments . on Sunday. The result was advocate, Thomas E. Duffy. Passaic; heimer, manager of Jack Dillon', is a Wulff, of 32 Woodland avenue, Mor- Prosecutor' Bolitho said Wulff bad that the committee decided to lay the state warden, James J, Murphy, Perth sport of all sports; so leave it to Vex ristown, a few days: later,' was denied purchasing any liquor/from ordinance over ; for reconsideration.' Amboy; chaplain. Rev. Father Joseph to make a good boxes out of Dillon. brought to light Friday when Judge the men ,in Chester following h}s ar- It was one of the liveliest meetings A.-Ryan, New Brunswick. Dillon is on Ahe war path to meet Kid C, Franklin Wilson fined the three rest on the charge of possessing. in the hiBtory of .the town.; Part bf Forrester for .ten rounds. Dexheimer the gathering wanted im open. Sun- was trying hard to' put the DiUoh- We Announce lo the Public men seized in the Chester raid e, When asked by Judge Wilson, if he DOZEN FARU, NEAR Forrester battle on at the Orange tttal of $1,000 uiCei they' had pleaded had anything to say, Wulff replied day, while the rest expressed a-wish 1 * ./<:• BELVIDERE RESERTED guilty to manufacturing, selling and in. the, negative except to plead guilty. that the Blue Laws be enforced. ^ Armory, but was not able to do so; * possessing liquor. AVulff was charged 1 so now he' lartrying to put'it on at Samuel Lewis, of ButlerY who was Alexander McLoud," counselor for About a dozen farms frithin a radius the Essex Troop Armory at Roae- That increased space arid facilities at our Service only with • possessing llguor, plead arrested by members of the Prose- the business men of Singac, stated.the of a few miles of Belvidere are practi- Snilty to it and was fined ?100. - . \ Ville avenue, in R.oseville. Dexheimer cutor's staff on a charge of possess- objections of the people or Singac \o cally deserted this year, former Mayor is writing a letter to Laddy Kuey to Station formerly known as The Boonton Storage Bat- the new ordinance and presented a Counsel for John Wagner, also ing liquor, pea'd guilty and wiis fined Nicholas. Harris, attorney for thr.ee see how soon he can put on this ten- tery Co,', enables- us to render a more efficient service ?100. ' He denied selling anjl, liquor. cdpy of an ordinance which he advised townships In that section of Warren round go between Dillon and For- known as Otto Kranni,. told Judge that the township adopt This would than heretofore. An up-to-date shop with competent Wilson that his client had madu an Two' men were fined $5' each for County has noted. Their tenant far- rester, and the sports of Morris Coun- give an'open Sunday. Tho business ty hope it will bo soon. If Mr. Kusy affidavit to Prosecutor Bolltho in not keeping their children in school. men, he' said, want to run (lanco halls mers have left them -and they will mechanics is at your disposal and only high grade work which • he alleged that he had sold .One of tho men whose son bad not bo cultivated th:3 year. Last year will not put on this battle then Dex- and other amusements as they do heimer will try to put it on at the will be turned out as nearly oh schedule as proper, work- Wulff six barrels of liquor in May, failed to attend'school with any regu- during the week. a'few* farms were without'tenants, 1922. The affidavit is also alleged to larity declared that his wife had been Hamilton Club in Pnssaic'Dcxheimer manlike jobs will permit. Church, members and clergy were but this year's number id greater, he has been looking for H. M. Osborne, have sot forth that Wagner or KraTins ill: and the boy had remained at home believes. had purchased the farm in 1021 andto keep his younger brother and sif- represented by Page Treadway, of manager of Forrester, and has not Arrangements have already been inacie for the instal- ter from wandering on the railroad Second avenue, and Kev, HI. R. Mc- High wages farmers must pay for been able.to find him. It looks as if shortly after taking possession had k Osborne Is trying to keep away from begun the manufacture 'of liquor. tracks. Caulcy, who is secretary of the coun- help, ,the scarcity of hands at' any lation of additional gas filling pumps so that our custom- cil for tho churches of I'uaiaic Coun- Dex. Dexheimer would like to hear Papers showing tluit he had purchas- prices the advances In the cost of fer- He professed his willingness that ty. They wanted an ordinance that tilizer and seeds and difficulties in from Mr. H. M. Osborne at once. ers may a\oid Main Street congestion and at the same ed barrel's and other materials used in the boy should attend school and re- would stop baseball on Sunday, now marketing are assigned as some of the Mail sent to Boonton/ N. J., will.be time be assured of the same measure of courteous treat- the manufacture of liquor and made ceive an" education but did not Bee permitted, . and prevent opening of reasons for the situation. Farmers sure to .get to E. EL Dexheimer. Dil- in Newark, were found on tho prem- how he could do it under tho circum- dance halls and the running of merry- last fall complained pf therprices'they lon in training at a club in Boonton ment as has prevailed at our Main Street Store for the ises. stances. Judge Wilson told the man go-rounds. Mr, Treadway askyd who received for their products. Cars were and has some good, boys working out The counsel declared that Robert a way would have to be found. drew tho ordinance. loaded with potatoes at sixty.five and with him. Dexheimer is on the trail . past number of years. The other man, from Whippany, seventy-five cents,a bushel and corn to have Dillon box all the bust welter- To know bad .let his three daughters remain He also asked how it differed from and wheat went at low ratcsi weights of New Jersey; Customers now enjoying the privilege of charge ac- away from school more than half the the present regulation, which was ex- how good a cigarette time, Superintendent Champion told plained by G. A. Hunziker, counsel for There will be less acreage planted in counts may exercise that privilege at our service station. •the judged On several occasions' they the township. Mr. Hunziker stated Morris County this year, as tho scar- really can be rrai" ' that it was identical with the present city of farm'help makes this a neces- WHEN T HEY CATCH' To increase the efficiency of our Willard Storage had been sent home from school be- sity ,on tho part of the farmers. A CHINESE BANDIT you must try a-j cause of their untidy hatits and be- ordinance for breaches of the peace Battery Service, the plant has been moved to the lower cause they wero unfit to mingle with with the first section eliminated, which bears' on the,.Sunday amuse- Many Interesting Articles'fn The Mag- The helpnpss Chinese Government floor and customers seeking battery service* other than the other school children. ment question? unable to police tho country, inflicts The visiting nurse alleged that she azine Section of Next Sunday World. barbarous punishments to discourage merely filling and testing, may- drive their cars down had' been to tho home on several occa- When asked by Mr. Treadway the roving bunds of cut-throats whenever sions but after.the first visit tho object of making tho change the com- the driveway adjoining the service station and be off\ If yon want to know what tho: 100 they trap them. Sec the illustrated mother had shut the door in her face. mittee chairman, W. A. Lang, stated page story in next Sunday's New York it was done so that there could be percent American dinner is like, read the street while obtaining battery service. Judge Wilson also admonished this Sunday American. man to send his children. to school baseball games on Sunday. the story of a night at Mnylie's res- taurant in New Orleans in the Sun- We hope the abundance of parking facilities, together properly cleansed. The man at first SEASONABLE REMINDERS refused to pay the fine of J50 im- day World Magazine for May 7lh. It with the lack of .'congestion, will make'the location at- PLAN FORMATION N N ' will make your mouth water for a Grow some okra for its ornamenta' posed upon him,, but after a confer- OF SAFETY LEAGUE tractive' to the bu%y and hurried driver as well as to the ence with his friends'decided to pay ticket to the Crcsent City. value, as wejl as Its pods. and adhere to the judge's warning. How tho inventor of the radio tubq To have tender beets snad carrots inexperienced one and should appeal to you who have Stephen Picrson, of Morristown, Plans for the formation of a Jun- has succeeded in photographing music; throughout the summer make succes- who bad been separated from his wife, ior Safety League among tho school seeing Europe.for ..600; and tho 70- sion plantings at three-week intervals. nice, new cars, the fenders of which you do not care to a Salvation Army lassie, was ordered children of Morris County were made mile-an-hour ferryboat of tho future; Remember the more frequent cultl have marred by maneuvering in traffic. to appear in court next week for a at a meeting of. the Morris County are other interesting articles in this vation ia practiced the more luxuriant settlement of tho martial troubles. Traction"-Company Safety League issue. will hi the growth of the plants. recently. Tw meeting were held, both Continue to plant evergreens. They FACIALS lie had been ordered to pay hiawife f 5 each week sovcral years ago, but,presided over by executivo chairman Spinach jnay be planted as a spring can be planted for another three or SCALP TREATMENT? it is alleged, bad failed to livo up to Thomas Hannon, ono being held in crop for another two weeks. If sum- four weeks. SHAMPOOING the order and 15 now several months tho morning for the employed at night mer spinach is desired sow the New Make \he initial plantings of wax A ' MANICURING , behind in his payments. and another at night for tho men whoZealand variety. and green string beans now and con- Booston Aplo Supply are employed during the day. MARCELLING ft WATER Frank Young, colored, of Morris- town, was arrested, on a. charge of The Traction Company's Safety WAVING 719 Main Street ' and West Main Street desertion and non-support and was League will have.'tho co-operation of BLEACHING, ETC released on $500 fail for a hearing the principals of all tho schools in next Friday. the county in helping to form the Vivian Niemeyer Junior League, it was1 announced. It is planned to.hold a meeting of the II* BOULEVARD EAST A NEW LAKE DINNERS SERVED AT MT. LAKES CLUB NEAR MORRISTOWN children sometime in the near future BOONTON MI before the close of the'school term WALL* At Denville, 7 miles from Morris- when the organization will be Set up Beginning 12 Noon town is an example of Man's ingenu- and made ready to function. The'kind you have been looking for for many yean. ity in assisting Nature in her work. It was announced that ilnce tho in- A dam built across Den Brook has stitution of the Lesguo that accidents Style, Quality and Price, at POUTMT ito.e» transformed 125 acres om meadow have been cat -one third. The League land Into a beautiful lake, with wood- has been In operation only six1 weeks MtCHMeoMVgD ed shores' coves and far. reaches of and this Is said

e ^ Sailing Lake flows into Indian Lake Phon* lltt R and nearly a mile below is the dam Daily and Sunday 1 NEW JERSBW K. OF C. NOW where the waters of the lake find HAS 80,000 MEMBERS 63 Speedwell Ave., Open Evening*, Morristown, N. J. an outlet Chestnut Bill, just across the Lackawanns tracks from, the Den- ville station, 645 feet above sea level, Reports*made at the annual meeting affords a grand outlook over the sur-of the State Council of the^ Knights PUT YOUB SAVINGS IN A MUTUAL 8AV1MGB BAKE rounding, country. A natural draw of Columbus in session at Atlantic The Pork Purchased ketween; the hills causes a constant City; a few weeks ago, show. that At This Market ,", breeze over tho lake.' New Jersey How has 30,000 knights, With 125 acres of water, 200 acres an increase of 2,000 over last year. is selected from the finest stock Two new councils were organized dur- WINDOW SHAPES The Morris County Savings Bank of land.and these natural advantages ever fed lor tfio purpose of fur- ing the past year, one at Hacketts- all so near Morristown and, the great v Side' hemmed 21 South Street, corner DeHart Street niihing a luscious meal to par- Metropolitan .District, Indian Lake town and the other at Mcrchantville. " MORRISTOWN, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY ticular people. Its quality promises to be a very popular resort. Confirmation of tho talked of plans FUJUdTUBE REPAIRED matches tho other superior cuts The property is being opened as to organize all the Catholic boys of AND KBFHU8IIED A MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK i' • of meats to bo found in this summer bungalow1 development, the state for outdoor recreations was establishment. where from $300. up a large lot may given by State Ddputy William L. HThe Only Savings Bank in Morris County bo' purchased oh terms to suit the Leonard of Elizabeth. Interest Dividends Payable Quarterly, January, April, Jmly aaa ROYHOPLER buyer. , Rev. Father Joseph A. Ryan of the R. E. Scholz , / , , Oetober . Mr. Herbert £. GOSS, Manager of Church of the Sacred Heart of New INTEREST PAID FOR YEAtt 1922 4K* 1015 Main St., Boonton the property, is having Jii& house Brunswick, state chaplain of the order, Phonel-t-StoM 416-J; Rei. J78 ASSETS OVER S8.400,fl00.00 , In his annual sermon, praised tho^ian built now close to the north shore' of 4It,MaiitSt. BMHUH, N. J. OFFICEItS AND MANAGERS Phone 743 the lake. Tho Lake Office •' is also to organize a boys' welfare movement bein'g built on the State Highway jn and stressed the need of the? Knight^ M Philander B. Picrson, President •' Denville.' A ^number 'of ; other pur- Guy. Minion, Vice President Ward Campbell, Sec A Treaa. chasers arc^planning to build soon. C. II. Corwin, Aut. Treasurer SI. C. Murray, Ant. Secretary MRS. C. GUILLEN Philip IL Hoffman . ' Engene S. Burke Alfred Elmer MilU Henry C. Pitney MS W. M»ki BU Bmtn, V. 1. 6,000 TELEPHONE EMPIRE: TIRES " George W. Stickle . •• Charlea W. Parker ' R*mt*4 PUT YOUR SAVINGS IN A MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK PIANOS GALLS A MINUTE We guarantee EMPIRE TIRES' to be the equivalent of anj! tire you may purchase, irre- CMtn Takm In Trala*, B*. spective of the price you pay. pairtaf, B«fal»tl*i; Ab» B»- N. Y. Telephone Company Han- jksDiiBf PiaW TtUfiktom fil. New Prices of Mazda Lamps dles About This Number CLEAN, FRESH MERCHANDISE Each Day. " Size ' - Fabric Cord iTubea 30x3 C L_ $ 9.35 - $2.40 r 10 Watt Clear $ .32 New Dry Cell Willard Tfcf> jglranUa growth of th* telo- phone .business Is grftphtcally shown 30x3y2C 10.25 $13.75 2.85 15 Watt Clear .32 Storage A Battery by some tntereiUnx comparisons in a 323kS 14.30 ' 19.00 2.90 recent Issue of the Tolopbono Review. 25 Watt Clear. 52 U ten re*rs ago th« Inhabitant* of a 31x4 C - 15.55 2K85 . ' 3.25 town the size ot Englowood. N. X, had 25 Watt Bowl Frosted .37 suddenly decided*to,JUDTO away en 32x4 S 16.20 24.10. 3.40 fW 1} Tolt peanut tubes. OntlaiU masse the operators who handled the' tuny dry. cells. Will operate any traffic of the New York Telephone 33x4 S 16.75 24.70 3.60 . 40 Watt Bowl Frosted—_.37 lumber of tubes. Recharjjble. Company could hare approximately re- 34x4 S 18.05 placed the .population. The operators 25.50 3.70 40 Watt Flame Tint .42 then employed by,the telephone coin* 32x4J/2S — 21.70 $6£0 each 31.15 4.35 40 Watt Clear. I__ .32 pany.numbered 11,500.. At the end of 33x4'/iS 1922 the telephone company's operat- 22.95 31.85 4.45 60Watt.Clear_-:_; - .37 ing force numbered more tfian 25,0 OO^ • 24.25 32.65 . 4.50 equal to the population of a city 2 1-5 60 Watt Bowl Frosted .42 times the size of Englewood/or about 35x4J4S _, 25.45 33:60 4.70 ftaonton Storage Battery the size of Rome, U. 7. 36x4J/2S • 34.35 4.75 75WattCrear 55 West Main Street In 1912 operating forces In .the en- 33x5 S 38.80 5.25 75 Watt Qaylight .70 tire territory of the Now York Tele- phone Company, which Includes all of 35x5 S 40.70 5.60 -100 Watt Daylight L_ .90 New. York, part of New Jersey and •37x5 S - 42.80 5.75 part of* Connecticut, handled on the I, 10*0 Watt Clear, .70 Oriental and Domestic arer&gerbf 3,846,671 calls a day. Dar- C—Clincher S—Straight Side 100 Watt Bowl Enamel .75 ing 1922 this traffic had Increased to &2G5.135 dally calls. We offer, until May 31st, a discount of $2.50 on any article you purchase from us—Prices 200 Watt Clear . 1.15 It Is difficult to got an adequate Idea or picture of this enormous traffic. printed above. This discount is given on any purchase of $10.00 or over. Nothing'has been 25 Watt Round Bulb Thoroughly and Properly Bat If a peraop Bhould make one call added to the price, but we offer yoQ ihia'merely as a cash discount, expiring May 31st, every three minutes during the work* Frosted I .47 ing'day ft would take nearly 145 years 1923. ' - - ' 50 W&tt White. 50 CLEANSED tomakfe the number of calls which Are ma do each day In the territory ot\t&a FULL OVERSIZE Complete Line of Electrical New York Telephone Company, The Oriental Rugs task would havo to bo finished by his Devices Repaired by Armenian Weavers great grandson. DOVER TIRE! CORPORATION According to tho new Telephone 16%-22 South Sussex Street, " - ' Dover, New Jersey Draperies "'• Almanac" • much of the^ talk* between I Cleaned and Dyed the V, S. and Cuba, via tho Key West-' Phorie Dpver 687 Morris & Somerset Electric Co. BaVana cable, la about sugar and norse-faclng. Business and personal ' : PHONE—CALL—WRITE 20 South Street, Monutown; 7!6MainSt..Boto>tta csOls sure said to be evenly divided. 1', It ia not advertising if it is'not the truth . JVELLSRUG SERVICE Moat DC tho Easiness calls are In Eng- IftnMnn lish' and the personal calls In BjMt J\ -&. fcrn Street. BoontavN. J. Hflfo-fftoj Triephonf KevleT. It /. J THEEB THE aOOWTOK TOMBS AND THB BOOKTO* selves. To- destroy these insects use1 if Newark will occupy one of the LINCOLN PAIUC NEWS tobacco, many cigars and cigarettes would tell some of them to you, but and other goods. nicotine «ulphat4.. It is. necessary Beam bungalows on Dover road for as they were told on the smoking sec- to coat the lice with the eolation in ;he Bummer. ' (From The Morris Star) Mt. W- Hynia of Jersey City will L. E. VINCENT tion sidij of the ferry, I fear me I soon open up a modern and up-to-date order to kill them. • ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert" Williamson cannot. , The Borough Council recently Be sure that the privet hedging Stenographer and TjrpcvriUr passed an ordinance licensing the sale delicatessen place in store nert to the of Morristown. entertained many peo- May 9—Whilst walking along 30th Schneider Bakery, and experts to carry planted this spring Isf cut back to ple from this place at bridge a. i*.w CommisaJoaer of Duda a>d of, refreshments and other privUedges, stubs three or four inches above the street (X think), I saw a firm name and,, requested all residents to clean every article of food here, which you eveninga ago. Notary Public over a door: "Styles -*& Cash.""- So- will find on the counters of the largest ground.. This will force a heavy de- up their properties without delay,. •.' ; ; T A* Jarge number of new buildings are !\ (From tie Mountain Lake* Mcwi) liloquized, how well they go together,] : stores in the big cities, ••'.-' „ ' " velopment of young .shoots close to Full eoani of print* iBitrne- The email daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ( the ground, making a thick hedge at bmng-.erected in DenvUle Township Diary of Our Own Samuel Pepys. for in order to have one you.musCT W. P. Scfciefer of the W. Mt -View Ted. Hoagland's business *ha» been and as this place is growing rapidly Uon in lUnography given. . needs have the other. Coming home 1 the bottom.- • ; . > May 5—Home from a long and section was thrown down by a passing going during his illness just the same another census will show a large in- on the 5;30 endeavored for the sev- as if .he was in the office, Reason he .tedious trip. The ache and weari- 1 automobile and seriously injured. The crease in tiie population. enth time to beat Bob Salter at has had such an able assistant in the DENVILLB NEWS ness that was in all my bones fell 1 occupants of the auto never slowing 1 bridge, and as ,UBual failed- ignobly. (From The Morris Star) away from me like the old skin from up to -find what injuries the little personage of Mrs. Edward Laux. I'll wager that he, like my wife, wish- The JDenville, Townsmp Committee a snake (a not particularly edifying •I might never go on the 'Yoad. one had tiuatained. A chance ' for at its last regnlar meeting advertised simile, as I look it ovei, but forsooth, officers Watt and, Hamilton to bring TIMELY HINTS FOR THE for bids on the road from the Bocka- 'twill-naye to do) when I came in ageing these, ' Road Hogs to .Justice. HOME GARDEN A May 10—Amazed today when told ffay Biver Bridge to Hano^e** Town- eight of the old home.' Great, " by a man who should know that dur- R. W. Eayburn spent the week end ship line. Bids to be opened i'v public' was my joy, at being once more Make a final spring sowing of let-on May 14th. . - ing 1922 there were 102 billion cigar- his daughter Mrs. A. B. Mariow.' , tuce. If planted in very fertile soil the gude |Wife and children. Did ettes smoked in this country. Ar- ^Lights have been installed tinder naught'all the day but get acquainted Mr. and Mrs. Howard.Berry of Ma- and well watered the plant* will head the two bridges on the State highway, gued most zestfully with a school plewood are visiting Mr... and Mrs. well before running to seed. with (he family. teacher that the modern system of Thanks to the Morris Coanty Trac- J. W; Shepard, ,J* Try some melons this year, it they tion Company. , May 6—Today our youngest hope- teaching was not as thorough as in are consistently sprayed With bor-| the days when I was a boy: Stoutly Mr. and Mrs. George Eberhardt of Several new houses are being plan- ful brokb out most beautifully with West Hobokeh spent.the week end deaux mixture disease is not likely to measles. So covered is she tha't one maintained that the present system ned to be erected along the new road # at their cottage here. ; overcome the plants. from the Biver Bridge to the Hanover • might mistake her for a red polka *of sight reading, etc, was not con- Over ground that is found to be sour •dot^ kerchief. In spite of. this and ducive to good; grammar, correct \Mr. Arthur Hollo way has returned Township line. home much improved in health. after the plantings have t>een made Mr. and Mrs. James Mills, Dorothy under the gentle prodding of •my help- punctuation, a, proper spelling. Should ground limestone: may be distributed mate, I hied myself *o the basement think it might be interesting some Mrs. William Boifee spent several Mills and Edmund Mills of East Or- and worked into the surface soil. The ange spent the week end with' Mrs. to clean window screens. However, time to prove or disprove this con- days in Jersey City and other places. dnot getting on -the foliage will do tention, to have some high school Judge Klein conducts his office with Mills sister MrsJ Geo. Tattersall of Feed It for the I did H with an ill grace, as I deem it no harm. • - ' - , • Valley View Farm. it a most abominable job, but, alas, students- meet- an equal number of dignity and the efficiency of the large In planting' potatoes this y«far drop quite necessary.' "oldsters"" in competition. Let ancourts in the big cities- Many cottages on Diamond Spring First 8 Weeks article be read aloud and see which The new parsonage of the Keform- the/seed pieces every ten or twelveroad are being opened for the season. i " :\ May 7—Up betiriiea and made tho inches apart in the/rows^ If the ground Mr. William F. Irish left on Sat- * Prevents the big losses of Uttle chlcka dua 8:06. Again waa my heart m,ade glad set will have the best marking on ed Church la being rapidly constructed is made fertile such close, planting ' to weakness &nd gives clucks that quick spelling, punctuation, etc and ought to be completed within a urday last to visit his Mother in Buf- etart necessary to insure early broilers and by.'the boisterous greetings, of the , will .tend toward bumper crops. Use a falo. . bridge friends. Indeed, they seemed ' May il—Out with the gude wife few months. " • . • high-grade commercial fertilizer at layers. Also helps to prevent White Diarrhea. ,'as glad to see me as though I played to call on some friends. - Soon other *The foundations for the new library •Mrs. Charles Martin of Wesley neighbors dropped in an.dso develop- building on the Benjamin property the rate of one ton to an pcre. Place will give an afternoon tea on f Semi-Solid Bnttermllk Only in John K'a luck.. Would that J had Now that the late spring frosts aeem May 18th Tor the benefit.of the Metho- € Conkey'a is the only buttermilk Starting Feed his skill. Learned that Bowman's ed what I".j modems wpuld vail a are finished, and work on the atruc-( made by the oriinnal'Conknr jirocess that has been . ture will commence at once, '' practically over, all the tender flower dist Church. fuL We use Seral'Solkl Buttcnnilk only. .baby will soon be up and about sell- "session of penny ante." Neither did and vegetable plants may,.>bq trans- E Conker's is low ta "^re ana •ing real estate—that Hans feels it the host forget his duty* Many times The Knights of Columbus of Boon- Mr. and Mrs, Walter Gardner of just right in protein. Clean, did he excuse himself from the game ton will present a show at the Lincoln planted to the field and •'garden. If Passalc were ween end guests of lira. sweet and genuine. ISo mill would be folly to take another trip to the.ground remains cold wait a few Mary Hinchman of Dover road. end*, shriveled or unsound . penmark so long as Jim continues to whilst he took time to make a, singu- Park-Tire Hall on Tuesday eyening grain, weed seed or mil! sweep- May 29th for the benefit of St. days before setting eggplants^ peppers Mrs. Philip Teats of Cedar road en- &gs used—only the best and ride the 8:06; that Muggsy is enjoy- larly pleasing and palatable concoc- and other-heat lovers. ; purest grain. Vet it cosU to ing the best of health and is learning tion which he termed a^'clover club." Joseph's Church now bearing comple- tertained the Needkcraft on last little for those first 8 week* u Though I could find no trace of clover tion. It is not too late to.sow the thin Thursday afternoon. poultryman can afford to M to become quite an automobile enthu- spots in the lawn. without H. Conk*y'» Big 1 iuast; that Bemmic's first remark in the drink, I discovered it was most A large auto truck was entirely Miss Sue.Beam of Dover road en- Poultry Book FREE. benign in its influence, .. , ' ; destroyed by fire early on Tuesday Besldea bush squash for early use tertained a house party of 7 friends a^ter being painfully injured on the sow some of the late summer and fall May 12—-Home on the.noon train morning, May 8 near the homo of from Newark arid East Orange over ' . • " . 'A • ForSakby hall field was: "Thank God, you don't William. Mabey. . varieties of running squash. the week end. , • have to play bridge with your feet." with the other bundle carriers and Cultivation. counts in the garden. BOONtON FEED A SUPPLY CO., 403 Division Strot, BoonUi, N.. Also heard that "Bob" came very garden grabbers. Most disheartened The Ea,, craft hardware store is now Mr. Frederick DeForge and family ably looked after by Mr. Perry, and The more the soil is stired the more j near to getting religion and that there at seeing one side of my lawn nice rapidly the crops will develop. 1 and green, whilst the other side still aa business is fast increasing there are still plenty of gentlemen who, for owing to Mr. Perry's personality, we Al|ow none of the plants to become a consideration, will see that a fel-has a very bare appearance.. Have checked in growth for they never fully low mortal's Sarah-like thirst is pro- tried most everything to get a lawn may soon look' for a great afore for there-t-but to no avail Judging by tho village with all kinds of hardware ecover. . • > AT THE fusely quenched. -Yea, verily, ladies, and tools for sale. . .• Orchard tilliage should now begin and I say unto you the good old rock- the way it looks, I think . it needs and be continued faithfully at ten-day ing chair brigade has nothing on the Glover's Mange Cure—so believe I The Lincoln Park Garage has been t painted white with dark trimmings intervals until August. , ."'.•' 8:06. shall try some in the. near future. If any of the fruit-producing plants May 8—To business as usual, cross- Or perhaps my friend, "Steve," at the giving it a pleasing appearance. "No •store "where you never pay more," one need pass it by for reason that or 'ornaments* have not been pruned, ing on the ferry that I might listen it can not*be. located." cut them now rather than permit (hem GREAT EASTERN STORES to the story telling brigade. I fain will recommend "Herpicide." The hew building of. Louis the togo ontrimnied. Barber Is nearing- completion and Plant a" few pumpkins in the sweet when completed will be a very com- corn rows. When the corn is off the DURING THIS SALE FIRST NATIONAL BANK plete tonsorial shop. vino plants will develop a goodly crop MOimiSTOWN (Organized 1865) NEW JERSEY 'Ted Hoagland is now on the road of pie material. to complete recovery, and very Boon All-summer flowering bulbs and tu- 10c Package . we hope to again see him about the bers may now be planted. They are one LEAVING NO WILL borough. , of the best class of flowering plants 3 Packages 25c DOES IT Needless suffering, bitterness and despair^are often expresed in The new Catholic Church has the for general planting. the words: "Ho left no will." i - roof on, and the. Contractor Jas. J. With onion sets now dropping- in ,1 Package Free With One Dozen a£ ?1.00 The business futures of many young mcn.have been impaired by Van Vliet of Pompton Lakes is. rush- price/Bet a_peck or so of them in the inheriting1 wealth before they knew how to use it. in along the wark as fast a» a loco- garden to produce summer green on- The guiding hand Q£ a trained truateo during their early years motive ,can travel.: \ 'KAJA :•.'-.,,I..V -,'_• ions and fall bulbs fo£ boiling. Washtt—Blcachu would have protected them. , » . - Miss Hattie ' Sloan' baa\ recovered 'Eggs preserved this month will keep In this connection, attention Is invited to the exceptional facilities [from her.'illness and is about the better than those put away during Removes Stains of the trust.department, of this institution. j _•_ Post Office once more.-. . , ;. •Tan,e, July and the other warm months. •The new home of Mr. T. K. Cobb In preserving eggs use -waterglass. 3 per cent interest on checking account* Ja fast nenring-complction, and when In starting the eggplant crop uso 4 per cent, interest oil savings accounts finished will make the family a fine potted plants. They are preferable to all year residence. . Fifty-eight, years of financial success and conservative banking. flat plants, because of their snore rap- NO SOAP Travelers' Checks and "Letters of Credit to all parts of the world, Station Agent Comly of Lincoln id early development Fireproof Storage Rooms l Silver Vaults' Park baa loatj that worried look, busi- Plant lice now.begin to show them- NO SOAKING Safe Deposit Boxes $2.50 up ness most be'improviiig at his station. The dry goods store of Lambert & NO RUBBING U'l.l Sol Glngras, on Turnpike, near Canal Woolena. OFFICERS Wlil Not FBdo 'Fast r Bridge, Lincoln Park, was brpken into Colors. H. WARD FORD, President HENRY CORY, Cashier, V. E. and robbed of considerable goods oh Will Not Harm GUY MINTON.-Vice Preiident R. C. CASKEY, TrustOtficer and Monday night, May 7th, 1928... The. Fabrics. F. D. ABELL, Vic* President Assistant Ciuhier . loss «waa over $300 and much damage, F. Q. MILLEN, Aut Cuhier was done to the front df the building. Docs Your' - The .new building. being built by Freddy Gallagher on the Turnpike Washing ~ near.the Canal Bridge is nearing com- pletion, and when completed will con- Sterilizes As It tain two very cheerful stores. \ Officer, Watt has succeeded in run-? Washes rung down' two of the Bobbers who broke into and stole much merchan- dise in the Stores here and the others Fancy Fresh Baked are expected to be soon arrested. ', •• • "Gilt Edge" Brand / MV3, David MacNiff who is related to the well known MacNiff firm, of MACAROON N. Y. City will soon open up. one of MACARONI , the stores,in the Gallagher building, The sign .SPAGHETTI APPLE SAUCE and will handle plants, bulbs, seeds,. Packed From WAFERS garden (tools jand selected nursery that guarantees ELBOWS stock, and every one wanting such for tire satisfaction Choice Selected their homes should stop, there and get NOODLES their prices/'- *• .• -| .-,.••. -: '..'' •.. - •'../ Ub «/ca.ei dmpiAy.nx Hie Eagle Ripe Apples The etore of James Young on the ' Sign in your 'Neighborhood' ( turnpike near the tear room WAS,en- 18 Ib. tered the other night, the Thieves GEORGE M. GREEN Packages taking* the cash register and .much One of the new Varieties • 1161 Main Street 2 *- 25c Buy—Now and Save. Serve Hot or Cold. In Fresh Baked Cookies This is a MICHffLIN year

The FLOUR of the Family. We -OU K0ge> Family Floor H milled under Wanaenr irlU allow jon Bens (T) Oraab < as his arteries" Is not milled to meet "OJtt Bago" moor. n»mnlto wffl plsasa im, or w \ .—udstinliMoUsJ Its laoa tub*, tut apriccItisagaKty joarmooej. ' , ' ' - in*

BO OK TON TIMES GOVERNOR 8ILZER HAS BUMPED that H. Ford is a bit hazy as to iLuBtbadp ttf second. "Harris hit to TIB short and ws« out at first and •ad , ' INTOA'MESS. • whether Tinjbucto* is the capital of Bellorchistan or Afghanistan. ' Schepps at second on a double. No Memorial Day Thought Tfc. BioBtM Weekly Bulletin runB. ' , • ' ( It seems the State needed land for A foreign writer, sent here to Btudy Next week Van Raalta will play tho an approach to a bridge; A handsome Americaassed overalls veto by to collect them. JV L. QA&BlfiON. Editor KaMTUal. Smith, ss __. 6 1 1 15 0 TB0HA1 H.TKKMHOUL EilUr. the Legislature. A witness swore Pingitore, lb 0 14 0 ,0 fTgftpta* X,. GBUBB, AwMiftU Editor. LaHart, cf 0 0 1 that Barney G*annon, a friend of the Baxter, 3b 0 0 0 Governor, took $26,000 from Donnell Van Raalte Teanu Jackson,'2b 0 2 & Co., owners. It is alleged that he O'Neil, p 1 7 Basch, c 2 1 TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1823 put it in the State campaign 'fund Defeats Stamford ' r ^ ' '. • Gingeral, rf _ 0. 0 which helped to elect Silzer. Isaac Bradley.rf __ -.^3 0 0 GOVERNOR. AL SMITH WITH HIS . (Continued from pace one) > Alpers, president of the Perth Amboy ' BACK AGAINST Tllr? WALL Totals 'i_ _37 6 0 27 15 1 Trust Company, was an appraiser of Pingitore flied out to right. No runs. Second^-Schepps hit to pitcher and Stamford, Coon. \ ' AB.E.HJ»0.A,E. • For the Becond time within a year the land. Governor Silzer was not was out at first. Harris hit to sec- Brodheck, 2b __=__f the prettiest homes along Lufie Do sou want to succeed!in business? Of of the United States, and the laws of Governor. follower! and on second ball, Lustbade . Reports of Board of Assessment on oad; ,.'•'• course you do. Then look after your credit. tried to steal and was out at second. this country." " '. • ThejfirBt step is an account in our No runs> . Lathrop avenue.and Mechanic street WHAT THEY SAY. for Bidewalk improvements were both Week-end; visions were tKe Peorr Special Interest Department. It will give you Governar Smith will veto the Re- Baxter-hit long drive to left-ccntor lenwoods, of.Brookrjm; the Donald- standing, with your bank and all those with peal Bill of the Hullad-Gage Prohibi- and waspus-en ft nice'running catch. confirmed and adopted. . ' '.:, Those in, authority in Morristown, ons and 'Maclntyrea, «f New York. whom you do business. It will give you con- tion Enforcement Act- .When he does Jackson hit ^p third and was.safe'on Mr. Smith stated that the county who have the_ prosecutor's bills to errc " " John Romley/aod wife are occups- fidence ire yourself and bring opportunity for; O.K., 'muBt do that particular work ir. a'NoU hit safely to left plac- had started-.the ! improvement work it, as is decidedly Vindicated in his Jackson. an'third and going to ig their new cottage, which is on progress within your reach. 1 ' so that the books look alright. It is ing __... . _ pri Lathrop'aveouer '• speech, he will become a real candt- : the prettiest homes here. . $1.00)will start, an account,' a difficult situation, bit if Freehold- second Hinuielf on throw-in. 'Basch hit safely, to. abort left, scoring Jack- On rnotioh of Mr. Lewis the engin- Win. Eayei. Una. made extensiv* . datb for the Presidency/! Twice in po- ers and Prosecutor are/sincere in their son and: OMJaO. Bradley drew.a pass; eer was instructed to look over and changes in. his garage, which has beeas 'desire,to enforce the law there is a sitions in Boonton tion should be prevented. Jackson walKeal Dew fire equipment was laid.{rreV to of thu TowacauOourttzy dub a pro can show their patriotism by pur- forcing i ' " O'Neil also walked, •a adjourned meeting, to be'held on gram was laidi'ono. far tbe summm, Baxch strode out. May 24th. chaaiiyr U»ir poppies from members • Many sales are being made in One rum. . , -« The bastball'.lcmnmiUM hare gotten of the Boonton Legion- Let's make Mountain Lakes. You can't hold a Sixth—Brcxfflecfc kit stow one to An ordinaiice slight team togetbocand. we may look for it an nnirersal doty to do this and good thing down. - ' first and', beat it out Scnoeder hit »Ti»ii]>» fn* numbering of zoning* ordidi* then "wear them prominently, ihow- safely to right and: Brtdbedb was out aance wa» adapted on its final read 7 ing lint we endorse the good work There were rumors about town that at the jdate. Schoeder went to sec- ond on throw-in. Bfaffia struck •ut. *•&••.' beinfe done by the ladies of the Auxil- Jersey City authorities had. decided On motion cf Mr. YAmmA^ Harry iary; who will use all fnnds they can Friss hitt to tffirrf far third out. No that they could not re-locate the Dis- ; BeadknKEoft wu confirmed as a new uns. • ••" .•<'•.. •' ' '' collect to aid disabled soldiers. Give posal Plant. The rumors were false. member of Board at Fire Bradley- flied out to pitcher. Tha IFown Attorney wan instructed Our townsman, William D. Lewis, rick hit safely over second. Smith filed out to third. Pingitore followed to. defendT Rilicemsai Knrnka ia a v is.making' « quiet canvass for-'the suit in. court brought against him by F. LEONE nomination of. Freeholder. A sketch and omsecomEbatt pedrick: stole sec- ond. Pingitore hit to short and was a. prisoner, wha claimed! that he: had of his former activities and his.pic- safe onerror, Pedrick. goinc to third. been, abused! while being, placed under 311 Old Boonton Road ture appeared in the' Jerseyman, of LaHart flied.out to center. No runs. arrest. Morns town. Seventh—Lustbade walked. Schepps. The Mayor called attention, to the Dealer in invitation of tfie. legion, to tafte. part Years agoHarmony Fire Company hit to short and Lustbado'jras out at second and ScheDns safe? at first. In: tie: Memorial Day parade and. ex- had a fire house on the hilL It burn- Paper, Magazines, Rag* Harris struck out Shank hit to first ercises, and all agreed to. he present ed .down. for third out' No runs. on that occasion. and Metals ' Baxter.-valkcA. Jackson, atrack. out The. Major stated, 'ha* the, Board We hope the next band of robbers of. Health would, hear a. pollution com- Tcltpfem* ttl'-W O'Neil flied out to catcher. Basch; will~not, kidnap our whole police hit to short/and Baxter was out.at plainL against the E. A. Stevenson force. ,, C ", , second; No runs. Co. an Wednesday- nigfct. Eighth—Thompson struck out. Board then adjourned, to meet on The''splendid roads coming'into Brodbeck Kit. to, short and. was, dut at Thursday cveuug/Maj 2.4th. fntfra bring many people from first Schoeder struck ant No runs. Ut County to this neighborhood. ; Bradley struck out. Pedrick hit Jnjf of-them are surprised at the safely over short Smith/ Bit aaOOi Scotch. P^*rir beauties and attractions'of the -"- betweca first and second, placing trict. / Pedrick- on. third and going; to second Suits, $40, $43. Eyes —oy himselton play. Pimtitorthit to sec- It ia an adyoutage to.secure A continuous neighborhood ond! hasemani. who, heated, it;, permit- new- "springy" wool iu a fabric. DR.S.NELSON Boonton to DenvjBe will appear dur- ting EedrickmdSmjth.to,score. La- TU Fabrics that.' stretch* :thcn Specialist hi Sight Testing- Hart, followed and. eingitarc stole sec- ing the next ten years. Who knows spring buck to anginal shapes, but greater Boonfon, incorporated, ond. LaHactflioiontto.short Bax- • 618 Main Street Telephone 736-W as the Baanockbums dcyare the wjjl include the Denville section. ter ajt to. abort sUp, .who fumbled H, Boonton Jewelry Store andBngitorc wentto third. Jackson best. Hera they art in various BOONTOiT. N. J. . How much better we do things ,for followed; and. Baxter started fir sec- "colorings, hand tailored and gome and fish than we do some other ond.and drew a tlrowj on.whicniPing> carcfuUjr Cttert:to ?eu- $40— things. Pickerel, for instance, have iture: tried to score,; bot was out. at: ¥43. Top Coatsr—Every one 25% been protected all through the winter"; tie platen Twa runs. •ff; prices $2£5u, J3Z25, f3&00, The law is off now and it is up to Hinth—Maffis; fli«l out to center. *48i». C. K VINCENT, 624- them to know -the difference between 625 Sixth Are., Bet. 31st and a meal with a hook and a plain meal, Friss-hit safely oiei third. Lnstfcxdc- 32nd Sts. ' - A complete stock of the • llany will be caught, a few will es- hit safely in tie same place and Friss cape with the, Iota of a lip or a -gill; scored. Schepps walked, sensing others, we suppose, canny and careful, for new.price range, will swim around content to work in the: usual feeding places. Snckers are unprotected because they arc so pr»* lific that there is no "danger of ex- tinction. CHURCH SERVICES

In a contest initiated by Collier's annual or orm LAST OF, MT. CABBEX MOUNTAIN LAKES CIIUKCH . Blrea. and Oak Stte ^T BrlarcluTa and Banao Boada ' weekly arnong its subscribers, desig- •n. Jaaua T. DaaAaatr. Btctar . •». 1. Ctaraao Hmar, ToUt nated as a straW vote for President, Bar. WaKar H. BIO. Aslalaat Cntmli Sarriea, 11 a. m.: BanOaj ScaoaL Bandar Una, t-M. t-Ot. >-ll and UM »:iB a. n. ^ Henry Ford beat Harding about 1087 Mma Bn>Ia,C1aaa. t SO JL m. Our line of English J votes. They were, out of thirteen WaftMaaar. T:«S p.' m. Tba XaaaiT. Sfroaa. Totnis PwU'i Sodrtj ta Tuacajr Enslns. prominent presidential candidates, the BrnxllcUon Prldar. 7:B p. n. Statlana of «ba Croat replete in all the latest i first and second choice. Ford, 5,547; Bcoalletlni. TOST cnuBcn dr cdBisr, BCDSNTIST Harding, 4,460. The unusual situa- UL Lake. Baslcnrd, at BrlanllSa Boad 8T. CTBIL AND HETBODIDS Bandar Sarvka, II a. m.: Sunaar SebMal, ' When yau' break your tion of the richest man in the country Bar. Frank Ekalll. Priail 1:15 a. m. Walnaadar, TaiUiaaialal Kartbte being "a favorite for President, is ap- Mama: 8 a. m.; Hlrt Haa 1044 Saadinr Boom. tU M.ln StnrtTBoontoa, glasses, tty our repair ser- pannC. -In th< popular mind, if, the ep«n to Uia pnbiic from 10 a. vu to a p. dallr, aw holidajra.>.FridaT aranlan,' • vote means anything, Ford' has ia. B. vice and save-money and tolved the question of how to be rich m- u • c nv Batanlar aMniaia, s p. IT. and popular. Almost as big a Job as jomes EPISCOPAL'CBimcn time. Glasses ground and building Fords by the million. ServiM*: Hair: Cosmniilkni.. 7tU DUTCH HJEFOKMED CIIUB6II Bmitt Sthnct. t4» «.TB, Uanlnr Tim. WaiblREton ana urant 81a. replaced' in a few hours 1 0« «. m. . br.Cau>.^.H. B^m. rartar , , X The fact that Henry did not know IrUan, Hair CmummicH IiM. «• m. •^' Bai—'. ctaa. •tu'aTK. on premises. his geography lesson when he was CKB1IAN: H CUtJBCIt' Uornlu Sanka, 11 a. n.; Statin*- Bmka. on the witness stand docs not seem to At Y. M. C. A. Chrbtiaa Enoaamr Soela». T p. ai. be an-tffljection. Why should it? H«u> 8tn«t Bbu Bird BoelrtT, Taaadar and Wl Let Ua,Prove It ' sn. A. B. B«r«r. P««t»r at S p. m. • *»- Mtst of us would scarcely run even. Clrarcb, Scrrlea cvrrr BuBdcy.ai tOS «, B. Prajar Marilnt. Waiaaadaw at t p. m." T^irncr't B«IKUT School dill, BL • ; While Henry was not jnuch on root HKTHODUTT EPISCOPAL annrcn DaaT mamimuK entnea . • , Birch and Ckurth 8a, Anson Ball, Opt. D. geography, ho did know how Wall u>t> at, ut Comtiu anj waucB Stmu / 'J- Bar. a 1> McCab. Paatar 516 Main Street Street was bounded. KUngensmlth, En. Um raatsb, Mt BondaT Sankal Haralnk..U a. in. 1 In '•- fcYESIGHT SPBCIAUST. fcadv HonUK Ssrln, U m.-a.: •lav- s a. B. Saaday Bttool. »;M a. a. jme of his important employees, got BibU.CIa-. W «..»(, br.Han. ~ A ' /, 17 East Bwinr«n Street, Doiir in Wall Street and when Henry found SaacarKnaaCt it out he fifed him. It is admitted r Martin. * p. «. 'IB tamtam mna inmiaonaii

31. M. FSESS ASSOOATHM tac etoBBfitee kariax fceaa tbaa: tie aaall «aagat« ef Mr. acid STATUS buia, getti&c I? » day. This wil CONVENTION JUNE IJ TO IS tartcxate ia SBtmit* euaf artabte ae- Mrs. MoaBt; aticat lacerations only; cost more than if they were paid at cEKawialnax at a rewimam rite. Mr. aad SIra. LuanJIa, Krere tacera- tha rate of 12,000 a year, the amount Tawpncraataf tke eeaVeislSaa i> «ae Qoestioas lteari&£ oa thft dispute ho sought to give them, the prosecu- 1 Knr Ta*. t&a^in inififfi^wT ftf tbe ^^^g^y*^ ^ caa SS ContiET place, Brtwiija. jj ia Blorris Grant? between Froseetttpr tor pointed oat ' . The Pudding Stone Inn afford ta niss. Ike eooasittee aa- ta W\bt aid serere coataooits. All Bdtit&o and the Board of Freeholders - Open all year; favorable) weekly rates; folder. Tlie n»KK ef tae £BBt ia tie cosmtry after their Salaries vtn dressed* 155 ORPHANS AT OUTING Usat e*aH Bare k^ea sekcSid far Uae er astaastttEsis wtat to t&e aid dttcctiws by the prosecutor were elar- Assoditaoa •wffl lie heM at tke Laxx • i iHm» Tiae o^u^^ttec ia cfej of t&ft iajared, vfa> vere taksn from ifkd Friday mornins at the office of The Morrlatown lodge of ! Elk. M»W.T,V Iteiralaia House, Lafce M»- are A. E. Blistar. ptrsaifst; J. t&eir respectp m ears aod laid ea cosh* the Civil Service It which has for several years given the bo^k. Ulster Craxiy. SL T, (or fosr i & iite jS thi cfcainaaB; W. B. R. Masaa. iou at t&e their boys and eiib^oj the Children's Home ^b$s, faegwmsg friday. Jaae 15. Tfce -. aid Jata E. daray, Jr. vas said .that the appointment, as wwyTang wjBl take tke- aMaaben «f they stood were not valid iTthey were at Paraippany an outing, on Friday UK press of Ihij State ta "the SaiSz- HOJOKIST TKDES TO P-AES . WOMAN IS KILLED AS CAR eensufered permanents' appointments, hroadened this plan by extending their cciand of Aawrica,"1 a s$et; ef ragged OTHEES: EESLLT. SIX IXJCttED LEAVES EQAB IN SUSSEX CO. because such could not be made with- entertainment to many orphans of out examination, subject to civil ser- Morristown* Madison, Chatham, Wfcip- ESSENTIAL g vita Ker farailyto vice rates. No examinations ver£ • tdut traffic officers pxss «ae or mare ttk> lyn, «(LO is in charge ef the trees were state employees even though and saw a special childen's picture. should be |i*^lir^*l in your plains Jy UtBr fairy £or e&roes sodz^ ia tbe sa • • ,o* "at tbe late. Near they were appointed by the prosecu- After the performance, which also and you can cely on his judgment He met tbe* SSoB&dlasr E&an^s of Isaac Kjmer tbe tor aad paid by the county boards of included fotfr vaudeville acts,, the party in the selection of the best brand Tbe itifa«* fcstfed a mxt into a £tca, throwicj Mrs. Ctzr freeholders. was taken to Elk's Hall in Washington in any buildins mat*Aa\ line. BeserYalsoiBS %st tlbe oaT t id rte ~ The CitU Service Commission, said street and treated, to ice cream, home via ctase oa May % sad jaestere Charles P. MesskS^ its secretary, had mad? cake and" other refreahmens, each cnild being given a hag of candy of the n'wnrimS™ its apect to at- cosU bardjy be secaiated. t&e beadEe^ts of an approacoice car. Bat exercised a very close supervision tad afaastd-feare their agJIVitimC Tfce iajsnd, the esxtest of tbcsr oxer such officers because it does not and nuts as he or she left the hall. Tfee car raa oa iata a secood tree Then, another auto ride was given the ATLAS w3a U>OT Cist pajmem, ia tlfae fcaxdsistjanes azd tbeir |iEaees of ressidknoe aid **s nccted. Dariis sustained receive rasters or payrolls from coun- ef the UtfMUH. W. B. ft. Masraa, were as feOncs: ^ ties not under civil service. Morris party and -th children were returned a few scalp mods from gtast. Tbe to their homes. Bonaa Pnek. Si. X. fey that .Sale. Tbe 3Ir. aid Sirs. Sloast^ ooffillssaiMas asd oi&HS ««re thrown from lite car. A a sat under civil service, he (aid, bat "TiltPORTLAN Standard byD U'liUJi CEMEN all othcrmatesT peraaBcsft (osata skata- of the town. Two of Mr. Boiitho-s opera- fiscated a quantity of what they al- MoJfcr did receive a letter tins, Huberbt t and Rnn^ lege ia rye whiskey. Frank Fielder, i PtfimHimB; asast ban seed tiTuraiiiiMi aad started at ftpOO.Th e Morris board by proprietor, was ordered to report to You can get them all at i aiiaWBBt aa joa cjaaSfy; enepjicoal tisa wita the RKte throBt^ Baoatoa a vota of 3 ta 2. approved the first Judge C. Franklin Wilson on a charge of the tmak sewer, hot n» ref erenee payrotl rahmitted the majority hold- of having liquor in> hia possession. tar Oat ricU aaaa. TBfta« F. a Bar N». V. LaeeJa Ptafc, ing that the jodg* of the Court of Detectives on Friday went to the : ~ ef the atcataa of disposal N. J, alalicr ymr cjaaSScaSina. - . Cnm-mon Pteas bad apBioved it and Hudson ''County Penitentiary and took The Major taya aecotiatlQas wit that be sad dtscretion. Wednesday's into custody Clarence Lewis of Rocka- action was a rwc«aal of this r^witifm, wayv who had completed an eighteen Fred Gordon Co. Mr. Facaa »TH <£sposal pJ^'*^ wtfrA that the en charges here. His first wife'lives in autteft&eht^iery ataca eocoonyed. his three detectives were on a per diem Bockavay. sr. ioax-s qauBca - Parka Ail Satiety. T&eParsaAxlSxieiywiaccre Aasnl Inetna for-tto ncs-at 1 Paroa Ttanday. Kay SJSa. at c lartia >asa3 sra ef twe=Iy-thr» ctsts .(-25) wi3 he charted to fcetp pay-eaatmea, as One wia be as setkitbr dcat tax atateals tar the tamta. •- . The cafntena ttca to be nvea hf Paras Aid . Bin. Hisxm. chaiima; wid be taU ia' tSae- Paraa m TtalsdaT, Ja» l«a torn 12 ta Pteif of «Md.tt£sca'an famished asd atea as wen as"wome» aad dxea w£Q be weU takea carcafi The aaaaal dettte aad bo neetme of the Aid win be hea*'Uy.> k Tte: arerwiU be ready to receive the ytarty

An oSd fv.Ki^~< asd ab&Kt taia esae &r a corn ts «o(aaxed by soakiix the feet turn or three Bights Will be on Display May 30th SHUBERT Btaafard Ptace, Kcwark, S. J. KaaeHarkctSKl '- in Boonton StartiazNaaday.Mayn Sleatay t» Saaday EvtaSais Aunt Martha Hataaces Vedaesday ft SatndTy Ccaaeay, N. T. Ceatary Tbeatre Pradsctiaa, "He Chocolate SoSdW Say Caarast Cas*»Me Pnaartkn. Special Ortaestra "Health is tiie result of regular P»paUr Prices Hat. Me, SSc. 63c; Eve, SSc. habits. The Bread Habit— Ste. SU»; Sat. ft Saa. JuxhU. three times daily—every day a SSSU«$L5 different way—is sound logic- Elks will give this Car away at the _ ally and physically, because its ELKS' CARNIVAL, CAREY'S BALL PARK practiceleadstohealth." "Moral—If you desire only a %ade JULY 3-3- order" of health eat only a side order See any member-Bopnton Lodge of Elks for of tte staff of life!" " full particulars - When you order Bread, say— .

g all wteiav IAMS tiaaa, ftSB&n aat aot \ taa BocffifTow mm AWD taa BOOMTOW WEEKLY TUESDAY, MAY 22, i£>2S I>OMPTON PLAINS. get aroifod the bases and to chose «' of. the Reformed Church In America. show was given in the chapel Wed- Plains. An aato truck is always at er, Mr. Ktthms, has demonstrated that people. Suppose we all join with, two baegera. Greetings were received from a num- nesday evening showing- activities at hand at the feed store near the sta- J The Bible school wo/kers confer with efficient selection the country them. - . Forsythia, hyacinth, tulips* and ap- ber of miaaionaries and addresses Mr. Moody** schools at Northfield and tion to deliver trunks, express or can have,, jist as'good meat as the ple blossoms vie gorgeously with one cnce was .held last Monday at.tht were made by three medical mission-, Mount Hepnon. . freight packages, or even people. It (From The Morris Star) home of Mrs. Worden, superintcndeni city and without adding city pricea another as though,, it were their only aries. Dr. Ida 3. Scudder. Dr. Taeka Mr. Rhyme Welsman has been se- id th& delight of the campers, as ser- either. Good work, buch, keep it up. duty to make Pumpton Plains in May of the primary department. Thi Boescho and Dr. Paul W. Harrison, cured as gardener at Restawyl. vice is prompt and rates reasonable. * Our coal dealer, Mr. Meyer, reporW LOOK! FISKTIBES! a veritable Japanese garden. It sure- teachera are working on their planj representinj? the stations in India, • Mr. James M. Doremus and family Mr, Bergfgla has been setting out ly would be impossible to surpass the for children's day, which is the sec China and Arabia, respectively. plenty of coal now and recommends K have returned ' to the farm after a large peach orchard on his place on preparing for winter now. Only |8.4O up '. beauty of Pompton Plains in. May un- ond Sunday in Jane. ' L ' The parsonage was a lively placa Sunset road. It seems good to think spending the .winter in Newark. They The Christian Endeavor Society is Tires and Tubes Repaired less it were by Pompton Plains in Mr. floyd Stage has taken tfp hii last Monday afternoon when, twelve report having had a pleasant winter, that tbe once famous Pompton Plains June. I£ you were ta stand along: the residence in the new home on Sunset ministers and their wives from Pater- peaches are coming tack again. planning extensive festivities on the and, now it seems good to be back on church grounds for Memorial Day. Open Evenings' and' Sundays road by Hewitt's Gardens, or Rest road. That is getting to be a very son, Passaic and vicinity visited the the farm. • - awyl or even in front of the old popular part of town npw. The At- dominie and his wife. "You can't get as good meat in the Patriotism, honor to our heroes, and church, although tourists' cars were wood Park and the Sunset Manor are A very pleasing moving picture Braun's express is rendering great* country as you can.Jn.the city." This friendly fellowship show evidences of ly appreciated service at Pompton AUTO TIRE VULC. WORKS passing at the rate of twenty a min- offering some beautiful home sites in is what we often hear, but our butch- the right spirit among our. young 84 Prospect St., • Patertoa, N. J. ute, you would' not even be seen foi moat ideal locations. all eyes are on the beautiful homes The Sheffield Farms community and gardens, and you would hear el- developing and improving constant! claimed from almost every car, "isn't Their beautiful herd, and wonderfi that just e-e-e^l-M-egant?" equipment for producing pure milk "Or our boys, they did it—Did and the personnel "of its administra- what?. Why oar schools boys'-base- tion make us. all point to that fine ball team challenged, the Particular farm aa the pride of Pompton Plains, Synod tb a two-inning game at the We have been specially favored re- noon hour and beat them,",. They said cently with ecclesiastical distinctioi they really might have run up a big- On April 29 the president dt General ger, score on them, but they had to Synod preached, on May 1 the Par- laugh BO to see those fat, dignified ticular Synod met .hire, and on Ma] doctors of divinity doing their best to 6 a member of the senior class of th( New Brunswick Theological Semin- 225-233 MAIN STREET, PATERSON, N. J. ary preached. ' ' Expert Automobile Mechanic . Mr. Alfred Simkins Is having summer residence erected at Green ELMER E. DOLAND Pond. Announcing Super Savings in a Buraor has.it there's going to be .125 MADISON STREET wedding in town soon. "Ho is it? BOONTON, NEW JERSEY See who is the best guesser. Mr. Harry Shepherd is occupyinj . o Repairs, Over-hauling, the old Van Riper homestead on the corner of Sunset road and the Boule- Two Day Sale-Friday arid Saturday, May 25-26 Electrical Work—All Cart vard. The Shepherds are another very welcome family to tbis popul; GkargM Rtasoubh section. , Women's 6.60 PlMM Ml-J ' Miss Helen Mandeville recently en- tertained Rev. and.Mrt. James Muldei Regal Pumps of Irvington. Mrg. Mulder and Misi The Boys'Shop Real Bargains in Houses Mandeville were school friends. (Fifth Floor) Mr. Samuel Gaylord U taking hii 1.95 and Estates - vacation early so as to get a good start in his gardens. A good garden in Mountain Lakes, X,yndhurst, Ridge- Patent colt, Goodyear w*lt requires lots of hard work, but Mr. . .Two-Pants field Park, South Orange, Bogota, sole and low licels, and one Gaylord finds that a pleasure. Rutherford, Towaco. broad strap , others patent Mrs. .James R, Evans is visiting a vamp and beige quarter, ono Consult at once with Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Knickerbocker strap and covered Cuban heel. A large delegation from Pompton Women's Munlin and , Peter C. Nelson Plains went to Passaic last Thursday Crepg Gowns and Chemise 61 Duane Street, , to attend the anniversary of the 14.75 Suits 79c Worth 8272 Woman's Board of Foreign Missions Regularly priced to 1.50, fino. Mountain Lakes, N. J. LEGAL NOTICES 1.50 grades of mtialin nnd crepe in . • Boonton 240 white arid ileali color; trimmed NOTICE TO C8BDITOR8. with lace and . embroidery. EiUU »f U.rr L. Vu.brfcMi', DNNNI ]tegular and extra, atzea. Pursuant to thi onl«r of th« Burro**.* i the County or Morri*. mwU on UM firm dir Remarkablo values, nil wool tweeds, homespuns, caa- Women's Muslin KAYHART & KUNZLI of December, A. D., on« thousand nln* hnn- simeres. All the newest patterns for Spring,, nnd blno Bloomers drcd mad tweotr-two, notlet fa hereby, tl not hare y»«r apke-UUry if the subscriber. Administrator of Cather- Boys'2.45 and 2.95 Children's At $f 4-50 89c an! slip cmn dm« until y»u ine KUnscr, decrased, will be audited and Regularly'priced 1.50. double stated by the Surrogate, and reported " for finger tips with cmLroidcrcd C*t «ttr prlma. • W« h»r» m fins sctUnaent to the Orphans' Court of the County Knickerbockers Straw Hats •tock %l UpMby, drttonn*. of Jdoms, on FrltUr, tha Eighth day of June backs. In black, white, pongco nexL Values to a 98 and mode. damask, veUar and leather. Dated April I Btfc, IS2B. The big check's, the new straight lines ,in tweeds, Jamn V. Beam. David Kllnrer .75 Washable Champis W« . also repair furnitaro, Proctor Admfn.litn.tor polo cloth, quite the smartest Coats of the season— Suede Gloves caiied and rush bottom ckaim. Booaton. Kew Jcnry Boonton, New Jersey Sizr* 7 to 18 yearn; all wool f.65. , SOlfiT MrKLS, Iiiine putin, cisiiincrt-'s and flley are so serviceabLj—motoring, sports wear, Shadii mada to order. A fino variety of the BOW I'lin rolo^d Jnl funcj intr- Eegularly 59pricedc 1.50 j an'odd Call NOTICa Or SETTLEUENT turcs.' • Ilcinnat.tB from our fin- 8[iring brdulsj roll brims m walking—-they'll be in service all the time. Skeleton, hrgo and mnull shapes. Plain lot of gauntlets, two and Walter A. KoUatrunk Notha fa banbr lirai that the •corcnU color* und black and combina- quarter, half and some full lined. twclr-btitton gloves, [u white, of ths floiMeribvn, AdmlnfitnuitB o( WiUUira tion . lkd colors. IT* CMatart HML L. K«rrU. dectwed, will ba KudlM snd aUkd by Ui« Rurmsau, and reported for Bcttlemcnt Crash and Khaki Women's Lisle to the Orphans' Court of UK Cotintr of Morris, 1 Don't let the little price make' you think they're Stockings on rrfdar tlio Eighth dar of Jan« next. Bdys % Dated April 2otli, 1921 Knickerbockers too cheap—they are coats of real worth and servicc- Jame* V licarn, Bdsar Kerrla and 35c Proctor Gcorca ]L Kcrrla, I.oo Values Ribbed 39c Sox abilityj j_ Values to 75c;« fine grade nf Men of Affairs Booaton, New Jeaey . Admlnittratora lislo Stockings in Mick and col- 60-t5-Ta Pin* Brook, New Jener c ors, that sells regularly at 70a Invariably Wear , NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 0 Women's Silk Eire9 7 to 18 jciw, values* Stockinggs The Starched Collar flint lircseQt super ei\ing it Sncf S io 10'^, medium EsUtc of Cora M»y Forces Deoeated. tlio rej^liir firjca; and ' nt the ufij'lit in black, cordo>An and Jaunty Spring Suits „ Regardless of whether *r not khnki. A real B.uper value. 8989c w« are prejudiced in. favor of the fijlo pn^c, SOc, a, >nlno jiiii'H 123 Talucfl, a good value at Porsiuuit to tbe order of tfae Sarro- not scb equaled in arly store In tbo regular price. Mock ucara .-• Starched Collar, the fact Is'ent- Kats of the County of Morrii, made on the laqtl. Boys' 1.00 Tweeds, Twills and Tricotines Stocking in black and colors. '-' \ standingl/ clear that tbe but the Twenty-seventh day of December, Women'i Fine dresser farars it. A. D. one thousand nine hundred* and fiibbed Vests twenty-two, nottfe !• hereby given to Boys' 85c Blouses 19.95 to 3&00 Values COLLARS _4 eta. each all penona having elaimi againit the 35c 1_4 cU. each Neckwear Regularly GOc; all BIIOS in • ertate of Cora May Force, lat* of the fine nbbed feat, light weight County of Morris, deceased, to pretest At $|^. Striped percales, Un an^ In regular And bodice top. to* same under oath, or affirmaUon, Women's Bibbed to the nhacriber on or before the white; sizes 7 ta IG fear . Four-ln-]u.n(lA made of Pat- Some with higlt neck and long i. Union Suits twanty-aeventh day of Jons next,' be- crson silki; .plain ootori, plaitla, nlcr.rcs, and othcTB with sport ta* lix month* from the date of At $-| .35 , soon be here—freshly attractive ' in white, others wtdte draw* for tba tab; «t« Sunirist,' largest sieo : _j>0c dozen showing contrasting colors, and still others are Paifr- montha to tie gill of 6* jem. 6 Cood Grape Frnitj . — 25c Men's English' all wool Hose, in a fine vari- ley and Oriental patterns, strangely figured, they Bloomtr Sieam Local Asporagds _40c bunch ety of gray, green and brown; also heather present the most favored mode of the season, and at •with fancy "tops; the' sale price is1 a splendid 1.59 Best Strawberries —23c quart l!59 offer a value that is far better than youil find crepea and pingw also saving over present price'to produce. . n^^onj In colon and cheoto, Extra Fancy Green Peas < -2 quarts for ZSe offered in-any other store. ' <_ > •ltea two io six y&xu


gathering enjoys the concerts. . Help the Legion Auxiliary in their ot years ago,, coached a bevy of beau- ing, with his1budget system, and Gov- is making the people whom the bu- for more government help. America On Memorial Day Bponton will get sale of poppies on Saturday. May 26. ties for a show given in Lincoln Perk ernor Miller, with his cutting of appro- reaus coddle lean more than ever on is letting government become the mas- The Familiar Corner its first glimpse of the 87mm field Alec Galloway fainted that if Jtazx last Wednesday. Clarence always priations. '•'•-. '.> > government. It makes the lazy yearn ter when it should be the servant. piece that will probably ba pulled by Bowman didn't stop telephoning him was a lover of good looking ladies. The Federal Governments has ten By Russ -Conn a tractor. '"', so often he would turn in Rasa's executive departments. Each depart* The top floor walls are being re- name to the local Faristi. ' The iish- rnent has dozens .of bureaus, divi- lined. _ . ' • fin who 'writes, this column will do sions, boards, commissions and' what Well, the old New York Hippo- PREDICT SLIGHT CUT IN CROP, not. Every bureau believes that. its Razz Bowmansays that thershower worse-, than, that—he will send a dele- drome has gone. An institution that gation of women to cal| on Razz, * BUT BETTER STRAWBERRIES •own activities are the most important was very popular for years and one works fine. Did he mean May Royal Cords Rank First 1 Every, day hringa Alec . Scerbo's pile up bureaus and bureaus pile up nhich presented a diversity of amuse- snower? " , •' ' . ' . ' Better strawberries, .with the berry things In the world.' Departments Dawson, the florist;,Das generously wedding "day one day neare rand Alec ment, such as most theatres were not works harder than ever when he supply reaching- the peak 'perhaps as divisions, just as the coral insect builds able to produce/ is another victim of offered, to follow his example.of last thinks of it. '. late as, June, is the forecast of the reefs. The mania for bureaus is as commercialization. year by providing flowery-for the Le- strong in the States as it is at. Wash- United StatesTires A. J. Rubin, who knows Wore about United States Bureau of Agriculture, A second thought along that line gion home on Memorial Day. radio' than the next one, made a dandy economics. Production will equal ington. In New York we have 180* bureaus, some useless, some duplicat- brings up an odd situation. There All ex-service men who are visiting set for the home tut it has so many about a quart and half, per capitaa, was displayed at the- Hippodrome as within a radius of ten miles of Boon- ing others—but all very expensive. areGoodlires things to turn on it that a fellow the bureau saya, forecasting an out much of-the ftjjale form as was pos- ton are asked and invited to swell the thinks he ought to get an engineer's sible and it was thought nothing of. put of 159,407,000 quarts. Inclement Of course all this bureaucracy coald ranks of the monster patriotic parade. license before fooling with it. One weather has delayed the peak of ship- not be,kept alive without appropria- In fact, children went by the tens of ex-dish-washer said that there only Many local organizations have signi- ments about two weeks, the report tions. 'These are made by the- leg- ANNOUNCEMENT-There was a thousands to see %he Hippodrome fied their Intention, of parading on ought to bo one .handIo to the.thing, shows and saw wbmen scantily clad, stated, but the berries will be of islators. There is one very large shortage of Royal Cord Clincher Tires last/ Memorial Day. "'.• and. then any dumbbell could work it. legislature whieh sits in Washington.- and there was no howl—there was That's considerate; isn't it, after A. bettor quality than 1922. • . . not the least thought of indecency. Dr. J..J. Savitz, principal of State Forty-eight others sit in the State year. Production is doubled this year. Normal School at Trenton, will draw J. makes a set that the. King of Eng- dicate a crop about five per cent. less But bring that same costume to Boon- land would be glad to own. ' capitals. Forty-three of the State • Demand more ton, put in it a reppectable young a large crowd to the Lathrop avenue Latest forecasts of production in- Legislatures met this year. SpmV'of lady, anybody's daughter, actress by school, where he will be the. main than last year. . them stayed., in session . only two than justifies profession, or otherwise, and the speaker on May 30th.. ... > The .Moat Peenliar'Maft We Know. months; others talked twice as long. this increased whole community would rise up and Tho picnic committee has been ap- •1?he most peculiar man we know EATEN UP BY GOVERNMENT The more they talked the more they condemn her. The whole 'situation pointed and things should look like is a professor'who lives in Philadel- spent. Some little States. appropri- production. would bo shocting. Why is it? something soon. .It is intended to phia. This, man is a etrict vegetarian. The following editorial from last ated only .a couple of. millions. New Whenever you have the first picnic in about a month. That word strict is used without any; Wednesday's New York Herald at the Yorki chalked up $156,000,0000—the 1 request of one of our subscribers' and Destroyer Dillon has not yet signed qualifications. The professor does highest budget ever, made by any of have a chance to' I , cheaper baking powders : velops a thick, jelly-like mixture. Your iron neve* sticks.. when you consider the su- ELECTRICITY periority; in the quality, The Western Electric Power and. T is this that give* Unit- healthfulness and taste' of THIS OUTFIT IS EASY- I starched fabrics the "chic" food prepared with it. Light Outfit is guaranteed by a appearance and. the won- -TO BUY company that started in the elec- derful French finish you have always "Am\rrA so -TO INSTALL trical business away back in 1869. much. -TO OPERATE Ever since the days when prairie Unit makes all your cot- ton garments and fabrics schooners were lumbering across look and feel just like linen the continent, Western Electric has —with a cool, soft, pliable finish. been making and selling depend- CORN'PRODUCTS REFININO CO. Made from Cream of Tartar able electrical supplies. The en- 17 Bafttry Place New York , i derived from grape* gineering experience gained in these 54 years stands back of the COTTON looJt &feel ifteUNEN Contains No Alum—Leaves No Bitter Taste Power and Light Outfit you buy. That means an outfit you can count on for years of faithful ser- vice. Just what that .service Wlien setytce counts amounts to is summed up in the very name—Power and Light. .' Power first and foremost. Power to punip water, milk the cows, chop the feed and run many labor- saving devices for housework as well as barnwork. And lights, of course. Plenty of steady electric light,, the safe light that makes the home a better, more cheerful place to live. 12 Months You need a Western Electric \ Power and light Outfit. Let us tell you all about it. Mail the cou- More speed for the speedy to pay pon for particulars. «YT7AY for the United States Mail!" Men have suffered, Enjoy the comforts of • » sacrificed and died in order to expedite the country's electricity! A small CBAS. J. KONECKE maiL In fact, the niail has become a symbol not unlike the first payment brings Morristown, N. J. flag itself; whatever else happens, the mail must go through. P. O. Box 23$ 44 Washington Street the Western Electric Telephone 1203; Many people even today scarcely realize the great advance Power and light Out- in mail service that has been brought about in the age of DEALERS: Good.proposition for dealers gasoline. In the cities, motor trucks whisk the mail from fit to you right away. In unassigned territory. Write at once for railway to postoffices. In the rural 'part, even more «edit is - Mail the coupon fdr in- fall details. < due to the' gasoline engine.' And it is in these out-of-the- > formation on this most way places particularly that the Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) has shoWn its sincerity of purpose by market- attractive offer. MAIL THIS TODAY ing "Standard" Motor Gasoline, making this efficient motor This coupon will bring you Booklet fuel available to all motorists alike. .T, which gives full particulars on the convenience and economy of WEST- ERN ELECTBKf POWER AND STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) LIGHT. Also our cosy payment plan, Western Etectffe in detail. Mail it NOW to Chos. J. Konocke, 44 Washington street, Mor- Power £KLight ristown, N. J. , ? Name • <•

MORE POWER T0 . YOU .Address TEN TUB BOONTON T1MB3 AND THE BOONTON WEEKLT BULLETIN TUKSDAY. MAY 22,1923 It fmya ta Feed Semi-Aolid Butter- Street. Boonton,- N.. 3. Tel. 73-R.PLAYS HER PACT milk to your baby chicks. A trial will 67-t3-p BEFORE MIRROR payment tor the bond*, or to secure the WANT. COLUMN convince you. Packed in gallon can* Hoard airairtat any loss rcsultint* from tha faUur* of the bidder to comply with the terms THE BOONTON BUILDING ft LOAN ASSOCIATION ap to fifty gallon burela. Write or GIRLS Pola Negri played every scene of of this bid. Local Ad'ertJsln» Must be phone for feeding instruction and 'Bella Donna" before a mirror in the Proposals tbould be addressed to Frank E. Organized Mar 2nd. 1889 " There axe Swart. DUtrlct Clerlt, Boon ton, New Jersey, Pnpmid prices. C. J. Konecke, Morristown. privacy of her own apartment!. . and enclosed in a sealed envelope marked on Telephone 1203. ' 57tfnp Positions' Following her arrival in America, the outsidfl "Proposal for School District Join and help us build bouses for our Boonton people A ,A*if *f It cants nrtts win fct Open for the farnoua .Polish star enjoyed a ten-**°Th2Wcetsful bidders will be furnished whh ; ^ ' New Shares issued at any regular meeting BU*> Ut uv Ui Youag Boya Wanted—Jacob Bainar da,y. vacation before starting on her the opinion of Uessn. Hawkins, DeUffeld * life. Co, f 10 Harrison St. SST8NP r TELEPHONE OPERATORS Lonsfellow, of New York City, that the bonds s first picture. Both Conway'Tearle and are- hf&ding and less! obliffBUonsr of said Subscription Shares Pay 6% ~ Prepaid Shares Pay 5* .-•,_' in •• ' ' ; Conrad Nagel, who play the leading Board. Thar bonds will be prepared under the For Your aommer requirements of supervision of the United States Mort«a«e and BOONTON masculine roles in this Paramount pic- Trust Company, which will certify as to the See the Secretary at oar Office N*. 463 HaU Strwt lea boxes call at Barton's Hardware) ture, which will be shown ax the Dar- genuineness of the signatures ot the~ officials, . For Sale—A ffo?d seveft-xoom house Store. - '- , 53tfnp ' No experience necessary and the seal fmpmted thereon. ' 1 all improvements, for fifty-fivebos - ress Theatre on Thursday and'Friday, By order of the Board of-Education of the THB BOONTON BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION dred dollars, high locution; tjarage; Attractive Surroundings May 31 and June 1 were still engaged Town of BooatoD In tha County of MorrU. Wanted—Men and women for pantry In other productions. Mew Jeney, > " lot 50x100. Phone Mra. KHatrup, Boon- help. Apply Morristown- Memorial ., and working;,conditions Dated, llay. 10th, 192S. . CT-t-2. ien «1. < '.. .•..'•• Hospital phone Morristown 863. np Miss Negri utilized this time to Good salarj' to start • -V stage a dress rehearsal of the entire Mm WuiUd—Steady work, too For,. Seat—Furnished rooms, all i : Apply to > story before her own mirrow. p«y. Jacob JJeiimr Mfg. Co., Harrlioi conveniences, 608 Washington street, • CHIEF OPERATOR.^ • Working from a copy of the scenari strert, BoonUm, N. J. ' Sitfn] telephone 665. 66-t2-p which she pbtained from Ouida Ber- between 9 A. M, and 5 P. M., gere, scenarist of this George Fitz- For nqt Two Store*, Inqulrt.ll*! For Rent—Two furnished room** 61* Main Street, maorice production, the Btar played •Ion House. J with or without board. 31$ Church • Boonton, .N. J. each scene for an audience of on< } herself. ** She studied her own expres- street, Boonton. : 66-t2-p New York Telephone (tonipany , Hupmobll. for Salt Chop; appl sions/the mood and tempo of the scenes and whaf she calls the "dra- Mansion House. ,-- . For Sale—Gas range and parlor stove. 816 Church street, Boonton. . "BIDS "WANTED matic key" of each sequece of scsnes. ' Plumbimr, heating and tinning; re ;. 66-t2-p For labor and materials. in the at Aa 8 result of this study and re- -pairs for ranges and furnaces, gas terationi to the present School Build hearsal. Miss Negri stepped on the set each day fully prepared to gc ranges and water nearts. J. F. Eop Children's dreasea ready made stam- ing at Lower" Montville, Montvilli 4 Son, 126 Jlrytle Ave., Boontoi ped to embroider, 6 to 12 years, L. A. through the day's work with the mi fit. Township,'N. J. , Tel. 204-K .JM French, G12 Main street. , 66-t2-np mum amount of rehearsfng. Buch re- Plans and specifications may b hearsals aa George Fitzmaurtce deem- New sport hata4n ribbon, ribbon and obtained by applying to Ward Witty ed necessary were largely for the pur- To Let—Garage. Telephone 644-W. pose of deterjnining camera iine3 an , 65-tfnp straw, and fancy silka. .Trimmed hata reduced. L. A. French, 612 Main at. Montville, N. J. ' lighting. - 66-t2 np Bids will be opened on Friday even For Sale—Kilvinator Ice makin ing. May 25 at the Township Hal "I always like to rehearse my mg machine, suitable for family, use, i Montville, N.J. at 8 p.m. scenes before a narrow" Mis 3 Negri good order. Electric power. Writ For Sale—Two horse mowing, ma- said in explaining her motives for this G. N. Vincent, Boonton, N. J. 65-to-n; chine, S10.00, G. Iverson, Boonton -Wind-fair—ttcmt tuck. work. "B6t I rehearsed tho entir Manor. . - 66-t2-np The origin of "windfall/-' la tb< picture in this case because I wanted For Rent—May 1st, 7 room apart sense of "good lack," dates from thi so much to please'America with my tnent, 620 Washington Btreet; all ta Situation Wanted—By woman, for first picture. My-friends here have time of William tna Conqueror. It tProvements; refined family; lease the day, to. do laundry and other day's never seen me ad a woman of today. thca a criminal offense to csl timbei only; $65 per month. P. 0. Box 141. work. Apply 217 Lincoln street, Always in the past 1 have been of : la 'the foresta. . Only such could b* \ • ; • •••••,-••SOtfn Boonton. P einoUier historical period of racial gathered as tha wind had blown down. 3iviBion-^-as 'Du fiarry' and 'Carmen,' f Siafer operaton and Wanted—By high school girl, work Bence, a neavy wlndatorm was balled for instance. . ' Wancrs wanted—Steady work, good in store after school hours, on Satiuv by the peasants aa so much good lock, "In 'Bella Donna'I play a woman of >«y. Jacob Reiner Mfg. Co., 210 Har day and during vacation; Address and from tnls cornea Its modem appU> xt rbon Street ' 83T8NP Box H. S., care Boonton Times. P catloa.. the twentieth century, wearing for - first time on the American screen For Sale—Cheap, Upright Wissm For - Rent—Furnished rooms with smart gowns and frocks of the lates piano. Tel. 268-E. C5t-fn] all improvements. Telephone Boon- ADVERTISE IN THE mode. These clothes must bo right 294% Sales Increase in Last Sis Months ton 74G-W. . np BOONTON TIMES and I must be right. That is why IT'PAYS played some of the scenes a dozen Shows Trend Toward Firestone For Sale—Fantail Pigeons, 120 River times—before my own mirrow." The ftablic has emphatically spoken. Tbe popu- USE 'Bella DOnna" is the first of a series results In economical mileage of the Firestone »«••«—< »»•»»»»»»»< lar preference la all territories li unmistakably the process of double gum-dipping. The buying swing of Paramount pictures In which the FtrestDoeGum-Dipped Cord. toward Firestone shows how It has advanced the A. MARAZIT1 A CO. famous Polish star will appear. public's standard of tire value. A stzndard of service haj.fcccn set by these fa- IN CHANCERY OV NEW JERSEY REAL ESTATE A INSUHANCB TO ELBERT CRANE DOUGLAS. mous tires without parallel In the past. It has Ask owners about Firestone peribrmnnce on thefe* Or virtue of BD order of the Court of brought a sales Inc-sue of 194% for the put sue cars. Note the big taxicab Oeeta Firestone-equipped. Chancery of New Jersey, nude on'the day months over the same period of a year ago—tha Watch the new cars you see—just from the fac- 508 Uain Street Phont 6S9 of the dst* hereof, in a certain cause wherein Elizabeth Douglas Is petitioner, and you arc greatest gain faal l Firestone history. tories; Firestone Gum-Dipped Cords ore seen every- defendant, you are required to appear, and where in fast increasing numbers. plead, answer or demur to petitioner's pe- The Firestone Gum Dipped Cord Is the mighty tition on or before the 16tb day or July, next, achievement which has enabled Firestone to break' Get the fiuudmuxn'extr a imleagc that only tha or, in default thereof, «ych deem wilt b* made Firestone name assures you* Only by insisting oo Saves against you as tha Chancellor shall think tbe tremendous record of past Firestone success, ' NEW ZONE ORDINANCE equttahla and just. this name can you be sure of getting the genuine The object of said «uit la to obtain a decree The tire buying public has beeaaroused to the gum-dipped construction. '" , Me Finish RE4UIBE8 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS TO BE FILED of divorce, df*so!«n« tha- marriage between For information call on ^ ^ •A petitioner. I, 1923 Most Miles per Dollar . BBOHUEB * HAMMA, Surveyor and Architect , Randall * Rogers, 418 Main Street ' ' Pkesta «l ' Boonton, N«w Jersey Solicitors of Petitioner, 67-W-Tu 129 Market St., Patenon, N. J NOTICE OP BALE The third>f E4a{al1«n *f (hv Tftwn ef lleen MACHINE WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS ton. Is th* Cooatr •( HorrH. |70,«0ff Ekjwel Dbtrict Bowl. SAiled propouU will be rewivet) by OIL v BUSH GARAGE Board of Education or tha Town of Boon, ton in the County of MorrU. New Jeney, on JtAUDedm Experimental work, tool work; big.br small jots; contracts taken. _ FrUar, Jane 8th, 1«I. at 8 00 P. M. at Lathrop Avenue School, Moon ton. New Jer- GUM-DIPPED CORDS Abo Auto Repairing in an op-to-date shop. •ry, for th« purchase of School Dutrict Bonds of Bald Board of the authorised amount of Myrtle,Avenue : . Telephone 462 170,000. /Bald bonds; will be of the denomi- Get a set of these Gam-Dipped Card* from oncTCf tha following dealtru nation of 11.000 each, wlil'bo dated June 1. 1925 and will mature |2 000 thereof on Jane 1st, in each of the>ye»r4 1921 to 1087 both ' - '. ^ ^ ineltufve, and 13,000 thereof on June 1st in Dr. Charles Q. Collins i£h of the yean 1S3& to 1951 both inclusive. Said bonda will brat Intemt at five per cent, ' John Rosenbaum per annum, payable aeroi-*nnnaily on the CHIROPRAtTOR rtnt dsya of January and July Both prin- Saxophones cipal and Interest will be payable in law- BOONTON AUTO SUPPLY mmmim 410 Main Street ful money QT the Umttd SUUs of America at •80 Up toonton Trust Co, Boonton, N J The .nmuKousntuO BOONTON NEW JERSEY >ond* will lie coupon bonds, with the priv- Cornets & amrnuimnsnop ilege of registration M to principal only, 719, Main Street „ . - Boonton, New Jersey Trumpets Tacnxuiwnw9 at \o both principal *nd lnternt. No more bonds of said iuue will be void »70w/> PHONES: than will prodaee ' n sum ' equal to the authorized amount of iuch bsoe and an ad- "H4^^^ Trombones Offfco: Boonton 443 ' ditional •urn of l«w thgn 11.00*. The sum rrquired to be obtained 'at the sale of whl •35 up Residence: Dover 467. bonds Is A70.000. Unlna all bids are re- jected laiQ bonds,will b« sold to the bidder or bidden comtflylntc' with the terms 6C vale Conn Instrument* OFFICE HOURS: and offering to' pay not less than caid sum are equipped with and to take- therefor the lea t amount of bonds exclusive patent' Tuesday 10-12 commencing with the. first maturity (stated d features at no n a. multiple or fl-,000); and If two or more NEW CLOTHES Thursday Oula Baa aVi extra cost»-are easier bidden offer to take the same amount of ca.k , Saturday 2-7:30, "A • b»»ln Mmrr. bond*, then to ti)a bidder or bidder* offerlntr to play—are used by to pay therefore the highest additional price more of che artist U. m f«Uow wh« Th right Is reserved to reject all bids and ' { ' for - | class of musicians Monday UlDb b. k milk bMa not complying with the term* of ts notice will be rejected la addition to than any^other make. and SK'it., :amount paid, tha purchaser muit pay _jenied InterestT at the rate bornv by the Conn is the World's largest Friday bonda-from the date of the bonds to the maker of band instruments. date of payment of the purchase price. DECORATION DAY AH binders are required to deposit a certi- Souvenir Catalogs'FREE fied cheek, payable to the enter of the Cus- todian of School Money* of the Town of Waidy Terms Arranged Boonton, for two per centum of the amount of bonds Did for, ora*n upon aa incorporated bank or trust company. Checks of unsuccess- ful bidden will bo returned upon the award of the bonds Delivery at the rate, borne by 233W-47thSt,N.Y. bonda from lh« date of award to the date ri of interest will' be; allowed upon tha •mount of the check of a. *urce*sful bidder aud *uch' check'will be retained to bfl-'applled In part Twon't Cut Grass? , Boonten Construction & Yes Sir! ftealty Co., Inc. BUSH/TOCMUWORKS « i General Contractor* and 'Myrtle Avenue Just bring your Lawn Mower to us ) Batters and well sharpen it on oar Special CO.HAarnNDALB Machine and.properly adjust it; and yon will find, that it enst with just Utmmt ButMtr isa* Bmmnr half tho effort and makes it a plea- FIHUUT-V Two Ways sure instead.of a hard job. '/We also ill Mala fltnrt repair mowers^ to Start A Bring, or calt-488-W. Telephone, tafk

JcflBicient and courteous way to start a, telephone conversa- We pause Wednesday toi honor our heroes,' living tion is to establish the .identity of your company and yourself imme- and dead, wlio gave their strength of arms—their all on diately. fields of honor for our Freedom. • Our best includes the' $ltd§5 duty of reflecting a prosperity which their gallant deeds Such an introduction enables both parties to a telephone conversation made possible. Step out in new regalia on Memorial Day to pay tribute. Greet the May morning sun in attire to get right down to business with- SUITS "• Witk- as w. wort ant yaw out loss of time or temper. It saves of summer, No more fitting day can. be had for dress- 1 fwlliig*. time-consuming preliminaries and ing up. Let us fit you in new SUIT, HAT, SHIRTS, $18 $25 leaves a favorable impression of HOSIERY, NECKWEAR, . UNDERWEAR .and Wo charga what our nppllaa you and your house. and aunlew an worth and not .FURNISHINGS. ; , ?35 a Jltosy mon. Yon wiP rh» agreeably anrprhwd at ' flu Thcbcttcryottru&oftheuUphonctht «"*»'•«" of our chargta and, more valuable its service become*. • -»-• th* eomplctanesi of cur plumb- ing parfonnanet. Yon know our •c taltphon* numbcrf so yon will NewYorkTelephone Company flsA-tt easy to reaca na. Jaflc Qotliipg Co. Men's and Boys' Clothing -, CAREY BROS. FOR SALE (*' '*•• * UtteccHorto C.E.Eatlar > 711 Main Street, 1- ]>' . Boonton, New, JeWey , A vjsU to the Caardpfap will well repay you BOONTON AUTO GARAGE Fliiiribing & Heating 201 Myrtle Arcane - , (. : ~'~ TON . ; • ^ .T.....A,:.::; .-. - Street -H I MIH-H t HWW1;H'IH^|H 1 HI II H 111 M I-l
